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XdTV (alias xawdecode) is a software to watch, record & stream TV. It serves as a great graphical analogue video capture tool for Linux/*BSD. It interacts with AleVT (Teletext) and Nxtvepg (NextView) & supports the bttv, bktr & dvb APIs. It contains some deinterlacing filters & record video files with various containers (AVI, MPEG, OGG, etc.) & many codecs: FFMpeg >=0.4.6, XviD 0.9 & 1.x, DivX 4 & 5, Ogg Vorbis + Theora >=1.0a5. It has some plugin capabilities.

Free software
OS: Linux
File size: 1MB
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2.4.0 (February 1, 2007)


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Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

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Linux Linux

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2 reviews, Showing 1 to 2 reviews

If anybody works out the correct settings to capture direct to DVD compatible MPEG2 files with XdTV, please share it with the rest of us! Maybe I'll just have to wait for the next release?

Review by danboid on Sep 17, 2006 Version: 2.3.9 OS: Linux Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

XdTV is one of THE most important video apps for Linux along with mplayer/mencoder, cinelerra, Kino and DeVeDe. I searched for a long time for a GUI analogue video capture tool for Linux- not only was xdtv the only one that worked it was faster, more memory efficient and with more options and features than anything else out there. This program has been around for about 5 years now so I've been wondering why it is almost unheard of right now? Maybe its olde-looking (yet functional) X gui?

Funny how I added this to the Videohelp tools section on Sept 11 ;)

Review by danboid on Sep 11, 2006 Version: 2.3.9 OS: Linux Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

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