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All reviews for DVDAuthorgui
36 reviews, Showing 1 to 36 reviews |
Rating by Swedaniel on
Jan 23, 2024 Version: 1.029
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
my mistake
all i needed to do to install on x64 was include the Active X part of the installation.
thanks to the author for kindly pointing this out in a pm.
A+ for response from author! :)
all i needed to do to install on x64 was include the Active X part of the installation.
thanks to the author for kindly pointing this out in a pm.
A+ for response from author! :)
Review by djmasturbeat on
Apr 13, 2011 Version: 1.027
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
it reports that install goes fine on Win 7x64, doesn't install correctly
I try to run it and i get
Component 'comdlg32.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.
I did install as administrator, and tried running as admin.
tried several times on 2 different PCs.
too bad, since I wanted to try this.
wish we could leave the scores as N/A here
I try to run it and i get
Component 'comdlg32.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.
I did install as administrator, and tried running as admin.
tried several times on 2 different PCs.
too bad, since I wanted to try this.
wish we could leave the scores as N/A here
Review by djmasturbeat on
Apr 12, 2011 Version:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 5/10
Functionality: 5/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 7/10
Thanks for this excellent tool. It works great for me.
Thanks also to the developers of dvdauthor!
Thanks also to the developers of dvdauthor!
Review by doomed9 on
Dec 12, 2010 Version: 1.027
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Just installed 1.025test and made a DVD with a dozen titles imported as elementary streams. Didn't have any errors on processing with this test release. Good job!
Review by ggtop on
Jul 14, 2010 Version: 1.025test
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
I only wanted to try if it works with windows 7 (32bit), and it works just fine.
I tryed to make a simple dvd with still picture for menu, few chapters.. using the basic gude from DVDAuthorgui's homepage, and i did it for 2 minutes.
I wish it had some more "manu editing" options/functions, and some more apealing interface.. but it works just fine, funcional, does what it say's, and it's FREE
I tryed to make a simple dvd with still picture for menu, few chapters.. using the basic gude from DVDAuthorgui's homepage, and i did it for 2 minutes.
I wish it had some more "manu editing" options/functions, and some more apealing interface.. but it works just fine, funcional, does what it say's, and it's FREE
Review by pirej on
Nov 16, 2009 Version: 1.019 test
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 8/10
DVDAuthorGUI for some reason cannot mux DTS audio tracks into the project. However, one of the tools it invokes, mplex (included with DVDAuthorGUI), can mux DTS into the output MPG or VOB file. So, if you need to mux M2V+DTS, then install DVDAuthorGUI but only run mplex.
Review by Jedi787Plus on
Jan 29, 2009 Version: 1.015b
OS: Vista 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 8/10
tried it just once and like it, but with the following observations:
I had to demux the 4GB video I was using as it had an SCR error. After this, the program automatically remuxed it.
the program converts the original VOB to MPEG and then back to VOB, at least it did in my case since I had to do a demux to begin with. This seems to result in a lossy type conversion, loss of pic quality with the final product a bit darker than the original VOB. It would be interesting to see if others had the same video loss or not.
On a single title menu, I was trying to figure out how to make the picture NOT take up the whole screen but still cannot figure it out. The Guide is extremely extensive and will take you a few days to digest.
I had to demux the 4GB video I was using as it had an SCR error. After this, the program automatically remuxed it.
the program converts the original VOB to MPEG and then back to VOB, at least it did in my case since I had to do a demux to begin with. This seems to result in a lossy type conversion, loss of pic quality with the final product a bit darker than the original VOB. It would be interesting to see if others had the same video loss or not.
On a single title menu, I was trying to figure out how to make the picture NOT take up the whole screen but still cannot figure it out. The Guide is extremely extensive and will take you a few days to digest.
Review by texas1 on
Dec 13, 2007 Version: 1.04
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
I don't know if I've got the same one to all you chaps - mine keeps crashing, for no good reason! Also it doesn't show the menu screen when you go to add buttons, just a black square (amongst other bugs in that part)... I'm getting by with selecting the areas I want to put the button on in PSP and noting the numbers in order to enter them manually!
It seems to have a good heart, and although somewhat impenetrable at first, everything is pretty logical once you get used to it. Featurewise it's a bit sparse, but it has everything you really need for putting the disc together if you have the necessary other programs to make the menu screens "by hand" (as used to be the case with VCD!). However, twice I've tried to make a DVD with it, twice it's bombed out before I've even got to a point where I'd normally think of saving (as I'm not even at a point where the initial prototype is complete) and had to start over - I'll be saving fastidiously with every change on the third and final chance and maybe report back on my progress...
It's a shame it's like that, as it doesn't suffer some of the dumber problems found in GUI4DVDAuthor (not being able to delete videos easily, etc) - though perhaps this is also down to simplicity and lack of features? - but at least the other tool seems well-programmed and stable :( ... still haven't tried DVDStyler, so maybe that next?
It seems to have a good heart, and although somewhat impenetrable at first, everything is pretty logical once you get used to it. Featurewise it's a bit sparse, but it has everything you really need for putting the disc together if you have the necessary other programs to make the menu screens "by hand" (as used to be the case with VCD!). However, twice I've tried to make a DVD with it, twice it's bombed out before I've even got to a point where I'd normally think of saving (as I'm not even at a point where the initial prototype is complete) and had to start over - I'll be saving fastidiously with every change on the third and final chance and maybe report back on my progress...
It's a shame it's like that, as it doesn't suffer some of the dumber problems found in GUI4DVDAuthor (not being able to delete videos easily, etc) - though perhaps this is also down to simplicity and lack of features? - but at least the other tool seems well-programmed and stable :( ... still haven't tried DVDStyler, so maybe that next?
Review by EddyH on
Jun 20, 2007 Version: 1.013
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 6/10
Functionality: 4/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 6/10
"Can't handle DVD-ready MPEG2 files (needs them demultiplexed beforehand)."
Which it states quite clearly in any guide, manual and readm file...
Which it states quite clearly in any guide, manual and readm file...
Review by dvd3500 on
Jul 17, 2006 Version: January 2006
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Can't handle DVD-ready MPEG2 files (needs them demultiplexed beforehand).
Review by deesto on
Jul 15, 2006 Version: 1.008b
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 6/10
Value for money: 7/10
Overall: 7/10
To the previous comment, the issue with 16:9 or 4:3 is a result of the encoding step, not the authoring step. I've authored properly-encoded 16:9 material all the time with DVDAuthorgui, without a problem. All the authoring tool does is take the video/audio files already made and package them into the correct DVD-compliant file format. It doesn't create or change aspect ratios - that's set by the encoder.
This is great tool for making quick, easy DVDs. Not a very extensive menuing capability, but it suits my needs.
This is great tool for making quick, easy DVDs. Not a very extensive menuing capability, but it suits my needs.
Review by Jim44 on
Jul 6, 2006 Version: 1.008b
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
This is a great tool to author your DVD unless your using 16:9 aspect video! I chose using this program over the GUI For DVD author because it was simple to use. The only problem is when I put my DVD in my player all of my 16:9 aspect videos are played in 4:3 aspect!! This was very frustrating. So if the person who made this program is reading this, put some 16:9 support for this program! HD is coming and it only supports 16:9 aspect. Other than that it is a great free program.
Review by scottoinkingsburg on
Jul 5, 2006 Version: 1.008b
OS: Win2K Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 6/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 6/10
Okay, this newer version is EXCELLENT!
Still no support yet for split vob/mpg/m2v files.
Apart from that, the rest is cosmetic...
eg: the menu button editor is still not exactly pixel-precise (probably the display scaling obscures it by some minute percentage), but this is generally not a problem since if I need anything to be that perfectly positioned I'll just enter the numbers manually anyway (manual entry is a nice feature--few others do this). Another oddity is that when returning to the menu editor to make changes, it will needlessly say "could not open file" even though nothing is wrong and then proceeds to operate just fine having opened the file it said it couldn't?!
Just a few little things like that, but otherwise works wonderfully and easily.
Still no support yet for split vob/mpg/m2v files.
Apart from that, the rest is cosmetic...
eg: the menu button editor is still not exactly pixel-precise (probably the display scaling obscures it by some minute percentage), but this is generally not a problem since if I need anything to be that perfectly positioned I'll just enter the numbers manually anyway (manual entry is a nice feature--few others do this). Another oddity is that when returning to the menu editor to make changes, it will needlessly say "could not open file" even though nothing is wrong and then proceeds to operate just fine having opened the file it said it couldn't?!
Just a few little things like that, but otherwise works wonderfully and easily.
Review by sweetfreek on
Mar 15, 2006 Version: 1.008b
OS: Win98 Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
A great program, but it killed wmp6.4... but that's what I have Partition Commander to remedy.
Review by sweetfreek on
Sep 1, 2005 Version: 1.005
OS: Win98 Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 8/10
Overall: 8/10
Great program--lightweight, fast, flexible... problem is that it crashes frequently if you try to do something outside of its expectations rather than deliver an error message.
Review by sweetfreek on
Aug 31, 2005 Version: 1.005
OS: Win98 Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 8/10
Overall: 8/10
Excellent, and almost more importantly, easy. My favorite GUI for the DVDauthor app(s). Read a 5 minute guide to the functions and you are good to go.
Review by soopafresh on
Aug 17, 2005 Version: 1.004b
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
never works for me to create dvd if subtitles are added.
Review by toryamos on
Aug 12, 2005 Version: 1004
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 5/10
Overall: 5/10
About 3/4 of a year ago I happen to choose this tool to author
my DVDs and have never looked back. Its incredibly easy to
use the GUI and with a little experience you can even edit
the .dva files by hand since they are ASCII. I have been
remiss about not reviewing it before now. An excellent product.
my DVDs and have never looked back. Its incredibly easy to
use the GUI and with a little experience you can even edit
the .dva files by hand since they are ASCII. I have been
remiss about not reviewing it before now. An excellent product.
Review by tacitus on
Aug 8, 2005 Version: 1.004
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
This is a great DVD AUTHORING tool for simple home video needs. I have looked around for this kind of tool which supports subtitles but did not find one which supports my needs. I have special needs of adding DV datecode/timecode (captured date time stamp) as subtitles to my home videos. I have been using this tool since version 0.997 but the newer version 1.004, had all the functionality that I needed, adding chapters, subtitles, multiple menus, adding subtitle on/off switch from the menu. Thanks to liquid217 for developing the tool.
Review by homevideoman on
Aug 8, 2005 Version: 1.004
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
EXECELLENT!! in every aspect - what more can 1 say for the "price". Easy to use & the brilliant!! all round flexibility puts many other costly packages to TOTAL!! shame in my book.
Tip for newbies - when creating chapter markers (can do in real time using Gui's 'visual editor') to avoid marked chapter playback inacuaracies & to ensure button markers placed in menu editor, play exactly as placed, downloading freeware Dscaler 5006 DirectShow Mepg2 decoder ( is HIGHLY!! recommended & use a DirectShow Filter Manager ( to set Dscaler decoder to 'prefered" (Merit 8). Dscaler also vastly!! improves video quality (no artifacting)
It would be nice in future, to see frame step buttons in 'visual editor' otherwise 10 out 10 to the prog's author. Keep up the good work
Tip for newbies - when creating chapter markers (can do in real time using Gui's 'visual editor') to avoid marked chapter playback inacuaracies & to ensure button markers placed in menu editor, play exactly as placed, downloading freeware Dscaler 5006 DirectShow Mepg2 decoder ( is HIGHLY!! recommended & use a DirectShow Filter Manager ( to set Dscaler decoder to 'prefered" (Merit 8). Dscaler also vastly!! improves video quality (no artifacting)
It would be nice in future, to see frame step buttons in 'visual editor' otherwise 10 out 10 to the prog's author. Keep up the good work
Review by mark42za on
Jul 23, 2005 Version: 1.004
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Love this program! It allows me total creative control over my menu and DVD design. And you can't beat the price...
Review by gerryc on
Jul 9, 2005 Version: 1003b
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Really awesome program. Use it all of the time when authoring DVD's.
Review by compuser on
Apr 13, 2005 Version: 0.998
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Works great, and makes making your own working DVD simple. No gotchas like those other free authoring tools. Wish list: Ability to enter chapters by frame number instead of timestamp, italic subtitles don't seem to work (ignores tags), ability to use .sup subpicture stream instead of text input.
Review by mrmoody on
Dec 8, 2004 Version: 0.996b
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
This is really a good tool. This tool makes it easy to author your own DVD. It DOES let you make menu buttons without any button image. It also takes BMP images for buttons. You have to prepare a menu image (either a movie or a still image). It's fun, isn't it? Of course you can author a very simple DVD without menus.
And the great thing about this tool is that you can add sutitles. It takes text subtitle files.
It is a flexible tool. Highly recommended!
And the great thing about this tool is that you can add sutitles. It takes text subtitle files.
It is a flexible tool. Highly recommended!
Review by nabe3net on
Dec 3, 2004 Version: 0.996
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
This program has some weird ways of working. You can't make a menu unless you have either a video to overlay the menu or an image to use as a button. I'd like this program to just allow users to make the menu without first needing these before allowing access to the menu creation. That's pretty much it. Nice program, does the job. Congrats.
Review by State of Mind on
Nov 29, 2004 Version: Latest
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 5/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 1/10
Overall: 6/10
Using it for more than 6 months and learned to handly the few tricky PAL items. Its great in its simplicity/flexibility!
A Dutch guide can be found at
A Dutch guide can be found at
Review by gerritvs on
Oct 11, 2004 Version: 0.993
OS: Win2K Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
I am a beginner to the world of DVD authoring, and this program worked great for me. With the right guide (I used the one below), authoring is painless. I made my own menu screen, but the coordinates for buttons I gave the program didn't actually match up when used in my DVD player. However, this is a minor flaw, and in no way compromises the impressive performance of this program. I recommend this program to beginners like myself.
Review by castertvs on
Aug 22, 2004 Version: ,988
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
This is a great front-end for dvdauthor and several other tools. It really lets you do all the fun stuff that low-end commercial products don't, like adding extra audio tracks and subtitles and having control over button placement. In reference to a previous comment, in the current version you can make box highlights for buttons instead of just underlines -- just change the height value. I was not able to get a DVD using a motion menu to work properly on my Toshiba standalone player (button highlights wouldn't move when you used arrows on remote control) but it played OK with software player on PC. I was able to implement just about every other control, however. You still need to be willing to dig into the documentation for the tools, however and bill willing to experiment alot.
Review by jvolino on
Jul 10, 2004 Version: .984
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 5/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 8/10
Haven't used all the bells and whistles yet. Just wanted to comment about how simple it was to take the m2v and mp2 files generated by TMPGenc (or other apps) and create a VIDEO_TS folder that Copy2DVD burned without a hiccup. It may all be open source but can we donate something?
(the "7" ratings are only because I haven't had the time ye to test the other features. If they work as advertised, I'll update to "10")
(the "7" ratings are only because I haven't had the time ye to test the other features. If they work as advertised, I'll update to "10")
Review by rumplestiltskin on
Jul 10, 2004 Version: .986
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 7/10
Dvdauthorgui DOES support motion menus. You will have to create your menu however, with another program like Zwei-Stein or Avisynth are too free programs that will do it. I'm still waiting for a box instead of an underline myself, and when that occurs THIS will be my main authoring program!
Have fun stormin' the castle!
Have fun stormin' the castle!
Review by burnman99 on
Apr 16, 2004 Version: 0.975
OS: Win2K Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Great tool, pretty straightforward to use.
Notice: Although non-english characters such as 'Æ' may work for directory names and file names with the Windows operating system, they don't work with dvdauthorgui. The application won't recognize your *.mv2 and *.mp2 files if there is strange characters in the path. For safety, stick to the english 25 character alphabet. This is probably due to the fact, that the coding was originally made on a unix/linux platform, where filenaming conventions are different from Windows.
Notice: You can encode large over 1GB *.mv2 and *.mp2 files in a single title, without having to split a title up in smaller file portions. Dvdauthorgui automagically split your title in 1GB file segments during the proces of muxing the *.vob files.
Notice: Although non-english characters such as 'Æ' may work for directory names and file names with the Windows operating system, they don't work with dvdauthorgui. The application won't recognize your *.mv2 and *.mp2 files if there is strange characters in the path. For safety, stick to the english 25 character alphabet. This is probably due to the fact, that the coding was originally made on a unix/linux platform, where filenaming conventions are different from Windows.
Notice: You can encode large over 1GB *.mv2 and *.mp2 files in a single title, without having to split a title up in smaller file portions. Dvdauthorgui automagically split your title in 1GB file segments during the proces of muxing the *.vob files.
Review by chh on
Apr 16, 2004 Version: 0.976
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Completely free. Absolute 100% bonus there.
It's great!! I've created my own menu systems that interface each other as well as the titles and chapters that I've added to them. I also have been able to produce menus with "movies" of JPEG stills (utilzing other software) with buttons that I created in Paintshop Pro.
Easy CD/DVD creator 5.0 is able to burn the resulting ISO file with ease.
If someone can figure out how to add animated menu buttons as well as a way of creating menu selections other than a simple underline, then this product would be completely perfect!!!
It's great!! I've created my own menu systems that interface each other as well as the titles and chapters that I've added to them. I also have been able to produce menus with "movies" of JPEG stills (utilzing other software) with buttons that I created in Paintshop Pro.
Easy CD/DVD creator 5.0 is able to burn the resulting ISO file with ease.
If someone can figure out how to add animated menu buttons as well as a way of creating menu selections other than a simple underline, then this product would be completely perfect!!!
Review by maek on
Apr 13, 2004 Version: 0.976
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
This Program Rules! For free, this is simply the best dvd author there is. I can't wait for the 1.0 version!
Have fun stormin' the castle!
Have fun stormin' the castle!
Review by gaffarat on
Mar 30, 2004 Version: 0.97
OS: Win2K Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Great tool! Although very basic, its easy to use, output is accepted by Nero6.3 and my DVD-players. When (demuxed) material is available, it takes less than 30 min to compose a DVD with 5 TV captured clips (with "movie" menu). Only critial point is that I did not find how I could save my project (so "exit" means all entries gone!).
Review by gerritvs on
Mar 28, 2004 Version: 0.5.2.d
OS: Win2K Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
What can I say? It's free, and it works. This isn't a Maestro replacement, though DVDAuthor can handle just about 100% of the DVD Spec through CLI or XML input.
This GUI allows you to create multi PGC DVDs with a simple menu (both static and motion). Found a few older DVD players that didn't like DVDAuthor's output though (first versions of the PS2). Haven't tried the new 0.5.1b which includes an updated DVDAuthor compile.
You can also set the post commands for each PGC.
This GUI allows you to create multi PGC DVDs with a simple menu (both static and motion). Found a few older DVD players that didn't like DVDAuthor's output though (first versions of the PS2). Haven't tried the new 0.5.1b which includes an updated DVDAuthor compile.
You can also set the post commands for each PGC.
Review by disturbed1 on
Feb 2, 2004 Version: 0.5.1
OS: Win2K Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
36 reviews, Showing 1 to 36 reviews |