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AviSynth Batch Scripter: All you'll ever need for batch creating AviSynth and any other script files! Every time you make changes to your script files or simply need new ones! Just run AviSynth Batch Scripter to (re-)create all of your script files. You can scan your entire harddrive for movies (or any other file!) that you want a script file created (or replaced) for and select a predefined template for all of your scripts and purposes.

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1.0.1 (July 5, 2009)


Download AviSynth Batch Scripter 1.0.1  2MB

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version 1.0.1

* Removed bug where only 3 letter extensions where reconised by the scan, you can add extensions of any length to the .ini file now.

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5 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

AviSynth Batch Scripter (ABS) still works great with Windows 10. Simply input your template AVS script and point ABS at one or more directories of video files. ABS then automatically generates AVS scripts for each video-file in those directories. Those AVS scripts have corresponding filenames (e.g. Test1.avi & Test1.avs). And those scripts can be automatically altered to insert the video-filename into the script. It saved me a LOT of time.

The user interface is pretty intuitive but since there is no instruction manual, here are a few tips that others may find helpful...

1) Unless you want to create a script for every video file in your C-drive, be sure to go into "Settings" and delete the default "Scan Folders" directory of "C:\". Then "Add" your desired directory (or directories) of video files.

2) ABS provides an example AVS script, but I found the example filename section a bit confusing and perhaps too clever for my needs. Since all of my video files are *.avi files, my script looks like this (where %CLIP% is the ABS filename insertion variable)...
SetFilterMTMode ("QTGMC", 2)
FFMPEGSource2("%CLIP%.avi", atrack=1)
QTGMC(preset="Slower", EdiThreads=1, EZDenoise=1.5, Sharpness=1.5)

3) Copy and paste your AVS script text into the "Script template" window at the bottom.

4) In the top "Files found" section, click on "Scan". Give it some time, depending on how many video files are in the folder. It will list the video files. (You can optionally select/unselect specific files.)

5) Click "Build scripts" to generate the scripts.

Review by Razz on Mar 5, 2021 Version: 1.0.1 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

hello we make daily 25 same videos. a video consists of a clip 5 seconds, some pictures and a video of close again 5 seconds. I think this is an ideal progama to make a batch of this. Can somebody make us such a script? if so can you contact me?

Review by Lennert on Feb 9, 2017 Version: 2.513 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Great tool for creating a batch file or multiple scripts with the same entries but different inputs (files/directories). Can be used to output multiple avisynth scripts (.avs) or anything that you want. The tool works by scanning a folder for files or directories that you can include in your batch file or outputs. Download this software if you don't want to copy and paste the same script for each file you need to work with.

Review by Dreadkillz on Jun 2, 2010 Version: 1.01 OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

The 'settings' button will return in the next release. So the scan folders should be more accessable.
Buda, tnx for the compliments!
Keep the comments coming at the AviSynth Batch Script forum! So we can make this a perfect working tool for everyone!

Review by stevenca on Nov 13, 2006 Version: 0.50 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

Teriffic tool, like Asynther with many more options. Also, it's not just for Avisynth scripts. I use it for batch scripting with FFMpeg and a few other CLI tools. Saves me a lot of cutting and pasteing. A few minor "gotchas" (minimal editing features, besides the intellisence, and a little cumbersome to find the "scan" folders) but overall I find it very useful.

Review by GTRBudda on Nov 8, 2006 Version: 0.5.0 OS: WinME Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

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