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Stremio 5 Released for Windows!
Posted on December 23, 2024 by Alex
We have been working on this for a very long time. Today we are honored to present to you Stremio 5 (currently only for Windows).
While the UI may look very similar as the design was mostly kept, Stremio 5 is actually using Stremio Web for its internal UI, which means it has been completely rewritten from the ground up compared to the Stremio 4 UI.
But with Stremio 5 we didn’t want to just rewrite the UI with better technologies, we also wanted peak performance. With that in mind we completely rebuilt the shell also, using the best tech stack to provide a much faster experience that uses significantly less resources than Stremio 4.
The current release was tailor built for Windows to be as performant as it can be, and we will look at each OS individually to build the best performant app we can for them, so please be patient as we work on making the MacOS and Linux versions available too.
With that said we really wanted our users to be able to experience Stremio 5 this Christmas, so this is our gift to you!
Posted on December 23, 2024 by Alex
We have been working on this for a very long time. Today we are honored to present to you Stremio 5 (currently only for Windows).
While the UI may look very similar as the design was mostly kept, Stremio 5 is actually using Stremio Web for its internal UI, which means it has been completely rewritten from the ground up compared to the Stremio 4 UI.
But with Stremio 5 we didn’t want to just rewrite the UI with better technologies, we also wanted peak performance. With that in mind we completely rebuilt the shell also, using the best tech stack to provide a much faster experience that uses significantly less resources than Stremio 4.
The current release was tailor built for Windows to be as performant as it can be, and we will look at each OS individually to build the best performant app we can for them, so please be patient as we work on making the MacOS and Linux versions available too.
With that said we really wanted our users to be able to experience Stremio 5 this Christmas, so this is our gift to you!