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DSLRsync is a tool which allows you to use standard timecode in your DSLR cameras. It generates sync media (MP4 with timecode numbers, LTC signal and audio monitoring) which can be used by any smartphone or tablet to feed your DSLR camera with aux Timecode, reads LTC signal from your MOV clips, and generates FCP / APP XML project file based on loaded clips. K-lite codec pack and Quicktime may be required(included in download).

OS: Win
File size: 120MB
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1.07 (April 12, 2014)


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Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

DSLRsync v1.07
- new: 25fps & Nikon support (aux TC reader)

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DSLRsync is a synchronization solution for the DSLR cameras in video mode.

The main purpose of using DSLRsync is to easely sync your DSLR clips, therefore time saving.

Introduction to Timecode

DSLR cameras do not have timecode by default. This mean every clip you record with DSLR camera have a start timecode of 00:00:00:00. In other words, DSLR clips doesn’t have information where they belong relative to your timeline.

When you shoot your video with multiple DSLR cameras at once, things getting even more complicated, since now you have multiple angles of the same scene and still no connection nor with timeline nor between your cameras.

Now imagine you shoot video all day with multiple cameras, taking multiple takes of every scene. Syncing those materials on your timeline is top most boring very high time-consuming job ever in video production. To sync DSLR clips basically you have to snipe waveforms, one by another. In other words, DSLR sync without Timecode is huge waste of time and money.

In praxis, you can use timecode slates, claps, waveform syncing solution or whatever. But all that is only a little helper when you have great ideas and little bit complex project with many clips.

Until now, expensive and not for all?

So far, Timecode solutions was costly and mostly designed to be used by expencive hardware for TV or Movie making productions. Even if you have managed to buy such costly equipment, it doesn’t really suits some needs, for example making music videos.

Timecode on budget

Having an idea on how music making videos should be filmed using Timecode, we designed DSLRsync solution. First, we decided to make on-budget solution which doesn’t need any expensive or sofisticated hardware (but you can use it if you want). Therefore DSLRsync solution uses any smartphone, tablet or mp4 player as Timecode feed (we call it a DSLRsync Controller, a basic timecode slate). For signal transport, you can use any standard stereo split cable or stereo FM transmitter/receiver (best solution). Second, we decided to give you a solution which gives you an opportunity to shoot your video with zero start-up costs. In other words, DSLRsync have free features for kickstarters!

Timecode with audio monitoring idea

With timecode feed during recording your video, your cameras constantly receives aux Timecode signal. That means every clip from every camera have its own exact start point* (for example 00:34:17:23). With DSLRsync, not only all of your cameras are constantly aware of current time, but also your actors or musicians, because DSLRsync signal contains audio monitoring channel which is bound to the timecode. That means people which you are filming are always aware of their roles an important moments.

DSLRsync really saves your time

After you have used DSLRsync solution for making your video, you will have a bunch of files (clips), hunderts maybe. With DSLRsync Software, you can batch read those files aux Timecode and tag them with Timecode data. That means your NLE software now know exact starting point of each clip. But that is not all. DSLRsync also generates a project file with all of your clips synced at exact start frame on the timeline. In other words, DSLRsync puts your clips on a timeline, at exact point where it belongs.

Syncing your project containing hounderts of clips now takes just a minute. Thanks to DSLRsync.

*as you can’t press Record button on all cameras in the same time, start frame of every clip will be different, but the clips contents will be in perfect sync.

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