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All reviews for BD Rebuilder
159 reviews, Showing 1 to 159 reviews |
Rating by Fixer on
Oct 19, 2024 Version: 0.62.12
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
This is a great software to shrink Bly ray movies discs but is there a software to shrink dvd discs I have a couple of DVDs and there are just over 10gb I want to shrink them to maybe half that size to or 4gb to put onto 1 disc can I do that
Review by barry25 on
Aug 11, 2024 Version: 2
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 1/10
Overall: 7/10
Review by monroejock on
Aug 10, 2024 Version: Latest
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Works fantastic! Great job, thank you. 10/10
Review by depeche30 on
Jul 4, 2024 Version: 0.62.04
OS: Windows 11 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Rating by liviutatan on
Feb 7, 2023 Version: 0.61.28
OS: Windows 11 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Rating by HemLok on
May 12, 2022 Version: 0.61.28
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Rating by liviuttn on
Mar 4, 2022 Version: 0.61.25
OS: Windows 11 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Rating by jos goedheer on
Feb 28, 2021 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Rating by HemLok on
Jan 5, 2021 Version: 0.61.19
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I reported it to AVAST as a false positive. Hopefully they'll fix it.
I reported it to AVAST as a false positive. Hopefully they'll fix it.
Review by jdobbs on
Aug 22, 2020 Version: v0.61.13
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Still getting the malware warning and deletion if BDRB.exe. Added exception to anti-virus.
Review by mail2tom on
Aug 21, 2020 Version: 0.61.13
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
That's a false positive. But I recompiled it again just to avoid confusion. If you download it again (v0.61.13) from you'll get the recompiled version.
That's a false positive. But I recompiled it again just to avoid confusion. If you download it again (v0.61.13) from you'll get the recompiled version.
Review by jdobbs on
Aug 21, 2020 Version: v0.61.12
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
This is a first. My Anti-Virus (Avast!) just reported it contained "FileRepMalware" and deleted the file.
Review by mail2tom on
Aug 21, 2020 Version: 0.61.12
OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
Rating by jim on
Aug 7, 2019 Version: 0.60.19
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Rating by Austinfilmstock on
Aug 3, 2019 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Rating by hdfills on
Jan 22, 2019 Version: BD Rebuilder 0.60.04
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
program works fine. just because "you" can't get it working doesn't mean much other than it's a reflection on your iq. DON"T POST YOUR PERSONAL PROBLEMS HERE. this is for reviewing the software not your iq.
Review by aedipuss on
Jan 22, 2019 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Rating by liviut tatan on
Jan 8, 2019 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Rating by blind on
Dec 30, 2018 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
In order to output to MKV, use the MODE Menu. Set it to MODE/Movie Only and then Movie Only/Alternate Output. A dialog will appear with a list of formats that you can choose for output. It already covers most common formats, but you can also add your own specialized formats by editing the file ALTERNATE.TXT in BD-RB's Misc folder.
In order to output to MKV, use the MODE Menu. Set it to MODE/Movie Only and then Movie Only/Alternate Output. A dialog will appear with a list of formats that you can choose for output. It already covers most common formats, but you can also add your own specialized formats by editing the file ALTERNATE.TXT in BD-RB's Misc folder.
Review by jdobbs on
Nov 9, 2018 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
This software is super awesome. I'm trying to compress a 4k movie to fit on single layer blu ray disc but it said something about a LAV filter. And I don't see the option to output to MKV. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I don't see it. Awesome software.
Review by s1kkdawgg on
Oct 26, 2018 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Just made another donation, after figuring out that the blank Amazon page actually had to be filled in for Maybe I've become lazy, but I expected the fields to be filled in when I hit the "donate" just to put my mind at ease that this was for jdobbs and ensure accuracy of delivery.
Review by mail2tom on
Oct 26, 2018 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Rating only.
Review by HemLok on
Oct 25, 2018 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Just accept the review.
Review by Jester on
Oct 25, 2018 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 5/10
Rating by Lukas80153 on
Oct 20, 2018 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
If you would take the time to read the change log you would see very clearly that it says "experimental support for UHD-BD". I know there are issues, and that's why it says "experimental". Perhaps you failed to read that? The UHD-BD support is currently intended ONLY for testers who can help in identifying possible solutions for known problems (like the one you reported) and of which I warned in the bugs reporting thread.
UHD support should be fine for importing and/or outputting to ALTERNATE formats (like MKV). But there is still work to be done on creating UHD-BD discs.
You didn't do as I instructed -- or you wouldn't think this function was anywhere near ready for primetime. By the way, thanks for rating the product 4 out of 10 for failing to do something that it is not yet meant to do.
If you would take the time to read the change log you would see very clearly that it says "experimental support for UHD-BD". I know there are issues, and that's why it says "experimental". Perhaps you failed to read that? The UHD-BD support is currently intended ONLY for testers who can help in identifying possible solutions for known problems (like the one you reported) and of which I warned in the bugs reporting thread.
UHD support should be fine for importing and/or outputting to ALTERNATE formats (like MKV). But there is still work to be done on creating UHD-BD discs.
You didn't do as I instructed -- or you wouldn't think this function was anywhere near ready for primetime. By the way, thanks for rating the product 4 out of 10 for failing to do something that it is not yet meant to do.
Review by jdobbs on
Oct 20, 2018 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 10 Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
The audio remains out of sync. Following exact installation instructions of jdobbs the audio of BD UHD files is not in sync with picture after shrink. Playback of BDMV before shrink, audio is in sync. Playback of BDMV after shrink and audio is out of sync. I tried different settings for decoding/frame serving. Does anyone know how to solve this?
Review by Jester on
Oct 19, 2018 Version: 0.60.04
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 4/10
Rating by Oli Ver on
Mar 14, 2018 Version: 050.25
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Rating by kaminar on
Aug 12, 2017 Version: 0.50.24
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 6/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
The only application with which i can play a 3D Bluray via USB port in my Sony BDV-E2100 Bluray Player, with the possibility to have menu or not (start the movie directly). I would like to have the option to split the main file in 4G to copy in a mmeory with FAT32 format (actually i use a NTFS format, because the player dont support exFAT). My USB memory have 64G, then i dont need any compress in the output file.
Review by Juan Suarez on
Jul 12, 2017 Version: 0.50.24
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Rating by Juan Suarez on
Jul 11, 2017 Version: 0.50.24
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Take a look at the file called ALTERNATE.TXT in the MISC folder. It is designed so you can create any kind of profile that you desire. There is text at the top explaining the parameters, and a list of examples (which are the defaults that show up). You can edit the list; remove the ones you don't like or use; and create new ones.
Take a look at the file called ALTERNATE.TXT in the MISC folder. It is designed so you can create any kind of profile that you desire. There is text at the top explaining the parameters, and a list of examples (which are the defaults that show up). You can edit the list; remove the ones you don't like or use; and create new ones.
Review by jdobbs on
Apr 2, 2016 Version: 0.50.14
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I'm happy to see new options for HEVC encoding. But, I don't understand in the window offering several MP4/MKV output format, why the combination "MKV HEVC 1920x1080 + intact audio" is not proposed!?
Review by Ribibi on
Jan 29, 2016 Version: 50.12
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Looked like a great app that would meet my needs but then I ran inot a problem. I have a MKV file where audio is Japanese and subtitles English. Playing the MKV plays correctly. When I changed the settings in the app to use only Japanese audio and only English subtitles it still used English audio and no subtitles. When I said to use all audio and all subtitles, it only did English audio, no subs. When I said none for either, it did English audio only, no subs. What I can't figure out is what is happening for it to ignore the original audio, Japanese, and the default subtitles, English. Any help would be appreciated.
Review by clumsyhamster on
Sep 20, 2015 Version: 0.50.08
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 6/10
Functionality: 5/10
Value for money: 5/10
Overall: 6/10
Excellent video tool, I use since many years.
I could be interesting BD-Rebuilder also check from "inspection menu" the presence of a installed video splitter like Mastroska.
Because for a new windows 10 installation, with this tool not installed yet, it was very difficult to know why BD-Rebuilder should not able to extract video stream and the reason it stopped before reencoding...
Good "life" to BD-Rebuilder! :)
I could be interesting BD-Rebuilder also check from "inspection menu" the presence of a installed video splitter like Mastroska.
Because for a new windows 10 installation, with this tool not installed yet, it was very difficult to know why BD-Rebuilder should not able to extract video stream and the reason it stopped before reencoding...
Good "life" to BD-Rebuilder! :)
Review by Ribibi on
Sep 19, 2015 Version: 0.50.08
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
This BD-Rebuilder is what I needed. Rebuild a 10GB Bd movie back to fit DVD9. I donated some euro's(dollars) because without this tools it will be an expensive hobby to burn larger BD's on BD-Discs instead of DVD9. Thanks for this tool.
Review by papatotalos on
Apr 2, 2015 Version: v0.50.05
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
BD Rebuilder output is fine in a WIDE variety of of formats. It is WAY more sophisticated than Handbrake. I DONATED once to show I give a crap (appreciate) these beta releases. Detailed documentation is lacking, but it is BETA software - "figure it out yourself." Software engineers should get WAY better feedback from informed users. Maybe developers FEAR giving away too much in the way of trade secrets. Looking forward to x265!
Review by wrocnrob on
Jan 24, 2015 Version: v0.50.01
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
This is the best one I've used so far. The quality of the compression on a BD5 is incredible. The software is easy to use and it just keeps getting better with each release. if I could find a MKV (or MP4) converter that is just as good. if I could find a MKV (or MP4) converter that is just as good.
Review by Simba7 on
Jan 20, 2015 Version: 0.50.02
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
What are you 10 yrs. old that you call this man a liar because you can't get this FREE software to work? jdobbs has been incredibly responsive to bug reports, way more so than just about any pay software you can buy. And he has supplied this terrific software to the public for years for FREE. And how do you give a 5 for value when it is free? I'm glad that your incompetence has made this software unusable for you, you don't deserve it.
What are you 10 yrs. old that you call this man a liar because you can't get this FREE software to work? jdobbs has been incredibly responsive to bug reports, way more so than just about any pay software you can buy. And he has supplied this terrific software to the public for years for FREE. And how do you give a 5 for value when it is free? I'm glad that your incompetence has made this software unusable for you, you don't deserve it.
Review by ricoman on
Oct 31, 2014 Version: 49.05
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
@metagondria -
The author doesn't need the grief and that lack of respect is why i'm posting this. If you're not happy with the software stop using it and move on.
The author doesn't need the grief and that lack of respect is why i'm posting this. If you're not happy with the software stop using it and move on.
Review by virtualdoobmon on
Oct 28, 2014 Version: 0.49.05
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
You ARE LYING THROUGh YOUR TEETH , when you say that I AM the only 1 having Sync issues...
Not many pages back in that huge BDrebuilder thread of yours, there were atleast 2 members reporting sync issues with bdrebuilder ..
AND YES, it happend to be with BDrebuilder build → 0.48 ← and up..
iam sure i dont have to look hard for those posts, unless you deleted them like did before !!
I did posted / summarized my findings →settings/info← i have taken from the much coveted→ logs ← before, and what good did that do ?
In return, i wos treated as an incompetend liar by your entourage blaming my system !!
So, be glad i still report the errors. NOT BECAUSE i NEEED help from you or anyone, iam way past that stage..
But because you are in disperate need of beta testers, else you wouldnt begging for logs, logs and oh.. more logs !!!
But as i said, this ↑ far and no further...
You ARE LYING THROUGh YOUR TEETH , when you say that I AM the only 1 having Sync issues...
Not many pages back in that huge BDrebuilder thread of yours, there were atleast 2 members reporting sync issues with bdrebuilder ..
AND YES, it happend to be with BDrebuilder build → 0.48 ← and up..
iam sure i dont have to look hard for those posts, unless you deleted them like did before !!
I did posted / summarized my findings →settings/info← i have taken from the much coveted→ logs ← before, and what good did that do ?
In return, i wos treated as an incompetend liar by your entourage blaming my system !!
So, be glad i still report the errors. NOT BECAUSE i NEEED help from you or anyone, iam way past that stage..
But because you are in disperate need of beta testers, else you wouldnt begging for logs, logs and oh.. more logs !!!
But as i said, this ↑ far and no further...
Review by metagondria on
Oct 28, 2014 Version: 0.48
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 5/10
Overall: 7/10
C'mon buddy. You and I both know from your posts on DOOM9 that you are using the wrong version of the helper apps, and refuse to post your logs or settings because you think it will prove it. The fact that you changed your name doesn't hide anything -- your inability to understand the concept of "paragraphs" is a dead giveaway. Now you've decided to take your rants to a new audience here. Sad... really sad.
Thousands of BD Rebuilder users -- and no one is having sync issues but you. Yet you are still convinced your configuration isn't the problem.
Thousands of BD Rebuilder users -- and no one is having sync issues but you. Yet you are still convinced your configuration isn't the problem.
Review by jdobbs on
Oct 2, 2014 Version: v0.49.02
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
@ both "ricoman" & "nimpho"
Trust me when i say that iam fairly handy with video editing/encoding software apps and what not.
You don't have to be an rocket sciencetist to find out how bdrebuilder works you know..
Ofcourse, every helptool that has been installed for bdrebuilder meets the approperiate build revision that bdrb requires (therefor, not all helptools are up-to-date!!)
Now, if i were that dumb "nimpho" i woudn't have found the sollution for the sync problems ALL BY MYSELF is it now ?!!
And LO & Behold... the sollution wosn't the helptools oh nose, but rather some setting in bdrebuilder !!
My point, using DEFAULT settings in BDRB never did completed an succesfull bd50 to bd25!!
Moreover, since 48.xx seeking times are just HORRIBLE SLOW in mpc whereas in 47.07 and below everything work just fine !!
Now, you still believe the helptools or →my lack of knowledge about the usage of the app← is causing all this?
BDrebuilder is still in → BETA ← stage for an REASON you know !!
I dont know , because its still BUGGED !!
Trust me when i say that iam fairly handy with video editing/encoding software apps and what not.
You don't have to be an rocket sciencetist to find out how bdrebuilder works you know..
Ofcourse, every helptool that has been installed for bdrebuilder meets the approperiate build revision that bdrb requires (therefor, not all helptools are up-to-date!!)
Now, if i were that dumb "nimpho" i woudn't have found the sollution for the sync problems ALL BY MYSELF is it now ?!!
And LO & Behold... the sollution wosn't the helptools oh nose, but rather some setting in bdrebuilder !!
My point, using DEFAULT settings in BDRB never did completed an succesfull bd50 to bd25!!
Moreover, since 48.xx seeking times are just HORRIBLE SLOW in mpc whereas in 47.07 and below everything work just fine !!
Now, you still believe the helptools or →my lack of knowledge about the usage of the app← is causing all this?
BDrebuilder is still in → BETA ← stage for an REASON you know !!
I dont know , because its still BUGGED !!
Review by metagondria on
Sep 25, 2014 Version: 1.28
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 6/10
Overall: 7/10
Great software, continually updated for what, almost six years now? And according to discussions over at doom9, Jdobbs is going to add H265 encoding to MKV output soon.
Combining a dozen excellent, free tools into one interface, this program has few peers, and has been a favorite of mine since it was first released. A must have for anyone interested in making backups of their Blu-ray collection.
Combining a dozen excellent, free tools into one interface, this program has few peers, and has been a favorite of mine since it was first released. A must have for anyone interested in making backups of their Blu-ray collection.
Review by Kerry56 on
Sep 21, 2014 Version: 0.48.05
OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Metagondria: The software works great. The only times I've had problems it has been my fault or some other software was interfering with it. Just answer one question; HTF do you give a FREE software a 6 for value? Don't put down a product because you are a new user with problems. The place for questions is Doom9 forum. Look it up.
Review by ricoman on
Sep 21, 2014 Version: 0.48.05
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
@ metagondria
I bet you didnt follow the configuration instruction ( . install the recommended version of ffdshow and HAALI Splitter .this free software work perfectly, your knowledge is the problem here !!
I bet you didnt follow the configuration instruction ( . install the recommended version of ffdshow and HAALI Splitter .this free software work perfectly, your knowledge is the problem here !!
Review by imhh1 on
Sep 20, 2014 Version: 0.48.04
OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Well, iam a litle bit dissapointed that not only the output plays out of sync after done in rebuilder.
But the result of that is caused by using bdrebuilders default settings !!!
Again, EVERY SINGLE Bluray project wheiter or not its an full backup or just the movie results in audio/video desyncronisation output using bdrebuilders default settings !!!!
But the result of that is caused by using bdrebuilders default settings !!!
Again, EVERY SINGLE Bluray project wheiter or not its an full backup or just the movie results in audio/video desyncronisation output using bdrebuilders default settings !!!!
Review by metagondria on
Sep 20, 2014 Version: 48.05
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 6/10
Value for money: 6/10
Overall: 7/10
BD Rebuilder has supported 3D backups for almost 6 months now.
Review by jdobbs on
Jul 22, 2014 Version: 0.47.7
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Very very useful program.. BD50 to BD25 ok but in 2D.. We need to encode 3D as well.. I hope, our genious friends will do that soon..
Thank You..
Thank You..
Review by se7ennio on
May 4, 2014 Version:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Very neat utility to shrink bd-50 (soon to shrink bdXL=4K aswell i hope ^^)
Must say, i have ripped and shrinked 5 movies whit succes so far..
However, appart from an audio/video desynchronisation problem i have had for which i have found a sollution btw i REALY MUST SAY people shrinking Bluray's is FAR MORE EASIER than shrinking DVD's !!!
In that regard, its easier for the MOST AND IMPORTANT REASON which is.. The A/V QUALITY from copy is in my eyes IDENTICAL to that of the Original ... SERIOUSLY... ADD to that appart from some audio streams that are stripped, the Extra's such as Trailers, deleted scenes, making of interviews are all onboard of the srhinked BD-25 and in VERY VERY GOOD QUALITY++ ..
THAT is something ↑ that NEVER COULD HAVE BEEN DONE with DVD whitout sacrificing the Video quality from the main movie !!!!
Whit DVD you always had to strip extras/audio to maintain Video Quality .. and even then long movies with an playtime of near 3 hours couldnt be shrinked/encoded and still needed an Full Duall layer disc to maintain the quality from the movie .
As for Bluray.. i just did AVATAR BD50 (40Gigabyte + for MOVIE ONLY !!) shrinked it to BD-25 maintaining the original spoken language ... and i tell you i wos TOTALY blown away when i saw HOW UNDISPUTED GOOD that quality still wos from the shrinked movie !!!!
I just wish Cinavia was not ubiquitous in bluray unlike dvd !!!
Must say, i have ripped and shrinked 5 movies whit succes so far..
However, appart from an audio/video desynchronisation problem i have had for which i have found a sollution btw i REALY MUST SAY people shrinking Bluray's is FAR MORE EASIER than shrinking DVD's !!!
In that regard, its easier for the MOST AND IMPORTANT REASON which is.. The A/V QUALITY from copy is in my eyes IDENTICAL to that of the Original ... SERIOUSLY... ADD to that appart from some audio streams that are stripped, the Extra's such as Trailers, deleted scenes, making of interviews are all onboard of the srhinked BD-25 and in VERY VERY GOOD QUALITY++ ..
THAT is something ↑ that NEVER COULD HAVE BEEN DONE with DVD whitout sacrificing the Video quality from the main movie !!!!
Whit DVD you always had to strip extras/audio to maintain Video Quality .. and even then long movies with an playtime of near 3 hours couldnt be shrinked/encoded and still needed an Full Duall layer disc to maintain the quality from the movie .
As for Bluray.. i just did AVATAR BD50 (40Gigabyte + for MOVIE ONLY !!) shrinked it to BD-25 maintaining the original spoken language ... and i tell you i wos TOTALY blown away when i saw HOW UNDISPUTED GOOD that quality still wos from the shrinked movie !!!!
I just wish Cinavia was not ubiquitous in bluray unlike dvd !!!
Review by metagondria on
Apr 28, 2014 Version: 1.28
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 5/10
Overall: 7/10
I Thank You..!
Review by se7ennio on
Aug 6, 2012 Version: 0.40.11
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 10/10
Read first the description before post comment:
1. This is NOT a decrypter, use DVDFab HD Decrypter or AnyDVD for Blu-ray decryption.
2. Please don't post questions, this is NO support or discussion list. Use our forum for that
Thank You.
Read first the description before post comment:
1. This is NOT a decrypter, use DVDFab HD Decrypter or AnyDVD for Blu-ray decryption.
2. Please don't post questions, this is NO support or discussion list. Use our forum for that
Thank You.
Review by angel181155 on
Jul 31, 2012 Version: 0.40.11
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Sorry for getting to subject directly but how about cinevia protection.. We suffer Columbia's Blu-rays..
Review by se7ennio on
Jul 30, 2012 Version: BD-Rebuilder 0.40.11 beta
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Much Obliged Fellas..
Review by se7ennio on
Apr 14, 2012 Version: BD Rebuilder 0.40.09 Beta
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
Thank You ricoman..
Review by se7ennio on
Apr 8, 2012 Version: BD Rebuilder 0.40.08 Beta
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
@se7ennio: If you have issues, go directly to the BDRB forum on and jdobbs will respond quickly. A vague "there are several problems" statement helps no one. Frankly, I just backed-up two brand new releases, War Horse and Immortals, without a problem and they only came out 3 days ago, so I'm thinking that it's not BDRB so no update maybe needed.
Review by ricoman on
Apr 5, 2012 Version: 0.40.08
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Very nice software but it had been 39 days now and no new version yet.. There are several problems occured in this dayswith this version.. New versions always solves this kind of encoding problems.. Thank You..
Review by se7ennio on
Apr 5, 2012 Version: BD Rebuilder 0.40.08 Beta
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
Easy as pie. It's like DvdShrink. Small complaint (very small) some of the items you need to check... not too sure what they do. With some searching I figured it out.
Review by Marco33 on
Jan 7, 2012 Version: 3906
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Download it again. I forgot to update the zip with the new INSPECT before I'd posted it. There are updated versions of X264 and Aften included.
Download it again. I forgot to update the zip with the new INSPECT before I'd posted it. There are updated versions of X264 and Aften included.
Review by jdobbs on
Dec 15, 2011 Version: 0.39.05
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Inspect program in the new v0.39.5 says: "- X264: Wrong version found
- AFTEN: Wrong version found." Maybe this is a false alarm since there are new versions of both applications, but this could lead to some problems.
- AFTEN: Wrong version found." Maybe this is a false alarm since there are new versions of both applications, but this could lead to some problems.
Review by K12 on
Dec 15, 2011 Version: 0.39.5
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 8/10
Awesome software. I would encourage those posting issues here to post them at where J. Dobbs, the author of the software will quickly address them.
Review by Eyedoctor2 on
Nov 17, 2011 Version: 0.39.03
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I would very much like to see a "blanking" feature made. I notice on right-click of video items, a selection for that is there, but it's ghosted, so assuming it's intended to put it there, just not available as of yet. Granted, other software can do this, but BD Rebuilder is smaller, faster, very clean and to the point, and I'd much rather have it in there. Here's hoping :)
Review by funnel71 on
Nov 17, 2011 Version: 0.39.02
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
I like it very much Great too for creating backup of Blu Ray discs and selecting only the parts and languages you want. I would like it even more. One problem however is the audio, when I try to convert to a different format the encode always fails and aborts. Tried everything in an ordered and scientific fashion including ultimately a new windows install to get it working. But that didn't work either.
Review by Cat lover on
Nov 16, 2011 Version: 0.39.03
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 7/10
Love this software. Tried others, and couldn't get anywhere!
Only thing that I am struggling with is an audio sync problem.
The audio is exactly 10 minutes off.... Huh?
Yeah. Never seen this before. My "inspect" is all "ok"'s.
I had the software configure ffdshow for me.
Anyone have any ideas why it's doing this?
Only thing that I am struggling with is an audio sync problem.
The audio is exactly 10 minutes off.... Huh?
Yeah. Never seen this before. My "inspect" is all "ok"'s.
I had the software configure ffdshow for me.
Anyone have any ideas why it's doing this?
Review by poorogue on
Nov 12, 2011 Version: 0.39.03
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Great Beta Software:This software has been improved and updated since day one.The author has done a fantastic job.Every release has been an improvement.Thanks for all the hard work and I will definitely purchase when you release.5 stars *****
Review by area51reopened on
Nov 5, 2011 Version: 0.39.01
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
@persen: This software is terrific. It is beta. When you or any other new user sees that it has very good reviews, but you have problems, common sense says to check the forum for advice before giving a bad review. Chances are that it is user error, incorrect settings or you don't have the recommended versions of the assisting programs. You don't just say it doesn't work and give it a 1 for functionality. Once you are set up properly and it runs the way we all know it can, you'll feel foolish and your negative comment will still stand. jdobbs is extremely helpful and responds to questions within a day or 2 at the most. Ask for help, it's there if you want it.
Review by ricoman on
Nov 5, 2011 Version: 0.39.02
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I have gotten no other reports of problems with audio on multi-part sources. I would recommend you uninstall and reinstall FFSHOW, HAALI, AVISYNTH, and BD Rebuilder. Sometimes other software interferes with CODEC settings and can cause problems. That's likely the problem in your case, especially since no one else has filed a similar report.
The timeout on the software is there for a reason. It is currently in beta testing, and the timeout prevents continual reports of bugs that have been corrected. It will go away after I've decided the beta is stable enough. I'd highly recommend you stay with the most current version -- for example, v0.38.06 has known bugs.
If you find what you believe is a bug, report it through the official bug reporting thread at DOOM9.ORG. It doesn't do much good to simply complain about something and write bad ratings here. How is that going to get a bug corrected?
The offical bug reporting thread is here:
I have gotten no other reports of problems with audio on multi-part sources. I would recommend you uninstall and reinstall FFSHOW, HAALI, AVISYNTH, and BD Rebuilder. Sometimes other software interferes with CODEC settings and can cause problems. That's likely the problem in your case, especially since no one else has filed a similar report.
The timeout on the software is there for a reason. It is currently in beta testing, and the timeout prevents continual reports of bugs that have been corrected. It will go away after I've decided the beta is stable enough. I'd highly recommend you stay with the most current version -- for example, v0.38.06 has known bugs.
If you find what you believe is a bug, report it through the official bug reporting thread at DOOM9.ORG. It doesn't do much good to simply complain about something and write bad ratings here. How is that going to get a bug corrected?
The offical bug reporting thread is here:
Review by jdobbs on
Nov 4, 2011 Version: v0.39.02
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Hey Persen, if you want to continue using and old version all you have to do is roll back your os time/date setting. Change it back a couple months and presto the old version will work. When finished change it back to the correct time/date.
Review by mrswla on
Nov 2, 2011 Version: 39.02
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
What i really don't like about this software are the forced updates.
You finally find a version who is actually fully functional with every Blu-ray you push threw it ( and then it does not work any more and you are forced to update to a new version, who turns out to have bugs (0.39.02).
The new version 0.39.02 should not be used on multi angle Blu-ray's in movie only mode, because you get audio errors at every place where the multiple M2TS files has been joined together to become one large M2TS file.
You finally find a version who is actually fully functional with every Blu-ray you push threw it ( and then it does not work any more and you are forced to update to a new version, who turns out to have bugs (0.39.02).
The new version 0.39.02 should not be used on multi angle Blu-ray's in movie only mode, because you get audio errors at every place where the multiple M2TS files has been joined together to become one large M2TS file.
Review by Persen on
Nov 2, 2011 Version: 0.39.02
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 1/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 2/10
BD Rebuilder is the best program for shrink Blu-ray. Thanks.
Review by Matsuki on
Sep 24, 2011 Version: 0.39.01
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Follow the installation instructions in the README.TXT file that is included in the BD Rebuilder zip file. If you follow them exactly it will work every time.
Also, DO NOT install any of CODEC packs. If you already have, remove them. If you don't you can pretty much count on problems (not just in this app). The installation instructions will have you install FFDSHOW. It contains all the CODECs anyonw would ever need all in one simple package.
Follow the installation instructions in the README.TXT file that is included in the BD Rebuilder zip file. If you follow them exactly it will work every time.
Also, DO NOT install any of CODEC packs. If you already have, remove them. If you don't you can pretty much count on problems (not just in this app). The installation instructions will have you install FFDSHOW. It contains all the CODECs anyonw would ever need all in one simple package.
Review by jdobbs on
Sep 18, 2011 Version: 0.39.01
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
zentik this isn't the place to whine about your shortcomings. a normal post in the forum is the place to ask for help.
Review by aedipuss on
Sep 16, 2011 Version: latest
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Cant compress STAR WARS BDs and some others.... i'm getting this error
- [10:07:32] Reencoding audio tracks (if req'd)
- ERROR preparing intermediate audio.
- [10:07:33] - Failed to reencode audio, aborted
Whats the problem???
what codec pack do you recommend i need to Use?
when i do the INSPECT of codec of BDrebuilder i get this allways
- Windows Version: 6.1 [7601]
- AVISYNTH Version:, Ok
- HAALI Splitter: Isn't recommended version
- FFDSHOW: 3951, not recommended version
- WIN7 preferred AVC CODEC: Ok
- WIN7 preferred VC-1 CODEC: Ok
- WIN7 preferred MPEG2 CODEC: Ok
- FFDSHOW VC-1 set incorrectly: [0]
- FFDSHOW MPEG2 set incorrectly: [0]
- FFDSHOW AVC set to "libavcodec": Ok
- BD Rebuilder v0.39.0.1, Ok
- X264: Ok
- FAAC: Ok
- MP4BOX: Ok
- WAVI: Ok
tried to use CCCP codecs, Matroska pack and Klite
- [10:07:32] Reencoding audio tracks (if req'd)
- ERROR preparing intermediate audio.
- [10:07:33] - Failed to reencode audio, aborted
Whats the problem???
what codec pack do you recommend i need to Use?
when i do the INSPECT of codec of BDrebuilder i get this allways
- Windows Version: 6.1 [7601]
- AVISYNTH Version:, Ok
- HAALI Splitter: Isn't recommended version
- FFDSHOW: 3951, not recommended version
- WIN7 preferred AVC CODEC: Ok
- WIN7 preferred VC-1 CODEC: Ok
- WIN7 preferred MPEG2 CODEC: Ok
- FFDSHOW VC-1 set incorrectly: [0]
- FFDSHOW MPEG2 set incorrectly: [0]
- FFDSHOW AVC set to "libavcodec": Ok
- BD Rebuilder v0.39.0.1, Ok
- X264: Ok
- FAAC: Ok
- MP4BOX: Ok
- WAVI: Ok
tried to use CCCP codecs, Matroska pack and Klite
Review by Zentik on
Sep 16, 2011 Version: 0.39.01
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Update for Norton users: Symantec has fixed the problem with their SONAR. File BDRB.exe causes no longer false positives.
Review by Persen on
Aug 26, 2011 Version: 0.38.09
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
BDRB is one of the best programs that I own AND IT'S FREE!!! I don't understand how some morons give a free software low scores for "value for money." It doesn't make sense. Jdobbs is as responsive to reported problems as any paid for software, more so than 95% of them. I paid for the overpriced DVDFABdecryptor Bluray Copy and never use it because BDRB does a better job FOR FREE. And remember people, even though there are seldom problems, IT IS A BETA SOFTWARE, so how about cutting a the guy some slack. Highly recommended software.
Review by ricoman on
Aug 20, 2011 Version: 0.38.09
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I use it to make BD-9s and MKVs...brilliant. To Zentik, using K-Lite has been actively discouraged for years and how do you give a free tool a only a 4 then only an 8??? When people complain about problematic Blu-rays J Dodds purchases them to investigate, yet still doesn't charge for it. And like you the problem is often the user. The word ungrateful springs to mind.
Review by KiwiKid on
Aug 20, 2011 Version: 0.38.09
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
K-Lite Codec Pack 7.6.0 was the problem... downgraded it to 7.2.0 an problem fixed
Review by Zentik on
Aug 19, 2011 Version: 0.38.09
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 8/10
Overall: 9/10
whit the last version i have sync problem...
Review by Zentik on
Aug 18, 2011 Version: 0.38.09
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 4/10
Overall: 9/10
I can't use version 0.38.09 Norton 2010's SONAR Protection blocks and deletes bdrb.exe for having a suspecious behavior when you try to load the software.
So be adviced Norton users, some change to how the software works has been done that Norton does not like at all.
So be adviced Norton users, some change to how the software works has been done that Norton does not like at all.
Review by Persen on
Aug 17, 2011 Version: 0.38.09
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I installed v0.38.08. Norton 360 falsely flagged it. I recovered it from quarantine and then could run it. But now it is failing to reencode, i.e., if the size of movie is lower than maximum size set for the file, it proceeds with the backup. If it is greater, it fails to reencode to adequate to the set size.
Review by jrbazan on
Aug 8, 2011 Version: v0.38.08
OS: Vista Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Norton is falsely flagging it. Two other (better IMHO) A/V packages have verified that it is actually safe -- but I am recompiling just to make the false alert go away so people don't get paranoid.
Review by jdobbs on
Aug 2, 2011 Version: 0.38.05
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I installed v0.38.05 but it was not accepted by Norton 360. Norton simply deletes it when this BD V\version is executed and delivers a message that this software presents a "suspicious behavior..." and "was deleted".
It never happenned with previous versions. Also when I try to use a previous version it fails with a message like "...old Beta version...".
It never happenned with previous versions. Also when I try to use a previous version it fails with a message like "...old Beta version...".
Review by jrbazan on
Aug 2, 2011 Version: v0.38.05
OS: Vista Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 8/10
Great software but why can't I input M2TS file directly into BDRB, like you can in AVCHDCoder..??
That's the only flaw with this otherwise superb app...
That's the only flaw with this otherwise superb app...
Review by topcat888 on
Jun 8, 2011 Version: 0.38.03
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
It sounds like your system crashed during execution of X264 for encoding. That is probably why it seemed to work so "fast".
1. If you are overclocked -- back your clock down slightly. X264 is very demanding and is the ultimate test for overclockers. The other tests (like Prime95 etc.) may not catch all the issues that X264 will.
2. Go to and download/use only the versions of support software that are linked there. Most problems come from bugs introduced in other versions of the helper apps (FFDSHOW, HAALI, and AVISYNTH). Also -- follow the directions there exactly (don't improvise)... when they are followed as stated the software will work correctly every time.
3. Don't get "creative" and decide to replace portions of the included software with other releases (like deciding to 32 bit with 64 bit versions). Getting the right interaction of all of these packages is a balancing act -- and it is important to make sure you don't create self-inflicted injuries.
You will also notice that the link is also the place where bug reports for this beta are meant to be reported.
1. If you are overclocked -- back your clock down slightly. X264 is very demanding and is the ultimate test for overclockers. The other tests (like Prime95 etc.) may not catch all the issues that X264 will.
2. Go to and download/use only the versions of support software that are linked there. Most problems come from bugs introduced in other versions of the helper apps (FFDSHOW, HAALI, and AVISYNTH). Also -- follow the directions there exactly (don't improvise)... when they are followed as stated the software will work correctly every time.
3. Don't get "creative" and decide to replace portions of the included software with other releases (like deciding to 32 bit with 64 bit versions). Getting the right interaction of all of these packages is a balancing act -- and it is important to make sure you don't create self-inflicted injuries.
You will also notice that the link is also the place where bug reports for this beta are meant to be reported.
Review by jdobbs on
May 19, 2011 Version: 0.38.02
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I used it on Transformers Revenge of the Fallen and it worked, and it was fast. But I also burned it and that's where my problem lays. It showed good for about 2mins. then a grey screen, then for about 2mins it was the grey screen, then when the picture came back the audio was out of synch. Played it in my computer Blueray player and my PS3 to see if it was the disc and it wasn't. I put it on a BD-25GB. Don't know if i did sonething wrong or not. Burned it with DVDfab.
Review by slayer_of_all on
May 18, 2011 Version: 0.37.08
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 4/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 5/10
DVDFab is the premiere software that bypasses DVD/Blu-ray encryption and I've been using it successfully for years. However, with my recent induction in the world of Blu-ray copying, I had to look for an alternative program to condense Blu-ray movies larger than a 25GB BD-R to fit since DVDFab's quality is pretty horrendous. I posed the question in another rival Blu-ray copying program's forum by the name of MultiAVCHD, which is a fine FREE program but the instructions the developer has written aren't very clear nor are they complete as he is from another country. When I asked about the best quality of all the programs, someone mentioned BD Rebuilder which is another FREE program and I thought I'd give it a try. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised and extremely satisfied!! BD Rebuilder is far superior to DVDFab when it comes to shrinking or condensing larger sized movies to fit on 25GB BD-Rs retaining the quality of the original Blu-ray film.
To prove to myself there was a definite difference, I did a comparison of the movie "The A-Team" condensed to fit on a 25GB BD-R with just video and the DTS audio track on DVDFab vs. BD Rebuilder...
"The A-Team" condensed to fit on 25GB BD-R with DVDFab
"The A-Team" condensed to fit on 25GB BD-R with BD Rebuilder
As you can see, the DVDFab version looks horribly washed out with blacks crushed whereas the BD Rebuilder version looks robust, crystal clear, the blacks are consistently black and the scene is full of color just like the original disc.
To prove to myself there was a definite difference, I did a comparison of the movie "The A-Team" condensed to fit on a 25GB BD-R with just video and the DTS audio track on DVDFab vs. BD Rebuilder...
"The A-Team" condensed to fit on 25GB BD-R with DVDFab
"The A-Team" condensed to fit on 25GB BD-R with BD Rebuilder
As you can see, the DVDFab version looks horribly washed out with blacks crushed whereas the BD Rebuilder version looks robust, crystal clear, the blacks are consistently black and the scene is full of color just like the original disc.
Review by SuperFist on
Mar 21, 2011 Version: 0.37.06
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Post your questions in the forums if you're having trouble, and someone can assist. If you are looking to remove content, but leave menus intact, check out multiAVCHD.
Review by funnel71 on
Feb 10, 2011 Version: 0.37.04
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Backup a bluray, Stripped just to 25G Movie only, I got No "Subtitle" and Can't rewind/forward. It just a long strip of movie as VHS, wonder if someone can help. I really interested in strip is at least still maintain Subtitle with rewind/forward option, it would be excellent if capable of perserved Menu much like DVD strip only what user want. At this point, Blu-ray still very sophication than DVD to omit certain slides you wanted.
Review by PC2K1 on
Feb 10, 2011 Version: 37.04
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 8/10
Overall: 8/10
If you run your job in batch mode those messages will be suppressed. Batch is meant for unattended operation. You can add a group of jobs to the batch queue and let them run overnight.
If you run your job in batch mode those messages will be suppressed. Batch is meant for unattended operation. You can add a group of jobs to the batch queue and let them run overnight.
Review by jdobbs on
Feb 8, 2011 Version: v0.37.04
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Great app.
A suggestion: Could you remove user input message boxes during processing so the process does not pause?
The processing will likely take many many hours depending on your system likely running overnight or while you are away. Once you select options you would expect to be able to leave it alone while it's running. While running some tests recently, a user input message has paused the processing twice in my last run. Once near 11% and again so far at about the 26% mark. Unfortunately this computer is unattended for many hours so I potentially lost much valuable processing time. The msg concerned a " Audio/PGS" sizing issue and asked if I wanted to continue or not. I realize the output may be over-sized but I'd prefer just a log with no need for further user response.
Would it be possible to ask that question before the process starts. For example a check box which asks if a sizing issue occurs should the process stop or continue?
A suggestion: Could you remove user input message boxes during processing so the process does not pause?
The processing will likely take many many hours depending on your system likely running overnight or while you are away. Once you select options you would expect to be able to leave it alone while it's running. While running some tests recently, a user input message has paused the processing twice in my last run. Once near 11% and again so far at about the 26% mark. Unfortunately this computer is unattended for many hours so I potentially lost much valuable processing time. The msg concerned a " Audio/PGS" sizing issue and asked if I wanted to continue or not. I realize the output may be over-sized but I'd prefer just a log with no need for further user response.
Would it be possible to ask that question before the process starts. For example a check box which asks if a sizing issue occurs should the process stop or continue?
Review by gll99 on
Jan 25, 2011 Version: 0.37.03
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Avatar can be done with BD Rebuilder... I have done it. The important factor is to ensure success with BD Rebuilder is to use the proper versions of the helper apps. You can get them through this link:
Review by jdobbs on
Dec 22, 2010 Version: 0.36.9
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Avatar Ce Extended can be successfully rebuilt bd9 to 5 with DVDFab
Review by SandyB on
Dec 22, 2010 Version: 8.8.5
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 6/10
Overall: 9/10
When trying to turn Avatar Extended into a BD25, tsMuxeR fails and you are not told why.
You simply get told that there is an error and that tsMuxeR has to shut down.
Tried 5 times with the same result and its always when it gets close to 4% extraction.
Looks like the creators of tsMuxeR has to go back to the drawing board and give it a complete overhaul to handle M2TS video files propperly. tsMuxeR not been updated since May 2009.
You simply get told that there is an error and that tsMuxeR has to shut down.
Tried 5 times with the same result and its always when it gets close to 4% extraction.
Looks like the creators of tsMuxeR has to go back to the drawing board and give it a complete overhaul to handle M2TS video files propperly. tsMuxeR not been updated since May 2009.
Review by Persen on
Dec 21, 2010 Version: 0.36.07
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 6/10
Functionality: 6/10
Value for money: 3/10
Overall: 1/10
Hey guys, since some weeks ive got the problem, that blu-rays like Sherlock holmes and green zone get a 3d effect after rebuilding by BD-Rebuilder with the x264 codec.
What did i do wrong ?
Any ideas ?
I tried to correct it by varying any coding options (in BD-Rebuilder) but the result on the movie is always the same. a green line below the movie and an unwanted 3D effect.
Can anybody help me ?
What did i do wrong ?
Any ideas ?
I tried to correct it by varying any coding options (in BD-Rebuilder) but the result on the movie is always the same. a green line below the movie and an unwanted 3D effect.
Can anybody help me ?
Review by mh2735 on
Aug 14, 2010 Version: v0.34
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 5/10
Functionality: 6/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 6/10
Reply to "I'd like to see the size closer to full capacity of a BD-R25, but I guess they have reasons for making it the way it is"
I have found that if I bump up the size in the settings menu to 24400 it will fill 95% or better of a 25 gig disc...Love this program!
I have found that if I bump up the size in the settings menu to 24400 it will fill 95% or better of a 25 gig disc...Love this program!
Review by headhunter03 on
Aug 1, 2010 Version: 0.34.05 beta
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
No troubles here. I just backed up X2 xmen united, and got the size I was expecting. I'd like to see the size closer to full capacity of a BD-R25, but I guess they have reasons for making it the way it is.
Review by funnel71 on
Jul 21, 2010 Version: 3404
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Still a great piece of software--Anyone have problems with this release? It's making the back up larger than the source file..I've tried twice..
Review by headhunter03 on
Jul 20, 2010 Version: 34.05
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
The big news with this release is the included .avs filter editor in Settings. Now if you need to burn in subtitles with VobSub, or use another filter, just add a couple of lines in the input dialog. I've already burned in .srt subs with it. The result is much more readable and pleasing to the eye than the way my WD set top box handles external or streamed .srt subs. The WD also has issues with soft subs going out of sync. Burned in subs are a must at least with the WD Gen1 HDTV player that I have. Thanks to the author for adding this feature.
Review by MilesAhead on
Jul 9, 2010 Version: 0.34.04
OS: Vista 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Does an excellent job of doing exactly what it is intended for! Long time fan of the author and long time beta tester of this wonderful tool that just keeps getting better with every release. Thanks jdobbs!
Review by HatchetMan on
Jun 18, 2010 Version: 0.34.02
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I have a WD HDTV player for USB drives. After trying several methods to compress .mkv or .m2ts I tried this software. It consistently produces quality output in less than the play time of the video, on my quad core. If you have a wall sized HDTV then you may need to use one of the higher quality modes. But for my CRT type HDTV, the one pass "good" output looks fine. I can fit many more titles on a drive. Also I've never experienced a crash or other instability in about a dozen runs. It appears to be quite stable.
The only reason for the 9 in functionality is the lack of a means to edit an .avs script or other method to burn in subs from external files. I watch a lot of foreign films and the automatic OCR to get an .srt doesn't always work(and my WD player does not support PGS subs.) The ability to export idx/sub subtitles and just burn them into the video would eliminate that hurdle.
Even on my dual core machine the video processing with the settings I mentioned takes less that twice the play time of the video. Note that if you try to squeeze the video down to DVD5 you'll incur longer processing times. Instead I use a custom output size of 7200 MB. That produces about a 7 GB disc structure.
A little larger may be suitable for movies longer than 2 hours. For the WD HDTV player I just rename the .m2ts file produced and include the .srt sub if any, in the same folder. I'm very happy I tried this program.
I also have DVD Rebuilder Pro. Thanks jdobbs for these softwares!!
The only reason for the 9 in functionality is the lack of a means to edit an .avs script or other method to burn in subs from external files. I watch a lot of foreign films and the automatic OCR to get an .srt doesn't always work(and my WD player does not support PGS subs.) The ability to export idx/sub subtitles and just burn them into the video would eliminate that hurdle.
Even on my dual core machine the video processing with the settings I mentioned takes less that twice the play time of the video. Note that if you try to squeeze the video down to DVD5 you'll incur longer processing times. Instead I use a custom output size of 7200 MB. That produces about a 7 GB disc structure.
A little larger may be suitable for movies longer than 2 hours. For the WD HDTV player I just rename the .m2ts file produced and include the .srt sub if any, in the same folder. I'm very happy I tried this program.
I also have DVD Rebuilder Pro. Thanks jdobbs for these softwares!!
Review by MilesAhead on
Jun 11, 2010 Version:
OS: Vista 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
to: angel181155
yes i did. i have found out that the audio stream for picture in picture is not yet supported by bd rebuilder.
thanks for the help though.
yes i did. i have found out that the audio stream for picture in picture is not yet supported by bd rebuilder.
thanks for the help though.
Review by stackner on
May 31, 2010 Version: 0.34.02
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
To:stackner did you try double click on the sream you want?
Review by angel181155 on
May 30, 2010 Version: 03402
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
i LOVE this program. people need to remember it is still only a BETA.
however there is one small problem ive found but i can live with it since like said the program is only BETA.
when you do a bd25 backup and its a movie that has picture in picture it does not copy the second main audio track. the audio track for the picture in picture. it puts a red x next to it and you can not select to keep it no matter what i try.
otherwise an absolute GREAT tool. can't wait until it gets to a stage where you can remove unwanted stuff like copy warnings and trailers before movies, ect.
however there is one small problem ive found but i can live with it since like said the program is only BETA.
when you do a bd25 backup and its a movie that has picture in picture it does not copy the second main audio track. the audio track for the picture in picture. it puts a red x next to it and you can not select to keep it no matter what i try.
otherwise an absolute GREAT tool. can't wait until it gets to a stage where you can remove unwanted stuff like copy warnings and trailers before movies, ect.
Review by stackner on
May 30, 2010 Version: 0.34.01
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
After having some problems with vc-1 not encoding, i read some forums and install a proper version of matroska splitter from here , now everything works fine again.
Thanks for this incredible tool!
Thanks for this incredible tool!
Review by dinobike on
Apr 30, 2010 Version: 0.33.06
OS: WinXP 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
To support BD-5 or BD-9 movie-only backups you player has to support AVCHD, which is the standard for HD recording on hand-held cameras. Most players do, but some cheaper players don't. I'd suggest you read the "Compatible Players" thread on the DOOM9.ORG site (DVD Rebuilder). Also, it is highly suggested you let BD Rebuilder do the writing to the disc with ImgBurn -- there are some special settings that have to be made.
To support BD-5 or BD-9 movie-only backups you player has to support AVCHD, which is the standard for HD recording on hand-held cameras. Most players do, but some cheaper players don't. I'd suggest you read the "Compatible Players" thread on the DOOM9.ORG site (DVD Rebuilder). Also, it is highly suggested you let BD Rebuilder do the writing to the disc with ImgBurn -- there are some special settings that have to be made.
Review by jdobbs on
Apr 24, 2010 Version: 0.33.06
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Using the most recent version; beta ???8 it still will not get recognized in my Pioneer; Magnavox or Panasonic blu ray player when making a feature only to a dual layer dvd disc; each machine has different errors; allegedly SONY sees discs fine and plays w/o incident; trying LG next.
Am I mising something? Feel free to 'e' me.
MUST I run this program as an admin then? 'Seem to have issues with VC-1 encoding as well, no matter what, with ffdshow:-(((
Am I mising something? Feel free to 'e' me.
MUST I run this program as an admin then? 'Seem to have issues with VC-1 encoding as well, no matter what, with ffdshow:-(((
Review by kctobyjoe on
Mar 29, 2010 Version: 32.08
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 5/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 8/10
This is a terrific software, and for free too. I've been using it for several months now and without a single problem, it's hard to believe it's a beta. Simple to use, and allows a BD movie to compress to a DL disc with DTS 5.1 sound without a difference in video quality (I can't tell on 50" display anyway). I've also processed a couple to DVD5 and even that will blow you away, just do "movie only" and don't pick DTS audio. Saves big bucks on BD media, I'll tell ya. Many thanks to jdobbs for his work and dedication.
Review by ricoman on
Mar 6, 2010 Version: 0.32.05 beta
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Thanks jdobbs---Thought I hit every trick---Must of been a newer ffdshow with ripbot or something--I uninstalled everything and installed your suggestion and now it works perfect with win7 64bit----Rock ON--Thanks man!
Review by headhunter03 on
Mar 6, 2010 Version: 0.25
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
BD-RB v0.32.5 works fine with Windows 7 (both the 32 and 64 bit versions) -- including VC-1. In most cases if there is an issue it is because the proper versions of FFDSHOW, HAALI, and AVISYNTH is not being used.
Look at the first post of this DOOM9 bug thread:
Make sure you download/install from there. Don't "make exceptions".
The second most common source of problems is the installation of "codec packs" which replace the working FFDSHOW DirectShow preferences with other (non-working) codecs. If you have "codec packs" installed -- remove them. FFDSHOW has everything a person needs.
I am currently running v0.32.05 on both Windows 7 32 and 64 bit versions with no issues with VC-1 at all.
Look at the first post of this DOOM9 bug thread:
Make sure you download/install from there. Don't "make exceptions".
The second most common source of problems is the installation of "codec packs" which replace the working FFDSHOW DirectShow preferences with other (non-working) codecs. If you have "codec packs" installed -- remove them. FFDSHOW has everything a person needs.
I am currently running v0.32.05 on both Windows 7 32 and 64 bit versions with no issues with VC-1 at all.
Review by jdobbs on
Mar 6, 2010 Version: v0.32.05
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Problems with VC-1
Review by Swirvin on
Mar 6, 2010 Version: 0.32.05 beta
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 8/10
Overall: 8/10
problems with vc1 files as well; wont complete
the fix in the menu isn't helpful either ;- (
the fix in the menu isn't helpful either ;- (
Review by kctobyjoe on
Mar 4, 2010 Version: newest
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 5/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Used this prog for months--Great tool--However, got a quad core pc with win 7 and now I cant get it to back up VC-1 encoded files..I've tried every trick and tip in the forums, to no avail--Still a good tool for non encoded vc-1 blu's..
Review by headhunter03 on
Mar 3, 2010 Version: 0.32.05 beta
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 5/10
Value for money: 7/10
Overall: 8/10
This is A GREAT app., and it being free makes it even better, although I did donate. I have done over 25 Blu-ray movies. I am in the process of backing up my Blu-ray movie collection and I have been using this app. to shrink the original bluray disc size down to 25 gigs so it will fit on A single layer BD-R disc. Dual layer BD-R media is sooooo expensive and unpractical to do at this time. Most Blu-ray movie disc are 35-45 gigs in size, and this app will shrink it down(everything menus and all) to fit on A single layer BD-R, and I can NOT notice any loss of quality between the original and my backed up version. I am using RiDATA BD-R 25 gig media($2.00 each). No coasters and allways A good outcome. Thanks for all the time and effort the author has put in to make this program what it is, and new versions are being released often.
Review by rizzo7883 on
Feb 15, 2010 Version: .31.06 beta
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Fantastic program. I have been using it for the past few weeks. Has worked perfectly for me everytime. Quite fast. Thanks. BTW..You are a GENIUS.
Review by joejoeh on
Feb 10, 2010 Version: 3.106
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Well as usual nothing to say on that release! work's fine thanks for fixing the VC-1 decoding problem it decode just fine now with libav (ffdshow) damm shame i add to install it but it seems to be the only way to do VC-1.
Great Work!
/Movie-Only/BD-9/High-Quality/Dts-HD/AC3. Rebuilt time 11h
Great Work!
/Movie-Only/BD-9/High-Quality/Dts-HD/AC3. Rebuilt time 11h
Review by winglman on
Dec 28, 2009 Version: 0.31.05
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
You can select different playlists (versions of the movie) now. Look for "Alternate Movie-Only Playlist" under the MODE menu.
Review by jdobbs on
Dec 11, 2009 Version: 0.31.05
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
A valuable enhancement for future versions would be to enable choosing which "movie only" is backed up. On disks which have both a theatrical and director's cut, for example, you may or may not backup what you want. Other than that, great software.
Review by wjmeyer on
Dec 11, 2009 Version: 0.31.05
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
New Problem: When backing up Night at the Museum 2, the following error appears:
"Error in attempt to extract audio/subs.
- Not enought buffer for parse video stream. Current frame num 34460
[18:49:27] - Failed to retrieve audio, aborted"
The error occurs both with trying to extract the HD track or the AC-5 track.
"Error in attempt to extract audio/subs.
- Not enought buffer for parse video stream. Current frame num 34460
[18:49:27] - Failed to retrieve audio, aborted"
The error occurs both with trying to extract the HD track or the AC-5 track.
Review by wjmeyer on
Dec 1, 2009 Version: 0.31.02
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Great program. Results play great on Play Satation but freezes on Chapters LG Player
Review by boldego on
Nov 26, 2009 Version: 31.02
OS: Vista 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
The audio and video are out of sync on some conversions. For example I converted my HD-DVD version of Corpse Bride to Blu-Ray with MultiAVCHD. At this point every thing was OK. The movie was a little over 10 GB. I used BDRebuilder to compress the movie to BD-9. This is when I lost the A/V sync. I tried AVCHDCoder and got the same result.
Does anyone know how to correct the sync problem? I would appreciate your help. Thanks
Does anyone know how to correct the sync problem? I would appreciate your help. Thanks
Review by JTRIndustries on
Nov 24, 2009 Version: 03.1.01
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
some help for the previouse comment.
i had the audio/video sync problem on one disc. my solution was to change settings ive found different blu-ray disc's seem to like different settings.
what i mean is for example i mainly use bd25 output , high quality for encoding and NOT using quicker encode for extras. sometimes changing the encoding settings between high quality and high speed (bd25) is needed for sifferent disc's. ive also found some disc's have trouble playing (for me) depending on the setting quicker encode for extras, i prefere to have it off but sometimes need it on. i suggest just change a couple settings for the disc you tried and try it again and you may find it works fine or even just do it again with the same settings as thats even worked for me (must have been a hickup in the pc during encode).
and get some bd-re's for test burns first.
i had the audio/video sync problem on one disc. my solution was to change settings ive found different blu-ray disc's seem to like different settings.
what i mean is for example i mainly use bd25 output , high quality for encoding and NOT using quicker encode for extras. sometimes changing the encoding settings between high quality and high speed (bd25) is needed for sifferent disc's. ive also found some disc's have trouble playing (for me) depending on the setting quicker encode for extras, i prefere to have it off but sometimes need it on. i suggest just change a couple settings for the disc you tried and try it again and you may find it works fine or even just do it again with the same settings as thats even worked for me (must have been a hickup in the pc during encode).
and get some bd-re's for test burns first.
Review by stackner on
Oct 11, 2009 Version: 0.30.02
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
Great program. I'm no computer whiz, but find this program very easy to use. My one problem is then creating a BD-25 with lossless audio, I get some synchronization problems between the audio and video when I want the final product (lips flapping do not match the words coming out). Once this problem is gone, I'd give it 10/10 (and 11/10 for value for money)!
Review by harrysue on
Oct 11, 2009 Version: 28.04
OS: Vista Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 8/10
Works fine for me using Win7 64bit with the correct 64bit codecs etc and a little TLC.
The software is still under development, so it aint going to be perfect, but if DVDrebuilder is anything to go by, it will get better and better and end up extremely reliable.
If ya don't like using beta software with its possible limits and down falls, then i suggest you go find another piece of software that is fully functional, bug free software that does the same as BDrebuilder.... :)
The software is still under development, so it aint going to be perfect, but if DVDrebuilder is anything to go by, it will get better and better and end up extremely reliable.
If ya don't like using beta software with its possible limits and down falls, then i suggest you go find another piece of software that is fully functional, bug free software that does the same as BDrebuilder.... :)
Review by anaboland on
Oct 4, 2009 Version: 30.02
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
I wonder if the previous Win 7 complainer has tried ...oh I don't know, running the program as administrator and checking the results. I've done it, works rather well, and now even faster since I converted to a 64 bit version of Win7.
Review by funnel71 on
Oct 4, 2009 Version: 0.30.02
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
im sorry but in responce to the last comment about this program being junk due to no windows 7 support.
firstly you do realise windows 7 is still young.
secondly this is only a BETA program.
thirdly i HAVE used it on 5 completely different installs of windows 7 and had NO problem ONCE i installed all the tools it first needs installed. ive only ever had one problem with itand that was due to conflicting software i installed messing up my windows and had nothing to do with bd rebuilder or windows 7 itself.
i suggest you check your config, make sure you pc is running correctly, make sure you install AND configure the programs bd rebuilder needs and if all that fails LIVE with it and once again remember its a BETA and windows 7 is new. i dare you to even attempt to make a program like this one!!!
keep up the good work Jdobbs !!!
firstly you do realise windows 7 is still young.
secondly this is only a BETA program.
thirdly i HAVE used it on 5 completely different installs of windows 7 and had NO problem ONCE i installed all the tools it first needs installed. ive only ever had one problem with itand that was due to conflicting software i installed messing up my windows and had nothing to do with bd rebuilder or windows 7 itself.
i suggest you check your config, make sure you pc is running correctly, make sure you install AND configure the programs bd rebuilder needs and if all that fails LIVE with it and once again remember its a BETA and windows 7 is new. i dare you to even attempt to make a program like this one!!!
keep up the good work Jdobbs !!!
Review by stackner on
Oct 4, 2009 Version: 0.30.02
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
I'm confused by the many good reviews. My experience (as a winodws 7 user) is that at it's current state it's junk. To be a programmer and not support Windows 7 at this stage is madness. "i don't support it, so stop asking" is not a reason. It's easy enough for ANYONE to get a retail copy of Windows 7 work with that. All the programmer has given is excuses (tons of them) and attitude (tons of it). From what I've read on the boards Windows 7 user results are hit or miss. But don't take my word for it, download it and check it out for yourselves.
Review by firedancer21 on
Oct 3, 2009 Version: 0.30.02
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 4/10
Functionality: 1/10
Value for money: 1/10
Overall: 1/10
Sweet program. I like it so much I sent in a donation. I also use DVD-RB.
Review by boldego on
Oct 1, 2009 Version: .30.02
OS: Vista 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I love this litlle progran. At first i was using Coreavc as the main encoder but give me some crashes...then started using ffdshow and never had a single problem again. You have to get it!
Review by dinobike on
Sep 30, 2009 Version: 0.29.05
OS: WinXP 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Great tool, some minor errors but updates are continious so what more can you expect.
If you dwnload the "Kllite" codec pack you will have all the above tools in one pack to get BD_ Rebuilder to work.
If you dwnload the "Kllite" codec pack you will have all the above tools in one pack to get BD_ Rebuilder to work.
Review by squitzofren on
Sep 26, 2009 Version:
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
BD Rebuilder is the best program out there for backing up blu ray discs.
Review by mrswla on
Sep 11, 2009 Version: 29.03
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I utilized to backup Race to Witch Mountain, Watchmen, and Coraline (superb) to DVD-9 and BD25 after three aborts. Downloaded and installed latest versions of component software and codecs, followed milOtis guide exactly on settings and Voila!
Is there any reason can't use Slysoft's freeware Virtual CloneDrive or MagicISO Virtual CD/DVD Manager instead of Daemon Tools to “mount” the AnyDVD produced ISO file for processing by BD Rebuilder? Has anyone used either for this purpose?
Is there any reason can't use Slysoft's freeware Virtual CloneDrive or MagicISO Virtual CD/DVD Manager instead of Daemon Tools to “mount” the AnyDVD produced ISO file for processing by BD Rebuilder? Has anyone used either for this purpose?
Review by Persecutor on
Sep 11, 2009 Version: 0.29.03 beta,
OS: Vista Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 6/10
Overall: 8/10
I have been using this program for months and through many betas. I have only had 1 problem, 1 time and it was fixed almost immediately by jdobbs. The program is updated often with bug fixes and added features.
I use bd rebuilder to convert my blu-rays to movie only so I can watch them through Vista media center using media browser. I must say it works fantastic! I "shrink" the movies down to 10gb and honestly cannot tell a difference between it and the original on my samsung 46 inch tv.
I found the program easy to setup after following the posted instructions. There is now a batch option (awesome) and I now run two movies overnight.
My only advice is to make sure to read about the program as much as you can before using it. There is a "bug reports only" thread over at doom9 that is very informative, though it is lengthy.
I use bd rebuilder to convert my blu-rays to movie only so I can watch them through Vista media center using media browser. I must say it works fantastic! I "shrink" the movies down to 10gb and honestly cannot tell a difference between it and the original on my samsung 46 inch tv.
I found the program easy to setup after following the posted instructions. There is now a batch option (awesome) and I now run two movies overnight.
My only advice is to make sure to read about the program as much as you can before using it. There is a "bug reports only" thread over at doom9 that is very informative, though it is lengthy.
Review by steelfatboy on
Aug 23, 2009 Version: 0.28.04
OS: Vista 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I posted a previous review. That review was based on the fact that BD Rebuilder stopped working completly. This is no longer the case and now (with the exception of one project) everything that I throw at it works. It's creator has sent mixed singals in regards to this program's compatbility with Windows 7. But if you use Windows 7, and are lucky enough to find it working on your system, you will find that it works very well. Until something better comes along (probably from Slysoft with a record of excellence) this is your BD shrink program.
Review by focuspuller on
Aug 22, 2009 Version: 0.28.04
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 7/10
Overall: 8/10
The issues with Windows 7 are caused by Microsoft's reduction in their support for VC-1 in their Directshow codec -- not by BD Rebuilder. Also, please remember that as of today there actually is no final release of Windows 7... it is still in test. By the time it is truly released in October it will be supported. Maybe you should write reviews on the thousands of commercial packages that are also having issues with Windows 7 as well?
Review by jdobbs on
Aug 22, 2009 Version: 0.28.4
OS: Vista Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
in responce to the previous post i have been using bd rebuilder with windows 7 for a few weeks now. currently with the rtm/final build os windows 7 64bit with no problem at all.
i would like to also say GREAT program. my first testing with it was with full disk backups to dvd-5 and dvd-9 bit of hit and miss but i now just do full disk backups to bd-25 (found some for $8 each) and have had no problem with playback on my panasonic bd-80 player. keep up the good work and can't wait until we reach a stage like with dvds where we can still do full disk backups but removing unwanted stuff like the fbi warnings.
i would like to also say GREAT program. my first testing with it was with full disk backups to dvd-5 and dvd-9 bit of hit and miss but i now just do full disk backups to bd-25 (found some for $8 each) and have had no problem with playback on my panasonic bd-80 player. keep up the good work and can't wait until we reach a stage like with dvds where we can still do full disk backups but removing unwanted stuff like the fbi warnings.
Review by stackner on
Aug 21, 2009 Version: 0.28.03
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 6/10
Value for money: 8/10
Overall: 8/10
While it's a wonderful program, it has one major flaw. It does not support Windows 7. This will be a huge problem going forward and may change any time soon given the comments of it's creator.
Review by focuspuller on
Aug 21, 2009 Version: 0.28.03
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 6/10
Functionality: 1/10
Value for money: 1/10
Overall: 4/10
This version works for me--In the BD 25 mode took about 3 hours to do a full disc backup-Burn with image burn and played fine in my Sony BR--Excellent quality results..Kudos to the developer!
Review by headhunter03 on
Aug 2, 2009 Version: 0.26.01
OS: Vista Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Review by miss on
Jul 21, 2009 Version: 0.25.02 beta
OS: Vista 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
This tool just keeps getting better & better!! This post however is really just to say "THANK YOU!" to the author and for finally adding the (Shut Down) after rendering is completed, a feature I been wanting to see for quite some time... ;)
Thanks again for your hard work and continued support!!
Thanks again for your hard work and continued support!!
Review by SparkyKid on
Jul 1, 2009 Version: 0.24.01
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Used BD Rebuilder to shrink a 27gb movie, with subtitles, to under 23.5Gb and burned to Blu Ray with Nero. Brilliant results on a Samsung BD1500 player. With continued developemnt this program could well be the tool of choice for me.
Review by MaxBuffer on
Jun 17, 2009 Version: 0.22.02 beat
OS: Vista Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 5/10
Overall: 8/10
BD Rebuilder, though still a beta, feels a bit "industrial". The temp folder should be auto generated as well as have the option to select a destination in the settings tab. Encoding on a quad core q6600, 8gb RAM, win7 x64 takes about 8 hours at best (though I think that's just because it's HD and not SD: higher res and bit rate).
Other than a few cosmetic changes BD Rebuilder does a good job at shrinking BD50s to BD25s.
Other than a few cosmetic changes BD Rebuilder does a good job at shrinking BD50s to BD25s.
Review by ni9ht_5ta1k3r on
Jun 3, 2009 Version: v0.21.01 beta
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 8/10
WOW! I backuped up an entire Blu-Ray in only 6 hours!! (8-core Xeon, 8gb ram, Skulltrail D5400XS motherboard, Pioneer 203 Blu-Ray Burner).
This is amazing!! My test was with Benjamin Button (over 2.5hr movie!). AWESOME
This is amazing!! My test was with Benjamin Button (over 2.5hr movie!). AWESOME
Review by milOtis on
May 15, 2009 Version: latest
OS: Vista 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
an update to my last post there is a problem with the version of ts muxer that is included in bd rebuilder i updated to the latest version of ts muxer all is good now
Review by carlbdr on
Apr 9, 2009 Version: 2.05
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
bd-rebuilder shows an error when encode extras with extension VC-1..."x.264 has detected an error and it must shut down" on the third try pop up a message when you hit click "don't send notifications to microsoft"..."reached retrying limit and ABORTED the entire process
Review by malevolo on
Apr 8, 2009 Version: 0.20.05
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 7/10
Overall: 9/10
when i choose keep hd audio for bd25 i get no sound
Review by carlbdr on
Apr 8, 2009 Version: 2.05
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
This is awesome, it now fully uses my available CPUs on an 8-core Mac Pro!!!
Review by thorongil on
Mar 22, 2009 Version: 0.20.03
OS: MacOSX Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
I've backed up several movies now onto Verbatim DL DVD+R's. Quality is excellent on my 56" Samsung 1080P DLP, very close the original ( hard to believe). I use movie only mode, to save space. The author has done an excellent job and deserves praise! Be aware this tool takes along time, on my 3.0 GHZ 8400 Wolfdale dual core processor, 4GB ram, it takes a little over 24 hrs on medium setting ( one above the default setting).
Review by rr6966 on
Mar 4, 2009 Version: 0.20.02 Beta
OS: Vista Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
just a update programme works well compressing from 43 gig to bdr 25 gig and burning on traxdata bdr 25 no need to patch for playback on ps3 done quite a few films now great tool
Review by carlbdr on
Feb 27, 2009 Version: 0.19.06 Beta
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
no support for true hd also it seems if you burn the results to a blu ray disc you dont need to patch for ps3 playback but if you burn to a dvdr you need to patch for ps3 playback
Review by carlbdr on
Feb 24, 2009 Version:
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Great program for shrinking our Blu-Ray movies to a single or DL DVD. We can now take our family home movies, 1440x1080p created using S.V.& A., even keeping our menus it tacked, then shrinking it using BD-Rebuilder to a DVD DL disc and use them for play back on our home Blu-Ray player, still keeping the great HD 1440x1080p... this will save us from having to buy those expensive BD discs. Being able to keep the menu selections & shrinking them down to fit a DVD was fantastic!!! (thanks for making this possible)
One really nice feature I would like to see, since shrinking HD movies takes a while longer than DVDs, it the ability for the program to shut down computer after finishing. Thanks Again!
One really nice feature I would like to see, since shrinking HD movies takes a while longer than DVDs, it the ability for the program to shut down computer after finishing. Thanks Again!
Review by SparkyKid on
Feb 15, 2009 Version: v0.18.09
OS: Vista 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
This vesion is getting better!But still took much time to shrink a BD to DVD5.
Review by 7saigon5 on
Feb 15, 2009 Version: 0.18.09
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 6/10
Functionality: 6/10
Value for money: 4/10
Overall: 6/10
Have set up this prog on my 8-Core Mac Pro 2,8GHz, takes 7 hours for a 2 hour movie (reading/writing from NAS storage, so limited transfer rate for demuxing and muxing).
I notice however, that encoding runs only use 50% CPU, it seems to be hard limited to 4 Threads and thus 4 Cores. Can this be changed somewhere in configuration?
Would be really awesome to see 50+ FPS and not just 29 *ggg*
I notice however, that encoding runs only use 50% CPU, it seems to be hard limited to 4 Threads and thus 4 Cores. Can this be changed somewhere in configuration?
Would be really awesome to see 50+ FPS and not just 29 *ggg*
Review by Thorongil on
Feb 8, 2009 Version: latest
OS: Vista 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Took 36 hours to do a 2 hour movie on my dual core--I got coasters--BLu ray player would not recognize or play disc--Used the patch on the index file..still a no go--Backed up the same file with nero vision and played great in my blu ray player--Had image burn settings on UDF 2.50--but still a no go--Wonder if its actually image burn and not this prog? didn't work for me--
Review by headhunter03 on
Jan 21, 2009 Version: 18.4
OS: Vista Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 4/10
Value for money: 5/10
Overall: 5/10
Well adding to my previous comments....patching bd rebuilder (index.bdmv file) with Avchd.patcher V.1.5.Solved the data disc problem with Ps3.........Now the disc plays fine with Ps3 and standalone Bluray players,mine Samsung Bdp-1400.....Keep up the good work.....
Review by MEL15 on
Jan 12, 2009 Version: 0.17.13 beta
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
The tool its great,only drawback Ps3 shows it as a data disc,Samsung bluray plays fine.And from what I read I'm not the only one with this problem.
Review by MEL15 on
Jan 8, 2009 Version: 0.17.13
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Converted 3 movies to DVD9 and it worked perfectly. There were some issues with the 4th movie, but this is a BETA and that is to be expected. Overall this application is kick @$$!
Review by specter on
Jan 7, 2009 Version: 0.17.13 Beta
OS: Vista Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
i used bdrebuilder to do transformers compressed move only from 42 gigs to 23 gig bluray. then burned it onto a bluray rewritable stuck it in my ps3 played great. my only complaint is it's slow. would like a 1 pass encode
Review by zerocoool on
Jan 2, 2009 Version: bd-rbv01712
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 8/10
Works great! I did not have any issues. Can`t believe it is beta.
Review by dav88 on
Dec 30, 2008 Version: 0.17.11
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
As soon as I load a BD directory I get runtime error 9 subscript out of range and the program closes. I look forward to the next update fixing this problem.
Review by wulf109 on
Dec 30, 2008 Version: 0.17.11
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 1/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 2/10
159 reviews, Showing 1 to 159 reviews |