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Edius is an advanced/NLE editor. No other NLE gives you so much versatility combined with sheer speed of editing. EDIUS® supports real-time editing of all popular standard-definition (SD) and high-definition (HD) formats. Edit anything. Registration is required for the trial version.

Trialware $600
OS: Win
File size: 1024MB
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3 votes
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Latest version

11 (November 23, 2023)


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Software License

Shareware (Free download but time limited software. Full version from $600)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

EDIUS X marks the start into a new era of video editing.

EDIUS X comes with a completely redesigned core engine along with a modular concept allowing even more performance for fully customizable workflows.

New Features

Background Rendering: EDIUS X will never ask you to interrupt your editing for a process to finish. This will make your workflow smooth, creative, and virtually unstoppable.
Background Export: The new background render engine is also great for exporting files. You will never have to pause your work.
GV Job Monitor: EDIUS X keeps you informed about all background activities and lets you prioritize jobs as needed.
VST Plug-In Support: EDIUS X broadens the support for VST-plugins. This includes the support for latency compensation along with a powerful WaveShell integration.
Layouter Motion Tracking with Chase Mode: EDIUS X allows you to easily attach a label, animation, or video clip to your tracked object.
Layouter Motion Tracking with Anchor Mode: Have your picture automatically reframed with reference to the tracked object. This is great for aspect ratio conversions and virtual multi-camera shots.
H.265 Export: EDIUS X speeds up the export rendering time by leveraging NVIDIA GPU support. This is also available with the new Background Rendering options.
GUI Color: EDIUS X comes with a refined GUI in a bit darker color. This makes editing even more comfortable, has a cool look and might also relieve your eyes.
Optimized Performance: EDIUS X is all about performance and a futureproof design. EDIUS X does therefore require Windows 10 and makes optimal use of advanced technology. This includes hardware acceleration provided by Intel QuickSync as well as a broad GPU support. The new modular design allows utilizing the potential of multi core CPUs more efficient than ever before.
Optimized Audio Sync Performance: EDIUS X provides an even faster automatic audio sync function auto aligning as many clips as your projects requires for a smooth multi cam edit experience.
Native Support for the Latest Cameras and Codecs: EDIUS X supports the newest codecs and camera releases natively like no other NLE. No need to transcode, just edit!
Ongoing Continuous Development: EDIUS X will continue to expand and grow its toolset with even more creative possibilities. EDIUS X users will benefit from all EDIUS X Version 10.x updates available for download free of charge throughout the entire lifecycle of EDIUS X.

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All features

Superior 4K HDR workflow, including support for Blackmagic Design/AJA hardware (preview only) and EDL or AAF import/export
Edit media files with different resolutions — from 24x24 to 4Kx2K
Real-time conversion of frame rates on the same timeline delivers more efficient editing into the hands of editors
Fast, flexible user interface, including unlimited video, audio, title and graphics tracks
Support for the latest file formats — Sony XAVC (Intra/Long GOP)/ XAVC S, Panasonic AVC-Ultra/AVC-Intra 422, AVC-Intra LT/LT 2K and Canon XF-AVC (import only), Sony RAW, Canon Cinema RAW/Cinema RAW Light, RED RAW, ProRes (Import only), DNxHD/HR (option), still image RAW
Support for the latest color space for Log and RAW files — HLG/PQ, S-Log, Canon Log, V-Log/V-Log L, J-Log1, F-Log, Log C, D-Log, N-Log and LUT (.cube) file import
Work natively with many different video formats, including Sony XDCAM, Panasonic P2, Ikegami GF, Canon XF and DSLR movie formats
Fastest AVCHD editing on the market
Multicam editing of up to 16 different sources simultaneously, with video output support
Improved MPEG decoder and encoder
Improved H.264/AVC decoder and encoder (for fast encoding of 4K XAVC)
Accelerated 4K H.264/H.265 playback using Intel Quick Sync Video
Proxy mode workflow for legacy computers helps extend their usability and increase ROI
Supports Intel Quick Sync Video for extremely fast H.264 (for Blu-ray Disc burning) and H.265 export
Fast handling of large quantities of still image files (JPG, TGA, DPX, Cinema DNG and others)
Primary color correction (RGB)
3-way color correction (YUV)
Motion tracking
High quality slow-motion (optical flow)
High speed and high quality stabilizer
High performance video layouter
Various synthetic video filters such as masks and keyers
Direct to Blu-ray Disc and DVD timeline export
Project import/export as EDL, AAF, FCP 7 XML (import only)
OFX support for Magic Bullet and Sapphire plug-ins
Ability to save a current project as a template in order to re-use preferred track settings, screen layout, etc.
Support for high-resolution displays
New Features
Export in HDR for broadcasting and web distribution. This important enhancement addresses the growing use of HDR content and supplements the existing ability of EDIUS to work directly in 4K UHD
Ability to mix SDR and HDR material on the same project, and output results in either color space
Mync (media management software) bundled with EDIUS 9 implements a powerful new Meta Smart Search function and HDR support (preview, storyboard, export)
EDIUS Pro 9 users are eligible for a free download of NewBlue’s Titler Pro 5 for EDIUS
New video scope supporting HDR
Color space list editing
Closed Caption view
60/50p timecode display
RED RAW decode GPU support
Improvement of high-quality slow-motion (advanced matching)
Marker color function
Improved default exporter function

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Acronyms / Also Known As

Edius, Edius Pro, Edius X

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3 reviews, Showing 1 to 3 reviews

Has to be one of the best editing software packages around. Real-time effects so you can see as you go. Lots of assistance available on the Grassvalley forums including in-depth tutorials available for color correction.

Review by Pachycephalic on Dec 10, 2011 Version: 6.06 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 8/10 Overall: 9/10

Best editor I've ever used. Looking to upgrade to Edius 6. You can drag anything to the timeline and works without a hitch. Oh and no pesky stops to render. These guys are lightyears ahead of adobe.

Review by pantalanaga11 on May 19, 2011 Version: Neo2 OS: WinXP 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

I'm using this software for about 1 year and I'm giving it 10 points for functionality. This is the best video editing program!(my opinion). Adobe Premiere 2.0 Pro doesn't have such multifunctionality neither Sony Vegas 7.0c, niether any of other instruments I've used before...

Review by bgtrix on Jan 14, 2007 Version: 4.02 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 10/10

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