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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Media Player Classic Qute Theater
What's Changed
This bugfix release fixes a long standing bug that could lead to a crash, it also fixes a regression for Nvidia GPUs introduced by the version 24.12, fixes the "remember file position" feature and aims to fix a bug on Wayland caused by the packaging scripts of some distributions.
Bug fixes:
Don't set nowPlayingItem in playNextFileUrl (#339)
Don't use EGL for Nvidia and log display devices (#347)
Fix mpv_render_context_render invocation (#348)
Use reverse DNS + app naming for the .desktop file and advertise it (#350)
Other changes
Use Logger::log instead of LogStream wherever possible (#340)
Send the first log message as early as possible (#346)
Re-enable aspect ratio when changing it (#354)
What's Changed
Key highlights:
The position, in addition to audio, video and subtitle tracks can now be remembered for 1000 videos.
The seek bar is easier to use thanks to a pointing hand cursor and a bigger clickable area.
Seeking is faster (and playing videos uses less power) on Intel integrated GPUs thanks to updated hardware decoding backends.
You can now easily know which subtitle, audio or video track is active. And if you're not a native speaker, disabling the "Prefer forced/default subtitles" will make mpc-qt use the subtitle track with full close captioning by default.
You can adjust the subtitles delay and change (or disable) the video aspect ratio.
The OSD is now more useful, with the current and total time on seek or on key press, the subtitles delay and even the aspect ratio name.
Remember video position (#138, #139, #159, #163, #170, #174, #233, #237, #286)
Add a command to show/hide the controls in fullscreen (#141)
Play next/previous video in folder (#144, #219 and #235)
Add radio buttons in the Audio, Subtitles and Video Stream menus (#151, #271)
Support full file seamless loop (#165)
Improve subtitles auto selection (#172, #287)
Disable tracks submenus when empty, enable chapters menu when not empty (#171)
Remember audio, video and subtitle tracks (#169, #283)
Support adjusting subtitles delay (#175 and #188)
Support changing the video aspect ratio (#185, #192, #193 and #214)
Add an OSD timer (#189)
Add an option to show OSD timer on seek (#191)
Implement color controls (#198, #257)
Implement "Keep history of recently opened files" preference (#203)
Implement audio settings (#207, #257)
Display the title in the information bar and fix chapter display (#222)
Implement OSD font and font size settings (#224 and #225)
Don't disable the screensaver when the player is paused (#140)
Add missing tooltips to bottom bar (mainwindow) (#147)
Switch to C++17 and replace qAsConst with standard C++ feature (#150)
Increase recents size (#152)
Use pointing hand cursor where needed (#153)
Increase the clickable area of the timeline (be267c4)
Improve seekbar tooltip (#156)
Fix early finish (#167)
Improve Favorites UI workflow (#173)
Improve logging (#177, #178, #183, #259, #270, #276, #278, #280, #290)
Add Indonesian translation (#179)
Fix crash caused by native file dialog of Qt6 on macOS Ventura (and maybe Sonoma too) (#180)
Update hardware decoding backends (#182)
Remember screenshot directory for session (#184)
Increase OSD messages timeout to 2000 ms (#190)
Don't show "Mute:" and "Volume:" OSD messages when opening mpc-qt (#194)
Fix chapters ticks not getting cleared (#195)
Replace Fine (seek) step by Large step, Time step by Normal step (breaking change) (#196)
Make "Always on Top" key shortcut toggle between Always and Default (#197)
Always redraw the seekbar (#201)
Add vertical dividers between control buttons (#204)
Use safer default options (#205)
Don't add the current directory to external subtitles search (#206)
Simplify the "After Playback" actions and replace Repeat by faster Loop feature (#209 and #210)
Use a lock file to ensure single instance mode works correctly (#212)
Cache eofReached instead of blocking the main thread to check it (#213)
Cache chapter instead of blocking the mpv thread to check it (#216)
Filter the content of archives (#221)
Highlight the Play or Stop button depending on the playing state (#223)
Only remember history for videos by default (#228)
Add dutch translation file to project file (#232)
Update the "no media currently playing" logo (#251)
Update icon (#252)
Add a disabled state for white icons (dark fallback theme) (#254)
Fix slider position with Hi-DPI (#258)
Handle SIGHUP, SIGINT and SIGTERM signals (#263, #264)
Fix the tray icon (#288)
Disable the Volume menu in disabled state (#289)
Various improvements related to CI builds and automated tests (#145, #148, #186, #265, #269, #273, #279)
Work around KDE bug to hide cursor on rightmost pixels in fullscreen (#295)
Many translations updates (thank you to the translators!)
Features and/or improvements in this version:
Prettify the icon (37ae667)
Update some Russian phrases (2ba599e)
Implement dragging window from the video area
Fixed crash on restart when player is closed while minimized (13fd079)
Fixed crash when right-clicking playlist window under specific circumstances (a6da42d)
Suppress "errors" from stderr (fae0c21)
Don't go on top when paused (7ea601d)
Update list available spdif codecs (e6cde7a)
Restrict web server to localhost by default (3d1c1d8)
Add media keys on Windows (a561e40)
Implement audio/sub track preference
In addition, there may be other improvements not listed here.
Features and/or improvements in this version:
Port to Qt 6. Support for operating systems older than Windows 10 has been dropped. (e6177e8)
Fixed some more fractional scaling bugs. (b9ea010 5e67730)
Tidied up the unimplemented options in the settings dialog. (59f1072)
Implement fullscreen switcher combobox. (3f0eae4)
Implement systray icon. (4026a9a)
Fix default tracks logic. (438690c)
Fix wayland icon. (d77b88d)
Add option to use Wayland. (7046cff)
Mute button state is preserved across restarts. (0856b23)
(Windows) Add the feature that if portable.txt is found in the same folder as the executable, the config will be written to a config folder beneath the executable. (6676af8)
In addition, there may be other improvements not listed here.
Features and/or improvements in this version:
Expose pipewire buffer setting (9ad28d2)
Sanitize more illegal characters from filenames (e92be28)
Fix compatibility with newer KDE, dropping some UX fixes for older KDE (014418c)
Fix control area hiding on multiple monitors (e5495c4)
Implement copying subtitle text to clipboard with ctrl-s (56c3c6a)
Turn off prefer forced subs (e58f294 and f5e46dc)
Better support for ultra-dark themes (495057f)
Implement basic ricing support (ed20568)
In addition, there may be other improvements not l
Features and/or improvements in this version:
Add mpc-hc compatible web server
Process wheel events over entire window (4e893f2)
Force use of XCB instead of wayland (f4d4b74)
In addition, there may be other improvements not listed here.
Features and/or improvements in this version:
Add library window (35630d2), deleted playlists are now saved instead of destroyed (9c6185f).
Remember shown stats page (f1cab33)
Implement subtitle track preference (e829b2b)
Rearrange settings window for 720p (782ba0a)
Save/restore maximized/minimized state (666bfbe)
Implement additive speed step (6d60f74)
Correctly set video filters (1d785eb)
Use alt+q on mac for quick open shortcut (93e7ab1)
Add ability to save thumbnails (47c3bba)
Implement after playback -> play next (cdb5890)
Implement thinner time fields like mpc-hc (f55e33e)
Implement limiting volume to 100% like mpc-hc (1936200)
Audio output settings now on own page (3567fb3)
Add logging framework (f06b7d1)
In addition, there may be other improvements not listed here.
This is a time-based release for people without a development environment. The program is under development and the unimplemented parts of the interface have been disabled. (some settings, online interfaces, etc.) Please open issues on Github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit 4bf2ca5 and mpv 0.29.0.
Fixes and enhancements
The following changes have been made since the last version:
Saner defaults (volume/zoom/tracks)
Add a device manager to implement the Open Disc menu
Add subtitles toggle button (#167 #211)
Improve usage of the fallback icon theme (#208)
Add shortcut to escape fullscreen (#194)
Add Spanish translation (#206)
Sanitise MPRIS metadata (#203 #204)
Implement deltaExtraPlaytimes IPC command (#200)
Implement early multi-process (#176)
Support Qt 5.11 (#198)
Extract tagged version information during the build process
Improve the playlist's context menu
Implement shuffle mode (#190)
Use mpv's new hook API (#189)
Fix regression with capitalized file extensions (#186)
Fix banding on Wayland (#164)
Add high bit-depth screenshotting option (#183)
Load mpv Lua scripts at [configfolder]/scripts (#182)
Wire up the autoload subs fields
Add --freestanding window launch option (#176)
Add option to suppress OSD messages (#179)
Only accept mouse events over the video widget (#177)
Allow the speed step to be customized (#175)
Don't add external subfiles to the playlist (#174)
Use mpv's internal stats plugin
Implement moving to next/previous file in the folder
Use mpv's new render API
In addition, there may be other changes not listed here.
This version is incompatible with older mpv releases. mpv 0.29.0 requires ffmpeg 4.0 and some distro users may need to use the mpv build scripts to make mpv. 8543470
The optional device manager functionality requires the presence of the udisks2 dbus service. 26e8c19
Compiling on Windows now requires packages to convert svg to ico. 855b14b
Running mpc-qt with some of the circulating mpv lua scripts may void your warranty. f6f2426
This is a convenience, time-based release for Microsoft Windows users. This is not final version software and unimplemented functionality has been disabled. Please open issues on github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit 79f6ab4 and mpv 0.28.0.
Fixes and enhancements
The following changes have been made since the last version:
(Re)enable building with older Qt versions (#136)
Update mpc-qt.desktop (#165)
Fix crash with svp (#140)
Bitblit the time and volume sliders (#147)
Add custom seek duration (#156)
Add Russian translation (#151)
Add checkboxes next to the zoom levels (#146)
In addition, there may be other changes not listed here.
This is a convenience, time-based release for Microsoft Windows users. This is not final version software and unimplemented functionality has been disabled. Please open issues on github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit 8f12155 and mpv 0.27.0. This is a relatively quiet release as the developer has been busy in real life.
Fixes and enhancements
The following changes have been made since the last version:
Remember time of favorites
Remember correct config folder (#137)
Correct window frame calculation (#138)
Don't crash in a new ipc connection (#140)
Enable building with MSVC (#141)
In addition, there may be other changes not listed here.
This is a convenience, time-based release for Microsoft Windows users. This is not final version software and unimplemented functionality has been disabled. Please open issues on github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit 122e5c7.
Fixes and enhancements
Bundle youtube-dl.exe to enable streaming from some websites. (+ ~7MiB)
Implement favorites menu (use mouse for moving and renaming)
Implement mpris protocol (Linux only)
Improve .desktop file (Linux only)
Fix cli --size implementation (#89)
Fix save image filename extension (#127)
Use expected window placement on first run (#128)
In addition, there may be other changes not listed here.
This is a convenience, time-based release for Microsoft Windows users.
While this project has been suitable as a daily driver for quite some time, this is not final version software, and unimplemented functionality has been disabled. Please open issues on github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit 5e87338.
Fixes and enhancements
Export MediaInfo to text file (#119)
USe correct mousewheel direction (#118)
Premangle the temporary image filename (#120)
Don't reset the play speed when pressing play (#117)
Honor --size argument (#89)
Add pallete editor (some shades are drawn by the system on Windows)
Custom icons and basic themeing (#65)
Integration of argon's stats.lua (#104)
Populate audio device lists with mpv 0.26.0 (mentioned in #116)
Add right-click menu (#113)
Simplified resizing code (#114)
In addition, there may be other fixes not listed here.
This is a convenience, time-based release for Microsoft Windows users.
While this project has been suitable as a daily driver for quite some time, this is not final version software, and unimplemented functionality has been disabled. Please open issues on github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit e265526.
Fixes and enhancements
Play > After Playback > Loop (#99)
Correct filesize (#100)
Zero playback progression (#103)
Disabling screensaver on Windows (#107)
Selecting hwdec backend (#109)
Disabling subs (#110)
In addition, there may be other fixes not listed here.
NOTE: There was a small errata introduced by fixing #107 that new users may enounter: default playback progression should be 1, not 0. This is easily changed through the settings dialog (Playback->Playlist->Play 1 times) and a hotfix therefore will not be made for this release at the present time.
This is a convenience, time-based release for Microsoft Windows users.
While this project has been suitable as a daily driver for quite some time, this is not final version software, and unimplemented functionality has been disabled. Please open issues on github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit f6b48f6.
Any provided hotfix is based on a more recent commit and provides fixes for errata noticed soon after a release. Hotfixes are based on the last release and are cumulative. If a hotfix is a executable, it should use the dlls provided by the latest complete zipfile and be placed in the unzipped folder and renamed to mpc-qt.exe. Likewise, hotfix zipfiles should be extracted to the same folder as the base release.
170704 - add window rendered screenshots (fixes #98)
170705 - add image plugins to release (fixes #97)
What's Changed
This bugfix release fixes a long standing bug that could lead to a crash, it also fixes a regression for Nvidia GPUs introduced by the version 24.12, fixes the "remember file position" feature and aims to fix a bug on Wayland caused by the packaging scripts of some distributions.
Bug fixes:
Don't set nowPlayingItem in playNextFileUrl (#339)
Don't use EGL for Nvidia and log display devices (#347)
Fix mpv_render_context_render invocation (#348)
Use reverse DNS + app naming for the .desktop file and advertise it (#350)
Other changes
Use Logger::log instead of LogStream wherever possible (#340)
Send the first log message as early as possible (#346)
Re-enable aspect ratio when changing it (#354)
What's Changed
Key highlights:
The position, in addition to audio, video and subtitle tracks can now be remembered for 1000 videos.
The seek bar is easier to use thanks to a pointing hand cursor and a bigger clickable area.
Seeking is faster (and playing videos uses less power) on Intel integrated GPUs thanks to updated hardware decoding backends.
You can now easily know which subtitle, audio or video track is active. And if you're not a native speaker, disabling the "Prefer forced/default subtitles" will make mpc-qt use the subtitle track with full close captioning by default.
You can adjust the subtitles delay and change (or disable) the video aspect ratio.
The OSD is now more useful, with the current and total time on seek or on key press, the subtitles delay and even the aspect ratio name.
Remember video position (#138, #139, #159, #163, #170, #174, #233, #237, #286)
Add a command to show/hide the controls in fullscreen (#141)
Play next/previous video in folder (#144, #219 and #235)
Add radio buttons in the Audio, Subtitles and Video Stream menus (#151, #271)
Support full file seamless loop (#165)
Improve subtitles auto selection (#172, #287)
Disable tracks submenus when empty, enable chapters menu when not empty (#171)
Remember audio, video and subtitle tracks (#169, #283)
Support adjusting subtitles delay (#175 and #188)
Support changing the video aspect ratio (#185, #192, #193 and #214)
Add an OSD timer (#189)
Add an option to show OSD timer on seek (#191)
Implement color controls (#198, #257)
Implement "Keep history of recently opened files" preference (#203)
Implement audio settings (#207, #257)
Display the title in the information bar and fix chapter display (#222)
Implement OSD font and font size settings (#224 and #225)
Don't disable the screensaver when the player is paused (#140)
Add missing tooltips to bottom bar (mainwindow) (#147)
Switch to C++17 and replace qAsConst with standard C++ feature (#150)
Increase recents size (#152)
Use pointing hand cursor where needed (#153)
Increase the clickable area of the timeline (be267c4)
Improve seekbar tooltip (#156)
Fix early finish (#167)
Improve Favorites UI workflow (#173)
Improve logging (#177, #178, #183, #259, #270, #276, #278, #280, #290)
Add Indonesian translation (#179)
Fix crash caused by native file dialog of Qt6 on macOS Ventura (and maybe Sonoma too) (#180)
Update hardware decoding backends (#182)
Remember screenshot directory for session (#184)
Increase OSD messages timeout to 2000 ms (#190)
Don't show "Mute:" and "Volume:" OSD messages when opening mpc-qt (#194)
Fix chapters ticks not getting cleared (#195)
Replace Fine (seek) step by Large step, Time step by Normal step (breaking change) (#196)
Make "Always on Top" key shortcut toggle between Always and Default (#197)
Always redraw the seekbar (#201)
Add vertical dividers between control buttons (#204)
Use safer default options (#205)
Don't add the current directory to external subtitles search (#206)
Simplify the "After Playback" actions and replace Repeat by faster Loop feature (#209 and #210)
Use a lock file to ensure single instance mode works correctly (#212)
Cache eofReached instead of blocking the main thread to check it (#213)
Cache chapter instead of blocking the mpv thread to check it (#216)
Filter the content of archives (#221)
Highlight the Play or Stop button depending on the playing state (#223)
Only remember history for videos by default (#228)
Add dutch translation file to project file (#232)
Update the "no media currently playing" logo (#251)
Update icon (#252)
Add a disabled state for white icons (dark fallback theme) (#254)
Fix slider position with Hi-DPI (#258)
Handle SIGHUP, SIGINT and SIGTERM signals (#263, #264)
Fix the tray icon (#288)
Disable the Volume menu in disabled state (#289)
Various improvements related to CI builds and automated tests (#145, #148, #186, #265, #269, #273, #279)
Work around KDE bug to hide cursor on rightmost pixels in fullscreen (#295)
Many translations updates (thank you to the translators!)
Features and/or improvements in this version:
Prettify the icon (37ae667)
Update some Russian phrases (2ba599e)
Implement dragging window from the video area
Fixed crash on restart when player is closed while minimized (13fd079)
Fixed crash when right-clicking playlist window under specific circumstances (a6da42d)
Suppress "errors" from stderr (fae0c21)
Don't go on top when paused (7ea601d)
Update list available spdif codecs (e6cde7a)
Restrict web server to localhost by default (3d1c1d8)
Add media keys on Windows (a561e40)
Implement audio/sub track preference
In addition, there may be other improvements not listed here.
Features and/or improvements in this version:
Port to Qt 6. Support for operating systems older than Windows 10 has been dropped. (e6177e8)
Fixed some more fractional scaling bugs. (b9ea010 5e67730)
Tidied up the unimplemented options in the settings dialog. (59f1072)
Implement fullscreen switcher combobox. (3f0eae4)
Implement systray icon. (4026a9a)
Fix default tracks logic. (438690c)
Fix wayland icon. (d77b88d)
Add option to use Wayland. (7046cff)
Mute button state is preserved across restarts. (0856b23)
(Windows) Add the feature that if portable.txt is found in the same folder as the executable, the config will be written to a config folder beneath the executable. (6676af8)
In addition, there may be other improvements not listed here.
Features and/or improvements in this version:
Expose pipewire buffer setting (9ad28d2)
Sanitize more illegal characters from filenames (e92be28)
Fix compatibility with newer KDE, dropping some UX fixes for older KDE (014418c)
Fix control area hiding on multiple monitors (e5495c4)
Implement copying subtitle text to clipboard with ctrl-s (56c3c6a)
Turn off prefer forced subs (e58f294 and f5e46dc)
Better support for ultra-dark themes (495057f)
Implement basic ricing support (ed20568)
In addition, there may be other improvements not l
Features and/or improvements in this version:
Add mpc-hc compatible web server
Process wheel events over entire window (4e893f2)
Force use of XCB instead of wayland (f4d4b74)
In addition, there may be other improvements not listed here.
Features and/or improvements in this version:
Add library window (35630d2), deleted playlists are now saved instead of destroyed (9c6185f).
Remember shown stats page (f1cab33)
Implement subtitle track preference (e829b2b)
Rearrange settings window for 720p (782ba0a)
Save/restore maximized/minimized state (666bfbe)
Implement additive speed step (6d60f74)
Correctly set video filters (1d785eb)
Use alt+q on mac for quick open shortcut (93e7ab1)
Add ability to save thumbnails (47c3bba)
Implement after playback -> play next (cdb5890)
Implement thinner time fields like mpc-hc (f55e33e)
Implement limiting volume to 100% like mpc-hc (1936200)
Audio output settings now on own page (3567fb3)
Add logging framework (f06b7d1)
In addition, there may be other improvements not listed here.
This is a time-based release for people without a development environment. The program is under development and the unimplemented parts of the interface have been disabled. (some settings, online interfaces, etc.) Please open issues on Github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit 4bf2ca5 and mpv 0.29.0.
Fixes and enhancements
The following changes have been made since the last version:
Saner defaults (volume/zoom/tracks)
Add a device manager to implement the Open Disc menu
Add subtitles toggle button (#167 #211)
Improve usage of the fallback icon theme (#208)
Add shortcut to escape fullscreen (#194)
Add Spanish translation (#206)
Sanitise MPRIS metadata (#203 #204)
Implement deltaExtraPlaytimes IPC command (#200)
Implement early multi-process (#176)
Support Qt 5.11 (#198)
Extract tagged version information during the build process
Improve the playlist's context menu
Implement shuffle mode (#190)
Use mpv's new hook API (#189)
Fix regression with capitalized file extensions (#186)
Fix banding on Wayland (#164)
Add high bit-depth screenshotting option (#183)
Load mpv Lua scripts at [configfolder]/scripts (#182)
Wire up the autoload subs fields
Add --freestanding window launch option (#176)
Add option to suppress OSD messages (#179)
Only accept mouse events over the video widget (#177)
Allow the speed step to be customized (#175)
Don't add external subfiles to the playlist (#174)
Use mpv's internal stats plugin
Implement moving to next/previous file in the folder
Use mpv's new render API
In addition, there may be other changes not listed here.
This version is incompatible with older mpv releases. mpv 0.29.0 requires ffmpeg 4.0 and some distro users may need to use the mpv build scripts to make mpv. 8543470
The optional device manager functionality requires the presence of the udisks2 dbus service. 26e8c19
Compiling on Windows now requires packages to convert svg to ico. 855b14b
Running mpc-qt with some of the circulating mpv lua scripts may void your warranty. f6f2426
This is a convenience, time-based release for Microsoft Windows users. This is not final version software and unimplemented functionality has been disabled. Please open issues on github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit 79f6ab4 and mpv 0.28.0.
Fixes and enhancements
The following changes have been made since the last version:
(Re)enable building with older Qt versions (#136)
Update mpc-qt.desktop (#165)
Fix crash with svp (#140)
Bitblit the time and volume sliders (#147)
Add custom seek duration (#156)
Add Russian translation (#151)
Add checkboxes next to the zoom levels (#146)
In addition, there may be other changes not listed here.
This is a convenience, time-based release for Microsoft Windows users. This is not final version software and unimplemented functionality has been disabled. Please open issues on github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit 8f12155 and mpv 0.27.0. This is a relatively quiet release as the developer has been busy in real life.
Fixes and enhancements
The following changes have been made since the last version:
Remember time of favorites
Remember correct config folder (#137)
Correct window frame calculation (#138)
Don't crash in a new ipc connection (#140)
Enable building with MSVC (#141)
In addition, there may be other changes not listed here.
This is a convenience, time-based release for Microsoft Windows users. This is not final version software and unimplemented functionality has been disabled. Please open issues on github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit 122e5c7.
Fixes and enhancements
Bundle youtube-dl.exe to enable streaming from some websites. (+ ~7MiB)
Implement favorites menu (use mouse for moving and renaming)
Implement mpris protocol (Linux only)
Improve .desktop file (Linux only)
Fix cli --size implementation (#89)
Fix save image filename extension (#127)
Use expected window placement on first run (#128)
In addition, there may be other changes not listed here.
This is a convenience, time-based release for Microsoft Windows users.
While this project has been suitable as a daily driver for quite some time, this is not final version software, and unimplemented functionality has been disabled. Please open issues on github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit 5e87338.
Fixes and enhancements
Export MediaInfo to text file (#119)
USe correct mousewheel direction (#118)
Premangle the temporary image filename (#120)
Don't reset the play speed when pressing play (#117)
Honor --size argument (#89)
Add pallete editor (some shades are drawn by the system on Windows)
Custom icons and basic themeing (#65)
Integration of argon's stats.lua (#104)
Populate audio device lists with mpv 0.26.0 (mentioned in #116)
Add right-click menu (#113)
Simplified resizing code (#114)
In addition, there may be other fixes not listed here.
This is a convenience, time-based release for Microsoft Windows users.
While this project has been suitable as a daily driver for quite some time, this is not final version software, and unimplemented functionality has been disabled. Please open issues on github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit e265526.
Fixes and enhancements
Play > After Playback > Loop (#99)
Correct filesize (#100)
Zero playback progression (#103)
Disabling screensaver on Windows (#107)
Selecting hwdec backend (#109)
Disabling subs (#110)
In addition, there may be other fixes not listed here.
NOTE: There was a small errata introduced by fixing #107 that new users may enounter: default playback progression should be 1, not 0. This is easily changed through the settings dialog (Playback->Playlist->Play 1 times) and a hotfix therefore will not be made for this release at the present time.
This is a convenience, time-based release for Microsoft Windows users.
While this project has been suitable as a daily driver for quite some time, this is not final version software, and unimplemented functionality has been disabled. Please open issues on github to prioritize remaining developer time. The project page is available from the help menu.
This release is based on commit f6b48f6.
Any provided hotfix is based on a more recent commit and provides fixes for errata noticed soon after a release. Hotfixes are based on the last release and are cumulative. If a hotfix is a executable, it should use the dlls provided by the latest complete zipfile and be placed in the unzipped folder and renamed to mpc-qt.exe. Likewise, hotfix zipfiles should be extracted to the same folder as the base release.
170704 - add window rendered screenshots (fixes #98)
170705 - add image plugins to release (fixes #97)