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BatchGuy is a windows desktop application that allows the user to create batch eac3to, mkvmerge, ffmsindex, avisynth and x264 script files for batch encodes and remuxing of Blu-ray discs. Requires Windows 7, 8.1 x64, Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5+, eac3to, vfw4x264, x264, AviSynth 2.5+ and all relevant plugins.

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OS: Win
File size: 0.7MB
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Latest version

7.1 (November 27, 2020)


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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Version 7.1

BatchGuy updated to support remuxing 4k sources
Broken links in the Help Section fixed

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Unzip the BatchGuy folder to any location of your choosing. With the introduction of BatchGuy Version 1.2, the user can save settings, so it is best to keep the BatchGuy.exe in the BatchGuy folder, which is where the settings file (config.batchGuySettings) will be saved. However, a shortcut to the BatchGuy.exe can be placed anywhere.

What is BatchGuy?

One of my hobbies is to collect full Blu-ray discs and to either remux or encode them. I am a huge fan of TV Shows, so I typically work with multiple discs that contain tv series that can have over 30 episodes.

The problem that I faced is that most of the GUI tools available do not allow you to work with Blu-rays from a batch point of view. This is fine for movies but having to manually work with each stream on each disc for each episode is very tiresome. Because of this, I decided to make my own tool to ease some of the pain.

As I continued to make modifications to BatchGuy, I started to think that this tool could possibly be helpful to other Blu-ray encoders such as myself, so I decided to share this tool with the community.

What BatchGuy isn’t?

BatchGuy was created to do a specific job, which is to allow the user to be able to easily extract streams from multiple ripped Blu-ray dics, place them in an individual episode number directory, create AviSynth scripts per episode and apply global x264 encode settings for each episode.

BatchGuy is not an AviSynth editor. It has very limited AviSynth syntax capabilities (which could be expanded as the product evolves). It allows you to copy/paste AviSynth syntax into it and it will create a (.avs) file for each video you extracted from your Blu-ray discs.

BatchGuy is not an x264 encoder. BatchGuy will create a (.bat) file that you can use to run the x264.exe encoder. BatchGuy will not extract streams from Blu-ray discs for you. BatchGuy will allow you to pick which streams you would like to extract and will create a (.bat) file that will use eac3to.exe to extract the streams.

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Guides and How to's

Batch Bluray Encoding with BatchGuy

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Remuxing Movie Bluray Discs with BatchGuy

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Remuxing TV Bluray Discs with BatchGuy

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BatchGuy video tutorials

View all guides with guide description here

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2 reviews, Showing 1 to 2 reviews

Rating by kakaze on May 3, 2022 Version: 7.1 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 2/10 Functionality: 2/10 Value for money: 2/10 Overall: 2/10

Only work for Bluray folder.
Would be nice if it worked with multiple MKV files too. I tried it said ''ERROR''.

Review by imhh1 on Sep 30, 2016 Version: newest OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 5/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 7/10

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Mac = Mac download version. It works on 32-bit and 64-bit Mac OS.
Mac64 = Mac OS download version. It works only on 64-bit Mac OS.
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Download portable version = Portable/Standalone version meaning that no installation is required, just extract the files to a folder and run directly.
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Version history available = Complete changelog on our site.
Windows = Windows version available.
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Linux = Linux version available.
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