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Burn is a simple but advanced burning software for Mac OS X. Create standard Audio-CD discs with ease. Just drop your audio files in Burns audio list. Want more music on your disc, Burn can create MP3 discs. More and more players support these discs. Higher quality, no problem, Burn can create DVD-Audio discs, which can contain more and higher quality files. Burn can also create a wide range of video discs. From VideoCD to DVD-Video discs. And DivX discs to fit more of your videos on a disc. To personalize your DVD-Video disc, burn can create interactive menus. Choose a theme in Burn or create your own.

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OS: Mac
File size: 30.8MB
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3.1.7 (February 26, 2023)


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Download Burn 3.1.7 64-bit  31MB  Mac Mac

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Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Mac OS Mac

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Burn 3.1.7

Added workaround for accessiblity issue in macOS Ventura.
Fixed localisation issues.

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Acronyms / Also Known As

Burn OSX, Burn OS X, BurnOSX

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2 reviews, Showing 1 to 2 reviews

I have used Burn for years. Easay any up to recently it worked well. After the last Mac update the version of Burn I had on my Mac would write the opening track and then skip to finalise the disc. Rendering it useless. Even after installing 3.1 I have the same result. Not sure whats happened but there is a software glitch somewhere.

Review by Garry on Feb 6, 2021 Version: 10.13.6 OS: MacOSX Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

Not the most elegant interface but it does the job. Only issue I've encountered is that it will alphabetize audio tracks regardless of the order in which you drag them into the app's window. Let's say you have four files named "01-first", "02-first", "01-second", and "02-second", and you drag them into the app's window in that order. What you end up with is this:

See the problem? The workaround is to rename/renumber all of your files to get them in the proper alphabetical order you wish to have them play. Yeah; it sucks. Go pay for an app then. :D

Review by rumplestiltskin on Jan 16, 2011 Version: 2.4.1u OS: MacOSX Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

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