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Compressor adds power and flexibility to Final Cut Pro X export. Customize output settings, work faster with distributed encoding, and tap into a comprehensive set of delivery features.

Payware $50
OS: Mac

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Latest version

4.9 (November 13, 2024)

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Payware $50

Supported operating systems

Mac OS Mac

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

4.9 Nov 13, 2024

Compressor 4.9 includes the following enhancements:

• Transcode stereoscopic video files to spatial video for editing in Final Cut Pro and playback on Apple Vision Pro.

• Export spatial video encoded files to Photos to automatically share with Apple Vision Pro.

• Easily create 90, 100, or 120 fps encodes with new export presets.

• Install third-party Media Extensions to support decoding and playback of more video formats. (Requires macOS Sequoia or later.)

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Time-Saving Encoding Workflow
It’s easier than ever to customize and share Final Cut Pro output settings — or to create completely original settings for specialized encoding jobs.

Customizable settings in Final Cut Pro
Final Cut Pro lets you access the complete library of export settings available in Compressor. Customize any setting just by opening it in Compressor. After you’ve made changes to the setting, save it, then access it in the Destinations preference pane in Final Cut Pro.

Share Final Cut Pro export settings
Whether you customize an existing Compressor setting in Final Cut Pro or create an entirely new setting, you can share the results with other Final Cut Pro editors — even if they don’t have Compressor installed on their workstations. Just send them a small settings file and have them copy it to the appropriate folder.

Intuitive interface

Feel free to experiment with encoding options. The dynamic Preview window shows results in real time as you prepare your footage for encoding. Scrub through video with frame-accurate timecode controls, trim media, and instantly see how the effects and filters will look when applied to your audio and video.

Efficient workflow
Eliminate repetitive work with a wide array of time-saving features built into Compressor. Quickly create batch processes that streamline the encoding of large numbers of files. Reuse any batch by dragging it from the History pane. For drag-and-drop convenience on the desktop, create self-contained encoding Droplets. Compressor also reuses previously created files for multiple deliverables, without requiring you to re-encode the same material.

Batch templates

Batch templates let you combine an existing encoding setting with a job action, which automates tasks such as emailing, moving, or copying files or executing a custom script. Save time on repetitive post-production tasks by creating custom batch templates in Compressor.

Streamlined settings library
The library of preconfigured encoding settings in Compressor is organized in a simplified folder structure. Plain-English labels and descriptions make it easy to find exactly the setting you need for your project. Add your own settings to the Custom folder or organize them in folders you create.

Industry-Standard Encoding Support
With support for a wide-range of popular device formats as well as professional video and audio formats, Compressor expands on the encoding options built into Final Cut Pro.

Encode video for Apple devices

Compressor includes a variety of preconfigured settings that make it easy to deliver content for Apple devices — including iPad, iPhone, iPod, and Apple TV.

Web sharing and disc burning
Upload files to popular video websites, including You-Tube, Vimeo, Facebook, and CNN iReport. You can also choose from a set of menu templates to create basic Blu-ray discs and DVDs* right from Compressor.

Image sequence support
Import Targa, DPX, or Cineon image sequences and encode them to any Compressor setting. You can even include an audio track when you encode.

Broad format support
Quickly set up encoding jobs for a broad range of industry-standard formats, including MPEG-2, H.264, and QuickTime. Or encode to ProRes for stunning quality at surprisingly small file sizes. If you encode files for HTTP live streaming, Compressor delivers all the files you need in a single web-ready folder. For DVD projects, you can also use Compressor for converting surround audio stems into Dolby Digital Professional AC-3.

Advanced encoding options
Use the advanced features of Compressor to add closed-captioning files to MPEG and QuickTime files. You can also add metadata such as keywords, copyright information, and annotations to files as you encode them.

*Blu-ray recorder required for burning Blu-ray discs.
Pristine Format Conversions
Compressor uses optical-flow processing to produce format and standards conversions at exceptional quality. Use Compressor to efficiently convert or retime large numbers of clips.

Format and standards conversions
Convert any file from its source format to any other format — for example, convert from NTSC to PAL, SD to HD, or progressive to interlaced video. Or choose Reverse Telecine to convert 29.97-fps video to 23.98 fps. Compressor offers advanced optical-flow analysis to produce format and standards conversions at exceptional image quality.

Video retiming
Speed up video, slow it down, or adjust the frame rate to make the duration match a specific runtime. Compressor produces pristine retiming effects, complete with automatic pitch adjustment for audio.

Dynamic image filters

Choose from a set of convenient image filters to customize and clean up your content as you encode. Easily add a timecode overlay or animated watermarks, which are ideal for identifying your work. Or quickly fix video problems by applying color correction, noise reduction, brightness, and contrast filters — without leaving Compressor.

Distributed Encoding
With Apple Qmaster features now built into Compressor, you can quickly use available cores in your Mac — as well as other Mac computers on your network — to speed up encoding jobs.

Built-in Apple QMaster features
Distributed encoding features from Apple Qmaster are now built into Compressor, with no need for a separate application. Just install Compressor on any Mac on your network and activate it as a cluster node for distributed encoding.

Encode jobs without dedicated hardware by using preconfigured groups of Mac computers on your network. QuickCluster sets up clusters of encoding nodes based on the availability of designated computers. It can even tap idle processing cores on a single computer, effectively turning multicore systems into encoding farms.

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