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Centertracker tracks a user-defined object in a video and centers it in the middle of the screen along the whole video. It creates an AVS file (you have to install AviSynth before you can use it) which you can open with the program VirtualDub. Centertracker offers four tracking modes: color, contours, template and brightness. For speeding up processing and reducing influence of noise the search area in a frame can be limited. The modes color and brightness also contain a wing beat compensation option for videos with a flying bird. There are also four methods for edge compensation. Please check the info on the download website (or in the file info.txt) to find out what other software (Codecs etc) possibly needs to be installed to run the program.

Trialware $15
OS: Win
File size: 9MB
Portable version
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3 (April 5, 2013)


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Software License

Shareware (Free download but time limited software. Full version from $15)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

What is Centertracker deluxe trial?

It is much more than the freeware version: it includes nearly all of the functions of Centertracker deluxe for testing purposes. This means that you can apply all the filters and most of the other features of the full version to images. This gives you the opportunity to test the software to a great extent before purchasing it. Here's more details:

limitations of the Trial version:

frame preview up to 100 frames
image is resized to 640x512 pixels (resize filter deactivated): this affects any mouse operations inside the preview window, e.g. if you want to paint overlay areas (keying) the position of the paintbrush will be shifted. You can avoid that by resizing your video to those dimensions beforehand
encryption filter shows red line in the image
no saving of videos (except for processed images): instead of a video an image file of the current frame - result.bmp - is created which you can use to test the decryption quality or for applying the filters to images (of the limited size 640x512 pixels)
advantages in comparison to previous freeware versions:

almost all features of the full version avaiable for testing
additional options for template mode 2
way much faster tracking modes without any limitation here :-)

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Centertracker deluxe($12) list of advantages compared to Centertracker:

increased processing speed * (especially pleasant for template mode 2 when detecting object rotation that had been very slow so far); (* except for template mode 1 (deprecated) which is only a little bit faster)
adaptive detection (speeds up object size detection in template mode 2)
simple data transfer of the color values in overlay mode
overlay option for all four tracking modes (instead of only one for template mode)
a separate directory (overlay images) with overlay image examples
mosaic effect/ concealment and object magnification for template mode
tracking with invariable template: avoids an irreversible deviance of the template from the original object (this is especially useful for the mosaic and magnification option)
set max. and min. size for template (useful for object size detection)
two instead of one methods for saving AVI videos
no clipping option, i.e. the whole video frame stays visible, borders are not clipped
video stabilisation for shaky videos: with optional zoom and rotation detection: the frames are corrected by their angle, i.e. angle stabilisation takes place. Please note that a precise correction is not possible in all cases (e.g. if movements in the foreground and the background deviate too much from each other or if the number of reference points is too small (monotone background)). If the result is not satisfactory set max. zoom and max. angle to zero. The video stabilizer can also be run in Centertracker mode (CT), i.e. the stabilising method is applied to a chosen template which is then centered
updates (the programmer of Centertracker is not obliged to create updates though) which are free for one year (as of date of purchase) for the customer (under the conditions of the end user license agreement (EULA)).*
optional audio saving for the stabilizer(CT) and for template mode (with activated option mosaic overlay or magnify object)

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Centertracker deluxe

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Mac = Mac download version. It works on 32-bit and 64-bit Mac OS.
Mac64 = Mac OS download version. It works only on 64-bit Mac OS.
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Visit developers site = A link to the software developer site.
Download (mirror link) = A mirror link to the software download. It may not contain the latest versions.
Download old versions = Free downloads of previous versions of the program.
Download 64-bit version = If you have a 64bit operating system you can download this version.
Download portable version = Portable/Standalone version meaning that no installation is required, just extract the files to a folder and run directly.
Portable version available = Download the portable version and you can just extract the files and run the program without installation.
Old versions available = Download old versions of the program.
Version history available = Complete changelog on our site.
Windows = Windows version available.
Mac OS = Mac OS version available.
Linux = Linux version available.
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