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Showing all Codec/Video Identifiers software ordered by Latest version (Order by Name instead)

30 tool hits, Showing 1 to 30 tools
Codec/Video Identifiers
MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. The MediaInfo data display includes: Container: format, profile, commercial name of the format, duration, overall bit rate. Video: format, codec , aspect, frame rate. Audio: format, codec id, sample rate, channels. Text: format, codec id, language of subtitle Chapters: count of chapters, list of chapters.

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 25.03
Released: Mar 21,2025
File size: 13.6MB

64 votes

MediaInfo screenshot

tinyMediaManager is a full featured media manager to organize and clean up your media library. tinyMediaManger gets all necessary meta data for your movies from,,, and even more. Artwork such as fanart, poster, clearart, discart, logos and more can be downloaded from and Get a list of available subtitles for your movies from You need at least Java 1.7 to run tinyMediaManager.

Freeware Trialware
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 5.1.4
Released: Mar 6,2025
File size: 106MB

4 votes

tinyMediaManager screenshot

FFBitrateViewer is a FFProbe GUI that purpose is to visualize frames` bitrate extracted by FFProbe. It is inspired by Bitrate Viewer. FFBitrateViewer allows you to select multiple files without dealing with command line and get “per frame” or “per second” info for all of them in one go.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 0.9.5 Beta
Released: Feb 23,2025
File size: 5.3MB

1 vote

FFBitrateViewer screenshot

Codec Tweak Tool is a free utility able to detect and remove broken references to codecs and filters. Scan the registry to detect and remove broken references to codecs and filters, Generate a detailed log of all installed codecs and filters, Enable/disable over 190 codecs and filters (if they are installed).

OS: Win
Version: 6.7.4
Released: Dec 12,2024
File size: 1.3MB

14 votes

Codec Tweak Tool screenshot

FFMetrics is yet another program for video Visual Quality Metrics visualization. This great free piece of software compare the original video with further compressed video files of the original. It can simply calculate the VMAF, PSNR and SSIM score. This is an indicator for quality. So you can compare different encoded files, see the bitrate usage of the whole video within a graph. It uses the latest ffmpeg library.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.5.0 / 1.5.1 Beta 1
Released: Dec 2,2024
File size: 12MB

1 vote

FFMetrics screenshot

MediaInfoXP is a simple GUI for MediaInfo. The program is 100% self-contained, no DLL dependencies. No installation and no ads.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 2.47
Released: Aug 17,2024
File size: 16MB

2 votes

MediaInfoXP screenshot

Preferred Filter Tweaker(aka Win7DSFilterTweaker) is a tool to change the preferred video and audio decoders in Windows 7, 8 and 10. Windows 7 uses its own DirectShow filters for decoding several audio and video formats. Using third party filters instead of the native filters is not possible without making changes to the Windows Registry. This tool allows you to configure your preferred DirectShow filters with just a few mouse clicks. It is quick, easy, and changes can be always undone. If you for example prefer to use ffdshow or CoreAVC for decoding H.264 video then you can do so by using this tool.

OS: Win
Version: 6.5
Released: Apr 3,2024
File size: 0.8MB

6 votes

Win7DSFilterTweaker screenshot

AVInaptic is a program with a simple GUI that analyzes file type AVI, ASF / WMV, MP4/MOV, Matroska (MKV), OGG, GMOs and FLV, and shows a lot of information on the technical characteristics (useful in predicting whether the movie will be read by their player stand-alone). It also allows you to make simple changes on the fly, set delays (or advance) on all audio tracks and edit the FourCC allows you to remove any trace in the files (video, audio, subtitles, attachments);. Italian author site but you can choose english in the program.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 20231012
Released: Oct 12,2023
File size: 13MB

5 votes

avinaptic screenshot

DVdate is a nice utility for all video avi-files, but specially useful when dealing with DV video clips. Retrieve basic video information like the codec, image size, duration, audio format. DV files specific features: retrieve datecode,timecode, type. Rename a video clip with its datecode. Add the datecode or timecode to the name of the video file and also convert a file from DV type 1 to DV type 2 and reciprocally.

OS: Win
Version: 8.3.7
Released: Sep 9,2023
File size: 1.7MB

10 votes

DVdate screenshot

The BDInfo tool was designed to collect video and audio technical specifications from Blu-ray movie discs, including disc size, playlist contents, video, audio, subtitle and graphics stream codec details and bitrates. Requires .NET Framework 4.5 or higher.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: / Beta
Released: Mar 1,2023
File size: 1MB

25 votes

BDInfo screenshot

VideoInspector is a tool to retrieve all interesting details about a video file(AVI, MKV, MPG, MPEG2, MOV, MP4). This can be used to solve codec related problems. Also Windows Shell Integration, right click on a video file and select open with VideoInspector. Former known as VideoToolBox. No longer developed.

OS: Win
Version: 2.15.8
Released: Mar 4,2022
File size: 4MB

17 votes

VideoInspector screenshot

MediTab provides you information of your multimedia files, like MediaInfo does, but without the need to launch an application. MediaTab use the power of MediaInfo integrating it on your operating system. The only thing you must to do is right click on a multimedia file, choose Properties and pick MediaTab. All info you need to hand!

Freeware Ads
OS: Win
Version: 1.4.1
Released: May 31,2016
File size: 3MB

2 votes

MediaTab  screenshot

Filmerit manage the directshow filters on your system . You may take a "snapshot" of all your filters, compare it to another snapshot, change the merits, fix all errors with one single click. Filmerit is secure and easy to use.

OS: Win
Version: 3.1.0
Released: May 19,2016
File size: 0.6MB

1 vote

Filmerit screenshot

MPEG4 Modifier modifies a MPEG-4 ASP video (AVI with XviD, DivX) without re-encoding (change aspect ratio, edit userdata, remove or add packed bitstream, and change interlaced field order). It can also show information about the video such as the amount of I/P/S/B-VOPs used, whether or not QPel/GMC were used, etc. Requires .NET Framework 2.0.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.4.6
Released: Jan 11,2015
File size: 0.1MB

14 votes

MPEG4 Modifier screenshot

Installed Codec is a small utility displays the list of all Codec drivers and DirectShow filters currently installed on your system. For each component the following information is displayed: Display Name, Type, Disabled Status, Installed/Modified Time, Description, Company Name, Filename, and more...It allows you to easily disable or enable any Codec/DirectShow component or export the list into text/xml/html file.

OS: Win
Version: 1.30
Released: Jul 27,2013
File size: 0MB

2 votes

InstalledCodec screenshot

Bitrate Viewer is the next generation video bitrate viewer. It is mainly designed for DVD/MPEG2 creators but can also used with various video formats. With an autoscale graphical output window you can also analyze/view bluray disk files. Several nice GUI options. Based on ffmpeg.

OS: Win
Version: 2.3
Released: Oct 7,2011
File size: 4.9MB

6 votes

Bitrate Viewer screenshot

AVIFrate is an utility that allows you to change many important fields in an avi file header.

OS: Win
Version: 2009
Released: Oct 8,2009
File size: 0MB

1 vote

AVIFrate screenshot

RadLight Filter Manager allows you to change merit of DirectShow filters and it can also be used to list all registered codecs and to register or unregister codecs.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.6
Released: Jun 5,2007
File size: 0.2MB

1 vote

RadLight Filter Manager screenshot

GSpot establishes what video and audio codecs are required to play any video. Shows framerate, duration, aspect ratio, bitrates, structure info, and more. Supports AVI, MPG, VOB, DVD, VCD, SVCD, MP4, FLV, MOV, QT, RM, SWF, WMV, ASF.

OS: Win
Version: 2.70a
Released: Feb 23,2007
File size: 0.4MB

21 votes

GSpot screenshot

Avicodec gives multiple information on multiple movies, particularly the video & audio codecs, if they are supported by the system (usign VFW or Directshow), and where to download them if not installed.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.2 beta b113
Released: Jan 21,2007
File size: 0.6MB

4 votes

AVIcodec screenshot

AVI2Clipboard is a small freeware utility that saves information from AVI videos to the clipboard. This is handy if you want to post AVI information on websites, forums or make a database of your video collection. AVI2Clipboard adds an entry to your Explorer context menu, which will only show when you right-click on a file with an .avi extension.

OS: Win
Version: 2.18
Released: Jun 11,2006
File size: 1.7MB

6 votes

AVI2Clipboard screenshot

afreeCodecVT determine what audio and video codecs are needed for your avi video. Get resources and links to download your required codecs.

OS: Win
Version: 2.0.88
Released: Nov 19,2005
File size: 2.8MB

1 vote

afreeCodecVT screenshot

DirectShow Filter Manager - utility to help list, sort, find, add or remove DirectShow filters. Tool also can be useful for everyone when installing someting like Nimo codec pack.

OS: Win
Version: 0.5
Released: Aug 9,2005
File size: 0.3MB

1 vote

DirectShow Filter Manager screenshot

MPEG Validator is a MPEG-2 Program Stream Analyzer. Give us all info about MPEG-2 Program Stream Itself and detailed info about MPEG-2 video. It also contain a bitrate viewer and a gop structure viewer.

Free software
OS: Win
Released: Sep 3,2003
File size: 0.6MB

4 votes

MPEG Validator screenshot

With Restream you can change many options of a MPEG2 Elementary Stream without re-encoding. Change Aspect Ratio, Framerate, resolution in the mpeg header, correct and remove sequence extension.

OS: Win
Version: 0.9.0
Released: Sep 2,2003
File size: 0.2MB

12 votes

Restream screenshot

DVD Patcher is a tool to change the video headers in mpg/mpeg2/vob video. Change aspect ratio, framerate, resolution/size and bitrate.

OS: Win
Version: 1.06
Released: Apr 14,2003
File size: 0MB

10 votes

DVDPatcher screenshot

MPEGed also allows you to easily modify MPEG file properties without re-encoding and without sacrificing quality. By adjusting the aspect ratio to comply with the MPEG resolution it is possible to achieve correct full screen playback. MPEGed even has an auto detect feature which will try its best to determine what aspect ratio should be used.

OS: Win
Version: 1.00RC3
Released: May 8,2002
File size: 0.3MB

1 vote

MPEGed screenshot

With Tecoltd Bitrate Viewer can you check MPEG2 and MPEG1 average bitrate, the bitrate at any specific time using a diagram, MPEG properties and more.

Trialware $30
OS: Win
Version: 1.5
Released: Jan 1,2001
File size: 2.7MB

1 vote

Tecoltd Bitrate Viewer screenshot

DVD Bit Rate Viewer is basic DVD BitRate Viewer, select DVD Source and see the total bitrate including video and audio.

OS: Win
Version: 1.4
Released: Jan 1,2001
File size: 0MB

3 votes

DVD Bit Rate Viewer screenshot

MpegProperties will show you all header parameters like bitrate, image size, user data and so on.

OS: Win
Version: 1.00
Released: Jun 9,1998
File size: 0.1MB

1 vote

MPEGProperties screenshot

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