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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for VisualSubSync Enhanced

New lav codec 0.75

new version, some improvement

Binary updated to their latest releases (mediainfo, ffmpeg, lavcodec, mkv tools)
VisualSubSync Enhanced is available to Windows 10 users on Microsoft Store

Subtitles extraction has been fixed

Audio / peak track extraction is fixed
Binaries updated
New scene change precision extraction

Switched to Vrm-9 video renderer (vrm-7 is deprecated)
Added a "save as" shortcut as optional
Italian accents assistant has been updated

Added support to greek typo error check
Added greek thesaurus

Added support to Netflix Timed Text (dfxp), Youtube (sbv) and WebVTT (vtt)
SaveAs to save in these format
Load them when create a new project

Added fix subtitle for common errors and hearing impaired
New items in edit-->error checking menu

Added Greek dictionary

Added Urban dictionary support (

Mediainfo, Ffmpeg & Mkvtoolnix tools updated to the latest builds

new option: subtitle playback preview delay to optimize the live subtitle delivery on video preview

ffmpeg & mkvtoolnix tool updated

Bug fix

Added Cps and Duration legacy parameters (columns in subtitles list area)

New project creation procedure now use the new peak extraction mode by default

New option 'Force auto scroll/wav display starting playback'. Disable it to avoid auto scroll/wav display check starting playback

New font, Microsoft Sans Serif. Better support for greek and other alphabet charset

Microsoft Windows 10 AU.953 bug KB4013429 (MMF), filtergraph audio has been improved to avoid Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder (

Minor bug

Peak extraction improved
Video detach improved

Minor bugs
Error check script

New wav/peak quick & safe extraction by FFMpeg
New DirectX Library
New Lav codec based filtergraph

Lav codecs updated to version 0.69
Mediainfo updated to version 0.7.91

User interface about operations on source file, revised and optimized (File->New project)
Subtitles extraction from source are now performed by FFMpeg

New feature: check and download new releases manual and automatic at start (from Github repository)
New feature: save and restore configuration and custom dictionary (preferences form, general tab)

Universal Windows Platform related
Italiansubs auth revised and optimized
Solved a bug about Lav codec audio mixing feature

Version 1.0.1 (2013-06-29)

A few fixes and some basic MP4 container scene change support.

Add scene change support for MP4 container by using synchronisation points.
Fix loading of big files in text pipe. (Reported by Anani A. and Radioxoma)
Fix text pipe colorization to at least work consistently for the last added subtitle.
Try to fix form display when screen is not using 100% dpi. (Reported by Sabrina H. and mlgr)
More error checking to avoid crash when rendering a media file

Version 1.0.0 (2011-04-03)

Finally here is version 1.0.0 after 7 years of developments.
I'm no sure at this point if I will continue to work on this project, even though there is still lots of features or improvements that I would like to add. There is at least two reasons for that: Firstly I've moved to Linux as my main OS, and secondly the developement environment used for VSS is getting very old (Delphi 7) and in newer releases there is no more free available version. Of course any developer is welcome to join and continue the project which I remind is opensource from the start.
No new big features in this version but a lot of small bugs fixed.

Implemented feature request #2998396 : Open most recent project on startup
Fixed bug #2988478 : Display problem with “Translate” dialog this dialog is now re-sizable and should display correctly.
Fixed shortcut overwrite problem when loading preset
Fixed bug #2970734 : Double click on stop time change the next subtitle.
Fixed unicode option change : auto save project
Fixed undo delete action : mark project as dirty
Fixed translate dialog : now use “translate all subtitles” when there is no VO file
Fixed VO file loading : always clear current VO file before trying to load new VO file which can be empty
Added jsplugin function VSSCore.GetTextSelectionStart() : Return the position of the first selected character in the text.
Added jsplugin function VSSCore.GetTextSelectionLength() : Return the number of characters that are selected.
Added jsplugin function VSSCore.GetAudioCursorPosition() : Return the position of the yellow audio cursor in ms.
Fixed spell checking handling of typographic characters (non-breaking spaces, quotes, dashes, apostrophe …) (patch by spirit)
Fixed SSA/ASS export : make sure there is a default style when saving as SSA or ASS format. (reported by spirit)
Added *.FLV to the open video file dialog filter.
Improved GUI splitter display (based on code by Anders Melander)
Added a check for AVI file with lots of key frame (if >=100 consecutive KF then disable scene change display)
Fixed some possible crash when no adequate splitter can be found

Version 0.9.22 (2010-03-14)

This version bring some bug fix and more options for the creation of the translation template (File>Translate…)
A little reminder, VisualSubSync's website is editable (register now), so everyone is welcomed to add some content (tutorials, description of your usage and workflow, detailed mockup for a feature request, …). If you need any help, let me know.
A new issue tracker is available, so if you find something wrong, don't keep it for yourself please.

* Added translate dialog with new options to create translation template.
* Added CSV format output
* Added ESC key to close the WAV Extraction dialog
* Fixed auto close wavextractfrom on successful extraction
* Fixed project subtitle format modification
* Fixed VO display when changing VO filename in the project property dialog (kickaha)
* Fixed a ffdshow compatibility problem leading to a crash on audio extraction
* Fixed JSAction shortcut regression : configuration was impossible
* Fixed header color problem with some Windows color scheme

Release Name: VisualSubSync 0.9.21

A new version to fix a bad bug. In some cases, using mouse wheel on the waveform was crashing VSS silently without any chance to save your work.

* Added support to hide any column
* Added hopefully better column size handling
* Added configurable hotkey for Reload
* Added support to close dialog box with Escape key when possible (shortcut not already use for something else)
* Added support for vertical zoom up to 800%
* Fixed preferences dialog close delay
* Fixed project modification flag when loading presets
* Fixed usage of user filename in Translate dialog
* Fixed a silent crash when zooming with mouse wheel
* Fixed crash when doing file association without registry write access, a check is now done and an error message is displayed.

Release Name: VisualSubSync 0.9.20

This version improve translation mode and fix a few bugs.

* Added VO display on waveform
* Added new menu to create translation template : "File>Translate"
* "Split at cursor" now puts all the blank at left of the cursor instead of 50/50
* Added a builtin crash reporter
* Fixed Unicode support for SSA/ASS
* Fixed waveform disappearance when changing subtitle file
* Fixed plugins parameters edition on double click

Release Name: VisualSubSync 0.9.19

In this version, there is now the possibility to display a second subtitle
file for translation purpose (no edition allowed).
As the timing can be slightly different between two versions, there are
special symbols ([>>>] and [<<<]) to indicate that subtitles are inserted
before or after the translated subtitle.
Also several subtitles can be merged together in the original version column.
You can use the View>Show/Hide Reference VO menu item to show or hide the
original version file.
This feature (and others below) is a great contribution by kickaha from
Another important feature is that now only the subtitle file is mandatory in
projects, which makes video and audio files optional. Subtitle files can be
associated directly to VSS.

* Translation mode (Contribution by kickaha)
* Reworked project handling so only the subtitle file is required in projects (video or audio is now optional)
* Added View>Show/Hide subtitles menu item to show or add subtitles on video (Contribution by kickaha)
* Added search support in the text pipe, you must put the text cursor in it before opening the find dialog (Contribution by kickaha)
* Added load support for timing stripped .SRT file in the text pipe (Contribution by kickaha)
* Added save support for timing-only .SRT, text is stripped (Contribution by kickaha)
* Added columns size and default dictionnary in saved preferences (Contribution by kickaha)
* Fixed several bug related to extension handling in backup mode or with unsupported extensions (Contribution by kickaha)
* Fixed some project preferences were not immediately saved and could be lost: text pipe filename, dictionary (Contribution by kickaha)

Release Name: VisualSubSync 0.9.18

You can now copy/paste subtitles from 2 VSS instances or from a text editor (SSA support is limited, you need to copy the full [Event] section)
Double clicking on a subtitle start time or stop time, now fix overlapping and try to improve the reading speed.
The "Insert text file" menu is renamed in "Insert file" and can now also be used to insert the content of an .SRT file.

* Added copy/paste support (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V in subtitles list, Paste here in audio waveform)
* Added double click javascript event (Contribution by Spirit)
* Big speed improvement on fix error (Contribution by Spirit)
* Added insert scene change
* Added VideoWidth, VideoHeight and MeasureStringWidth to javascript plugins
* Added insert .SRT file content : Edit>Insert file...
* Fix spell checking when replacing automatically more than one item in a same subtitle
* Fix status bar display again
* Fix cancel in confirmation dialog when opening a new project
* Fix audio extraction from some .mov files

Release Name: VisualSubSync 0.9.16 - 0.9.17

UPDATE : Version 0.9.16 was saving corrupted files, it's been replaced
by 0.9.17 with same functionality.

* Spell checker : Edit>Spell check
* Silent zones detection : View>Show silent zones
* Improved presets loading and now presets are set per project
* Too short and too long plugin now handle parameter as time and reading speed (RS)
* Use native look hint window
* Fix crash when deleting subtitle in middle of a search
* Fix undo bug in subtitle edit field
* Fix wav normalization
* Fix quick stats plugin ("Fast, acceptable" was missing)
* Fix some unicode bug on none ASCII OS version (Thanks to Tonchan for the bug report)

Release Name: VisualSubSync 0.9.15

The main new feature of this release is the support for custom javascript
action plugins. See jsplugingeneralaction_quick_stats.js and
jspluginreadme.txt for more details.

- Copy subtitles to clipboard (Ctrl+C in subtitles list)
- Custom javascript action support available in JS Tools menu.
- Improved undo on text to avoid one undo per letter change
- Merge on one line
- Basic tag (i, b, u) conversion between SSA/ASS and SRT
- Load presets. (The following sections of the ini file are loaded :
[Misc], [WAVDisplay], [Hotkeys], [Mouse] and error plugins settings.
Just avoid a section to keep current settings.)
- Fix problem in delay dialog when system time separator is different of ':'
- Fix mouse anti-overlapping setting bug introduced in previous version
- Fix error now check if there is really an error before fixing it
- Fix handling of ANSI files
- Fix a bug in timing mode when using short key press

Release name: 0.9.14

A small release to fix 2 annoying bugs.

- Fix crash when closing and opening a new file
- Fix some weird behaviour in status bar (it was displaying 'File' sometimes) and also in the subtitle edit field
- Restore "Mouse anti-overlapping" feature because some people like it

Release Name: 0.9.13

A new release to try to improve usability.

* Added subtitle snapping with scene change and minimum blank
* Added HTML error report generation
* Improved audio level display (100% normalization) so you don't have
to zoom when the movie is quiet
* Added shortcuts to merge one subtitle with the previous or the next one
* Added a shortcut to merge dialogs (prefix lines with "-")
* Added a shortcut to fix selected errors (so Fix errors fix all
errors of the selected subtitles in the main window subtitle list and
Fix selected errors fix all errors selected in the Error report
* Added popup menu on video window to make it fullscreen
* Added subtitle list columns drag & drop support
* Added restoration of the last focused subtitle when reopening a project
* Fixed unicode support in most recently used files menu
* Fixed a bug during edition of overlapping subtitle
* Fixed bug #83 : Error editing an inital Time-Out inside a Karaoke
(moving StartTime of a Karaoke)

Release Name: VisualSubSync 0.9.12

A small release to fix some bugs.

* Added right-click menu to remove scene change (requested by nathbot)
* Added File>Reload menu (requested by Linwelin)
* Added matroska keyframe extraction support
* Fixed case sensitive behaviour in find dialog (reported by Linwelin)
* Fixed merge subtitle (reported by uktar)
* Fixed text drag & drop (reported by Linwelin)
* Fixed ASS Layer handling (reported by uktar)
* Improved wav extraction compatibility (though it's recommended to disable 32 bits integer output in ffdshow)

Release Name: VisualSubSync 0.9.11

Version 0.9.10 was supposed to be the last one before 1.0 but any modern application should have Undo/Redo functionality so I decided to do some more release until the Undo/Redo functionality is complete and tested. It's a quite boring task so I couldn't resist to add some others little extra features.

* Multilevel Undo/Redo (Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+Y)
* Display subtitle text in the wav displayer
* Display scene change based on video file keyframes (AVI file only)
* Replacing text is now possible from the find dialog
* Added shortcut and menu to set text quick style (italic, bold ...)
* It's now possible to add custom columns from JavaScript plugins (right click on subtitle list header)
* Select subtitles with errors
* Added *.srt files to text pipe open dialog
* Added *.avs and *.wmv to video open dialog
* Added shortcut to scroll wav displayer
* Added shortcut to play from subtitle start -1 second to end
* Added shortcut to detach video window
* Added shortcut to show/hide logs window
* Added File>Open Project Folder menu item
* Preferences window is now resizable
* A double click on the video panel dock/undock the video window
* Added Save subtitle as text (text file with no timestamps)
* Fix mouse wheel scrolling at high zoom level (zoom level is now limited at 100ms)
* Fix play subtitle after merging

Release Name: VisualSubSync 0.9.10

Notes: A quick bug fix release because we have a major bug here.
Changes: Fix loading of SRT files : The last line in file was not read correctly and replaced by a blank line if there was no empty line at end of file.

Release Name: VisualSubSync 0.9.9
This is a kind of release contest version before 1.0, so don't forget to report any bugs, thanks.
There is two big improvements in this version: the subtitles video preview and the SSA/ASS style editor.
With SSA/ASS support getting more complete, it's important to know that you can directly create your project in SSA/ASS format by setting the extension
accordingly in the project creation window.
There is also improvements in the timing mode with the space bar, now you can time an existing transcript and VSS will try to ensure a characters per seconds target, a minimal subtitle duration and a minimal blank duration between subtitles.
Also good to remember, if you experience a crash, don't forget to check the backup directories (Preferences... > General > Backup)
* Improved subtitles video preview by using a custom VSFilter version. Saving subtitles is not needed anymore to have an updated preview. If playing is stopped you will need to play the subtitle again to update the preview. If you pause the video, you can see modifications in real time.
* Added SSA/ASS style editor
* Added new configurable shortcuts to set subtitle start/stop time during "live timing" : Set subtitle start time, Set subtitle stop time, Set subtitle stop time / go to next
* Improved timing mode with space bar, there is now a set of options to modify existing subtitles instead of creating new one.
* Added pause button
* Added volume trackbar
* Added configurable shortcut to toggle between normal and timing mode : Toggle between normal and timing mode
* Application settings are now saved in user application data directory if in read only mode
* Improved screen font size handling
* Detached video window state is now saved per project
* Added support for reading UTF-16 Unicode files
* Added configurable shortcut ("next error") to go to next error.
* Added a "general" JavaScript plugin with 2 functions (OnSubtitleModificationand OnSubtitleSelection). It is currently used to show statistics (can be disabled by deleting jsplugingeneralgeneral_plugin.js)

Version 0.9.4 (2006-05-21)
Bug fix release
* Added configurable hotkey for "Close" current file action
* Added req #743 : Translate line break in "N" for .ssa and .ass
* Suggestion window now use the same font has subtitles list
* Fixed bug #758 : Network mode fails when subtitles are modified
* Fixed bug #739 : WAV selection error after first load

Version 0.9.3 (2006-02-09)
* Added "Clear list" entry to "Open Recent" menu
* Wav displayer speed up (at least on, my computer)
* Some settings of the video window are now saved in project file
* Save subtitle as .CUE file (enter .cue manually)
* Path in the project file are now saved as relative to the project filename if possible
* Fix subtitles autoscrolling when first subtitle is already selected
* Fix for more than 2 channels audio stream

Version 0.9.2 (2005-10-16)
Fix the new mouse anti-overlapping feature.

Version 0.9.1 (2005-10-15)
This is mainly a bug fix release. Though there is one new feature, when making selection or modifying existing subtitles in the wav displayer, the mouse position is constrained in some way to avoid subtitles overlapping. If you don't like this behaviour you can disable it in the preferences (last checkbox in "General" tab).
Bug fix and small changes list:

* Added optionnal mouse anti-overlapping feature
* The "Find" shortcut (F3) is now configurable
* Fix shifting of karaoke second syllable start time.
* Fix for small "false" selection (<80ms)
* Fix some typo (Ok -> OK)
* Fix Undo/Redo in subtitle text edition field
* Fix bug in audio extraction (especially for MPEG files)

Thanks to Mr. kb for his bug report :-)

Version 0.9 (2005-09-18)
Basic support for SSA/ASS file format (contribution by Mirage).
Bug fix and small changes :

* Delay selection if the selected subtitle is delayed.
* Fix bug in webserver when path contain the "#" character (bug report by GuYoMe)
* Removed "Export to SSA..." menu item, use "Save as..."

Version 0.81 (2005-05-29)
Bug fix and small changes :

* Now ignores SSA and SRT tags when calculating lines length
* SRT tags colorization
* New "play to end" button (configurable hotkey)
* New hotkeys to go to next/previous subtitle ("Select next/previous sub")
* Autoscrolling is disabled while left mouse button is down
* Fixed a major bug in delay function (introduced in v0.8)
* Fixed a bug when calculating line length on Windows 98

This release is dedicated to the "French TeAm & Cie" ;-)

Version 0.8 (2005-04-08)
The big new thing in this release is of course the experimental karaoke support. To create a karaoke, you first synchronize the lyrics as normal subtitles. Then you separate each syllable by "/" and you right click in the subtitle list and choose "Create karaoke". You can now adjust each syllable in the waveform part. By double clicking on a karaoke syllable, you select that syllable, and you have access to common VSS function like shift start/stop time, play and next but at the syllable level.
You work in the .srt file format, when you have finished, you can export the final version of the file to ssa by using the new "Export to SSA..." function.
Using karaoke in a .srt file is not valid even if vobsub/vsfilter play it.

Here is a more complete list of changes :

* Experimental karaoke support
* Added "Show frame at cursor", "Show stop frame" and "Show start frame" hotkeys
* Export to SSA
* Export to WAV + html
* Show a little message in status bar when we receive a suggestion
* Fixed 8 bits wav loading

Version 0.7 (2005-01-09)
In this release, I've added some live subtitling functions. Now, when you're playing your video file, you have keys to create subtitles. For example, in timing mode, when you press the space key, VSS store the current playing time and when you release it, it creates the subtitle, so you can do a quick timing with only one key. If you want a bit more flexibility, in the HotKeys settings, you also have 3 new hotkeys :
- "Start new subtitle"
- "Stop current subtitle"
- "Stop current sub and start new sub"

Here is a more complete list of changes :

* Added live subtitling function
* Improved dynamic subtitle selection (more visual feedback, now works when you are before or after a subtitle)
* Added "Clear selected" suggestion context menu (on Aspirantnemo request)
* Added "Auto save when playing start" option in backup settings (on Mr kb request)
* Added a warning for some bad wav file
* Fixed a bug in srt loading with empty lines
* Fixed playing of .vob/mpeg2 files again

Version 0.6 (2004-12-24)
The new toy in this version is the support for JavaScript plugins. By making little scripts you can add your own error detection/correction functions. Old ones have been converted to plugins with some improvements, for example the "too long line" function now include a "smart" line splitter. There is also a plugin to check french typography. Of course you can send me any plugin you have made.
For easier plugins developpement, you can download the JavaScript 1.5 Reference >> here <<
A big thanks to the nice guys of the Delphi JavaScript Bridge project.

Here is a more complete list of changes :

* Added JavaScript plugins support for error detection/correction
* Added dynamic subtitle selection when you click in the neighborhood of a subtitle start/end time
* Added ruler with timestamp on wav display
* Added font configuration dialog
* Changed the way the focus works when you click into subtitle text from another window.
* Fixed a bug in mouse wheel configuration/processing handling
* Fixed merging bug (#30 in bug tracker)

Version 0.5 (2004-08-21)
The timing mode is now more complete thanks to the contribution of Kaiousama who added SubStationAlpha like time selection and also mouse wheel key modifier.

Here is a more complete list of changes :

* Added new mouse buttons handling in timing mode (left/right button set start/stop time, like in SubStationAlpha, can be disabled in Preferences)
* Added mouse wheel key modifiers (Configurable, default is : Wheel = Horizontal zoom, Shit+Wheel = Vertical zoom, Ctrl+Wheel = Time scrolling)
* Added "Replace subtitle from pipe" function (usefull in case of pre-timing)
* Added backup and auto-backup functions (create .bak files in VisualSubSyncBackup directory)
* Added option to detach video window
* Added auto-correction of subtitles collision on load when current subtitle stop equal next subtitle start
* Fixed problem with pipe character "|" in subtitles, we now don't convert to text with pipe internally, just when we display in VirtualTreeView
* Fixed new line handling in middle of a subtitle
* Fixed WAVDisplay refresh bug when double clicking title bar
* Fixed playing bug with vob/mpeg2 files.

Version 0.4 (2004-07-15)
In this version appear the new "Text pipe"© feature. It's used to synchronize subtitles from an already made transcript. You load your transcript in the text pipe, you select a sentence in the WAV display part, you select the matching text in the text pipe and you choose "Add subtitle from pipe". You have the option to automatically delete the text you added from the pipe, it's why it's called a pipe, text his moving out as you add subtitles.

Here is a more complete list of changes :

* Added new keyboard shortcuts to shift start/stop time by 10/100 ms
* Added vertical zoom option
* Added "Text pipe"© with new tutorial
* Changed the way shortcut are now written to config files
* Changed the way subtitles from a text file are inserted, now time is incremented for each sub to avoid sorting problems
* Fixed problem when subtitle start time = stop time (division by 0)
* Fixed problem when changing subtitle filename in project dialog to a new empty file, old subtitles were not cleared
* Fixed problem when subtitle start time is > stop time, time are now swapped automatically
* Fixed miscalculation in peak file normalization

Version 0.3 (2004-03-05)
The main new feature is the configurable shortcuts with 2 modes available : Normal and Timing. You can change the mode quickly using the button in the main window. More differences between 2 modes should be available later.
Others important features are dynamic update of playing range, that can be tested quickly by playing in loop mode and changing selection, and the "Save as UTF8" check box that allow subtitle creation in every language without charset headache ;-)

Here is a more complete list of changes :

* Added Option to swap subtitles list and subtitle edit zone
* Added Line number column in subtitles list
* Added "Save as utf8" checkbox in project properties
* Fixed web 404 error report if wav file is not available
* Added dynamic update when playing selection
* Added configurable shortcuts with 2 mode Normal/Timing
* Fixed goto (time based) when there is no subtitles
* Added more shortcuts actions (clear selection, loop selection start/end...)
* Added playback at 80%, 90% speed
* Fixed webpage compression is now off by default, IE wrongly report that it support deflate

Version 0.2 (2004-01-22)

* Added new "Set subtitle time" menu item in WAV display popup menu
* Added new "Insert text file" menu item in main menu
* Added dynamic web page compression
* Added highlight feature in web page
* Added a little popup menu on subtitle editor to copy/paste...
* Added "WAV Display Control" page to help
* Added French help page
* Fixed delay when the audio track timestamps doesn't start at 0
* Fixed peak file calculation with wav convertion.
* Fixed cursor column position (reported by Steff)
* Fixed suggestions UTF8 decoding
* Fixed IE issue when submiting suggestion.

Version 0.1 (2004-01-06)

* First release

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