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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for WatchHDTV
WatchHDTV Version 1.961 (WatchHDTVSched)
September 19, 2007
-There was a problem with the scheduler(not the TS version) where a popup box would come up when adding an event, but the events would run fine.This has been fixed and the WatchHDTVSched has been updated to version 1.671.Sorry :)
WatchHDTV Version 1.96
September 17, 2007
*Added support for all compatible BDA HDTV Tuners through the use of WatchHDTV Info utility
*WatchHDTV Info- added install DVR-MS filters, uninstall/install TS filters
*Current tuners-
ATI HDTV Wonder, DVICO FusionHDTV, Avermedia A180, VBox DTA HDTV cards, KWorld ATSC 110, Artec USB T14A, AutumnWave OnAir GT, FujiPlus USB FD-USB728, KWorld ATSC 310U,ATI TV Wonder 650, Hauppauge WinTV HVR-950, Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro, Geniatech U6010A USB, Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1600, ADS Instant HDTV, and HP/Hauppauge Expresscard HDTV Tuner
For any tuner not listed above, follow the instructions below-
Before step 1, you will need to find the HDTV channels you want by going to or any similar site to get the channel information.The instructions on how to find the channel data is on my website.
1.Unzip and place all files to any location.
2.Run WatchHDTVInfo FIRST!
3.With WatchHDTVInfo, select a tuner and capture device and click "Create tuner.txt".If you have more than one tuner, you must select the matching devices(they are usually similarly named).If you don't select the matching devices, WatchHDTV may crash and you'll have to select the other devices.
4.Then select a video and audio decoder to use.These can be the decoders that possibly came with the tuner or any other decoders on your system.Not all decoders listed will be completely compatible with all HDTV formats, so test the decoders chosen with all channels to make sure they are working properly.
5.For DVR-MS recording and timeshifting, make sure the filters are listed.If they aren't installed, click install DVR-MS to attempt to fix the problem.DVR-MS is the default file format and is required for timeshifting and live recording.
6.If you want transport stream(TS) silent recording, install the TS filters by clicking "Install TS".If you need to uninstall them, you can do that after they are installed.
7.Once the tuner and decoders are selected, and either DVR-MS or TS is installed properly, then you can use WatchHDTV.Open WatchHDTV and it should open with the Setup window, and now add the channels, setup the recording and timeshifting directories, and change any other settings.
8.To enable the scheduler to wake the computer from Standby, read the instructions below from Feb. 10.The name for the task should be "WatchHDTV Standby " followed by the name of the tuner shown in WatchHDTVInfo.So if the tuner name is "Digital BDA Tuner", it would be "WatchHDTV Standby Digital BDA Tuner".
WatchHDTV Version 1.950
April 23, 2007
*Added support for the ADS Instant HDTV PCI Tuner and the HP/Hauppauge Expresscard HDTV Tuner
*Added support for the newest Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro tuner driver
*WatchHDTV Info- added ability to create a decoders.txt file
- Select a Video and Audio decoder to use, then press "Create decoders.txt" button and file will created for you in the current directory
*WatchHDTV Scheduler-entries for new tuners
ADS Instant HDTV- "WatchHDTV Standby16"
HP/Hauppauge Expresscard- "WatchHDTV Standby17"
*New Version numbering scheme-For WatchHDTV, WatchHDTVPlay, WatchHDTVSched, WatchHDTVSR, WatchHDTVPlugin-
- .9-reflects major changes and new features
-5-reflects added support for new tuners
-0-reflects minor changes and fixes
So from 1.941 to 1.950-Reflects added support for the tuners, update for Pinnacle driver and a possible bug fix for the Pinnacle tuner registry entries
WatchHDTV Version 1.941
March 12, 2007
*WatchHDTV Scheduler- Fixed Standby Issue with multiple tuners.Follow the same instructions for 1.94 below except name the task as follows according to the tuner used-
HDTV Wonder= "WatchHDTV Standby0"
FusionHDTV= "WatchHDTV Standby1"
FusionHDTV USB= "WatchHDTV Standby2"
AverTVHD A180= "WatchHDTV Standby3"
VBox TV Tuners= "WatchHDTV Standby4"
Kworld ATSC 110= "WatchHDTV Standby6"
OnAir HDTV GT= "WatchHDTV Standby7"
FujiPlus USB= "WatchHDTV Standby8"
Artec T14A USB= "WatchHDTV Standby9"
KWorld ATSC 310U= "WatchHDTV Standby10"
ATI TV Wonder 650= "WatchHDTV Standby11"
WinTV HVR950= "WatchHDTV Standby12"
PCTV HD Pro= "WatchHDTV Standby13"
Geniatech U6010A USB= "WatchHDTV Standby14"
WinTV HVR1600= "WatchHDTV Standby15"
*FusionHDTV- Fixed support for FusionHDTV release version 3.60.01 which changed some device names
*Plug-ins-Updated to support holding volume up/down buttons to change volume
*WatchHDTVInfo- First release 1.0
Will list all tuners installed, MPEG-2 video decoders, AC-3 audio decoders, and check for DVR-MS and .TS filters.This can take the place of using Graphedit, DSFMGR, or similar tool to check for the names of the various filters.
WatchHDTV Version 1.94
February 10, 2007
*Support for the Geniatech U6010A USB and Hauppauge HVR1600 added
*Geniatech U6010A- there is an issue that prevents any recording/timeshifting from working and when WatchHDTV is opened, the initial channel will not be tuned correctly but changing the channel will then tune them properly.This issue will be inquired about and hopefully fixed.
*Hauppauge HVR1600 hasn't been tested yet
*Hauppauge HVR950- There is an issue with silent recordings(both dvr-ms and ts versions) where the recordings have skipping and do not come out properly.This will be inquired about and hopefully fixed.
*For both Hauppauge tuners- you should be able to use the included Hauppauge decoders in a decoders.txt- they are "HCW MPEG-2 Video Decoder" and "HCW AC3 Audio Decoder".
*Fixed recording/timeshifting registry issue with Hauppauge HVR950
*per channel volume level can be saved
*channel entry for subchannel defaults to 1 instead of -1 now
*Signal strength- signal strength for tuners without proper readings will now be shown as the values provided by the tuner and may not be based on a 0-100% range and can be negative.To calibrate signal strength meter, open the signal strength window and unplug the antenna.You will get a value for the minimum(or zero) strength signal and then plug the antenna back.Leave the meter open and go through your channels(by changing the channels with the mouse when over the video window) to obtain the highest signal strength, and this will become your maximum.The minimum and maximum values will then be shown in the top left corner, and the signal strength meter will then be based upon those values.The sound for the meter will not work when this is working.
Examples- You unplug the antenna and get a reading of -5000.Plug the antenna back, tune all channels, and get a maximum of 4000.So if you get a reading of 0, that is likely around 50%.If you get a reading of 2500, that is likely around 70%+.If you get a minimum of 0, and maximum of 30000, then a reading of 20000 would be about 67%.
*Time display setting can be saved
WatchHDTV Scheduler-
*Right-clicking the system tray icon will no longer result in a possible taskbar menu appearing
*Issues with events daily/weekly events crossing past 12AM should be fixed
*Back-to-back recordings-a delay option is now available that will delay the start of the second of the back-to-back recordings.The range is from 0-30 seconds.The delay will be applied to all silent recordings.
*Silent recordings-Save to button has been replaced.To choose a location, right-click on the location box to open the Browse for Folder window.
*Adding/Editing/Removing events-Add button now only adds events or brings up a menu to save/cancel editing events.You can right-click events to bring up a popup menu to remove or edit the event.When editing the event, the Add button will change to Editing and will be used to save or cancel the editing.
*Shutdown Computer-The computer can now be shutdown after a silent recording event.After a silent recording is done, the scheduler will wait 4 minutes and then a popup will appear to notify that a shutdown will occur in 60 seconds.To cancel a shutdown when the popup is shown, type in command prompt or run "shutdown -a" and this will abort the shutdown.If a silent recording event is stopped before finishing, then the shutdown will not occur.
*Standby-It is highly recommended that you only use this if your computer is already able to wake and resume reliably and stably.The scheduler can now resume the computer from standby(S1/S3).The computer will wake the computer 5 minutes before a scheduled event.To enable standby support, the Windows Task Scheduler must be enabled and a scheduled task must be created.Add a scheduled task and choose either command prompt or browse to WatchHDTVSR.exe.Make it a one time only task and make the time in the past so it doesn't occur.If you use an account with a password, enter your password and finish.If you don't use a password, leave the password blank and you must change the following registry key- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsalimitblankpassworduse- to 0.If you don't change the registry key, blank passwords will not be allowed and scheduled tasks will not occur.After adding the task, right-click the task and select properties.If you chose the command prompt, in the run box after cmd.exe, add " /k exit" so it looks like this "C:WINDOWSsystem32cmd.exe /k exit".This will cause the command prompt to open and close.If you chose WatchHDTVSR, it will open and close immediately.Then rename the task to "WatchHDTV Standby".Whenever silent recording events are added, the task will be updated with the needed date and time.After the event is finished, the computer will enter standby at it's regular time.If no task with that name exists, then the scheduler will not wake the computer.
WatchHDTV Version 1.93
November 29, 2006
*Support added for the Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro and Hauppauge WinTV HVR-950
*Fuji USB support has possibly been fixed
*Displaying channel and volume transparently can be turned on/off
WatchHDTV Version 1.92
September 16, 2006
1.All new program versions included in this package must be used together and cannot be used with previous versions.
2.You must delete "channels.txt" and set them up again.
3.You must delete "schedule.txt" if you have any scheduled events and reschedule them.
4.To avoid any possible errors, it is recommended to delete these keys from the registry-
To delete these keys, open the registy editor by going to Start->Run and type "regedit."
Navigate to those keys and right-click and select "Delete."
*Added support for the Artec USB T14A, AutumnWave OnAir GT, and FujiPlus USB FD-USB728.
*An improved debugging mode is included- read the "DEBUG README.TXT" for instructions.
*Channel setup- you can enter channel names now.Channel names will default to "CH#", with # being the main channel.To enter a channel name, select the channel first, then edit the default name.Names must have no spaces and the limit is 6 characters.
*Each tuner can now have its own recording and timeshifting folders instead of having the same folders for all tuners.
*Recording/Timeshifting should be fixed for Windows Media Center Edition
*Support for Windows Vista RC1 has been added.Most functionality appears to work except for minor issues like borders showing in fullscreen.
*WatchHDTV Scheduler-
1.New popup menu when selecting "Options" to add, remove, edit, or skip week events.
2.Daily(M-F) events-Daily events are now supported for weekdays only.
3.Editing events-events can now be edited.To edit an event, select the event from the list and select "Options->Edit event".Once in "Edit Mode" all settings will be set for that event and anything can be changed.When done editing, "select Options->Save edited event" to save the changes or select "Options->Cancel editing" to cancel and make no changes.Once in "Edit Mode", you must save or cancel editing to close the scheduler.If the edited event can't be saved, "Edit Mode" will exit.
4.Save to-Silent recording events can be saved to a different location than the default recording location.Click "Save To" to open the "Browse For Folder" window and select any valid folder.After selecting a folder, the location should be displayed in the box above.After adding the event, the location will reset to the default recording location.
WatchHDTV Version 1.88
May 12, 2006
You must use all new versions of all programs/plugins together.
Delete all config files- config.txt and playconfig.txt.
WatchHDTV Scheduler- Delete schedule.txt if you have any events setup and set them up again.
Check your Timeshift and Record Folders and set them again.
When scheduling events, make sure you don't schedule future events that will conflict with weekly events as when the weekly events get updated, they will not be checked with conflicting events.
****New Features/Changes/Fixes****
Silent Recording-
A separate program is used for silent recording, but can only be launched and used from within the scheduler.
Dual Monitors-
WatchHDTV and WatchHDTVPlay should work with extended monitors.
Secondary Display can be in any position but works best when the tops and lefts of both displays are aligned.
For Remote Wonder- E and F buttons will change displays.
You can't change displays while timeshifting or recording.
WatchHDTV and WatchHTDVPlay will remember what display it was last closed on and open on the same display.
Lock Video Window Resize-
Can lock/unlock changing the size of the video window.
Lock restricts the window to 16x9/4x3 ratios, unlock can change the size to anything.
For 16x9 aspect ratio, you will get letterboxing or bars on the side.
For 4x3 aspect ratio, the content will not always fill the window correctly.
Can turn overscanning on/off.
WatchHDTVPlay will read the overscan setting from WatchHDTV if you have WatcHDTV and WatchHDTVPlay in the same folder.
For Remote Wonder- Changing channels with the remote when recording/timeshifting has been disabled.
WatchHDTV and WatchHDTVPlay-main control panel will autohide when fullscreen and cursor isn't over the main control panel.
WatchHDTV Scheduler and Channel list-
You can add/remove channels and they should be updated correctly in the scheduler and events should remember the correct channel.
Restart the scheduler if any issues after adding/removing channels.
WatchHDTV Scheduler-
Back to back events now supported for all types.
Depending on type, the ending times of the first event can get cut off anywhere from 2-10 seconds.
WatchHDTV Scheduler-
Old events should get removed accordingly upon the next startup.
Weekly events should get updated when the event finishes or if it is skipped when computer or scheduler is off.
You can use Skip Week to move weekly events ahead.
WatchHDTV Scheduler and Daylight savings-
Issues with event times should be fixed.
WatchHDTV Scheduler Debugging-
If you have problems with events not starting, you can create an empty "scheddebug.txt" file in the same directory and when you have events scheduled, it should log the time.Only do this if you have problems, and you are watching the events otherwise the file will continue to grow and won't stop until there are no events.You need to delete the file when you don't need it.
Non-admin accounts-
Recording/timeshifting should work with non-admin users.
You will need to setup the record/timeshift folders when logged on for each user.
Can't SetStreamSink Error-
Possible fixes included but not guaranteed.
WatchHDTVPlay and DVR-MS files-
If you change the default application for DVR-MS files to WatchHDTVPlay and place a copy of your config.txt in the folders where the DVR-MS files are located, you can double-click them and they should start playing.
You can also right-click the files and choose "Open With" and "Choose Program" and select WatchHDTVPlay.
September 19, 2007
-There was a problem with the scheduler(not the TS version) where a popup box would come up when adding an event, but the events would run fine.This has been fixed and the WatchHDTVSched has been updated to version 1.671.Sorry :)
WatchHDTV Version 1.96
September 17, 2007
*Added support for all compatible BDA HDTV Tuners through the use of WatchHDTV Info utility
*WatchHDTV Info- added install DVR-MS filters, uninstall/install TS filters
*Current tuners-
ATI HDTV Wonder, DVICO FusionHDTV, Avermedia A180, VBox DTA HDTV cards, KWorld ATSC 110, Artec USB T14A, AutumnWave OnAir GT, FujiPlus USB FD-USB728, KWorld ATSC 310U,ATI TV Wonder 650, Hauppauge WinTV HVR-950, Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro, Geniatech U6010A USB, Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1600, ADS Instant HDTV, and HP/Hauppauge Expresscard HDTV Tuner
For any tuner not listed above, follow the instructions below-
Before step 1, you will need to find the HDTV channels you want by going to or any similar site to get the channel information.The instructions on how to find the channel data is on my website.
1.Unzip and place all files to any location.
2.Run WatchHDTVInfo FIRST!
3.With WatchHDTVInfo, select a tuner and capture device and click "Create tuner.txt".If you have more than one tuner, you must select the matching devices(they are usually similarly named).If you don't select the matching devices, WatchHDTV may crash and you'll have to select the other devices.
4.Then select a video and audio decoder to use.These can be the decoders that possibly came with the tuner or any other decoders on your system.Not all decoders listed will be completely compatible with all HDTV formats, so test the decoders chosen with all channels to make sure they are working properly.
5.For DVR-MS recording and timeshifting, make sure the filters are listed.If they aren't installed, click install DVR-MS to attempt to fix the problem.DVR-MS is the default file format and is required for timeshifting and live recording.
6.If you want transport stream(TS) silent recording, install the TS filters by clicking "Install TS".If you need to uninstall them, you can do that after they are installed.
7.Once the tuner and decoders are selected, and either DVR-MS or TS is installed properly, then you can use WatchHDTV.Open WatchHDTV and it should open with the Setup window, and now add the channels, setup the recording and timeshifting directories, and change any other settings.
8.To enable the scheduler to wake the computer from Standby, read the instructions below from Feb. 10.The name for the task should be "WatchHDTV Standby " followed by the name of the tuner shown in WatchHDTVInfo.So if the tuner name is "Digital BDA Tuner", it would be "WatchHDTV Standby Digital BDA Tuner".
WatchHDTV Version 1.950
April 23, 2007
*Added support for the ADS Instant HDTV PCI Tuner and the HP/Hauppauge Expresscard HDTV Tuner
*Added support for the newest Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro tuner driver
*WatchHDTV Info- added ability to create a decoders.txt file
- Select a Video and Audio decoder to use, then press "Create decoders.txt" button and file will created for you in the current directory
*WatchHDTV Scheduler-entries for new tuners
ADS Instant HDTV- "WatchHDTV Standby16"
HP/Hauppauge Expresscard- "WatchHDTV Standby17"
*New Version numbering scheme-For WatchHDTV, WatchHDTVPlay, WatchHDTVSched, WatchHDTVSR, WatchHDTVPlugin-
- .9-reflects major changes and new features
-5-reflects added support for new tuners
-0-reflects minor changes and fixes
So from 1.941 to 1.950-Reflects added support for the tuners, update for Pinnacle driver and a possible bug fix for the Pinnacle tuner registry entries
WatchHDTV Version 1.941
March 12, 2007
*WatchHDTV Scheduler- Fixed Standby Issue with multiple tuners.Follow the same instructions for 1.94 below except name the task as follows according to the tuner used-
HDTV Wonder= "WatchHDTV Standby0"
FusionHDTV= "WatchHDTV Standby1"
FusionHDTV USB= "WatchHDTV Standby2"
AverTVHD A180= "WatchHDTV Standby3"
VBox TV Tuners= "WatchHDTV Standby4"
Kworld ATSC 110= "WatchHDTV Standby6"
OnAir HDTV GT= "WatchHDTV Standby7"
FujiPlus USB= "WatchHDTV Standby8"
Artec T14A USB= "WatchHDTV Standby9"
KWorld ATSC 310U= "WatchHDTV Standby10"
ATI TV Wonder 650= "WatchHDTV Standby11"
WinTV HVR950= "WatchHDTV Standby12"
PCTV HD Pro= "WatchHDTV Standby13"
Geniatech U6010A USB= "WatchHDTV Standby14"
WinTV HVR1600= "WatchHDTV Standby15"
*FusionHDTV- Fixed support for FusionHDTV release version 3.60.01 which changed some device names
*Plug-ins-Updated to support holding volume up/down buttons to change volume
*WatchHDTVInfo- First release 1.0
Will list all tuners installed, MPEG-2 video decoders, AC-3 audio decoders, and check for DVR-MS and .TS filters.This can take the place of using Graphedit, DSFMGR, or similar tool to check for the names of the various filters.
WatchHDTV Version 1.94
February 10, 2007
*Support for the Geniatech U6010A USB and Hauppauge HVR1600 added
*Geniatech U6010A- there is an issue that prevents any recording/timeshifting from working and when WatchHDTV is opened, the initial channel will not be tuned correctly but changing the channel will then tune them properly.This issue will be inquired about and hopefully fixed.
*Hauppauge HVR1600 hasn't been tested yet
*Hauppauge HVR950- There is an issue with silent recordings(both dvr-ms and ts versions) where the recordings have skipping and do not come out properly.This will be inquired about and hopefully fixed.
*For both Hauppauge tuners- you should be able to use the included Hauppauge decoders in a decoders.txt- they are "HCW MPEG-2 Video Decoder" and "HCW AC3 Audio Decoder".
*Fixed recording/timeshifting registry issue with Hauppauge HVR950
*per channel volume level can be saved
*channel entry for subchannel defaults to 1 instead of -1 now
*Signal strength- signal strength for tuners without proper readings will now be shown as the values provided by the tuner and may not be based on a 0-100% range and can be negative.To calibrate signal strength meter, open the signal strength window and unplug the antenna.You will get a value for the minimum(or zero) strength signal and then plug the antenna back.Leave the meter open and go through your channels(by changing the channels with the mouse when over the video window) to obtain the highest signal strength, and this will become your maximum.The minimum and maximum values will then be shown in the top left corner, and the signal strength meter will then be based upon those values.The sound for the meter will not work when this is working.
Examples- You unplug the antenna and get a reading of -5000.Plug the antenna back, tune all channels, and get a maximum of 4000.So if you get a reading of 0, that is likely around 50%.If you get a reading of 2500, that is likely around 70%+.If you get a minimum of 0, and maximum of 30000, then a reading of 20000 would be about 67%.
*Time display setting can be saved
WatchHDTV Scheduler-
*Right-clicking the system tray icon will no longer result in a possible taskbar menu appearing
*Issues with events daily/weekly events crossing past 12AM should be fixed
*Back-to-back recordings-a delay option is now available that will delay the start of the second of the back-to-back recordings.The range is from 0-30 seconds.The delay will be applied to all silent recordings.
*Silent recordings-Save to button has been replaced.To choose a location, right-click on the location box to open the Browse for Folder window.
*Adding/Editing/Removing events-Add button now only adds events or brings up a menu to save/cancel editing events.You can right-click events to bring up a popup menu to remove or edit the event.When editing the event, the Add button will change to Editing and will be used to save or cancel the editing.
*Shutdown Computer-The computer can now be shutdown after a silent recording event.After a silent recording is done, the scheduler will wait 4 minutes and then a popup will appear to notify that a shutdown will occur in 60 seconds.To cancel a shutdown when the popup is shown, type in command prompt or run "shutdown -a" and this will abort the shutdown.If a silent recording event is stopped before finishing, then the shutdown will not occur.
*Standby-It is highly recommended that you only use this if your computer is already able to wake and resume reliably and stably.The scheduler can now resume the computer from standby(S1/S3).The computer will wake the computer 5 minutes before a scheduled event.To enable standby support, the Windows Task Scheduler must be enabled and a scheduled task must be created.Add a scheduled task and choose either command prompt or browse to WatchHDTVSR.exe.Make it a one time only task and make the time in the past so it doesn't occur.If you use an account with a password, enter your password and finish.If you don't use a password, leave the password blank and you must change the following registry key- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsalimitblankpassworduse- to 0.If you don't change the registry key, blank passwords will not be allowed and scheduled tasks will not occur.After adding the task, right-click the task and select properties.If you chose the command prompt, in the run box after cmd.exe, add " /k exit" so it looks like this "C:WINDOWSsystem32cmd.exe /k exit".This will cause the command prompt to open and close.If you chose WatchHDTVSR, it will open and close immediately.Then rename the task to "WatchHDTV Standby".Whenever silent recording events are added, the task will be updated with the needed date and time.After the event is finished, the computer will enter standby at it's regular time.If no task with that name exists, then the scheduler will not wake the computer.
WatchHDTV Version 1.93
November 29, 2006
*Support added for the Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro and Hauppauge WinTV HVR-950
*Fuji USB support has possibly been fixed
*Displaying channel and volume transparently can be turned on/off
WatchHDTV Version 1.92
September 16, 2006
1.All new program versions included in this package must be used together and cannot be used with previous versions.
2.You must delete "channels.txt" and set them up again.
3.You must delete "schedule.txt" if you have any scheduled events and reschedule them.
4.To avoid any possible errors, it is recommended to delete these keys from the registry-
To delete these keys, open the registy editor by going to Start->Run and type "regedit."
Navigate to those keys and right-click and select "Delete."
*Added support for the Artec USB T14A, AutumnWave OnAir GT, and FujiPlus USB FD-USB728.
*An improved debugging mode is included- read the "DEBUG README.TXT" for instructions.
*Channel setup- you can enter channel names now.Channel names will default to "CH#", with # being the main channel.To enter a channel name, select the channel first, then edit the default name.Names must have no spaces and the limit is 6 characters.
*Each tuner can now have its own recording and timeshifting folders instead of having the same folders for all tuners.
*Recording/Timeshifting should be fixed for Windows Media Center Edition
*Support for Windows Vista RC1 has been added.Most functionality appears to work except for minor issues like borders showing in fullscreen.
*WatchHDTV Scheduler-
1.New popup menu when selecting "Options" to add, remove, edit, or skip week events.
2.Daily(M-F) events-Daily events are now supported for weekdays only.
3.Editing events-events can now be edited.To edit an event, select the event from the list and select "Options->Edit event".Once in "Edit Mode" all settings will be set for that event and anything can be changed.When done editing, "select Options->Save edited event" to save the changes or select "Options->Cancel editing" to cancel and make no changes.Once in "Edit Mode", you must save or cancel editing to close the scheduler.If the edited event can't be saved, "Edit Mode" will exit.
4.Save to-Silent recording events can be saved to a different location than the default recording location.Click "Save To" to open the "Browse For Folder" window and select any valid folder.After selecting a folder, the location should be displayed in the box above.After adding the event, the location will reset to the default recording location.
WatchHDTV Version 1.88
May 12, 2006
You must use all new versions of all programs/plugins together.
Delete all config files- config.txt and playconfig.txt.
WatchHDTV Scheduler- Delete schedule.txt if you have any events setup and set them up again.
Check your Timeshift and Record Folders and set them again.
When scheduling events, make sure you don't schedule future events that will conflict with weekly events as when the weekly events get updated, they will not be checked with conflicting events.
****New Features/Changes/Fixes****
Silent Recording-
A separate program is used for silent recording, but can only be launched and used from within the scheduler.
Dual Monitors-
WatchHDTV and WatchHDTVPlay should work with extended monitors.
Secondary Display can be in any position but works best when the tops and lefts of both displays are aligned.
For Remote Wonder- E and F buttons will change displays.
You can't change displays while timeshifting or recording.
WatchHDTV and WatchHTDVPlay will remember what display it was last closed on and open on the same display.
Lock Video Window Resize-
Can lock/unlock changing the size of the video window.
Lock restricts the window to 16x9/4x3 ratios, unlock can change the size to anything.
For 16x9 aspect ratio, you will get letterboxing or bars on the side.
For 4x3 aspect ratio, the content will not always fill the window correctly.
Can turn overscanning on/off.
WatchHDTVPlay will read the overscan setting from WatchHDTV if you have WatcHDTV and WatchHDTVPlay in the same folder.
For Remote Wonder- Changing channels with the remote when recording/timeshifting has been disabled.
WatchHDTV and WatchHDTVPlay-main control panel will autohide when fullscreen and cursor isn't over the main control panel.
WatchHDTV Scheduler and Channel list-
You can add/remove channels and they should be updated correctly in the scheduler and events should remember the correct channel.
Restart the scheduler if any issues after adding/removing channels.
WatchHDTV Scheduler-
Back to back events now supported for all types.
Depending on type, the ending times of the first event can get cut off anywhere from 2-10 seconds.
WatchHDTV Scheduler-
Old events should get removed accordingly upon the next startup.
Weekly events should get updated when the event finishes or if it is skipped when computer or scheduler is off.
You can use Skip Week to move weekly events ahead.
WatchHDTV Scheduler and Daylight savings-
Issues with event times should be fixed.
WatchHDTV Scheduler Debugging-
If you have problems with events not starting, you can create an empty "scheddebug.txt" file in the same directory and when you have events scheduled, it should log the time.Only do this if you have problems, and you are watching the events otherwise the file will continue to grow and won't stop until there are no events.You need to delete the file when you don't need it.
Non-admin accounts-
Recording/timeshifting should work with non-admin users.
You will need to setup the record/timeshift folders when logged on for each user.
Can't SetStreamSink Error-
Possible fixes included but not guaranteed.
WatchHDTVPlay and DVR-MS files-
If you change the default application for DVR-MS files to WatchHDTVPlay and place a copy of your config.txt in the folders where the DVR-MS files are located, you can double-click them and they should start playing.
You can also right-click the files and choose "Open With" and "Choose Program" and select WatchHDTVPlay.