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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for VideoReDo
Version - Release date: 2021-09-22
Fix: AAC-HE: Sometimes wrong sampling rate and channel count detected resulting in distorted audio and possible crash.
Fix: Chapter import: First chapter mark not being processed since reader looking for BOM marker.
Fix: Dynamic normalization: Program failure if the program begins with 5.1 and changes to 2.0
Fix: GUI: Switching between preview back to edit mode advances 2 frames if codec is MPEG2. OK for other codecs.
Fix: H264 smart editing: Incorrect cut points and possible pixelation if the cut is very short and the cut end GOP already in buffer.
Fix: H264: Smart edit can pixelate if source video VBV size is too low. Now sets minimum recoded VBV to 100KB.
Fix: HEVC: 10-bit HEVC didn't work in batch due to incorrect 10-bit logic check. Was OK in interactive.
Fix: MP4/MKV output: Muxer error when saving interlaced H264 files with separate AUDs for top and bottom fields.
Fix: MP4: Using the joiner with titles and saving to MP4 files can abort output especially in batch.
Fix: MPEG2: Application crash when opening DVD-RAM VRO files.
Fix: QSF: Running QSF with filters interactively wasn't honoring filters. Worked OK from batch.
Fix: Rotation: If video width < height with aspect ratio < 1.0 and rotated by 270 degrees doesn't fill frame after rotation.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2021-08-19
[Fix] AAC-HE: Sometimes wrong sampling rate and channel count detected resulting in distorted audio and possible crash.
[Fix] Chapter import: First chapter mark not being processed since reader looking for BOM marker.
[Fix] Dynamic normalization: Program failure if the program begins with 5.1 and changes to 2.0
[Fix] GUI: Cancel / Esc key wasn't working to dismiss unsaved edits dialog.
[Fix] GUI: Switching between preview back to edit mode advances 2 frames if codec is MPEG2. OK for other codecs.
[Fix] H264 smart editing: Incorrect cut points and possible pixelation if the cut is very short and the cut end GOP is already in the buffer.
[Fix] H264: Smart edit can pixelate if source video VBV size is too low. Now sets minimum recoded VBV to 100KB.
[Fix] H264: Smart edit will turn black frames into gray frames if the original bit rate of the source file GOP is too low.
[Fix] HEVC: Intermittent crash when closing video if the thumbnail process is still filling in data when close is requested.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Muxer error when saving interlaced H264 files with separate AUDs for top and bottom fields.
[Fix] MP4: Using the joiner with titles and saving to MP4 files might abort output, especially in batch.
[Fix] MPEG2: Application crash when opening DVD-RAM VRO files.
[Fix] Profiles: Max bit rate being reset to "No limit" regardless of user setting.
[Fix] QSF: Running QSF with filters interactively wasn't honoring filters. Works OK from batch.
[Fix] Transitions: TVSuite could disable transitions when importing a profile from VRD Pro.
Version - Release date: 2021-06-10
•New: Major improvements to the French and Czech translations.
•New: Added new sample COM script, join.vbs to illustrate how to use joiner from COM..
•New: Added shortcut keys and custom button option to change the playing audio stream without using the menu..
•New: Added support for AAC-HE for transport streams with MPEG2 video.
•New: Added support for PCM audio in M2TS files from BluRay discs.
•Change: Revert chapter files to be like Version 5 using windows line endings (CR, LF) instead of just (LF). Also removed Unicode BOM.
•Change: Speed up navigation of forward short interval searches of H264 and HEVC files.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2021-06-05
[Enhancement] MPEG2: Added support for AAC-HE for transport streams with MPEG2 video.
[Change] Profiles: Increase maximum crop from 100 pixels to 240 pixels if file not open.
[Fix] Output profiles: Unable to set cropping values greater than 100. (Dan203)
[Fix] Title editor: User installed font name not showing in the title editors. (Dan203)
[Fix] Titling: Added support for non-truetype vector fonts.
[Fix] GUI: Intermittent hang when switching from preview to edit mode, or saving while in preview mode.
[Fix] H.264/HEVC: editing can freeze when navigating near the end of the file. (Broke in 829d).
TVSuite V6 - Released (2021-04-27)
[Enhancement] GUI: Added short cut and custom button: "Select Audio Stream" to change playing audio stream. Use "option" field for stream #
[Enhancement] GUI: Major improvements to the Czech and French translations.
[Enhancement] GUI: New keyboard shortcuts, Shift+1 through Shift+9 to change the audio stream being played back. Can be customized.
[Enhancement] Navigation: Speed up forward short interval navigation by doing sequential searchs.
[Change] MP4 output: If doing a video recode, automatically rebase the lowest PTS to be 0. (same as the VRD Pro MP4 advanced option).
[Change] Options: Tools>Options>Manual, Added "Maximum seconds for sequential search", removed "Thumbnail sequential search"
[Fix] H264 stream: Default to top field when complimentary field pairs are encountered.
[Fix] MPEG2: Advancing 1 frame after an I-frame seek causes seek to next I-frame.
[Fix] NVEnc: HEVC advanced encoding parameters looking in the wrong place.
[Fix] NVEnc: Only check if NVidia encoder exists if user requested it in the output profile, or made it the default encoder.
[Fix] Output profiles: Setting header bit rate to "No change" causes profile to disappear.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2021-03-19
[Enhancement] Chapter marks: Add additional formatting options for chapters.
[Change] Chapter files: Revert chapter text file to be like V5 and use windows line endings (rn) instead of just n. Also removed BOM.
[Fix] Uncompress stream: Log program info of source file in output for output. Previously only done with MPEG2, H264, HEVC
[Fix] LATM AAC: No audio PID message if TS packets too small to contain an entire LATM AAC frame.
[Fix] H.264: Memory allocation errors if the picture size > 4K and system has more then 12 processor threads.
[Fix] Frame capture: Issues with frame capture if the picture width is > 4096 pixels. Now allows capture up to 8192.
[Fix] Keyboard shortcuts: Assigning a short cut to "Select thumbnail interval" does NOT show option parameter in shortcut HTML listing.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Audio headers not written if an audio stream is present in the source, but missing in the output segments.
[Fix] WTV Files: Language code display in Show Program Info was incorrect due to incorrect unicode conversion.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2021-02-04
[Enhancement] COM: Added new script, join.vbs to illustrate how to use the joiner from COM.
[Change] Activation: If activation fails, display a button to allow the user to open the log file.
[Change] COM: Separate versions of vp.vbs and join.vbs for Pro and TVSuite that use the correct COM names for the specific product.
[Change] GUI: Output completion window is now resizeable in case the output file name is very long.
[Change] Profile editor: PCM audio now allowed in M2TS files
[Fix] Profile editor: Advanced audio streams, not clearing list of removed audio streams causing unwanted streams in output file.
[Fix] Profile editor: The max bitrate wasn't loading into the dialog correctly if set to No Limit
[Fix] Profile editor: Video cropping dialog could display twice once after editing and then again after that.
[Fix] Default profiles: Interlaced mode set incorrectly causing interlaced rather than progressive output.
[Fix] File save dialogs: Recode icons were being cropped by a pixel causing right edge of icon to get chopped off.
[Fix] H264/HEVC encoders: Removed extra new lines in the log file written by the 64-bit external encoders.
[Fix] HEVC: Very long GOPs (>= 250 frames) can stall output due to buffers being full.
[Fix] Joiner: Adding title to the joiner may result in intermittent failure when saving to MP4 files.
[Fix] Joiner: Bad joins if the longest file being joined is shorter in duration than other joined files & scenes exceed that duration.
[Fix] Profile editor: Audio bitrate not loaded correctly for editing when the audio was set to AC3.
[Fix] Profile editor: Audio normalization options not saved correctly
[Fix] RDD11 to userdata: Would hang when there was pre- and post-title blocks.
Version - Release date: 2020-12-26
•New: Hide mouse cursor during full screen playback.
•New: Dynamically switch between cut and scene mode from the edit menu. Option removed from Tools>Options>General.
•New: Joiner now allows you to join videos with different resolutions and frame rates.
•New: DVD allows you to specify if authoring NTSC or PAL. Previously determined automoatically from frame rate and dimensions.
•Change: Transport stream muxer changed to make seeking in VLC smoother.
•Fix: Encoding to HEVC to on a high-core count (24+ threads) system will no longer exhaust memory.
•Fix: Fixed multiple issues when smart editing HEVC files with transitions enabled.
•Fix: Generated data for Topfield .rec files not being properly generated.
•Fix: Fades not being processed properly on internal cuts (dissolves were OK).
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-12-11
[Change] Output profiles: Made the cropping crop dialog re-sizeable.
[Change] Translations: Output profile screen not displaying German diacritical in the translation file properly.
[Change] Transport stream output: Changed mux logic to make seeking of saved .ts files smoother in VLC.
[Fix] H264: Software encoding could stall on output at end of file if the system has lots of physical cores.
[Fix] HEVC: Smart encoder init error if there were no re-order frames. Derive from: sps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1 instead.
[Fix] HEVC: SmartEncoder not writing encoder parameter errors to the log file.
[Fix] Output profiles: Audio normalization values are not persisting. (Broken after build 821)
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-11-20
[Fix] H264/HEVC encoding: External encoder could stall if there are multiple audio streams with short duration frame (e.g. DTS).
[Fix] PCM Audio: Unable to open files with 96K PCM sampling rate.
[Fix] QSF: QSF fails to output audio and some video if frame rate is 59.94 fps.
[Fix] VC-1: If source video codec is VC-1 and container is transport stream (.ts) give warning that user should convert to MKV.
[Fix] YUVStream: Secondary codecs (ProRes, VC-1, WMV) stopped working,. (Broke in 825)
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-11-11
[Fix] HEVC: Intelligent recording with transitions, bit rate for fade-outs set randomly, could trigger blockiness if too low.
[Fix] Output profiles: CRF profiles were not being saved in the profile list.
[Fix] Output: MP3 audio output wasn't working.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-011-05
[Enhancement] DVD authoring: Added option to specify if DVD is NTSC or PAL. Previously DVD type was only determined automatically
[Enhancement] ES Muxer: Add 10 fps as a supported frame rate.
[Enhancement] Full screen playback: Hide mouse cursor during full screen playback when mouse pointer isn't being moved.
[Enhancement] GUI: Add Edit menu option to switch between cut and scene mode. Option is persistent between files.
[Enhancement] GUI: Add skin to the Output Progress dialog.
[Enhancement] Joiner/combine dialog: If opening multiple files at once, don't display the combine option if files shouldn't be combined.
[Enhancement] Joiner: Joiner now allows you join videos with different resolutions and frame rates as long their video codec matches.
[Change] Ad-detective params: Add to common parameters, "Force scenes to I-frames" (yes/no).
[Change] Chapters: In Tools>Options>Chapters, add back the checkbox from V5 to create a chapter at 0.00 in the chapters.txt file.
[Change] DVD: NTSC DVD will author always author to 29.97 FPS unless all the source files are either 23.94 or 24 fps.
[Change] DVD: Outputting 24-bit PCM to a DVD will down convert the audio 16-bit PCM.
[Change] GUI: Clear recent files/folders on Tools>Options>General didn't clear most recent files list on file menu until restart
[Change] Options: Added option for default save location to either last saved folder or source folder to Tools>Options>General
[Change] Profiles: Add to profile grid, "Force scenes to I-frames" (yes/no).
[Change] Profiles: For force transcode, default resolution should be same as source.
[Fix] DVD: DVD authoring will hang if frame rate of 1st file is 59.94 and 2nd file is 29.97
[Fix] DVD: Mixing 720p and 1080p source files on a DVD causes resizing issues on the 2nd file of the resulting DVD.
[Fix] DVD: Queuing DVD authoring to batch, fails in batch manager.
[Fix] File save: Memory corruption if the are multiple seconds of missing audio at the start of a file.
[Fix] GUI: Opening and saving a file name longer than 256 characters can cause crash.
[Fix] GUI: Tools>Options>Keyboard shortcuts description can be incorrect.
[Fix} HEVC: Fixed multiple issues with HEVC transitions and smart editing.
[Fix] HEVC output: Encoding 4K to HEVC on a 32-core system could run out of memory.
[Fix] Joiner editor: Opening joiner files (.VJnr) created in Version 5 now gives a warning message that they are not compatible.
[Fix] Joiner: Joining AAC of mixed sample rates (44.1K & 48K) creates noisy audio if sample rate doesn't match 1st file sample rate.
[Fix] MPEG2: Dual pass encoding might crash in second pass if video deinterlacer is invoked part way through the file.
[Fix] Navigation: Navigation and display could be off by one from if the frame rate is 59.94 fps and navigation distance > 50 min.
[Fix] Output status: Progress bar not working when splitting scenes
[Fix] Profiles: Manage profile dialog was not updating codec, file type or recode mode if you edited a profile.
[Fix] QuickSync & NVEnc encoding: Sync error if using either QS or NVEnc AND doing a fractional frame rate change, e.g. 23.97 to 29.97
[Fix] QuickSync encoder: Wasn't working with Intel 10900K CPU on test system. Fix might be driver update or QS interface recompile
[Fix] Save dialog: Profile list was not being updated if codec, file type or recode type was changed.
[Fix] Transitions: When recoding and transition mode is "fade", fades at internal cuts not being properly done. Dissolves OK.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-09-25
[Fix] Audio: Minor memory leak of audio data when an empty audio frame requires reallocation.
[Fix] BeyondTV: Beyond TV project files didn't work with drag & drop
[Fix] EAC3: If the audio stream changes channel count from 5.1 to 2.0 during playback VRD will abort. (Dan203)
[Fix] GUI: Scrambled strings in info box when showing MB and crash when showing frame number if Windows localization values corrupt.
[Fix] GUI: Tools>Options>Shortcut keys wouldn't always update the help text or selection properly if it was filtered by search
[Fix] HEVC playback: Adjust picture timing code could crash or create wrong PTS values after smart edit due to POC LSB discontinunity.
[Fix] HEVC: Logging of encoder errors and warnings to videoredo log file wasn't working properly.
[Fix] HEVC: Smart encoding will create an HEVC encoding init error if too many reference frames.
[Fix] MPEG2: QuickSync encoding to MPEG2 not outputting DTS timestamp with some Intel GPUs (not clear which ones). Can stall MP4 output.
[Fix] Output Profiles: (VRDPro) Issue with LKFS and Gain couldn't be adjusted > 0.
[Fix] Output Profiles: H264 and HEVC advanced encoding options not displaying (broke in 822).
[Fix] Topfield .rec files: Generated metadata not being written correctly causing topfields to not accept .rec files from VRD.
[Fix] VRD would crash on drag & drop of ES files
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-09-05
[Change] Install wizard: If you hold shift and ctrl down when clicking next, the check for GPU encoders is skipped.
[Change] HEVC: When saving to MP4, don't copy extra data as part of the annex B if there is already a VPS NALU in the frame.
[Fix] NVidia encoding: Not adding SPS and PPS to I/IDR frames due to uninitialized variable. Broke after 816.
[Fix] Auto combine: Auto combine not working due to change made in the release 821.
[Fix] HEVC: Check the slice header for: first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag to determine if slice is a new frame or part of previous frame
[Fix] HEVC: Smart encoder will create VPS, SPS, and SPS with id values of 11 to not conflict with typical values of 0, 1, and 2.
[Fix] QuickSync: QuickSync not working in Build 821 for Core I5-2400/2600 CPUs.
Version - Release date: 2020-08-27
•Fix: Automatic download of version upload could stall and not complete.
Version - Release date: 2020-08-26
•New: Variable speed playback using 'K' and 'L' keys (may be customized).
•New: New 64-bit encoders for H264 and HEVC encoding improving speed on high core count systems.
•New: Automatic thumbnail expansion when holding shift and clicking on a thumbnail.
•Change: Improved DVD output quality when output bit rate is > 6.5 Mbps.
•Change: Help > Keyboard shortcuts will display user customized version of shortcuts.
•Change: Thunbnails, improved frame cache usage for faster thumbnail displays.
•Change: Improve file open speeds by reducing the number of times a file is opened.
•Fix: DVD chapter marks could trigger a VOBU error.
•Fix: Auto convert 4:2:2 chroma to 4:2:0 when authoring DVDs.
•Fix: MPEG2 editing, fixed intermittent crash when positioning to end of video.
•Fix: Transport stream muxes play smoother in VLC.
TVSuite V6 - ( Released 2020-08-20)
[Enhancement] GUI: Options for playback speed accepts prefix +/- (adds to speed), = (sets to specific speed) or no prefix for multiple.
[Enhancement] GUI: When changing the playback speed, show a temporary visual indicator in the video window of the new speed.
[Enhancement] Playback: Play audio at original pitch even when playback speed has changed. Valid from 0.5x to 4.0x.
[Change] Thumbnails: Allow shift+click on a thumbnail to select center frame. Previous versions excluded center frame.
[Change] Thumbnails: If shift+click and thumbnail interval is set to single frame, change pop menu labels to simply "Move left or right"
[Change] Thumbnails: Re-worked the thumbnail frame cache to use an LRU replacement algorithm and store more frames.
[Change] Transport stream output: If TS mux rate set to auto and null packets are omitted (default for TVSuite), mux plays better in VLC.
[Fix] Cropping: Cropping not working with dual pass encoding.
[Fix] GUI: Remove OK button on the "Permission to access internet" task dialog.
[Fix] GUI: Tools>UI Style editor accidently deleted from menu. Has now been restored.
[Fix] H.264 encoding: New external encoder defaulting to BFF instead of TFF for interlaced video. Now defaults to TFF.
[Fix] H264: Tools>Options>H264 frame rate not honoring "Stream" setting if very close to actual container rate.
[Fix] Installer: not prompting for install folder. Broke in a previous version.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Reported output frame counts and video duration are double what is actually saved for H264 PAFF encoded video.
[Fix] MPEG2: Advanced encoding option setting, "Use non-linear quant" wasn't being honored if set to false.
[Fix] MPEG2: Output can stall or abort if excessive removal of corrupted video frames leaves incorrect DTS timestamp setting.
[Fix] MPEG2: Updated to a faster version of the MPEG2 encoder. Performance increase up to 30% at high bit rates ( > 30 Mbps).
[Fix] NVidia encoding: If GPU card doesn't support MBAFF encoding, automatically switch to PAFF if card supports interlaced encoding.
[Fix] NVidia encoding: If output is progressive, ignore Interlace output setting (PAFF/MBAFF).
[Fix] Thumbnails: Audio graph was sometimes not displaying all frames, especially at the right-end of the graph.
TVSuite V6 - released 2020-06-27
[Enhancement] GUI: Version check will now offer to download updated version instead of referring user to a web page.
[Enhancement] H.264/HEVC: Added 64-bit encoder support to handle 4K video on systems with more then 8 cores/threads.
[Enhancement] Playback: Add variable speed high-speed playback. Default assignable key assignments are K (slower), and L (faster).
[Enhancement] Thumbnail: Shift + left click on thumbnail brings up sub-menu to select type of expansion. (Changed from 818)
[Enhancement] H.264/HEVC: Speed up file opens by caching video duration from the first file open.
[Enhancement] Open video: Speed up initial video file open by reducing number of file opens from 3 to 2.
[Change] GUI: Changed task dialog supporting class to use MFC's CTaskDialog. Should be transparent to users.
[Change] GUI: Converted all hard coded keyboard shortcuts to hotkey system.
[Change] GUI: Help>Show keyboard shortcuts will display user's custom shortcuts instead of original default shortcut defaults.
[Change] GUI: Tools>Options dialog now remembers last used page and default to that page when you open the dialog again.
[Change] HEVC: If neither progressive or interlace flags are set in the SPS, then assume progressive rather than interlaced.
[Change] Installer: Updated installer to Inno Version 6, and changed settings so that the system's default language is pre-selected.
[Change] MP4 output: E-AC3 was always being recoded rather than being passed thru.
[Change] MPEG2: Change B-frame Q factor and offset to use same Q factor as P frames. Improves quality of B frames.
[Change] MPEG2: Switch mpeg2 to use non-linear quant table. Improves quality at lower bit rates.
[Change] Options: Shift+Tools>Options, Increase max value of "Max GOP length (secs)" to be set up to 120 seconds from 30.
[Fix] Czech: Incorrect display of audio stream selection when language is set to Czech.
[Fix] DVD: Improve overall bit rate compliance when doing single pass encoding to DVD using the software encoder.
[Fix] H.264: Elementary stream muxing of 59.94 fps video triggers sync errors.
[Fix] HEVC: If max POCLsb is 65535 and GOP ends with a POC Lsb near 65535, could get memory error on next GOP.
[Fix] HEVC: Unable to open a file which has complex st_ref_pic_marking in the SPS.
[Fix] HEVC: Unable to open file due to parsing error in st_ref_pic_set read routine.
[Fix] Joiner: Joiner was not handling rotation properly when mixing videos with different source rotations.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Added logic to handle situations when DTS isn't monotonically increasing. Can happen when there are lots of frame drops
[Fix] MP4/MKV: If saving MPEG2 to mp4 or mkv without transcoding, the DTS isn't being correctly set causing a slow mux. (broke in 818)
[Fix] Output Profiles: Setting output audio language code in TVSuite isn't being saved to the output file.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-05-05
[Enhancement] DVD: When recoding for DVD, default to DVD High matrix or DVD very high (>7Mbps) matrix for improved quality.
[Enhancement] MPEG2: New mpeg2 advanced option "Custom encoding matrix" to use encoding matrices that may improved encoding quality.
[Enhancement] Thumbnails: Clicking thumbnail while pressing the shift or control keys moves selected frame to left most / right most position.
[Change] GUI: File save dialog(s). Enable "save" as default button if user presses enter.
[Change] Installer: Have installer issue warning if attempting to install on XP or Vista.
[Fix] DVD: Adding chapter marks can trigger VOBU build errors during DVD muxing.
[Fix] DVD: Authoring PAL MKV H264 source at 720x360 creates DVD with bad chroma. Not setting correct output resolution.
[Fix] GUI: Crash if user refreshes file.
[Fix] GUI: Minor memory leak in save dialog.
[Fix] H.264: Improved QSF to remove fewer frames if PTS wraps back to zero and doing QSF.
[Fix] H.264: Intermittent smart encoding crash due to memory allocation failure.
[Fix] H.264: Joining with transitions can introduce sync errors and extra frames.
[Fix] H.264: Memory leak in MP4/MKV muxer when outputting H.264 files. Will crash on large files.
[Fix] H.264: Software encoder error if doing dual pass encoding and file name has unicode characters.
[Fix] HEVC: Smart editing, fixed pixelation due to PPSs defined in the RASL frames which aren't passed to decoder.
[Fix] MPEG2: Missing audio graph if GOPs are very short and audio physically lags behind video by > 1 sec.
[Fix] Output Profile: If output codec is MPEG2 and recoding is required, make sure height is either 1080 or multiple of 16.
[Fix] Output profiles: Downloading additional profiles from VideoReDo servers not working.
[Fix] Titling: Output title will be corrupt if video line with is not a multiple of 8.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-03-26
[Change] H.264 profile: H.264 advanced encoding parameters removed "progressive" from optional "Interlace mode".
[Change] Internal: libavcodec & libavformat updated from Version 3 to Version 4.
[Change] Logging: If log file folder doesn't exist, logger will 1st attempt to create it, if fails set default to DocumentsVideoReDo
[Fix] Ad-detective: Intermittent hang after running ad-detective if thumbnail interval is greater than single frame.
[Fix] Batch: When doing a queue to batch from the file save screen, the selected profile isn't saved and remembered for the next save.
[Fix] Beyond TV XML files don't work
[Fix] DVD: If saving a DVD to an ISO from the DVD project page, no longer warns if a physical burner isn't found.
[Fix] DVD: If source video has 4:2:2 chroma, DVD authoring should automatically recode to 4:2:0.
[Fix] DVD: Opening a copy protected VIDEO_TS file will crash in V6.
[Fix] DVD: When authoring to a DVD using the software encoder, reduce the bit rate tolerance so that encoded size fits on a DVD
[Fix] H.264: If frame rate at start of file is variable, build an internal histogram of frame durations to determine actual frame rate
[Fix] Joiner: Transitions sometimes disabled when saving through the joiner.
[Fix] MPEG2: If source is MPEG2 navigating or Ad-detective to end of file could hang thumbnails.
[Fix] MPEG2: Thumbnails could hang if source codec is MPEG2 and thumbnail interval is greater than single frame.
[Fix] Output Profile: Save as elementary stream (match source) always appends .h264 suffix regardless of source video codec.
[Fix] Output graph: If video encoder set to dual pass but NVEnc or QuickSync becomes the actual encoder, revert to single pass.
[Fix] Output profiles: If smart profile codec is set to "match source" and changed in file save dialog, quality factor not honored.
[Fix] Profiles: Changing h264 codec to hevc on mp4 ipod profiles causes output error due to MP4 mux type of ipod not supporting hevc.
[Fix] QSF: If transitions are enabled, QSF dialog shows audio recoding even though transition settings ignored in QSF mode.
[Fix] Save dialog: If container is changed/customized clicking on "select file" uses old container type not new type.
[Fix] Shell: Problem opening VPRJ (maybe files too) with file associations.
Version - Release date: 2020-03-02
•New: Ad-detective, Speed up interactive mode so that's now as fast or faster then Version 5.
•New: Elementary stream muxing now works properly for HEVC files.
•Change: DVD authoring internals totally re-written.
•Change: MPEG2 thumbnails, significant speed up of the display
•Change: Navigation, up/down arrow keys now operate in same directions as Version 5.
•Fix: Tivo fixed excessive removal of audio frames when stream corruption encountered.
•Fix: File save dialog, fixed editing of output file name..
•Fix: NVidia encoder, lots of fixes including automatic conversion to progressive if required..
•Fix: Removed MPEG-4 part2 from list of support output profile..
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-02-13
[Fix] Joiner: Adding a project with cuts to the joiner list displays incorrect file length in info box.
[Fix] DVD: Unable to burn from ISO file.
[Fix] MPEG2: Incorrect display aspect if file is incorrectly marked as 1:1 aspect ratio.
[Fix] HEVC: Sync error when doing smart editing and cut is made on a RASL frame. (Broken around 812).
[Fix] H.264/HEVC: TS file without program map, could falsely treat EAC3 stream as DVD PCM.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-02-03
[Change] Fix] NVidia encoding: Sync errors if the source file is MPEG2 encoded with 3:2 pull down repeat frames. (Broke in 813a)
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-02-01
[Change] H.264: Improve quality of I-frame cuts when smart editing H.264 when frames at cut start are near black.
[Fix] GUI: File save dialog output filename, if no favorite profiles, typing a space in the output file name causes cursor to jump to left of edit box.
[Fix] H.264 output: Smart encoder would create and not delete unneeded log/stats files: data.txt, log.dat, stats.dat
[Fix] H.264: H264 smart edit will error out if user's home folder has unicode characters.
[Fix] H.264: Smart edit could exceed memory (allocation error) when editing 4K video with transitions. Added thread control.
[Fix] H.264: Smart edit, added support for advanced encoding option: thread count when doing smart editing.
[Fix] MPEG2: Tivo, Excessive removal of audio frames when processing Tivo files if an entire GOP was removed for resync.
[Fix] Playback: AAC-HE audio stutters on playback in V6. OK in V5.
[Fix] Translations: Output profile edit, some languages (Czech, Dutch, French, Finnish) wouldn't let user select NVEnc codec.
[Fix] Output Profiles: (VRDPro) Unable to set the AC3 bit rate beyond 384 Kbps in either simple or advanced audio.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-01-09
[Change] ES Muxing: Added support for HEVC files elementary streams.
[Change] NVEnc H264: Check if overridden profile level is sufficient for requested encode. Auto raise the level if necessary.
[Fix] MPEG2 navigation: If GOP is closed, navigating back one frame will get stuck and move forward one frame.
[Fix] German translation: Increased text width on the Tools>Options and output profile pages.
[Fix] H.264 output: IDR frame cutting putting 25000/1001 frame rate in SPS instead of 25000/1000. (broke in 810b)
[Fix] Output: TVSuite when normalizing with transitions enabled, output could stall at the end of the file.
[Fix] Profile editor: Advanced encoding options for MPEG2, H264 and HEVC not being displayed.
[Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro) If video dimension preset set to "Same as source" unable to reset dimensions using preset.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-12-26)
[Fix] Split scenes output: Internal value of outOptions.m_outputDuration is incorrect when doing split scenes, messes up moov atom allocation.
[Fix] Profile editor: Preset doesn't retain "Same as source" in grid
[Fix] Profile editor: Updated grid to new normalization format
[Fix] Profile editor: Match Source didn't support 4k
[Fix] HEVC output: Fix problem in CheckAndAdjustSync which caused sync adjust to not work.
[Fix] HEVC: Improve detection of corrupted stream by comparing Pic order count to original PTS.
[Fix] DVD authoring: Adding a chapter mark causes DVD to begin playing at the chapter mark instead of start of video.
[Fix] H264 output: Possible pixelation at cut points for H264 files using smart editing with transitions.
[Fix] HEVC: Thumbnail display showing incorrect frames if the left most frame is a RASL slice.
[Fix] Output: Splitting scenes and saving to mp4 will under allocate area for MOOV atom.
[Fix] DVR-MS: Output to DVR-MS will crash if there is a thumbnail image in the source metadata (WM/Picture).
[Fix] MPEG2 navigation: Doing an I-frame seek and then pressing right arrow/next frame jumps full GOP instead of 1 frame.
[Fix] MPEG2 thumbnails: Not displaying correctly, out of order or missing frames. Broke in 810.
[Fix] H.264: Smart encoding of H.264 could have incorrect frame rate in SPS at cut point.
[Change] Log file: (VRDPro) Show user name in log file rather than the "DE...." string.
[Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro) If video dimension preset set to "Same as source" unable to reset dimensions using preset.
[Fix] Profile editor (VRDPro) Setting Transition type to "Fade" doesn't persist.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-11-28)
[Change] GUI: Up/down arrow changed to be the same as V5. Up now moves towards beginning of video, Down towards the end.
[Change] Intel Quick Sync: Default IDR interval for Quick Sync is 0 and should be 1 to create VPS, SPS, PPS for each GOP.
[Change] MPEG2 thumbnails: Speed up display of thumbnails by NOT writing all temporary AC3 frame errors to the log file.
[Change] MPEG2 thumbnails: Speed up display of thumbnails by decoding fewer frames.
[Change] NVEnc: Tools>Options>GPU encoding, NVEnc Info shows more information about what features are supported for each codec.
[Change] Time code entry: Allow semi-colon as separator in addition to period and colon.
[Fix] AC3: Recoding to AC3 creates invalid audio stream. Broken in 809b.
[Fix] Audio transitions: Sync error if channel count changes in the middle of a transition.
[Fix] GUI: Complete upgrade from task dialog, wouldn't bring up correct page.
[Fix] Joiner save: Will auto close VideoReDo after joiner save if there's no video file open in video window.
[Fix] Joiner: On two pass joining doing audo normalize, it was possible to get audio from last file at start of first file.
[Fix] Joiner: On two pass joining, file counter (1/x) in output status dialog was stuck at (x/x) in second pass.
[Fix] LXF: (VRDPro) LXF muxer not flushing partial audio and video frames at end of file.
[Fix] MPEG2 encoding: Not sending frame_rate to the encoder.
[Fix] NVEnc/QuickSync: H264 SEI captions encoded via NVEnc or Intel QuickSync not playing in VLC.
[Fix] Navigation: Unable to seek program or transport stream files > 7+ hours.
[Fix] Output Profile: Clicking on Advanced audio in save dialog profile option, causes crash.
[Fix] Video playback: Setting display aspect ratio on T>O>Playback devices only works for MPEG2, should work for H264 and HEVC.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-11-16)
[Enhancement] Ad-detective: When non-interactive ad-detective is finished, play a different sound from a normal file save.
[Change] DVD output: Internal DVD authoring logic changed to better fit current architecture.
[Change] GUI: Remove "Use new style file and folder dialogs" from Shift+Tools>Options>Manual.
[Change] Output Profile: H264 advanced encoding options, added option to disable 8x8 transform.
[Change] Output Profile: Remove MPEG4 from list of output codecs.
[Change] Output: Disable transitions when doing QSF.
[Fix] AC3 encoder: Fixed memory leak.
[Fix] Activation: Automatic activation not working for all users, manual activation works.
[Fix] Ad-detective: Add tooltip text to the two icons (pencil and X) in the profile section of the dialog.
[Fix] BOB deinterlacer: Deinterlacer would crash if output height was not a multiple of 16. Such as 1920x1080.
[Fix] DVD: Adding a project to DVD splits scenes and uses time codes are description instead of using the file name.
[Fix] DVD: Background of menu screen is distorted.
[Fix] DVD: Burning not working in V6.
[Fix] GUI: Go to time code, using ctrl+v to paste a time code doesn't work.
[Fix] GUI: Pressing "abort" during save, removes the last added to the cut list.
[Fix] H.264: Dual pass encoding might stall on second pass.
[Fix] H.264: Software encoder will error / abort if interlaced and weighted_p frames requested. Disabled weighted_p for interlace.
[Fix] HEVC: QSF of HEVC source to MP4 file might hang.
[Fix] Installer: Not setting language code correctly from the installer.
[Fix] MKV: Wrong frame rate being written to MKV files. (Actually value is frame duration in nsec).
[Fix] MPEG2 encoding: Memory leak in the mpeg2 encoder could cause application to run out of memory if the output file is > 1.5 GB.
[Fix] MPEG2 video: Intermittent crash when seeking to end of file. Could also trigger crash at end of ad-detective.
[Fix] MPEG2 video: Save would stall if source is program stream and audio packets at cut point didn't have a PTS.
[Fix] MPEG2 video: Wouldn't demux AC3 audio with DVD audio header when the audio header block had an offset of 0.
[Fix] Output Profile: Intelligent recoding of uncompressed source has really low output bit rate.
[Fix] Output: File save not letting user specify child folders if default directory in output profile isn't blank.
[Fix] Profile editor: Changing the file extension causes a crash.
[Fix] QSF dialog: Manually entering a file name into Input file edit box doesn't work, need to press "Select file".
[Fix] QSF: If suggested output file name exists it should suggest a new unique one.
[Fix] WTV output: Non-english characters in the metadata are being messed up in the output file.
[Fix] (VRDPro) Included missing HEVC support libraries and DLLs.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-21)
[Fix] File open: Unable to open video files > 0.5 GB (broken in build 807)
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-21)
[Change] Profile editor: Re-arrange items in "General" and "Video" groups to be more logical.
[Fix] VList files: Fix to handle unicode folder names. Changed format of .vlst to be .xml.
[Fix] HEVC: Output would hang if saving to MP4 and first frame of GOP was CRA_NUT instead of IRAP_NUT.
[Fix] GUI: Purchase link from TVSuite help menu points to TVSuite V5 instead of TVSuite V6.
[Fix] HEVC output: Intelligent output of HEVC should always use the software encoder and ignore the T>O>Stream encoder setting.
[Fix] GUI: Intermittent crash on video close which can also occur when opening a 2nd video.
[Fix] MP4 muxing: Saving to MP4 could trigger DTS greater than PTS.
[Fix] Ad-detective: When starting ad-detective automatically disable deinterlacer.
[Fix] Ad-detective: When pause on add scene marker is enabled, video would pause a few seconds after the scene marker.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-21)
[Fix] File open: Unable to open video files > 0.5 GB (broken in build 807)
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-21)
[Change] Profile editor: Re-arrange items in "General" and "Video" groups to be more logical.
[Fix] VList files: Fix to handle unicode folder names. Changed format of .vlst to be .xml.
[Fix] HEVC: Output would hang if saving to MP4 and first frame of GOP was CRA_NUT instead of IRAP_NUT.
[Fix] GUI: Purchase link from TVSuite help menu points to TVSuite V5 instead of TVSuite V6.
[Fix] HEVC output: Intelligent output of HEVC should always use the software encoder and ignore the T>O>Stream encoder setting.
[Fix] GUI: Intermittent crash on video close which can also occur when opening a 2nd video.
[Fix] MP4 muxing: Saving to MP4 could trigger DTS greater than PTS.
[Fix] Ad-detective: When starting ad-detective automatically disable deinterlacer.
[Fix] Ad-detective: When pause on add scene marker is enabled, video would pause a few seconds after the scene marker.
Version - Release date: 2019-10-11
•New: Output Profiles: Added option to set the encoding bit depth.
•New: Added "Split scenes" to a dropdown menu on the save button in the file save dialog,
•Fix: MP4/MKV chapter code re-written. Joiner output creates chapters. Removed "chapter at zero" option, now automatic. Occasional mux failure due to invalid MKV chapter fixed.
•Fix: If VRD already open, open a file via file association wouldn't always work.
•Fix: MP4/MKV files with MPEG2 video and AAC audio wouldn't open.
•Fix: QSF of DVD using profile with split scenes caused error.
•Fix: If VRD already open, open a file via file association wouldn't always work.
•Fix: NVidia encoder, aspect ratio not being set correctly at all video dimensions.
•Fix: MPEG2, unable to run QSF on some files. QSF thought the files were elementary streams.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-04)
[Change] MKV: When saving MKV with chatpers, added a chapter starting at 0, just like MP4.
[Fix] Shell: If TVSuite already open, opening a file via file association doesn't always open due to unicode issue.
[Fix] MP4: MP4 & MKV files with MPEG2 video and AAC audio won't open.
[Fix] NVEnc: Remove dual pass option for NVidia encoding.
[Fix] Key entry: If upgrade token entered, user prompted to if they want to open the upgrade wizard in a browser window.
[Change] Profile grid: (VRDPro) Change "Aspect correction" label to "Crop & Border".
[Fix] Profile grid: (VRDPro) Interactive cropping option no longer available.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-09-29)
[Enhancement] Output Profile: Added option to set the encoding bit depth, this will trigger auto-recode if different from source.
[Enhancement] Save: Added dropdown to Save button in output dialog to enable split scenes. Advanced profile option still supported.
[Change] AdScan not saving vprj from batch
[Change] GUI: Key entry dialog would show registered users as '0 days expiration'. Now shows 'License has been installed.'
[Change] GUI: Tools>Options>General, new option: "On save auto show 'Select file' dialog.
[Change] Key entry: Check for upgrade token being entered and ask user if they want to open the upgrade wizard.
[Change] QSF of DVD using profile with "split scenes" caused error
[Change] VRDPro: Change betas so that it now expires using a new beta key which can be re-entered.
[Fix] COM: vp.vbs sample script wasn't updated to use videoredo6 COM object.
[Fix] Chapters: Chapter numbering goes from 0 to 2 instead of 1 to 2.
[Fix] GUI: If user entered upgrade token into key entry, would be redirected to purchase page rather than upgrade wizard.
[Fix] GUI: If video dimensions change, on-screen display was showing [0x0] instead correctly showing revised dimensions.
[Fix] H.264: Possible sync issue when cutting H.264 files. Not handling end of cut properly in all cases.
[Fix] HEVC/H.264: Aspect ratio not being set correctly for H.264/HEVC software encoding when encoding from 1920 to 720x576
[Fix] MKV: Chapter marks can sometimes create MKV muxer errors.
[Fix] MPEG2 video: Unable to run QSF on some files even though they would open. The QSF thought they were ES streams.
[Fix] NVidia encoder: Encoding aspect ratio not correct. Being set to encoding dimensions instead of output profile.
Version - Release date: 2019-09-16
•Fix: Removed some beta test warnings accidently left in Build 802.
Version - Release date: 2019-09-13
•New: Version 6 - Initial release
•New: HEVC support
•New: Unicode file name support
•New: Smooth video and audio transitions
•New: AC3 encoding
•New: NVidia GPU encoding support
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-08-30)
[Enhancement] NVidia encoder: Added NVidia surface type selection (auto, cuda, dx11) to Tools>Options>GPU encoders.
[Enhancement] NVidia encoder: Added support for Cuda surfaces (in addition to DX11) allowing NVEnc to work on Win 7.
[Enhancement] Output Profile: Advanced audio, added optional language code to each output audio stream.
[Enhancement] Output Profile: Simplified setting of audio level processing into 3 functions: Normalize, Auto gain, raise/lower level.
[Change] GUI: Removed "Apply VRD Version to Log" from Tools>Options>Manual.
[Change] GUI: Removed "User Batch Command" from shift+Tools>Options. Hasn't been used since TVSuite V4.
[Change] GUI: Warn user if VRDPro styled key entered into TVSuite.
[Change] HEVC: If opening 10-bit HEVC file, warn user that output will be transcoded to 8-bit. (Until 10bit encoder is working)
[Change] HEVC: If opening HEVC 4:2:2 file in TVSuite V6 warn that this is a VRD Pro function.
[Change] Tools>Options: Changed old category label "Hardware encoding" to new label: "GPU encoders"
[Fix] HEVC: Error if opening file that didn't have frame rate in the header or video stream (such as converting from MP4 to TS)
[Fix] HEVC: If doing 2 pass audio such as normalization and smart editing, output could hang.
[Fix] HEVC: SEI pict_struct values not being cleared on new NALs causing frame timing to possibly be wrong.
[Fix] TS muxer not passing through language code
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-08-14)
[Enhancement] File save dialog: Now saves "Favorites Only" option even if you Cancel dialog
[Change] MKV: Remove extra data block from MKV files to better support multiple parameter sets.
[Change] MP4/HEVC: If saving HEVC to MP4 the first output GOP will ALWAYS be recoded in order to create a unique parameter set.
[Change] Output Profile: Lower minimum AC3 bit rate for 5.1 audio to be 192 Kbps instead of 384 Kbps.
[Change] Stream internals: (VRDPro) In NAL viewer holding down the shift key and clicking previous/next frame does a GOP jump.
[Fix] Default profiles: Various iPhone & Android profiles listed in the install wizard were missing.
[Fix] GDI: GDI driver wouldn't correctly display 4:2:2 video content.
[Fix] H.264 output: Fade in could cause crash if first frame after fade-in occurs before I-frame in decoding order.
[Fix] HEVC source: Save error if source is HEVC without AUD and container is MKV or MP4.
[Fix] Install wizard: Fixed selection of allowed default profiles. Added some older Apple and Android profile options.
[Fix] MKV: HEVC encoder could error out if level_idc in profile was too low. Now checks and bumps level_idc if necessary.
[Fix] MKV: On some files, first GOP would not be displayed or saved.
[Fix] MKV: Saving MKV to MP4 wouldn't play on iOS. Changed hev1 to hvc1.
[Fix] Output Profile: Some settings not sticking: Encoding type, Flip, Audio channel mode, and Normalize.
[Fix] Profile: In TVSuite, can't persist dual pass or CRF output 'Encoder mode:' settings.
[Fix] Project files: V6 project files have a BOM at the beginning and shouldn't.
[Fix] Tools>Options>Startup: Prevent settings files from Version 5 from being imported. Only Version 6 settings can be imported.
[Documentation] COM documenation: Program Duration as reported by FileGetProgramInfo is in 90KHz ticks, NOT seconds.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-07-30)
[Change] H.264 output: Moderate speed on some files when outputting with transitions.
[Change] GUI: Warn user if diagnostic is set to advanced and let them reset it to medium.
[Fix] MP4/MKV muxing: MP4/MKV output of some files can trigger pixelated playback in MPC-HC & VLC.
[Fix] HEVC: Fixed problem parsing HRD parameters which prevented file from opening.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-07-13)
[Fix] GUI: Output profile editing: there were missing translations in the drop-down control.
[Fix] GUI: Shortcuts/hotkeys not recognized on Chinese language systems. Can also crash when creating new hot key mappings.
[Fix] GUI: Entering a UNC output path in file save, QSF save, or ES save shows "Invalid output file" message.
[Fix] HEVC: Incorrect frame rate due to overflow error if vui_time_scale or vps_time_scale has a large value.
[Fix] Joiner: Joiner list sometimes has an extra 0:00-0:00 segment as first item. Introduced with build 797.
[Fix] Output Profile: False "unable to set output options" if NVEnc is the default encoder.
[Fix] Transport stream: If "ignore transport stream map" enabled, stream detector could interpret MPEG2 as HEVC.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-06-30)
** Updated Beta Expiration Date **
[Enhancement] GUI: Support for registration names with unicode characters.
[Enhancement] Joiner: Adding a project to the joiner adds the title and each scene separately rather than as one project.
[Change] H.264 & HEVC: Added support to detect and report colorPrimaries, TransferMatrix, etc.
[Change] NVidia encoder: Automatically adjust NVEnc encoder settings by polling encoder for capabilities such as interlace, chroma, etc.
[Fix] Titling: Adding title to source video with 24 bit audio adds incorrect number of silent audio fr
[Fix] Profiles: Max bitrate didn't always cause recode if the source file didn't have a max bit rate. Mostly affected HEVC & H.264
[Fix] GUI: Disable internal frame cache used to display thumbnails for MPEG2 files. Similar to V5 behavior.
[Fix] Joiner: Loading a joiner project without having an open video could crash application on save. (Project files won't work).
[Fix] Batch: Added "default settings" and "Current settings" to AdScan profile list.
[Fix] GUI: Tools>Options>Playback, Widen dialog box and some strings.
[Fix] HEVC: Unable to open file is it contained "filler data" (FD) NALs.
[Fix] HEVC: Unable to open transport stream file if first frame in the file didn't have VPS, SPS, PPS.
[Fix] H264: Sync error when saving when there are missing POC but GOP otherwise plays OK.
[Fix] GUI: Hotkeys wouldn't work if language other than English is selected.
[Fix] GUI: Selecting Czech as the language code wouldn't stick and TVSuite would revert back to English.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-06-13)
** Updated Beta Expiration Date **
[Enhancement] GUI: Support for language translations. Set via Tools>Options>Start up.
[Fix] Joiner save: Throws codec ASSERT in DoesContainerSupportVideoCodec if saving from joiner list with no open file.
[Fix] DVD authoring: Should force audio recode if audio is AC3 and bit rate greater than 448Kbps.
[Fix] DVD: DVDs should automatically auto rotate videos.
[Fix] Save dialog: Changed Video codec from H264 to HEVC and output container changed from MP4 to Elementary streams.
[Fix] Container changes when changing the codec
[Fix] Audio transitions: If audio transitions enabled, saving AC3 file to TS converts audio to AAC rather than recoding to AC3.
[Fix] HEVC: Fixed transport stream reader to support HEVC files when the PMT isn't present or is incorrect.
[Fix] HEVC: Fixed problem parsing HRD parameters in a UDH file which could cause a crash.
[Fix] NVidia encoder: Encoding to H.264 interlaced would create two images of the frame on the output.
[Fix] Tivo: Trying to open a Tivo file with bad MAK gives "out of memory" error rather than proper error message.
[Fix] HEVC: Frame rate is incorrect due to rounding error when vps_time_scale and vps_num_units_in_tick are large values.
[Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro) When creating new output profile from Save Video dialog, changed name not retained.
[Fix] Profile grid: (VRDPro) "Enable Audio Transitions" should be gray if video transitions set to "None".
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-05-24)
** Updated Beta Expiration Date **
[Enhancement] Chapters: Add option to Tools>Options>Chapters to create a chapter marker at start of each joiner project.
[Enhancement] GUI: Add option to rotate the video being displayed (0, 90, 180, 270) for when the rotation metadata isn't set in the file.
[Enhancement] Output Profiles: Frame rate change algorithm on the advanced tab. Options: Fractional or Blend.
[Enhancement] Profile: Add new output option drop down, frame rate method. Needs to flow into the outputOptionsBase
[Enhancement] Transitions: Added new checkbox to T>O>Transitions, Enable audio transitions.
[Enhancement] GUI: Option to rotate the video during playback.
[Change] Output Profile: TVSuite profile dialog, change label "Encoding type:" to "Encoding codec:" or "Output codec".
[Change] Profiles: Change the default intelligent bit rate percentages to from HEVC.
[Fix] EAC3 audio: Switching from 5.1 to 2.0 channels during playback can cause an application crash.
[Fix] H.264 MXF: (VRDPro) Time code and number of frames reported in the info box too high by 1.
[Fix] H.264 output: Fade out at last cut of file not working.
[Fix] H.264 output: Very long sections of missing audio can trigger a video buffer overflow and hang output.
[Fix] H.264 playback: Missing source file audio during playback could trigger navigation and playback issues.
[Fix] H.264: Smart encoding with transitions could create pixelation at cut start after transition completes.
[Fix] HEVC: Limit maximum number of decoding threads to 16 to prevent random crashes while editing.
[Fix] HEVC: SPS parsing error on st_ref_pic_sets could cause crash.
[Fix] HEVC: When transcoding using QuickSync, force output to progressive.
[Fix] Joiner save: Scene markers aren't in the source projects aren't being saved as output chapters. Only cuts are.
[Fix] Joiner: Hard coded error message in MPEGEdit3Dlg
[Fix] Manage profiles: When importing, import dialog resizing not working, and can't change the width of the row headers
[Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro) Frame rate method only showing if frame rate is no-change. Should be if frame rate is set.
[Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro), Unable to turn off Transition Options type checkbox.
[Fix] Output Profile: Advanced setting, MPEG2 to H.264 always reverts to 70, does not retain value.
[Fix] Output Profile: Advanced setting, unable to Set MPEG2 to H.264 less than 50.
[Fix] Output Profile: Unable to change parameters for default profiles.
[Fix] Output Profile: Unable to set rotation and other parameters in output profile with SAS codec.
[Fix] SCTE-35: (VRDPro) If Advance goes negative display as 0 or negative number.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-05-09)
** Updated beta expiration date **
[Fix] Titling: Saving video with added title can hang.
[Fix] H.264/HEVC output: Deinterlacing MPEG2 files with 3:2 pulldown to AVC or HEVC can cause combing.
[Fix] H.264 output: Some teletext captions causing slow "fast frame copy" on output.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-04-24)
** Updated beta expiration date **
Change log to be posted shortly.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-04-16)
[Fix] HEVC: M2TS output file type wasn't allowed and should be.
[Fix] MP4 output: AAC-HE at 48000/24000 being recoded to 64000/32000.
[Fix] HEVC: Opening HEVC files would crash application if CPU wasn't late model with AVX2 support.
[Fix] H.264 smart encoding: Could crash at end of file or cut end of recoded buffer wasn't previously enlarged.
[Fix] Caption display: Improve stability of 608/708 caption display when non-reference frames are dropped during playback.
[Fix] Display: For DX11 and GDI drivers, deinterlace setting was reversed.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-04-05)
[Fix] HEVC: M2TS output incorrectly triggering an error when saving. Now OK.
[Fix] MP4 muxing: Saving to MP4 could trigger "non monotonic" DTS output abort.
[Fix] AC3: Installer missing the AC3 encoder DLL after name was changed.
[Fix] HEVC: Incorrect of versions of HEVC support files caused crash when saving to HEVC format.
Version - Release date: 2018-12-10
•New: H264 output dimensions can now be set to multiple of 2 for width and 4 for height.
•Fix: French and German version of the output profile dialog had incorrect settings for normalization levels.
•Fix: Use VMR9 instead of EVR for AMD graphics cards on Windows 10.
•Fix: Lots of changes and fixes, please see change log below for details.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2018-09-25)
[Enhancement] Profile: H264 output dimensions can now be set to multiple of 2 for width, 4 for height. Previously both rounded to 16.
[Fix] H.264 output: If joining more than about 15-20 H.264 files, output could stall due to DTS not being properly set.
[Fix] MP4 output: Excessive sync corrections could cause muxer to hang or throw error due to DTS being off.
[Fix] Audio normalization: Fix auto normalization for AAC and some PCM sources, frame duration errors.
[Fix] File open: TS streams with an 'F 0x00' at bytes 5 & 6, could be rejected due to incomplete QT file test.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2018-08-02)
[Fix] Profile: User's profile specified <framerate> of 30 fps, but profile logic modified it to "no change".
[Fix] Transport stream: Partially corrupt PAT packets at front of file could bypass reading PMT and might not detect DVB subtitles.
[Fix] Output Profile: French and German version of the output profile dialog, had incorrect settings for normalization levels.
[Fix] AVI files: First GOP could be dropped if the first PTS value in the file is 0.
[Fix] AVI files: H.264 output could hang in second pass when normalizing audio.
[Fix] TS muxing: When auto muxing from uncompressed stream, mux rate incorrectly set.
[Fix] H.264 output: Corrupt MPEG1 Layer 2 frames may cause many seconds or even minutes of frames to be removed.
[Fix] H.264: Incorrect frame rate could be picked up if there are 3 or more GOP headers before first frame slice .
[Fix] Program stream output: Fix edge case where a packet of nulls could have the PTS for the next real frame.
[Fix] MPEG1: Added support of common aspect ratio codes (4x3 and 16x9) for MPEG-1 codec.
[Fix] Audio normalization: Automatic normalization algorithm might not normalize up to the last 400 msec of the file.
[Fix] H.264 encoding: Media Info incorrectly reports non-constant frame rate for files transcoded to H264 MP4 due to DTS adjustment.
[Fix] GUI: Crash if T>O>Playback, YUV acceleration un-checked and frame dimensions change during playback.
[Change] GUI: (VRDPro) Remove requirement for additional license to support H.264 4:2:2 & 10 bit. Support is enabled by default.
[Fix] MXF: (VRDPro) SMPTE-436m captions might not display if there are multiple ANC packets and 436M packet has stuffing bytes at end.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2018-04-12)
[Change] Transport stream mux: Reduce number of PTS overflow/underflow messages that go to the log to cut down on log file size.
[Fix] Uncompressed: Changed video buffer overflow size test from >= max_buffer_size to > max_buffer_size.
[Fix] TS Muxing: Not writing a language descriptor to the PMT when audio is AAC-LC.
[Fix] MPEG2: Audio buffer overflow if there are multiple title segments in an output stream. Joiner or Transcoder (DAI).
[Fix] TS Files: If ignore T>Options>Stream, Ignore TS maps checked, AAC-LC streams incorrectly picked up as AAC-HE.
[Fix] TS Muxing: Language codes not being output to the PMT for AAC-LC streams (type 0x0F).
[Fix] H.264: Single byte NAL at start of MP4 file makes our reader think file already has Annex B codes.
[Fix] GUI: Seeking 60 fps videos by time code cause displayed frame to be off by 1 frame / second due to rounding error.
[Fix] Uncompressed: (VRDPro) crash on save if ANC/RDD11 subtitles to user data in output profile is set.
[Fix] ProRes: (VRDPro) Output will hang in 2nd pass if doing save with LKFS normalization.
[Fix] TS Muxing: (VRDPro/Transcoder) Incorrect PTS in output file if enabling VANC to user data filter.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2018-03-23)
[Fix] H.264 editing: Sync problem if source is H.264 MP4/MKV, 1st audio frame has a PTS less than 1st video frame, and cut in 1st GOP.
[Fix] GUI: AMD display cards could show triple video images when running on Win 10 (started with Build 763) due to EVR setting.
[Fix] H.264 editing: Level 5.2 was supported when computing maximum number frames in DPB. Incorrectly assumed 0.
[Fix] GUI: If splash screen dragged to edge of screen or Window+arrow pressed, splash screen could accidentally be resized.
Version - Release date: 2018-02-21
Fix: Fixes audio decoding problem from version
Version - Release date: 2018-02-12
New: Fixes for issues resulting from changes in Windows 10 Creators Update .
New: Ability to edit videos with multiple dimensions in the same file.
New: Multiplex video only elementary stream files without an audio track.
New: Support for HD-PVR files that were incorrectly multiplexed.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2017-12-16)
[Fix] DVD/MPEG encoding: Fixed dual pass DVD encoding which broke in 760a.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2017-12-08)
[Fix] DVD/MPEG encoding: Revert to build 748 MPEG2 encoder for software encoding due to speed and bit rate compliance of ffmpeg.
[Fix] Video driver: At install, automatic selection of EVR for Windows 10, VMR9 for Win 7/8, and VMR7 for XP wasn't working correctly.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2017-11-22)
[Change] Ouput status: 10-30 second delay displaying the initial output status dialog in Win 10 Fall Creator's update.
[Fix] TS Files: Not detecting audio streams when coded as private PES-1 PMT descriptor, due to VRD ITV hack from 2009.
[Fix] TS Muxing: H.264 output, fix in 757/758 could cause buffer overflow if the vbv buffer size decreased in the middle of file.
[Fix] DVD authoring: Average bit rate about 6% high when using ffmpeg mpeg2 encoder. Can make DVD folder too large.
[Fix] AAC Audio: Problem parsing the AAC header from an MP4 file, especially with Version 2 audio description.
[Fix] Titling: Adding a title and having an output frame rate different from the source video causes hang or audio resync adds.
[Enhancement] LXF: (VRDPro) support for LXF output with HD captions and PCM audio.
[Fix] x264 encoder: (VRDPro) option to force enabling the HRD parameters wasn't working.
[Fix] GXF files: (VRDPro) original PTS values calculated incorrectly for 720p files.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2017-10-29)
[Change] TS Muxing: H.264 output, In TVSuite, set the buffers exit rates at the mux rate to avoid PTS underflows.
[Fix] File open: Improved ESReader to give fewer false positives of H.264 streams.
[Fix] File open: Moved the ESReader to be last in line for file checks to prevent false positive elementary stream warnings.
[Fix] GUI: Custom buttons, reset to default did not work on all 6 controls, only the 1st one.
[Fix] GUI: Find tune slider is assuming right button is pressed instead of left button.
[Fix] GUI: German, cleaned up Tools>Options dialog positioning.
[Fix] Output Aspect: 720x576 SAR calculation not being rounded correctly showing 1.775 instead of 1.7778.
[Fix] Output Profiles: On Advanced tab in TVSuite V5, "Watermarking" options should not be displayed, it's for VRDPRO only.
[Fix] Output: Saving each scene as separate file doesn't work with elementary stream output.
[Fix] TS Muxing: H.264 output, fixed TS muxer to re-set the buffer timings on each GOP in case profile / HRD params change.
[Fix] Titling: Titles audio incorrect frame duration when changing audio sampling rate of the source file.
[Fix] Video display: Application could crash if source dimensions were 720x486 but decoded as 720x496.
[Fix] ANC captions: (VRDPro) ANC caption to user data conversions didn't work if also doing a frame rate change.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2017-09-25)
[Enhancement] COM: Add new COM call, NavigationFrameAdvancedIFrame( BOOL bForward).
[Enhancement] ES Muxing: Add option in the ES muxing dialog for the video frame rate when the frame rate isn't in the video stream.
[Enhancement] ES Muxing: Added support to mux video only, using silent PCM audio.
[Enhancement] GUI: Gracefully edit videos with multiple dimensions. Shift+Tools>Options # 40: Allow multiple video dimensions
[Enhancement] MPEG2: Added support for AAC LC audio with MPEG2 video when using MP4/MOV container.
[Enhancement] Output profiles: Option to group profiles by container and codec.
[Change] ES Muxing: Updated the H.264 elementary stream detection to require a SPS, PPS, and not require multiple AUDs.
[Change] GUI: Add "disable" option to check for update frequency on the Tools>Options>Startup page.
[Change] GUI: Allow dimension changes from 1080 to 1088 without triggering a warning.
[Change] GUI: Diagnostic level now defaults to "medium" on Tools>Options>General
[Change] GUI: When showing can only be opened in VideoReDo Pro, display a "more information link".
[Change] H.264 MP4/MKV: Arbitrate frame rate by looking at PTS values when the video ES has a different frame rate than the file header.
[Change] HEVC/H265: Add warning when the user tries to open an HEVC/H265 file.
[Change] Output Profiles: When grouping option is "none", change "Check/Uncheck group" to "Check/Uncheck All" and enable.
[Change] TS Muxing: Auto mux rate was not taking into account the bit rate of non-recoded secondary audio streams.
[Fix] Ad-Detective: If source is H.264 and "Disable Display Update" in Ad-detective params is checked, batch ad-detective can hang.
[Fix] Ad-detective: Interactive tab not showing in ad scan params
[Fix] Audio playback: 8K sampling rate audio doesn't play properly with the DirectSound driver for H.264 files.
[Fix] Audio: AAC-LC with sampling rate of 24 KHz mistakenly detected as AAC-HE.
[Fix] Captions: Changed caption header market bit from 0 to 1 in H264 SEI captions.
[Fix] ES Reader: Tighten check for H.264 videos to prevent MPEG2 program streams being interpreted as H264 ES streams.
[Fix] File open: MP4/QT file accidentally as a transport stream, failed to open.
[Fix] GUI: Czech translation, Tools>Options>Playback, EVR video driver option is labeled as duplicate VMR7.
[Fix] GUI: Error message when joining files with different video codecs incorrect. Missing a '%s'
[Fix] H.264: Improved sync adjustment when there is missing audio and all video frames are reference frames.
[Fix] Intel QuickSync: Output profile advanced, GOP size and IDR frequency weren't working.
[Fix] MP4: Added support for for opening MP4 files with header blocks (zlib support)
[Fix] Output Profile: German translation for output profile encoder drop down was incorrect preventing Quick Sync (TVSuite)
[Fix] Output Profiles: Prevent 2 pass encoding when using Intel QS encoder.
[Fix] Output: Rotation would cause crash if source chroma is 4:2:2 and output chroma is 4:2:0.
[Fix] Outputeinterlacer not functioning properly after using new multi-threaded calls.(broke in 750)
[Fix] Prevent 422/444 with QS encoder
[Fix] Profile editing: If profile list is grouped, importing a profile doesn't show the new profile until you change the grouping.
[Fix] Uncompressed: Frame rate of 59.94 incorrectly set as 29.97
[Fix] XML Parser: Possible crash if trying to open or test an XML file larger than 2GB.
[Enhancement] Canoe CSV: (VRDPro), when opening a Canoe project look for matching .ts in addition to a matching .mpg
[Enhancement] Deinterlacing: (VRDPro & Transcoder), If system has 4-7 cores, using 2 deinterlacing threads, if 8+ cores, 4 threads.
[Enhancement] GUI: (VRDPro) Added pts jitter, difference between actual and calculated PTS value, to the stream internals GOP graph.
[Enhancement] Help: (VRDPro) add link in help menu to VideoReDo Pro application notes.
[Enhancement] Watermarking: (VRDPro) Added support Teletrax watermarking.
[Change] H.264 MXF: (VRDPro) When opening an H.264 MXF file automatically override aspect ratio from MXF container if present.
[Change] MXF Output: (VRDPro) Added support for MPEG2 4:2:0 output with profile/level: High@Main and High@High.
[Change] Time display: (VRDPro) On Tools>Options>Navigation, change NPT check box to drop down:
[Fix] LKFS calculation: (VRDPro) Fixed LKFS setting for non-gated algorithms, BS-1770-3-10 second.
[Fix] LXF: (VRDPro) Fixed problem with audio / video sync when there is pre-roll.
[Fix] MXF: (VRDPro) AAC audio in an MXF wrapper, gives multiple audio frame errors due to excess filler.
[Fix] Prores: (VRDPRO) Converting ANC captions to user data causes GPF.
[Fix] x264 encoding: (VRDPro) CRF setting on Advanced H.264 tab wasn't working, was always defaulting to 23.
TVSuite V5 - Released 2016-12-30
[Enhancement] Ad-Detect: Added option for long silent audio (<-65 dBFS) to be flagged as an advert.
[Enhancement] Ad-Detect: Option to use the audio channel count as part of the ad-detection algorithm.
[Enhancement] Ad-Detective, add button to load or save Ad-Detective parameters
[Enhancement] Add option to turn on Plot Mask by default
[Enhancement] Audio stream selection: Added language code to Tools>Select Stream>Audio
[Enhancement] Check for HE in AAC frames with ADTS
[Enhancement] GUI: New Tools> UI Style editor, to change the skin colors and fonts on the main screen.
[Enhancement] Install wizard: New install wizard starting with build 742.
[Enhancement] Output complete: Add actual output duration, output file size, and number of scenes
[Enhancement] Output profile: Added "Primary audio" selection in advanced audio profile so user doesn't need to know a specific stream number.
[Enhancement] Output profile: Added support on the Advanced tab to save each output segment to a separate file (split scene).
[Enhancement] QuickSync: Tools>Options>Quicksync, Added option to select surface: Any, D3D9, D3D11.
[Enhancement] Title dialog: Moved title fade duration to main dialog rather than use separate dialog invoked by a non-obvious menu option.
[Enhancement] Use longest file for metadata on all files types, not just MCE
[Enhancement] Video display: Detect if source video is rotated and display correctly (MP4 files).
[Change] GUI: User's used to Ctrl+Q to select stream dfidn't realize that it's been changed to a menu option, issue informative warning.
[Change] H.264: Aspect ratio could be off due to SAR rounding error.
[Change] H.264: Improperly encoded SAR setting with aspect ratio of 0:0 causes H.264 encoder validation error when doing a cut.
[Change] IFO open: Changed way we stored stored "Auto QSF" parameter in the registry. (Internal fix).
[Change] Install wizard: New install wizard.
[Change] Joiner: New option in joiner edit dialog to clear the joiner list after a joiner save.
[Change] Licensing: False positive for license violation on a couple German systems. Fixed in 740d. More fixes in 742.
[Change] MP4 output: If source is PCM and audio is "Automatic", auto recode to AAC. For PCM set codec to PCM or mux format to MOV
[Change] MP4: Detect rotation metadata value, and load into video stream parameters. Report in Tools>Show Program Info.
[Change] MPEG2 output: MaxGop without header bit rate change would set header bit rate to 10 Mbps unless TS. Now checks for PS or DVD
[Change] Output profile: Add new option to rotation setting to auto rotate so that output video is upright.
[Change] Output profile: Intelligent recode, Bit rate presets, added 4K average and max bit rate. 1080 labeled now as both 1080i/p.
[Change] Output profile: Move "Convert all I-frames to GOPs" from Advanced>Program stream to MPEG2 stream.
[Change] Output profile: Move "Dropframe timecode in GOPs" from Advanced Program Stream to MPEG2 Stream.
[Change] Output profile: Move "Set header to video bitrate" from Advanced > program stream options to MPEG-2 stream options
[Change] QuickSync: Added more information to the Tools>QuickSync Show Info button. Now includes both D3D9 and D3D11 status.
[Change] TS Muxing: Teletext frames can overflow the packet buffer when video is removed but teletext data isn't.
[Change] TS Output: H.264 SmartEdit output to TS stream with automatic muxing. Smooth the peak bit rate calc over 2 GOP at each sample.
[Change] TS Output: Rolled back the improved buffer management from build 745 if not outputting null packet. Speeds up VLC opens.
[Fix] AAC: 32 KHz AAC audio not playing correctly
[Fix] Ad-Detect: Restore Ad-Detect parameters in TVSuite doesn't restore the audio level tab settings.
[Fix] Ad-detective scan: New Ad-detective now process entire file and replaces any existing cuts / scenes.
[Fix] Audio: PCM audio ingest sampling rates currently limited to 96K, 48K, 44.1K, 32K. Added ingest support for 24K, 22.5K, 11.025K
[Fix] Avermedia: Not detecting the faulty AverMedia encoding in AVI files resulting in wrong frame rate.
[Fix] Batch: Ad-Detective will honor interactive vs output based Ad-Detective option.
[Fix] COM: Loading a file via COM with QSF flag set would always return "false" even if file was loaded.
[Fix] DTS output: Saving DTS audio to a program stream will now use correctly formatted packet.
[Fix] DTS-HD: Transport stream muxing of DTS-HD could result in packet data buffer overflow.
[Fix] DVD Options: Removed hidden option "Direct to VIDEO_TS" from output folder on the Tools>Options>DVD.
[Fix] GUI: Buttons on main screen have no text when font set to MS Sans Serif
[Fix] GUI: Fine Tune Slider not working properly
[Fix] GUI: If YUV acceleration is off, 1912x1070 video would crash during RGB conversion.
[Fix] H.264 Smartedit: Fixed formatting error in rare error message: Unable to create configuration options (should never occur).
[Fix] H.264 files: Sync issue when a large GOP starts with IDR and rest of GOP are I-Frames that aren't used as references.
[Fix] H.264 output: Fixed buffer timing for H.264 streams with HRD bit_rate_value
[Fix] H.264 output: Pixelation when cutting on an I-frame when file contains both I and IDR frames.
[Fix] H.264: Unable to open file smart edited by VRD using IDR cut if the SEI precedes the SPS in the original file.
[Fix] IFO file open via drag: Opening a DVD file via file open gives an incorrect error message.
[Fix] Joiner: Changed the internal code for the joiner list to use std::vector rather than CArray.
[Fix] Joiner: Joiner>Create video from joiner list, will now only be enabled if there's an actual video project in the joiner list.
[Fix] Joiner: Output not clearing output complete dialog resulting in statistics showing from previous joins.
[Fix] KeySearch database: (Private) Can't have single quotes in the inactive reason. Didn't check comments, might be there too.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Last subtitle being output could cause a crash.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Application crash if s+T>O # 54, Frames to check for variable frame rate non-zero.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Correctly handle videos that start with negative PTS values.
[Fix] MP4: Audio detect rotated videos, display the video upright and auto transcode to upright on output unless intelligent to mp4.
[Fix] MPEG2 Output:Encoding MPEG2 to 4K would crash, now limits to 1920x1080.
[Fix] MPEG2 Output; Might throw an exception / failure if first GOP is closed and only has less than 3 frames.
[Fix] MPEG2 navigation: Fixed rare problem with frame accurate navigation of transport stream (and Tivo TS) files.
[Fix] Output profile: If target file size is 0, default to minimum settings, 1 Mbps for MPEG-2 and 0.5 Mbps for all other codecs
[Fix] Output profile: If using Intelligent mode "quality factor" and source isn't MPEG2 or H.264 auto switch to bit rate mode.
[Fix] Output profiles: Progressive sequence flag not being set when converting 1080i to 720p with BOB deinterlacer.
[Fix] Output: If profile is "Match source" and source is not MPEG2 or H.264, would error, now recodes to H.264.
[Fix] TS Muxing: H.264 TS muxing could fail is SPS VBV size is less than 500,000 bytes.
[Fix] TS Muxing: H.264 TS muxing would fail is SPS has VUI parameters, but the HRD block is empty.
[Fix] TS Muxing: H.264 TS muxing, improve calculation for the VBV site so that it uses both profile and level.
[Fix] TS Muxing: Improve initial PCR value and properly set the max duration allowed in the ES (decode) buffer.
[Fix] TS Output: File is causing buffer overflow even when the mux rate is 19.2 Mbps.
[Fix] Time code entry: Allow ";" between seconds and frames, i.e. hh:mm:ss;ff.
[Fix] Title editor: Inconsistent 4K support & fonts too small. Fonts sizes will now auto scale at HD and 4K sizes.
[Fix] WTV files: Fall back to ffMpeg reader for WTV files that won't open with our standard reader. [Issue]** MKV file: Sporadic crash when opening some MKV files
VideoReDo Pro Changes
[Enhancement] AVin: (VRDPro) Added support for 1080i AVIn files. (Need 720p samples).
[Enhancement] Ad-Detect: (VRDPro) Add button to save or load Ad-Detective parameters to/from an output profile.
[Enhancement] Audio: (VRDPro) increased number of supported channels / stream from 8 to 16.
[Enhancement] Captions: (VRDPro) Support converting EIA_608 and EIA_708-ccdp captions in an MP4 to user data.
[Enhancement] DAI Support: (VRDPro) Create ad-segments from 1-2 black areas if minimum black frames = 0.and segment > min block duration.
[Enhancement] DAI: (VRDPro) Dynamic Ad Insertion, now supports Canoe CSV output.
[Enhancement] Display: (VRDPro) Right click on video to limit display to a single field, upper or lower.
[Enhancement] H.264 files: (VRDPro) Set initial time code in Tools>Show Program Info if there's a pic_timing SEI.
[Enhancement] H264 output: (VRDPro) Added X.264 CRF encoding option to H.264 encoding options on the advanced Tab. (Experimental)
[Enhancement] LKFS Scan: (VRDPro), LKFS scan now supported, Added output audio level graph.
[Enhancement] MXF: (VRDPro) Add ability to set the starting output time code.
[Enhancement] Output profiles: (VRDPro) Profiles exported from VRDPro that use VRDPRo specific features cannot be imported into TVSuite V5.
[Enhancement] ProRes/DV video: (VRDPro) Enable trimming of ProRes/DV files without transcoding. Overwrite Trim and Copy menu.
[Enhancement] ProRes: (VRDPro) Automatically set correct decoder thread if S+T>O decoding threads is 0.
[Change] H.264: (VRDPro) New installations will have x.264, 10-bit and 4:2:2 enabled by default
[Change] H.264: (VRDPro) Smart editing will now honor GOP size if set in Advanced options.
[Change] LKFS Graph: (VRDPro) Cosmetic and operational changes.
[Change] LKFS scan: (VRDPro) Fixed calculations for gated LKFS calculations. (Broken in 743)
[Change] LKFS scan: (VRDPro) LKFS graph, added file name to title, and calculated peak LKFS value to the legend.
[Change] License manager: (VRDPro) New license manager screen shows status including number of days until expiration.
[Change] ANC Captions: (VRDPro) ANC caption decoding changed to use common routine for all file types that carry ANC captions.
[Change] MPEG2 Output: (VRDPro) when recoding HD CBR at low bit rates, too large a VBV would trigger ffMpeg to switch to VBR.
[Change] MPEG2 output: (VRDPro) Profile setting to insure that all frames have user data captions.
[Change] ProRes / GXF: (VRDPro) Opening these files in TVSuite will issues VRDPro only warning.
[Change] Profile editing: (VRDPro) Hide the normalize algorithm, Chromatec and Limiter option in release mode.
[Fix] Captions: (VRDPro) 608 caption tag, FON/Flash On, properly detected when saving 608 data to log. Flashing not displayed.
[Fix] Convert ANC captions to user data: (VRDPro) Doesn't work when source and output codecs are different.
[Fix] GXF/LXF: (VRDPro) Intermittent seeking issues with GXF/LXF files.
[Fix] LKFS scan: (VRDPro) Temporarily remove all cuts and scenes to scan entire file instead of just selected cuts / scenes.
[Fix] Profile editing: (VRDPRO) Grid editor option not used in batch, QSF or ES muxer
[Fix] Profiles: (VRDPro) once set, unable to remove header bit rate override from MPEG2, Intelligent profile.
[Fix] QuickSync: (VRDPro) Fixed QuickSync crash found introduced in 744.
[Fix] SMPTE-302M: (VRDPro) Output profile, limit sample rate to 48Khz. Other sampling rates are not allowed for 302M PCM audio.
[Fix] TS Muxing: (VRDPRO) honor "omit null packets" to create broadcast streams.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2016-03-14)
[Enhancement] Audio stream selection: Removed Tools>Select stream. Audio stream now selected directly from Tools menu, doesn't re-open file.
[Enhancement] Batch: Add a Tools>Options>Batch option to terminate batch when the queue is empty for xx minutes.
[Enhancement] Batch: New option when adding a file from within batch: "Match source format" (SAS) to let VRD choose the output profile.
[Enhancement] Batch: New pencil icon allows editing of output folder and profile of a previously queued batch item.
[Enhancement] Captioning: Added 608/708 caption preservation when re-coding to H.264 using Intel QuickSync.
[Enhancement] DV Video: (VRDPro) SMPTE-436m captioning supported for DV video in an MXF wrapper.
[Enhancement] DV Video: (VRDPro) new DV trimming option to trim DV segments.
[Enhancement] GUI: (VRDPro) In the advanced audio mixing dialog. Double clicking on a process or output stream selects and edits it.
[Enhancement] GUI: Charm bar can be customized using T>O>Charms. Additional charms available, charm text can be customized.
[Enhancement] GUI: Czech translation added.
[Enhancement] GUI: Tools>Options>Startup, new option to change the name and location of the custom output profiles file.
[Enhancement] MXF reader: (VRDPro) Correctly handle MXF files where initial DTS is negative.
[Enhancement] Output profile: (VRDPro) MXF output is supported. Currently OP1A only.
[Enhancement] Output: Improve conversion of 25i/29.97i to 50p/59.94p.
[Enhancement] Profile: New option "Force interlace". Profile dialog changed from "Deinterlace mode" changed to "Interlace mode"
[Enhancement] Profile: Improve quality when converting 720p to 1080i by interlacing successive progressive frames rather than dropping every other frame
[Enhancement] SDI output: (VRDPro) Added T>O>SDI, audio playout option: none, all, primary, primary + matching codecs
[Enhancement] Video only: Support for files that don't have any audio tracks. Works with MP4, MOV, MKV, etc. Not ES, PS, or TS.
[Enhancement] Vlist combine: If file list contains a file with a .rec extension it will be the first file in the .VLst rather than the last.
[Enhancement] Vlist combine: If file list contains a file with a .trp extension it will be the first file in the .VLst rather than the last.
[Change] Audio: Added support for ingesting PCM audio with sampling rates of 22,050 / sec.
[Change] Batch: Add option to batch to run VRD visible rather than silent. Will be a big help for debugging.
[Change] Chapter markers: On Tools>Options>Chapters page, default "enabled": Scene markers and cut points. (new installs only)
[Change] Crop/Resize: Change the default border value from x000000 to x101010 (studio black).
[Change] Crop/Resize: Changed internal logic for automatic pillar/letter boxing on aspect ratio change.
[Change] DVD burning: Add option to Tools>Options>DVD to search for DVD drive on A and B drive letters. Previously started search at D drive.
[Change] GUI: Added "auto" to S+T>O # 51 to enable the ffMpeg libraries determine the optimal threading based on the source codec.
[Change] GUI: Resized the Tools>Options dialog to allow more categories in the left side frame to eliminate a scroll bar.
[Change] H.264 navigation: Improved navigation / seek speed for files with very long GOPs ( > 5 sec / GOP).
[Change] H.264: (VRDPro) Added reporting of AFD code on Tools>Show Program Info when AFD is in an SEI block.
[Change] MP4 muxing: When recording to H.264 (at 1080i), MediaInfo reports variable frame rate instead of constant.
[Change] MP4/MKV output: Changed internal buffering class to a more efficient container.
[Change] MPEG2: Not displaying B frames due to ignore-able encoding error.
[Change] MPEG2: When recoding, change the default max VBV buffer size to 9.7 Mbps for 4:2:0 and 12.2 Mbps for 4:2:2
[Change] Output profile: Expand manual gain reduction from -32 db to -96 db in the profile so that a track can be silent.
[Change] Output profiles: Changed output profile frame rate selection. Removed "SD", added "Automatic". (See enhancement for 59.94/50 > 29.97/25).
[Change] SMPTE-302M: (VRDPro) Added framing bit to mark beginning of each 192 sample frame.
[Change] TS Output: If "Use PIDs from source file" is Yes, then copy AC3 and DVB component tags from source PMT.
[Fix] Authoring DVD from Batch will crash
[Fix] DVD authoring: Would force a video recode on 29.97fps video
[Fix] EAC3: Audio decoder could cause a buffer overflow when playing files with EAC3 audio.
[Fix] Output: Primary audio stream not in output, if user unchecked "allow multiple audio streams"
[Fix] AAC audio: AAC-HE audio with implicit signalling wasn't always detected correctly.
[Fix] AAC audio: Fixed demuxer to handle very short ( <16 byte) AAC frames.
[Fix] Audio output: (VRDPro) audio mixer could hang output graph because it wasn't resetting source frame PTS correctly at cuts.
[Fix] Audio output: (VRDPro) audio mixer could hang the output graph at end of file due to race condition checking read threads.
[Fix] Audio output: Audio with sampling rate of 22.05 Kbps was being treated as no audio found.
[Fix] Audio output: Output could hang if normalizing and changing the number of audio channels.
[Fix] Audio output: Re-sampling from 44.1Khz to 48Khz could hang output depending on the location of the cut points.
[Fix] Audio: (VRDPro) Fixed support for Vela Audio. Now correctly ingested as 1 x 8 channel PID rather than 4 x stereo PIDs.
[Fix] Batch: Automatic sort by date in batch not working
[Fix] Captioning: 608/708 captions corrupted on re-code to H.264 when source is 720p and source has repeat frame flags.
[Fix] DV Video: DV file being mis-interpreted as MPEG2.
[Fix] DV Video: DV file causing crash on open, being mis-interpreted as an MPEG2 PS.
[Fix] DV Video: DV file in an MXF wrapper is getting assigned the GENERIC ffMpeg type instead of MXF ffMpeg type.
[Fix] DV video: Not picking up the correct field order for DV and DVPro video.
[Fix] ES muxing: Dragging an MPEG-2 ES stream would throw an error rather than launching the ES muxer.
[Fix] Frame rate change: Frame rate change can trigger sync issue or dropped audio frames if interlaced source switches field cadence.
[Fix] French translation: Problem changing frame rate in when language set to French. Incorrect resulting frame rate.
[Fix] GUI: Audio wave form not displayed
[Fix] GUI: Batch "Add files to batch queue" profile drop down list only showing single item and missing icons (Broke 736)
[Fix] GUI: When saving via the joiner, the default output profile should be based on the joiner output, not the file open in VRD.
[Fix] GUI: Windows 10, controls overlapping on Tools>Options>Navigation page.
[Fix] H.264 Smart edit: Possible stall when joining files if the SPS picture order type switches from 0 to 2.
[Fix] H.264 output: Adding a leading title could trigger a crash. (Broken in 731).
[Fix] H.264 output: H.264 decoder outputting duplicate IDR frame when previous frame is an I - frame.
[Fix] H.264 playback: If video fell behind audio frames dropped to maintain sync, but drop option not cleared once back in sync.
[Fix] H.264: (VRDPro) Stream internal display shows incorrect GOP flag when POC_type = 2 and there are embedded I frames with SPS/PPS.
[Fix] H.264: Allocated too much memory for PCM buffers when source is H264.
[Fix] H.264: Better detect topfield / bottom field flag if frame is interlaced and pic_struct is missing. Reduces field on recode.
[Fix] H.264: File with 10 second GOPs isn't increasing minimum buffer sizes automatically.
[Fix] H.264: For Avermedia captured files, widen the parameters to auto correct the frame rate from 59.94 to 29.97
[Fix] H.264: Problems opening an AVI x.264 file with Annex B start codes if it starts with a large SEI created by the X.264 encoder.
[Fix] H.264: Smart editing could pixelate at cut start if PPS changed from previous segment.
[Fix] H.264: Unable to determine clock preventing file open if field encoded and temporal references are odd.
[Fix] H.264: Unable to open SmartyCam files. Files use pic ordering type 2, but don't have IDR frames, only I-frames.
[Fix] LKFS normalizing: (VRDPro) can crash if source audio codec is AAC 2.0.
[Fix] MKV: File wouldn't open if container time stamp corrupt. This prevented QSF.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Improved handling of H.264 files when the DTS/PTS relationship changes in mid file.
[Fix] MPEG2: Cuts in very low bit rate files could create macroblocked images. Minimum encoding bit rate not being honored.
[Fix] MPEG: Insert an extra MPEG1 Layer 2 audio frame at start of file during playback with very high bit rate (35 Mbps) MPEG2 TS.
[Fix] MXF: (VRDPro) File duration and frame count is being reported as one extra frame.
[Fix] Output: (VRDPro) When recoding to 720x608, we were automatically adding VBI signal. Remove, only do so if recoding to 720x512.
[Fix] Output: Output could rarely include an extra frame in cut mode due to round off error when converting cuts to scenes.
[Fix] Output: Re-coding an MPEG2 1080i with 1:1 aspect to H.264 1080i @ 16:9 resulted in pillar boxes.
[Fix] Output: Remove check for "Crypt32.dll" being in system space since it was affecting a user.
[Fix] PS muxer: Rare buffer overflow when creating an MPEG-2 program stream.
[Fix] Playback: Unable to display video if encoded display width is not a multiple of 4.
[Fix] Preview mode: MPEG2 audio might not play in preview, if there are more than 1 audio stream. Broken in 738/739.
[Fix] Profiles: (VRDPro) allow 4K 3840x2160 video resolution in the profile grid.
[Fix] Project files: MP4 AAC, m_aacAudioSpecificConfig was not being saved in the project file causing potential joiner issues.
[Fix] Quick Sync: 1080i converted to 720p with the QuickSync encoder was not being correctly flagged as progressive.
[Fix] Quick sync: Error check from encoder wasn't skipping negative error codes resulting in rare crash.
[Fix] SMPTE-302M: (VRDPro) Channel 2 was not being output correctly when encoding at 16 bits.
[Fix] SMPTE-302M: (VRDPro) Fixed TS muxer bit rates to create more compliant 302M muxes.
[Fix] TS Muxer: Muxer would not retain same as source PIDs when source had multiple audio streams.
[Fix] TS Muxing: Some H264 files could create an initial PTS underflow due to integer rounding error when determining initial PTS.
[Fix] TS Muxing: Tightened up muxing parameters for MPEG2 720p file to create more compliant muxes.
[Fix] TS Muxing: Updating an MPEG2 bit rate in the sequence header wasn't correctly updating the exit rate of the video mux buffer.
[Fix] Tools>Select stream: No PIDS message when changing video streams.
[Fix] Uncompressed video: Superious EOF returned in middle of the file triggers a decoder reset resulting in corrupt GOP.
[Fix] VRDPro: Fixed license manager so that it works correctly with batch using Windows ID as install code.
[Fix] WMV audio decoding: ffmpeg audio decoding could drop most audio frames when using wmv voice codec.
[Fix] ffMpeg: Memory leak when processing H264 MP4 or MKV files.
[Fix] x264 encoding: (VRDPro) Progressive sequence not being set in all cases.
[Fix] Translations: Tools>Options>Playback, video driver drop down wasn't updated in non-English versions.
[Fix] Audio playback: (VRDPro) when metering or SDI is enabled, audio sampling rates other than 48K would be distorted.
[Fix] GUI: Unable to open file with non-ascii diacritics via drag-drop, but can can open via menu file>open video
[Fix] H.264: Green lines in output video when doing IDR smart editing and video width isn't divisible by 16.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2015-05-30)
[Enhancement] Profile: Added ability to change frame rates when recoding.
[Enhancement] DVD: Add DVD video option to select the Intel QuickSync encoder.
[Enhancement] Captioning: Display and save existing MP4/MOV "tx3g" captions.
[Enhancement] GUI: Add a "don't show again" to the Queue To Batch confirm pop-up.
[Enhancement] H.264: Support for UHD 3840 no longer experimental and is enabled by default.
[Enhancement] H.264: Support for UHD 4096 output. Set Shift+Tools>Options #55. Allow UHD 4096 output. Profile must select SAS (same as source) or type in dimension.
[Enhancement] MKV: Enabled support for DVB subtitles in MKV
[Enhancement] Output: Re-sizer, improved performance of the re-sizer enabled via Tools>Shift+Options> # 36 "Number of threads" to value >=2. Default is 2.
[Enhancement] Video output: Performance enhancements to the smart de-interlacer improves output speed by 20%-40%.
[Change] COM: Disabled automatic COM registration. COM will only register at install, from batch, or if "/register" on command line.
[Change] GUI: Allow encoder to be customized by profile by moving "Encoder quality" from Tools>Options>Stream to Output profile: Advanced: Intelligent Recode Options.
[Change] GUI: Tools>Shift+Options: "Include initial closed GOP B frames" has been moved to Tools>Options>Stream parameters
[Change] GUI: Updated Spanish translation.
[Change] H.264: Detect and fix DVB subtitles recorded from ARTEHD which have incorrect time stamps.
[Change] MPEG2: Remove limit for maximum PTS discontinuity checks.
[Change] Output: Removed H264Encoder.dll from installation setup/install. Functions consolidated in other files.
[Fix] Batch: Batch wouldn't launch a second time if previously minimized to the system tray and closed.
[Fix] Batch: Disable the "Problem while seeking" message if running from batch.
[Fix] Batch: Starting batch as minimized wasn't working.
[Fix] Batch: Yellow exclamation Icon not properly showing errors in Batch output list.
[Fix] Batch: Output folder did not stick in batch.
[Fix] Batch: Queue to batch from QuickStream Fix will stall when source and output names are the same
[Fix] Captioning: When recoding from MPEG2 to H.264, NTSC captions could cause application crash if converting from 1080 to 720.
[Fix] Captioning: When recoding from MPEG2 to H.264, NTSC captions may be corrupted if any source frames have a repeat field flag.
[Fix] Captioning: When recoding from MPEG2 to progressive H.264, NTSC captions repeat frame flags will cause caption corruption.
[Fix] DVD authoring: Aspect ratio could be wrong when cropping set in DVD dialog
[Fix] DVD authoring: Slow recoding, sync errors, and possible TOD if source is 720p with repeat frame flags.
[Fix] DVD open: File>Open DVD with auto QSF. If no drive or path in the QSF output file name, get improper argument when QSF completes
[Fix] DVD: Audio needs will be forced to 48Khz sampling rate.
[Fix] ES Muxing: ES muxing could pick up AAC audio as MPEG1 Layer 2 causing sync errors and dropped frames.
[Fix] ES Muxing: If output is .TS and one of the audio streams is PCM says audio recode (OK). Remove PCM stream, still says recode.
[Fix] ES Muxing: Improve ES muxing when output is TS and mux rate is automatic.
[Fix] Elementary stream output: Audio file names could have wrong extension when primary audio stream wasn't the first stream in file.
[Fix] Files containing the "&" character fail when processing through Batch Manager
[Fix] GUI: "Add files to batch queue" could fail the first time it's used as the default remembered folder name is blank.
[Fix] GUI: Don't show Tools>Options>Quick Sync options page when running XP or Vista. Prevents crash in Vista.
[Fix] GUI: Double clicking on the time code control would accidentally copy the time code to the clipboard overwriting what was there.
[Fix] GUI: Frame capture not working properly on 4K material. Cuts off image if image width is > 2048 pixels.
[Fix] GUI: If preferred audio set to MPEG1 Layer 2 and file only has AC3 it won't find the audio.
[Fix] GUI: Intermittent application crash in preview mode and using fine-tune slider.
[Fix] GUI: Resolved additional issues with Windows DPI scaling.
[Fix] GUI: Old style file dialogs not working in QSF and ES muxer Old style dialogs enabled via: T>shift+O #46. Use new style file and folder dialogs: false
[Fix] GUI: Remove incorrect URL reference (404) in tip of the day to our support page. Replace with Quick Sync tip.
[Fix] GUI: Video display problem if encoding height was not a multiple of 4, and YUV acceleration is disabled.
[Fix] GUI: Video output driver: Fixed minor memory leak each time a new file was opened.
[Fix] H.264 output: (Converting progressive DVD with 3:2 telecine to 1080p with software encoder created chroma artefacts.
[Fix] H.264: 608 and 708 caption display could be incorrect if SEI captions were stored by field rather than by frame.
[Fix] H.264: Creating mono HE-AAC silent frames had wrong frame duration. Will now create frame as stereo HE-AAC. Silent frames used for titles and sync fixing.
[Fix] H.264: PTS calculation routine was looking at the max_pic_order_cnt_lsb for the next GOP rather than the current GOP.
[Fix] H.264: Preview mode out of sync on 720p video when there are multiple cuts.
[Fix] H.264: QSF could stall or crash if time stamp wrapped by more than 4 seconds.
[Fix] H.264: QSF will drop last frame of file if the last encoded frame is the last displayed frame. Save is OK.
[Fix] H.264: Save might drop last frame if audio is AAC and there are an odd number of audio frames being output.
[Fix] H.264: Save will drop frame if last frame of file is a single frame GOP that starts with IDR with POC_LSB = 0.
[Fix] H.264: Smart editing could hang if doing audio normalization and IDR frame isn't found at start of first cut.
[Fix] Joiner: When auto restoring after crash, saving the restored joiner with H.264 throws an error, "Compressed stream not found"
[Fix] MKV output: MKV output could fail with ffMpeg write packet error if a DVB subtitle stream had an invalid PTS.
[Fix] MP4 muxing: When doing MOOV atom renaming, some Unicode characters can cause logging error and put log into loop.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: If recoding to H.264 and saving to MP4/MKV, could get a graph abort. Recoding to .ts first, or doing smart edit is OK.
[Fix] MPEG2: In rare cases AC3 streams would not be found even when present.
[Fix] Output profile: Crash when changing some H.264 encoding options.
[Fix] Output: Audio normalization didn't work correctly when downmixing output.
[Fix] Output: Frame rate changer wasn't honouring MPEG2 3:2 telecine flags.
[Fix] Output: It's possible to save to an MP4 with the same name as the source triggering a problem with the MOOV atom rename.
[Fix] Output: MP4/MKV output muxer not releasing about 60MB of memory after each save.
[Fix] Output: Source frame of 24 fps, being incorrectly converted to 23.97 and also triggering a problem in the frame rate converter.
[Fix] Output: WMV/VC-1 output didn't work
[Fix] Output: When converting 1080i to 720p, captions are being doubled up.
[Fix] Profile: Setting profile to manually adjust audio gain not working.
[Fix] Profile: H.264 encoder being set to CBR when source file is also CBR, regardless of bit rate settings,
[Fix] Profiles: Editing a profile will crash VRD if running Vista or user selected "audio only" and codec wasn't set to "automatic"
[Fix] Profiles: Some of the "advanced H.264 stream options" in the profile editor were not being honored, e.g. RemoveFiller NALs.
[Fix] QSF: Failing when clock is reset near beginning of the file.
[Fix] QSF: Triggering a QSF with filters from the "Dimension Changed" message box, the "filter" checkbox in QSF dialog wasn't being checked.
[Fix] QSF: When filtering by dimensions also detects a frame rate change, the output frame rate was being set to first frame rate in the file, not the one associated with the filter.
[Fix] Saving: Save as audio only .m4a not working.
[Fix] Subtitle display: VRD could crash if user tries to display teletext subs which follow DVB subs in the view subtitle menu.
[Fix] TiVo: Changed the Tivo filter to use a different read mode so that it won't stall in batch when source has corrupt frames.
[Fix] WMV: Saving to WMV will crash if source isn't MPEG2 or H264 and no audio recode or video cropping being performed.
[Fix] ffMpeg: Fixed memory leak in the ffMpeg reader when opening a file.
[Enhancement] GUI: (VRDPro) On Tools>Edit>Profile page add a checkbox which will set whether to use the consumer or grid as default.
[Enhancement] Audio: (VRDPro) Add SMPTE-302M and Dolby E pass through support for H.264
[Enhancement] Captioning: (VRDPro) Added option to display 16x9 with a maximum 42 columns rather than the default 32 column maximum.
[Change] Audio mixing: (VRDPro) create pseudo AES channel IDs for non-SMPTE streams so we can use the same stereo profiles.
[Change] GUI: (VRDPro) Tools>Options>Stream parameters "Include initial closed GOP B frames" defaults to checked for new installs
[Change] Licensing: (VRDPro) H.264 4:2:2 add-on support now enabled with on-line activation.
[Change] MPEG2: (VRDPro) Support for reading and reporting AFD code in MXF SMPTE-436M ANC packets.
[Fix] Audio output: (VRDPro) Problems setting peak db on advanced profile dialog.
[Fix] Audio output: (VRDPro) When advanced mixing from 5.1 source to PCM, LFE channel not being correctly counted as a source channel.
[Fix] Audio output: (VRDPro) when recoding to SMPTE-302M, volume was being raised by 6 db.
[Fix] GUI: (VRDPro) AFD code was being displayed on Tools>Show Program Info in non-Pro version.
[Fix] GUI: (VRDPro) Pro version is checking consumer version numbers rather than Pro releases.
[Fix] Output: (VRDPro) Crop and border bottom doesn't work if both values are the same.
[Fix] H.264: (VRDPro) Smart editor could trigger a crash in x264 4:2:2 encoder.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-12-15)
[Enhancement] Audio Output profile: Added option to set byte order (endianess) for PCM audio. Default is "little" same as previous versions.
[Enhancement] GUI: TVSuite, Batch and install wizard should now appear in correct perspective regardless of monitor DPI setting.
[Enhancement] H.264: Added new H.264 advanced encoding option, "Write SEI pic_timing": Default was and still is to write the pic_timing record
[Change] H.264: Show error message that H.264 4:2:2 files require VRD Pro. (even Pro version requires special codec pack).
[Change] H.264: Updated H.264 decoder/encoder libraries to version 9.10. Should not be noticeable to the user.
[Change] NPT display: Added shift+Tools>Options, # 35. NPT decimal digits to display: (default is 3). Previously hard coded to 4.
[Fix] Audio recoding: Intermittent error saving with multiple audio streams due to thread conflict initializing multiple decoders.
[Fix] Batch: Batch add dialog not remembering last used folder
[Fix] DVD authoring: Volume name was incorrect for files with a period in name
[Fix] DVD/Joiner: Batch processing or opening of DVD / joiner projects didn't work. Previous joiner / DVD project won't open.
[Fix] GUI: Default audio completion alert wav file "woosh.wav" was accidently left out of the distribution.
[Fix] GUI: Fixed Tools>Options>Hidden option # 3, allow resize of fine tune slider.
[Fix] GUI: Opening a project would set the unsaved edits flag.
[Fix] GUI: When doing a refresh (F12) video duration was not being updated in the on screen info box.
[Fix] H.264: Smart edit crash at cut points when doing IDR recoding and max_l0_active not equal to max_l1_active. (broke in 717)
[Fix] H.264: ffmpeg error while saving to MP4/MKV when lots of out-of-order frames.
[Fix] Installer: Program group had a shortcut to older "configuration wizard" instead of new V5 Installation wizard.
[Fix] Profile Default MPEG-2 MP4 profile broken, would convert to MPG rather than save as MP4.
[Fix] Profile: AC3 5.0 was forcing an audio recode rather than being passed through because VRD thought 5.0 was illegal.
[Fix] WMV/VC-1: When saving to WMV or VC-1 audio would hiss due to audio bytes being swapped twice.
[Fix] WTV: QSF a WTV to WTV would always prompt for metadata because it didn't realize the source was WTV.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-11-13)
[New] TVSuite Version 5, Initial release
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-11-13)
[Enhancement] MPEG2: QSF with filtering will now also filter on frame rates as well as frame dimensions.
[Change] GUI: If opening a file with RDD11/VANC stream, display warning that only VRD Pro supports RDD11. File will still open.
[Fix] Transport stream output: MP2 streams which follow a SMPTE-302M stream would have a BSSD registration descriptor copied from 302M.
[Fix] H.264: Smart cuts could crash WMP v12 if source only had IDR and P frames. Didn't affect all systems.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-11-08)
[Enhancement] GUI: Added two new keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+Shift+P to "File > Project Save As..." and Ctrl+Shift+Q for "Tools>Audio Adjustment"
[Change] GUI: Changing audio volume or sync (Tools>Audio Adjustment) enables File>Save>Project
[Change] H.264: Auto detect and increase the buffer sizes during file open so that playback is smoother.
[Fix] GUI: About box cutting off product name on XP. Reduced font size by 2 points.
[Fix] GUI: Tool tips for navigation advance buttons was incorrect.
[Fix] GUI: Tooltip: "Hint: add + or - for relative offset" appearing in tip of the day.
[Fix] H.264: If secondary audio stream didn't match the primary audio and needed resyncing with silent audio, output would stall.
[Fix] H.264: Smart editing could crash on 4K video if the bit rate was so high that a compressed H.264 frame was greater than 1MB.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Allow greater delta between PTS and DTS in case file change to have greater frame reordering than in initial GOP.
[Fix] Output: Time code burn-in would convert whole frame to RGB, add time code, then convert back to YUV causing color shifts.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-10-31)
[Enhancement] Install wizard: Added option to retain existing custom skin/theme during install.
[Fix] H.264: QSF filtering wasn't working. Also, QSF would always set filter to first item in drop down box not user's selection.
[Fix] Increased audio buffers in graph to prevent stall
[Fix] H.264 joiner: If multiple titles in the joiner before or after a video only the last title before and after were saved.
[Fix] Profile editor: Audio compression was not retained if setting was set to 0 db.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: MP4/Mkv abort on output due to invalid parsing of PPS of Main profile. (Broke in 709)
[Fix] H.264 MP4/MKV: If frame rate slightly off from standard, was possible for DTS to become greater than PTS.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-10-27)
[Enhancement] GUI: Trial key for new users. Now prompts and installs the trial key directly from within the application. No more emailed keys.
[Enhancement] Installer: Uninstaller will now check and warn if VideoReDo or Batch running. Will close batch automatically if not cancelled.
[Enhancement] Upgrade wizard: Detects if V4 key is on or after 2014-06-01 and creates a no charge Version 5 key. For beta all keys are still no charge.
[Change] GUI: Tools>Options>QuickSync, moved strings to resource file so they can be translated.
[Change] H.264 recoding: If recoding to ipad, automatic scene detection was previously enabled by default, Now disabled.
[Change] Installer: Add option to install folder group to explore the log folder. Can be manually invoked via command line: vrdbatch show_log
[Change] Installer: If batch detected, attempt to shut it down automatically from the installer.
[Change] Installer: Remove option to add VideoReDo to start menu as no longer applicable to Windows 8.
[Change] Output profile: Output profile and file save options will hide QuickSync encoder option if QS not installed.
[Change] Output status: Updated system tray icon during save to use current VideoReDo icon.
[Fix] Allow minor variations in detecting PAL frame rates on DVD
[Fix] Audio adjustment: Changing volume did not force a recode.
[Fix] Batch: Batch output complete dialog shows wrong icon if an error or warning is detected in a previous file in the batch.
[Fix] Captioning: Fixed EIA 608 caption bug when switching between roll-up or paint on to pop-up.
[Fix] Captioning: Fixed overlapping text in 608 caption display.
[Fix] DVD Project properties: Some DVD options didn't stick.
[Fix] GUI: When running AdDetective on H.264 file with "Disable display" option selected, cursor wouldn't show progress on the navigation bar.
[Fix] H.264 MP4: Navigation issue if MP4 source didn't have SPS and PPS for each IDR frame, TVSuite will now copy them from previous IDR.
[Fix] H.264 Smart edit: Smart edit encoder could crash if PPS. prediction_weighted and doing field encoding.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: If default to QS checked and running on a system that allows QS, smart edit would use the V4 cutting engine. Now QS ignored when doing smart cutting.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: Not parsing second_chroma_qp_index_offset properly causing an issue with downstream applications.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: Output could stall (TOD) if the GOP size was really long. Added shift+Tools>Options 54. Max GOP Length (secs). Default 15 secs.
[Fix] MP4 output: Possible MP4/MKV PTS/DTS error writing packet when too many reference frames at start of file and using smart edit.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: Slight pixelation at start cut point if source is MBAFFand field_pic_flag is set in slice header.
[Fix] MPEG2: Recoding source file with 1:1 aspect ratio resulted in output file having wrong aspect ratio.
[Fix] MPEG2: Recoding MPEG2 file where horizontal dimension wasn't evenly divisible by 16 caused scrambled output.
[Fix] Output profile: Crop/border color change not working. Also changed default from pure black #000000 to studio black #101010.
[Fix] Output: If QuickSync encoding selected, but system doesn't support QS, automatically switch to software.
[Fix] Profile editor: Bitrate calculator would crash if edited length was left blank
[Fix] Profile editor: Crash when using bit rate calculator.
[Fix] Rounding error when calculating frame rate in files without SPS
[Fix] TS Muxing: Video PTS being internally converted to unsigned int during muxing. Could affect output files > 2+ hours.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-09-30)
[Enhancement] Output profiles: Encoder type expanded to Default, QS, or Software. Change "Default" from Software to QS via T>O>Stream.
[Enhancement] 4K support: Added 4K output to shift+Tools>Options>Manual # 53 to allow for testing of output up to 3840x2160. (H264 only).
[Change] H.264 smart edit: Now works on Windows XP.
[Change] Quick sync: Encoder initialization error when encoding interlaced material with a height not a multiple of 32.
[Change] Teletext: Teletext frames would be dropped if there wasn't a PCR. Topfield PVRs drop PCR PIDs.
[Fix] ES Muxing: Crash / yellow triangle (TOD) when muxing H.264 and audio duration is longer than video. Will now truncate audio.
[Fix] GUI: 4K video would crash application if brightness or contrast adjustments are altered via View>Change Display Properties.
[Fix] GUI: Text for new controls is being drawn with CP_UTF8 instead of CP_ACP causing strange characters to be displayed.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: Encoder error if number of frames to encode larger than about 30 frames at a cut end.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: Slight pixelation at start cut point if source is MBAFFand field_pic_flag is set in slice header.
[Fix] H.264: Unable to open files that were less than 2 GOPs long. Still unable to join files that are less than 1 second.
[Fix] MKV: Some MKV source files could have incorrect sync when saved.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Automatically disable SPS/PPS in each GOP option when doing a full recode. Creates more compliant files.
[Fix] MPEG2: Error parsing AC3 frames in some transport and tivo transport stream files. Broke in 706.
TVSuite V5 - (2014-09-21)
[Change] GUI: Issue error when opening a 4K video if operating system isn't Windows x64. (4K output not supported).
[Change] Output: Internal change to the frame rate converter when converting from 50/59.94 to 25/29.97.
[Change] Tools>Intel QuickSync: Show CPU type, display adapters with driver version and date in the QuickSync info box.
[Change] GUI: Batch, The start / pause button in batch is too obscure, added a label to it and made the button larger.
[Change] Options: Tools>Options>Playback, remove DirectX option.
[Change] H.264: Support SBR in MKV/MP4 files.
[Change] GUI: Cut mode, moved "Cut includes marked out frame" from Shift+Tools>Options to T>O>General to include mark out in cut.
[Fix] Profile: Audio advanced, single audio source, add 2nd downmix AAC output stream. Edit 2nd stream, shows codec as automatic instead of AAC
[Fix] GUI: In V5, "Remove selected Scenes/Cuts" not enabled.
[Fix] GUI: In V5, the thumbnail window doesn't always display properly when a video is opened after startup.
[Fix] GUI: Beyond TV project file support, which was dropped in previous betas, back into the product.
[Fix] WTV: Some WTV files would fail to open
[Fix] COM: Spelling mistakes in vp.vbs
[Fix] Output: Tools>Audio Adjustment creates static
[Fix] H.264 Smart edit: When output scene duration less than IDR frame secs and no IDR frame found, wrong start frame output and sync
[Fix] GUI: Reworked the frame count display logic in the cut list and right side info box to correctly show exact output frame count.
[Fix] MPEG2: Fixed AFD code detection when the AFD code is in the VANC. Was shifting results by 1 bit instead of 3 bits (VRD Pro only).
[Fix] H.264: Avermedia frame rate correction not working properly in V5. Was working in V4.
[Fix] Profile: Rotation direction reversed. Clockwise rotated counter clockwise, etc.
[Fix] GUI: Showing MBytes into the info box on a Scandinavian system shows weird character instead of space for thousands separator.
[Fix] GUI: Tools>Options>Playback, unable to persist "Edit without audio"
[Fix] GUI: Only English shown in the Tools>Options>Startup language selection.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-09-03)
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: New Version 5 H.264 smart cutting engine disabled on Windows XP, will default to Version 4 style engine.
[Fix] Output: Output would hang for iphone 2 profile, audio gain changed or normalized, and multiple audio streams in source video.
[Fix] DVD Authoring: Crash if temporary folder on T>O>DVD set to auto.
TVSuite V5 - ( Released 2014-09-03 )
[Enhancement] GUI: Add new menu "Edit>Apply Project file" to apply a project file settings: Cutlist, Scenes, bookmark to currently open video.
Version 4.21.10-681, Release date: July 21, 2014
Enhance H.264: Detect PAL SD/HD recorded on Avermedia box and compensate for incorrect frame rate in Avermedia files.
Enhance H.264: H.264 re-coding can be sped up options: "Presets" and "Slices per frame" on Profile>Advanced Encoding Options
Change GUI: Changed behavior for stolen/invalid keys from cryptic "can't open file" to "Invalid license" at file save.
Change GUI: Joiner dialog, the keyboard accelerator Alt+C will now trigger a "Create" rather than "Cancel".
Change H.264: Smart encoding, allow files that have incorrect profile / level to be smart encoded.
Change H.264: Smart encoding, incorrectly encoded PlayOn HD files (Level 3.0) would error when smart cutting.
Change Resizing: Turn on anti-aliasing when reducing image size to reduce shimmering.
Change Version check: Test the new hardware signatures in Version check.
Change WTV reader: Excessive logging in the wtv reader could substantially slow down source file reading.
Fix GUI: Program would crash at file open if running VMR7 or VMR9 video and audio device was disabled.
Fix GUI; Tivo PS file from Series 2 could hang/abort while seeking.
Fix H.264: If PTS clock wraps, to a value later than the first clock in the file, output can hang.
Fix H.264: Improved error handling when the source file has some corruption that requires removing missing frames.
Fix H.264: Possible sync issue when joining many H.264 files and file starts with IDR frame with POC LSB > 0.
Fix H.264: Saving to a transport file didn't close the file properly until the TVSuite application was closed.
Fix MP4/MKV: Improper PCM format for MP4/MKV, changed from little endian to big endian.
Fix MPEG2 Recoding: Dual pass encoding from MPEG2 or H264 could hang (TOD) especially when authoring DVDs.
Fix MPEG2 decoder: Incorrectly encoded MPEG2 file was interpreted by the IPP decoder as MPEG1.
Fix Profile: Target file size did not work when set to >4.2GB
Fix Transport stream: Not all PIDs were found when the PAT was spread across two transport stream packets.
Fix WTV: Reading WTV files could crash when a bad audio language packet encountered.
H264 Editing - (Released 2014-06-04)
[Enhancement] H.264: H.264 re-coding can be sped up with options: "Presets" and "Slices per frame" on Profile>Advanced Encoding Options
[Fix] H.264: If PTS clock wraps, to a value later than the first clock in the file, output can hang.
[Fix] GUI: Program would crash at file open if running VMR7 or VMR9 video and audio device was disabled.
H264 Editing - (Released 2014-04-21)
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Improper PCM format for MP4/MKV, changed from little endian to big endian.
[Fix] Profile: Target file size did not work when set to >4.2GB
[Fix] WTV: Reading WTV files could crash when a bad audio language packet encountered.
[Fix] WTV: Reader error causes occasional un-seekable file, due to bug introduced in 672.
H264 Editing - (Released 2014-04-01)
[Change] Resizing: Turn on anti-aliasing when reducing image size to reduce shimmering.
[Fix] Transport stream: Not all PIDs were found when the PAT was spread across two transport stream packets.
[Fix] GUI; Tivo PS file from Series 2 could hang/abort while seeking.
[Fix] H.264: Possible sync issue when joining many H.264 files and file starts with IDR frame with POC LSB > 0.
H264 Editing - (Released 2014-02-26)
[Change] WTV reader: Excessive logging in the wtv reader could substantially slow down source file reading.
[Fix] MPEG2 Recoding: Dual pass encoding from MPEG2 or H264 could hang (TOD) especially when authoring DVDs.
[Fix] H.264: Improved error handling when the source file has some corruption that requires removing missing frames.
H264 Editing - (Released 2013-12-17)
[Enhancement] H.264: Avermedia, frame rate test fails on Avermedia SD files.
[Change] MPEG2: Saving to MPEG2 to MP4 format will use XDCAM codec types.
[Change] H.264: Smart encoding, incorrectly encoded PlayOn HD files (Level 3.0) would error when smart cutting.
[Change] H.264: Smart encoding, allow files that have incorrect profile / level to be smart encoded.
[Fix] MPEG2 decoder: Incorrectly encoded MPEG2 file was interpreted by the IPP decoder as MPEG1.
[Fix] H.264: Avermedia, some Avermedia files could have small FPS differences, 59.942 instead of 59.941 messing up Avermedia check.
Version 4.21.6-674, Release date: December 12, 2013
Fix: H.264, Improved sync for I frame cuts, especially with recently recorded BBC broadcasts
Fix: Tivo transport streams, Tivo transport streams could result in buffer overlow and pixelation due to change in Tivo file format.
Fix: MKV output, MKV files with MPEG2 video crash PowerDVD and cause problems in other players.
View Complete Change log.
H264 Editing - (Released 2013-12-06)
[Fix] GUI: Crash when opening most file types (broken in 673).
H264 Editing - (Released 2013-12-05)
[Change] H.264: Files were slow to open when multi-audio = 0, preferred audio was any, and max bytes to scan was > 20 MB.
[Fix] Tivo transport streams: Tivo transport streams could result in buffer overlow and pixelation due to change in Tivo file format.
[Fix] H.264: GOP accurate cuts could create sync issues if there are lots of out-of-order frames after the GOP start.
[Fix] H.264: Unable to open file if fixed frame rate flag not set in SPS vui_parameters, but frame rate info is present.
[Fix] MPEG2: Possible buffer overflow during output when multi-audio enabled and an audio stream drops out completely.
[Fix] H.264: When previewing edits, sometimes audio could not be heard.
[Fix] MKV output: MKV files with MPEG2 video crash PowerDVD and cause problems in other players.
H264 Editing - (Released 2013-11-05)
[Change] WTV: Added fix to WTV reader that allows it to get past corrupt data
[Fix] H.264: Improved error checking in build 671 prevented certain incorrectly encoded streams from saving properly.
[Fix] Transport stream: Fix in 671 could prevent LATM AAC not being detected when there wasn't a program map.
Version 4.21.4-671, Release date: October 31, 2013
Critical fix: Correct problem with "Can't open file" affecting a few users.
Change: H.264: Annex B start code without intervening NAL would prevent file from opening. (Incorrectly formatted stream).
Change: Output: Added new shift+T>O, "Disable secondary syncing in the muxer" to disable secondary syncing in the muxer.
Fix: AAC: LOAS/LATM could report the wrong channel count while playing and distort the audio.
Fix: H.264: Certain types of frame corruption could trigger abort on output when saving to MP4/MKV. QSF wouldn't fix.
Fix: H.264: Re-wrote resyncing logic. Will now work much better when source has no "B" frames (baseline profile).
Fix: H.264: Smart encoding, reduce SAR width and height to be less than 1024 for baseline profile.
Fix: MPEG2: Doing a QSF on VOB could result in buffer overflows or excessive resync when shit+T>O, 67 multi-audio = 1.
Fix: MPEG2: Improve file opening speed when there are lots of MBytes of corrupt, encrypted or miss frames at EOF.
Fix: MPEG2: Reduce instances of Audio Ring Buffer Overflow during QSF with multi-audio enabled.
Fix: MPEG2: In rare circumstances a corrupt audio frame could overwrite the stream parameters causing save problems.
Fix: Transport stream: Improve detection of AAC ADTS vs. MPEG1 Layer 2 when there is no program map.
Fix: Version check: If local router or ISP returns a page rather than HTTP error, our code might GPF.
H264 Editing - (2013-10-24)
[Change] Output: Added new shift+T>O, "Disable secondary syncing in the muxer" to disable secondary syncing in the muxer.
[Change] H.264: Annex B start code without intervening NAL would prevent file from opening. (Incorrectly formatted stream).
[Fix] H.264: Re-wrote resyncing logic. Will now work much better when source has no "B" frames (baseline profile).
[Fix] H.264: Smart encoding, reduce SAR width and height to be less than 1024 for baseline profile.
[Fix] AAC: LOAS/LATM could report the wrong channel count while playing and distort the audio.
[Fix] MPEG2: Improve file opening speed when there are lots of MBytes of corrupt, encrypted or miss frames at EOF.
[Fix] MPEG2: Doing a QSF on VOB could result in buffer overflows or excessive resync when shit+T>O, 67 multi-audio = 1.
[Fix] H.264: Certain types of frame corruption could trigger abort on output when saving to MP4/MKV. QSF wouldn't fix.
[Fix] Transport stream: Improve detection of AAC ADTS vs. MPEG1 Layer 2 when there is no program map.
[Fix] Version check: If local router or ISP returns a page rather than HTTP error, our code might GPF.
Version 4.21.3-667, Release date: August 21, 2013
NEW H.264: Enabled support for previewing edits (experimental).
NEW Translation: Added infrastructure and DLLs for Russian translation.
Change Translation: Revised German translation. Many more dialogs and strings have been updated.
View Complete Change log.
H264 Editing - (2013-08-14)
[Enhancement] Translation: Added infrastructure and DLLs for Russian translation.
[Change] Licensing: New trial key request page.
[Fix] H.264: If save/QSF removed frames for sync and you resaved the edited file again, additional frames were removed.
[Fix] File name issue: Unable to open or save files if certain non-latin characters in folder name (Czech, Russion, Chinese).
[Fix] Joiner: Timing issue could cause joiner to intermittently hang when subtitles are present.
[Fix] H.264: Unable to open file if fixed frame rate flag not set in SPS vui_parameters, but frame rate info is present.
[Fix] H.264: File would open, but not play if all frames had an SPS NAL as each frame was marked as GOP start.
[Change] Licensing: New trial key request page.
H264 Editing - (2013-06-30)
[Enhancement] GUI: Updated German translations
[Enhancement] H.264: Enabled support previewing edits (experimental).
[Fix] Transport Stream: Change transport stream reader to ignore encrypted packets. Caused crash if more than 100 MB at EOF.
[Fix] H.264 Ad Detective: Dimension change during Ad Detective scan could crash if QSF option selected.
[Fix] DVD Burner: DVD burner would not recognize discs for some users
[Fix] Joiner: File seek cache not cleared on second or later files when adding to joiner (Internal).
[Fix] Joiner: Multi-audio MPEG2 in rare circumstance get temporarily out of sync resulting in dropping of valid video frames.
[Fix] MPEG2: Changed output routines so that resync test is called for each GOP output. Previous code could skip some GOPs.
[Fix] Closed captioning: When converting 59.94 fps to 29.97 fps (e.g. to DVD), 608/708 captions were improperly formatted.
[Fix] WTV output: Saving to WTV with 608/708 captions would strip the 708 portion of the captions.
[Fix] Close captioning: With some files & closed captioning on, Ad-Detective is slow due to excessive "Caption buffer full" in log.
H264 Editing - (2013-05-07)
[Enhancement] GUI: Embedded translation tools with install, enabled via tools menu when feature selected on Tools>Options>Startup
[Enhancement] Log file: Add upload log file to customer support to the Help menu.
[Change] Log file: When diagnostic level >= basic, program information in log at file save was old single audio format, not new format.
[Change] GUI: Subtract 0.001 from the NPT display, so that NPT is 1 msec less than the actual start of frame PTS.
[Fix] Audio: Recoding AAC SBR mono picked up as 24 K sampling rate instead of 48K. Hangs when transcoding audio.
[Fix] MPEG2/H264: QSF could crash if source PIDs disappear in middle of the file. E.g. User recorded show + data service.
[Fix] MPEG2: Recoding malformed MPEG2 with sequence end code in the middle of a GOP could cause dropped frames and sync issues.
H264 Editing - (2013-04-21)
[Enhancement] GUI: Option to display Cablelabs NPT in the time code window. Enable via Tools>Options>Navigation.
[Enhancement] GUI: Right click on time code to copy the current time code to the clipboard.
[Change] Joiner: When adding a file to joiner report BOTH audio and video mismatches at the same time.
[Fix] H.264 output: TiVo files not copying metadata
[Fix] DVD Authoring: Converting AC3 audio to MPEG1 Layer 2, audio gets out of sync and output stalls.
[Fix] MPEG2: Fixing / resyncing corrupt video and saving to MP4/MKV could result in muxer abort due to bad DTS.
[Fix] Output profiles: If dimension change during recode could crash if original video dimensions are greater than changed dimensions.
[Fix] Version check: Beta version check wasn't being automatically updated to recognize current build on existing installations.
H264 Editing - (2013-04-04)
[Change] H.264: Detect incorrect Avermedia 1080i MP4 files which are labelled as 59.94 but are actually 29.97 fps.
[Change] H.264: (INTERNAL) When opening file, both SPS and IDR NALs would increase GOP count. Disable IDR when SPS found.
[Fix] MPEG2: Out of sync if an output segment is exactly one GOP.
[Fix] DVD Authoring: If converting audio from 44.1Khz to 48 KHz, time stamps are off by 0.75 msec / audio frame triggering resyncs.
[Fix] MPEG2: Resync video frames could removed due to error at end of output segment (broken in 657)
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: Output encoder initialization error for AverMedia videos with POC type 2 that has reference frames.
[Fix] WMV: Can't recode to WMV in batch, works OK in normal save.
[Fix] 608/708 closed captions: When recoding from MPEG2 to H264, captions would not convert properly if source was telecined.
H264 Editing - (2013-03-29)
[Enhancement] H.264: Enable support for reading H.264 program streams.
[Enhancement] Version Check:Option on Tools>Option>Startup to allow checking for beta builds in addition to release builds.
[Change] Audio sync adjust: Using page-up / page-down to adjust sync will change in 50 msec increments instead of 400 msec increments
[Change] Version Check: Re-organized layout and controls for version check on Tools>Options>Start up.
[Fix] GUI: (INTERNAL) Change how View > Display properties values are stored in the application settings.
[Fix] H.264 ES muxing: Might crash at start of muxing.
[Fix] MPEG2: By default, when saving a CBR file with default profiles, the output video ES would be null padded to achieve CBR
[Fix] Output profiles: When manually adjusting volume & codec is MPEG1 L2, & bit rate is 256 Kbps, output would not be recoded.
[Fix] Profile: Setting resolution to SAS (same as source) incorrectly forced a recode.
[Fix] Program stream muxing: If recoding audio, audio frames could lag video frames by multiple seconds causing player issues (including TVSuite).
[Fix] Program stream: A corrupt start code in CheckForProgramStream would return MPEG2_CODEC, now continue search for codec type.
H264 Editing - (2013-03-14)
[Enhancement] GUI: Added ability to save / restore / clear settings to a .vset file on the Tools>Options>Startup page.
[Enhancement] MPEG / H264: If audio stream disappears from source file while saving, continue saving remaining streams. Used to overflow.
[Change] File open: When opening default audio stream, pick choose the audio with the lowest PID
[Fix] MPEG2: Unable to select LPCM streams with Tools>Select Stream (Ctrl-Q) when source file is program stream.
[Fix] MPEG2: Excessive audio buffer allocation when there are multiple LPCM streams.
[Fix] MPEG2: Elementary stream muxer not working for MPEG2 elementary streams.
[Fix] GUI: After saving, the " * " unsaved indicator in the main window caption isn't removed.
[Fix] File save dialog: Add back Alt+Q (queue to batch) accelerator which was accidentally dropped in the new file save dialog.
[Fix] Joiner: Joining 2 MPEG2 program streams with preferred audio not equal "auto" crashes before save dialog.
[Fix] MPEG2 > H.264 MP4: Crash creating MP4 chapters when using joiner.
Version 4.21.1-655, Release date: March 2, 2013
NEW Support for multiple audio streams. TVSuite will now open and save all the audio streams in your file.
NEW Add bitrate calculator to profile dialog
NEW Batch manager: Add output and output complete report to batch manager.
NEW Ability to pause output, both interactively and in batch.
NEW For Vista / W7 / W8, use new style file dialog boxes.
NEW GUI: Changed save "reduce CPU" to process "background priority", rather than previous of reducing output thread priority.
NEW GUI: Output Complete dialog, new format. Can open file in VRD, Containing folder, or click on link at top for default program.
NEW H.264: Support for NTSC/ATSC captioning in H.264 transport and wtv streams.
NEW MPEG2 decoder: New faster, multi-threaded MPEG2 decoder.
NEW Output Complete dialog: Add option to open file after output
NEW Output profiles: New cropping presets for converting Top/Bottom or Left/Right 3D to 2D.
NEW Output Status: Add pause button to output status window to temporarily pause output.
NEW PCM Audio: Support for 24 bit PCM in a DVD format.
NEW Profile: Add option to change AAC streams in TS and WTV from LATM to ADTS.
NEW Profile: When cropping from the File>Save>Options, new checkbox allows output dimensions to be calculated automatically.
NEW Tivo: Two new Tivo output profiles: MPEG2 & H.264 Tivo-TS (premiere). These files can be transferred directly to a Premiere TiVo.
NEW Video Drivers: New EVR driver (T>O>Playback) for Vista and W7 systems. Works better with RDP than VMR9.
NEW WTV: Added internal WTV metadata reader so that WTV files can be opened in XP, Vista or W8 (without MCE).
Change AC3: Change default down mix matrix to stereo rather than surround to improve output gain and channel separation.
Change Add program info XML output to COM interface
Change GUI: Adjusting audio is considered a "valid edit" so that Ctrl-P can be used to save a project, and warn user of unsaved edits.
Change GUI: Completion alerts: Bring main window to front option, now turned off by default (new installs only).
Change GUI: Diagnostics setting consolidated from T>O>Stream and T>O>H.264 to Tools>Options>General.
Change GUI: Help>Log file>Open folder, will now both open the folder and highlight the current log file.
Change GUI: Muti-windows DX support has been removed. Use VMR7, VMR9 or EVR instead.
Change H.264, Add option to Tools>Options>H.264 to select the frame rate from either the container frame rate or the stream frame rate.
Change MKV muxing: Aspect ratio flag being set incorrectly. Flag is optional and has been removed.
Change MP4 reader: Accept files that don't start with "ftyp" atom.
Change MPEG2 decoder: 4:2:2 video is now properly displayed. However, DirectX no longer supports 4:2:2 and reverts to VMR7.
Change MPEG2 stream: Re-wrote the multi-stream audio video re-syncing.
Change Output profiles: WTV output profiles are only displayed if the Microsoft WTV writer (SBE2) is present.
Change Profile: Add target file size to automatically compute bit rate to "Advanced Options" if profile is "Intelligent".
Change Tools>Shift+Options: Remove option to not display video in batch/COM silent mode. Make no display the default.
Change Subtitles: Increase the maximum allowed number of subtitles in a transport stream from 7 to 10.
Change Tools>Show Program Info: Added drop down box to "OK" which opens the source file folder in explorer and selects file.
Change Video display: Setting View>Brightness and contrast to maximum will switch display window to monochrome.
Change Win8: A few users experiencing lockup during install due to license manager issues.
H264 Editing - (2013-02-27)
[Fix] DVD Authoring: DVD authoring will hang if there are multiple source files that have DVB subs.
H264 Editing - (2013-02-23)
[Enhancement] Output profiles: New cropping presets for converting Top/Bottom or Left/Right 3D to 2D.
[Fix] MPEG2 MP4/MKV: Incorrect navigation for MPEG2 streams in MP4 or MKV wrapper.
[Fix] MKV: VideoReDo created MKV won't FF/RW a few players or TVs.
[Fix] H.264: Interlaced stream coded as POC_order_type = 2, with non-reference frames, and missing AUD, not being properly demuxed.
[Fix] Cropping: Crash when cropping on right and difference between source and dest = crop: Resize 1920 > 1440 crop 480 from right.
H264 Editing - (2013-02-10)
[Change] WTV profiles: Fix to disable WTV profiles for XP and Vista disabled output for Vista TVPack, will also check for W8 MCE install.
[Change] GUI: Changed save "reduce CPU" to process "background priority", rather than previous of reducing output thread priority.
[Fix] AAC: Converting LATM to ADTS (without recoding) created bad AAC stream.
[Fix] H.264: Recoding an MPEG2 with 2:3 telecine to H.264 progressive would create combed frames.
[Fix] Profile: Force recode wouldn't work if the max bit rate of the force recode profile matched the header bit rate of the source.
[Fix] Profile: Problem with setting the normalization level. Would not persist at a level other than 0.0 db.
H264 Editing - (2013-02-01)
[Change] H.264: Internal change in the way the decoder module is loaded.
[Change] Win8: A few users experiencing lockup during install due to license manager issues.Fix] DVD Authoring: Changing a video setting, even GOP length, would force force unnecessary recode.
[Fix] MPEG2 stream: Doing QSF with filters on a large file without MPEG1 Layer 2 audio reads whole file before starting QSF.
[Fix] H.264: GOP accurate cut could trigger additional audio resync frames.
[Fix] DVD Authoring: Changed settings in the project page not being saved to the project file.
[Fix] Profile grid: If options selected in file save dialog and user checks "Save as New Profile", unable to edit the new profile name
[Fix] DVD Authoring: Crash when saving to DVD with GOP longer then 32
[Fix] H.264: Joiner forces unnecessary recode with H.264
[Fix] Installer: DefaultProfiles.xml was not being overwritten on install or removed on uninstall.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Output file names are incorrect for non-latin characters for MP4/MKV. (Broken after 629)
H264 Editing - (2013-01-07)
================================================== ===
[Enhancement] AAC: When converting LATM//LOAS to ADTS headers, dynamically update the channel configuration during output.
[Enhancement] Installer: Sample VRD_REGISTRY.INI now automatically installed as VRD_REGISTRY.INI.sample
[Enhancement] More graceful DRM detection in WTV
[Enhancement] Tivo: Two new Tivo output profiles: MPEG2 & H.264 Tivo-TS (premiere). These files can be transferred to a Premiere TiVo.
[Enhancement] WTV: Added internal WTV metadata reader so that WTV files can be opened in XP, Vista or W8 (without MCE).
[Change] Batch: Check the output complete XML and if zero frames output mark as error / warning rather than good.
[Change] GUI: Added to Shift+Tools>Options: "77 Cut mode includes final frame"
[Change] GUI: File > Queue to batch, Option to disable "No cuts warning". (same as file save option).
[Change] GUI: License manager update to 9.40a.
[Change] GUI: Updated license manager to Version 9.40
[Change] MPEG2 stream: Automatically resize audio buffers on output to reduce audio buffer overflow messages (only multi-audio = 1)
[Change] Profile & Profile grid: Add "no change" option to CBR/VBR setting.
[Change] Transport muxing: Add random access indicator to the first TS packet for each GOP.
[Critical Fix] WTV: Output of a WTV file on Windows 8 with AAC audio causes a crash.
[Fix] DVD output: Limit DVD chapters to 99 to comply with DVD standard.
[Fix] DVR-MS output: Output would stall creating TOD. Broken in 644.
[Fix] GUI: VMR and EVR drivers would incorrectly show "silent mode" in the log file.
[Fix] H.264: Time code reported on main screen may not match displayed frame when "Default WAV" audio is selected, T>O>Devices
[Fix] MPEG1 Audio: Mono audio wasn't being converted to stereo and caused double speed playback.
[Fix] MPEG2 Preview: Switching to preview after Ad Detective reaches end of file could hang application if not using IPPDecoder.
[Fix] MPEG2 program stream: Not always detecting multiple MPEG1 Layer 2 streams when stream is I-Frame encoded.
[Fix] MPEG2 stream: Multiple second I-frame seeking not working with some files.
[Fix] MPEG2: If first GOP of the file is same or larger than video buffer size, output could crash,
[Fix] Muxing: Rare muxer timing issue causes output to hang at 100%, very intermittent more likely if recoding multiple audio streams
[Fix] Program stream: Multiple MPEG/AAC streams in a program stream no longer working (broken in 645).
[Fix] TS streams: Unable to open TS file when PMT had multiple program_numbers on the same PID. & first program had no data.
[Fix] Topfield 5800: Event text description was being truncated to 128 characters when field allows 256 characters.
[Fix] Batch/COM: If the output project / cut list has zero output frames, warning message would display even in silent mode.
VideoReDo TVSuite Version 3
Version 3-20-2-629, Release date: November 16, 2012
Enhance: GUI: Added option to Tool>Options>File types to automatically add an opened file type to the default file list.
Enhance: Localization: Added Spanish translations.
Enhance: MPEG2 streams: New Shift+T>O, #17, Remove duplicate SD NTSC closed captions, removes double captions on Comcast Tivo SD.
Enhance: Open DVD: If opening DVD from a disc or ISO, default to volume name instead of generic "DVD_TITLE".
Change: Audio Alerts: Tools>Options>Audio alerts renamed to Tools>Options>Completion Alerts
Change: Audio MPEG1 Layer: Tightened up timing tolerances for 44.1KHz audio.
Change: Chapter list: Added new chapter timecode format HH:MM:SS.hh.
Change: Chapter marks: Chapters being saved to chapters.txt in format: hh:mm:ss.hh, can not be read back in.
Change: COM: Calling SetFilterDimensions( -1, -1) will trigger automatic filtering with the most common dimension in the file.
Change: DVD Authoring: Block 30 and 60 fps video from being added to a DVD.
Change: DVD open title: If previous folder used for DVD open title no longer exists, default to that folder's parent.
Change: GOP Reduction: Removed "spread GOP reduction evenly" from Shift+Tools>Options as this has been the default for years.
Change: GUI: When running on Windows 7 with Aero, show percentage completion in the Windows taskbar icon.
Change: Log file message: Change messages: "... signature check failed" to "... file signature not found."
Change: LPCM output to MPEG-2 PS: If orignal audio is 44.1KHz or 32 KHz, and output is LPCM, force recode to 48KHz.
Change: MPEG2 DVR-MS: Teletext captions would report error of caption too large for buffer.
Change: MPEG2 output: If "diagnostics" enabled on the Tools>Options>Stream page, video buffer dumps will have file offsets.
Change: MPEG2 output: If video PTS resets in the middle of a file a single missing audio frame could crash buffer overflow or crash.
Change: MPEG2 recoding: If output file is SD 4:2:2, the VBV size should be 576 instead of the SD 4:2:0 default of 224.
Change: MPEG2 stream: Auto-mux rate, when multi-audio enabled, is now set to max of calculated bit rate or video header bit rate.
Change: MPEG2 stream: If doing smart cutting and profile has CBR enabled, leave the output stream as CBR.
Change: Navigation bar: Make the area of the navigation bar which is below the thumb-track inactive to minimize accidental navigation.
Change: Output processing: Release display frame buffers during save to reduce memory. ( Disable using shift+Tools>Options #73 to 0 ).
Change: QSF filter: Filter dialog now reports number of times a particular dimension was found.
Change: QSF save error: QSF save dialog display "error getting output options" if you try to select a new output file name.
Change: Tools>Options>Alerts: New option to change the "focus stealing" behavior at end of save.
Change: Topfield TS files: Special EchoStar file check interfered with feature to auto build a program map from raw data.
Change: TS Muxer: If the source stream was a TS without PMTs, the output file would not have a PMT if "use existing PIDS" selected.
Change: TS Muxing: If CableLabs muxing is enabled, allow the user to set a manual mux rate. If 0, use default of 3.75 Mbps.
Change: TS Muxing: If CableLabs muxing is enabled, turn on QuadByte alignment.
Change: TS Output options: If user specifies manual PIDS, they must start at 16 (x10) instead of 1.
Fix: Automatic compression: Could produce silent audio output if normalization is set to 0.
Fix: COM: Calling FileOpen in silent mode could display a file open error message rather than just returning an error.
Fix: COM: When running in silent mode and doing a close during output will leave the output processing in the background.
Fix: DVD audio: Verify that the audio streams listed in the IFO file actually exist in the selected VOBs.
Fix: DVD authoring: Audio errors if source has multiple audio stream that require recoding and primary (playing) isn't stream 0.
Fix: DVD muxer: Muxer could crash if user aborts while creating initial elementary stream (.tmp) files.
Fix: DVD open: If "Auto QSF" selected but output was other than MPEG-2 PS, the automatic open after QSF would fail.
Fix: DVD, open title: Would not always select the correct AC3 stream. Similar problem with select stream dialog.
Fix: Encoding: Doing two pass encoding, audio or video on an mppeg2 Tivo, MP4, FLV, or ES would stall at the start of pass 2.
Fix: French translation: Translation error causing "Tip of the day" to display incorrectly and/or hang.
Fix: LPCM source to LPCM output to MPEG2-PS or DVD: If not recoding, application will experience buffer overflow.
Fix: MPEG2 smart cutting: Updated smart cutter encoder to properly handle escaped 4:2:2 profile and levels.
Fix: MPEG2 stream: If source was mpeg2 program stream, T>O>Stream "MB to scan at open" was not being calculated properly.
Fix: MPEG2 stream: MPEG2 multi-audio would crash if no audio stream found, now gives error msg. Single stream audio works.
Fix: Navigation: Pressing 'back frame' (left arrow) at start of file, would advance one frame.
Fix: NTSC Closed captions: Fixed issue with caption display not clearing all of the previous captions.
Fix: Open DVD: DVD folder name not being correctly remembered if opening directly from a DVD drive or virtual ISO drive.
Fix: Open DVD: DVD folder name not being remembered if you did an auto QSF or QSF to batch.
Fix: QSF Filter: Number of sample points was not being properly saved in the registry and would always default to 8.
Fix: QSF: Enable filters adds duplicate entries to the drop-down list if Rescan button pressed.
Fix: Titling: When adding a new title, the resolution and aspect ratio will default to the currently open video.
Fix: Tivo TS: If TiVo-TS file has encrypted PMT packets, file might not open.
Fix: TS Muxer: If video lost many frames, but audio or subtitles were OK, muxer could get packet overflow.
Fix: Unpack error 2: On some systems license manager could cause unpack error when program is launched.
VideoReDo Plus
Version 3-10-3-629, Release date: Novemeber 16, 2012
Enhance: Batch processing: Batch processing scripts, vp.vbs and adscan.vbs, will display % complete while processing.
Enhance: GUI: Added option to Tool>Options>File types to automatically add an opened file type to the default file list.
Enhance: Localization: Added Spanish translations.
Enhance: MPEG2 streams: New Shift+T>O, 0000017, Remove duplicate SD NTSC closed captions, removes double captions on Comcast Tivo SD.
Change: Audio MPEG1 Layer: Tightened up timing tolerances for 44.1KHz audio.
Change: Audio recoding: New library code for audio sampling rate change that doesn't use intel libs.
Change: COM: Calling SetFilterDimensions( -1, -1) will trigger automatic filtering with the most common dimension in the file.
Change: Configuration wizard: Remove extra "" when attempting to add Desktop.ini to Recorded TV. Aesthetic change only.
Change: GOP Reduction: Removed "spread GOP reduction evenly" from Shift+Tools>Options as this has been the default for years.
Change: GUI: Intelligent warning if attempting to open MP4 or MKV file.
Change: H.264 TS: If TS file didn't have a program map (or ignore PMT checked), H.264 files reported as no video fouund instead of unsupported.
Change: MPEG2 DVR-MS: Teletext captions would report error of caption too large for buffer.
Change: MPEG2 output: If "diagnostics" enabled on the Tools>Options>Stream page, video buffer dumps will have file offsets.
Change: MPEG2 output: If video PTS resets in the middle of a file a single missing audio frame could crash buffer overflow or crash.
Change: MPEG2 stream: Auto-mux rate, when multi-audio enabled, is now set to max of calculated bit rate or video header bit rate.
Change: MPEG2 stream: If doing smart cutting and profile has CBR enabled, leave the output stream as CBR.
Change: Output processing: Release display frame buffers during save to reduce memory. ( Disable using shift+Tools>Options 0000073 to 0 ).
Change: QSF filter: Filter dialog now reports number of times a particular dimension was found.
Change: Registration: Updated to Version 8 of license manager.
Change: Topfield TS files: Special EchoStar file check interfered with feature to auto build a program map from raw data.
Change: TS Muxer: If the source stream was a TS without PMTs, the output file would not have a PMT if "use existing PIDS" selected.
Change: TS Muxing: If CableLabs muxing is enabled, allow the user to set a manual mux rate. If 0, use default of 3.75 Mbps.
Change: TS Muxing: If CableLabs muxing is enabled, turn on QuadByte alignment.
Change: TS Output options: If user specifies manual PIDS, they must start at 16 (x10) instead of 1.
Fix: AC3 Demuxing: Resyncing triggered if TS AC3 streams switched from non-aligned to aligned.
Fix: Batch/COM: Do not reset window position and maximized status when running silent batch.
Fix: COM: Calling FileOpen in silent mode could display a file open error message rather than just returning an error.
Fix: COM: When running in silent mode and doing a close during output will leave the output processing in the background.
Fix: French translation: Translation error causing "Tip of the day" to display incorrectly and/or hang.
Fix: GUI: Time code at 40:00.00 would display as 30:00.00 if the frame rate was 59.94.
Fix: Installer: When registering COM object, installer may launch configuration wizard as admin and then again as regular user.
Fix: MPEG2 stream: If source was mpeg2 program stream, T>O>Stream "MB to scan at open" was not being calculated properly.
Fix: MPEG2 stream: Saving from mpeg to TS, audio PID not being properly set.
Fix: Navigation: Pressing 'back frame' (left arrow) at start of file, would advance one frame.
Fix: Plus3: SxS errors when running with non-english languages.
Fix: QSF Filter: Number of sample points was not being properly saved in the registry and would always default to 8.
Fix: QSF: Enable filters adds duplicate entries to the drop-down list if Rescan pressed.
Fix: Tivo TS: If TiVo-TS file has encrypted PMT packets, file might not open.
Fix: TS Muxer: If video lost many frames, but audio or subtitles were OK, muxer could get packet overflow.
Fix: Unpack error: On some systems license manager could cause unpack error when program is launched.
H264 Editing - (2012-10-18)
[Change] Subtitles: Increase the maximum allowed number of subtitles in a transport stream from 7 to 10.
[Fix] GUI: The VLST files created by "Combine" will not work in build 644 due to partial Unicode support (broken in 644).
H264 Editing - (2012-10-10)
[Enhancement] GUI: Added to closed captioning type (608/708/DVD) to Tools>Show Program info.
[Change] AC3: Change default downmix matrix to stereo rather than surround to improve output gain and channel seperation.
[Change] GUI: Checkbox to disable "No cuts warning" when saving in cut mode. Can be reset via shift+Tools>Options 58
[Change] H.264: Support for AAC ADTS audio when there are no PMT, or ignore TS program maps is set.
[Change] MKV muxing: Aspect ratio flag being set incorrectly. Flag is optional and has been removed.
[Change] MPEG2 pro encoder: Added support for field order setting tff / bff and dc precision in the advanced XML parameters.
[Change] Tools>Show Program Info: Add drop down box to "OK" which opens the source file folder in explorer and selects file.
[Change] Tools>Show Program Info: For MPEG2 files, show if file is CBR/VBR.
[Change] ffmpeg MPEG2 Encoder: Add support for more advanced encoding options: field order, quantizer, dc precision.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: FFmpeg muxer header buffer not large enough causing invalid output with certain files.
[Fix] Audio: Manual audio adjustment from the GUI no longer works.
[Fix] Batch: Changed the way output complete information block is built, to prevent crash at end of file.
[Fix] Color space convertor: Support 4:2:2 in addition to 4:2:0.
[Fix] GUI: Adjusting audio is considered a "valid edit" so that Ctrl-P can be used to save a project, and warn user of unsaved edits.
[Fix] GUI: After closing a video, VideoReDo can be resized infinitely small instead of being limited to minimum windows size.
[Fix] GUI: Removing a scene marker should be considerd an "unsaved edit" allowing project save and exit warning.
[Fix] H.264: Fixed SEI user data closed caption support.
[Fix] H.264: When smart editing, if VUI parameters specify a search range more than allowed for the level_id, encoder would abort.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: If packet reader returns a stream index > number of active streams, throws assert and could corrupt memory.
[Fix] MPEG2 IPP, Fixed problems when decoding field encoded files.
[Fix] MPEG2 IPP: When switching from preview to edit mode and cursor at end of file, TVSuite would hang.
[Fix] MPEG2 to H.264: Program will crash if multi-audio option (Shift+Tools>Options) is set to 0.
[Fix] Tivo: Opening a .tivo file with wrong MAK resulted in crash. Broken in 641.
H264 Editing - (2012-08-24)
[Fix] Batch: Batch not working (broken in 640).
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Missing FFmpeg DLLs in build prevent opening of MP4/MKV files (broken in 640).
H264 Editing - (2012-08-23)
[Enhancement] ES muxing: Improved detection of H.264 elementary stream checks to improve ES muxing.
[Enhancement] PCM Audio: Support for 24 bit PCM in a DVD format.
[Fix] GUI: Dialog which asks for permission to check for program updates had non-translatable string.
[Fix] H.264: Frame rate being calculated as 59.94 instead of 29.97 when vui_parameters did not have fixed_frame_rate field set.
[Fix] H264: Change audio buffer management to automatically increase the buffer size during output to reduce fatal overflows.
[Fix] MKV/MP4 output: FFmpeg muxer crashes when creating a file with chapters.
[Fix] MPEG program stream: Packet reader is returning H264 stream type when it should be MPEG2 Very rare problem.
[Fix] MPEG2 IPP, Preview mode would hang on XP.
[Fix] Profile: On fresh install profile list would show as empty if user file OutputProfilesEx.xml didn't exist (broke in 631).
[Fix] Thumbnails: Color smearing in the thumbnails fixed when displaying 4:2:2 files using the IPP decoder.
[Fix] WTV output: 22 languages have multiple ISO language codes, when saving to WTV map to the one wanted by WTV.
H264 Editing - ( 2012-06-19)
[Enhancement] MPEG2 stream: Re-wrote the multi-stream audio video resyncing.
[Enhancement] Profile: Added new profile parameter to adjust audio sync. Adds to manual sync adjustment. (Requires profile grid).
[Change] GUI: Muti-windows DX support has been removed. Use VMR7, VMR9 or EVR instead.
[Change] H.264, Add option to Tools>Options>H.264 to select the frame rate from either the container frame rate or the stream frame rate.
[Change] H264: Speed up file open when SPS has pic_struct_present_flag, but pic_struct not in file. Will now search for 2 GOPs not 5.
[Change] Profile: Move the deinterlacer from the crop and resize filter to it's own filter to improve multi-thread performance.
[Change] Tools>Options: Profile option to trigger VBR/CBR, only enabled for multi-audio = 1. Now works with multi-audio = 0. (Pro only)
[Change] Video display: Setting View>Brightness and contrast to maximum will switch display window to monochrome.
[Fix] ES Muxer: Disable internal search for audio files with matching names if no audio files were specifed in the ES GUI.
[Fix] H.264: When smart editing, if B-Weighted prediction is set, H.264 encoder throws an error and output stops.
[Fix] MP4 muxer: When recoding an entire file, the End of Sequence code would be written as an extra frame.
[Fix] MPEG Stream: MP3 being detected as MP2 due to false positive detection of MP2 in an MP3 block.
[Fix] MPEG2 IPP decoder: Fixed intermittent crash during video dimension change.
[Fix] MPEG2 decoding: Undefined behavior with the IPP Decoder with DVD formatted NTSC captions or if duplicate captions (Comcast Tivo)
[Fix] Profile: Manual audio gain in profile was being overridden by manual volume. They are now cumulative.
[Fix] QSF: Enable filters wasn't working with WTV and some MKV files.
[Fix] WTV: An error in the WTV read logic could cause rare corrupt packets near the skip chunks.
[Fix] WTV: Joiner logic to use metadata from longest WTV/DVR-MS file wasn't working if the files were more than a couple minutes.
H264 Editing -
[Change] Configuration wizard: Always re-enable the IPP decoding even if configuration wizard is cancelled.
[Change] GUI: Help>Log file>Open folder, will now both open the folder and highlight the current log file.
[Change] H.264: Support for NTSC/ATSC captioning in H.264 transport and wtv streams.
[Change] Shift+Tools>Options: Remove option to not display video in batch/COM silent mode. Make no display the default.
[Fix] AC3: An invalid AC3 audio frame a sampling rate of 0 could cause a crash.
[Fix] GUI: Popup displays in the wrong place when the task bar is not at the bottom of the primary monitor.
[Fix] H.264 output: Output could hang or crash if sync problem appeared, but self corrected a few seconds later.
[Fix] Key entry: "Upgrade from earlier" spelled wrong.
[Fix] MPEG2 decoder: Add exception handler to trap overflows from corrupt video data. Affects recoding & playback (IPP decoding)
[Fix] MPEG2 IPP decoder: Thumbnail preview display could get stuck and not respond to play if IPP enabled.
[Fix] MPEG2 thumbnails: Switching to preview while positioned in final cut section shows cut frames in TN window.
[Fix] Navigation bar doesn't display properly when width is greater an approx. 3000 pixels.
[Fix] WTV muxing: Saving to H.264 might create excessive number of false errors in the log file if DVRMS CC is enabled.
H264 Editing -
[Change] GUI: Tools>Options, set focus at initial dialog display to left pane to allow for quick keyboard navigation to topic.
[Change] MP4 reader: Accept files that don't start with "ftyp" atom.
[Change] Ouput profiles: WTV profiles are no longer displayed as option on XP or Vista since WTV isn't supported.
[Change] Profiles MPEG2: If CBR set ( e.g. VBR 'No') in intelligent profile, create a CBR video stream using header bit rate.
[Change] Tools>Options: Removed manual option to force CBR to VBR. All CBR forced to VBR with intelligent output.
[Fix] (634 fix) MPEG2 IPP decoder: Ad-detective much slower with IPP enabled than with it off.
[Fix] (634 fix) MPEG2 decoder: Fixes to the MPEG2 IPP decoder . Encoder enabled by default after install
[Fix] (634 fix) WTV: Saving to WTV from batch or from GUI (if installed in c:program files...) would error if not run elevated.
[Fix] (634 fix) Windows XP: Application crash on exit if a file save was performed.
[Fix] (634 fix) Batch: Adding a file in the batch manager causes the save folder to change to it's parent.
[Fix] (634 fix) Batch: Right clicking output complete window and selecting print in batch caused lock up.
[Fix] (634 fix) GUI: New style folder select dialog does not work in Vista. Worked OK in Windows 7.
[Fix] Batch QSF: Output options not reset on second file load from batch. Could trigger crash or un-expected behavior.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] Add bitrate calculator to profile dialog
[Enhancement] Allow "Same As Source" resolution setting in profiles. Displayed as SAS.
[Enhancement] Batch manager: Add output and output complete report to batch manager.
[Enhancement] COM: Add COM call to pause output. Also available via new batch manager.
[Enhancement] COM: Add ability to override user profiles path from COM
[Enhancement] ES file: If opening an ES file in TVS4, show a task dialog that starts the muxer and loads the file into the muxer.
[Enhancement] GUI: Output Complete dialog, new format. Can open file in VRD, Containing folder, or click on link at top for default program.
[Enhancement] Joiner: WTV/DVR-MS will now save the metadata in the output file from the longest joined segment.
[Enhancement] Logging: New Logging options to Tools>Options>Startup. Save logs by date, auto delete older logs files.
[Enhancement] MPEG2 decoder: New multi-threaded MPEG2 decoder used for main movie window and thumbnails. Can be disabled via S+T>O
[Enhancement] Move manual options to main UI and consolidate diagnostics settings
[Enhancement] Output Complete dialog: Add option to open file after output
[Enhancement] Output Status: Add pause button to output status window to temporarily pause output.
[Enhancement] Profile: Add option to change AAC streams in TS and WTV from LATM to ADTS.
[Enhancement] Profile: Replace negative cropping values with border rectangle when using profile grid. Border rect uses output dimensions.
[Enhancement] Profile: When cropping from the File>Save>Options, new checkbox allows output dimensions to be calculated automatically.
[Enhancement] Titling: Add option to edit menu to override default fade-in / fade-out / and duration seconds.
[Enhancement] Video Drivers: New EVR driver (T>O>Playback) for Vista and W7 systems. Works better with RDP than VMR9.
[Change] Add program info XML output to COM interface
[Change] Batch QSF: Make the QSF filter dimensions option in batch persist between runs.
[Change] GUI: Added shift+Tools>Options 0000061 to automatically add date to log file.
[Change] GUI: Completion alerts: Bring main window to front option, now turned off by default (new installs only).
[Change] GUI: Diagnostics setting consolidated from T>O>Stream and T>O>H.264 to Tools>Options>General.
[Change] MPEG2 decoder: 4:2:2 video is now properly displayed. However, DirectX no longer works and reverts to VMR7.
[Change] MPEG2 encoding; Add filter to support MPEG2 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 encoding using FFMPEG.
[Change] MPEG2 stream: Significant speed improvement when working with high bit rate (>20 Mbps) program streams.
[Change] Profile editor: Allow grid display window to be resizeable.
[Change] Profile editor: Grid display is not properly picking previously set cropping parameters.
[Change] Profile: Add new output profile option "EditAccuracy" to specify GOP- or frame-accurate editing.
[Change] Profile: Add target file size to automatically compute bit rate to "Advanced Options" if profile is "Intelligent".
[Change] Profiles: Need cropping options to identify the number of VBI lines at the top and bottom of the screen.
[Change] Project files: Can now (again) read old style project files created by COMSkip.
[Change] Tools>Options>Favorite Places: Convert the browse to use the Vista style folder selection dialog.
[Change] VBI insertion: If recoding, and output dimensions are 512 or 608, always insert CStreamProcessVBIGenerator into the graph.
[Change] VBI insertion: Move the VBI insertion from the resizer to the MCPro and regular MPEG encoders.
[Change] Video drivers: VMR driver will now default to Windowsless mode, previous versions used Windows mode, can be changed via S+T>O
[Change] Vista file open dialog changes.
[Change] WTV: Remove shift+Tools>Option option for using old-style SBEReader.
[Change] WTV: Saving WTV from non-WTV file or editing metadata in WTV doesn't output to the "duration" metadata.
[Fix] Batch: Newest version requires admin elevation to save WTV in batch. User will be prompted it not already running elevated.
[Fix] Cut mode output: 720p cutting is off by one frame.(applies to both MPEG2 and H.264).
[Fix] ES Muxer: Warn user if overwriting existing output file.
[Fix] FFMpeg MPEG2 encoding: Speed and quality issues.
[Fix] File open DVD: On Windows 7, use the new folder search dialog format.
[Fix] File save dialog: New file save dialog, if changing output options using the grid, won't save to new dialog.
[Fix] H.26 stream: Bottom field of a frame could be treated as a separate frame if the file switches from progressive to interlace.
[Fix] H.264 playback: Intermittent pixelation about 1 second after playback started due to unneeded reset of H.264 decoder.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: If end of file encountered while looking for IDR frame at a cut start, the cut would be improperly handled.
[Fix] Joiner: Crash from joiner when saving as WTV
[Fix] Key entry: Entry of trial key could overwrite permanent key.
[Fix] MP4 muxer: Multiple AAC in an MP4 file would have problems with secondary audio streams.
[Fix] MP4 reader: File won't open in 629d.due to older ffMpeg dlls in release. But updating to new DLLs crashes all MP4s.
[Fix] MP4/MKV/WTV/DVR-MS/VC1 output: Trap output errors such as disk full in the muxer and report error to the user.
[Fix] MPEG2 > H.264: Interlacer wasn't working properly. Will now handle switch from BFF/TFF/BFF, telecine.
[Fix] MPEG2 decoder: Dimension change not working with IPP MPEG2 Decoder.
[Fix] MPEG2 stream: A rare circumstance where a picture start code overlapped a PES packet boundary could add extra 12 bytes to frame.
[Fix] Profile grid: Can't set MaxGOP to anything less than 15.
[Fix] Program stream: File open could hang if program stream PTS clocks wrapped around near the start of file.
[Fix] TS Muxer: TS Muxer would output PAT and PMT even if the option to output them was unchecked.
[Fix] Titling: Title background would have slight color shift compared to source video.
[Fix] Titling: Would fail if the video frame size was 720 x 512.
[Fix] Translation: German translation for H.264 Preview display not yet supported was incorrect.
[Fix] VLST files: Program will crash if more than 999 vlst files with the same name exist. Increase 999 to 9999.
Version 4.20.7-629, Release date: November 11, 2011
NEW Added multi-audio stream support for H.264 streams.
NEW Support for reading and writing MKV files and H.264 flash FLV files.
NEW Elementary stream muxer can now support multiple audio streams.
NEW Batch an automatically filter out unwanted dimensions when doing Quick Stream Fix.
NEW Localization: Added Spanish translations.
NEW Support for MP4 and MKV reading and writing of chapter markers.
NEW Recoding Output bit rate automatically set to preserve original quality when recoding.
NEW Add multiple audio stream support when creating program stream.
NEW Must imporved audio graph with greater detail and frame tick marks on the thumbnail display.
Change MPEG2 stream option to remove duplicate SD NTSC closed captions on some Comcast Tivo SD recodings.
Change When opening a file from a DVD the default file name will now be the name of the DVD.
Change Ability to customize the default file save type (extension) for each output profile.
Change New profile aspect ratio option "Match Resolution" to allow H.264 encoded video to play at 1:1 pixel aspect ratio.
Change Internal code change to reduce memory overhead when resizing H.264 video buffers and audio buffers.
Change Added option to to automatically add an opened file type to the default file list.
View Detail Change log for 4.20.7-629
H264 Editing -
[Change] TS Muxer: If the source stream was a TS without PMTs, the output file would not have a PMT if "use existing PIDS" selected.
[Change] MPEG2 output: If video PTS resets in the middle of a file a single missing audio frame could crash buffer overflow or crash.
[Change] MPEG2 output: If "diagnostics" enabled on the Tools>Options>Stream page, video buffer dumps will have file offsets.
[Fix] TS Muxer: If video lost many frames, but audio or subtitles were OK, muxer could get packet overflow.
[Fix] Recoding: Convert MPEG2 HD to H264 SD causes crash (broke in 628)
[Fix] Navigation: Pressing 'back frame' (left arrow) at start of file, would advance one frame.
[Fix] MPEG2 QSF: Buffer overflow when QSFing multi-audio VOB file with multiple PTS resets.
[Fix] MPEG2 output: Output slow and muxer packet overflow if audio PTS resets before first frame output. Fixed for Multi-audio QSF.
[Fix] H.264 thumbnails: Fixed minor problem with audio display not appearing at beginning and end of thumbnail strip.
[Fix] H.264 frame capture: 'Edit->Capture frame' wouldn't always work.
H264 Editing -
[Fix] WTV: Display pixelation when doing non-I Frame seek. Could also cause resync frames ( broken in 625).
[Fix] Tool Trim and Copy: Crashes on source file browse (broken in 626).
[Fix] Profile: Error trying to save a .wtv with EAC3 to iPhone .mp4
[Fix] H.264 thumbnails: Detailed audio display could slow or hang thumbnail display due to audio cache filling up.
[Fix] Muti-audio support: Output muxer could occasionally hang when muxing multi-audio with different codecs.
H264 Editing -
[Change] Profile: SMPTE-302M tightened up sync (PTS calculation) when recoding to 302M on long duration programs.
[Fix] Resizing: Uninitialized variable could lead to un-predicatable results or slow performance when resizing. (Broken in 625).
[Fix] Profile: Sync errors when saving SMPT-302M streams, if not recoding (broken in 625).
H264 Editing -
[Fix] Tivo metadata: Tivo metadata not being copied on output when saving to a .tivo file. (Broken in 625).
[Fix] Titling: Program crashes when adding titles. (Broken in 625).
[Fix] Resizing: Uninitialized variable could lead to un-predicatable results when resizing videos. (Broken in 625).
[Fix] DVD authoring: Audio errors if source has multiple audio stream that require recoding and primary (playing) isn't stream 0.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] Program stream muxing: Add multiple audio stream support.
[Change] Audio MPEG1 Layer: Tightened up timing tolerances for 44.1KHz audio.
[Change] Audio recoding: New library code for audio sampling rate change that doesn't use intel libs.
[Change] Output profile: If profile is automatic, and audio recode is required and profile XML has bit rate set, use instead of default.
[Change] Profile editor: Always show output file extension. Previous version only displayed if overridden.
[Change] Topfield TS files: Special EchoStar file check interfered with feature to auto build a program map from raw data.
[Fix] DVD audio: Verify that the audio streams listed in the IFO file actually exist in the selected VOBs.
[Fix] DVD muxer: Muxer could crash if user aborts while creating initial elementary stream (.tmp) files.
[Fix] DVD open: If "Auto QSF" selected but output was other than MPEG-2 PS, the automatic open after QSF would fail.
[Fix] Mono AAC does not play, or recode correctly
[Fix] MP4 reader: File wouldn't open if it didn't begin with an "ftyp" atom.
[Fix] MP4/MKV reader: Crash in FFmpeg reader if PID was out of range
[Fix] Profile dialog: Controls appear in weird places if using non-standard fonts.
[Fix] Profile list dialog: Better detection of changes to a profile so that XML is only updated if an actual change occured.
[Fix] Profile: When saving SMPTE-302M, assign an AES channel id to each audio stream.
[Fix] QSF: Enable filters adds duplicate entries to the drop-down list if Rescan button pressed.
[Fix] Tivo TS: If TiVo-TS file has encrypted PMT packets, file might not open.
[Fix] Tivo, DVRMS, MP4, MKV: Fixed intermittent crash if attmped to read past the end of the file.
[Fix] Unpack error 2: On some systems license manager could cause unpack error when program is launched.
[Fix] WTV reader: Fixed few bugs with DVB subtitling, improved PID change detection,
[Fix] WTV: Fixed minor issues with multiple audio streams in the WTV output muxer.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] GUI: Added option to Tool>Options>File types to automatically add an opened file type to the default file list.
[Enhancement] Profiles: New dialog to be able to completely modify all options in a profile. (Shift+Edit, in profile editor).
[Change] TS Muxing: If CableLabs muxing is enabled, turn on QuadByte alignment.
[Change] TS Muxing: If CableLabs muxing is enabled, allow the user to set a manual mux rate. If 0, use default of 3.75 Mbps.
[Change] Output Profiles: If multiple MPEG1 Layer 2 audio to a TS file, assign each stream a separate stream ID (C0, C1, etc).
[Change] MPEG2 stream: If doing smart cutting and profile has CBR enabled, leave the output stream as CBR.
[Change] MPEG2 recoding: If output file is SD 4:2:2, the VBV size should be 576 instead of the SD 4:2:0 default of 224.
[Change] Registration: Updated to Version 8 of license manager.
[Change] DVD Burning: Updated TVSuite V4 formatted icon to use with TVSV4.
[Change] WTV output fails if tmp file already exists
[Change] TS Output options: If user specifies manual PIDS, they must start at 16 (x10) instead of 1.
[Change] MP4 / MKV reading: Added extra check to FFmpeg reader to retry fails seek. Fixes problem with one specific file.
[Change] MKV with AAC: Not properly parsing the AAC profile which could cause issues when outputting to MP4 or MKV.
[Change] H.264 Teletext: If the VBI packets are missing a PTS, TVS will now attempt to reconstruct the timing.
[Change] Batch: Added an option when doing QSF to specify a filter dimensions or "auto" select.
[Fix] WTV: Setting program date and time to edited date/time was not accounting for time zone differences.
[Fix] Titling: When adding a new title, the resolution and aspect ratio will default to the currently open video.
[Fix] MPEG2 elem stream muxing: Broke MPEG2 elem stream muxing in 621c.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Adding a title to an H.264 video triggers a LargeBufferMalloc error.
[Fix] Encoding: Doing two pass encoding, audio or video on an mppeg2 Tivo, MP4, FLV, or ES would stall at the start of pass 2.
[Fix] DVD, open title: Would not always select the correct AC3 stream. Similar problem with select stream dialog.
[Fix] AAC audio in MP4 file: Silent low-bit rate audio resulted in very short frames and prevented the file from opening.
[Fix] MPEG2 smart cutting: Updated smart cutter encoder to properly handle escaped 4:2:2 profile and levels.
[Fix] Audio recoding: Converting from AAC to MPEG2, time stamps where not being adjusted at cut points resulting deleted frames.
[Fix] AAC HE: Recoding AAC-HE could could cause sync errors at cut point, substitute silent frame until frame header found.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] H.264 streams: Added multi-audio stream support.
[Enhancement] ES Muxing: Elementary stream muxer can now support multiple audio streams.
[Enhancement] LKFS: Added LKFS analysis, and normalization. (Professional products only)
[Enhancement] Localization: Added Spanish translations.
[Enhancement] MPEG2 streams: New Shift+T>O, #17, Remove duplicate SD NTSC closed captions, removes double captions on Comcast Tivo SD.
[Enhancement] Open DVD: If opening DVD from a disc or ISO, default to volume name instead of generic "DVD_TITLE".
[Enhancement] Output Profiles: New option to change the default file extension on a per-profile basis.
[Enhancement] MP4 output profiles: New option to place MOOV atom at start or end of the .mp4 file (ipod/iphone/ipad expects MOOV at end).
[Enhancement] H.264 streams: Added multi-audio elementary stream muxing for H.264 and AAC audio (m4a).
[Change] Batch Manager (new): On Windows 7 show progress in taskbar icon, remove possible focus steal at end.
[Change] Chapter list: Added new chapter timecode format HH:MM:SS.hh.
[Change] DVD open title: If previous folder used for DVD open title no longer exists, default to that folder's parent.
[Change] GOP Reduction: Removed "spread GOP reduction evenly" from Shift+Tools>Options as this has been the default for years.
[Change] H.264 stream: Audio frames would be skipped if the MP4 reader could be skipped after seek if they arrived before the video.
[Change] H.264 stream: Removing trailing zero's from improperly encoded SPS and PPS.
[Change] H.264, Issue "program stream not supported" if H.264 is found inside a PS file.
[Change] H264 EAC3/AC3: Audio frames could be lost if the PES packets were too short to hold an entire audio frame. Possible TOD.
[Change] MPEG2 stream: Auto-mux rate, when multi-audio enabled, is now set to max of calculated bit rate or video header bit rate.
[Change] Multi-audio support: Multi-audio support is now the default for all NEW installations.
[Change] TVS4 Upgrade wizard: Email address with + or / characters not properly before being sent to the server.
[Fix] AAC audio: File with AAC Main profile and SBR showing sampling rate of 24Khz rather than 48KHz.
[Fix] Automatic compression: Could produce silent audio output if normalization is set to 0.
[Fix] COM: Calling FileOpen in silent mode could display a file open error message rather than just returning an error.
[Fix] COM: When running in silent mode and doing a close during output will leave the output processing in the background.
[Fix] H.264 / MPEG2: Internal seek cache could become corrupt if the source file didn't start on an I-Frame, perhaps slowing seeking.
[Fix] H.264 elem stream output: LOAS/LATM AAC with SBR would crash on ES output. Will now be recoded to AAC-LC m4a.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Added F12 support for H.264 stream, update 619 didn't completely fix it.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Couldn't determine initial clock if the SPS/PPS preceed the AUD.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Incorrect frame rate for 720p @ 50 FPS AVCHD-Lite files that record at 25 FPS with repeated frames.
[Fix] H.264 stream: T>Show Program Info, of 720x480 SD with 4:3 aspect ratio, incorrectly reporting 1.37:1.
[Fix] H264 Stream: Possible memory overwrite if the buffer is resized multiple times without removing any frames.
[Fix] MKV support: If use "ffmpeg for mp4" s+T>O option is false. Creating an MKV file will error with FFmpegsupport.dll not found.
[Fix] MP4 H.264: When opening an MP4 file, sometimes the first GOP is skipped causing saved files to be shorter than expected.
[Fix] MP4 reader: Seeking before the start or after the end of an MP4 (when using FFMPEG reader), could seek to wrong frame.
[Fix] NTSC Closed captions: Fixed issue with caption display not clearing all of the previous captions.
[Fix] Open DVD: DVD folder name not being correctly remembered if opening directly from a DVD drive or virtual ISO drive.
[Fix] Open DVD: DVD folder name not being remembered if you did an auto QSF or QSF to batch.
[Fix] Profile dialog: When selecting audio normalization, 0db is missing from drop down list.
[Fix] QSF Filter: Number of sample points was not being properly saved in the registry and would always default to 8.
[Fix] WTV files: If the first frame in the file is larger than 65KB, then the WTV reader might skip the first GOP.
[Fix] WTV: Saving a WTV file from a source WTV file could cause thumbnail on edited file to not display.
[Fix] WTV: Some WTV files, with Teletext, reporting closed captioning errors. WTV teletext streams not supported by TVS.
H264 Editing -
[Change] H.264 stream: Added F12 support for H.264 stream to refresh the file size and duration of the currently playing video.
[Change] Chapter marks: Chapters being saved to chapters.txt in format: hh:mm:ss.hh, can not be read back in.
[Fix] H.264 smart editing: Internal error in H.264 buffer management could cause corruption, errors, or YTOD. (Broke in 617/618).
H264 Editing -
[Change] QSF save error: QSF save dialog display "error getting output options" if you try to select a new output file name.
[Change] MP4/MKV seek: If using FFMPEG and a seek error is returned, retry the seek with a different setting. (internal code change)
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] Stream processing: Internal code change to reduce memory overhead when resizing H.264 video buffers and audio buffers.
[Change] AAC LATM: Added support for files that had the "program config" parameter enabled in the AAC header.
[Change] AAC audio: Can convert from LATM/LOAS AAC to ADTS format without recoding.
[Change] AAC encoding: Added support for 24KHz, 22.05KHz and 16Khz audio to better handle low-bit rate FLV files.
[Change] Audio Alerts: Tools>Options>Audio alerts renamed to Tools>Options>Completion Alerts
[Change] DVD Authoring: Block 30 and 60 fps video from being added to a DVD.
[Change] FLV support: Added support to read and write FLV files that contain H264 with AAC.
[Change] GUI: When running on Windows 7 with Aero, show percentage completion in the Windows taskbar icon.
[Change] H.264 MP4: Added support for TWOS audio.
[Change] H.264 recoding: Added new advanced encoding options to set: "weighted prediction for P-Frames", "sub pixel motion search depth".
[Change] H.264 stream: Internal fix of return types.
[Change] LPCM output to MPEG-2 PS: If orignal audio is 44.1KHz or 32 KHz, and output is LPCM, force recode to 48KHz.
[Change] Log file message: Change messages: "... signature check failed" to "... file signature not found."
[Change] MP4/FLV: Intermittent seeking problem when using the FFMPEG reader.
[Change] MPEG2 DVR-MS: Teletext captions would report error of caption too large for buffer.
[Change] Navigation bar: Make the area of the navigation bar which is below the thumb-track inactive to minimize accidental navigation.
[Change] Output processing: Release display frame buffers during save to reduce memory. ( Disable using shift+Tools>Options #73 to 0 ).
[Change] Output profiles: Changed dialog title with spelling error from "Video Croping and Sizing" to "Cropping and Sizing".
[Change] Output profiles: LPCM was an option for output types that don't support it such as TS, DVR-MS and WTV.
[Change] Output profiles: Will now clear previously set compression / gain settings when changing the encoder back to 'Auto'.
[Change] Tools>Options>Alerts: New option to change the "focus stealing" behavior at end of save.
[Fix] Batch Manager (new): Adding AdDetective scan after adding a file save does not refresh the batch list.
[Fix] French translation: Translation error causing "Tip of the day" to display incorrectly and/or hang.
[Fix] H.264 encoder: When doing full recode a timing problem could cause last video frame and a few audio frames to be dropped.
[Fix] H.264/MP4 smart edit: Corrupted output if doing H264/MP4 output and source file had "weighted P-frame prediction" enabled in PPS
[Fix] H264 > MPEG2 encoding: Dual pass when converting 50/59 FPS to 25/29 FPS might cause crash at end of 2nd pass.
[Fix] Internal change: Profile managment code updated to improve speed of file save dialog. Additional diagnostics in log.
[Fix] LPCM source to LPCM output to MPEG2-PS or DVD: If not recoding, application will experience buffer overflow.
[Fix] MP4 chapter marks: MP4 chapter marks were not being honored by iPhone / iPad.
[Fix] MPEG2 mult-audio: If recoding & source and the last frame type in a segment is "P", it might not be output.
[Fix] MPEG2 mult-audio: Incorrect reporting of MPEG1 Audio stream errors if DVR-MS files had audio continuation packets.
[Fix] MPEG2 pro encoder: Timing problem at end of file could sometimes cause one video and a couple audio frames to be dropped.
[Fix] Resizing: Resizing from 1080i to 480i was not optimally resizing the chroma.
[Fix] TVS4 Upgrade wizard: Was not showing text in local langauge.
[Fix] Thumbnails: When displaying thumbnails, with SMPTE-302M audio the first few audio frames were not shown in the audio graph.
[Fix] WTV files: Metadata was not being read if there were non-ascii characters in the file name or folder.
H264 Editing -
[Change] MKV: Unable to open an MKV H.264 file is the MKV mux doesn't include a frame rate. Fall back to the elementary stream fps.
[Change] LATM/LOAS AAC: Output to MP4 with FFmpeg muxer was not converting audio to ADTS resulting in silent audio.
[Change] Configuration wizard: Remove extra "" when attempting to add Desktop.ini to Recorded TV. Aesthetic change only.
[Fix] WTV reader: Added additional output to the log file to better determine when a protected frame is being skipped.
[Fix] Fast MPEG2 Encoder crash: Broken in build 613, Fast MPEG2 encoder crashes. Used for MPEG2 recoding and optionally fast cuts.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] MP4 wtih MPEG-2 video: Can now read MP4 with MPEG2 video if FFmpeg support enabled. MP4/MPEG2 output not yet supported.
[Enhancement] MP4/MKV: Pick up the correct default audio and video stream when using the FFmpeg reader.
[Enhancement] MP4/MKV: Support for reading and creation of chapters Behavior same as DVD, see T>O>Chapters. #63 FFmpeg must be true.
[Enhancement] Output Profiles: Recoding Output bit rate automatically set to preserve original quality. Set on Advanced>Intelligent.
[Change] MP4 files: Default to using the FFmpeg reader rather than the Mainconcept reader. Shift+Tools>Options, #63
[Change] Subtitles: Small corruption in Teletext sub title time stamps can cause muxer to abort with packet data full.
[Fix] ES output: Adjusting volume and saving to elementary streams would generate message "Error setting output options".
[Fix] Error reporting: Internal errors during output such as disk full or mux buffer overflows were not being consistently reported.
[Fix] H.264 frame rates: Improved quality of frame rate detection, with some MP4 files reported twice actual frame rate.
[Fix] H264 stream dump: Intermittent problem due to not setting multi-audio stream variables.
[Fix] Joiner: Audio volume adjustment in one file affects subsequent files instead of being reset for each file.
[Fix] MP4 with H.264: Determine last frame of file by reading video frames instead of reading MP4 summary information.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: FFmpeg reader annexb filter failed after seek, often causing open failure of MP4 and MKV files.
[Fix] MP4: If using FFMPEG reader, audio would not play after seeking backwards.
[Fix] MPEG-2 MKV: Output wont play in MPC (Media Player Classic).
[Fix] MPEG2 / LPCM audio: LPCM output creating incorrect file format if #70 multi-audio stream option set to 1 or 2.
[Fix] MPEG2 thumbnails: Internal logic change to handle display problem when jumping from last frame to first frame with MP4/MPEG2.
[Fix] WTV reader could crash if it read invalid chunk size in header.
H264 Editing -
[Change] VRDSplit.vbs: Updated script to handle output profiles so it works with TVS H.264. Also fixed bug with start time not working.
[Change] MKV output: Automatically recode AAC-HE audio to ADTS AAC-LC audio if output file type is MKV.
[Change] Audio elementary output: Only append _1, _2, etc to the audio file name if there is more than one audio stream being saved.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Severe memory leak If using FFmpeg reader (all MKV, MP4 optional), Causing failure with large files.
[Fix] H.264: Corrupt video with an NAL of type 31 (not allowed) would trigger a premature EOF and possible crash.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] MKV: Support for reading and writing MKV files.
[Enhancement] Profiles: Added new aspect ratio option "Match Resolution" to allow H.264 encoded video to play at 1:1 pixel aspect ratio.
[Change] H.264: Added TS Mux rate calculation to stream parameters.
[Change] AAC - WTV: Initial 1-3 audio frames dropped if the time stamp of the first audio packet earlier than initial I-Frame in file.
[Change] DVD Project: Cannot specify a UNC path for VIDEO_TS folder. (Worked in build 564).
[Change] WTV Reader: Improved detection of the audio streams in a WTV file.
[Change] Program Information: Video bit rate now takes into account transport stream null packets.
[Change] Program Information: Display Null packet rate (if present) for transport stream files.
[Change] Open DVD folder: If MPEG2 multi-audio is enabled, mulitple DVD audio streams are supported.
[Change] MP4: Use FFmpeg muxer to read/write MP4 files rather than Mainconcept muxer. Set via Shift+T>O #63.
[Change] MP4/MKV: Added Shift+T>O #64 to store the H.264 SPS and PPS with the video frame. Needed for smart cutting of H.264 DVB video.
[Change] MP4 Reader: Added error reporting to Mainconcept MP4 reader to better understand why it fails to open some MP4 files.
[Change] Close captioning: Change default for captioning #41 DVBSubtitling from false to true for TVS H.264 (new installs only)
[Fix] WTV Reader: TVS4 could loop if doing two-pass record of WTV source, or adding multiple WTV to a DVD.
[Fix] WTV reader: Reading at the end-of-file could sometimes cause a crash.
[Fix] LATM/LOAS AAC: Corrupt frame could cause LATM demuxer to stop demuxing frames.
[Fix] MPEG2 decoding: Decoder used when recoding all output to file or DVD, aborts if source file was field encoded.
[Fix] H.264 encoding: Encoder crash since some encoding parameters were not being properly adjusted after loading user's settings.
[Fix] AC3 Demuxing: Resyncing triggered if TS AC3 streams switched from non-aligned to aligned,
[Fix] AAC-HE: When creating silent frames for AAC-HE we weren't setting the SBR flag properly.
[Fix] Titling / Joiner: Adding title to the joiner before adding any video causes problems during output.
[Fix] MPEG2 stream: Saving from mpeg to TS, or WTV, audio PID not being properly set.
[Fix] GUI: Time code at 40:00.00 would display as 30:00.00 if the frame rate was 59.94.
[Fix] DVD Authoring: If the source file is MPEG2 with a bit rate > 9.5 Mbps, we will recode down the 9.5 Mbps.
[Fix] AC3 Demuxing: Resyncing triggered if TS AC3 streams switched from non-aligned to aligned.
H264 Editing -
[Fix] Installer: When registering COM object, installer may launch configuration wizard as admin and then again as regular user.
[Fix] Batch/COM: Do not reset window position and maximized status when running silent batch.
Version 4.20.6-609, Release date: November 17, 2010
* Critical GUI: Tools>Options>Transport page no longer being displayed.
* NEW WTV reading: New WTV reader which supports multi-audio (MPEG2 only) and multiple DVB Subs. Disable via shift+T>O: #62
* Change Batch Manager (new): Checks to make sure COM interface is registered and versions match. Prompts user if either incorrect.
* Change Batch manager (new): When adding multiple files, display progress as each file is opened and inspected. Added abort button.
* Change Batch script: Added version check to the script to warn user if /t# is being used instead of /p:
* Change GUI: Running batch cleared saved window maximize flags.
* Change H.264 encoding 2 pass: Create a unique name for the first pass statistics file to allow for multiple encodings at the same time.
* Change H.264: H.264 streams was not honoring setting of shift+T>O, #41 Enable closed captioning and subtitling for DVB subs.
* Change Installer: Installer will now always automatically register VideoReDo Batch COM objects. Uninstaller will remove.
* Change QSF output: Don't permit user to QSF elementary stream source to elementary stream output.
* Change QSF: Changed the output file name edit box to read-only so that the user must browse and select an output profile.
* Change QSF: TVSuite H.264 could crash when clicking on Output File Browse due to bad pointer (broken in 608).
* Change Tivo output: Don't allow TiVo output unless source file is also TiVo file
* Change WTV output: "Duration" metadata in the output file was being copied from the source rather than reflecting the edited duration.
* Change WTV output: Added mutliple audio (MPEG2 only) and DVB subtitle support to the WTV muxer.
* Fix AAC-LC LATM: BBC AAC with LOAS/LATM were being tagged as AAC-HE when they were actually AAC-LC.
* Fix Batch manager (new): Unable to set the default output file prefix and/or destination folder.
* Fix Batch manager (new): When adding multiple files, the output folder is not properly saved.
* Fix Batch: Create DVD or Joine files might exit and not create any output due to uninitialized variable.
* Fix Error handling: If source is MPEG2 and recoder had an initialization error, error message wasn't being reported back to user.
* Fix GUI: Didn't remember if window was maximized in previous session.
* Fix H.264 NAL Parsing: In debug mode, PPS parsing could abort if only 2 bits left in NAL.
* Fix MPEG2 LPCM: Buffer size calculation incorrect resulting in out of memory when trying to open MPEG2 PS w/LPCM audio.
* Fix Output profiles: Fixed problems when the profile has "Allow multiple audio streams" unchecked.
* Fix QSF: H.264 Filtering would not work if the requested dimensions started after T>O>Stream, # MB to scan.
* Fix Registry: Renamed, "Sepcial: DisableLogicalFileSort", to "Special:DisableLogicalFileSort".
* Fix WTV: Corrupt .wtv file is causing the WTV reader to crash rather
H264 Editing -
[Change] Batch Manager (new): Checks to make sure COM interface is registered and versions match. Prompts user if either incorrect.
[Change] Batch manager (new): When adding multiple files, display progress as each file is opened and inspected. Added abort button.
[Change] Batch script: Added version check to the script to warn user if /t# is being used instead of /p:
[Change] H.264 encoding 2 pass: Create a unique name for the first pass statistics file to allow for multiple encodings at the same time.
[Change] H.264: H.264 streams was not honoring setting of shift+T>O, #41 Enable closed captioning and subtitling for DVB subs.
[Change] Installer: Installer will now always automatically register VideoReDo Batch COM objects. Uninstaller will remove.
[Change] QSF output: Don't permit user to QSF elementary stream source to elementary stream output.
[Change] Tivo output: Don't allow TiVo output unless source file is also TiVo file
[Change] WTV output: "Duration" metadata in the output file was being copied from the source rather than reflecting the edited duration.
[Change] WTV output: Added mutliple audio (MPEG2 only) and DVB subtitle support to the WTV muxer.
[Change] WTV reading: New WTV reader which supports multi-audio (MPEG2 only) and multiple DVB Subs. Disable via shift+T>O: #62
[Fix] Batch manager (new): Unable to set the default output file prefix and/or destination folder.
[Fix] Batch manager (new): When adding multiple files, the output folder is not properly saved.
[Fix] Batch: Create DVD or Joine files might exit and not create any output due to uninitialized variable.
[Fix] Error handling: If source is MPEG2 and recoder had an initialization error, error message wasn't being reported back to user.
[Fix] GUI: Didn't remember if window was maximized in previous session.
[Fix] H.264 NAL Parsing: In debug mode, PPS parsing could abort if only 2 bits left in NAL.
[Fix] MPEG2 LPCM: Buffer size calculation incorrect resulting in out of memory when trying to open MPEG2 PS w/LPCM audio.
[Fix] Output profiles: Fixed problems when the profile has "Allow multiple audio streams" unchecked.
[Fix] Registry: Renamed, "Sepcial: DisableLogicalFileSort", to "SpecialisableLogicalFileSort".
H264 Editing -
[Change] Translation: Added .apt file for the new batch processor, VideoReDo Batch Profile.
[Change] MPEG2: Setting for multiple audio streams, S+T>O, #66 needs to be reset if non-zero.
[Change] MPEG2 > H.264: De-interlacer could get out of cadence eventually causing an audio buffer overflow.
[Change] H264Encoder: Setting T>O>H.264 diagnostics to "Advanced" will show the H.264 encoder settings in the log file on full recode.
[Fix] WTV: WTV MPEG2 files would not open correctly if s+T>O, #66 Multiple audio stream was 1 or 2.
[Fix] WTV QSF: Sometimes crashes at the start of the 2nd recoding pass while the file is being re-opened.
[Fix] MPEG4 Part2: Encoder crashing. Broken in 606.
[Fix] MPEG2: DVR-MS could hang on output if first frame of the file, and multi-audio (#66) enabled.
[Fix] H.264: Remove leading frames that don't have PTS values and shouldn't be in the first GOP. Caused QSF (but not save) sync prob.
[Fix] H.264: MP4 files with AC3 audio were not picking up the audio stream.
[Fix] H.264 MP4: MP4 was accidentally being opened as an .TS instead of an .MP4. Bump # of packets checked to insure its a .TS.
[Fix] GUI: File open, not handling non-latin characters properly. Fixed for .ts in 606. Was still broken for .wtv /dvrms.
[Fix] Batch: Negative cropping values (such as wide screen to letterbox) saved incorrectly in the BPrj XML. Changed XML engine.
[Fix] Seek caching: Changed the seek cache algorithms to work better with very very low bit rate video segments.
[Change] QSF dialog allowed input and output to have the same name resulting in source file being cleared.
H264 Editing -
[Change] GUI: Added Polish .apt file to the installer. Polish DLLs waiting for completed translation.
[Fix] H.264 frame rate: Broke frame rate logic in 605 for some 720p files. Showing as 25 or 29.97 instead of 50 or 59.94
H264 Editing -
[Change] Joiner: Joiner could force an unnecessary recode if the header bit rates of each file didn't match.
[Change] H.264 stream: Improved logic for frame rate if fixed_frame_rate_flag is 0. Check fixed_frame_rate_flag in slice hdr.
[Change] Output status dialog: Widen the dialog and fields to support longer strings required by some translations.
[Fix] Output profiles: Unable to edit profiles in non-english version due to missing localization DLLs.
[Fix] MPEG2: Program would crash if file without an audio stream was opened and multi-audio was enabled.
[Fix] H.264 frame rate: Broke frame rate logic in 604 if pic_order_cnt_type != 2.
[Fix] GUI: Menu File > Queue to batch change button from "Save" to "Queue".
[Fix] DVD: If shift+T>O #66 set to 0, and video is AC3, create DVD will incorectly force an audio recoding.
[Fix] DVD: Fixed aspect ratio issue for H.264 files converted to DVD.
[Fix] GUI: File open, not handling non-latin characters properly. Broken in build 604.
VideoReDo TVSuite V4 Beta Build 604
1) You can now open files with EAC3 audio. This will automatically trigger a secondary codec download.
2) MP4 files with AC3 are now supported.
3) MPEG2 files with multiple audio streams are supported: Set shift+T>O #66 Multi-audio to 1. Set to 2 to use the new code, but restrict to primary audio stream.
4) MPEG2 files that have dimension changes should be handled much more gracefully. Still could be problems with frame rate changes 59.97 <--> 29.97.
5) MPEG2 DVDs directly from H264 files (check your aspect ratio on the DVD, still could be a problem).
6) AAC-HE in WTV files.
H264 Editing -
[Change] Audio resync: Use the resync sensititivy in the Tools>Options>Advanced stream to set the muxer resync threshold.
[Change] DVD Burner: Add option to launch DVD Burner as admin.
[Change] DVR-MS & WTV metadata: Handle titles, subtitles and descriptions that contain non-ascii unicode text.
[Change] H.264 Improved audio sync at cut points. Should reduce number of added / deleted frames.
[Change] H.264 profile: Added new advanced encoding parameter: vbv_size_bytes. Allows HTC Hero to work at Baseline/2.1
[Change] H.264 profile: If changing profile/level in advanced encoding options, let the encoder default the VBV.
[Change] Log file: Show an encoded version of the user's name in the log rather than actual name.
[Change] MPEG2 4:2:2: If source was MPEG2 4:2:2, output would always force recode to 4:2:0 instead of smart editing. (broken in 598)
[Change] MPEG2 stream: Improve detection of bad audio frames at start of file that look valid but aren't and created silent playback.
[Change] NTSC/ATSC captions: The display closed captions settings is now persistent, i.e. remembered between file opens.
[Change] Output profile: Add an option for elementary stream output to only output the audio track(s).
[Change] Output profiles: All formats can use intelligent mode. Standard MPEG-4 Part 2 and WMV profiles now included as default profile.
[Change] QuickStream Fix: Added Queue to batch option in the QSF save dialog.
[Change] Trim and copy: An extra "." could appear in the file name if the currently open video came from a project file.
[Change] VideoReDo Batch Profile: New batch manager prevents file associations from open a file in VRD.
[Change] WTV: Added additional logging of stream detection logic. Enable via T>O>Stream, diagnostic checkbox.
[Change] WTV: If source is NTSC/ATSC, use ATSC formatted CC data from the video stream rather than DTVcc data from WTV.
[Change] WTV: WTV files are now remembered in the most recent used list on the file menu.
[Fix] Batch: If source file has DVD subtitles and you try to process in COM/batch with a VPRJ, output may hang or crash.
[Fix] ES Muxing: Muxing of LPCM/WAV files created distorted audio.
[Fix] H.264 navigation: Re-wrote part of navigation algorithm to account for highly variable bit rates.
[Fix] H.264 output: Recoding from MPEG2 59.94 with repeat frames would stall output when recoded to 29.97 H.h264 (iphone)
[Fix] Joiner: Queue to batch option on the joiner save dialog was not always being honored.
[Fix] LATM/LOAS AAC: If audio frame length and PES packet length were less than 20 bytes, frame would be dropped.
[Fix] MP4 Demuxer: Increase buffer size to 2MB to handle files very large IDR frames.
[Fix] Profile editing: If ..DocumentsVideoReDo folder doesn't exist automatically create it. Install wizard normally does this.
[Fix] VideoReDo Batch Profile: Problem creating output file in the root drive.
[Fix] WTV Output: .WTV files output by TVSuite will play on XBox360 media extenders.
[Fix] WTV output: Metadata if source file is DVRMS or WTV is preserved.
[Fix] WTV: BBC HD recorded with Hauppauge DVB-S2 won't open due to 3 byte instead of 4 byte start code.
[Fix] WTV: Support for audio stream selection is now working. Did not work in prior builds.
H264 Editing -
[Change] Output profile: OutputProfiles.xml is now OutputProfilesEx.xml. New profiles from VRD in DefaultProfile.xml will display.
[Change] Output processing: Round off error in frame rate caluclation (23.795 vs 23.976) caused output logic to fail.
[Change] File open: Added WTV as a default file type. (New installations only).
[Change] Droid profile: Remove hard coded check in H264 encoder for Droid resolution. Switch to new profile.
[Change] Droid profile: Change frame rate from automatic to standard definition, use new advanced parameters to force baseline profile.
[Enhancement] WTV: Greatly improved support for WTV files. Improved navigation, better video stream detection.
[Fix] Translations: The DVD project dialog and OutputProfilesEditor were showing non-english screens due to missing manifests.
[Fix] Queue to batch: BPRJ file is being saved in destination folder when "Store BPRJ in Source Folder" is checked.
[Fix] MPEG2 4:2:2 to 4:2:0.: Chroma not being converted from 4:2:2 to 4:2:0 before recoding.
[Fix] H.264 QSF: Can drop frames if PTS clocks wraps around.
[Fix] Cropping and resizing: Using an odd number in any of the 4 cropping and resizing values causes cropping to be skipped.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] Tools>Show Program: Added estimated source video bit rate.
[Enhancement] Tools>Options>H.264: New option "Remove filler NALs", will remove unneeded filler/stuffing bytes.
[Change] WTV; WTV no longer supported in TVSuite V3. Continued support will be in Version 4.
[Change] Tools>Trim and Copy: Issue warning if trying to do a Trim on files that shouldn't be trimmed: MP4, DVR-MS, WTV.
[Change] Thumbnails: Added additional scaling options of -36db and -48 db to the thumbnail graph.
[Change] TS Streams: Increased the number of sync bytes check to confirm file is TS type from 9 to 30.
[Change] Save dialog: Add keyboard accelerator Alt+Q to toggle queue to batch and Alt+O to simulate pressing the Option button.
[Change] Rename: VideoReDo3.exe has been renamed to VideoReDo4.exe.
[Change] MP4 muxer: New option on Tools>Options>H.264 to change location of MP4 muxer temp file. Default will be output folder.
[Change] H.264 NAL parsing: Made sure that trailing zero bytes in NAL are kept with correct NAL (internal change).
[Change] H.264 AC3 with MP4: Added new attribute to profile: "allowAC3" to allow AC3 in MP4 saves. Requires special profile (see below)
[Change] DVD burning: Updated StarBurn library to version 12 for improved W7 compatibility.
[Change] DVD Authoring: Displayed of estimated DVD size might not be correct. (Cosmetic only).
[Change] COM: Can now control multiple instances of VideoReDo when running in silent mode.
[Fix] Transport streams: Improved end of file logic to better detect and parse final frame in the file.
[Fix] Tivo output: TiVo header incorrectly copied when source was a Tivo-TS stream.
[Fix] TS streams: Number of times program maps read was not being reset when scanning multiple sections of a file.
[Fix] Side by side errors: File, Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC.manifest was causing SxS errors. Updated version number.
[Fix] Recoding H.264 to MPEG2: Top field first flag was not being preserved when recoding from H.264 to MPEG2.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Fix for POC type == 2. Was dropping frames as resync, due to not picking up POC type properly.
[Fix] H.264 recoding: If source is progressive, enable MBS in sequence hdr so output is labeled progressive.
[Fix] H.264 QSF: Clicking on enable filters would crash if video had MPEG audio.
[Fix] DVD Authoring: When recoding, the video bit rate settings are being ignored and output bit rate is extremely low.
[Fix] DVB subtitles: If displaying subtitles during playback, timing conflict between reading and loading could cause GPF.
[Fix] Ad Detective: Intermittent behavior with H.264 files. Might not be analyzing data in current frame and missing dark frames.
H264 Editing -
[Change] Profiles: New output file type: m2ts.
[Change] Profiles: Default profiles list has been updated. Need to delete MyDocumentsOutputProfiles.xml to view.
[Change] MPEG4 Part 2 and 3gpp: Added more informative message if the .mp4 file codec is MPEG4 Part 2 or 3gpp.
[Change] COM: Added new function to retreive profile list. See sample script: ProfileSample.vbs
[Fix] Version check: Updated version check logic to work with TVSuite Version 4.
[Fix] Profile file: On install profiles installed in <install>DefaultProfiles.xml, if changed copied to documentsOutputProfiles.xml
[Fix] MP4/H.264 : MP4 files from Nero wouldn't open due to missing SEI picture timing. As backup get frame rate from demuxer.
[Fix] MP4 file reader: First GOP could sometimes be dropped when file is loaded.
[Fix] Installer: Setup registry and profile entries correctly is installing as limited user.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Support for files with pic_order_count_type = 2. Including the Sanyo HD 700 camera.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Not picking up progressive flag for source file when doing full recode causing output to be interflaced.
[Fix] H.264 smart editing: If encoder gets a parameter error, automatically try to initialize again without HRD parameters.
[Fix] H.264 GUI: Not displaying Progressive or Interlaced flag on Tools>Show Program Info.
[Fix] H.264 720p: 720p files which used repeat frames were not being handled properly.
[Fix] Batch & COM: /p:<profile name> option will crash batch processing due to bug in COM call: FileSaveProfileVideoReDo TVSuite -
[Change] Thumbnails: If displaying a "pseudo frame" don't show I/P/B indicator.
[Change] Languages: Added Czech, and new updates for Finnish.
[Fix] Cut mode: Last frame of cut was excluded from output video. Broken in 594.
What's new in Version 4 with H.264:
This version is designed to seamlessly handle both MPEG2 and H.264 encoded files. H.264 is also called AVC and AVCHD. Technically, we support the following H.264 formats:
Input formats:
* Transport streams with H.264/AVC video with the following audio codecs: MPEG Layer 2, AC-3, AAC and AAC-HE.
* MP4 formatted files with H.264/AVC video with AAC and AAC-HE audio. This includes Apple MOV files, and some camera formats.
* Video dimensions up to 1920x1080p at chroma 4:2:0.
* WTV streams support is preliminary (see below).
* All the traditional MPEG2 formats supported in earlier versions.
Output formats:
* MPEG2, program, transport and dvr-ms streams with MPEG and AC-3 audio.
* H.264 transport streams with MPEG Layer 2 and AAC audio. AC3 and AAC-HE audio is supported if they are present in the source file.
* H.264 .MP4 files with MPEG Layer 2 and AAC audio. AAC-HE audio is suported if present in the source file.
* WMV/VC1 output.
* MPEG-4 Part 2 .mp4 files.
* Elementary streams.
* NTSC closed captioning and DVB subtitling, if present in the source, is preseved in the output file.
Smart editing:
* If source and destination formats have identical formats, dimensions and bit rates, TVSuite V4 will automatically invoke its smart editing feature and not recode your source video except for a few frames at cut points. This is the traditional behavior you expected from VideoReDo in the past.
Output Profiles:
* The output format is determined by a list of file types, called profiles, in the file save box. The product comes with quite a few profiles which can serve as a starting point. You can create your own profiles, exchange profiles with other users using the import and export mechanism. There will be more on profiles in a separate post.
Version 3-1-5-564, Release date: July 5, 2008
* NEW: Authoring: NTSC closed captions are preserved even if video is recorded for DVD authoring
* NEW: Authoring: Added new "automatic" pan and scan option which lets the user change the mode using the player's menus.
* NEW: DVD menus, added additional options for DVD title button highlights, underline, text color, left arrow.
* NEW: Added new COM method, AdjustAudioSync() to adjust the sync of the currently open video.
* NEW: DVRMS output, added option to remove stream tags to the Tools>Options>DVRMS page. This allows thumbnails to be displayed in Vista MCE.
* NEW: Added an option to only allow a single instance of VideoReDo.
* NEW: Ability to read proprietary Humax 8000 transport stream files.
* Enhance: Added capability to automatically QuickStreamFix DVD titles from the open DVD title screen.
* Enhance: Added ability to set language code on the Tools>Options>Startup page
* Enhance: Stream selection, preserve edits if switching to a different audio stream for the currently open video.
* Enhance: Thumbnails: replaced audio graph "log option" with "db scaling".
* Change: New easier to understand dialogs when trying to close a file or exit the program with unsaved edits.
* Change: Audio volume changes will show settings in db in addition as well as X factor.
* Change: Authoring, default compliant GOP size reduced from 18 to 15 for better closed captioning compatibility.
* Change: Authoring, new checkbox "Include closed caption" sets max GOP size to 15, Only enabled for NTSC video.
* Change: Authoring, if source stream is labeled "progressive" it will be changed to interlaced during DVD authoring.
* Change: Authoring, Crop and Resize, "Maintain aspect ratio" will respect the preset settings such as pillar box to standard.
* Change: Authoring, video cropping and resizing. Additional selections added to the preset list.
* Change: Burning, DVD erase time estimates are accurate by taking into account the current burner speed setting.
* Change: DVRMS Output, added undocumented metadata substitution keyword, {FILE} to copy output filename into metadata area.
* Change: GUI, added option to Shift+Tools>Options to allow for resizing of the fine-tune slider.
* Change: Tilter/Menu editor will automatically select first text box in title editor to show sizing handles.
* Change: If source file is from a Tivo, Trim and Copy will automatically copy the Tivo header to the output file.
* Change: Transport stream output, PCR interval added to the Tools>Options>Transport page.
* Change: Transport stream output, PCR interval now defaults to 90 msec for NTSC and 40 msec for PAL.
* Fix: Ad Detective, too many scene markers (>1000) could result in a crash due to threading conflict.
* Fix: Audio output, converting LPCM 48KHz audio to LPCM 44.1 audio caused a crash.
* Fix: Authoring, if the authoring process aborted due to bad data, burner would try to burn an empty DVD
* Fix: Authoring, if user selects a manual folder on Tools>Options>DVD but left folder blank, authoring would display error=3
* Fix: Authoring, Improved reliability and accuracy of estimated time remaining.
* Fix: Authoring, yellow triangle would display even though output was continuing.
* Fix: Authoring, estimated file output size incorrect after running Ad Detective.
* Fix: Selecting "Combine" when merging overlapping cuts results in wrong estimated sizing.
* Fix: Authoring, menu navigation problem with 16:9 menus used in a 4:3 display.
* Fix: Authoring, if AC3 bit rate changes in the middle of a file, add silent frames to preserve audio sync.
* Fix: When the DVD menu template was being saved with a new name, the name wasn't being properly stored in the file.
* Fix: Authoring, multiple titles with different audio encodings might cause some titles to lose audio if first title is MPEG audio.
* Fix: Authoring, when recoding large GOPs with PAL video could cause authoring to hang when recoding.
* Fix: Authoring could sometimes mistake MPEG audio stream for AC3.
* Fix: Clicking on DVD output folder browse button would hang the application if the default drive no longer existed.
* Fix: Additional information displayed in the log file if the VIDEO_TS folder is too large to be burned.
* Fix: Saving HD material to a DVRMS file would sometimes result in incorrect file duration
* Fix: NTSC closed captioning could become corrupt from some digital broadcasts
* Fix: DVRMS metadata fields, Title, subtitle and description could be filled with lots of spaces if metadata wasn't being changed.
* Fix: GOP reduction using fast encoder could cause bit rate to drop too low resulting in blocky picture.
* Fix: When reducing GOPs some GOPs would be incorrectly marked as "Closed".
* Fix: When reducing GOPs, extremely corrupt source video could cause memory overflow error in MPEG decoder.
* Fix: GOP reduction, remove error message if encoding bit rate exceeds sequence header bit rate.
* Fix: Titling and DVD menu screen show scroll bars even when not needed.
* Fix: Help file, some pages displayed incorrectly when default font size in Internet Explorer set to Large fonts.
* Fix: Main screen, joiner time in lower right of main screen would be blanked when a new file is opened.
* Fix: AC3 audio not being properly detected if the source file is an MPEG1 program stream (e.g. LiteOn DVD recorder)
* Fix: Fixed problem where preview mode could hang at a cut when program was running in scene mode.
* Fix: Quickstream Fix, auto expand buffer sizes to reduce chance of buffer overflows.
* Fix: Thumbnails, audio sync adjustment would not be reflected in the thumbnail display.
* Fix: Adding a title to 50 FPS or 60 FPS, 720p video could create a sync issue.
* Fix: Titling and DVD Template menus, Copy and paste would not work repeatedly.
* Fix: Title defaults were being saved in the VideoReDo Plus folder rather than the TVSuite application data folder.
* Fix: Topfield output, marked AC3 PID streams in the Topfield header with an 0x2000 so that they can be played.
* Fix: Transport stream files, Incorrect "Video not found" when opening an ATSC stream with video stream type of 0x80.
* Fix: Transport stream files, fix for transport streams where program map sections cross transport stream boundaries
* Fix: Transport stream output, added a default language descriptor for audio streams when building a new program map on the Tools>Options>Transport page.
Version 3-1-4-551, Release date: February 3, 2008
* Change: Added option to log a custom message to the log file using the Help > Display VideoReDo.log menu.
* Change: GUI, Estimated output time remaining changed: mmm:ss to hh:mm:ss when there are more then 60 estimated minutes remaining.
* Fix: COM, SaveJoinerAs and SaveJoinerAsEx didn't work when saving to multiplexed streams.
* Fix: GUI, Pressing "Invert all Cuts" or "Remove Selected Cuts" buttons would cause mouse wheel to stop working.
* Fix: GUI, Joiner save would default to the wrong file type when saving to .TS, .DVR-MS or .REC file types.
* Fix: DVD Burner, Improved compatibility with standalone players by performing an IFO patch.
* Fix: DVD Burner, Auto selection of DVD drive with media present wouldn't work if there were multiple drives.
* Fix: DVD Authoring, Workaround for bug in VLC player where VLC would crash if TVSuite created a DVD with no menus.
VideoReDo TVSuite
Version 3-1-3-549, Release date: December 12, 2007
* NEW: Initial release of VideoReDo TVSuite.
The following list describes the Enhancements, Changes and fixes in VideoReDo TVSuite relative to VideoReDo Plus 2-5-6-512.
* NEW: DVD Authoring with:
Multiple titles on a DVD.
Auto conversion of HD to SD.
Letter / pillar box remove.
Auto sizing to match disc size.
Use defined cropping and resizing.
Easily customizable menu templates. Custom templates can be saved for future use.
Ability to accept non-compliant video.
User defined and automatic chapter marks.
Optional auto erase of RW discs.
Optional auto verification of burned discs.
* NEW: New modern and sleeker look to the GUI.
* NEW: Ability to add titles to the beginning or between segments of a video. Titles can fade in and out.
* NEW: Automatic recovery of edits should program or system crash.
* NEW: Open a title directly from a folder on a DVD or a copied VIDEO_TS folder.
* NEW: New faster MPEG2 encoder for better performance.
* NEW: Ability to save and restore joiner lists.
* NEW: Thumbnails can display different audio graph colors for 2.0 vs 5.1 channel audio.
* Enhance: Can now enable zoom mode when previewing.
* Enhance: Automatic prompting for MCE metadata on output.
* Enhance: Ability to create MCE metadata even if source file is not DVR-MS.
* Enhance: ATSC multiplexing option for transport stream output.
* Enhance: NTSC time codes displayed with industry standard DFTC notation.
* Enhance: Jump to frame number.
* Enhance: Ability to change default AC3 output stream number.
* Enhance: Can set preferred audio type so that AC3 is opened if present.
* Enhance: Set sequence header bit rate to actual video bit rate.
* Enhance: Automatically copy all setup parameters from VideoReDo Plus to VideoReDo TVSuite.
* Enhance: Disable output video for fast editing over slow remote desktop (RDP) links.
* Enhance: GOP Reduction: New option to allow for even sizing of reduced GOPs.
* Enhance: Navigation has much improved accuracy when moving by seconds or minutes.
* Change: Improve detection of AC3 vs MPEG audio when opening transport streams.
* Change: Clip 1080i display to actually display 1080 pixels rather than 1088 pixels.
* Change: Undo now restore previous cut marks, books and cursor position.
* Change: Project files now saved in XML format. Old format can still be imported.
* Change: Option to display 59.94 FPS time codes in DFTC notation.
* Change: Animated system tray icon.
* Change: Removed questions about DigiTV from the installation wizard.
* Change: Ability to set the number of megabytes of a file to scan when opening.
* Change: Improved checking for bad data when opening transport stream files.
* Change: Increased number of files in a VLst from 1,024 to 32,767.
* Change: Ability to change the maximum range of the volume adjustment.
* Fix: COM, Calling FileOpen() with a bad or missing filename would display error instead of return error code.
* Fix: GOP reduction, bad reduction in the video stream could cause an abort.
* Fix: Ability to register file types under Vista.
* Fix: New GUI controls prevent display of background of previously overlapped windows.
* Fix: Changing 44.1 KHz MPEG audio to LPCM results dropped video frames and sync issues.
* Fix: Thumbnails, improved accuracy of red/green cut status line when interval > single frame.
* Fix: Navigation sometimes off by one frame with 720p material.
* Fix: Preview mode, could sometimes get stuck when jumping to next cut / scene marker.
* Fix: Chapter marks, Added a "Frame 0" option to create a chapter mark at frame 0.
* Fix: Preview mode could show wrong frame type (I,P or B).
VideoRedo TVSuite PreRelease
Version 3-1-1-540, Release date: October 10, 2007
* NEW: Initial release of VideoReDo TVSuite.
The following list describes the Enhancements, Changes and fixes in VideoReDo TVSuite relative to VideoReDo Plus 2-5-6-512.
* NEW: DVD Authoring with:
Multiple titles on a DVD.
Auto conversion of HD to SD.
Letter / pillar box remove.
Auto sizing to match disc size.
Use defined cropping and resizing.
Easily customizable menu templates. Custom templates can be saved for future use.
Ability to accept non-compliant video.
User defined and automatic chapter marks.
Optional auto erase of RW discs.
Optional auto verification of burned discs.
* NEW: New modern and sleeker look to the GUI.
* NEW: Ability to add titles to the beginning or between segments of a video. Titles can fade in and out.
* NEW: Automatic recovery of edits should program or system crash.
* NEW: Open a title directly from a folder on a DVD or a copied VIDEO_TS folder.
* NEW: New faster MPEG2 encoder for better performance.
* NEW: Ability to save and restore joiner lists.
* NEW: Thumbnails can display different audio graph colors for 2.0 vs 5.1 channel audio.
* Enhance: Can now enable zoom mode when previewing.
* Enhance: Automatic prompting for MCE metadata on output.
* Enhance: Ability to create MCE metadata even if source file is not DVR-MS.
* Enhance: ATSC multiplexing option for transport stream output.
* Enhance: NTSC time codes displayed with industry standard DFTC notation.
* Enhance: Jump to frame number.
* Enhance: Ability to change default AC3 output stream number.
* Enhance: Can set preferred audio type so that AC3 is opened if present.
* Enhance: Set sequence header bit rate to actual video bit rate.
* Enhance: Automatically copy all setup parameters from VideoReDo Plus to VideoReDo TVSuite.
* Enhance: Disable output video for fast editing over slow remote desktop (RDP) links.
* Enhance: GOP Reduction: New option to allow for even sizing of reduced GOPs.
* Enhance: Navigation has much improved accuracy when moving by seconds or minutes.
* Change: Improve detection of AC3 vs MPEG audio when opening transport streams.
* Change: Clip 1080i display to actually display 1080 pixels rather than 1088 pixels.
* Change: Undo now restore previous cut marks, books and cursor position.
* Change: Project files now saved in XML format. Old format can still be imported.
* Change: Option to display 59.94 FPS time codes in DFTC notation.
* Change: Animated system tray icon.
* Change: Removed questions about DigiTV from the installation wizard.
* Change: Ability to set the number of megabytes of a file to scan when opening.
* Change: Improved checking for bad data when opening transport stream files.
* Change: Increased number of files in a VLst from 1,024 to 32,767.
* Change: Ability to change the maximum range of the volume adjustment.
* Fix: COM, Calling FileOpen() with a bad or missing filename would display error instead of return error code.
* Fix: GOP reduction, bad reduction in the video stream could cause an abort.
* Fix: Ability to register file types under Vista.
* Fix: New GUI controls prevent display of background of previously overlapped windows.
* Fix: Changing 44.1 KHz MPEG audio to LPCM results dropped video frames and sync issues.
* Fix: Thumbnails, improved accuracy of red/green cut status line when interval > single frame.
* Fix: Navigation sometimes off by one frame with 720p material.
* Fix: Preview mode, could sometimes get stuck when jumping to next cut / scene marker.
* Fix: Chapter marks, Added a "Frame 0" option to create a chapter mark at frame 0.
* Fix: Preview mode could show wrong frame type (I,P or B).
Upgrade or download trial from
Version 2-5-6-512, Release date: June 16, 2007
* Fix: When source and desition files were dvr-ms, sometimes VideoReDo would hang for 2-20 minutes while windows would copy and re-index the output file.
* Fix: The AbortOutput call in the COM interface did not work properly.
* Fix: Intermittent crash when doing a GOP reduction.
* Fix: Creating a chapter file with timecodes with a .hh format format (e.g. hh:mm:ss.hh) would cause a crash.
Version 2-5-5-512, Release date: March 28, 2007
* Fix: Ouputting to Topfield .rec files could crash VideoReDo if user's time zone is east of GMT.
Version 2-5-4-507, Release date: January 18, 2007
* Enhance: Installation wizard will detect if being installed on Vista and set VideoReDo video driver to VMR9 to support Aero glass.
* Enhance: COM: New property: OpenedFilename, to return the currently opened filename.
* Enhance: COM: New sample scripts included with the installation, ScanAndSplit.vbs and ScanSplitFolder.cmd.
* Enhance: AC3: For all AC3 output stream to sub-stream 0x80 via a setting ont he Tools>Shift+Options page.
* Enhance: Install wizard, change MCE detection to work with Vista.
* Change: When saving to elementary streams, 'wav' and 'ac3' file types would be in upper case rather than the preferred lower case.
* Change: DVR-MS, QuickstreamFix was unable to use the video dimension filter.
* Change: Mute button, red overlay hard to see.
* Fix: Opening a CRID file could sometimes cause an infinite loop.
* Fix: AC3: Ignore and skip bad audio header of 3.0 channels, 32K sampling rate.
* Fix: COM. SetCutMode() would GPF if called before opening a file.
* Fix: TS Streams: If "PID not found" message was displayed, memory wasn't being fully released.
* Fix: DVR-MS input: Small memory leak found and fixed.
* Fix: Tivo file reader: Memory leak found and fixed.
Version 2-5-3-500, Release date: November 10, 2006
* Enhance: Logfile: Add ability to clear log file and more easily attach to an email. Log filename is also copied to the clipboard if the "Explore" option is selected.
* Enhance: COM: New method FileOpenBatchPIDS( filename, videoPID, audioPID) to enable QSF with custom PIDs.
* Change: New faster AC3 decoder library.
* Fix: DVR-MS files with restricted content could get into infinite loop. VideoReDo attempts to detect and issue a warning.
* Fix: Batch: Ampersand "&" in the filename would cause file name problems in batch.
* Fix: DVR-MS: NTSC closed captions caused injection of bad user data into the video stream resulting in pixelation.
* Fix: Humax PVR transport streams will not open properly.
* Fix: CRID: Double clicking on an entry in the CRID list would cause a crash.
* Fix: CRID: attemp0ting to open a CRID file with no available components could cause a crash.
* Fix: Batch: In File>Queue To Batch, changing the suggested filename and then changing an output option would cause filename to revert to default.
Version 2-5-2-491, Release date: September 25, 2006
* Enhance: Support for creating DVR-MS output files.
* Enhance: Support for creating Topfield .REC output files.
* Enhance: Ability to detect and process MPEG1 video inside an MPEG2 program stream.
* Enhance: New hidden options page for undocumented options, using Shift+Tools>Options.
* Enhance: New zoom feature to magnify the timeline.
* Enhance: New "Favorite places" on the Tools>Options pages. Allows you to setup favorite folders in the file open dialog.
* Enhance: Brand new installation wizard
* Enhance: Support for YUV acceleration on multiple monitors using VMR7 and VMR9 drivers.
* Enhance: VideoReDo will work with Vista Betas using the Aero interface when using the VMR9 drivers.
* Enhance: Sorting filenames for auto comine (VLST) will now logically sort, i.e. VTS_01_10.VOB will follow VTS_01_9.VOB. Only works on Windows XP.
* Enhance: Ability to support 4:2:2 video.
* Enhance: AdDetective in batch can now run silently.
* Enhance: Running batch in quiet mode is now totally quiet except for icon in the system task bar.
* Enhance: Ability to change the volume in the saved file. Output audio type must be LPCM (WAV) or MPEG.
* Enhance: Batch audio alert will only be heard after the last file in the batch sequence.
* Enhance: New COM properties/methods: AudioAlert, OutputPercentComplete, EnterRegistrationKey, VersionNumber, AbortOutput.
* Enhance: Copy Tivo meta data from the source file if the source and destination files are both Tivo.
* Enhance: If source file is a BeyondTV transport file and output is a transport file, the BeyondTV metadata, if present, will be copied.
* Enhance: Batch will properly support the full ANSI character set.
* Enhance: Complete support for NTSC 29.97 FPS drop frame timecodes. Both in the display and output in the GOP header.
* Enhance: Frame Capture, Added Shift+Tools>Options to specify number of lines to omit from the capture.
* Enhance: Ability to call a user defined application using Shift+File>Queue To Batch. Command to be called specified on Shift+Tools>Options.
* Enhance: Batch quiet mode, will no longer display video. Fixes problem when running VRD in the background when MCE is running. To use this feature, set "Do not display video in silent batch" to true, in Shift+Tools>Options.
* Change: Log file date display changed from mm/dd/yy to ISO format: YYYY-mm-dd.
* Change: For TS files broadcast with ATSC (USA digital broadcasts), the audio will default to the AC3 stream if one is present.
* Change: Ability to change the text color of the mark-in/out time codes to provide better contrast against the application background.
* Change: Logfile is now saved in the C:Documents and Settings<username>Application DataVideoReDoPlus. New installations only. Permits VideoReDo to run as limited user.
* Change: Saving a project file will add the .bprj file to File menu's recently used file list.
* Change: Audio Alerts can be enabled only for batch, interactive, or both.
* Change: The "Unsaved Edits" message ox will now default to "No" so that pressing return not not exit the application.
* Change: Ulead Movie Factory option has been removed. VideoReDo files should be acceptable for all version of Movie Factory.
* Change: Ad-Detective, "Automatically cut commercials is now the default.
* Change: If you switch to frame display, instead of time code display, the setting will be remembered the next time you start VideoReDo.
* Change: Queue To Batch, if you change the default file type, the file extension will also change.
* Change: Added a "Copy to Clipboard" button on the Tools>Show Program Info page.
* Change: Tools>Show Program info now display Tivo and DVRMS as source file types.
* Change: Quickstream FIX for DVD VOBs will no longer skip over audio frames that occur right after a PTS reset.
* Change: Accept AC3 audio that have incorrectly formatted PES headers.
* Change: Ctrl+X no longer exits. Use the Windows standard Alt+F4.
* Change: If we get an "unknown error" while writing to the output file, show the Windows error code and text in the log file.
* Change: Thumbnails, would redraw all TNs when cut list was changed.
* Change: Audio will default to DirectSound.
* Fix: Unable to capture first frame of the file as soon as the file was opened.
* Fix: When opening a file, sometimes the 2nd frame would be displayed rather than the first.
* Fix: Switching to Preview in scene mode while cursor was at "end marker" position would sometimes cause VideoReDo to hang in a loop.
* Fix: DVR-MS input file where sequence header didn't start at the beginning of a packet had sync and seek issues.
* Fix: Drawing of sliders and some text boxes on the main screen could be messed up if there were overlapping windows.
* Fix: If adding multiple VPRJ files at one time to the joiner using using either drag or multiple file open, a "replace cut" message might be shown if VideoReDo is running in scene mode.
* Fix: Saving AC3 5.1 to LPCM/WAV elementary stream (.WAV) would create a bad WAV header to be written in the output file.
* Fix: Pressing ESC in the aduio sync adjustment window would prevent it from opening again until the next file open.
* Fix: Back by single frame in preview mode would intermittently cause a jump to the beginning fo the file.
* Fix: Closing a TIVO input file wouold not release the file handle until VideoReDo was terminated.
* Fix: Estimated time remaining was incorrect when outputting via the joiner.
* Fix: Output options dialog. Max GOP size was not displaying correctly on the initial display.
* Fix: Thumnail audio graph wasn't displaying all audio data if the numbnail interval was greater than a single frame.
* Fix: Audio adjustments, sync offset and volume, were being reset each time the dialog box displayed rather than being remembered.
* Fix: AC3 with bit rates > 512Kbbps would cause a GPF when outputting to program stream or VOB.
* Fix: AC3 Audio at 44.1Khz, some audio frame lengths were incorrectly calculated.
* Fix: Dragging the mouse outside of a navigation button, while still having the mouse button pressed, would cause auto repeat to remain active for that button.
* Fix: "Tip of the Day" and/or "Check for updates" will not be shown when running in silent mode.
* Fix: GOP timecode was wrong at cut point if the cut was on an I-Frame.
* Fix: VTS_01_10.vob would bbe omitted from auto combine (VLST) since we mistook it for VTS_01_0.vob.
* Fix: COM function, SaveJoinerEx will return an error code rather than display a message box if the output file matches the input file.
* Fix: For short transport stream files, handle end of file more gracefully while looking for program maps.
* Fix: Repeat First field calculation for 720p progressive files was incorrect. Could cause removed frames or sync errors.
* Fix: DTS was off at the start of a new cut or join if the previous cut ended on an I or P frame.
* Fix: Remember window position if application is at window location 0,0.
* Fix: When outputting MPEG1 files with 44.1KHz audio and changing the audio bitrate, the audio would be marked as 48Khz. This caused dropped frames and speedup of the video in the output file.
* Fix: Resync logic would not remove video frames if there were no B-Frame in the buffer. Will now remove both B and P frames.
* Fix: The count of video frames removed for sync adjustment were not being displayed in the output complete dialog.
* Fix: PVA files had incorrect timecodes.
* Fix: GOPs greater than 60 frames could cause a cut point to be rounded to the next GOP boundary.
* Fix: Pressing Ctrl+C (capture frame) would leave navigation commands thinking the control key was pressed until any other key was pressed.
Version 2-2-1-445, Release date: January 3, 2006
* Enhance: Added support for Beyond TV transport streams. Metadata will be copied if both source and output streams are of the same type. I.e. Program Stream source, Program Stream destination, Transport Stream source with Transport Stream destination.
* Enhance: Support for Tivo To Go Files. VideoReDo will now read .tivo files downloaded from your Series 2 Tivo. Requires the Tivo reader and media access key which are part of the free Tivo To Go package. Please see the Tivo site for information and downloads.
* Enhance: Reading and editing of DVR-MS (MCE) files are now fully supported. They can be opened and edited as you would any other MPEG file.
* Enhance: A Plot Mask has been added to the View menu. When enabled a portion of the video picture will be covered so as not to spoil the story line. The size of the plot mask can be adjusted using the Tools>Options Menu.
* Enhance: All source audio formats may be transcoded to either stereo WAV/LPCM or stereo MPEG audio via the Options button on the File Save Dialog. Useful for translating AC3 source material for devices which do not support it (i.e. Hauppauge Media MVP). Also useful for compressing LPCM/WAV audio to the much smaller MPEG audio format.
* Enhance: The previous maximum video length of 13 hours has been removed. Source material up to 26 hours may now be edited.
* Enhance: An option to reduce the CPU priority while saving has been added to the Tools>Options>Plus screen. Enabling this option will lower the CPU priority of VideoReDo Plus while saving your edits or joins.
* Enhance: Auto repeat has been added to the forward and backward navigation buttons. If you press and hold the left mouse button for more than 0.5 seconds on any of these six buttons ,the navigation function will repeat until release the button.
* Enhance: Ability to set the degree of re-synchronization sensitivity on the Tools>Options>Stream Page.
* Enhance: Ability to select multiple files at file open and combine them into one logical file. Useful for editing DVD material or transport files which have been split into separate files by a capture file. A dialog box can be displayed giving you the open of combining the files or joining them. Please see the help file for an explanation on the differences between combining and joining.
* Enhance: More COM functions to support transport output and scene markers.
* Change: The encoder quality will now default to auto. This will create more compliant files for use with DVD authoring or when outputting to transport streams.
* Change: Output option changes (aspect ratio, GOP size, audio transcoding, etc.) can be set when doing a QuickStream Fix.
* Change: Added new registry option: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareDRD SystemsVideoReDo-PlusPlaybackDeviceOptionsUseVideoMemory. Set to 1 may decrease flashing on some video cards in RGB mode.
* Change: The installation program will check for running copies of VideoReDo Plus and ask you to close them before continuing.
* Change: QuickStream Fix default output file name will be the defaulted to the file type associated with the output stream type. Previous versions tried to default the output extension to the source file type but this no longer makes sense with all the different source and destination file types being supported.
* Change: Remove stuffing bytes from systems headers to make our VOB files more compatible.
* Change: All output streams are now marked as VBR.
* Change: Clicking on "Trim Unselected" will clear the cut list before adding the new entries.
* Change: Warn the user if outputting to a transport stream and the audio is WAV/LPCM. WAV/LPCM output to a transport stream it not supported.
* Change: Transport Output, first frame is marked with the discontinuity bit.
* Change: Transport Output, much improved PTS/DTS timings.
* Change: When automatic corrections are made to the stream when saving edits, both the input and output time codes will be displayed in the log file.
* Fix: When opening a transport stream, DVB subtitle and teletext streams will not accidentally be interpreted as an audio stream. The "Ignore Program Maps" option on the Tools>Options>Stream page must be off for this improvement to be operational.
* Fix: QuickStream Fix from batch not honoring output options (gop, aspect ratio, etc) settings.
* Fix: Added additional registry parameters to increase the max packet search parameters for Transport Streams.
* Fix: If auto cutting is enabled in AdDetective and the first cut starts at 00:00:00.00, an invalid cut time may be added to the cut list.
* Fix: The CRID delete function would not delete the .fmpg if the current directory was different from the location of the CRID folder.
* Fix: Preserve the PTS/DTS relationship when removing video frames due to audio sync purposes.
* Fix: Trim Unselected would show the wrong length in the on-screen byte length fields.
* Fix: Improve internal timings to better handle TS output. All I and P frames now carry a DTS. Also improves sync with DVDs created by Nero Vision Express.
* Fix: Sampling rate changes for MPEG audio streams would not be detected causing valid audio frames to be incorrectly discarded.
* Fix: Batch now as the capability to specify transport stream output.
* Fix: The Time Remaining on the output progress dialog was not working properly in scene mode.
* Fix: Random crashes on some 1080i HD material.
* Fix: Creating a chapter file would crash program if an ".hh" or ";hh" time code format was used in the chapter file output specification.
* Fix: Improved checking of filenames in auto combine. While no longer auto combine files such as: abc02.ts with ab01.ts.
* Fix: Missing CRID component files will no longer prevent the file from being opened.
* Fix: Much better processing of Transport Stream files where the time stamps (PTS/DTS) rollover back to 0.
* Fix: DVR-MS files which contained certain accented characters in the file name could not be opened.
* Fix: AC3 frames with a valid signature, but bad data would cause sequential reads to drop all further AC3 frames.
* Fix: After switching from scene to cut mode, preview would display the wrong section of the video until the program was restarted.
Version 2-1-2-417, Release date: October 16, 2005
* Enhance: New encoder quality option, "Auto". The encoder quality will be set to the bit rate of the GOP being encoded. Especially recommended for manual mux rate of transport streams.
* Enhance: Added option to Edit Menu to clear all cuts / scenes.
* Enhance: CRID processing has more features: rename, delete, or QuickStream Fix File. Sort file list by name or date. Date is now displayed in local format.
* Change: Transport Stream Output, Omit Null Packets is now the default. This will result in shorter files, but are not 100% compliant.
* Change: If convert all I-Frames to GOPs are enabled, temporal reference will be reset to zero for each I-Frame.
* Change: Sped up detection of MPEG elementary streams (.mpv) so that a warning can be issued much sooner.
* Fix: DVR-MS files, better detection of AC3 files.
* Fix: TS output, accidentally disabled.
* Fix: TS file open, better checking for invalid PIDs by insuring that the PTS is within range of of PCR.
* Fix: Trim and copy would add extra bytes every 1MB if trimming TS stream at a location other than the beginning of the file.
* Fix: TS output, remaining audio packets in internal buffers were not output at end of file.
* Fix: Joiner would drop 1 audio frame is PTS of first video frame was exactly equal to the PTS of the first audio frame.
* Fix: Possible sequence buffer overflow if the sequence header appeared after the first picture code in the file.
Version 2-1-1-413, Release date: September 18, 2005
* Enhance: Significant improvements in the transport stream muxer.
* Enhance: Tools>Select Stream. Smarter audio/video stream matching. Ability to manually specify specific audio and video streams.
* Enhance: QuickStream Fix has optional filter to select portions of a stream by video dimensions.
* Enhance: Added COM functions to set, query or delete scene markers.
* Enhance: Added CRID and Autoconcatenate functions.
* Change: Preserve closed GOP flags on output.
* Change: Remove more error checking if "Skip Conformity Checks" is checked on Tools>Options>Streams.
* Change: Log file folder can be set to "." to store the log file in executable folder. Useful if you have multiple versions of VideoReDo installed on your system since each version can have its own log file.
* Change: Transport Streams will search up to 2,000,000 bytes for a packet (up from 200,000). Can be increased via the registry.
* Fix: Batch would not execute if destination foldername had special characters in it.
* Fix: COM bitmap capture to clipboard would GPF on Win2K or XP.
* Fix: Transport stream opens would fail is there was no program map and some packets did not have a PTS.
* Fix: If MPEG audio switched between mono and stereo, output would sound "chirppy".
* Fix: Unable to open a program stream if it had a stream id other than E0.
* Fix: VideoReDo could hang doing a version check if our website was present but never responded. Will now time out after 20 seconds.
* Fix: Crash if navigation keys were used before first video was opened.
* Fix: AC3 audio at 32Khz created resync errors.
* Fix: If MPEG Audio had invalid sampling rate int he middle of a large packets, could cause an audio hangup and QuickStream Fix problems.
VideoRedo Plus Version 2-1-0-400, Release date: July 20, 2004
* Initial Release of VideoReDo Plus, Version 2.1 This version represents a major upgrade from VideoReDo Version 1, with greater reliability, and new editing tools:
-- AdDetective
-- Thumbnails and Audio Graph
-- Realtime Preview of Edits.
-- Transport Stream Output
VideoRedo Classic Version 2 beta (1-9-0-366)
Download from
Release Notes:
366 - Classic/Plus - Re-initialize MPEG audio decoder whenever video is opened incase last audio frame of previous file had bad data.
366 - Classic/Plus - Fixed "File Types" in the Tools>Options menu.
365 - Plus - Fixed, Preview mode would play out of sync if CPU was saturated. More prounced with HD material, especially 1080i.
365 - Classic/Plus - Fixed, Batch processor. If you change destination folder after entering a filename it will change the destination filename as well.
365 - Classic/Plus - Changed the options dialog look and feel.
365 - Classic/Plus - Fixed splash screen on 120 DPI (large) fonts.
365 - Classic/Plus - Change background graphic for installation wizard to handle large fonts properly.
364 - Classic/Plus - More fixes for temporal reference wraps.
363 - Classic/Plus - Fixed VideoReDo.tlb file which had some missing functions.
362 - Class/Plus - Fixed problem when temporal references don't reset at beginning of each GOP (e.g. Universal HD).
361 - Classic/Plus - New file association dialog box.
361 - Plus - Sound effects upon output completion.
360 - Plus/Classic - More tolerant of improperly formatted AC3 packets.
360 - Plus/Classic - Transport streams without program map. AC3 was not always detected.
360 - Plus - XML chapter file for DVDAuthor works uses hh:mm:ss.ff format.
359 - Plus/Classic - New transport stream option, ignore Program Maps on Tools>Options>Advanced. Will read the TS file and build internal program maps from actual data.
359 - Plus/Classic - Open file dialog, removed check if each folder in history is still valid. Speeds things up with there are missing network drives.
359 - Plus/Classic - Fixed Splash screen open button so it doesn't disappear when splash is restored.
359 - Plus/Classic - File Save Chapter prompts for file overwrite.
359 - Plus/Classic - DVR-MS, "tampered content" is now a recoverable error.
359 - Plus - Preview diamond cut marker: extend below cursor so it can be seen when the cursor is covering it.
358 - Plus/Classic - COM - added JoinerSaveEx to create joiner files of type VOB or elem stream.
358 - Plus/Classic - Transport Streams, error check if packet data length could cause GPF.
358 - Plus/Classic - On MPEG audio error, reset the audio decoder.
358 - Plus/Classic - LPCM packets with bad first frame access could cause crash.
358 - Plus/Classic - Removed code that detected extraneous start of pictures. This was causing temporal reference issues in 356/357.
358 - Plus - Could not File >Save Chapters if set to text.
357 - Plus - Chapter files can be automatic or manual.
357 - Plus/Classic - Changed File>Save Chapters to a standard file save dialog.
357 - Plus/Classic - Fixed Video Buffer Overflow is multiple MPEG1 GOPs had all black frames (i.e. many frames in 1 packet).
357 - Plus/Classic - Split into two seperate products with different sets of options, splash screens, etc.
357 - Plus - Chapter markers were being written to file as hh:mm:ss.ff instead of the correct: hh:mm:ss:ff
356 - Plus/Classic - Enter timecode advance to next field automatically.
356 - Plus/Classic - First GOP would pixelate on DVB broadcast if PTS was repeated on all packets.
356 - Plus/Classic - Increased saved seqeuence buffer size from 512 to 1024.
356 - Plus- Added Save Chapter File... to the File menu.
356 - Plus- We no longer remove scene markers when cutting a segment. Too many exceptions required.
356 - Plus - Problem advancing to next scene mark (F6) in preview mode.
355 - Plus/Classic - VOB output didn't work if seperate frame for each packet.
355 - Plus - New Tools>Options>Dialog to create chapters.
355 - Plus/Classic - Couldn't open any files if old version wmvcore.dll was present.
355 - Plus - Fixed, crash if TN shown and audio display was not selected.
354 - Plus - When you make a cut, all scene markers in cut areas are removed. May be undone. Remove all scene markers may be undone.
354 - Plus/Classic - Couldn't change background graphic on Win98 (Tools>Options>Startup).
353 - Plus/Classic - Screen captures will create unique filenames by auto incrementing.
353 - Plus - Thumbnail, ability to set the audio axis color in the Thumbnail dialog.
353 - Plus - Thumbnails, option to display "No audio graph...." text, if TN interval is > 2 seconds.
353 - Classic/Plus - Fixed Mouse Wheel not responsive when opening 2nd file.
353 - Classic/Plus - Tools>Select Stream would not show audio programs if they preceeded the video program in the program map.
353 - Classic/Plus - Divide by zero if file was single frame.
352 - Classic/Plus - DVR-MS support was not enabled in the release version.
351 - Classic/Plus - Decode error if first packet of file was sequence hdr without picture and next packets wasn't an I-Frame picture.
351 - Classic/Pus - Support for DVR-MS files.
351 - Classic/Plus - Possible problem with MPEG1 hanging in infinite CPU loop.
350 - Classic/Plus - Added Muxer Lag Msec to the Advanced Stream Dialog.
350 - Classic/Plus - Removed check for first frame of segment clock begin less than last frame of segment when doing QSF.
349 - Clasic/Plus - Tools>Options>Advanced Stream, Option to "add video frames" to correct sync error.
349 - Classic/Plus - Changes check boxes for Cut/Scene mode and Frame accurate edits on Tools>Options>General to combo boxes.
349 - Plus - Thumbnail cut line indicator was not being reset if you switched between cut and scene mode.
349 - Classic/Plus - New parameter in Tools>Options>Advanced Stream, "Convert All I-Frames To GOPs". This will add a missing sequence header to I-Frames. In prevous releases, we would only add the sequence header if the I-Frame had a GOP header (but not a sequence header).
349 - Classic/Plus - Bad start code fix in #346 caused picture to display blocky when seeking.
348 - Classic/Plus - New COM command, ClearAllSelections. Also new batch script script. VRDSplit.vbs, will split a file into multiple segments.
348 - Classic/Plus - Transport stream wouldn't open if PMT map entry only had a single program info record and then later the same PMT PID had multiple program info records.
348 - Plus - TNs manual sync adjust shift audio display on the timeline.
347 - Plus - TN of 3:2 pulldown material will show a "P" suffix next to repeated frames.
346 - Classic/Plus - Removed MaxGop from Advanced Stream and Added "Encoder Quality".
346 - Classic/Plus - Queue to batch uses standardized output options dialog
346 - Classic/Plus - Output options (bit rate, aspect, max GOP) can now be made persistent. Current settings are displayed in File Save Dialog.
346 - Classic/Plus - Bad start code embedded within user data could cause VRD to crash.
346 - Plus - Ctrl+Dbl Click on TN window goes to next higher interval (lower resolution)
346 - Plus - Scaling for audio graph with log scale was between max and min. Now its between max and 0.
345 - Plus - Audio graph was not correctly displaying. Seemed to be stuck near the top line.
345 - Classic/Plus- Multiple consecutive frames with picture type of '0' could cause infinite loop.
345 - Plus - Thumbnails changed center audio line to dotted. Display single dash line when no audio is shown (Interval > 2 secs).
344 - Classic/Plus - Transport streams, were not always picking up the 2nd and later program in the program map.
344 - Classic/Plus - MPEG2 audio, couple audio frames were dropped at the end of the file.
344 - Classic/Plus - Possible to get extra frame in output file if last frame of output segment has an encoded size less than 1 program stream packet.
344 - AD-D - Ability to abort training sequence.
344 - QSF - QSF would fail if run before any other file was opened.
344 - AD-D, If traning and we reach EOF, program would hang and not stop scanning.
344 - Change - Undocumented registry entry, Startup/SliderClickToDrag. Set to 1 to require clicking on Nav slider button before dragging.
344 - Change - Using batch on file without cuts will invoke QSF.
343 - Fix - Transport Streams, check for Adaptation_field_length out of specification. Causes program crash.
343 - Fix - Audio frames weren't being picked up if MPEG audio header changed at a cut point.
342 - Enhance - Copy Beyond TV metadata to the output file.
342 - Enhance - Auto detect and correct Video Ring Buffer Overflows.
320 - Change - The number of places to check for PTS discontinuities has been parameterized.
320 - Change - Ability to handle field encoded files. Previous versions only support frame encoded video streams.
320 - Fix - Improved error handling of AC3 streams. Improves upon the fix in build 317.
320 - Fix - Transport Streams - Improved buffer handling, significantly faster.
320 - Fix - If video dimensions change in the middle of a file, then throw an exception.
317 - Fix - Improved handling of bad AC3 frames. Trap decoder errors to the log file.
317 - Fix - Drop last frame from file if its a P-frame with skipped temporal reference.
317 - Change - If display mode is RGB, auto switch to YUV if material HDTV (height >= 720).
317 - Fix - HDTV - Can now use RGB display with HDTV. Width/Height not multiple of 16.
316 - Fix - SmartEdit - Intermittent crash during scene due to buffer overflow.
316 - Change - No longer check for compatible audio bit rates on the joiner. We do check for identical audio codecs.
316 - Fix - Joiner, if video file is closed before doing joiner create program would crash.
314 - Fix - Minimize "Output Status" window on Win98, Win2K, and XP with classsic theme.
313 - Fix - LPCM Audio recorded on some (not all) Dazzle units played with white noise.
313 - Fix - Batch / Transport Stream - "PIDs not found" fixed.
313 - Change - VideoReDo Version and Build number written to project file.
313 - Change - If playing (or Ad-detecting) and we reach end of file, automatically go to pause mode.
313 - Change - In Audio sync adjustment dialog, the MaxSyncAdjustment is flushed to the registry. Makes it easier to find an change.
313 - Change - Queue To Batch, If filename typed into edit box and drive/folder is omitted then default to batch default drive folder. If file type is omitted, default to current file type.
313 - Fix - Queue to batch, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X would not work in edit boxes, such as Queue To Batch.
313 - Fix - Transport Streams - Ignore corrupt packets where the PES_header_length is smaller than the optional bytes.
312 - Fix - Corrupt Audio Frame bug introduced in Build 311.
311 - Change - Option on the Device Properites page to swap LPCM audio bytes.
311 - Fix - Couldn't open the file if an MPEG audio frame had a bad sample rate field.
311 - Fix - Joiner - First project output by joiner will not have sync adjustment applied.
310 - Fix - PVA files, dropping 2 bytes on each frame if PreBytes flag was set.
309 - Fix - Batch, intermiitment probelm where cmd file would close app, just as outputting was being started. Noticed on WinServer 2003.
309 - Fix - Problem opening Transport Streams from Dish Sat. boxes.
309 - Enhance - Option to disable audio output. Useful when editing over a remote desktop link.
309 - Fix - ELem stream output. Possible to get Audio Ring Buffer Overflow if video bit rate is very low and audio bit rate is high.
308 - Fix - ScrollWheel back by I-Frame would sometimes jump to 0.
304 - Fix - Seek to end of file could loop if there was a Sequence End code and Last frame was a B frame.
304 - Fix - Transport Streams - Back by frame or I-Frame could hang or not position properly.
304 - Enhance - New options to specify default file type on Tools>Options>General. There are 2 combo boxes, one for File Save As and another for Queue To Batch.
304 - Enhance - Support for DVD Streams. This is a standard program stream with blank NAV packets.
304 - Change - Logfile Folder has been moved from General Parameters Screen to the Startup Screen. You'll need to re-enter it.
304 - Fix - Intermittent wrong colors on screen capture. Only occured if capturing while playing or after pausing, but before navigation.
302 - Fix - TransportStreams - Problem opening a file if all the PMTs occured before data packets.
302 - Fix, User has to click on Video frame itself to toggle pause/play. Can no longer click on surrounding area.
301 - Change - On Go to Timecode, select all the text in the hours edit box.
301 - Fix - Queue To Batch, if filetype was changed to elem stream in options dialog, "E" flag wasn't being set.
301 - Fix - GPF could occur if file had sequence header with display-size field with different aspect ratio of encoded frame.
299 - Change, Column widths in joiner edit box are saved between sessions. Must click OK to save settings.
299 - Enhance, AudioSyncAdjustment, Ability to change the maximum adjustment via a registry variable.
299 - Fix, Field order flag was always defaulting to Top Field Field when encoding at cuts, now follows source program. GOP reducer did not have this problem.
299 - Fix, Transport Streams - Redid the way we handle program maps. Ignore maps were there is no data.
298 - Enhance - Double Click on time display or press Ctrl+T to enter a jump to timecode.
297 - Fix - Accelerators (hot keys) now work when mouse is hovering over buttons and controls
296 - Change - Changed the muxer to output audio frames closer in time to the video frame. For XCard users.
296 - Enhance - Option to display the frame number from the view menu.
296 - Fix - Batch, elementary stream output didn't work if delete BPRJ files was specified.
296 - Fix - Max PES size increaseed to 65530 bytes.
295 - Fix - TS files would not always read AC3 streams from some (but not all) Australian DVB signals.
295 - Fix - Possible exception fault with TS files if last bloack read ended on last byte of file.
293 - Fix - Program would hang if last frame was an I / P and was terminated with a sequence end code, and user tried to seek past the end of file with a button or keyboard command.
292 - Fix - Help File Updated.
291 - Fix - Removed Scene Detection options Dialog that was accidently displayed in Build 290.
291 - Fix - Removed "On screen Display" from Tools>Options>General.
291 - Change - Added Ctrl+L shortcut to show program info.
290 - Fix - Handle MPEG audio where the audio frame sync header bits change constantly.
290 - Change - Warn user if trying to add a zero length project to the joiner.
290 - Fix - Default Max GOP Size wasn't being honored if user didn't click on Options screen.
289 - Change - Moved "Show on screen info" to the new View menu.
289 - Enhance - Ability to adjust brightness and contrast of the display.
289 - Change - Skip Encoder conformity check now defaults to 'On'.
288 - Fix - DTS was not being calculated in AdjustGOP.
287 - Enhance - QSF now supports stream selection.
287 - Fix - PTS underflows for MPEG1 and MPEG2, seperate issues. Only occured if the video bit rate was within 15% of the stream mux rate.
287 - Fix - QSF now works for transport streams.
287 - Change - Put default Max GOP Size back onto Tools>Options>Advanced, becomes the default for output options.
287 - Change - Output Options Dialog, if MaxGOPSize is 0 then display it as "No Change"
286 - Fix - Transport stream would not always pick up first frame of file. Could also cause problems with timestamps.
285 - Enhance - Project Time (length of edited file) add to project file
285 - Enhance - Bookmark location added to project file
285 - Enhance - Aspect Ratio, Bit rate and Max GOP can be set for batch jobs.
285 - Change - MAX GOP moved from Tools>Options>Advanced Stream to Output options.
285 - Enhance - Ability to read transport streams
285 - Enhance - New Menu option for Stream Select (Ctrl+Q).
285 - Enhance - Removed AC3 option from Tools>Options>General.
285 - Fix, Joiner create would crash if video was closed before calling create.
285 - Fix, Spelling error for the word "selection" in all the Edit menus.
285 - Fix, MPEG1 Layer II audio wouldn't play if stream was mono.
285 - Fix, One-click would not add cut / scene if file was large and # of frames was small.
Version 1-6-2-284, Release date: October 21, 2004
* Support for MPEG1 program streams has been added.
* VideoReDo main screen can now be resized
* Elementary stream output of LPCM audio will create windows compatible WAV file.
* Ability to handle AC3 file formats from Australian HDTV broadcasts.
* Ability to choose a particular AC3 stream.
* GOP Reducer added to Tools>Options>Advanced Streams. When enabled, VideoReDo will reduce the size of a GOP to be DVD compatible.
* VideoReDo.TLB COM type library added to the distribution disk.
* COM interface expanded and documented.
* Video bit rate options when saving a file expanded to include 30, 40, and 50 Mbps. Useful for HDTV broadcasts.
* When you click on Tools>Show Program Information, the program information will also be output to the log file.
* Stream error during decode are displayed in the log file.
* New keyboard command, Alt+Enter to toggle between normal and maximize window size.
* New keyboard command, Shift+M to raise volume, Ctrl+M to lower volume.
* New keyboard command, Ctrl+F4 to close the file.
* If the video bit rate in the sequence header is greater than 10 Mbps, the program stream multiplex rate is rounded to the next highest 5 Mbps.
* Audio Ring Buffer Overflow could intermittently occur when actual video bit rate was 2 Mbps or less.
* Couldn't open a file if the sequence header was in a separate program stream packet from the picture header.
* Pressing F1 in the batch manager will now display the correct help page.
Version 1-6-1-268, Release date: September 22, 2004
If Batch Destination File Modifier starts with a - or _ then the modifier will suffix the file instead of prefix it.
Batch: New option to automatically erase cuts after queuing to batch.
Batch commands can be saved between runs if you don't create a .CMD file.
Ability to capture video frame to clipboard or bmp file.
If GOP has missing temporal references, re-number the references and warn in the log file.
Batch option to automatically delete the .BPrj files after processing.
Ability to edit a program while its still being recorded. Pressing F11 will refresh the program.
Added 6 Mbps and 20 Mbps to bit rate change option.
New installation wizard to set important options.
Can now set the screen background to a solid color instead of one of the graphics.
Ctrl+F4 will cause a file close.
Ctrl+R and Ctrl+I are keyboard equivalents to Remove and Invert cut(s) buttons.
Support for HDTV program streams.
VideoReDo will fix ATI All-In-Wonder captures that have repeating temporal references.
In Tools>Options>Advanced Stream, "Adding Padding To Short Packets" is disabled unless "Start Video Frame in New Packet" is enabled.
If GOP has missing temporal references, re-number the references and warn in the log file.
Movie Factory compatibility is now "OFF" by default.
Better detect and handle audio bit rate changes in the middle of a program.
"Queue to Batch" will prompt you for a filename.
VideoReDo handles the request for trial keys internally.
Font Size reduced in the batch command window.
When opening an MPEG stream search further into a file to find the first packet.
Trim and copy source file would limit output to 5GB.
File opens could take a VERY long time if the sequence header was missing from GOPs.
Double click on item in the Cut List Box and Scene Mode Selected, would jump to next GOP start rather than exact frame.
QuickStream Fix wasn't adding missing sequence headers to GOP.
Round off error in 3:2 pulldown would cause drifting sync when 3:2 pulldown burned to DVD.
Bit rates are reported as multiple of 1,000,00 NOT 1,048,576 (1024 ^ 2 ).
Joiner would fail if 3 or more files where joined and they used LPCM audio.
Manual changes to the bit rate and aspect ratio were not being passed to the MPEG encoder.
Use most current sequence header when encoding. Fixes issue where aspect ratio changes in the middle of a program.
Improved QuickStream Fix opening of file with discontinuities in the PTS.
3:2 pulldown timing wasn't being calculated properly on the last GOP of segment.
Better handling of files with PTS discontinuities.
Dragging fine tune slider with the right mouse button would cause a stutter.
Very short cuts at the end of the file would not display "Red" background on navigation bar.
Last GOP of a segment could have wrong PTS if GOP included the actual EOF.
If you navigated past 6.63 hours, audio would not play. Did not affect actual editing.
Repeated presses of the 'End' key would temporarily show extra digit in the current time.
Version 1-6-0-243, Release date: July 7, 2004
Much improved memory efficiency. This version will use about 1/2 the memory of previous releases.
New option on the tools menu, QuickStream Fix. This option will re-multiplex a program stream file re-computing all internal time stamps such as PTS and GOP values. It is especially useful if you are having problems editing a VOB file extracted from a DVD.
Ability to Batch edits and projects for processing at a later time. The batch processor is invoked from the Tools menu. You can load multiple project files and then output them in a batch. You can also queue the current edits via the File menu (or CTRL+B) directly to the batch processor.
Pressing the TAB key will jump the cursor to the next cut point. Shift-Tab to the previous cut point.
Optional on-screen display of the frame type (I, P or B). Enabled from the Tools menu.
VideoReDo will provide a default filename when saving video or project files.
Much improved handling of VOB files that have non-contiguous time stamps.
Much improved handling of files that employ 3:2 pull down material.
Support for PVA stream. You can now open PVA streams directly in VideoReDo, edit them and output them as program streams.
Display of input and output file positions in MBytes. This display will show you where in the file you are and how large the output file will be when saved. (Note, output file size if approximate).
If you have unsaved edits, an "*" will be to the window title.
Dragging the fine tune slider with the right mouse button will yield very high accuracy movement.
Elementary stream output will use different file types for the audio stream to match the audio codec used by the input program. LPCM audio will be saved to .WAV, MPEG2 audio to .MPA, and AC3 audio to .AC3 files.
You can output your edits to elementary streams, by default, using a new checkbox on the Tools>Options>General page.
VideoReDo is now COM enabled. This feature allows VideoReDo to be controlled by other programs or script languages. For additional information please contact
Product name has been changed from VideoReDo to VideoReDo/QuickEdit.
Added "Save As" button to the main screen.
Added "Ctrl+P" keyboard shortcut to the edits to the current project file.
Tools > Options > Advanced Stream, now has presets for DVD and SVCD packet lengths.
Project file, VideoReDo.VPrj is automatically created, in the log file folder, whenever you save a video.
VideoReDo will now default to Frame Accurate editing upon installation. Previous versions defaulted to GOP accurate editing.
Much improved internal timing algorithms for NTSC material resulting in improved audio / video synchronization.
Much improved I-Frame navigation both forward and backward.
Additional information in the log file, especially when the debug option is checked on Tools > Options > Advanced Stream.
Shift and control modifier keys act as divisors rather than multiplier with the lower slider. This results in the ability to more accurately navigate the video. For example, if the shift multiplier is 2 and the lower slider range is 120 seconds. Holding down the shift with the lower slider will change the range to 60 seconds.
VideoReDo will detect if the user tries to open a transport stream and issue an appropriate warning message.
Tools>Trim and Copy source file is much more accurate when using selection markers. VideoReDo now keeps track of file positions in bytes of all cuts.
Option added to double the size of the internal video buffer from 4.5 seconds to 9 seconds. This is useful for DVB, Tivo and Replay captured material where the GOPs can be very long > 50 frames. It is also useful if the there are significant loses of audio and the resync algorithm needs a larger buffer to find a resynchronization point. Note, this option originally used a great deal of memory, perhaps as much as 100 MB, but with the new memory logic recently implemented you might want to try leaving this on by default.
Better trapping and reporting of corrupt MPEG2 picture headers.
Fixed random program crashes and memory allocation errors caused by license manager.
Memory leak in the MPEG2 encoder caused memory usage to grow over time.
Problem with seeking to the correct GOP is more than 50 frames in a GOP.
Joiner Dialog, the "Clear All" button was the default rather than the "OK" button.
Zero length cuts could be created at the beginning or end of the file.
Frame advance by multiple seconds (or minutes) would result in multiple rounding errors. For example, advance by 2 minutes multiple times and then go backward by 2 minutes the same number of times would not return to the same location.
MPEG2 decoder would use memory that was previously released causing intermittent random behavior.
Delete temporary files after output. Previous versions didn't delete the temporary files until the next time VideoReDo was restarted.
GOP accurate output could cause a "ring buffer overflow"
MPEG2 encoder didn't flush partial bits at end of decode causing gray box in lower right corner of last encoded frame of cut.
Pressing 'S' & 'E' keys will now jump to the correct frame. Previous versions would sometimes jump to one frame off.
Always display 1st frame of file when opened. Previous versions might display one of the first 4 frames.
Back by single frame works better when cursor is at the end of the file.
If first video frame of a file didn't have a timestamp, VideoReDo would throw an exception.
Elementary stream output was writing a random value into the last byte of the video file instead of the proper value of an MPEG2 "Sequence_end_code".
Multiple AC3 streams in the file would cause exceptions. VideoReDo will now "latch" unto the first AC3 stream it encounters. When ripping VOBs from DVD with multiple streams we recommend you try to include only a single AC3 stream in the output file.
VideoReDo wasn't honoring the output packet length in the Tools > Options > Advanced Stream.
New PES demuxing logic to better handle multiple frames in a single PES packet.
Version 1-5-5-221, Release date: April 14, 2004
VideoReDo can automatically check the website for an updated release. There is a new options screen Tools>Options>Start Up from which you can specify how frequently VideoReDo should check for an updated release. You can also specify whether VideoReDo should first ask for permission to do so. A manual check is provided as a feature on the Help menu as well.
If you simultaneously drag multiple files from the Windows Explorer into VideoReDo it will add the entire list to the joiner. The files be sorted by filename, case insensitive. You can change the file order using the ordering features of the joiner edit box.
The last two digits of the time display can show either frame number or hundredths of seconds. This option is enabled via a check box on the Tools>Options>General dialog.
There are two new options to speed up the marking of cuts / scenes. Both of these options are set on the Tools>Options>General dialog. If “Enable One-Click Selection” is checked, the Sel-Start/Sel-End button labels change to Mark-In / Mark-Out, and when you click on Mark-Out and if the cursor is to the right of the Mark-In marker, the selection is automatically made for you. You do not need to click on Cut Selection or Add Selection button. The second option, “Auto Replace Overlapping Cuts”, will cause new cuts to automatically replace an existing cuts that overlap the new cut saving you the trouble of selecting this option from the dialog . This option is very useful when editing existing cuts.
VideoReDo can directly output elementary streams by selecting Elem. Streams in the “File Type” box in the file save dialog. This works for both saving a program directly or saving from the joiner.
Added the ability to change the MPEG2 aspect ratio and bit rate. These options are accessed from the “Options” button on the file save dialog. Note, they only change the bits in the MPEG2 header. They do not change the actual aspect ratio or bit rates.
VideoReDo will now separately remember the last directories used for file opens and file saves. This facilitates those users who store source material in one folder and edits in another. If you want to quickly switch the file save directory to the source file directory, you can always click on the top entry in the “Recent Folders” combo box.
A new option in Tools>Options>Advanced Stream, “Skip Encoder Conformity Checks” has been added. This will permit VideoReDo MPEG2 encoder to handle streams that might be outside of the standard MPEG2 Main Profile. This can happen if the video dimensions or bit rates exceed the allowable standard. Although VideoReDo will now handle these files, you should be careful using these streams with software and/or hardware that expects MPEG2 compliant streams.
VideoReDo will display the actual average video bit rate in the Output Complete dialog.
In prior releases, when first opening a file, VideoReDo would check the first 10,000 bytes looking for an MPEG2 packet signature. Now, VideoReDo will check the first 100,00 bytes. This will permit you to open an SVCD file which has an ~80KB file header before the MPEG2 program stream begins.
In prior releases, the code to warn the user about an excessive number of audio frame errors wasn’t working properly. This was fixed in, but the default number of acceptable errors which was 20 was often too low. The new default is now 32,000 which effectively disables this feature except in the presence of a mostly corrupt audio stream.
If you press Add Selection or Cut Selection button and the exact selection has already been made, VideoReDo will no longer ask you if you want to override the cut.
The Audio and Video Packet counts have been removed from the Output Complete dialog as they served no useful purpose for end-users. If you are interested in them, they still appear in the log file.
Increased the maximum allowable video packet size from 32Kbytes to 64Kbytes. This permits VideoReDo to be used with streams generated by Replay.
Added new option “Start Packet Data On Word Boundary” to Tools>Options>Advanced Stream Parameters. This option is required if streams are to be played on the Nebula DigiTV software player.
Further testing indicates that DVDLab does NOT require the use of DVDLab’s alternative multiplexer. Exporting VideoReDo output as elementary streams will speed up the import of streams into DVDLab.
Some DVB capture cards / software will output extraneous bytes at the end of some video packets. VideoReDo will now detect and remove this extraneous data.
VideoReDo will now display properly on systems configured for 120 dpi fonts. In previous releases all the controls would be misplaced and the overall window would be too large to fit on an 800 x 600 screen.
Video would not display during movement by top slider until the slider was released.
Log file now show original time stamps in readable (hh:mm:ss.ff) format.
VideoReDo will support files with LPCM (uncompressed) audio.
VideoRedo will handle file encoded with 3:2 pulldown. Additional synchronization problems with 3:2 pulldown were fixed in build.
Beyond TV (SnapStream) project files can be opened using drag and drop.
The manual audio synchronization adjustment was saved with the project file, but wasn’t being properly loaded when a project was opened.
If the PTS timestamps in a file were severely corrupt, moving back by one frame would sometimes get stuck. VideoReDo will now detect this and search for the actual previous frame.If there are lots of missing frames, this process can take a second or two causing VideoReDo’s navigation to appear sluggish.
If the first audio packet of the file contains a bad audio header, VideoReDo will skip past it until it finds a valid header. In prior releases this first bad audio header would prevent the file from opening.
The default setting for the arrow keys were not being set correctly when VideoReDo was first installed.
VideoReDo will no longer occasionally drop one to three frames from the end of an output segment.
VideoReDo will flush its remaining audio and video buffers at the end of an output segment. Prior releases did not do this properly causing a few msec of lost audio at the end of a segment and/or a partially rendered frame.
Issue warning message that change of edit mode (cut / scene mode) will not take effect until the next file is opened.
Jumping to End of File by pressing the “End” key would display the next to last frame. It will now display the correct frame.
VideoReDo will now properly handle files where timestamps wrap around to zero. This situation is sometimes encountered when capturing from DVB broadcasts where the timestamp clock isn’t reset between programs.
VideoReDo would crash if a screensaver started while VideoRedo was open.
Audio sound was choppy if recorded in Mono. VideoReDo will properly playback Mono sound.
Frame Accurate editing would create pixelated frames if the first two frames of a GOP where not B-Frames.
Occasional sync error if VideoReDo edited a file previously edited by VideoRedo.
Video ring buffer overflow in frame accurate output if an output segment started with multiple video frames in a single video packet.
If VideoReDo was playing, repeated PageUp/PageDn presses didn’t update navigation cursor until the key was released.
Improved handling of overlapping selections. Previous versions could leave an extra selection on the cut/scene list.
Ring Buffer Overflow if using GOPS of more than 30 frames. VideoReDo can now handle extremely large GOP sizes.
VideoReDo would crash if using 5.1 channel AC3 audio and the audio output was set to WAV (202).
VideoReDo will properly position the slider to the start and/or end of file. In previous versions the slider might be off by one frame.
Version 1-5-0-200, Release date: February 24, 2004
Initial public release of VideoReDo.
The external URL links in the help file will not always invoke your current default browser. When you click on an external link in the VideoReDo help file, a new browser window is started. In some cases, it defaults to an Windows Internet Explorer window even though you have a different default browser.
If you change the background graphic (from the General Parameters options page), the background area of the controls will not be updated until you restart VideoReDo.
If you try to cut the first frame of a video, and you are in GOP mode editing, VideoReDo may accidentally write the first GOP to the output file. Switching to Frame Accurate on the Tools > Options > General Parameters page will fix this problem. VideoReDo defaults to GOP mode editing upon installation, so this parameter should be set immediately.
Fix: AAC-HE: Sometimes wrong sampling rate and channel count detected resulting in distorted audio and possible crash.
Fix: Chapter import: First chapter mark not being processed since reader looking for BOM marker.
Fix: Dynamic normalization: Program failure if the program begins with 5.1 and changes to 2.0
Fix: GUI: Switching between preview back to edit mode advances 2 frames if codec is MPEG2. OK for other codecs.
Fix: H264 smart editing: Incorrect cut points and possible pixelation if the cut is very short and the cut end GOP already in buffer.
Fix: H264: Smart edit can pixelate if source video VBV size is too low. Now sets minimum recoded VBV to 100KB.
Fix: HEVC: 10-bit HEVC didn't work in batch due to incorrect 10-bit logic check. Was OK in interactive.
Fix: MP4/MKV output: Muxer error when saving interlaced H264 files with separate AUDs for top and bottom fields.
Fix: MP4: Using the joiner with titles and saving to MP4 files can abort output especially in batch.
Fix: MPEG2: Application crash when opening DVD-RAM VRO files.
Fix: QSF: Running QSF with filters interactively wasn't honoring filters. Worked OK from batch.
Fix: Rotation: If video width < height with aspect ratio < 1.0 and rotated by 270 degrees doesn't fill frame after rotation.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2021-08-19
[Fix] AAC-HE: Sometimes wrong sampling rate and channel count detected resulting in distorted audio and possible crash.
[Fix] Chapter import: First chapter mark not being processed since reader looking for BOM marker.
[Fix] Dynamic normalization: Program failure if the program begins with 5.1 and changes to 2.0
[Fix] GUI: Cancel / Esc key wasn't working to dismiss unsaved edits dialog.
[Fix] GUI: Switching between preview back to edit mode advances 2 frames if codec is MPEG2. OK for other codecs.
[Fix] H264 smart editing: Incorrect cut points and possible pixelation if the cut is very short and the cut end GOP is already in the buffer.
[Fix] H264: Smart edit can pixelate if source video VBV size is too low. Now sets minimum recoded VBV to 100KB.
[Fix] H264: Smart edit will turn black frames into gray frames if the original bit rate of the source file GOP is too low.
[Fix] HEVC: Intermittent crash when closing video if the thumbnail process is still filling in data when close is requested.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Muxer error when saving interlaced H264 files with separate AUDs for top and bottom fields.
[Fix] MP4: Using the joiner with titles and saving to MP4 files might abort output, especially in batch.
[Fix] MPEG2: Application crash when opening DVD-RAM VRO files.
[Fix] Profiles: Max bit rate being reset to "No limit" regardless of user setting.
[Fix] QSF: Running QSF with filters interactively wasn't honoring filters. Works OK from batch.
[Fix] Transitions: TVSuite could disable transitions when importing a profile from VRD Pro.
Version - Release date: 2021-06-10
•New: Major improvements to the French and Czech translations.
•New: Added new sample COM script, join.vbs to illustrate how to use joiner from COM..
•New: Added shortcut keys and custom button option to change the playing audio stream without using the menu..
•New: Added support for AAC-HE for transport streams with MPEG2 video.
•New: Added support for PCM audio in M2TS files from BluRay discs.
•Change: Revert chapter files to be like Version 5 using windows line endings (CR, LF) instead of just (LF). Also removed Unicode BOM.
•Change: Speed up navigation of forward short interval searches of H264 and HEVC files.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2021-06-05
[Enhancement] MPEG2: Added support for AAC-HE for transport streams with MPEG2 video.
[Change] Profiles: Increase maximum crop from 100 pixels to 240 pixels if file not open.
[Fix] Output profiles: Unable to set cropping values greater than 100. (Dan203)
[Fix] Title editor: User installed font name not showing in the title editors. (Dan203)
[Fix] Titling: Added support for non-truetype vector fonts.
[Fix] GUI: Intermittent hang when switching from preview to edit mode, or saving while in preview mode.
[Fix] H.264/HEVC: editing can freeze when navigating near the end of the file. (Broke in 829d).
TVSuite V6 - Released (2021-04-27)
[Enhancement] GUI: Added short cut and custom button: "Select Audio Stream" to change playing audio stream. Use "option" field for stream #
[Enhancement] GUI: Major improvements to the Czech and French translations.
[Enhancement] GUI: New keyboard shortcuts, Shift+1 through Shift+9 to change the audio stream being played back. Can be customized.
[Enhancement] Navigation: Speed up forward short interval navigation by doing sequential searchs.
[Change] MP4 output: If doing a video recode, automatically rebase the lowest PTS to be 0. (same as the VRD Pro MP4 advanced option).
[Change] Options: Tools>Options>Manual, Added "Maximum seconds for sequential search", removed "Thumbnail sequential search"
[Fix] H264 stream: Default to top field when complimentary field pairs are encountered.
[Fix] MPEG2: Advancing 1 frame after an I-frame seek causes seek to next I-frame.
[Fix] NVEnc: HEVC advanced encoding parameters looking in the wrong place.
[Fix] NVEnc: Only check if NVidia encoder exists if user requested it in the output profile, or made it the default encoder.
[Fix] Output profiles: Setting header bit rate to "No change" causes profile to disappear.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2021-03-19
[Enhancement] Chapter marks: Add additional formatting options for chapters.
[Change] Chapter files: Revert chapter text file to be like V5 and use windows line endings (rn) instead of just n. Also removed BOM.
[Fix] Uncompress stream: Log program info of source file in output for output. Previously only done with MPEG2, H264, HEVC
[Fix] LATM AAC: No audio PID message if TS packets too small to contain an entire LATM AAC frame.
[Fix] H.264: Memory allocation errors if the picture size > 4K and system has more then 12 processor threads.
[Fix] Frame capture: Issues with frame capture if the picture width is > 4096 pixels. Now allows capture up to 8192.
[Fix] Keyboard shortcuts: Assigning a short cut to "Select thumbnail interval" does NOT show option parameter in shortcut HTML listing.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Audio headers not written if an audio stream is present in the source, but missing in the output segments.
[Fix] WTV Files: Language code display in Show Program Info was incorrect due to incorrect unicode conversion.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2021-02-04
[Enhancement] COM: Added new script, join.vbs to illustrate how to use the joiner from COM.
[Change] Activation: If activation fails, display a button to allow the user to open the log file.
[Change] COM: Separate versions of vp.vbs and join.vbs for Pro and TVSuite that use the correct COM names for the specific product.
[Change] GUI: Output completion window is now resizeable in case the output file name is very long.
[Change] Profile editor: PCM audio now allowed in M2TS files
[Fix] Profile editor: Advanced audio streams, not clearing list of removed audio streams causing unwanted streams in output file.
[Fix] Profile editor: The max bitrate wasn't loading into the dialog correctly if set to No Limit
[Fix] Profile editor: Video cropping dialog could display twice once after editing and then again after that.
[Fix] Default profiles: Interlaced mode set incorrectly causing interlaced rather than progressive output.
[Fix] File save dialogs: Recode icons were being cropped by a pixel causing right edge of icon to get chopped off.
[Fix] H264/HEVC encoders: Removed extra new lines in the log file written by the 64-bit external encoders.
[Fix] HEVC: Very long GOPs (>= 250 frames) can stall output due to buffers being full.
[Fix] Joiner: Adding title to the joiner may result in intermittent failure when saving to MP4 files.
[Fix] Joiner: Bad joins if the longest file being joined is shorter in duration than other joined files & scenes exceed that duration.
[Fix] Profile editor: Audio bitrate not loaded correctly for editing when the audio was set to AC3.
[Fix] Profile editor: Audio normalization options not saved correctly
[Fix] RDD11 to userdata: Would hang when there was pre- and post-title blocks.
Version - Release date: 2020-12-26
•New: Hide mouse cursor during full screen playback.
•New: Dynamically switch between cut and scene mode from the edit menu. Option removed from Tools>Options>General.
•New: Joiner now allows you to join videos with different resolutions and frame rates.
•New: DVD allows you to specify if authoring NTSC or PAL. Previously determined automoatically from frame rate and dimensions.
•Change: Transport stream muxer changed to make seeking in VLC smoother.
•Fix: Encoding to HEVC to on a high-core count (24+ threads) system will no longer exhaust memory.
•Fix: Fixed multiple issues when smart editing HEVC files with transitions enabled.
•Fix: Generated data for Topfield .rec files not being properly generated.
•Fix: Fades not being processed properly on internal cuts (dissolves were OK).
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-12-11
[Change] Output profiles: Made the cropping crop dialog re-sizeable.
[Change] Translations: Output profile screen not displaying German diacritical in the translation file properly.
[Change] Transport stream output: Changed mux logic to make seeking of saved .ts files smoother in VLC.
[Fix] H264: Software encoding could stall on output at end of file if the system has lots of physical cores.
[Fix] HEVC: Smart encoder init error if there were no re-order frames. Derive from: sps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1 instead.
[Fix] HEVC: SmartEncoder not writing encoder parameter errors to the log file.
[Fix] Output profiles: Audio normalization values are not persisting. (Broken after build 821)
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-11-20
[Fix] H264/HEVC encoding: External encoder could stall if there are multiple audio streams with short duration frame (e.g. DTS).
[Fix] PCM Audio: Unable to open files with 96K PCM sampling rate.
[Fix] QSF: QSF fails to output audio and some video if frame rate is 59.94 fps.
[Fix] VC-1: If source video codec is VC-1 and container is transport stream (.ts) give warning that user should convert to MKV.
[Fix] YUVStream: Secondary codecs (ProRes, VC-1, WMV) stopped working,. (Broke in 825)
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-11-11
[Fix] HEVC: Intelligent recording with transitions, bit rate for fade-outs set randomly, could trigger blockiness if too low.
[Fix] Output profiles: CRF profiles were not being saved in the profile list.
[Fix] Output: MP3 audio output wasn't working.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-011-05
[Enhancement] DVD authoring: Added option to specify if DVD is NTSC or PAL. Previously DVD type was only determined automatically
[Enhancement] ES Muxer: Add 10 fps as a supported frame rate.
[Enhancement] Full screen playback: Hide mouse cursor during full screen playback when mouse pointer isn't being moved.
[Enhancement] GUI: Add Edit menu option to switch between cut and scene mode. Option is persistent between files.
[Enhancement] GUI: Add skin to the Output Progress dialog.
[Enhancement] Joiner/combine dialog: If opening multiple files at once, don't display the combine option if files shouldn't be combined.
[Enhancement] Joiner: Joiner now allows you join videos with different resolutions and frame rates as long their video codec matches.
[Change] Ad-detective params: Add to common parameters, "Force scenes to I-frames" (yes/no).
[Change] Chapters: In Tools>Options>Chapters, add back the checkbox from V5 to create a chapter at 0.00 in the chapters.txt file.
[Change] DVD: NTSC DVD will author always author to 29.97 FPS unless all the source files are either 23.94 or 24 fps.
[Change] DVD: Outputting 24-bit PCM to a DVD will down convert the audio 16-bit PCM.
[Change] GUI: Clear recent files/folders on Tools>Options>General didn't clear most recent files list on file menu until restart
[Change] Options: Added option for default save location to either last saved folder or source folder to Tools>Options>General
[Change] Profiles: Add to profile grid, "Force scenes to I-frames" (yes/no).
[Change] Profiles: For force transcode, default resolution should be same as source.
[Fix] DVD: DVD authoring will hang if frame rate of 1st file is 59.94 and 2nd file is 29.97
[Fix] DVD: Mixing 720p and 1080p source files on a DVD causes resizing issues on the 2nd file of the resulting DVD.
[Fix] DVD: Queuing DVD authoring to batch, fails in batch manager.
[Fix] File save: Memory corruption if the are multiple seconds of missing audio at the start of a file.
[Fix] GUI: Opening and saving a file name longer than 256 characters can cause crash.
[Fix] GUI: Tools>Options>Keyboard shortcuts description can be incorrect.
[Fix} HEVC: Fixed multiple issues with HEVC transitions and smart editing.
[Fix] HEVC output: Encoding 4K to HEVC on a 32-core system could run out of memory.
[Fix] Joiner editor: Opening joiner files (.VJnr) created in Version 5 now gives a warning message that they are not compatible.
[Fix] Joiner: Joining AAC of mixed sample rates (44.1K & 48K) creates noisy audio if sample rate doesn't match 1st file sample rate.
[Fix] MPEG2: Dual pass encoding might crash in second pass if video deinterlacer is invoked part way through the file.
[Fix] Navigation: Navigation and display could be off by one from if the frame rate is 59.94 fps and navigation distance > 50 min.
[Fix] Output status: Progress bar not working when splitting scenes
[Fix] Profiles: Manage profile dialog was not updating codec, file type or recode mode if you edited a profile.
[Fix] QuickSync & NVEnc encoding: Sync error if using either QS or NVEnc AND doing a fractional frame rate change, e.g. 23.97 to 29.97
[Fix] QuickSync encoder: Wasn't working with Intel 10900K CPU on test system. Fix might be driver update or QS interface recompile
[Fix] Save dialog: Profile list was not being updated if codec, file type or recode type was changed.
[Fix] Transitions: When recoding and transition mode is "fade", fades at internal cuts not being properly done. Dissolves OK.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-09-25
[Fix] Audio: Minor memory leak of audio data when an empty audio frame requires reallocation.
[Fix] BeyondTV: Beyond TV project files didn't work with drag & drop
[Fix] EAC3: If the audio stream changes channel count from 5.1 to 2.0 during playback VRD will abort. (Dan203)
[Fix] GUI: Scrambled strings in info box when showing MB and crash when showing frame number if Windows localization values corrupt.
[Fix] GUI: Tools>Options>Shortcut keys wouldn't always update the help text or selection properly if it was filtered by search
[Fix] HEVC playback: Adjust picture timing code could crash or create wrong PTS values after smart edit due to POC LSB discontinunity.
[Fix] HEVC: Logging of encoder errors and warnings to videoredo log file wasn't working properly.
[Fix] HEVC: Smart encoding will create an HEVC encoding init error if too many reference frames.
[Fix] MPEG2: QuickSync encoding to MPEG2 not outputting DTS timestamp with some Intel GPUs (not clear which ones). Can stall MP4 output.
[Fix] Output Profiles: (VRDPro) Issue with LKFS and Gain couldn't be adjusted > 0.
[Fix] Output Profiles: H264 and HEVC advanced encoding options not displaying (broke in 822).
[Fix] Topfield .rec files: Generated metadata not being written correctly causing topfields to not accept .rec files from VRD.
[Fix] VRD would crash on drag & drop of ES files
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-09-05
[Change] Install wizard: If you hold shift and ctrl down when clicking next, the check for GPU encoders is skipped.
[Change] HEVC: When saving to MP4, don't copy extra data as part of the annex B if there is already a VPS NALU in the frame.
[Fix] NVidia encoding: Not adding SPS and PPS to I/IDR frames due to uninitialized variable. Broke after 816.
[Fix] Auto combine: Auto combine not working due to change made in the release 821.
[Fix] HEVC: Check the slice header for: first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag to determine if slice is a new frame or part of previous frame
[Fix] HEVC: Smart encoder will create VPS, SPS, and SPS with id values of 11 to not conflict with typical values of 0, 1, and 2.
[Fix] QuickSync: QuickSync not working in Build 821 for Core I5-2400/2600 CPUs.
Version - Release date: 2020-08-27
•Fix: Automatic download of version upload could stall and not complete.
Version - Release date: 2020-08-26
•New: Variable speed playback using 'K' and 'L' keys (may be customized).
•New: New 64-bit encoders for H264 and HEVC encoding improving speed on high core count systems.
•New: Automatic thumbnail expansion when holding shift and clicking on a thumbnail.
•Change: Improved DVD output quality when output bit rate is > 6.5 Mbps.
•Change: Help > Keyboard shortcuts will display user customized version of shortcuts.
•Change: Thunbnails, improved frame cache usage for faster thumbnail displays.
•Change: Improve file open speeds by reducing the number of times a file is opened.
•Fix: DVD chapter marks could trigger a VOBU error.
•Fix: Auto convert 4:2:2 chroma to 4:2:0 when authoring DVDs.
•Fix: MPEG2 editing, fixed intermittent crash when positioning to end of video.
•Fix: Transport stream muxes play smoother in VLC.
TVSuite V6 - ( Released 2020-08-20)
[Enhancement] GUI: Options for playback speed accepts prefix +/- (adds to speed), = (sets to specific speed) or no prefix for multiple.
[Enhancement] GUI: When changing the playback speed, show a temporary visual indicator in the video window of the new speed.
[Enhancement] Playback: Play audio at original pitch even when playback speed has changed. Valid from 0.5x to 4.0x.
[Change] Thumbnails: Allow shift+click on a thumbnail to select center frame. Previous versions excluded center frame.
[Change] Thumbnails: If shift+click and thumbnail interval is set to single frame, change pop menu labels to simply "Move left or right"
[Change] Thumbnails: Re-worked the thumbnail frame cache to use an LRU replacement algorithm and store more frames.
[Change] Transport stream output: If TS mux rate set to auto and null packets are omitted (default for TVSuite), mux plays better in VLC.
[Fix] Cropping: Cropping not working with dual pass encoding.
[Fix] GUI: Remove OK button on the "Permission to access internet" task dialog.
[Fix] GUI: Tools>UI Style editor accidently deleted from menu. Has now been restored.
[Fix] H.264 encoding: New external encoder defaulting to BFF instead of TFF for interlaced video. Now defaults to TFF.
[Fix] H264: Tools>Options>H264 frame rate not honoring "Stream" setting if very close to actual container rate.
[Fix] Installer: not prompting for install folder. Broke in a previous version.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Reported output frame counts and video duration are double what is actually saved for H264 PAFF encoded video.
[Fix] MPEG2: Advanced encoding option setting, "Use non-linear quant" wasn't being honored if set to false.
[Fix] MPEG2: Output can stall or abort if excessive removal of corrupted video frames leaves incorrect DTS timestamp setting.
[Fix] MPEG2: Updated to a faster version of the MPEG2 encoder. Performance increase up to 30% at high bit rates ( > 30 Mbps).
[Fix] NVidia encoding: If GPU card doesn't support MBAFF encoding, automatically switch to PAFF if card supports interlaced encoding.
[Fix] NVidia encoding: If output is progressive, ignore Interlace output setting (PAFF/MBAFF).
[Fix] Thumbnails: Audio graph was sometimes not displaying all frames, especially at the right-end of the graph.
TVSuite V6 - released 2020-06-27
[Enhancement] GUI: Version check will now offer to download updated version instead of referring user to a web page.
[Enhancement] H.264/HEVC: Added 64-bit encoder support to handle 4K video on systems with more then 8 cores/threads.
[Enhancement] Playback: Add variable speed high-speed playback. Default assignable key assignments are K (slower), and L (faster).
[Enhancement] Thumbnail: Shift + left click on thumbnail brings up sub-menu to select type of expansion. (Changed from 818)
[Enhancement] H.264/HEVC: Speed up file opens by caching video duration from the first file open.
[Enhancement] Open video: Speed up initial video file open by reducing number of file opens from 3 to 2.
[Change] GUI: Changed task dialog supporting class to use MFC's CTaskDialog. Should be transparent to users.
[Change] GUI: Converted all hard coded keyboard shortcuts to hotkey system.
[Change] GUI: Help>Show keyboard shortcuts will display user's custom shortcuts instead of original default shortcut defaults.
[Change] GUI: Tools>Options dialog now remembers last used page and default to that page when you open the dialog again.
[Change] HEVC: If neither progressive or interlace flags are set in the SPS, then assume progressive rather than interlaced.
[Change] Installer: Updated installer to Inno Version 6, and changed settings so that the system's default language is pre-selected.
[Change] MP4 output: E-AC3 was always being recoded rather than being passed thru.
[Change] MPEG2: Change B-frame Q factor and offset to use same Q factor as P frames. Improves quality of B frames.
[Change] MPEG2: Switch mpeg2 to use non-linear quant table. Improves quality at lower bit rates.
[Change] Options: Shift+Tools>Options, Increase max value of "Max GOP length (secs)" to be set up to 120 seconds from 30.
[Fix] Czech: Incorrect display of audio stream selection when language is set to Czech.
[Fix] DVD: Improve overall bit rate compliance when doing single pass encoding to DVD using the software encoder.
[Fix] H.264: Elementary stream muxing of 59.94 fps video triggers sync errors.
[Fix] HEVC: If max POCLsb is 65535 and GOP ends with a POC Lsb near 65535, could get memory error on next GOP.
[Fix] HEVC: Unable to open a file which has complex st_ref_pic_marking in the SPS.
[Fix] HEVC: Unable to open file due to parsing error in st_ref_pic_set read routine.
[Fix] Joiner: Joiner was not handling rotation properly when mixing videos with different source rotations.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Added logic to handle situations when DTS isn't monotonically increasing. Can happen when there are lots of frame drops
[Fix] MP4/MKV: If saving MPEG2 to mp4 or mkv without transcoding, the DTS isn't being correctly set causing a slow mux. (broke in 818)
[Fix] Output Profiles: Setting output audio language code in TVSuite isn't being saved to the output file.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-05-05
[Enhancement] DVD: When recoding for DVD, default to DVD High matrix or DVD very high (>7Mbps) matrix for improved quality.
[Enhancement] MPEG2: New mpeg2 advanced option "Custom encoding matrix" to use encoding matrices that may improved encoding quality.
[Enhancement] Thumbnails: Clicking thumbnail while pressing the shift or control keys moves selected frame to left most / right most position.
[Change] GUI: File save dialog(s). Enable "save" as default button if user presses enter.
[Change] Installer: Have installer issue warning if attempting to install on XP or Vista.
[Fix] DVD: Adding chapter marks can trigger VOBU build errors during DVD muxing.
[Fix] DVD: Authoring PAL MKV H264 source at 720x360 creates DVD with bad chroma. Not setting correct output resolution.
[Fix] GUI: Crash if user refreshes file.
[Fix] GUI: Minor memory leak in save dialog.
[Fix] H.264: Improved QSF to remove fewer frames if PTS wraps back to zero and doing QSF.
[Fix] H.264: Intermittent smart encoding crash due to memory allocation failure.
[Fix] H.264: Joining with transitions can introduce sync errors and extra frames.
[Fix] H.264: Memory leak in MP4/MKV muxer when outputting H.264 files. Will crash on large files.
[Fix] H.264: Software encoder error if doing dual pass encoding and file name has unicode characters.
[Fix] HEVC: Smart editing, fixed pixelation due to PPSs defined in the RASL frames which aren't passed to decoder.
[Fix] MPEG2: Missing audio graph if GOPs are very short and audio physically lags behind video by > 1 sec.
[Fix] Output Profile: If output codec is MPEG2 and recoding is required, make sure height is either 1080 or multiple of 16.
[Fix] Output profiles: Downloading additional profiles from VideoReDo servers not working.
[Fix] Titling: Output title will be corrupt if video line with is not a multiple of 8.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-03-26
[Change] H.264 profile: H.264 advanced encoding parameters removed "progressive" from optional "Interlace mode".
[Change] Internal: libavcodec & libavformat updated from Version 3 to Version 4.
[Change] Logging: If log file folder doesn't exist, logger will 1st attempt to create it, if fails set default to DocumentsVideoReDo
[Fix] Ad-detective: Intermittent hang after running ad-detective if thumbnail interval is greater than single frame.
[Fix] Batch: When doing a queue to batch from the file save screen, the selected profile isn't saved and remembered for the next save.
[Fix] Beyond TV XML files don't work
[Fix] DVD: If saving a DVD to an ISO from the DVD project page, no longer warns if a physical burner isn't found.
[Fix] DVD: If source video has 4:2:2 chroma, DVD authoring should automatically recode to 4:2:0.
[Fix] DVD: Opening a copy protected VIDEO_TS file will crash in V6.
[Fix] DVD: When authoring to a DVD using the software encoder, reduce the bit rate tolerance so that encoded size fits on a DVD
[Fix] H.264: If frame rate at start of file is variable, build an internal histogram of frame durations to determine actual frame rate
[Fix] Joiner: Transitions sometimes disabled when saving through the joiner.
[Fix] MPEG2: If source is MPEG2 navigating or Ad-detective to end of file could hang thumbnails.
[Fix] MPEG2: Thumbnails could hang if source codec is MPEG2 and thumbnail interval is greater than single frame.
[Fix] Output Profile: Save as elementary stream (match source) always appends .h264 suffix regardless of source video codec.
[Fix] Output graph: If video encoder set to dual pass but NVEnc or QuickSync becomes the actual encoder, revert to single pass.
[Fix] Output profiles: If smart profile codec is set to "match source" and changed in file save dialog, quality factor not honored.
[Fix] Profiles: Changing h264 codec to hevc on mp4 ipod profiles causes output error due to MP4 mux type of ipod not supporting hevc.
[Fix] QSF: If transitions are enabled, QSF dialog shows audio recoding even though transition settings ignored in QSF mode.
[Fix] Save dialog: If container is changed/customized clicking on "select file" uses old container type not new type.
[Fix] Shell: Problem opening VPRJ (maybe files too) with file associations.
Version - Release date: 2020-03-02
•New: Ad-detective, Speed up interactive mode so that's now as fast or faster then Version 5.
•New: Elementary stream muxing now works properly for HEVC files.
•Change: DVD authoring internals totally re-written.
•Change: MPEG2 thumbnails, significant speed up of the display
•Change: Navigation, up/down arrow keys now operate in same directions as Version 5.
•Fix: Tivo fixed excessive removal of audio frames when stream corruption encountered.
•Fix: File save dialog, fixed editing of output file name..
•Fix: NVidia encoder, lots of fixes including automatic conversion to progressive if required..
•Fix: Removed MPEG-4 part2 from list of support output profile..
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-02-13
[Fix] Joiner: Adding a project with cuts to the joiner list displays incorrect file length in info box.
[Fix] DVD: Unable to burn from ISO file.
[Fix] MPEG2: Incorrect display aspect if file is incorrectly marked as 1:1 aspect ratio.
[Fix] HEVC: Sync error when doing smart editing and cut is made on a RASL frame. (Broken around 812).
[Fix] H.264/HEVC: TS file without program map, could falsely treat EAC3 stream as DVD PCM.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-02-03
[Change] Fix] NVidia encoding: Sync errors if the source file is MPEG2 encoded with 3:2 pull down repeat frames. (Broke in 813a)
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-02-01
[Change] H.264: Improve quality of I-frame cuts when smart editing H.264 when frames at cut start are near black.
[Fix] GUI: File save dialog output filename, if no favorite profiles, typing a space in the output file name causes cursor to jump to left of edit box.
[Fix] H.264 output: Smart encoder would create and not delete unneeded log/stats files: data.txt, log.dat, stats.dat
[Fix] H.264: H264 smart edit will error out if user's home folder has unicode characters.
[Fix] H.264: Smart edit could exceed memory (allocation error) when editing 4K video with transitions. Added thread control.
[Fix] H.264: Smart edit, added support for advanced encoding option: thread count when doing smart editing.
[Fix] MPEG2: Tivo, Excessive removal of audio frames when processing Tivo files if an entire GOP was removed for resync.
[Fix] Playback: AAC-HE audio stutters on playback in V6. OK in V5.
[Fix] Translations: Output profile edit, some languages (Czech, Dutch, French, Finnish) wouldn't let user select NVEnc codec.
[Fix] Output Profiles: (VRDPro) Unable to set the AC3 bit rate beyond 384 Kbps in either simple or advanced audio.
TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-01-09
[Change] ES Muxing: Added support for HEVC files elementary streams.
[Change] NVEnc H264: Check if overridden profile level is sufficient for requested encode. Auto raise the level if necessary.
[Fix] MPEG2 navigation: If GOP is closed, navigating back one frame will get stuck and move forward one frame.
[Fix] German translation: Increased text width on the Tools>Options and output profile pages.
[Fix] H.264 output: IDR frame cutting putting 25000/1001 frame rate in SPS instead of 25000/1000. (broke in 810b)
[Fix] Output: TVSuite when normalizing with transitions enabled, output could stall at the end of the file.
[Fix] Profile editor: Advanced encoding options for MPEG2, H264 and HEVC not being displayed.
[Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro) If video dimension preset set to "Same as source" unable to reset dimensions using preset.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-12-26)
[Fix] Split scenes output: Internal value of outOptions.m_outputDuration is incorrect when doing split scenes, messes up moov atom allocation.
[Fix] Profile editor: Preset doesn't retain "Same as source" in grid
[Fix] Profile editor: Updated grid to new normalization format
[Fix] Profile editor: Match Source didn't support 4k
[Fix] HEVC output: Fix problem in CheckAndAdjustSync which caused sync adjust to not work.
[Fix] HEVC: Improve detection of corrupted stream by comparing Pic order count to original PTS.
[Fix] DVD authoring: Adding a chapter mark causes DVD to begin playing at the chapter mark instead of start of video.
[Fix] H264 output: Possible pixelation at cut points for H264 files using smart editing with transitions.
[Fix] HEVC: Thumbnail display showing incorrect frames if the left most frame is a RASL slice.
[Fix] Output: Splitting scenes and saving to mp4 will under allocate area for MOOV atom.
[Fix] DVR-MS: Output to DVR-MS will crash if there is a thumbnail image in the source metadata (WM/Picture).
[Fix] MPEG2 navigation: Doing an I-frame seek and then pressing right arrow/next frame jumps full GOP instead of 1 frame.
[Fix] MPEG2 thumbnails: Not displaying correctly, out of order or missing frames. Broke in 810.
[Fix] H.264: Smart encoding of H.264 could have incorrect frame rate in SPS at cut point.
[Change] Log file: (VRDPro) Show user name in log file rather than the "DE...." string.
[Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro) If video dimension preset set to "Same as source" unable to reset dimensions using preset.
[Fix] Profile editor (VRDPro) Setting Transition type to "Fade" doesn't persist.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-11-28)
[Change] GUI: Up/down arrow changed to be the same as V5. Up now moves towards beginning of video, Down towards the end.
[Change] Intel Quick Sync: Default IDR interval for Quick Sync is 0 and should be 1 to create VPS, SPS, PPS for each GOP.
[Change] MPEG2 thumbnails: Speed up display of thumbnails by NOT writing all temporary AC3 frame errors to the log file.
[Change] MPEG2 thumbnails: Speed up display of thumbnails by decoding fewer frames.
[Change] NVEnc: Tools>Options>GPU encoding, NVEnc Info shows more information about what features are supported for each codec.
[Change] Time code entry: Allow semi-colon as separator in addition to period and colon.
[Fix] AC3: Recoding to AC3 creates invalid audio stream. Broken in 809b.
[Fix] Audio transitions: Sync error if channel count changes in the middle of a transition.
[Fix] GUI: Complete upgrade from task dialog, wouldn't bring up correct page.
[Fix] Joiner save: Will auto close VideoReDo after joiner save if there's no video file open in video window.
[Fix] Joiner: On two pass joining doing audo normalize, it was possible to get audio from last file at start of first file.
[Fix] Joiner: On two pass joining, file counter (1/x) in output status dialog was stuck at (x/x) in second pass.
[Fix] LXF: (VRDPro) LXF muxer not flushing partial audio and video frames at end of file.
[Fix] MPEG2 encoding: Not sending frame_rate to the encoder.
[Fix] NVEnc/QuickSync: H264 SEI captions encoded via NVEnc or Intel QuickSync not playing in VLC.
[Fix] Navigation: Unable to seek program or transport stream files > 7+ hours.
[Fix] Output Profile: Clicking on Advanced audio in save dialog profile option, causes crash.
[Fix] Video playback: Setting display aspect ratio on T>O>Playback devices only works for MPEG2, should work for H264 and HEVC.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-11-16)
[Enhancement] Ad-detective: When non-interactive ad-detective is finished, play a different sound from a normal file save.
[Change] DVD output: Internal DVD authoring logic changed to better fit current architecture.
[Change] GUI: Remove "Use new style file and folder dialogs" from Shift+Tools>Options>Manual.
[Change] Output Profile: H264 advanced encoding options, added option to disable 8x8 transform.
[Change] Output Profile: Remove MPEG4 from list of output codecs.
[Change] Output: Disable transitions when doing QSF.
[Fix] AC3 encoder: Fixed memory leak.
[Fix] Activation: Automatic activation not working for all users, manual activation works.
[Fix] Ad-detective: Add tooltip text to the two icons (pencil and X) in the profile section of the dialog.
[Fix] BOB deinterlacer: Deinterlacer would crash if output height was not a multiple of 16. Such as 1920x1080.
[Fix] DVD: Adding a project to DVD splits scenes and uses time codes are description instead of using the file name.
[Fix] DVD: Background of menu screen is distorted.
[Fix] DVD: Burning not working in V6.
[Fix] GUI: Go to time code, using ctrl+v to paste a time code doesn't work.
[Fix] GUI: Pressing "abort" during save, removes the last added to the cut list.
[Fix] H.264: Dual pass encoding might stall on second pass.
[Fix] H.264: Software encoder will error / abort if interlaced and weighted_p frames requested. Disabled weighted_p for interlace.
[Fix] HEVC: QSF of HEVC source to MP4 file might hang.
[Fix] Installer: Not setting language code correctly from the installer.
[Fix] MKV: Wrong frame rate being written to MKV files. (Actually value is frame duration in nsec).
[Fix] MPEG2 encoding: Memory leak in the mpeg2 encoder could cause application to run out of memory if the output file is > 1.5 GB.
[Fix] MPEG2 video: Intermittent crash when seeking to end of file. Could also trigger crash at end of ad-detective.
[Fix] MPEG2 video: Save would stall if source is program stream and audio packets at cut point didn't have a PTS.
[Fix] MPEG2 video: Wouldn't demux AC3 audio with DVD audio header when the audio header block had an offset of 0.
[Fix] Output Profile: Intelligent recoding of uncompressed source has really low output bit rate.
[Fix] Output: File save not letting user specify child folders if default directory in output profile isn't blank.
[Fix] Profile editor: Changing the file extension causes a crash.
[Fix] QSF dialog: Manually entering a file name into Input file edit box doesn't work, need to press "Select file".
[Fix] QSF: If suggested output file name exists it should suggest a new unique one.
[Fix] WTV output: Non-english characters in the metadata are being messed up in the output file.
[Fix] (VRDPro) Included missing HEVC support libraries and DLLs.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-21)
[Fix] File open: Unable to open video files > 0.5 GB (broken in build 807)
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-21)
[Change] Profile editor: Re-arrange items in "General" and "Video" groups to be more logical.
[Fix] VList files: Fix to handle unicode folder names. Changed format of .vlst to be .xml.
[Fix] HEVC: Output would hang if saving to MP4 and first frame of GOP was CRA_NUT instead of IRAP_NUT.
[Fix] GUI: Purchase link from TVSuite help menu points to TVSuite V5 instead of TVSuite V6.
[Fix] HEVC output: Intelligent output of HEVC should always use the software encoder and ignore the T>O>Stream encoder setting.
[Fix] GUI: Intermittent crash on video close which can also occur when opening a 2nd video.
[Fix] MP4 muxing: Saving to MP4 could trigger DTS greater than PTS.
[Fix] Ad-detective: When starting ad-detective automatically disable deinterlacer.
[Fix] Ad-detective: When pause on add scene marker is enabled, video would pause a few seconds after the scene marker.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-21)
[Fix] File open: Unable to open video files > 0.5 GB (broken in build 807)
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-21)
[Change] Profile editor: Re-arrange items in "General" and "Video" groups to be more logical.
[Fix] VList files: Fix to handle unicode folder names. Changed format of .vlst to be .xml.
[Fix] HEVC: Output would hang if saving to MP4 and first frame of GOP was CRA_NUT instead of IRAP_NUT.
[Fix] GUI: Purchase link from TVSuite help menu points to TVSuite V5 instead of TVSuite V6.
[Fix] HEVC output: Intelligent output of HEVC should always use the software encoder and ignore the T>O>Stream encoder setting.
[Fix] GUI: Intermittent crash on video close which can also occur when opening a 2nd video.
[Fix] MP4 muxing: Saving to MP4 could trigger DTS greater than PTS.
[Fix] Ad-detective: When starting ad-detective automatically disable deinterlacer.
[Fix] Ad-detective: When pause on add scene marker is enabled, video would pause a few seconds after the scene marker.
Version - Release date: 2019-10-11
•New: Output Profiles: Added option to set the encoding bit depth.
•New: Added "Split scenes" to a dropdown menu on the save button in the file save dialog,
•Fix: MP4/MKV chapter code re-written. Joiner output creates chapters. Removed "chapter at zero" option, now automatic. Occasional mux failure due to invalid MKV chapter fixed.
•Fix: If VRD already open, open a file via file association wouldn't always work.
•Fix: MP4/MKV files with MPEG2 video and AAC audio wouldn't open.
•Fix: QSF of DVD using profile with split scenes caused error.
•Fix: If VRD already open, open a file via file association wouldn't always work.
•Fix: NVidia encoder, aspect ratio not being set correctly at all video dimensions.
•Fix: MPEG2, unable to run QSF on some files. QSF thought the files were elementary streams.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-04)
[Change] MKV: When saving MKV with chatpers, added a chapter starting at 0, just like MP4.
[Fix] Shell: If TVSuite already open, opening a file via file association doesn't always open due to unicode issue.
[Fix] MP4: MP4 & MKV files with MPEG2 video and AAC audio won't open.
[Fix] NVEnc: Remove dual pass option for NVidia encoding.
[Fix] Key entry: If upgrade token entered, user prompted to if they want to open the upgrade wizard in a browser window.
[Change] Profile grid: (VRDPro) Change "Aspect correction" label to "Crop & Border".
[Fix] Profile grid: (VRDPro) Interactive cropping option no longer available.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-09-29)
[Enhancement] Output Profile: Added option to set the encoding bit depth, this will trigger auto-recode if different from source.
[Enhancement] Save: Added dropdown to Save button in output dialog to enable split scenes. Advanced profile option still supported.
[Change] AdScan not saving vprj from batch
[Change] GUI: Key entry dialog would show registered users as '0 days expiration'. Now shows 'License has been installed.'
[Change] GUI: Tools>Options>General, new option: "On save auto show 'Select file' dialog.
[Change] Key entry: Check for upgrade token being entered and ask user if they want to open the upgrade wizard.
[Change] QSF of DVD using profile with "split scenes" caused error
[Change] VRDPro: Change betas so that it now expires using a new beta key which can be re-entered.
[Fix] COM: vp.vbs sample script wasn't updated to use videoredo6 COM object.
[Fix] Chapters: Chapter numbering goes from 0 to 2 instead of 1 to 2.
[Fix] GUI: If user entered upgrade token into key entry, would be redirected to purchase page rather than upgrade wizard.
[Fix] GUI: If video dimensions change, on-screen display was showing [0x0] instead correctly showing revised dimensions.
[Fix] H.264: Possible sync issue when cutting H.264 files. Not handling end of cut properly in all cases.
[Fix] HEVC/H.264: Aspect ratio not being set correctly for H.264/HEVC software encoding when encoding from 1920 to 720x576
[Fix] MKV: Chapter marks can sometimes create MKV muxer errors.
[Fix] MPEG2 video: Unable to run QSF on some files even though they would open. The QSF thought they were ES streams.
[Fix] NVidia encoder: Encoding aspect ratio not correct. Being set to encoding dimensions instead of output profile.
Version - Release date: 2019-09-16
•Fix: Removed some beta test warnings accidently left in Build 802.
Version - Release date: 2019-09-13
•New: Version 6 - Initial release
•New: HEVC support
•New: Unicode file name support
•New: Smooth video and audio transitions
•New: AC3 encoding
•New: NVidia GPU encoding support
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-08-30)
[Enhancement] NVidia encoder: Added NVidia surface type selection (auto, cuda, dx11) to Tools>Options>GPU encoders.
[Enhancement] NVidia encoder: Added support for Cuda surfaces (in addition to DX11) allowing NVEnc to work on Win 7.
[Enhancement] Output Profile: Advanced audio, added optional language code to each output audio stream.
[Enhancement] Output Profile: Simplified setting of audio level processing into 3 functions: Normalize, Auto gain, raise/lower level.
[Change] GUI: Removed "Apply VRD Version to Log" from Tools>Options>Manual.
[Change] GUI: Removed "User Batch Command" from shift+Tools>Options. Hasn't been used since TVSuite V4.
[Change] GUI: Warn user if VRDPro styled key entered into TVSuite.
[Change] HEVC: If opening 10-bit HEVC file, warn user that output will be transcoded to 8-bit. (Until 10bit encoder is working)
[Change] HEVC: If opening HEVC 4:2:2 file in TVSuite V6 warn that this is a VRD Pro function.
[Change] Tools>Options: Changed old category label "Hardware encoding" to new label: "GPU encoders"
[Fix] HEVC: Error if opening file that didn't have frame rate in the header or video stream (such as converting from MP4 to TS)
[Fix] HEVC: If doing 2 pass audio such as normalization and smart editing, output could hang.
[Fix] HEVC: SEI pict_struct values not being cleared on new NALs causing frame timing to possibly be wrong.
[Fix] TS muxer not passing through language code
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-08-14)
[Enhancement] File save dialog: Now saves "Favorites Only" option even if you Cancel dialog
[Change] MKV: Remove extra data block from MKV files to better support multiple parameter sets.
[Change] MP4/HEVC: If saving HEVC to MP4 the first output GOP will ALWAYS be recoded in order to create a unique parameter set.
[Change] Output Profile: Lower minimum AC3 bit rate for 5.1 audio to be 192 Kbps instead of 384 Kbps.
[Change] Stream internals: (VRDPro) In NAL viewer holding down the shift key and clicking previous/next frame does a GOP jump.
[Fix] Default profiles: Various iPhone & Android profiles listed in the install wizard were missing.
[Fix] GDI: GDI driver wouldn't correctly display 4:2:2 video content.
[Fix] H.264 output: Fade in could cause crash if first frame after fade-in occurs before I-frame in decoding order.
[Fix] HEVC source: Save error if source is HEVC without AUD and container is MKV or MP4.
[Fix] Install wizard: Fixed selection of allowed default profiles. Added some older Apple and Android profile options.
[Fix] MKV: HEVC encoder could error out if level_idc in profile was too low. Now checks and bumps level_idc if necessary.
[Fix] MKV: On some files, first GOP would not be displayed or saved.
[Fix] MKV: Saving MKV to MP4 wouldn't play on iOS. Changed hev1 to hvc1.
[Fix] Output Profile: Some settings not sticking: Encoding type, Flip, Audio channel mode, and Normalize.
[Fix] Profile: In TVSuite, can't persist dual pass or CRF output 'Encoder mode:' settings.
[Fix] Project files: V6 project files have a BOM at the beginning and shouldn't.
[Fix] Tools>Options>Startup: Prevent settings files from Version 5 from being imported. Only Version 6 settings can be imported.
[Documentation] COM documenation: Program Duration as reported by FileGetProgramInfo is in 90KHz ticks, NOT seconds.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-07-30)
[Change] H.264 output: Moderate speed on some files when outputting with transitions.
[Change] GUI: Warn user if diagnostic is set to advanced and let them reset it to medium.
[Fix] MP4/MKV muxing: MP4/MKV output of some files can trigger pixelated playback in MPC-HC & VLC.
[Fix] HEVC: Fixed problem parsing HRD parameters which prevented file from opening.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-07-13)
[Fix] GUI: Output profile editing: there were missing translations in the drop-down control.
[Fix] GUI: Shortcuts/hotkeys not recognized on Chinese language systems. Can also crash when creating new hot key mappings.
[Fix] GUI: Entering a UNC output path in file save, QSF save, or ES save shows "Invalid output file" message.
[Fix] HEVC: Incorrect frame rate due to overflow error if vui_time_scale or vps_time_scale has a large value.
[Fix] Joiner: Joiner list sometimes has an extra 0:00-0:00 segment as first item. Introduced with build 797.
[Fix] Output Profile: False "unable to set output options" if NVEnc is the default encoder.
[Fix] Transport stream: If "ignore transport stream map" enabled, stream detector could interpret MPEG2 as HEVC.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-06-30)
** Updated Beta Expiration Date **
[Enhancement] GUI: Support for registration names with unicode characters.
[Enhancement] Joiner: Adding a project to the joiner adds the title and each scene separately rather than as one project.
[Change] H.264 & HEVC: Added support to detect and report colorPrimaries, TransferMatrix, etc.
[Change] NVidia encoder: Automatically adjust NVEnc encoder settings by polling encoder for capabilities such as interlace, chroma, etc.
[Fix] Titling: Adding title to source video with 24 bit audio adds incorrect number of silent audio fr
[Fix] Profiles: Max bitrate didn't always cause recode if the source file didn't have a max bit rate. Mostly affected HEVC & H.264
[Fix] GUI: Disable internal frame cache used to display thumbnails for MPEG2 files. Similar to V5 behavior.
[Fix] Joiner: Loading a joiner project without having an open video could crash application on save. (Project files won't work).
[Fix] Batch: Added "default settings" and "Current settings" to AdScan profile list.
[Fix] GUI: Tools>Options>Playback, Widen dialog box and some strings.
[Fix] HEVC: Unable to open file is it contained "filler data" (FD) NALs.
[Fix] HEVC: Unable to open transport stream file if first frame in the file didn't have VPS, SPS, PPS.
[Fix] H264: Sync error when saving when there are missing POC but GOP otherwise plays OK.
[Fix] GUI: Hotkeys wouldn't work if language other than English is selected.
[Fix] GUI: Selecting Czech as the language code wouldn't stick and TVSuite would revert back to English.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-06-13)
** Updated Beta Expiration Date **
[Enhancement] GUI: Support for language translations. Set via Tools>Options>Start up.
[Fix] Joiner save: Throws codec ASSERT in DoesContainerSupportVideoCodec if saving from joiner list with no open file.
[Fix] DVD authoring: Should force audio recode if audio is AC3 and bit rate greater than 448Kbps.
[Fix] DVD: DVDs should automatically auto rotate videos.
[Fix] Save dialog: Changed Video codec from H264 to HEVC and output container changed from MP4 to Elementary streams.
[Fix] Container changes when changing the codec
[Fix] Audio transitions: If audio transitions enabled, saving AC3 file to TS converts audio to AAC rather than recoding to AC3.
[Fix] HEVC: Fixed transport stream reader to support HEVC files when the PMT isn't present or is incorrect.
[Fix] HEVC: Fixed problem parsing HRD parameters in a UDH file which could cause a crash.
[Fix] NVidia encoder: Encoding to H.264 interlaced would create two images of the frame on the output.
[Fix] Tivo: Trying to open a Tivo file with bad MAK gives "out of memory" error rather than proper error message.
[Fix] HEVC: Frame rate is incorrect due to rounding error when vps_time_scale and vps_num_units_in_tick are large values.
[Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro) When creating new output profile from Save Video dialog, changed name not retained.
[Fix] Profile grid: (VRDPro) "Enable Audio Transitions" should be gray if video transitions set to "None".
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-05-24)
** Updated Beta Expiration Date **
[Enhancement] Chapters: Add option to Tools>Options>Chapters to create a chapter marker at start of each joiner project.
[Enhancement] GUI: Add option to rotate the video being displayed (0, 90, 180, 270) for when the rotation metadata isn't set in the file.
[Enhancement] Output Profiles: Frame rate change algorithm on the advanced tab. Options: Fractional or Blend.
[Enhancement] Profile: Add new output option drop down, frame rate method. Needs to flow into the outputOptionsBase
[Enhancement] Transitions: Added new checkbox to T>O>Transitions, Enable audio transitions.
[Enhancement] GUI: Option to rotate the video during playback.
[Change] Output Profile: TVSuite profile dialog, change label "Encoding type:" to "Encoding codec:" or "Output codec".
[Change] Profiles: Change the default intelligent bit rate percentages to from HEVC.
[Fix] EAC3 audio: Switching from 5.1 to 2.0 channels during playback can cause an application crash.
[Fix] H.264 MXF: (VRDPro) Time code and number of frames reported in the info box too high by 1.
[Fix] H.264 output: Fade out at last cut of file not working.
[Fix] H.264 output: Very long sections of missing audio can trigger a video buffer overflow and hang output.
[Fix] H.264 playback: Missing source file audio during playback could trigger navigation and playback issues.
[Fix] H.264: Smart encoding with transitions could create pixelation at cut start after transition completes.
[Fix] HEVC: Limit maximum number of decoding threads to 16 to prevent random crashes while editing.
[Fix] HEVC: SPS parsing error on st_ref_pic_sets could cause crash.
[Fix] HEVC: When transcoding using QuickSync, force output to progressive.
[Fix] Joiner save: Scene markers aren't in the source projects aren't being saved as output chapters. Only cuts are.
[Fix] Joiner: Hard coded error message in MPEGEdit3Dlg
[Fix] Manage profiles: When importing, import dialog resizing not working, and can't change the width of the row headers
[Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro) Frame rate method only showing if frame rate is no-change. Should be if frame rate is set.
[Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro), Unable to turn off Transition Options type checkbox.
[Fix] Output Profile: Advanced setting, MPEG2 to H.264 always reverts to 70, does not retain value.
[Fix] Output Profile: Advanced setting, unable to Set MPEG2 to H.264 less than 50.
[Fix] Output Profile: Unable to change parameters for default profiles.
[Fix] Output Profile: Unable to set rotation and other parameters in output profile with SAS codec.
[Fix] SCTE-35: (VRDPro) If Advance goes negative display as 0 or negative number.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-05-09)
** Updated beta expiration date **
[Fix] Titling: Saving video with added title can hang.
[Fix] H.264/HEVC output: Deinterlacing MPEG2 files with 3:2 pulldown to AVC or HEVC can cause combing.
[Fix] H.264 output: Some teletext captions causing slow "fast frame copy" on output.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-04-24)
** Updated beta expiration date **
Change log to be posted shortly.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-04-16)
[Fix] HEVC: M2TS output file type wasn't allowed and should be.
[Fix] MP4 output: AAC-HE at 48000/24000 being recoded to 64000/32000.
[Fix] HEVC: Opening HEVC files would crash application if CPU wasn't late model with AVX2 support.
[Fix] H.264 smart encoding: Could crash at end of file or cut end of recoded buffer wasn't previously enlarged.
[Fix] Caption display: Improve stability of 608/708 caption display when non-reference frames are dropped during playback.
[Fix] Display: For DX11 and GDI drivers, deinterlace setting was reversed.
TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-04-05)
[Fix] HEVC: M2TS output incorrectly triggering an error when saving. Now OK.
[Fix] MP4 muxing: Saving to MP4 could trigger "non monotonic" DTS output abort.
[Fix] AC3: Installer missing the AC3 encoder DLL after name was changed.
[Fix] HEVC: Incorrect of versions of HEVC support files caused crash when saving to HEVC format.
Version - Release date: 2018-12-10
•New: H264 output dimensions can now be set to multiple of 2 for width and 4 for height.
•Fix: French and German version of the output profile dialog had incorrect settings for normalization levels.
•Fix: Use VMR9 instead of EVR for AMD graphics cards on Windows 10.
•Fix: Lots of changes and fixes, please see change log below for details.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2018-09-25)
[Enhancement] Profile: H264 output dimensions can now be set to multiple of 2 for width, 4 for height. Previously both rounded to 16.
[Fix] H.264 output: If joining more than about 15-20 H.264 files, output could stall due to DTS not being properly set.
[Fix] MP4 output: Excessive sync corrections could cause muxer to hang or throw error due to DTS being off.
[Fix] Audio normalization: Fix auto normalization for AAC and some PCM sources, frame duration errors.
[Fix] File open: TS streams with an 'F 0x00' at bytes 5 & 6, could be rejected due to incomplete QT file test.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2018-08-02)
[Fix] Profile: User's profile specified <framerate> of 30 fps, but profile logic modified it to "no change".
[Fix] Transport stream: Partially corrupt PAT packets at front of file could bypass reading PMT and might not detect DVB subtitles.
[Fix] Output Profile: French and German version of the output profile dialog, had incorrect settings for normalization levels.
[Fix] AVI files: First GOP could be dropped if the first PTS value in the file is 0.
[Fix] AVI files: H.264 output could hang in second pass when normalizing audio.
[Fix] TS muxing: When auto muxing from uncompressed stream, mux rate incorrectly set.
[Fix] H.264 output: Corrupt MPEG1 Layer 2 frames may cause many seconds or even minutes of frames to be removed.
[Fix] H.264: Incorrect frame rate could be picked up if there are 3 or more GOP headers before first frame slice .
[Fix] Program stream output: Fix edge case where a packet of nulls could have the PTS for the next real frame.
[Fix] MPEG1: Added support of common aspect ratio codes (4x3 and 16x9) for MPEG-1 codec.
[Fix] Audio normalization: Automatic normalization algorithm might not normalize up to the last 400 msec of the file.
[Fix] H.264 encoding: Media Info incorrectly reports non-constant frame rate for files transcoded to H264 MP4 due to DTS adjustment.
[Fix] GUI: Crash if T>O>Playback, YUV acceleration un-checked and frame dimensions change during playback.
[Change] GUI: (VRDPro) Remove requirement for additional license to support H.264 4:2:2 & 10 bit. Support is enabled by default.
[Fix] MXF: (VRDPro) SMPTE-436m captions might not display if there are multiple ANC packets and 436M packet has stuffing bytes at end.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2018-04-12)
[Change] Transport stream mux: Reduce number of PTS overflow/underflow messages that go to the log to cut down on log file size.
[Fix] Uncompressed: Changed video buffer overflow size test from >= max_buffer_size to > max_buffer_size.
[Fix] TS Muxing: Not writing a language descriptor to the PMT when audio is AAC-LC.
[Fix] MPEG2: Audio buffer overflow if there are multiple title segments in an output stream. Joiner or Transcoder (DAI).
[Fix] TS Files: If ignore T>Options>Stream, Ignore TS maps checked, AAC-LC streams incorrectly picked up as AAC-HE.
[Fix] TS Muxing: Language codes not being output to the PMT for AAC-LC streams (type 0x0F).
[Fix] H.264: Single byte NAL at start of MP4 file makes our reader think file already has Annex B codes.
[Fix] GUI: Seeking 60 fps videos by time code cause displayed frame to be off by 1 frame / second due to rounding error.
[Fix] Uncompressed: (VRDPro) crash on save if ANC/RDD11 subtitles to user data in output profile is set.
[Fix] ProRes: (VRDPro) Output will hang in 2nd pass if doing save with LKFS normalization.
[Fix] TS Muxing: (VRDPro/Transcoder) Incorrect PTS in output file if enabling VANC to user data filter.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2018-03-23)
[Fix] H.264 editing: Sync problem if source is H.264 MP4/MKV, 1st audio frame has a PTS less than 1st video frame, and cut in 1st GOP.
[Fix] GUI: AMD display cards could show triple video images when running on Win 10 (started with Build 763) due to EVR setting.
[Fix] H.264 editing: Level 5.2 was supported when computing maximum number frames in DPB. Incorrectly assumed 0.
[Fix] GUI: If splash screen dragged to edge of screen or Window+arrow pressed, splash screen could accidentally be resized.
Version - Release date: 2018-02-21
Fix: Fixes audio decoding problem from version
Version - Release date: 2018-02-12
New: Fixes for issues resulting from changes in Windows 10 Creators Update .
New: Ability to edit videos with multiple dimensions in the same file.
New: Multiplex video only elementary stream files without an audio track.
New: Support for HD-PVR files that were incorrectly multiplexed.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2017-12-16)
[Fix] DVD/MPEG encoding: Fixed dual pass DVD encoding which broke in 760a.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2017-12-08)
[Fix] DVD/MPEG encoding: Revert to build 748 MPEG2 encoder for software encoding due to speed and bit rate compliance of ffmpeg.
[Fix] Video driver: At install, automatic selection of EVR for Windows 10, VMR9 for Win 7/8, and VMR7 for XP wasn't working correctly.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2017-11-22)
[Change] Ouput status: 10-30 second delay displaying the initial output status dialog in Win 10 Fall Creator's update.
[Fix] TS Files: Not detecting audio streams when coded as private PES-1 PMT descriptor, due to VRD ITV hack from 2009.
[Fix] TS Muxing: H.264 output, fix in 757/758 could cause buffer overflow if the vbv buffer size decreased in the middle of file.
[Fix] DVD authoring: Average bit rate about 6% high when using ffmpeg mpeg2 encoder. Can make DVD folder too large.
[Fix] AAC Audio: Problem parsing the AAC header from an MP4 file, especially with Version 2 audio description.
[Fix] Titling: Adding a title and having an output frame rate different from the source video causes hang or audio resync adds.
[Enhancement] LXF: (VRDPro) support for LXF output with HD captions and PCM audio.
[Fix] x264 encoder: (VRDPro) option to force enabling the HRD parameters wasn't working.
[Fix] GXF files: (VRDPro) original PTS values calculated incorrectly for 720p files.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2017-10-29)
[Change] TS Muxing: H.264 output, In TVSuite, set the buffers exit rates at the mux rate to avoid PTS underflows.
[Fix] File open: Improved ESReader to give fewer false positives of H.264 streams.
[Fix] File open: Moved the ESReader to be last in line for file checks to prevent false positive elementary stream warnings.
[Fix] GUI: Custom buttons, reset to default did not work on all 6 controls, only the 1st one.
[Fix] GUI: Find tune slider is assuming right button is pressed instead of left button.
[Fix] GUI: German, cleaned up Tools>Options dialog positioning.
[Fix] Output Aspect: 720x576 SAR calculation not being rounded correctly showing 1.775 instead of 1.7778.
[Fix] Output Profiles: On Advanced tab in TVSuite V5, "Watermarking" options should not be displayed, it's for VRDPRO only.
[Fix] Output: Saving each scene as separate file doesn't work with elementary stream output.
[Fix] TS Muxing: H.264 output, fixed TS muxer to re-set the buffer timings on each GOP in case profile / HRD params change.
[Fix] Titling: Titles audio incorrect frame duration when changing audio sampling rate of the source file.
[Fix] Video display: Application could crash if source dimensions were 720x486 but decoded as 720x496.
[Fix] ANC captions: (VRDPro) ANC caption to user data conversions didn't work if also doing a frame rate change.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2017-09-25)
[Enhancement] COM: Add new COM call, NavigationFrameAdvancedIFrame( BOOL bForward).
[Enhancement] ES Muxing: Add option in the ES muxing dialog for the video frame rate when the frame rate isn't in the video stream.
[Enhancement] ES Muxing: Added support to mux video only, using silent PCM audio.
[Enhancement] GUI: Gracefully edit videos with multiple dimensions. Shift+Tools>Options # 40: Allow multiple video dimensions
[Enhancement] MPEG2: Added support for AAC LC audio with MPEG2 video when using MP4/MOV container.
[Enhancement] Output profiles: Option to group profiles by container and codec.
[Change] ES Muxing: Updated the H.264 elementary stream detection to require a SPS, PPS, and not require multiple AUDs.
[Change] GUI: Add "disable" option to check for update frequency on the Tools>Options>Startup page.
[Change] GUI: Allow dimension changes from 1080 to 1088 without triggering a warning.
[Change] GUI: Diagnostic level now defaults to "medium" on Tools>Options>General
[Change] GUI: When showing can only be opened in VideoReDo Pro, display a "more information link".
[Change] H.264 MP4/MKV: Arbitrate frame rate by looking at PTS values when the video ES has a different frame rate than the file header.
[Change] HEVC/H265: Add warning when the user tries to open an HEVC/H265 file.
[Change] Output Profiles: When grouping option is "none", change "Check/Uncheck group" to "Check/Uncheck All" and enable.
[Change] TS Muxing: Auto mux rate was not taking into account the bit rate of non-recoded secondary audio streams.
[Fix] Ad-Detective: If source is H.264 and "Disable Display Update" in Ad-detective params is checked, batch ad-detective can hang.
[Fix] Ad-detective: Interactive tab not showing in ad scan params
[Fix] Audio playback: 8K sampling rate audio doesn't play properly with the DirectSound driver for H.264 files.
[Fix] Audio: AAC-LC with sampling rate of 24 KHz mistakenly detected as AAC-HE.
[Fix] Captions: Changed caption header market bit from 0 to 1 in H264 SEI captions.
[Fix] ES Reader: Tighten check for H.264 videos to prevent MPEG2 program streams being interpreted as H264 ES streams.
[Fix] File open: MP4/QT file accidentally as a transport stream, failed to open.
[Fix] GUI: Czech translation, Tools>Options>Playback, EVR video driver option is labeled as duplicate VMR7.
[Fix] GUI: Error message when joining files with different video codecs incorrect. Missing a '%s'
[Fix] H.264: Improved sync adjustment when there is missing audio and all video frames are reference frames.
[Fix] Intel QuickSync: Output profile advanced, GOP size and IDR frequency weren't working.
[Fix] MP4: Added support for for opening MP4 files with header blocks (zlib support)
[Fix] Output Profile: German translation for output profile encoder drop down was incorrect preventing Quick Sync (TVSuite)
[Fix] Output Profiles: Prevent 2 pass encoding when using Intel QS encoder.
[Fix] Output: Rotation would cause crash if source chroma is 4:2:2 and output chroma is 4:2:0.
[Fix] Outputeinterlacer not functioning properly after using new multi-threaded calls.(broke in 750)
[Fix] Prevent 422/444 with QS encoder
[Fix] Profile editing: If profile list is grouped, importing a profile doesn't show the new profile until you change the grouping.
[Fix] Uncompressed: Frame rate of 59.94 incorrectly set as 29.97
[Fix] XML Parser: Possible crash if trying to open or test an XML file larger than 2GB.
[Enhancement] Canoe CSV: (VRDPro), when opening a Canoe project look for matching .ts in addition to a matching .mpg
[Enhancement] Deinterlacing: (VRDPro & Transcoder), If system has 4-7 cores, using 2 deinterlacing threads, if 8+ cores, 4 threads.
[Enhancement] GUI: (VRDPro) Added pts jitter, difference between actual and calculated PTS value, to the stream internals GOP graph.
[Enhancement] Help: (VRDPro) add link in help menu to VideoReDo Pro application notes.
[Enhancement] Watermarking: (VRDPro) Added support Teletrax watermarking.
[Change] H.264 MXF: (VRDPro) When opening an H.264 MXF file automatically override aspect ratio from MXF container if present.
[Change] MXF Output: (VRDPro) Added support for MPEG2 4:2:0 output with profile/level: High@Main and High@High.
[Change] Time display: (VRDPro) On Tools>Options>Navigation, change NPT check box to drop down:
[Fix] LKFS calculation: (VRDPro) Fixed LKFS setting for non-gated algorithms, BS-1770-3-10 second.
[Fix] LXF: (VRDPro) Fixed problem with audio / video sync when there is pre-roll.
[Fix] MXF: (VRDPro) AAC audio in an MXF wrapper, gives multiple audio frame errors due to excess filler.
[Fix] Prores: (VRDPRO) Converting ANC captions to user data causes GPF.
[Fix] x264 encoding: (VRDPro) CRF setting on Advanced H.264 tab wasn't working, was always defaulting to 23.
TVSuite V5 - Released 2016-12-30
[Enhancement] Ad-Detect: Added option for long silent audio (<-65 dBFS) to be flagged as an advert.
[Enhancement] Ad-Detect: Option to use the audio channel count as part of the ad-detection algorithm.
[Enhancement] Ad-Detective, add button to load or save Ad-Detective parameters
[Enhancement] Add option to turn on Plot Mask by default
[Enhancement] Audio stream selection: Added language code to Tools>Select Stream>Audio
[Enhancement] Check for HE in AAC frames with ADTS
[Enhancement] GUI: New Tools> UI Style editor, to change the skin colors and fonts on the main screen.
[Enhancement] Install wizard: New install wizard starting with build 742.
[Enhancement] Output complete: Add actual output duration, output file size, and number of scenes
[Enhancement] Output profile: Added "Primary audio" selection in advanced audio profile so user doesn't need to know a specific stream number.
[Enhancement] Output profile: Added support on the Advanced tab to save each output segment to a separate file (split scene).
[Enhancement] QuickSync: Tools>Options>Quicksync, Added option to select surface: Any, D3D9, D3D11.
[Enhancement] Title dialog: Moved title fade duration to main dialog rather than use separate dialog invoked by a non-obvious menu option.
[Enhancement] Use longest file for metadata on all files types, not just MCE
[Enhancement] Video display: Detect if source video is rotated and display correctly (MP4 files).
[Change] GUI: User's used to Ctrl+Q to select stream dfidn't realize that it's been changed to a menu option, issue informative warning.
[Change] H.264: Aspect ratio could be off due to SAR rounding error.
[Change] H.264: Improperly encoded SAR setting with aspect ratio of 0:0 causes H.264 encoder validation error when doing a cut.
[Change] IFO open: Changed way we stored stored "Auto QSF" parameter in the registry. (Internal fix).
[Change] Install wizard: New install wizard.
[Change] Joiner: New option in joiner edit dialog to clear the joiner list after a joiner save.
[Change] Licensing: False positive for license violation on a couple German systems. Fixed in 740d. More fixes in 742.
[Change] MP4 output: If source is PCM and audio is "Automatic", auto recode to AAC. For PCM set codec to PCM or mux format to MOV
[Change] MP4: Detect rotation metadata value, and load into video stream parameters. Report in Tools>Show Program Info.
[Change] MPEG2 output: MaxGop without header bit rate change would set header bit rate to 10 Mbps unless TS. Now checks for PS or DVD
[Change] Output profile: Add new option to rotation setting to auto rotate so that output video is upright.
[Change] Output profile: Intelligent recode, Bit rate presets, added 4K average and max bit rate. 1080 labeled now as both 1080i/p.
[Change] Output profile: Move "Convert all I-frames to GOPs" from Advanced>Program stream to MPEG2 stream.
[Change] Output profile: Move "Dropframe timecode in GOPs" from Advanced Program Stream to MPEG2 Stream.
[Change] Output profile: Move "Set header to video bitrate" from Advanced > program stream options to MPEG-2 stream options
[Change] QuickSync: Added more information to the Tools>QuickSync Show Info button. Now includes both D3D9 and D3D11 status.
[Change] TS Muxing: Teletext frames can overflow the packet buffer when video is removed but teletext data isn't.
[Change] TS Output: H.264 SmartEdit output to TS stream with automatic muxing. Smooth the peak bit rate calc over 2 GOP at each sample.
[Change] TS Output: Rolled back the improved buffer management from build 745 if not outputting null packet. Speeds up VLC opens.
[Fix] AAC: 32 KHz AAC audio not playing correctly
[Fix] Ad-Detect: Restore Ad-Detect parameters in TVSuite doesn't restore the audio level tab settings.
[Fix] Ad-detective scan: New Ad-detective now process entire file and replaces any existing cuts / scenes.
[Fix] Audio: PCM audio ingest sampling rates currently limited to 96K, 48K, 44.1K, 32K. Added ingest support for 24K, 22.5K, 11.025K
[Fix] Avermedia: Not detecting the faulty AverMedia encoding in AVI files resulting in wrong frame rate.
[Fix] Batch: Ad-Detective will honor interactive vs output based Ad-Detective option.
[Fix] COM: Loading a file via COM with QSF flag set would always return "false" even if file was loaded.
[Fix] DTS output: Saving DTS audio to a program stream will now use correctly formatted packet.
[Fix] DTS-HD: Transport stream muxing of DTS-HD could result in packet data buffer overflow.
[Fix] DVD Options: Removed hidden option "Direct to VIDEO_TS" from output folder on the Tools>Options>DVD.
[Fix] GUI: Buttons on main screen have no text when font set to MS Sans Serif
[Fix] GUI: Fine Tune Slider not working properly
[Fix] GUI: If YUV acceleration is off, 1912x1070 video would crash during RGB conversion.
[Fix] H.264 Smartedit: Fixed formatting error in rare error message: Unable to create configuration options (should never occur).
[Fix] H.264 files: Sync issue when a large GOP starts with IDR and rest of GOP are I-Frames that aren't used as references.
[Fix] H.264 output: Fixed buffer timing for H.264 streams with HRD bit_rate_value
[Fix] H.264 output: Pixelation when cutting on an I-frame when file contains both I and IDR frames.
[Fix] H.264: Unable to open file smart edited by VRD using IDR cut if the SEI precedes the SPS in the original file.
[Fix] IFO file open via drag: Opening a DVD file via file open gives an incorrect error message.
[Fix] Joiner: Changed the internal code for the joiner list to use std::vector rather than CArray.
[Fix] Joiner: Joiner>Create video from joiner list, will now only be enabled if there's an actual video project in the joiner list.
[Fix] Joiner: Output not clearing output complete dialog resulting in statistics showing from previous joins.
[Fix] KeySearch database: (Private) Can't have single quotes in the inactive reason. Didn't check comments, might be there too.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Last subtitle being output could cause a crash.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Application crash if s+T>O # 54, Frames to check for variable frame rate non-zero.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Correctly handle videos that start with negative PTS values.
[Fix] MP4: Audio detect rotated videos, display the video upright and auto transcode to upright on output unless intelligent to mp4.
[Fix] MPEG2 Output:Encoding MPEG2 to 4K would crash, now limits to 1920x1080.
[Fix] MPEG2 Output; Might throw an exception / failure if first GOP is closed and only has less than 3 frames.
[Fix] MPEG2 navigation: Fixed rare problem with frame accurate navigation of transport stream (and Tivo TS) files.
[Fix] Output profile: If target file size is 0, default to minimum settings, 1 Mbps for MPEG-2 and 0.5 Mbps for all other codecs
[Fix] Output profile: If using Intelligent mode "quality factor" and source isn't MPEG2 or H.264 auto switch to bit rate mode.
[Fix] Output profiles: Progressive sequence flag not being set when converting 1080i to 720p with BOB deinterlacer.
[Fix] Output: If profile is "Match source" and source is not MPEG2 or H.264, would error, now recodes to H.264.
[Fix] TS Muxing: H.264 TS muxing could fail is SPS VBV size is less than 500,000 bytes.
[Fix] TS Muxing: H.264 TS muxing would fail is SPS has VUI parameters, but the HRD block is empty.
[Fix] TS Muxing: H.264 TS muxing, improve calculation for the VBV site so that it uses both profile and level.
[Fix] TS Muxing: Improve initial PCR value and properly set the max duration allowed in the ES (decode) buffer.
[Fix] TS Output: File is causing buffer overflow even when the mux rate is 19.2 Mbps.
[Fix] Time code entry: Allow ";" between seconds and frames, i.e. hh:mm:ss;ff.
[Fix] Title editor: Inconsistent 4K support & fonts too small. Fonts sizes will now auto scale at HD and 4K sizes.
[Fix] WTV files: Fall back to ffMpeg reader for WTV files that won't open with our standard reader. [Issue]** MKV file: Sporadic crash when opening some MKV files
VideoReDo Pro Changes
[Enhancement] AVin: (VRDPro) Added support for 1080i AVIn files. (Need 720p samples).
[Enhancement] Ad-Detect: (VRDPro) Add button to save or load Ad-Detective parameters to/from an output profile.
[Enhancement] Audio: (VRDPro) increased number of supported channels / stream from 8 to 16.
[Enhancement] Captions: (VRDPro) Support converting EIA_608 and EIA_708-ccdp captions in an MP4 to user data.
[Enhancement] DAI Support: (VRDPro) Create ad-segments from 1-2 black areas if minimum black frames = 0.and segment > min block duration.
[Enhancement] DAI: (VRDPro) Dynamic Ad Insertion, now supports Canoe CSV output.
[Enhancement] Display: (VRDPro) Right click on video to limit display to a single field, upper or lower.
[Enhancement] H.264 files: (VRDPro) Set initial time code in Tools>Show Program Info if there's a pic_timing SEI.
[Enhancement] H264 output: (VRDPro) Added X.264 CRF encoding option to H.264 encoding options on the advanced Tab. (Experimental)
[Enhancement] LKFS Scan: (VRDPro), LKFS scan now supported, Added output audio level graph.
[Enhancement] MXF: (VRDPro) Add ability to set the starting output time code.
[Enhancement] Output profiles: (VRDPro) Profiles exported from VRDPro that use VRDPRo specific features cannot be imported into TVSuite V5.
[Enhancement] ProRes/DV video: (VRDPro) Enable trimming of ProRes/DV files without transcoding. Overwrite Trim and Copy menu.
[Enhancement] ProRes: (VRDPro) Automatically set correct decoder thread if S+T>O decoding threads is 0.
[Change] H.264: (VRDPro) New installations will have x.264, 10-bit and 4:2:2 enabled by default
[Change] H.264: (VRDPro) Smart editing will now honor GOP size if set in Advanced options.
[Change] LKFS Graph: (VRDPro) Cosmetic and operational changes.
[Change] LKFS scan: (VRDPro) Fixed calculations for gated LKFS calculations. (Broken in 743)
[Change] LKFS scan: (VRDPro) LKFS graph, added file name to title, and calculated peak LKFS value to the legend.
[Change] License manager: (VRDPro) New license manager screen shows status including number of days until expiration.
[Change] ANC Captions: (VRDPro) ANC caption decoding changed to use common routine for all file types that carry ANC captions.
[Change] MPEG2 Output: (VRDPro) when recoding HD CBR at low bit rates, too large a VBV would trigger ffMpeg to switch to VBR.
[Change] MPEG2 output: (VRDPro) Profile setting to insure that all frames have user data captions.
[Change] ProRes / GXF: (VRDPro) Opening these files in TVSuite will issues VRDPro only warning.
[Change] Profile editing: (VRDPro) Hide the normalize algorithm, Chromatec and Limiter option in release mode.
[Fix] Captions: (VRDPro) 608 caption tag, FON/Flash On, properly detected when saving 608 data to log. Flashing not displayed.
[Fix] Convert ANC captions to user data: (VRDPro) Doesn't work when source and output codecs are different.
[Fix] GXF/LXF: (VRDPro) Intermittent seeking issues with GXF/LXF files.
[Fix] LKFS scan: (VRDPro) Temporarily remove all cuts and scenes to scan entire file instead of just selected cuts / scenes.
[Fix] Profile editing: (VRDPRO) Grid editor option not used in batch, QSF or ES muxer
[Fix] Profiles: (VRDPro) once set, unable to remove header bit rate override from MPEG2, Intelligent profile.
[Fix] QuickSync: (VRDPro) Fixed QuickSync crash found introduced in 744.
[Fix] SMPTE-302M: (VRDPro) Output profile, limit sample rate to 48Khz. Other sampling rates are not allowed for 302M PCM audio.
[Fix] TS Muxing: (VRDPRO) honor "omit null packets" to create broadcast streams.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2016-03-14)
[Enhancement] Audio stream selection: Removed Tools>Select stream. Audio stream now selected directly from Tools menu, doesn't re-open file.
[Enhancement] Batch: Add a Tools>Options>Batch option to terminate batch when the queue is empty for xx minutes.
[Enhancement] Batch: New option when adding a file from within batch: "Match source format" (SAS) to let VRD choose the output profile.
[Enhancement] Batch: New pencil icon allows editing of output folder and profile of a previously queued batch item.
[Enhancement] Captioning: Added 608/708 caption preservation when re-coding to H.264 using Intel QuickSync.
[Enhancement] DV Video: (VRDPro) SMPTE-436m captioning supported for DV video in an MXF wrapper.
[Enhancement] DV Video: (VRDPro) new DV trimming option to trim DV segments.
[Enhancement] GUI: (VRDPro) In the advanced audio mixing dialog. Double clicking on a process or output stream selects and edits it.
[Enhancement] GUI: Charm bar can be customized using T>O>Charms. Additional charms available, charm text can be customized.
[Enhancement] GUI: Czech translation added.
[Enhancement] GUI: Tools>Options>Startup, new option to change the name and location of the custom output profiles file.
[Enhancement] MXF reader: (VRDPro) Correctly handle MXF files where initial DTS is negative.
[Enhancement] Output profile: (VRDPro) MXF output is supported. Currently OP1A only.
[Enhancement] Output: Improve conversion of 25i/29.97i to 50p/59.94p.
[Enhancement] Profile: New option "Force interlace". Profile dialog changed from "Deinterlace mode" changed to "Interlace mode"
[Enhancement] Profile: Improve quality when converting 720p to 1080i by interlacing successive progressive frames rather than dropping every other frame
[Enhancement] SDI output: (VRDPro) Added T>O>SDI, audio playout option: none, all, primary, primary + matching codecs
[Enhancement] Video only: Support for files that don't have any audio tracks. Works with MP4, MOV, MKV, etc. Not ES, PS, or TS.
[Enhancement] Vlist combine: If file list contains a file with a .rec extension it will be the first file in the .VLst rather than the last.
[Enhancement] Vlist combine: If file list contains a file with a .trp extension it will be the first file in the .VLst rather than the last.
[Change] Audio: Added support for ingesting PCM audio with sampling rates of 22,050 / sec.
[Change] Batch: Add option to batch to run VRD visible rather than silent. Will be a big help for debugging.
[Change] Chapter markers: On Tools>Options>Chapters page, default "enabled": Scene markers and cut points. (new installs only)
[Change] Crop/Resize: Change the default border value from x000000 to x101010 (studio black).
[Change] Crop/Resize: Changed internal logic for automatic pillar/letter boxing on aspect ratio change.
[Change] DVD burning: Add option to Tools>Options>DVD to search for DVD drive on A and B drive letters. Previously started search at D drive.
[Change] GUI: Added "auto" to S+T>O # 51 to enable the ffMpeg libraries determine the optimal threading based on the source codec.
[Change] GUI: Resized the Tools>Options dialog to allow more categories in the left side frame to eliminate a scroll bar.
[Change] H.264 navigation: Improved navigation / seek speed for files with very long GOPs ( > 5 sec / GOP).
[Change] H.264: (VRDPro) Added reporting of AFD code on Tools>Show Program Info when AFD is in an SEI block.
[Change] MP4 muxing: When recording to H.264 (at 1080i), MediaInfo reports variable frame rate instead of constant.
[Change] MP4/MKV output: Changed internal buffering class to a more efficient container.
[Change] MPEG2: Not displaying B frames due to ignore-able encoding error.
[Change] MPEG2: When recoding, change the default max VBV buffer size to 9.7 Mbps for 4:2:0 and 12.2 Mbps for 4:2:2
[Change] Output profile: Expand manual gain reduction from -32 db to -96 db in the profile so that a track can be silent.
[Change] Output profiles: Changed output profile frame rate selection. Removed "SD", added "Automatic". (See enhancement for 59.94/50 > 29.97/25).
[Change] SMPTE-302M: (VRDPro) Added framing bit to mark beginning of each 192 sample frame.
[Change] TS Output: If "Use PIDs from source file" is Yes, then copy AC3 and DVB component tags from source PMT.
[Fix] Authoring DVD from Batch will crash
[Fix] DVD authoring: Would force a video recode on 29.97fps video
[Fix] EAC3: Audio decoder could cause a buffer overflow when playing files with EAC3 audio.
[Fix] Output: Primary audio stream not in output, if user unchecked "allow multiple audio streams"
[Fix] AAC audio: AAC-HE audio with implicit signalling wasn't always detected correctly.
[Fix] AAC audio: Fixed demuxer to handle very short ( <16 byte) AAC frames.
[Fix] Audio output: (VRDPro) audio mixer could hang output graph because it wasn't resetting source frame PTS correctly at cuts.
[Fix] Audio output: (VRDPro) audio mixer could hang the output graph at end of file due to race condition checking read threads.
[Fix] Audio output: Audio with sampling rate of 22.05 Kbps was being treated as no audio found.
[Fix] Audio output: Output could hang if normalizing and changing the number of audio channels.
[Fix] Audio output: Re-sampling from 44.1Khz to 48Khz could hang output depending on the location of the cut points.
[Fix] Audio: (VRDPro) Fixed support for Vela Audio. Now correctly ingested as 1 x 8 channel PID rather than 4 x stereo PIDs.
[Fix] Batch: Automatic sort by date in batch not working
[Fix] Captioning: 608/708 captions corrupted on re-code to H.264 when source is 720p and source has repeat frame flags.
[Fix] DV Video: DV file being mis-interpreted as MPEG2.
[Fix] DV Video: DV file causing crash on open, being mis-interpreted as an MPEG2 PS.
[Fix] DV Video: DV file in an MXF wrapper is getting assigned the GENERIC ffMpeg type instead of MXF ffMpeg type.
[Fix] DV video: Not picking up the correct field order for DV and DVPro video.
[Fix] ES muxing: Dragging an MPEG-2 ES stream would throw an error rather than launching the ES muxer.
[Fix] Frame rate change: Frame rate change can trigger sync issue or dropped audio frames if interlaced source switches field cadence.
[Fix] French translation: Problem changing frame rate in when language set to French. Incorrect resulting frame rate.
[Fix] GUI: Audio wave form not displayed
[Fix] GUI: Batch "Add files to batch queue" profile drop down list only showing single item and missing icons (Broke 736)
[Fix] GUI: When saving via the joiner, the default output profile should be based on the joiner output, not the file open in VRD.
[Fix] GUI: Windows 10, controls overlapping on Tools>Options>Navigation page.
[Fix] H.264 Smart edit: Possible stall when joining files if the SPS picture order type switches from 0 to 2.
[Fix] H.264 output: Adding a leading title could trigger a crash. (Broken in 731).
[Fix] H.264 output: H.264 decoder outputting duplicate IDR frame when previous frame is an I - frame.
[Fix] H.264 playback: If video fell behind audio frames dropped to maintain sync, but drop option not cleared once back in sync.
[Fix] H.264: (VRDPro) Stream internal display shows incorrect GOP flag when POC_type = 2 and there are embedded I frames with SPS/PPS.
[Fix] H.264: Allocated too much memory for PCM buffers when source is H264.
[Fix] H.264: Better detect topfield / bottom field flag if frame is interlaced and pic_struct is missing. Reduces field on recode.
[Fix] H.264: File with 10 second GOPs isn't increasing minimum buffer sizes automatically.
[Fix] H.264: For Avermedia captured files, widen the parameters to auto correct the frame rate from 59.94 to 29.97
[Fix] H.264: Problems opening an AVI x.264 file with Annex B start codes if it starts with a large SEI created by the X.264 encoder.
[Fix] H.264: Smart editing could pixelate at cut start if PPS changed from previous segment.
[Fix] H.264: Unable to determine clock preventing file open if field encoded and temporal references are odd.
[Fix] H.264: Unable to open SmartyCam files. Files use pic ordering type 2, but don't have IDR frames, only I-frames.
[Fix] LKFS normalizing: (VRDPro) can crash if source audio codec is AAC 2.0.
[Fix] MKV: File wouldn't open if container time stamp corrupt. This prevented QSF.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Improved handling of H.264 files when the DTS/PTS relationship changes in mid file.
[Fix] MPEG2: Cuts in very low bit rate files could create macroblocked images. Minimum encoding bit rate not being honored.
[Fix] MPEG: Insert an extra MPEG1 Layer 2 audio frame at start of file during playback with very high bit rate (35 Mbps) MPEG2 TS.
[Fix] MXF: (VRDPro) File duration and frame count is being reported as one extra frame.
[Fix] Output: (VRDPro) When recoding to 720x608, we were automatically adding VBI signal. Remove, only do so if recoding to 720x512.
[Fix] Output: Output could rarely include an extra frame in cut mode due to round off error when converting cuts to scenes.
[Fix] Output: Re-coding an MPEG2 1080i with 1:1 aspect to H.264 1080i @ 16:9 resulted in pillar boxes.
[Fix] Output: Remove check for "Crypt32.dll" being in system space since it was affecting a user.
[Fix] PS muxer: Rare buffer overflow when creating an MPEG-2 program stream.
[Fix] Playback: Unable to display video if encoded display width is not a multiple of 4.
[Fix] Preview mode: MPEG2 audio might not play in preview, if there are more than 1 audio stream. Broken in 738/739.
[Fix] Profiles: (VRDPro) allow 4K 3840x2160 video resolution in the profile grid.
[Fix] Project files: MP4 AAC, m_aacAudioSpecificConfig was not being saved in the project file causing potential joiner issues.
[Fix] Quick Sync: 1080i converted to 720p with the QuickSync encoder was not being correctly flagged as progressive.
[Fix] Quick sync: Error check from encoder wasn't skipping negative error codes resulting in rare crash.
[Fix] SMPTE-302M: (VRDPro) Channel 2 was not being output correctly when encoding at 16 bits.
[Fix] SMPTE-302M: (VRDPro) Fixed TS muxer bit rates to create more compliant 302M muxes.
[Fix] TS Muxer: Muxer would not retain same as source PIDs when source had multiple audio streams.
[Fix] TS Muxing: Some H264 files could create an initial PTS underflow due to integer rounding error when determining initial PTS.
[Fix] TS Muxing: Tightened up muxing parameters for MPEG2 720p file to create more compliant muxes.
[Fix] TS Muxing: Updating an MPEG2 bit rate in the sequence header wasn't correctly updating the exit rate of the video mux buffer.
[Fix] Tools>Select stream: No PIDS message when changing video streams.
[Fix] Uncompressed video: Superious EOF returned in middle of the file triggers a decoder reset resulting in corrupt GOP.
[Fix] VRDPro: Fixed license manager so that it works correctly with batch using Windows ID as install code.
[Fix] WMV audio decoding: ffmpeg audio decoding could drop most audio frames when using wmv voice codec.
[Fix] ffMpeg: Memory leak when processing H264 MP4 or MKV files.
[Fix] x264 encoding: (VRDPro) Progressive sequence not being set in all cases.
[Fix] Translations: Tools>Options>Playback, video driver drop down wasn't updated in non-English versions.
[Fix] Audio playback: (VRDPro) when metering or SDI is enabled, audio sampling rates other than 48K would be distorted.
[Fix] GUI: Unable to open file with non-ascii diacritics via drag-drop, but can can open via menu file>open video
[Fix] H.264: Green lines in output video when doing IDR smart editing and video width isn't divisible by 16.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2015-05-30)
[Enhancement] Profile: Added ability to change frame rates when recoding.
[Enhancement] DVD: Add DVD video option to select the Intel QuickSync encoder.
[Enhancement] Captioning: Display and save existing MP4/MOV "tx3g" captions.
[Enhancement] GUI: Add a "don't show again" to the Queue To Batch confirm pop-up.
[Enhancement] H.264: Support for UHD 3840 no longer experimental and is enabled by default.
[Enhancement] H.264: Support for UHD 4096 output. Set Shift+Tools>Options #55. Allow UHD 4096 output. Profile must select SAS (same as source) or type in dimension.
[Enhancement] MKV: Enabled support for DVB subtitles in MKV
[Enhancement] Output: Re-sizer, improved performance of the re-sizer enabled via Tools>Shift+Options> # 36 "Number of threads" to value >=2. Default is 2.
[Enhancement] Video output: Performance enhancements to the smart de-interlacer improves output speed by 20%-40%.
[Change] COM: Disabled automatic COM registration. COM will only register at install, from batch, or if "/register" on command line.
[Change] GUI: Allow encoder to be customized by profile by moving "Encoder quality" from Tools>Options>Stream to Output profile: Advanced: Intelligent Recode Options.
[Change] GUI: Tools>Shift+Options: "Include initial closed GOP B frames" has been moved to Tools>Options>Stream parameters
[Change] GUI: Updated Spanish translation.
[Change] H.264: Detect and fix DVB subtitles recorded from ARTEHD which have incorrect time stamps.
[Change] MPEG2: Remove limit for maximum PTS discontinuity checks.
[Change] Output: Removed H264Encoder.dll from installation setup/install. Functions consolidated in other files.
[Fix] Batch: Batch wouldn't launch a second time if previously minimized to the system tray and closed.
[Fix] Batch: Disable the "Problem while seeking" message if running from batch.
[Fix] Batch: Starting batch as minimized wasn't working.
[Fix] Batch: Yellow exclamation Icon not properly showing errors in Batch output list.
[Fix] Batch: Output folder did not stick in batch.
[Fix] Batch: Queue to batch from QuickStream Fix will stall when source and output names are the same
[Fix] Captioning: When recoding from MPEG2 to H.264, NTSC captions could cause application crash if converting from 1080 to 720.
[Fix] Captioning: When recoding from MPEG2 to H.264, NTSC captions may be corrupted if any source frames have a repeat field flag.
[Fix] Captioning: When recoding from MPEG2 to progressive H.264, NTSC captions repeat frame flags will cause caption corruption.
[Fix] DVD authoring: Aspect ratio could be wrong when cropping set in DVD dialog
[Fix] DVD authoring: Slow recoding, sync errors, and possible TOD if source is 720p with repeat frame flags.
[Fix] DVD open: File>Open DVD with auto QSF. If no drive or path in the QSF output file name, get improper argument when QSF completes
[Fix] DVD: Audio needs will be forced to 48Khz sampling rate.
[Fix] ES Muxing: ES muxing could pick up AAC audio as MPEG1 Layer 2 causing sync errors and dropped frames.
[Fix] ES Muxing: If output is .TS and one of the audio streams is PCM says audio recode (OK). Remove PCM stream, still says recode.
[Fix] ES Muxing: Improve ES muxing when output is TS and mux rate is automatic.
[Fix] Elementary stream output: Audio file names could have wrong extension when primary audio stream wasn't the first stream in file.
[Fix] Files containing the "&" character fail when processing through Batch Manager
[Fix] GUI: "Add files to batch queue" could fail the first time it's used as the default remembered folder name is blank.
[Fix] GUI: Don't show Tools>Options>Quick Sync options page when running XP or Vista. Prevents crash in Vista.
[Fix] GUI: Double clicking on the time code control would accidentally copy the time code to the clipboard overwriting what was there.
[Fix] GUI: Frame capture not working properly on 4K material. Cuts off image if image width is > 2048 pixels.
[Fix] GUI: If preferred audio set to MPEG1 Layer 2 and file only has AC3 it won't find the audio.
[Fix] GUI: Intermittent application crash in preview mode and using fine-tune slider.
[Fix] GUI: Resolved additional issues with Windows DPI scaling.
[Fix] GUI: Old style file dialogs not working in QSF and ES muxer Old style dialogs enabled via: T>shift+O #46. Use new style file and folder dialogs: false
[Fix] GUI: Remove incorrect URL reference (404) in tip of the day to our support page. Replace with Quick Sync tip.
[Fix] GUI: Video display problem if encoding height was not a multiple of 4, and YUV acceleration is disabled.
[Fix] GUI: Video output driver: Fixed minor memory leak each time a new file was opened.
[Fix] H.264 output: (Converting progressive DVD with 3:2 telecine to 1080p with software encoder created chroma artefacts.
[Fix] H.264: 608 and 708 caption display could be incorrect if SEI captions were stored by field rather than by frame.
[Fix] H.264: Creating mono HE-AAC silent frames had wrong frame duration. Will now create frame as stereo HE-AAC. Silent frames used for titles and sync fixing.
[Fix] H.264: PTS calculation routine was looking at the max_pic_order_cnt_lsb for the next GOP rather than the current GOP.
[Fix] H.264: Preview mode out of sync on 720p video when there are multiple cuts.
[Fix] H.264: QSF could stall or crash if time stamp wrapped by more than 4 seconds.
[Fix] H.264: QSF will drop last frame of file if the last encoded frame is the last displayed frame. Save is OK.
[Fix] H.264: Save might drop last frame if audio is AAC and there are an odd number of audio frames being output.
[Fix] H.264: Save will drop frame if last frame of file is a single frame GOP that starts with IDR with POC_LSB = 0.
[Fix] H.264: Smart editing could hang if doing audio normalization and IDR frame isn't found at start of first cut.
[Fix] Joiner: When auto restoring after crash, saving the restored joiner with H.264 throws an error, "Compressed stream not found"
[Fix] MKV output: MKV output could fail with ffMpeg write packet error if a DVB subtitle stream had an invalid PTS.
[Fix] MP4 muxing: When doing MOOV atom renaming, some Unicode characters can cause logging error and put log into loop.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: If recoding to H.264 and saving to MP4/MKV, could get a graph abort. Recoding to .ts first, or doing smart edit is OK.
[Fix] MPEG2: In rare cases AC3 streams would not be found even when present.
[Fix] Output profile: Crash when changing some H.264 encoding options.
[Fix] Output: Audio normalization didn't work correctly when downmixing output.
[Fix] Output: Frame rate changer wasn't honouring MPEG2 3:2 telecine flags.
[Fix] Output: It's possible to save to an MP4 with the same name as the source triggering a problem with the MOOV atom rename.
[Fix] Output: MP4/MKV output muxer not releasing about 60MB of memory after each save.
[Fix] Output: Source frame of 24 fps, being incorrectly converted to 23.97 and also triggering a problem in the frame rate converter.
[Fix] Output: WMV/VC-1 output didn't work
[Fix] Output: When converting 1080i to 720p, captions are being doubled up.
[Fix] Profile: Setting profile to manually adjust audio gain not working.
[Fix] Profile: H.264 encoder being set to CBR when source file is also CBR, regardless of bit rate settings,
[Fix] Profiles: Editing a profile will crash VRD if running Vista or user selected "audio only" and codec wasn't set to "automatic"
[Fix] Profiles: Some of the "advanced H.264 stream options" in the profile editor were not being honored, e.g. RemoveFiller NALs.
[Fix] QSF: Failing when clock is reset near beginning of the file.
[Fix] QSF: Triggering a QSF with filters from the "Dimension Changed" message box, the "filter" checkbox in QSF dialog wasn't being checked.
[Fix] QSF: When filtering by dimensions also detects a frame rate change, the output frame rate was being set to first frame rate in the file, not the one associated with the filter.
[Fix] Saving: Save as audio only .m4a not working.
[Fix] Subtitle display: VRD could crash if user tries to display teletext subs which follow DVB subs in the view subtitle menu.
[Fix] TiVo: Changed the Tivo filter to use a different read mode so that it won't stall in batch when source has corrupt frames.
[Fix] WMV: Saving to WMV will crash if source isn't MPEG2 or H264 and no audio recode or video cropping being performed.
[Fix] ffMpeg: Fixed memory leak in the ffMpeg reader when opening a file.
[Enhancement] GUI: (VRDPro) On Tools>Edit>Profile page add a checkbox which will set whether to use the consumer or grid as default.
[Enhancement] Audio: (VRDPro) Add SMPTE-302M and Dolby E pass through support for H.264
[Enhancement] Captioning: (VRDPro) Added option to display 16x9 with a maximum 42 columns rather than the default 32 column maximum.
[Change] Audio mixing: (VRDPro) create pseudo AES channel IDs for non-SMPTE streams so we can use the same stereo profiles.
[Change] GUI: (VRDPro) Tools>Options>Stream parameters "Include initial closed GOP B frames" defaults to checked for new installs
[Change] Licensing: (VRDPro) H.264 4:2:2 add-on support now enabled with on-line activation.
[Change] MPEG2: (VRDPro) Support for reading and reporting AFD code in MXF SMPTE-436M ANC packets.
[Fix] Audio output: (VRDPro) Problems setting peak db on advanced profile dialog.
[Fix] Audio output: (VRDPro) When advanced mixing from 5.1 source to PCM, LFE channel not being correctly counted as a source channel.
[Fix] Audio output: (VRDPro) when recoding to SMPTE-302M, volume was being raised by 6 db.
[Fix] GUI: (VRDPro) AFD code was being displayed on Tools>Show Program Info in non-Pro version.
[Fix] GUI: (VRDPro) Pro version is checking consumer version numbers rather than Pro releases.
[Fix] Output: (VRDPro) Crop and border bottom doesn't work if both values are the same.
[Fix] H.264: (VRDPro) Smart editor could trigger a crash in x264 4:2:2 encoder.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-12-15)
[Enhancement] Audio Output profile: Added option to set byte order (endianess) for PCM audio. Default is "little" same as previous versions.
[Enhancement] GUI: TVSuite, Batch and install wizard should now appear in correct perspective regardless of monitor DPI setting.
[Enhancement] H.264: Added new H.264 advanced encoding option, "Write SEI pic_timing": Default was and still is to write the pic_timing record
[Change] H.264: Show error message that H.264 4:2:2 files require VRD Pro. (even Pro version requires special codec pack).
[Change] H.264: Updated H.264 decoder/encoder libraries to version 9.10. Should not be noticeable to the user.
[Change] NPT display: Added shift+Tools>Options, # 35. NPT decimal digits to display: (default is 3). Previously hard coded to 4.
[Fix] Audio recoding: Intermittent error saving with multiple audio streams due to thread conflict initializing multiple decoders.
[Fix] Batch: Batch add dialog not remembering last used folder
[Fix] DVD authoring: Volume name was incorrect for files with a period in name
[Fix] DVD/Joiner: Batch processing or opening of DVD / joiner projects didn't work. Previous joiner / DVD project won't open.
[Fix] GUI: Default audio completion alert wav file "woosh.wav" was accidently left out of the distribution.
[Fix] GUI: Fixed Tools>Options>Hidden option # 3, allow resize of fine tune slider.
[Fix] GUI: Opening a project would set the unsaved edits flag.
[Fix] GUI: When doing a refresh (F12) video duration was not being updated in the on screen info box.
[Fix] H.264: Smart edit crash at cut points when doing IDR recoding and max_l0_active not equal to max_l1_active. (broke in 717)
[Fix] H.264: ffmpeg error while saving to MP4/MKV when lots of out-of-order frames.
[Fix] Installer: Program group had a shortcut to older "configuration wizard" instead of new V5 Installation wizard.
[Fix] Profile Default MPEG-2 MP4 profile broken, would convert to MPG rather than save as MP4.
[Fix] Profile: AC3 5.0 was forcing an audio recode rather than being passed through because VRD thought 5.0 was illegal.
[Fix] WMV/VC-1: When saving to WMV or VC-1 audio would hiss due to audio bytes being swapped twice.
[Fix] WTV: QSF a WTV to WTV would always prompt for metadata because it didn't realize the source was WTV.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-11-13)
[New] TVSuite Version 5, Initial release
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-11-13)
[Enhancement] MPEG2: QSF with filtering will now also filter on frame rates as well as frame dimensions.
[Change] GUI: If opening a file with RDD11/VANC stream, display warning that only VRD Pro supports RDD11. File will still open.
[Fix] Transport stream output: MP2 streams which follow a SMPTE-302M stream would have a BSSD registration descriptor copied from 302M.
[Fix] H.264: Smart cuts could crash WMP v12 if source only had IDR and P frames. Didn't affect all systems.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-11-08)
[Enhancement] GUI: Added two new keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+Shift+P to "File > Project Save As..." and Ctrl+Shift+Q for "Tools>Audio Adjustment"
[Change] GUI: Changing audio volume or sync (Tools>Audio Adjustment) enables File>Save>Project
[Change] H.264: Auto detect and increase the buffer sizes during file open so that playback is smoother.
[Fix] GUI: About box cutting off product name on XP. Reduced font size by 2 points.
[Fix] GUI: Tool tips for navigation advance buttons was incorrect.
[Fix] GUI: Tooltip: "Hint: add + or - for relative offset" appearing in tip of the day.
[Fix] H.264: If secondary audio stream didn't match the primary audio and needed resyncing with silent audio, output would stall.
[Fix] H.264: Smart editing could crash on 4K video if the bit rate was so high that a compressed H.264 frame was greater than 1MB.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Allow greater delta between PTS and DTS in case file change to have greater frame reordering than in initial GOP.
[Fix] Output: Time code burn-in would convert whole frame to RGB, add time code, then convert back to YUV causing color shifts.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-10-31)
[Enhancement] Install wizard: Added option to retain existing custom skin/theme during install.
[Fix] H.264: QSF filtering wasn't working. Also, QSF would always set filter to first item in drop down box not user's selection.
[Fix] Increased audio buffers in graph to prevent stall
[Fix] H.264 joiner: If multiple titles in the joiner before or after a video only the last title before and after were saved.
[Fix] Profile editor: Audio compression was not retained if setting was set to 0 db.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: MP4/Mkv abort on output due to invalid parsing of PPS of Main profile. (Broke in 709)
[Fix] H.264 MP4/MKV: If frame rate slightly off from standard, was possible for DTS to become greater than PTS.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-10-27)
[Enhancement] GUI: Trial key for new users. Now prompts and installs the trial key directly from within the application. No more emailed keys.
[Enhancement] Installer: Uninstaller will now check and warn if VideoReDo or Batch running. Will close batch automatically if not cancelled.
[Enhancement] Upgrade wizard: Detects if V4 key is on or after 2014-06-01 and creates a no charge Version 5 key. For beta all keys are still no charge.
[Change] GUI: Tools>Options>QuickSync, moved strings to resource file so they can be translated.
[Change] H.264 recoding: If recoding to ipad, automatic scene detection was previously enabled by default, Now disabled.
[Change] Installer: Add option to install folder group to explore the log folder. Can be manually invoked via command line: vrdbatch show_log
[Change] Installer: If batch detected, attempt to shut it down automatically from the installer.
[Change] Installer: Remove option to add VideoReDo to start menu as no longer applicable to Windows 8.
[Change] Output profile: Output profile and file save options will hide QuickSync encoder option if QS not installed.
[Change] Output status: Updated system tray icon during save to use current VideoReDo icon.
[Fix] Allow minor variations in detecting PAL frame rates on DVD
[Fix] Audio adjustment: Changing volume did not force a recode.
[Fix] Batch: Batch output complete dialog shows wrong icon if an error or warning is detected in a previous file in the batch.
[Fix] Captioning: Fixed EIA 608 caption bug when switching between roll-up or paint on to pop-up.
[Fix] Captioning: Fixed overlapping text in 608 caption display.
[Fix] DVD Project properties: Some DVD options didn't stick.
[Fix] GUI: When running AdDetective on H.264 file with "Disable display" option selected, cursor wouldn't show progress on the navigation bar.
[Fix] H.264 MP4: Navigation issue if MP4 source didn't have SPS and PPS for each IDR frame, TVSuite will now copy them from previous IDR.
[Fix] H.264 Smart edit: Smart edit encoder could crash if PPS. prediction_weighted and doing field encoding.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: If default to QS checked and running on a system that allows QS, smart edit would use the V4 cutting engine. Now QS ignored when doing smart cutting.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: Not parsing second_chroma_qp_index_offset properly causing an issue with downstream applications.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: Output could stall (TOD) if the GOP size was really long. Added shift+Tools>Options 54. Max GOP Length (secs). Default 15 secs.
[Fix] MP4 output: Possible MP4/MKV PTS/DTS error writing packet when too many reference frames at start of file and using smart edit.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: Slight pixelation at start cut point if source is MBAFFand field_pic_flag is set in slice header.
[Fix] MPEG2: Recoding source file with 1:1 aspect ratio resulted in output file having wrong aspect ratio.
[Fix] MPEG2: Recoding MPEG2 file where horizontal dimension wasn't evenly divisible by 16 caused scrambled output.
[Fix] Output profile: Crop/border color change not working. Also changed default from pure black #000000 to studio black #101010.
[Fix] Output: If QuickSync encoding selected, but system doesn't support QS, automatically switch to software.
[Fix] Profile editor: Bitrate calculator would crash if edited length was left blank
[Fix] Profile editor: Crash when using bit rate calculator.
[Fix] Rounding error when calculating frame rate in files without SPS
[Fix] TS Muxing: Video PTS being internally converted to unsigned int during muxing. Could affect output files > 2+ hours.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-09-30)
[Enhancement] Output profiles: Encoder type expanded to Default, QS, or Software. Change "Default" from Software to QS via T>O>Stream.
[Enhancement] 4K support: Added 4K output to shift+Tools>Options>Manual # 53 to allow for testing of output up to 3840x2160. (H264 only).
[Change] H.264 smart edit: Now works on Windows XP.
[Change] Quick sync: Encoder initialization error when encoding interlaced material with a height not a multiple of 32.
[Change] Teletext: Teletext frames would be dropped if there wasn't a PCR. Topfield PVRs drop PCR PIDs.
[Fix] ES Muxing: Crash / yellow triangle (TOD) when muxing H.264 and audio duration is longer than video. Will now truncate audio.
[Fix] GUI: 4K video would crash application if brightness or contrast adjustments are altered via View>Change Display Properties.
[Fix] GUI: Text for new controls is being drawn with CP_UTF8 instead of CP_ACP causing strange characters to be displayed.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: Encoder error if number of frames to encode larger than about 30 frames at a cut end.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: Slight pixelation at start cut point if source is MBAFFand field_pic_flag is set in slice header.
[Fix] H.264: Unable to open files that were less than 2 GOPs long. Still unable to join files that are less than 1 second.
[Fix] MKV: Some MKV source files could have incorrect sync when saved.
[Fix] MP4/MKV output: Automatically disable SPS/PPS in each GOP option when doing a full recode. Creates more compliant files.
[Fix] MPEG2: Error parsing AC3 frames in some transport and tivo transport stream files. Broke in 706.
TVSuite V5 - (2014-09-21)
[Change] GUI: Issue error when opening a 4K video if operating system isn't Windows x64. (4K output not supported).
[Change] Output: Internal change to the frame rate converter when converting from 50/59.94 to 25/29.97.
[Change] Tools>Intel QuickSync: Show CPU type, display adapters with driver version and date in the QuickSync info box.
[Change] GUI: Batch, The start / pause button in batch is too obscure, added a label to it and made the button larger.
[Change] Options: Tools>Options>Playback, remove DirectX option.
[Change] H.264: Support SBR in MKV/MP4 files.
[Change] GUI: Cut mode, moved "Cut includes marked out frame" from Shift+Tools>Options to T>O>General to include mark out in cut.
[Fix] Profile: Audio advanced, single audio source, add 2nd downmix AAC output stream. Edit 2nd stream, shows codec as automatic instead of AAC
[Fix] GUI: In V5, "Remove selected Scenes/Cuts" not enabled.
[Fix] GUI: In V5, the thumbnail window doesn't always display properly when a video is opened after startup.
[Fix] GUI: Beyond TV project file support, which was dropped in previous betas, back into the product.
[Fix] WTV: Some WTV files would fail to open
[Fix] COM: Spelling mistakes in vp.vbs
[Fix] Output: Tools>Audio Adjustment creates static
[Fix] H.264 Smart edit: When output scene duration less than IDR frame secs and no IDR frame found, wrong start frame output and sync
[Fix] GUI: Reworked the frame count display logic in the cut list and right side info box to correctly show exact output frame count.
[Fix] MPEG2: Fixed AFD code detection when the AFD code is in the VANC. Was shifting results by 1 bit instead of 3 bits (VRD Pro only).
[Fix] H.264: Avermedia frame rate correction not working properly in V5. Was working in V4.
[Fix] Profile: Rotation direction reversed. Clockwise rotated counter clockwise, etc.
[Fix] GUI: Showing MBytes into the info box on a Scandinavian system shows weird character instead of space for thousands separator.
[Fix] GUI: Tools>Options>Playback, unable to persist "Edit without audio"
[Fix] GUI: Only English shown in the Tools>Options>Startup language selection.
TVSuite V5 - (Released 2014-09-03)
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: New Version 5 H.264 smart cutting engine disabled on Windows XP, will default to Version 4 style engine.
[Fix] Output: Output would hang for iphone 2 profile, audio gain changed or normalized, and multiple audio streams in source video.
[Fix] DVD Authoring: Crash if temporary folder on T>O>DVD set to auto.
TVSuite V5 - ( Released 2014-09-03 )
[Enhancement] GUI: Add new menu "Edit>Apply Project file" to apply a project file settings: Cutlist, Scenes, bookmark to currently open video.
Version 4.21.10-681, Release date: July 21, 2014
Enhance H.264: Detect PAL SD/HD recorded on Avermedia box and compensate for incorrect frame rate in Avermedia files.
Enhance H.264: H.264 re-coding can be sped up options: "Presets" and "Slices per frame" on Profile>Advanced Encoding Options
Change GUI: Changed behavior for stolen/invalid keys from cryptic "can't open file" to "Invalid license" at file save.
Change GUI: Joiner dialog, the keyboard accelerator Alt+C will now trigger a "Create" rather than "Cancel".
Change H.264: Smart encoding, allow files that have incorrect profile / level to be smart encoded.
Change H.264: Smart encoding, incorrectly encoded PlayOn HD files (Level 3.0) would error when smart cutting.
Change Resizing: Turn on anti-aliasing when reducing image size to reduce shimmering.
Change Version check: Test the new hardware signatures in Version check.
Change WTV reader: Excessive logging in the wtv reader could substantially slow down source file reading.
Fix GUI: Program would crash at file open if running VMR7 or VMR9 video and audio device was disabled.
Fix GUI; Tivo PS file from Series 2 could hang/abort while seeking.
Fix H.264: If PTS clock wraps, to a value later than the first clock in the file, output can hang.
Fix H.264: Improved error handling when the source file has some corruption that requires removing missing frames.
Fix H.264: Possible sync issue when joining many H.264 files and file starts with IDR frame with POC LSB > 0.
Fix H.264: Saving to a transport file didn't close the file properly until the TVSuite application was closed.
Fix MP4/MKV: Improper PCM format for MP4/MKV, changed from little endian to big endian.
Fix MPEG2 Recoding: Dual pass encoding from MPEG2 or H264 could hang (TOD) especially when authoring DVDs.
Fix MPEG2 decoder: Incorrectly encoded MPEG2 file was interpreted by the IPP decoder as MPEG1.
Fix Profile: Target file size did not work when set to >4.2GB
Fix Transport stream: Not all PIDs were found when the PAT was spread across two transport stream packets.
Fix WTV: Reading WTV files could crash when a bad audio language packet encountered.
H264 Editing - (Released 2014-06-04)
[Enhancement] H.264: H.264 re-coding can be sped up with options: "Presets" and "Slices per frame" on Profile>Advanced Encoding Options
[Fix] H.264: If PTS clock wraps, to a value later than the first clock in the file, output can hang.
[Fix] GUI: Program would crash at file open if running VMR7 or VMR9 video and audio device was disabled.
H264 Editing - (Released 2014-04-21)
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Improper PCM format for MP4/MKV, changed from little endian to big endian.
[Fix] Profile: Target file size did not work when set to >4.2GB
[Fix] WTV: Reading WTV files could crash when a bad audio language packet encountered.
[Fix] WTV: Reader error causes occasional un-seekable file, due to bug introduced in 672.
H264 Editing - (Released 2014-04-01)
[Change] Resizing: Turn on anti-aliasing when reducing image size to reduce shimmering.
[Fix] Transport stream: Not all PIDs were found when the PAT was spread across two transport stream packets.
[Fix] GUI; Tivo PS file from Series 2 could hang/abort while seeking.
[Fix] H.264: Possible sync issue when joining many H.264 files and file starts with IDR frame with POC LSB > 0.
H264 Editing - (Released 2014-02-26)
[Change] WTV reader: Excessive logging in the wtv reader could substantially slow down source file reading.
[Fix] MPEG2 Recoding: Dual pass encoding from MPEG2 or H264 could hang (TOD) especially when authoring DVDs.
[Fix] H.264: Improved error handling when the source file has some corruption that requires removing missing frames.
H264 Editing - (Released 2013-12-17)
[Enhancement] H.264: Avermedia, frame rate test fails on Avermedia SD files.
[Change] MPEG2: Saving to MPEG2 to MP4 format will use XDCAM codec types.
[Change] H.264: Smart encoding, incorrectly encoded PlayOn HD files (Level 3.0) would error when smart cutting.
[Change] H.264: Smart encoding, allow files that have incorrect profile / level to be smart encoded.
[Fix] MPEG2 decoder: Incorrectly encoded MPEG2 file was interpreted by the IPP decoder as MPEG1.
[Fix] H.264: Avermedia, some Avermedia files could have small FPS differences, 59.942 instead of 59.941 messing up Avermedia check.
Version 4.21.6-674, Release date: December 12, 2013
Fix: H.264, Improved sync for I frame cuts, especially with recently recorded BBC broadcasts
Fix: Tivo transport streams, Tivo transport streams could result in buffer overlow and pixelation due to change in Tivo file format.
Fix: MKV output, MKV files with MPEG2 video crash PowerDVD and cause problems in other players.
View Complete Change log.
H264 Editing - (Released 2013-12-06)
[Fix] GUI: Crash when opening most file types (broken in 673).
H264 Editing - (Released 2013-12-05)
[Change] H.264: Files were slow to open when multi-audio = 0, preferred audio was any, and max bytes to scan was > 20 MB.
[Fix] Tivo transport streams: Tivo transport streams could result in buffer overlow and pixelation due to change in Tivo file format.
[Fix] H.264: GOP accurate cuts could create sync issues if there are lots of out-of-order frames after the GOP start.
[Fix] H.264: Unable to open file if fixed frame rate flag not set in SPS vui_parameters, but frame rate info is present.
[Fix] MPEG2: Possible buffer overflow during output when multi-audio enabled and an audio stream drops out completely.
[Fix] H.264: When previewing edits, sometimes audio could not be heard.
[Fix] MKV output: MKV files with MPEG2 video crash PowerDVD and cause problems in other players.
H264 Editing - (Released 2013-11-05)
[Change] WTV: Added fix to WTV reader that allows it to get past corrupt data
[Fix] H.264: Improved error checking in build 671 prevented certain incorrectly encoded streams from saving properly.
[Fix] Transport stream: Fix in 671 could prevent LATM AAC not being detected when there wasn't a program map.
Version 4.21.4-671, Release date: October 31, 2013
Critical fix: Correct problem with "Can't open file" affecting a few users.
Change: H.264: Annex B start code without intervening NAL would prevent file from opening. (Incorrectly formatted stream).
Change: Output: Added new shift+T>O, "Disable secondary syncing in the muxer" to disable secondary syncing in the muxer.
Fix: AAC: LOAS/LATM could report the wrong channel count while playing and distort the audio.
Fix: H.264: Certain types of frame corruption could trigger abort on output when saving to MP4/MKV. QSF wouldn't fix.
Fix: H.264: Re-wrote resyncing logic. Will now work much better when source has no "B" frames (baseline profile).
Fix: H.264: Smart encoding, reduce SAR width and height to be less than 1024 for baseline profile.
Fix: MPEG2: Doing a QSF on VOB could result in buffer overflows or excessive resync when shit+T>O, 67 multi-audio = 1.
Fix: MPEG2: Improve file opening speed when there are lots of MBytes of corrupt, encrypted or miss frames at EOF.
Fix: MPEG2: Reduce instances of Audio Ring Buffer Overflow during QSF with multi-audio enabled.
Fix: MPEG2: In rare circumstances a corrupt audio frame could overwrite the stream parameters causing save problems.
Fix: Transport stream: Improve detection of AAC ADTS vs. MPEG1 Layer 2 when there is no program map.
Fix: Version check: If local router or ISP returns a page rather than HTTP error, our code might GPF.
H264 Editing - (2013-10-24)
[Change] Output: Added new shift+T>O, "Disable secondary syncing in the muxer" to disable secondary syncing in the muxer.
[Change] H.264: Annex B start code without intervening NAL would prevent file from opening. (Incorrectly formatted stream).
[Fix] H.264: Re-wrote resyncing logic. Will now work much better when source has no "B" frames (baseline profile).
[Fix] H.264: Smart encoding, reduce SAR width and height to be less than 1024 for baseline profile.
[Fix] AAC: LOAS/LATM could report the wrong channel count while playing and distort the audio.
[Fix] MPEG2: Improve file opening speed when there are lots of MBytes of corrupt, encrypted or miss frames at EOF.
[Fix] MPEG2: Doing a QSF on VOB could result in buffer overflows or excessive resync when shit+T>O, 67 multi-audio = 1.
[Fix] H.264: Certain types of frame corruption could trigger abort on output when saving to MP4/MKV. QSF wouldn't fix.
[Fix] Transport stream: Improve detection of AAC ADTS vs. MPEG1 Layer 2 when there is no program map.
[Fix] Version check: If local router or ISP returns a page rather than HTTP error, our code might GPF.
Version 4.21.3-667, Release date: August 21, 2013
NEW H.264: Enabled support for previewing edits (experimental).
NEW Translation: Added infrastructure and DLLs for Russian translation.
Change Translation: Revised German translation. Many more dialogs and strings have been updated.
View Complete Change log.
H264 Editing - (2013-08-14)
[Enhancement] Translation: Added infrastructure and DLLs for Russian translation.
[Change] Licensing: New trial key request page.
[Fix] H.264: If save/QSF removed frames for sync and you resaved the edited file again, additional frames were removed.
[Fix] File name issue: Unable to open or save files if certain non-latin characters in folder name (Czech, Russion, Chinese).
[Fix] Joiner: Timing issue could cause joiner to intermittently hang when subtitles are present.
[Fix] H.264: Unable to open file if fixed frame rate flag not set in SPS vui_parameters, but frame rate info is present.
[Fix] H.264: File would open, but not play if all frames had an SPS NAL as each frame was marked as GOP start.
[Change] Licensing: New trial key request page.
H264 Editing - (2013-06-30)
[Enhancement] GUI: Updated German translations
[Enhancement] H.264: Enabled support previewing edits (experimental).
[Fix] Transport Stream: Change transport stream reader to ignore encrypted packets. Caused crash if more than 100 MB at EOF.
[Fix] H.264 Ad Detective: Dimension change during Ad Detective scan could crash if QSF option selected.
[Fix] DVD Burner: DVD burner would not recognize discs for some users
[Fix] Joiner: File seek cache not cleared on second or later files when adding to joiner (Internal).
[Fix] Joiner: Multi-audio MPEG2 in rare circumstance get temporarily out of sync resulting in dropping of valid video frames.
[Fix] MPEG2: Changed output routines so that resync test is called for each GOP output. Previous code could skip some GOPs.
[Fix] Closed captioning: When converting 59.94 fps to 29.97 fps (e.g. to DVD), 608/708 captions were improperly formatted.
[Fix] WTV output: Saving to WTV with 608/708 captions would strip the 708 portion of the captions.
[Fix] Close captioning: With some files & closed captioning on, Ad-Detective is slow due to excessive "Caption buffer full" in log.
H264 Editing - (2013-05-07)
[Enhancement] GUI: Embedded translation tools with install, enabled via tools menu when feature selected on Tools>Options>Startup
[Enhancement] Log file: Add upload log file to customer support to the Help menu.
[Change] Log file: When diagnostic level >= basic, program information in log at file save was old single audio format, not new format.
[Change] GUI: Subtract 0.001 from the NPT display, so that NPT is 1 msec less than the actual start of frame PTS.
[Fix] Audio: Recoding AAC SBR mono picked up as 24 K sampling rate instead of 48K. Hangs when transcoding audio.
[Fix] MPEG2/H264: QSF could crash if source PIDs disappear in middle of the file. E.g. User recorded show + data service.
[Fix] MPEG2: Recoding malformed MPEG2 with sequence end code in the middle of a GOP could cause dropped frames and sync issues.
H264 Editing - (2013-04-21)
[Enhancement] GUI: Option to display Cablelabs NPT in the time code window. Enable via Tools>Options>Navigation.
[Enhancement] GUI: Right click on time code to copy the current time code to the clipboard.
[Change] Joiner: When adding a file to joiner report BOTH audio and video mismatches at the same time.
[Fix] H.264 output: TiVo files not copying metadata
[Fix] DVD Authoring: Converting AC3 audio to MPEG1 Layer 2, audio gets out of sync and output stalls.
[Fix] MPEG2: Fixing / resyncing corrupt video and saving to MP4/MKV could result in muxer abort due to bad DTS.
[Fix] Output profiles: If dimension change during recode could crash if original video dimensions are greater than changed dimensions.
[Fix] Version check: Beta version check wasn't being automatically updated to recognize current build on existing installations.
H264 Editing - (2013-04-04)
[Change] H.264: Detect incorrect Avermedia 1080i MP4 files which are labelled as 59.94 but are actually 29.97 fps.
[Change] H.264: (INTERNAL) When opening file, both SPS and IDR NALs would increase GOP count. Disable IDR when SPS found.
[Fix] MPEG2: Out of sync if an output segment is exactly one GOP.
[Fix] DVD Authoring: If converting audio from 44.1Khz to 48 KHz, time stamps are off by 0.75 msec / audio frame triggering resyncs.
[Fix] MPEG2: Resync video frames could removed due to error at end of output segment (broken in 657)
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: Output encoder initialization error for AverMedia videos with POC type 2 that has reference frames.
[Fix] WMV: Can't recode to WMV in batch, works OK in normal save.
[Fix] 608/708 closed captions: When recoding from MPEG2 to H264, captions would not convert properly if source was telecined.
H264 Editing - (2013-03-29)
[Enhancement] H.264: Enable support for reading H.264 program streams.
[Enhancement] Version Check:Option on Tools>Option>Startup to allow checking for beta builds in addition to release builds.
[Change] Audio sync adjust: Using page-up / page-down to adjust sync will change in 50 msec increments instead of 400 msec increments
[Change] Version Check: Re-organized layout and controls for version check on Tools>Options>Start up.
[Fix] GUI: (INTERNAL) Change how View > Display properties values are stored in the application settings.
[Fix] H.264 ES muxing: Might crash at start of muxing.
[Fix] MPEG2: By default, when saving a CBR file with default profiles, the output video ES would be null padded to achieve CBR
[Fix] Output profiles: When manually adjusting volume & codec is MPEG1 L2, & bit rate is 256 Kbps, output would not be recoded.
[Fix] Profile: Setting resolution to SAS (same as source) incorrectly forced a recode.
[Fix] Program stream muxing: If recoding audio, audio frames could lag video frames by multiple seconds causing player issues (including TVSuite).
[Fix] Program stream: A corrupt start code in CheckForProgramStream would return MPEG2_CODEC, now continue search for codec type.
H264 Editing - (2013-03-14)
[Enhancement] GUI: Added ability to save / restore / clear settings to a .vset file on the Tools>Options>Startup page.
[Enhancement] MPEG / H264: If audio stream disappears from source file while saving, continue saving remaining streams. Used to overflow.
[Change] File open: When opening default audio stream, pick choose the audio with the lowest PID
[Fix] MPEG2: Unable to select LPCM streams with Tools>Select Stream (Ctrl-Q) when source file is program stream.
[Fix] MPEG2: Excessive audio buffer allocation when there are multiple LPCM streams.
[Fix] MPEG2: Elementary stream muxer not working for MPEG2 elementary streams.
[Fix] GUI: After saving, the " * " unsaved indicator in the main window caption isn't removed.
[Fix] File save dialog: Add back Alt+Q (queue to batch) accelerator which was accidentally dropped in the new file save dialog.
[Fix] Joiner: Joining 2 MPEG2 program streams with preferred audio not equal "auto" crashes before save dialog.
[Fix] MPEG2 > H.264 MP4: Crash creating MP4 chapters when using joiner.
Version 4.21.1-655, Release date: March 2, 2013
NEW Support for multiple audio streams. TVSuite will now open and save all the audio streams in your file.
NEW Add bitrate calculator to profile dialog
NEW Batch manager: Add output and output complete report to batch manager.
NEW Ability to pause output, both interactively and in batch.
NEW For Vista / W7 / W8, use new style file dialog boxes.
NEW GUI: Changed save "reduce CPU" to process "background priority", rather than previous of reducing output thread priority.
NEW GUI: Output Complete dialog, new format. Can open file in VRD, Containing folder, or click on link at top for default program.
NEW H.264: Support for NTSC/ATSC captioning in H.264 transport and wtv streams.
NEW MPEG2 decoder: New faster, multi-threaded MPEG2 decoder.
NEW Output Complete dialog: Add option to open file after output
NEW Output profiles: New cropping presets for converting Top/Bottom or Left/Right 3D to 2D.
NEW Output Status: Add pause button to output status window to temporarily pause output.
NEW PCM Audio: Support for 24 bit PCM in a DVD format.
NEW Profile: Add option to change AAC streams in TS and WTV from LATM to ADTS.
NEW Profile: When cropping from the File>Save>Options, new checkbox allows output dimensions to be calculated automatically.
NEW Tivo: Two new Tivo output profiles: MPEG2 & H.264 Tivo-TS (premiere). These files can be transferred directly to a Premiere TiVo.
NEW Video Drivers: New EVR driver (T>O>Playback) for Vista and W7 systems. Works better with RDP than VMR9.
NEW WTV: Added internal WTV metadata reader so that WTV files can be opened in XP, Vista or W8 (without MCE).
Change AC3: Change default down mix matrix to stereo rather than surround to improve output gain and channel separation.
Change Add program info XML output to COM interface
Change GUI: Adjusting audio is considered a "valid edit" so that Ctrl-P can be used to save a project, and warn user of unsaved edits.
Change GUI: Completion alerts: Bring main window to front option, now turned off by default (new installs only).
Change GUI: Diagnostics setting consolidated from T>O>Stream and T>O>H.264 to Tools>Options>General.
Change GUI: Help>Log file>Open folder, will now both open the folder and highlight the current log file.
Change GUI: Muti-windows DX support has been removed. Use VMR7, VMR9 or EVR instead.
Change H.264, Add option to Tools>Options>H.264 to select the frame rate from either the container frame rate or the stream frame rate.
Change MKV muxing: Aspect ratio flag being set incorrectly. Flag is optional and has been removed.
Change MP4 reader: Accept files that don't start with "ftyp" atom.
Change MPEG2 decoder: 4:2:2 video is now properly displayed. However, DirectX no longer supports 4:2:2 and reverts to VMR7.
Change MPEG2 stream: Re-wrote the multi-stream audio video re-syncing.
Change Output profiles: WTV output profiles are only displayed if the Microsoft WTV writer (SBE2) is present.
Change Profile: Add target file size to automatically compute bit rate to "Advanced Options" if profile is "Intelligent".
Change Tools>Shift+Options: Remove option to not display video in batch/COM silent mode. Make no display the default.
Change Subtitles: Increase the maximum allowed number of subtitles in a transport stream from 7 to 10.
Change Tools>Show Program Info: Added drop down box to "OK" which opens the source file folder in explorer and selects file.
Change Video display: Setting View>Brightness and contrast to maximum will switch display window to monochrome.
Change Win8: A few users experiencing lockup during install due to license manager issues.
H264 Editing - (2013-02-27)
[Fix] DVD Authoring: DVD authoring will hang if there are multiple source files that have DVB subs.
H264 Editing - (2013-02-23)
[Enhancement] Output profiles: New cropping presets for converting Top/Bottom or Left/Right 3D to 2D.
[Fix] MPEG2 MP4/MKV: Incorrect navigation for MPEG2 streams in MP4 or MKV wrapper.
[Fix] MKV: VideoReDo created MKV won't FF/RW a few players or TVs.
[Fix] H.264: Interlaced stream coded as POC_order_type = 2, with non-reference frames, and missing AUD, not being properly demuxed.
[Fix] Cropping: Crash when cropping on right and difference between source and dest = crop: Resize 1920 > 1440 crop 480 from right.
H264 Editing - (2013-02-10)
[Change] WTV profiles: Fix to disable WTV profiles for XP and Vista disabled output for Vista TVPack, will also check for W8 MCE install.
[Change] GUI: Changed save "reduce CPU" to process "background priority", rather than previous of reducing output thread priority.
[Fix] AAC: Converting LATM to ADTS (without recoding) created bad AAC stream.
[Fix] H.264: Recoding an MPEG2 with 2:3 telecine to H.264 progressive would create combed frames.
[Fix] Profile: Force recode wouldn't work if the max bit rate of the force recode profile matched the header bit rate of the source.
[Fix] Profile: Problem with setting the normalization level. Would not persist at a level other than 0.0 db.
H264 Editing - (2013-02-01)
[Change] H.264: Internal change in the way the decoder module is loaded.
[Change] Win8: A few users experiencing lockup during install due to license manager issues.Fix] DVD Authoring: Changing a video setting, even GOP length, would force force unnecessary recode.
[Fix] MPEG2 stream: Doing QSF with filters on a large file without MPEG1 Layer 2 audio reads whole file before starting QSF.
[Fix] H.264: GOP accurate cut could trigger additional audio resync frames.
[Fix] DVD Authoring: Changed settings in the project page not being saved to the project file.
[Fix] Profile grid: If options selected in file save dialog and user checks "Save as New Profile", unable to edit the new profile name
[Fix] DVD Authoring: Crash when saving to DVD with GOP longer then 32
[Fix] H.264: Joiner forces unnecessary recode with H.264
[Fix] Installer: DefaultProfiles.xml was not being overwritten on install or removed on uninstall.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Output file names are incorrect for non-latin characters for MP4/MKV. (Broken after 629)
H264 Editing - (2013-01-07)
================================================== ===
[Enhancement] AAC: When converting LATM//LOAS to ADTS headers, dynamically update the channel configuration during output.
[Enhancement] Installer: Sample VRD_REGISTRY.INI now automatically installed as VRD_REGISTRY.INI.sample
[Enhancement] More graceful DRM detection in WTV
[Enhancement] Tivo: Two new Tivo output profiles: MPEG2 & H.264 Tivo-TS (premiere). These files can be transferred to a Premiere TiVo.
[Enhancement] WTV: Added internal WTV metadata reader so that WTV files can be opened in XP, Vista or W8 (without MCE).
[Change] Batch: Check the output complete XML and if zero frames output mark as error / warning rather than good.
[Change] GUI: Added to Shift+Tools>Options: "77 Cut mode includes final frame"
[Change] GUI: File > Queue to batch, Option to disable "No cuts warning". (same as file save option).
[Change] GUI: License manager update to 9.40a.
[Change] GUI: Updated license manager to Version 9.40
[Change] MPEG2 stream: Automatically resize audio buffers on output to reduce audio buffer overflow messages (only multi-audio = 1)
[Change] Profile & Profile grid: Add "no change" option to CBR/VBR setting.
[Change] Transport muxing: Add random access indicator to the first TS packet for each GOP.
[Critical Fix] WTV: Output of a WTV file on Windows 8 with AAC audio causes a crash.
[Fix] DVD output: Limit DVD chapters to 99 to comply with DVD standard.
[Fix] DVR-MS output: Output would stall creating TOD. Broken in 644.
[Fix] GUI: VMR and EVR drivers would incorrectly show "silent mode" in the log file.
[Fix] H.264: Time code reported on main screen may not match displayed frame when "Default WAV" audio is selected, T>O>Devices
[Fix] MPEG1 Audio: Mono audio wasn't being converted to stereo and caused double speed playback.
[Fix] MPEG2 Preview: Switching to preview after Ad Detective reaches end of file could hang application if not using IPPDecoder.
[Fix] MPEG2 program stream: Not always detecting multiple MPEG1 Layer 2 streams when stream is I-Frame encoded.
[Fix] MPEG2 stream: Multiple second I-frame seeking not working with some files.
[Fix] MPEG2: If first GOP of the file is same or larger than video buffer size, output could crash,
[Fix] Muxing: Rare muxer timing issue causes output to hang at 100%, very intermittent more likely if recoding multiple audio streams
[Fix] Program stream: Multiple MPEG/AAC streams in a program stream no longer working (broken in 645).
[Fix] TS streams: Unable to open TS file when PMT had multiple program_numbers on the same PID. & first program had no data.
[Fix] Topfield 5800: Event text description was being truncated to 128 characters when field allows 256 characters.
[Fix] Batch/COM: If the output project / cut list has zero output frames, warning message would display even in silent mode.
VideoReDo TVSuite Version 3
Version 3-20-2-629, Release date: November 16, 2012
Enhance: GUI: Added option to Tool>Options>File types to automatically add an opened file type to the default file list.
Enhance: Localization: Added Spanish translations.
Enhance: MPEG2 streams: New Shift+T>O, #17, Remove duplicate SD NTSC closed captions, removes double captions on Comcast Tivo SD.
Enhance: Open DVD: If opening DVD from a disc or ISO, default to volume name instead of generic "DVD_TITLE".
Change: Audio Alerts: Tools>Options>Audio alerts renamed to Tools>Options>Completion Alerts
Change: Audio MPEG1 Layer: Tightened up timing tolerances for 44.1KHz audio.
Change: Chapter list: Added new chapter timecode format HH:MM:SS.hh.
Change: Chapter marks: Chapters being saved to chapters.txt in format: hh:mm:ss.hh, can not be read back in.
Change: COM: Calling SetFilterDimensions( -1, -1) will trigger automatic filtering with the most common dimension in the file.
Change: DVD Authoring: Block 30 and 60 fps video from being added to a DVD.
Change: DVD open title: If previous folder used for DVD open title no longer exists, default to that folder's parent.
Change: GOP Reduction: Removed "spread GOP reduction evenly" from Shift+Tools>Options as this has been the default for years.
Change: GUI: When running on Windows 7 with Aero, show percentage completion in the Windows taskbar icon.
Change: Log file message: Change messages: "... signature check failed" to "... file signature not found."
Change: LPCM output to MPEG-2 PS: If orignal audio is 44.1KHz or 32 KHz, and output is LPCM, force recode to 48KHz.
Change: MPEG2 DVR-MS: Teletext captions would report error of caption too large for buffer.
Change: MPEG2 output: If "diagnostics" enabled on the Tools>Options>Stream page, video buffer dumps will have file offsets.
Change: MPEG2 output: If video PTS resets in the middle of a file a single missing audio frame could crash buffer overflow or crash.
Change: MPEG2 recoding: If output file is SD 4:2:2, the VBV size should be 576 instead of the SD 4:2:0 default of 224.
Change: MPEG2 stream: Auto-mux rate, when multi-audio enabled, is now set to max of calculated bit rate or video header bit rate.
Change: MPEG2 stream: If doing smart cutting and profile has CBR enabled, leave the output stream as CBR.
Change: Navigation bar: Make the area of the navigation bar which is below the thumb-track inactive to minimize accidental navigation.
Change: Output processing: Release display frame buffers during save to reduce memory. ( Disable using shift+Tools>Options #73 to 0 ).
Change: QSF filter: Filter dialog now reports number of times a particular dimension was found.
Change: QSF save error: QSF save dialog display "error getting output options" if you try to select a new output file name.
Change: Tools>Options>Alerts: New option to change the "focus stealing" behavior at end of save.
Change: Topfield TS files: Special EchoStar file check interfered with feature to auto build a program map from raw data.
Change: TS Muxer: If the source stream was a TS without PMTs, the output file would not have a PMT if "use existing PIDS" selected.
Change: TS Muxing: If CableLabs muxing is enabled, allow the user to set a manual mux rate. If 0, use default of 3.75 Mbps.
Change: TS Muxing: If CableLabs muxing is enabled, turn on QuadByte alignment.
Change: TS Output options: If user specifies manual PIDS, they must start at 16 (x10) instead of 1.
Fix: Automatic compression: Could produce silent audio output if normalization is set to 0.
Fix: COM: Calling FileOpen in silent mode could display a file open error message rather than just returning an error.
Fix: COM: When running in silent mode and doing a close during output will leave the output processing in the background.
Fix: DVD audio: Verify that the audio streams listed in the IFO file actually exist in the selected VOBs.
Fix: DVD authoring: Audio errors if source has multiple audio stream that require recoding and primary (playing) isn't stream 0.
Fix: DVD muxer: Muxer could crash if user aborts while creating initial elementary stream (.tmp) files.
Fix: DVD open: If "Auto QSF" selected but output was other than MPEG-2 PS, the automatic open after QSF would fail.
Fix: DVD, open title: Would not always select the correct AC3 stream. Similar problem with select stream dialog.
Fix: Encoding: Doing two pass encoding, audio or video on an mppeg2 Tivo, MP4, FLV, or ES would stall at the start of pass 2.
Fix: French translation: Translation error causing "Tip of the day" to display incorrectly and/or hang.
Fix: LPCM source to LPCM output to MPEG2-PS or DVD: If not recoding, application will experience buffer overflow.
Fix: MPEG2 smart cutting: Updated smart cutter encoder to properly handle escaped 4:2:2 profile and levels.
Fix: MPEG2 stream: If source was mpeg2 program stream, T>O>Stream "MB to scan at open" was not being calculated properly.
Fix: MPEG2 stream: MPEG2 multi-audio would crash if no audio stream found, now gives error msg. Single stream audio works.
Fix: Navigation: Pressing 'back frame' (left arrow) at start of file, would advance one frame.
Fix: NTSC Closed captions: Fixed issue with caption display not clearing all of the previous captions.
Fix: Open DVD: DVD folder name not being correctly remembered if opening directly from a DVD drive or virtual ISO drive.
Fix: Open DVD: DVD folder name not being remembered if you did an auto QSF or QSF to batch.
Fix: QSF Filter: Number of sample points was not being properly saved in the registry and would always default to 8.
Fix: QSF: Enable filters adds duplicate entries to the drop-down list if Rescan button pressed.
Fix: Titling: When adding a new title, the resolution and aspect ratio will default to the currently open video.
Fix: Tivo TS: If TiVo-TS file has encrypted PMT packets, file might not open.
Fix: TS Muxer: If video lost many frames, but audio or subtitles were OK, muxer could get packet overflow.
Fix: Unpack error 2: On some systems license manager could cause unpack error when program is launched.
VideoReDo Plus
Version 3-10-3-629, Release date: Novemeber 16, 2012
Enhance: Batch processing: Batch processing scripts, vp.vbs and adscan.vbs, will display % complete while processing.
Enhance: GUI: Added option to Tool>Options>File types to automatically add an opened file type to the default file list.
Enhance: Localization: Added Spanish translations.
Enhance: MPEG2 streams: New Shift+T>O, 0000017, Remove duplicate SD NTSC closed captions, removes double captions on Comcast Tivo SD.
Change: Audio MPEG1 Layer: Tightened up timing tolerances for 44.1KHz audio.
Change: Audio recoding: New library code for audio sampling rate change that doesn't use intel libs.
Change: COM: Calling SetFilterDimensions( -1, -1) will trigger automatic filtering with the most common dimension in the file.
Change: Configuration wizard: Remove extra "" when attempting to add Desktop.ini to Recorded TV. Aesthetic change only.
Change: GOP Reduction: Removed "spread GOP reduction evenly" from Shift+Tools>Options as this has been the default for years.
Change: GUI: Intelligent warning if attempting to open MP4 or MKV file.
Change: H.264 TS: If TS file didn't have a program map (or ignore PMT checked), H.264 files reported as no video fouund instead of unsupported.
Change: MPEG2 DVR-MS: Teletext captions would report error of caption too large for buffer.
Change: MPEG2 output: If "diagnostics" enabled on the Tools>Options>Stream page, video buffer dumps will have file offsets.
Change: MPEG2 output: If video PTS resets in the middle of a file a single missing audio frame could crash buffer overflow or crash.
Change: MPEG2 stream: Auto-mux rate, when multi-audio enabled, is now set to max of calculated bit rate or video header bit rate.
Change: MPEG2 stream: If doing smart cutting and profile has CBR enabled, leave the output stream as CBR.
Change: Output processing: Release display frame buffers during save to reduce memory. ( Disable using shift+Tools>Options 0000073 to 0 ).
Change: QSF filter: Filter dialog now reports number of times a particular dimension was found.
Change: Registration: Updated to Version 8 of license manager.
Change: Topfield TS files: Special EchoStar file check interfered with feature to auto build a program map from raw data.
Change: TS Muxer: If the source stream was a TS without PMTs, the output file would not have a PMT if "use existing PIDS" selected.
Change: TS Muxing: If CableLabs muxing is enabled, allow the user to set a manual mux rate. If 0, use default of 3.75 Mbps.
Change: TS Muxing: If CableLabs muxing is enabled, turn on QuadByte alignment.
Change: TS Output options: If user specifies manual PIDS, they must start at 16 (x10) instead of 1.
Fix: AC3 Demuxing: Resyncing triggered if TS AC3 streams switched from non-aligned to aligned.
Fix: Batch/COM: Do not reset window position and maximized status when running silent batch.
Fix: COM: Calling FileOpen in silent mode could display a file open error message rather than just returning an error.
Fix: COM: When running in silent mode and doing a close during output will leave the output processing in the background.
Fix: French translation: Translation error causing "Tip of the day" to display incorrectly and/or hang.
Fix: GUI: Time code at 40:00.00 would display as 30:00.00 if the frame rate was 59.94.
Fix: Installer: When registering COM object, installer may launch configuration wizard as admin and then again as regular user.
Fix: MPEG2 stream: If source was mpeg2 program stream, T>O>Stream "MB to scan at open" was not being calculated properly.
Fix: MPEG2 stream: Saving from mpeg to TS, audio PID not being properly set.
Fix: Navigation: Pressing 'back frame' (left arrow) at start of file, would advance one frame.
Fix: Plus3: SxS errors when running with non-english languages.
Fix: QSF Filter: Number of sample points was not being properly saved in the registry and would always default to 8.
Fix: QSF: Enable filters adds duplicate entries to the drop-down list if Rescan pressed.
Fix: Tivo TS: If TiVo-TS file has encrypted PMT packets, file might not open.
Fix: TS Muxer: If video lost many frames, but audio or subtitles were OK, muxer could get packet overflow.
Fix: Unpack error: On some systems license manager could cause unpack error when program is launched.
H264 Editing - (2012-10-18)
[Change] Subtitles: Increase the maximum allowed number of subtitles in a transport stream from 7 to 10.
[Fix] GUI: The VLST files created by "Combine" will not work in build 644 due to partial Unicode support (broken in 644).
H264 Editing - (2012-10-10)
[Enhancement] GUI: Added to closed captioning type (608/708/DVD) to Tools>Show Program info.
[Change] AC3: Change default downmix matrix to stereo rather than surround to improve output gain and channel seperation.
[Change] GUI: Checkbox to disable "No cuts warning" when saving in cut mode. Can be reset via shift+Tools>Options 58
[Change] H.264: Support for AAC ADTS audio when there are no PMT, or ignore TS program maps is set.
[Change] MKV muxing: Aspect ratio flag being set incorrectly. Flag is optional and has been removed.
[Change] MPEG2 pro encoder: Added support for field order setting tff / bff and dc precision in the advanced XML parameters.
[Change] Tools>Show Program Info: Add drop down box to "OK" which opens the source file folder in explorer and selects file.
[Change] Tools>Show Program Info: For MPEG2 files, show if file is CBR/VBR.
[Change] ffmpeg MPEG2 Encoder: Add support for more advanced encoding options: field order, quantizer, dc precision.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: FFmpeg muxer header buffer not large enough causing invalid output with certain files.
[Fix] Audio: Manual audio adjustment from the GUI no longer works.
[Fix] Batch: Changed the way output complete information block is built, to prevent crash at end of file.
[Fix] Color space convertor: Support 4:2:2 in addition to 4:2:0.
[Fix] GUI: Adjusting audio is considered a "valid edit" so that Ctrl-P can be used to save a project, and warn user of unsaved edits.
[Fix] GUI: After closing a video, VideoReDo can be resized infinitely small instead of being limited to minimum windows size.
[Fix] GUI: Removing a scene marker should be considerd an "unsaved edit" allowing project save and exit warning.
[Fix] H.264: Fixed SEI user data closed caption support.
[Fix] H.264: When smart editing, if VUI parameters specify a search range more than allowed for the level_id, encoder would abort.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: If packet reader returns a stream index > number of active streams, throws assert and could corrupt memory.
[Fix] MPEG2 IPP, Fixed problems when decoding field encoded files.
[Fix] MPEG2 IPP: When switching from preview to edit mode and cursor at end of file, TVSuite would hang.
[Fix] MPEG2 to H.264: Program will crash if multi-audio option (Shift+Tools>Options) is set to 0.
[Fix] Tivo: Opening a .tivo file with wrong MAK resulted in crash. Broken in 641.
H264 Editing - (2012-08-24)
[Fix] Batch: Batch not working (broken in 640).
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Missing FFmpeg DLLs in build prevent opening of MP4/MKV files (broken in 640).
H264 Editing - (2012-08-23)
[Enhancement] ES muxing: Improved detection of H.264 elementary stream checks to improve ES muxing.
[Enhancement] PCM Audio: Support for 24 bit PCM in a DVD format.
[Fix] GUI: Dialog which asks for permission to check for program updates had non-translatable string.
[Fix] H.264: Frame rate being calculated as 59.94 instead of 29.97 when vui_parameters did not have fixed_frame_rate field set.
[Fix] H264: Change audio buffer management to automatically increase the buffer size during output to reduce fatal overflows.
[Fix] MKV/MP4 output: FFmpeg muxer crashes when creating a file with chapters.
[Fix] MPEG program stream: Packet reader is returning H264 stream type when it should be MPEG2 Very rare problem.
[Fix] MPEG2 IPP, Preview mode would hang on XP.
[Fix] Profile: On fresh install profile list would show as empty if user file OutputProfilesEx.xml didn't exist (broke in 631).
[Fix] Thumbnails: Color smearing in the thumbnails fixed when displaying 4:2:2 files using the IPP decoder.
[Fix] WTV output: 22 languages have multiple ISO language codes, when saving to WTV map to the one wanted by WTV.
H264 Editing - ( 2012-06-19)
[Enhancement] MPEG2 stream: Re-wrote the multi-stream audio video resyncing.
[Enhancement] Profile: Added new profile parameter to adjust audio sync. Adds to manual sync adjustment. (Requires profile grid).
[Change] GUI: Muti-windows DX support has been removed. Use VMR7, VMR9 or EVR instead.
[Change] H.264, Add option to Tools>Options>H.264 to select the frame rate from either the container frame rate or the stream frame rate.
[Change] H264: Speed up file open when SPS has pic_struct_present_flag, but pic_struct not in file. Will now search for 2 GOPs not 5.
[Change] Profile: Move the deinterlacer from the crop and resize filter to it's own filter to improve multi-thread performance.
[Change] Tools>Options: Profile option to trigger VBR/CBR, only enabled for multi-audio = 1. Now works with multi-audio = 0. (Pro only)
[Change] Video display: Setting View>Brightness and contrast to maximum will switch display window to monochrome.
[Fix] ES Muxer: Disable internal search for audio files with matching names if no audio files were specifed in the ES GUI.
[Fix] H.264: When smart editing, if B-Weighted prediction is set, H.264 encoder throws an error and output stops.
[Fix] MP4 muxer: When recoding an entire file, the End of Sequence code would be written as an extra frame.
[Fix] MPEG Stream: MP3 being detected as MP2 due to false positive detection of MP2 in an MP3 block.
[Fix] MPEG2 IPP decoder: Fixed intermittent crash during video dimension change.
[Fix] MPEG2 decoding: Undefined behavior with the IPP Decoder with DVD formatted NTSC captions or if duplicate captions (Comcast Tivo)
[Fix] Profile: Manual audio gain in profile was being overridden by manual volume. They are now cumulative.
[Fix] QSF: Enable filters wasn't working with WTV and some MKV files.
[Fix] WTV: An error in the WTV read logic could cause rare corrupt packets near the skip chunks.
[Fix] WTV: Joiner logic to use metadata from longest WTV/DVR-MS file wasn't working if the files were more than a couple minutes.
H264 Editing -
[Change] Configuration wizard: Always re-enable the IPP decoding even if configuration wizard is cancelled.
[Change] GUI: Help>Log file>Open folder, will now both open the folder and highlight the current log file.
[Change] H.264: Support for NTSC/ATSC captioning in H.264 transport and wtv streams.
[Change] Shift+Tools>Options: Remove option to not display video in batch/COM silent mode. Make no display the default.
[Fix] AC3: An invalid AC3 audio frame a sampling rate of 0 could cause a crash.
[Fix] GUI: Popup displays in the wrong place when the task bar is not at the bottom of the primary monitor.
[Fix] H.264 output: Output could hang or crash if sync problem appeared, but self corrected a few seconds later.
[Fix] Key entry: "Upgrade from earlier" spelled wrong.
[Fix] MPEG2 decoder: Add exception handler to trap overflows from corrupt video data. Affects recoding & playback (IPP decoding)
[Fix] MPEG2 IPP decoder: Thumbnail preview display could get stuck and not respond to play if IPP enabled.
[Fix] MPEG2 thumbnails: Switching to preview while positioned in final cut section shows cut frames in TN window.
[Fix] Navigation bar doesn't display properly when width is greater an approx. 3000 pixels.
[Fix] WTV muxing: Saving to H.264 might create excessive number of false errors in the log file if DVRMS CC is enabled.
H264 Editing -
[Change] GUI: Tools>Options, set focus at initial dialog display to left pane to allow for quick keyboard navigation to topic.
[Change] MP4 reader: Accept files that don't start with "ftyp" atom.
[Change] Ouput profiles: WTV profiles are no longer displayed as option on XP or Vista since WTV isn't supported.
[Change] Profiles MPEG2: If CBR set ( e.g. VBR 'No') in intelligent profile, create a CBR video stream using header bit rate.
[Change] Tools>Options: Removed manual option to force CBR to VBR. All CBR forced to VBR with intelligent output.
[Fix] (634 fix) MPEG2 IPP decoder: Ad-detective much slower with IPP enabled than with it off.
[Fix] (634 fix) MPEG2 decoder: Fixes to the MPEG2 IPP decoder . Encoder enabled by default after install
[Fix] (634 fix) WTV: Saving to WTV from batch or from GUI (if installed in c:program files...) would error if not run elevated.
[Fix] (634 fix) Windows XP: Application crash on exit if a file save was performed.
[Fix] (634 fix) Batch: Adding a file in the batch manager causes the save folder to change to it's parent.
[Fix] (634 fix) Batch: Right clicking output complete window and selecting print in batch caused lock up.
[Fix] (634 fix) GUI: New style folder select dialog does not work in Vista. Worked OK in Windows 7.
[Fix] Batch QSF: Output options not reset on second file load from batch. Could trigger crash or un-expected behavior.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] Add bitrate calculator to profile dialog
[Enhancement] Allow "Same As Source" resolution setting in profiles. Displayed as SAS.
[Enhancement] Batch manager: Add output and output complete report to batch manager.
[Enhancement] COM: Add COM call to pause output. Also available via new batch manager.
[Enhancement] COM: Add ability to override user profiles path from COM
[Enhancement] ES file: If opening an ES file in TVS4, show a task dialog that starts the muxer and loads the file into the muxer.
[Enhancement] GUI: Output Complete dialog, new format. Can open file in VRD, Containing folder, or click on link at top for default program.
[Enhancement] Joiner: WTV/DVR-MS will now save the metadata in the output file from the longest joined segment.
[Enhancement] Logging: New Logging options to Tools>Options>Startup. Save logs by date, auto delete older logs files.
[Enhancement] MPEG2 decoder: New multi-threaded MPEG2 decoder used for main movie window and thumbnails. Can be disabled via S+T>O
[Enhancement] Move manual options to main UI and consolidate diagnostics settings
[Enhancement] Output Complete dialog: Add option to open file after output
[Enhancement] Output Status: Add pause button to output status window to temporarily pause output.
[Enhancement] Profile: Add option to change AAC streams in TS and WTV from LATM to ADTS.
[Enhancement] Profile: Replace negative cropping values with border rectangle when using profile grid. Border rect uses output dimensions.
[Enhancement] Profile: When cropping from the File>Save>Options, new checkbox allows output dimensions to be calculated automatically.
[Enhancement] Titling: Add option to edit menu to override default fade-in / fade-out / and duration seconds.
[Enhancement] Video Drivers: New EVR driver (T>O>Playback) for Vista and W7 systems. Works better with RDP than VMR9.
[Change] Add program info XML output to COM interface
[Change] Batch QSF: Make the QSF filter dimensions option in batch persist between runs.
[Change] GUI: Added shift+Tools>Options 0000061 to automatically add date to log file.
[Change] GUI: Completion alerts: Bring main window to front option, now turned off by default (new installs only).
[Change] GUI: Diagnostics setting consolidated from T>O>Stream and T>O>H.264 to Tools>Options>General.
[Change] MPEG2 decoder: 4:2:2 video is now properly displayed. However, DirectX no longer works and reverts to VMR7.
[Change] MPEG2 encoding; Add filter to support MPEG2 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 encoding using FFMPEG.
[Change] MPEG2 stream: Significant speed improvement when working with high bit rate (>20 Mbps) program streams.
[Change] Profile editor: Allow grid display window to be resizeable.
[Change] Profile editor: Grid display is not properly picking previously set cropping parameters.
[Change] Profile: Add new output profile option "EditAccuracy" to specify GOP- or frame-accurate editing.
[Change] Profile: Add target file size to automatically compute bit rate to "Advanced Options" if profile is "Intelligent".
[Change] Profiles: Need cropping options to identify the number of VBI lines at the top and bottom of the screen.
[Change] Project files: Can now (again) read old style project files created by COMSkip.
[Change] Tools>Options>Favorite Places: Convert the browse to use the Vista style folder selection dialog.
[Change] VBI insertion: If recoding, and output dimensions are 512 or 608, always insert CStreamProcessVBIGenerator into the graph.
[Change] VBI insertion: Move the VBI insertion from the resizer to the MCPro and regular MPEG encoders.
[Change] Video drivers: VMR driver will now default to Windowsless mode, previous versions used Windows mode, can be changed via S+T>O
[Change] Vista file open dialog changes.
[Change] WTV: Remove shift+Tools>Option option for using old-style SBEReader.
[Change] WTV: Saving WTV from non-WTV file or editing metadata in WTV doesn't output to the "duration" metadata.
[Fix] Batch: Newest version requires admin elevation to save WTV in batch. User will be prompted it not already running elevated.
[Fix] Cut mode output: 720p cutting is off by one frame.(applies to both MPEG2 and H.264).
[Fix] ES Muxer: Warn user if overwriting existing output file.
[Fix] FFMpeg MPEG2 encoding: Speed and quality issues.
[Fix] File open DVD: On Windows 7, use the new folder search dialog format.
[Fix] File save dialog: New file save dialog, if changing output options using the grid, won't save to new dialog.
[Fix] H.26 stream: Bottom field of a frame could be treated as a separate frame if the file switches from progressive to interlace.
[Fix] H.264 playback: Intermittent pixelation about 1 second after playback started due to unneeded reset of H.264 decoder.
[Fix] H.264 smart edit: If end of file encountered while looking for IDR frame at a cut start, the cut would be improperly handled.
[Fix] Joiner: Crash from joiner when saving as WTV
[Fix] Key entry: Entry of trial key could overwrite permanent key.
[Fix] MP4 muxer: Multiple AAC in an MP4 file would have problems with secondary audio streams.
[Fix] MP4 reader: File won't open in 629d.due to older ffMpeg dlls in release. But updating to new DLLs crashes all MP4s.
[Fix] MP4/MKV/WTV/DVR-MS/VC1 output: Trap output errors such as disk full in the muxer and report error to the user.
[Fix] MPEG2 > H.264: Interlacer wasn't working properly. Will now handle switch from BFF/TFF/BFF, telecine.
[Fix] MPEG2 decoder: Dimension change not working with IPP MPEG2 Decoder.
[Fix] MPEG2 stream: A rare circumstance where a picture start code overlapped a PES packet boundary could add extra 12 bytes to frame.
[Fix] Profile grid: Can't set MaxGOP to anything less than 15.
[Fix] Program stream: File open could hang if program stream PTS clocks wrapped around near the start of file.
[Fix] TS Muxer: TS Muxer would output PAT and PMT even if the option to output them was unchecked.
[Fix] Titling: Title background would have slight color shift compared to source video.
[Fix] Titling: Would fail if the video frame size was 720 x 512.
[Fix] Translation: German translation for H.264 Preview display not yet supported was incorrect.
[Fix] VLST files: Program will crash if more than 999 vlst files with the same name exist. Increase 999 to 9999.
Version 4.20.7-629, Release date: November 11, 2011
NEW Added multi-audio stream support for H.264 streams.
NEW Support for reading and writing MKV files and H.264 flash FLV files.
NEW Elementary stream muxer can now support multiple audio streams.
NEW Batch an automatically filter out unwanted dimensions when doing Quick Stream Fix.
NEW Localization: Added Spanish translations.
NEW Support for MP4 and MKV reading and writing of chapter markers.
NEW Recoding Output bit rate automatically set to preserve original quality when recoding.
NEW Add multiple audio stream support when creating program stream.
NEW Must imporved audio graph with greater detail and frame tick marks on the thumbnail display.
Change MPEG2 stream option to remove duplicate SD NTSC closed captions on some Comcast Tivo SD recodings.
Change When opening a file from a DVD the default file name will now be the name of the DVD.
Change Ability to customize the default file save type (extension) for each output profile.
Change New profile aspect ratio option "Match Resolution" to allow H.264 encoded video to play at 1:1 pixel aspect ratio.
Change Internal code change to reduce memory overhead when resizing H.264 video buffers and audio buffers.
Change Added option to to automatically add an opened file type to the default file list.
View Detail Change log for 4.20.7-629
H264 Editing -
[Change] TS Muxer: If the source stream was a TS without PMTs, the output file would not have a PMT if "use existing PIDS" selected.
[Change] MPEG2 output: If video PTS resets in the middle of a file a single missing audio frame could crash buffer overflow or crash.
[Change] MPEG2 output: If "diagnostics" enabled on the Tools>Options>Stream page, video buffer dumps will have file offsets.
[Fix] TS Muxer: If video lost many frames, but audio or subtitles were OK, muxer could get packet overflow.
[Fix] Recoding: Convert MPEG2 HD to H264 SD causes crash (broke in 628)
[Fix] Navigation: Pressing 'back frame' (left arrow) at start of file, would advance one frame.
[Fix] MPEG2 QSF: Buffer overflow when QSFing multi-audio VOB file with multiple PTS resets.
[Fix] MPEG2 output: Output slow and muxer packet overflow if audio PTS resets before first frame output. Fixed for Multi-audio QSF.
[Fix] H.264 thumbnails: Fixed minor problem with audio display not appearing at beginning and end of thumbnail strip.
[Fix] H.264 frame capture: 'Edit->Capture frame' wouldn't always work.
H264 Editing -
[Fix] WTV: Display pixelation when doing non-I Frame seek. Could also cause resync frames ( broken in 625).
[Fix] Tool Trim and Copy: Crashes on source file browse (broken in 626).
[Fix] Profile: Error trying to save a .wtv with EAC3 to iPhone .mp4
[Fix] H.264 thumbnails: Detailed audio display could slow or hang thumbnail display due to audio cache filling up.
[Fix] Muti-audio support: Output muxer could occasionally hang when muxing multi-audio with different codecs.
H264 Editing -
[Change] Profile: SMPTE-302M tightened up sync (PTS calculation) when recoding to 302M on long duration programs.
[Fix] Resizing: Uninitialized variable could lead to un-predicatable results or slow performance when resizing. (Broken in 625).
[Fix] Profile: Sync errors when saving SMPT-302M streams, if not recoding (broken in 625).
H264 Editing -
[Fix] Tivo metadata: Tivo metadata not being copied on output when saving to a .tivo file. (Broken in 625).
[Fix] Titling: Program crashes when adding titles. (Broken in 625).
[Fix] Resizing: Uninitialized variable could lead to un-predicatable results when resizing videos. (Broken in 625).
[Fix] DVD authoring: Audio errors if source has multiple audio stream that require recoding and primary (playing) isn't stream 0.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] Program stream muxing: Add multiple audio stream support.
[Change] Audio MPEG1 Layer: Tightened up timing tolerances for 44.1KHz audio.
[Change] Audio recoding: New library code for audio sampling rate change that doesn't use intel libs.
[Change] Output profile: If profile is automatic, and audio recode is required and profile XML has bit rate set, use instead of default.
[Change] Profile editor: Always show output file extension. Previous version only displayed if overridden.
[Change] Topfield TS files: Special EchoStar file check interfered with feature to auto build a program map from raw data.
[Fix] DVD audio: Verify that the audio streams listed in the IFO file actually exist in the selected VOBs.
[Fix] DVD muxer: Muxer could crash if user aborts while creating initial elementary stream (.tmp) files.
[Fix] DVD open: If "Auto QSF" selected but output was other than MPEG-2 PS, the automatic open after QSF would fail.
[Fix] Mono AAC does not play, or recode correctly
[Fix] MP4 reader: File wouldn't open if it didn't begin with an "ftyp" atom.
[Fix] MP4/MKV reader: Crash in FFmpeg reader if PID was out of range
[Fix] Profile dialog: Controls appear in weird places if using non-standard fonts.
[Fix] Profile list dialog: Better detection of changes to a profile so that XML is only updated if an actual change occured.
[Fix] Profile: When saving SMPTE-302M, assign an AES channel id to each audio stream.
[Fix] QSF: Enable filters adds duplicate entries to the drop-down list if Rescan button pressed.
[Fix] Tivo TS: If TiVo-TS file has encrypted PMT packets, file might not open.
[Fix] Tivo, DVRMS, MP4, MKV: Fixed intermittent crash if attmped to read past the end of the file.
[Fix] Unpack error 2: On some systems license manager could cause unpack error when program is launched.
[Fix] WTV reader: Fixed few bugs with DVB subtitling, improved PID change detection,
[Fix] WTV: Fixed minor issues with multiple audio streams in the WTV output muxer.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] GUI: Added option to Tool>Options>File types to automatically add an opened file type to the default file list.
[Enhancement] Profiles: New dialog to be able to completely modify all options in a profile. (Shift+Edit, in profile editor).
[Change] TS Muxing: If CableLabs muxing is enabled, turn on QuadByte alignment.
[Change] TS Muxing: If CableLabs muxing is enabled, allow the user to set a manual mux rate. If 0, use default of 3.75 Mbps.
[Change] Output Profiles: If multiple MPEG1 Layer 2 audio to a TS file, assign each stream a separate stream ID (C0, C1, etc).
[Change] MPEG2 stream: If doing smart cutting and profile has CBR enabled, leave the output stream as CBR.
[Change] MPEG2 recoding: If output file is SD 4:2:2, the VBV size should be 576 instead of the SD 4:2:0 default of 224.
[Change] Registration: Updated to Version 8 of license manager.
[Change] DVD Burning: Updated TVSuite V4 formatted icon to use with TVSV4.
[Change] WTV output fails if tmp file already exists
[Change] TS Output options: If user specifies manual PIDS, they must start at 16 (x10) instead of 1.
[Change] MP4 / MKV reading: Added extra check to FFmpeg reader to retry fails seek. Fixes problem with one specific file.
[Change] MKV with AAC: Not properly parsing the AAC profile which could cause issues when outputting to MP4 or MKV.
[Change] H.264 Teletext: If the VBI packets are missing a PTS, TVS will now attempt to reconstruct the timing.
[Change] Batch: Added an option when doing QSF to specify a filter dimensions or "auto" select.
[Fix] WTV: Setting program date and time to edited date/time was not accounting for time zone differences.
[Fix] Titling: When adding a new title, the resolution and aspect ratio will default to the currently open video.
[Fix] MPEG2 elem stream muxing: Broke MPEG2 elem stream muxing in 621c.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Adding a title to an H.264 video triggers a LargeBufferMalloc error.
[Fix] Encoding: Doing two pass encoding, audio or video on an mppeg2 Tivo, MP4, FLV, or ES would stall at the start of pass 2.
[Fix] DVD, open title: Would not always select the correct AC3 stream. Similar problem with select stream dialog.
[Fix] AAC audio in MP4 file: Silent low-bit rate audio resulted in very short frames and prevented the file from opening.
[Fix] MPEG2 smart cutting: Updated smart cutter encoder to properly handle escaped 4:2:2 profile and levels.
[Fix] Audio recoding: Converting from AAC to MPEG2, time stamps where not being adjusted at cut points resulting deleted frames.
[Fix] AAC HE: Recoding AAC-HE could could cause sync errors at cut point, substitute silent frame until frame header found.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] H.264 streams: Added multi-audio stream support.
[Enhancement] ES Muxing: Elementary stream muxer can now support multiple audio streams.
[Enhancement] LKFS: Added LKFS analysis, and normalization. (Professional products only)
[Enhancement] Localization: Added Spanish translations.
[Enhancement] MPEG2 streams: New Shift+T>O, #17, Remove duplicate SD NTSC closed captions, removes double captions on Comcast Tivo SD.
[Enhancement] Open DVD: If opening DVD from a disc or ISO, default to volume name instead of generic "DVD_TITLE".
[Enhancement] Output Profiles: New option to change the default file extension on a per-profile basis.
[Enhancement] MP4 output profiles: New option to place MOOV atom at start or end of the .mp4 file (ipod/iphone/ipad expects MOOV at end).
[Enhancement] H.264 streams: Added multi-audio elementary stream muxing for H.264 and AAC audio (m4a).
[Change] Batch Manager (new): On Windows 7 show progress in taskbar icon, remove possible focus steal at end.
[Change] Chapter list: Added new chapter timecode format HH:MM:SS.hh.
[Change] DVD open title: If previous folder used for DVD open title no longer exists, default to that folder's parent.
[Change] GOP Reduction: Removed "spread GOP reduction evenly" from Shift+Tools>Options as this has been the default for years.
[Change] H.264 stream: Audio frames would be skipped if the MP4 reader could be skipped after seek if they arrived before the video.
[Change] H.264 stream: Removing trailing zero's from improperly encoded SPS and PPS.
[Change] H.264, Issue "program stream not supported" if H.264 is found inside a PS file.
[Change] H264 EAC3/AC3: Audio frames could be lost if the PES packets were too short to hold an entire audio frame. Possible TOD.
[Change] MPEG2 stream: Auto-mux rate, when multi-audio enabled, is now set to max of calculated bit rate or video header bit rate.
[Change] Multi-audio support: Multi-audio support is now the default for all NEW installations.
[Change] TVS4 Upgrade wizard: Email address with + or / characters not properly before being sent to the server.
[Fix] AAC audio: File with AAC Main profile and SBR showing sampling rate of 24Khz rather than 48KHz.
[Fix] Automatic compression: Could produce silent audio output if normalization is set to 0.
[Fix] COM: Calling FileOpen in silent mode could display a file open error message rather than just returning an error.
[Fix] COM: When running in silent mode and doing a close during output will leave the output processing in the background.
[Fix] H.264 / MPEG2: Internal seek cache could become corrupt if the source file didn't start on an I-Frame, perhaps slowing seeking.
[Fix] H.264 elem stream output: LOAS/LATM AAC with SBR would crash on ES output. Will now be recoded to AAC-LC m4a.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Added F12 support for H.264 stream, update 619 didn't completely fix it.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Couldn't determine initial clock if the SPS/PPS preceed the AUD.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Incorrect frame rate for 720p @ 50 FPS AVCHD-Lite files that record at 25 FPS with repeated frames.
[Fix] H.264 stream: T>Show Program Info, of 720x480 SD with 4:3 aspect ratio, incorrectly reporting 1.37:1.
[Fix] H264 Stream: Possible memory overwrite if the buffer is resized multiple times without removing any frames.
[Fix] MKV support: If use "ffmpeg for mp4" s+T>O option is false. Creating an MKV file will error with FFmpegsupport.dll not found.
[Fix] MP4 H.264: When opening an MP4 file, sometimes the first GOP is skipped causing saved files to be shorter than expected.
[Fix] MP4 reader: Seeking before the start or after the end of an MP4 (when using FFMPEG reader), could seek to wrong frame.
[Fix] NTSC Closed captions: Fixed issue with caption display not clearing all of the previous captions.
[Fix] Open DVD: DVD folder name not being correctly remembered if opening directly from a DVD drive or virtual ISO drive.
[Fix] Open DVD: DVD folder name not being remembered if you did an auto QSF or QSF to batch.
[Fix] Profile dialog: When selecting audio normalization, 0db is missing from drop down list.
[Fix] QSF Filter: Number of sample points was not being properly saved in the registry and would always default to 8.
[Fix] WTV files: If the first frame in the file is larger than 65KB, then the WTV reader might skip the first GOP.
[Fix] WTV: Saving a WTV file from a source WTV file could cause thumbnail on edited file to not display.
[Fix] WTV: Some WTV files, with Teletext, reporting closed captioning errors. WTV teletext streams not supported by TVS.
H264 Editing -
[Change] H.264 stream: Added F12 support for H.264 stream to refresh the file size and duration of the currently playing video.
[Change] Chapter marks: Chapters being saved to chapters.txt in format: hh:mm:ss.hh, can not be read back in.
[Fix] H.264 smart editing: Internal error in H.264 buffer management could cause corruption, errors, or YTOD. (Broke in 617/618).
H264 Editing -
[Change] QSF save error: QSF save dialog display "error getting output options" if you try to select a new output file name.
[Change] MP4/MKV seek: If using FFMPEG and a seek error is returned, retry the seek with a different setting. (internal code change)
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] Stream processing: Internal code change to reduce memory overhead when resizing H.264 video buffers and audio buffers.
[Change] AAC LATM: Added support for files that had the "program config" parameter enabled in the AAC header.
[Change] AAC audio: Can convert from LATM/LOAS AAC to ADTS format without recoding.
[Change] AAC encoding: Added support for 24KHz, 22.05KHz and 16Khz audio to better handle low-bit rate FLV files.
[Change] Audio Alerts: Tools>Options>Audio alerts renamed to Tools>Options>Completion Alerts
[Change] DVD Authoring: Block 30 and 60 fps video from being added to a DVD.
[Change] FLV support: Added support to read and write FLV files that contain H264 with AAC.
[Change] GUI: When running on Windows 7 with Aero, show percentage completion in the Windows taskbar icon.
[Change] H.264 MP4: Added support for TWOS audio.
[Change] H.264 recoding: Added new advanced encoding options to set: "weighted prediction for P-Frames", "sub pixel motion search depth".
[Change] H.264 stream: Internal fix of return types.
[Change] LPCM output to MPEG-2 PS: If orignal audio is 44.1KHz or 32 KHz, and output is LPCM, force recode to 48KHz.
[Change] Log file message: Change messages: "... signature check failed" to "... file signature not found."
[Change] MP4/FLV: Intermittent seeking problem when using the FFMPEG reader.
[Change] MPEG2 DVR-MS: Teletext captions would report error of caption too large for buffer.
[Change] Navigation bar: Make the area of the navigation bar which is below the thumb-track inactive to minimize accidental navigation.
[Change] Output processing: Release display frame buffers during save to reduce memory. ( Disable using shift+Tools>Options #73 to 0 ).
[Change] Output profiles: Changed dialog title with spelling error from "Video Croping and Sizing" to "Cropping and Sizing".
[Change] Output profiles: LPCM was an option for output types that don't support it such as TS, DVR-MS and WTV.
[Change] Output profiles: Will now clear previously set compression / gain settings when changing the encoder back to 'Auto'.
[Change] Tools>Options>Alerts: New option to change the "focus stealing" behavior at end of save.
[Fix] Batch Manager (new): Adding AdDetective scan after adding a file save does not refresh the batch list.
[Fix] French translation: Translation error causing "Tip of the day" to display incorrectly and/or hang.
[Fix] H.264 encoder: When doing full recode a timing problem could cause last video frame and a few audio frames to be dropped.
[Fix] H.264/MP4 smart edit: Corrupted output if doing H264/MP4 output and source file had "weighted P-frame prediction" enabled in PPS
[Fix] H264 > MPEG2 encoding: Dual pass when converting 50/59 FPS to 25/29 FPS might cause crash at end of 2nd pass.
[Fix] Internal change: Profile managment code updated to improve speed of file save dialog. Additional diagnostics in log.
[Fix] LPCM source to LPCM output to MPEG2-PS or DVD: If not recoding, application will experience buffer overflow.
[Fix] MP4 chapter marks: MP4 chapter marks were not being honored by iPhone / iPad.
[Fix] MPEG2 mult-audio: If recoding & source and the last frame type in a segment is "P", it might not be output.
[Fix] MPEG2 mult-audio: Incorrect reporting of MPEG1 Audio stream errors if DVR-MS files had audio continuation packets.
[Fix] MPEG2 pro encoder: Timing problem at end of file could sometimes cause one video and a couple audio frames to be dropped.
[Fix] Resizing: Resizing from 1080i to 480i was not optimally resizing the chroma.
[Fix] TVS4 Upgrade wizard: Was not showing text in local langauge.
[Fix] Thumbnails: When displaying thumbnails, with SMPTE-302M audio the first few audio frames were not shown in the audio graph.
[Fix] WTV files: Metadata was not being read if there were non-ascii characters in the file name or folder.
H264 Editing -
[Change] MKV: Unable to open an MKV H.264 file is the MKV mux doesn't include a frame rate. Fall back to the elementary stream fps.
[Change] LATM/LOAS AAC: Output to MP4 with FFmpeg muxer was not converting audio to ADTS resulting in silent audio.
[Change] Configuration wizard: Remove extra "" when attempting to add Desktop.ini to Recorded TV. Aesthetic change only.
[Fix] WTV reader: Added additional output to the log file to better determine when a protected frame is being skipped.
[Fix] Fast MPEG2 Encoder crash: Broken in build 613, Fast MPEG2 encoder crashes. Used for MPEG2 recoding and optionally fast cuts.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] MP4 wtih MPEG-2 video: Can now read MP4 with MPEG2 video if FFmpeg support enabled. MP4/MPEG2 output not yet supported.
[Enhancement] MP4/MKV: Pick up the correct default audio and video stream when using the FFmpeg reader.
[Enhancement] MP4/MKV: Support for reading and creation of chapters Behavior same as DVD, see T>O>Chapters. #63 FFmpeg must be true.
[Enhancement] Output Profiles: Recoding Output bit rate automatically set to preserve original quality. Set on Advanced>Intelligent.
[Change] MP4 files: Default to using the FFmpeg reader rather than the Mainconcept reader. Shift+Tools>Options, #63
[Change] Subtitles: Small corruption in Teletext sub title time stamps can cause muxer to abort with packet data full.
[Fix] ES output: Adjusting volume and saving to elementary streams would generate message "Error setting output options".
[Fix] Error reporting: Internal errors during output such as disk full or mux buffer overflows were not being consistently reported.
[Fix] H.264 frame rates: Improved quality of frame rate detection, with some MP4 files reported twice actual frame rate.
[Fix] H264 stream dump: Intermittent problem due to not setting multi-audio stream variables.
[Fix] Joiner: Audio volume adjustment in one file affects subsequent files instead of being reset for each file.
[Fix] MP4 with H.264: Determine last frame of file by reading video frames instead of reading MP4 summary information.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: FFmpeg reader annexb filter failed after seek, often causing open failure of MP4 and MKV files.
[Fix] MP4: If using FFMPEG reader, audio would not play after seeking backwards.
[Fix] MPEG-2 MKV: Output wont play in MPC (Media Player Classic).
[Fix] MPEG2 / LPCM audio: LPCM output creating incorrect file format if #70 multi-audio stream option set to 1 or 2.
[Fix] MPEG2 thumbnails: Internal logic change to handle display problem when jumping from last frame to first frame with MP4/MPEG2.
[Fix] WTV reader could crash if it read invalid chunk size in header.
H264 Editing -
[Change] VRDSplit.vbs: Updated script to handle output profiles so it works with TVS H.264. Also fixed bug with start time not working.
[Change] MKV output: Automatically recode AAC-HE audio to ADTS AAC-LC audio if output file type is MKV.
[Change] Audio elementary output: Only append _1, _2, etc to the audio file name if there is more than one audio stream being saved.
[Fix] MP4/MKV: Severe memory leak If using FFmpeg reader (all MKV, MP4 optional), Causing failure with large files.
[Fix] H.264: Corrupt video with an NAL of type 31 (not allowed) would trigger a premature EOF and possible crash.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] MKV: Support for reading and writing MKV files.
[Enhancement] Profiles: Added new aspect ratio option "Match Resolution" to allow H.264 encoded video to play at 1:1 pixel aspect ratio.
[Change] H.264: Added TS Mux rate calculation to stream parameters.
[Change] AAC - WTV: Initial 1-3 audio frames dropped if the time stamp of the first audio packet earlier than initial I-Frame in file.
[Change] DVD Project: Cannot specify a UNC path for VIDEO_TS folder. (Worked in build 564).
[Change] WTV Reader: Improved detection of the audio streams in a WTV file.
[Change] Program Information: Video bit rate now takes into account transport stream null packets.
[Change] Program Information: Display Null packet rate (if present) for transport stream files.
[Change] Open DVD folder: If MPEG2 multi-audio is enabled, mulitple DVD audio streams are supported.
[Change] MP4: Use FFmpeg muxer to read/write MP4 files rather than Mainconcept muxer. Set via Shift+T>O #63.
[Change] MP4/MKV: Added Shift+T>O #64 to store the H.264 SPS and PPS with the video frame. Needed for smart cutting of H.264 DVB video.
[Change] MP4 Reader: Added error reporting to Mainconcept MP4 reader to better understand why it fails to open some MP4 files.
[Change] Close captioning: Change default for captioning #41 DVBSubtitling from false to true for TVS H.264 (new installs only)
[Fix] WTV Reader: TVS4 could loop if doing two-pass record of WTV source, or adding multiple WTV to a DVD.
[Fix] WTV reader: Reading at the end-of-file could sometimes cause a crash.
[Fix] LATM/LOAS AAC: Corrupt frame could cause LATM demuxer to stop demuxing frames.
[Fix] MPEG2 decoding: Decoder used when recoding all output to file or DVD, aborts if source file was field encoded.
[Fix] H.264 encoding: Encoder crash since some encoding parameters were not being properly adjusted after loading user's settings.
[Fix] AC3 Demuxing: Resyncing triggered if TS AC3 streams switched from non-aligned to aligned,
[Fix] AAC-HE: When creating silent frames for AAC-HE we weren't setting the SBR flag properly.
[Fix] Titling / Joiner: Adding title to the joiner before adding any video causes problems during output.
[Fix] MPEG2 stream: Saving from mpeg to TS, or WTV, audio PID not being properly set.
[Fix] GUI: Time code at 40:00.00 would display as 30:00.00 if the frame rate was 59.94.
[Fix] DVD Authoring: If the source file is MPEG2 with a bit rate > 9.5 Mbps, we will recode down the 9.5 Mbps.
[Fix] AC3 Demuxing: Resyncing triggered if TS AC3 streams switched from non-aligned to aligned.
H264 Editing -
[Fix] Installer: When registering COM object, installer may launch configuration wizard as admin and then again as regular user.
[Fix] Batch/COM: Do not reset window position and maximized status when running silent batch.
Version 4.20.6-609, Release date: November 17, 2010
* Critical GUI: Tools>Options>Transport page no longer being displayed.
* NEW WTV reading: New WTV reader which supports multi-audio (MPEG2 only) and multiple DVB Subs. Disable via shift+T>O: #62
* Change Batch Manager (new): Checks to make sure COM interface is registered and versions match. Prompts user if either incorrect.
* Change Batch manager (new): When adding multiple files, display progress as each file is opened and inspected. Added abort button.
* Change Batch script: Added version check to the script to warn user if /t# is being used instead of /p:
* Change GUI: Running batch cleared saved window maximize flags.
* Change H.264 encoding 2 pass: Create a unique name for the first pass statistics file to allow for multiple encodings at the same time.
* Change H.264: H.264 streams was not honoring setting of shift+T>O, #41 Enable closed captioning and subtitling for DVB subs.
* Change Installer: Installer will now always automatically register VideoReDo Batch COM objects. Uninstaller will remove.
* Change QSF output: Don't permit user to QSF elementary stream source to elementary stream output.
* Change QSF: Changed the output file name edit box to read-only so that the user must browse and select an output profile.
* Change QSF: TVSuite H.264 could crash when clicking on Output File Browse due to bad pointer (broken in 608).
* Change Tivo output: Don't allow TiVo output unless source file is also TiVo file
* Change WTV output: "Duration" metadata in the output file was being copied from the source rather than reflecting the edited duration.
* Change WTV output: Added mutliple audio (MPEG2 only) and DVB subtitle support to the WTV muxer.
* Fix AAC-LC LATM: BBC AAC with LOAS/LATM were being tagged as AAC-HE when they were actually AAC-LC.
* Fix Batch manager (new): Unable to set the default output file prefix and/or destination folder.
* Fix Batch manager (new): When adding multiple files, the output folder is not properly saved.
* Fix Batch: Create DVD or Joine files might exit and not create any output due to uninitialized variable.
* Fix Error handling: If source is MPEG2 and recoder had an initialization error, error message wasn't being reported back to user.
* Fix GUI: Didn't remember if window was maximized in previous session.
* Fix H.264 NAL Parsing: In debug mode, PPS parsing could abort if only 2 bits left in NAL.
* Fix MPEG2 LPCM: Buffer size calculation incorrect resulting in out of memory when trying to open MPEG2 PS w/LPCM audio.
* Fix Output profiles: Fixed problems when the profile has "Allow multiple audio streams" unchecked.
* Fix QSF: H.264 Filtering would not work if the requested dimensions started after T>O>Stream, # MB to scan.
* Fix Registry: Renamed, "Sepcial: DisableLogicalFileSort", to "Special:DisableLogicalFileSort".
* Fix WTV: Corrupt .wtv file is causing the WTV reader to crash rather
H264 Editing -
[Change] Batch Manager (new): Checks to make sure COM interface is registered and versions match. Prompts user if either incorrect.
[Change] Batch manager (new): When adding multiple files, display progress as each file is opened and inspected. Added abort button.
[Change] Batch script: Added version check to the script to warn user if /t# is being used instead of /p:
[Change] H.264 encoding 2 pass: Create a unique name for the first pass statistics file to allow for multiple encodings at the same time.
[Change] H.264: H.264 streams was not honoring setting of shift+T>O, #41 Enable closed captioning and subtitling for DVB subs.
[Change] Installer: Installer will now always automatically register VideoReDo Batch COM objects. Uninstaller will remove.
[Change] QSF output: Don't permit user to QSF elementary stream source to elementary stream output.
[Change] Tivo output: Don't allow TiVo output unless source file is also TiVo file
[Change] WTV output: "Duration" metadata in the output file was being copied from the source rather than reflecting the edited duration.
[Change] WTV output: Added mutliple audio (MPEG2 only) and DVB subtitle support to the WTV muxer.
[Change] WTV reading: New WTV reader which supports multi-audio (MPEG2 only) and multiple DVB Subs. Disable via shift+T>O: #62
[Fix] Batch manager (new): Unable to set the default output file prefix and/or destination folder.
[Fix] Batch manager (new): When adding multiple files, the output folder is not properly saved.
[Fix] Batch: Create DVD or Joine files might exit and not create any output due to uninitialized variable.
[Fix] Error handling: If source is MPEG2 and recoder had an initialization error, error message wasn't being reported back to user.
[Fix] GUI: Didn't remember if window was maximized in previous session.
[Fix] H.264 NAL Parsing: In debug mode, PPS parsing could abort if only 2 bits left in NAL.
[Fix] MPEG2 LPCM: Buffer size calculation incorrect resulting in out of memory when trying to open MPEG2 PS w/LPCM audio.
[Fix] Output profiles: Fixed problems when the profile has "Allow multiple audio streams" unchecked.
[Fix] Registry: Renamed, "Sepcial: DisableLogicalFileSort", to "SpecialisableLogicalFileSort".
H264 Editing -
[Change] Translation: Added .apt file for the new batch processor, VideoReDo Batch Profile.
[Change] MPEG2: Setting for multiple audio streams, S+T>O, #66 needs to be reset if non-zero.
[Change] MPEG2 > H.264: De-interlacer could get out of cadence eventually causing an audio buffer overflow.
[Change] H264Encoder: Setting T>O>H.264 diagnostics to "Advanced" will show the H.264 encoder settings in the log file on full recode.
[Fix] WTV: WTV MPEG2 files would not open correctly if s+T>O, #66 Multiple audio stream was 1 or 2.
[Fix] WTV QSF: Sometimes crashes at the start of the 2nd recoding pass while the file is being re-opened.
[Fix] MPEG4 Part2: Encoder crashing. Broken in 606.
[Fix] MPEG2: DVR-MS could hang on output if first frame of the file, and multi-audio (#66) enabled.
[Fix] H.264: Remove leading frames that don't have PTS values and shouldn't be in the first GOP. Caused QSF (but not save) sync prob.
[Fix] H.264: MP4 files with AC3 audio were not picking up the audio stream.
[Fix] H.264 MP4: MP4 was accidentally being opened as an .TS instead of an .MP4. Bump # of packets checked to insure its a .TS.
[Fix] GUI: File open, not handling non-latin characters properly. Fixed for .ts in 606. Was still broken for .wtv /dvrms.
[Fix] Batch: Negative cropping values (such as wide screen to letterbox) saved incorrectly in the BPrj XML. Changed XML engine.
[Fix] Seek caching: Changed the seek cache algorithms to work better with very very low bit rate video segments.
[Change] QSF dialog allowed input and output to have the same name resulting in source file being cleared.
H264 Editing -
[Change] GUI: Added Polish .apt file to the installer. Polish DLLs waiting for completed translation.
[Fix] H.264 frame rate: Broke frame rate logic in 605 for some 720p files. Showing as 25 or 29.97 instead of 50 or 59.94
H264 Editing -
[Change] Joiner: Joiner could force an unnecessary recode if the header bit rates of each file didn't match.
[Change] H.264 stream: Improved logic for frame rate if fixed_frame_rate_flag is 0. Check fixed_frame_rate_flag in slice hdr.
[Change] Output status dialog: Widen the dialog and fields to support longer strings required by some translations.
[Fix] Output profiles: Unable to edit profiles in non-english version due to missing localization DLLs.
[Fix] MPEG2: Program would crash if file without an audio stream was opened and multi-audio was enabled.
[Fix] H.264 frame rate: Broke frame rate logic in 604 if pic_order_cnt_type != 2.
[Fix] GUI: Menu File > Queue to batch change button from "Save" to "Queue".
[Fix] DVD: If shift+T>O #66 set to 0, and video is AC3, create DVD will incorectly force an audio recoding.
[Fix] DVD: Fixed aspect ratio issue for H.264 files converted to DVD.
[Fix] GUI: File open, not handling non-latin characters properly. Broken in build 604.
VideoReDo TVSuite V4 Beta Build 604
1) You can now open files with EAC3 audio. This will automatically trigger a secondary codec download.
2) MP4 files with AC3 are now supported.
3) MPEG2 files with multiple audio streams are supported: Set shift+T>O #66 Multi-audio to 1. Set to 2 to use the new code, but restrict to primary audio stream.
4) MPEG2 files that have dimension changes should be handled much more gracefully. Still could be problems with frame rate changes 59.97 <--> 29.97.
5) MPEG2 DVDs directly from H264 files (check your aspect ratio on the DVD, still could be a problem).
6) AAC-HE in WTV files.
H264 Editing -
[Change] Audio resync: Use the resync sensititivy in the Tools>Options>Advanced stream to set the muxer resync threshold.
[Change] DVD Burner: Add option to launch DVD Burner as admin.
[Change] DVR-MS & WTV metadata: Handle titles, subtitles and descriptions that contain non-ascii unicode text.
[Change] H.264 Improved audio sync at cut points. Should reduce number of added / deleted frames.
[Change] H.264 profile: Added new advanced encoding parameter: vbv_size_bytes. Allows HTC Hero to work at Baseline/2.1
[Change] H.264 profile: If changing profile/level in advanced encoding options, let the encoder default the VBV.
[Change] Log file: Show an encoded version of the user's name in the log rather than actual name.
[Change] MPEG2 4:2:2: If source was MPEG2 4:2:2, output would always force recode to 4:2:0 instead of smart editing. (broken in 598)
[Change] MPEG2 stream: Improve detection of bad audio frames at start of file that look valid but aren't and created silent playback.
[Change] NTSC/ATSC captions: The display closed captions settings is now persistent, i.e. remembered between file opens.
[Change] Output profile: Add an option for elementary stream output to only output the audio track(s).
[Change] Output profiles: All formats can use intelligent mode. Standard MPEG-4 Part 2 and WMV profiles now included as default profile.
[Change] QuickStream Fix: Added Queue to batch option in the QSF save dialog.
[Change] Trim and copy: An extra "." could appear in the file name if the currently open video came from a project file.
[Change] VideoReDo Batch Profile: New batch manager prevents file associations from open a file in VRD.
[Change] WTV: Added additional logging of stream detection logic. Enable via T>O>Stream, diagnostic checkbox.
[Change] WTV: If source is NTSC/ATSC, use ATSC formatted CC data from the video stream rather than DTVcc data from WTV.
[Change] WTV: WTV files are now remembered in the most recent used list on the file menu.
[Fix] Batch: If source file has DVD subtitles and you try to process in COM/batch with a VPRJ, output may hang or crash.
[Fix] ES Muxing: Muxing of LPCM/WAV files created distorted audio.
[Fix] H.264 navigation: Re-wrote part of navigation algorithm to account for highly variable bit rates.
[Fix] H.264 output: Recoding from MPEG2 59.94 with repeat frames would stall output when recoded to 29.97 H.h264 (iphone)
[Fix] Joiner: Queue to batch option on the joiner save dialog was not always being honored.
[Fix] LATM/LOAS AAC: If audio frame length and PES packet length were less than 20 bytes, frame would be dropped.
[Fix] MP4 Demuxer: Increase buffer size to 2MB to handle files very large IDR frames.
[Fix] Profile editing: If ..DocumentsVideoReDo folder doesn't exist automatically create it. Install wizard normally does this.
[Fix] VideoReDo Batch Profile: Problem creating output file in the root drive.
[Fix] WTV Output: .WTV files output by TVSuite will play on XBox360 media extenders.
[Fix] WTV output: Metadata if source file is DVRMS or WTV is preserved.
[Fix] WTV: BBC HD recorded with Hauppauge DVB-S2 won't open due to 3 byte instead of 4 byte start code.
[Fix] WTV: Support for audio stream selection is now working. Did not work in prior builds.
H264 Editing -
[Change] Output profile: OutputProfiles.xml is now OutputProfilesEx.xml. New profiles from VRD in DefaultProfile.xml will display.
[Change] Output processing: Round off error in frame rate caluclation (23.795 vs 23.976) caused output logic to fail.
[Change] File open: Added WTV as a default file type. (New installations only).
[Change] Droid profile: Remove hard coded check in H264 encoder for Droid resolution. Switch to new profile.
[Change] Droid profile: Change frame rate from automatic to standard definition, use new advanced parameters to force baseline profile.
[Enhancement] WTV: Greatly improved support for WTV files. Improved navigation, better video stream detection.
[Fix] Translations: The DVD project dialog and OutputProfilesEditor were showing non-english screens due to missing manifests.
[Fix] Queue to batch: BPRJ file is being saved in destination folder when "Store BPRJ in Source Folder" is checked.
[Fix] MPEG2 4:2:2 to 4:2:0.: Chroma not being converted from 4:2:2 to 4:2:0 before recoding.
[Fix] H.264 QSF: Can drop frames if PTS clocks wraps around.
[Fix] Cropping and resizing: Using an odd number in any of the 4 cropping and resizing values causes cropping to be skipped.
H264 Editing -
[Enhancement] Tools>Show Program: Added estimated source video bit rate.
[Enhancement] Tools>Options>H.264: New option "Remove filler NALs", will remove unneeded filler/stuffing bytes.
[Change] WTV; WTV no longer supported in TVSuite V3. Continued support will be in Version 4.
[Change] Tools>Trim and Copy: Issue warning if trying to do a Trim on files that shouldn't be trimmed: MP4, DVR-MS, WTV.
[Change] Thumbnails: Added additional scaling options of -36db and -48 db to the thumbnail graph.
[Change] TS Streams: Increased the number of sync bytes check to confirm file is TS type from 9 to 30.
[Change] Save dialog: Add keyboard accelerator Alt+Q to toggle queue to batch and Alt+O to simulate pressing the Option button.
[Change] Rename: VideoReDo3.exe has been renamed to VideoReDo4.exe.
[Change] MP4 muxer: New option on Tools>Options>H.264 to change location of MP4 muxer temp file. Default will be output folder.
[Change] H.264 NAL parsing: Made sure that trailing zero bytes in NAL are kept with correct NAL (internal change).
[Change] H.264 AC3 with MP4: Added new attribute to profile: "allowAC3" to allow AC3 in MP4 saves. Requires special profile (see below)
[Change] DVD burning: Updated StarBurn library to version 12 for improved W7 compatibility.
[Change] DVD Authoring: Displayed of estimated DVD size might not be correct. (Cosmetic only).
[Change] COM: Can now control multiple instances of VideoReDo when running in silent mode.
[Fix] Transport streams: Improved end of file logic to better detect and parse final frame in the file.
[Fix] Tivo output: TiVo header incorrectly copied when source was a Tivo-TS stream.
[Fix] TS streams: Number of times program maps read was not being reset when scanning multiple sections of a file.
[Fix] Side by side errors: File, Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC.manifest was causing SxS errors. Updated version number.
[Fix] Recoding H.264 to MPEG2: Top field first flag was not being preserved when recoding from H.264 to MPEG2.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Fix for POC type == 2. Was dropping frames as resync, due to not picking up POC type properly.
[Fix] H.264 recoding: If source is progressive, enable MBS in sequence hdr so output is labeled progressive.
[Fix] H.264 QSF: Clicking on enable filters would crash if video had MPEG audio.
[Fix] DVD Authoring: When recoding, the video bit rate settings are being ignored and output bit rate is extremely low.
[Fix] DVB subtitles: If displaying subtitles during playback, timing conflict between reading and loading could cause GPF.
[Fix] Ad Detective: Intermittent behavior with H.264 files. Might not be analyzing data in current frame and missing dark frames.
H264 Editing -
[Change] Profiles: New output file type: m2ts.
[Change] Profiles: Default profiles list has been updated. Need to delete MyDocumentsOutputProfiles.xml to view.
[Change] MPEG4 Part 2 and 3gpp: Added more informative message if the .mp4 file codec is MPEG4 Part 2 or 3gpp.
[Change] COM: Added new function to retreive profile list. See sample script: ProfileSample.vbs
[Fix] Version check: Updated version check logic to work with TVSuite Version 4.
[Fix] Profile file: On install profiles installed in <install>DefaultProfiles.xml, if changed copied to documentsOutputProfiles.xml
[Fix] MP4/H.264 : MP4 files from Nero wouldn't open due to missing SEI picture timing. As backup get frame rate from demuxer.
[Fix] MP4 file reader: First GOP could sometimes be dropped when file is loaded.
[Fix] Installer: Setup registry and profile entries correctly is installing as limited user.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Support for files with pic_order_count_type = 2. Including the Sanyo HD 700 camera.
[Fix] H.264 stream: Not picking up progressive flag for source file when doing full recode causing output to be interflaced.
[Fix] H.264 smart editing: If encoder gets a parameter error, automatically try to initialize again without HRD parameters.
[Fix] H.264 GUI: Not displaying Progressive or Interlaced flag on Tools>Show Program Info.
[Fix] H.264 720p: 720p files which used repeat frames were not being handled properly.
[Fix] Batch & COM: /p:<profile name> option will crash batch processing due to bug in COM call: FileSaveProfileVideoReDo TVSuite -
[Change] Thumbnails: If displaying a "pseudo frame" don't show I/P/B indicator.
[Change] Languages: Added Czech, and new updates for Finnish.
[Fix] Cut mode: Last frame of cut was excluded from output video. Broken in 594.
What's new in Version 4 with H.264:
This version is designed to seamlessly handle both MPEG2 and H.264 encoded files. H.264 is also called AVC and AVCHD. Technically, we support the following H.264 formats:
Input formats:
* Transport streams with H.264/AVC video with the following audio codecs: MPEG Layer 2, AC-3, AAC and AAC-HE.
* MP4 formatted files with H.264/AVC video with AAC and AAC-HE audio. This includes Apple MOV files, and some camera formats.
* Video dimensions up to 1920x1080p at chroma 4:2:0.
* WTV streams support is preliminary (see below).
* All the traditional MPEG2 formats supported in earlier versions.
Output formats:
* MPEG2, program, transport and dvr-ms streams with MPEG and AC-3 audio.
* H.264 transport streams with MPEG Layer 2 and AAC audio. AC3 and AAC-HE audio is supported if they are present in the source file.
* H.264 .MP4 files with MPEG Layer 2 and AAC audio. AAC-HE audio is suported if present in the source file.
* WMV/VC1 output.
* MPEG-4 Part 2 .mp4 files.
* Elementary streams.
* NTSC closed captioning and DVB subtitling, if present in the source, is preseved in the output file.
Smart editing:
* If source and destination formats have identical formats, dimensions and bit rates, TVSuite V4 will automatically invoke its smart editing feature and not recode your source video except for a few frames at cut points. This is the traditional behavior you expected from VideoReDo in the past.
Output Profiles:
* The output format is determined by a list of file types, called profiles, in the file save box. The product comes with quite a few profiles which can serve as a starting point. You can create your own profiles, exchange profiles with other users using the import and export mechanism. There will be more on profiles in a separate post.
Version 3-1-5-564, Release date: July 5, 2008
* NEW: Authoring: NTSC closed captions are preserved even if video is recorded for DVD authoring
* NEW: Authoring: Added new "automatic" pan and scan option which lets the user change the mode using the player's menus.
* NEW: DVD menus, added additional options for DVD title button highlights, underline, text color, left arrow.
* NEW: Added new COM method, AdjustAudioSync() to adjust the sync of the currently open video.
* NEW: DVRMS output, added option to remove stream tags to the Tools>Options>DVRMS page. This allows thumbnails to be displayed in Vista MCE.
* NEW: Added an option to only allow a single instance of VideoReDo.
* NEW: Ability to read proprietary Humax 8000 transport stream files.
* Enhance: Added capability to automatically QuickStreamFix DVD titles from the open DVD title screen.
* Enhance: Added ability to set language code on the Tools>Options>Startup page
* Enhance: Stream selection, preserve edits if switching to a different audio stream for the currently open video.
* Enhance: Thumbnails: replaced audio graph "log option" with "db scaling".
* Change: New easier to understand dialogs when trying to close a file or exit the program with unsaved edits.
* Change: Audio volume changes will show settings in db in addition as well as X factor.
* Change: Authoring, default compliant GOP size reduced from 18 to 15 for better closed captioning compatibility.
* Change: Authoring, new checkbox "Include closed caption" sets max GOP size to 15, Only enabled for NTSC video.
* Change: Authoring, if source stream is labeled "progressive" it will be changed to interlaced during DVD authoring.
* Change: Authoring, Crop and Resize, "Maintain aspect ratio" will respect the preset settings such as pillar box to standard.
* Change: Authoring, video cropping and resizing. Additional selections added to the preset list.
* Change: Burning, DVD erase time estimates are accurate by taking into account the current burner speed setting.
* Change: DVRMS Output, added undocumented metadata substitution keyword, {FILE} to copy output filename into metadata area.
* Change: GUI, added option to Shift+Tools>Options to allow for resizing of the fine-tune slider.
* Change: Tilter/Menu editor will automatically select first text box in title editor to show sizing handles.
* Change: If source file is from a Tivo, Trim and Copy will automatically copy the Tivo header to the output file.
* Change: Transport stream output, PCR interval added to the Tools>Options>Transport page.
* Change: Transport stream output, PCR interval now defaults to 90 msec for NTSC and 40 msec for PAL.
* Fix: Ad Detective, too many scene markers (>1000) could result in a crash due to threading conflict.
* Fix: Audio output, converting LPCM 48KHz audio to LPCM 44.1 audio caused a crash.
* Fix: Authoring, if the authoring process aborted due to bad data, burner would try to burn an empty DVD
* Fix: Authoring, if user selects a manual folder on Tools>Options>DVD but left folder blank, authoring would display error=3
* Fix: Authoring, Improved reliability and accuracy of estimated time remaining.
* Fix: Authoring, yellow triangle would display even though output was continuing.
* Fix: Authoring, estimated file output size incorrect after running Ad Detective.
* Fix: Selecting "Combine" when merging overlapping cuts results in wrong estimated sizing.
* Fix: Authoring, menu navigation problem with 16:9 menus used in a 4:3 display.
* Fix: Authoring, if AC3 bit rate changes in the middle of a file, add silent frames to preserve audio sync.
* Fix: When the DVD menu template was being saved with a new name, the name wasn't being properly stored in the file.
* Fix: Authoring, multiple titles with different audio encodings might cause some titles to lose audio if first title is MPEG audio.
* Fix: Authoring, when recoding large GOPs with PAL video could cause authoring to hang when recoding.
* Fix: Authoring could sometimes mistake MPEG audio stream for AC3.
* Fix: Clicking on DVD output folder browse button would hang the application if the default drive no longer existed.
* Fix: Additional information displayed in the log file if the VIDEO_TS folder is too large to be burned.
* Fix: Saving HD material to a DVRMS file would sometimes result in incorrect file duration
* Fix: NTSC closed captioning could become corrupt from some digital broadcasts
* Fix: DVRMS metadata fields, Title, subtitle and description could be filled with lots of spaces if metadata wasn't being changed.
* Fix: GOP reduction using fast encoder could cause bit rate to drop too low resulting in blocky picture.
* Fix: When reducing GOPs some GOPs would be incorrectly marked as "Closed".
* Fix: When reducing GOPs, extremely corrupt source video could cause memory overflow error in MPEG decoder.
* Fix: GOP reduction, remove error message if encoding bit rate exceeds sequence header bit rate.
* Fix: Titling and DVD menu screen show scroll bars even when not needed.
* Fix: Help file, some pages displayed incorrectly when default font size in Internet Explorer set to Large fonts.
* Fix: Main screen, joiner time in lower right of main screen would be blanked when a new file is opened.
* Fix: AC3 audio not being properly detected if the source file is an MPEG1 program stream (e.g. LiteOn DVD recorder)
* Fix: Fixed problem where preview mode could hang at a cut when program was running in scene mode.
* Fix: Quickstream Fix, auto expand buffer sizes to reduce chance of buffer overflows.
* Fix: Thumbnails, audio sync adjustment would not be reflected in the thumbnail display.
* Fix: Adding a title to 50 FPS or 60 FPS, 720p video could create a sync issue.
* Fix: Titling and DVD Template menus, Copy and paste would not work repeatedly.
* Fix: Title defaults were being saved in the VideoReDo Plus folder rather than the TVSuite application data folder.
* Fix: Topfield output, marked AC3 PID streams in the Topfield header with an 0x2000 so that they can be played.
* Fix: Transport stream files, Incorrect "Video not found" when opening an ATSC stream with video stream type of 0x80.
* Fix: Transport stream files, fix for transport streams where program map sections cross transport stream boundaries
* Fix: Transport stream output, added a default language descriptor for audio streams when building a new program map on the Tools>Options>Transport page.
Version 3-1-4-551, Release date: February 3, 2008
* Change: Added option to log a custom message to the log file using the Help > Display VideoReDo.log menu.
* Change: GUI, Estimated output time remaining changed: mmm:ss to hh:mm:ss when there are more then 60 estimated minutes remaining.
* Fix: COM, SaveJoinerAs and SaveJoinerAsEx didn't work when saving to multiplexed streams.
* Fix: GUI, Pressing "Invert all Cuts" or "Remove Selected Cuts" buttons would cause mouse wheel to stop working.
* Fix: GUI, Joiner save would default to the wrong file type when saving to .TS, .DVR-MS or .REC file types.
* Fix: DVD Burner, Improved compatibility with standalone players by performing an IFO patch.
* Fix: DVD Burner, Auto selection of DVD drive with media present wouldn't work if there were multiple drives.
* Fix: DVD Authoring, Workaround for bug in VLC player where VLC would crash if TVSuite created a DVD with no menus.
VideoReDo TVSuite
Version 3-1-3-549, Release date: December 12, 2007
* NEW: Initial release of VideoReDo TVSuite.
The following list describes the Enhancements, Changes and fixes in VideoReDo TVSuite relative to VideoReDo Plus 2-5-6-512.
* NEW: DVD Authoring with:
Multiple titles on a DVD.
Auto conversion of HD to SD.
Letter / pillar box remove.
Auto sizing to match disc size.
Use defined cropping and resizing.
Easily customizable menu templates. Custom templates can be saved for future use.
Ability to accept non-compliant video.
User defined and automatic chapter marks.
Optional auto erase of RW discs.
Optional auto verification of burned discs.
* NEW: New modern and sleeker look to the GUI.
* NEW: Ability to add titles to the beginning or between segments of a video. Titles can fade in and out.
* NEW: Automatic recovery of edits should program or system crash.
* NEW: Open a title directly from a folder on a DVD or a copied VIDEO_TS folder.
* NEW: New faster MPEG2 encoder for better performance.
* NEW: Ability to save and restore joiner lists.
* NEW: Thumbnails can display different audio graph colors for 2.0 vs 5.1 channel audio.
* Enhance: Can now enable zoom mode when previewing.
* Enhance: Automatic prompting for MCE metadata on output.
* Enhance: Ability to create MCE metadata even if source file is not DVR-MS.
* Enhance: ATSC multiplexing option for transport stream output.
* Enhance: NTSC time codes displayed with industry standard DFTC notation.
* Enhance: Jump to frame number.
* Enhance: Ability to change default AC3 output stream number.
* Enhance: Can set preferred audio type so that AC3 is opened if present.
* Enhance: Set sequence header bit rate to actual video bit rate.
* Enhance: Automatically copy all setup parameters from VideoReDo Plus to VideoReDo TVSuite.
* Enhance: Disable output video for fast editing over slow remote desktop (RDP) links.
* Enhance: GOP Reduction: New option to allow for even sizing of reduced GOPs.
* Enhance: Navigation has much improved accuracy when moving by seconds or minutes.
* Change: Improve detection of AC3 vs MPEG audio when opening transport streams.
* Change: Clip 1080i display to actually display 1080 pixels rather than 1088 pixels.
* Change: Undo now restore previous cut marks, books and cursor position.
* Change: Project files now saved in XML format. Old format can still be imported.
* Change: Option to display 59.94 FPS time codes in DFTC notation.
* Change: Animated system tray icon.
* Change: Removed questions about DigiTV from the installation wizard.
* Change: Ability to set the number of megabytes of a file to scan when opening.
* Change: Improved checking for bad data when opening transport stream files.
* Change: Increased number of files in a VLst from 1,024 to 32,767.
* Change: Ability to change the maximum range of the volume adjustment.
* Fix: COM, Calling FileOpen() with a bad or missing filename would display error instead of return error code.
* Fix: GOP reduction, bad reduction in the video stream could cause an abort.
* Fix: Ability to register file types under Vista.
* Fix: New GUI controls prevent display of background of previously overlapped windows.
* Fix: Changing 44.1 KHz MPEG audio to LPCM results dropped video frames and sync issues.
* Fix: Thumbnails, improved accuracy of red/green cut status line when interval > single frame.
* Fix: Navigation sometimes off by one frame with 720p material.
* Fix: Preview mode, could sometimes get stuck when jumping to next cut / scene marker.
* Fix: Chapter marks, Added a "Frame 0" option to create a chapter mark at frame 0.
* Fix: Preview mode could show wrong frame type (I,P or B).
VideoRedo TVSuite PreRelease
Version 3-1-1-540, Release date: October 10, 2007
* NEW: Initial release of VideoReDo TVSuite.
The following list describes the Enhancements, Changes and fixes in VideoReDo TVSuite relative to VideoReDo Plus 2-5-6-512.
* NEW: DVD Authoring with:
Multiple titles on a DVD.
Auto conversion of HD to SD.
Letter / pillar box remove.
Auto sizing to match disc size.
Use defined cropping and resizing.
Easily customizable menu templates. Custom templates can be saved for future use.
Ability to accept non-compliant video.
User defined and automatic chapter marks.
Optional auto erase of RW discs.
Optional auto verification of burned discs.
* NEW: New modern and sleeker look to the GUI.
* NEW: Ability to add titles to the beginning or between segments of a video. Titles can fade in and out.
* NEW: Automatic recovery of edits should program or system crash.
* NEW: Open a title directly from a folder on a DVD or a copied VIDEO_TS folder.
* NEW: New faster MPEG2 encoder for better performance.
* NEW: Ability to save and restore joiner lists.
* NEW: Thumbnails can display different audio graph colors for 2.0 vs 5.1 channel audio.
* Enhance: Can now enable zoom mode when previewing.
* Enhance: Automatic prompting for MCE metadata on output.
* Enhance: Ability to create MCE metadata even if source file is not DVR-MS.
* Enhance: ATSC multiplexing option for transport stream output.
* Enhance: NTSC time codes displayed with industry standard DFTC notation.
* Enhance: Jump to frame number.
* Enhance: Ability to change default AC3 output stream number.
* Enhance: Can set preferred audio type so that AC3 is opened if present.
* Enhance: Set sequence header bit rate to actual video bit rate.
* Enhance: Automatically copy all setup parameters from VideoReDo Plus to VideoReDo TVSuite.
* Enhance: Disable output video for fast editing over slow remote desktop (RDP) links.
* Enhance: GOP Reduction: New option to allow for even sizing of reduced GOPs.
* Enhance: Navigation has much improved accuracy when moving by seconds or minutes.
* Change: Improve detection of AC3 vs MPEG audio when opening transport streams.
* Change: Clip 1080i display to actually display 1080 pixels rather than 1088 pixels.
* Change: Undo now restore previous cut marks, books and cursor position.
* Change: Project files now saved in XML format. Old format can still be imported.
* Change: Option to display 59.94 FPS time codes in DFTC notation.
* Change: Animated system tray icon.
* Change: Removed questions about DigiTV from the installation wizard.
* Change: Ability to set the number of megabytes of a file to scan when opening.
* Change: Improved checking for bad data when opening transport stream files.
* Change: Increased number of files in a VLst from 1,024 to 32,767.
* Change: Ability to change the maximum range of the volume adjustment.
* Fix: COM, Calling FileOpen() with a bad or missing filename would display error instead of return error code.
* Fix: GOP reduction, bad reduction in the video stream could cause an abort.
* Fix: Ability to register file types under Vista.
* Fix: New GUI controls prevent display of background of previously overlapped windows.
* Fix: Changing 44.1 KHz MPEG audio to LPCM results dropped video frames and sync issues.
* Fix: Thumbnails, improved accuracy of red/green cut status line when interval > single frame.
* Fix: Navigation sometimes off by one frame with 720p material.
* Fix: Preview mode, could sometimes get stuck when jumping to next cut / scene marker.
* Fix: Chapter marks, Added a "Frame 0" option to create a chapter mark at frame 0.
* Fix: Preview mode could show wrong frame type (I,P or B).
Upgrade or download trial from
Version 2-5-6-512, Release date: June 16, 2007
* Fix: When source and desition files were dvr-ms, sometimes VideoReDo would hang for 2-20 minutes while windows would copy and re-index the output file.
* Fix: The AbortOutput call in the COM interface did not work properly.
* Fix: Intermittent crash when doing a GOP reduction.
* Fix: Creating a chapter file with timecodes with a .hh format format (e.g. hh:mm:ss.hh) would cause a crash.
Version 2-5-5-512, Release date: March 28, 2007
* Fix: Ouputting to Topfield .rec files could crash VideoReDo if user's time zone is east of GMT.
Version 2-5-4-507, Release date: January 18, 2007
* Enhance: Installation wizard will detect if being installed on Vista and set VideoReDo video driver to VMR9 to support Aero glass.
* Enhance: COM: New property: OpenedFilename, to return the currently opened filename.
* Enhance: COM: New sample scripts included with the installation, ScanAndSplit.vbs and ScanSplitFolder.cmd.
* Enhance: AC3: For all AC3 output stream to sub-stream 0x80 via a setting ont he Tools>Shift+Options page.
* Enhance: Install wizard, change MCE detection to work with Vista.
* Change: When saving to elementary streams, 'wav' and 'ac3' file types would be in upper case rather than the preferred lower case.
* Change: DVR-MS, QuickstreamFix was unable to use the video dimension filter.
* Change: Mute button, red overlay hard to see.
* Fix: Opening a CRID file could sometimes cause an infinite loop.
* Fix: AC3: Ignore and skip bad audio header of 3.0 channels, 32K sampling rate.
* Fix: COM. SetCutMode() would GPF if called before opening a file.
* Fix: TS Streams: If "PID not found" message was displayed, memory wasn't being fully released.
* Fix: DVR-MS input: Small memory leak found and fixed.
* Fix: Tivo file reader: Memory leak found and fixed.
Version 2-5-3-500, Release date: November 10, 2006
* Enhance: Logfile: Add ability to clear log file and more easily attach to an email. Log filename is also copied to the clipboard if the "Explore" option is selected.
* Enhance: COM: New method FileOpenBatchPIDS( filename, videoPID, audioPID) to enable QSF with custom PIDs.
* Change: New faster AC3 decoder library.
* Fix: DVR-MS files with restricted content could get into infinite loop. VideoReDo attempts to detect and issue a warning.
* Fix: Batch: Ampersand "&" in the filename would cause file name problems in batch.
* Fix: DVR-MS: NTSC closed captions caused injection of bad user data into the video stream resulting in pixelation.
* Fix: Humax PVR transport streams will not open properly.
* Fix: CRID: Double clicking on an entry in the CRID list would cause a crash.
* Fix: CRID: attemp0ting to open a CRID file with no available components could cause a crash.
* Fix: Batch: In File>Queue To Batch, changing the suggested filename and then changing an output option would cause filename to revert to default.
Version 2-5-2-491, Release date: September 25, 2006
* Enhance: Support for creating DVR-MS output files.
* Enhance: Support for creating Topfield .REC output files.
* Enhance: Ability to detect and process MPEG1 video inside an MPEG2 program stream.
* Enhance: New hidden options page for undocumented options, using Shift+Tools>Options.
* Enhance: New zoom feature to magnify the timeline.
* Enhance: New "Favorite places" on the Tools>Options pages. Allows you to setup favorite folders in the file open dialog.
* Enhance: Brand new installation wizard
* Enhance: Support for YUV acceleration on multiple monitors using VMR7 and VMR9 drivers.
* Enhance: VideoReDo will work with Vista Betas using the Aero interface when using the VMR9 drivers.
* Enhance: Sorting filenames for auto comine (VLST) will now logically sort, i.e. VTS_01_10.VOB will follow VTS_01_9.VOB. Only works on Windows XP.
* Enhance: Ability to support 4:2:2 video.
* Enhance: AdDetective in batch can now run silently.
* Enhance: Running batch in quiet mode is now totally quiet except for icon in the system task bar.
* Enhance: Ability to change the volume in the saved file. Output audio type must be LPCM (WAV) or MPEG.
* Enhance: Batch audio alert will only be heard after the last file in the batch sequence.
* Enhance: New COM properties/methods: AudioAlert, OutputPercentComplete, EnterRegistrationKey, VersionNumber, AbortOutput.
* Enhance: Copy Tivo meta data from the source file if the source and destination files are both Tivo.
* Enhance: If source file is a BeyondTV transport file and output is a transport file, the BeyondTV metadata, if present, will be copied.
* Enhance: Batch will properly support the full ANSI character set.
* Enhance: Complete support for NTSC 29.97 FPS drop frame timecodes. Both in the display and output in the GOP header.
* Enhance: Frame Capture, Added Shift+Tools>Options to specify number of lines to omit from the capture.
* Enhance: Ability to call a user defined application using Shift+File>Queue To Batch. Command to be called specified on Shift+Tools>Options.
* Enhance: Batch quiet mode, will no longer display video. Fixes problem when running VRD in the background when MCE is running. To use this feature, set "Do not display video in silent batch" to true, in Shift+Tools>Options.
* Change: Log file date display changed from mm/dd/yy to ISO format: YYYY-mm-dd.
* Change: For TS files broadcast with ATSC (USA digital broadcasts), the audio will default to the AC3 stream if one is present.
* Change: Ability to change the text color of the mark-in/out time codes to provide better contrast against the application background.
* Change: Logfile is now saved in the C:Documents and Settings<username>Application DataVideoReDoPlus. New installations only. Permits VideoReDo to run as limited user.
* Change: Saving a project file will add the .bprj file to File menu's recently used file list.
* Change: Audio Alerts can be enabled only for batch, interactive, or both.
* Change: The "Unsaved Edits" message ox will now default to "No" so that pressing return not not exit the application.
* Change: Ulead Movie Factory option has been removed. VideoReDo files should be acceptable for all version of Movie Factory.
* Change: Ad-Detective, "Automatically cut commercials is now the default.
* Change: If you switch to frame display, instead of time code display, the setting will be remembered the next time you start VideoReDo.
* Change: Queue To Batch, if you change the default file type, the file extension will also change.
* Change: Added a "Copy to Clipboard" button on the Tools>Show Program Info page.
* Change: Tools>Show Program info now display Tivo and DVRMS as source file types.
* Change: Quickstream FIX for DVD VOBs will no longer skip over audio frames that occur right after a PTS reset.
* Change: Accept AC3 audio that have incorrectly formatted PES headers.
* Change: Ctrl+X no longer exits. Use the Windows standard Alt+F4.
* Change: If we get an "unknown error" while writing to the output file, show the Windows error code and text in the log file.
* Change: Thumbnails, would redraw all TNs when cut list was changed.
* Change: Audio will default to DirectSound.
* Fix: Unable to capture first frame of the file as soon as the file was opened.
* Fix: When opening a file, sometimes the 2nd frame would be displayed rather than the first.
* Fix: Switching to Preview in scene mode while cursor was at "end marker" position would sometimes cause VideoReDo to hang in a loop.
* Fix: DVR-MS input file where sequence header didn't start at the beginning of a packet had sync and seek issues.
* Fix: Drawing of sliders and some text boxes on the main screen could be messed up if there were overlapping windows.
* Fix: If adding multiple VPRJ files at one time to the joiner using using either drag or multiple file open, a "replace cut" message might be shown if VideoReDo is running in scene mode.
* Fix: Saving AC3 5.1 to LPCM/WAV elementary stream (.WAV) would create a bad WAV header to be written in the output file.
* Fix: Pressing ESC in the aduio sync adjustment window would prevent it from opening again until the next file open.
* Fix: Back by single frame in preview mode would intermittently cause a jump to the beginning fo the file.
* Fix: Closing a TIVO input file wouold not release the file handle until VideoReDo was terminated.
* Fix: Estimated time remaining was incorrect when outputting via the joiner.
* Fix: Output options dialog. Max GOP size was not displaying correctly on the initial display.
* Fix: Thumnail audio graph wasn't displaying all audio data if the numbnail interval was greater than a single frame.
* Fix: Audio adjustments, sync offset and volume, were being reset each time the dialog box displayed rather than being remembered.
* Fix: AC3 with bit rates > 512Kbbps would cause a GPF when outputting to program stream or VOB.
* Fix: AC3 Audio at 44.1Khz, some audio frame lengths were incorrectly calculated.
* Fix: Dragging the mouse outside of a navigation button, while still having the mouse button pressed, would cause auto repeat to remain active for that button.
* Fix: "Tip of the Day" and/or "Check for updates" will not be shown when running in silent mode.
* Fix: GOP timecode was wrong at cut point if the cut was on an I-Frame.
* Fix: VTS_01_10.vob would bbe omitted from auto combine (VLST) since we mistook it for VTS_01_0.vob.
* Fix: COM function, SaveJoinerEx will return an error code rather than display a message box if the output file matches the input file.
* Fix: For short transport stream files, handle end of file more gracefully while looking for program maps.
* Fix: Repeat First field calculation for 720p progressive files was incorrect. Could cause removed frames or sync errors.
* Fix: DTS was off at the start of a new cut or join if the previous cut ended on an I or P frame.
* Fix: Remember window position if application is at window location 0,0.
* Fix: When outputting MPEG1 files with 44.1KHz audio and changing the audio bitrate, the audio would be marked as 48Khz. This caused dropped frames and speedup of the video in the output file.
* Fix: Resync logic would not remove video frames if there were no B-Frame in the buffer. Will now remove both B and P frames.
* Fix: The count of video frames removed for sync adjustment were not being displayed in the output complete dialog.
* Fix: PVA files had incorrect timecodes.
* Fix: GOPs greater than 60 frames could cause a cut point to be rounded to the next GOP boundary.
* Fix: Pressing Ctrl+C (capture frame) would leave navigation commands thinking the control key was pressed until any other key was pressed.
Version 2-2-1-445, Release date: January 3, 2006
* Enhance: Added support for Beyond TV transport streams. Metadata will be copied if both source and output streams are of the same type. I.e. Program Stream source, Program Stream destination, Transport Stream source with Transport Stream destination.
* Enhance: Support for Tivo To Go Files. VideoReDo will now read .tivo files downloaded from your Series 2 Tivo. Requires the Tivo reader and media access key which are part of the free Tivo To Go package. Please see the Tivo site for information and downloads.
* Enhance: Reading and editing of DVR-MS (MCE) files are now fully supported. They can be opened and edited as you would any other MPEG file.
* Enhance: A Plot Mask has been added to the View menu. When enabled a portion of the video picture will be covered so as not to spoil the story line. The size of the plot mask can be adjusted using the Tools>Options Menu.
* Enhance: All source audio formats may be transcoded to either stereo WAV/LPCM or stereo MPEG audio via the Options button on the File Save Dialog. Useful for translating AC3 source material for devices which do not support it (i.e. Hauppauge Media MVP). Also useful for compressing LPCM/WAV audio to the much smaller MPEG audio format.
* Enhance: The previous maximum video length of 13 hours has been removed. Source material up to 26 hours may now be edited.
* Enhance: An option to reduce the CPU priority while saving has been added to the Tools>Options>Plus screen. Enabling this option will lower the CPU priority of VideoReDo Plus while saving your edits or joins.
* Enhance: Auto repeat has been added to the forward and backward navigation buttons. If you press and hold the left mouse button for more than 0.5 seconds on any of these six buttons ,the navigation function will repeat until release the button.
* Enhance: Ability to set the degree of re-synchronization sensitivity on the Tools>Options>Stream Page.
* Enhance: Ability to select multiple files at file open and combine them into one logical file. Useful for editing DVD material or transport files which have been split into separate files by a capture file. A dialog box can be displayed giving you the open of combining the files or joining them. Please see the help file for an explanation on the differences between combining and joining.
* Enhance: More COM functions to support transport output and scene markers.
* Change: The encoder quality will now default to auto. This will create more compliant files for use with DVD authoring or when outputting to transport streams.
* Change: Output option changes (aspect ratio, GOP size, audio transcoding, etc.) can be set when doing a QuickStream Fix.
* Change: Added new registry option: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareDRD SystemsVideoReDo-PlusPlaybackDeviceOptionsUseVideoMemory. Set to 1 may decrease flashing on some video cards in RGB mode.
* Change: The installation program will check for running copies of VideoReDo Plus and ask you to close them before continuing.
* Change: QuickStream Fix default output file name will be the defaulted to the file type associated with the output stream type. Previous versions tried to default the output extension to the source file type but this no longer makes sense with all the different source and destination file types being supported.
* Change: Remove stuffing bytes from systems headers to make our VOB files more compatible.
* Change: All output streams are now marked as VBR.
* Change: Clicking on "Trim Unselected" will clear the cut list before adding the new entries.
* Change: Warn the user if outputting to a transport stream and the audio is WAV/LPCM. WAV/LPCM output to a transport stream it not supported.
* Change: Transport Output, first frame is marked with the discontinuity bit.
* Change: Transport Output, much improved PTS/DTS timings.
* Change: When automatic corrections are made to the stream when saving edits, both the input and output time codes will be displayed in the log file.
* Fix: When opening a transport stream, DVB subtitle and teletext streams will not accidentally be interpreted as an audio stream. The "Ignore Program Maps" option on the Tools>Options>Stream page must be off for this improvement to be operational.
* Fix: QuickStream Fix from batch not honoring output options (gop, aspect ratio, etc) settings.
* Fix: Added additional registry parameters to increase the max packet search parameters for Transport Streams.
* Fix: If auto cutting is enabled in AdDetective and the first cut starts at 00:00:00.00, an invalid cut time may be added to the cut list.
* Fix: The CRID delete function would not delete the .fmpg if the current directory was different from the location of the CRID folder.
* Fix: Preserve the PTS/DTS relationship when removing video frames due to audio sync purposes.
* Fix: Trim Unselected would show the wrong length in the on-screen byte length fields.
* Fix: Improve internal timings to better handle TS output. All I and P frames now carry a DTS. Also improves sync with DVDs created by Nero Vision Express.
* Fix: Sampling rate changes for MPEG audio streams would not be detected causing valid audio frames to be incorrectly discarded.
* Fix: Batch now as the capability to specify transport stream output.
* Fix: The Time Remaining on the output progress dialog was not working properly in scene mode.
* Fix: Random crashes on some 1080i HD material.
* Fix: Creating a chapter file would crash program if an ".hh" or ";hh" time code format was used in the chapter file output specification.
* Fix: Improved checking of filenames in auto combine. While no longer auto combine files such as: abc02.ts with ab01.ts.
* Fix: Missing CRID component files will no longer prevent the file from being opened.
* Fix: Much better processing of Transport Stream files where the time stamps (PTS/DTS) rollover back to 0.
* Fix: DVR-MS files which contained certain accented characters in the file name could not be opened.
* Fix: AC3 frames with a valid signature, but bad data would cause sequential reads to drop all further AC3 frames.
* Fix: After switching from scene to cut mode, preview would display the wrong section of the video until the program was restarted.
Version 2-1-2-417, Release date: October 16, 2005
* Enhance: New encoder quality option, "Auto". The encoder quality will be set to the bit rate of the GOP being encoded. Especially recommended for manual mux rate of transport streams.
* Enhance: Added option to Edit Menu to clear all cuts / scenes.
* Enhance: CRID processing has more features: rename, delete, or QuickStream Fix File. Sort file list by name or date. Date is now displayed in local format.
* Change: Transport Stream Output, Omit Null Packets is now the default. This will result in shorter files, but are not 100% compliant.
* Change: If convert all I-Frames to GOPs are enabled, temporal reference will be reset to zero for each I-Frame.
* Change: Sped up detection of MPEG elementary streams (.mpv) so that a warning can be issued much sooner.
* Fix: DVR-MS files, better detection of AC3 files.
* Fix: TS output, accidentally disabled.
* Fix: TS file open, better checking for invalid PIDs by insuring that the PTS is within range of of PCR.
* Fix: Trim and copy would add extra bytes every 1MB if trimming TS stream at a location other than the beginning of the file.
* Fix: TS output, remaining audio packets in internal buffers were not output at end of file.
* Fix: Joiner would drop 1 audio frame is PTS of first video frame was exactly equal to the PTS of the first audio frame.
* Fix: Possible sequence buffer overflow if the sequence header appeared after the first picture code in the file.
Version 2-1-1-413, Release date: September 18, 2005
* Enhance: Significant improvements in the transport stream muxer.
* Enhance: Tools>Select Stream. Smarter audio/video stream matching. Ability to manually specify specific audio and video streams.
* Enhance: QuickStream Fix has optional filter to select portions of a stream by video dimensions.
* Enhance: Added COM functions to set, query or delete scene markers.
* Enhance: Added CRID and Autoconcatenate functions.
* Change: Preserve closed GOP flags on output.
* Change: Remove more error checking if "Skip Conformity Checks" is checked on Tools>Options>Streams.
* Change: Log file folder can be set to "." to store the log file in executable folder. Useful if you have multiple versions of VideoReDo installed on your system since each version can have its own log file.
* Change: Transport Streams will search up to 2,000,000 bytes for a packet (up from 200,000). Can be increased via the registry.
* Fix: Batch would not execute if destination foldername had special characters in it.
* Fix: COM bitmap capture to clipboard would GPF on Win2K or XP.
* Fix: Transport stream opens would fail is there was no program map and some packets did not have a PTS.
* Fix: If MPEG audio switched between mono and stereo, output would sound "chirppy".
* Fix: Unable to open a program stream if it had a stream id other than E0.
* Fix: VideoReDo could hang doing a version check if our website was present but never responded. Will now time out after 20 seconds.
* Fix: Crash if navigation keys were used before first video was opened.
* Fix: AC3 audio at 32Khz created resync errors.
* Fix: If MPEG Audio had invalid sampling rate int he middle of a large packets, could cause an audio hangup and QuickStream Fix problems.
VideoRedo Plus Version 2-1-0-400, Release date: July 20, 2004
* Initial Release of VideoReDo Plus, Version 2.1 This version represents a major upgrade from VideoReDo Version 1, with greater reliability, and new editing tools:
-- AdDetective
-- Thumbnails and Audio Graph
-- Realtime Preview of Edits.
-- Transport Stream Output
VideoRedo Classic Version 2 beta (1-9-0-366)
Download from
Release Notes:
366 - Classic/Plus - Re-initialize MPEG audio decoder whenever video is opened incase last audio frame of previous file had bad data.
366 - Classic/Plus - Fixed "File Types" in the Tools>Options menu.
365 - Plus - Fixed, Preview mode would play out of sync if CPU was saturated. More prounced with HD material, especially 1080i.
365 - Classic/Plus - Fixed, Batch processor. If you change destination folder after entering a filename it will change the destination filename as well.
365 - Classic/Plus - Changed the options dialog look and feel.
365 - Classic/Plus - Fixed splash screen on 120 DPI (large) fonts.
365 - Classic/Plus - Change background graphic for installation wizard to handle large fonts properly.
364 - Classic/Plus - More fixes for temporal reference wraps.
363 - Classic/Plus - Fixed VideoReDo.tlb file which had some missing functions.
362 - Class/Plus - Fixed problem when temporal references don't reset at beginning of each GOP (e.g. Universal HD).
361 - Classic/Plus - New file association dialog box.
361 - Plus - Sound effects upon output completion.
360 - Plus/Classic - More tolerant of improperly formatted AC3 packets.
360 - Plus/Classic - Transport streams without program map. AC3 was not always detected.
360 - Plus - XML chapter file for DVDAuthor works uses hh:mm:ss.ff format.
359 - Plus/Classic - New transport stream option, ignore Program Maps on Tools>Options>Advanced. Will read the TS file and build internal program maps from actual data.
359 - Plus/Classic - Open file dialog, removed check if each folder in history is still valid. Speeds things up with there are missing network drives.
359 - Plus/Classic - Fixed Splash screen open button so it doesn't disappear when splash is restored.
359 - Plus/Classic - File Save Chapter prompts for file overwrite.
359 - Plus/Classic - DVR-MS, "tampered content" is now a recoverable error.
359 - Plus - Preview diamond cut marker: extend below cursor so it can be seen when the cursor is covering it.
358 - Plus/Classic - COM - added JoinerSaveEx to create joiner files of type VOB or elem stream.
358 - Plus/Classic - Transport Streams, error check if packet data length could cause GPF.
358 - Plus/Classic - On MPEG audio error, reset the audio decoder.
358 - Plus/Classic - LPCM packets with bad first frame access could cause crash.
358 - Plus/Classic - Removed code that detected extraneous start of pictures. This was causing temporal reference issues in 356/357.
358 - Plus - Could not File >Save Chapters if set to text.
357 - Plus - Chapter files can be automatic or manual.
357 - Plus/Classic - Changed File>Save Chapters to a standard file save dialog.
357 - Plus/Classic - Fixed Video Buffer Overflow is multiple MPEG1 GOPs had all black frames (i.e. many frames in 1 packet).
357 - Plus/Classic - Split into two seperate products with different sets of options, splash screens, etc.
357 - Plus - Chapter markers were being written to file as hh:mm:ss.ff instead of the correct: hh:mm:ss:ff
356 - Plus/Classic - Enter timecode advance to next field automatically.
356 - Plus/Classic - First GOP would pixelate on DVB broadcast if PTS was repeated on all packets.
356 - Plus/Classic - Increased saved seqeuence buffer size from 512 to 1024.
356 - Plus- Added Save Chapter File... to the File menu.
356 - Plus- We no longer remove scene markers when cutting a segment. Too many exceptions required.
356 - Plus - Problem advancing to next scene mark (F6) in preview mode.
355 - Plus/Classic - VOB output didn't work if seperate frame for each packet.
355 - Plus - New Tools>Options>Dialog to create chapters.
355 - Plus/Classic - Couldn't open any files if old version wmvcore.dll was present.
355 - Plus - Fixed, crash if TN shown and audio display was not selected.
354 - Plus - When you make a cut, all scene markers in cut areas are removed. May be undone. Remove all scene markers may be undone.
354 - Plus/Classic - Couldn't change background graphic on Win98 (Tools>Options>Startup).
353 - Plus/Classic - Screen captures will create unique filenames by auto incrementing.
353 - Plus - Thumbnail, ability to set the audio axis color in the Thumbnail dialog.
353 - Plus - Thumbnails, option to display "No audio graph...." text, if TN interval is > 2 seconds.
353 - Classic/Plus - Fixed Mouse Wheel not responsive when opening 2nd file.
353 - Classic/Plus - Tools>Select Stream would not show audio programs if they preceeded the video program in the program map.
353 - Classic/Plus - Divide by zero if file was single frame.
352 - Classic/Plus - DVR-MS support was not enabled in the release version.
351 - Classic/Plus - Decode error if first packet of file was sequence hdr without picture and next packets wasn't an I-Frame picture.
351 - Classic/Pus - Support for DVR-MS files.
351 - Classic/Plus - Possible problem with MPEG1 hanging in infinite CPU loop.
350 - Classic/Plus - Added Muxer Lag Msec to the Advanced Stream Dialog.
350 - Classic/Plus - Removed check for first frame of segment clock begin less than last frame of segment when doing QSF.
349 - Clasic/Plus - Tools>Options>Advanced Stream, Option to "add video frames" to correct sync error.
349 - Classic/Plus - Changes check boxes for Cut/Scene mode and Frame accurate edits on Tools>Options>General to combo boxes.
349 - Plus - Thumbnail cut line indicator was not being reset if you switched between cut and scene mode.
349 - Classic/Plus - New parameter in Tools>Options>Advanced Stream, "Convert All I-Frames To GOPs". This will add a missing sequence header to I-Frames. In prevous releases, we would only add the sequence header if the I-Frame had a GOP header (but not a sequence header).
349 - Classic/Plus - Bad start code fix in #346 caused picture to display blocky when seeking.
348 - Classic/Plus - New COM command, ClearAllSelections. Also new batch script script. VRDSplit.vbs, will split a file into multiple segments.
348 - Classic/Plus - Transport stream wouldn't open if PMT map entry only had a single program info record and then later the same PMT PID had multiple program info records.
348 - Plus - TNs manual sync adjust shift audio display on the timeline.
347 - Plus - TN of 3:2 pulldown material will show a "P" suffix next to repeated frames.
346 - Classic/Plus - Removed MaxGop from Advanced Stream and Added "Encoder Quality".
346 - Classic/Plus - Queue to batch uses standardized output options dialog
346 - Classic/Plus - Output options (bit rate, aspect, max GOP) can now be made persistent. Current settings are displayed in File Save Dialog.
346 - Classic/Plus - Bad start code embedded within user data could cause VRD to crash.
346 - Plus - Ctrl+Dbl Click on TN window goes to next higher interval (lower resolution)
346 - Plus - Scaling for audio graph with log scale was between max and min. Now its between max and 0.
345 - Plus - Audio graph was not correctly displaying. Seemed to be stuck near the top line.
345 - Classic/Plus- Multiple consecutive frames with picture type of '0' could cause infinite loop.
345 - Plus - Thumbnails changed center audio line to dotted. Display single dash line when no audio is shown (Interval > 2 secs).
344 - Classic/Plus - Transport streams, were not always picking up the 2nd and later program in the program map.
344 - Classic/Plus - MPEG2 audio, couple audio frames were dropped at the end of the file.
344 - Classic/Plus - Possible to get extra frame in output file if last frame of output segment has an encoded size less than 1 program stream packet.
344 - AD-D - Ability to abort training sequence.
344 - QSF - QSF would fail if run before any other file was opened.
344 - AD-D, If traning and we reach EOF, program would hang and not stop scanning.
344 - Change - Undocumented registry entry, Startup/SliderClickToDrag. Set to 1 to require clicking on Nav slider button before dragging.
344 - Change - Using batch on file without cuts will invoke QSF.
343 - Fix - Transport Streams, check for Adaptation_field_length out of specification. Causes program crash.
343 - Fix - Audio frames weren't being picked up if MPEG audio header changed at a cut point.
342 - Enhance - Copy Beyond TV metadata to the output file.
342 - Enhance - Auto detect and correct Video Ring Buffer Overflows.
320 - Change - The number of places to check for PTS discontinuities has been parameterized.
320 - Change - Ability to handle field encoded files. Previous versions only support frame encoded video streams.
320 - Fix - Improved error handling of AC3 streams. Improves upon the fix in build 317.
320 - Fix - Transport Streams - Improved buffer handling, significantly faster.
320 - Fix - If video dimensions change in the middle of a file, then throw an exception.
317 - Fix - Improved handling of bad AC3 frames. Trap decoder errors to the log file.
317 - Fix - Drop last frame from file if its a P-frame with skipped temporal reference.
317 - Change - If display mode is RGB, auto switch to YUV if material HDTV (height >= 720).
317 - Fix - HDTV - Can now use RGB display with HDTV. Width/Height not multiple of 16.
316 - Fix - SmartEdit - Intermittent crash during scene due to buffer overflow.
316 - Change - No longer check for compatible audio bit rates on the joiner. We do check for identical audio codecs.
316 - Fix - Joiner, if video file is closed before doing joiner create program would crash.
314 - Fix - Minimize "Output Status" window on Win98, Win2K, and XP with classsic theme.
313 - Fix - LPCM Audio recorded on some (not all) Dazzle units played with white noise.
313 - Fix - Batch / Transport Stream - "PIDs not found" fixed.
313 - Change - VideoReDo Version and Build number written to project file.
313 - Change - If playing (or Ad-detecting) and we reach end of file, automatically go to pause mode.
313 - Change - In Audio sync adjustment dialog, the MaxSyncAdjustment is flushed to the registry. Makes it easier to find an change.
313 - Change - Queue To Batch, If filename typed into edit box and drive/folder is omitted then default to batch default drive folder. If file type is omitted, default to current file type.
313 - Fix - Queue to batch, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X would not work in edit boxes, such as Queue To Batch.
313 - Fix - Transport Streams - Ignore corrupt packets where the PES_header_length is smaller than the optional bytes.
312 - Fix - Corrupt Audio Frame bug introduced in Build 311.
311 - Change - Option on the Device Properites page to swap LPCM audio bytes.
311 - Fix - Couldn't open the file if an MPEG audio frame had a bad sample rate field.
311 - Fix - Joiner - First project output by joiner will not have sync adjustment applied.
310 - Fix - PVA files, dropping 2 bytes on each frame if PreBytes flag was set.
309 - Fix - Batch, intermiitment probelm where cmd file would close app, just as outputting was being started. Noticed on WinServer 2003.
309 - Fix - Problem opening Transport Streams from Dish Sat. boxes.
309 - Enhance - Option to disable audio output. Useful when editing over a remote desktop link.
309 - Fix - ELem stream output. Possible to get Audio Ring Buffer Overflow if video bit rate is very low and audio bit rate is high.
308 - Fix - ScrollWheel back by I-Frame would sometimes jump to 0.
304 - Fix - Seek to end of file could loop if there was a Sequence End code and Last frame was a B frame.
304 - Fix - Transport Streams - Back by frame or I-Frame could hang or not position properly.
304 - Enhance - New options to specify default file type on Tools>Options>General. There are 2 combo boxes, one for File Save As and another for Queue To Batch.
304 - Enhance - Support for DVD Streams. This is a standard program stream with blank NAV packets.
304 - Change - Logfile Folder has been moved from General Parameters Screen to the Startup Screen. You'll need to re-enter it.
304 - Fix - Intermittent wrong colors on screen capture. Only occured if capturing while playing or after pausing, but before navigation.
302 - Fix - TransportStreams - Problem opening a file if all the PMTs occured before data packets.
302 - Fix, User has to click on Video frame itself to toggle pause/play. Can no longer click on surrounding area.
301 - Change - On Go to Timecode, select all the text in the hours edit box.
301 - Fix - Queue To Batch, if filetype was changed to elem stream in options dialog, "E" flag wasn't being set.
301 - Fix - GPF could occur if file had sequence header with display-size field with different aspect ratio of encoded frame.
299 - Change, Column widths in joiner edit box are saved between sessions. Must click OK to save settings.
299 - Enhance, AudioSyncAdjustment, Ability to change the maximum adjustment via a registry variable.
299 - Fix, Field order flag was always defaulting to Top Field Field when encoding at cuts, now follows source program. GOP reducer did not have this problem.
299 - Fix, Transport Streams - Redid the way we handle program maps. Ignore maps were there is no data.
298 - Enhance - Double Click on time display or press Ctrl+T to enter a jump to timecode.
297 - Fix - Accelerators (hot keys) now work when mouse is hovering over buttons and controls
296 - Change - Changed the muxer to output audio frames closer in time to the video frame. For XCard users.
296 - Enhance - Option to display the frame number from the view menu.
296 - Fix - Batch, elementary stream output didn't work if delete BPRJ files was specified.
296 - Fix - Max PES size increaseed to 65530 bytes.
295 - Fix - TS files would not always read AC3 streams from some (but not all) Australian DVB signals.
295 - Fix - Possible exception fault with TS files if last bloack read ended on last byte of file.
293 - Fix - Program would hang if last frame was an I / P and was terminated with a sequence end code, and user tried to seek past the end of file with a button or keyboard command.
292 - Fix - Help File Updated.
291 - Fix - Removed Scene Detection options Dialog that was accidently displayed in Build 290.
291 - Fix - Removed "On screen Display" from Tools>Options>General.
291 - Change - Added Ctrl+L shortcut to show program info.
290 - Fix - Handle MPEG audio where the audio frame sync header bits change constantly.
290 - Change - Warn user if trying to add a zero length project to the joiner.
290 - Fix - Default Max GOP Size wasn't being honored if user didn't click on Options screen.
289 - Change - Moved "Show on screen info" to the new View menu.
289 - Enhance - Ability to adjust brightness and contrast of the display.
289 - Change - Skip Encoder conformity check now defaults to 'On'.
288 - Fix - DTS was not being calculated in AdjustGOP.
287 - Enhance - QSF now supports stream selection.
287 - Fix - PTS underflows for MPEG1 and MPEG2, seperate issues. Only occured if the video bit rate was within 15% of the stream mux rate.
287 - Fix - QSF now works for transport streams.
287 - Change - Put default Max GOP Size back onto Tools>Options>Advanced, becomes the default for output options.
287 - Change - Output Options Dialog, if MaxGOPSize is 0 then display it as "No Change"
286 - Fix - Transport stream would not always pick up first frame of file. Could also cause problems with timestamps.
285 - Enhance - Project Time (length of edited file) add to project file
285 - Enhance - Bookmark location added to project file
285 - Enhance - Aspect Ratio, Bit rate and Max GOP can be set for batch jobs.
285 - Change - MAX GOP moved from Tools>Options>Advanced Stream to Output options.
285 - Enhance - Ability to read transport streams
285 - Enhance - New Menu option for Stream Select (Ctrl+Q).
285 - Enhance - Removed AC3 option from Tools>Options>General.
285 - Fix, Joiner create would crash if video was closed before calling create.
285 - Fix, Spelling error for the word "selection" in all the Edit menus.
285 - Fix, MPEG1 Layer II audio wouldn't play if stream was mono.
285 - Fix, One-click would not add cut / scene if file was large and # of frames was small.
Version 1-6-2-284, Release date: October 21, 2004
* Support for MPEG1 program streams has been added.
* VideoReDo main screen can now be resized
* Elementary stream output of LPCM audio will create windows compatible WAV file.
* Ability to handle AC3 file formats from Australian HDTV broadcasts.
* Ability to choose a particular AC3 stream.
* GOP Reducer added to Tools>Options>Advanced Streams. When enabled, VideoReDo will reduce the size of a GOP to be DVD compatible.
* VideoReDo.TLB COM type library added to the distribution disk.
* COM interface expanded and documented.
* Video bit rate options when saving a file expanded to include 30, 40, and 50 Mbps. Useful for HDTV broadcasts.
* When you click on Tools>Show Program Information, the program information will also be output to the log file.
* Stream error during decode are displayed in the log file.
* New keyboard command, Alt+Enter to toggle between normal and maximize window size.
* New keyboard command, Shift+M to raise volume, Ctrl+M to lower volume.
* New keyboard command, Ctrl+F4 to close the file.
* If the video bit rate in the sequence header is greater than 10 Mbps, the program stream multiplex rate is rounded to the next highest 5 Mbps.
* Audio Ring Buffer Overflow could intermittently occur when actual video bit rate was 2 Mbps or less.
* Couldn't open a file if the sequence header was in a separate program stream packet from the picture header.
* Pressing F1 in the batch manager will now display the correct help page.
Version 1-6-1-268, Release date: September 22, 2004
If Batch Destination File Modifier starts with a - or _ then the modifier will suffix the file instead of prefix it.
Batch: New option to automatically erase cuts after queuing to batch.
Batch commands can be saved between runs if you don't create a .CMD file.
Ability to capture video frame to clipboard or bmp file.
If GOP has missing temporal references, re-number the references and warn in the log file.
Batch option to automatically delete the .BPrj files after processing.
Ability to edit a program while its still being recorded. Pressing F11 will refresh the program.
Added 6 Mbps and 20 Mbps to bit rate change option.
New installation wizard to set important options.
Can now set the screen background to a solid color instead of one of the graphics.
Ctrl+F4 will cause a file close.
Ctrl+R and Ctrl+I are keyboard equivalents to Remove and Invert cut(s) buttons.
Support for HDTV program streams.
VideoReDo will fix ATI All-In-Wonder captures that have repeating temporal references.
In Tools>Options>Advanced Stream, "Adding Padding To Short Packets" is disabled unless "Start Video Frame in New Packet" is enabled.
If GOP has missing temporal references, re-number the references and warn in the log file.
Movie Factory compatibility is now "OFF" by default.
Better detect and handle audio bit rate changes in the middle of a program.
"Queue to Batch" will prompt you for a filename.
VideoReDo handles the request for trial keys internally.
Font Size reduced in the batch command window.
When opening an MPEG stream search further into a file to find the first packet.
Trim and copy source file would limit output to 5GB.
File opens could take a VERY long time if the sequence header was missing from GOPs.
Double click on item in the Cut List Box and Scene Mode Selected, would jump to next GOP start rather than exact frame.
QuickStream Fix wasn't adding missing sequence headers to GOP.
Round off error in 3:2 pulldown would cause drifting sync when 3:2 pulldown burned to DVD.
Bit rates are reported as multiple of 1,000,00 NOT 1,048,576 (1024 ^ 2 ).
Joiner would fail if 3 or more files where joined and they used LPCM audio.
Manual changes to the bit rate and aspect ratio were not being passed to the MPEG encoder.
Use most current sequence header when encoding. Fixes issue where aspect ratio changes in the middle of a program.
Improved QuickStream Fix opening of file with discontinuities in the PTS.
3:2 pulldown timing wasn't being calculated properly on the last GOP of segment.
Better handling of files with PTS discontinuities.
Dragging fine tune slider with the right mouse button would cause a stutter.
Very short cuts at the end of the file would not display "Red" background on navigation bar.
Last GOP of a segment could have wrong PTS if GOP included the actual EOF.
If you navigated past 6.63 hours, audio would not play. Did not affect actual editing.
Repeated presses of the 'End' key would temporarily show extra digit in the current time.
Version 1-6-0-243, Release date: July 7, 2004
Much improved memory efficiency. This version will use about 1/2 the memory of previous releases.
New option on the tools menu, QuickStream Fix. This option will re-multiplex a program stream file re-computing all internal time stamps such as PTS and GOP values. It is especially useful if you are having problems editing a VOB file extracted from a DVD.
Ability to Batch edits and projects for processing at a later time. The batch processor is invoked from the Tools menu. You can load multiple project files and then output them in a batch. You can also queue the current edits via the File menu (or CTRL+B) directly to the batch processor.
Pressing the TAB key will jump the cursor to the next cut point. Shift-Tab to the previous cut point.
Optional on-screen display of the frame type (I, P or B). Enabled from the Tools menu.
VideoReDo will provide a default filename when saving video or project files.
Much improved handling of VOB files that have non-contiguous time stamps.
Much improved handling of files that employ 3:2 pull down material.
Support for PVA stream. You can now open PVA streams directly in VideoReDo, edit them and output them as program streams.
Display of input and output file positions in MBytes. This display will show you where in the file you are and how large the output file will be when saved. (Note, output file size if approximate).
If you have unsaved edits, an "*" will be to the window title.
Dragging the fine tune slider with the right mouse button will yield very high accuracy movement.
Elementary stream output will use different file types for the audio stream to match the audio codec used by the input program. LPCM audio will be saved to .WAV, MPEG2 audio to .MPA, and AC3 audio to .AC3 files.
You can output your edits to elementary streams, by default, using a new checkbox on the Tools>Options>General page.
VideoReDo is now COM enabled. This feature allows VideoReDo to be controlled by other programs or script languages. For additional information please contact
Product name has been changed from VideoReDo to VideoReDo/QuickEdit.
Added "Save As" button to the main screen.
Added "Ctrl+P" keyboard shortcut to the edits to the current project file.
Tools > Options > Advanced Stream, now has presets for DVD and SVCD packet lengths.
Project file, VideoReDo.VPrj is automatically created, in the log file folder, whenever you save a video.
VideoReDo will now default to Frame Accurate editing upon installation. Previous versions defaulted to GOP accurate editing.
Much improved internal timing algorithms for NTSC material resulting in improved audio / video synchronization.
Much improved I-Frame navigation both forward and backward.
Additional information in the log file, especially when the debug option is checked on Tools > Options > Advanced Stream.
Shift and control modifier keys act as divisors rather than multiplier with the lower slider. This results in the ability to more accurately navigate the video. For example, if the shift multiplier is 2 and the lower slider range is 120 seconds. Holding down the shift with the lower slider will change the range to 60 seconds.
VideoReDo will detect if the user tries to open a transport stream and issue an appropriate warning message.
Tools>Trim and Copy source file is much more accurate when using selection markers. VideoReDo now keeps track of file positions in bytes of all cuts.
Option added to double the size of the internal video buffer from 4.5 seconds to 9 seconds. This is useful for DVB, Tivo and Replay captured material where the GOPs can be very long > 50 frames. It is also useful if the there are significant loses of audio and the resync algorithm needs a larger buffer to find a resynchronization point. Note, this option originally used a great deal of memory, perhaps as much as 100 MB, but with the new memory logic recently implemented you might want to try leaving this on by default.
Better trapping and reporting of corrupt MPEG2 picture headers.
Fixed random program crashes and memory allocation errors caused by license manager.
Memory leak in the MPEG2 encoder caused memory usage to grow over time.
Problem with seeking to the correct GOP is more than 50 frames in a GOP.
Joiner Dialog, the "Clear All" button was the default rather than the "OK" button.
Zero length cuts could be created at the beginning or end of the file.
Frame advance by multiple seconds (or minutes) would result in multiple rounding errors. For example, advance by 2 minutes multiple times and then go backward by 2 minutes the same number of times would not return to the same location.
MPEG2 decoder would use memory that was previously released causing intermittent random behavior.
Delete temporary files after output. Previous versions didn't delete the temporary files until the next time VideoReDo was restarted.
GOP accurate output could cause a "ring buffer overflow"
MPEG2 encoder didn't flush partial bits at end of decode causing gray box in lower right corner of last encoded frame of cut.
Pressing 'S' & 'E' keys will now jump to the correct frame. Previous versions would sometimes jump to one frame off.
Always display 1st frame of file when opened. Previous versions might display one of the first 4 frames.
Back by single frame works better when cursor is at the end of the file.
If first video frame of a file didn't have a timestamp, VideoReDo would throw an exception.
Elementary stream output was writing a random value into the last byte of the video file instead of the proper value of an MPEG2 "Sequence_end_code".
Multiple AC3 streams in the file would cause exceptions. VideoReDo will now "latch" unto the first AC3 stream it encounters. When ripping VOBs from DVD with multiple streams we recommend you try to include only a single AC3 stream in the output file.
VideoReDo wasn't honoring the output packet length in the Tools > Options > Advanced Stream.
New PES demuxing logic to better handle multiple frames in a single PES packet.
Version 1-5-5-221, Release date: April 14, 2004
VideoReDo can automatically check the website for an updated release. There is a new options screen Tools>Options>Start Up from which you can specify how frequently VideoReDo should check for an updated release. You can also specify whether VideoReDo should first ask for permission to do so. A manual check is provided as a feature on the Help menu as well.
If you simultaneously drag multiple files from the Windows Explorer into VideoReDo it will add the entire list to the joiner. The files be sorted by filename, case insensitive. You can change the file order using the ordering features of the joiner edit box.
The last two digits of the time display can show either frame number or hundredths of seconds. This option is enabled via a check box on the Tools>Options>General dialog.
There are two new options to speed up the marking of cuts / scenes. Both of these options are set on the Tools>Options>General dialog. If “Enable One-Click Selection” is checked, the Sel-Start/Sel-End button labels change to Mark-In / Mark-Out, and when you click on Mark-Out and if the cursor is to the right of the Mark-In marker, the selection is automatically made for you. You do not need to click on Cut Selection or Add Selection button. The second option, “Auto Replace Overlapping Cuts”, will cause new cuts to automatically replace an existing cuts that overlap the new cut saving you the trouble of selecting this option from the dialog . This option is very useful when editing existing cuts.
VideoReDo can directly output elementary streams by selecting Elem. Streams in the “File Type” box in the file save dialog. This works for both saving a program directly or saving from the joiner.
Added the ability to change the MPEG2 aspect ratio and bit rate. These options are accessed from the “Options” button on the file save dialog. Note, they only change the bits in the MPEG2 header. They do not change the actual aspect ratio or bit rates.
VideoReDo will now separately remember the last directories used for file opens and file saves. This facilitates those users who store source material in one folder and edits in another. If you want to quickly switch the file save directory to the source file directory, you can always click on the top entry in the “Recent Folders” combo box.
A new option in Tools>Options>Advanced Stream, “Skip Encoder Conformity Checks” has been added. This will permit VideoReDo MPEG2 encoder to handle streams that might be outside of the standard MPEG2 Main Profile. This can happen if the video dimensions or bit rates exceed the allowable standard. Although VideoReDo will now handle these files, you should be careful using these streams with software and/or hardware that expects MPEG2 compliant streams.
VideoReDo will display the actual average video bit rate in the Output Complete dialog.
In prior releases, when first opening a file, VideoReDo would check the first 10,000 bytes looking for an MPEG2 packet signature. Now, VideoReDo will check the first 100,00 bytes. This will permit you to open an SVCD file which has an ~80KB file header before the MPEG2 program stream begins.
In prior releases, the code to warn the user about an excessive number of audio frame errors wasn’t working properly. This was fixed in, but the default number of acceptable errors which was 20 was often too low. The new default is now 32,000 which effectively disables this feature except in the presence of a mostly corrupt audio stream.
If you press Add Selection or Cut Selection button and the exact selection has already been made, VideoReDo will no longer ask you if you want to override the cut.
The Audio and Video Packet counts have been removed from the Output Complete dialog as they served no useful purpose for end-users. If you are interested in them, they still appear in the log file.
Increased the maximum allowable video packet size from 32Kbytes to 64Kbytes. This permits VideoReDo to be used with streams generated by Replay.
Added new option “Start Packet Data On Word Boundary” to Tools>Options>Advanced Stream Parameters. This option is required if streams are to be played on the Nebula DigiTV software player.
Further testing indicates that DVDLab does NOT require the use of DVDLab’s alternative multiplexer. Exporting VideoReDo output as elementary streams will speed up the import of streams into DVDLab.
Some DVB capture cards / software will output extraneous bytes at the end of some video packets. VideoReDo will now detect and remove this extraneous data.
VideoReDo will now display properly on systems configured for 120 dpi fonts. In previous releases all the controls would be misplaced and the overall window would be too large to fit on an 800 x 600 screen.
Video would not display during movement by top slider until the slider was released.
Log file now show original time stamps in readable (hh:mm:ss.ff) format.
VideoReDo will support files with LPCM (uncompressed) audio.
VideoRedo will handle file encoded with 3:2 pulldown. Additional synchronization problems with 3:2 pulldown were fixed in build.
Beyond TV (SnapStream) project files can be opened using drag and drop.
The manual audio synchronization adjustment was saved with the project file, but wasn’t being properly loaded when a project was opened.
If the PTS timestamps in a file were severely corrupt, moving back by one frame would sometimes get stuck. VideoReDo will now detect this and search for the actual previous frame.If there are lots of missing frames, this process can take a second or two causing VideoReDo’s navigation to appear sluggish.
If the first audio packet of the file contains a bad audio header, VideoReDo will skip past it until it finds a valid header. In prior releases this first bad audio header would prevent the file from opening.
The default setting for the arrow keys were not being set correctly when VideoReDo was first installed.
VideoReDo will no longer occasionally drop one to three frames from the end of an output segment.
VideoReDo will flush its remaining audio and video buffers at the end of an output segment. Prior releases did not do this properly causing a few msec of lost audio at the end of a segment and/or a partially rendered frame.
Issue warning message that change of edit mode (cut / scene mode) will not take effect until the next file is opened.
Jumping to End of File by pressing the “End” key would display the next to last frame. It will now display the correct frame.
VideoReDo will now properly handle files where timestamps wrap around to zero. This situation is sometimes encountered when capturing from DVB broadcasts where the timestamp clock isn’t reset between programs.
VideoReDo would crash if a screensaver started while VideoRedo was open.
Audio sound was choppy if recorded in Mono. VideoReDo will properly playback Mono sound.
Frame Accurate editing would create pixelated frames if the first two frames of a GOP where not B-Frames.
Occasional sync error if VideoReDo edited a file previously edited by VideoRedo.
Video ring buffer overflow in frame accurate output if an output segment started with multiple video frames in a single video packet.
If VideoReDo was playing, repeated PageUp/PageDn presses didn’t update navigation cursor until the key was released.
Improved handling of overlapping selections. Previous versions could leave an extra selection on the cut/scene list.
Ring Buffer Overflow if using GOPS of more than 30 frames. VideoReDo can now handle extremely large GOP sizes.
VideoReDo would crash if using 5.1 channel AC3 audio and the audio output was set to WAV (202).
VideoReDo will properly position the slider to the start and/or end of file. In previous versions the slider might be off by one frame.
Version 1-5-0-200, Release date: February 24, 2004
Initial public release of VideoReDo.
The external URL links in the help file will not always invoke your current default browser. When you click on an external link in the VideoReDo help file, a new browser window is started. In some cases, it defaults to an Windows Internet Explorer window even though you have a different default browser.
If you change the background graphic (from the General Parameters options page), the background area of the controls will not be updated until you restart VideoReDo.
If you try to cut the first frame of a video, and you are in GOP mode editing, VideoReDo may accidentally write the first GOP to the output file. Switching to Frame Accurate on the Tools > Options > General Parameters page will fix this problem. VideoReDo defaults to GOP mode editing upon installation, so this parameter should be set immediately.