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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for ShanaEncoder
ShanaEncoder 7.3
Library Update
FFmpeg Shana 2025.02.02.202
Added 10-bit setting to enable encoding libaom-av1, librav1e, libsvtav1, av1_amf, av1_nvenc, av1_qsv codecs into 10-bit video. A
10-bit check box appears on the right side of the video codecs. Checking the check box enables encoding into 10-bit video.
Fixed a green screen issue when encoding hardware-decoded 8-bit video to 10-bit video using the hevc_nvenc codec
h264_qsv, hevc_qsv, av1_qsv codecs modified to use nv12 pixel format
Modified to encode 10-bit video when selecting hevc_amf codec as main10 profile.
AMD GPU driver version must be 23.30 or higher to encode 10-bit video using AMF hardware encoder.
ShanaEncoder 7.2
Library Update
FFmpeg Shana 2025.01.22.200
libx264 0.164.3204 373697b
libx265 HEVC encoder version 4.1+89-28fe7b352
libsvtav1 SVT-AV1 Encoder Lib v2.3.0
Fixed an issue where some video files were not automatically synced when encoding AVI and SWF file formats.
In ShanaEncoder 6.x, the sync parameter async was removed from the FFmpeg code around October 2022, so the sync was not automatically synced. ShanaEncoder versions
7.0~7.1 used the aresample=first_pts=0 filter to automatically sync, but some video files that caused the Reconfiguring phenomenon were re-encoded and the playback time became longer. This issue was resolved in ShanaEncoder version 7.2. From ShanaEncoder
version 7.2, the -async 1 parameter is always set to be used when encoding AVI and SWF file formats, and this method is the same as ShanaEncoder version
Corrected incorrect Russian translation
Device-specific presets have been added, just like in previous versions of Shanaincoder 6.0.
Due to multilingual support, preset names are displayed in English instead of Korean as in previous versions, and all presets have been modified to match Shanaincoder 7.2.
When using the HEVC (HW: NVENC) codec and using uhq tuning, the tf_level value is always set to 0 to prevent errors.
An issue was found where an error occurred when the tf_level value was not 0 in some files, so the tf_level value was set to always 0. If you add the value -tf_level:v 4 to the parameter, the tf_level value can be encoded as 4.
Added the list of graphics cards that support AV1 decoding of Shanaincoder to enable hardware decoding for users of the following graphics cards when AV1 decoder setting is set to HW (AUTO):
GeForce RTX 5070 (including Ti), GeForce RTX 5080, GeForce RTX 5090
Fixed an issue where the background color of the drop-down would be displayed incorrectly when clicking on a combo box such as a video codec and the mouse cursor quickly leaves the combo box area or when changing the file format while the drop-down of the video codec combo box is open
ShanaEncoder 7.1
Starting with ShanaEncoder version 7.1, Shana Web Browser (WebView2) has been removed.
Shana Encoder distribution The first code signing certificate was purchased and signed.
The code signing certificate was purchased from an American company, so the order of the publisher's first and last name was reversed.
[Original publisher name LEE RINA => Changed publisher name RINA LEE]
We have improved the recognition of files with arib-std-b67 video information as HDR video files.
Library Update
FFmpeg Shana 2024.12.18.197
amf 1.4.35
libx264 0.164.3198 da14df5
libx265 HEVC encoder version 4.0+61-7cc403076
libaom 3.10.0-195-ga6c705bf28
Add library
libvpl 2.13.0
shaderc v2023.8 v2024.3-5-g8c4d729
spirv-tools v2024.4 v2022.4-615-g692529b9
glslang 11.1.0-1128-gcb9a9d37
opencl 3.0
libsvtav1 SVT-AV1-v2.3.0
lcms2 Little-CMS-lcms2.16
Starting with Shanaincoder version 7.0, :v is added to the following parameters to prevent conflicts with audio settings.
-level => -level:v
-preset => -preset:v
-quality => -quality:v
cq => cq:v
crf => crf:v
qp => qp:v
qscale => qscale:v
compression_level => compression_level:v
-cpu-used => -cpu-used:v
-speed => -speed:v
When you press the Quick Settings button, the parameters will be changed automatically with a guidance message.
Added "Apply Scaled Outline and Shadow" feature, which is an option to maintain outline thickness and shadow depth regardless of encoding size when overlaying SMI, SRT, and SUB subtitle files onto a video screen
Added hardware decoder HW(D3D12VA), HW(OPENCL), HW(VULKAN)
Fix issue where monitors with different DPIs get bigger when moved to different monitors in Windows 11
Improved code related to DPI handling
Fixed issue where Windows key + up arrow key would maximize a non-maximizable window
Added VP8, VP9, ​​AV1(SW: aom) codec quality mode, cpu-used setting
Added H264 codec level 1b
Added HEVC (HW: NVENC) uhq tuning
Added AV1 (SW: rav1e) codec (quantizer, bitrate mode encoding possible)
Added AV1 (SW: rav1e) codec speed control option
Added AV1 (SW: SVT-AV1) codec (encoding of quality, quantizer, and bitrate modes possible)
Added AV1 (SW: SVT-AV1) codec speed control option (preset)
Added H264(SW: x264rgb) codec
Added hardware AV1 codec AV1(HW: NVENC), AV1(HW: AMF), AV1(HW: QSV)
When there are multiple codecs with the same name and hardware encoders (HW) and software encoders (SW) exist together, software encoders are improved to display "SW: " at the end of the codec name and hardware encoders are improved to display "HW: " at the end of the codec name to distinguish between HW and SW.
Rename H264 codec to H264 (SW: x264)
Renamed HEVC codec to HEVC (SW: x265)
Change file sizes to be expressed as binary prefixes (e.g. KB -> KiB)
Improved selection of default video and audio codecs based on file format
Fix flickering of editable combo boxes when using dark mode on Windows 11
Remove bottleneck settings in decoder settings (it is faster when set to hardware decoding even when using software filters)
Added several PCM audio codecs available in WAV file format
Add Shanna Web Browser
ShanaFFplay Improvements
Added pixel format settings (RGB8, RGB444, RGB555, BGR555, RGB565, BGR565, RGB24, BGR24, RGB32, BGR32, YUV420P, YUYV422, UYVY422)
(SDL Renderer, Vulkan Renderer) Added ability to select video output device and added setting to use only SDL Renderer when previewing
Added HDR setting function (HDR can be used if HDR monitor or HDR use setting is turned on in Windows)
Improved speed function and improved playback up to 0.1x speed
Improved the playback position to be displayed as a tooltip when hovering over the seek bar
Added control panel with play/stop etc.
Changed the movement to 1 second increments when moving by key frame by pressing the F key
Improved previous frame movement function
Information on digital signatures for Shanaincoder version 7.0
The existing timestamp server has been discontinued and replaced with a new timestamp server. However, there was an issue where antivirus programs would misdiagnose language resource files if they were signed with a timestamp, so the language resource file (ShanaEncoder.resources.dll) was signed without a timestamp. Signing
a file is to ensure its integrity and that it has not been tampered with, so not including a timestamp does not affect the use of the program at all.
Version Improvements
Add Shana Encoder Terms of Use to the installer
Change the license content in program information and add a link to Shana Encoder Terms of Use
Fixed an issue where the tooltip was cut off when the preset name was too long in the preset selection panel.
Version Improvements
Fixed an issue where when entering 2-pass mode during 2-pass encoding, the actual output file location and the file location opened in the output file playback/information are different.
Fixed an issue where colors were output incorrectly when using the envelope waveform.
Shana Media Info Improvements
Version Improvements
Starting with Shana Encoder version 6.0, when you uncheck HDR to SDR tone mapping in quick settings, you can import and encode HDR information as is.
If you want to copy and encode HDR information as is, please use Shana Encoder 6.0 or later.
Fixed an issue where other windows could not be opened inside Shana Encoder when adding and encoding more than hundreds of files
Fixed an issue where odd values ​​were not changed to even numbers when using the Crop function and Automatically Resize Proportionally
Fixed an issue where the graph background appears as a dark mode background when encoding in normal mode.
Lists without playing time have been modified so that the expected output size is not displayed.
Fixed incorrectly translated Russian
Improved encoding history to display total elapsed encoding time
Added function to open input file location
When determining the number of tasks according to CPU performance, when the automatic value is 0, the number of tasks = number of threads in the current system / 8 (decimal points are rounded up, if the calculated value is 6 or more, the maximum value is 5)
Version Improvements
Fixed an issue where the video stream was not encoded when encoding a file with Subtitle: none.
Add a number indicating the list number in front of the original file name displayed at the bottom of the Shana Encoder main UI.
Version Improvements
Fixed an issue where encoding was displayed as in progress even though the encoding operation was completed in some situations such as insufficient memory or errors.
When the Shana Encoder UI is displayed abnormally due to insufficient memory due to virtual memory settings, the Shana Encoder UI is displayed correctly when memory is freed.
Change the default decoder settings of VP9 codec to SW (FFmpeg) values.
When automatically setting the number of multi-encoding tasks, the number of tasks has been improved to determine not only the number of CPU threads but also the memory size. When the
automatic value is 0, the number of tasks = number of threads in the current system / 2 (if the value is 6 or more, 5 (limited to) and determine the maximum number of tasks based on the memory size below:
If the memory is [8GB] or less, the maximum number of tasks is [1]
If the memory is [16GB] or less, the maximum number of tasks is [2] If
the memory is [24GB] or less If the memory is less than [32GB], the maximum number of tasks is [3].
If the memory is less than [32GB], the maximum number of tasks is [4]
Version Improvements
Fixed an issue where the record of the encoded item was displayed twice when viewing the encoding history in the history view while encoding was in progress.
Improved to remove explicit limit on cache size and enable automatic cache cleanup
Added an option in the delete program to allow users to choose whether to delete the cache folder or not
Version improvements
Fixed the problem that the playback time of the output file is stored longer than the playback time of the original video when encoding with image subtitles such as PGS without using a fixed frame rate. This problem also occurs
in Shana Encoder or earlier versions For those who mainly encode image subtitles such as PGS, please use Shana Encoder or later.
From FFmpeg version 6.0, when the filter_complex parameter is used, the stream is automatically added. When the filter_complex parameter is used, the video stream of the output file is encoded in two.
An issue in Shana Encoder 6.0 and 6.0.1, when encoding a file with the same name when using multi encoding, it does not number or pass through and simultaneously encodes output files with the same name. If the file already exists during multi
encoding Improved to encode only one item in the process of encoding and pass the rest when using the overwrite setting
Fixed the problem of saving data to VirtualStore without opening with User Account Control (UAC) when there is no write permission for the setting file in some operating systems such as Windows 7
Improved WebView2's EBWebView folder management method
Added a function that automatically cleans cache data with a limit on the size that can be cached.
Saves the EBWebView folder to %LocalAppData%ShanaEncoder in the installed path or when running with administrator privileges, and saves the path as a portable Improved to save in a user-specific directory under the settngs folder when running from EBWebView folder
stored in %LocalAppData%ShanaEncoder when uninstalling through the Shana Encoder uninstaller
Improved to display in dark mode in web browsers that are visible in the encoding window when using dark mode
Version 6.0.1 improvements
Fixed HEVC_QSV encoding problem ( )
Fixed the problem that a video stream is added when encoding with image subtitles ( )
Improved to minimize only the encoding window ( )
Fixed the problem that an error occurs when encoding with chapter information ( )
library update
ShanaEncoder 6.0 Key Additional Features
Decoder selection function for each codec
Hardware accelerated playback function
Multi encoding function
High-speed file add-on
FFmpeg Shana 2023.08.08.190
amf 1.4.30
amr 0.1.6
ass (Shana) 0.17.1
avisynthplus 2023
expat 2.5.0
ffnvcodec 12.0.16
fontconfig 2.14.2
freetype 2.13.1
fribidi 1.0.13
harfbuzz 8.1.1
iconv 1.17
mfx 2023 (API 1.35)
openjpeg 2.5.0
opus 1.4
x264 0.164.3107 a8b68eb
x265 3.5+103-8f18e3ad3
zimg 3.0.5
MediaInfoLib 23.07
Added German, Russian and Spanish
Changed ShanaMediaInfo to support only Korean and English
Changed default values ​​of outline thickness and shadow depth from 1.0 to 2.5 in subtitle settings
Fixed an issue where the odd value was not treated as an even value in some situations when using the automatic proportional scaling function ( )
Fixed an issue where text in the encoding list was displayed in black when the main window was reduced when using dark mode
Fixed an issue where the screen becomes small when clicking on the loading screen when playing a video
In Windows 11, it is improved to use the encryption security protocol TLS 1.3 version when receiving the latest version and RSS feed information.
Improved so that the profile of the video codec appears in the input file information
Improved display of CFR in output file information when using a fixed frame rate
Improved the font color closing tag to work the same as the font closing tag ( )
Fixed the problem that the image was output at the wrong ratio or an error occurred when using the ratio or cropping because the rotation information of the video could not be found
library update
FFmpeg Shana 2022.02.02.187
Ogg 1.3.5
Vorbis 1.3.7
Vorbis(aoTuV) beta6.03 (2020)
Speex 1.2.0
FDK AAC 2.0.1
x264 0.164.3085 0bb85e8
Xvid 1.3.7
GSM 1.0 pl19
FreeType 2.11.1
Expat 2.4.4
libiconv 1.16
gperf 3.1
Fontconfig 2.13.96
FriBidi 1.0.11
HarfBuzz 3.3.1
libass(Shana) 0.15.2 r4
libbluray 1.3.0
TwoLAME 0.4.0
OpenJPEG 2.4.0
x265 3.5+20-17839cc0d
WebP 1.2.2
ffnvcodec 11.1.5
mfx 1.35.1
amf 1.4.23
z.lib 3.0.3
aom 3.2.0-473-g48b1b5d42
MediaInfoLib 21.09
Fixed the problem that the encoding speed of AAC audio codec was slow in Shana Encoder 5.3.0.x version
Corrected incorrect translations in Traditional Chinese language
Fixed an issue where the calculated value was not even when the image size was automatically used horizontally or vertically without changing the ratio.
FFmpeg Shana 2022.02.02.186
Ogg 1.3.5
Vorbis 1.3.7
Vorbis(aoTuV) beta6.03 (2020)
Speex 1.2.0
FDK AAC 2.0.2
x264 0.164.3085 0bb85e8
Xvid 1.3.7
GSM 1.0 pl19
FreeType 2.11.1
Expat 2.4.4
libiconv 1.16
gperf 3.1
Fontconfig 2.13.96
FriBidi 1.0.11
HarfBuzz 3.3.1
libass(Shana) 0.15.2 r4
libbluray 1.3.0
TwoLAME 0.4.0
OpenJPEG 2.4.0
x265 3.5+20-17839cc0d
WebP 1.2.2
ffnvcodec 11.1.5
mfx 1.35.1
amf 1.4.23
z.lib 3.0.3
aom 3.2.0-473-g48b1b5d42
MediaInfoLib 21.09
Add Dark Gray skin and dark mode
You can set it in the menu at the top of the main screen.
Additional quick crop mode
is available by pressing the button marked with a yellow square below on the section setting/cutting screen.
You can select Animated WebP to encode.
Added Pan & Scan function When
previewing and playing back original and output files, press the number pad to enlarge or reduce the image, and press the Ctrl key and the number pad to move the image to a desired location.
Numpad 5 is the default size and resizing toggle function, and the Ctrl key and number pad 5 is the function to move to the default center position.
Fixed the problem of □ appearing when using certain fonts.
Now, you can use the wansung (Korean complete encoding) font without having to convert it to UnicodeBMP.
To use H264 (NVENC) and HEVC (NVENC) video codecs, NVIDIA driver version 456.71 or higher must be installed.
When the source path and the output path are the same, instead of prefixing the name with [SHANA], Environment Settings -> Modify to use the setting if a file with the same name already exists
In merge mode, before merging files, CONCAT and PID are appended to the name of the temporarily encoded file.
When using merge mode, if a file with the same name already exists in the place to be merged, a number is added after the file name.
To use H264 (NVENC) and HEVC (NVENC) video codecs, NVIDIA driver version 456.71 or higher must be installed.
Modified to default HDR to SDR tone mapping option, which is an option that automatically tone maps original HDR images to SDR.
Modified all built-in presets to use the HDR to SDR tone mapping option
Fixed an issue where ShanaFFplay.exe process intermittently remained and ShanaEncoder hangs when exiting the screen during precise browsing
Fixed an issue that could not search for images with only an audio stream and no audio data when using Precise Search
Fixed the problem that version information and RSS information could not be retrieved by modifying Windows 7 to connect with TLS 1.2
Fixed an issue where the sharpness option was not available for images with an original bit depth of 10bit
Fixed AAC, AC3, MP2, MP3, OPUS, VORBIS audio codec delay handling issues
Fixed an issue where rotation metadata was not saved when a file without rotation metadata was randomly put in rotation metadata and the video codec was stream copied
Added Auto mode that automatically sets the original ratio (SAR) and output ratio (DAR) of the ratio change and modified to use it as the default
Select Auto mode and set it to original ratio (SAR) if cropping is enabled, set output ratio (DAR) to without cropping and set output ratio (DAR) if not, set to original ratio (SAR) if not. Improving
Image size Auto horizontal (-1 value) and vertical auto (-1 value) added, and if the automatically calculated value is odd, 1 is added to make it an even number
Improved to output the rotation angle next to the image size in the input file information if the original file has rotation metadata
Improved to automatically rotate and process images if rotation metadata is present, even if the user does not select a rotation filter
Modified to use the default HDR to SDR tone mapping option, which is an option that automatically tone maps original HDR images to SDR.
Modified all built-in presets to use the HDR to SDR tone mapping option
Fixed the issue where ShanaFFplay.exe process intermittently remained and ShanaEncoder hangs when exiting the screen during precise browsing
Fixed an issue that could not search for images with only an audio stream and no audio data when using Precise Search
Fixed the problem that version information and RSS information could not be retrieved by modifying Windows 7 to connect with TLS 1.2
Fixed an issue where the sharpness option was not available for images with an original bit depth of 10bit
Fixed AAC, AC3, MP2, MP3, OPUS, VORBIS audio codec delay handling issue
Fixed an issue where rotation metadata was not saved when a file without rotation metadata was randomly put in rotation metadata and the video codec was stream copied
Added Auto mode that automatically sets the original ratio (SAR) and output ratio (DAR) of the ratio change and modified to use it as the default
Select Auto mode and set it to original ratio (SAR) if cropping is enabled, set output ratio (DAR) to without cropping and set output ratio (DAR) if not, set to original ratio (SAR) if not. Improving
Image size Auto horizontal (-1 value) and vertical auto (-1 value) added, and if the automatically calculated value is odd, 1 is added to make it an even number
Improved to output the rotation angle next to the image size in the input file information if the original file has rotation metadata
Improved to automatically rotate and process images if rotation metadata is present, even if the user does not select a rotation filter
Modified to use the default HDR to SDR tone mapping option, which is an option that automatically tone maps original HDR images to SDR.
Modified all built-in presets to use the HDR to SDR tone mapping option
Fixed the issue where ShanaFFplay.exe process intermittently remained and ShanaEncoder hangs when exiting the screen during precise browsing
Fixed an issue that could not search for images with only an audio stream and no audio data when using Precise Search
Fixed the problem that version information and RSS information could not be retrieved by modifying Windows 7 to connect with TLS 1.2
Fixed an issue where the sharpness option was not available for images with an original bit depth of 10bit
Fixed AAC, AC3, MP2, MP3, OPUS, VORBIS audio codec delay handling issue
Fixed an issue where rotation metadata was not saved when a file without rotation metadata was randomly put in rotation metadata and the video codec was stream copied
Added AUTO mode that automatically sets the original ratio (SAR) and output ratio (DAR) of the ratio change and modified to use it as the default
Select AUTO mode and set it to original ratio (SAR) if cropping is used, set to ratio of original (SAR) if cropping is not used and output ratio (DAR) if there is output ratio (DAR) if not, set to ratio of original (SAR) if not. Improving
Image size Auto horizontal (-1 value) and vertical auto (-1 value) added, and if the automatically calculated value is odd, 1 is added to make it an even number
Improved to output the rotation angle next to the image size in the input file information if the original file has rotation metadata
Improved to automatically rotate and process images if rotation metadata is present, even if the user does not select a rotation filter
Fixed a mistranslated Traditional Chinese language.
Fixed a problem where the stereo channel could not be set when the HE-AACv2 profile of the AAC audio codec was selected while the original channel was selected.
Fixed an issue where the bitrate parameter was saved when selecting rawvideo.
Fixed an issue where the default size of the quick setting window was enlarged and the tab stop index was set incorrectly.
Added WebP format quality and compression options.
Added, removed parameters, and improved search algorithms.
A pitch change function was added when changing the speed.
Added pitch change function.
Fixed an issue where the selected color space information was not output when using multiple video streams.
Improved not to use the shanatonemap filter by automatically detecting images that have errors when tone mapping HDR to SDR.
I moved the folders with the language code name in the same location as the Shana Encoder executable file into the languages ​​folder.
Fixed an issue where the keyword was displayed incorrectly in Internet Explorer when searching with a keyword containing Unicode characters when using the Shana Encoder search function.
If a file with the same name already exists, when overwriting is performed, if encoding starts without the original file, the output file that already exists is not deleted (related article: )
Corrected incorrect translation in Traditional Chinese language (related article: )
Add AC3, EAC3 audio codec in MP4 file format and EAC3 audio codec in MKV, MATROSKA file format (related article: )
Fixed a problem that encoding could not proceed when the de-interlace setting and real-time encoding setting are used together (related article: )
Fixed a problem that the frame moves forward by pressing the shortcut key c to move the frame backward when the ShanaFFplay preview is full screened and the lower status bar is displayed. R3
Fix incorrect translations in Brazilian Portuguese language R2
Traditional Chinese language incorrectly translated in part modified (Related articles: )
Fix incorrect translations in Brazilian Portuguese language
Fixed a problem such as some characters appearing cut off in HiDPI or the position is changed
Improved display of RSS feed information at the bottom of Shane Encoder (If you mouse over it, you will have time to write it)
Improved to output RSS feed information by language
H264(libx264) video codec high422, high444 profile added
H264(QSV) video codec unknown profile, added 52(5.2) level
HEVC(QSV) video codec unknown, main10 profile added
AMF, QSV video codec quantizer renamed to Quality
Fixed a problem that cpu-used was continuously added to the encoding input box when starting encoding after selecting the video codec as VP8 or VP9 codec as an error from Shane Encoder version 4.8. Users click the default button in the multi-threaded setting window Related article: )
H264 (NVENC), HEVC (NVENC) video codec, the default quality is changed to 24
Fixed an issue where the HDR to SDR Tonemap option was not translated in Japanese language.
Level 5.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 added in advanced settings of H264 video codec
Addition of instructions when setting 2-pass in MPEG1, MPEG2, Flash Video video codec and removing 2-pass check box in XVID(CORE) video codec
Improved file addition speed by improving stream information to obtain detailed stream information without decoding up to 129 frames
Fixed an issue where the Brazilian Portuguese language did not use the string representation of the fixed culture, so the selection function could not be used with an optimized font.
Added Yu Gothic UI font with Japanese language optimized font
Changed the default size of Shane Encoder to 820 horizontally and 520 vertically at initial execution.
Fixed a problem that the preset tree view was not adjusted according to the DPI during initial execution
Changed the minimum horizontal size of Shane Encoder to 820 when the preset tree view is visible.
Shane Encoder Preset Tree View Resize Fix so that if the search box is not visible when double-clicking the splitter, it will not be adjusted.
Fixed an issue where the default preset of H264 (NVENC), HEVC (NVENC) video codec was set to default instead of p4
Fixed an issue where the Microsoft JhengHei font could not be selected as an optimized font in Traditional Chinese Windows.
x264 0.161.3015 4c2aafd
x265 3.4+12-geff904199
aom 2.0.0
Added/changed shortcuts in ShanaFFplay (preview, file play, output file play).
-Added function to move frame backward and'c' shortcut key to move frame backward
-Added'/' shortcut to simultaneously change video, audio and subtitle streams
-Added'-, ='shortcut to navigate chapters
-Added'v' shortcut to move frame forward
-Changed the shortcut key for selecting a video channel to'i'
At the beginning of the encoding record, the Shana Encoder version, FFmpeg version, and graphics card name are displayed.
By allowing you to select whether to use key frame navigation in the preferences, you can use the navigation function prior to Shana Encoder 5.0.
When setting the start time and end time in section setting, we have added a function to move to the corresponding location.
In the time stamp list located at the bottom right of the section setting, a function to move to the time stamp has been added.
Added a function to copy the pts value to the clipboard when you press the time stamp in the time stamp list located at the bottom right of the section setting.
In section setting, when you press the'c' key on the keyboard, the function to move the frame backward and the',' button to move the frame backward have been added.
Added '3-Auto-variance AQ with bias to dark scenes' value in the aq-mode setting in the x264 advanced setting window.
Original and 7.1 channels have been added in the audio channel settings in the quick setting window.
dvb_subtitle, xsub subtitle encoding is supported.
These are the problems that occurred in the previous version fixed in the 5.1 version of Shana Encoder.
Fixed a problem that out of sync when encoding a delayed mp4 file after cropping a video in the iPhone default photo app.
Fixed an issue where an encoding error occurred when subtitle:none was used.
Fixed an issue where ShanaFFplay's minimization value could not be saved in the tray state.
When muxing an ass file in mkv format, if the delay value of the subtitle is 0, the opaque box effect is not applied.
When changing the profile, preset, tuning, and RC (quality, quantizer, bitrate) of the H264 (libx264) codec, the x264 advanced settings have been modified.
Fixed a problem in which the ratio of the original size was applied even when cropping the image after checking the image size change in the quick setting and selecting the ratio change to not use, setting the size to -1x-1, and cropping the image.
Fixed an encoding error in videos with dvb_subtitle and xsub subtitle streams.
Fixed a problem where 0:2 and 0:20 were selected together in the subtitle selection.
Fixed a problem where UTF-8 characters such as Korean characters appear broken in the record view.
Fixed an issue where characters beginning with << were not displayed in ShanaSubtitle.
Fixed an issue that caused an encoding error because the file name could not be set in Add Address.
Too many packets buffered for output stream error was fixed.
Fixed an issue that caused the analysisuration and probesize errors.
Between February 2020 and changed all the files to the SHA-256 code signing certificate based on the discontinued Microsoft SHA-1 code signing certificate support.
[Currently signed root certificate is installed separately into the private (Private) code signing certificate is required.]
Code was changed to sign the root certificate Shana RootCA (SRCA) in the certificate as Shana Private Root Certificate Authority (SPRCA) certificate.
[Although not required, because the root certificate for the private code (Private) signed certificate must be installed separately, SPRCA certificate installation Please refer to.]
To make it look full installer for the DPI top header top header image has changed the installer image with the base image.
And 2.0.1 the FDK AAC audio codec has been updated to version changes the codec library version 1.2.
Changes in the installation program to download the plug-in NSISdl INetC was improved codec library download failure symptoms in some circumstances have improved to download the HTTPS security protocol.
When you open the Quick Settings dialog box has improved the symptoms all the combo box is displayed in blue and disappear.
If the letter M is input to the bit rate, the combo box has been improved so that put a k at the end.
The bit rate combo box has been improved to allow you to enter an uppercase M.
If the bit rate setting in AMRNB, AMRWB, GSM audio codec was correct the problem, set up a 128k bit rate has been improved so that you can store does not set the bit rate.
Per-Monitor DPI-Aware Application version version, and the user only from, quick combos to get the input value of the user in the settings box (file format, video bit rate, frame rate changes, the size and landscape If vertical, rate changes, the audio bit rate, sample rate change), the user inputs a value to correct the problem were visible changes to the value registered in the combo box.
[For example, open the Type 1 and fast re-set the video bit rate, inde actual stored value is 1 Fixed a problem that appears to 100.]
Check the frame rate is changed, Fixed a problem that appears is the name of the parameter, if the value is empty.
Check the video bit rate automatically set depending on the file size and Fixed problem appears if the name of the value is empty parameter.
If the '(apostrophe) in the name of the file or folder from the merge mode Fixed a problem that can not be joined.
In the merge mode it has been improved to support Unicode paths.
If an error occurs in a merge mode it has been improved to display a list of all who try to conform to an error.
The preset minimum panel size to 96dpi criteria was changed to 25 pixels.
Depending on the DPI was enhanced to adjust the font of the title bar.
only when you check the deinterlace while not using yadif deinterlace filter has been changed to use the yadif deinterlace filter to the top.
Fig was changed so how to use the de-interlace filter yadif next with fieldmatch filter when the inverse telecine (IVTC).]
GSM, AMRNB, AMRWB audio codec, but has been changed to use the sample rate required.
[Note: AC3, please VORBIS, AAC (HE-AAC) audio codec, sample rate, or the encoding can cause the sample rate related to encoding error has occurred and list the error try again encoded by changing the sample rate.]
Quick Setup -> Other Settings tab has been added to the caption style buttons and ASS / style built-in subtitle enforcement checkbox.
[The matroska, mkv file format (using forced styled) ASS, SSA (Force-style application), you can also apply subtitle style Closed Caption by SMI, copy the video stream if the SRT subtitle files.]
Closed Caption Changed to disable the built-in subtitle rendering capabilities when used with the fonts contained in the file.
If the font end tag * SMI during processing in the subtitle file, or a stack error has been enhanced to display the first color of the font style.
* When you cause the subtitles embedded in the video file to the video Fixed a problem that can not cause the subtitles if the '(apostrophe) in the video file path to the image.
Fixed a bug where links to license content disappeared from program information when DPI changes.
* In merge mode, if there is no output file or the output file is 0 bytes in size, the status is changed to error and the temporary files created to merge have been deleted.
* In the merge mode, if an error occurred during encoding, the temporary file created for merging was not deleted.
* When matroska was selected as the file format in the merge mode, the file format was not recognized and the file was not output.
* Quickly re-added ipod and mpegts file types, which were removed from Shana Encoder 2.3.
Encoder version 5.0
Previously, the Shana Encoder made with .NET Framework 2.0 version and the Shina Encoder made with .NET Framework 4.0 version were installed separately according to the installed .NET Framework version. For Windows 7 users, the installer checks the .NET Framework version, and if the .NET Framework 4.5 or higher is not installed, the .NET Framework 4.5 is automatically installed by the installer.From Windows 8, the .NET Framework is installed in the operating system. The installer does not install .NET Framework 4.5 because version 4.5 is installed.
Change name
Renamed hardware accelerated decoding to hardware decoding.
Renamed merge mode to merge mode.
Video / Audio Stream Selection has been renamed to Video / Audio Stream Selection.
Change logo
Changed the font of the logo to Sharing Square Round.
Codec Update
1. Updated ffmpeg-shana-2019.12.16.151 (FFmpeg 4.3-dev version).
2. Updated ffnvcodec 9.1.23.
Add features
1. Added "Vectorscope, Waveform Monitor, Waveform, Envelope Waveform, Histogram and Waveform, Vectorscope, and Waveform" function in previewing and playing back file.
2. Added record view shortcut. (Shortcut: F5)
3. Title bar text margin setting function has been added.
4. Added Simplified Chinese language to Shana Media Info.
5. We have added a shortcut to show or hide the preset panel on the right side of the main window. (Shortcut: F4)
6. Added the ability to delay the audio.
7. Added a function to support dvd_subtitle subtitles and hdmv_pgs_subtitle subtitles in video files.
8. Added support for DVD subtitle file IDX, SUB file and Blu-ray subtitle file SUP file.
9. Added a function to render the built-in subtitles in the font embedded in the file. (There is some latency depending on the file when encoding and previewing.)
10. Added the function of selecting fonts with optimized fonts so that the fonts of the program can be selected as optimized fonts. (Sharing Square Round Regular, Sharing Gothic, Sharing Gothic, Goyang Ilsan R fonts can be selected, and 9.75pt (10) and 11.25pt (11) can be selected respectively.)
Feature enhancements
1. It supports the Per-Monitor DPI-Aware mode, which is a high DPI recognition mode, so that the scale of the Shana Encoder can be changed even when the scale is changed or the monitor is moved to another monitor.
2. Improved the bitrate graph to be filled with sky blue when in progress.
3. The installer has been improved to apply high DPI.
4. It has been improved to use the TLS v1.2 version of the encryption security protocol when checking the latest version and print the latest article below.
5. Improved the font settings of Shana Encoder to be applied to Shana Media Info.
6. The filter setting window can be resized.
7. The resizable window (filter setting, record view, section setting / cutting, program information) has been improved to remember the location of the window while the Shana Encoder is running.
8. Shana Media Info 32 bit and 64 bit versions have been integrated to run on Linux. 64 bit Windows users can only run 64 bit Shana Media Info.
9. Starting with Shana Encoder 5.0, the install and uninstall program has been improved to allow you to select whether to delete program groups or shortcuts.
10. Starting with Shana Encoder 5.0, the program has been improved so that it can be installed with the path deleted after installation.
11. Improved to open files with more than 260 characters. (Windows 10 1607 Redstone 1 and later users can add files and folders, and users of versions earlier than Windows 7 can add files. However, drag and drop may not add files longer than 260 characters. Please use add file or rename folders and files.)
12. Improved loading message when preview is required.
13. Changed the default font size to 9.75pt (10) so that the characters can be seen larger.
14. If you do not have Consolas font, which is the font used to output the playback information at the bottom of section setting / cutting and preview, the D2Coding font can be replaced.
15. Fixed flickering when resizing the window.
16. The Shana Encoder removal program has been digitally signed to improve the removal program.
17. Improved the Internet browser to open when you click the Internet address in the license information in the program information.
Bug fixes
1. Fixed the problem that the remaining time is not displayed when the speed exceeds 1000 times.
2. Fixed the problem of adding a file by clicking Cancel or Close when adding a file by adding a folder.
3. Fixed the problem that can not be added if there is a space before and after adding an address.
4. Fixed the problem where the Shana Encoder does not exit and goes to the tray when using the tray mode and pressing the File menu on the Shana Encoder main screen or pressing the right button to exit.
5. Fixed an issue where the operating system with a comma (,) instead of a dot (.) In the decimal point could not be encoded.
6. Fixed a problem where the backslash and comma in the filter settings separated by different filters.
7. Fixed the problem that logo and closed caption cannot be used at the same time.
8. Fixed the issue that if the folder name has an extension, there is no subtitle.
9. Fixed the problem of subtitles appearing in subtitles when there is a subtitle time in the SRT subtitle file but there is no subtitle content.
10. Fixed the problem that (tv) appears as (t) in video information.
11. Fixed the problem that the scroll bar is not displayed or changed when the file list icon display function is turned off and reset.
12. Fixed an issue where changing the combo box with the mouse wheel while the video codec and audio codec were opened in the encoding settings would change the list and not apply the value.
13. Fixed the problem that desktop shortcut icon appears small after installation.
1. Started the ShanaMediaInfo HiDPI support.
2. Improved the ShanaEncoder HiDPI processing.
3. Added Hot Pink skin preset.
4. Added 'minimize, maximize, start' buttons hover brightness option.
5. Added 'apply skin to start button' skin option.
6. Fixed black background flickering when resizing window in preview.
7. Fixed an issue where estimated size would be incorrectly calculated if there was a dot(.) In the audio bitrate.
1. Supports HiDPI of UI starting with ShanaEncoder 4.10.
2. You can set the font and fontsize of ShanaEncoder UI text.
3. Added the subtitle "Alternative font" setting.
4. Added the function to sort by column in the file list.
5. Added the function to save the width of the preset panel.
6. Added "Open settings and preset menu" button.
7. Fixed the problem where the logo setting is not saved when saving a preset with a new name.
8. Fixed the encoding speed to display more than two decimal places so that the remaining time is displayed in more detail.
9. Changed the color of the "Start" button to the skin color.
[Improved ShanaEncoder]
1. Starts Simplified Chinese support and enable you to select Simplified Chinese from the ShanaEncoder and Installer.
2. Fixed issue where HDR to SDR ToneMap option appears in Copy, None mode.
3. Changed the font of the logo to Goyang.
[Improved ShanaEncoder]
1. Starts Simplified Chinese support and enable you to select Simplified Chinese from the ShanaEncoder and Installer.
2. Fixed issue where HDR to SDR ToneMap option appears in Copy, None mode.
3. Changed the font of the logo to Goyang.
[Added External Library]
1. Added the dav1d 0.5.0
2. Added the gmp 6.1.2
3. Added the gnutls 3.6.10
4. Added the libaom 1.0.0
5. Added the libvidstab 1.1
6. Added the libxml2 2.9.9
7. Added the nettle 3.5.1
8. Added the zimg 2.9.2
[External Library Update]
1. Updated the FFmpeg 4.2.1
2. Updated the MediaInfoLib 19.09
3. Updated the fribidi 1.0.7
4. Updated the libass 0.14.0
5. Updated the ffnvcodec
[Added ShanaEncoder Feature]
1. Added the URL and Folder add function.
2. Added the libspeex(SPEEX) codec in ogg file format.
3. Added the libaom-av1(AV1) codec in avi, mp4, mkv, webm file format.
4. Added the HDR to SDR tone mapping function.
5. Added the HDR, pixel format and color space information of input file.
[Fixed ShanaEncoder Feature]
1. Fixed the problem that the Src folder is selected in Concatenate mode.
2. Fixed the problem that the estimated size does not appear when selecting the PCM codec.
3. Fixed the problem that the estimated size is incorrectly calculated when k is not typed or M is typed when inputting bitrate.
4. Improved to use only fonts installed on the system as substitute fonts.
List of international substitute fonts used by ShanaEncoder: Segoe UI, Malgun Gothic, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft JhengHei, Yu Gothic, Meiryo UI, Leelawadee UI, Leelawadee, Ebrima, Nirmala UI, Gadugi
5. Fixed the problem that some TTC font display issues.
After finishing encoding, you can select whether to save power, shut down the system, exit the program, set the ring tone, and save it.
16. Improved to save power save, shutdown, program exit, ringtone notification settings after encoding completion
17. Fixed the problem that when you check the record view, you can not hear the ringing tone after closing the history view window
Fixed issue with x264 tuning option part.
When the system auto shutdown is enabled, the setting saving criteria is changed.
The H264 and hardware HEVC encoding for AMD users will be added in version.
You have AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 19.7.1 or later installed.
Note: To use NVENC, NVIDIA graphics driver version 390.77 or later must be installed.
* Improved segment settings for the input MPEGTS file format
* Added Direct3D 11, NVDEC, QSV(Hardware Accelerated Decoding)
* Added H264(QSV), HEVC(QSV)(Hardware Accelerated Encoding)
* Fixed the bug
Note: To use NVENC, NVIDIA graphics driver version 390.77 or later must be installed.
* Updated the FFmpeg, x264, x265, vorbis
* Improved srt subtitle handling
* Improved Quick settings UI
Note: To use NVENC, NVIDIA graphics driver version 378.66 or later must be installed.
* Updated the FFmpeg, x264, x265, openjpeg, freetype, vpx, opus
* Fixed a problem the settings does not applied when the combo box was adjusted with the mouse wheel in Quick settings
* Fixed a problem the fps is not output in ShanaFFplay when the PC is on for 24.9 days
* Added the mp3 audio codec to mov, mp4 file format
* Fixed the VP8 codec speed issue
* Updated the x264
* Updated the x265
* Fixed bugs
* Improved segment settings UI
* Improved stream copy mode
* Added playback frame rate display function in the ShanaFFplay
* Set the first stream as default when selecting multiple streams
* Improved srt subtitle handling
* Fixed bugs
* Improved segment settings UI
* Improved stream copy mode
* Added playback frame rate display function in the ShanaFFplay
* Set the first stream as default when selecting multiple streams
* Improved srt subtitle handling
* Fixed bugs
* Added MKV closed caption
* Improved a subtitle font selection
* Fixed the bug
* Fixed the memory issues in ShanaFFplay
* News feed is displayed the selected language
* Added MKV closed caption
* Improved a subtitle font selection
* Fixed the bug
* Added concatenate function
* Fixed the bug
* Updated the x264
* Updated the x265
* Updated the ShanaFFplay
* Updated the FFmpeg
* Updated the x264
* Updated the x265
* Updated the ShanaFFplay
* Updated the ShanaEncoder UI
* Updated the FFmpeg
* Updated the x264
* Updated the x265
* Updated the ShanaFFplay
* Updated the ShanaEncoder UI
* Updated to the FFmpeg v3.2.2
* Updated to the x264 0.148.2744 b97ae06
* Updated to the x265 2.1+70-78e1e1354a25
* Updated to the aotuv-b6.03_20110424-20150808
* Updated to the fdk-aac 0.1.4
* Updated to the libass 0.13.4
* Updated to the MediaInfo v0.7.91
* Added cfr encoding option
* Added HEVC 10bit encoder
* Added NVENC(H264/HEVC) encoder
* Added DXVA2(Hardware Accelerated Decoding)
* Added sleep option
* Removed libfaac encoder
* Updated to the FFmpeg v3.2.2
* Updated to the x264 0.148.2744 b97ae06
* Updated to the x265 2.1+70-78e1e1354a25
* Updated to the aotuv-b6.03_20110424-20150808
* Updated to the fdk-aac 0.1.4
* Updated to the libass 0.13.4
* Updated to the MediaInfo v0.7.91
* Added cfr encoding option
* Added HEVC 10bit encoder
* Added NVENC(H264/HEVC) encoder
* Added DXVA2(Hardware Accelerated Decoding)
* Added sleep option
* Removed libfaac encoder
* Updated to the MediaInfo v0.7.87
* Updated to the FFmpeg v3.1.1
* Updated to the x265 1.9+229-a932b4366235(HEVC)
* Updated to the x264 core 148 r2705 3f5ed56(H264)
* Added the SRT, SUB subtitle encoding
* Updated the ShanaEncoder UI
* Updated the ShanaFFplay
* Fixed the bug (v3.3)
* Added the SRT, SUB subtitle encoding
* Updated the ShanaEncoder UI
* Updated the ShanaFFplay
Updated FFmpeg
Updated FFmpeg
Updated FFmpeg
Updated x264 encoder
Updated HEVC encoder
Updated ShanaFFplay(SDL2.0 + OpenGL)
*Notification: mp=eq2 filter is changed to eq filter.
Updated FFmpeg
Updated x264 encoder
Updated HEVC encoder
Fixed x264 2-pass issue(speed slow problem of first pass)
Updated the FFmpeg, x264 encoder, HEVC encoder
Updated the HEVC encoder version 1.3+733-ce304756a6e4
Updated the MediaInfo v0.7.70
Fixed the encoder bug
Added the opencl acceleration
Change the default AAC encoder
Updated the x264(H264) encoder
Updated the HEVC encoder
Fixed the encoder status notice bug
Please update to ShanaEncoder 2.4 or higher
This version is fixed the A/V delay problem(Delay relative to video)
Improved frame rate mode auto detection
v2.1 - Jan 28, 2014
Improve the logo overlay function.
Fixed the logo segment error.
v2.0 - Jan 25, 2014
Fixed the font selection function. (Using the system default font)
Added an ASS/Internal subtitle force style function.
Added a preferred language selection function.
Update to x264 core 140
Improve GUI.
Change build method to static. (Because of FALSE POSITIVE)
v1.17 - Dec 20, 2013
Added font select function.(without using fontconfig)
Added inner subtitle track select function.(MKV subtitle etc...)
Fixed a accuracy of segmentation.
v1.16 - Nov 22, 2013
Reduce the FFmpeg filesize.
v1.15.1 - Nov 22, 2013
Fix copy mode error, when use filter.
v1.15 - Nov 21, 2013
FFmpeg update to v2.1
You can resize the main window
ShanaEncoder replaces Kirara Encoder.
1. Fix Kirara bugs.
2. Patch FFmpeg stable version.
1. Fix FFplay memory shortage problem.
2. Fix Kirara bugs.
3. Update FFmpeg.
1. Language files updated.
2. Nero AAC stream bug fix.
3. Launcher update feature added.
If you using portable version, you use KiraraN2.exe or KiraraN4.exe.
1. Integrated 32-bit and 64-bit.
2. After Kirara 1.2, not need to install .NET Framework 2 on Windows 8.
3. Bug fix.
1. Improved auto-update feature.
2. Improved FFplay.
Audio processing improvements.
Bug fix.
3. Fix video eq2 filter.
4. HE-AACv2 is only support 2ch.(stereo)
5. Change Fontconfig cache and fonts folder. (Drv:KiraraFonts, Drv is Kirara executed drive.)
6. Change x264 Fast Decode and Zero Latency option.(Multiple select OK)
7. Update FFmpeg.
8. Modified French language file.
1. Change FFmpeg decoding thread method.
Win32Thread -> PThread
2. Change encoding thread method.
VPX, XVID codec(PThread)
x264 codec(Win32Thread)
3. Compile GCC to the latest version.
4. Audio filter preview support.
5. Delete equalizer caution message.
6. Note: MPlayer wrapper Video EQ Filter strange.
7. FFmpeg auto-update feature added.
8. x264 settings error fix(Number of Frames for Lookahead fix)
9. x264 tune select feature added(Still Image and Zero Latency)
10. French language support.
1. Bottom error fixed.
Unable to parse option value "0,714285714285714"
Error occurs that use a comma(,) as the decimal symbol in Windows.
2. German language support.
3. Fontconfig change.(Add a Windows font cache)
Library Update
FFmpeg Shana 2025.02.02.202
Added 10-bit setting to enable encoding libaom-av1, librav1e, libsvtav1, av1_amf, av1_nvenc, av1_qsv codecs into 10-bit video. A
10-bit check box appears on the right side of the video codecs. Checking the check box enables encoding into 10-bit video.
Fixed a green screen issue when encoding hardware-decoded 8-bit video to 10-bit video using the hevc_nvenc codec
h264_qsv, hevc_qsv, av1_qsv codecs modified to use nv12 pixel format
Modified to encode 10-bit video when selecting hevc_amf codec as main10 profile.
AMD GPU driver version must be 23.30 or higher to encode 10-bit video using AMF hardware encoder.
ShanaEncoder 7.2
Library Update
FFmpeg Shana 2025.01.22.200
libx264 0.164.3204 373697b
libx265 HEVC encoder version 4.1+89-28fe7b352
libsvtav1 SVT-AV1 Encoder Lib v2.3.0
Fixed an issue where some video files were not automatically synced when encoding AVI and SWF file formats.
In ShanaEncoder 6.x, the sync parameter async was removed from the FFmpeg code around October 2022, so the sync was not automatically synced. ShanaEncoder versions
7.0~7.1 used the aresample=first_pts=0 filter to automatically sync, but some video files that caused the Reconfiguring phenomenon were re-encoded and the playback time became longer. This issue was resolved in ShanaEncoder version 7.2. From ShanaEncoder
version 7.2, the -async 1 parameter is always set to be used when encoding AVI and SWF file formats, and this method is the same as ShanaEncoder version
Corrected incorrect Russian translation
Device-specific presets have been added, just like in previous versions of Shanaincoder 6.0.
Due to multilingual support, preset names are displayed in English instead of Korean as in previous versions, and all presets have been modified to match Shanaincoder 7.2.
When using the HEVC (HW: NVENC) codec and using uhq tuning, the tf_level value is always set to 0 to prevent errors.
An issue was found where an error occurred when the tf_level value was not 0 in some files, so the tf_level value was set to always 0. If you add the value -tf_level:v 4 to the parameter, the tf_level value can be encoded as 4.
Added the list of graphics cards that support AV1 decoding of Shanaincoder to enable hardware decoding for users of the following graphics cards when AV1 decoder setting is set to HW (AUTO):
GeForce RTX 5070 (including Ti), GeForce RTX 5080, GeForce RTX 5090
Fixed an issue where the background color of the drop-down would be displayed incorrectly when clicking on a combo box such as a video codec and the mouse cursor quickly leaves the combo box area or when changing the file format while the drop-down of the video codec combo box is open
ShanaEncoder 7.1
Starting with ShanaEncoder version 7.1, Shana Web Browser (WebView2) has been removed.
Shana Encoder distribution The first code signing certificate was purchased and signed.
The code signing certificate was purchased from an American company, so the order of the publisher's first and last name was reversed.
[Original publisher name LEE RINA => Changed publisher name RINA LEE]
We have improved the recognition of files with arib-std-b67 video information as HDR video files.
Library Update
FFmpeg Shana 2024.12.18.197
amf 1.4.35
libx264 0.164.3198 da14df5
libx265 HEVC encoder version 4.0+61-7cc403076
libaom 3.10.0-195-ga6c705bf28
Add library
libvpl 2.13.0
shaderc v2023.8 v2024.3-5-g8c4d729
spirv-tools v2024.4 v2022.4-615-g692529b9
glslang 11.1.0-1128-gcb9a9d37
opencl 3.0
libsvtav1 SVT-AV1-v2.3.0
lcms2 Little-CMS-lcms2.16
Starting with Shanaincoder version 7.0, :v is added to the following parameters to prevent conflicts with audio settings.
-level => -level:v
-preset => -preset:v
-quality => -quality:v
cq => cq:v
crf => crf:v
qp => qp:v
qscale => qscale:v
compression_level => compression_level:v
-cpu-used => -cpu-used:v
-speed => -speed:v
When you press the Quick Settings button, the parameters will be changed automatically with a guidance message.
Added "Apply Scaled Outline and Shadow" feature, which is an option to maintain outline thickness and shadow depth regardless of encoding size when overlaying SMI, SRT, and SUB subtitle files onto a video screen
Added hardware decoder HW(D3D12VA), HW(OPENCL), HW(VULKAN)
Fix issue where monitors with different DPIs get bigger when moved to different monitors in Windows 11
Improved code related to DPI handling
Fixed issue where Windows key + up arrow key would maximize a non-maximizable window
Added VP8, VP9, ​​AV1(SW: aom) codec quality mode, cpu-used setting
Added H264 codec level 1b
Added HEVC (HW: NVENC) uhq tuning
Added AV1 (SW: rav1e) codec (quantizer, bitrate mode encoding possible)
Added AV1 (SW: rav1e) codec speed control option
Added AV1 (SW: SVT-AV1) codec (encoding of quality, quantizer, and bitrate modes possible)
Added AV1 (SW: SVT-AV1) codec speed control option (preset)
Added H264(SW: x264rgb) codec
Added hardware AV1 codec AV1(HW: NVENC), AV1(HW: AMF), AV1(HW: QSV)
When there are multiple codecs with the same name and hardware encoders (HW) and software encoders (SW) exist together, software encoders are improved to display "SW: " at the end of the codec name and hardware encoders are improved to display "HW: " at the end of the codec name to distinguish between HW and SW.
Rename H264 codec to H264 (SW: x264)
Renamed HEVC codec to HEVC (SW: x265)
Change file sizes to be expressed as binary prefixes (e.g. KB -> KiB)
Improved selection of default video and audio codecs based on file format
Fix flickering of editable combo boxes when using dark mode on Windows 11
Remove bottleneck settings in decoder settings (it is faster when set to hardware decoding even when using software filters)
Added several PCM audio codecs available in WAV file format
Add Shanna Web Browser
ShanaFFplay Improvements
Added pixel format settings (RGB8, RGB444, RGB555, BGR555, RGB565, BGR565, RGB24, BGR24, RGB32, BGR32, YUV420P, YUYV422, UYVY422)
(SDL Renderer, Vulkan Renderer) Added ability to select video output device and added setting to use only SDL Renderer when previewing
Added HDR setting function (HDR can be used if HDR monitor or HDR use setting is turned on in Windows)
Improved speed function and improved playback up to 0.1x speed
Improved the playback position to be displayed as a tooltip when hovering over the seek bar
Added control panel with play/stop etc.
Changed the movement to 1 second increments when moving by key frame by pressing the F key
Improved previous frame movement function
Information on digital signatures for Shanaincoder version 7.0
The existing timestamp server has been discontinued and replaced with a new timestamp server. However, there was an issue where antivirus programs would misdiagnose language resource files if they were signed with a timestamp, so the language resource file (ShanaEncoder.resources.dll) was signed without a timestamp. Signing
a file is to ensure its integrity and that it has not been tampered with, so not including a timestamp does not affect the use of the program at all.
Version Improvements
Add Shana Encoder Terms of Use to the installer
Change the license content in program information and add a link to Shana Encoder Terms of Use
Fixed an issue where the tooltip was cut off when the preset name was too long in the preset selection panel.
Version Improvements
Fixed an issue where when entering 2-pass mode during 2-pass encoding, the actual output file location and the file location opened in the output file playback/information are different.
Fixed an issue where colors were output incorrectly when using the envelope waveform.
Shana Media Info Improvements
Version Improvements
Starting with Shana Encoder version 6.0, when you uncheck HDR to SDR tone mapping in quick settings, you can import and encode HDR information as is.
If you want to copy and encode HDR information as is, please use Shana Encoder 6.0 or later.
Fixed an issue where other windows could not be opened inside Shana Encoder when adding and encoding more than hundreds of files
Fixed an issue where odd values ​​were not changed to even numbers when using the Crop function and Automatically Resize Proportionally
Fixed an issue where the graph background appears as a dark mode background when encoding in normal mode.
Lists without playing time have been modified so that the expected output size is not displayed.
Fixed incorrectly translated Russian
Improved encoding history to display total elapsed encoding time
Added function to open input file location
When determining the number of tasks according to CPU performance, when the automatic value is 0, the number of tasks = number of threads in the current system / 8 (decimal points are rounded up, if the calculated value is 6 or more, the maximum value is 5)
Version Improvements
Fixed an issue where the video stream was not encoded when encoding a file with Subtitle: none.
Add a number indicating the list number in front of the original file name displayed at the bottom of the Shana Encoder main UI.
Version Improvements
Fixed an issue where encoding was displayed as in progress even though the encoding operation was completed in some situations such as insufficient memory or errors.
When the Shana Encoder UI is displayed abnormally due to insufficient memory due to virtual memory settings, the Shana Encoder UI is displayed correctly when memory is freed.
Change the default decoder settings of VP9 codec to SW (FFmpeg) values.
When automatically setting the number of multi-encoding tasks, the number of tasks has been improved to determine not only the number of CPU threads but also the memory size. When the
automatic value is 0, the number of tasks = number of threads in the current system / 2 (if the value is 6 or more, 5 (limited to) and determine the maximum number of tasks based on the memory size below:
If the memory is [8GB] or less, the maximum number of tasks is [1]
If the memory is [16GB] or less, the maximum number of tasks is [2] If
the memory is [24GB] or less If the memory is less than [32GB], the maximum number of tasks is [3].
If the memory is less than [32GB], the maximum number of tasks is [4]
Version Improvements
Fixed an issue where the record of the encoded item was displayed twice when viewing the encoding history in the history view while encoding was in progress.
Improved to remove explicit limit on cache size and enable automatic cache cleanup
Added an option in the delete program to allow users to choose whether to delete the cache folder or not
Version improvements
Fixed the problem that the playback time of the output file is stored longer than the playback time of the original video when encoding with image subtitles such as PGS without using a fixed frame rate. This problem also occurs
in Shana Encoder or earlier versions For those who mainly encode image subtitles such as PGS, please use Shana Encoder or later.
From FFmpeg version 6.0, when the filter_complex parameter is used, the stream is automatically added. When the filter_complex parameter is used, the video stream of the output file is encoded in two.
An issue in Shana Encoder 6.0 and 6.0.1, when encoding a file with the same name when using multi encoding, it does not number or pass through and simultaneously encodes output files with the same name. If the file already exists during multi
encoding Improved to encode only one item in the process of encoding and pass the rest when using the overwrite setting
Fixed the problem of saving data to VirtualStore without opening with User Account Control (UAC) when there is no write permission for the setting file in some operating systems such as Windows 7
Improved WebView2's EBWebView folder management method
Added a function that automatically cleans cache data with a limit on the size that can be cached.
Saves the EBWebView folder to %LocalAppData%ShanaEncoder in the installed path or when running with administrator privileges, and saves the path as a portable Improved to save in a user-specific directory under the settngs folder when running from EBWebView folder
stored in %LocalAppData%ShanaEncoder when uninstalling through the Shana Encoder uninstaller
Improved to display in dark mode in web browsers that are visible in the encoding window when using dark mode
Version 6.0.1 improvements
Fixed HEVC_QSV encoding problem ( )
Fixed the problem that a video stream is added when encoding with image subtitles ( )
Improved to minimize only the encoding window ( )
Fixed the problem that an error occurs when encoding with chapter information ( )
library update
ShanaEncoder 6.0 Key Additional Features
Decoder selection function for each codec
Hardware accelerated playback function
Multi encoding function
High-speed file add-on
FFmpeg Shana 2023.08.08.190
amf 1.4.30
amr 0.1.6
ass (Shana) 0.17.1
avisynthplus 2023
expat 2.5.0
ffnvcodec 12.0.16
fontconfig 2.14.2
freetype 2.13.1
fribidi 1.0.13
harfbuzz 8.1.1
iconv 1.17
mfx 2023 (API 1.35)
openjpeg 2.5.0
opus 1.4
x264 0.164.3107 a8b68eb
x265 3.5+103-8f18e3ad3
zimg 3.0.5
MediaInfoLib 23.07
Added German, Russian and Spanish
Changed ShanaMediaInfo to support only Korean and English
Changed default values ​​of outline thickness and shadow depth from 1.0 to 2.5 in subtitle settings
Fixed an issue where the odd value was not treated as an even value in some situations when using the automatic proportional scaling function ( )
Fixed an issue where text in the encoding list was displayed in black when the main window was reduced when using dark mode
Fixed an issue where the screen becomes small when clicking on the loading screen when playing a video
In Windows 11, it is improved to use the encryption security protocol TLS 1.3 version when receiving the latest version and RSS feed information.
Improved so that the profile of the video codec appears in the input file information
Improved display of CFR in output file information when using a fixed frame rate
Improved the font color closing tag to work the same as the font closing tag ( )
Fixed the problem that the image was output at the wrong ratio or an error occurred when using the ratio or cropping because the rotation information of the video could not be found
library update
FFmpeg Shana 2022.02.02.187
Ogg 1.3.5
Vorbis 1.3.7
Vorbis(aoTuV) beta6.03 (2020)
Speex 1.2.0
FDK AAC 2.0.1
x264 0.164.3085 0bb85e8
Xvid 1.3.7
GSM 1.0 pl19
FreeType 2.11.1
Expat 2.4.4
libiconv 1.16
gperf 3.1
Fontconfig 2.13.96
FriBidi 1.0.11
HarfBuzz 3.3.1
libass(Shana) 0.15.2 r4
libbluray 1.3.0
TwoLAME 0.4.0
OpenJPEG 2.4.0
x265 3.5+20-17839cc0d
WebP 1.2.2
ffnvcodec 11.1.5
mfx 1.35.1
amf 1.4.23
z.lib 3.0.3
aom 3.2.0-473-g48b1b5d42
MediaInfoLib 21.09
Fixed the problem that the encoding speed of AAC audio codec was slow in Shana Encoder 5.3.0.x version
Corrected incorrect translations in Traditional Chinese language
Fixed an issue where the calculated value was not even when the image size was automatically used horizontally or vertically without changing the ratio.
FFmpeg Shana 2022.02.02.186
Ogg 1.3.5
Vorbis 1.3.7
Vorbis(aoTuV) beta6.03 (2020)
Speex 1.2.0
FDK AAC 2.0.2
x264 0.164.3085 0bb85e8
Xvid 1.3.7
GSM 1.0 pl19
FreeType 2.11.1
Expat 2.4.4
libiconv 1.16
gperf 3.1
Fontconfig 2.13.96
FriBidi 1.0.11
HarfBuzz 3.3.1
libass(Shana) 0.15.2 r4
libbluray 1.3.0
TwoLAME 0.4.0
OpenJPEG 2.4.0
x265 3.5+20-17839cc0d
WebP 1.2.2
ffnvcodec 11.1.5
mfx 1.35.1
amf 1.4.23
z.lib 3.0.3
aom 3.2.0-473-g48b1b5d42
MediaInfoLib 21.09
Add Dark Gray skin and dark mode
You can set it in the menu at the top of the main screen.
Additional quick crop mode
is available by pressing the button marked with a yellow square below on the section setting/cutting screen.
You can select Animated WebP to encode.
Added Pan & Scan function When
previewing and playing back original and output files, press the number pad to enlarge or reduce the image, and press the Ctrl key and the number pad to move the image to a desired location.
Numpad 5 is the default size and resizing toggle function, and the Ctrl key and number pad 5 is the function to move to the default center position.
Fixed the problem of □ appearing when using certain fonts.
Now, you can use the wansung (Korean complete encoding) font without having to convert it to UnicodeBMP.
To use H264 (NVENC) and HEVC (NVENC) video codecs, NVIDIA driver version 456.71 or higher must be installed.
When the source path and the output path are the same, instead of prefixing the name with [SHANA], Environment Settings -> Modify to use the setting if a file with the same name already exists
In merge mode, before merging files, CONCAT and PID are appended to the name of the temporarily encoded file.
When using merge mode, if a file with the same name already exists in the place to be merged, a number is added after the file name.
To use H264 (NVENC) and HEVC (NVENC) video codecs, NVIDIA driver version 456.71 or higher must be installed.
Modified to default HDR to SDR tone mapping option, which is an option that automatically tone maps original HDR images to SDR.
Modified all built-in presets to use the HDR to SDR tone mapping option
Fixed an issue where ShanaFFplay.exe process intermittently remained and ShanaEncoder hangs when exiting the screen during precise browsing
Fixed an issue that could not search for images with only an audio stream and no audio data when using Precise Search
Fixed the problem that version information and RSS information could not be retrieved by modifying Windows 7 to connect with TLS 1.2
Fixed an issue where the sharpness option was not available for images with an original bit depth of 10bit
Fixed AAC, AC3, MP2, MP3, OPUS, VORBIS audio codec delay handling issues
Fixed an issue where rotation metadata was not saved when a file without rotation metadata was randomly put in rotation metadata and the video codec was stream copied
Added Auto mode that automatically sets the original ratio (SAR) and output ratio (DAR) of the ratio change and modified to use it as the default
Select Auto mode and set it to original ratio (SAR) if cropping is enabled, set output ratio (DAR) to without cropping and set output ratio (DAR) if not, set to original ratio (SAR) if not. Improving
Image size Auto horizontal (-1 value) and vertical auto (-1 value) added, and if the automatically calculated value is odd, 1 is added to make it an even number
Improved to output the rotation angle next to the image size in the input file information if the original file has rotation metadata
Improved to automatically rotate and process images if rotation metadata is present, even if the user does not select a rotation filter
Modified to use the default HDR to SDR tone mapping option, which is an option that automatically tone maps original HDR images to SDR.
Modified all built-in presets to use the HDR to SDR tone mapping option
Fixed the issue where ShanaFFplay.exe process intermittently remained and ShanaEncoder hangs when exiting the screen during precise browsing
Fixed an issue that could not search for images with only an audio stream and no audio data when using Precise Search
Fixed the problem that version information and RSS information could not be retrieved by modifying Windows 7 to connect with TLS 1.2
Fixed an issue where the sharpness option was not available for images with an original bit depth of 10bit
Fixed AAC, AC3, MP2, MP3, OPUS, VORBIS audio codec delay handling issue
Fixed an issue where rotation metadata was not saved when a file without rotation metadata was randomly put in rotation metadata and the video codec was stream copied
Added Auto mode that automatically sets the original ratio (SAR) and output ratio (DAR) of the ratio change and modified to use it as the default
Select Auto mode and set it to original ratio (SAR) if cropping is enabled, set output ratio (DAR) to without cropping and set output ratio (DAR) if not, set to original ratio (SAR) if not. Improving
Image size Auto horizontal (-1 value) and vertical auto (-1 value) added, and if the automatically calculated value is odd, 1 is added to make it an even number
Improved to output the rotation angle next to the image size in the input file information if the original file has rotation metadata
Improved to automatically rotate and process images if rotation metadata is present, even if the user does not select a rotation filter
Modified to use the default HDR to SDR tone mapping option, which is an option that automatically tone maps original HDR images to SDR.
Modified all built-in presets to use the HDR to SDR tone mapping option
Fixed the issue where ShanaFFplay.exe process intermittently remained and ShanaEncoder hangs when exiting the screen during precise browsing
Fixed an issue that could not search for images with only an audio stream and no audio data when using Precise Search
Fixed the problem that version information and RSS information could not be retrieved by modifying Windows 7 to connect with TLS 1.2
Fixed an issue where the sharpness option was not available for images with an original bit depth of 10bit
Fixed AAC, AC3, MP2, MP3, OPUS, VORBIS audio codec delay handling issue
Fixed an issue where rotation metadata was not saved when a file without rotation metadata was randomly put in rotation metadata and the video codec was stream copied
Added AUTO mode that automatically sets the original ratio (SAR) and output ratio (DAR) of the ratio change and modified to use it as the default
Select AUTO mode and set it to original ratio (SAR) if cropping is used, set to ratio of original (SAR) if cropping is not used and output ratio (DAR) if there is output ratio (DAR) if not, set to ratio of original (SAR) if not. Improving
Image size Auto horizontal (-1 value) and vertical auto (-1 value) added, and if the automatically calculated value is odd, 1 is added to make it an even number
Improved to output the rotation angle next to the image size in the input file information if the original file has rotation metadata
Improved to automatically rotate and process images if rotation metadata is present, even if the user does not select a rotation filter
Fixed a mistranslated Traditional Chinese language.
Fixed a problem where the stereo channel could not be set when the HE-AACv2 profile of the AAC audio codec was selected while the original channel was selected.
Fixed an issue where the bitrate parameter was saved when selecting rawvideo.
Fixed an issue where the default size of the quick setting window was enlarged and the tab stop index was set incorrectly.
Added WebP format quality and compression options.
Added, removed parameters, and improved search algorithms.
A pitch change function was added when changing the speed.
Added pitch change function.
Fixed an issue where the selected color space information was not output when using multiple video streams.
Improved not to use the shanatonemap filter by automatically detecting images that have errors when tone mapping HDR to SDR.
I moved the folders with the language code name in the same location as the Shana Encoder executable file into the languages ​​folder.
Fixed an issue where the keyword was displayed incorrectly in Internet Explorer when searching with a keyword containing Unicode characters when using the Shana Encoder search function.
If a file with the same name already exists, when overwriting is performed, if encoding starts without the original file, the output file that already exists is not deleted (related article: )
Corrected incorrect translation in Traditional Chinese language (related article: )
Add AC3, EAC3 audio codec in MP4 file format and EAC3 audio codec in MKV, MATROSKA file format (related article: )
Fixed a problem that encoding could not proceed when the de-interlace setting and real-time encoding setting are used together (related article: )
Fixed a problem that the frame moves forward by pressing the shortcut key c to move the frame backward when the ShanaFFplay preview is full screened and the lower status bar is displayed. R3
Fix incorrect translations in Brazilian Portuguese language R2
Traditional Chinese language incorrectly translated in part modified (Related articles: )
Fix incorrect translations in Brazilian Portuguese language
Fixed a problem such as some characters appearing cut off in HiDPI or the position is changed
Improved display of RSS feed information at the bottom of Shane Encoder (If you mouse over it, you will have time to write it)
Improved to output RSS feed information by language
H264(libx264) video codec high422, high444 profile added
H264(QSV) video codec unknown profile, added 52(5.2) level
HEVC(QSV) video codec unknown, main10 profile added
AMF, QSV video codec quantizer renamed to Quality
Fixed a problem that cpu-used was continuously added to the encoding input box when starting encoding after selecting the video codec as VP8 or VP9 codec as an error from Shane Encoder version 4.8. Users click the default button in the multi-threaded setting window Related article: )
H264 (NVENC), HEVC (NVENC) video codec, the default quality is changed to 24
Fixed an issue where the HDR to SDR Tonemap option was not translated in Japanese language.
Level 5.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 added in advanced settings of H264 video codec
Addition of instructions when setting 2-pass in MPEG1, MPEG2, Flash Video video codec and removing 2-pass check box in XVID(CORE) video codec
Improved file addition speed by improving stream information to obtain detailed stream information without decoding up to 129 frames
Fixed an issue where the Brazilian Portuguese language did not use the string representation of the fixed culture, so the selection function could not be used with an optimized font.
Added Yu Gothic UI font with Japanese language optimized font
Changed the default size of Shane Encoder to 820 horizontally and 520 vertically at initial execution.
Fixed a problem that the preset tree view was not adjusted according to the DPI during initial execution
Changed the minimum horizontal size of Shane Encoder to 820 when the preset tree view is visible.
Shane Encoder Preset Tree View Resize Fix so that if the search box is not visible when double-clicking the splitter, it will not be adjusted.
Fixed an issue where the default preset of H264 (NVENC), HEVC (NVENC) video codec was set to default instead of p4
Fixed an issue where the Microsoft JhengHei font could not be selected as an optimized font in Traditional Chinese Windows.
x264 0.161.3015 4c2aafd
x265 3.4+12-geff904199
aom 2.0.0
Added/changed shortcuts in ShanaFFplay (preview, file play, output file play).
-Added function to move frame backward and'c' shortcut key to move frame backward
-Added'/' shortcut to simultaneously change video, audio and subtitle streams
-Added'-, ='shortcut to navigate chapters
-Added'v' shortcut to move frame forward
-Changed the shortcut key for selecting a video channel to'i'
At the beginning of the encoding record, the Shana Encoder version, FFmpeg version, and graphics card name are displayed.
By allowing you to select whether to use key frame navigation in the preferences, you can use the navigation function prior to Shana Encoder 5.0.
When setting the start time and end time in section setting, we have added a function to move to the corresponding location.
In the time stamp list located at the bottom right of the section setting, a function to move to the time stamp has been added.
Added a function to copy the pts value to the clipboard when you press the time stamp in the time stamp list located at the bottom right of the section setting.
In section setting, when you press the'c' key on the keyboard, the function to move the frame backward and the',' button to move the frame backward have been added.
Added '3-Auto-variance AQ with bias to dark scenes' value in the aq-mode setting in the x264 advanced setting window.
Original and 7.1 channels have been added in the audio channel settings in the quick setting window.
dvb_subtitle, xsub subtitle encoding is supported.
These are the problems that occurred in the previous version fixed in the 5.1 version of Shana Encoder.
Fixed a problem that out of sync when encoding a delayed mp4 file after cropping a video in the iPhone default photo app.
Fixed an issue where an encoding error occurred when subtitle:none was used.
Fixed an issue where ShanaFFplay's minimization value could not be saved in the tray state.
When muxing an ass file in mkv format, if the delay value of the subtitle is 0, the opaque box effect is not applied.
When changing the profile, preset, tuning, and RC (quality, quantizer, bitrate) of the H264 (libx264) codec, the x264 advanced settings have been modified.
Fixed a problem in which the ratio of the original size was applied even when cropping the image after checking the image size change in the quick setting and selecting the ratio change to not use, setting the size to -1x-1, and cropping the image.
Fixed an encoding error in videos with dvb_subtitle and xsub subtitle streams.
Fixed a problem where 0:2 and 0:20 were selected together in the subtitle selection.
Fixed a problem where UTF-8 characters such as Korean characters appear broken in the record view.
Fixed an issue where characters beginning with << were not displayed in ShanaSubtitle.
Fixed an issue that caused an encoding error because the file name could not be set in Add Address.
Too many packets buffered for output stream error was fixed.
Fixed an issue that caused the analysisuration and probesize errors.
Between February 2020 and changed all the files to the SHA-256 code signing certificate based on the discontinued Microsoft SHA-1 code signing certificate support.
[Currently signed root certificate is installed separately into the private (Private) code signing certificate is required.]
Code was changed to sign the root certificate Shana RootCA (SRCA) in the certificate as Shana Private Root Certificate Authority (SPRCA) certificate.
[Although not required, because the root certificate for the private code (Private) signed certificate must be installed separately, SPRCA certificate installation Please refer to.]
To make it look full installer for the DPI top header top header image has changed the installer image with the base image.
And 2.0.1 the FDK AAC audio codec has been updated to version changes the codec library version 1.2.
Changes in the installation program to download the plug-in NSISdl INetC was improved codec library download failure symptoms in some circumstances have improved to download the HTTPS security protocol.
When you open the Quick Settings dialog box has improved the symptoms all the combo box is displayed in blue and disappear.
If the letter M is input to the bit rate, the combo box has been improved so that put a k at the end.
The bit rate combo box has been improved to allow you to enter an uppercase M.
If the bit rate setting in AMRNB, AMRWB, GSM audio codec was correct the problem, set up a 128k bit rate has been improved so that you can store does not set the bit rate.
Per-Monitor DPI-Aware Application version version, and the user only from, quick combos to get the input value of the user in the settings box (file format, video bit rate, frame rate changes, the size and landscape If vertical, rate changes, the audio bit rate, sample rate change), the user inputs a value to correct the problem were visible changes to the value registered in the combo box.
[For example, open the Type 1 and fast re-set the video bit rate, inde actual stored value is 1 Fixed a problem that appears to 100.]
Check the frame rate is changed, Fixed a problem that appears is the name of the parameter, if the value is empty.
Check the video bit rate automatically set depending on the file size and Fixed problem appears if the name of the value is empty parameter.
If the '(apostrophe) in the name of the file or folder from the merge mode Fixed a problem that can not be joined.
In the merge mode it has been improved to support Unicode paths.
If an error occurs in a merge mode it has been improved to display a list of all who try to conform to an error.
The preset minimum panel size to 96dpi criteria was changed to 25 pixels.
Depending on the DPI was enhanced to adjust the font of the title bar.
only when you check the deinterlace while not using yadif deinterlace filter has been changed to use the yadif deinterlace filter to the top.
Fig was changed so how to use the de-interlace filter yadif next with fieldmatch filter when the inverse telecine (IVTC).]
GSM, AMRNB, AMRWB audio codec, but has been changed to use the sample rate required.
[Note: AC3, please VORBIS, AAC (HE-AAC) audio codec, sample rate, or the encoding can cause the sample rate related to encoding error has occurred and list the error try again encoded by changing the sample rate.]
Quick Setup -> Other Settings tab has been added to the caption style buttons and ASS / style built-in subtitle enforcement checkbox.
[The matroska, mkv file format (using forced styled) ASS, SSA (Force-style application), you can also apply subtitle style Closed Caption by SMI, copy the video stream if the SRT subtitle files.]
Closed Caption Changed to disable the built-in subtitle rendering capabilities when used with the fonts contained in the file.
If the font end tag * SMI during processing in the subtitle file, or a stack error has been enhanced to display the first color of the font style.
* When you cause the subtitles embedded in the video file to the video Fixed a problem that can not cause the subtitles if the '(apostrophe) in the video file path to the image.
Fixed a bug where links to license content disappeared from program information when DPI changes.
* In merge mode, if there is no output file or the output file is 0 bytes in size, the status is changed to error and the temporary files created to merge have been deleted.
* In the merge mode, if an error occurred during encoding, the temporary file created for merging was not deleted.
* When matroska was selected as the file format in the merge mode, the file format was not recognized and the file was not output.
* Quickly re-added ipod and mpegts file types, which were removed from Shana Encoder 2.3.
Encoder version 5.0
Previously, the Shana Encoder made with .NET Framework 2.0 version and the Shina Encoder made with .NET Framework 4.0 version were installed separately according to the installed .NET Framework version. For Windows 7 users, the installer checks the .NET Framework version, and if the .NET Framework 4.5 or higher is not installed, the .NET Framework 4.5 is automatically installed by the installer.From Windows 8, the .NET Framework is installed in the operating system. The installer does not install .NET Framework 4.5 because version 4.5 is installed.
Change name
Renamed hardware accelerated decoding to hardware decoding.
Renamed merge mode to merge mode.
Video / Audio Stream Selection has been renamed to Video / Audio Stream Selection.
Change logo
Changed the font of the logo to Sharing Square Round.
Codec Update
1. Updated ffmpeg-shana-2019.12.16.151 (FFmpeg 4.3-dev version).
2. Updated ffnvcodec 9.1.23.
Add features
1. Added "Vectorscope, Waveform Monitor, Waveform, Envelope Waveform, Histogram and Waveform, Vectorscope, and Waveform" function in previewing and playing back file.
2. Added record view shortcut. (Shortcut: F5)
3. Title bar text margin setting function has been added.
4. Added Simplified Chinese language to Shana Media Info.
5. We have added a shortcut to show or hide the preset panel on the right side of the main window. (Shortcut: F4)
6. Added the ability to delay the audio.
7. Added a function to support dvd_subtitle subtitles and hdmv_pgs_subtitle subtitles in video files.
8. Added support for DVD subtitle file IDX, SUB file and Blu-ray subtitle file SUP file.
9. Added a function to render the built-in subtitles in the font embedded in the file. (There is some latency depending on the file when encoding and previewing.)
10. Added the function of selecting fonts with optimized fonts so that the fonts of the program can be selected as optimized fonts. (Sharing Square Round Regular, Sharing Gothic, Sharing Gothic, Goyang Ilsan R fonts can be selected, and 9.75pt (10) and 11.25pt (11) can be selected respectively.)
Feature enhancements
1. It supports the Per-Monitor DPI-Aware mode, which is a high DPI recognition mode, so that the scale of the Shana Encoder can be changed even when the scale is changed or the monitor is moved to another monitor.
2. Improved the bitrate graph to be filled with sky blue when in progress.
3. The installer has been improved to apply high DPI.
4. It has been improved to use the TLS v1.2 version of the encryption security protocol when checking the latest version and print the latest article below.
5. Improved the font settings of Shana Encoder to be applied to Shana Media Info.
6. The filter setting window can be resized.
7. The resizable window (filter setting, record view, section setting / cutting, program information) has been improved to remember the location of the window while the Shana Encoder is running.
8. Shana Media Info 32 bit and 64 bit versions have been integrated to run on Linux. 64 bit Windows users can only run 64 bit Shana Media Info.
9. Starting with Shana Encoder 5.0, the install and uninstall program has been improved to allow you to select whether to delete program groups or shortcuts.
10. Starting with Shana Encoder 5.0, the program has been improved so that it can be installed with the path deleted after installation.
11. Improved to open files with more than 260 characters. (Windows 10 1607 Redstone 1 and later users can add files and folders, and users of versions earlier than Windows 7 can add files. However, drag and drop may not add files longer than 260 characters. Please use add file or rename folders and files.)
12. Improved loading message when preview is required.
13. Changed the default font size to 9.75pt (10) so that the characters can be seen larger.
14. If you do not have Consolas font, which is the font used to output the playback information at the bottom of section setting / cutting and preview, the D2Coding font can be replaced.
15. Fixed flickering when resizing the window.
16. The Shana Encoder removal program has been digitally signed to improve the removal program.
17. Improved the Internet browser to open when you click the Internet address in the license information in the program information.
Bug fixes
1. Fixed the problem that the remaining time is not displayed when the speed exceeds 1000 times.
2. Fixed the problem of adding a file by clicking Cancel or Close when adding a file by adding a folder.
3. Fixed the problem that can not be added if there is a space before and after adding an address.
4. Fixed the problem where the Shana Encoder does not exit and goes to the tray when using the tray mode and pressing the File menu on the Shana Encoder main screen or pressing the right button to exit.
5. Fixed an issue where the operating system with a comma (,) instead of a dot (.) In the decimal point could not be encoded.
6. Fixed a problem where the backslash and comma in the filter settings separated by different filters.
7. Fixed the problem that logo and closed caption cannot be used at the same time.
8. Fixed the issue that if the folder name has an extension, there is no subtitle.
9. Fixed the problem of subtitles appearing in subtitles when there is a subtitle time in the SRT subtitle file but there is no subtitle content.
10. Fixed the problem that (tv) appears as (t) in video information.
11. Fixed the problem that the scroll bar is not displayed or changed when the file list icon display function is turned off and reset.
12. Fixed an issue where changing the combo box with the mouse wheel while the video codec and audio codec were opened in the encoding settings would change the list and not apply the value.
13. Fixed the problem that desktop shortcut icon appears small after installation.
1. Started the ShanaMediaInfo HiDPI support.
2. Improved the ShanaEncoder HiDPI processing.
3. Added Hot Pink skin preset.
4. Added 'minimize, maximize, start' buttons hover brightness option.
5. Added 'apply skin to start button' skin option.
6. Fixed black background flickering when resizing window in preview.
7. Fixed an issue where estimated size would be incorrectly calculated if there was a dot(.) In the audio bitrate.
1. Supports HiDPI of UI starting with ShanaEncoder 4.10.
2. You can set the font and fontsize of ShanaEncoder UI text.
3. Added the subtitle "Alternative font" setting.
4. Added the function to sort by column in the file list.
5. Added the function to save the width of the preset panel.
6. Added "Open settings and preset menu" button.
7. Fixed the problem where the logo setting is not saved when saving a preset with a new name.
8. Fixed the encoding speed to display more than two decimal places so that the remaining time is displayed in more detail.
9. Changed the color of the "Start" button to the skin color.
[Improved ShanaEncoder]
1. Starts Simplified Chinese support and enable you to select Simplified Chinese from the ShanaEncoder and Installer.
2. Fixed issue where HDR to SDR ToneMap option appears in Copy, None mode.
3. Changed the font of the logo to Goyang.
[Improved ShanaEncoder]
1. Starts Simplified Chinese support and enable you to select Simplified Chinese from the ShanaEncoder and Installer.
2. Fixed issue where HDR to SDR ToneMap option appears in Copy, None mode.
3. Changed the font of the logo to Goyang.
[Added External Library]
1. Added the dav1d 0.5.0
2. Added the gmp 6.1.2
3. Added the gnutls 3.6.10
4. Added the libaom 1.0.0
5. Added the libvidstab 1.1
6. Added the libxml2 2.9.9
7. Added the nettle 3.5.1
8. Added the zimg 2.9.2
[External Library Update]
1. Updated the FFmpeg 4.2.1
2. Updated the MediaInfoLib 19.09
3. Updated the fribidi 1.0.7
4. Updated the libass 0.14.0
5. Updated the ffnvcodec
[Added ShanaEncoder Feature]
1. Added the URL and Folder add function.
2. Added the libspeex(SPEEX) codec in ogg file format.
3. Added the libaom-av1(AV1) codec in avi, mp4, mkv, webm file format.
4. Added the HDR to SDR tone mapping function.
5. Added the HDR, pixel format and color space information of input file.
[Fixed ShanaEncoder Feature]
1. Fixed the problem that the Src folder is selected in Concatenate mode.
2. Fixed the problem that the estimated size does not appear when selecting the PCM codec.
3. Fixed the problem that the estimated size is incorrectly calculated when k is not typed or M is typed when inputting bitrate.
4. Improved to use only fonts installed on the system as substitute fonts.
List of international substitute fonts used by ShanaEncoder: Segoe UI, Malgun Gothic, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft JhengHei, Yu Gothic, Meiryo UI, Leelawadee UI, Leelawadee, Ebrima, Nirmala UI, Gadugi
5. Fixed the problem that some TTC font display issues.
After finishing encoding, you can select whether to save power, shut down the system, exit the program, set the ring tone, and save it.
16. Improved to save power save, shutdown, program exit, ringtone notification settings after encoding completion
17. Fixed the problem that when you check the record view, you can not hear the ringing tone after closing the history view window
Fixed issue with x264 tuning option part.
When the system auto shutdown is enabled, the setting saving criteria is changed.
The H264 and hardware HEVC encoding for AMD users will be added in version.
You have AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 19.7.1 or later installed.
Note: To use NVENC, NVIDIA graphics driver version 390.77 or later must be installed.
* Improved segment settings for the input MPEGTS file format
* Added Direct3D 11, NVDEC, QSV(Hardware Accelerated Decoding)
* Added H264(QSV), HEVC(QSV)(Hardware Accelerated Encoding)
* Fixed the bug
Note: To use NVENC, NVIDIA graphics driver version 390.77 or later must be installed.
* Updated the FFmpeg, x264, x265, vorbis
* Improved srt subtitle handling
* Improved Quick settings UI
Note: To use NVENC, NVIDIA graphics driver version 378.66 or later must be installed.
* Updated the FFmpeg, x264, x265, openjpeg, freetype, vpx, opus
* Fixed a problem the settings does not applied when the combo box was adjusted with the mouse wheel in Quick settings
* Fixed a problem the fps is not output in ShanaFFplay when the PC is on for 24.9 days
* Added the mp3 audio codec to mov, mp4 file format
* Fixed the VP8 codec speed issue
* Updated the x264
* Updated the x265
* Fixed bugs
* Improved segment settings UI
* Improved stream copy mode
* Added playback frame rate display function in the ShanaFFplay
* Set the first stream as default when selecting multiple streams
* Improved srt subtitle handling
* Fixed bugs
* Improved segment settings UI
* Improved stream copy mode
* Added playback frame rate display function in the ShanaFFplay
* Set the first stream as default when selecting multiple streams
* Improved srt subtitle handling
* Fixed bugs
* Added MKV closed caption
* Improved a subtitle font selection
* Fixed the bug
* Fixed the memory issues in ShanaFFplay
* News feed is displayed the selected language
* Added MKV closed caption
* Improved a subtitle font selection
* Fixed the bug
* Added concatenate function
* Fixed the bug
* Updated the x264
* Updated the x265
* Updated the ShanaFFplay
* Updated the FFmpeg
* Updated the x264
* Updated the x265
* Updated the ShanaFFplay
* Updated the ShanaEncoder UI
* Updated the FFmpeg
* Updated the x264
* Updated the x265
* Updated the ShanaFFplay
* Updated the ShanaEncoder UI
* Updated to the FFmpeg v3.2.2
* Updated to the x264 0.148.2744 b97ae06
* Updated to the x265 2.1+70-78e1e1354a25
* Updated to the aotuv-b6.03_20110424-20150808
* Updated to the fdk-aac 0.1.4
* Updated to the libass 0.13.4
* Updated to the MediaInfo v0.7.91
* Added cfr encoding option
* Added HEVC 10bit encoder
* Added NVENC(H264/HEVC) encoder
* Added DXVA2(Hardware Accelerated Decoding)
* Added sleep option
* Removed libfaac encoder
* Updated to the FFmpeg v3.2.2
* Updated to the x264 0.148.2744 b97ae06
* Updated to the x265 2.1+70-78e1e1354a25
* Updated to the aotuv-b6.03_20110424-20150808
* Updated to the fdk-aac 0.1.4
* Updated to the libass 0.13.4
* Updated to the MediaInfo v0.7.91
* Added cfr encoding option
* Added HEVC 10bit encoder
* Added NVENC(H264/HEVC) encoder
* Added DXVA2(Hardware Accelerated Decoding)
* Added sleep option
* Removed libfaac encoder
* Updated to the MediaInfo v0.7.87
* Updated to the FFmpeg v3.1.1
* Updated to the x265 1.9+229-a932b4366235(HEVC)
* Updated to the x264 core 148 r2705 3f5ed56(H264)
* Added the SRT, SUB subtitle encoding
* Updated the ShanaEncoder UI
* Updated the ShanaFFplay
* Fixed the bug (v3.3)
* Added the SRT, SUB subtitle encoding
* Updated the ShanaEncoder UI
* Updated the ShanaFFplay
Updated FFmpeg
Updated FFmpeg
Updated FFmpeg
Updated x264 encoder
Updated HEVC encoder
Updated ShanaFFplay(SDL2.0 + OpenGL)
*Notification: mp=eq2 filter is changed to eq filter.
Updated FFmpeg
Updated x264 encoder
Updated HEVC encoder
Fixed x264 2-pass issue(speed slow problem of first pass)
Updated the FFmpeg, x264 encoder, HEVC encoder
Updated the HEVC encoder version 1.3+733-ce304756a6e4
Updated the MediaInfo v0.7.70
Fixed the encoder bug
Added the opencl acceleration
Change the default AAC encoder
Updated the x264(H264) encoder
Updated the HEVC encoder
Fixed the encoder status notice bug
Please update to ShanaEncoder 2.4 or higher
This version is fixed the A/V delay problem(Delay relative to video)
Improved frame rate mode auto detection
v2.1 - Jan 28, 2014
Improve the logo overlay function.
Fixed the logo segment error.
v2.0 - Jan 25, 2014
Fixed the font selection function. (Using the system default font)
Added an ASS/Internal subtitle force style function.
Added a preferred language selection function.
Update to x264 core 140
Improve GUI.
Change build method to static. (Because of FALSE POSITIVE)
v1.17 - Dec 20, 2013
Added font select function.(without using fontconfig)
Added inner subtitle track select function.(MKV subtitle etc...)
Fixed a accuracy of segmentation.
v1.16 - Nov 22, 2013
Reduce the FFmpeg filesize.
v1.15.1 - Nov 22, 2013
Fix copy mode error, when use filter.
v1.15 - Nov 21, 2013
FFmpeg update to v2.1
You can resize the main window
ShanaEncoder replaces Kirara Encoder.
1. Fix Kirara bugs.
2. Patch FFmpeg stable version.
1. Fix FFplay memory shortage problem.
2. Fix Kirara bugs.
3. Update FFmpeg.
1. Language files updated.
2. Nero AAC stream bug fix.
3. Launcher update feature added.
If you using portable version, you use KiraraN2.exe or KiraraN4.exe.
1. Integrated 32-bit and 64-bit.
2. After Kirara 1.2, not need to install .NET Framework 2 on Windows 8.
3. Bug fix.
1. Improved auto-update feature.
2. Improved FFplay.
Audio processing improvements.
Bug fix.
3. Fix video eq2 filter.
4. HE-AACv2 is only support 2ch.(stereo)
5. Change Fontconfig cache and fonts folder. (Drv:KiraraFonts, Drv is Kirara executed drive.)
6. Change x264 Fast Decode and Zero Latency option.(Multiple select OK)
7. Update FFmpeg.
8. Modified French language file.
1. Change FFmpeg decoding thread method.
Win32Thread -> PThread
2. Change encoding thread method.
VPX, XVID codec(PThread)
x264 codec(Win32Thread)
3. Compile GCC to the latest version.
4. Audio filter preview support.
5. Delete equalizer caution message.
6. Note: MPlayer wrapper Video EQ Filter strange.
7. FFmpeg auto-update feature added.
8. x264 settings error fix(Number of Frames for Lookahead fix)
9. x264 tune select feature added(Still Image and Zero Latency)
10. French language support.
1. Bottom error fixed.
Unable to parse option value "0,714285714285714"
Error occurs that use a comma(,) as the decimal symbol in Windows.
2. German language support.
3. Fontconfig change.(Add a Windows font cache)