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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for MenuShrink

Version 2.41
Bug Fixes:
* Tiny bug fix with the Open button :(.

Version 2.4
* Added an "Open" button. This makes it possible to use MenuShrink in wine.
* Added code to support wine. If not in native windows, overlay mode is disabled (not supported in wine) and the settings are stored in a .MenuShrink directory.
Bug Fixes:
* The highlights status flag is now set to 1 in all cases. This caused highlights to not show up in rare cases, for example on Max and Paddy R2.
* Fixed an extremely rare problem with stop commands in subpics which could cause the subpic pack to become invalid.

Version 2.3
* You can preview all the cells that have more than 1 I-frame. This is useful to keep or discard menu transitions, or buttonless videos that are put in the menu domain (interviews etc).
* The overall DVD size (including menus and title) is now displayed in the Log.
* MenuShrink now avoids bypassing a cell if doing so would yield a "repeating menu" (a menu page that repeats once if the user presses one of the buttons).
* Clicking "Abort" now skips updating the IFOs!
* A warning is issued when the wrong video format is found in the PGC cell times.
* The cell playback time is now computed from scratch.
Bug Fixes:
* If "keep audio" was unchecked and a cell was kept animated, the audio streams were mistakingly reset.

Version 2.2
* The progress bar has a much finer grain (no longer looks stuck when reading large cells)
* There is a new "Keep" button in the preview panel, to keep a menu animated.
* The preview panel now displays the size of the menu cell to help decide whether to keep it or not.
* The engine now supports preserving animated menus.
* MenuShrink now fixes the VTSM_VOBU_ADMAP table when it's not correct to begin with.
Bug Fixes:
* Restore backup was behaving poorly when the backup directory hadn't been created yet.
* The number of included SPUs (subpic units) has been increased from 1 to 4 per cell. This should fix problems previously encountered in some (rare) DVDs (incredibles R4 for example).

Version 2.1
* The LOG now has color, which makes it much easier to see warnings and errors. Thanks jsoto!
* Cells that were not referenced in the original DVD are now flagged in the log.
* MenuShrink now fixes the VTSM_C_ADT when it's not correct to begin with. This fixes problems related to DVD Shrink complaining when opening menu-shrunk DVDs with incorrect VTSM_C_ADT tables.
* In those rare cases where the button definition changes in the middle of a cell, MenuShrink now uses the last buttong definition, which is more likely to be the right one.
* MenuShrink now updates some of the navpack's VOBU_SRI pointers, which fixes a problem one user encountered on his DVD recorder.
* If all the commands in a menu are NOPs or LinkNextProgram, MenuShrink will "kill" the cell (the menu is essentially a useless "intro"). This makes for better menu navigation.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a bug in the save log routine that sometimes caused garbled output.
* Fixed a bug that prevented restoring some backup files in some weird cases.
* Fixed a bug that caused menus to not show when animated highlights were present (very rare). This was the case for example for Spiderman 1. MenuShrink now only keeps the first subpic unit it finds in the menu.

Version 2.0
* Added selection with video preview for the still frame.
* MenuShrink remembers which frames were manually selected for the last processed DVD.
* MenuShrink can reload the last opened DVD.
* Added tool buttons and a path panel to set them up.
* Added support for messages in french.
* <>Added better command-line support. Pass video_ts.ifo and you open the full DVD. Pass vts_01_0.vob and only that VTS is marked for processing.
* If the VTSM_C_ADT table isn't correct to begin with, MenuShrink no longer crash.
* The VTS selection panel has been improved.
* MenuShrink now produces more compliant single-VOBU cells in no-audio mode.
* In audio mode, the audio is no longer clipped when the buttons appear late in the menu.
* MenuShrink now picks the smallest frame for transition clips (menu intros/outros).
* MenuShrink now squashes and attempts to skip cells that have non-functional buttons (either tiny buttons, or buttons that all have NOP commands).
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a bug in the pack identification routine that caused an audio pack to be mistaken for a navpack in Godzilla!!!
* Fixed a problems with tools when the path to the DVD folder had spaces in it.
* Occasional highlight delay has been fixed.
* The few remaining problems with highlights not showing on some DVD and some players have been ironed out.

Version 1.0

* Added a slider to select the still frame.
* Added a toggle to skip or not skip buttonless cells (menu intros/outros).
* Added user-definable hot keys F1 through F4. Requires editing the .ini file.
* Added a Soft DVD Player button.
* Added caption to Log Panel.
* Added New icon. Thanks Emile!
* Added message in red when error.
* Added the OneSecondStill option in the INI file. Only set to 1 if your settop box freezes on very short<> cells (jsoto's thomson player does!).
* Added code to skip a cell if it has no buttons, no cell command and a cell immediately following it in the PGC. This entirely skips many buttonless menu intro/outro.
* The cell elapsed time is now corrected in the VOB files.
* The button info is now back-propagated to the first NavPacks. Fixes the preview problem with PgcEdit
* The end presentation time of the vobu is now adjusted for a 1-VOBU cell with no buttons. This makes the cell play much faster (in fact, it's invisible on my settop).
* Simplified processing when I-frame didn't have enough room for end-of-sequence and padding code.

Bug Fixes:

* The video format (PAL/NTSC) was not updated when a new DVD was loaded. This is fixed.
* Fixed crash when the number of VTS was larger than 23.

Beta 0.800
* Beta 0.800 (First release) 2/23/2004

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