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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Youtube-DL-Gui

Youtube-DL-Gui v1.36.1

v1.36.1: Is a major bug fix that I over looked when it came to the new custom downloader window

Youtube-DL-Gui v1.35.1

Fix for .dll error on older Windows under 10

I had to revert to the older pyinstaller/python, for what ever reason the latest versions break support for Windows under 10

Youtube-DL-Gui v1.35

Fixed a small bug with displaying update information when updating youtube-dl
Program now makes root transparent when you update youtube-dl.exe, until it's done and then brings it back to full transparency
Moved the "old" view formats button in the tools menu bar now, this works like the older button 'Show All Formats' worked
I've set 'Best Video + Audio Single File' to be default now, so the program will automatically download the best video/audio file of any link you put in there (can still change it like before)
I've added a new feature, you can now select custom options for your video/audio in the "Custom Download' window
After pasting your link/adding it to the program like normal, you can select the new button, a window will pop up allowing the user to select which ever audio+video quality they want, pressing start will open the prompt to choose where to download and then it works as normal like before, it will download the video you selected, followed by the audio, then mux them together into an .mkv file

Youtube-DL-Gui BETA v1.34

Program now makes directories to app folders if they are missing (they should never be missing), this prevents a bug with the auto-downloader if the folder is missing
Fixed some bugs with the ffmpeg auto downloader
Completely revamped the download window/block for both youtube-dl and ffmpeg
Program now makes root (main window) transparent during download/stops user ability to click on it, this is set back to default when the entire download section is done
Program now checks for .exe instead of the path to exe. This is more dependable to check to see if it's missing before triggering the autodownloader
Program is updated to the latest version of python and built with the latest version of pyinstaller
I have also sent the program in to Microsoft and they are removing it as a false positive from the windows defender

Youtube-DL-Gui v1.33

Optimized the code
'Check for Updates' will now give you a message prompt when it's completed, stating if it's up to date or the new version it just downloaded during the update
Added new code to check/download youtube-dl automatically if the program is missing it for some reason, this is equipped with a new window/progress bar to do the work
Added new code to check/download ffmpeg from Gyan automatically if the program is missing it for some reason, this is equipped with a new window/progress bar to do the work, this is in a 7z format, I used 7zip CLI to extract just ffmpeg and place it where it needs to be
Adjusted the GUI size to be a little smaller/a lot more organized
Added a new Tab feature, this converted the audio/general/video into tabs
Added a new check button 'Only Download Single File From Playlist', if this is checked the program will only download the video out of the playlist pasted instead of the entire playlist
Added a new check button 'Skip Unavailable Videos', this will skip private/unavailable videos and continue to the rest of the playlist (Default is enabled)

Youtube-DL-Gui v1.2

Added a new config.ini (this is generated on program first run, this is located in the Runtime/ folder)
The path to FFMPEG/youtube-dl(.exe) is now written/read to the new config.ini
Added new two new Options in the 'Options' menu
I've added 'Set PATH to FFMPEG/Youtube-dl', you can set the path to each of these, and it will be written to the config.ini file

Youtube-DL-Gui v1.1

Adjusted the code, the program will no longer use the switch '-f best' anymore. (Without this switch the program actually will automatically download the best quality and put it in the best container)
I've optimized the code a little
Added progress bars, fully functional
Playlist progress bars (If you are downloading a playlist, the download window will extend, to show you the progress of the overall job via a counter and a progress bar)
Added multi-threading, so it's able to spawn multiple progress windows
Program now asks if you'd like to exit instead of just automatically exiting (Pressing yes during jobs will force quit all subprocesses (youtube-dl.exe/ffmpeg.exe)
The downloader is now out of BETA and updated to version 1.1
Separated the about window into a new file
Added some frame row/column configurations
Added a 'no_continue' function, in the GUI this is labeled Resume Download (This disables the default behaviour of auto resuming files that have already been downloaded, if you uncheck this button it will overwrite previously downloaded files)
Added a 'no_part' function (This will download files directly into the output file type instead of using parts, default is leaving this unchecked)
Added Youtube subtitle option (This only works if the subtitle is available with the video)

Youtube-DL-Gui BETA v1.3.1

Corrected some code
*This needed to be changed as some video sites won't allow 'bestvideo+bestaudio', simply using the swtich 'best' will always search and find the best audio+video from any link

Program checks path for youtube-dl and ffmpeg
*Early work, this will allow me to mesh this with FFMPEG Audio Encoder

Youtube-DL-Gui BETA v1.3

More work on the text box
This now properly runs on Windows 7 to Windows 10 (64-Bit) without any additional files

Youtube-DL-Gui BETA v1.2

Updated main paste text box
Added right click context menu, allowing you to paste
Added pyperclip allowing clipboard interaction between windows and python program
Text window now deletes when you right click or left click into it
Fixed older Windows unable to launch GUI

Youtube-DL-Gui BETA v1.1

Fixed video downloader
Updated youtube-dl.exe
Adjusted window height
Added the ability to update the heart of the program (youtube-dl.exe, this does not update the main GUI) You can access this via the newly added Tools menu at the top of the GUI
Completely revamped the 'Audio Only' checkbox
Added a 'Highest Quality Audio' checkbox
Added a checkbox to write metadata from the Title of the video, this is hit or miss depending on how the title is formatted, but does generally work great on music
Adjusted the 'Audio Format' drop down menu slightly
Adjusted the 'Start Button' to run a bunch of new code upon being pressed

Youtube-DL-Gui BETA v1.0

Added Iconphoto
Adjusted height
Added grid column/row configure for window resize
Adjusted bundled youtube-dl.exe location
Added a very basic About Window
Enabled/disabled some menu bars
Added Link/Audio frames
The pasted link now will be shown in the right when the buttons are pressed, this is both for the pasted link as well as save directory
Themed the program, a more youtube appropriate theme
Added a debug/default option in the menu bar, this will either leave the shell on or off (Default or Debug)
Program is now functional, can download links/playlist
Still really early, I've added a couple features
Built the command start button to actually be functional
Built a 'Audio Only' toggle button, this will enable/disable the -x switch for the CLI as well as enable/disable 'Audio Format' and 'Audio Quality', this also will allow me to add video specific features to the GUI later
Added 'Audio Format' drop down menu
Added 'Audio Quality' drop down menu

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