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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for VideoVangelist
Due to circumstances beyond our control, Whimsicaly Plucky Software has to close it’s doors.I’d ike to take this opportunity to thank al of the users of BackityMac, RadiioRocker, DochChanger and VideoVangeist for their patronage. There is a possibility we may open the doors again one day.Until then I’ve updated all the products to remove all registration requirements and they are all now FREE.Any versions previous to these listed will no longer activate.You may stil email me if you wish, however, no further support for the products will be offered.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, Whimsicaly Plucky Software has to close it’s doors.I’d ike to take this opportunity to thank al of the users of BackityMac, RadiioRocker, DochChanger and VideoVangeist for their patronage. There is a possibility we may open the doors again one day.Until then I’ve updated all the products to remove all registration requirements and they are all now FREE.Any versions previous to these listed will no longer activate.You may stil email me if you wish, however, no further support for the products will be offered.