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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Q DVD-Author
RELEASE 2.3.1-009
The new version of qdvdauthor is running on qt5.
It began as an attempt to compile qdvdauthor with qt4 and cmake.
It is tested only with linux.
oBUGFIX: take the KenBurns parameters from the FewCLickWizard over to the generated Slideshow.
- Added helper videos to the resources. ( mpeg4 videos which shows how to create a DVD ).
- Research more of "Xtreme PhotoStory on CD & DVD Deluxe 8"
- BUGFIX: Where are the subtitles for the slideshows ?
BUGFIX: check available templates in [ Tools -> Check Installation ... ]
- BUGFIX: After adding a new slideshow, the previous one did render again.
+ BUGFIX: DVDMenu Rename Menu
+ BUGFIX: ButtonAttributes. Change of E.g. Mask type or Mask color ?
- BUGFIX: Multiple SourceFileInfos in a SourceFileEntry, jumping to files inside this SFE and using PlayMultiple is causing bad dvdauthor.xml file.
- BUGFIX: Slideshow creation, Audio is not transitioned from vid to image and from image to vid.
- Add pre-settings to New Project wizard ( NTSC/PAL, 4:3/16:9, mp2/ac3 )
- Add display of free space to this dialog
- Add new template where a zoomed-out mask goes from left to right.
- Automaticly change "png2yuv -j ..." to "jpeg2yuv -j ..." if Tools-Setup is checked to jpeg.
- BUGFIX: ERR: Can only have 128 commands for pre, post, and cell commands.
oAdded sorting functionality in DialogImages / DialogFiles, to enable better control for generated slideshows.
oFixed a couple of crashing bugs in DialogImages / DialogFiles relating to VirtualFolder usage.
oAdded Ken Burns effect transitioning for Slideshows.
oAdded KenBurns-slideshow dialog.
oRedesigned the ComplexDVD plugin for the OneClickWizard. It is 100% utilizing scripts to create the GUI, and handle the random file retrieval from the internet.
oAdded,, and scripts
oBUGFIX: QRender ignores NoKenBurns if selected on a per image option
oQRender disconnects from QDVDAuthor and does no longer update the progress.
- Handle TcpSocket Swap, Need to continue.
oBugfix: KenBurnsDialog: After removing of an image we need to redo the alternating colors.
oBugfix: After we return to the DialogSlide - dialog, we need to recalculate the Slideshow length, and change the header # of img / # of vids.
oSetupDialog is missing a default KenBurns option .
oAdded DialogImages for Slideshow context menus.
o FewClickWizard: When too many buttons being generated the dialog is streteched vertically.
o Add 4:3/16:9 to Setup dialog -> Slideshow tab.
Varsion 2.2.2 Released October 3'rd 2011
o Fixed floating point crash for AC3 codec in ffmpeg
Version 2.2.1 Released October 2'nd 2011
o Fixed ffmpeg compiling issues due to changed ffmpeg API.
Version 2.2.0 Released September 26'th 2011
BUGFIX: Fixed issues with UINT_64
BUGFIX: Fixed issues compiling ffmpeg
Version 2.1.0 Released January 8'th 2010
o BUGFIX: Slideshow creation, Fixed audio transcoding for slideshow vids if the audio format is SAMPLE_FMT_U8.
o BUGFIX: configure script, had issues using the -j switch ( instead of the --cores )
o BUGFIX: Slideshow ialog, Some audio files caused the [Edit] dialog not to return to the calling function.
o BUGFIX: suppress "Not JPEG: /tmp/01.png" message.
o BUGFIX: Slideshow creation, properly init audio-output-sample_fmt.
o BUGFIX: Clone ButtonObjects would not clone the modifiers.
o BUGFIX: Configurator, Fixed the graphical configurator tool.
o BUGFIX: Crashing bug for ButtonObjects with shadows and overlay objects.
o BUGFIX: Fixed StructureItem when creating a ButtonObect.
o BUGFIX: Crashing bug when changing colors on MaskObjects after using the button-dialog.
o BUGFIX: Fixed rendering of MaskObjects on Images with OverlayObjects.
o Added possibility to modify multiple objects in the TemplateWizard ( required for the ReflectionPond template )
o BUGFIX: Crashing bug when using MovieObjects.
o Added context menu items to a ButtonObject whose main object contains a ShadowObject or an OverlayObject.
o BUGFIX: HDRCreme does no longer work.
Version 2.0.0 Released October 12'th 2009
o Added ogv to the possible video file extensions.
o Added 16:9 ratio to Setup -> Slideshow.
o Added DialogDelta to auto group videos / images in DialogFiles / DialogImages.
o Improved the build system.
o Reworked the Undo-stack dialog.
o BUGFIX: Fix aspect ratio when creating DVDs through teh plugins.
o BUGFIX: After plugin is done, slideshows won't start ...
o BUGFIX: Added missing translation files to the CVS repository.
o BUGFIX: Pre-scale 16:9 images to be non distorted ( assuming square pixel source )
o BUGFIX: Settings to encode videos from 4:3 to 16:9 in Encoder sets the wrong scale.
o BUGFIX: Crashing bug in the UndoBuffer
o BUGFIX: Fixed memory leak when closing MatrixDialog
o BUGFIX: Modifiers operator == was bad.
o BUGFIX: Handle DialogMatrix and Undo / Redo.
o - Check why rotate does not seem to work
o - Check why Zoom is out-of-whack after undo
o BUGFIX: can't undo ImageObject - rotate
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Rotate, Move, Scale, Shear
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Handle Define as button
o - Fix Undo / Redo [Define as Button]
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Handle unbutton
o BUGFIX: Sometimes the redo steps are no being removed when they should.
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Dropped button
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Dropped chapters
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Dropped text
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Dropped image
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Add from Library
o BUGFIX: Always ensure the currentPos is visible in the UndoStack dialog.
o BUGFIX: Handle new Project, clear Undo/Redo history
o BUGFIX: TextObject does not carry over changes ( E.g. change the text )
o BUGFIX: ImageAttributes.
o BUGFIX: FrameAttributes.
o BUGFIX: MovieAttributes.
o BUGFIX: moving multiple objects
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo clone
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Delete Menu
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Add Sound
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Add Intro
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Add Extro
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Delete Intro
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Delete Extro
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Properties
o BUGFIX: Handle multi user environments properly
o BUGFIX: DVDLayout: PlayMultiple: Menu points to two video files even though only one button exists.
o BUGFIX: DVDLayout: PlayMultiple: Fixed pointing to itself
o BUGFIX: DVDLayoutGui: found inifnite loop issue and resolved it.
o BUGFIX: DialogImages,need scrollview for larger numbers of slideshows
o BUGFIX: DialogFiles,need scrollview for larger numbers of slideshows
o BUGFIX: FewClickWizard, need scrollview for larger numbers of slideshows
- Need to re-size Groups ListViews to display scrollbars if required.
o BUGFIX: Create more then 3 slideshows usually fails.
Added file dialogdelta.h
Added file dialogdelta.cpp
Added file uidialogdelta.ui
Version 1.11.1 Released August 13'th 2009
o BUGFIX: QRender: Fixed ffmpeg version information for new API calls so qrender will compile on all versions of ffmpeg.
Version 1.11.0 Released August 6'th 2009
o QRender: replaced deprecated function ffmpeg calls.
o Added support for Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V.
o Added support for Del.
o Added support for cursor keys in the DVDMenu.
o Added "--omit-qdvdauthor" to he configure script. This way qrender and qdvdauthor can be built separately.
o Display message in DialogOverlay if mask - directory does not exist or is empty.
o Added OverlayObject class.
o - Handle drawContents
o - Handle setting slider when MouseMove
o - Handle Color
o - Handle Transparency
o - Handle Reset
o - Implement NoOverlay - button
o - Handle AnimationAttributes
o - Check functionality
o - Change cursor shape according to Zoom, Move, or shear
o - Implement StructureItem attributes
o - Handle Init static variables ( Colors only )/usr/bin/qrender
o - Handle Init existing OverlayObject setting values
o - Add "Add Mask" Context menu for ImageOjects and MovieObjects.
o - OverlayObject::clone ()
o - Implement reading/writing to/from project file
o Add picture frames as masks.
o Add version info file to libraries
o Add menu item to check for latest resource versions
o - When Q is started for the first time, run the check.
o - Display if libraries etc are cmpletely missing
o Masks: add 1 single heart mask
o Masks: add a plain rectangle with frame
o Add slideshow aspect ratio 16:9.
o Rework the Undo-stack dialog.
o - Move the action to the very left side
o - Implement the multiple undo functionality
o - Update the UndoStack dynamically if the dialog is opened.
o BUGFIX: ButtonTransition: Video parameters for ButtonTransitions in the dvdauthor.xml file.
o BUGFIX: ButtonTransition: scale start image to have same size as end image.
o BUGFIX: ShadowObject rendering is wrong for images with OverlayObjects.
o BUGFIX: DialogMovie: MenuBackgrounds: TransitionsFeature: The duration of the transitions is lost.
o BUGFIX: qrender crashes if no AlphaMasks are present in SystemDir.
o BUGFIX: TextShaddows no longer working.
o BUGFIX: Videos are not removed fromt he video list after a slideshow is rendered.
o BUGFIX: Slideshow does not detect 16:9 or 4:3 when returning
o BUGFIX: When closing the app QDVDAuthor crashes on the StructureItem
o BUGFIX: Delete a MovieObject and press Ctrl-Z will crash QDVDAuthor.
o BUGFIX: ButtonDialog: The list of avail bttons needs to be that of the target DVD Menu.
o BUGFIX: Crashes for undo a deleted button.
o BUGFIX: Can not undo 'add Shadow'
o BUGFIX: Can not undo 'edit Shadow'
o BUGFIX: Can not undo 'delete Shadow'
o BUGFIX: Can not undo 'add OverlayObject'
o BUGFIX: Can not undo 'edit OverlayObject'
o BUGFIX: Can not undo 'delete OverlayObject'
o BUGFIX: Can not undo when creating a new object.
o BUGFIX: Fixed unicode issue in libjhead.
o BUGFIX: QDVDAuthor crashed when closing DialogFiles while creating thumbnails.
o BUGFIX: QDVDAuthor crashed when trying to create a slideshow without audio files.
o BUGFIX: QRender crashed when trying to create a slideshow without images.
o BUGFIX: libjhead did not like umlauts
o BUGFIX: QDVDAuthor could not handle ` in directory names.
o BUGFIX: Previewer resizing issue in full-screen mode.
o BUGFIX: QRender could not handle 11025Hz sample rate audio/video files.
Added file dialogoverlay.h
Added file dialogoverlay.cpp
Added file uidialogoverlay.ui
Release Name: 1.10.0
o Added ButtonTransitions
o Added transition between menus and SubMenus
o Added transition between menus and VMGMenu
o Added transition between menus and Videos.
o Added simple Drag'n Drop support for videos to the SourceToolbar from anywhere.
o Added icons to the structure elements
o Combine Structure Toolbar and Sources toolbar into one.
o Added capability to store temp images of a render animated menu as jpegs instead of a pngs
Release Name: 1.9.0
o Improved Subtitles to handle <b> / <i> / <u> / <s> / <font ... > /
o Added auto detection of multiple audio / subtitle steams for video sources
o Added RegionDialog to select DVD region code.
o Added Slideshow default parameters to DialogSetup.
o Added Zcech translation thanks to Pavel F.
o DVDLayout: Implement context menu for DVDLayout objects.
o DVDLayout: Add cursor keys handling, to move containers.
o BIGFIX: Fixed DVD size calculations to be a better prediction.
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu Menu item does not show up translated. Need to re-create the DVDMenu to have propper language.
o BUGFIX: Language setting is not restored when re-starting QDVDAuthor.
o BUGFIX: After slideshow is rendered update the image in DVDLayout.
o BUGFIX: Initial thumb size in DVLayout is sometimes messed up, only showing the header.
o BUGFIX: QRender stops with more than 3 slideshows to render. Why ?
o BUGFIX: If the video length is adjusted it does not change the length in the AllSources tab. + DVDLayout does add more then 5 videos in one row instead of organizing it in multiple rows
o Added re-render to context menu for slideshows
Version 1.8.0 released May 3'rd 2009
o Added DVDLayout tab, to display current DVD layout structure.
o Add Button to enable / disable DVDLayout, Subtitles, and XML - tab.
o Implement Pan in DVDLayout
o Added a ComboBox to change between Orthogonal, and Linear router.
o Added print capabilities to DVDLayout.
o Added PrintPreview - dialog
o Added comment to Nodes in exportdvdauthor.cpp ( titleset and titles )
o Subtitle positioning in DV generated timestamps ( Fix color, and style too )
o CommandQueueDialog: Issue with resolvConvert. Wrong values set for subsequest commands.
o Summer2004: The last menu did not go to any videos. Seemed like all buttons were pointing to lala land.
o Fixed script to conform with the latest ffmpeg build system.
o QRender: See if we can get video and audio in a slideshow with vids into synch.
o Slideshow information being lost between FewClickWizard and main app.
o Slideshow information being lost between DialogImages and main app.
o Fix all dependency issues with SYSTEM_PATH vs INSTALL_PATH
o Check for QPixmap handling in background thread. This can cause crashes.
o when adding audio to the menu, a dialog could ask me, to set the menu duration automatically to the audio length.
o MovieDialog: Add ( Loop[x] ) after ( Pause after movie is finished )
o BUGFIX: Fixed PREFIX issue with libraries.
o BUGFIX: UTF-8 support in dvdauthor, and spumux xml files.
o BUGFIX: DialogAlign does no longer function propperly.
o BUGFIX: QRender: Can't get ogg to work as background audio.
o BUGFIX: When looking at Subtitles in the XML tab before the subtitles were renderd.
o BUGFIX: When loading a project, "Main Menu VMGM" is not the active tab
o BUGFIX: For multiple subtitles per SourceFileEntry, the numbering sequence gets out-of-synch
o BUGFIX: DialogMovie: Geometry - tab for DVDMenu. Change Size will always warn about the background size even if correct.
o BUGFIX: VisibleRegion to init file.
o BUGFIX: Crashing bug, when cancel ButtonDialog for objects with shadow.
o BUGFIX: Crashing bug, ahen deleting Button right after it has been dragged over from the AllSources tab.
o BUGFIX: After changing the Project path, the temp path is not changed in the objects, which causes build failures.
o BUGFIX: ExportDVDAuthor: Movie shows up multiple times if pointed to from different menus.
o BUGFIX: Assigning multiple SourceFileInfos to Subtitle[0].
o BUGFIX: ./configure -c : The option of install is not functional.
Version 1.7.0 Released January 17'th 2009
oFixed issues with "Stretch / Stop / Loop" of MovieObjects.
oFixed issue with videos > 1000 seconds.
oFixed issue with SimpleDVD, and ComplexDVD plugins. The system path was set to the wrong path under certain circumstances.
oFixed issue with SubtitlesGui. Ubuntu would expand the main window to max.
oAdded display of slideshow length, and audio length to the Slideshow dialog.
oAdd capability to open ChapterDialog with multiple SourceFileInfos.
oAdded Alpha transitions to DialogSlideshow
oAdded Alpha transition to QRender
oAdded Alpha transition to CXmlSlideshow
oAdded Alpha transition files to $SYSTEM/slideshow/transitions/alpha/
o-Display warning in Dialog, if filters are missing on system.
o-Dialog: Display filter preview if avail.
o-Add ListCtrl with checks to enable which transitions to be used (default all, random)
oAdded installation option for the alpha transition masks to configure.
Release Name: 1.6.1
o Added --system-path to confiure script
o Added Sytem Path to configurator.
o Prepare and present NOVALUG presentation.
o BUGFIX: QRender. Newer version of ffmpeg changed which caused QRender to core-dump.
o BUGFIX: remove ffmpeg link in the qrender directory.
Release Name: 1.6.0
The focus for this release has been the major improvements to the Slideshow parts and propper handling of VIDs as part of the slideshows.
The FewClickWizards functionality is now complete and overall slideshow generation is now fully integrated in QDVDAuthor.
o Simplified build process through command line, and GUI.
o Added Audio Support for Slideshows
o Added Support for short VIDs to Slideshows
o Added Previewer to DialogFiles, so that you can now preview videos from within the Dialog instead of opening an external player.
o Added ffmpeg to all possible creation steps
o Improved SubtitlesGui.
o Many bugfixes.
Release Name: 1.5.0
* Added DialogImages.
* Added Previewer to DialogImages.
* Added libjhead source to project.
* Added image cache handling.
* Added QRender to handle slideshow rendering through ffmpeg as a separate process.
* Remove DialogSlideshow from the QDVDAuthor executable.
* Added new context menu items for ButtonObjects ( To Text, To Frame, To Image, To Movie ).
* Fixed and enhanced SimpleDVD, and ComplexDVD plugins.
* Many more bugfixes and smaller improvcements all around.
Release Name: 1.2.0
* Added the FewClickWizard dialog
* Added plugin system for DVD creation.
* Added plugin : SimpleDVD. If you want to create your own plugin you should look at this code
* Added plugin : ComplexDVD. This plugin will pull random background images off the internet.
* Added support for ECC ( Error Correction Code ) through DVDisaster.
* Added support for transparent images.
* Added support for utf8 char video files.
Release Name: 1.1.0
oFixed broken QSlideshow Dialog
oUpdated to dvd-slideshow 0.8.0
oImplemented micro button functionality.
oImproved the CommandQueueDialog to put all Subtitle creation into one Group
oLots of bug fixes.
Release Name: V 1.0 Final
* Implemented a new caching system for thumbnails.
* Implemented a new dialog to organize, sort, rate and group videos.
* Implemented a star rating system.
* Implemented a system for Virtual Folders.
* Added capability to import chapter markers from a text file.
* Fixed issues with the resizing of docking windows.
* Fixed the DVD Structure such that changes no longer reset the tree.
* Fixeed issues with the created dvdauthor.xml file.
* and of course a whole lot of bug fixes.
Release Name: QDVDAuthor RC3
*Improved the dvdauthor.xml generation.
* Added capability to [Play Multiple] files with one button.
* Added SemiTransarent colors to the masks.
* Added MaskObjects and integrated it with the ButtonLibrary.
* Added support to manually assign a menu or video to a titleset.
* Improved color assignments of the masks in the ButtonDialog.
* ThumbnailDialog creates now MovieObjects with the right length/offset.
* Fixed rendering of multiple MovieObjects per DVDMenu.
* many more ... and of course a whole lot of bug fixes.
Release Name: QDVDAuthor RC2
o Added capability to add multiple audio tracks to a DVDMenu.
o Added capability to assign language codes to the audio tracks.
o Enhanced MovieDialog->Audio-tab. Added [Edit] button to Audio and Subtitles. o When adding a new sound file under [ DVDMenu->properties->Audio tab->Add Audio ], nothing happened.
o transcoding audio, set default for all to -b 0.192 instead of -b 128
o transcoding audio, concat multile audio files into one file
o transcoding audio, use transcoded file to create menu / video instead of the original.
o Add multiple audio to Video file was broken.
o Auto transcode audio from multiple audio tracks for video files.
o Auto transcode audio files for DVDMenus.
o BUGFIX: When using ThumbnailDialog, selecting Text as "None" will create empty TextObjects.
o BUGFIX: jpeg2yuv and jpegtopnm do not take menu lenth into account ( -n XX ).
o BUGFIX: mpeg2enc requires -a 2 ( 4:3 ) or -a 3 ( 16:9 )
o BUGFIX: buttons are now always on even line numbers.
o BUGFIX: Static menus are now created according to their duration and are no longer hardcoded to 50 frames.
Release Name: QDVDAuthor RC1
o Translated into Esperanto.
o Reorganized the main window.
o Added library of frames / buttons.
o Fixed issues with 16 bit color depth
o Some improvements to QPlayer.
o Improved ShadowObjects.
o Added MenuSlide - dialog.
Release Name: Beta 0.1.5
o Implemented support for multiple Subtitle tracks.
o Implemented support for multiple audio tracks.
o Complete redesign of the Subtitles GUI.
o Improved Subtitle rendering. You can now specify a border around the letters which looks much nicer.
o Added auto generation of subtitles for DV material (Date / Time stamp). Note you have to have dv2sub installed.
o Added DialogThumbnail to allow an easy creation of a chapter menu.
o Added flash animation to show 'Q'DVD-Author's functionality.
o Improved the transcoding functions / commands.
o Added a [Delete] button to QSlideshow.
o I added silence.mp2 to the project. This way you can simply use this file for a DVD menu.
o ... and of course many more bug fixes.
Release Name: Beta 0.1.4
o Implemented Cut / Copy / Past for MenuObjects
o Convert the whole project from NTSC to PAL[ File->Convert ...]
o Convert the whole propject from PAL to NTSC [ File->Convert ...]
o ConvertDialog: If 'keep original Videos', then ln -s to tmp, rename fileName in sourceFileInfo, adjust buttonobjects.
o Create Chooser menu.
o Implement Clone Menu
o Implement Convert Format on a per menu basis.
o Added DialogAlign to align multiple objects.
o Apply/Edit Shadows to multiple objects
o The DVD does now keep the last active button when jumping to a video.
o The DVD does now remember the last active button when a movie menu starts over again (after the end of the movie)
o Added capability to set system register through ButtonDialog.
o Add capabilities to set audio / subtitles for a button. (After advanced)
o Removed "No time left" - dialog when creating a DVD. Does not need to show up at creation process to block the execution !
o Disable auto transcde when getting the thumbnail in the MovieDialog.
o BUGFIX: Fixed broken autosave functionality.
o BUGFIX: If button has manual modif, then preserver (dvdauthorexport.cpp)
o BUGFIX: If loading from dvdauthor.xml, then every command before call or jump is to be stored in the qsPreAction variable. ( remove {}-brakets )
o BUGFIX: replace all occurences of "aofile" with "pcm:file=" for mplayer / mencoder.
Added File dialogconvert.h
Added File dialogconvert.cpp
Added File uidialogconvert.ui
Added File dialogalign.h
Added File dialogalign.cpp
Added File uidialogalign.ui
Added File doc/html/en/system_register.html
Removed File dvdinfo.h
Removed File dvdinfo.cpp
Version 0.1.3.beta, Released October 7'th 2006
oAdd MirrorObject.
oRe-write of the ImageDialog, to get rid of code complexity and to support Shadows.
oStore sound files in templates.
oAdded [Edit Movie ...] or [Edit Image ...] to the Button context menu.
oAdded [Movie Properties ...] or [Image Properties ...] to the Button context menu.
oAdded a [Analyze] button in the CommandExecutionDialog.
oImplement Assign to titleset on a per SourceFileInfo ...
oIf user sets titleset number, then keep it clear off automatically assigned video streams
o-I.e. only add those videos that were assigned by the user.
oImprovement of the dvdauthor xml - file creation logic.
oDVD movies do now return to the SubMenu instead of the VMGM after finishing to play.
oTemplateCreationDialog, take care of Thumbnail position ... I.e. if dragged from the left side, use the thumbnail instead of first frame.
oBUGFIX: Delete-temp-folder displays negative total.
oBUGFIX: Add multiple audio files in one SourceFileEntry messes up header.
oBUGFIX: DVD spec requirement, modify exportdvdauthor.cpp such that in case here is an empty titleset, we need to add <menus><pgc/></menus> to it.
oBUGFIX: MenuObject handling. Dragging an Image over does not put it in the right space.
oBUGFIX: Redo the image dialog for QDVDAuthor (leave as is in QSlideshow)
oBUGFIX: ShadowDialog If ShadowDialog no longer shadow exist then delete shadow ...
oBUGFIX: Core if textobject is unbuttoned, text changed and then again created as a button. Crashes when pressin OK in the Button dialog.
Added Template Blue Planet
Added Template Peace
Added Template Hammock (animated)Version 0.1.3.beta, Released October 7'th 2006
oAdd MirrorObject.
oRe-write of the ImageDialog, to get rid of code complexity and to support Shadows.
oStore sound files in templates.
oAdded [Edit Movie ...] or [Edit Image ...] to the Button context menu.
oAdded [Movie Properties ...] or [Image Properties ...] to the Button context menu.
oAdded a [Analyze] button in the CommandExecutionDialog.
oImplement Assign to titleset on a per SourceFileInfo ...
oIf user sets titleset number, then keep it clear off automatically assigned video streams
o-I.e. only add those videos that were assigned by the user.
oImprovement of the dvdauthor xml - file creation logic.
oDVD movies do now return to the SubMenu instead of the VMGM after finishing to play.
oTemplateCreationDialog, take care of Thumbnail position ... I.e. if dragged from the left side, use the thumbnail instead of first frame.
oBUGFIX: Delete-temp-folder displays negative total.
oBUGFIX: Add multiple audio files in one SourceFileEntry messes up header.
oBUGFIX: DVD spec requirement, modify exportdvdauthor.cpp such that in case here is an empty titleset, we need to add <menus><pgc/></menus> to it.
oBUGFIX: MenuObject handling. Dragging an Image over does not put it in the right space.
oBUGFIX: Redo the image dialog for QDVDAuthor (leave as is in QSlideshow)
oBUGFIX: ShadowDialog If ShadowDialog no longer shadow exist then delete shadow ...
oBUGFIX: Core if textobject is unbuttoned, text changed and then again created as a button. Crashes when pressin OK in the Button dialog.
Added Template Blue Planet
Added Template Peace
Added Template Hammock (animated)Version 0.1.3.beta, Released October 7'th 2006
oAdd MirrorObject.
oRe-write of the ImageDialog, to get rid of code complexity and to support Shadows.
oStore sound files in templates.
oAdded [Edit Movie ...] or [Edit Image ...] to the Button context menu.
oAdded [Movie Properties ...] or [Image Properties ...] to the Button context menu.
oAdded a [Analyze] button in the CommandExecutionDialog.
oImplement Assign to titleset on a per SourceFileInfo ...
oIf user sets titleset number, then keep it clear off automatically assigned video streams
o-I.e. only add those videos that were assigned by the user.
oImprovement of the dvdauthor xml - file creation logic.
oDVD movies do now return to the SubMenu instead of the VMGM after finishing to play.
oTemplateCreationDialog, take care of Thumbnail position ... I.e. if dragged from the left side, use the thumbnail instead of first frame.
oBUGFIX: Delete-temp-folder displays negative total.
oBUGFIX: Add multiple audio files in one SourceFileEntry messes up header.
oBUGFIX: DVD spec requirement, modify exportdvdauthor.cpp such that in case here is an empty titleset, we need to add <menus><pgc/></menus> to it.
oBUGFIX: MenuObject handling. Dragging an Image over does not put it in the right space.
oBUGFIX: Redo the image dialog for QDVDAuthor (leave as is in QSlideshow)
oBUGFIX: ShadowDialog If ShadowDialog no longer shadow exist then delete shadow ...
oBUGFIX: Core if textobject is unbuttoned, text changed and then again created as a button. Crashes when pressin OK in the Button dialog.
Added Template Blue Planet
Added Template Peace
Added Template Hammock (animated)
Version 0.1.2 beta
Here are the major changes that went in.
* Added shadows to MenuObjects.
* Added capability to use any frame of a movie for a MovieObject / ImageObject [As Thumbnail].
* Added capability to add an intro movie to a DVD menu.
* Unbutton a ButtonObject will now automatically delete the Selected, and Highlighted layers.
* You can now modify MenuObjects through simple mouse interaction.
* Added image / movie preview to the FileOpen dialogs.
* Fixed some minor issues in the Template related dialogs.
* I also added 13 new templates
* And much, much more ...
Version 0.1.1 beta, released July 4'th 2006.
o Added dialog to download templates off the web.
o Added dialog to create, install and upload a template.
o Added dialog to manually adjust auto detected values of a media stream.
o Added static MessageBox::html ( ... ) to start implementing some help buttons.
o Added image/video preview to the fileOpenDialogs.
o Added Videotrans to the possible transcoding options.
o Added detection of VOBUs in Mpeg2 streams. If not present the file will be marked for re-multiplexing.
o Improved color scheme of SourceToolBar.
o Transcode All does not change the background color.
o Fixed some issues with transcode command.
o Change cursor shape for active objects
o Implemented multiple selection in the Menu editor.
o Implemented doublebuffering for the DVDMenu.
o Implemented simple help in the CommandQueueDialog.
o Implemented Help buttons in TemplateDownload, and the TemplateDialog.
o Fixed DVDMenu 2 pixel border offset. (Clckin on an object does not 'lift' it anymore.)
o Fix ImageObject rotation etc, to complete dynamic modification of objects.
o Improve Frame's name assignement. Currently all have "Frame (255, 255, 20)"
o Handle Author/Contact/Header/TemplateComment fields from the generated templates. o Store and Read Author/Contact/Header/TemplateComment info in qdvdauthor init file.
o Check if buttons overlaying each other. This is causing problems in some DVD players.
o Only allow selection of [DVDMenu->Store as Template ...] if the menu has a background.
o Init video streams with post command ( call vmgm menu 1; )
o HOMEPAGE: Add description for KXineWidget/QXineWidget/QMPlayerWidget.
o HOMEPAGE: Added Treeview control to the web page.
o BUGFIX: Changed the default command for creating the empty .mp2 from 48 to 48000.
o BUGFIX: if I try to generate a slide show with no sound, dvd-slideshow creates a .wav file of infinite length (which, of course, never finishes...) and crashes when the device is full.
o BUGFIX: If no background is checked, then dvd-slideshow - preview does not work.
o BUGFIX: FIxed an issue with the first-time scan.
o BUGFIX: Fixed issue with autodetected aspect ratio.
o BUGFIX: Fixed crash when deleting object while selected.
o BUGFIX: Fixed templates basic3 / basic6 and movie_line.
o BUGFIX: Fixed typo in xml project files. Note: To fix an older project file use the script
o BUGFIX: Only the last project directory was deleted if [Delete all old project dirs] was selected.
o BUGFIX: Issue with 4 colors and fonts crept up again. QFont::NoAntialiasing is being ignored. Found workaround.
o BUGFIX: under certain ciurcumstances some of the video streams would disappear after clicking CreateDVD.
o BUGFIX: QDVDAuthor would crash with more then 12 menus created.
o BUGFIX: the paths were no longer added to the tools.
o BUGFIX: static Qt functions on SuSE 10.x under KDE deviate from documented behviour.
o BUGFIX: crashing DialogMovie for Xine-Lib, when xineStream is not yet defined.
Added file filepreviewdialog.h
Added file filepreviewdialog.cpp
Added file messagebox.h
Added file messagebox.cpp
Added file dialogmediainfo.h
Added file dialogmediainfo.cpp
Added file uidialogmediainfo.ui
Added file uitemplatedownload.ui
Added file templatedownload.h
Added file templatedownload.cpp
Added file uicreatetemplate.ui
Added file dialogcreatetemplate.h
Added file dialogcreatetemplate.cpp
Version beta 0.1.10 2005-12-23
Here are the major changes that went in.
* Fixed issues with the 4 color requirement of the Button layers.
* Completely re-wrote the dvdauthor xml file generation.
* Added basic support for subtitles.
* Added import filter for dvdauthor/spumux XML files.
* Added import filter for kino's smil format.
* Added import/export filter for the srt subtitles format.
* Added context menu to the Structure toolbar
* Added new tab to display the Titleset structure.
* Added color keying
* Added the version and build date to the AboutDialog.
* Fixed issues with the slideshow generation.
* And much, much more ...
Version alpha 0.0.10 2005-07-07
* Added transcoding interface. You can now use any type of input material and be able to convert it through Q DVD-Author.
* Added the TemplateDialog. This dialog creates menus by simply selecting the template and then placing the source material in the appropriate areas. You even find a template for an animated menu.
* Added the MovieDialog. This dialog has evolved to a central tool to edit MovieObject-, and MovieButton attributes.
* Added the TempDialog. This dialog helps you keep the temp space free.
* Added NewWizard. This might help new users to get the few settings in, which are needed for a new project.
* Added the AnimationDialog. This Dialog allows you to modify objects in the menu (position, transparency, size etc.)
* Added the estimated DVD space usage indicator. A feature requested by some people. Currently very simple.
* Added Drag'N Drop support from the SourceToolbar. This will help you to create buttons of the same size.
* Added Feedback feature. In case you get to a point where you can't figure out what the problem is. This option will collect all important data and pack it for you in the temp drive.
* Added Tools->Style. Wanna give Q DVD-Author a Marble look.
* Added Transparency to TextObjects. Cool new feature which you can abuse with empty text objects.
* Added Dialog to display conversion of files in background task. Now you don't have to wonder anymore if Q DVD-Author crashed or if it is busy.
* And much, much more ...
Version alpha 0.0.9 2005-02-12
* Completely reworked the MediaInterface. You can now choose between the xine-libs or MPlayer (VLC is implemented but awaiting a stable API)
* Restructured the temp file hirachy.
* Added support for MovieMenus and MovieButtons.
* Added basic undo / redo functionality including a graphical undo stack.
* Added DragNDrop support.
* Added autosave functionality. So in case of a crash you will be able to recover at least parts of your work.
* Added visible region marker.
* Added [Open recent] with thumbnails.
* Added generation of thumbnails in a background task.
* Added extraction of movie frames in a background thread. This way the user can continue working on the DVD while the computer is working hard.
* And much, much more ...
Version alpha 0.0.8 2004-10-31
# Improved configure and make scripts.
# Increased Qt minimal version to 3.2.0.
# Added About dialog.
# DialogTextFont : Implement x, y, width, height attributes to the TextDialog.
# DialogTextFont : Remember last chosen text attributes for the TextDialog.
# ButtonDialog : [Advanced >>] when modifying the action it is overwritten.
# DialogSetup : slotScanSystem creates a new scrollView. Need to align with the one created at initialization
# DialogSetup : Added dynamical buttons to the tools not found : [Search ...]
# Improved refresh speed through using ButtonPreview::setPaletteBackground rather then QLabel::setPixmap
# Implement changing of language under Tools->Languages.
# Implement Scan system button in DialogSetup.
# At first start automagically run a ScanSystem.
# Included all tool paths in the project file.
# Added NTSC/PAL save region for button positions (dotted line) to ensure buttons are visible [Tools->Save Region].
# Added Spanish translation file.
# Added version info into qdvdauthor.ini - files
# BUGFIX: Fixed a crash-bug when deleting QDVDAuthorInit.
# BUGFIX: Fixed crashes after second call to SetupDialog.
# BUGFIX: when deleting a menu the structure was not updated.
# BUGFIX: the generated frame button did not account for frame width.
# BUGFIX: Fix startup with cmdline of qplayer.
# BUGFIX: Unbutton positioned extracted layers wrong.
Version 0.0.6 2004-05-09
* Added a top-level project file for all sub-projects.
* Added the QXine sub-project.
* Integration of the qxine-lib 1.0rc3 into 'Q' DVD-AUthor.
* Added the Image/Movie open Dialog with xine preview.
* Some improvements in the CommandQueue-Dialog.
* Added a preview button in the Execute Dialog.
* Enhanced color map handling or the Button masks.
* Enhanced Sound support for the Menus.
* A lot of Bug fixes.
Version 0.0.5 on March 35'th 2004 :
o Added SubMenu handling
o Re-modeled the dvdauthor - xml file structure, to handle sub menus.
o Utilizing one directiory per project in the temp drive.
o Added ImageObjects, and FrameObjects. Now the Buttons can be really nice.
o The dvdauthor - XML code is now presented in a main tab for the user to modify.
Version 0.0.4 on March 7'th 2004 :
o Added basic Text-Button support.
o Added the TextColorDialog, and the ButtonDialog.
o Added support for rotation, stretching etc. to the buttons.
o Improved the structure view of the project.
o Added more functionality to the popup menus (Delete, Unbutton, Define As Button etc.).
Version 0.0.3 on February 16'th 2004 :
o Finalized the ManDialog.
o Finalized the ExecuteDialog.
o Added Slideshow capabilities.
Version 0.0.2 on January 25'th 2004 :
o Added COPYING with the GPL note.
o Generated QDVDAuthor logo.
o Generated screenshots (ugly but true).
o Updated HomePage.
o qimagehelper.h / .cpp implemented imagemagicklib version (only).
o Generated configurator for the build process.
o Generated Execute-GUI class to execute command line tools.
o Generated a dynamic GUI before processing the DVD which displays each command to be executed, with a header, describiung the purpose of said command and an editText where the user can change the command if he wants to.
o write the resized images back to HD to be used.
o Use the specified temp drives.
Version 0.0.1 on January 3'rd 2004 :
o Initial version
The new version of qdvdauthor is running on qt5.
It began as an attempt to compile qdvdauthor with qt4 and cmake.
It is tested only with linux.
oBUGFIX: take the KenBurns parameters from the FewCLickWizard over to the generated Slideshow.
- Added helper videos to the resources. ( mpeg4 videos which shows how to create a DVD ).
- Research more of "Xtreme PhotoStory on CD & DVD Deluxe 8"
- BUGFIX: Where are the subtitles for the slideshows ?
BUGFIX: check available templates in [ Tools -> Check Installation ... ]
- BUGFIX: After adding a new slideshow, the previous one did render again.
+ BUGFIX: DVDMenu Rename Menu
+ BUGFIX: ButtonAttributes. Change of E.g. Mask type or Mask color ?
- BUGFIX: Multiple SourceFileInfos in a SourceFileEntry, jumping to files inside this SFE and using PlayMultiple is causing bad dvdauthor.xml file.
- BUGFIX: Slideshow creation, Audio is not transitioned from vid to image and from image to vid.
- Add pre-settings to New Project wizard ( NTSC/PAL, 4:3/16:9, mp2/ac3 )
- Add display of free space to this dialog
- Add new template where a zoomed-out mask goes from left to right.
- Automaticly change "png2yuv -j ..." to "jpeg2yuv -j ..." if Tools-Setup is checked to jpeg.
- BUGFIX: ERR: Can only have 128 commands for pre, post, and cell commands.
oAdded sorting functionality in DialogImages / DialogFiles, to enable better control for generated slideshows.
oFixed a couple of crashing bugs in DialogImages / DialogFiles relating to VirtualFolder usage.
oAdded Ken Burns effect transitioning for Slideshows.
oAdded KenBurns-slideshow dialog.
oRedesigned the ComplexDVD plugin for the OneClickWizard. It is 100% utilizing scripts to create the GUI, and handle the random file retrieval from the internet.
oAdded,, and scripts
oBUGFIX: QRender ignores NoKenBurns if selected on a per image option
oQRender disconnects from QDVDAuthor and does no longer update the progress.
- Handle TcpSocket Swap, Need to continue.
oBugfix: KenBurnsDialog: After removing of an image we need to redo the alternating colors.
oBugfix: After we return to the DialogSlide - dialog, we need to recalculate the Slideshow length, and change the header # of img / # of vids.
oSetupDialog is missing a default KenBurns option .
oAdded DialogImages for Slideshow context menus.
o FewClickWizard: When too many buttons being generated the dialog is streteched vertically.
o Add 4:3/16:9 to Setup dialog -> Slideshow tab.
Varsion 2.2.2 Released October 3'rd 2011
o Fixed floating point crash for AC3 codec in ffmpeg
Version 2.2.1 Released October 2'nd 2011
o Fixed ffmpeg compiling issues due to changed ffmpeg API.
Version 2.2.0 Released September 26'th 2011
BUGFIX: Fixed issues with UINT_64
BUGFIX: Fixed issues compiling ffmpeg
Version 2.1.0 Released January 8'th 2010
o BUGFIX: Slideshow creation, Fixed audio transcoding for slideshow vids if the audio format is SAMPLE_FMT_U8.
o BUGFIX: configure script, had issues using the -j switch ( instead of the --cores )
o BUGFIX: Slideshow ialog, Some audio files caused the [Edit] dialog not to return to the calling function.
o BUGFIX: suppress "Not JPEG: /tmp/01.png" message.
o BUGFIX: Slideshow creation, properly init audio-output-sample_fmt.
o BUGFIX: Clone ButtonObjects would not clone the modifiers.
o BUGFIX: Configurator, Fixed the graphical configurator tool.
o BUGFIX: Crashing bug for ButtonObjects with shadows and overlay objects.
o BUGFIX: Fixed StructureItem when creating a ButtonObect.
o BUGFIX: Crashing bug when changing colors on MaskObjects after using the button-dialog.
o BUGFIX: Fixed rendering of MaskObjects on Images with OverlayObjects.
o Added possibility to modify multiple objects in the TemplateWizard ( required for the ReflectionPond template )
o BUGFIX: Crashing bug when using MovieObjects.
o Added context menu items to a ButtonObject whose main object contains a ShadowObject or an OverlayObject.
o BUGFIX: HDRCreme does no longer work.
Version 2.0.0 Released October 12'th 2009
o Added ogv to the possible video file extensions.
o Added 16:9 ratio to Setup -> Slideshow.
o Added DialogDelta to auto group videos / images in DialogFiles / DialogImages.
o Improved the build system.
o Reworked the Undo-stack dialog.
o BUGFIX: Fix aspect ratio when creating DVDs through teh plugins.
o BUGFIX: After plugin is done, slideshows won't start ...
o BUGFIX: Added missing translation files to the CVS repository.
o BUGFIX: Pre-scale 16:9 images to be non distorted ( assuming square pixel source )
o BUGFIX: Settings to encode videos from 4:3 to 16:9 in Encoder sets the wrong scale.
o BUGFIX: Crashing bug in the UndoBuffer
o BUGFIX: Fixed memory leak when closing MatrixDialog
o BUGFIX: Modifiers operator == was bad.
o BUGFIX: Handle DialogMatrix and Undo / Redo.
o - Check why rotate does not seem to work
o - Check why Zoom is out-of-whack after undo
o BUGFIX: can't undo ImageObject - rotate
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Rotate, Move, Scale, Shear
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Handle Define as button
o - Fix Undo / Redo [Define as Button]
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Handle unbutton
o BUGFIX: Sometimes the redo steps are no being removed when they should.
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Dropped button
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Dropped chapters
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Dropped text
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Dropped image
o BUGFIX: Undo ButtonObject: Add from Library
o BUGFIX: Always ensure the currentPos is visible in the UndoStack dialog.
o BUGFIX: Handle new Project, clear Undo/Redo history
o BUGFIX: TextObject does not carry over changes ( E.g. change the text )
o BUGFIX: ImageAttributes.
o BUGFIX: FrameAttributes.
o BUGFIX: MovieAttributes.
o BUGFIX: moving multiple objects
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo clone
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Delete Menu
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Add Sound
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Add Intro
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Add Extro
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Delete Intro
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Delete Extro
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu undo Properties
o BUGFIX: Handle multi user environments properly
o BUGFIX: DVDLayout: PlayMultiple: Menu points to two video files even though only one button exists.
o BUGFIX: DVDLayout: PlayMultiple: Fixed pointing to itself
o BUGFIX: DVDLayoutGui: found inifnite loop issue and resolved it.
o BUGFIX: DialogImages,need scrollview for larger numbers of slideshows
o BUGFIX: DialogFiles,need scrollview for larger numbers of slideshows
o BUGFIX: FewClickWizard, need scrollview for larger numbers of slideshows
- Need to re-size Groups ListViews to display scrollbars if required.
o BUGFIX: Create more then 3 slideshows usually fails.
Added file dialogdelta.h
Added file dialogdelta.cpp
Added file uidialogdelta.ui
Version 1.11.1 Released August 13'th 2009
o BUGFIX: QRender: Fixed ffmpeg version information for new API calls so qrender will compile on all versions of ffmpeg.
Version 1.11.0 Released August 6'th 2009
o QRender: replaced deprecated function ffmpeg calls.
o Added support for Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V.
o Added support for Del.
o Added support for cursor keys in the DVDMenu.
o Added "--omit-qdvdauthor" to he configure script. This way qrender and qdvdauthor can be built separately.
o Display message in DialogOverlay if mask - directory does not exist or is empty.
o Added OverlayObject class.
o - Handle drawContents
o - Handle setting slider when MouseMove
o - Handle Color
o - Handle Transparency
o - Handle Reset
o - Implement NoOverlay - button
o - Handle AnimationAttributes
o - Check functionality
o - Change cursor shape according to Zoom, Move, or shear
o - Implement StructureItem attributes
o - Handle Init static variables ( Colors only )/usr/bin/qrender
o - Handle Init existing OverlayObject setting values
o - Add "Add Mask" Context menu for ImageOjects and MovieObjects.
o - OverlayObject::clone ()
o - Implement reading/writing to/from project file
o Add picture frames as masks.
o Add version info file to libraries
o Add menu item to check for latest resource versions
o - When Q is started for the first time, run the check.
o - Display if libraries etc are cmpletely missing
o Masks: add 1 single heart mask
o Masks: add a plain rectangle with frame
o Add slideshow aspect ratio 16:9.
o Rework the Undo-stack dialog.
o - Move the action to the very left side
o - Implement the multiple undo functionality
o - Update the UndoStack dynamically if the dialog is opened.
o BUGFIX: ButtonTransition: Video parameters for ButtonTransitions in the dvdauthor.xml file.
o BUGFIX: ButtonTransition: scale start image to have same size as end image.
o BUGFIX: ShadowObject rendering is wrong for images with OverlayObjects.
o BUGFIX: DialogMovie: MenuBackgrounds: TransitionsFeature: The duration of the transitions is lost.
o BUGFIX: qrender crashes if no AlphaMasks are present in SystemDir.
o BUGFIX: TextShaddows no longer working.
o BUGFIX: Videos are not removed fromt he video list after a slideshow is rendered.
o BUGFIX: Slideshow does not detect 16:9 or 4:3 when returning
o BUGFIX: When closing the app QDVDAuthor crashes on the StructureItem
o BUGFIX: Delete a MovieObject and press Ctrl-Z will crash QDVDAuthor.
o BUGFIX: ButtonDialog: The list of avail bttons needs to be that of the target DVD Menu.
o BUGFIX: Crashes for undo a deleted button.
o BUGFIX: Can not undo 'add Shadow'
o BUGFIX: Can not undo 'edit Shadow'
o BUGFIX: Can not undo 'delete Shadow'
o BUGFIX: Can not undo 'add OverlayObject'
o BUGFIX: Can not undo 'edit OverlayObject'
o BUGFIX: Can not undo 'delete OverlayObject'
o BUGFIX: Can not undo when creating a new object.
o BUGFIX: Fixed unicode issue in libjhead.
o BUGFIX: QDVDAuthor crashed when closing DialogFiles while creating thumbnails.
o BUGFIX: QDVDAuthor crashed when trying to create a slideshow without audio files.
o BUGFIX: QRender crashed when trying to create a slideshow without images.
o BUGFIX: libjhead did not like umlauts
o BUGFIX: QDVDAuthor could not handle ` in directory names.
o BUGFIX: Previewer resizing issue in full-screen mode.
o BUGFIX: QRender could not handle 11025Hz sample rate audio/video files.
Added file dialogoverlay.h
Added file dialogoverlay.cpp
Added file uidialogoverlay.ui
Release Name: 1.10.0
o Added ButtonTransitions
o Added transition between menus and SubMenus
o Added transition between menus and VMGMenu
o Added transition between menus and Videos.
o Added simple Drag'n Drop support for videos to the SourceToolbar from anywhere.
o Added icons to the structure elements
o Combine Structure Toolbar and Sources toolbar into one.
o Added capability to store temp images of a render animated menu as jpegs instead of a pngs
Release Name: 1.9.0
o Improved Subtitles to handle <b> / <i> / <u> / <s> / <font ... > /
o Added auto detection of multiple audio / subtitle steams for video sources
o Added RegionDialog to select DVD region code.
o Added Slideshow default parameters to DialogSetup.
o Added Zcech translation thanks to Pavel F.
o DVDLayout: Implement context menu for DVDLayout objects.
o DVDLayout: Add cursor keys handling, to move containers.
o BIGFIX: Fixed DVD size calculations to be a better prediction.
o BUGFIX: DVDMenu Menu item does not show up translated. Need to re-create the DVDMenu to have propper language.
o BUGFIX: Language setting is not restored when re-starting QDVDAuthor.
o BUGFIX: After slideshow is rendered update the image in DVDLayout.
o BUGFIX: Initial thumb size in DVLayout is sometimes messed up, only showing the header.
o BUGFIX: QRender stops with more than 3 slideshows to render. Why ?
o BUGFIX: If the video length is adjusted it does not change the length in the AllSources tab. + DVDLayout does add more then 5 videos in one row instead of organizing it in multiple rows
o Added re-render to context menu for slideshows
Version 1.8.0 released May 3'rd 2009
o Added DVDLayout tab, to display current DVD layout structure.
o Add Button to enable / disable DVDLayout, Subtitles, and XML - tab.
o Implement Pan in DVDLayout
o Added a ComboBox to change between Orthogonal, and Linear router.
o Added print capabilities to DVDLayout.
o Added PrintPreview - dialog
o Added comment to Nodes in exportdvdauthor.cpp ( titleset and titles )
o Subtitle positioning in DV generated timestamps ( Fix color, and style too )
o CommandQueueDialog: Issue with resolvConvert. Wrong values set for subsequest commands.
o Summer2004: The last menu did not go to any videos. Seemed like all buttons were pointing to lala land.
o Fixed script to conform with the latest ffmpeg build system.
o QRender: See if we can get video and audio in a slideshow with vids into synch.
o Slideshow information being lost between FewClickWizard and main app.
o Slideshow information being lost between DialogImages and main app.
o Fix all dependency issues with SYSTEM_PATH vs INSTALL_PATH
o Check for QPixmap handling in background thread. This can cause crashes.
o when adding audio to the menu, a dialog could ask me, to set the menu duration automatically to the audio length.
o MovieDialog: Add ( Loop[x] ) after ( Pause after movie is finished )
o BUGFIX: Fixed PREFIX issue with libraries.
o BUGFIX: UTF-8 support in dvdauthor, and spumux xml files.
o BUGFIX: DialogAlign does no longer function propperly.
o BUGFIX: QRender: Can't get ogg to work as background audio.
o BUGFIX: When looking at Subtitles in the XML tab before the subtitles were renderd.
o BUGFIX: When loading a project, "Main Menu VMGM" is not the active tab
o BUGFIX: For multiple subtitles per SourceFileEntry, the numbering sequence gets out-of-synch
o BUGFIX: DialogMovie: Geometry - tab for DVDMenu. Change Size will always warn about the background size even if correct.
o BUGFIX: VisibleRegion to init file.
o BUGFIX: Crashing bug, when cancel ButtonDialog for objects with shadow.
o BUGFIX: Crashing bug, ahen deleting Button right after it has been dragged over from the AllSources tab.
o BUGFIX: After changing the Project path, the temp path is not changed in the objects, which causes build failures.
o BUGFIX: ExportDVDAuthor: Movie shows up multiple times if pointed to from different menus.
o BUGFIX: Assigning multiple SourceFileInfos to Subtitle[0].
o BUGFIX: ./configure -c : The option of install is not functional.
Version 1.7.0 Released January 17'th 2009
oFixed issues with "Stretch / Stop / Loop" of MovieObjects.
oFixed issue with videos > 1000 seconds.
oFixed issue with SimpleDVD, and ComplexDVD plugins. The system path was set to the wrong path under certain circumstances.
oFixed issue with SubtitlesGui. Ubuntu would expand the main window to max.
oAdded display of slideshow length, and audio length to the Slideshow dialog.
oAdd capability to open ChapterDialog with multiple SourceFileInfos.
oAdded Alpha transitions to DialogSlideshow
oAdded Alpha transition to QRender
oAdded Alpha transition to CXmlSlideshow
oAdded Alpha transition files to $SYSTEM/slideshow/transitions/alpha/
o-Display warning in Dialog, if filters are missing on system.
o-Dialog: Display filter preview if avail.
o-Add ListCtrl with checks to enable which transitions to be used (default all, random)
oAdded installation option for the alpha transition masks to configure.
Release Name: 1.6.1
o Added --system-path to confiure script
o Added Sytem Path to configurator.
o Prepare and present NOVALUG presentation.
o BUGFIX: QRender. Newer version of ffmpeg changed which caused QRender to core-dump.
o BUGFIX: remove ffmpeg link in the qrender directory.
Release Name: 1.6.0
The focus for this release has been the major improvements to the Slideshow parts and propper handling of VIDs as part of the slideshows.
The FewClickWizards functionality is now complete and overall slideshow generation is now fully integrated in QDVDAuthor.
o Simplified build process through command line, and GUI.
o Added Audio Support for Slideshows
o Added Support for short VIDs to Slideshows
o Added Previewer to DialogFiles, so that you can now preview videos from within the Dialog instead of opening an external player.
o Added ffmpeg to all possible creation steps
o Improved SubtitlesGui.
o Many bugfixes.
Release Name: 1.5.0
* Added DialogImages.
* Added Previewer to DialogImages.
* Added libjhead source to project.
* Added image cache handling.
* Added QRender to handle slideshow rendering through ffmpeg as a separate process.
* Remove DialogSlideshow from the QDVDAuthor executable.
* Added new context menu items for ButtonObjects ( To Text, To Frame, To Image, To Movie ).
* Fixed and enhanced SimpleDVD, and ComplexDVD plugins.
* Many more bugfixes and smaller improvcements all around.
Release Name: 1.2.0
* Added the FewClickWizard dialog
* Added plugin system for DVD creation.
* Added plugin : SimpleDVD. If you want to create your own plugin you should look at this code
* Added plugin : ComplexDVD. This plugin will pull random background images off the internet.
* Added support for ECC ( Error Correction Code ) through DVDisaster.
* Added support for transparent images.
* Added support for utf8 char video files.
Release Name: 1.1.0
oFixed broken QSlideshow Dialog
oUpdated to dvd-slideshow 0.8.0
oImplemented micro button functionality.
oImproved the CommandQueueDialog to put all Subtitle creation into one Group
oLots of bug fixes.
Release Name: V 1.0 Final
* Implemented a new caching system for thumbnails.
* Implemented a new dialog to organize, sort, rate and group videos.
* Implemented a star rating system.
* Implemented a system for Virtual Folders.
* Added capability to import chapter markers from a text file.
* Fixed issues with the resizing of docking windows.
* Fixed the DVD Structure such that changes no longer reset the tree.
* Fixeed issues with the created dvdauthor.xml file.
* and of course a whole lot of bug fixes.
Release Name: QDVDAuthor RC3
*Improved the dvdauthor.xml generation.
* Added capability to [Play Multiple] files with one button.
* Added SemiTransarent colors to the masks.
* Added MaskObjects and integrated it with the ButtonLibrary.
* Added support to manually assign a menu or video to a titleset.
* Improved color assignments of the masks in the ButtonDialog.
* ThumbnailDialog creates now MovieObjects with the right length/offset.
* Fixed rendering of multiple MovieObjects per DVDMenu.
* many more ... and of course a whole lot of bug fixes.
Release Name: QDVDAuthor RC2
o Added capability to add multiple audio tracks to a DVDMenu.
o Added capability to assign language codes to the audio tracks.
o Enhanced MovieDialog->Audio-tab. Added [Edit] button to Audio and Subtitles. o When adding a new sound file under [ DVDMenu->properties->Audio tab->Add Audio ], nothing happened.
o transcoding audio, set default for all to -b 0.192 instead of -b 128
o transcoding audio, concat multile audio files into one file
o transcoding audio, use transcoded file to create menu / video instead of the original.
o Add multiple audio to Video file was broken.
o Auto transcode audio from multiple audio tracks for video files.
o Auto transcode audio files for DVDMenus.
o BUGFIX: When using ThumbnailDialog, selecting Text as "None" will create empty TextObjects.
o BUGFIX: jpeg2yuv and jpegtopnm do not take menu lenth into account ( -n XX ).
o BUGFIX: mpeg2enc requires -a 2 ( 4:3 ) or -a 3 ( 16:9 )
o BUGFIX: buttons are now always on even line numbers.
o BUGFIX: Static menus are now created according to their duration and are no longer hardcoded to 50 frames.
Release Name: QDVDAuthor RC1
o Translated into Esperanto.
o Reorganized the main window.
o Added library of frames / buttons.
o Fixed issues with 16 bit color depth
o Some improvements to QPlayer.
o Improved ShadowObjects.
o Added MenuSlide - dialog.
Release Name: Beta 0.1.5
o Implemented support for multiple Subtitle tracks.
o Implemented support for multiple audio tracks.
o Complete redesign of the Subtitles GUI.
o Improved Subtitle rendering. You can now specify a border around the letters which looks much nicer.
o Added auto generation of subtitles for DV material (Date / Time stamp). Note you have to have dv2sub installed.
o Added DialogThumbnail to allow an easy creation of a chapter menu.
o Added flash animation to show 'Q'DVD-Author's functionality.
o Improved the transcoding functions / commands.
o Added a [Delete] button to QSlideshow.
o I added silence.mp2 to the project. This way you can simply use this file for a DVD menu.
o ... and of course many more bug fixes.
Release Name: Beta 0.1.4
o Implemented Cut / Copy / Past for MenuObjects
o Convert the whole project from NTSC to PAL[ File->Convert ...]
o Convert the whole propject from PAL to NTSC [ File->Convert ...]
o ConvertDialog: If 'keep original Videos', then ln -s to tmp, rename fileName in sourceFileInfo, adjust buttonobjects.
o Create Chooser menu.
o Implement Clone Menu
o Implement Convert Format on a per menu basis.
o Added DialogAlign to align multiple objects.
o Apply/Edit Shadows to multiple objects
o The DVD does now keep the last active button when jumping to a video.
o The DVD does now remember the last active button when a movie menu starts over again (after the end of the movie)
o Added capability to set system register through ButtonDialog.
o Add capabilities to set audio / subtitles for a button. (After advanced)
o Removed "No time left" - dialog when creating a DVD. Does not need to show up at creation process to block the execution !
o Disable auto transcde when getting the thumbnail in the MovieDialog.
o BUGFIX: Fixed broken autosave functionality.
o BUGFIX: If button has manual modif, then preserver (dvdauthorexport.cpp)
o BUGFIX: If loading from dvdauthor.xml, then every command before call or jump is to be stored in the qsPreAction variable. ( remove {}-brakets )
o BUGFIX: replace all occurences of "aofile" with "pcm:file=" for mplayer / mencoder.
Added File dialogconvert.h
Added File dialogconvert.cpp
Added File uidialogconvert.ui
Added File dialogalign.h
Added File dialogalign.cpp
Added File uidialogalign.ui
Added File doc/html/en/system_register.html
Removed File dvdinfo.h
Removed File dvdinfo.cpp
Version 0.1.3.beta, Released October 7'th 2006
oAdd MirrorObject.
oRe-write of the ImageDialog, to get rid of code complexity and to support Shadows.
oStore sound files in templates.
oAdded [Edit Movie ...] or [Edit Image ...] to the Button context menu.
oAdded [Movie Properties ...] or [Image Properties ...] to the Button context menu.
oAdded a [Analyze] button in the CommandExecutionDialog.
oImplement Assign to titleset on a per SourceFileInfo ...
oIf user sets titleset number, then keep it clear off automatically assigned video streams
o-I.e. only add those videos that were assigned by the user.
oImprovement of the dvdauthor xml - file creation logic.
oDVD movies do now return to the SubMenu instead of the VMGM after finishing to play.
oTemplateCreationDialog, take care of Thumbnail position ... I.e. if dragged from the left side, use the thumbnail instead of first frame.
oBUGFIX: Delete-temp-folder displays negative total.
oBUGFIX: Add multiple audio files in one SourceFileEntry messes up header.
oBUGFIX: DVD spec requirement, modify exportdvdauthor.cpp such that in case here is an empty titleset, we need to add <menus><pgc/></menus> to it.
oBUGFIX: MenuObject handling. Dragging an Image over does not put it in the right space.
oBUGFIX: Redo the image dialog for QDVDAuthor (leave as is in QSlideshow)
oBUGFIX: ShadowDialog If ShadowDialog no longer shadow exist then delete shadow ...
oBUGFIX: Core if textobject is unbuttoned, text changed and then again created as a button. Crashes when pressin OK in the Button dialog.
Added Template Blue Planet
Added Template Peace
Added Template Hammock (animated)Version 0.1.3.beta, Released October 7'th 2006
oAdd MirrorObject.
oRe-write of the ImageDialog, to get rid of code complexity and to support Shadows.
oStore sound files in templates.
oAdded [Edit Movie ...] or [Edit Image ...] to the Button context menu.
oAdded [Movie Properties ...] or [Image Properties ...] to the Button context menu.
oAdded a [Analyze] button in the CommandExecutionDialog.
oImplement Assign to titleset on a per SourceFileInfo ...
oIf user sets titleset number, then keep it clear off automatically assigned video streams
o-I.e. only add those videos that were assigned by the user.
oImprovement of the dvdauthor xml - file creation logic.
oDVD movies do now return to the SubMenu instead of the VMGM after finishing to play.
oTemplateCreationDialog, take care of Thumbnail position ... I.e. if dragged from the left side, use the thumbnail instead of first frame.
oBUGFIX: Delete-temp-folder displays negative total.
oBUGFIX: Add multiple audio files in one SourceFileEntry messes up header.
oBUGFIX: DVD spec requirement, modify exportdvdauthor.cpp such that in case here is an empty titleset, we need to add <menus><pgc/></menus> to it.
oBUGFIX: MenuObject handling. Dragging an Image over does not put it in the right space.
oBUGFIX: Redo the image dialog for QDVDAuthor (leave as is in QSlideshow)
oBUGFIX: ShadowDialog If ShadowDialog no longer shadow exist then delete shadow ...
oBUGFIX: Core if textobject is unbuttoned, text changed and then again created as a button. Crashes when pressin OK in the Button dialog.
Added Template Blue Planet
Added Template Peace
Added Template Hammock (animated)Version 0.1.3.beta, Released October 7'th 2006
oAdd MirrorObject.
oRe-write of the ImageDialog, to get rid of code complexity and to support Shadows.
oStore sound files in templates.
oAdded [Edit Movie ...] or [Edit Image ...] to the Button context menu.
oAdded [Movie Properties ...] or [Image Properties ...] to the Button context menu.
oAdded a [Analyze] button in the CommandExecutionDialog.
oImplement Assign to titleset on a per SourceFileInfo ...
oIf user sets titleset number, then keep it clear off automatically assigned video streams
o-I.e. only add those videos that were assigned by the user.
oImprovement of the dvdauthor xml - file creation logic.
oDVD movies do now return to the SubMenu instead of the VMGM after finishing to play.
oTemplateCreationDialog, take care of Thumbnail position ... I.e. if dragged from the left side, use the thumbnail instead of first frame.
oBUGFIX: Delete-temp-folder displays negative total.
oBUGFIX: Add multiple audio files in one SourceFileEntry messes up header.
oBUGFIX: DVD spec requirement, modify exportdvdauthor.cpp such that in case here is an empty titleset, we need to add <menus><pgc/></menus> to it.
oBUGFIX: MenuObject handling. Dragging an Image over does not put it in the right space.
oBUGFIX: Redo the image dialog for QDVDAuthor (leave as is in QSlideshow)
oBUGFIX: ShadowDialog If ShadowDialog no longer shadow exist then delete shadow ...
oBUGFIX: Core if textobject is unbuttoned, text changed and then again created as a button. Crashes when pressin OK in the Button dialog.
Added Template Blue Planet
Added Template Peace
Added Template Hammock (animated)
Version 0.1.2 beta
Here are the major changes that went in.
* Added shadows to MenuObjects.
* Added capability to use any frame of a movie for a MovieObject / ImageObject [As Thumbnail].
* Added capability to add an intro movie to a DVD menu.
* Unbutton a ButtonObject will now automatically delete the Selected, and Highlighted layers.
* You can now modify MenuObjects through simple mouse interaction.
* Added image / movie preview to the FileOpen dialogs.
* Fixed some minor issues in the Template related dialogs.
* I also added 13 new templates
* And much, much more ...
Version 0.1.1 beta, released July 4'th 2006.
o Added dialog to download templates off the web.
o Added dialog to create, install and upload a template.
o Added dialog to manually adjust auto detected values of a media stream.
o Added static MessageBox::html ( ... ) to start implementing some help buttons.
o Added image/video preview to the fileOpenDialogs.
o Added Videotrans to the possible transcoding options.
o Added detection of VOBUs in Mpeg2 streams. If not present the file will be marked for re-multiplexing.
o Improved color scheme of SourceToolBar.
o Transcode All does not change the background color.
o Fixed some issues with transcode command.
o Change cursor shape for active objects
o Implemented multiple selection in the Menu editor.
o Implemented doublebuffering for the DVDMenu.
o Implemented simple help in the CommandQueueDialog.
o Implemented Help buttons in TemplateDownload, and the TemplateDialog.
o Fixed DVDMenu 2 pixel border offset. (Clckin on an object does not 'lift' it anymore.)
o Fix ImageObject rotation etc, to complete dynamic modification of objects.
o Improve Frame's name assignement. Currently all have "Frame (255, 255, 20)"
o Handle Author/Contact/Header/TemplateComment fields from the generated templates. o Store and Read Author/Contact/Header/TemplateComment info in qdvdauthor init file.
o Check if buttons overlaying each other. This is causing problems in some DVD players.
o Only allow selection of [DVDMenu->Store as Template ...] if the menu has a background.
o Init video streams with post command ( call vmgm menu 1; )
o HOMEPAGE: Add description for KXineWidget/QXineWidget/QMPlayerWidget.
o HOMEPAGE: Added Treeview control to the web page.
o BUGFIX: Changed the default command for creating the empty .mp2 from 48 to 48000.
o BUGFIX: if I try to generate a slide show with no sound, dvd-slideshow creates a .wav file of infinite length (which, of course, never finishes...) and crashes when the device is full.
o BUGFIX: If no background is checked, then dvd-slideshow - preview does not work.
o BUGFIX: FIxed an issue with the first-time scan.
o BUGFIX: Fixed issue with autodetected aspect ratio.
o BUGFIX: Fixed crash when deleting object while selected.
o BUGFIX: Fixed templates basic3 / basic6 and movie_line.
o BUGFIX: Fixed typo in xml project files. Note: To fix an older project file use the script
o BUGFIX: Only the last project directory was deleted if [Delete all old project dirs] was selected.
o BUGFIX: Issue with 4 colors and fonts crept up again. QFont::NoAntialiasing is being ignored. Found workaround.
o BUGFIX: under certain ciurcumstances some of the video streams would disappear after clicking CreateDVD.
o BUGFIX: QDVDAuthor would crash with more then 12 menus created.
o BUGFIX: the paths were no longer added to the tools.
o BUGFIX: static Qt functions on SuSE 10.x under KDE deviate from documented behviour.
o BUGFIX: crashing DialogMovie for Xine-Lib, when xineStream is not yet defined.
Added file filepreviewdialog.h
Added file filepreviewdialog.cpp
Added file messagebox.h
Added file messagebox.cpp
Added file dialogmediainfo.h
Added file dialogmediainfo.cpp
Added file uidialogmediainfo.ui
Added file uitemplatedownload.ui
Added file templatedownload.h
Added file templatedownload.cpp
Added file uicreatetemplate.ui
Added file dialogcreatetemplate.h
Added file dialogcreatetemplate.cpp
Version beta 0.1.10 2005-12-23
Here are the major changes that went in.
* Fixed issues with the 4 color requirement of the Button layers.
* Completely re-wrote the dvdauthor xml file generation.
* Added basic support for subtitles.
* Added import filter for dvdauthor/spumux XML files.
* Added import filter for kino's smil format.
* Added import/export filter for the srt subtitles format.
* Added context menu to the Structure toolbar
* Added new tab to display the Titleset structure.
* Added color keying
* Added the version and build date to the AboutDialog.
* Fixed issues with the slideshow generation.
* And much, much more ...
Version alpha 0.0.10 2005-07-07
* Added transcoding interface. You can now use any type of input material and be able to convert it through Q DVD-Author.
* Added the TemplateDialog. This dialog creates menus by simply selecting the template and then placing the source material in the appropriate areas. You even find a template for an animated menu.
* Added the MovieDialog. This dialog has evolved to a central tool to edit MovieObject-, and MovieButton attributes.
* Added the TempDialog. This dialog helps you keep the temp space free.
* Added NewWizard. This might help new users to get the few settings in, which are needed for a new project.
* Added the AnimationDialog. This Dialog allows you to modify objects in the menu (position, transparency, size etc.)
* Added the estimated DVD space usage indicator. A feature requested by some people. Currently very simple.
* Added Drag'N Drop support from the SourceToolbar. This will help you to create buttons of the same size.
* Added Feedback feature. In case you get to a point where you can't figure out what the problem is. This option will collect all important data and pack it for you in the temp drive.
* Added Tools->Style. Wanna give Q DVD-Author a Marble look.
* Added Transparency to TextObjects. Cool new feature which you can abuse with empty text objects.
* Added Dialog to display conversion of files in background task. Now you don't have to wonder anymore if Q DVD-Author crashed or if it is busy.
* And much, much more ...
Version alpha 0.0.9 2005-02-12
* Completely reworked the MediaInterface. You can now choose between the xine-libs or MPlayer (VLC is implemented but awaiting a stable API)
* Restructured the temp file hirachy.
* Added support for MovieMenus and MovieButtons.
* Added basic undo / redo functionality including a graphical undo stack.
* Added DragNDrop support.
* Added autosave functionality. So in case of a crash you will be able to recover at least parts of your work.
* Added visible region marker.
* Added [Open recent] with thumbnails.
* Added generation of thumbnails in a background task.
* Added extraction of movie frames in a background thread. This way the user can continue working on the DVD while the computer is working hard.
* And much, much more ...
Version alpha 0.0.8 2004-10-31
# Improved configure and make scripts.
# Increased Qt minimal version to 3.2.0.
# Added About dialog.
# DialogTextFont : Implement x, y, width, height attributes to the TextDialog.
# DialogTextFont : Remember last chosen text attributes for the TextDialog.
# ButtonDialog : [Advanced >>] when modifying the action it is overwritten.
# DialogSetup : slotScanSystem creates a new scrollView. Need to align with the one created at initialization
# DialogSetup : Added dynamical buttons to the tools not found : [Search ...]
# Improved refresh speed through using ButtonPreview::setPaletteBackground rather then QLabel::setPixmap
# Implement changing of language under Tools->Languages.
# Implement Scan system button in DialogSetup.
# At first start automagically run a ScanSystem.
# Included all tool paths in the project file.
# Added NTSC/PAL save region for button positions (dotted line) to ensure buttons are visible [Tools->Save Region].
# Added Spanish translation file.
# Added version info into qdvdauthor.ini - files
# BUGFIX: Fixed a crash-bug when deleting QDVDAuthorInit.
# BUGFIX: Fixed crashes after second call to SetupDialog.
# BUGFIX: when deleting a menu the structure was not updated.
# BUGFIX: the generated frame button did not account for frame width.
# BUGFIX: Fix startup with cmdline of qplayer.
# BUGFIX: Unbutton positioned extracted layers wrong.
Version 0.0.6 2004-05-09
* Added a top-level project file for all sub-projects.
* Added the QXine sub-project.
* Integration of the qxine-lib 1.0rc3 into 'Q' DVD-AUthor.
* Added the Image/Movie open Dialog with xine preview.
* Some improvements in the CommandQueue-Dialog.
* Added a preview button in the Execute Dialog.
* Enhanced color map handling or the Button masks.
* Enhanced Sound support for the Menus.
* A lot of Bug fixes.
Version 0.0.5 on March 35'th 2004 :
o Added SubMenu handling
o Re-modeled the dvdauthor - xml file structure, to handle sub menus.
o Utilizing one directiory per project in the temp drive.
o Added ImageObjects, and FrameObjects. Now the Buttons can be really nice.
o The dvdauthor - XML code is now presented in a main tab for the user to modify.
Version 0.0.4 on March 7'th 2004 :
o Added basic Text-Button support.
o Added the TextColorDialog, and the ButtonDialog.
o Added support for rotation, stretching etc. to the buttons.
o Improved the structure view of the project.
o Added more functionality to the popup menus (Delete, Unbutton, Define As Button etc.).
Version 0.0.3 on February 16'th 2004 :
o Finalized the ManDialog.
o Finalized the ExecuteDialog.
o Added Slideshow capabilities.
Version 0.0.2 on January 25'th 2004 :
o Added COPYING with the GPL note.
o Generated QDVDAuthor logo.
o Generated screenshots (ugly but true).
o Updated HomePage.
o qimagehelper.h / .cpp implemented imagemagicklib version (only).
o Generated configurator for the build process.
o Generated Execute-GUI class to execute command line tools.
o Generated a dynamic GUI before processing the DVD which displays each command to be executed, with a header, describiung the purpose of said command and an editText where the user can change the command if he wants to.
o write the resized images back to HD to be used.
o Use the specified temp drives.
Version 0.0.1 on January 3'rd 2004 :
o Initial version