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Video Artifact Core

2019-12-07 1.4.0
PlayRGB is updated to 4.0.0.
Compatible with per-monitor high-DPI.
Switch between monitors using right mouse click on Update button.
Bugfix: incorrect positions on high-DPI multi-displays.
Minor Improvements.

2018-02-08 1.3.1
HDRColor is updated. Better compatibility with 3D LUTs where the white point is not (1.0,1.0,1.0).

2018-01-10 1.3.0
Compiled with Visual C++ 2017.5 and GCC 7.2.0.
PlayRGB is updated to 3.0.1.
NNEDI3 is updated to
MaskTools2 is updated to 2.2.12.
MVTools2 is updated to 2.7.24.
L-SMASH is updated to the latest git version.
Vpxenc is updated to the latest v1.6.1-1477-gbed28a55f version.
FFmpeg is updated to 3.4.1 with x264 support patch and a ProRes color patch (private build).
x264 is updated to the latest git version (private build).
x264 trained using high quality 4:2:2 sources (private build).
Bugfix: PlayRGB caret glitches.
Minor improvements.

2017-10-08 1.2.0
PlayRGB syntax highlighter improvements.
PlayRGB High-DPI display support.
PlayRGB minor improvements.
Compiled with Visual C++ 2017.3 and GCC 7.2.0.
HDR filters are updated to the latest versions.
FFmpeg is updated to 3.2.8.
Vpxenc is updated to the latest 1.6.1 git version.
Opus codec is updated to the stable 1.2.1 version.
L-SMASH is updated to the latest git version.
AviSynth MT min mod 6: Try memory loop is optimized to prevent wrong frames on complex scripts.
Trying to get minimal Virus Total false positive reports.
Beep is compiled with GCC (false positive).
x264 is updated to the latest stable version without patches (private build).
Qaac is updated to 2.64 (private build).
NSIS installer is updated to 2.5.0 to fix large drive issues.
Installer and uninstaller improvements. Most spoken languages are supported.
Minor improvements.

2017-02-17 1.1.1
Bugfix: PlayRGB floating point divide error fixed.

2017-02-06 1.1.0
PlayRGB zoom protection is added.
PlayRGB "go 3 seconds" button is added.
FFmpeg is updated to 3.2.2.
Opus is updated to 1.1.4.
Vpxenc is updated to the latest 1.6.1 git version.
L-SMASH is updated to the latest git version.
x264 is updated to the latest git version (private build).

2016-12-17 1.0.0
Minor improvements.

2016-11-24 1.0.0.b
The first published version.

Video Artifact Scripts

2018-12-11 1.10.1
Deshaker settings are improved for slower zoom.

2018-02-22 1.10.0
High-compression flac for video output is supported.
Flac in mp4 support.
FFmpeg audio formats for x264 encoder. Useful for mkv with flac.
By default do not convert audio to 16 bit in generic templates.
Bugfix: benchmark creates out folder.

2018-01-10 1.9.0
DNxHR support with FFmpeg 3.4.1+ / VACoreEx 1.3.0+.
Out and Convert scripts for popular file formats.
Optimized templates for Sony HX20, NEX-5, NEX-7 from the developer.
New filter scripts including fps conversion using motion blur.
Template code improvement. Better support of 10-bit sources.
Independent 8-bit denoise per channel for 10-bit templates.
New fast denoiser MotionHqdn3dDenoiseY.
New motion blur filters: MotionBlurMV8 and MotionBlurGPU8.
Slow and inaccurate motion blur filter FlowChangeFps8 is deprecated now.
Deshaker fast and stable 2-step convert scripts.
Deshaker template code is removed. Use new convert scripts instead.
Better AviSynth+ detection code without an exception catch.
Folder tree is optimized for generic program usage.
Encode Utvideo 4:4:4 without a RGB conversion.
24-bit audio output is by default for all scripts.
ProRes encoding is changed to another FFmpeg codec with correct color coefficients.
ProRes encoding with high quality q=1 by default.
Added ProRes AW encoding. Patched FFmpeg is required for correct color.
Some filter parameters are optimized by quality.
Bugfix: Motion blur offset is fixed.
Bugfix: View video with localized symbols in path is corrected.
Bugfix: Some incorrect settings and descriptions are fixed.
Minor improvements.

2017-10-09 1.8.0
Edit scripts numbering is corrected.
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is supported.
Documentation is improved: Missed extended components, minor changes.

2017-04-09 1.7.0
Video viewer script and template are added.
DftDenoise-based filters have sbsize and sosize parameters to improve denoise quality.
Improved film grain quality. Values are optimized to fit cinema films.
Simpler generic camera templates.
Generic templates are tuned for maximal denoise settings.
Tuned three-step templates for Sony NEX-5.
Templates have additional crop presets.
Mastering templates are improved to better keep grain noise.
Screen Recording small windows.
Speed and stability optimization for complex templates.
MT Mode for source filters is changed to 5 to better stability.
Minor improvements.

2017-02-05 1.6.0
New 16-bit video import template with a subset of supported 16-bit filters.
Optimized mastering scripts for screen and film content.
Out scripts encode PCM 24-bit audio by default.
Encoding 24-bit audio using opus codec in lossy mode is 16-bit now.
Minor improvements.

2017-01-28 1.5.0
Great quality improvement. Non-ringing resize for all resize filters.
Dither8bit is added for mastering scripts.
Mastering scripts were optimized for quality.
Webm VP9 encoding with better speed and quality.
YouTube mastering with best-possible quality.
Screen content mastering is optimized for encoding quality in vp9 and H.264.
New Out encoding scripts for 8 and 10 bit.
New convert scripts to get wav and mov source from any media file.
Out scripts redesigned for better usability.
Default screen recording template reads 25fps sources correctly.
Minor improvements.

2017-01-16 1.4.0
These extensions: avi, mp4 and mkv added to convert scripts.
Improved Apple Quick Time search code.

2017-01-09 1.3.1
Border protection is added to DftDenoiseY to prevent border coloring.

2017-01-06 1.3.0
Higher denoise default parameters for the Basic edition.
Wrong frame comparison in Pre editors is fixed.

2017-01-02 1.2.0
Nikon 1 v2 is now supported.
Motion denoise is enabled by default now in Basic Edition.
New parameter smotion for motion denoisers to prevent static areas in very noised sources.
Additional scripts to make comparison examples.
Default template parameter ldiff for FilmGrain is optimized.
Minor improvements.

2016-12-21 1.1.0
Sony A5100 is now supported.
Uncompressed RAW output is by default now.
Out scripts reorganized.
Additional out scripts: Out A, Convert audio to wav, Out utVideo, Out Draft Quality Test.
Default template motion denoise parameters are changed to less aggressive to get less motion artifacts in most cases.
Default template stability improved using less aggressive thread count and memory limit.
Black level is added to sharp parameters.
Automatic Core Ex search using VaLSSPathEx.
Bugfix: wrong path in Generic File import script.
Minor improvements.

2016-12-17 1.0.0
Additional out scripts.
Check of Quick Time components.
ViewDiff is added.
Minor improvements.

2016-11-29 1.0.0.b2
Better readme instruction file.
Additional license texts included.
Screen Recording improve.
Basic, Player and Premium packaging.
Out scripts.
Minor code improvements.

2016-11-24 1.0.0.b
The program name is Video Artifact.
2-3 times faster since AviSynth MT mod 5.
Compatible with AviSynth Plus MT and AviSynth MT.
Single project folder "va".
Improved generic templates with better quality and speed.
Most consumer cameras processing is 4:2:0 by default.
Final film scripts for different resolutions.
Improved encode settings.
File import improved.
Different file rename modes.
Uncompressed video and VP9 with Opus support.
Extensible output scripts to cover different video encode methods.
Chroma placement control.
Default threads are now compatible with large files.
User selectable script memory max.
Edit scripts are now compatible with 16-bit source.
Simple 8-bit masks, HairDesharp8, GrainSharp are added.
New Core directory structure.
Core components are updated to the latest compatible versions.
Bugfix: better support of Panasonic GH2 and Sony NEX-5 videos.
Bugfix: incorrect bottom line in Subsampling with 16-bit processing.
Bugfix: Correct 3D LUT *.cube files processing.
Bugfix: AviSynth MT memory leak fixed. Another fixes and tweaks.
Bugfix: Some camera templates fixes.

2016-04-22 0.0.11.beta
Default dev location changed with prefix 2x.
Sony PMW-EX3, Sony HXR-MC1P, GoPro Hero2, Canon XF105 HD, Canon 5D Mark II support.
Bugfix: Repeated edit if crash is now working.

2016-02-23 0.0.10.beta
Improved encode settings. A few uncompressed output modes are added.
Documentation corrections.
Bugfix: Missed files in the source are added.

2016-02-21 0.0.9.beta
A template tree is restructured. Please uninstall first before install this version.
Template system speed and quality optimizations.
Generic template settings for supported cameras.
New camera support: Sunplus Spca533, Minolta F300.
Faster processing using more cache memory.
Faster Repair preview using smaller 960x540 window.
SrcRepair motion quality optimizations.
Sharpening filters are complete overwritten. New filters are much better.
Banding-protected 16-bit sharpening.
Halo-free top-quality sharpening.
Radius-depended sharpening. You can use a subpixel sharpening.
Local contrast improvement filters.
Oversharp motion grain artifact protection.
Banding-protected 16-bit denoise filters.
Motion compensated denoise filters improved.
Motion compensated FPS filter FlowChangeFps.
Core Saturation filter is improved.
ClampHRD filter to prevent over-saturated color issues.
HDRSharp library is added.
Filter parameters and names improvement.
Convert51ToStereo understood parameters.
Additional difference out script to compare processing.
Smaller noise shaping parameters to prevent noised output.
Minor improvements.
Bugfix: some templates cannot be found, naming problem.
Bugfix: some templates have 4:2:0 by default, but very quality.
Bugfix: 8-bit output denoise is working now.
Bugfix: runtime dll for Eedi3 is not included. Eedi3 is a bit faster now.

2016-02-11 0.0.8.beta
Default template update. R,G,B color correction values are added to the Matrix filter call.
Film grain emulation filters.
Four new color correction filters are added to the templates.
New denoise filter: MotionDftDenoiseY.
DftDenoiseY multi-bitdepth improvements.
HDRColor and HDRNoise libraries are updated.
Change FPS speedup.
Edit scripts new view modes.
Edit scripts are optimized for safe threads limit.
Edit scripts are optimized for large memory use.
Out AB script to compare processing.
PlayRGB memory usage threshold is increased.
Ex.avsi double function is removed.
AviSynthMT bugfix: non-reentrant code is fixed.

2016-02-03 0.0.7.beta
SantiagAAY8 renamed to NnediAAY8.
EediAAY8 is added. Eedi3.dll is also added to the Core package.
Template system simplification. Now most camera templates are 4:2:2 by default.
Temporal stabilization is enabled for all templates.
Canon camera templates corrected.
Generic templates for unknown cameras.
Panasonic cameras: SD800, V500, V700, X800, LX7, GF3, GF1 mjpeg hack, G3, G5 are now supported.
Sony cameras: NEX-6, NEX-5N, HX200, A57, A77, A99, F3, FS100, V3 are now supported.
Canon cameras: Ixus 40, 60D, 600D, 650D, 1100D are now supported.
Nikon cameras: 1, J1, D4, D600, D800, D3200 are now supported.
Fujifilm cameras: X10, X-Pro1 are now supported.
Olympus cameras: E-M5, PEN E-PL3, PEN E-PM1 are now supported.
Pentax cameras: K-30 are now supported.
Samsung cameras: S1000, NX200 are now supported.
Generic SD sources: DV, DVD VOB, MJPEG.
Minor Core and documentation improvements.
Bugfix: fturn.dll was missed in the Core distribution.

2016-01-31 0.0.6.beta
Canon cameras: 5D Mark III (unhacked), G9, G15 are now supported.
Debanding for all templates.
RGB viewer range correction.
ClearType and subsampling correction for screen recording.
Default Core template optimization.
SangAA and BlurAA are removed. They are useless.
Bugfix: File.vat function parameter names are corrected.

2016-01-25 0.0.5.beta
Temporal mask stabilization.
Sony cameras: NEX-5, NEX-7, RX100 are now supported.
Panasonic cameras: X900, GH2, GH3 are now supported.
Readme.txt updates with some 25 fps AVCHD files issue.
Mosquito artifacts fix is now disabled by default for maximal resolution.
Computer Screen and Audio Recording is added.
Bugfix: 5.1 audio output from edit scripts.
Bugfix: File names with a space symbol support.

2016-01-21 0.0.4.beta
Sony HX20 is now supported.
FHD templates for 4K cameras are added.
Speedup and quality optimizations.
Template code is now simpler.
Additional filters in templates.
Camera model is no longer used by batch scripts.
Avstp plugin is added to speedup processing.
Parameter str is added to repair filters.
Compression qscale is now set to the maximal value.
Readme.txt improvements.
Bugfix: -copyts is removed to get playable sources.

2016-01-19 0.0.3.beta
ISO Latin 1 console codepage by default.
Installer variables are corrected.
Bugfix: Path with space symbols.

2016-01-18 0.0.2.beta
Three initial 4K cameras are supported: Samsung NX1 and Panasonic GH4 and G7.
aWarpSharp mod is replaced by aWarpSharp2.
Installer and Readme.txt improvements.
Source Bitdepth and Subsampling variables added to the default Core template.
4:2:0 output is corrected.

2016-01-17 0.0.1.beta
Better Core template.
Optimized initial view.
Audio codec changed to pcm_be for Adobe Premiere compatibility.
aWarpSharp mod for Y8 support.
Installer and Readme.txt improvements.

2016-01-14 0.0.0.beta
Fully redesigned version.

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