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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for FireDM

FireDM version 2022.2.5

save memory when downloading big files, issue #428.
process playlist videos simultaneously (faster metadata fetching).
fix filechooser, issue #412.
remove storyboard streams (mhtml) from streams menu.
unify tooltip and menus text style, issue #410.
add 3gp to format choices, issue #417.
fix arabic path in batch download window.
fix multiple video playlists download, issue #418.
fix #425 - Set User-Agent in PyCURL, thanks to @TgSeed
double click an item in a stream menu to download a format, issue #420.
fix total eta calculation.

FireDM version 2021.12.26

critical bug fix for quality selector in playlist window.
add filechooser button for ffmpeg path option, issue #409.

FireDM version 2021.12.23

fix cmdline download closes #386.
fix no subtitles.
new fluid progressbar for cmdline in linux, special thanks to Sajjad Hossan @sajjadhossanshimanto
add [Ctrl-Shift-v] keyboard shortcut to paste link from anywhere in-app., closes #388
use upload-date as a timestamp for video files, closes #301.
[auto refresh url] restore original name and folder.
[gui] add new icons for download, and download later buttons, issue #373.
fix AppImage error, issue #393.
fix ignore_errors decorator, issue #399.
prevent ibus from intercepting tkinter GUI.
add option to exit FireDM when completing downloads #382.
removed extra streams (repeated dash videos) from stream menu.
fix overwrite problem of links with same filenames in batch download.
fix Playlist download window - Typo and truncated path, closes #402
add more preset video qualities, e.g. 4k and 8k.
fix reported video resolution closes #335.
fix download problems for active items when changing temp folder in settings.
enhance batch download.
add option to specify ffmpeg executable path.
fix frozen gui when press download button.
disable delete item warning for completed and failed download item.

FireDM version 2021.12.2.post1:

hotfix for version 2021.12.2 to fix playlist download in AppImage release

FireDM version 2021.12.2

new playlist window design, with presets, lighter, faster, and can handle heavy playlists.
add auto-numbering presets to playlist window.
fix playlist download in order.
customize video title template, issues #316, #373.
extra audio formats (opus, flac, and wav), issue #362
customize temp folder, to enhance performance while downloading on usb flash drive, closes #284.
fix hls slow metadata fetching, closes #345.
fix auto refresh url to select correct file extension issues #369, and #372
use [shift-delete] to delete download items and target file on disk.
fix "Resume" doesn't respect concurrent downloads limit #320,
add ability to cancel pending state.
ignore fraction of second in displayed video duration.
fix ffmpeg fail if "comma" found in video file name.
fix ditem font and response to keyboard shortcuts.
switch focus to firedm after parsing url issue #376.
re-enable bulk view (with thumbnails).
fix font color calculation for new themes.
show total size of selected items in "Downloads tab"
show total eta under total speed
limit gui log messages to level-1 messages only, other log messages will stay intact in terminal window.
fix AppImage update, closes #378
multiple fixes and tweaks.

FireDM version 2021.11.18

dynamic view filter, issue #333
fix video stuck at 99%, issue #336
fix os notification on windows, to originate from App icon instead of a side blank icon, issue #330.
respect original filename case, issue #330
create timezone aware server timestamp, issue #286
fix AppImage doesn't update to newer FireDM version, issue #334.
fix log tab expand.
prevent downloading an item which already in progress #350 - e.g. press download button twice
CMD blinking on screen while retrieving information from the given link #344, #330
choose download folder in playlist window, issue #316
set playlist window to match main window size.
add Paste & Clear buttons for link bar #341 and #349
replace button's zoom on mouse hover by highlight rectangle
set FireDM window minimum width and height #340
included updated and fixed ffmpeg version in windows release.
save dlist on every change. #295.
fix last update check closes #339.
[install updates] ask user to run App with admin privilege, in case of permission error, closes #302
add video/audio duration to home tab, closes #296, thanks to @fidele000
remove max size limit for popup and fix widgets expand
[downloads tab] add download item preview and remove bulk view for better performance
fix log tab expand

FireDM version 2021.11.4

fix resume support identification for missing "accept-ranges" header, issue #143.
add helper button to set proxy scheme/prefix, issue #285.
fix name extraction from url for percent-encoded strings.
fix some problems for arabic words in download folder path.
add new theme "Black_Grey", issue #287, by @tazihad.
fix "server timestamp" option not saved, issue #286.
fix "server timestamp" creation date on windows, issue #286
fix version number for windows executable files, issue #286
fix subtitles download problem, issue #304
fix playlist window layout when maximize, issue #308
fix keyring error, issue #307.
manual theme(s) entry, issue #287.
fix fake file download (zero size shown as completed), issue #306.
fix video stream selection after refreshing url if previous stream has zero size.
fix downloading zero byte video stream, issue #306.
fix segment merge error, issue #315.
fix cmdline parser
remember "Custom user agent" field after the program is closed #292.
default download folder to current working folder of cmdline terminal.
add more options to filter downloads tab, close issue #297.
item status renamed, "cancelled to Paused and error to Failed", issue #298.
set clear marks for Failed download items, close issue #298.
set default view="mix" for downloads tab to handle higher numbers of items smoothly, fix #295
mark active options in view, and filter menus.
select only shown download items with "Select All" button.
modify "mix" view mode to show only active items in "bulk view", and the rest in "compact view", issue #295
[playlist window]add dropbox for quick selecting page number, close #324
add option to reverse playlist auto-numbering, issue #316
use yt-dlp as default extractor since youtube-dl seems inactive for months.

FireDM version 2021.9.28

[GUI][new feature] add compact view and filter for DItems in downloads tab, issue #274
[gui] add new option to store website authentication user/pass, issue #282
fix "prefer_mp4" option.
add more themes, issues #273, #279, thanks to @ahmed-tasaly and @Mr-Personality.
[cmdline] add more options.
[cmdline] fix for windows portable version.
[gui] add button to select dash audio in main tab, and playlist window issue #276
fix download from "", issue #280
[gui] easily share a theme thru "share" button in settings tab.
[gui] fix selected videos and estimated size in playlist window.
[gui] fix side-frame collapse/expand behaviour
[gui] add cut-copy-past context menu to log window
multiple fixes and improvements.

FireDM version 2021.9.5:

command line support, issue #135.
[new feature] ability to use "custom video extractors" under setting folder/extractors
enhance auto segmentation.
handle keyboard interrupt e.g. "ctr-c" properly.
add 2 themes by @ahmed-tasaly, (White_BlueCryola, and White & Black)
fixes for segment progressbar.
[GUI-playlist window], add download later option, and total size for selected videos.
[GUI] control "os notification" from settings tab.
[GUI] organize settings tab.
imporove "resume" logic.
fix autocheck for update.
remove remote dns option and add socks4a, socks5h schemes, issue #269
[GUI] add option to import urls from a file in "batch download window"
cleanup and various bug fixes.

FireDM version 2021.7.26


[hot fix for 2021.7.25 release] fix webpage_url error when resuming download item.

FireDM version 2021.7.25


add "batch downloading" feature, issues #263, and #219
add "update feature" for AppImage release
add segment progressbar to show progress of each file segment.
enhance auto file segmentation.
add new themes - thanks to @ahmed-tasaly
fix video and audio progress not shown for hls files.
[font spinbox] disable auto-repeat behavior of mouse clicks on the arrowheads.
fix actions when re-downloading existing items
some other tweaks and bug fixes.

FireDM version 2021.7.1


[critical] fix application crash sometimes when using gtk file chooser, issue #257.
[critical] fix application refuse to quit when gui restarted (if theme changed), issue #257.
add "download later" feature.
add progress bars for media files to show processing progress, issue #258.
improve file segmentation to enhance watch while downloading feature.
fix filename extraction from url.
enable/disable ibus-workaround from settings option, (disabled by default), issue #256.
ability to change gui font from settings.
add option to change scrollbar width in settings.
prevent auto switching to d_tab when resume pending items.

FireDM version 2021.6.18


add options to disable popup windows, issue #231.
Add AppIndicator to systray, which fix systray under Gnome, issues(#96, #180, and #232).
ignore player log output in terminal when playing video files.
fix resume and stop selected items in right click menu.
workaround for ibus bug (issue #256), to fix FireDM loading delay.
fix some items showed cancelled status when its already completed on disk.
Fix pending items handler.

FireDM version 2021.6.4.post1


Add tooltip for some buttons.
use alternative file choosers (GTK, zenity, or kdialog) on linux instead of tkinter filechooser, issue #236
fix unnecessary repeated operations in video set extractor and set interrupt switch.
fix slow application quit.
add bidi support for download folder widget and rework recent folders.
Fix random option selection if right click menu get displayed under mouse.
some bug fixes and tweaks.

FireDM version 2021.5.22


[gui] option for Showing new download items at the top of downloads tab.
Add ability to change default file extension.
Animate buttons on mouse hover, issue #240.
use one button to resume/pause download instead of 2 buttons, issue #240.
Add Resume all and stop all button, issue #240.
remove the need to write "delete" keyword when deleting multiple items in downloads tab, issue #240.
increase progressbar size and percentage font size, issue #240

FireDM version 2021.4.8


[video] Fix hls extractor, issue #233
[gui] bind some keyboard keys to downloads tab and popup window, e.g. Enter, Delete, and Escape keys.
[gui - Main tab] direct filename edit, instead of popup window, issue #229
[gui - Main tab] discard blank values for download folder in frequent used folders list.
[gui] enhancement for theme editor.
[gui - Main tab] right click menu for copy/paste/clear url entry, issue #235
[gui - downloads tab] add delete button back to download item, issue #235
[gui - downloads tab] no need to restart application to enable/disable autoscroll for downloads tab.
[gui - downloads tab] fix stat label size change when selecting an item.
[gui] Create new tab for application "update".
[appimage] fix update issue on appimage releases, since it can't be automatically updated, it will only open a latest release page.

FireDM version 2021.4.3


[downloads tab] Natural items select, click anywhere to select an item, issue #229, removed checkbox, use control, and shift for multiple selection
[ditem] fix extension letters doesn't fit in thumbnail if its more than letters, e.g. .AppImage
[downloads tab] Schedule multiple items at once.
[downloads tab] Add stat info for current items to show how many items are downloading, cancelled, pending, etc...
[Main tab] Add folder icon, issue #229

FireDM version 2021.3.30


Add pc-shutdown and on-completion command to global settings, issue #225
[download tab] fix tab resize when deleting multiple d_items.
[cmd line] add some cmd line options.
[gui] wider scrollbars, issue #229
[video] fix for, issue #230

FireDM version 2021.3.23


[New feature] add on completion pc shutdown option, issue #225.
[New feature] add on completion custom command option, issue #225
[download tab] fix deleting a download item.
[download tab] clean right click menu
[download tab] add select menu with ['Select all', 'Select None', 'Select completed', 'Select non completed'] options
[popup] disable popup custom titlebar and use system default
[dependencies] disable auto installing missing packages when running from open source, to avoid installing packages system wide without user permission.
[popup] fix entry widget color and focus.

FireDM version 2021.3.19


[critical] Fix checkboxs in downloads tab.
[download items] remove buttons and progressbar for completed items to enhance loading time.
[download items] fix resume existing item

FireDM version 2021.3.18


[critical] Fix automatic file segmentation issue #223
[gui] Fix gui realtime update while using too many connections, issue #223
Fix filename extraction from http-headers, issue #217
fix error for non-resumable files or unknown ranges., issue #217
added a warning popup when downloading a non-resumable files.
[Gui] fix titlebar color for popup window.
[clipboard] extend url monitor to include http, https, ftp, ftps, and file schemes, issue #220
[gui] prevent window resize to zero.
[gui] fix flickering in "Downloads tab" while downloading playlist
[gui] reset select_all status in Downloads tab.
[update] auto check for updates fix.
[gui] changed playlist download icon, issue #210
[gui] enhance startup/shutdown time

FireDM version 2021.2.9


Change Application name from 'PyIDM' to 'FireDM'.
[critical] Fix support for multiple video streaming websites, issue #140
[Gui] add option to control time-stamp feature, issue #215
[Gui] fix total speed format.
[playlist] add option to include numbers in playlist filenames, issue #209.
[Network] Add option to control number of retries for auto url refreshing.

PyIDM version 2021.2.7


[youtube-dl] Fixed some settings options doesn't get effective until PyIDM restart.
[ssl] fixed ssl certificate error in AppImage release, issue #213 .
[gui] adjust combobox dropdown menu colors.
[gui] add dropdown menu for frequently used download folders, issue #214 .

PyIDM version 2020.12.20


Show Total download speed.
[auto refresh url] fix refreshed object gets different uid


Auto refresh expired url, issue #187.
prevent using ffmpeg.exe under linux if it exists in pyidm folder.
write 'last modified' timestamp to downloaded file, issue #204.
Fix multiple D.Items reference to same object.
Fix encoding error when writing metadata on windows
some bug fixes.


[CHECKSUM] fix out of memory when calculating checksum for big files.
Add option to set a custom "http user agent" issue #199

PyIDM version 2020.12.20

Change log for 2020.12.20:

[playlist] Fixed youtube-dl playlist processing
[playlist window] added "select all" checkbutton issue #187
[Settings tab] enable / disable autoscroll downloads tab to bottom when adding new item issue #187
[downloads tab] Added "RESUME", and "STOP" buttons, issue #187
[downloads tab] Select multiple items in downloads tab.
CAPTCHA workaround, enable option in setting [experimental], issue #105
[Main Tab] fix for file rename issue #19
[video extractors] quick switching between youtube-dl and youtube-dlc.
[video playlist] removed duplicate call of select_playlist_video()
Removed symbols from Stream menu, issue #197.
[stream menu] use correct quality value issue #198
[Update] one update button to check and update PyIDM, youtube-dl, and youtube-dlc.
[Main Tab] Fixed Playlist and stream menu select color

PyIDM version 2020.11.10

Change log for 2020.11.10:

Set youtube-dl as the default video extractor, still can select youtube-dlc as an alternative extractor.
fixed youtube-dl update, used pypi .whl file as an update source
[playlist window] added master quality (stream) selection
fixed youtube-dlc not imported correctly during app startup
[critical] convert slashes to backslashes to fix ffmpeg error on windows issue #185
[GUI] moved video extractor menu under update section
Fixed manual dash audio, when selecting first stream.

PyIDM version 2020.10.28

Change log for 2020.10.28:

Added youtube_dlc support.
Double click and open the player, issue #174
fixed pending items disappear if changed theme or restart application.
replaced font symbols by image icons.
fixed playlist download folder
Added option to bypass server's SSL certificate check, issue #177

PyIDM version 2020.10.11:

hotfix for systray icon quit action, issue #171

PyIDM version 2020.10.10

Added Schedule downloads feature.
Manual audio selection for dash videos.
Designed new application icon.
Fixed handling pending downloads.
Fixed gui freeze during some downloads.
critical bug fix, Dash video resume - HTTP Error 416 Requested Range not satisfiable #166.
Fix for download folder, issue #164.
Remember last window size set by user.
Download folder entry becomes editable.
cleaner download folder by moving all download temp files into one temp folder.
Added option to enable / disable systray icon, and fixed systray quit.
fixed arabic file names display on linux.
Added browse button to select cookies file.
Added help button in "About window".
Added log level menu in log tab
added copy log button.
Added flag in to disable update feature completely.
Added subtitles selection to playlist window.
Added clear completed items, stop all downloads, clear all items.
Fixed non initialized ffmpeg path to handle audio, issue #168
Added option to download missing ffmpeg.exe on windows os.
Added option to download thumbnail with video file, issue #169

PyIDM version 2020.9.20

New GUI design based on tkinter.
use tkinter clipboard module instead of pyperclip.
No cpu usage when application is idle.
Implement MVC design.

PyIDM version 2020.8.13

Ability to delete any item while download in progress.
added buttons for open log file, or log folder, issue #134
Fixed arabic language display on linux issue #88
Fixed failed downloads if target folder's name has spaces issue #130
Fix for table colors on tkinter 8.6.9
Stop log auto scroll if user scroll up.
Added horizontal scrollbar for log window.
Fixed fetching youtube channel videos as a playlist, issue #146
Fixed metadata error issue #138
interactive terminal support.
Auto correct file name extension (ask user first) issue #137

PyIDM version 2020.6.27

Write metadata info to media files issue #124, Settings>General
fixed fragmented video download
fixed downloads for
revamp subtitles download, and fixes for issue #125

PyIDM version 2020.6.15

Dynamic file segmentation, to improve speed issue #97
Instant Theme change without restarting the application main window issue #87
Added frame rate "fps" to streams description in quality drop down list issue #92
Auto rename file if same name exists in download folder "Settings>General".
Added md5 and sha256 checksum calculators, "Settings>Advanced"
use proxy dns "LibCurl socks5h and socks4a" issue #95 "Settings>Network"
Fixed empty downloads table after theme change.
Fixed Application freeze on linux when using "open file" or "open download folder".
Fixed some Application update issues for windows portable version.
Fixed Truncated File size after done downloading issue #86
Fixed audio manual selection for dash videos issue #90
Fixed downloading direct HLS/m3u8 media playlist issue #91
Fixed file corruption on download resume
disable "video search" for non-video urls issue #102

PyIDM version 2020.5.10

What's new in version 2020.4.10:

Systray icon support for both Linux and windows.
download subtitles for all selected videos in playlist window issue #82
Set Auto Referee if there is no Referee set already.
Reminder flashing text if critical options in use, i.e. proxy, and speed limit
Fixed file rename problem, and allow file name length up to 255 characters. issue #83
Fixed total size doesn't change with different quality selection.
Playlist "select all" fixed "network surge connections blocked". issue #81
Fixed proxy input can't be enabled.
files description:, portable complete version 2020.5.10 updated files for versions older than 2020.5.10 starting from version 2020.5.4, you can use update button to download these files automatically or extract contents to any folder then copy contents of "lib" folder and manually merge into PyIDM "lib" folder.

PyIDM version 2020.5.4

What's new in version 2020.5.4:

This is a quick fix for "dash hls video" critical bug, where audio segments' info overwrite video segments' info and only audio get downloaded and finally failed download

PyIDM version 2020.5.3

What's new in version 2020.5.3:

SysTray icon, with options "minimize or close to systray", currently "available
on windows", support for other platforms in progress.
Added cookies support issue #80.
Major Fixes for "Resume download".
Parsing subtitles from hls m3u8 files issue #77.
Filtered Ads. segments from hls video's manifest.
Ask user permission before checking for update, issue #76.
Portable windows version, upgrading to new versions can be done by using update
button which will auto-download "updated files only - almost 5MB" instead of
downloading the whole new version.
cancel download for expired links or if no data received from network, with popup
feedback on download error
Added some keyboard keys action: Esc key for download cancel, Delete for item delete.
play video on thumbnail click, "in downloads tab".
Get direct streaming url without downloading, by clicking Thumbnail board at main tab.
Fixes for "download speed chokes" at the end, when remaining only one worker only.
Hls videos watch while downloading is now available for non-encrypted videos.

PyIDM version 2020.4.17

What's new in version 2020.4.8:

Critical Bug fix for missing extensions in video filename and failed audio/video
Fixed Some "" and other links doesn't work issue #73.
Better hls videos processing.
Added 'srt' format to subtitle selection, issue #74
used art-work icons for all buttons including standard Popup windows.
Clickable links in "about window", issue #72
dynamic connections manager to avoid server's max. connections error.
fixed corrupted file contents if server sent an html instead of bytes, issue #75
fixed thread manager quitting while there is segments didn't finish downloading.
soft start, connections will be gradually increase over time to reach max.number
set by user, this prevent impact on servers/networks, and avoid "service not
available" response from server when exceeding multi-connection number set by
dynamic tooltip for playlist and video quality comboboxes, "note these are only
combos that can be scrolled by mouse wheel"
added format id to every stream in video quality combobox.
Similar streams/video quality which have different language now will be shown.
better text display if it is longer than the widget, with 3 dots in the middle
of string.

PyIDM version 2020.4.8

What's new in version 2020.4.8:

website authentication option, issue #65.
subtitles download, issue #70
Added support for famous Audio formats aac, ogg, and mp3 - issue #67
Fixed some issues with hls videos i.e. problem downloading audio, and resume error
add extra redundant streams while showing format code to identify them, issue #68
choose first item in downloads table by default if non is selected
Fixed progress reporting 100% before completed merging audio/video or segments.
Add referee link option, issue #66
Fixed focus for "about window".
added http-headers.
fixed, thread manager exit without updating the "remaining parts" value
unfortunately watch while downloading is no more available for all hls videos.

PyIDM version 2020.3.31

What's new in version 2020.3.31:

New design for downloads and settings Tab
Handle big playlist faster and more efficiently, with option to save bandwidth to fetch information only for selected videos.
Show video names in playlist while fetching info.
Fixed "update youtube-dl module" in windows portable version with "rollback update" option
Added option to Manually select audio format for dash videos
better memory usage.
auto select the row of current download item
select table rows with keyboard up/down arrows
fixed url_change triggered on ctrl or shift buttons pressed

pyIDM version 2020.3.20

What's new in version 2020.3.20:

New GUI design with fresh button icons for main tab.
Thumbnail auto preview for selected video.
Ability to show download window offline per user option.
fixed resume/overwrite existing download item.
Ability to cancel ongoing ffmpeg operation, i.e. merging audio/video or handling hls streams.
arrange settings tab.
right click options for url widget.
various GUI tweaks.
stop creating global settings folder automatically.
playlist/video info extracting process becomes faster 2 times.
Fixed problem of scheduled downloads

new design for downloads and settings Tab

pyIDM version 2020.3.13

What's new in version 2020.3.13:

Added support for more hls video streams / websites.
Added support for http, https, socks4, and socks5 proxy
Fixed high memory usage bug and possible crash.
Speed up file manager performance
Fixed number of live workers for fragmented downloads.
Fixed file name extraction from headers.
Add option to Select Setting folder, default to local folder.
Natural sorting themes

pyIDM version 2020.3.3
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Mar 4, 2020

What's new in version 2020.3.3:

critical fix for application crash.
include ffmpeg.exe and youtube-dl.exe with portable windows version
auto-save log events.

pyIDM version 2020.3.2
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Mar 3, 2020

What's new in version 2020.3.2:

Ability to use youtube-dl native downloader as an alternative option.
add support for more websites.
add log level option in log tab.
user can select ffmpeg download folder.
Fix about window.
Download window re-design.
Application restart on setting tab after selecting new theme.
Changed default theme to "Topanga".
some other bug fixes and tweaks.

pyIDM version 2020.2.22
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Feb 23, 2020

Release info:

portable version for windows 32bit and 64bit, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, windows8x32bit and tested on win10_64bit
What's new in version 2020.2.22:

Add support for encrypted HLS streams.
Critical bug fix for download playlist.
add status for download window.

pyIDM version 2020.2.21
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Feb 22, 2020 · 1 commit to master since this release

Release info:

portable version for windows 32bit and 64bit, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, windows8x32bit and tested on win10_64bit
What's new in version 2020.2.21:

Added button to save log text to disk.
Fixed resume issues.
Fixed speed limit.
Fixed hls stream resume.
Fixed update func. called when click on empty area under App. name.
Fixed progress bar and segment size for fragmented / live streams.
better handling for m3u8 files.
include user agent for download function

pyIDM version 2020.2.19
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Feb 18, 2020 · 6 commits to master since this release

Release info:

portable version for windows 32bit and 64bit, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, windows8x32bit and tested on win10_64bit
What's new in version 2020.2.19:

Add support to more streaming websites "all links will be checked for possible video streams"
fix application crash because of proxy improperly set.
fix hls streams error.

pyIDM version 2020.2.18
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Feb 18, 2020 · 17 commits to master since this release

Release info:

portable version for windows 32bit and 64bit, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, windows8x32bit and tested on win10_64bit
What's new in version 2020.2.18:

Add support for hls/m3u8 video streams.
use indeterminate progress bar for unknown download sizes
Some bug fixes and performance tweaks

pyIDM version 2020.2.16
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Feb 16, 2020 · 25 commits to master since this release

Release info:

portable version for windows 32bit and 64bit, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, windows8x32bit and tested on win10_64bit
What's new in version 2020.2.16:

Add support for proxy.
estimate fragmented video size.
fixed all setting parameters can be stored and reloaded properly.
Prevent application freeze momentarily during check for update.
Fix youtube-dl update

pyIDM version 2020.2.12
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Feb 12, 2020 · 49 commits to master since this release

Release info:

Standalone zip for windows 32bit and 64bit, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, windows8x32bit and tested on win10_64bit
What's new in version 2020.2.12:

Add support for fragmented video streams "experimental"
Simultaneous download of video and audio streams
some bug fixes

pyIDM version 2020.1.30
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Jan 30, 2020 · 60 commits to master since this release

Release info:

Standalone zip for windows 32bit and 64bit, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, windows8x32bit and tested on win10_64bit
What's new in version 2020.1.30:

bug fix, update notification message appear even if application is up to date.
normalize version number to match pypi release
change symbol infront of stream names

pyIDM version 2020.01.27
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Jan 28, 2020 · 65 commits to master since this release

Release info:

Standalone zip for windows 32bit and 64bit, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, windows8x32bit and tested on win10_64bit
What's new in version 2020.01.27:

support for other video stream websites
check for app. updates.
check for youtube-dl updates.
ability to enable / disable check for update on startup, "enabled by default".
change mouse cursor shape when busy.
source code splitted into small files.
change version number scheme to date based release ""
Support for windows 32bit and 64bit.
pypi release

pyIDM 4.3.0
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Jan 7, 2020 · 69 commits to master since this release

Release info:

Standalone zip for windows 64, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, win10_64bit
What's new!:

Ability to schedule download from right click menu, also added a schedule All button for batch scheduling all non completed downloads,
side note: youtube videos has a short life download url, if you couldn't resume downloading, then you should refresh link and download again with same name and folder, and it will resume again from where it left.

pyIDM 4.1.0
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Jan 5, 2020 · 78 commits to master since this release

Release info:

Standalone zip for windows 64, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, win10_64bit
What's new!:

fix repeated qualities in stream menu and playlist download window

pyIDM 4.0.0
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Jan 5, 2020 · 79 commits to master since this release

Release info:

Standalone zip for windows 64, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, win10_64bit
What's new!:

New stream menu design. screenshot
some bug fixes and enhancements

pyIDM 3.8.1
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Jan 3, 2020 · 82 commits to master since this release

pyIDM is an open source internet download manager

Release info:

Standalone zip for windows 64,
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, win10_64bit
this package is a zip file, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
"FFMPEG" note:
ffmpeg is required to handle some youtube streams, if it is missing don't worry pyIDM will download it for you, or you can do it manually by:

install it on your system and make sure it is added to system path i.e. you can run it from command prompt from any path.
you can download a static ffmpeg.exe file and copy it into pyIDM folder
Official website:
Whats new in 3.8.1

This is a hot bug fix for v3.8.0 which fix run command func problem since it causes the application to continue ask for downloading ffmpeg even if it actually exist

pyIDM 3.8.0
@pyIDM pyIDM released this Jan 2, 2020 · 83 commits to master since this release

pyIDM is an open source internet download manager

Release info:

Standalone zip for windows 64,
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, win10_64bit
this package is a zip file, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
"FFMPEG" note:
ffmpeg is required to handle some youtube streams, if it is missing don't worry pyIDM will download it for you, or you can do it manually by:

install it on your system and make sure it is added to system path i.e. you can run it from command prompt from any path.
you can download a static ffmpeg.exe file and copy it into pyIDM folder
Official website:
Whats new in

Auto download ffmpeg.exe if missing "it will prompt user first".
fixed quality bar not completed when loading playlist.
fixed downloading unknown size file.
exe file size is now under 15 MB instead of 35 MB before

@pyIDM pyIDM released this Dec 31, 2019 · 90 commits to master since this release

pyIDM is an open source internet download manager

Release info:

Standalone zip for windows 64,
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, win10_64bit
"FFMPEG" executable file included, so no need to have an ffmpeg pre-installed on your system.
this package is a zip file, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
Whats new in

bug fix for random quality selection in playlist download page, now "normal video" quality will be chosen by default, mostly will be 720p-mp4, however you can choose different higher qualities like 1080p or lower as per your needs.

@pyIDM pyIDM released this Dec 31, 2019 · 91 commits to master since this release

pyIDM is an open source internet download manager

Release info:

Standalone zip for windows 64,
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, win10_64bit
"FFMPEG" executable file included, so no need to have an ffmpeg pre-installed on your system.
this package is a zip file, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
Whats new in

Ability to select which videos to include in playlist download, with individual video quality, also you can choose a general quality for all playlist videos at once.
Some bug fixes

@pyIDM pyIDM released this Dec 28, 2019 · 98 commits to master since this release

pyIDM is an open source internet download manager

Release info:

Standalone zip for windows 64,
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, win10_64bit
"FFMPEG" executable file included, so no need to have an ffmpeg pre-installed on your system.
this package is a zip file, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
Whats new in

New right click menu for download table, now you can view all info for any download item, copy url, open file location.
Ability to watch video files before it finish downloading.
open files by double click, Enter button, or context menu from downloads tab.
new animations for files status during download and merge.
Speed limit option, fix some glitches, add checkbox, and validator for entries.

@pyIDM pyIDM released this Dec 25, 2019 · 111 commits to master since this release

pyIDM an open source internet download manager

Release info:

Standalone zip for windows 64,
the binary version ".exe" prepared by "cx_freeze" on python 3.6, win10_64bit
"FFMPEG" executable file included, so no need to have an ffmpeg pre-installed on your system.
this package is a zip file, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file
FFMPEG included for merging youtube video only streams with a proper audio, if you deleted the ffmpeg.exe file from pyIDM folder, the application will try to use the ffmpeg already installed in your system otherwise it will fail to download some types of youtube streams.

please report any bugs on by creating an issue

change log for v3.4:

use json to store downloads list to avoid pickle problems in frozen builds, and avoid future problem of pickled downloads.cfg file incompatibility with new version of the app. issue #11
built by cx_freeze will enable to update youtube_dl module in frozen build ==> setting tab ==> update youtube_dl button.

@Aboghazala Aboghazala released this Dec 24, 2019 · 117 commits to master since this release

standalone zip for windows 64:

pyIDM an open source internet download manager
This is a binary version ".exe" prepared by "py2exe" on python 3.6, win10_64bit

and it has "FFMPEG" executable file included, so no need to have an ffmpeg pre-installed on your system.

the package is a zip file, no installation needed, just extract it to any folder and run pyIDM.exe file

os: it runs on windows 64 bit


FFMPEG included for merging youtube videos only streams with a proper audio stream, if you deleted the ffmpeg.exe file from pyIDM folder, the application will try to use the ffmpeg already installed in your system otherwise it will fail to download some types of youtube streams.
please report any bugs on by creating an issue

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