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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for RitzDVB SETUP - List of new features
* This is the first version in which RitzDVB comes with an Installer.
The Installer can also used to update your current RitzDVB version.
For new ASTRA users there is a full preconfigured ASTRA-Package as a choosable Type in the installer.
Included in the new installer are
- languages: german, bosnian, croatian, czech, dutch, french, italian, polish, portuguese, spanish, turkish
- transponderfiles: astra, hotbird, hispasat, thor (for more see
- channellogos: astra and hotbird (for more see
- plugins: avbroadcaster, dvbepg, mdteletext
- configfiles for remoting: via girder or pinnacle tool
- some graphs by default now included.
(but as pointed lot of times: such ready graps can or cannot work on your personal machine. So best is still to build graphs yourself as told here: )
* using RitzDVB as DVB-Server to control the dvb-card, or as DVB-Client to control the dvb-Server from other places in your lan.
for such configurations you can use now the extern Firebird Databaseserver which is available for free.
A full description and step by step guide about RitzDVB in network you'll find in the manual. See chaper Network Install for the english speakers, or the chapter Netzwerk Installation for the german ones.
* new Option "msec to reload Graph after channelswitch (Softmode)"
(this can handle some issues with the codecs as eg wrong aspect ratio with the ffdshow.)
* new Option "use AC3 if audio PID set as AUTO"
(this is for users who ever wants the ac3 pid as the prefered active pid without doing any other configuration)
* new Option "Switch to channel# after start"
(this is for users who wants a fix channel which RitzDVB tunes by restart)
* enhanced the "reindexing channelnumber by sid" function by adding an new offset dialog.
(now the sid reindex function will check for multiple satellites and opens a dialog where you can input some offsets for the channelnumbers per satellite. so you can prevent doubled channelnumbers when you reindex channels of multiple satelliteproviders which use the same sids)
* SimpleMode now store its size
* Info in bottom Statusbar if AC3 s active
* new Dateformat ";hh:nn" for the extern executables
* german Language updated UPDATE - List of new features
* graphical freshup of all Toolbars
* freshups trough all windows
* redesign of Desktop-EPG and Channeleditor
* under Layout: added some predifined common global Styles (NativeXP,Standard,Office11,Flat,Ultraflat)
* under Layout: enhanced the settings of the SimpleMode - Visible Items (now SimpleMode can also hide the Main-Menu!)
* this is a very small new feature in which you can set markers on channels. These bookmarked channels you can list, or switch in a loop, or delete.
- "Mark Channel" with a bookmark you can do
via the RightClickMenu in channelTree
or via the OSD-Submenu F3 (or the yellow button on the Soft-Remote)
or via the full button ( F8 ) within the "OSD-Channellist", "OSD-WhatsNowAllChannels", "OSD-WhatsNextAllChannels", or the "OSD-EPGRanges" in the channel-lines
- "Clear all bookmarks" you can do via RightClickMenu in Channeltree, or via the OSD Submenu ("yellow"-key on remote or ALT+F3)
- "Show OSD-List of bookmarked channels" you'll find in the Submenu-OSD
- "Switch to next Bookmarked Channel" you can reach fast via the "full"-key on remote or F8
- "Delete all bookmarked channels" you'll find in the RightClickMenu in Channeltre (be carfull with this function)
* new: "Timers for channelswitches"
now you can add Timers without Recording. For these Timers with Type "Ch.Switch" you just have to input the Begin of the switching.
from this also the SendMsgToRitz commandline Param "TIMER:" was enhanced by the type of Timer (0=RecordTimer, 1=SwitchTimer)
* input/edit mask of Timers via Desktop & OSD updated
* fixed Problem with weekly recurrence (see )
* new SendMsgToRitz commandline Param "TIMERDEL:"
this param can be used from extern applications to drop a timer from RitzDVBs internal Scheduler. The params are the same as for the "TIMER:" param (already documented in the SendMsgToRitz manual)
ScanCorrection Data:
* In the channeleditor you'll find a new register "ScanCorr. Data".
There you can input Name of Channels which are used to override the incoming ScanData during a Scan. The identifiers are SOURCEID,SID,NID. as Sample for Astra: "0192";"208";"133";"My Channelname";"My Providername". So when you scan the satellite 0192, and the incomming channel SID&NID fits to one of the CorrectionTable, RitzDVB will take these names from the table instead of data which comes from sky.
With this method you can correct channels which comes from sky with blanc or wrong channelnames. You can input this manual, or you can copy records from the channels tab into this ScanCorr.Table.
* New Firebird Server version 2.0 included which offers better performance.
For best results I recomend to make a full DB backup&restore after you updated your RitzDVB. This feature you can reach inside RitzDVB via menu Database->Compact
* the full Scan-Process now provides more info during the scan
* Support of the dvbcore included device settings dialog. such as eg SoftScaling for the SS1 device.
(SS1/Nexus SoftScaling sometimes can fix the OverlayOutput problems with a Nexus on some newer pc-hardware in hw-mode.)
Minimize to Tray
now by minimizing RitzDVB will go to tray by default. A encanced RightClick PopUpMenu at the SysTray Icon is available there.
To set the minimize handling back as it was in older versions you can deactivate the SysTray minimizing under the RitzDVB options.
* Outsourced the list of HW-OSD Replacing Characters into the settings.ini So you can define there yourself what character should be replaced with. (see )
* New: Croatian Language
* New: Dutch Language
* Upd: German Language
* Upd: Polish Language
RitzDVB FullPackage - List of new features
Full Firebird migration:
* new: A second Database MAIN.fdb was added which now includes Channel list, Favourites, Timers,..
The old formatted files channels.dat and FAV.dat, which you'll still find in db folder too, are now just mirrored files. These mirrored files in the db folder are automatically generated files from the Main-Database and are used for fallback if someone drops the main-database.
If you have some old formatted RitzDVB dat-files that you want to migrate into RitzDVB_0.8 you have to copy these files into the new "dbimport" folder. Only dat-files located in this folder will be imported and migrated into the new RitzDVB database format by next restart of RitzDVB.
* new: Completely new redesigned Channel list in Main window and EPG
* new: Free grouping, ordering, filtering, sorting, layout style of the Channel Tree
* new: Completely new redesigned Channel editor
* new: Channel logos can now easily assigned/imported/updated inside the Channel editor
* new: The new Grouping feature allows for simple deleting of whole Channel-Groups (e.g. group by a column of your choice, then select a group and press delete to remove all channels associated to the group
* new: The Channel type (TV, radio, data, TV crypt, radio crypt) is now a new column that can also be used as grouping criteria
* new: capability to create self-written filter-criteria
* new: ...and tons of additional new features you will simply find, by playing with the new Channel editor… Wink
Language editor:
* new: Completely new & redesigned Language Editor
* new: New: Support of recurring (repeated) timers
also the SendMsgToRitz param TIMER: was enhanced to include recurring data (see manual of SendMsgToRitz in folder help)
Customizable Grids:
* new: under Options->Layout you can customize Layout of Editors, Channel list, and EPG to your own wishes. Don’t forget to save the Layouts as a file if you want a static change after the next restart.
* new: in the Channel list of the Main window and the EPG window you can create your own groupings, sorting, hiding of columns, and ordering of columns to your own wishes in the Tree of Channels. Don’t forget to save the Channel list settings for a static change(with right Click Menu). Please take care that the grouping & the sorting criteria are not saved in the predefined fixed Groups. Only in the "Custom Grouping" option will it save your personal group & sort criteria’s.
* new: Quick info EPG grabs data as first from database to increase time of request
* new: Record File is now in shared status. means it can be played by e.g. VLC Player during recording.
* new: PID recorder
* new: recurring timers can also be created via SendMsgToRitz (see manual in helpSendMsgToRitz)
* DROPPED: Due the enhanced features of the new Channeleditor inside RitzDVB there is no longer a need for the external tool LogoFilemaker. Channel logos can now be assigned easier in the RitzDVB Channeleditor.
RitzDVB FullPackage - List of new features
* New Folder AddOns which include now the most recent AddOns
For easy browsing and extracting you can use the new "AddOn-Wizard"
* XPTheme now supported for XP Look&Feel on WindowsXP
* customizable Ritz-Themes (graphics) for the bitmaps in Toolbar, Playerbar, ChannelTreeView,Statusbar.
* Most all parts of ScanModule rewritten.
* ScanModule renamed in "Scan/Channelpool" to better clarify RitzDVB's Channelconcept.
* New: Doubleclick to a channel from channelpool now tunes channel for preview.So easier decision if its worth to add to list
* New: Adding a Channel from Pool to your List now do set its FavoritID to 0 (zero).
So easier to find fresh added channels in channeleditor, and no more confusing of showing no channellist if one have set view to Favorit-grouping
* New: Channels from pool now show the # of its linked entry in channellist
* Rewritten Function "Add sel.channels to list"
now check if channel is already linked into channellist.
in this case it modifies otherwise it adds a new link.
* Rewritten Function "Add all channels to list"
now also check if channel is already linked into channellist.
from this feature now no more need to delete the channellist first
* New Function "Remove sel.channels from list"
This will remove the linked channelentries of a selected group
* New Function "Remove all channels from list"
This will remove all the linked channelentries of selected satellite
* New: Rescan now only replace channelname if the new one is not blanced
* changed: NetInfo now ignore doubles and sort the list.
For the NetInfo I recommend to tune first to a channel with strong signal. NetInfo only gets TP which provider do broadcast in a seperate table, this is not allways the current state. It depends from satellite how uptodate this list is.
* New: Checkbox "Check ECM" in Scanmodul.
By a scan this will set the "scrambled Flag" for a channel with ECM-values in it
* support of starting RitzDVB via SendMsgToRitz
* New: Hide of the fixed Toolbarbuttons as registry keys
AddOn-Buttons can disabled under Options->AddOns
* New: Function "Control Lock" to lock controling Keys and the remote. The only remoting type which is not blocked is via SendMessage from SendMsgToRitz or other programs which support Send Messages to RitzDVB.
Enable/Disable of the ControlLock via DblClick in StatusBar-Icon or menu remote
* New: SwepOut of old EPG Entries now by startup
so no more locks after first ch.switch
* New: configurable TimeOffset for Timers created from EPG (under Options->EPG)
* Changed: For OSD playing files in SoftMode File-Filter enhanced into *.*
so you can select now also avi,divx,ts,... via Remote in OSD-Playlist when Softmode (via grah) is active.
* New: Some special-character replacements for spanish accents in Nexus-HW-OSD
* New: Multiselect in channeleditor for dropping channels or moving to another Favorite
ChannelTree rightClick Menu
* New: Remove all Channels from a Favorite (only accour on a FavoriteFolder)
* New: Move to Favorite (only accour on a channel)
* New: Remove Channel (only accour on a channel)
NEW: AddOn-Wizard
* For easy browsing and extracting AddOns
* Also you can use to build AddOns yourself
* XPTheme supporting
* now SendMsgToRitz with a param will start RitzDVB if its not started
(condition for this feature is that SMTR is located in same folder as RitzDVB)
* XPTheme supporting
* New:Logos can now saved in dvbepg-Format
* New: Function "Replace SATPOS" to replace all logos related to a specific SATPOS into another SATPOS
* New: Function "try autodetect logo by channelname". By channels.txt import from RitzDVB it search for the related bitmaps in folder logos which filenames fits to the channelnames.
* XPTheme supporting
* This is the first version in which RitzDVB comes with an Installer.
The Installer can also used to update your current RitzDVB version.
For new ASTRA users there is a full preconfigured ASTRA-Package as a choosable Type in the installer.
Included in the new installer are
- languages: german, bosnian, croatian, czech, dutch, french, italian, polish, portuguese, spanish, turkish
- transponderfiles: astra, hotbird, hispasat, thor (for more see
- channellogos: astra and hotbird (for more see
- plugins: avbroadcaster, dvbepg, mdteletext
- configfiles for remoting: via girder or pinnacle tool
- some graphs by default now included.
(but as pointed lot of times: such ready graps can or cannot work on your personal machine. So best is still to build graphs yourself as told here: )
* using RitzDVB as DVB-Server to control the dvb-card, or as DVB-Client to control the dvb-Server from other places in your lan.
for such configurations you can use now the extern Firebird Databaseserver which is available for free.
A full description and step by step guide about RitzDVB in network you'll find in the manual. See chaper Network Install for the english speakers, or the chapter Netzwerk Installation for the german ones.
* new Option "msec to reload Graph after channelswitch (Softmode)"
(this can handle some issues with the codecs as eg wrong aspect ratio with the ffdshow.)
* new Option "use AC3 if audio PID set as AUTO"
(this is for users who ever wants the ac3 pid as the prefered active pid without doing any other configuration)
* new Option "Switch to channel# after start"
(this is for users who wants a fix channel which RitzDVB tunes by restart)
* enhanced the "reindexing channelnumber by sid" function by adding an new offset dialog.
(now the sid reindex function will check for multiple satellites and opens a dialog where you can input some offsets for the channelnumbers per satellite. so you can prevent doubled channelnumbers when you reindex channels of multiple satelliteproviders which use the same sids)
* SimpleMode now store its size
* Info in bottom Statusbar if AC3 s active
* new Dateformat ";hh:nn" for the extern executables
* german Language updated UPDATE - List of new features
* graphical freshup of all Toolbars
* freshups trough all windows
* redesign of Desktop-EPG and Channeleditor
* under Layout: added some predifined common global Styles (NativeXP,Standard,Office11,Flat,Ultraflat)
* under Layout: enhanced the settings of the SimpleMode - Visible Items (now SimpleMode can also hide the Main-Menu!)
* this is a very small new feature in which you can set markers on channels. These bookmarked channels you can list, or switch in a loop, or delete.
- "Mark Channel" with a bookmark you can do
via the RightClickMenu in channelTree
or via the OSD-Submenu F3 (or the yellow button on the Soft-Remote)
or via the full button ( F8 ) within the "OSD-Channellist", "OSD-WhatsNowAllChannels", "OSD-WhatsNextAllChannels", or the "OSD-EPGRanges" in the channel-lines
- "Clear all bookmarks" you can do via RightClickMenu in Channeltree, or via the OSD Submenu ("yellow"-key on remote or ALT+F3)
- "Show OSD-List of bookmarked channels" you'll find in the Submenu-OSD
- "Switch to next Bookmarked Channel" you can reach fast via the "full"-key on remote or F8
- "Delete all bookmarked channels" you'll find in the RightClickMenu in Channeltre (be carfull with this function)
* new: "Timers for channelswitches"
now you can add Timers without Recording. For these Timers with Type "Ch.Switch" you just have to input the Begin of the switching.
from this also the SendMsgToRitz commandline Param "TIMER:" was enhanced by the type of Timer (0=RecordTimer, 1=SwitchTimer)
* input/edit mask of Timers via Desktop & OSD updated
* fixed Problem with weekly recurrence (see )
* new SendMsgToRitz commandline Param "TIMERDEL:"
this param can be used from extern applications to drop a timer from RitzDVBs internal Scheduler. The params are the same as for the "TIMER:" param (already documented in the SendMsgToRitz manual)
ScanCorrection Data:
* In the channeleditor you'll find a new register "ScanCorr. Data".
There you can input Name of Channels which are used to override the incoming ScanData during a Scan. The identifiers are SOURCEID,SID,NID. as Sample for Astra: "0192";"208";"133";"My Channelname";"My Providername". So when you scan the satellite 0192, and the incomming channel SID&NID fits to one of the CorrectionTable, RitzDVB will take these names from the table instead of data which comes from sky.
With this method you can correct channels which comes from sky with blanc or wrong channelnames. You can input this manual, or you can copy records from the channels tab into this ScanCorr.Table.
* New Firebird Server version 2.0 included which offers better performance.
For best results I recomend to make a full DB backup&restore after you updated your RitzDVB. This feature you can reach inside RitzDVB via menu Database->Compact
* the full Scan-Process now provides more info during the scan
* Support of the dvbcore included device settings dialog. such as eg SoftScaling for the SS1 device.
(SS1/Nexus SoftScaling sometimes can fix the OverlayOutput problems with a Nexus on some newer pc-hardware in hw-mode.)
Minimize to Tray
now by minimizing RitzDVB will go to tray by default. A encanced RightClick PopUpMenu at the SysTray Icon is available there.
To set the minimize handling back as it was in older versions you can deactivate the SysTray minimizing under the RitzDVB options.
* Outsourced the list of HW-OSD Replacing Characters into the settings.ini So you can define there yourself what character should be replaced with. (see )
* New: Croatian Language
* New: Dutch Language
* Upd: German Language
* Upd: Polish Language
RitzDVB FullPackage - List of new features
Full Firebird migration:
* new: A second Database MAIN.fdb was added which now includes Channel list, Favourites, Timers,..
The old formatted files channels.dat and FAV.dat, which you'll still find in db folder too, are now just mirrored files. These mirrored files in the db folder are automatically generated files from the Main-Database and are used for fallback if someone drops the main-database.
If you have some old formatted RitzDVB dat-files that you want to migrate into RitzDVB_0.8 you have to copy these files into the new "dbimport" folder. Only dat-files located in this folder will be imported and migrated into the new RitzDVB database format by next restart of RitzDVB.
* new: Completely new redesigned Channel list in Main window and EPG
* new: Free grouping, ordering, filtering, sorting, layout style of the Channel Tree
* new: Completely new redesigned Channel editor
* new: Channel logos can now easily assigned/imported/updated inside the Channel editor
* new: The new Grouping feature allows for simple deleting of whole Channel-Groups (e.g. group by a column of your choice, then select a group and press delete to remove all channels associated to the group
* new: The Channel type (TV, radio, data, TV crypt, radio crypt) is now a new column that can also be used as grouping criteria
* new: capability to create self-written filter-criteria
* new: ...and tons of additional new features you will simply find, by playing with the new Channel editor… Wink
Language editor:
* new: Completely new & redesigned Language Editor
* new: New: Support of recurring (repeated) timers
also the SendMsgToRitz param TIMER: was enhanced to include recurring data (see manual of SendMsgToRitz in folder help)
Customizable Grids:
* new: under Options->Layout you can customize Layout of Editors, Channel list, and EPG to your own wishes. Don’t forget to save the Layouts as a file if you want a static change after the next restart.
* new: in the Channel list of the Main window and the EPG window you can create your own groupings, sorting, hiding of columns, and ordering of columns to your own wishes in the Tree of Channels. Don’t forget to save the Channel list settings for a static change(with right Click Menu). Please take care that the grouping & the sorting criteria are not saved in the predefined fixed Groups. Only in the "Custom Grouping" option will it save your personal group & sort criteria’s.
* new: Quick info EPG grabs data as first from database to increase time of request
* new: Record File is now in shared status. means it can be played by e.g. VLC Player during recording.
* new: PID recorder
* new: recurring timers can also be created via SendMsgToRitz (see manual in helpSendMsgToRitz)
* DROPPED: Due the enhanced features of the new Channeleditor inside RitzDVB there is no longer a need for the external tool LogoFilemaker. Channel logos can now be assigned easier in the RitzDVB Channeleditor.
RitzDVB FullPackage - List of new features
* New Folder AddOns which include now the most recent AddOns
For easy browsing and extracting you can use the new "AddOn-Wizard"
* XPTheme now supported for XP Look&Feel on WindowsXP
* customizable Ritz-Themes (graphics) for the bitmaps in Toolbar, Playerbar, ChannelTreeView,Statusbar.
* Most all parts of ScanModule rewritten.
* ScanModule renamed in "Scan/Channelpool" to better clarify RitzDVB's Channelconcept.
* New: Doubleclick to a channel from channelpool now tunes channel for preview.So easier decision if its worth to add to list
* New: Adding a Channel from Pool to your List now do set its FavoritID to 0 (zero).
So easier to find fresh added channels in channeleditor, and no more confusing of showing no channellist if one have set view to Favorit-grouping
* New: Channels from pool now show the # of its linked entry in channellist
* Rewritten Function "Add sel.channels to list"
now check if channel is already linked into channellist.
in this case it modifies otherwise it adds a new link.
* Rewritten Function "Add all channels to list"
now also check if channel is already linked into channellist.
from this feature now no more need to delete the channellist first
* New Function "Remove sel.channels from list"
This will remove the linked channelentries of a selected group
* New Function "Remove all channels from list"
This will remove all the linked channelentries of selected satellite
* New: Rescan now only replace channelname if the new one is not blanced
* changed: NetInfo now ignore doubles and sort the list.
For the NetInfo I recommend to tune first to a channel with strong signal. NetInfo only gets TP which provider do broadcast in a seperate table, this is not allways the current state. It depends from satellite how uptodate this list is.
* New: Checkbox "Check ECM" in Scanmodul.
By a scan this will set the "scrambled Flag" for a channel with ECM-values in it
* support of starting RitzDVB via SendMsgToRitz
* New: Hide of the fixed Toolbarbuttons as registry keys
AddOn-Buttons can disabled under Options->AddOns
* New: Function "Control Lock" to lock controling Keys and the remote. The only remoting type which is not blocked is via SendMessage from SendMsgToRitz or other programs which support Send Messages to RitzDVB.
Enable/Disable of the ControlLock via DblClick in StatusBar-Icon or menu remote
* New: SwepOut of old EPG Entries now by startup
so no more locks after first ch.switch
* New: configurable TimeOffset for Timers created from EPG (under Options->EPG)
* Changed: For OSD playing files in SoftMode File-Filter enhanced into *.*
so you can select now also avi,divx,ts,... via Remote in OSD-Playlist when Softmode (via grah) is active.
* New: Some special-character replacements for spanish accents in Nexus-HW-OSD
* New: Multiselect in channeleditor for dropping channels or moving to another Favorite
ChannelTree rightClick Menu
* New: Remove all Channels from a Favorite (only accour on a FavoriteFolder)
* New: Move to Favorite (only accour on a channel)
* New: Remove Channel (only accour on a channel)
NEW: AddOn-Wizard
* For easy browsing and extracting AddOns
* Also you can use to build AddOns yourself
* XPTheme supporting
* now SendMsgToRitz with a param will start RitzDVB if its not started
(condition for this feature is that SMTR is located in same folder as RitzDVB)
* XPTheme supporting
* New:Logos can now saved in dvbepg-Format
* New: Function "Replace SATPOS" to replace all logos related to a specific SATPOS into another SATPOS
* New: Function "try autodetect logo by channelname". By channels.txt import from RitzDVB it search for the related bitmaps in folder logos which filenames fits to the channelnames.
* XPTheme supporting