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BluffTitler is a 3D title video creator. Create dazzling 3D titles for your videos and photos with BluffTitler DX9. Want to bluff your friends and clients with cool 3D titles? But don't want to spend a fortune on professional 3D animation and video titling software? BluffTitler is the easiest way to add 3D text animations to your photos and videos!

Trialware $50
OS: Win
File size: 51.7MB
Version history
4 votes
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Latest version (March 12, 2025)


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Software License

Shareware (Free download but time limited software. Full version from $50)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Released: Wednesday, March 12th 2025

Changes since version 16.0:

Stick fonts. Learn more
Attach sketch layers to text layers
Attach picture layers to text and scroller layers
Export as model. Learn more
Completely revised installer templates!
When attaching a layer, the attached layer now becomes the active layer
Glow maps accessible in the MEDIA > Change texture... dialog.
MEDIA > Change model... dialog has 3 new checkboxes: Translation, Rotation and Scale. This controls which aspects of the animation are imported.
Support for GLB models with ambient occlusion maps
Support for GLB models with roughness maps
Support for GLB models with metalness maps
Support for GLB models with glow maps
Support for GLB models with animated morph targets
Scale model joints with SX properties
Animation blending. Learn more
Physically based rendering (PBR)
Soft shadows
Support for STL models
Emoji 15.0
Glow icon on model thumbnails in file dialog
Glow checkbox in Layer > Active layer properties... dialog to make the whole layer glow
1 new style in robotic arm layer: Inverse kinematics, no rotation
1 new style in sketch layer: Escalator
3 new properties in camera layer: Glow intensity, Glow range & Glow colour
2 new properties in lightning layer: Max length & Smooth
2 new properties in model layer: Glow & Joint explosion
1 new property in sketch layer: Escalator speed
1 new property in picture layer: Padding
9 new effects: VJ/VJ_MagicRing, Camera/CameraAmbientOcclusion, Camera/CameraVerticalFog, ProceduralTextures/Sinus, Filters/Crop, Filters/RoundCorners, Special/ShadowOnSkybox, Special/DepthOnly & System/TextureMakerORM
2 new special URLs in MEDIA > Change texture... dialog: glowmap & prevframe
Number of textures per layer increased from 4 to 5
Model textures are now rendered as thumbnails in the MEDIA > Change texture... dialog
Possibility to clear model texture. Learn more
Unpack the GLB textures by right clicking on the GLB file and choosing Extract textures...
<Ctrl><Shift> now renders all child layers when the active layer is a container layer
Bugfix: GLB models using colour-per-vertex are now correctly loaded
Bugfix: GLB models with lines are now correctly loaded
Bugfix: GLB models without index buffers are now correctly loaded
Bugfix: sorting problem sketch layer fixed
Bugfix: animating the Writer property when using the Pen size progression property in the sketch layer now works as expected
Bugfix: Specularity property mirror layer is now visible when using PBR effect
Updated translations: English, Nederlands, Kreyol, Français, Español, Japanese, Magyar, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Suomi, Arabic, Slovenian, Persian, Tamil & Croatian

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4 reviews, Showing 1 to 4 reviews

Rating by prisha on Apr 12, 2023 Version: 16.2 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 5/10 Functionality: 3/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 3/10

This is a really easy 3d title generator I've been playing with since version 8

Review by Lord Rakim on Aug 1, 2022 Version: OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 6/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

I agree completely. The sample files are a bit heavy on the
hearts theme, but with a bit of practice you can make very
nice intro's. Quite a fun toy.

Review by Grapeape on Oct 18, 2004 Version: 2.02 OS: Win98 Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 9/10

I have been using this product for about a month and I can highly recomment it.
The BluffTitler animation is called a show and is built out of layers. Every layer has it's own effects and can be animated independently. The current version of BluffTitler features 10 different layers: Camera, Light, Text, EPS, Picture, Video, Video Capture, Plasma, Particle, and Audio.
A show is built out of layers, a layer is built out of keyframes and a keyframe contains properties you set with the 3 sliders.
All the effects you can animate are listed in the Animation Mode list box. The default animation mode is Text Position. In this mode the first slider controls the horizontal position, the second the vertical and the third the depth. To move the text towards the camera you change the depth position. It also comes with many built-in demos which you can modify to create your own titles. Probably the only down side is it does not have an edit feature. Modifying a layer is a bit tricky and takes a little practice. Changing font size is by percent which is less than precise. You can export your finished product as an .avi file or a title as a .bmp. The demo version is full function.

Review by two2tango on Oct 17, 2004 Version: 2.02 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 9/10

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