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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Wavosaur
20-may-2023 version
- New VST dialog box for plugin GUI:
Resizing bug fixed
Plugin name and dll name display
Status bar, menu and toolbar for plugin control
Mute button fonction to disconnect plugin
Load & save banks and presets
Resizable VST GUI full support
- New "VST/Midi bridge":
VST parameter are now management via midi CC (see manual for more detailled infos)
Update of midi configuration dialog box
- New "VST Tweaker":
Display of all VST parameters
Support of VST without GUI
Parameter value, label and name displayed
Usable with mouse wheel
Configurable view for low/high res screens (saved in ini file)
- New "VST Scanner":
New scanner with independant processing of plugin to avoid crash with unstable plugins
Use of WavosaurVSTScan.exe mandatory (same directory)
- VST Rack:
Mute added in popup menu (mute the selected plugin)
VST plugin properties dialog box
No window close on 'return' key pressed
Renaming of plugin in rack and list
Host support for open/save dialog
Support of parameter automation
Option to keep VST rack (saved in wavosaur.sor) to reload it at startup
- MP3 decoding bug with corrupted files fixed
- Playbar resynchro during selection change for loop
- Vu meter, Widget and VST processing bug fixed (for file closed)
- New Wavosaur debug features:
New dialog box in help menu
Code from Wavosaur support to activate debug functions
- Optimisation audit & task force for timing and speed:
Player, widget global graphic interface
Full display for zoom
- New recent file dialog box:
New dockable (left/right) and reziable dialog for recent file
All recent files are saved in wavosaurrecentfiles.ini file
Name and path views
- New file browser dockable dialog box:
Simple and efficient file tree with audio
Double click to load file
Path saved wavosaurbrowser.ini file
File filters fully editable in ini file
- Editor frame rate is now available un cfg file for advanced users
- Sampling rate and audio device are now on the main frame pane
- Double click on dB bar (channel solo) change without select all
- Audio driver:
Relaunched after audio configurations
Bug corrected for 24bits drivers (LSB)
Compatibility improvement for ASIO4all change of buffer size
Correction for multichannel drivers
Sample rate frequency detection
- Midi:
Midi panning correction
Midi commands are now in fully editable "wavosaurmidicommand.ini"
Evolution UC33 midi controller compatibility improvement
- New toolbar size, buttons added for oscillo & sonogram
- Main frame: filter to aifc, aff and snd added in open dialog box
24-jul-2020 version
- New realtime resampling algoritm for sampling different frequency of player
- Offline resampling:
New dialog box management
New downsampling options: medium and high band limited quality
Memory leak bug fixed
- Vu-meter widget bug fixed
- Progress dialog box :
Time remaining added
- Sonogram:
New logarithmic scale option
Display optimisation
Progress bar during computing
- Horizontal marker value display behavior improved
- NEW realtime Oscilloscope v2:
Ouput waveform analysis with electronic oscillocope philosophy
Color of most common oscillo
Trigger run and pause
Synchro on falling or rising edge
Trigger value and position with mouse
- Reminder popup bug fixed in case of undo
15-may-2020 version
- Synthesis:
Linear sweep
Exponential sweep
- Host VST transport changed flag bug solved)
- Sonogram:
Black/white and white/black color added
Better management of saturation level
Sample display avoid recalculation
Button sample display on by default
Computation optimisation
- sonogram widget
21-apr-2020 version
- "View Widget" added (in View menu)
- Redo:
Full support for all features
All in RAM option (recommended for x64), option in editor configuration dialog
- VST Rack:
Popup menu on right click on VST rack
Add VST with double click on VST list
Popup menu on right click on VST List: suppress & add to rack
Bug fix for Idle message from some old VSTs
Support of keyboard keys (suppr)
- Select from start or stop menu added (in Edit)
- Batch processor VST processing bug fixed
- Progress bar:
Percent progression added
- Bug fix for global display for Windows 10 resizing
20-mar-2020 version
- Normalize menu bug fixed
- Batch processing:
normalize -3dB added
mp3 320 kbit/s
directory path saved for folder browsing dialog box
- Convert to stereo bug fixed
- New Sor file format
- Data extract/write optimized
- Time bar: click on time bar to change current position
- DBbar:
double click support to select entire channel
simple click to select/deselect the channel
- New Widget: player chronometer
- AIFF file support:
Sampling frequency bug fixed
12, 24 & 32bits file support
- AIFC file support: (AIFF with AIFC file format)
Batch processing
- AU file support: 24 bits, 32 bits, A-law, float & double
- VOC file support: 8 bit import
- Import binary:
32 bits & 64 bits float big endian byte order support
8 bits u & A law support
- Export binary:
32 bits & 64 bits float big endian byte order support
8 bits u & A law support
25-feb-2017 version
- Discover new Wavosaur Widgets: Widgets are plugings completely dockable windows with high performance measurements for various audio parameters:
Real time ouput FFT (multichannel)
RMS power measurements
Scope mode for output signal visualization
Panning for stereo analysis
- Lot's of bug corrections/optimizations x86 & x64 bits
+ Channel processing
- Auxiliary left and auxiliary right channel convertion to mono
- Convertion to mono optimized with mix of only selected channels
- New "Select all" feature on right click
- New FXP and FXB management with strong support of Steinberg VST program and bank files
12-aug-2016 version
- New spectrum analysis: with precise real time display!
- Output routing is in cfg file
- New option to keep *.rec files (in case of crash)
- Oscilloscope bug fixed for sample view
- Mp3 decoder bug fied (synchro during decoding, without user impact)
- Transport playing flag for VST plugins
+ New time bar:
- Selection
- user view
- flickering improved
+ New keyboard control:
- to avoid switch to mainframe view for spectrum analysis/sonogram & 3d view keyboard shortcuts
- wavosaur.keys : lot's of wavosaur shortcuts are now customizable in this "ini" format file (editable)
- new "Keyboard shortcuts" configuration dialog box: in menu "Option"
02-dec-2013 version
+ 64 bit version : Wavosaur now runs natively on 64 bit Windows systems, and load 64 bit VST plugins, the 32 bit version of Wavosaur is also available
+ VST Host bugfix : fixed bug with "input pin", it was causing "Izotope" VST plugins to stop working
01-jul-2013 version
+ New VST Host:
- VST is now full compliant with 2.4 Steinberg SDK
- VST Host lots of bugs fixed
- Scan options added: VSti filter, sub directories, add VST to the current list
- Suppression of items inside the VST list
- New VST rack and list visualisation
- Drag and drop between list and rack, and inside the rack
- VSTi different icons between instruments and effects
- Apply bug fixed
- Batch processor bug fixed for VST Chain feature
+ Audio input:
- New record menu
- Hot plug support
- buffer loses bug fixed
- visual indication during recording: duration indication and record button blinking
+ Audio ouput:
- hot plug of audio devices support
- Volume dialog updated with purcentage display
+ Vumeter:
- more precise display for 30dB scale
- 120dB scale added
- Display options: thin, medium and large
- Color change
- Audio critical section added to improve stability
- Buffer out block size up to 4096 samples
- Cfg file format change (always editable in text editor like notepad)
- Auto update check added: this option could be deactivated in configuration dialog box
- Aiff file bug fixed
- DC remover selection bug fixed
28-dec-2012 version
Frequency editor:
- New memory manager: different type of curves (channel, buffer size) are displayed
- New FFT computation, with selection of buffer size
- zoom in zoom out with button, mouse and keyboard
- navigation inside the wave file with keyboard and toolbar
- Find peak tool
- Open and save as feature to load and write computation files to hard drive
- Selection bug fixed
New Sonogram:
- Saturation level added
- Window is now stand alone
- Window is resizable
- Windowing, data size, et FFT buffer size are configurable in a new dialog
- New high performance filter added: with new dialog box for customizations of frequency, type and precision
- Band pass and notch recursive filter with new dialogbox for property choice
more :
- VST GUI dialog box size bug fixed
- VST properties diplayed in the VST rack manager
- High precision FFT pitch shift added in process menu
- Color configuration added: all the colors of Wavosaur are modifiable
- Volume dialog box is now dockable in the right or the left corners of the mainframe
05-nov-2012 version
VST update:
- VST host interface changed
- Arrows added to change the position of the VST
- new button disposition at the left of the dialog box
- Support for deprecated VST Idle message increased
MP3 import:
- Mp3 decoder optimization
- RAM usage during import
- file decoding improved
- Real time sonogram: saturation level could be change with mouse wheel
- 3D frequency editor: mouse wheel support added for zoom in/out
Frequency editor:
- New windows with status bar and tool bar
- Window can be toogled to mainframe
- Cursor added with mouse control
- Lowercase file name bug fixed
time bar display changed:
- minute format added
- dynamic display
- New dialogbox for new file: possibility to choose duration or sample number
- Synthesis: new dialog box with note choice with octave and semitone choice
- New tool: note frequency calculator
02-jan-2012 version
+ batch processor has been entirely rewritten.
- subdirectories are now processed too
- RAM usage optimized
- Memory leak removed
- CPU usage improvements
+ minor bugfixes
+ VST:
- VST plugin compatibility improved
- Fixed crash with some VST plugins when scanning
- Popup menu added on time bar (right click) to change time format
- Resample check box memorized
06-jun-2006 version
- Display engine ram usage optimized
- Memory leakage removed
- Paste mono is now supported for multichannel files
+ Export file as binary added:
- 8,16,24,32,64 bits support, float, pcm and little and big endian
- no header or chunk added, just raw datas
+ New 3D frequency editor:
- independent window with menu, toolbar and status bar
- new 3D and color representation
- increase computation speed and display
- mouse support to rotate the current view
- zoom in/out
- Time format (time bar and status bar) is now global and saved in cfg file
+ VST:
- VST host tempo added in editor configuration dialog box
- VST rack slot full replaced by replacing command
- Various icon bugs fixed
- SamplePos now supported (VstTimeInfo)
- Amplitude zoom short cut added Ctrl+up or down arrow
+ Undo:
- unlimited undo!
- behavior and ram usage improved
- lots of action are now "undoable": marker and loop position, volume enveloppe etc.
- Bit depth converter dialog box bug fixed
- Save and Save as engine recoded
- Modified flag added: reminder dialog box is now after file modifications (option still exist to deactivate, but only for advanced user)
- Unlimited marker number
13-dec-2008 version
- Shift + click behavior added
- Playbar bug fixed
- MP3 bug fixed (truncated files)
- Check box on Time bar added
- Middle button bug fixed (scroll bar and time bar)
- Unselect shortcut added : Ctrl+Shift+A
- Output volume dialog box added to control general output volume ('View' menu), saved in cfg file
- Reset button added in audio out routing dialog box
- Multiple document could be now opened in command line
- BPM calculator added in tools menu
- Delay Calculator added in tools menu
- Reset to default colors added in skin configuration
26-aug-2008 version
+ Resampling:
- Downsampling filter/interpolation bug fixed
- Various type of interpolation added: polynome 2, 3, 4 degrees
- Band limited resampling added (for down sampling)
- Various anti aliasing filter qualities added
+ More file formats supported
- Ogg Vorbis support added : see our forum for more information about support setup
- WavPack decoder added : see our forum for more information about support setup
+ Spectrum analysis improved:
- -200dB floor level added
- Calculation precision improved
- Color changed to have better visualization
- Multichannel support
+ Sonogram:
- Calculation precision improved
- Sonogram is now in color! (black and white is always possible in "Settings" menu)
- Multichannel support
+ VST rack:
- VST GUI dialog box is now resizable (bottom right corner)
- Directory scan added
- 'wavosaur.vst': vst file list created with full open and editable format
+ Oscilloscope:
- Sonogram view is now in color!
- Various improvements and bug fixed
- Pitch shift quality improved
- Previous marker shortcut is now shift+tab
- Shift+home and Shift+end added (selection behavior)
- Marker limit increased
- Mouse wheel behavior updated: possibility to zoom on mouse pointer (F3 & F4 behavior) in editor configuration dialog box
+ Batch processor updated:
- Convert to mp3 192 kbit/s
- Insert 0.5 seconds at begining
- Wavpack and ogg support for batch converting
- Scrollbar bug fixed
- Ctrl+left or right arrows: multiply or divide selection by 2 (or custom factor, see cfg file, SelectionMultDivFactor entry)
- Note value added in custom loop dialog box
- Page up page down keys behavior improved
- ASIO : Mbox 2 support, 24 bit LSB compatibility
+ Bit depth converter:
- Dialog box parameters memorized in ini file
- Dithering added: 1 and 2 bits white noise
- Clipboard management improved
+ New synthesis added:
- Exponential sweep
- Linear frequency sweep
- Dirac train
- +6dB Volume bug fixed
- Audio output routing in now memorised in ini file
- Paste from clipboard as new added: Ctrl+Shift+V to create new audio file from clipboard datas
- All views flickering improved (playbar, resizing ...)
- CPU load improved
24-mar-2008 version 1.0.2
- Snap to zero crossing added in configuration dialog and in option menu, for selection (Ctrl+B)
+ Slicing/region features added:
- Auto slice region (alpha version): detect peak and mark region
- Scramble region (randomize region order, very interesting to find new rythms...)
- Set N regions ,dialog box added
- Clipping detection added in vu meter: reset is made clicking on red zone or in popupmenu
- Loop point "out of wav" bug fixed
- Selection bug fixed (pitch shift)
- ASIO bug fixed
- "Disable VST processing after apply" added in configuration dialog Box.
- Last files opened remembered at startup: this option could be desactivated in configuration dialog box
- Kill loop points added in batch processor
+ Popup menu (right click) on the DB bar:
- Select/deselect channel
- Solo: just the selected channel active
- Channel suppression
- Channel clone
- Blank channel insertion
- Swap channel
- Reset button added in cfg dialog box to default parameters
- Maximized child added in cfg file : 1 all child opened will be maximized, 0 child are opened with standard size and positions
- Paste replace option added in configuration dialog box
- Audio input monitoring added: button near record button to show input on vu meter
+ Midi configuration dialog box updated:
- All command codes are now configurable inside wavosaur (midi code in decimal value)
- It's possible to reset all the command to default values (Reset button added)
+ Convert to mono
- Mix all channels added (multichannel support)
- Selection of center, back left and back right added
- Popup menu added on time bar (right click) to change time format
- Resample check box memorized
01-dec-2007 version 1.0.1
- Audio configuration dialog bug fixed (happening with RME Asio)
- Middle button on mouse is now active for moving sound file when right-click is used for contextual menu. Otherwise this is the right button that is used for dragging the waveform.
- Zoom on mouse pointer added : use the F3 and F4 keys to zoom on mouse pointer.
- Selection, markers and loop behavior improved (dragging and moving).
+ Multimedia keyboard keys support:
- Use you keyboard to command Wavosaur playing : Play, stop, next and previous command added
- It could be desactivated in editor configuration dialog
- Add marker by midi command added (MIDI CC 39): see .cfg file to configure the midi CC
- Sample edition added in 'Tools' menu: you can change the value of a single sample with the mouse.
- Add loop command added in batch processor: automatically add loop points at start and end of the processed files.
+ VST Rack updated:
- Up and down added to change the VST order ; use these button to move up or down the VST plugins in the effects chain.
- Mute, solo & reset function added for each VST plugin : you can now bypass or solo the plugins in the effects chain.
- Apply bug fixed
- Autoscrolling during play added: the feature could be desactivated in configuration dialog box
+ Vu meter added:
- Dockable
- Menu 'View'->Vu meter
- Configurable scale (popup menu for right click, saved in ini)
- Gapper effect updated: possibility to change gap frequency (start frequency and end frequency)
- Frequency editor parameters saved in ini file, check button added (menu)
+ Option toolbar added:
- Various configurations
- Show on/off selection grid lines & horizontal marker added
- Import binary bug fixed (frequency reset)
- ALAW & ULAW saving bug fixed
- Playbar behavior updated (arrow key and page up&dn)
- Grid lines automatically turned off for small selection
- Frequency editor updated with -60dB level
- Red noise synthesis added (brown(ian) noise by white integration)
- Main window positions and sizes are now memorized (ini file): it's always
possible to show the window maximized at startup in Editor configuration
dialog box.
- Reminder on close modified
- Ctrl+E added to zoom on selection
- Ctrl+R added to zoom out full
01-jul-2007 version
+ New : volume automation added!
You can insert and edit a multi-point volume enveloppe, edit the volume enveloppe while listening to your sample in real time.
- Double click to add point
- Double click on point to delete
- Right click on points to select point type and other features
- Linear, Smoothy, Hold and Curve point added
- Apply volume automation on current file
- Reset list of points to 0dB
- Kill all automation points
- Real time playing of automation
- Volume automation is saved to wav file (SDK available soon for dev: contact us for more details)
- Volume automation toolbar added
+ Full support of GUI less VST:
VST without GUI can be tweaked now.
- VST rack updated to support tweaking with slider
- Parameter display in text field
+ VST rack news:
- Toolbar bug fixed
- Rack dialog box is now minimizable
- VST plugin GUI is now minimizable
- Double click added to open VST GUI in plugin list
- Only selected channel are processed (unselected channel are ignored)
- All wavosaur toolbars are movable, dockable and positions are memorized
- First version of french translation available Wavosaur. : copy this file inside your wavosaur directory
- Loop properties dialog box added: possibility to change midi note, type etc.
+ 64 bits wav file support:
- Import binary
- Batch processor
- 'New' dialog updated
- Display bug at end of file fixed
- Skin file name added in editor configuration dialog
- Unselected channel are now grayed in dB bar
- Open file dialog and save as dialog has now explorer style
- Horizontal marker added in Options menu
- Most recent file number (in File menu) is now configurable in cfg file
- Loop points toolbar added
- Lock loop and marker added in toolbars
- Scrollbar bug fixed (resizing)
- Delete marker and loop added: right click on the marker or loop point to display popup menu
- Pause button behavior changed
- VST compatibility improved
01-may-2007 version
- MP3 encoder 'lame_enc.dll' support: go to our web site for more installation informations
- Export as mp3 added in File menu with customisable options (select bitrate)
- Batch processor updated with convert to wav
- Batch processor updated with convert to mp3
- Crossfade loop added in Tool->Loop menu : first version of the Crossfade loop option is with "equal volume law" and fixed fades at 100 or 50%.
- Playbar behaviour modified in case of double Click
- Paste and mix at marker feature added
- Out of screen selection behaviour added: speed is configurable in cfg file
- 'Paste & mix' and 'Mark Selection' added in right click popup menu
- ASIO kx driver compatibility improved (16 bits MSB): Wavosaur now can work with ASIO KX drivers.
- Selection grid line bug fixed
- Big file displaying optimisation
- Loop points & markers saved when copy/cut/paste
- Custom truncate added in Effects menu
- Play from midi command bug fixed
- 8, 16, 24 & 32 bits file IO optimized: saving operations should be faster.
- Synthesis update : "Advanced" option added -> possibility to sum and multiply different synthesis
- Absolute square added in synthesis dialog
- Scrool bar bug fixed
- Delta (selection start minus selection end) added in statistics and properties box
- Custom insert silence added : insertion at end, start & cursor
+ Editor configuration dialog added:
- VST, chain files (*.sor) and sound path could be configured here (saved in cfg file)
- Reminder on close can be desactivated
- Always create new file when recording option added
- Popup menu on right click
- Selection grid line number
- Forward/Rewind speed
- Out of screen selection speed
- Auto detect region engine updated: possibility to set marker at start,end, middle and both positions
- Copy: only selected channel are copied
- Insert channel added in Process->Channel processing menu
- Selection grid line option is now for all samples and saved in cfg.
- Multichannel VST: apply function improved
- Apply VST bug fix (at end of file or selection)
- Process bit depth converter added: possibility to apply quantization
- "Gapper effect" added in "Effects" menu
- RC filter added : simulation of electronic first order RC filter
- Chebyshev filter added in Effects->Filter menu: recursive tchebysheff
filters with frequency, ripple, pole number and type
- Possibility to load multiple file in dialog box for open funtion
- Delta added in status bar
06-mar-2007 version
- MDI (Multiple Document Interface) implemented allowing:
+ Copy & paste between different opened audio files
+ Paste in new document
+ Change file by Ctrl+tab or with midi control command (ToggleWindow)
- ASIO driver implemented for audio output.
- Audio routing implemented
- Powerful real time resampling: this option is available in 'Audio configuration' menu
- Skin support: possibility to change all colors of Wavosaur! ENJOY!
- Possibility to have context menu on right click (option editable in cfg file)
- Export all region added: each region delimited by markers is flushed in wav file.
- AKAI S1000 Sample support
- SUN au and snd file support
- ADPCM Dialogic vox support
- AIF bug fixed
- File saved from record or cut datas are named "new" (no more ~tmp.wav)
- Recording when there's no opened file creates automatically a new file
-"Always create new file when recording" option (in .cfg)
- File writing improved : saving is faster
- Better VST compatibility
- GUI related bug fixed (no more CPU spikes when tweaking parameters)
- VST rack size reduced
- Options menu updated with time format and loop
- Reminder on close editable in cfg file
- 24 bits recording added for MME driver compatible in cfg file only
- Amplitude zoom enlarged
- Midi & audio configuration are now separated
- Batch processor dialog: path are now saved in ini file
- Import binary dialog: parameters are now saved in ini file
- Synthesis dialog: parameters are now saved in ini file
- New file dialog: parameters are now saved in ini file
- Playbar behaviour updated
- Statistics updated: in case of no selection, the entire file is computed
- Custom volume added
- Custom normalize added
- Custom auto detect region added
- Auto-trim added with customisable value
- Simple bit-depth converter added
- Properties added in File menu
- Export as text added in file menu
- Silence remover added in 'tools' menu
- Set selection range added in Edit menu
- Moving average filter added
- Frequency impulse train generator added in synthesis menu: useful for testing filters, a good complement to white noise analysis
- Set marker as BPM in Tools->Markers: it allows to place a marker for BPM and mesure
- Pitch shift added in Process menu
- Reload from file feature added
- Truncate feature added in Effect menu
- Scroll bar behaviour improved
- "Flower panning" visualization added!!!!
- Real time sonogram added in Oscilloscope tool
- Loop status is correctly showing in option menu
- "L" shortcut for "create loop" labeled in loop menu
- Display time options per file
- No submenu for DC remover
- "Channel mismatch paste error box" added for paste & mix
- Channel deselect now mute output
- Batch processor : output windows scrolling bug fixed
- Statistics now shows the total duration in h:m:s
14-dec-2006 version
- Save as and save implemented
- Batch processing implemented: first version with classic features like
applying VST chain effect, normalize etc for wav, aiff, iff, mp3
- Channel selection by keyboard shortcuts 1 and 2
- Export TFD datas as txt added (tools menu in frequency editor)
- Record added in tools menu
- MP3 file optimisation turbo mode, misc bugs fixed
- Last file opened memorized in cfg file
- Undo implemented on Insert Silence
- Binary file importation added in 'File' menu: 8, 16, 24, 32 bits, little
or big endian, signed or unsigned, custom channel and frequency for PCM
- Page Up & Page down shortcuts added
- Go to next and previous marker command added by tab & ² shortcuts
- Copy & paste marker in selection
- Synthesis engine added: sinus, square, ramp up & down, triangle, noise,
absolute sinus
- Shift arrow bug fixed
- Time bar upraded
- Go to loop start and loop end added
- Midi command back to start, next & previous marker, record, pause added
- Save selection as added in 'File' menu
- Mark selection added
- New Audio file dialog box added
- Resample engine added
- Iff default chunk bug fixed
- Marker toolbar added
04-dec-2006 version
- Undo implemented for trim crop & channel converting.
- "Zoom" toolbar added.
- "Process" toolbar added.
- "Tools" toolbar added.
- Rewind and fast forward button added
- Vocal remover, normalise & apply VST on selection
- MP3 maj extension detected, bad mp3 format filter added avoiding reset of the wav.
- Normalize 0dB -0.3dB -1dB -6dB added.
- Auto detect region added in Tools menu.
- DC remover added in Process menu.
- Sample editor font change.
- Record button is now red.
- Interpolate bug fix.
- All known media file filter added.
- Insert silence at end bug fix.
- Trim crop bug fix.
- Status bar bug fix.
- Memory optimisation for reverse and paste & mix function.
21-nov-2006 version
- Audio input sample rate for recording: 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000, 96000, 192kHz supported.
- Huge optimisation of the graphic engine.
- Audio input optimisation : double buffering engine.
- Audio input bit depth selection added: 8 or 16 bits (in .cfg file only).
- Last recording frequency saved in wav file.
- Zoom behaviour for max value modified to avoid redrawing.
- Possibility to change loop and markers during playing without changing playbar position.
- Markers and loop behaviour upgraded (for suppr and cut and paste function).
- Possibility to kill one marker by selecting the marker + "suppr" keys simultaneously.
- 8, 24 & 32 bits wav extraction optimized.
- Spectrum analysis: Gaussian 5 & 10 added (a coefficient) for windowing.
- Minor bugfix with the editor view.
08-nov-2006 version
- Command line arguments support.
- Default registry entry suppression: the last opened files are in ini files.
- Log, ini and cfg files are now in exe directory. These files are always generated, and could be removed
- 1 of last files opened bug fixed.
+ Spectrum analysis:
- Code optimisation.
- Papoulis window added.
+ Midi command:
- General volume added (audio engine).
- Pan added.
- Amplitude zoom reset for new sound file open.
- VST BPM added in .cfg file.
- Audio out sample rate: 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000, 96000, 192kHz etc. supported.
- Audio out bit depth selection added: 8 16 bits (in .cfg file only).
20-oct-2006 version
+ MP3 file support:
- Saturation support.
- File extraction.
- Complete file name displayed in stat box.
- MP3 loading optimization.
- Last file type memorized for open dlg box.
- File name changed in statistics dialog box.
- Key board shortcut for time zoom with arrows.
- Graphic bug fixed.
- Sound engine optimization.
+ Spectrum analysis
- Refresh function added.
- Memorize function added.
- Various windows style added: Rectangular, Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming, Blackmann, Blackmann- Harris, Gaussian 2.5.
- Fill rectangle added.
06-oct-2006 version
+ Fade in and fade out functions added:
- Exponential.
- Sinus.
- Square.
- Cubic.
+ Undo for all fade functions, mute, normalize, invert, swap channel, interpolate.
+ Undo functions optimization.
+ Zoom optimization.
+ Midi input message optimisation for play pause.
+ Frequency editor update.
- Y Axes added.
- Adjustable level.
- X Logarithmic 10 scale.
- Multi instance of the frequency editor can be open.
+ Oscilloscope update.
- Multi instance of the oscilloscope can be open.
- Visualisation optimization.
- Panning.
- Real Time FFT.
+ Output driver oscilloscope added with the same characteristic.
12-sep-2006 version
- Loop point locking in loop and markers menu.
- Loop point locking added in cfg file.
- Dirac synthesis at cursor.
- Step synthesis at cursor.
- End of wav selection bug fixed.
- Memory optimisation during mono stereo conversion.
- Amp zoom bug fixed.
- Suppr and cut bug fixed.
- Maj file opening bug fixed.
- IFF (8SVX & 16SV) support added.
- Audio driver started at start up.
- IFF bug fixed.
- General information added in statistics: loop list, markers, channel etc.
- Export as txt added in statistics dialog box .
- Undo button added in main toolbar.
- Default chunk bug fixed.
21-jun-2006 version
- Zoom greater than 1:1.
- Invert fonction added in process menu.
- Swap channel function added in process menu.
- Interpolate fonction added in tool menu.
- Sonogram added (black and white) for MONO sample.
- Trim crop button added, trim crop also added in the edit menu.
- Keyboard shorcuts displayed in the menu.
- Zoom bugfixes.
- Playing behaviour improved :
- Playing now stop at end of selection.
- No more bug when play from start with a selection & loop on.
- Bugfix when play from start and then pause before or after a selection.
- Load fxp.
- Save fxb.
- Save fxp.
- Bugfixes with cut & trim functions.
- Nugfixes with the "new" function.
10-jun-2006 version
- Undo (up to ten) added, ctrl+z or edit menu, undo is effective for :
- Suprr.
- Cut.
- Paste.
- Apply VST
- Audio inadded in config dialog. You can choose the audio port for recording.
- Record engine full working, recorded data is appended at the end of the current waveform.
- When recording a markers is added (at start of recording).
- markers naming improved.
- Markers and loop points can be dragged with the mouse.
- Double click to select data between loop points.
- Markers are now correctly imported and displayed.
- Real time oscilloscope added ("o" key or tool menu).
- Spectrum Analysis on selection ("f" key or tool menu).
- 3D Spectrum Analysis ("k" key or tool menu) on selection, wiew can be moved on the 3 axis with the arrow keys ("w" and "x" keys for the z-axis).
- 3D view improved.
- Predfined view added for 3D spectrum.
- Import Aiff files improved.
- Arrow keys to move the playing bar.
- Insert silence added in process menu.
- Bugfix with import file with "bad extension".
- Various bugfixes on the graphics.
- Loading .fxb bug fixed.
23-may-2006 version
- Insert Markers added.
- Import Aiff files.
- Statistics tool (on selection) added.
- Spectrum Analysis engine is working.
- MIDI config Bugfixes.
08-may-2006 version
- Cut/del/paste improved (speed and ram usage).
- Display improved.
- Load and display sample loop points.
- Moop creation (with "l" key or menu).
- "MIDI in" is active (play/stop/rewind/fastforward on MIDI cc 34 35 36 37).
- Horizontal scrollbar added.
- Config dialog access via the option menu.
17-apr-2006 version
- New VST Rack :
Load,kill,view VST.
Load fxb.
Load/save/reset chain.
- CTRL+mousewheel to zoom amplitude (+bugfixes).
- SHIFTt+arrow to make selection.
- Remember last folder opened (temporary fixed to 4).
- Vocal remover (remove center material) added.
- Bugfixes : loading from the recent menu list bug.
- Remember loop state in .cfg.
- You can now choose the buffer size in config dialog.
- Different time display option added.
- volume (+6dB or -6dB) added in menu process.
- Normalize is effective on the entire wav instead of selection only.
- Bugfixes with normalize.
- Bugfixes with sample opening.
- VST Host clipping bug fixed.
09-apr-2006 version
- Drag and drop for opening wav file.
- Display time (in sample) while playing.
- CTRL+a to select all.
- Delete to cut file.
- Pause implemented.
- Back to start now working well (when there's a selection).
- Bugfixes, optimisation.
- 32 bits ieee float wav loading fixed .
- Graphics optimisation.
- Recent opened files in file menu.
- Menu option added (with selection grid line).
- Audio output saved in configuration file (.cfg).
- Loading .wav is faster.
- Convert to mono improved.
- Scale in dB added.
03-apr-2006 version
-Added a config dialog for selection audio output.
(currently the config is not saved).
03-apr-2006 version
- Various bugfixes.
- Menu process added with:
- Fade in/out.
- Reverse.
- Mute.
- Convert to stereo/mono.
02-apr-2006 version
- Bug in selection fixed.
02-apr-2006 version
- CPU load improved.
- Zoom on selection improved.
- Apply VST effect (destructive) added.
- CRTL+T for trim/crop.
- Spacebar = play/stop.
31-mar-2006 version
- Zoom improved.
- Wav files load faster.
- Wav file info in status bar.
29-mar-2006 version
- Play From Start (not full working).
- New, Back to Start.
- Zoom selection improved.
26-mar-2006 version
- VST processing enabled.
- Play loop, Sample nb in statusbar.
- Double click to select all wav.
- Maximise at startup.
25-mar-2006 version
- Alpha release:
- cut, copy paste and copy to clipboars implemented.
- VST Host implemented.
- New VST dialog box for plugin GUI:
Resizing bug fixed
Plugin name and dll name display
Status bar, menu and toolbar for plugin control
Mute button fonction to disconnect plugin
Load & save banks and presets
Resizable VST GUI full support
- New "VST/Midi bridge":
VST parameter are now management via midi CC (see manual for more detailled infos)
Update of midi configuration dialog box
- New "VST Tweaker":
Display of all VST parameters
Support of VST without GUI
Parameter value, label and name displayed
Usable with mouse wheel
Configurable view for low/high res screens (saved in ini file)
- New "VST Scanner":
New scanner with independant processing of plugin to avoid crash with unstable plugins
Use of WavosaurVSTScan.exe mandatory (same directory)
- VST Rack:
Mute added in popup menu (mute the selected plugin)
VST plugin properties dialog box
No window close on 'return' key pressed
Renaming of plugin in rack and list
Host support for open/save dialog
Support of parameter automation
Option to keep VST rack (saved in wavosaur.sor) to reload it at startup
- MP3 decoding bug with corrupted files fixed
- Playbar resynchro during selection change for loop
- Vu meter, Widget and VST processing bug fixed (for file closed)
- New Wavosaur debug features:
New dialog box in help menu
Code from Wavosaur support to activate debug functions
- Optimisation audit & task force for timing and speed:
Player, widget global graphic interface
Full display for zoom
- New recent file dialog box:
New dockable (left/right) and reziable dialog for recent file
All recent files are saved in wavosaurrecentfiles.ini file
Name and path views
- New file browser dockable dialog box:
Simple and efficient file tree with audio
Double click to load file
Path saved wavosaurbrowser.ini file
File filters fully editable in ini file
- Editor frame rate is now available un cfg file for advanced users
- Sampling rate and audio device are now on the main frame pane
- Double click on dB bar (channel solo) change without select all
- Audio driver:
Relaunched after audio configurations
Bug corrected for 24bits drivers (LSB)
Compatibility improvement for ASIO4all change of buffer size
Correction for multichannel drivers
Sample rate frequency detection
- Midi:
Midi panning correction
Midi commands are now in fully editable "wavosaurmidicommand.ini"
Evolution UC33 midi controller compatibility improvement
- New toolbar size, buttons added for oscillo & sonogram
- Main frame: filter to aifc, aff and snd added in open dialog box
24-jul-2020 version
- New realtime resampling algoritm for sampling different frequency of player
- Offline resampling:
New dialog box management
New downsampling options: medium and high band limited quality
Memory leak bug fixed
- Vu-meter widget bug fixed
- Progress dialog box :
Time remaining added
- Sonogram:
New logarithmic scale option
Display optimisation
Progress bar during computing
- Horizontal marker value display behavior improved
- NEW realtime Oscilloscope v2:
Ouput waveform analysis with electronic oscillocope philosophy
Color of most common oscillo
Trigger run and pause
Synchro on falling or rising edge
Trigger value and position with mouse
- Reminder popup bug fixed in case of undo
15-may-2020 version
- Synthesis:
Linear sweep
Exponential sweep
- Host VST transport changed flag bug solved)
- Sonogram:
Black/white and white/black color added
Better management of saturation level
Sample display avoid recalculation
Button sample display on by default
Computation optimisation
- sonogram widget
21-apr-2020 version
- "View Widget" added (in View menu)
- Redo:
Full support for all features
All in RAM option (recommended for x64), option in editor configuration dialog
- VST Rack:
Popup menu on right click on VST rack
Add VST with double click on VST list
Popup menu on right click on VST List: suppress & add to rack
Bug fix for Idle message from some old VSTs
Support of keyboard keys (suppr)
- Select from start or stop menu added (in Edit)
- Batch processor VST processing bug fixed
- Progress bar:
Percent progression added
- Bug fix for global display for Windows 10 resizing
20-mar-2020 version
- Normalize menu bug fixed
- Batch processing:
normalize -3dB added
mp3 320 kbit/s
directory path saved for folder browsing dialog box
- Convert to stereo bug fixed
- New Sor file format
- Data extract/write optimized
- Time bar: click on time bar to change current position
- DBbar:
double click support to select entire channel
simple click to select/deselect the channel
- New Widget: player chronometer
- AIFF file support:
Sampling frequency bug fixed
12, 24 & 32bits file support
- AIFC file support: (AIFF with AIFC file format)
Batch processing
- AU file support: 24 bits, 32 bits, A-law, float & double
- VOC file support: 8 bit import
- Import binary:
32 bits & 64 bits float big endian byte order support
8 bits u & A law support
- Export binary:
32 bits & 64 bits float big endian byte order support
8 bits u & A law support
25-feb-2017 version
- Discover new Wavosaur Widgets: Widgets are plugings completely dockable windows with high performance measurements for various audio parameters:
Real time ouput FFT (multichannel)
RMS power measurements
Scope mode for output signal visualization
Panning for stereo analysis
- Lot's of bug corrections/optimizations x86 & x64 bits
+ Channel processing
- Auxiliary left and auxiliary right channel convertion to mono
- Convertion to mono optimized with mix of only selected channels
- New "Select all" feature on right click
- New FXP and FXB management with strong support of Steinberg VST program and bank files
12-aug-2016 version
- New spectrum analysis: with precise real time display!
- Output routing is in cfg file
- New option to keep *.rec files (in case of crash)
- Oscilloscope bug fixed for sample view
- Mp3 decoder bug fied (synchro during decoding, without user impact)
- Transport playing flag for VST plugins
+ New time bar:
- Selection
- user view
- flickering improved
+ New keyboard control:
- to avoid switch to mainframe view for spectrum analysis/sonogram & 3d view keyboard shortcuts
- wavosaur.keys : lot's of wavosaur shortcuts are now customizable in this "ini" format file (editable)
- new "Keyboard shortcuts" configuration dialog box: in menu "Option"
02-dec-2013 version
+ 64 bit version : Wavosaur now runs natively on 64 bit Windows systems, and load 64 bit VST plugins, the 32 bit version of Wavosaur is also available
+ VST Host bugfix : fixed bug with "input pin", it was causing "Izotope" VST plugins to stop working
01-jul-2013 version
+ New VST Host:
- VST is now full compliant with 2.4 Steinberg SDK
- VST Host lots of bugs fixed
- Scan options added: VSti filter, sub directories, add VST to the current list
- Suppression of items inside the VST list
- New VST rack and list visualisation
- Drag and drop between list and rack, and inside the rack
- VSTi different icons between instruments and effects
- Apply bug fixed
- Batch processor bug fixed for VST Chain feature
+ Audio input:
- New record menu
- Hot plug support
- buffer loses bug fixed
- visual indication during recording: duration indication and record button blinking
+ Audio ouput:
- hot plug of audio devices support
- Volume dialog updated with purcentage display
+ Vumeter:
- more precise display for 30dB scale
- 120dB scale added
- Display options: thin, medium and large
- Color change
- Audio critical section added to improve stability
- Buffer out block size up to 4096 samples
- Cfg file format change (always editable in text editor like notepad)
- Auto update check added: this option could be deactivated in configuration dialog box
- Aiff file bug fixed
- DC remover selection bug fixed
28-dec-2012 version
Frequency editor:
- New memory manager: different type of curves (channel, buffer size) are displayed
- New FFT computation, with selection of buffer size
- zoom in zoom out with button, mouse and keyboard
- navigation inside the wave file with keyboard and toolbar
- Find peak tool
- Open and save as feature to load and write computation files to hard drive
- Selection bug fixed
New Sonogram:
- Saturation level added
- Window is now stand alone
- Window is resizable
- Windowing, data size, et FFT buffer size are configurable in a new dialog
- New high performance filter added: with new dialog box for customizations of frequency, type and precision
- Band pass and notch recursive filter with new dialogbox for property choice
more :
- VST GUI dialog box size bug fixed
- VST properties diplayed in the VST rack manager
- High precision FFT pitch shift added in process menu
- Color configuration added: all the colors of Wavosaur are modifiable
- Volume dialog box is now dockable in the right or the left corners of the mainframe
05-nov-2012 version
VST update:
- VST host interface changed
- Arrows added to change the position of the VST
- new button disposition at the left of the dialog box
- Support for deprecated VST Idle message increased
MP3 import:
- Mp3 decoder optimization
- RAM usage during import
- file decoding improved
- Real time sonogram: saturation level could be change with mouse wheel
- 3D frequency editor: mouse wheel support added for zoom in/out
Frequency editor:
- New windows with status bar and tool bar
- Window can be toogled to mainframe
- Cursor added with mouse control
- Lowercase file name bug fixed
time bar display changed:
- minute format added
- dynamic display
- New dialogbox for new file: possibility to choose duration or sample number
- Synthesis: new dialog box with note choice with octave and semitone choice
- New tool: note frequency calculator
02-jan-2012 version
+ batch processor has been entirely rewritten.
- subdirectories are now processed too
- RAM usage optimized
- Memory leak removed
- CPU usage improvements
+ minor bugfixes
+ VST:
- VST plugin compatibility improved
- Fixed crash with some VST plugins when scanning
- Popup menu added on time bar (right click) to change time format
- Resample check box memorized
06-jun-2006 version
- Display engine ram usage optimized
- Memory leakage removed
- Paste mono is now supported for multichannel files
+ Export file as binary added:
- 8,16,24,32,64 bits support, float, pcm and little and big endian
- no header or chunk added, just raw datas
+ New 3D frequency editor:
- independent window with menu, toolbar and status bar
- new 3D and color representation
- increase computation speed and display
- mouse support to rotate the current view
- zoom in/out
- Time format (time bar and status bar) is now global and saved in cfg file
+ VST:
- VST host tempo added in editor configuration dialog box
- VST rack slot full replaced by replacing command
- Various icon bugs fixed
- SamplePos now supported (VstTimeInfo)
- Amplitude zoom short cut added Ctrl+up or down arrow
+ Undo:
- unlimited undo!
- behavior and ram usage improved
- lots of action are now "undoable": marker and loop position, volume enveloppe etc.
- Bit depth converter dialog box bug fixed
- Save and Save as engine recoded
- Modified flag added: reminder dialog box is now after file modifications (option still exist to deactivate, but only for advanced user)
- Unlimited marker number
13-dec-2008 version
- Shift + click behavior added
- Playbar bug fixed
- MP3 bug fixed (truncated files)
- Check box on Time bar added
- Middle button bug fixed (scroll bar and time bar)
- Unselect shortcut added : Ctrl+Shift+A
- Output volume dialog box added to control general output volume ('View' menu), saved in cfg file
- Reset button added in audio out routing dialog box
- Multiple document could be now opened in command line
- BPM calculator added in tools menu
- Delay Calculator added in tools menu
- Reset to default colors added in skin configuration
26-aug-2008 version
+ Resampling:
- Downsampling filter/interpolation bug fixed
- Various type of interpolation added: polynome 2, 3, 4 degrees
- Band limited resampling added (for down sampling)
- Various anti aliasing filter qualities added
+ More file formats supported
- Ogg Vorbis support added : see our forum for more information about support setup
- WavPack decoder added : see our forum for more information about support setup
+ Spectrum analysis improved:
- -200dB floor level added
- Calculation precision improved
- Color changed to have better visualization
- Multichannel support
+ Sonogram:
- Calculation precision improved
- Sonogram is now in color! (black and white is always possible in "Settings" menu)
- Multichannel support
+ VST rack:
- VST GUI dialog box is now resizable (bottom right corner)
- Directory scan added
- 'wavosaur.vst': vst file list created with full open and editable format
+ Oscilloscope:
- Sonogram view is now in color!
- Various improvements and bug fixed
- Pitch shift quality improved
- Previous marker shortcut is now shift+tab
- Shift+home and Shift+end added (selection behavior)
- Marker limit increased
- Mouse wheel behavior updated: possibility to zoom on mouse pointer (F3 & F4 behavior) in editor configuration dialog box
+ Batch processor updated:
- Convert to mp3 192 kbit/s
- Insert 0.5 seconds at begining
- Wavpack and ogg support for batch converting
- Scrollbar bug fixed
- Ctrl+left or right arrows: multiply or divide selection by 2 (or custom factor, see cfg file, SelectionMultDivFactor entry)
- Note value added in custom loop dialog box
- Page up page down keys behavior improved
- ASIO : Mbox 2 support, 24 bit LSB compatibility
+ Bit depth converter:
- Dialog box parameters memorized in ini file
- Dithering added: 1 and 2 bits white noise
- Clipboard management improved
+ New synthesis added:
- Exponential sweep
- Linear frequency sweep
- Dirac train
- +6dB Volume bug fixed
- Audio output routing in now memorised in ini file
- Paste from clipboard as new added: Ctrl+Shift+V to create new audio file from clipboard datas
- All views flickering improved (playbar, resizing ...)
- CPU load improved
24-mar-2008 version 1.0.2
- Snap to zero crossing added in configuration dialog and in option menu, for selection (Ctrl+B)
+ Slicing/region features added:
- Auto slice region (alpha version): detect peak and mark region
- Scramble region (randomize region order, very interesting to find new rythms...)
- Set N regions ,dialog box added
- Clipping detection added in vu meter: reset is made clicking on red zone or in popupmenu
- Loop point "out of wav" bug fixed
- Selection bug fixed (pitch shift)
- ASIO bug fixed
- "Disable VST processing after apply" added in configuration dialog Box.
- Last files opened remembered at startup: this option could be desactivated in configuration dialog box
- Kill loop points added in batch processor
+ Popup menu (right click) on the DB bar:
- Select/deselect channel
- Solo: just the selected channel active
- Channel suppression
- Channel clone
- Blank channel insertion
- Swap channel
- Reset button added in cfg dialog box to default parameters
- Maximized child added in cfg file : 1 all child opened will be maximized, 0 child are opened with standard size and positions
- Paste replace option added in configuration dialog box
- Audio input monitoring added: button near record button to show input on vu meter
+ Midi configuration dialog box updated:
- All command codes are now configurable inside wavosaur (midi code in decimal value)
- It's possible to reset all the command to default values (Reset button added)
+ Convert to mono
- Mix all channels added (multichannel support)
- Selection of center, back left and back right added
- Popup menu added on time bar (right click) to change time format
- Resample check box memorized
01-dec-2007 version 1.0.1
- Audio configuration dialog bug fixed (happening with RME Asio)
- Middle button on mouse is now active for moving sound file when right-click is used for contextual menu. Otherwise this is the right button that is used for dragging the waveform.
- Zoom on mouse pointer added : use the F3 and F4 keys to zoom on mouse pointer.
- Selection, markers and loop behavior improved (dragging and moving).
+ Multimedia keyboard keys support:
- Use you keyboard to command Wavosaur playing : Play, stop, next and previous command added
- It could be desactivated in editor configuration dialog
- Add marker by midi command added (MIDI CC 39): see .cfg file to configure the midi CC
- Sample edition added in 'Tools' menu: you can change the value of a single sample with the mouse.
- Add loop command added in batch processor: automatically add loop points at start and end of the processed files.
+ VST Rack updated:
- Up and down added to change the VST order ; use these button to move up or down the VST plugins in the effects chain.
- Mute, solo & reset function added for each VST plugin : you can now bypass or solo the plugins in the effects chain.
- Apply bug fixed
- Autoscrolling during play added: the feature could be desactivated in configuration dialog box
+ Vu meter added:
- Dockable
- Menu 'View'->Vu meter
- Configurable scale (popup menu for right click, saved in ini)
- Gapper effect updated: possibility to change gap frequency (start frequency and end frequency)
- Frequency editor parameters saved in ini file, check button added (menu)
+ Option toolbar added:
- Various configurations
- Show on/off selection grid lines & horizontal marker added
- Import binary bug fixed (frequency reset)
- ALAW & ULAW saving bug fixed
- Playbar behavior updated (arrow key and page up&dn)
- Grid lines automatically turned off for small selection
- Frequency editor updated with -60dB level
- Red noise synthesis added (brown(ian) noise by white integration)
- Main window positions and sizes are now memorized (ini file): it's always
possible to show the window maximized at startup in Editor configuration
dialog box.
- Reminder on close modified
- Ctrl+E added to zoom on selection
- Ctrl+R added to zoom out full
01-jul-2007 version
+ New : volume automation added!
You can insert and edit a multi-point volume enveloppe, edit the volume enveloppe while listening to your sample in real time.
- Double click to add point
- Double click on point to delete
- Right click on points to select point type and other features
- Linear, Smoothy, Hold and Curve point added
- Apply volume automation on current file
- Reset list of points to 0dB
- Kill all automation points
- Real time playing of automation
- Volume automation is saved to wav file (SDK available soon for dev: contact us for more details)
- Volume automation toolbar added
+ Full support of GUI less VST:
VST without GUI can be tweaked now.
- VST rack updated to support tweaking with slider
- Parameter display in text field
+ VST rack news:
- Toolbar bug fixed
- Rack dialog box is now minimizable
- VST plugin GUI is now minimizable
- Double click added to open VST GUI in plugin list
- Only selected channel are processed (unselected channel are ignored)
- All wavosaur toolbars are movable, dockable and positions are memorized
- First version of french translation available Wavosaur. : copy this file inside your wavosaur directory
- Loop properties dialog box added: possibility to change midi note, type etc.
+ 64 bits wav file support:
- Import binary
- Batch processor
- 'New' dialog updated
- Display bug at end of file fixed
- Skin file name added in editor configuration dialog
- Unselected channel are now grayed in dB bar
- Open file dialog and save as dialog has now explorer style
- Horizontal marker added in Options menu
- Most recent file number (in File menu) is now configurable in cfg file
- Loop points toolbar added
- Lock loop and marker added in toolbars
- Scrollbar bug fixed (resizing)
- Delete marker and loop added: right click on the marker or loop point to display popup menu
- Pause button behavior changed
- VST compatibility improved
01-may-2007 version
- MP3 encoder 'lame_enc.dll' support: go to our web site for more installation informations
- Export as mp3 added in File menu with customisable options (select bitrate)
- Batch processor updated with convert to wav
- Batch processor updated with convert to mp3
- Crossfade loop added in Tool->Loop menu : first version of the Crossfade loop option is with "equal volume law" and fixed fades at 100 or 50%.
- Playbar behaviour modified in case of double Click
- Paste and mix at marker feature added
- Out of screen selection behaviour added: speed is configurable in cfg file
- 'Paste & mix' and 'Mark Selection' added in right click popup menu
- ASIO kx driver compatibility improved (16 bits MSB): Wavosaur now can work with ASIO KX drivers.
- Selection grid line bug fixed
- Big file displaying optimisation
- Loop points & markers saved when copy/cut/paste
- Custom truncate added in Effects menu
- Play from midi command bug fixed
- 8, 16, 24 & 32 bits file IO optimized: saving operations should be faster.
- Synthesis update : "Advanced" option added -> possibility to sum and multiply different synthesis
- Absolute square added in synthesis dialog
- Scrool bar bug fixed
- Delta (selection start minus selection end) added in statistics and properties box
- Custom insert silence added : insertion at end, start & cursor
+ Editor configuration dialog added:
- VST, chain files (*.sor) and sound path could be configured here (saved in cfg file)
- Reminder on close can be desactivated
- Always create new file when recording option added
- Popup menu on right click
- Selection grid line number
- Forward/Rewind speed
- Out of screen selection speed
- Auto detect region engine updated: possibility to set marker at start,end, middle and both positions
- Copy: only selected channel are copied
- Insert channel added in Process->Channel processing menu
- Selection grid line option is now for all samples and saved in cfg.
- Multichannel VST: apply function improved
- Apply VST bug fix (at end of file or selection)
- Process bit depth converter added: possibility to apply quantization
- "Gapper effect" added in "Effects" menu
- RC filter added : simulation of electronic first order RC filter
- Chebyshev filter added in Effects->Filter menu: recursive tchebysheff
filters with frequency, ripple, pole number and type
- Possibility to load multiple file in dialog box for open funtion
- Delta added in status bar
06-mar-2007 version
- MDI (Multiple Document Interface) implemented allowing:
+ Copy & paste between different opened audio files
+ Paste in new document
+ Change file by Ctrl+tab or with midi control command (ToggleWindow)
- ASIO driver implemented for audio output.
- Audio routing implemented
- Powerful real time resampling: this option is available in 'Audio configuration' menu
- Skin support: possibility to change all colors of Wavosaur! ENJOY!
- Possibility to have context menu on right click (option editable in cfg file)
- Export all region added: each region delimited by markers is flushed in wav file.
- AKAI S1000 Sample support
- SUN au and snd file support
- ADPCM Dialogic vox support
- AIF bug fixed
- File saved from record or cut datas are named "new" (no more ~tmp.wav)
- Recording when there's no opened file creates automatically a new file
-"Always create new file when recording" option (in .cfg)
- File writing improved : saving is faster
- Better VST compatibility
- GUI related bug fixed (no more CPU spikes when tweaking parameters)
- VST rack size reduced
- Options menu updated with time format and loop
- Reminder on close editable in cfg file
- 24 bits recording added for MME driver compatible in cfg file only
- Amplitude zoom enlarged
- Midi & audio configuration are now separated
- Batch processor dialog: path are now saved in ini file
- Import binary dialog: parameters are now saved in ini file
- Synthesis dialog: parameters are now saved in ini file
- New file dialog: parameters are now saved in ini file
- Playbar behaviour updated
- Statistics updated: in case of no selection, the entire file is computed
- Custom volume added
- Custom normalize added
- Custom auto detect region added
- Auto-trim added with customisable value
- Simple bit-depth converter added
- Properties added in File menu
- Export as text added in file menu
- Silence remover added in 'tools' menu
- Set selection range added in Edit menu
- Moving average filter added
- Frequency impulse train generator added in synthesis menu: useful for testing filters, a good complement to white noise analysis
- Set marker as BPM in Tools->Markers: it allows to place a marker for BPM and mesure
- Pitch shift added in Process menu
- Reload from file feature added
- Truncate feature added in Effect menu
- Scroll bar behaviour improved
- "Flower panning" visualization added!!!!
- Real time sonogram added in Oscilloscope tool
- Loop status is correctly showing in option menu
- "L" shortcut for "create loop" labeled in loop menu
- Display time options per file
- No submenu for DC remover
- "Channel mismatch paste error box" added for paste & mix
- Channel deselect now mute output
- Batch processor : output windows scrolling bug fixed
- Statistics now shows the total duration in h:m:s
14-dec-2006 version
- Save as and save implemented
- Batch processing implemented: first version with classic features like
applying VST chain effect, normalize etc for wav, aiff, iff, mp3
- Channel selection by keyboard shortcuts 1 and 2
- Export TFD datas as txt added (tools menu in frequency editor)
- Record added in tools menu
- MP3 file optimisation turbo mode, misc bugs fixed
- Last file opened memorized in cfg file
- Undo implemented on Insert Silence
- Binary file importation added in 'File' menu: 8, 16, 24, 32 bits, little
or big endian, signed or unsigned, custom channel and frequency for PCM
- Page Up & Page down shortcuts added
- Go to next and previous marker command added by tab & ² shortcuts
- Copy & paste marker in selection
- Synthesis engine added: sinus, square, ramp up & down, triangle, noise,
absolute sinus
- Shift arrow bug fixed
- Time bar upraded
- Go to loop start and loop end added
- Midi command back to start, next & previous marker, record, pause added
- Save selection as added in 'File' menu
- Mark selection added
- New Audio file dialog box added
- Resample engine added
- Iff default chunk bug fixed
- Marker toolbar added
04-dec-2006 version
- Undo implemented for trim crop & channel converting.
- "Zoom" toolbar added.
- "Process" toolbar added.
- "Tools" toolbar added.
- Rewind and fast forward button added
- Vocal remover, normalise & apply VST on selection
- MP3 maj extension detected, bad mp3 format filter added avoiding reset of the wav.
- Normalize 0dB -0.3dB -1dB -6dB added.
- Auto detect region added in Tools menu.
- DC remover added in Process menu.
- Sample editor font change.
- Record button is now red.
- Interpolate bug fix.
- All known media file filter added.
- Insert silence at end bug fix.
- Trim crop bug fix.
- Status bar bug fix.
- Memory optimisation for reverse and paste & mix function.
21-nov-2006 version
- Audio input sample rate for recording: 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000, 96000, 192kHz supported.
- Huge optimisation of the graphic engine.
- Audio input optimisation : double buffering engine.
- Audio input bit depth selection added: 8 or 16 bits (in .cfg file only).
- Last recording frequency saved in wav file.
- Zoom behaviour for max value modified to avoid redrawing.
- Possibility to change loop and markers during playing without changing playbar position.
- Markers and loop behaviour upgraded (for suppr and cut and paste function).
- Possibility to kill one marker by selecting the marker + "suppr" keys simultaneously.
- 8, 24 & 32 bits wav extraction optimized.
- Spectrum analysis: Gaussian 5 & 10 added (a coefficient) for windowing.
- Minor bugfix with the editor view.
08-nov-2006 version
- Command line arguments support.
- Default registry entry suppression: the last opened files are in ini files.
- Log, ini and cfg files are now in exe directory. These files are always generated, and could be removed
- 1 of last files opened bug fixed.
+ Spectrum analysis:
- Code optimisation.
- Papoulis window added.
+ Midi command:
- General volume added (audio engine).
- Pan added.
- Amplitude zoom reset for new sound file open.
- VST BPM added in .cfg file.
- Audio out sample rate: 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000, 96000, 192kHz etc. supported.
- Audio out bit depth selection added: 8 16 bits (in .cfg file only).
20-oct-2006 version
+ MP3 file support:
- Saturation support.
- File extraction.
- Complete file name displayed in stat box.
- MP3 loading optimization.
- Last file type memorized for open dlg box.
- File name changed in statistics dialog box.
- Key board shortcut for time zoom with arrows.
- Graphic bug fixed.
- Sound engine optimization.
+ Spectrum analysis
- Refresh function added.
- Memorize function added.
- Various windows style added: Rectangular, Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming, Blackmann, Blackmann- Harris, Gaussian 2.5.
- Fill rectangle added.
06-oct-2006 version
+ Fade in and fade out functions added:
- Exponential.
- Sinus.
- Square.
- Cubic.
+ Undo for all fade functions, mute, normalize, invert, swap channel, interpolate.
+ Undo functions optimization.
+ Zoom optimization.
+ Midi input message optimisation for play pause.
+ Frequency editor update.
- Y Axes added.
- Adjustable level.
- X Logarithmic 10 scale.
- Multi instance of the frequency editor can be open.
+ Oscilloscope update.
- Multi instance of the oscilloscope can be open.
- Visualisation optimization.
- Panning.
- Real Time FFT.
+ Output driver oscilloscope added with the same characteristic.
12-sep-2006 version
- Loop point locking in loop and markers menu.
- Loop point locking added in cfg file.
- Dirac synthesis at cursor.
- Step synthesis at cursor.
- End of wav selection bug fixed.
- Memory optimisation during mono stereo conversion.
- Amp zoom bug fixed.
- Suppr and cut bug fixed.
- Maj file opening bug fixed.
- IFF (8SVX & 16SV) support added.
- Audio driver started at start up.
- IFF bug fixed.
- General information added in statistics: loop list, markers, channel etc.
- Export as txt added in statistics dialog box .
- Undo button added in main toolbar.
- Default chunk bug fixed.
21-jun-2006 version
- Zoom greater than 1:1.
- Invert fonction added in process menu.
- Swap channel function added in process menu.
- Interpolate fonction added in tool menu.
- Sonogram added (black and white) for MONO sample.
- Trim crop button added, trim crop also added in the edit menu.
- Keyboard shorcuts displayed in the menu.
- Zoom bugfixes.
- Playing behaviour improved :
- Playing now stop at end of selection.
- No more bug when play from start with a selection & loop on.
- Bugfix when play from start and then pause before or after a selection.
- Load fxp.
- Save fxb.
- Save fxp.
- Bugfixes with cut & trim functions.
- Nugfixes with the "new" function.
10-jun-2006 version
- Undo (up to ten) added, ctrl+z or edit menu, undo is effective for :
- Suprr.
- Cut.
- Paste.
- Apply VST
- Audio inadded in config dialog. You can choose the audio port for recording.
- Record engine full working, recorded data is appended at the end of the current waveform.
- When recording a markers is added (at start of recording).
- markers naming improved.
- Markers and loop points can be dragged with the mouse.
- Double click to select data between loop points.
- Markers are now correctly imported and displayed.
- Real time oscilloscope added ("o" key or tool menu).
- Spectrum Analysis on selection ("f" key or tool menu).
- 3D Spectrum Analysis ("k" key or tool menu) on selection, wiew can be moved on the 3 axis with the arrow keys ("w" and "x" keys for the z-axis).
- 3D view improved.
- Predfined view added for 3D spectrum.
- Import Aiff files improved.
- Arrow keys to move the playing bar.
- Insert silence added in process menu.
- Bugfix with import file with "bad extension".
- Various bugfixes on the graphics.
- Loading .fxb bug fixed.
23-may-2006 version
- Insert Markers added.
- Import Aiff files.
- Statistics tool (on selection) added.
- Spectrum Analysis engine is working.
- MIDI config Bugfixes.
08-may-2006 version
- Cut/del/paste improved (speed and ram usage).
- Display improved.
- Load and display sample loop points.
- Moop creation (with "l" key or menu).
- "MIDI in" is active (play/stop/rewind/fastforward on MIDI cc 34 35 36 37).
- Horizontal scrollbar added.
- Config dialog access via the option menu.
17-apr-2006 version
- New VST Rack :
Load,kill,view VST.
Load fxb.
Load/save/reset chain.
- CTRL+mousewheel to zoom amplitude (+bugfixes).
- SHIFTt+arrow to make selection.
- Remember last folder opened (temporary fixed to 4).
- Vocal remover (remove center material) added.
- Bugfixes : loading from the recent menu list bug.
- Remember loop state in .cfg.
- You can now choose the buffer size in config dialog.
- Different time display option added.
- volume (+6dB or -6dB) added in menu process.
- Normalize is effective on the entire wav instead of selection only.
- Bugfixes with normalize.
- Bugfixes with sample opening.
- VST Host clipping bug fixed.
09-apr-2006 version
- Drag and drop for opening wav file.
- Display time (in sample) while playing.
- CTRL+a to select all.
- Delete to cut file.
- Pause implemented.
- Back to start now working well (when there's a selection).
- Bugfixes, optimisation.
- 32 bits ieee float wav loading fixed .
- Graphics optimisation.
- Recent opened files in file menu.
- Menu option added (with selection grid line).
- Audio output saved in configuration file (.cfg).
- Loading .wav is faster.
- Convert to mono improved.
- Scale in dB added.
03-apr-2006 version
-Added a config dialog for selection audio output.
(currently the config is not saved).
03-apr-2006 version
- Various bugfixes.
- Menu process added with:
- Fade in/out.
- Reverse.
- Mute.
- Convert to stereo/mono.
02-apr-2006 version
- Bug in selection fixed.
02-apr-2006 version
- CPU load improved.
- Zoom on selection improved.
- Apply VST effect (destructive) added.
- CRTL+T for trim/crop.
- Spacebar = play/stop.
31-mar-2006 version
- Zoom improved.
- Wav files load faster.
- Wav file info in status bar.
29-mar-2006 version
- Play From Start (not full working).
- New, Back to Start.
- Zoom selection improved.
26-mar-2006 version
- VST processing enabled.
- Play loop, Sample nb in statusbar.
- Double click to select all wav.
- Maximise at startup.
25-mar-2006 version
- Alpha release:
- cut, copy paste and copy to clipboars implemented.
- VST Host implemented.