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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for MeGUI

MeGUI - 20250210

This latest release may require the .Net Framework 4.8.1 runtime in order to work correctly.

Whats new :

Updated MediaInfo libraries.
Fixed FFmpeg AAC VBR Mode.
Improved Standard Error Output Logging for Opus Transcoding.
Updated url to the github & forum entries.
Allowed WebVTT subtitle format for MP4/MKV muxing.
Added AV1 as supported VideoCodec for MKV Muxer.
Added BSVideoSource support in AVS Script Creator.
Targeted Project as .Net Framework 4.8.1.
Fixed several issues for svt-av1-psy Video Encoder.
Added input Bits Depth information into the log.

MeGUI - 20241125

Updated AvisynthWrapper and MediaInfo libraries.
Fixed issues within channel mask in audio transcoding.
Updated 7.1 & 6.1 avs downmix avs functions for audio transcoding.
Allowed dts audio streams as input for MP4 Muxer.
Added Windows 11 Build Revision Information.

MeGUI 6666.2308

A new fresh build has been released :

Introduced svt-av1-psy Video Encoder (
Added FFV1 Video Encoder (
Switched update development tools server to the fork one - mainly x64 binaries in there
Added 10bits encoding setting for x265
Fixed WAV_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE for multichannel sources for FLAC transcodings.

MeGUI 6666.1007

Introduced Exhale Audio encoder ( Binary can be found here and must be placed into tools/exhale subfolder. A decent A/V player using the latest LAV filters should decode properly such files.
Added BestAudio avisynth support ( The library must be put into tools/bestsource subfolder.
Simplified audio transcoding channel mask use.
Updated MediaInfo library to the latest release.

MeGUI 6666.1405

Removed mkv as input for mp4 muxing. Doesnt seems to be usable for the moment on Windows OS.
Fixed internal issues from audio transcoding when using channel mask.
Simplified flac settings.

MeGUI 6666.2604

Nothing really new in this release except

the 1st attempt to use channel mask feature for audio transcoding. This requires avisynth+ 3.7.3 or higher.
few internal updates to support the latest eac3to features.

Changelog version 6666.0204

- Avoid false positive mismatch frames encoded vs frames source for final statistics.
- Updated MediaInfo x64 library to the 24.03 release.
- Used the same naming schemes for all indexers. Fix issue #988 (
- Applied correctly the drc information from LSMASH-Works & FFMS2 as preferred audio source decoder. Fix issue #984 (
- Added time modification 23 <-> 24 for audio conversion. Feature Request #690 (
- Allowed UTF8 encoding format as Reader/Writer for avisynth input files. Feature Request #692 (

Changelog 2933 --> 2944

[Options] renamed "Show video preview after AviSynth script selection" to "Automatically open video preview"
[VideoPlayer] if that option is disabled the video preview will not show up automatically anywhere. Feature request #689
[AutoEncode] use random intermediate file names to avoid issues with interfering jobs. Bug #934
[Main] added startup splash screen. The splash screen does not slow down the start of MeGUI.

[Video Encoder] fixed not applying the proper bitrate for desired file sizes. Bug #974 (regression of 2930)
[L-SMASH Indexer] fixed if a non-default lwi file is used, it was created twice and not always deleted. Bug #978 (regression of 2915)
[Muxer] remember last accessed folder independent for the input folders and the output folder

Changelog 2913 --> 2933

[DGIndexNV] updated to support the free version. Patch by Donald Graft (#672)
[Progress Window] improved the job progress window in several ways. major ones are:
- processing rate got renamed to speed and is now also showing the current speed
- the current speed is used to calculate the remaining time
[L-SMASH Indexer] added support for recent versions and therefore
- enabled custom index file locations
- enabled VC-1 decoding support
[MeGUI] MeGUI does now require .NET 4.8

[FFmpeg AAC Encoder] fixed quality mode using the wrong number format (regression of 2904)
[MP4/MKV Muxer] use the full fraction of the frame rate (e.g. 24000/1001) when available. Bug #968
[OneClick] subsequent jobs in batch mode and the cleanup job will be created in any case
[Profile Selector] fixed new profile not available immediately. Bug #953

Changelog 2896 --> 2913

[DGIndexNV Indexer] adjusted AVS script parameters (requires DGIndexNV 2053.163+)
[DGIndexNV Indexer] mod2 is forced for crop values (was mod4 before)
[FFmpeg AAC Encoder] added FFmpeg AAC encoder. patch by Yarick Yermak (patch #71)
[FFmpeg AAC Encoder] unlike the other AAC encoder this one is available without any additional actions
[Main] moved the changelog to the tab control
[Main] new entries after an update will be highlighted
[Chapter Creator] added frame + output time code (if different from input)
[Chapter Creator] improved/changed handling

[Jobs] added in the Options window the possibility to enable/disable standby when jobs are running
[OneClick] fixed an error when switching profile settings. Bug #946
[OneClick] fixed not applying "automatic deinterlacing" filters. Bug #945 (regression of 2887)
[Settings] fixed worker settings window when using High DPI (regression of 2884)
[Main] fixed OneClick audio/video profile selections overwriting the main tab profile selections at next restart

Changelog 2876 --> 2896

[Worker] improved worker handling
- for each job type the process and I/O priority can be defined
- changing the priority in the progress window does change it only for the current job
- rule sets can be specified based on which it is determined how many jobs of which type are allowed to run in parallel
- settings to be found in the options window
[Main] some menu items have been moved/renamed:
- "optionssettings" to "options"
- "optionsupdate" to "toolsupdate"
- "workersworker summary" to "viewworker overview"
[Settings] input filters are restricted to 8 bit by default (to be disabled in the options window)
[OneClick] added support for VFR input files (requires mkv/mp4 output)

Changelog 2836 --> 2876

added high bit depth support (requires AVS+)
therefore avs4x26x has been replaced by ffmpeg when using x26x
[AviSynth] changed default value of "always use the included AviSynth" to enabled
[Chapter Creator] - added option to use an automated counter for chapters (enabled by default)
- added fps selector for the input does change the time codes if the input fps is not known (e.g. as with TXT/XML)
- the output fps value is used during saving for all output types

[HD Streams Extractor] added an option to select if the output prefix should be added (default: enabled)
[OneClick] fixed tracks 2 to n-1 not properly selecting their input track stream (regression of 2808). bug #907
[OneClick] fixed audio track processing for some file types if DG* indexer is used (e.g. VOB without IFO)

Known Problems:
- Windows Vista and older are not supported
- Unicode is not supported
- M2TS bitrate calculator does not calculate correct values as the specifications are unknown

Changelog 2828 --> 2836

[File Indexer] enabled "select audio tracks" for DGIndexIM/NV
[File Indexer] show DGIndexIM/NV only if enabled in the settings
[HD Streams Extractor] removed the custom "+ Options" column by default and added an option to show it

improved High DPI support
[Audio Encoder] x64: improved the downmix functions for 7.1/6.1 to 5.1

Changelog 2808 --> 2828

added High DPI support
[Jobs] added option to pause/resume jobs

[File Indexer] improved handling of Blu-ray playlists
[OneClick] added a profile option to set an output file suffix
[OneClick] fixed "-" button behaviour if only one track is available (regression of 2808)
[OneClick] fixed not updating the output folder path properly (regression of 2807)
[x264] added support for AVC level 6, 6.1 and 6.2 (requires x264 2851+)
[x264] added support for unified 8/10 bit binaries (requires x264 2901+)
[x265] added support for --tune grain

Changelog 2774 --> 2808

[AVS Script Creator] DirectShowSource/AVISource are disabled by default and have to be enabled in the MeGUI settings
[File Indexer] added MPLS support
[OneClick] added support for MKV attachments. If the MKV source does have such attachments, it will be copied to the target MKV. feature request #617
[Xvid] added a workaround to be able to use Xvid in portable AviSynth mode
[Update] added a first start-up question if the updater should be enabled or disabled (message will be shown also once to existing users)
if disabled no downloads will be made without confirmation. therefore e.g. no information of new updates will be available.

[AVS Script Creator] fixed DirectShowSource/AVISource not available if the portable AviSynth is used (regression of 2761). bug #896
[AVS Script Creator] improved the file extension filters of the "video input" file open dialogue
[Chapter] fixed non-ASCII handling (regression of 2753). bug #898
[L-SMASH Indexer] improved detection of LSMASH/LWLibav (regression of 2767). bug #899

Changelog 2715 --> 2774


all MediaInfo supported files and TXT/XML files can be used as chapter files. The muxers will use chapter information from the input video file if available.
!!! existing jobs created by older MeGUI builds have to be recreated as otherwise the chapter information is not available !!!

[HD Streams Extractor]
added settings menu:
- added settings to include the encoding and/or all demuxer "extract as" options. AAC encoding is only available if neroaacenc.exe is found in the eac3to directory.
- moved the language track selection option from the global settings into the new menu
- added option to select by default the (non-)HD tracks (defaults to non-HD)
removed the DTSHD "extract as" option and added the DTS_CORE option

removed the "Anamorph Output" option from the OneClick profile. Please use the anamorphic encoding options in the AviSynth profile instead.
added aspect ratio selection to the OneClick profile

if not at least AviSynth 2.6 is installed the portable build will be used

added/improved aspect ratio writing (all muxers except the AVI muxer). Therefore the aspect ratio of the video track will be used if not forced by other tools (e.g. OneClick).


[FFMS Indexer]
enabled AVI file handling

[HD Streams Extractor]
added detection of "core/embedded" tracks and support for HEVC video tracks

removed dtshd and dtsma file extension and added eac3, h265 and thd+ac3 file extension where suitable
improved handling of audio tracks:
- fixed demux of multiple audio tracks using the same input track (eac3to only)
- fixed handling of TrueHD+AC3 tracks if using an intermediate MKV file
- FLAC encodings use the HD track instead of the core if possible

priority changes will also be applied to child processes

Known Problems:
- Windows XP and older is not supported
- Unicode is not supported
- non default DPI values are not supported
- M2TS bitrate calculator does not calculate correct values as the specifications are unknown

Changelog 2624 --> 2715

[AudioEncoder] default to LWLibavAudioSource()/LSMASHAudioSource()
[AviSynth] replaced Yadif by Yadifmod2
[FileIndexer] added title selector for DVD sources incl. multi-angle support
[Update] improved updater to download appropriate architecture packages (can be deselected in the options)
[VobSubber] The VobSubber has been enhanced
- to support demux of forced subtitles
- to select if the subtitles should be extracted to multiple files
- with improved speed as the source will only be indexed once for multiple tracks
- to detect DVD sources incl. multi-angle suppor
[x265 Encoder] x265 is now always enabled

[AudioEncoder] added downmix option to 5.1
[FileIndexer] added IFO as supported input file type
[Haali Media Splitter] if the Haali Media Splitter is needed by the HD Streams Extractor it will be installed (administrative permissions are required)
[HD Streams Extractor] Unknown or not supported tracks cannot be selected
[OneClick] added MPLS as supported input files
[Title Selector] improved DVD/Blu-ray support & added option to change the minimum title length also in the global settings
[Various] where appropriate for DVD/Blu-ray sources a prefix and suffix is attached to the output file name

Known Problems:
- Windows XP and older is not supported
- Unicode is not supported
- non default DPI values are not supported
- M2TS bitrate calculator does not calculate correct values as the specifications are unknown

Changelog 2525 --> 2624

[Aften Encoder] The Aften AC-3 encoder has been removed. Please switch to FFmpeg AC-3.
[DGAVCIndex Indexer] DGAVCIndexer has been removed. Please use another indexer.
[DGIndexIM Indexer] DGIndexIM has been added. It is disabled by default and has to be enabled in the settings.
The new default indexer order is: DGIndexNV, DGIndexIM, DGIndex, L-SMASH, FFMS
[Main] .NET 4.0 is now required for MeGUI
[Main] The support for Windows XP has been dropped
[x265 Encoder] Added n-pass support
[Xvid Encoder] Added support for Xvid 1.3. An additional automated step is required as the output file must be prepared with FFmpeg.

[FFMS Indexer] disabled AVI file handling as FFMS may cause jittery motion
[HD Streams Extractor] + [MediaInfo] if a language cannot be detected or matched the default MeGUI language will be used
[HD Streams Extractor] improved feature selection & handling of unsupported tracks
[Main] added ~300 additional languages to select based upon ISO 639-2
[Muxer] + [OneClick] improved language detection based on the file name
[Profile] profiles will be saved to disk also when a profile is changed.
additionally "Load Defaults" resets now the selected profile (before it was the scratchpad one).
[Update] clean package directory during update

Changelog 2507 --> 2525

[Audio Encoder] added custom command line support
[Chapter Creator] added option to sort the title list by chapter count
[FDK-AAC Encoder] added FDK-AAC encoder support
due to the FDK-AAC license the encoder will not be available in the online updater

[Chapter Creator] cosmetics
[Chapter Creator] improved error handling
[HD Streams Extractor] cosmetics
[OneClick] better support for Blu-ray playlist where eac3to and mediainfo report different track information
[OneClick] fixed removing the wrong subtitle track when using the DEL key
[Update] get update server configuration data from the update server itself
[Update] if an outdated package is enabled the update will be downloaded automatically (if auto update is not disabled)
[VobSubber] improved error handling
[x265] adjusted command line for recent avs4x265

2513 [Update] removed update server completly
[Update] increased update data refresh interval to 2 days for the development server
2512 [OneClick] better support for Blu-ray playlist where eac3to and mediainfo report different track information
2511 [Chapter Creator] improved error handling
2510 [VobSubber] improved error handling
2509 [OneClick] fixed removing the wrong subtitle track when using the DEL key
2508 [x265] adjusted command line for recent avs4x265
2507 [Chapter Creator] improved multi angle Blu-Ray support
2506 [Update] improved runtime copying process
2505 [Audio Encoder] fixed wrong channel count mismatch warning for AVS files. Bug #767
2504 [Adaptive Muxer] fixed first subtitle unintended set to default. Bug #774
2503 [L-SMASH Indexer] the cache file was sometimes not deleted
2502 [Update] fixed freeze when adding new custom update servers. Bug #769
2501 [Update] removed update server for the stable branch as it cannot be synced anymore
[Update] increased update data refresh interval to 10 days for the stable server
2500 [x265] added custom command line
[x265] added support for 64bit x265
[x265] removed --no-ssim and --no-psnr as they are disabled by default
2499 [Audio Encoder] fixed TimeStretch support (regression of 2487)
[Audio Encoder] enhanced logging
[Audio Encoder] added 5.1 downmix if necessary (provided by tebasuna51)
2498 [L-SMASH Indexer] use the stream_index argument instead of track if using LWLibav*Source. Part II
2497 [L-SMASH Indexer] use the stream_index argument instead of track if using LWLibav*Source

2496 [MainForm] enabled Drag & Drop for folders
2495 [x265] introduced fastdecode & zerolatency tunings
2494 [x265] removed --timinginfo switch. frame rate information is handled automatically now.
2493 [Update] fixed a crash in some situations if neroaacenc is enabled (regression of 2490)
2492 [Update] fixed a crash on some systems without visual styles (regression of 2490)
2491 [Update] added option to hide the question if you would like to update
2490 [Update] added download progress indicator
[Update] added sortable columns
[Update] update data will only be refreshed every 1 (development) or 5 (stable) days
[Update] internal optimizations
2488 [x265] added --timinginfo switch in order to have fps information in the stream
2487 [Audio Encoder] fixed TimeStretch support (regression of 2383)
[Audio Encoder] added dedicated TimeStretch options
[Audio Encoder] added 96000 Hz sample rate conversion. Feature request #538
[Audio Encoder] cosmetics
2486 [HD Streams Extractor] improved logging
2485 [QAAC] allow only specific TVBR values. Please verify your settings.
2484 [Video Preview] if video preview is set to "always on top" some GUI elements were hidden. Bug #754
2483 [x264] improved error handling. Bug #755
2482 [AVI Muxer] improved logging
2481 [MKV Muxer] added HEVC support (requires mkvmerge 6.8.0+)
2480 [OneClick] changed resize behaviour so that upsizing will be used if enabled
2479 [AVS Script Creator] reverted Yadif back to Load_Stdcall_Plugin (regression of 2471)
2478 [HD Streams Extractor] last used open mode will be preselected
[HD Streams Extractor] fixed using wrong source file in file mode if more than one job is added with "and close" disabled
2477 [Update] fixed sometimes not possible to enable packages
[Update] improved default update selection logic
[Update] fixed sometimes not processing all packages
2476 [Queue] removed general check for missing packages at queue start
[Update] automatically download needed and missing packages after confirmation if the package was disabled (regression of 2471)
2475 [Audio Encoder] added needed ConvertAudioToFloat() for AviSynth+
2474 [AVS Script Creator] fixed path for Yadif and BassAudioSource (regression of 2471)
2473 [Update] fixed error if auto update is disabled (regression of 2471)
2472 [Update] required packages are always enabled
2471 [Update] merged some avisynth plugins into one package
[Update] fixed problem with the installation of the avs package
[Update] internal optimizations
2470 [AVS Script Creator] fixed sometimes using VobSub instead of TextSub
2469 [FFMS Indexer] do not index audio tracks if they will be demuxed
2468 [MKV Demuxer] if a delay is needed e.g. "Delay 123ms" (instead of "123ms") will be added to the demuxed file name
2467 [OneClick] "Don't encode video" is now used for all containers
[OneClick] improved detection of suitable output containers
2466 [Update] automatically download needed and missing packages after confirmation if the package was disabled
2465 [Queue] changed default main window size and queue column size
2464 [x264] fixed --sar detection for 720x480 if using the Blu-ray target device
2463 [AVS Script Creator] improved anamorphic calculation. if the output DAR is the same as the input DAR
+[OneClick] it will not be rounded within the "acceptable anamorhphic aspect error" tolerance
2462 [Update] improved status handling
[Update] cosmetics
2461 [L-SMASH Indexer] renamed to L-SMASH Works
[L-SMASH Indexer] internal optimizations
2460 [Update] if external tools are disabled in the settings they are also disabled for updates
2459 [Audio Encoder] added AddAutoloadDir() if using the included AviSynth+
2458 [OneClick] fixed problem if using the same internal audio track several times
2457 [Audio Encoder] fixed missing SSRC() function in included AviSynth+
[Audio Encoder] improved error handling
2456 [Log] improved .NET detection
2455 [Update] cosmetics
2454 [Log] show information about .NET 2.0 and 4.0
[Log] removed information about highest .NET build
2453 [Audio Encoder] fixed sometimes choosing the wrong decoder (regression of 2448)
2452 [Audio Encoder] lowered also the priority for the audio decoder
[Audio Encoder] default order: NicAudio, BassAudio, FFAudioSource, LWLibavAudioSource, DirectShow
2451 [Chapter Creator] added support for mkv input files
[Chapter Creator] added option to specify the minimum title length
[Chapter Creator] added option to specify the FPS value
[Chapter Creator] improved FPS detection for DVD/Bluray
2450 [LSMASH Indexer] show time/file progress during indexing
added possibility to set output file/folder
blocked indexer if input file is in a read only directory
lowered the default priority so that it will be used after FFMS
added log information
copy the runtimes if required
[FFMS Indexer] defaults to LoadPlugin if LoadCPlugin is also possible
2449 [Update] show the lsmash package in the updater
2448 [LSMASH Indexer] added LSMASHVideoSource/LWLibavVideoSource support
as no indexer is available no progress during "indexing" is available
also the cache file must be created in the same directory as the source file
[Audio Encoder] added LSMASHAudioSource/LWLibavAudioSource support
2447 [Update] fixed a regression in 2446
2446 [Update] removed "Platform" column
added "Last Used" column
sort based on first column
internal optimizations
2445 [Update] fixed an error if toolsavs does not exists (regression of 2444)
2444 [Settings] added option to always use the included/portable AviSynth build (disabled by default)
[Update] improved AviSynth portable support for external tools
[Log] added AviSynth+ detection
2443 [Settings] removed "Force Video File Extension for QT compatibility"
removed "Samples between audio progress updates"
removed "Use Advanced ToolTips"
2442 [x265] fixed error during preset startup (regression of 2422)
2441 [OneClick] fixed PCM audio track handling in mkv files (regression of 2378)
2440 [XviD] hide FourCC box as it will not be used
2439 [FFMS Indexer] automatically switch to LoadCPlugin if required
add fpsnum and fpsden if required
2438 [x264] custom --fps values will be detected and used
2437 [OneClick] improved working directory generation
improved handling if selected output container cannot be used
2436 [M2TS Muxer] added HEVC/x265 and MKV support (requires tsmuxer 2.5.5+)
[OneClick] added HEVC/x265 support for MP4 and removed it for MKV
2435 [Update] optional packages will only be downloaded/enabled if needed (part II)
now all external programs are disabled by default
2434 [Update] an update to 2431+ will not disable DGIndexNV, NeroAACenc, QAAC or x265 if already enabled
2433 [AVS Script Creator] fixed "TDeint (with EDI)" (regression of 2305)
2432 [Update] fixed DGIndexNV, NeroAACenc, QAAC and x265 update handling (regression of 2431)
2431 [Update] optional packages will only be downloaded/enabled if needed
therefore during first use of such packages an online connection may be required
if a package is not used in 60 days it will be disabled again
currently the following packages are disabled by default (more to come):
DGIndexNV, FFmpeg, MKVMerge, NeroAACenc, QAAC, x264, x264_10b, x265
DGIndexNV, NeroAACenc, QAAC and x265 still need to be enabled in the MeGUI settings
NeroAACenc, QAAC and x265 need a restart of MeGUI so that the presets are enabled
2430 [OneClick] fixed unnecessary resize/crop in some cases (regression of 2357)
2429 [Update] version/date information will be shown also for disabled packages
2428 [Update] disabled packages are not hidden anymore
2427 [Update] hide x264 10bit completly if disabled (regression of 2395)
2426 [x265] added option to enable/disable x265 in the MeGUI settings (disabled by default)
2425 [Queue] fixed crash if more than one worker is opening an avs script
2424 [x265] fixed default encoding mode part II
2423 [x265] fixed default encoding mode
2422 [x265] added basic x265 encoding support
2421 [Log] do not log progress messages from the FFmpeg encoder
2420 delete devil.dll in the MeGUI root folder if avisynth.dll is not available also
2419 [Update] added possibility to use display names for the update files
added possibility to use .NET requirements for the update files
improved error handling and log output

Changelog 2356 --> 2418

[x264] added 10 bit encoding support. This must be enabled through the MeGUI settings if you want to use it.
[x264] disabled direct mp4 output as the official builds do not have this support enabled anymore.
[x264] therefore introduced external muxer job feature for the x264 encoder (only MKV & MP4). Can be changed through the MeGUI settings.
[x264] forced to use external mp4 muxer in any case

[Aften] do not log progress messages
[Audio Encoder] added 32000 Hz as Sample Rate. Feature Request #518
[Audio Encoder] added TimeStretch support. Feature Request #493
[AviSynth] only load portable DirectShowSource.dll if portable mode is used
[AVS Script Creator] + [OneClick] aligned resolution calculation of both tools
[AVS Script Creator] changed default mod value to 8
[AVS Script Creator] fixed a crash when opening first a smaller (width/height) and then a bigger input file
[Chapter Creator] automatically preselect chapter file name
[Log] changed format of some date/times
[Log] improved avs log information
[M2TS Muxer] added A_LPCM as Audio Codec ID for WAV/PCM files. Bug #730
[Main] improved Windows 7/8 support. Added .NET 4.5.1 and Windows 8.1 detection
[MainForm] show avs script errors. Feature request #513
[MediaInfo] added Bits Depth information in the log
[MediaInfo] enhanced handling of incorrect avs files. Bug #722
[MediaInfo] ignore phantom audio tracks
[MediaInfo] use 23.976 instead of 99 as default value if fps cannot be determined
[MP4 Muxer] added TTXT Subtitles Files support. Feature request #437
[MP4 Muxer] default GPAC string will be erased
[OneClick] A_MS/ACM (PCM) audio tracks in MKV files will be extracted with eac3to
[OneClick] added option to set a language by default if it cannot be determined
[OneClick] fixed "close after Go!" in batch mode
[OneClick] fixed adding only the first track when using FileOpen in the main window. Bug #724
[OneClick] fixed internal chapters wrongly detected in VOB files
[OneClick] improved AddBorders calculation for AviSynth 2.6
[Opus] allow max bitrate up to 512 Kbps. Feature request #512
[Opus] raised default bitrate to 96 Kbps
[QAAC] added "no delay" feature
[Queue] open input/output files/folders and in any job state (right click on the job queue)
[Settings] sort the default languages alphabetically
[Update] fixed grammar/spelling errors
[Update] update server will not be changed during every update check
[x264] added --stitchable option (requires x264 revision 2345+)
[x264] allow max bitrate up to 300000 Kbps instead of 100000 Kbps
[x264] fixed wrong number format of the zone modifier in same cases
[x264] if --bluray-compat is used without a BluRay device selected:
--bframes is restricted to 3
--open-gop is not forced anymore
--ref is restricted to 6
--slices 4 is not forced anymore
--weightp is restricted to 0 or 1

2418 [Main] improved Windows 7/8 support
2417 [Queue] fixed crash when opening the right click menu (regression of 2402)
2416 [Log] added .NET 4.5.1 detection
2415 [Log] added Windows 8.1 detection
2414 [x264] if --bluray-compat is used without a BluRay device selected:
--ref is restricted to 6
--bframes is restricted to 3
--slices 4 is not forced anymore
2413 [OneClick] fixed option to set a language by default if it cannot be determined (regression of 2363)
2412 [Update] enabled again
2411 [x264] fixed wrong number format of the zone modifier in same cases
2410 [Settings] sort the default languages alphabetically
2409 [Update] fixed grammar/spelling errors
2408 [AviSynth] fixed DirectShowSource in non-portable mode (regression of 2406)
2407 [Update] disabled mirror as it is out of sync
2406 [AviSynth] only load portable DirectShowSource.dll if portable mode is used
2405 [Log] improved avs log information
2404 [MediaInfo] ignore phantom audio tracks
2403 [M2TS Muxer] added A_LPCM as Audio Codec ID for WAV/PCM files. Bug #730
2402 [Queue] extended "Open" option to open input/output files/folders and in any job state if available
2401 [Audio Encoder] fixed TimeStretch support for 23.976 <--> 25 fps conversion (regression of 2383)
2400 [MediaInfo] added log output if fps cannot be determined
2399 [x264] if --bluray-compat is used without a BluRay device selected:
--open-gop is not forced anymore
--weightp is restricted to 0 or 1
2398 [Queue] allowed to open output folder when job is done. This is available via the right click on the Job Queue.
2397 [MediaInfo] use 23.976 instead of 99 as default value if fps cannot be determined
2396 [AutoEncode] fixed mp4 output (regression of 2381)
2395 [x264] only download 10bit files if enabled
2394 [x264] added x264 10bit to the update server
2393 [Main] create external job muxer jobs with dependencies
2392 [x264] added 10 bit encoding support. This can be enabled through the MeGUI settings. Thanks to Detmek for the tests.
2391 [Aften] do not log progress messages
2390 [OneClick] improved AddBorders calculation for AviSynth 2.6
2389 [Main] updated the correct video output file extension according to the muxer used
2388 [x264] added --stitchable option (requires x264 revision 2345+)
2387 [Update] update server will not be changed during every update check
2386 [AVS Script Creator] changed default mod value to 8
2385 [Main] added FrameRate information concerning external JobMuxer
2384 [MediaInfo] added Bits Depth information in the log
2383 [Audio Encoder] Add TimeStretch support. Feature Request #493
2382 [x264] Force to use external mp4 muxer because the current x264 build doesn't have the mp4 support
2381 [x264] introduced external muxer job feature for the x264 encoder (only MKV & MP4). Can be enabled/disabled through the MeGUI settings.
2380 [AVS Script Creator] fixed a crash when opening first a smaller and then a bigger input file
2379 [Audio Encoder] Added 32000 Hz as Sample Rate. Feature Request #518
2378 [OneClick] A_MS/ACM (PCM) audio tracks in MKV files will be extracted with eac3to
2377 [QAAC] added "no delay" feature
2376 [Log] changed format of some date/times
2375 [OneClick] fixed anamorphic encodings (regression of 2357)
2373 [MP4 Muxer] default GPAC string will be erased
2372 [MP4 Muxer] added TTXT Subtitles Files support. Feature request #437
2370 [OneClick] fixed "close after Go!" in batch mode
2369 [x264] disabled direct mp4 output as the official builds do not have this support enabled
2368 [OneClick] fixed internal chapters wrongly detected in VOB files enhanced logging
2367 [MainForm] show avs script errors. Feature request #513
2366 [Opus] raised default bitrate to 96 Kbps
2365 [x264] allow max bitrate up to 300000 Kbps instead of 100000 Kbps
2364 [Opus] allow max bitrate up to 512 Kbps. Feature request #512
2363 [OneClick] added option to set a language by default if it cannot be determined
2362 [Chapter Creator] automatically preselect chapter file name
2361 [AVS Script Creator] fixed not possible to change the height (regression of 2357)
2360 [OneClick] fixed using a resolution of 16x16 or lower in some cases (regression of 2357).
2359 [OneClick] fixed adding only the first track when using FileOpen in the MainForm. Bug #724
2358 [MediaInfo] enhanced handling of incorrect avs files. Bug #722
2357 [AVS Script Creator] + [OneClick] aligned resolution calculation of both tools

Changelog 2341 --> 2356

[MainForm] improved FileOpen and drag & drop handling
[OneClick] added option to disable intermediate MKV files
[Log] improved logging - console output is added to the log immediately

[AVS Script Creator] + [OneClick] fixed memory leak when using autocrop. Bug #653
[HD Streams Extractor] select audio/subtitle tracks without language tag by default
[MKV Muxer] fixed raw LC-AAC files detected as HE-AAC
[MKV Muxer] fixed wrong default duration for interlaced AVC in some cases
[MP4 Muxer] revert r2299 (allow Nero & Apple Chapters styles muxing for better interoperability with players)
[OneClick] + [HD Streams Extractor] fixed detection of Blu-Ray if not using the root folder of the BD. Bug #721
[OneClick] enhanced error handling
[OneClick] fixed wrong stream order in some TS files. Bug #718
[Preset Exporter] fixed not exporting the AviSynth preset included in a OneClick preset. Bug #719
[x264] as too high vbv values are also logged by x264 as a warning the MeGUI log warning has been removed
[x264] fixed max values for --crf and --qp
[x264] fixed not applying proper vbv values if only changing the AVC profile
[x264] fixed wrong detection of errors if file name contains "error"
[x264] vbv values are shown in red if the values are too high or not limited

2355 [OneClick] added option to disable intermediate MKV files
2354 [MainForm] improved FileOpen and drag & drop handling
2353 [MKV Muxer] fixed raw LC-AAC files detected as HE-AAC
fixed wrong default duration for interlaced AVC in some cases
2352 [Log] improved logging part II
2351 [Preset Exporter] fixed not exporting the AviSynth preset included in a OneClick preset. Bug #719
2350 [OneClick] fixed wrong stream order in some TS files. Bug #718
2349 [x264] fixed max values for --crf and --qp
2348 [x264] vbv enhancements
- vbv values are shown in red if the values are too high or not limited
- as too high values are also logged by x264 as a warning the MeGUI log warning has been removed
- fixed not applying proper vbv values if only changing the AVC profile
2347 [Log] improved logging - console output is added to the log immediately
2346 [HD Streams Extractor] select audio/subtitle tracks without language tag by default
2345 [MP4 Muxer] revert r2299 (allow Nero & Apple Chapters styles muxing for better interoperability with players)
2344 [AVS Script Creator] + [OneClick] fixed memory leak when using autocrop. Bug #653
2343 [x264] fixed wrong detection of errors if file name contains "error"
2342 [OneClick] enhanced error handling

Changelog 2308 --> 2341

[x264] extended apple device profile support and removed/merged some others
[x264] added vbv restrictions based on the selected AVC level
[OneClick] improved muxing into intermediate MKV
[MKV Muxer] improved playback performance with some players (requires MkvMerge 5.9.0+)

[AVS Script Creator] fixed missing DAR values in the AVS script if using "Clever (TM) anamorphic encoding"
[File Indexer] enhanced index file selection behavior
[MKV Muxer] enhanced projected file size calculation if using intermediate MKV files
[OneClick] enhanced generation of demux file names
[OneClick] fixed a problem when aborting during automatic deinterlacing
[OneClick] fixed audio delay handling if pgcdemux will be used together with an intermediate MKV file
[OneClick] fixed AVS audio processing. Bug #711
[OneClick] fixed missing subtitle tracks if using intermediate MKV files. Bug #710
[OneClick] fixed not removing chapter option if selected input file has no internal chapters
[OneClick] improved working path detection
[OneClick] modified "and open next" behavior
[OneClick] not correctly extracted subtitle files will be ignored
[OneClick] set "Force using Key-Frames for chapters marks" even if "Don't encode video" is checked
[OneClick] the audio track encode selection will not be disabled anymore
[x264] added "stillimage" to the psy tunings and moved "zerolatency" and "fastdecode" to the misc tab
[x264] added AVC levels 1b and 5.2
[x264] log enhancement
[x264] set default --crf value to 23

2339 [x264] changed vbv restrictions so that is possible to use non compliant values
2338 [x264] log enhancements
2337 [OneClick] fixed a problem with external audio files. Bug #714
2336 [x264] set default --crf value to 23
2335 [x264] fixed applying wrong vbv values (--vbv-bufsize 1 and --vbv-maxrate 1)
2334 [x264] extended apple device profile support and removed/merged some others
2333 [x264] set AVC level, "zerolatency" and "fastdecode" effects also in the advanced settings
2332 [x264] fixed AVC level 1.0 encoded as 1.1
2331 [x264] fixed restricted vbv-bufsize value too low for some levels
2330 [OneClick] fixed not removing chapter option if selected input file has no internal chapters
2329 [x264] added vbv restrictions based on the selected AVC level
2328 [x264] added AVC levels 1b and 5.2
2327 [x264] added "stillimage" to the psy tunings and moved "zerolatency" and "fastdecode" to the misc tab
2326 [File Indexer] enhanced index file selection behavior2325 [MKV Muxer] improved playback performance with some players (requires MkvMerge 5.9.0+)
2324 [OneClick] avoid muxing into intermediate MKV file in some cases if using a DVD source
2323 [OneClick] set "Force using Key-Frames for chapters marks" even if "Don't encode video" is checked
2322 [OneClick] fixed a problem when aborting during automatic deinterlacing
2321 [OneClick] fixed a problem with multiple subtitle extraction caused by 23182320 [OneClick] fixed missing subtile tracks if using intermediate MKV files. Bug #710
2319 [MKV Muxer] enhanced projected file size calculation if using intermediate MKV files
2318 [OneClick] enhanced generation of demux file names
2317 [OneClick] the audio track encode selection will not be disabled anymore
2316 [OneClick] fixed audio delay handling if pgcdemux will be used together with an intermediate MKV file
2315 [OneClick] modified "and open next" behavior
2314 [OneClick] improved muxing into intermediate MKV file if necessary
2313 [OneClick] fixed using wrong chapters file if using an intermediate MKV file with VOB input
2312 [OneClick] avoid muxing into intermediate MKV file if this is not necessary
2311 [OneClick] not correctly extracted subtitle files will be ignored. Bug #710
2310 [OneClick] fixed AVS audio processing. Bug #711
2309 [AVS Script Creator] fixed missing DAR values in the AVS script if using "Clever (TM) anamorphic encoding"

Changelog 2296 --> 2308

[AVS Script Creator] removed cropping limit
[MP4 Muxer] allow Nero & Apple Chapters styles muxing for better interoperability with players. Patch by Eli Bildirici (#66)

[AVS Script Creator] added detailed analysis result to the log
[AVS Script Creator] fixed "TDeint (with EDI + BOB)"
[AVS Script Creator] fixed not applying film when manually choosing "Partially film"
[AVS Script Creator] fixed recreating the index file during "Analyse" if using FFMS with a non-default index file location
[AVS Script Creator] fixed wrong resize values in some cases if using cropping without anamorphic encoding
[MediaInfo] fixed wrong aspect ratio if using anamorphic AVS files
[MediaInfo] fixed wrong aspect ratio in some cases
[MKV Demuxer] fixed wrong detection of errors if file name contains "error"
[MP4 Muxer] avoid quote truncation within Chapters Names. Patch by Eli Bildirici (#66)
[MP4 Muxer] cosmetic - "disable" instead of "disabled" parameter

2308 [AVS Script Creator] added detailed analysis result to the log
2307 [AVS Script Creator] fixed not applying film when manually choosing "Partially film"
2306 [MP4 Muxer] cosmetic - "disable" instead of "disabled" parameter
2305 [AVS Script Creator] fixed "TDeint (with EDI + BOB)"
2304 [AVS Script Creator] fixed recreating the index file during "Analyse" if using FFMS with a non-default index file location
2303 [AVS Script Creator] removed cropping limit
2302 [AVS Script Creator] fixed wrong resize values in some cases if using cropping without anamorphic encoding
2301 [MKV Demuxer] fixed wrong detection of errors if file name contains "error"
2300 [MediaInfo] fixed wrong aspect ratio if using anamorphic AVS files
2299 [MP4 Muxer] allow Nero & Apple Chapters styles muxing for better interoperability with players. Patch by Eli Bildirici (#66)
2298 [MP4 Muxer] avoid quote truncation within Chapters Names. Patch by Eli Bildirici (#66)
2297 [MediaInfo] fixed wrong aspect ratio in some cases

Changelog 2287 --> 2296

- added support for Apple TV & iPad in the MP4 muxer

[AVS Cutter] fixed not fading to black
[AVS Script Creator] fixed "Clever (TM) anamorphic encoding" if using "Encode non-mod 16"
[AVS Script Creator] removed "Successfully converted to YV12" message
[M2TS Muxer] disabled pure TrueHD as it is not supported by tsMuxeR
[OneClick] fixed some "index out of bounds" errors. Bug #703 + #707
[OneClick] only supported subtitle tracks will be added
[x264] fixed --crf and --partitions not set to default settings for new MeGUI installations

2296 [x264] fixed --crf and --partitions not set to default settings for new MeGUI installations
2295 [OneClick] fixed some "index out of bounds" errors. Bug #703 + #707
2294 [OneClick] only supported subtitle tracks will be added
2293 [AVS Script Creator] fixed "Clever (TM) anamorphic encoding" if using "Encode non-mod 16"
2292 [AVS Cutter] fixed not fading to black
2291 [M2TS Muxer] disabled pure TrueHD as it is not supported by tsMuxeR
2290 [AVS Script Creator] removed "Successfully converted to YV12" message
2289 [OneClick] fixed error when opening some files. Bug #703
2288 [MP4 Muxer] added support for Apple TV & iPad

Changelog 2237 --> 2287

- enhanced AVS Script Creator (read details in the block below)
- added BassAudioSource() as audio decoder
the default order is now: NicAudio, BassAudio, FFAudioSource, DirectShow
- enhanced OneClick e.g. mux input files into MKV if possible for better audio/video processing support

[Adaptive Muxer] fixed handling of the "and close" button
[Audio Encoding Window] cosmetics
[Audio] changed default value of the normalization to disabled
[AVS Script Creator] added "Aspect Ratio Error"
[AVS Script Creator] added option to enable upsizing in the profile (disabled by default)
[AVS Script Creator] added option to select the default mod value in the profile (mod16 by default)
[AVS Script Creator] adjusted "Clever (TM) anamorphic encoding" so the new mod values are used
[AVS Script Creator] always show the correct output resolution when not resizing
[AVS Script Creator] even with upsizing allowed the default resolution will use no upsizing
[AVS Script Creator] moved "acceptable aspect error" setting into the AviSynth profile (1% by default)
[AVS Script Creator] resize is enabled by default in the profiles (only for new profiles)
[AVS Script Creator] suggest resolution is automatically pre-selected when doing a resize
[AVS Script Creator] use very high accuracy for anamorphic encodings if acceptable aspect error is set to 0%
[HD Streams Extractor] + [MP4 Muxer] fixed wrong detection of errors if file name contains "error"
[HD Streams Extractor] fixed handling of seamless branching EVO files
[HD Streams Extractor] log adjustments for eac3to 3.25+
[Job] improved aborting of Jobs
[MediaInfo] improved aspect ratio detection
[MP4 Muxer] improved iOS compatibility when using multiple audio/subtitle tracks. Patch #65 by Eli Bildirici
[OneClick] added option to extract the core from HD audio tracks
[OneClick] added option to reset the working/output directories in the profile
[OneClick] added option to use only the first audio track from a specific language
[OneClick] lowered default priority of the DGA indexer
[OneClick] pgcdemux will only be used if more than one PGC is found
[OneClick] remove phantom audio/subtitle tracks detected by MediaInfo when processing Blu-ray
[OneClick] warn if identical tracks are about to be processed
[QAAC] disable TVBR in HE-AAC. Bug #699
[QAAC] if CoreAudioToolbox.dll is missing an information will be displayed
[Queue] related jobs are highlighted when selecting a job
[Queue] warn if intermediate files of an incomplete job are going to be deleted
[Queue] when deleting a job warn always if it is part of a related job series
[Update] added system proxy. Patch by Shevek
[Update] fixed a crash if the proxy has been enabled without server address
[Worker] a finished temporary worker will not start anymore idle workers. Bug #691
[Worker] a temporary worker will always be deleted after a job is finished (successful or not)
[Worker] fixed temporary worker only processing one job
[Worker] if a job is aborted the corresponding worker will be stopped
[Worker] several small optimizations

Known Problems:
- Unicode is not supported
- non default DPI values are not supported
- M2TS bitrate calculator does not calculate correct values as the specifications are not known

2287 [HD Streams Extractor] log adjustments for eac3to 3.25+
[HD Streams Extractor] + [MP4 Muxer] fixed wrong detection of errors if file name contains "error"
2286 [OneClick] lowered default priority of the DGA indexer
2285 [OneClick] added option to use only the first audio track from a specific language
2284 [AVS Script Creator] always show the correct output resolution when not resizing
even with upsizing allowed the default resolution will use no upsizing
2283 [OneClick] added option to extract the core from HD audio tracks
2282 [OneClick] remove phantom audio/subtitle tracks detected by MediaInfo when processing Blu-ray
2281 [QAAC] disable TVBR in HE-AAC. Bug #699
2280 [AVS Script Creator] fixed not applying Nvidia deinterlacer settings
2279 [OneClick] remux only into MKV if necessary & possible. Bug #698
2278 [OneClick] added option to reset the working/output directories in the profile
2277 [OneClick] mux AVI/MP4 input files into MKV for better audio/video processing support
2276 [QAAC] if CoreAudioToolbox.dll is missing an information will be displayed
2275 [Worker] fixed temporary worker only processing one job
2274 [Adaptive Muxer] fixed handling of the "and close" button
2273 [Audio Encoding Window] cosmetics
2272 [AVS Script Creator] moved "acceptable aspect error" setting into the AviSynth profile (1% by default)
[AVS Script Creator] improved AR chooser
[MediaInfo] improved aspect ratio detection
2269 [MP4 Muxer] restrict "group=1" to the Apple Devices regarding Audio streams
2268 [AVS Script Creator] use very high accuracy for anamorphic encodings if acceptable aspect error is set to 0%
2267 [AVS Script Creator] improved accuracy of the "Aspect Ratio Error"
[AVS Script Creator] improved accuracy of the aspect ratio when using "Clever (TM) anamorphic encoding"
[AVS Script Creator] internal optimizations
[OneClick] implemented the AVS Script Creator changes
2266 [Audio Encoder] added BassAudioSource() as decoder. Part II
2265 [MP4 Muxer] improved iOS compatibility when using multiple audio/subtitle tracks. Patch #65 by Eli Bildirici
2264 [Worker] a temporary worker will always be deleted after a job is finished (successful or not)
2263 [Audio] changed default value of the normalization to disabled
2262 [AVS Script Creator] show "Aspect Ratio Error" when doing an anamorphic encoding
some cosmetic sizing & cropping enhancements
2261 [Update] added system proxy. Patch by Shevek
2260 [AVS Script Creator] changed "point of view" of the aspect error calculation
2259 [Audio Encoder] added BassAudioSource() as decoder
default order: NicAudio, BassAudio, FFAudioSource, DirectShow
2258 [Job] improved aborting of Jobs
2256 [AVS Script Creator] fixed a slight rounding error in the aspect error calculation
2255 [AVS Script Creator] resize is enabled by default in the profiles (only for new profiles)
[AVS Script Creator] suggest resolution is automatically pre-selected when doing a resize
[AVS Script Creator] DAR changes also triggers a recalc of the "Aspect Ratio Error"
[AVS Script Creator] avoid upsizing (if disallowed) when "Clever (TM) anamorphic encoding" is used
[AVS Script Creator] some minor cosmetics / changes
2254 [Update] fixed a crash if the proxy has been enabled without server address
2253 [Queue] warn if intermediate files of an incomplete job are going to be deleted
2252 [Worker] if a job is aborted the corresponding worker will be stopped
2251 [OneClick] pgcdemux will only be used if more than one PGC is found
2250 [AVS Script Creator] avoid upsizing when resizing a cropped source
[AVS Script Creator] added option to enable upsizing in the profile (disabled by default)
[AVS Script Creator] added option to select the default mod value in the profile (mod16 by default)
[AVS Script Creator] adjusted "Clever (TM) anamorphic encoding" so the new mod values are used
[OneClick] obey the new AVS Script Creator settings
2249 [HD Streams Extractor] fixed handling of seamless branching EVO files
2248 [OneClick] warn if identical tracks are about to be processed
2247 [AVS Script Creator] hide "Aspect Ratio Error" when doing an anamorphic encoding
fixed handling of the "Aspect Ratio Error" if dealing with an anamorphic input file
2246 [AVS Script Creator] enhanced readability of the "red parts"
the "Aspect Ratio Error" only turns red if the value is bigger than the acceptable aspect error
crop values will be used also for the upsize warnings
2245 [Queue] related jobs are highlighted when selecting a job
2244 [Queue] when deleting a job warn always if it is part of a related job series
2243 [AviSynth Script Creator] fixed a crash if "Clever (TM) anamorphic encoding" is enabled
2242 [AviSynth Script Creator] show signed "Aspect Ratio Error"
2241 [Worker] a finished temporary worker will not start anymore idle workers. Bug #691
several small optimizations
2240 [AviSynth Script Creator] "Aspect Ratio Error" will also be changed if cropping is changed
2239 [AviSynth Script Creator] added "Aspect Ratio Error"
2238 [AviSynth Script Creator] enabled upsizing

Changelog 2153 --> 2237

- enhanced OneClick tool (read details in the block below)
- AviSynth is not required to be installed anymore. Instead a portable version will be used when required.
- The audio encoder QAAC and OPUS have been added - FAAC has been removed.
Because of the external dependencies QAAC must be enabled in the MeGUI settings.
Additionally for QAAC some files must be installed (
- added better MP4 language support & several Apple devices tunings especially for chapters

Enhanced OneClick encoder:
- Blu-ray processing (Folder + Playlist)
- DVD folder + file processing (including PGC support). Feature request #2817190
- folder as input supported. Feature request #3429875/#2773587
- support multiple input files per drag & drop
- new subtitle control (including delay, language, name, forced/default flag). Feature request #2752988
- subtitle support for MP4, AVI and M2TS output container
- enhanced audio control (added delay, language, name)
- AVS files as video input supported. Feature request #3412229
- embedded VOB subtitle support (IFO must be available)
- every OneClick job will be stored in a unique working directory. Feature request #2798486
- option to select default audio/subtitle languages
- option to select different default audio settings for different languages
- option to select default working and output directory
- option to specify the indexer priority and added AviSource() as way to process AVI files
- options to define the project name settings
- the x264 target playback device settings will be used for resizing
- input DAR detection moved from postprocessing to initial opening step
- convert TrueHD and DTS-HD tracks with eac3to when the track should be encoded

[DGIndexNV] enhanced progress information (requires dgindexnv 2043+)
[DGIndexNV] added support for MP4 container (requires dgindexnv 2044+)
[AviSynth Script Creator] added option to select 2/4/8 as mod values for "Suggest Resolution"
[AviSynth Script Creator] fixed "Suggest Resolution (mod16)" handling
[FFMS] try to index audio tracks only if at least one audio track has been selected
[File Indexer] added DFSC/VFW and CFHD/CINEFORM to the list of not by FFMS supported codecs
[File Indexer] added PGC handling
[File Indexer] added selectable FFMS index file location
[HD Streams Extractor] fixed handling of input files with a + in the file name
[Log] added Windows 8 / .NET 4.5 detection
[Log] if Haali is not correctly installed a warning will be logged
[MediaInfo] ignore phantom TiVo audio tracks
[MediaInfo] some adjustments for frame rate detection with MediaInfo 0.7.59+
[MKVExtract] fixed handling of input file name which contains error or warning
[MP4 Muxer] changed muxer to use the ISO 639-2/T language codes
[Update] fixed a problem if the automatic update check is disabled and components are missing
[x264] increased the maximum value for --vbv-maxrate and --vbv-bufsize. Bug #3573545
[x264] lowered PS3 device level from 4.2 to 4.1 in order to enhance compatibility
fixed a crash when using a corrupt settings.xml. Bug #3574768

2237 [OneClick] fixed hidden progress window when using more than 1 worker
2236 [Log] renamed Haali Muxer to Haali Splitter and fixed a problem displaying the warning icon in Windows 7/8
2235 [AviSynth Script Creator] fixed "Suggest Resolution (mod16)" handling
added option to select 2/4/8 as mod values for "Suggest Resolution"
2234 [x264] lowered PS3 device level from 4.2 to 4.1 in order to enhance compatibility
2233 [QAAC] added an information that an update check is required when enabling QAAC for the first time
2232 [HD Streams Extractor] + [OneClick] improved logging
2231 [QAAC] as external dependencies are required the encoder is disabled by default
enable it in the MeGUI settings and make sure that CoreAudioToolbox.dll is available
2230 [HD Streams Extractor] improved error handling
2229 [OneClick] fixed a problem during Blu-ray processing when source has no subtitle/audio track
2228 [OneClick] fixed a problem starting OneClick after a new install
2227 [MP4 Muxer] changed muxer to use the ISO 639-2/T language codes
2226 [HD Streams Extractor] fixed handling of input files with a + in the file name
2225 [MP4 Muxer] added better language support & several Apple devices tunings especially for chapters
2224 [Audio] removed faac & introduced qaac + opus encoders
2223 replaced the ISO 639-2 bibliographic language codes for German/French with the terminology ones (ger->deu, fre->fra)
2222 [Log] if Haali is not correctly installed a warning instead of an error will be logged
2221 [Log] added .NET 4.5 detection
2220 [OneClick] improved output container validation
added subtitle support to MP4, AVI and M2TS container
2219 [Log] added Windows 8 detection
22217 [Update] fixed a problem if the automatic update check is disabled and components are missing
2216 [AVS Script Creator] fixed handling of custom FFMS index file location
2215 [OneClick] always mux output file
2214 [MKVExtract] fixed handling of input file name which contains error or warning
2213 [OneClick] added leading name option
2212 [DGIndexNV] added support for MP4 container (requires dgindexnv 2044+)
2211 [OneClick] optimized TrueHD handling with eac3to
2210 [OneClick] optimized job creation process when several tracks are used
2209 [AVS Script Creator] internal optimizations
2203 [OneClick] fixed missing internal subtitles during Blu-ray processing
2199 added check if Haali is correctly installed
2193 [Updater] some minor enhancements for offline mode
2192 [MediaInfo] ignore phantom TiVo audio tracks
2191 [OneClick] added AviSource() as way to process AVI files
[File Indexer] added DFSC/VFW and CFHD/CINEFORM to the list of not by FFMS supported codecs
2190 [FFMS] try to index audio tracks only if at least one audio track has been selected
2188 [Updater] renamed "avisynth" package to "avs" to avoid confusion that AviSynth may not be installed
2187 [HD Streams Extractor] fixed "File Mode" when using multiple input files
2186 fixed a crash when using a corrupt settings.xml. Bug #3574768
2185 [OneClick] fixed a crash when using external audio files. Bug #3574820
2184 portable AviSynth will be used if AviSynth is not installed
2183 [File Indexer] added selectable FFMS index file location
added PGC handling
2182 [x264] increased the maximum value for --vbv-maxrate and --vbv-bufsize. Bug #3573545
2181 [DGIndexNV] enhanced progress information (requires dgindexnv 2043+)
2174 [OneClick] fixed included subtitle handling if input container is not MKV/VOB
2172 [OneClick] support multiple input files per drag & drop
2171 [OneClick] cosmetics #2
2170 [OneClick] cosmetics
2169 [FFMPEG] some adjustments for newer builds
2164 [OneClick] added option to select different default audio settings for different languages
2163 [OneClick] fixed muxing of external subtitle files
2162 [OneClick] added up/down buttons for the indexer priority selection
2161 [OneClick] added option for the default output directory
2160 [OneClick] added option to disable audio/video tracks completely by default
2159 [OneClick] use the correct input file if using Blu-ray input with the option "don't encode video"
2158 [HD Streams Extractor] fixed a crash
2157 [OneClick] added an improved OneClick encoder with these changes:
- added subtitle control (including delay, language, name, forced/default flag). Feature request #2752988
- enhanced audio control (added delay, language, name)
- AVS files as video input supported. Feature request #3412229
- folder as input supported. Feature request #3429875/#2773587
- embedded VOB subtitle support (IFO must be available)
- every OneClick job will be stored in a unique working directory. Feature request #2798486
- added option to select default audio/subtitle languages
- added option to select default working directory
- added option to specify the indexer priority
- added option to define the project name settings
- the x264 target playback device settings will be used for resizing
- input DAR detection moved from postprocessing to initial opening step
- added DVD folder + file processing (including PGC support). Feature request #2817190
- convert TrueHD and DTS-HD tracks with eac3to when the track should be encoded
- added Blu-ray processing (Folder + Playlist)
2156 [File Indexer] added warning if the input VOB file has multiple PGCs
2155 [OneClick] added job status message during cleanup step
2154 [MediaInfo] some adjustments for frame rate detection with MediaInfo 0.7.59+

Changelog 2112 --> 2153

NeroAacEnc + DGIndexNV are now disabled by default as external dependencies are required.
If they are already in use they will be enabled automatically, in all other cases
they have to be enabled in "OptionsSettingsExternal Program Configuration".
[AutoEncode] enabled option to set the audio language and the track name
[MediaInfo] improved information detection for DVD sources
[Update] if a component is missing no jobs can be started

[Audio Encoder] cosmetics. Patch by andrewxeron929623
[Audio Encoder] Import() will be used for AVS input files. Bug #3506283
[Audio Encoder] NicAudio will be tried for DTS-MA decoding when DirectShowSource and FFAudioSource fail
[AVS Script Creator] crop values will only be added to the script if necessary
[AVS Script Creator] improved automatic cropping
[Chapter Creator] added option to sort the title list
[Chapter Creator] improved DVD PGC handling
[DGA/DGI Indexer] + [MKV Muxer] + [VobSubber] added job status message during processing
[DGI Indexer] fixed getting the film value
[FFMS] prepared indexer for handling index files stored in other locations
[Flac] changed input handling (PCM --> RAW) so that 24bit WAV files can be processed as well
[HD Streams Extractor] fixed handling of English tracks in a MKV container when the track name contains a language
[HD Streams Extractor] improved job queuing when no feature is selected
[Job] improved aborting of jobs
[Job] translate process exit codes to status messages
[Log] added required DLLs to the version information block
[Log] use system default encoding for AviSynth input script
[MKV Muxer] adjusted (de)muxer to the recent mkvmerge changes (requires mkvmerge revision 5.3.0+)
[MKV Muxer] improved handling of empty IDX subtitle files
[MP4 Muxer] fixed muxing files with names containing #. Bug #3531735
[OneClick] added some changes for the upcoming next release of the OneClick tool
[OneClick] fixed encoding of AC3 tracks which should be muxed only
[OneClick] fixed problem encoding WMA files
[OneClick] fixed processing of audio files which cannot be demuxed
[PGC Demux] added pgcdemux for DVD PGC processing
[Progress Window] added job name. Feature request #3488205
[Settings] cosmetics
[VobSubber] improved detection of subtitle streams
Fixed problems with Turkish characters in various places (e.g. in the File Indexer)

2153 [MP4 Muxer] fixed muxing files with names containing #. Bug #3531735
2152 [Chapter Creator] improved DVD PGC handling added option to sort the title list
2151 [OneClick] fixed processing of audio files which cannot be demuxed
2150 [Flac] changed input handling (PCM --> RAW) so that 24bit WAV files can be processed as well
2149 [Audio Encoder] cosmetics. Patch by andrewxeron929623
2148 Enable NeroAacEnc + DGIndexNV by default when they are already in use
2147 [OneClick] fixed problem encoding WMA files
2146 [Update] improved handling of missing files in the MeGUI x64 build
2145 [Flac] added --ignore-chunk-sizes to the command line
2144 [Settings] cosmetics
2143 NeroAacEnc + DGIndexNV are now disabled by default as external dependencies are required.
In order to use them, they have to be enabled in "OptionsSettingsExternal Program Configuration".
2142 fixed problems with Turkish characters (e.g. in the File Indexer)
2141 [OneClick] added some changes for the upcoming next release of the OneClick tool
2140 [Update] if a component is missing no jobs can be started
2139 [DGA/DGI Indexer] added job status message during processing
2138 [Log] added required DLLs to the version information block
2137 [AutoEncode] enabled option to set the audio track name
2136 [OneClick] added some minor changes for the upcoming next release of the OneClick tool
2135 [PGC Demux] added pgcdemux for DVD PGC processing
2134 [OneClick] fixed encoding of AC3 tracks which should be muxed only
2133 [VobSubber] added job status message during processing
2132 [DGI Indexer] fixed getting the film value
2131 [FFMS] prepared indexer for handling index files stored in other locations
2130 [HD Streams Extractor] improved job queuing when no feature is selected
2129 [AutoEncode] enabled option to set the audio language
2128 [Audio Encoder] NicAudio will be tried for DTS-MA decoding when DirectShowSource and FFAudioSource fail
2127 [AVS Script Creator] improved automatic cropping
2126 [AVS Script Creator] crop values will only be added to the script if necessary
2125 [Job] improved aborting of jobs part II
2124 [Job] improved aborting of jobs
2123 [Log] use system default encoding for AviSynth input script
2122 [Progress Window] added job name. Feature request #3488205
2121 [Audio Encoder] Import() will be used for AVS input files. Bug #3506283
2120 [MKV Muxer] improved handling of empty IDX subtitle files
2119 [MKV Muxer] added job status message during muxing
2118 [MediaInfo] improved information detection for DVD sources
2117 [Chapter Creator] improved DVD PGC handling
2116 [VobSubber] improved detection of subtitle streams
2115 [HD Streams Extractor] fixed handling of english tracks in a MKV container when the track name contains a language
2114 [MKV Muxer] adjusted (de)muxer to the recent mkvmerge changes (requires mkvmerge revision 5.3.0+)
2113 [Job] translate process exit codes to status messages

Changelog 2106 --> 2112

[File Size Selector] removed some default values and added a control in the settings to add custom file size values
[File Size Selector] all other controls will not save anymore custom values to avoid problems in AutoEncode + OneClick
[Job] delete intermediate files also during job deletion if specified in the settings
[Video Player] changed default start position to the middle if "Improved AVS opening" is selected
[x264] force --keyint-min 1 with Blu-ray (requires x264 revision 2149+)
[x264] replaced vfw4x264 with avs4x264mod. Details:

[AVS Script Creator] fixed opening of FFMS indexed files
[XviD] fixed saving of custom vbv values. Bug #3483985

Known Problems:
- Unicode is not supported
- M2TS bitrate calculator does not calculate correct values as the specifications are not known

2112 [Video Player] changed default start position to the middle if "Improved AVS opening" is selected
2111 [AVS Script Creator] fixed opening of FFMS indexed files
2110 [x264] force --keyint-min 1 with Blu-ray (requires x264 revision 2149+)
replaced vfw4x264 with avs4x264mod. Details:
2109 [XviD] fixed saving of custom vbv values. Bug #3483985
2108 [AutoEncode] + [OneClick] fixed saving of custom file size values
[File Size Selector] removed some default values
added a control in the settings to modify custom file size values
all other controls will not save anymore custom values
2107 [Job] delete intermediate files also during job deletion if specified in the settings

Changelog 2050 --> 2106

[Audio Encoder] added handling of channel count mismatch
[Audio Encoder] cosmetics
[Audio Encoder] do not abort downmix anymore if input avs file has no channel position information
[Audio Encoder] DTS-MA decoding is blocked with NicAudio to avoid problems
[Audio Encoder] show the opening of files in the job progress window as FFAudioSource may need some time to index files
[AVS Script Creator] + [OneClick] improve input DAR detection
[AVS Script Creator] enhanced selection box if opening an indexable file directly
[AVS Script Creator] resize value will only be added to the script if necessary
[Bitrate Calculator] improved M2TS calculation assumption. Warning: it is better but also not correct
[D2V Indexer] .bad and .fix.txt files will also be deleted in cleanup step
[HD Streams Extractor] automatically execute the job a second time if a gaps file is detected
[HD Streams Extractor] defaulting to English if the track language cannot be indentified (MKV only)
[M2TS muxer] added some missing audio types
[MainForm] MeGUI can only be closed if there are no running jobs
[MainForm] offer to install AviSynth if AviSynth is not found but the installer is available (x86 only)
[MediaInfo] added default/forced track info to the MediaInfo wrapper (requires mediainfo revision 0.7.51+)
[MediaInfo] added StreamOrder to the MediaInfo wrapper (requires mediainfo revision 0.7.53+)
[MKV Demuxer] adjusted demuxer to the recent mkvextract changes (requires mkvmerge revision 5.2.1+)
[MKV Muxer] adjusted muxer to the recent mkvmerge changes (requires mkvmerge revision 5.2.0+)
[OneClick] + [Update] log categories will not be created anymore if already available
[Progress Window] changed number formatting
[Progress Window] changed priority will be kept during the whole application session. Feature request #3445179
[Progress Window] lower also I/O and memory priority when priority below normal (requires Windows Vista or newer). Feature request #3468249
[Settings] added option to append a text to forced track names
[Settings] added option to select if ITU Aspect Ratios should be used (enabled by default). Feature request #3057378
[Settings] changed default value of "Autostart Queue" to enabled
[Update] changed recommended path for neroaacenc to toolseac3to
[Update] if a component is missing a warning message will appear at startup
[VobSubber] cosmetics
[x264] added option to adjust GOP size based on the FPS of the source (enabled by default)
[x264] check if files for --qpfile/--cqmfile are available
[x264] removed automatic deactivation of x64 x264 in case of an error
[x264] replaced --fullrange with --range (requires x264 revision 2119+)

[Adaptive Muxer] + [OneClick] fixed long delay when adding more than 4 tracks. Bug #3404061
[Adaptive Muxer] fixed handling of delay value and default/forced track. Bug #3443721
[Audio Encoder] fixed crash when using DTS-ES with NicAudio
[AVS Script Creator] fixed button checked states after loading avisynth profiles
[AVS Script Creator] fixed opening the wrong video preview in some rare circumstances
[AVS] if an AVS script cannot be opened the old method to open such files is used during the session
[AVS] the option can be completely disabled in the settings ("Improved AVS opening", enabled by default). Bug #3437874
[FFMS] removed AssumeFPS() as it is causing problems with hybrid/telecined input. Bug #3463347
[File Indexer] fixed trying to extract audio from MKV files without audio when using the FFMS indexer
[Lame] fixed applying bitrate in ABR mode
[Log] changed resource lock behavior. Bug #3466426
[MKV Muxer] improved idx subtitle handling
[MP4 Muxer] use ISO 639-2/T language codes when muxing. Bug #3201829
[pre-rendering job] fixed file size targeting with AutoEncode and OneClick
[Video Player] fixed a crash when using non seekable scripts
[Video Player] fixed handling of non default DPI values
[Video Player] in order to display such scripts the default start position is now the beginning
[x264] changed --weightp and --min-keyint default value calculation
[x264] fixed (increased) maximum value of --ref and --bframes when using target playback devices
[x264] fixed wrong --sar values when using BluRay Target Device with 720x576

Known Problems:
- Unicode is not supported
- M2TS bitrate calculator does not calculate correct values as the specifications are not known

2106 [File Indexer] fixed trying to extract audio from MKV files without audio when using the FFMS indexer
2105 [Audio Encoder] show the opening of files in the job progress window as FFAudioSource may need some time to index files
fixed crash when using DTS-ES with NicAudio
2104 [MediaInfo] fixed "File not found" error in the wrapper. Bug #3480347
2103 [MediaInfo] fixed opening of DG index files if the source file is using not only 7bit ASCII characters
2102 [MediaInfo] added StreamOrder to the MediaInfo wrapper (requires mediainfo revision 0.7.53+)
2101 [M2TS muxer] added some missing audio types
2100 [x264] check if files for --qpfile/--cqmfile are available
improved --min-keyint default value calculation
removed automatic deactivation of x64 x264 in case of an error
2099 fixed a crash introduced in 2095 when using .NET 2.0 SP1 or older
2098 [x264] added option to adjust GOP size based on the FPS of the source (enabled by default)
changed --weightp and --min-keyint default value calculation
2097 [Bitrate Calculator] improved M2TS calculation assumption. Warning: it is better but also not correct
2096 [Update] changed recommended path for neroaacenc to toolseac3to
2095 [Log] changed resource lock behavior. Bug #3466426
2094 [MP4 Muxer] use ISO 639-2/T language codes when muxing. Bug #3201829
2093 [Update] if a component is missing a warning message will appear at startup
2092 [MainForm] offer to install AviSynth if AviSynth is not found but the installer is availabe (x86 only)
2091 [Settings] changed default value of "Autostart Queue" to enabled
2090 [Audio Encoder] do not abort downmix anymore if input avs file has no channel position information
2089 [HD Streams Extractor] defaulting to English if the track language can not be indentified (MKV only)
2088 [Audio Encoder] cosmetics
2087 [FFMS] remove AssumeFPS() as it is causing problems with hybrid/telecined input
2086 [AVS Script Creator] improve input DAR detection when using AVS input files
2085 [OneClick] fixed long delay during processing when adding more than 4 tracks (part III)
2084 [AVS Script Creator] resize value will only be added to the script if necessary fixed button checked states after loading avisynth profiles
2083 [OneClick] fixed long delay during processing when adding more than 4 tracks (part II)
2082 [Audio Encoder] DTS-MA decoding is blocked with NicAudio to avoid problems
2081 [OneClick] fixed long delay during processing when adding more than 4 tracks
2080 [AVS] if an AVS script cannot be opened the old method to open such files is used during the session. the option can be completly disabled in the settings ("Improved AVS opening", enabled by default). Bug #3437874
2079 [MKV Demuxer] adjusted demuxer to the recent mkvextract changes (requires mkvmerge revision 5.2.1+)
2078 [Progress Window] changed priority will be kept during the whole application session. Feature request #3445179
2077 [Progress Window] lower also I/O and memory priority when priority below normal (requires Windows Vista or newer). Feature request #3468249
2076 [Video Player] fixed a crash when using non seekable scripts
in order to display such scripts the default start position is now the beginning
2075 [AVS Script Creator] improve input DAR detection when using no index files
2074 [AVS Script Creator] + [OneClick] improve input DAR detection when using index files
2073 [Settings] added option to select if ITU Aspect Ratio should be used by default (enabled by default). Feature request #3057378
2072 [Audio Encoder] added handling of channel count mismatch
2071 [MediaInfo] added default/forced track info to the MediaInfo wrapper (requires mediainfo revision 0.7.51+)
2070 [MKV Muxer] adjusted muxer to the recent mkvmerge changes (requires mkvmerge revision 5.2.0+)
2069 [HD Streams Extractor] automatically execute the job a second time if a gaps file is detected
2068 [x264] fixed "--range pc"
2067 [x264] fixed (increased) maximum value of --ref and --bframes when using target playback devices
2066 [x264] replaced --fullrange with --range (requires x264 revision 2119+)
2065 [Adaptive Muxer] fixed handling of delay value and default/forced track. Bug #3443721
2064 [MainForm] MeGUI can only be closed if there are no running jobs
2063 [D2V Indexer] .bad and .fix.txt files will also be deleted in cleanup step
2062 [VobSubber] cosmetics
2061 [x264] fixed wrong --sar values when using BluRay Target Device with 720x576
2060 [AVS Script Creator] enhanced selection box if opening an indexable file directly
2059 [OneClick] + [Update] log categories will not be created anymore if already available
2058 [MKV Muxer] improved idx subtitle handling
2057 [Adaptive Muxer] fixed long delay when adding more than 4 tracks. Bug #3404061
2056 [VideoPlayer] fixed handling of non default DPI values
2055 [AVS Script Creator] fixed opening the wrong video preview in some rare circumstances
2054 [pre-rendering job] fixed file size targeting with AutoEncode and OneClick
2053 [Settings] added option to append a text to forced track names
2052 [Lame] fixed applying bitrate in ABR mode
2051 [progress window] changed number formatting

Changelog 2028 --> 2050

Main changes:
[x264] blu-ray device: added 1440x1080 as supported resolution
[OneClick] added option to mux the audio source file only if the codec is the same as requested

Other changes:
[Audio Encoder] added 24 <--> 25 conversions
[AviSynth] open script handling improved
[Chapter Creator] fixed language tag creation
[FFMSIndexer] added option to select the number of decoding threads. default and recommended value is 1
changed LoadCPlugin to LoadPlugin for the x64 plugin (requires ffms r507+)
[Flac] enhanced output handling if file already exists
[Lame] fixed always applying bitrate 128 in ABR mode
[MainForm] fixed spelling. Bug #3390630
[Mediainfo] mediainfo details are written into the log for most files/jobs
[OneClick] enhanced error handling
[OneClick] fixed editing of mkv mux jobs
[OneClick] preserve audio track order during processing
[Source Detector] enhanced error handling
[Update] added check so that files can only be installed using the correct MeGUI build
[Video Player] fixed video preview window for some avs scripts (e.g. using ImageSource)
[x264] added --subme 11 (requires x264 revision 2037+)
[x264] blu-ray device: enhanced --sar detection
[x264] fixed maximum --rc-lookahead value. a value > 250 was possible in rare situations. Bug #3383262
[x264] --keyint will not be applied twice if specified in the custom command line
[x264] cosmetics

2050 [Update] added check so that files can only be installed using the correct MeGUI build
2049 open avisynth script handling improved
2048 fixed spelling. Bug #3390630
2047 [x264] fixed maximum --rc-lookahead value. a value > 250 was possible in rare situations. Bug #3383262
2046 [x264] blu-ray device: added 1440x1080 as supported resolution
blu-ray device: enhanced --sar detection
2045 [x264] added --subme 11 (requires x264 revision 2037+)
2044 [Lame] fixed always applying bitrate 128 in ABR mode
2043 [Flac] enhanced output handling if file already exists
2042 [OneClick] enhanced error handling
2041 [Audio Encoder] added 24 <--> 25 conversions
2040 [Source Detector] enhanced error handling
2039 [FFMSIndexer] added option to select the number of decoding threads. default and recommended value is 1
changed LoadCPlugin to LoadPlugi for the x64 plugin (requires ffms r507+)
2038 [Video Player] fixed video preview window for some avs scripts (e.g. using ImageSource)
2037 mediainfo enhancements
mediainfo details are written into the log for most files/jobs
2036 [Chapter Creator] fixed language tag creation
2035 [AudoEncode] fixed audio muxing
[x264] cosmetics
2034 [AutoEncode] fixed AutoEncode
2033 [OneClick] fixed editing of mkv mux jobs
2032 [OneClick] preserve audio track order
2031 [OneClick] added option to mux the audio source file only if the codec is the same as requested
2029 [x264] --keyint will not be applied twice if specified in the custom command line

Changelog 2008 --> 2028

Main changes:
[x264] added target playback device option
this option restricts or enforces x264 parameters if necessary
as this option is more powerful as the downloadable x264 profiles they have been removed
[Lame] changed encoding modes to reflect valid values
Warning: review custom lame presets as there is no full preset update path

Other changes:
[AVS Script Creator] added a selection box if opening an indexable file directly
[File Indexer] added MKV audio demuxer for FFMS
[HD Streams Extractor] cosmetic adjustment. Bug #3303116
[Job Queue] hide the pause button as it has no function. Bug #3296037
[M2TS Muxer] fixed m2v input handling
[M2TS Muxer] fixed splitting option. Bug #3294210
[MediaInfo] adjustment for recent mediainfo builds
[MediaInfo] introduce "Core" alias for DTSHD/DTSMA
[MKV Muxer] added TrueHD + DTS-HD/MA as supported audio input formats
[OggVorbis] removed channel remapping as it is not needed anymore
[OneClick] changed handling of failed automatic deinterlacing process
[x264] added --bluray-compat option (requires x264 rev 1935+)
[x264] changed --open-gop handling (requires x264 rev 1935+)
[x264] enhanced help
[x264] several adjustments

2028 [AVS Script Creator] added a selection box if opening an indexable file directly
2027 [x264] fixed applying of "Clever (TM) anamorphic encoding" DAR values. Bug #3302642
2026 [OneClick] changed handling of failed automatic deinterlacing process
2025 [HD Streams Extractor] cosmetic adjustment. Bug #3303116
2024 [MKV Muxer] added TrueHD + DTS-HD/MA as supported audio input formats
2023 [x264] fixed applying of custom sar values. Bug #3300094
2022 [Job Queue] hide the pause button as it has no function. Bug #3296037
2021 [Lame] fixed VBR/ABR profile saving. Bug #3299459
2020 [x264] enforce "--p-pyramid none" for the PSP device
2019 [Lame] changed encoding modes to reflect valid values
Warning: review custom lame presets as there is no full update path
2018 [x264] enhanced help
[x264] small fixes/improvements
2017 [File Indexer] added MKV audio demuxer for FFMS
2016 [Update] enable 2010 only for debug builds
2015 [x264] added --bluray-compat option (requires x264 rev 1935+)
[x264] changed --open-gop handling (requires x264 rev 1935+)
[x264] added target playback device option
this option restricts or enforces x264 parameters if necessary
[x264] several adjustments
2014 [OggVorbis] removed channel remapping as it is not needed anymore
2013 [M2TS Muxer] fixed splitting option. Bug #3294210
fixed m2v input handling
2012 [File Indexer] disable Audio group box when FFMS is used because this indexer cannot extract audio streams
2011 [MediaInfo] introduce "Core" alias for DTSHD/DTSMA
2010 [Update] don't raise an update if the existing version number is higher than the latest version
2009 [MediaInfo] adjustment for recent mediainfo builds
2008 [Worker] fixed "shut down worker when finished local queue"
some cosmetics
2007 [Nero AAC Encoder] fixed cosmetic problem with wrong bitrate values in the configuration dialog. Bug #3286672
2006 [MKV Muxer] added support for wav input files. Feature request #3253221
2005 [x264] added option for interlaced modes --tff and --bff. --interlaced has been removed. Bug #3204337
2004 [Audio Encoder] added option to choose the preferred decode. Feature request #3053195
in case the preferred decoder cannot decode the input file the others will be tried, too
default order: NicAudio, FFAudioSource, DirectShow
2003 [One-Click] some profile adjustments
2002 [Update] added build number check so that profiles can only be installed using the correct build
2001 [MKV Demuxer] added status information to progress window
[One-Click] fixed handling of PGS subtitles
2000 [One-Click] if the source is a MKV file and target container is MKV the subtitles will be copied
[One-Click] if the source is a MKV file and target container is MKV the video track can be copied
added therefore a "Keep original track" checkbox for the video in the settings
1999 [profiles] during startup deprecated profiles will be removed
1998 [x264] invalid zones will be ignored. Bug #3233068
[Main Window] zones button is always enabled. Bug #3243634
1997 [AutoEncode] fixed duplicate device type entries
1996 [MKV Demuxer] added mkvextract as mkv demuxer
[Update] added mkvextract.exe and mkvinfo.exe to the file checks
[One-Click] if the source is a MKV file the chapters will be extracted and reapplied to the output
[One-Click] enhanced chapter and qpf file handling
[One-Click] if the source is a MKV file the audio files can be demuxed if using FFMS indexer
1995 [MKV Muxer] added --aac-is-sbr in any case for AAC files in order to avoid a warning message
1994 [Log] added timestamp to some log items
1993 [Winamp] removed winamp encoder
1992 [AudX] removed audx encoder
1991 [Snow] removed snow encoder
1990 [MainForm] cosmetic change
1989 [MP4 Muxer] a root folder cannot be selected/used as temp folder
1988 [x264] cosmetic adjustment. Bug #3201244
1987 [Queue] disabled job status changing while job is being processed. Feature request #3201255
1986 [Audio Encoder] fall back to DirectShowSource() if FFAudioSource() cannot be used for AAC
1985 [XviD] reverted the changes in 1941 as XviD 1.3 cannot create AVI files > 2GB
1984 [AVI Muxer] changed default splitting size if opendml is disabled to 2000MB
1983 [Main Window] cosmetic adjustments
1982 [AVI Muxer] fixed a crash problem introduced in 1979
1981 changed ISO 639-2 language codes to ISO 639-2/T. Feature request #2811678
1980 [pre-rendering job] fixed a problem introduced in 1935
1979 [M2TS Muxer] added Blu-ray and AVCHD device output types. Feature request #1982670
[AVI Muxer] added PC device output type which is unrestricted and corresponds to the old standard setting.
the new standard output type is now enhanced for standalone devices so that e.g. opendml is disabled and splitting enforced. #1951705
[Muxer] + [OneClick] the default device type used also for autoencode will be preselected. Feature request #2812862
[AVI Muxer] + [M2TS Muxer] added mux script file content to the log
1978 [VideoEncoder] enhanced command line parser
1977 [XviD] added threads = 0 for automatic detection
1976 [XviD] custom commandline values have precedence
[XviD] if possible -par x:y will be replaced with -par z
1975 [OneClick] removed resolution adjustement for AVC level enforcement
1974 [JobQueue] renamed column "codec" to "encoder"
1973 [Video Encoding] fixed not applying zones in first pass. Bug #3188275
1972 [MKV Muxer] fixed non-forced idx subtitle handling
[MKV Muxer] cosmetics
1971 [OneClick] corrected output width if autocrop is disabled
1970 [Update] some adjustements
1969 [Main Window] if video input avs file has also audio included add this file as audio track, too. Feature request #2918470
1968 [MKV Muxer] added forced track flag for subtitles
1967 [Update] save/restore size, location and column locations. Feature request #3079391
1966 [Worker] corrected wiki link. Patch by XhmikosR (#3186982)
1965 [Update] fixed a problem with the Nero AAC encoder update detection
[Update] fixed a crash
1964 [Update] default window size changed
1963 [Update] removed treeview on the left side so that the update data itself is better visible
1962 [Update] only the files which need an update are shown. if no file needs an update all files are shown.
[Update] added a checkbox to show all files
1961 [AVS Cutter] update start/end frame when a section is clicked. Feature request #1660341
1960 [Main Window] initial starting window opens in the visible area taking the taskbar into account. Feature request #2821392
[VideoPlayer] taking taskbar into account, too
1959 [Main Window] disabled maximize button. Feature request #2727670
1958 [Audio Encoder] encoding job can be added regardless of the input file status
1957 [Update] added update check for the Nero AAC encoder part II
1956 [Update] added update check for the Nero AAC encoder
1955 [One-Click] added status of the source detection to the progress window
1954 [Audio Encoder] fixed audio detection crash
1953 [Job] enhanced message in case a job is already aborted
1952 [FFMSIndexer] enhanced progress window in case that the index file already exists
1951 [MKV Muxer] problem with chapter information in audio files fixed
1950 [One-Click] a new job will be added after the indexing job to show the progress of the preprocessing
1949 [Audio Encoder] if AAC is detected FFAudioSource() will be used
[Audio Encoder] downmix will be ignored if there are not more than 2 audio channels
1948 changed ISO 639-2 language codes for Croatian, Romanian and Serbian
1947 [File Indexer] fixed selecting of settings after initial opening. Bug #3182423
1946 [Audio Jobs] update elapsed time while preprocessing
1945 [VideoPlayer] while resizing/opening the window is moved to the visible area of the desktop
1944 [One-Click] audio language names added to the output file
1943 [AVS Script Creator] VideoPlayer preview starts in 1:1 mode
[AVS Script Creator] while cropping VideoPlayer preview moves to the cropping border
[VideoPlayer] fixed a sizing problem when window was minimized
[VideoPlayer] fixed appearing unnecessary scrollbars in 1:1 mode
[VideoPlayer] start window in top of other windows (excluding calling window)
[Chapter Creator] + [AVS Cutter] VideoPlayer preview respect the "always on top" setting
1942 [VideoPlayer] fixed invisible right border in some OS (at least XP). Bug #3177073
1941 [XviD] replaced -lumimasking with -masking (requires xvid 1.3). Feature request #3139141
[XviD] disabled direct mkv output
1940 [Log] changed version number syntax for MeGUI x64
1939 [Settings] added buttons to clear the default output directory and the path to neroaacenc. Feature request #3177293
1938 [One-Click] fixed language pre-selection if the default languages are not different. Bug #3178016
1937 [XviD] enhanced overflow handling in the settings dialogue
1936 audio encoding job can be added without existing input file
1935 AssumeFPS() will be added to DirectShow(), DSS2() and FFVideoSource() scripts
1934 [HD Streams Extractor] the default tracks will be pre-selected based upon the selected languages in the settings
[Settings] added option to disable the pre-selecting of tracks in the HD Streams Extractor
[Settings] removed unnecessary OggEnc2 checkbox
[Settings] some cosmetics
1933 [One-Click] enhanced automatic de-interlacing logging
1932 [FFMSIndexer] fixed ignoring audio downmix mode
1931 [One-Click] improved default language pre-selection
1930 [x264] changed default value of --qpmax to 69 (requires x264 rev 1881+)
1929 [AutoEncode] zone handling added so that Intro and Credit selection in the video preview window will be respected
1928 [FFMSIndexer] fixed auto-load of audio tracks to the main input tab for some files. Bug #3165894
1927 [HD Streams Extractor] fixed processing of joined input files. Bug #3164153
1926 [FFMSIndexer] improved audio track number detection. Bug #3165894
1925 [Settings] added option to ensure correct playback speed while playing the video preview (defaults to disabled)
1924 [VideoPlayer] fixed invisible video pixels at the right (7) and bottom (1). Bug #3164635
added 1:1 video preview. Feature request #3164305
some adjustments
1923 [AVS Script Creator] new video player will be started with previewing the middle of the video
1922 [Update] deprecated update cache files will be deleted 60 days after they have been downloaded
1921 [pre-rendering job] fixed a problem introduced in 1916
1920 [Log] the content of an avs input file will be added to the log
1919 [VideoPlayer] some sizing adjustments
1918 [One-Click] added the FFMSIndexer so that e.g. most AVI and MKV files are now supported.
if the FFMSIndexer is used the audio track must be encoded and cannot be muxed only.
1917 [FFMSIndexer] audio avs files will only be created if the indexing was successful
1916 [FileIndexer] added demux option to the audio tracks when using FFMSIndex
these audio tracks will be added to the main input tab if "on completion load files" is selected. Feature request #3158957
1915 [VideoPlayer] changed zoom and size behavior
fixed starting preview size so that it will always match the screen resolution. Bug #3159086
changed seek bar and buttons behavior. Feature request #3003726
try to ensure playback speed during playback
1914 [One-Click] fixed handling of video input files with short file names (less than 6 characters including extension). Bug #3160645
1913 [One-Click] chapters will not be added if output container is AVI
1912 [One-Click] fixed handling of video input files without audio track. Bug #3159523

Changelog --> 1911
Full changelog:

Main changes:
[Update] enhanced update detection. As a result all downloads need to be reapplied once!
[Update] added a warning about patents and binary files when megui finds updates
[x264] updated settings to reflect the recent x264 build
[DGIndexNV] added support for the recent build and removing therefore the CUVIDServer handling (requires at least DGIndexNV 2021)
[Update] added vobsub.dll and besplit
[One-Click] added support for DGIndexNV and DGAVCIndex
[VideoPlayer] added new control to speed up video navigation. Patch by aKzenT (#1902576)
[Flac] added flac encoding. Feature request #2930601
[Update] removed mencoder because pre-rendering job and snow are using now ffmpeg
improved M2TS bitrate calculation. Patch by Selur
[Audio Downmix] enhanced avisynth script in order to cover more input channel configurations. Patch by tebasuna51
changed version numbers to reflect the svn build numbers

Other changes:
[Adaptive Muxer] resized window so that the buttons at the bottom are visible again. Bug #3090155
[Audio Cutter] fixed problem with some non 7bit ASCII path/file names. Bug #3144278
[Audio Encoder] if the encoder only supports 2 output channels then "keep original channels" will be removed and the default value is "downmix multichannel to stereo"
[AudioEncoderInterface] fixed crash if input wav file is locked. Bug #3021693
[AudioEncodingWindow] some cosmetics
[AutoEncode] added option to always mux the video encoding (enabled by default). Feature request #3082125
[AutoEncode] added saving of the default mp4 device type to the "Configure AutoEncode defaults" in the settings
[AutoEncode] cosmetic bitrate rounding
[AutoEncode] the "always mux the video encoding" setting applies now only to mkv container. also renamed the option and added a tooltip
[AVI Muxer] the script file will only be deleted if "delete intermediate files" is selected
[AVS Cutter] fixed async audio with fades. Bug #2945637
[AVS Cutter] fixed increasing window height if using the "reload video" button
[Chapter Creator] add only a new chapter item in preview mode if no chapter item is selected. fixed the chapter number for this item. Bug #3135824
[Chapter Creator] fixed clear button. Bug #3135824
[Chapter Creator] preview window will be closed together with the chapter creator window
[Chapter Creator] removed error popup if more than one chapter is added within the preview window. Bug #3135824
[DGIndexNV] changed DGMultiSource() to DGSource() and DGMultiDecodeNV.dll to DGDecodeNV.dll () (requires at least DGIndexNV 2021)
[DGIndexNV] removed CUVIDServer handling (requires at least DGIndexNV 2020)
[FFMS] removed the YV12 colorspace conversion from the FFVideoSource() call
[File Indexer] + [Muxer] dialogues are not modal anymore; some cosmetics
[File Indexer] changed caption. Feature request #3019279
[File Indexer] changed supported file type detection
[File Indexer] DGIndexNV is only available if license.txt is found
[File Indexer] disable DGIndexNV in a RDP session
[File Indexer] disabled MKV indexing with DGAVCDec. Bug #3024329
[File Indexer] improved handling if DGIndexNV is not available
[File Indexer] the demuxed audio tracks will replace all existing audio track tabs in the main input tab if "on completion load files" is selected
[HD Streams Extractor] added a warning if a gaps file is created
[HD Streams Extractor] HdBrStreamExtractor.txt not created anymore
[HD Streams Extractor] improved log handling
[HD Streams Extractor] some features could not be extracted. Bug #3037750
[Installer] Remove log files shortcut from nsis scripts. Patch by XhmikosR (#3079390)
[Job] display overwrite confirmation dialog for the output file during initial job creation if it is necessary. Feature request #3022005
[Job] if the executable cannot be started the file will be deleted and an update detection will be triggered
[Job] improved deleting of files after a job has been aborted
[Log] added a context menu item to remove the overlay icon in case of an error
[Log] added preliminary log file writing. the well formed file will be written during closing.
[Log] added the avisynth build date
[Log] changed default log type to information
[Log] fixed missing log entries in the preliminary log file
[Main Window] added overlay icon if a warning or error event has been logged (Windows 7 only)
[Main Window] fixed window height saving
[Main Window] removed the embedded changelog. instead the changelog.txt will be opened
[Main Window] slightly tweaked fileopen
[MKV Muxer] "default track" checkbox is enabled by default for the first subtitle track
[MKV Muxer] add FLAC files support
[MKV Muxer] added option to set a subtitle delay. Feature request #3088742
[MKV Muxer] added option to set the default subtitle track
[MKV Muxer] added support for quotes in the track names. Bug #3090689
[MKV Muxer] added support for SUP subtitles in MKV (requires MkvToolNix 4.1.0 or higher)
[MKV Muxer] changed default track flag of subtitles to no. Feature request #3086194
[MKV Muxer] changed log output language to English
[MKV Muxer] enhanced error handling
[MKV Muxer] fixed rare "error parsing idx file" message
[MKV Muxer] header compression is disabled for all tracks
[MP4 Muxer] fixed temp directory handling
[MP4 Muxer] fixed tmp directory handling. Bug #3129545
[Muxer] added a shortcut to every mux window. Feature request #1868046
[Muxer] added a unique title to every mux window. Feature request #2937578
[Muxer] added option to queue several jobs without closing the mux window. Feature request #2038358
[Muxer] fixed duplicate jobs after editing a mux job
[Muxer] if the mux window is not closed after queuing the output file name will be cleared
[Muxer] language and video name will be visible during load. Bug #3024349
[Muxer] removed cancel button; added reset button to the video section; selecting an audio or subtitle file will automatically add a new empty track tab (saving two clicks)
[Muxer] tweaked the automatically adding of empty tracks
[OneClick] + [Chapter Creator] replaced "I -1" in the saved qpfile for x264 with "K"
[One-Click] fixed "and open next" checkbox which did not always open the file dialogue. Bug #3089165
[One-Click] fixed a problem if two identical audio sources are being used
[One-Click] fixed detection of some demuxed audio files. Bug #3085510
[One-Click] removed the blocking popup in case of an error during source type detection. instead the error message will be written into the log. Feature request #3148688
[One-Click] some dga demuxed audio files were not deleted during cleanup
[OneClickWindow] + [MainForm] only supported files can be used in OneClick. Bug #3032668
[pre-rendering job] added full status update to the progress window if using MeGUI x64. Bug #3018150
[pre-rendering job] added the corresponding FFIndex job
[pre-rendering job] changed AVISource to FFVideoSource
[pre-rendering job] fixed problem if the output file already exists. Bug #3018152
[pre-rendering job] replaced mencoder with ffmpeg for MeGUI x86
[Queue] enhanced load handling
[Queue] fixed load context menu option. Bug #3024349
[Queue] if a worker tries to start an audio job while another audio job is already running the worker will be postponed.
[Queue] renamed job "load" to "edit"
[Queue] the connection job <--> worker is going to be restored/repaired during startup if lost/wrong. Bug #3090054
[Settings] added option for DGIndex(NV) to autoload VOB files incrementally. Default value is enabled. Feature request #2955909
[Settings] added option start the queue at program start. Default value is disabled. Feature request #1908749
[Settings] added option to close MeGUI after encoding. Default value is still "Do nothing". Feature request #2954099
[Settings] delete all backup files in the MeGUI directory if the option is disabled
[Settings] hard-wired the stable & development update servers. custom servers can be added if required
[Settings] new update servers will be checked during add
[Snow] replaced mencoder with ffmpeg
[Update] added 7-Zip support
[Update] added the patent notice to the offline installation and removed an unnecessary avisynth check
[Update] added the update date to the update window
[Update] added update log entries also to the main log
[Update] enhanced error handling of the profile import. an unsuccessful or interrupted profile update will be marked as still missing.
[Update] enhanced log entries
[Update] enhanced update detection so that it is possible to downgrade a tool
[Update] moved MediaInfoWrapper.dll from the MediaInfo package to a dedicated download package
[Video Player] + [AVS Creator] fixed AR chooser displaying always 16:9 PAL e.g. in VideoPlayer or AVS Script Creator
[VideoCodecSettings] update custom command line if necessary (e.g. --nal-hrd -> --nal-hrd vbr)
[VideoPlayer] added option to reload the video. Feature request #3003709
[VideoPlayer] fixed "go to frame" button. Bug #2860093
[VideoPlayer] fixed playing last frame. Bug #3072660
[VideoPlayer] some cosmetics
[VideoPlayer] time code enabled by default
[VideoUtil] I420 is accepted as avisynth output color space
[VobSubber] fixed detection of subtitle streams. Bug #2773128
[VobSubber] some cosmetics including option to override detection
[x264] + [Xvid] fixed saving of custom quantizer matrices in x264/xvid profiles. Bug #3070834
[x264] added 2 new "Force SAR" options
[x264] added 64:45 SAR option
[x264] added --colorprim, --transfer and --colormatrix options
[x264] added --fake-interlaced support
[x264] added missing "final statistics" log entry
[x264] added nal-hrd complete support and fixed a missing check in the previous commit
[x264] added --non-deterministic support plus some cosmetic changes
[x264] added open-gop support (requires x264 rev. 1662+)
[x264] added option to disable the 64 bit mode of x264
[x264] added --pic-struct support
[x264] added --pulldown option plus some various fixes
[x264] added --sar option to force SAR for BD or other devices compatibility
[x264] added support for "-keyint infinite" option
[x264] added the missing update events to some settings
[x264] AVCProfile and AVCLevel group boxes Enable status now depends on the Show Advanced Settings status
[x264] changed command line generation for --weightp with superfast/veryfast presets
[x264] changed default value of --qpmin to 0 (requires x264 rev 1795+)
[x264] changed preset defaults (requires x264 revision 1658 or higher)
[x264] cosmetics and fixes to possible keyint and minkeyint minimum values.
[x264] enabled Trellis with no-cabac option (requires x264 rev 1703+)
[x264] enhanced command line generating for main/baseline profile
[x264] extended quality mode to include 0 as a valid crf/qp GUI value
[x264] fixed command line generation with tunings
[x264] fixed default CRF value when changing from bitrate mode to CRF. Adjusted default bitrate to 1000
[x264] fixed command line generation for --rc-lookahead with ultrafast/superfast/veryfast presets
[x264] fixed command line generation when switching between AVC profiles
[x264] fixed more than one --sar in the command line. Bug #3038722
[x264] fixed Psy-RD settings command line generation with certain tunings
[x264] fixed qpfile settings handling
[x264] fixed ref and bframes handling when using tunings (especially animation)
[x264] fixed not selectable CABAC option in Main and High profiles
[x264] improved preset and tuning handling
[x264] in case of a problem with the 64 bit mode of x264 it will be disabled (and not automatically enabled again)
[x264] --min-keyint will not be applied if the default value is used
[x264] moved Profile and Level to the main tab and made some more space for more VUI options
[x264] old nal-hrd profile values will be migrated
[x264] removed touhou tuning option
[x264] removed unnecessary/wrong code
[x264] keep coherency between macroblock options checkboxes and command line generation
[Xvid] disabled the HVS masking controls since the current encoder doesn't support them yet.
[Xvid] the Adaptive Quant option now enables VAQ and commented out the HVS masking command line generation.
added MeGUI icon to several tools and adjusted the font of several windows. Feature request #3090902
fixed custom FPS, AR and file size saving so that only manually added values will be saved permanently. Bug #3064654
update ContextHelp.xml file. Patch by XhmikosR (#3079390)

1911 [Changelog] updated changelog
1910 [Chapter Creator] + [MKV Muxer] cosmetics
1909 [Update] improved update detection
1908 [x264] improved preset and tuning handling
1907 [OneClick] + [Chapter Creator] replaced "I -1" in the saved qpfile for x264 with "K"
1906 [x264] fixed qpfile settings handling
1905 [x264] fixed ref and bframes handling when using tunings (especially animation)
1904 [AVI Muxer] the script file will only be deleted if "delete intermediate files" is selected
1903 [Job] if the executable cannot be started the file will be deleted and an update detection will be triggered
1900 [Update] moved MediaInfoWrapper.dll from the MediaInfo package to a dedicated download package
1899 [Update] added 7-Zip support
[Update] enhanced log entries
1898 improved M2TS bitrate calculation. Patch by Selur
1897 [AutoEncode] cosmetic bitrate rounding
1896 removed mencoder
1895 [Snow] replaced mencoder with ffmpeg
1894 [pre-rendering job] replaced mencoder with ffmpeg for MeGUI x86
[pre-rendering job] fixed problem if the output file already exists. Bug #3018152
1893 [Job] improved deleting of files after a job has been aborted
1891 [pre-rendering job] added full status update to the progress window if using MeGUI x64. Bug #3018150
1890 [pre-rendering job] changed AVISource to FFVideoSource
[pre-rendering job] added the corresponding FFIndex job
1889 [OneClick] removed the blocking popup in case of an error during source type detection. instead the error message will be written into the log. Feature request #3148688
1888 [AVS Cutter] fixed async audio with fades. Bug #2945637
1887 [Log] fixed missing log entries in the preliminary log file
1886 [Update] removed core file date check
1885 [HD Streams Extractor] added a warning if a gaps file is created
1884 [Update] fixed problem with applying core update

- (zathor) [MP4 Muxer] fixed tmp directory handling. Bug #3129545
- (zathor) [Update] changed update detection. Some/all downloads may need to be reapplied once.
- (zathor) [Update] added the update date to the update window
- (zathor) [Log] added preliminary log file writing. the well formed file will be written during closing.
- (zathor) fixed main window height saving
- (zathor) [Update] added update log entries also to the main log
- (zathor) [Audio Cutter] fixed problem with some non 7bit ASCII path/file names. Bug #3144278
- (zathor) changed version numbers to the svn build number
- (zathor) added besplit
- (zathor) [ChapterCreator] removed error popup if more than one chapter is added within the preview window. Bug #3135824
- (zathor) [ChapterCreator] add only a new chapter item in preview mode if no chapter item is selected. fixed the chapter number for this item. Bug #3135824
- (zathor) [ChapterCreator] preview window will be closed together with the chapter creator window
- (zathor) [ChapterCreator] fixed clear button. Bug #3135824
- (zathor) [VideoPlayer] time code enabled by default
- (kurtnoise + zathor) added flac encoding
- (zathor) [Update] enhanced update detection so that it is possible to downgrade a tool
- (zathor) [Audio Downmix] enhanced avisynth script part II. Patch by tebasuna51
- (zathor) [audio encoder] if the encoder only supports 2 channels then "keep original channels" will be removed and the default is "downmix multichannel to stereo"
- (zathor) [File Indexer] after "on completion load files" no audio encoding could be queued. Bug #3110119
- (zathor) [Muxer] if the mux window is not closed after queueing the output file name will be cleared
- (zathor) [x264] added missing "final statistics" log entry
- (zathor) [x264] extended quality mode to include 0 as a valid crf/qp GUI value
- (zathor) [x264] fixed command line generation for --rc-lookahead with ultrafast/superfast/veryfast presets
- (zathor) [x264] changed command line generation for --weightp with superfast/veryfast presets
- (zathor) [x264] changed default value of --qpmin to 0 (requires x264 rev 1795+)
- (zathor) [Audio Downmix] enhanced avisynth script. Patch by tebasuna51
- (zathor) [Audio Downmix] enhanced avisynth script in order to cover more input channel configurations. Patch by tebasuna51
- (zathor) [MKVMuxer] changed log output language to English
- (zathor) [x264] added option to disable the 64 bit mode of x264
- (zathor) [x264] in case of a problem with the 64 bit mode of x264 it will be disabled (and not automatically enabled again)
- (zathor) removed "AviSynth is not installed" message if the avisynth.dll does not have a version number
- (zathor) [Log] added the avisynth build date
- (zathor) [Update Window] added the patent notice to the offline installation and removed an unnecessary avisynth check
- (zathor) added MeGUI icon to some tools (part #2) and adjusted the font of several windows. Feature request #3090902
- (zathor) [File Indexer] the demuxed audio tracks will replace all existing audio track tabs in the main input tab if "on completion load files" is selected
- (zathor) [AudioEncodingWindow] some cosmetics
- (zathor) [Muxer] fixed duplicate jobs after editing a mux job
- (zathor) [Muxer] tweaked the automatically adding of empty tracks
- (zathor) [FileIndexer] + [Muxer] dialogues are not modal anymore; some cosmetics
- (zathor) [Muxer] removed cancel button; added reset button to the video section; selecting an audio or subtitle file will automatically add a new emtpy track tab (saving two clicks)
- (zathor) [Muxer] added option to queue several jobs without closing the mux window. Feature request #2038358
- (zathor) [AVS Cutter] fixed increasing window height if using the "reload video" button
- (zathor) added MeGUI icon to several tools
- (kurtnoise) Update several Article Name from help button. Patch by XhmikosR (#3079390)
- (kurtnoise) Update ContextHelp.xml file. Patch by XhmikosR (#3079390)
- (kurtnoise) Remove log files shortcut from nsis scripts. Patch by XhmikosR (#3079390)
- (kurtnoise) Remove "tools" sub directory from backupfiles_CheckedChanged() because we can have some backup files in the root folder and SearchOption.AllDirectories is used anyways.
- (zathor) [Adaptive Muxer] resized window so that the buttons at the bottom are visible again. Bug #3090155
- (zathor) [AutoEncode] added saving of the default mp4 device type to the "Configure AutoEncode defaults" in the settings
- (zathor) [MKV Muxer] added support for quotes in the track names. Bug #3090689
- (zathor) [Queue] the connection job <--> worker is going to be restored/repaired during startup if lost/wrong. Bug #3090054
- (zathor) [AutoEncode] the "always mux the video encoding" setting applies now only to mkv container. also renamed the option and added a tooltip
- (zathor) [OneClick] fixed "and open next" checkbox which did not always open the file dialogue. Bug #3089165
- (zathor) [MKV Muxer] fixed rare "error parsing idx file" message
- (zathor) [MKV Muxer] "default stream" checkbox is enabled by default for the first subtitle stream
- (zathor) [OneClick] some dga demuxed audio files were not deleted during cleanup
- (zathor) [MKV Muxer] changed default track flag of subtitles to no. Feature request #3086194
- (zathor) [MKV Muxer] added option to set the default subtitle track
- (zathor) [MKV Muxer] added option to set a subtitle delay. Feature request #3088742
- (zathor) [AutoEncode] added option to always mux the video encoding (enabled by default). Feature request #3082125
- (kurtnoise) add FLAC files support in the Matroska Muxer
- (sharktooth) [x264] fixed unselectable CABAC option in Main and High profiles
- (zathor) [MP4 Muxer] fixed temp directory handling
- (zathor) [MKV Muxer] enhanced error handling
- (zathor) [Log] added a context menu item to remove the overlay icon in case of an error
- (zathor) [OneClick] fixed detection of some demuxed audio files. Bug #3085510
- (zathor) fixed status overlay icon not showing up
- (zathor) [VideoPlayer] fixed playing last frame
- (zathor) fixed AR chooser displaying always 16:9 PAL e.g. in VideoPlayer or AVS Script Creator
- (zathor) fixed saving of custom quantizer matrices in x264/xvid profiles. Bug #3070834
- (sharktooth) [x264Encoder] Removed unnecessary/wrong code
- (sharktooth) [x264] Fixed commandline generation when switching between AVC profiles
- (sharktooth) [x264] Removed touhout tuning option
- (sharktooth) [x264] Fix commandline generation with tunings
- (sharktooth) [x264] Fixed Psy-RD settings commandline generation with certain tunings
- (sharktooth) [VideoPlayer] added a check to stop the player before reloading the video
- (zathor) [Queue] if a worker tries to start an audio job while another audio job is already running the worker will be postponed.
- (zathor) added overlay icon if a warning or error event has been logged (Windows 7 only)
- (zathor) removed the embedded changelog. instead the changelog.txt will be opened
- (zathor) [FileIndexer] disable DGIndexNV in a RDP session
- (zathor) [VidePlayerControl] added new control to speed up
video navigation. Patch by aKzenT (#1902576)
- (zathor) [VidePlayer] some cosmetics
- (zathor) [VidePlayer] added option to reload the video. Feature request #3003709
- (zathor) [x264] fixed more than one --sar in the command line. Bug #3038722
- (zathor) [MuxWindow] added a unique title to every mux window. Feature request #2937578
- (zathor) [MuxWindow] added a shortcut to every mux window. Feature request #1868046
- (zathor) [VideoUtil] fixed a problem if two identical audio sources
are beeing used in OneClick
- (zathor) [AutoUpdateServerConfigWindow] new servers will be checked during add
- (zathor) [Settings] hard-wired the stable & development update servers.
custom servers can be added if required
- (zathor) fixed custom FPS, AR and file size saving so that
only manually added values will be saved permanently. Bug #3064654
- (sharktooth) [x264] Added 64:45 SAR option
- (sharktooth) [MainForm.cs] Typo
- (zathor) [Settings] added option for DGIndex(NV) to autoload VOB files
incrementally. Default value is enabled. Feature request #2955909
- (zathor) [Settings] added option to close MeGUI after encoding.
Default value is still "Do nothing". Feature request #2954099
- (zathor) [Settings] added option start the queue at program start.
Default value is disabled. Feature request #1908749
- (zathor) [JobUtil] display overwrite confirmation dialog for the output file
during initial job creation if it is necessary. Feature request #3022005
- (zathor) [OneClickEncoder] added support for DGIndexNV and DGAVCIndex
- (sharktooth) [MainForm.cs] Added a big fat warning about patents and binary files when megui finds updates
- (sharktooth) [x264] Added 2 new "Force SAR" options
- (sharktooth) [x264] Enabled Trellis with no-cabac option (requires x264 rev 1703+)
- (zathor) [FPSChooser] + [TargetSizeSCBox] fixed custom FPS and file size saving
- (zathor) [LogItem] changed default log type to information
- (zathor) [HDBDStreamExtractor] HdBrStreamExtractor.txt not created anymore
- (zathor) [HDStreamExtractorIndexer] improved log handling
- (zathor) [JobQueue] fixed load context menu option. Bug #3024349
- (zathor) [MuxWindow] language and video name will be visible during load. Bug #3024349
- (zathor) [JobQueue] enhanced load handling
- (zathor) [MeGUISettings] + [UpdateWindow] + [VobSubIndexer] added vobsub.dll
- (zathor) [VobSubIndexWindow] some cosmetics including option to override detection
- (zathor) [IFOparser] fixed detection of subtitle streams. Bug #2773128
- (zathor) [VideoPlayer] fixed "go to frame" button. Bug #2860093
- (zathor) [HDStreamExtractor] some features could not be extracted. Bug #3037750
- (zathor) [JobQueue] renamed "load" to "edit"
- (zathor) [FileIndexer] changed supported file type detection
- (zathor) [OneClickWindow] + [MainForm]. Only supported files can be used in OneClick. Bug #3032668
- (zathor) enhanced error handling of the profile import. an unsuccessful or interrupted profile update will be marked as still missing.
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] --min-keyint will not be applied if the default value is used
- (sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel] Fix default CRF value when changing from bitrate mode to CRF. Adjusted default bitrate to 1000
- (zathor) [FileIndexer] improved handling if DGIndexNV is not available
- (zathor) [MkvMergeMuxer] header compression is disabled for all tracks
- (zathor) [MainForm] slightly tweaked fileopen
- (zathor) removed CUVIDServer handling (requires at least DGIndexNV 2020)
- (zathor) changed DGMultiSource() to DGSource() and DGMultiDecodeNV.dll to DGDecodeNV.dll (requires at least DGIndexNV 2021)
- (zathor) [VideoUtil] I420 is accepted as avisynth output colorspace
- (zathor) [ffmsReader] + [ScriptServer] removed the YV12 colorspace conversion from the FFVideoSource() call
- (sharktooth) [x264] Added --pulldown option plus some various fixes
- (sharktooth) [x264] Added --colorprim, --transfer and --colormatrix options
- (sharktooth) [x264] Added --non-deterministic support plus some cosmetic changes
- (sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel] AVCProfile and AVCLevel groupboxes Enable status now depends on the Show Advanced Settings status
- (sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel] Moved Profile and Level to the main tab and made some more space for more VUI options
- (sharktooth) [DialogManager] Check the "Use CUVID Server" option status before launching CUVID server
- (sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel] Trigger GenericUpdate() on macroblockOptions.SelectIndex change to keep coherency between macroblock options checkboxes and commandline generation
- (sharktooth) [x264] Added --pic-struct support
- (sharktooth) [x264] Added --fake-interlaced support
- (zathor) [x264] old nal-hrd profile values will be migrated
- (Sharktooth) [x264Encoder] Added nal-hrd complete support and fixed a missing check in the previous commit
- (Sharktooth) [x264Encoder] Added open-gop support (requires x264 rev. 1662+)
- (Sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel] Cosmetics and fixes to possible keyint and minkeyint minimum values.
- (Sharktooth) [x264Encoder] Added support for "-keyint infinite" option
- (Sharktooth) [xviDEncoder] The Adaptive Quant option now enables VAQ. Commented out the HVS masking command line generation.
- (Sharktooth) [xvidConfigurationPanel] Disabled the HVS masking controls since the current encoder doesn't support them yet.
- (zathor) [FileIndexerWindow] changed caption. Feature request #3019279
- (zathor) [AudioEncoderInterface] fixed crash if input wav file is locked. Bug #3021693
- (zathor) [VideoUtil] + [DialogManager] CUVIDServer will be started if needed. Bug #3011113
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] changed preset defaults (requires x264 revision 1658 or higher)
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] added the missing update events to some settings
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] enhanced command line generating for main/baseline profile
- (zathor) [FileIndexer] disabled MKV indexing with DGAVCDec. Bug #3024329
- (zathor) [FileIndexer] DGIndexNV is only available if license.txt is found
- (zathor) [MuxProvider] added support for SUP suptitles in MKV (requires MkvToolNix 4.1.0 or higher)
- (zathor) [VideoCodecSettings] update custom command line if neccessary (e.g. --nal-hrd -> --nal-hrd vbr)
Main changes:
- simplified x264 profiles and the main x264 configuration page. Only the target/playback device of the encoding will be selected with the default profile. The encoding mode and quality will be selected automatically or can be defined manually.
- if targeting file size in AutoEncode or One-Click the encoding mode of the selected video profile will be switched temporarily to automated 2/3pass The AutoEncode defaults can be changed in the settings
- if applying a bitrate in the bitrate calculator the encoding mode of the selected video profile will be switched on request permanently to automated 2/3pass
- only one concurrent audio encoding is allowed
- renamed "DG Creator" to "File Indexer" and improved the File Indexer
- added FFMS (FFmpegSource2) to the File Indexer
- improved Bitrate Calculator. Patch by JarrettV (#2999751)

Other changes:
- [AviSynthWindow] + [AviSynthProfileConfigPanel] + [Changelog] changed font to Courier New
- [MeGUISettings] defaults to development update server if development build is used
- [VideoUtil] + [MainForm] fixed the detection of AviSynth for MeGUI x64
- [MkvMergeMuxer] removed --no-clusters-in-meta-seek because of the change in MkvToolNix 4.0.0
- [WindowUtil] + [JobWorkerWindow] prevent standby while a job is running. Feature request #2976205
- [MainForm] fixed window size will be reset if window is minimized
- moved CustomFileSize, CustomFPSs, CustomDARs and GUI settings from user.config into settings.xml
- user.config is no longer created / updated. Therefore MeGUI itself does not write anymore outside of the application directory
- DGIndexNV will use DGMultiSource instead of DGSource as default setting
- [mencoderEncoder] switched mencoder to ffmpeg as pre-rendering engine in MeGUI x64 in order to support x64
- [JobControl] fixed a crash if an unknown job type is used
- [JobControl] old D2V and DGI jobs will be updated
- [BitrateCalculator] add 1 1/2 DVD target size and adjust others to safe values. Patch by JarrettV (#2999751)
- [BitrateCalculator] fix calculation accuracy by total file size and by BPP to account for constant video overhead. Patch by JarrettV (#2999751)
- [BitrateCalculator] simplify audio bitrate inspection to assume bitrate from video duration and audio file size. Patch by JarrettV (#2999751)
- changed the way windowstate, location and size are saved and applied for MainForm, JobWorker, Changelog and WorkerSummary
- [x264Config] changed "Fast first pass" to "Slow first pass"
- [ProfileConfigurationWindow] + [Calculator] + [Changelog] changed style to FixedToolWindow (no resize, no minimize)
- [Calculator] settings can only be applied if bitrate > 0
- [JobControl] enhanced the adding of new jobs
- [AudioEncodingTab] "_new" will be appended to the file name if the output file already exists
- [JobControl] + [JobWorkerWindow] fixed a problem with several workers running the same job
- [JobControl] + [JobWorkerWindow] only one audio encoding at a time. Bug #2996413
- [FileBar] set focus to the open dialogue
- renamed VobInputWindow to FileIndexerWindow, renamed several of the indexer classes
- [FileIndexerWindow] display of source media information added
- [FileIndexerWindow] based upon the source media the recommended indexer will be preselected
- [tsMuxeR] fixed failed muxing in rare cases
- [BitrateCalculator] add BPP and Quality Estimate calculation support with complexity slider. Patch by JarrettV (#2999751)
- [BitrateCalculator] improved audio and unlimited extra calculation support. Patch by JarrettV (#2999751)
- [BitrateCaluclator] the encoding mode of the selected video profile will be switched to automated 2/3pass if necessary
- [x264ConfigurationPanel] simplified the main page, improved the tooltip help
- [HDBDStreamExtractor] DTS output type option for DTS-MA or DTS-HR extracts only the core DTS track. Feature Request #2695340
- [x264Encoder] fixed rc-lookahead. Bug #2991069
- [OSInfo] improved .NET 4.0 detection. Bug #2988751
- [x264Settings] changed the default b-pyramid value to normal
- [x264Config] fixed the log file button
- [UpdateWindow] added platform type
- [UpdateWindow] only the platform matching updates will be downloaded
- if the x64 MeGUI build is used only x64_64.exe is referenced
- [OneClickConfigPanel] "Keep Input Resolution" disables "Signal AR"
- [JobQueue] CTRL+A selects all queue items. Feature request #2981335
- [JobQueue] SHIFT+UP or DOWN to move an queue item, UP or DOWN to navigate in the list
- [DAR] + [ARChooser] enhanced ITU values
- [OneClickSettings] changed the default output resolution to 720
- [OneClickWindow] custom AR can be applied if "Keep Input Resolution" is selected
- [OneClickWindow] "Keep Input Resolution" disables "Signal AR"
- [x264Encoder] --aud will only be appended if selected in the configuration dialog. Bug #2979294
- [OneClickSettings] the MKV container is enabled by default
- [x264ConfigurationPanel] fixed wrong vbvmaxrate value after profile switching
- [OneClickWindow] fixed "Keep Input Resolution" behavior
- [VideoEncodingComponent] improved error handling
- [FilmCutter] changed default transition type in AVS Cutter to "No transition" Fade transition will blend in/out 10 frames. Bug #2913546
- x264 - some CQP mode adjustments
- x264 - added superfast preset support (requires x264 revision 1509 or higher)
- [ffmsReader] + [ScriptServer] FFVideoSource defaults to the YV12 colorspace
- [VideoUtil] improved the ConvertToYV12() handling
- [UpdateCacher] + [UpdateWindow] + [MainForm] added offline install capability
- [UpdateCacher] + [UpdateWindow] zip files will be verified before extracting
- [UpdateCacher] improved proxy support
- user.config will be migrated to new version if possible
- [x264Encoder] mbtree can be disabled while fast preset is active
- [AviSynthWindow] FFVideoSource will be used automatically if a corresponding findex file exists
- [MeGUISettings] fixed ffms file not found problem
- [MP4BoxMuxer] + [CommandlineJobProcessor] changed the way the remaining time is estimated. Bug #2124705
- [MainForm] updatecopier.exe will only be elevated if necessary
- simplified updatecopier.exe
- [HDStreamExtractorIndexer] improved mpls parsing
- [BitrateCalculator] fixed overflow in case of very long video durations
- [MainForm] suspend the update process until the profiles have been imported
- [x264Encoder] + [x264ConfigurationPanel] changed the default b-pyramid value to normal (requires x264 revision 1455 or higher)
- [JobWorkerWindow] enhanced error handling
- [AudioEncoderInterface] earlier preprocessing status update
- [tsMuxeR] ISO639-2-Code will be used for the language during muxing
- [tsMuxeR] fixed muxing of srt files. Bug #2958514
- [x264] removed the lossless checkbox, changed turbo to "fast first pass", changed thread-input, cosmetics
- [tsMuxeR] + [CommandlineMuxer] changed the way the projected filesize is estimated
- [AviSynthProfileConfigPanel] if clever anamorphic encoding is enabled the dropdown box will be also enabled
- [AviSynthWindow] openning a file also triggers the clever anamorphic encoding event. Bug #2957647
- [UpdateWindow] set last modified time to extracted files
- [UpdateWindow] files which need a reboot will also be saved if selected
- update ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
- [x264Encoder] added support for new x264 nal-hrd switches (requires x264 revision 1442 or higher)
- (zathor) [UpdateWindow] set last modified time
- (zathor) [AviSynthWindow] + [AviSynthProfileConfigPanel] changed font to Courier New
- (zathor) [MeGUISettings] defaults to development update server if development build is used
- (zathor) [mencoderEncoder] switched ffmpeg to mencoder as pre-rendering engine for x86
- (zathor) [VideoUtil] + [MainForm] fixed the detection of AviSynth for MeGUI x64
- (zathor) [MkvMergeMuxer] removed --no-clusters-in-meta-seek because of the change in MkvToolNix 4.0.0
- (zathor) [WindowUtil] + [JobWorkerWindow] prevent standby while a job is running
- (zathor) [MainForm] fixed window size will be reset if window is minimized
- (zathor) moved CustomFileSize, CustomFPSs, CustomDARs and GUI settings from user.config into settings.xml
- (zathor) user.config is no longer created / updated. Therefore MeGUI itself does not write outside of the application directory
- (zathor) [mencoderEncoder] switched mencoder to ffmpeg as pre-rendering engine in order to support x64
- (zathor) DGIndexNV will use DGMultiSource instead of DGSource as default setting
- (zathor) [JobControl] fixed a crash if an unknown job type is used
- (zathor) [JobControl] old D2V and DGI jobs will be updated
- (zathor) [BitrateCalculator] add 1½ DVD target size and adjust others to safe values. Patch by JarrettV (#2999751)
- (zathor) [BitrateCalculator] fix calculation accuracy by total file size and by BPP to account for constant video overhead. Patch by JarrettV (#2999751)
- (zathor) [BitrateCalculator] simplify audio bitrate inspection to assume bitrate from video duration and audio file size. Patch by JarrettV (#2999751)
- (zathor) changed the way windowstate, location and size are saved and applied for MainForm, JobWorker, Changelog and WorkerSummary
- (zathor) [x264Config] changed "Fast first pass" to "Slow first pass"
- (zathor) [ProfileConfigurationWindow] + [Calculator] + [Changelog] changed style to FixedToolWindow (no resize, no minimize)
- (zathor) [Calculator] settings can be applied if bitrate > 0
- (zathor) [JobControl] enhanced the adding of new jobs
- (zathor) [AudioEncodingTab] "_new" will be appended to the file name if the output file already exists
- (zathor) If targeting file size in AutoEncode or One-Click the encoding mode of the selected video profile will be switched temporarily to automated 2/3pass
- (zathor) [JobControl] + [JobWorkerWindow] fixed a problem with several workers running the same job
- (zathor) [JobControl] + [JobWorkerWindow] only one audio encoding at a time. Bug #2996413
- (zathor) [FileBar] set focus to the open dialogue
- (zathor) [VideoCodecSettings] + [x264Settings] removed unnecessary variables
- (zathor) renamed VobInputWindow to FileIndexerWindow, renamed several of the indexer classes
- (zathor) [FileIndexerWindow] display of source media information added
- (zathor) [FileIndexerWindow] based upon the source media the recommended indexer will be preselected
- (zathor) [tsMuxeR] fixed failed muxing in rare cases
- (zathor) [BitrateCalculator] add BPP and Quality Estimate calculation support w/ complexity slider. Patch by JarrettV (#2999751)
- (zathor) [BitrateCalculator] improved audio and unlimited extra calculation support. Patch by JarrettV (#2999751)
- (zathor) [BitrateCaluclator] the encoding mode of the selected video profile will be switched to automated 2/3pass if necessary
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] simplified the main page, improved the tooltip help
- (zathor) [HDBDStreamExtractor] DTS output type option for DTS-MA or DTS-HR extracts only the core DTS track. Feature Request #2695340
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] fixed rc-lookahead. Bug #2991069
- (zathor) [OSInfo] improved .NET 4.0 detection. Bug #2988751
- (zathor) [x264Settings] changed the default b-pyramid value to normal
- (zathor) [x264Config] fixed the log file button
- (zathor) [UpdateWindow] added platform type
- (zathor) [UpdateWindow] only the platform matching updates will be downloaded
- (zathor) if the x64 MeGUI build is used only x64_64.exe is referenced
- (zathor) [OneClickConfigPanel] "Keep Input Resolution" disables "Signal AR"
- (zathor) [JobQueue] CTRL+A selects all queue items. Feature request #2981335
- (zathor) [JobQueue] SHIFT+UP or DOWN to move an queue item, UP or DOWN to navigate in the list
- (zathor) user.config settings will also be migrated for queue settings and custom AR, file size and FPS
- (zathor) [DAR] + [ARChooser] enhanced ITU values
- (zathor) [OneClickSettings] changed the default output resolution to 720
- (zathor) [OneClickWindow] custom AR can be applied if "Keep Input Resolution" is selected
- (zathor) [OneClickWindow] "Keep Input Resolution" disables "Signal AR"
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] --aud will only be appended if it is selected in the configuration dialog. Bug #2979294
- (zathor) [OneClickSettings] the MKV container is enabled by default
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] fixed wrong vbvmaxrate value after profile switching
- (zathor) [OneClickWindow] fixed keep input resolution behavior
- (zathor) [VideoEncodingComponent] improved error handling
- (zathor) [FilmCutter] changed default transition type in AVS Cutter to "No transition". Fade transition will blend in/out 10 frames. Bug #2913546
- (zathor) x264 - some CQP mode adjustments
- (zathor) x264 - added superfast preset support (requires x264 revision 1509 or higher)
- (zathor) [ffmsReader] + [ScriptServer] FFVideoSource defaults to the YV12 colorspace
- (zathor) [VideoUtil] improved the ConvertToYV12() handling
- (zathor) [UpdateCacher] + [UpdateWindow] + [MainForm] added offline install capability
- (zathor) [UpdateCacher] + [UpdateWindow] zip files will be verified before extracting
- (zathor) [UpdateCacher] improved proxy support
- (zathor) user.config will be migrated to new version if possible
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] mbtree can be disabled while fast preset is active
- (zathor) [AviSynthWindow] FFVideoSource will be used automatically if a corresponding ffindex file exists
- (zathor) [MeGUISettings] fixed ffms file not found problem
- (zathor) [MainForm] renamed "DG Creator" to "File Indexer"
- (zathor) added FFMS (FFmpegSource2) to the file indexer
- (zathor) [MP4BoxMuxer] + [CommandlineJobProcessor] changed the way the remaining time is estimated. Bug #2124705
- (zathor) [MainForm] updatecopier.exe will only be elevated if necessary
- (zathor) simplified updatecopier.exe
- (zathor) [HDStreamExtractorIndexer] improved mpls parsing
- (zathor) [BitrateCalculator] fixed overflow for very long video durations
- (zathor) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.29)
- (zathor) [MainForm] suspend the update progress until the profiles have been imported
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] + [x264ConfigurationPanel] changed the default b-pyramid value to normal (requires x264 revision 1455 or higher)
- (zathor) [JobWorkerWindow] enhanced error handling
- (zathor) [AudioEncoderInterface] earlier preprocessing status update
- (zathor) [tsMuxeR] ISO639-2-Code will be used for the language during muxing
- (zathor) [tsMuxeR] fixed muxing of srt files. Bug #2958514
- (zathor) [x264] removed the lossless checkbox, changed turbo to "fast first pass", changed thread-input, cosmetics
- (zathor) [tsMuxeR] + [CommandlineMuxer] changed the way the projected filesize is estimated
- (zathor) [AviSynthProfileConfigPanel] if clever anamorphic encoding is enabled the dropdown box will be also enabled
- (zathor) [AviSynthWindow] openning a file also triggers the clever anamorphic encoding event. Bug #2957647
- (zathor) [UpdateWindow] set file changed time of extracted files
- (zathor) [UpdateWindow] files which need a reboot will also be backuped if selected
- (zathor) update ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] added support for new nal-hrd (requires x264 revision 1442 or higher)
- (zathor) [JobControl] error handling added. Bug #2279852
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] corrected scenecut handling. Bug #2942446
- (zathor) [LogItem] error handling added. Bug #2947565 + #2925500
- (zathor) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.28)
- (zahtor) [UpdateWindow] moved the MediaInfo files to a separate download package
- (zathor) [Calculator] encoding mode will only be changed if profile encoding mode is const. quality or const. quantizer. Bug #2952574
- (zathor) [dgiReader] enhanced error handling
- (zathor) [SourceDetector] enhanced error handling in analyseFF. Bug #2810830
- (zathor) [Calculator] settings can only be applied if bitrate > 0. Bug #2812840
- (zathor) [AviSynthWindow] enabling clever anamorphic encoding applies immediately the selected settings. Bug #2827053 + #2879253
- (zathor) [Calculator] Targeting "File Size" in the bitrate calculator defaults to automated 2-pass mode. Feature request #2951153
- (zathor) [AudioEncodingTab] "_new" will be appended to the file name if input and output are the same. Bug #2531321
- (zathor) [MuxProvider] + [tsMuxeR] added mp4 support to the video input types. Feature request #2945805
- (zathor) [PrettyFormatting] Input and output filename spelling match in OneClick. Feature request #2938926
- (zathor) [MkvMergeMuxer] ISO639-2-Code will be used for the language during muxing. Bug #2944894
- (zathor) [VobinputWindow] + [VideoUtil] Disabled "Select Audio Tracks" if dgindex is used and the stream is no program stream. Bug #2941323
- (zathor) [HDBDStreamExtractor] changed default file input type
- (zathor) [InputBox] set initial focus to text box. Feature request #2938589
- (zathor) [InputBox] if text box has focus pressing "enter" will call the ok event and "escape" the cancel event
- (zathor) [tsMuxeR] fix final m2ts file creating in OneClick. Bug #2936118
- (zathor) [VobinputWindow] added mts as supported file extensions
- (zathor) [MainForm] added information to the main window title if auto update is activated and the development server is used
- (zathor) [VobinputWindow] Removed warning if no audio can be found. Feature request #2847468
- (zathor) [JobWorkerWindow] Temporary worker will be closed automatically. Feature request #2928875
- (zathor) [DAR] + [ARChooser] added 4:3 and 16:9 DAR
- (zathor) [JobControl] error handling added. Bug #2279852
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] corrected scenecut handling. Bug #2942446
- (zathor) [LogItem] error handling added. Bug #2947565 + #2925500
- (zathor) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.28)
- (zahtor) [UpdateWindow] moved the MediaInfo files to a separate download package
- (zathor) [Calculator] encoding mode will only be changed if profile encoding mode is const. quality or const. quantizer. Bug #2952574
- (zathor) [dgiReader] enhanced error handling
- (zathor) [SourceDetector] enhanced error handling in analyseFF. Bug #2810830
- (zathor) [Calculator] settings can only be applied if bitrate > 0. Bug #2812840
- (zathor) [AviSynthWindow] enabling clever anamorphic encoding applies immediately the selected settings. Bug #2827053
- (zathor) [Calculator] Targeting "File Size" in the bitrate calculator defaults to automated 2-pass mode. Feature request #2951153
- (zathor) [AudioEncodingTab] "_new" will be appended to the file name if input and output are the same. Bug #2531321
- (zathor) [MuxProvider] + [tsMuxeR] added mp4 support to the video input types. Feature request #2945805
- (zathor) [PrettyFormatting] Input and output filename spelling match in OneClick. Feature request #2938926
- (zathor) [MkvMergeMuxer] ISO639-2-Code will be used for the language during muxing. Bug #2944894
- (zathor) [VobinputWindow] + [VideoUtil] Disabled "Select Audio Tracks" if dgindex is used and the stream is no program stream. Bug #2941323
- (zathor) [HDBDStreamExtractor] changed default file input type
- (zathor) [InputBox] set initial focus to text box. Feature request #2938589
- (zathor) [InputBox] if text box has focus pressing "enter" will call the ok event and "escape" the cancel event
- (zathor) [tsMuxeR] fix final m2ts file creating in OneClick. Bug #2936118
- (zathor) [VobinputWindow] added mts as supported file extensions
- (zathor) [MainForm] added information to the main window title if auto update is activated and the development server is used
- (zathor) [VobinputWindow] Removed warning if no audio can be found. Feature request #2847468
- (zathor) [JobWorkerWindow] Temporary worker will be closed automatically. Feature request #2928875
- (zathor) [DAR] + [ARChooser] added 4:3 and 16:9 DAR
- (zathor) [OSInfo] Fix crash if OS is Windows 2000
- (zathor) no changes beside build number
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] updated the command line generation
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] button "preset settings" also reloads the tuning settings
- (zathor) [DGIndexer] added percentage output to the progress window
- (zathor) [DGNVIndexer] + [DGAVCIndexer] prepared for reading the stdout so that the percentage can be read as soon as it is supported by the tools
- (zathor) [HDBDStreamExtractor] added mkv as file input source
- (zathor) [HDBDStreamExtractor] for audio stream types the first stream output type will be preselected
- (zathor) [MeGUISettings] + [SettingsForm] + [MP4BoxMuxer] added temporary folder selection for mp4 muxer
- (zathor) [SettingsForm] cosmetics
- (zathor) [ProfileImporter] importer could not be closed with import/cancel buttons
- (zathor) [AviSynthWindow] "source is anime" button will also be recognized if selected before analysis
- (zathor) added force film and DAR detection for DGIndexNV
- (zathor) added support for new DGIndexNV (requires build 2001 or higher)
- (zathor) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.27)
- (zathor) [OSInfo] changed x64 detection, fixed a few typos
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] + [UpdateWindows] added support for x64 x264
- (zathor) [CommandlineJobProcessor] wait for aborted process to be closed before trying to delete the output file
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] changed subme default value according to the x264 specs
- (zathor) merged the DG Indexer, added DGIndexNV support and removed the 3 old NV indexer
- (zathor) [SettingsForm] added the ability to deselect the usage of the CUVIDServer
- (zathor) [DialogManager] CUVIDServer will be started if necessary and only closed if started by MeGUI
- (zathor) [UpdateWindow] if a file is not longer available it will not be selected for download
- (zathor) added DGIndexNV download package, moved the location of the DGAVCDecode.dll to the DGAVCIndex package
- (zathor) [DG Creator] if DGIndexNV is licensed it will be preselected - otherwise it will be disabled
- (zathor) [ScriptServer] LoadPlugin will be called automatically for the different indexer types
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] enable cabac checkbox if avc profile != baseline
- (zathor) only the needed avisynth plugins will be automatically loaded
- (zathor) [DGIndexer] DGIndex always honor pulldown flags. Patch by Alanoll (#2898220)
- (zathor) [SettingsForm] removed the unnecessary program paths
- (zathor) [ProfileImporter] preset importer is not modal anymore (bug #2838614)
- (zathor) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.26)
- (zathor) [AMGMuxer] Avi-MUX Gui job files will be saved as UTF-8
- (zathor) [MeGUISettings] update_cache location and avisynth plugin location cannot be changed anymore
- (zathor) [x264Settings] changed the default *scratchpad* settings to x264 default (preset and some other settings have been wrong)
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] changed b-frames value in preset slower
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] subme 10 instead of 9 will force trellis 2 and aq-mode > 0
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] removed dependency between mb-tree and aq-mode
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] fixed aq-mode command line generation (aq-mode 0 has never been appended)
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] fixed aq-mode in all presets
- (zathor) [DialogManager] minor change to the CUVIDServer call
- (zathor) [MeGUISettings] + [SettingsForm] all automatically installed tool paths cannot be changed anymore
- (zathor) [AvsReader] workaround for DGMultiSource added. The program will crash less frequently. Patch by neuron2
- (zathor) [ProfileManager] save the profiles during closing of MeGUI even if the profile folder could not be deleted
- (zathor) [UpdateWindow] update check is able to find missing files
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] changed a few preset/tuning settings, changed NumericUpDown event
- (zathor) [UpdateWindow] fixed wrong savepath after moving MeGUI directory
- (zathor) [x264Config] add support for weighted P prediction (requires x264 revision 1327 or higher)
- (zathor) [x264Config] fix issues with weighted B prediction
- (zathor) [x264Config] fix an issue where custom profile settings may be lost
- (zathor) [x264Config] very minor cosmetic changes
- (zathor) removed the default UAC elevation prompt. Instead the program will only be elevated if the app dir is not writeable
- (zathor) [Util] + [FileUtil] incompatible xml files (e.g. profiles) will be moved to a backup dir
- (zathor) fixed the problem of the incompatible x264 profiles. As a result the old B-Pyramid setting will be disabled
- (zathor) [OSInfo] fixed a problem with the .NET detection
- (zathor) [MuxStreamControl] preselect language if the filename contains the language name
- (zathor) [x264Config] fixed a few input validation problems
- (zathor) [ProgressWindow] added the Windows 7 taskbar progress feature
- (zathor) [x264Config] the advanced settings will be applied to the command line independent of the advanced settings checkbox
- (zathor) [x264Config] a few profile settings could not be loaded
- (zathor) [x264Config] extended input handling
- (zathor) updatecopier.exe will be called elevated
- (zathor) [x264Config] disable cabac and mbtree checkbox if setting disabled in profile or preset
- (zathor) [x264Config] custom command line settings will replace all settings in generated command line
- (zathor) [HDBDStreamExtractor] fixed a crash bug
- (zathor) [HDBDStreamExtractor] input and output path will be preselected
- (zathor) [BitrateCalculator] added experimental M2TS support
- (zathor) [MeGUISettings] the update_cache location has been changed to a sub dir of the program dir
- (zathor) [MeGUISettings] the avisynth plugin location has been changed to a sub dir of the programtools dir
- (zathor) [AviSynthWindow] + [AvisynthWrapper] LoadPlugin will be called for every automatically installed DLL in the megui avisynth plugin dir
- (zathor) [x264Config] changed the order the settings will be applied initially
- (zathor) [VideoEncodingComponent] + [MeGUISettings] added file format saving
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] Turbo mode can be changed in automated 2 or 3 pass
- (zathor) [x264Encoder] changed the --rc-lookahead command line creation
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] updated the input handling
- (zathor) [AudioEncodingComponent] + [MeGUISettings] added audio format saving
- (zathor) [MainForm] changed the unhandled error handler. The details will be only written to the log
- (zathor) [ProfileConfigurationWindow] icon added
- (zathor) [ProfileConfigurationWindow] every closing of the form will check if there has been something changed
- (zathor) [x264ConfigurationPanel] added nal-hrd and aud checkbox (required for bluray; patched x264 is required for nal-hrd)
- (zathor) [ContextHelp.xml] added and changed a few entries
- (zathor) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.25)
- (kurtnoise) rebuild getAvisynthVersion function.
- (kurtnoise) remove aac extension from the winamp AAC codec.
- (kurtnoise) update the xvid config panel.
- (kurtnoise) update the x264 config panel.
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.23)
- (kurtnoise) [MeGUISettings] add Winamp folder detection.
- (kurtnoise) [AudioEncoderInterface] copy missing libs from Winamp folder to the encAACPlus encoder directory if they aren't found.
- (kurtnoise) [FileUtil] add CopyFile(string sourcePath, string targetPath, string targetName, bool overwrite)
- (kurtnoise) Enable mp4 output for the Winamp AAC Encoder. Requires the last enc_aacPlus package.
- (kurtnoise) add Avisynth File Version to the log.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] runCUVIDServer() : fix a wrong return when users decide to click on the No Button.
- (kurtnoise) [DialogManager] fix a typo.
- (kurtnoise) [AudioJoinJob] fix wrong type list for the command line generation.
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] add Nvidia resizer feature.
- (kurtnoise) [OSInfo] add Windows Seven editions names.
- (kurtnoise) [OSInfo] .Net Framework detection more accurate.
- (kurtnoise) [ChapterCreator] add reading infos from disks. Feature request #2847468
- (kurtnoise) [JobUtil] remove mbtree stats file after the process if it's detected.
- (kurtnoise) [ChapterCreator] - add EditionUID & ChapterUID in the output xml Matroska format. - enable chapterName_TextChanged event which was removed previously.
- (kurtnoise) [ChapterCreator] add Matroska Chapters xml file as output format.
- (kurtnoise) [ChapterCreator] fix issue #2845174.
- (kurtnoise) update batch files. Patch by XhmikosR
- (kurtnoise) [ChapterCreator] fix issues with Preview, Add & Remove buttons events (#2848657)
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.21)
- (kurtnoise) [AudioEncoderInterface] readjust LAME quality scaling to match the documentation.
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] add vobsub files support in Subtitle Filtering.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] remove duplicate code about CABAC.
- (kurtnoise) [ChapterCreator] fix issue #2814357.
- (kurtnoise) [ProgressWindow] change tabIndex values from textboxes.
- (kurtnoise) [ProgressWindow] put textboxes as read-only instead of disabled.
- (kurtnoise) [AVS Creator] add Charset feature with TextSub() line...
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] add slicing support. Requires x264 rev1243 or higher.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] fix noFastPSKip & MixedRefs commands.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] fix issue #2846728
- (kurtnoise) [ScriptServer] force flag = false & Counter = 0 in DGDecodeNVdllPath(..) when dgavcindex is found in the path to avoid inappropriate error message during dga files loading from the AVSCreator.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] fix subme crash w/ veryslow & placebo presets.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] fix & update few lines.
- (kurtnoise) remove manifest file integration from project file to allow drag & drop in the main window on vista & seven.
- (kurtnoise) remove few unused resources files from the project file. Patch by Underground78.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoPlayer] button 1x didn't reset zoom variable. Patch by Underground78.
- (kurtnoise) [UpdateWindow] cosmetic...
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] turboOptions = true - only with twopass1 & threepass1
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] fix few errors for default settings.
- (kurtnoise) [x264 Config] * add presets/tunings/mb-tree/rc-lookahead/no-psy options. Requires x264 revision 1206 or higher.

* redesign config panel in 4 tabs (Main, the default one + Frame-type + Rate-Control + Analysis + Misc)

* clean up the code for better reading.
- (kurtnoise) Fix some changes in batch files. Patch by XhmikosR (#2832669)
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] remove AQ Mode restriction from x264 settings.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoEncodingComponent] add findDGSource() function and use it during input file loading to check whether or not CUVIDServer must be run.
- (kurtnoise) move manageCUVIDServer() to VideoUtil.cs
- (kurtnoise) [Avs Script Creator] redesign CUVIDServer management. (#2786306)
- (kurtnoise) apply FindandKillProcess("CUVIDSERVER") when all jobs are done in the queue & when megui is closing.
- (kurtnoise) [DialogManager] add FindProcess() & FindAndKillProcess() functions.
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] getChaptersFromIFO(...) : save chapters files as text always by default. Some users may want it for the mux (#2825428)
- (kurtnoise) [OSInfo] using...try...catch instead.
- (kurtnoise) better .Net Framework handling.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] add QP-RD support as subme = 10. x264 rev 1187 or higher required.
- (kurtnoise) [AVCLevelsChecker] remove b-pyramid & b-frames computation. Not used anymore...
- (kurtnoise) [AVCLevelsChecker] update MaxBR values.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Encoder] apply sar command only when X & Y values are different to 1.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] fix x264 scratchpad default settings.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] few improvements in the partitions command line construction.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Encoder] add AQ mode 2. requires x264 r1184 or higher.
- (kurtnoise) Update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.19)
- (kurtnoise) [HDStreamExtractor] move a line parsing to the warning instead of error.
- (kurtnoise) Few cosmetics for the batch files & add a NSIS installer detection. Patch by XhmikosR (#2822466)
- (kurtnoise) Fix a typo. Patch by XhmikosR (#2822464)
- (kurtnoise) [OneClick Encoder] few internal changes for better chapters handling.
- (kurtnoise) cosmetics...
- (kurtnoise) [OneClick Encoder] add read only disc detection (fix issue #2814331).
- (kurtnoise) [OneClick Encoder] fix issue #2810643
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] remove ToLower() from checkNVCompatibleFile() function.
- (kurtnoise) [HDStreamExtractor] fix issue #2817463 for seamless branching.
- (kurtnoise) update ContextHelp.xml file to reflect the last x264 settings.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] fix bug #2821332 for lossless mode. An update of this preset is required.
- (sharktooth) [x264] Added --profile support with a slight difference with x264 defaults. Autoguess means no --profile option will be specified. High/Main/Baseline will set the --profile option accordingly.
- (sharktooth) [x264] Set CRF 23 as default encoding mode.
- (sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel] Trellis is now enabled by default as well...
- (sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel] More fixes...
- (sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel] Additional checks and fixes for h.264 Profiles restrictions.
- (sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel] Additional checks to ensure proper options values are passed to the commandline generator.
- (sharktooth) [x264] Fixed x264 --subme & --ref commandline options generation due to the new x264 defaults.
- (sharktooth) [x264] Fixed b-frames controls behavior and commandline generation to respect the new x264 b-frames default value. Should also fix the baseline profile encoding.
- (sharktooth) [x264Encoder] Removed --progress switch since it's a new x264 default option.
- (sharktooth) [x264] Reconfigured default settings and commandline generation due to the changes in x264 defaults and CLI options.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthWindow] revisit checkNVCompatibleFile() function.
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.17)
- (Sharktooth) [Dialogs] *.m2ts -> *.m2t* to support .m2t extension.
- (Sharktooth) [VideoUtil] Added ".aac" extension to the list of the audio files demuxed by DGIndex since getAllDexumedAudio() is now used for DGAVCIndex as well.
- (Sharktooth) [OneClickWindow] Fixed incorrect charset encoding for non-english file names (patch by Fight16)
- (kurtnoise) [ScriptServer] remove duplicate code.
- (kurtnoise) [ScriptServer] fix incorrect static member. (#2807518)
- (kurtnoise) [HDBDStreamExtractor] fix some issues for HD-DVD.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] forceRawAVCExtension only if videoEncoderType is x264
- (kurtnoise) [HdBdStreamExtractor] improve dummyInput creation.
- (kurtnoise) [HDStreamExtractorIndexer] fix an issue in the command line with M2TS as job input.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthWindow] update DGxxxIndexFile version string.
- (kurtnoise) updpate dgmReader & dgvReader to the latest DGSource().
- (kurtnoise) Add an option in MeGUI settings to force video file extension for QuickTime compatibility ( This way, fix issue #2797133
- (kurtnoise) [LanguageSelectionContainer] add zho as alternative Chinese Language.
- (kurtnoise) [HdBdStreamExtractor] add a DirectorySeparatorChar for input when the selected path is not the root disk. Fix issue #2805803
- (kurtnoise) [AudioStream] add DTS-ES & AC3 Surround cases.
- (kurtnoise) enable DSS2 in Avisynth Script/Settings.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthProfileConfigPanel] add DSS2 over DSS checkbox.
- (kurtnoise) [MeGUISettings] add Haali Media Splitter Path detection.
- (kurtnoise) better handling of DGDecodeNV lib.
- (kurtnoise) add eac3 & ddp files extension to the AudioEncoderInterface & MainForm.
- (kurtnoise) add LinqBridge lib to the megui NSIS script.
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] activate HDStreamExtractorIndexer.Factory
- (kurtnoise) [Job] add HDStreamExJob to the Job Interface.
- (kurtnoise) [HDStreamExtractor] add megui job support.
- (kurtnoise) [HDStreamExtractorIndexer] better lines parsing.
- (kurtnoise) [HDStreamExJob] change CodecString & EncodingMode
- (kurtnoise) [hfyuSettings] change ID : huffyuv -> Huffyuv
- (kurtnoise) [AudioStream] add "AC3 EX" case.
- (kurtnoise) [JobWorkerWindow] few improvements in the log reporting.
- (kurtnoise) [DGMCreator] add vob files support.
- (kurtnoise) [tsMuxeR] add Chapters file support.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add getChapterTimeLine() function.
- (kurtnoise) [OneClick] apply getChaptersFromIFO to the One Click Encoder code.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add getChaptersFromIFO() function.
- (kurtnoise) [ChapterInfo] better formating for SaveText() function.
- (kurtnoise) fix a potential NullPointer Exception for several Muxers. Based on patch from ViceIce (#2799156)
- (kurtnoise) [Megui NSIS SCript] Remove old entry in the register key from the previous installer. Patch by XhmikosR (#2801959)
- (kurtnoise) update script & reader to support the last beta DGxxxNV tools package.
- (kurtnoise) [DialogManager] cosmetic changes for RunCUVIDServer()
- (sharktooth) [x264] Made FullRange an option.
- (sharktooth) Added AvisynthWrapper solution and project files for VS2008
- (sharktooth) Updated compilation script
- (sharktooth) [x264Encoder.cs] Added "--senecut -1" in case of adaptive b-frames option is set to 0-Off.
- (sharktooth) [x264Encoder.cs] Added "--fullrange on" flag.
- (kurtnoise) [ChapterCreator] add Blu-ray Playlist input files support.
- (kurtnoise) [ChapterCreator] add x264 qp file as saving format.
- (kurtnoise) [ChapterCreator] added ChapterNameText_Changed Event.
- (kurtnoise) add LinqBridge library to the project files and improve the Chapter Creator. Now, it's able to read directly chapters from IFO files. Thanks to Jarrett Vance for the code from ChapterGrabber.
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] add some useful functions.
- (kurtnoise) [FileUtil] add ToShortString() function.
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.16)
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] cosmetic - put muxers in alphabetical order
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] fix an invalid UI interaction from background. Patch by ViceIce (#2793562)
- (kurtnoise) [One-Click] added "force using key-frames for chapters marks". When this is enabled and if the video compressor selected is x264 *and* if a chapter file is found, megui will create an x264 qp file automatically and will use it to force start chapter frame as key-frame. Useful for splitting...In the near future, chapter file restriction will be removed.
- (kurtnoise) Added Extra part for the Bitrate Calculator. You can load any files there (subtitles, pictures, etc). This way, files size from this part is also taken into account during final bitrate calculation. Not tested too much though...
- (kurtnoise) [VideoEncodingComponent] enable fileType_SelectedIndexChanged event which was disabled previously (#2793289)
- (kurtnoise) [Calculator] cosmetic
- (kurtnoise) [CodecManager] better description for VideoEncoderType
- (kurtnoise) Added "Reopen Video Preview" button on the mainform (#1996591)
- (kurtnoise) Added convertfps=true for DSS() (#2788480)
- (kurtnoise) Added support for Matroska xml chapter files (#2789168)
- (kurtnoise) [VideoJob] changed Codec.ID to SettingsID for CodecString()
- (kurtnoise) [x264Config] added qpfile feature
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add convertChaptersTextFileTox264QPFile()
- (kurtnoise) move getTimeCode() function to the Util class.
- (kurtnoise) [SettingsForm] test whether or not directories exist for backup_CheckedChanged() event.
- (kurtnoise) add "Always backup files when needed" option in MeGUI Settings. Enabled by default. If you don't want to backup them or simply remove them, just unchecked it...
- (kurtnoise) [AutoEncode] enable setting AutoEncode defaults via Settings and uses them in the AutoEncode Form. Patch by Nasty Bob (#2789291)
- (kurtnoise) [DGVCreator] change Filter index value (#2789475)
- (ateeq) Add Job Control option to change after encoding setting for current session (2777417 & 2784396)
- (kurtnoise) [baseMuxWindow] change output_FileSelected() to output_Click() event (#2786990)
- (kurtnoise) [x264ConfigurationPanel] fix few issues with the quantizer value when qp < 1.
- (kurtnoise) [DialogManager] fix DGVC1IndexNV path (#2784428)
- (kurtnoise) [UpdateWindow] add tsmuxer case.
- (kurtnoise) [TargetSizeSCBox] add BD FileSize Presets.
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.15)
- (ateeq) [JobQueue] Up/Down buttons enabled = false to avoid crash on empty queue/selection
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] remove unused code...
- (kurtnoise) add some enhancements to the nsis script.
- (kurtnoise) [CodecManager] disable BD & AVCHD devices type. Not yet functional...
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] register tsmuxer as JobProcessor & MuxerProvider.
- (kurtnoise) [MuxProvider] add tsmuxer.
- (kurtnoise) add tsMuxeR class.
- (kurtnoise) add tsmuxer in the project files.
- (kurtnoise) [SettingsForm] add tsmuxer components in the Muxer tab.
- (kurtnoise) [MeGUISettings] add TSMuxerPath
- (kurtnoise) [CodecManager] add M2TS as VideoType & ContainerType
- (kurtnoise) [MediaInfoFile] when VCodec is null, check the video format in this case.
- (kurtnoise) [JobUtil] use output name to create logfile instead of input. #2690832
- (kurtnoise) [FileSize] rounding values with 2 digits instead of 1. Feature Requests #2772018 & #2465440
- (kurtnoise) add Device Output Type to the One-Click Encoder. Available through Advanced Settings.
- (kurtnoise) [PrettyFormatting] fix an error with temporal substring...Note to myself : test external patches before to commit them like a dumb.
- (kurtnoise) [AutoEncodeTool] add Device Output Type.
- (kurtnoise) update the One Click & AutoEncode tools to the latest changes.
- (kurtnoise) [MP4BoxMuxer] apply device type to the command line.
- (kurtnoise) add Device Types to the Adaptive & Manual Muxers. Now, we can force either iPod, iPhone, ISMA or PSP output when we select MP4 Muxer.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] update GenerateJobSeries()
- (kurtnoise) [JobUtil] update GenerateMuxJobs()
- (kurtnoise) [IMuxing] add new List<DeviceType> & GetDeviceInputFilter() string.
- (kurtnoise) [MuxSettings] update settings with the DeviceType.
- (kurtnoise) [MuxProvider] add GetSupportedDevices(), GetSupportedDeviceTypes() & register the new device types.
- (kurtnoise) [CodecManager] add DeviceType as OutputType.
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] move MeGUI size/position/windowstate settings in Shown Event instead of Load Event.
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] add MeGUI size/position/windowstate settings in Load Event.
- (kurtnoise) [MuxProvider] add h264 file extension to the MKV & MP4 Muxers.
- (kurtnoise) [CodecManager] change EAC3 files extension & add a new AVC files extension.
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] fix issue #2776469.
- (kurtnoise) [MkvMergeMuxer] add Warning handling to ProcessLine().
- (kurtnoise) [MkvMergeMuxer] better Error Handling in ProcessLine().
- (kurtnoise) [MkvMergeMuxer] update ProcessLine() to match the correct string.
- (kurtnoise) [DGMCreator] remove duplicate components. Patch by UsedUser from
- (kurtnoise) [PrettyFormatting] simplify ExtractWorkingName(). Patch by UsedUser from
- (kurtnoise) [Vobsubber] use getPGCnb() to retrieve max value.
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] add getPGCnb() function.
- (kurtnoise) [AaudioEncoderInterface] reflect the last changes for SamplingRate values in the script.
- (kurtnoise) [AudioConfigurationPanel] add new SamplingRate values (8000Hz - 11025 Hz - 22050 Hz)
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.14)
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add some tunings regarding audio Type for getSourceMediaInfo().
- (kurtnoise) [DialogSettings] remove unused code.
- (kurtnoise) [DialogManager] remove unused code.
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] apply runCUVIDServer() to the dga/dgm/dgv cases.
- (kurtnoise) [DialogManager] add runCUVIDServer() function.
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] cosmetic.
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] gotoD2vCreator() - rewrite error message because TS files can contain AVC streams...
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] better avs script support for input file.
- (kurtnoise) [HDStreamExtractor] add a checkbox to close the form after extraction.
- (sharktooth) [AviSynthWindow] Removed the possibility to add multiple subs, that also fixed an issue (TextSub part of the script was trashed if another filter was selected after loading the subtitles).
- (kurtnoise) [XvidEncoder] format quantizer values.
- (sharktooth) [MainForm] Cosmetics
- (kurtnoise) [XvidEncoder] fix typo in the command line for alternative pass 2.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthWindow] fix a typo...
- (sharktooth) [AudioEncoderInterface] Cosmetics
- (sharktooth) [AviSynthWindow] Added a messagebox to notify the subtitles has been succesfully added to the avisynth script.
- (sharktooth) [AviSynthWindow] Added a check to prevent to add the same subs twice.
- (sharktooth) [AviSynthWindow] Subtitles path textbox is now read-only.
- (sharktooth) [AviSynthWindow] Added support for subtitles (srt,ass,ssa).
- (sharktooth) [XviDEncoder] 10l
- (sharktooth) [xvidConfigurationPanel] Moved Profiles checks into doDropDownAdjustments (where they should be...) and added additional checks for encoding modes (profiles are enabled only for 2pass modes).
- (sharktooth) [xvidConfigurationPanel] Cosmetics.
- (sharktooth) [xvidConfigurationPanel] Added overflow control checks to improve ratecontrol behaviour with -alt2pass.
- (sharktooth) [Xvid] Added profiles support. Actually only DXN Home Theater and DXN Hi-Def (both 720p and 1080p) profiles are supported.
- (sharktooth) [CodecManager] Added M2TS case to ContainerType.
- (kurtnoise) [XvidConfigurationPanel] fix issue #2690826
- (kurtnoise) cosmetics
- (kurtnoise) add "demux video stream" option to the DGVCreator.
- (kurtnoise) add "demux video stream" option to the DGMCreator.
- (kurtnoise) add "demux video stream" option to the DGACreator.
- (kurtnoise) [MediaInfoFile] add VC-1 & M2TS informations.
- (kurtnoise) add "demux video stream" option to the D2VCreator.
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest revision.
- (kurtnoise) [LanguageSelectionContainer] add Urdu & Punjabi languages (#2725585)
- (kurtnoise) [SettingsForm] cosmetics
- (kurtnoise) [UpdateWindow] add dgavcindex case.
- (kurtnoise) add few tunings for some MessageBoxes.
- (kurtnoise) [CodecManager] add BDSUP format as Subtitle Type.
- (kurtnoise) [AudioEncoderInterface] few tunings for AVISource.
- (kurtnoise) [XviDEncoder] flag JobStatus as error when issues occur (#2695467)
- (kurtnoise) move ScriptServer Class to the avscreator tool folder.
- (griffore) [HdBdStreamExtractor] added Delegates & CallBacks to set ToolStripProgressBar and ToolStripStatusLabel for cross-thread UI calls
- (griffore) [HdBdStreamExtractor] corrected spelling of ToolStripProgresBar to ToolStripProgressBar
- (griffore) [HdBdStreamExtractor] return initialized VideoStream object instead new instance
- (griffore) [HdBdStreamExtractor] use VType in switch statement instead of string comparison
- (kurtnoise) [JobUtil] use Default Encoding settings instead of UTF-8 for huffyuv temp script. Patch by viceice (#2694449)
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.12)
- (kurtnoise) [OneClick Encoder] enable prerender Job.(#2687941)
- (kurtnoise) [AvisynthWindow] fix issue #2685909
- (kurtnoise) [DGxx tools] add message when no audio streams found.
- (kurtnoise) [DGMCreator] fix issue #2685910
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest beta. Speed up to 30% for some streams parsing.
- (kurtnoise) [xvidConfig] cosmetics...
- (kurtnoise) [eac3to] fix some warnings.
- (kurtnoise) [eac3to] missing Language getter/setter init for Stream Class.
- (kurtnoise) [HdBdStreamExtractor] - Rebuild Job Process. Doesn't work yet...
- (kurtnoise) [HdBdStreamExtractor] - Reformat Name of the files extracted.
- (kurtnoise) [HdBdStreamExtractor] - add Language Column in the Streams DataGridView.
- (kurtnoise) [eac3to] fix issue with MPEG Audio Streams.
- (sharktooth) [CountdownWindow] #2581618 - Make the shut down notification show on top.
- (ateeq) [VideoUtil]Use TrackID instead of counter in getAllDemuxedAudio
- (ateeq) [OneClickWindow] Use TrackID instead of SelectedIndex in goButton_Click (#2606513 - hopefully)
- (kurtnoise) [AVCLevelTool] cosmetic.
- (kurtnoise) [HDBDExtractor] allow to use default output directory from MeGUI settings.
- (sharktooth) [x264] Removed p4x4 checks for levels 3.0+bframes and higher.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] remove mod16 restriction for x264.
- (kurtnoise) [UpdateWindow] add eac3to case to the updater.
- (kurtnoise) [OneClickWindow] add a missing boolean for settings.
- (kurtnoise) [HdBdStreamExtractor] enable Click event for Output button.
- (kurtnoise) [HDBDExtractor] add new Audios, Videos and Subtitles streams to prepare MKV format support.
- (kurtnoise) [HdBdStreamExtractor] allow multiple input files & several fixes.
- (kurtnoise) [eac3to] add VOB format in Join Streams.
- (kurtnoise) enable HDBDExtractor to the other Forms/Classes.
- (kurtnoise) add HDBDExtractor to the project files.
- (kurtnoise) [DGx Creator] fix typos.
- (kurtnoise) [OneClick Encoder] add Keep Input Resolution checkbox in the Avisynth setup. This disables Crop&Resize (#2609605)
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] remove unused code.
- (kurtnoise) [OneClickEncoder] add AutoCrop checkbox in the Avisynth settings (#2609605)
- (kurtnoise) Remember Custom file sizes for the Bitrate Calculator & the One-Click Encoder.
- (kurtnoise) [DGACreator/DGMCreator/DGVCreator] enable demuxNoAudioTracks & demuxAll checkboxes when Audio Tracks items are > 0.
- (kurtnoise) [D2VCreator/DGMCreator] reflect the last changes.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] apply getAudioLanguage(.) to getSourceMediaInfo(.)
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] add getAudioLanguage(.) to retrieve only audio Language from IFO file.
- (kurtnoise) change some shortcuts. CTRL + keyboard number doesn't work (at least on Vista).
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthWindow] ensure mod16 in some cases.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthWindow] add a checking for nvidia deinterlacer option.
- (kurtnoise) [ScriptServer] remove code unneeded.
- (kurtnoise) [DGACreator/DGVCreator] add Message Info when none AVC or VC-1 streams found.
- (kurtnoise) enable DGM Creator to the required Forms/Classes.
- (kurtnoise) [DGVCreator] fix a typo.
- (kurtnoise) add dgm files Creator to the project files.
- (kurtnoise) enable DGV Creator to the required Forms/Classes.
- (kurtnoise) add dgv files Creator to the project files.
- (kurtnoise) [DGACreator] fix a typo.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add detectVC1StreamFromFile(.) function.
- (kurtnoise) [DGACreator] fix some internal errors.
- (kurtnoise) enable DGA Creator to the required Forms/Classes.
- (kurtnoise) add DGA files Creator to the project files.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add detectAVCStreamFromFile(.) function.
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfoWrapper library to reflect the last changes.
- (kurtnoise) [MediaInfoWrapper] update some properties for Video Track.
- (kurtnoise) [MuxProvider] fix typo.
- (kurtnoise) add HD Audio Formats registration & enable EAC3 support to the MKVMuxer.
- (kurtnoise) add MPEG2 & VC1 format support for MKVMuxer.
- (kurtnoise) Rename mux to muxer for project files.
- (kurtnoise) [OneClickWindow] the workaround was a bad idea after more testing & digging...
- (kurtnoise) add MPEG Audio case to the IFOParser & VideoUtil Classes. (#2602264)
- (kurtnoise) [OneClickWindow] use getAudioStreamsNb to ensure that we have some audio tracks. Otherwise, raise a message...This workaround fixes a potential bug when input file doesn't contain any audio streams.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add getAudioStreamsNb function.
- (kurtnoise) Remove OneClickConfigurationDialog from project files. Not used anyway...
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] enable CheckedChanged events for mpeg2 deblocking & color correction. Fix an issue with clever anamorphic and resize filter (#2606624)
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] enable CheckedChanged event for Nvidia Deinterlacer.
- (sharktooth) [x264Config] Fixed psy-trellis control behaviour with subme < 6 as well as commandline generation.
- (kurtnoise) [ScriptServer] add Bob parameter for TDeint filter.
- (kurtnoise) [ScriptServer] add Bob parameter for Yadif script.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] some cleanup.
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.11)
- (kurtnoise) add RMDIR /r "$LOCALAPPDATA${PRODUCT_WEB_SITE}" to the megui installer (#2584544)
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] cosmetics.
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] several tunings.
- (kurtnoise) [ScriptServer] add Nvidia deinterlacer parameter for DGx files.
- (kurtnoise) [OSInfo] add x86/x64 platforms detection.
- (kurtnoise) [ScriptServer] MPGSource for dgm files sources.
- (kurtnoise) enable dgm files support in the AVSCreator & ScriptServer.
- (kurtnoise) add dgm files Reader.
- (kurtnoise) enable ableToWriteOnThisDrive() to VobSubber & D2VCreator. This is a checking to know if the output drive chosen has the write permission. (#2196169)
- (kurtnoise) add Drives Class to the project files.
- (kurtnoise) add a Class to retrieve infos from Drives.
- (kurtnoise) [VobSubIndexer] use Job Output instead of Job Input as path for the config file. (fix partially bug #2196169)
- (kurtnoise) [x264ConfigurationPanel] fix issue with Lossless Mode (#2584569)
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] force .264 extension otherwise MP4 mux fails with the One-Click.
- (kurtnoise) modify compile batch file to reflect previous commit.
- (kurtnoise) Renaming project files. Now, MSVC2008 is the default one and the old MSVC2005 has been renamed to MeGUI_2005.
- (kurtnoise) apply dga & dgv files to the AVSCreator and ScriptServer.
- (kurtnoise) add dga & dgv files reader to the project files.
- (kurtnoise) add dga & dgv files Reader.
- (kurtnoise) [MKVmuxer] force keep_bitstream_ar_info for AutoEncode Mode. (#2493312)
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] remove auto change file extension when EncoderType equals to X264.
- (kurtnoise) [AudioEncoderInterface] few tunings for DSS use.
- (kurtnoise) [OSInfo] fix typo.
- (kurtnoise) - move AudioConfigurationPanel, AudioCodecSettings, AudioJob to the audio packages folder.
- rename AvisynthAudioEncoder to AudioEncoderInterface.
- update project files accordingly.
- (kurtnoise) [AudioConfigurationPanel] add KeepOriginal as ChannelMode for stereo case.
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the last release (0.7.10)
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] of course, I forgot to enable some events...&#65533;/
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] minor improvements in the form.
- (kurtnoise) [BitrateCalculator] restrict max desired bitrate to 100000, to avoid out of bounds errors with presets.
- (kurtnoise) [ScriptServer] add threads param to ColorMatrix.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoPlayer] add milliseconds to the Time Position.
- (kurtnoise) move converFrameNumberToTimecode() & convertTimecodeToFrameNumber() to the Util Class.
- (kurtnoise) [MP4Muxer] cosmetics
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] reenable several components/events.
- (kurtnoise) [DGIndexer] fix a typo in the Commandline.
- (kurtnoise) [MkvMergeMuxer] readd streams Languages for vobsub files when it's selected in the dropdown List.
- (kurtnoise) better vobsub files handling for the idx reader & the mkv muxer.
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCreator] few tunings in the form for resizing & use the last index for input FileBar as default selection.
- (kurtnoise) [OSInfo] remove GetProductInfo for Win Server 2003 coz it's only supported for Vista & higher...(#2523573)
- (kurtnoise) [AdaptiveMuxWindow.Designer] remove SetChildIndex from Controls.
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (0.7.9)
- (kurtnoise) fix large DPI issue with layout controls. Patch by Zooba.
- (kurtnoise) add Windows Seven & Server 2008 as OS type detection.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Encoder] restrict --aud command to raw avc output files.
- (kurtnoise) Some improvements for audio settings.
- (kurtnoise) small changes for the Changelog, UpdateWindow and MainForm forms. (#2496930)
- (kurtnoise) [Calculator] more accurate bitrate results for DTS files.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] fix FAAC bug within the new avisynth init...
- (sharktoot) [AVSCreator] Deinterlace control state now depends on deintSourceType
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] cosmetics.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] workaround for encoders which don't support 32 bits depth.
- (kurtnoise) fix a bug for muxers when we have several tracks.
- (ateeq) [JobControl] Ignore workers starting with "Temporary worker " without any jobs, set w.Mode to CloseOnLocalListCompleted and add jobs to worker queue using w.AddJob.
- (ateeq) [JobWorkerWindow] Fix for race condition with "shutdown worker" prompt and job progress updates although it may not happen outside a debug session.
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] launch the updater only if avisynth is installed.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] add --ignorelength to the vorbis command line. Useful with +4GB files.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] fix a bug with the vorbis encoder and add a conditional case for accuracy concerning input bits depth.
- (kurtnoise) [UpdateWindow] cosmetics - singular/plural for comments.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Encoder] enable --aud command for all output types.
- (kurtnoise) Form1.cs --> MainForm.cs
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] help button refactoring.
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] enable reset button event.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Encoder] add --aud switch for raw avc output files. Recommended by the specs.
- (ateeq) [OneClickWindow] Move SignalAR check box within window so it's visible
- (kurtnoise) update copyright date...;-)
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] fix an error in the wav header writing. Now, the avisynth decoder filter will always use the highest resolution supported by the encoder. No more restriction...
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] re enable temporary the 16bits conversion. Without this, it produces an output garbage with the current code...
- (kurtnoise) [Util] cosmetics
- (kurtnoise) Fix a buffer overrun issue. Dohh !!! First time I see this...
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] remove ConvertAudioTo16Bit() restriction.
- (kurtnoise) update AvisynWrapper library and its wrapper to support any audio bits depth. Requires Avisynth 2.5.7 or higher...
- (kurtnoise) put megui icon to all forms.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] fix an error in getSBRFlagFromAACStream()
- (kurtnoise) [VideoEncodingComponent] same anchor settings for Edit Zones & Enqueue buttons.
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] few tunings: move Help & Reset buttons to the bottom left corner, add a One-Click button to the bottom right corner.
- (kurtnoise) [OneClickConfigPanel] CheckOnClick = True
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] use IFOParser class to retrieve audio streams infos if ifo file detected. Hence, we have Languages in the Audio Streams selection for the One-Click Encoder like in the d2v creator.
- (kurtnoise) removed avc2avi muxer.
- (kurtnoise) [PrettyFormatting] add default value for ReplaceFPSValue() in the switch/case.
- (kurtnoise) [JobUtil] format framerate value to avoid desync. Fix bug #2463080
- (kurtnoise)
- (kurtnoise) add automatic SBR detection from aac streams to the MKV & MP4 muxers.
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfoWrapper library and code using the new settings.
- (kurtnoise) updated AudioTrack part.
- (kurtnoise) add dots cases in ReplaceFPSValue() function (country environment dependent). That should fix fps rounding errors for the mkv muxer.
- (kurtnoise) use string.IsNullOrEmpty() internal function for muxers.
- (kurtnoise) [MKVMergeMuxer] fix a missing case with mkv files as input.
- (ateeq) [OneClickPostProcessor]Assume non-interlaced if source type not detected due to insufficient useful sections to prevent crash during post-processing
- (kurtnoise) [VobSubIndexWindow] cleanup...
- (kurtnoise) cosmetics renaming.
- (kurtnoise) MKV & MP4 muxers : use getIDFromAudioStream to retrieve the real trackID from mp4 files.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add getIDFromAudioStream() function to retrieve track IDs from Audio Stream using MediaInfo.
- (kurtnoise) [MP4BoxMuxer] fix an error for non MP4 files.
- (kurtnoise) MKV & MP4 muxers : use getIDFromFirstVideoStream to retrieve the real trackID from mp4 files.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add getIDFromFirstVideoStream() function.
- (kurtnoise) add raw avc streams to the MKV muxer.
- (kurtnoise) [MkvMergeMuxer] now use idxReader to retrieve all indexes & languages from vobsub files. Fix bug #2016031
- (kurtnoise) [idxReader] fixed some errors.
- (kurtnoise) [AudioTrackSizeTab] use MediaInfo lib to retrieve correct bitrate from DTS files. Fix bug #2205309
- (kurtnoise) remove Greyscale option from xvid command line. Not used anymore with the build coming from the MeGUI package tools.
- (kurtnoise) project refactoring and cleanup
- (kurtnoise) add vobsub file reader. Not used yet...
- (kurtnoise) [ProgressWindow] SizingGrip = False for the StatusStrip (#2123282)
- (kurtnoise) some addons to the nsis script (#2399161)
- (kurtnoise) [VideoPlayer] add Time Position to the title if it's checked in the Settings (#2286249).
- (kurtnoise) add a new option to the Settings for the Video Preview.
- (kurtnoise) [Util] add TimeString() function to format seconds to string.
- (kurtnoise) [D2V Creator] loadOnComplete & closeOnQueue checked by default now (#2207467)
- (sharktooth) [Settings] updated megui auto-update mirror url
- (kurtnoise) enable SAR in command lines even if the video preview is disabled.
- (kurtnoise) [MuxProvider] add also AC3 streams as supported audio codec for the mp4 muxer.
- (kurtnoise) [ScriptServer] format fps value for DSS (#2320136)
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add DTS case for getSourceMediaInfo()
- (kurtnoise) [MuxProvider] add AC3 streams support for the mp4 muxer. Requires MP4Box 0.4.5 or higher...
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthWindow] use the default Encoding Text System to write the avs script (#2306045).
- (kurtnoise) update MediaInfo and its wrapper to the last release (
- (ateeq) [VideoUtil] MediaInfo Track ID has changed to decimal for all tracks
- (ateeq) [ScriptServer] Add Spline64Resize option
- (kurtnoise) removed CropDialog Form from projects files. This is not used anyway...
- (kurtnoise) revert rev805...shame on me (#2231667).
- (kurtnoise) [BeSplitter] one frame is missing for end value (#2283781)
- (kurtnoise) [BeSplitter] use dot instead of comma for start & end values (#2283781)
- (kurtnoise) updated MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (
- (ateeq) [x264ConfigurationPanel] Fix to correctly apply last P4x4 change to level 3.1 and unrestricted
- (sharktooth) [AVSCreator] Resize filter now disabled by default. AVS presets settings will not be overridden though.
- (ateeq) [x264ConfigurationPanel] Fix doMacroBlockAdjustments for P4x4 compliance at Level 3+ when All option is selected.
- (sharktooth) [AviSynthWindow.cs] Default resize values now equal to the source file resolution values.
- (sharktooth) [x264Encoder.cs] --filter -> --deblock
- (ateeq) [x264Settings] Add MacroBlockOptions
- (ateeq) [x264ConfigurationPanel] set/get MacroBlockOptions to/from profiles
- (ateeq) [x264ConfigurationPanel] set updating to avoid triggering spurious events during x264 profile switching
- (ateeq) [VideoConfigurationPanel] Change visibility of updating variable
- (ateeq) [AviSynthWindow] Remember current frame unless loading a new video
- (ateeq) [VideoPlayer] Add startFrame parameter to loadVideo to allow starting with specific frame
- (ateeq) [SettingsForm] Add missing clearDefaultOutputDir EventHandler link
- (ateeq) [AutoEncodeWindow] Change muxedOutput to FileBar
- (ateeq) [FileBar] Set File Dialog InitialDirectory to where current Filename is located
- (ateeq) [JobControl] Allow dependent jobs to run on JobStatus.SKIP
- (ateeq) [VideoPlayer] Help C# with memory management by disposing bitmap as soon as we're finished with it
- (ateeq) [JobControl] Remove job from parent/required job's EnabledJobs list (fixes #2124850)
- (ateeq) [AviSynthWindow] Delay OpenScript until ASW is closed to prevent ARChooser race condition with VideoPlayer
- (ateeq) [ARChooser] Fix to keep user selected ARs
- (ateeq) [DAR] Alternative SAR fraction calculations for slightly better accuracy
- (ateeq) (AdaptiveMuxer) Allow splitting to same container with Adaptive Muxer
- (ateeq) [AdaptiveMuxWindow] Fix to work with previous baseMuxWindow changes
- (ateeq) [AMGMuxer.cs] File Splitting fix and don't number unless splitting
- (ateeq) [baseMuxWindow.cs] Add DefaultOutputDir and mainForm visibility change
- (ateeq) [MuxWindow.cs] Remove duplication of mainForm between MuxWindow and baseMuxWindow
- (ateeq) Removed filename passed to new VobinputWindow as SetConfig passes it anyway.This way OpenVideo isn't called twice.
- (ateeq) clear queue without prompting if all jobs are done
- (ateeq) oneclick fixes
- (ateeq) mod16 undercrop for anamorphic encoding
- (ateeq) delay setting status to done till after postprocessing
- (kurtnoise) [ProgressWindow] trigger the high priority warning for all Windows OS, not only Vista.
- (kurtnoise) [FilmCutter] AudioRate(__film) instead of AudioRate(__just_audio) for else case.
- (kurtnoise) [AMGMuxer] Splitting feature works fine now. Fix issue #2145143.
- (kurtnoise) [JobControl] allow to remove only completed jobs from the queue. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [DAR] use rounding value for SAR calculation. Should fixed issues #2010131 & #2013287.
- (kurtnoise) allow name for Video Tracks in the AdaptiveMuxer & fix several cosmetics spaces. Fix #2063188
- (kurtnoise) [PrettyFormatting] fix issue #2164193 about the wrong length for output filename in the oneClick encoder.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthWindow] fix a small issue with avs profiles (#2152972). Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [FilmCutter] replace framerate value by AudioRate(). Fix issue #2152576
- (kurtnoise) [x264] remove fourCC component.
- (kurtnoise) ensure that "," are replaced by "." in the custom lines for x264 & xvid.
- (kurtnoise) [ProgressWindow] change the priority focus to avoid bad surprises...:>
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] add ThreadSafeRun() to fix the problem of ASW dissapearing as soon as it appears on the system. Patch by ateeq (#2141406)
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] better rbtracks_CheckedChanged() event. Patch by ateeq (#2141406)
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] remove getSourceInfo() entries to switch using Stream Information DVDDecrypter file.
- (kurtnoise) [OneClickWindow] some clean up.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] fix a if statement which has been omitted in rev 757.
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] fix openOneClickFile(). Patch by ateeq (#2141406).
- (kurtnoise) [VideoEncodingComponent & AudioEncodingTab] fix instance Profiles to allow VS2008 designer to load the MainForm. Patch by ateeq (#2141406)
- (kurtnoise) [OneClickWindow] change accessibility for openVideo(). Patch by ateeq. (#2141406)
- (kurtnoise) [OneClickWindow] use DefaultOutputDir for matching the workingDirectory. Patch by ateeq (#2144486)
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] few tunings in the ifoFile creation. Patch by ateeq (#2144486).
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] move projectName.Text & add projectPath to the openVideo(). Patch by ateeq (#2144486)
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] add a checking for projectName. Patch by ateeq (#2144486)
- (kurtnoise) [PrettyFormatting] fix weird results when the source file has the letters vts or video anywhere in the file name. Patch by ateeq (#2144486)
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthWindow] include an output FileBar. Patch by ateeq (#2144486)
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] remove empty lines at the end.
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] use null as file extension for openD2VCreatorFile(). Patch by ateeq (#2144486)
- (kurtnoise) [SettingsForm] add Default Output Directory components. Patch by ateeq (#2144486)
- (kurtnoise) [FileBar] add a checking for the Filename. Patch by ateeq (#2144486)
- (kurtnoise) [AudioEncodingTab] use DefaultOutputDir to test the projectPath. Patch by ateeq (#2144486)
- (kurtnoise) [VideoEncodingComponent] use now DefaultOutputDir to test the filePath. Patch by ateeq (#2144486)
- (kurtnoise) [MeGUISettings] add defaultOutputDir as string and its getter/setter. Patch by ateeq (#2144486)
- (kurtnoise) [UpdateWindow] add Proxy support. Patch by gigibop (#2142498)
- (kurtnoise) [MeGUISettings] add getters/setters & default values for the proxy support. Patch by gigibop (#2142498)
- (kurtnoise) [SettingsForm] add autoUpdate Proxy components. Patch by gigibop (#2142498)
- (kurtnoise) [ProgressWindow] fix a priority setting on Vista. Patch by griffore (#2145806)
- (kurtnoise) [x264ConfigurationPanel] few refactoring.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] remove one iterator.
- (kurtnoise) [x264] update subME items.
- (kurtnoise) [x264] remove bRDO code.
- (kurtnoise) [x264] remove biME code.
- (kurtnoise) [OnClickWindow.Designer] add openOnQueue checkbox. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [OneClickWindow] update to the last changes. Mainly from the patch provided by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [FileBar] add performClick() function. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] add selectStat as boolean to reflect changes in the radioboxes CheckedChanged events. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] use "]" as delimiter for the 2nd argument. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] add getSourceMediaInfo() from vUtil & reconstruct ifofile creation into openVideo(). Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] clear AudioTracks items for all new files, not only VOBs. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] add *.m2p as file extension. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [d2vReader] remove duplicated code. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthWindow] suggestResolution checked by default. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthWindow] return a DialogResult now for gotoD2vCreator() instead of a void & update openVideoSource(). Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) propagate the last changes to getAllDemuxedAudio() used elsewhere in the code.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add audioTrackIDs as List in getAllDemuxAudio(). Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add getSourceMediaInfo() to the openVideoSource(). Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] remove unused code.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] modify trackID & Type in the getDGindexLogInfo() function. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] add SamplingRate as getter/setter & getSourceMediaInfo() function to retrieve some infos via the MediaInfo library. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [PrettyFormatting] use IsNullOrEmpty function & add '' as delimiter. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] add a test to check whether or not the length of vobFiles is equal to 0. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoPlayer] fix a typo in the VideoPlayer Class summary. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] add openAudioFile() to the other video FileType. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [FileBar] add FilterIndex in the openButton_Click() - Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [FileBar] add FilterIndex as getter/setter. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] force the 2nd portion to be long. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] move AVI sources in the non DShow part. Patch by ateeq.
- (kurtnoise) [ProfileExporter] added a tooltip to the list.
- (kurtnoise) [ProfileImporter] use the ContextHelp stuff for the tooltip like in the x264 config.
- (kurtnoise) [ProfileImporter] put SetToolTips method in the Shown Event instead of the Load one. Presets Importation failed otherwise...
- (kurtnoise) added DTS MA & DTS HD as file extension for audio inputs. updated RaWavSource config according to the last library default settings. Both require NicAudio 2.02 or higher...
- (kurtnoise) [x264Encoder] cosmetics.
- (kurtnoise) added a toolTip in the Presets Importer to inform people that we can check all presets via the right click button on the list.
- (kurtnoise) [VobSubber + D2vCreator] Now, we use the ifo file selected; not necessary the one from the main movie.
- (kurtnoise) [x264Encoder] updated GetFrameString() to have the correct parsing for the last builds (#2132041).
- (sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel] Fixed #2123859 (psy-trellis value passed to the commandline when trellis disabled).
- (sharktooth) [AVC CQM Editor] Fixed bug #2120046 (CQM editor crash)
- (sharktooth) [x264] Removed --weightb from the "turbo" options since its behavior was changed when --b-adapt 2 was added.
- (sharktooth) [MainForm] Fixed a cosmetic bug (#2120787)
- (sharktooth) [AviSynthWindow] Fixed various bugs in Auto-Preview
- (sharktooth) [ProgressWindow] Cosmetics (feature request #2119132)
- (sharktooth) [ProgressWindow] Fix for #2114239 (Progress Windows size).
- (sharktooth) [x264] Changed subme to 2 for turbo first pass. Should ensure a much lower quality drop at the cost of some encoding speed in the first pass.
- (sharktooth) [x264Encoder.cs] Fixed a rare bug that happens switching from CRF to CQ modes.
- (sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel.cs] Deadzones label gets greyed when trellis > 0 for coherence.
- (sharktooth) Feature #2114153
- (shatktooth) Fixed typos in the previous commit + x264 default subme set to 6 (RDO)
- (sharktooth) Updated tooltips for the new options.
- (sharktooth) EN/US localization for psy-trellis and psy-rdo values.
- (sharktooth) x264 psy-trellis and psy-rdo controls. changed the b-adapt option name to avoid errors when importing old profiles.
- (sharktooth) x264 new b-adapt option (replaces no-b-adapt). this update breaks the presets compatibility.
- (sharktooth) [FileUtil.cs] Re-added SetLastWriteTime in the ExtractZipFile method (this time in the right place...)
- (sharktooth) Reverted r704 ([FileUtil.cs] Added SetLastWriteTime in the ExtractZipFile method.) since it was causing problems to the auto-update
- (kurtnoise) updated MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the last release (
- (kurtnoise) [x264Encoder] enable aq-mode only for index=0
- (sharktooth) [AviSynthWindow.cs] Check if player window is already the original player before trying to reopen it (fixes an issue introduced with the previous commit)
- (sharktooth) [AviSynthWindow.cs] Auto-Preview disabled by default. When unchecked it now re-opens the original video player.
- (sharktooth) Updated AQ settings for the new x264 revisions
- (sharktooth) [MkvMergeMuxer.cs] --delay -> --sync for compatibility with mkvtoolnix 2.3.0
- (kurtnoise) [AVS Creator] added "Apply auto Preview" feature. When it's checked, Crop & Resize modifications will be applied automatically in the video preview. No need to click anymore on "Preview AVS Script" button with this...
- (kurtnoise) [AVS Creator] use input filename as default for the save dialog.
- (sharktooth) [AVCLevels.cs] Fixed all level limits, part 2. Differentiation between baseline/main and high profiles CPBs.
- (sharktooth) [AVCLevels.cs] Fixed all level limits.
- (kurtnoise) [FilmCutter] fixed issue #2090575
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] demuxTracks disabled by default.
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] added "Demux All Tracks".
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] updated GetAudioInfos().
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] added a verbose param for GetAudioInfos() to retrieve complete informations from the file.
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] added GetAudioLanguageCodeExt() to the parser.
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] GetVideoInfos() : use a StringBuilder for verbose mode.
- (kurtnoise) remove trailing white space from ChangeLog.txt
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] added a verbose param for GetVideoInfos() to retrieve complete informations from the file.
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] vertical alignment & better string format for videodesc.
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] fixed typos.
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] better Format for audiodesc.
- (kurtnoise) TopMost = true for Presets Forms.
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] checkOnClick = true for AudioTracks component.
- (kurtnoise) [OneClickWindow] updated IndexJob().
- (kurtnoise) [DGIndexer] updated command line in order to retrieve trackIDs.
- (kurtnoise) [IndexJob] updated the code to use trackIDs as List.
- (kurtnoise) [VobinputWindow] added a checkedListbox component to select audio tracks & the code to parse the IFO file.
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] updated Audio functions & comments.
- (kurtnoise) disabled code to retrieve free disk space until to find a better way.
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] added some comments.
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] added GetVideoInfos part. Might be useful later...
- (kurtnoise) [AutoEncode] now, log returns a better value according to the radiobutton selected.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoPlayer] allow control via the Left and Right arrows keys (Feature Request #2064673) for the prev/next frame buttons.
- (kurtnoise) [x264] Anchor = Top & Left only.
- (kurtnoise) [xvid] misc.
- (kurtnoise) [xvid] added custom command line & several other tunings.
- (kurtnoise) [Form1] better errors catching for retrieving free disk spaces.
- (kurtnoise) [VistaStuff] added GPL header.
- (kurtnoise) Now, ListViews & Treeviews components use the neat and clean Vista theme. :p
- (kurtnoise) added VistaStuff class.
- (kurtnoise) [CodecManager] vertical alignment.
- (kurtnoise) Now use DriveInfo class to retrieve free space from hard drives.
- (kurtnoise) updated MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (
- (kurtnoise) [MKVMuxer] some cleanup in the code.
- (sharktooth) [FilmCutter.cs] Fixed the fades syntax.
- (kurtnoise) [JobWorkerWindow] revert to previous state...
- (sharktooth) [Installer] New megui.ico and uninstall.ico
- (kurtnoise) [JobWorkerWindow] a workaround to shutdown the Worker Form (fix bug #2042450).
- (kurtnoise) [CodecManager] added SubtitleType.Register for ASS & SSA subtitles format.
- (kurtnoise) disabled "Settings" from the log.
- (kurtnoise) removed LMP4 codec.
- (kurtnoise) removed "Automatically set the number of threads" from the Settings in order to avoid override from users.
- (sharktooth) New application icon
- (kurtnoise) [IFOparser] added GetAudioStreamInfos(). 1st working draft...
- (kurtnoise) remove unused code from project files.
- (kurtnoise) [AudioEncoder] OpenDMLSource was a bad idea (fix bug #2016146)
- (kurtnoise) [FilmCutter] more accurate fps value to avoid desync issues.
- (kurtnoise) [FilmCutter] 10l for me...multiply by 1000 instead of 100 give the appropriate result.
- (kurtnoise) retrieve automatically the proper IFO file when we have many of them in the current path.
- (kurtnoise) added DetermineMovieIFO(.) to retrieve the correct IFO file from the given path.
- (kurtnoise) applied GetSubtitlesStreamsInfos(.) to the VobSubber.
- (kurtnoise) add IFOparser.cs to the project files.
- (kurtnoise) added IFOparser class. My first working draft. Only use with VobSubTool for the moment.
- (kurtnoise) add Short2FullLanguageName(.) function to retrieve the full language name from the 2 char code. Needed for the IFO parser.
- (kurtnoise) [FilmCutter] add fps_denominator in GetCutsScript() to have more accuracy. (fixed bug #2023354)
- (kurtnoise) make process priority more granular. Patch by Sean McGovern.
- (kurtnoise) add/update GPL license header.
- (kurtnoise) put references in alphabetical order.
- (kurtnoise) fixed several warning for the compilation.
- (kurtnoise) added an Avisynth checking in the shown Event.
- (kurtnoise) added free disk space detection. Might be useful for troubleshooting.
- (kurtnoise) added CPU detection.
- (kurtnoise) [AudioEncoder] switched Normalize() after the downmix cases.
- (kurtnoise) better OS detection.
- (kurtnoise) added GetMOStuff function.
- (kurtnoise) added System.Management reference to the project files
- (kurtnoise) added alternate backcolors for ListViews.
- (kurtnoise) added DRC to the script for Wav Sources if specified.
- (kurtnoise) updated MediaInfo library and its wrapper to the latest release (
- (sharktooth) [VideoPlayer.cs] Nicer zoomin/out functions
- (sharktooth) [VideoPlayer.cs] Fixed stupid visual bug caused by VS2008 designer which sometimes automatically relocate controls for no apparent reasons.
- (sharktooth) [VideoPlayer.cs] Restored the ControlBox to allow closing the preview.
- (sharktooth) [AVCLevels] Unrestricted->AutoGuess since x264 rev915 changes.
- (sharktooth) Temporary workaround to avoid closing of the preview window and loosing the AR. Also added some more resize buttons (half and quarter size) since the Video Player control box was removed.
- (sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel] VBV MaxRate control disabled until a buffer size is specified.
- (kurtnoise) fixed a bug with rawavsource(..) (#2009368)
- (berrinam) Fixed #2008444 (crash using One Click Encoder). The One Click Encoder uses the "Demux all audio" mode.
- (berrinam) Fix #2008276 (Fatal Error On Queue Tab With

- (kurtnoise) cosmetics - Presets instead of Profiles.
- (kurtnoise) removed .net framework checking for vista users during the loading. It should be fine now with all apps updated and frankly it's also to avoid to waste some time to upgrade each number indefinitely...;-)
- (berrinam) Reset zones even when preview window doesn't open (fixes #2007133 - Error when loading "AutoEncode")
- (kurtnoise) removed audio tracks selection from the D2V creator.
- (sharktooth) fix for #2001332 ([] AviSynth script creator does not open) (includes the fixes and additions up to ver.
- (berrinam) [ProfileExporter] Fixed bug where exporting 2 profiles each with associated files would fail (bug not reported)
- (berrinam) Add ZonesWindow to VS2005 project file (patch by Sean McGovern)
- (kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] better detection of several data streams (AC3, MP3, DTS, etc...) from the wav container. Mainly based on Tebasuna's code.
- (kurtnoise) [LanguageSelectionContainer] added 'Français'.
- (kurtnoise) 'computed' instead of 'used' in CommandlineVideoEncoder
- (kurtnoise) [CommandlineVideoEncoder] better handling for several Encoding Modes.
- (kurtnoise) updated a missing event for max key Frame interval in the Xvid Configuration Panel. Patch by Underground78.
- (berrinam) Added zones back to main window (outside codec configs) (includes the fixes and additions up to ver.
- (berrinam) Better rationalisation of ARs in AVS window. Patch by i_a (includes the fixes and additions up to ver.
- (kurtnoise) updated project files
- (kurtnoise) moved Avc2AviMuxer.cs in the mux folder.
- (kurtnoise) added an option in the Settings to set up the video preview always on top or not.
- (kurtnoise) fixed a stupid copy & paste, spotted by Underground78.
- (kurtnoise) added manifest files for the x86 & x64 platforms.
- (berrinam) Add "--engage keep_bitstream_ar_info" to mkvmerge commandline so that muxed mkv files have same AR as source.
- (kurtnoise) added x86 and x64 target platforms for the file project.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] added a function to get basic information about a video source based on its DGindex generated log file. Useful to use the last DGindex release...
- (berrinam) [AVSCutter] Reenabled "Remove" button
- (sharktooth) Fix for x264config custom quantizer matrices controls out of groupbox bound
- (berrinam) Fix for #1945737: Error message with Adaptive Muxer
- (sharktooth) fixed some more x264config missing events. patch by Underground78
- (sharktooth) [x264ConfigurationPanel] Code cleanups
- (kurtnoise) [VideoUtil] allowed DTS indentation and removed trackID for audio streams (not used).
- (kurtnoise) [x264ConfigurationPanel] added updateEvent for Subpel Refinement & ME Type.
- (sharktooth) Fixed x264 AQ settings (includes the fixes and additions up to ver.
- (kurtnoise) updated MediaInfo library and his wrapper to the latest release (
- (kurtnoise) several x264 options weren't updated.
- (kurtnoise) added support for OpenDMLSource(..) for AVI files >= 2GB and forced "audio=false" for the avs script creation within AVISource(.)
- (kurtnoise) [ProgressWindow] allowed resize form (#1968515).
- (kurtnoise) [JobWorkerWindow] help button was biased.
- (kurtnoise) added EVO files support for the Main and Avisynth Forms.
- (kurtnoise) [UpdateWindows] help button was biased.
- (kurtnoise) allowed minimize/maximize the video preview form.
- (kurtnoise) removed TooltipIcon and TooltipTitle.
- (kurtnoise) [MainForm] changed the back color (transparent to control).
- (kurtnoise) [VideoConfigurationPanel] added a title for the tooltip.
- (Kurtnoise) updated several tooltips for the x264 compressor.
- (kurtnoise) added ProfileConfigurationWindow.resx
- (kurtnoise) [ProfileConfigurationWindow] use Presets now instead of Profiles to avoid confusions.
- (kurtnoise) CheckOnClick = True for the ProfileExporter, ProfileImporter and ProfilePorter ListBoxes.
- (kurtnoise) [VobSubber] CheckOnClick = True for the Subtitles ListBox.
- (kurtnoise) [x264ConfigurationPanel] updated some missing tooltips.
- (kurtnoise) added a x264 picture in the main tab.
- (kurtnoise) updated the x264 Settings (AQ, Custom commandline) with several changes.
- (kurtnoise) [DGIndexer] using hide state instead of minimize.
- (kurtnoise) [ProfileImporter] added an option to check all/none items from the list (available via a right click).
- (sharktooth) Updated VS 2008 project files to include the new InputBox replacement files
- (kurtnoise) fixed .NET bootstrapping for MSVC2005 project file. Patch by Sean McGovern.
- (Mutant Fruit) Fix for mono compatibility to avoid a bug in ApplicationSettingsBase constructor
- (Mutant Fruit) Put try/catches around registry access to avoid issues on non-windows systems
- (Mutant Fruit) Two fixes for the new InputBox
- (Mutant Fruit) Created a replacement for the VisualBasic InputBox class and removed references to the VisualBasic dll
- (Mutant Fruit) Applied patch for #1887531
- (Mutant Fruit) Committed patch for #1886000
- (sharktooth) [d2vcreator] Default to "Demux All Audio Tracks"
- (kurtnoise) Transformed OSInfo & Shutdown classes cross-platform. Patch by mutant_fruit.
- (kurtnoise) fixed hardcoded windows style paths. Patch by mutant_fruit.
- (kurtnoise) [D2VCreator] remove Windows API for better X-platform using.
- (kurtnoise) Fixed bug in GenericSettings implementation & implemented GetHashCode correctly. patches by Mutant_Fruit (#1887494 + #1887508)
- (kurtnoise) [AVSCutter] altered the behaviour of the Clear, Update and Remove buttons. Patch by darkklor (#1858629)
- (kurtnoise) [mediaInfoWrapper] fixed some tabs.
- (kurtnoise) [JobQueue] re-enabled Key Down event.
- (berrinam) Profile refactor. Excerpts:
- All video settings must now be contained within a profile.
- There is a default profile called *scratchpad* for every type of setting.
- Zones have been removed from video profiles, soon to be added back to the main window.
- Removed code for reading very old profiles (from and below)
- (berrinam) (internal) Added Tuple.Create to allow implicit Generics instantiation. (includes fixes)
- (berrinam) Handle large delays better.
- (berrinam) Fix Drag-and-Drop bug
- (berrinam) Improved AVS Cutter Remove button (#1847139)
- (berrinam) More information logged by the audio encoder
- (Kurtnoise) fixed Drag&Drop for the dev builds (#1835900, #1841103, #1843717)
- (berrinam) Maximum GOP size can now have up to 6 digits. (includes fixes)
- (Kurtnoise) use the proper command syntax for svn and stable builds concerning Aften encoder (includes fixes)
- (Kurtnoise) added a manifest file for the UAC level required on Vista.
- (Kurtnoise) [JobQueue] changed public to internal for the JobChangeEvent (to fix the compilation within MSVC2008).
- (Kurtnoise) [MainForm] cosmetics.
- (Kurtnoise) [MainForm] added some MessageBoxIcons.
- (Kurtnoise) Expand/Collapse all for logs.
- (Kurtnoise) silent worker creation if none exists (#1837578).
- (Kurtnoise) More informative logtree names for each jobs.
- (Kurtnoise) [JobQueue] FPS columm aligned to left. (includes fixes)
- (berrinam) Add missing output streams back to log (fixes #1836281)
- (Kurtnoise) [AutoEncodeWindow] mainform was being referenced in default constructor before it had ever been assigned (#1836041). patch by Eamonh.
- (Kurtnoise) Removed unused code
- (Kurtnoise) more Audio Input FileType.
- (Kurtnoise) [ProgressWindow] Remaining Time -> Time Remaining. (includes fixes)
- (berrinam) Sliding window time estimation instead of based on entire code. (#1832899)
- (berrinam) Add extra files for dragdrop and dropdown persistence
- (berrinam) Remember columns position for the job queue (#1817092)
- (berrinam) Dragdrop support in the bitrate calculator (#1819618)
- (berrinam) The custom filesizes, ARs, and FPSs in the dropdown comboboxes are now persistent. (#1822492)
- (berrinam) Make mux window output file editable.
- (berrinam) Change tools windows from modal dialogs to standalone windows. (#1822493)
- (Kurtnoise) [LogItem] added the Date.
- (berrinam) Commit the newlog patch. Changes:
- new, hierarchical log
- moved delete intermediate files stuff to cleanupjob
- Log and Error removed from StatusUpdate -> use log.LogValue("Encoder log", encodeLog), and log.Error(...) instead
- added a non-null check to Util.ThreadSafeRun
- (Kurtnoise) ASS & SSA support for the MKV muxer.
- (Kurtnoise) [MeGUISettings] removed divxMuxerPath.
- (Kurtnoise) [OneClick] sorted = true for Audio codecs.
- (Kurtnoise) Added more bitrate values for AC3 encoders.
- (Kurtnoise) Aften support as AC-3 encoder (FR #1663719)
- (Kurtnoise) Delays on audio output filenames now have meaning and are checked for correctness (implements #1819281)
- (Kurtnoise) Changed the default bitrate for FFAC3 (256 to 384 kbps).
- (Kurtnoise) Audio codecs List refactoring.
- (kurtnoise) updated MediaInfo library and his wrapper to the latest release (
- (sharktooth) Set default platform to x86 in the compile-msbuild scripts to avoid #1999136 (Broken on x64 Windows)
- (berrinam) Added locking around getJobToProcess() to eliminate race condition on job starting (should fix #1932378: Two workers started working on same job)
- (berrinam) MediaInfo should now properly detect .m4v files. (Fixes adaptive muxing for .m4v files)
- (berrinam) Removed MP4 output from xvid_encraw, since it was never actually supported.
- (berrinam) Fixed #1870331 (User specified sizes in bitrate calcs not remembered)
- (berrinam) Fix #1939862 ("Number of Passes" Setting Ignored)
- (berrinam) Fix for #1945737 (Error message with Adaptive Muxer)
- (berrinam) Fix #1996457 (preview and autoencode window priorities): opening AutoEncode closes preview window.
- (berrinam) Fix #1996499 (re-open original video player button glitch)
- (kurtnoise) updated MediaInfo library and his wrapper to the latest release (
- (kurtnoise) [AudioEncodingTab] added a try/catch statement for better error handling for end-users concerning delays values too high/low detected in filenames (#1965905).
- (kurtnoise) [x264Encoder] fixed a comma use associated with Const. Quantizer (#1975472).
- (kurtnoise) [AvisynthAudioEncoder] fixed an error in the upmix function.
- (kurtnoise) [VideoPlayer] video preview always on top from now...
- (kurtnoise) added an icon for the ToolTip.
- (kurtnoise) [AudioEncoder] added support for NicAudio v2 (needed to fix some bugs) >>
- (kurtnoise) added several languages in the nsis script.
- (kurtnoise) few more updates for the x264 compressor.
- (Kurtnoise) updated a switch for the x264 compressor.
- (Kurtnoise) Added .NET Framework version detection from Vista SP1.
- (Sharktooth) [d2vcreator] Default to "Demux All Audio Tracks"
- (Kurtnoise) updated MediaInfo.dll and MediaInfoWrapper to the last SVN revision.
- (Kurtnoise) [Calculator] fixed the wrong max value for nbFrames.
- (Sharktooth) Added --me TESA x264 option
- (Kurtnoise) [app.manifest] better interoperation with Vista. Patch by smcgovern (#1849658)
- (Kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] fixed thread priorities changes. Now, audio encoders are also affected by the changing. Patch by Mitsubishi (#1862154)
- (Kurtnoise) [BitrateCalculator] - fixed a crash when none containers are available in the list.
- (kurtnoise) [BitrateCalculator] - fixed a bug for video longer than ~2hours. Patches by Mutant_Fruit (#1887539)
- (Kurtnoise) [FileSize] fixed an error which causes a crash on big numbers. Patch by mutant_fruit (#1887546)
- (Kurtnoise) updated MediaInfo library & his wrapper.
- (Kurtnoise) [neroConfigurationPanel] added vBitrate_ValueChanged() event for ABR & CBR checking.
- (Kurtnoise) display only the function used in the avs script for audio encodings instead of the 5 ones.
- (Kurtnoise) use EnsureVBRMP3Sync() with DirectShowSource only.
- (Kurtnoise) [JobQueue] changed public to internal for the JobChangeEvent (to fix the compilation within MSVC# 2008).
- (Kurtnoise) [AviSynthWindow] fixed width & height for Crop checkbox when "overcrop to achieve mod16" is selected (#1852845).
- (Kurtnoise) [AviSynthAudioEncoder] fixed bug #1850574 for DTS files sources.
- (Kurtnoise) updated the link to the latest framework.
- (Kurtnoise) better Framework handling.
- (Kurtnoise) added a warning for Vista users when the Framework is not up-to-dated.
- (Kurtnoise) Refactoring the dispose functionality. Patch by Eamon.
- (Kurtnoise) [MuxWindow] Help button was at the wrong place.
- (Kurtnoise) Updated the correct MediaInfoWrapper library.
- (Kurtnoise) [MainForm] move AutoUpdate checking to the shown Event (to have the MessageBox in the foreground). bob0r should be happy now...;-)
- (Kurtnoise) Added several new languages.
- (Kurtnoise) [OneClickWindow] re-ordered the initOneClickHandler() (#1832675). patch by Eamonh.
- (Kurtnoise) Updated MediaInfo.dll and his wrapper.

- (berrinam) Increase sensitivity of DAR. (fixes #1832218)
- (Kurtnoise) [x264] checked = false for Turbo with manual multipasses modes & cosmetics.
- (Kurtnoise) [ProgressWindow] New format for Time Elapsed/Remaining.
- (Kurtnoise) [BitrateCalculator] DTSBlockSize != AC3BlockSize (includes 0.2.x branch fixes)
- (berrinam) Add missing output streams back to log (fixes #1836281)
- (Kurtnoise) [AutoEncodeWindow] mainform was being referenced in default constructor before it had ever
been assigned (#1836041). patch by Eamonh.
- (Kurtnoise) Removed unused code
- (Kurtnoise) more Audio Input FileType.

- (Kurtnoise) [ProgressWindow] Remaining Time -> Time Remaining.
- (Kurtnoise) [Progress Window] use TotalHours only, dude...
- (Kurtnoise) [ProgressWindow] fixed timeElapsed issue for 24h+.
- (Kurtnoise) Updated wiki links.
- (Kurtnoise) [MP4BoxMuxer] workaround to avoid tmp command issues (fixed #1828277)
- (berrinam) Fixed exception in profile import when file already exists
- (Kurtnoise) [VideoEncoding] DAR values Initialization (fixed #1823977)
- (berrinam) Fix an exception when changing codec if no profile is selected
- (patch by eamonh) fix profile scrolling issues (fixes #1822000, #1827268)
- (patch by eamonh) Fix #1827919 (OneClickEncode Settings not saved)
- (Sharktooth) [Installer] Creates (and removes during uninstall) update_cache reg key, also creates update_cache, logs and tools folders.
- (berrinam) At startup, jobs marked as "processing" are marked as "aborted". Should help #1826981.
- (berrinam) Fix autocrop crash in AVS creator after reopening original video window.
- (berrinam) Fixed #1825958 (Audio track tab numbering issue)
- (berrinam) Fixed #1825182 (Nero AAC settings not saved)
- (Kurtnoise) [Mencoder Encoder] force to set up only video command (fixed #1824505 & #1825708)
- (Sharktooth) [Installer] Added links to Tools, Logs and Auto-update cache folders.
- (Kurtnoise) [Settings Form] English as 1st Language (#1822098)
- (Kurtnoise) [JobWorker] small glitch.
- (Kurtnoise) [AutoEncodeWindow] fixed #1821471.
- (Kurtnoise) [ScriptServer] removed temporarily SimpleResize (#1820850)
- (Kurtnoise) Fixed a recovery for the systray (#1820842).
- (Kurtnoise) [DGindexer] changed the delimiter character to avoid filename issues.
- (Sharktooth) Changed Log font to LucidaConsole (fixed width).
- (Sharktooth) Fixed #1820720 (Bitrate Cal. makes MeGUI crash). Acceptable FPS rounding error has now a minimum value of 0,001. Acceptable Aspect Error has a new default of 1% and a new max of 5%.
- (Sharktooth) MP3 Surround -> Aud-X (ISettingsProvider.cs).
- (Sharktooth) [UpdateWindow] Fixed the enc_aacplus discrepancies.
- (Kurtnoise) [SettingsForm]: fixed a missing Click Action for avc2avi.
- (berrinam) Fix #1820411 (OneClick overcrop to mod16 doesn't appear to work)
- (Sharktooth) Fixed "Select Size" dialog appearing behind mux window.
- (Sharktooth) [AutoUpdate] Added IOException handling when deleting 0 byte files.
- (Kurtnoise) [JobWorker] : Same separator width.
- (Kurtnoise) [Log] : Debug Infos were removed after jobs processing.
- (berrinam) [AutoUpdate] Fix #1819257 (Auto-update doesn't delete failed updates from update_cache)
- (berrinam) Fix #1817324 (Original audio is deleted when encoding fails)
- (Kurtnoise) cosmetic - remove an unused variable & ensure update_cache folder creation.
- (berrinam) Fix #1819627 (Analysis Pass broken)
- (Sharktooth) [AutoUpdate] Another try at fixing the update failures on Vista.
- (Sharktooth) Added MeGUI version to the Log
- (Sharktooth) [AutoUpdate] Fix #1819257 (Auto-update doesnt delete failed updates from update_cache). Now UpdateCacher ignores 0 bytes files.
- (berrinam) Fixed DAR detection for non-DVD DGIndex files.
- (berrinam) Forbid input and output filenames from being the same. (Should fix #1817324)
- (berrinam) Change AutoEncode default split size to "No splitting" and default target size to "1 CD." Hopefullyfixes #1813769 and #1816269
- (Kurtnoise) Added OS and Framework detection.
- (berrinam) Fix #1817211 (Bitrate calculator - MP4 container problem)
- (berrinam) Fix #1818125 (Unhandled exception on mux of x264 and neroaac into mkv)
- (berrinam) Fixed #1818131 (Error in computing resolution)
- (berrinam) Enforce minimum split size of 1MB; add assertions to help track down #1816269
- (Sharktooth) [Libs] Updated SharpZipLib (may fix some unzipping problems)
- (Kurtnoise) [Muxer] : output filename edition allowed.
- (Kurtnoise) [MP4 Muxer] : renable the tmp command correctly (#1795829)
- (Kurtnoise) [One Click] : few tunings
- (Kurtnoise) Cosmetics
- (Kurtnoise) [AviSynth Creator] : fixed Save Event for Vista OS.
- (Kurtnoise) change constant variables to shut down the PC correctly.
- (Kurtnoise) Cosmetic - fixed typos.
- (Kurtnoise) [AudioEncodingComponent]: remove the tab selected instead of the last one (#1814772)
- (berrinam) Fix #1813777 (Autocrop problem)
- (berrinam) Fixed #1814193 (AutoEncode with >1 audio track -> each audio track muxed twice)
- (berrinam) Fixed #1746055 (Video profile selection error)
- (berrinam) Fixed #1749810 (For each level have max bitrate for main and high profiles)
- (berrinam) Fixed #1715064 (Crash under Vista when loading avisynth script)
- (berrinam) Fixed #1812162 (Up & down buttons in queue are mixed up)
- (berrinam) [Adaptive Mux Window] Fixed some incorrect mux-path-finding which caused a crash -- the window thought it could mux something that it couldn't.
- (berrinam) Filetypes are better determined, by also looking at the extension. This may fix #1808882.
- (berrinam) Fixed xvid AR signalling. (Use PAR not DAR)
- (berrinam) Fix #1808573 (Not able to import xvid profiles anymore)
- (berrinam) Fix #1812842 (ITU 4:3 is wrong)
- (Sharktooth) Fixed main window (Form1.cs) size (some Audio controls were not shown)
- (Sharktooth) Fixed #1810120 (x264 video configuration dialog problem)
- (Sharktooth) [Update Window] Workaround for #1808878 (Maximize/Minimize states don't work). Disabled Minimize and Maximize buttons.
- (Kurtnoise) [Muxer] : Chapters Filter fixed.
- (Kurtnoise) [Avisynth Window] : deinterlace checkbox unchecked when Analysis returns "Do Nothing" (to avoid interlaced=true with ColorMatrix())
- (Kurtnoise) [Help Button] : url fixed for the wiki.
- (berrinam) Catch all exceptions in ProgressWindow.UpdateStatus. (It is a non-essential function, so errors should be silently caught). Should probably fix #1760486
- (berrinam) Fixed #1808324 (1 pass encode broken in autoencode)
- (berrinam) Fixed #1808055 (Encoder commandline options is not being shown in the codec config window)
- (berrinam) Fixed #1806911 (Clever anamorphic encoding not working)
- (berrinam) Shutdown when finished re-enabled (including countdown patch from imoon4)
- (berrinam) FPS chooser now says "choose your framerate" not "choose your AR"
- (Sharktooth) [Muxers] Fixed the output file dialog (save mode)
- (berrinam) Support backwards-compatible loading of jobs from (But not vice-versa!)
- (Kurtnoise) [One Click Encoder] : fix output filename according to the container selected in the Advanced Settings.
- (Kurtnoise) cosmetic - Move "cleanup" to EncodingMode instead of CodecString.
- (Kurtnoise) [Bitrate Calculator] : fix a runtime error.
- (berrinam) Fixed AutoEncode to queue jobs again
- (berrinam) Fixed #1805580 (Automatic output filename assumes .mp4 output in muxer)
- (berrinam) Fixed Bitrate Calculator to support multiple audio tracks; this fixes crash when opening it without input
- (berrinam) Fixed #1805603 (Automatic update not showing the Latest version number)
- (berrinam) [Internal] : Remove Commandline field from Job
- (berrinam) [Internal] : Remove commandline generation from CommandLineGenerator and put it in individual encoders
- (berrinam) [Internal] : Remove Framecount and FPS from VideoJob
- (berrinam) [Internal] : Separated Job into Job Queue info (now under TaggedJob) and job running info (under Job, as before). This may cause temporary Serialization bugs
- (berrinam) [Internal] : Reworked/simplified BitrateCalculator
- (berrinam) [Main window, Mux window, OneClick] : Can have arbitrarily many audio tracks
- (berrinam) [Internal] : Documentation for MuxPath finding
- (berrinam) [Internal] : Moved drag & drop code to FileBar to avoid repetition
- (berrinam) Load jobs now works for mux and audio jobs
- (berrinam) [OneClick, AviSynth Creator, Video Preview, AutoEncode, and Bitrate Calculator] : nicer comboboxes, for AR, FPS, and target sizes
- (berrinam) Internal change from use of DARX/DARY pairs to a Dar struct
- (berrinam) Turn the IMediaFile info details from virtual calls into populating a MediaFileInfo class
- (Kurtnoise) [Auto Update Server Window] : put serverList on top (items were not visible)
- (berrinam) [AutoUpdate] : add support for a local cache of update files (located via registry) (#1804656)
- (berrinam) [AutoUpdate] : Re-install function in autoupdater (#1790523)
- (berrinam) [Video Preview] : 'Go to frame' for video preview (#1746899)
- (berrinam) [OneClick Window] : Easier code for audio, better audio input selection
- (berrinam) [OneClick Window] : Fix order of jobs in OneClick (bitrate calculation there should work again)
- (berrinam) [Muxer Windows] : Automatically choose output filename in muxer (#1784648)
- (berrinam) [DGIndexer] : Read progress reports from DGIndex title
- (berrinam) Nicer CQM selection for XviD and x264 (#1651251 and #1717536)
- (Kurtnoise) better errors exception for Audio Encoders
- (Kurtnoise) [Job Queue] : added keydown event (for start, stop, up, down, delete)
- (Kurtnoise) [SettingsForm] : Overwrite Stats File & Keep 2nd Pass Output checkboxes were not saved in the Settings
- (Kurtnoise) [MainForm] fixed minimize to tray (#1749803)
- (Sharktooth) New MeGUI icons and installer fixes
- (Kurtnoise) [JobQueue] : scrollbar fix (#1793456)
- (Kurtnoise) [AudioEncoder] : fix mp2 bitrate command line for the new FFmpeg builds.
- (Kurtnoise) Better label names for some encoders.
- (Kurtnoise) Cosmetic : added m2ts extension.
- (Kurtnoise) Removed resize event.
- (Sharktooth) [Autoupdate] Removed yadif.dll path check since it was impossible to set the path without already having yadif.
- (Sharktooth) Various Installer fixes.
- (Sharktooth) [OneClick] Audio Track 2 is disabled by default unless "Show Advanced Options" is checked.
- (Sharktooth) [Autoupdate] Check if yadif.dll path was set before trying to update it...
- (kurtnoise) Fixed a regression (#1791532 - "Program path" browse button doesn't work)
- (berrinam) Line up controls and fix tab order (patch by demi_alucard)
- (Kurtnoise) fixed 1660566 (Audio Streams were discarded from command line in the Adaptive Muxer).
- (Kurtnoise) [AVS Creator] Add yadif.dll deinterlacer (also added to AutoUpdate)
- (Kurtnoise) [AVS Creator] Re-order deinterlacers, to prefer TDeint over TDeint+EEDI2, and yadif over TDeint
- (Kurtnoise) [MainForm] : some refactoring in the Help Menu.
- (Kurtnoise) added a TabControl for Program Paths.
- (Kurtnoise) updated MediaInfo.dll & MediaInfoWrapper.dll ( to
- (Kurtnoise) move Settings & Update items to Options Menu.
- (Kurtnoise) Introduce a line counter for Subtitle Part in the getSourceInfo function (to avoid issues).
- (Kurtnoise) [MP4 Muxer] : disabled -tmp command.
- (Kurtnoise) [MP4 Muxer] : added 'video name' feature for muxedInput.
- (Kurtnoise) [D2V Creator] : added automatic output filename.
- (Kurtnoise) [VOBSubber] : added Drag & Drop.
- (Kurtnoise) [Main Form] : added bugs tracker and features requests SF links (#1789800)
- (Sharx1976) New changelog format
- (Sharx1976) Fixed 1735676 (Video Output filename can't be changed directly)
- (Kurtnoise) fix wiki link
- (Kurtnoise) fix label typos
- (Kurtnoise) remove hint track option for NDAAC encoder + several tunings
- (Kurtnoise) few tunings for audio encoders
- (Sharx1976) Fixed some visual interface glitches
- (Sharx1976) AVS Creator: Checking "Resize" enables "Suggest Resolution"
- (Sharx1976) AVS Creator: Checking "Suggest Resolution" automatically checks "Resize"
- (Kurtnoise) fix subtitles streams parsing when we have strings instead of numbers
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Using Avisource() to open .avi files.
- Added a warning if avisynth is not installed and automatically disables the update button.
- (Kurtnoise) m4a extension missing for MKV mux.
- (Kurtnoise) allow m4a extension for AudioType.
- (Kurtnoise) Drag & Drop support for Audio Encoding.
- (Kurtnoise) Drap & Drop support for D2V Creator Tool (bug #1718007)
- (Kurtnoise) Drag & Drop support for the OneClick Tool. (bug #1718007)
- (Kurtnoise) remove Aften code...
- (Kurtnoise) -add Subtitles Streams Name for MKV and MP4 Muxer.
-enable some missing features for the Muxers. Adaptive Muxer issues not fixed yet...
- (Kurtnoise) -add Subtitles Streams Name for MKV and MP4 Muxer.
-enable some missing features for the Muxers. Adaptive Muxer issues not fixed yet...
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Always check to see if an event handler delegate is non-null before calling it (Patch by Sean McGovern)
- Increased the neroaac encoder max bitrate to 640kbps
- (Kurtnoise) add "Fran�ais" in the Language Selection (supported by the ISO 639 code and also needed for the parsing of the DVDDecrypter Info Text File)
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fix One Click Encoder crash (patch by bbel)
- Drag&Drop support for avs input in main window (patch by dako-kun)
Commit by Kurtnoise:
- "Do all and Close" button for the AVS Cutter. Patch by mitsubishi (
- PreRender fix. Patch by mitsubishi.
- fix a typo for the FFmpeg AC-3 Encoder Type.
- fix some typos for the MP4Box command line generator.
- ANSI Encoding type instead of UTF-8 for the chapters file saved + some revamping.
- add MP4 Container support for the XviD compressor.
- fix ac3 bitrate command line for the new FFmpeg builds.
Commit by berrinam:
- Parallel job execution. See for details.
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed some profile behaviour bugs in OneClick window
- Added a help button to all the windows, which links to the relevant page on
Commit by berrinam:
- Applied chiklit8963's patch for 1696276 (Ask whether to overwrite file if already exists)
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed audio encoding
- Fixed ColorCorrect's missing 'interlaced=true' on interlaced sources
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed avc2avi muxing (d'oh!)
- Fixed error on corrupt input in Adaptive Muxer
Commit by berrinam:
- Nicer progress window displaying consistent information for all jobs
(and much nicer internal code)
Commit by berrinam:
- Removed the DivX avi muxer
- Fixed up mux-path-finding with AutoEncode+AddSubsNChapters to support changing output format with same codec.
Result: you can now encode to AVI through AutoEncode+AddSubsNChapters Libs update
- Same as, but corrected because autoupdate had an old version
Commit by berrinam:
- Add support for BeSplit audio cutting/joining, based on cutlists
Commit by berrinam:
- Allow future programs to be added to AutoUpdate without crashing
Commit by berrinam:
- Add support for AVI-Mux GUI muxing
Commit by berrinam:
- Make main window maximizable (1734262)
- Fixed 1648638 with Mutant_Fruit's patch
- Fixed 1737423 adapting foxyshadis's patch
- Fixed 1734260 (must select profile in AVS creator for settings to be applied)
- Fixed 1728899 (AutoEncode button does not work)
- Fixed 1728890 (mp4box problem). mp4box muxes now use the output file's folder as the temp dir

- Fixed 1727973 (crop limit 200 pixels). The crop limit is now half the video's size
- Fixed inability to serialise jobs created with non-adaptive muxers
- Fixed 1659923 (Audio Delay ignored in muxer)
Use the built in updater to update to latest version or download from
Commit by berrinam:
- Allow non-integer XviD quantizers (1650574)
- Make the main window expandable (1704963)
- Groups of jobs can be moved up and down in the queue (1685623)
- Allow autoscrolling the log (1661785)
Commit by berrinam:
- Small new feature: AutoEncode has better filesize choosers.
(addresses 1654588)
- If the bitrate calculator doesn't contain an appropriate framerate, one is added
(fixes 1676934, includes code from there)
- Removed the unused avsConfigurationDialog.cs
- Fixed 1652664 (no commandline previews)
- Fixed 1653755 (Muxer reports audio in wrong notation)
- Fixed 1679572 (Turbo Mode in LMP4 multipass sometimes not selectable)
- Fixed 1696067 (Video encoding doesn't use the specified filename)
(a duplicate of 1653186: Video Output not passed to commandline)
- Fixed 1688789 (One Click Encoder Crashes with Automatic Deinterlace checked)
- Fixed 1675408 (mkvmerge split option incorrect)
- Fixed 1666878 (Vobsubber changing output doesn't work)
- Fixed 1659596 (Load DLL in Avisynth configuration dialog)
- Fixed 1652312 (xvid b-frames default wrong)
Commint by Sharx1976:
- Fixed 1672842 (x264 lossless broken)
- Fixed MediaInfoWrapper reference in the megui project
Commit by berrinam:
- Support update server branching
- Fixed 1651704 (CQ- profiles create error "not valid value")
Commit by berrinam:
- Made PgDn/PgUp do a jump of 1000 frames; made >> jump 25 frames
- Add extra resizers for AviSynth
- Save jobs on creation
- Support 'install priority' for autoupdate -- allows very coarse dependencies to be expressed
- Fixed 1650887 (x264 doesn't understand --crf 18,0)
- Fixed 1651387 (reset button does not remove audio cut file reference)
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed 1650271 (Queue analysis pass does nothing)
Commit by berrinam:
- Added support for non-integer crf in x264
Commit by berrinam:
- Added support for --deadzone in x264
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed 1647524 ("optional output extensions" are not saving at next sessions)
- Fixed 1647520 ("advanced tooltip" not working)
Commit by berrinam:

- Fixed 1647454 (crash with German FPS in AVS window)
Commit by berrinam:
- Add an AviSynth cutter (allows audio and video cutting)
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed 1599119 (updater does not respect user-selected paths)
- Fixed 1646706 (crash with autoencode and audio)
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed 1621767: Made OneClick suggest an output filename again
- Fixed 1646330: Made OneClick show the correct output filename filter
Commit by berrinam:
- Made the audio output a save dialog
- Made the FPS changeable in AVS window

- Changing deinterlace filter now updates the script
- Made 'Zone' a class, not a struct, which fixes zones setting bug. (Unfortunately, other bugs may have been created)
- Fix the bug where MeGUI crashes on deleting multiple jobs.
Commit by berrinam:
- Ensure Profile Porter deletes necessary files on closing
Commit by berrinam:
- Profile Porter window is now TopMost
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix profile import/export behavior, especially with CQMs, etc
Commit by berrinam:
- Nicer profile behavior, and detection whether you've actually changed the profile or not
- SelectedProfiles bug fixed
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix the OneClick+Config+compile.bat crash -- the text was too long, and delegated to a resource that wasn't compiled in
Commit by Sharx1976:
- More cosmetic fixes
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Cosmetic fixes
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fixed the behaviour of the UseAutoUpdate checkbox in Settings (now it works and the value is saved correctly into the settings)
Commit by berrinam:
- Support multiple servers in auto-update
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed crash on 'Reset'
Commit by berrinam:
- AutoEncode now calculates bitrate properly again
- Removed 'Safe Profile Alteration' from the settings window, since it didn't do anything anyway
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix up zones+previews in codec configs
- Fix up the long-time bug in AVS creator with previewing. The distinction between preview windows is now explicit
- Changed AutoScaleMode to DPI, so it may look marginally better with large fonts.
Commit by berrinam:
- Change AutoEncode shortcut from CtrlA to Ctrl3, so that text can be selected in log window
Commit by berrinam:
- Big code changes to JobControl (the queue) resulting in:
- 'skip' is now a status which has the same effect as 'postponed'
- chained jobs are set to 'skip' if a job in the chain is aborted/errored
- Progress Window should always open
- Jobs should always start if 'Auto start queue' is set
- Missing an executable file results in an error now
- No running of single jobs, like the AVS window is supposed to do
Commit by berrinam:
- Re-enabled the right-click menu in the job queue
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fixed the delay option in audio configuration window
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Better codecs profiles management: the OK button in the codec config window now pops up a messagebox asking if you want to update the profile
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Max number of threads for x264 is now '16'
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed the 'modify filename doesn't work' bug
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Added "--threads auto" support in x264 config and commandline generator
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed force film detection for video sources
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed interlace detection
- Fixed Adaptive muxer crash
- Re-added the avc2avi and divxmux muxers (for avi).
Commit by berrinam:
- Made the 'enqueue' button for audio visible. Sorry
Commit by berrinam:
- Workaround so that old profiles (from before 0.2.4) can work with builds -- such old profiles will be recognised and updated to the new format.
Commit by berrinam:
- Allow deletion of unreadable profiles
- Add the update window to the tools menu again
Commit by berrinam:
- Add 'run command after encoding'
- x264: add support for --no-ssim and --interlaced
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed Guide link so it points to
- Fixed bug when loading d2v files into avs creator
- New deinterlacing options in avs creator
Commit by Sharx1976:
- New version number *Development version*
Commit by berrinam
- Merged the refactor with 2192. Still a few bugs around the place. Consult readme.txt for details of the refactor.
Commit by Doom9
- Subtitle processing via VobSub
Commit by Doom9
- Fixed adaptive muxer when loading a raw video stream (MediaInfo can't handle those, leading to mux scenarios that cause a crash)
- Fixed delay and settings being overwritten when audio streams were being changed
- Added audio delays for mux-only sources
- Added audio delays to one click mode (taken from the filename), applied to both mux-only and encodable audio sources
- Added language codes for divxmux (not all languages may be supported, divxmux is even more limited than mp4box)
- Added cancel button (ESC) to all dialogs that have a cancel / abort button
- Swapped out a few remaining Cancel and OK/Queue buttons
- Existing mux job with a muxed video input can now be updated
- Added DRC for AC3/DTS sources when "increase volume" is checked
Commit by Doom9
- Added a mod4 horizontal crop mode to the anamorphic cropping modes (to be used instead of non mod16 as this can cause non mod4 horizontal resolutions which cannot be encoded)
- Added VobSub subtitles as supported subtitle type to the mkv muxer - this will prevent weird mux paths containing an avi job to include the subs
- Added chapter handling to the automatic mux path finding so that chapters will be taken into account in autoencode and the adaptive muxer
- Added support for audio track names in the mkv muxer
- Enabled vobsub muxing in the mp4 muxer
- Added autoencode defaults in the settings (keep in mind that the container selection will work only if you select compatible input types, avc video, mp4 audio and avi output just don't go together ;)
Commit by Doom9
- Audio overhead for AVI files is properly calculated
- DTS/MP2 audio no longer throws the bitrate calculator out of whack
- Creating a new profile no longer overwrites the currently active one
- New way of doing profiles... updating a profile now requires selecting the profile, make changes, press update
As a result, config windows no longer serve as profile selectors, you always have to select the desired profile where profiles are being used
- Swapped the position of OK and Cancel button to correspond to the Windows standard
- Autocrop no longer crashes when the preview is being closed and reopened before cropping
- Cosmetic fixes (part 3...)
- Swapped Crop and Resize controls position in Avisynth Script Creator window to better represent the correct workflow
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Cosmetic fixes (part 2...)
Commit by Doom9
- mp4box / mkvmerge got new split commandlines, adapted megui accordingly
- dgindex reports video % instead of film % when video % > 50 starting with v1.4.8, adapted megui to not apply forcefilm in such a case
- reshuffled menu shortcuts, megui no longer uses standard shortcuts like CTRL-A/C/V/X
- Changelog now has its own dialog
- Introduced a help menu with links to the megui wiki and the support forum
- Renamed Vorbis container to Ogg since that's the container's name
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Several cosmetic fixes
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fixed xvid custom commandline options in CommandlineGenerator.cs
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fix: Unchecking lossless in x264 configuration now re-enables the bitrate/quantizer textbox
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Cosmetics on the xvid panel, plus enabling custom commandline
- Packed bistream fix
(both patches by foxyshadis)
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Made x264 thread-input enabled by default
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fixed x264 command line generation ("--analise " --> "--analyse none" when all macroblock disabled and adaptive dct enabled)
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Foxyshadis quote: "Don't code while asleep"
Commit by berrinam:
- Add foxyshadis's XviD fixes
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix profiles not being saved when closing bug

Commit by berrinam:
- Add '-threads' option to xvid config
- Fix 'safe profile alteration' feature. Does anyone actually need this?
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Restored the menu item title to "Avisynth Script Creator" and changed the title of the form instead
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fixed MediaInfoWrapper.dll resource dependancy in the project file
- Added a confirmation MessageBox when clearing the queue
- Changed a menu item title to "Avisynth Script Generator" to keep consistency with the form title
Commit by berrinam:
- Add support for MediaInfo
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix profiles not being saved when closing bug

Commit by berrinam:
- Add '-threads' option to xvid config
- Fix 'safe profile alteration' feature. Does anyone actually need this?
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Restored the menu item title to "Avisynth Script Creator" and changed the title of the form instead
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fixed MediaInfoWrapper.dll resource dependancy in the project file
- Added a confirmation MessageBox when clearing the queue
- Changed a menu item title to "Avisynth Script Generator" to keep consistency with the form title
Commit by berrinam:
- Add support for MediaInfo
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix 'Queue analysis pass'

Commit by berrinam:
- Fix a bug which caused some mux paths not to be found
Commit by berrinam:
- Catch DirectShow exceptions
- Force Source Detection to only display results _after_ it has finished
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix Adaptive Mux Window 'Go' button bug
- Fix 1st-pass bug
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix XviD+CQ
- Hide some XviD options that don't work with xvid_encraw
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix some profile bugs
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix the behavior of some dialogs
Commit by berrinam:
- Enable audio track 2
- Fix the 15kbps bitrate increment to a 16kbps increment
Commit by berrinam:
- Make the UpdateWindow fixed-size
- Add ConvertToYV12() to the autodeint scripts
Commit by berrinam:
- Another go at the bitrate calculator
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix audio-filesize-being-ignored bug in bitrate calculator
- Fix AR calculation to be ITU-correct
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix deletion of intermediate files in AutoEncode and OneClick encode modes
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed bug of wrong raw filetype being assigned
Commit by Sharx1976
- Moved shutdown prevention into Abort event. Shutdown now gets automatically disabled if the Abort event is triggered.
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix up DAR/SAR bug introduced in
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix bitrate calculation in AutoEncode and Calculator
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix the mp4/aac bug with AutoEncoding.
- Partway to fix of bitrate calculations, but it is more complicated than it seems...
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fixed a wrong slash ("/" to "") in UpdateWindow.cs 26 May 2006
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Added a "Quick & Dirty way (tm)" to prevent accidental shutdowns when aborting a job and the "Shutdown at end of encoding" checkbox is enabled (works only with the Abort button in the Queue tab)
- Some more controls alignment 24 May 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Small refactor to make all encoders implement IJobProcessor
- delete duplicate code thanks to the above refactor
- fix up two bugs with AutoEncode 22 May 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- Fixed OggVorbis 5.1 Channel mapping (
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Better alignment of some controls 22 May 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- Fixed no more upgrade.xml from cache 21 May 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed the version parsing algorithm so that it isn't tricked by numbers like 1.10 being higher than 1.4 20 May 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Added support for the 'needsrestart' parameter in autoupdate. Please delete your AutoUpgrade.xml files to enable this.
- Edited compile.bat to divide MeGUI into core, libs, avswrapper, updatecopier and data
- Made it check for updates in the background, then notify only if there are any
- fixed installation of multifile core packages
- files are now installed to meguiroot/tools/appname/ instead of meguiroot/appname/
- fixed mencoder commandlines for xvid
- fixed up huffy commandline
- fixed exception with adaptive muxer 19 May 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Add support for auto update 15 May 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- refactoring: IVideoSettingsProvider implementation via Generics 15 May 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- refactoring: IAudioSettingsProvider implementation via Generics
- refactoring: Small cosmetic ClassName renaming (faacConfigurationDialog -> FaacConfigurationDialog etc) 15 May 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Refactor of bitrate calculator 14 May 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- AC3 encoding via FFMPEG
- MP2 encoding via FFMPEG 14 May 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- OggVorbis 5.1 channel mapping based on OggEnc2 version
- small bugfixes 14 May 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- CT AAC support 14 May 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- Aud-X MP3 5.1 (surround) support 14 May 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- Partial OggVorbis encoder support (only VBR Q mode yet) 14 May 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- New free NeroDigital CLI AAC encoder support (instead of neroraw) 13 May 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Added a check for whether muxers support the codec in mux path finding
- Added a warning message on the bitrate calculator (it needs a refactor)
- Fixed the mp4 bug with the calculator
- Fixed a bitrate calculation bug in AutoEncode 10 May 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed Profile Importing/Exporting's CQM handling for XviD
- Added tritical's fix for AviSynthWrapper
- Fixed OneClick window loading
- Fixed LMP4 config loading 8 May 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Enabled XviD CQMs (there are two fields, but only the first one is active)
- Fixed loading of video jobs -- the PAR is now retained.
- PAR is now in the video player, not the codec config (it's not a codec-specific thing, conceptually)
- Added support for DivXMux.exe (no statuses yet, though... no lines to parse, so filesize-based status required)
- Removed registration of AVIMux_GUI (but didn't remove code... hopefully it will get stderr error messages soon, so we can use that again)
- Fixed up annoying video profile bug that's been around for ages 8 May 2006
Commit by Sharx1976
- Expanded bitrate fields to 5 chars in x264 config dialog.
- Fixed an aesthetic glitch (video config button position) in main form. 6 May 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- First commit of mux-path-finding refactor. Work in progress (development build) 3 May 2006
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Removed all the remaining #if SVN
- Some x264 config dialog cosmetics 30 April 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Added x264 '--no-dct-decimate' option 26 April 2006
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fixed a glitch in x264 command line generation: Direct mode was set even with 0 b-frames. 20 April 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Allow the user to choose how to achieve mod16 in AR in the script creator 20 April 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix SAR labels to DAR in config windows 19 April 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Allow relative pathnames for encoder files 15 April 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed issue with audio combobox in OneClickProfileConfig'er being populated twice (thanks to DC) 13 April 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- If aspect error due to non-ITU resizing exceeds an amount given in Settings, default to ITU resizing 13 April 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Intermediate file deletion now deletes *all* intermediate files except for besweet log files
- Fix crash with Delete Intermediate files and Delete Completed jobs 11 April 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Allow any video input in the main window, and generate an input scriptlet for it. 10 April 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Support any filetype through directshow in AviSynth script creator
- Make resize turn-off-able in AviSynth script creator
- Automatically set AR on non-d2v loaded sources as well as d2v sources in AviSynth script creator
- Add clear log button
- Remove main-tab restriction on drag/drop 8 April 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Add ability to import/export profiles. This also manages the dependancies, like CQM files and One Click profiles. This works through the file menu and through dragdrop. 7 April 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix commandlines generated for MP4Box 5 April 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Supported macro-based AR signalling in AviSynth scripts, using variables MeGUI_darx and MeGUI_dary
- Converted Source Detection's hybrid threshold into a percentage of total
- Some updated deinterlacing filters suggested
- Enabled ColorMatrix by default. 29 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Changed mpeg2source() to DGDecode_mpeg2source() in AviSynth scripts to fix clashes with mpeg2dec(3) 22 March 2006
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fixed the shutdown problem (patch by IMOON). 22 March 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- New tab - Changelog.txt. 22 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Source Detection now runs with the priority specified by the settings.
- Script Generation window is now smaller through the use of tabs. 22 March 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- New tab - Changelog.txt. 22 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Source Detection now runs with the priority specified by the settings.
- Script Generation window is now smaller through the use of tabs. 19 March 2006

Commit by Sharkx1976:
- Added support for --thread-input x264 option in CommandLineGenerator.cs 17 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed error when opening a first pass mode in AutoEncode 16 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed up AviSynth script generation from the bug I added in
- Removed the remaining few #if FULL bits in the code. These were causing SAR calculation to be forgotten. 16 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Altered Source Detector to use IsCombedTIVTC instead of IsCombed. TIVTC.dll is now required for Source Detection
- Fixed bug with checking lossless mode in x264 Encoder Configuration -- it would disable encoding mode, but not re-enable it
- Removed useless LoadPlugin(<dgdecode>) line at the beginning of generated AviSynth scripts. dgdecode.dll is required in the AviSynth plugins anyway 16 March 2006
Commit by Sharkx1976:
- Fixed a bug in ChapterCreator.cs. If you want to add a chapter in the middle of an existing list the programm lost all chapter after the new one(+1). (patch by IMOON) 16 March 2006
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Added a file type of all supported audio formats to the audio open dialog and defaulted to that (patch by SysKin). 7 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Source Detection gives extra data (useful for debugging) 7 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Source Detection gives extra data (useful for debugging) 6 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed crash when saving AviSynth script during source type detection
- Cleaned up GUI management of source detection in AviSynth Script Creator
- Fixed OneClickConfig bug with 'delete' button not working 5 March 2006
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Added Auto option to x264 B-Frames direct mode. Spatial is now the default mode. 5 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed bug with OneClick processing which caused a fatal KeyNotFoundException when the stream info file was missing 4 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed loading values when crf/qp is in the currentVideoSettings (it was always set to 26)
- Fixed trellis dependencies in x264 encoder dialog 3 March 2006
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fixed wording on "Queue" buttons in main Form
- Fixed a bug in OneClickWindow.cs output file textbox state adjustment 2 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed exception when checking Turbo on a 1stpass profile in x264 config
- Fixed macroblock options selection when checking Turbo as above 1 March 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- Warn user if an instance of MeGUI is already running 1 March 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- Fixed possible resource leak in VideoPlayer 1 March 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- Fixed bug: AviSynth Script Creator access a dead PreviewWindow 1 March 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed discrepancy with x264 config information about the deblocking filter.
- Fixed 8x8dct/i8x8 discrepancy in x264 config. 28 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- AviSynthWrapper: now it's possible obtain value of script integer variable (AviSynthClip.GetIntVariable) 28 Feb 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Updated Source Detection to recognize sources that need decimation 24 Feb 2006
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Some work on aesthetics 23 Feb 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fixed bug in 'One Click Profile Setup' which didn't allow selected profile to be selected 22 Feb 2006
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fixed a bug in the calculator introduced in (patch by Mutant_Fruit). 19 Feb 2006
Commit by Sharx1976:
- Fixed a few bugs with number of frames changing from what the user inserts (patch by Mutant_Fruit). 17 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- Fixed UI bug in LameConfigurationDialog 13 Feb 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix applyForceFilm so that it works with DGIndex 1.4.6 as well as previous versions (resolved fractional framerate issue)
- Catch video errors in applyForceFilm so that it doesn't cause a silent crash. Left a warning note about the d2vReader.
- Redo x264 TriState code 11 Feb 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix AviSynth profile changing in the AviSynth window. It now uses SelectedItem.ToString() instead of SelectedText. This should cause it to actually use the profiles now 11 Feb 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix up crf workings with new x264 config dialog. All this code should be redone. It's in a mess. 10 Feb 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Re-add SVN conditional compiling, which just removes RDO2 and renames the window
- Fix up some display problems with x264 configuration 10 Feb 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Fix bug which caused changing x264's b-frames not to trigger an update.
- Fixed zones bug in configuration dialogs
- Removed a line of conditional compilation. compile full-svn is now identical to compile full 9 Feb 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Redo codec configuration dialogs. They all extend from VideoConfigurationDialog.
- Creating a new video profile now works in the same way that new audio profiles do. 9 Feb 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Removed conditional compiling around prerender generation (this would have caused it to do not generate prerender jobs)
- Fixed the video checking so that it checks the file sent to prerender jobs, as opposed to the one created by them
- Some refactoring in the deinterlace filters, to use the new class, DeinterlaceFilter. 9 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- Additional refactoring @ Form1.cs:
new class: CodecManager
new property: IVideoSettingsProvider.CodecType
new property: MeGui.currentVideoSettingsProvider
new property: SET: MeGui.CurrentVideoSettings
2 custom warnings around calc invocation 9 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- Removed CropDialog
- Fixed ugly bug in DataBindings (no more syncronized languages bug etc) 9 Feb 2006
Commit by berrinam:
- Enabled Vorbis calculation in the bitrate calculator
- Renamed SAR (Sample Aspect Ratio) to DAR (Display Aspect Ratio) in a few places
- Fixed empty pathname in One Click Encoder bug
- Fixed bug with the Bitrate Calculated bitrate not propogating onto the codec 9 Feb 2006
Commit by berrinam
- Removed the deinterlace filter type in the AviSynthSettings and its corresponding combobox in the settingsdialog
- Fixed up AviSynth profiles
- Fixed up enabling/disabling of controls in AviSynthWindow: the avs profiles are accessible without loading a file, and the script box is disabled without a loaded file 8 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- fixed stupid bug in ScriptServer.ListOfDenoiseFilterType (thanx to The Link) 8 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- Attempt to fix shutdown problem under WindowsXP
Commit by dimzon
- CropValues are now class (not struct) - it allows to transmit null value 8 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- MeGUISettings.AvisynthPluginsPath is now static. It read/write value from/to HKLMSOFTWAREAviSynthPlugindir2_5 registry key directly
- SettingsForm now override avisynth plugins dir in registry (using MeGUISettings.AvisynthPluginsPath) 8 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- Fixed bug in Form1.cs (losted EventHandler @ audioProfile.OnSelectedIndexChange event) 8 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- Initial profiles refactoring @ audio dialogs - it look's much more understandable now (still need more refactoring yet) 8 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- Refactored LanguageSelectionContainer, removed 2 languages with duplicate ISO code 8 Feb 2006

Commit by dimzon
- Fixed languages bug in mkvMuxer / mp4Muxer forms 8 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- Fixed languages bug in settings form 8 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- Fixes in d2vReader (d2v parsing now work fine on non en-US locales)
- Cosmetics in AviSynthWindow (better controls enabling/disabling)
- Compile.bat now force x86 compilation 7 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- Better diagnostics for d2v
- Fixed some resource leak in VideoUtil 7 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- ScriptServer refactoring
- Some ResizeType enum members are renamed 7 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- EnumProxy improvements
- ScriptServer refactoring - now it's possible to add new resizers/denoisers just via Enum modification 6 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- AvsSettings && AvsGenerator window refactoring - now it's easy to add new denoisers/resizers
- AvsSettings && AvsGenerator window refactoring - complete moving from int to enum for denoisers/resizers
WARNING: Moving from int to enum caused serialization error on old Avisynth profiles
old profiles (from previous versions) doesn't load now! 6 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon
- Fixed bug opening Avs Generator window
- Fixed BlockAlign bug in AviSynthAudioEncoder
- Simplified d2vReader code (now it just forwards it's calls to AvsReader executed on Mpeg2Source(fileName) script) 5 Feb 2006
Commit by Doom9
- Moved all profile handling to the new ProfileManager class
- Use of List<> and IDictionary<,> instead of ArrayList and HashTable (not all classes have been checked)
- Refactored audio / video codec settings in the main GUI. Using the SettingsProvider approach dimzon suggested
- Simplified a bunch of methods in the main GUI
- Output name textboxes are disabled where applicable if the output selection button is disabled
- Conditional compilation removed 3 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-New very experimental stereo->5.1 upmix modes (using Sox avisynth filter) - try it && report! 1 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-Fixed bitrate parameter when encoding FAAC via BeSweet 1 Feb 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-Upmix stereo to 5.1 seems to work now 31 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-Using NicMPASource instead of MPASource in AviSynthAudioEncoder.cs 31 Jan 2006
Commit by berrinam:
-Fixed up AR handling in MeGUI. Everything is now set as PAR, and any conversions required are done just in time for encoding
-Fixed up compile errors
-Applied Mutant_Fruit's bitrate calculator patch 30 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-Some refactoring (AVS generation code moved from VideoUtil to ScriptServer) 30 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-New experimantal crop dialog (not complete working yet) 27 Jan 2006
Commit by berrinam:
-Added video input checking (video exists, has no errors, colorspace==yv12, mod16) and warns the user
-Refactored dialogs, added MessageBoxEx reference, and removed MPEG2SourceChoice
-Removed OneClickDefaults.cs, OneClickDefaultWindow.cs/.resx 27 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon
-SourceDetector doesn't create temporary AVS anymore 26 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon
-AviSynth wrapper now returns information about source colorspace && audio sampletype 26 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon
-Removed AVIReader (now everything is made via AvsReader)
-Small bugfix opening Script Creator window 26 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon
-Rewritten AvisynthWrapper.dll (now it will be more friendly with multithread code)
-Rewritten AvisynthWrapper.cs (to use new API from AvisynthWrapper.dll) 26 Jan 2006
Commit by berrinam:
-Fix the MeGUI crash when auto-loading wavs after DGIndexing
-Fix the error when selecting multiple chained jobs and pressing delete 25 Jan 2006
Commit by berrinam:
-Made the error messages shown for AviSynth more specific
-Drag'n'drop handling starts in a new thread, preventing the window where the drag started from freezing 25 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- fixed improper path detection when running MeGUI from commandline
- add support for improved accuracy for audio processing via AviSynth
- workaround bug (noise @ the beginning) when using normalization for 16 bit audio
(now if AutoGain is checked 32bit transformation is forced ) 25 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon:
- VideoPlayer can play avs via string (does not need temporaly avs files)
- AviSynth generator does'nt create preview.avs && temp.avs more 25 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-nothing, just marked AviReader by [Obsolete]attribute (it's time to switch to AvsReader) 25 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-FAAC Settings && FAAC Settings Dialog - performed little cleanup && bugfix 24 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-Modified AvsReader are now used for Avs preview ;) Everyting works fine... 24 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-AvsReader (not checked yet, not used anymore) 24 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-changed Thread sync to fix some compilation warnings 24 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-fixed some compilation warnings 24 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon:
-fixed compilation bug involved by my previous commit 24 Jan 2006
Commit by berrinam:
-Fix the incorrect fps displayed in the bitrate calculator due to new DGIndex fps signalling 24 Jan 2006
Commit by berrinam:
-Fixed d2v/audio extension bug
-Stopped progress window opening on a new job when MeGUI is minimized.
-Fixed AviSynthJobs to open the progress window when required
-Fixed AutoEncode to work with prerender jobs
-Fixed up the various modes of the D2V creator. Updated the Avisynth creator to handle mpeg2 input more smoothly 23 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon
-Support for Nero6 AAC 23 Jan 2006
Commit by dimzon
-New audio encoding mode via AviSynth
-Refectored && redesigned AudioSettings dialogs
-AviSynth wrapper (only audio)
-Don't forget to put avisynthwrapper.dll into executable folder contains avisynthwrapper.dll sources
-use BeHappy.Extension.Encoder.Nero7AAC.exe from BeHappy instead of neroraw.exe for nero encoding 23 Jan 2006
Applied Richard Berg's filechecking bugfix
Fixed OneClickWindow to register the automatic deinterlacing settings 23 Jan 2006
Applied Mutant_Fruit's Context Sensitive Help update:
-Just attaching a new version of the contexthelp.xml as written by LiFe.
-I also made a few changes to the contexthelp method as i didn't realise that newlines would be correctly picked up from the xml file.
-Tooltips should no longer stretch across the entire screen. But could possibly do with nicer paragraphing.
Fixed some x264 CC warnings
Encoders paths have now their own tab in Settings 18 Jan 2006
Bugfix: AviSynth errors are now displayed in the preview window (changes made by looking at AVIFile code) 18 Jan 2006
Bugfix: Scripts served by scriptserver now work (that's a good thing :D)
Bugfix: Fixed problems with comma locales in string->double conversions in source detection 17 Jan 2006
Added Richard Berg's contextmenu changes patch:
Feature changes:
- queueContextMenu
- added Delete button
- fixed logic so buttons are disabled when no items selected
- changed order so most common items are toward the top
- added hotkeys
- audioOutput & videoOutput textboxes are now editable

- drag-n-drop is now disabled unless the Input tab is selected
- error messages related to audio & video job setup are now more helpful/detailed
Refactoring changes:
- new enum CodecType (works just like FileType)
- rewrote verifyVideoSettings & assorted helper methods, called it whenever queueing a video job
- ditto verifyAudioSettings
Other changes:
-added a contextmenustrip for the tray icon
-minimize to tray hides the progress window
-closing MeGUI while a job is running now calls abort instead of aborting manually
-fixed menus for megui-x264
-fixed loading of avs and hfyu jobs
-moved start/stop pause/play changes to a separate function 17 Jan 2006
Added support for analysis passes of avs scripts (the button was added in 2028) 16 Jan 2006
Updated the tivtc script generation so that it works with the latest version of dgindex 16 Jan 2006
Added support for prerendering avs scripts.
Added a place-holder (but no support) for analysis passes of avs scripts.
Bugfix: Pressing Start in the queue tab will always change its name to stop, even if nothing does start. 15 Jan 2006
Bugfix: Attempting to start a job that fails no longer returns a "no job found" error but the proper error message
Changed: Jobs are always encoded in their queue order regardless of their interdependence
Changed: Refactored the audio encoding part
Changed: Muxing / audio encoding progress is reported with two digits after the decimal separator 15 Jan 2006
Bugfix: another attempt at fixing missing Decomb.dll crash
Bugfix: reapplied the fix for multiple audio names. It was somehow lost in v2024 15 Jan 2006
Bugfix: incorrect time elapsed / projected end time
Bugfix: Job FPS of xvid_encraw jobs was incorrect
New: Start and End time of job processing is added to the log 15 Jan 2006
New generalized muxer architecture enum refactoring fix for encoder FPS display on PCs using locals with non dot decimal separator 15 Jan 2006
Applied Mutant_Fruit's AviSynth script creator patch with 3 alterations: -fix to still accept Drag & Drop files -catch exception if file can't be opened with AVIReader 11/05/2005
new: support for AVC levels (check this for details)
new: support for B-frame RDO

changed: all video and audio profile dropdowns are now sorted alphabetically

bugfix: selecting 2pass first pass and then high profile, closing and reopening the x264 configuration screen no longer locks the encoding mode field. 11/04/2005

new: you can opt to not have a progress window automatically open for each job
new: support for x264's trellis

bugfix: video profiles can once again be deleted
bugfix: aborting a job when just one is in the queue no longer leads to a (non fatal) exception 11/01/2005

new: default settings for one click mode (thanks berrinam)
new: you can now manually enter a negative audio delay (delay in filenames was always properly recognized

changed: 0 delay is no longer added to the commandline
changed: changed auto-force film to correspond to the latest dgindex file version.

bugfix: fixed a tri-state problem in the x264 configuration (lossless mode) 10/23/2005

new: a series of connected jobs will be skipped if one job terminates with an error, allowing subsequent independent jobs to still be executed
new: support for the x264 constant quality feature

changed: x264 options that have to be disabled in the GUI are preserved (so e.g. you activate 8x8 dct and then go back to main profile, once you go back to high profile it will still be checked) 10/19/2005

new: supports x264 subme level 7 (RDO level 2)

bugfix: x264 p4x4mv requires p8x8mv so I made the two dependant of each other 10/06/2005

new: dgindex processing is now handled as a regular job. This allows queueing of multiple dgindex jobs, and thus the one click mode can process multiple movies after another, including the dgindex phase.

changed: desired size in the autoencode window has been changed to MBs instead of KBs
changed: .sub input has been replaced by .idx input for Subtitle muxing into mkv

bugfix: aborting paused jobs and restarting them no longer causes a crash
bugfix: moving jobs up/down works properly again 09/21/2005

changed: dgindex demuxing now only demuxes the chosen audio tracks (unless you select demux all) - this may require an update of dgindex so check the requirements above
changed: the way dgindex is being run has been simplified, this could potentially help people who've been having problems with the indexing function (I know of two people to have reported this). If it doesn't work, please download debugview from sysinternals, and run it while running megui and post the logged output here. 09/20/2005

new: intermediate files can be deleted automatically
new: output of aborted jobs can be deleted automatically
new: aac encoding using faac is now possible

changed: stats file are written to the directory of the source and named to correspond to the source they are from
changed: besweet logfiles are written to the destination directory and named to match the output

bugfix: d2v files are no longer kept option 09/04/2005

new: AR signalling for MKV and MP4 output in one click mode

bugfix: x264 subq option was off by one in mencoder mode 08/29/2005

new: compilation script for the .NET SDK commandline compiler. You no longer require Visual Studio.NET to compile the application. However, anything that touches GUI components still needs to be done in Visual Studio - the GUI should always be editable in the VS.NET GUI editor. Compiling via csc seems to lead to smaller executables so this will be the default way binaries are distributed from this point on. If you encounter any problems with the new binaries, let me know.

bugfix: re-imporated various GUI classes from an older release as they could no longer be opened by the VS.NET GUI designer for some wicked reason
bugfix: mp4box muxing commandlines do not contain an immutable framerate when the muxing input is an mp4. 08/28/2005

new: when encoding is paused (or on the way to.. x264.exe takes a while until it really stops and usually encodes between 50 - 100 frames after hitting the pause button), a start icon will appear to signal you're in pause mode. Press it and you'll be back active and the icon is back to pause.
new: the number of cpu cores is automatically detected and the appropriate number of threads is used for lavc and x264.

changed: x264 fourcc defaults to x264
changed: language tags in mp4box commandlines have been changed to accomodate mp4box 0.4.x. As a result, you now must use mp4box 0.4.x when assigning languages to tracks, or muxing will fail.

bugfix: x264 fourcc wasn't saved
bugfix: snow 2/3 pass commandlines include the pass number for the first pass, which is needed to get a stats file 08/21/2005

changed: the fourCC codes are in proper order for all codecs again
changed: x264 options only available in abr / 2 pass mode are only accessible from the gui in that mode now, and the appropriate commandline switches are ignored accordingly
changed: in the calculator, a length of 0 leads to a bitrate of 0
changed: in the calculator, selecting an audio bitrate that will lead to the audio file being bigger or equal than the video output, a warning is displayed
changed: fps and file size defaults are set in the calculator
changed: filesize selection dropdown is disabled in bitrate based mode in the calculator

bugfix: application would crash in one click mode when mkv output was activated
bugfix: application would crash when x264.exe was selected as encoder, avi was selected as output type and queue was pressed
bugfix: large movie length would lead to improper audio size (and thus finally video bitrates) both in the calculator and audioencode mode.
bugfix: changing the fps in the calculator no longer leads to a different number of frames 08/20/2005

new: the fps shown in the queue is now the average FPS rather than the last reported FPS from the encoder. In addition, the precision of the FPS indicator has been improved.

changed: position of job & percentage complete in the title when encoding
changed: percentage complete is shown with two digits after the comma separator
changed: snow first pass commandline defaults to constant quantizer (q5) with no video output to prevent corrupt output as snow is apparently unable to handle the stats generated by a regular first pass
changed: when suggest resolution is active, changing the DAR triggers the resolution suggestion mechanism

bugfix: encoding now stops at postponed jobs even if the jobs are linked 08/18/2005

new: confirmation box when the abort button is pressed

changed: job name and progress is shown in the title during encoding
changed: codec configuration windows are resized in a way that works even with granny fonts

bugfix: audio encoding without volume correction no longer causes an internal crash that prevents encoding until MeGUI is closed
bugfix: commandline generation when a codec configuration window is opened no longer causes crashes under special conditions
bugfix: the calculator works properly in the x264-only version.
bugfix: proper ISO language code for Japanese 08/13/2005 - "long release"

new: bitrate calculations use 64 bit variables for filesize. This in turn leads to the following bugfix:
bitrate calculations will be accurate even when going above 2.5 CDs, negative and grossly inaccurate bitrates should no longer ocurr. I've tested this up to a target size of 9999MB, which is the maximum size you're allowed to enter, but we should be okay even in the TB area with 64 bits. The audio file size is still a 32 bit integer but that should cover about 2 GB and I think we should be okay with that.

changed: jobs, profiles and the log should be saved even if auto-shutdown is activated
changed: when a job is restarted, its end time and fps will be cleared
changed: when setting a zone, the zone start/end is cleared in the preview
changed: added a "all supported files" filter to the d2v creator
changed: updated the readme file
changed: catching more errors from x264.exe
changed: output filename is no longer filled in if a first pass profile is currently active

bugfix: jobs are no longer automatically removed even if the corresponding setting isn't activated
bugfix: decimal/double options should lead to correct commandlines even on locales that use a comma as decimal separator rather than a dot.
bugfix: sar settings are overwritten with each profile.. if a profile has no sar settings, the sar will be cleared. 08/06/2005

changed: updated version number
changed: x264 quantizer delta is now set to 4 by default (it's the x264.exe default, mencoder uses 2 as the default)

bugfix: automated 2/3 pass x264 jobs without using turbo would result in incorrect commandlines for the me method and subpel refinement
bugfix: all GUI classes can be edited in the VS.NET GUI editor again 08/04/2005

new: progress window also has the high priority option now
new: you can now specify a custom bitrate rather than a size in the autoencode window if you like.

changed: automated 2/3 pass commandline preview shows the second/third pass settings regardless of turbo

conditional compilation (x264 and snow releases)

new: GUI resizing is granny font compatible (120 dpi)

bugfix: file open dialog has the proper filter set 07/30/2005
new: you can re-open the status window if you've accidentally closed it
new: when using zones/credits/intro with xvid, filler zones with weight 1 are automatically inserted in between non adjacent zones, thus ensuring that all parts of the video that do not fall into any zone will be encoded with the proper bitrate
new: lavc #motion predictors flag is available
new: xvid custom quantizer matrices are fully supported (but mencoder will most likely not accept it due to the fact that paths contain a : on Windows)

changed: video is now considered to start at frame 0 (preview, zones creation)
changed: lavc m4v is now longer dependant on VHQ/RDO being active
changed: weighted zones allow a wider range of modifiers (1% - 500% for lavc/snow, 1% to 5000% for x264)
changed: x264-only and snow-only mode are now fully working
changed: x264 jobs are also marked as erroneous if x264.exe exits with an exitcode other than 0

bugfix: proper default values for lavc quantizer blur and quantizer compression
bugfix: x264 first pass is working properly again
bugfix: snow SAD no longer causes an incorrect commandline
bugfix: weight zones are properly written (negative values in lavc/snow, multiplication factor rather than percentage in x264)
bugfix: all Forms that contain different elements depending on which mode the application is compiled can now be properly edited in VS.NET 07/28/2005

new: You can pause encoding and muxing. Read the release notes for more info
new: jobs can be removed from the queue automatically after successful completion of encoding. In case of a series of jobs, only when the last job has been successfully completed will the removal be triggered

bugfix: custom x264 matrix opening dialog only showed .txt rather than .cfg files alpha 07/26/2005

new: full Matroska support. There's bitrate calculation, separate muxing, and of course auto encoding and one click encoding
new: high priority is available
new: dgindex project creator window proposes a name for the project automatically

changed: you'll be asked if you want to close MeGUI if you're still encoding and try to close the window somehow
changed: using an mpg/ts input should no longer lead to complaints about a missing info file.
changed: more work was done on conditional compiling but it's still not ready for prime time

bugfix: snow's vstrict option has been changed
bugfix: snow's subpel options were all using the same commandline syntax 07/13/2005

changed: bitrate calculator is now working. The calculator takes whatever configuration it can already find, and writes back bitrate, as well as video codec and output type configuration back when you click apply.

bugfix: open file dialoge with matroska output selected now uses a filter on matroska files rather than mp4 files 07/11/2005 downloaded 190 times

new: supports direct matroska output for x264.exe (and only that)
new: contains a not yet functional bitrate calculator

changed: some internal fixes for the conditional compilation 07/10/2005 downloaded 221 times

bugfix: lavc turbo was saved but upon reloading the config it would not be checked
bugfix: accessing the xvid configuration screen no longer crashes the application 07/09/2005 downloaded 142 times

new: one click mode now fully supports AVI output and limits all the GUI options according to the selected output mode (like showing only the mp3 audio profiles)
new: duplicate mp4 names (video output/muxed output versus audio) will be detected and the audio files renamed accordingly
new: in case a profile name uses non allowable characters for filenames, the filename under which the profile will be saved will be changed. If you use very obscure filenames you could end up overwriting an existing profile but the character translation is rather exotic so this shouldn't be a problem
new: xvid custom dar is supported
new: I've added a bunch of lavc options.. now I think I have all the options that are really needed
new: if you open an audio/video file in the main screen, an output name is automatically proposed

changed: the AviSynth creator now has a hard resolution limit going up to 1920x1200. That limit is changed upon loading a DGIndex project and the upper limit is set to the resolution of the project opened.

bugfix:lavc configuration screen may have bombed out in the last release (or this was something I've added and fixed since)
bugfix: mp3 audio profiles can be saved
bugfix: 07/07/2005 downloaded 123 times

new: all xvid options except for the additional two ways to specify an ar are supported
new: a couple more lavc options are supported - more to come. Most notably: smp support via specification of the number of parallel encoder threads
new: oneclickwindow warns you if the autostart queue option is not active as this would break the one click workflow. You'll then have the possibility to enable the option to ensure that encoding is done after dgindex has been run.

bugfix: various xvid options weren't properly mapped are accessible when they shouldn't have been
bugfix: processing info from the oneclick window wasn't written to the log
bugfix: aspect ratio wasn't auto-detected from the info file if that was available 07/06/2005

new: one click mode (thanks to berrinam for putting it all together - and probably me re-breaking everything . Please read the release notes before using that mode

changed: updating an existing job now also updates input, output and encoding mode indicators in the queue

bugfix: lavc: b-frame reduction mode was applied in all passes, leading to mencoder exiting immediately during the second pass
bugfix: x264 w mencoder: in turbo mode, me was set to a non existing motion estimation mode
bugfix: audio tracks are properly picked up after demux even if their track IDs do not correspond to their order (e.g. the first track is 0x80, the second one is 0x83).
bugfix: DTS audio tracks are not listed for demux anymore. They might still be demuxed though if you chose to demux all tracks. 07/03/2005 downloaded 321 times

bugfix: automated 2 / 3 pass encoding is working again. Some time in the recent releases I accidentally set the first pass input to an empty string. 07/03/2005 downloaded 16 times

new: auto gain can be disabled

changed: mux buttons changed to queue as this is what they do

bugfix: there was one closing bracket too much in lame's cbr mode
bugfix: x264: loading custom quantizer files would default to show files with extension .txt rather than .cfg 07/03/2005 downloaded 38 times

new: audio and video jobs can be updated. Select a job in the queue, press load, reconfigure it, then press update (you have to select it again). Changing codec, or turning a video job into a series of jobs (automated 2 pass, automated 3 pass) is not supported for obvious reasons.

changed: VOB input info files also support different naming conventions (like VTS set and PGC or VTS set and VOB ID / CELL ID) in the file name
changed: input file reader uses the system default character encoding rather than the default ASCII, so non ASCI characters are no longer ignored.
changed: moved some code around in anticipation of the one click modus

bugfix: Avisynth script loading when quitting the AviSynth creator works properly now
bugfix: doubleclicking on the video input field in the main gui doesn't crash the program if no video has been defined 07/03/2005 downloaded 83 times

new: automated 3 pass encoding for lavc/x264/snow
new: you can configure if you want the auto mode to do 2 or 3 pass
new: you can configure if you want the 3rd pass of an automated 3 pass encoding session to keep the 2nd pass video output as well as if the last pass should update the stats file
new: added some more languages. If you miss one, check the development thread for what languages are possible, then let me know if it's possible the add the language you're looking for
new: you can load avi mux jobs
new: you can update mux jobs, select one, press load, reconfigure and press Update to update them. Updating other jobs will also be possible in the future

changed: custom matrices use .cfg extension

bugfix: auto-mode with CQ settings is no longer possible
bugfix: auto-mode with raw output is no longer possible 07/02/2005 downloaded 29 times

bugfix: forgot this in the last release. The 1/3, 1/4 and 1 DVD size options weren't working properly 07/02/2005 downloaded 0 times

new: AVI output in auto mode. You can use an MP3 that you're encoding from within MeGUI, or a pre-encoded AC3 / MP3. AC3 will currently not work due to a bug in mencoder (see here:
new: AVI muxer

changed: x264 turbo mode is now lightning fast
changed: audio files to be muxed can now only be configured from within the auto-mode window and no longer in the main GUI
changed: using x264.exe in auto mode without any audio configured will not lead to a completely useless mux job being created
changed: accessing codec configuration screens no longer hide the main GUI, so you'll always find a MeGUI component in the task bar.

bugfix: x264: checking/unchecking turbo would lead to mv options being accessible even though they shouldn't according to the profile selected
bugfix: x264: switching between the mv dropdown settings could be used to enable the high profile options even though high profile was not selected
bugfix: x264: custom quantizer matrices were not enabled regardless of which profile was selected
bugfix: avisynth creator will no longer crash when trying to calculate the suggested resolution on computers that use a local where the comma is used as decimal separator
bugfix: mp4 muxer window fps dropdown will be correctly preselected in auto-mode (also a comma thing)
bugfix: mp4 muxer fps dropdown selection is properly transmitted to mp4box
bugfix: calling the mp4 muxer from the menu and pressing OK would lead to start of the generated job even if auto start was disabled in the settings
bugfix: input type .mp3 is disabled when the audio codec is set to mp3
bugfix: switching between audio codecs and loading files should automatically lead to a reset of the incompatible option(s) 06/27/2005 downloaded 304 times

new: MPEG-1/2 PS and TS stream input in the DGIndex project creator are now supported
new: The DGIndex project creator preselects audio tracks in case of a VOB source (if the INFO file is available)
new: VOB input without info file is now supported. In that case you can select tracks1-8 as you can in DGIndex

changed: logfiles are now written to the logs/ subdirectory in your MeGUI directory
changed: dgindex is now run minimized 06/27/2005 downloaded 31 times

new: MPEG-4 AVC profiles. Depending on the profile you set, x264 options will be enabled/disabled.
new: x264 lossless mode has been separated so you no longer need to know that lossless mode means quantizer 0.
new: generated commandlines can be shown in every codec configuration window, 06/18/2005

new: completely redone GUI for better usability. This includes the video & audio configuration dialogs, the settings, the MP4 muxer. In addition, there's now a menu where all the tools are accessible from
new: allows to specify the dgindex path
new: mp4 muxer is accessibly separately and supports mp4 input
new: mp4 muxer support language track assignment
new: x264 RDO is supported
new: the log is automatically saved when you exit

changed: version number is now using standard 4 digit notation
changed: x264 encoding defaults to x264.exe
changed: logfile has been moved to the codec configuration dialogs to be in line with how most codecs are being configured
changed: profile management is now done in the appropriate codec configuration scrrens
changed: 3 pass x264 encoding now allows to specify the bitrate for the first pass

bugfix: selecting a deinterlacer now longer crashes the application
bugfix: denoiser and deinterlacer are automatically filled out when activated
bugfix: p8x8 and p4x4 mv partitions are now properly supported

0.1915 05/08/2005

new: supports x264.exe as alternative x264 encoder
new: supports x264 minimum gop size

changed: all references to merge jobs have been removed
changed: extension defaults to mp4 when using x264 for mp4 output (no separate muxing unless you are
in auto mode)

bugfix: the me type is set to the default in the GUI, preventing a mencoder abort if you didn't configure
the me type on your own
bugfix: invalid custom paths & working default path no longer causes a crash

0.1914 06/05/2005

new: supports the AVC High Profile 8x8 transform in x264 (you will need a bleeding edge mencoder build for that.. CelticDruid has not yet released such a build at the time I'm writing this)
new: automatic vertical resolution suggestion for the AviSynth script creator, based on the DAR set and the croping values

0.1913 06/05/2005

new: x264: all x264 options available in mencoder are supported. This includes abr, me range, me type, vbv buffer size, vbv initial buffer size, vbv maximum bitrate, bitrate variance (rate_tol), p8x8, number of threads and zones
new: xvid: supports adaptive quantizer (requires a brand new mencoder build, it was just added to mencoder yesterday) and zones
new: should be more stable towards improper AviSynth scripts (catches native Win32 errors as well now whenever it opens an AviSynth script)
new: additional disc sizes have been added as requested

changed: x264 options that do not apply to a certain mode are not used for the commandline anymore
changed: x264 and xvid credits rely on zones in the codec rather than external files. This will resolve whatever problems might have ocurred in the past using separate files and not use as much space because no files have to be merged anymore.

0.1912 05/16/2005

new: dgindex is now run in its own thread so the GUI remains accessible while you create DGIndex projects
new: auto force film has been implemented. For now, open the new version once, close it again, then you can edit settings.xml to enable/disable it and set a percentage above which force film will be automatically applied

bugfix: chained jobs work properly now (broken since 0.1813)

0.1911a 05/16/2005
changed: moved changelog from the 0.18x series from the forum to the included changelog
changed: updated readme file

0.1911 05/16/2005

changed: autocrop function now uses 10 frames rather than 5, and uses the lowest possible crop value found if no majority can be found for one value from the 10 samples. This is done per crop value. In addition, I introduced a treshold to decide when a line/column is considered for cropping (got the idea from GKnot). It finally worked as it should in the few samples I have tried.

changed: non working DGIndex project files are now catched and no longer result in a crash.

0.191 05/15/2005

new: creates DGIndex projects (load them where you load the AviSynth script)
new: autocrop (it's a work in progress.. somebody come up with a better way than compare the color values of a pixel to the pixel in the upper left corner let me know)

bugfix: 5th subtitle track is now properly accessible

0.19 05/15/2005

new: opens DGIndex project files.

bugfix: adding jobs, then deleting some and finally encoding no longer crashes
bugfix: changing the codec takes the encoding mode for the selected codec into account
bugfix: changing path of the desired executables updates the commandline immediately
bugfix: custom paths are fully functional now and do not throw an error if you don't have a copy of the executable in your megui path (it worked before and the custom path was used but the check prior to encoding wouldn't find the executable unless it was in the megui folder)

0.1813 05/05/2005

new: aborts queue processing of the last job had errors or was aborted
new: incorrect mencoder options and x264 errors are now being identified as an error and jobs that end due to those errors will be correctly flagged as containing errors
new: loading a video job from the queue also fills out the I/O tab settings

changed: the logfile save dialog no longer zeros out files you select.. this allows you to open any logfile without danger (keep in mind that if you select an existing file and perform a first pass, the file will still get overwritten)
changed: auto mode is no longer available in snow mode (it never worked anyway, and since auto mode is meant for mp4 output and you cannot put snow into the mp4 container, it makes no sense to keep it).
changed: updated readme file mentions the mp4box requirement and points out that there's no progress bar during muxing for now.

0.1812 04/30/2005

changed: I/O checking for snow adapted to take the twopass functionality into account

bugfix: credits job framerate was not written resulting in a 0kbit/s bitrate display after credits encoding (this didn't affect encoding though)
bugfix: first pass of main movie could not be started of audio encoding and credits encoding was used
bugfix: in automated encoding using snow, the codec settings for the first pass were not written resulting in inability to add jobs to the queue (and thus start them)
bugfix: starting snow firstpass/secondpass could trigger a fatal error resulting in MeGUI crash because the I/O was not properly configured. In addition, I added code to prevent premature mencoder exit from crashing MeGUI.
bugfix: all audio profile functionality has been restored

0.1811 04/25/2005

new: custom commandlines can be preserved when switching between the two audio tracks (subject to reconfirmation each time you switch from a track with custom commandline).

0.1810 04/24/2005

new: mp4 muxing is now based on mp4box. That means all choppyness issues when using multiple b-frames should be gone. It also requires that you get the latest mp4box rather than mp4creator
new: supports for a second audio track (the current mp4box release aborts when muxing two audio tracks, keep watching the bugreport : , once it's fixed, a new mp4box release should allow you to actually use two audio tracks)
new: support for up to 5 subtitle streams (.srt or .sub)
new: support for nero-style chapters (supported input formats listed here:, I use the Ogg chapter format)
new: support for mp4 splitting at a desired size
new: audio bitrate approximation in vbr mode
new: auto mode now works without audio
new: configured audio stream can be removed again (important for audio mode where all configured audio streams will be used for encoding/muxing)
new: pressing stop in the queue tab stops job processing when the next job is due, regardless whether the next job is a chained job (the name being jobX-y) or not (the name being jobX).

removed: bitrate recalculation in video only mode with credits. This can now be done using auto mode (simply configure credits and start an auto mode job without configuring audio.. and as an additional bonus you can set a desired target size)
removed: audio input for muxing in the mp4 settings

bugfix: mp4 overhead is reset when switching in between codecs

0.1806 04/20/05

new: end credits support for snow
new: end credits in lavc/snow mode is now also possible even with AVI output

changed: end credits for lavc no longer uses a separate file

0.1805 04/19/05

new: x264 scene change threshold
new: x264 b-frame bias
new: x264 b-frame direct mode
new: xvid chroma optimizer
new: xvid hq AC coefficients
new: xvid b-frame threshold
new: snow 2 pass encoding

changed: removed x264 initial cabac idc

0.1804 04/18/05

changed: updated readme file

bugfix: bitrate recalculation in auto mode with a pre-existing mp4 audio and no credits is now done properly.

0.1803 04/10/2005 - downloaded 271 times

new: turbo mode can be activated for automated 2 pass encoding

changed: when doing credits separately, the settings for the credit job are taken from the 2nd pass (that's the one you configure in automated twopass mode) (except for the encoding mode and quantizer of course). This can prevent problems joining the raw streams. Note that even with this, there is no absolute guarantee that separate credits encoding will always work. For more info on this, refer to this thread:

0.1802 04/09/2005

new: allows loading of merge and mux jobs in the appropriate controls in the settings tab
new: supports credits in video only mode when output type is raw. A potential bitrate recalculation simply sets the mp4 overhead to 0.

changed: I/O buffer in the filemerger has been reduced to 64KB size. This should be more memory efficient while not degrading performance or increase CPU usage.

0.1801 04/09/2005

new: bitrate recalculation in video only mode when using credits is now active (it uses the bitrate you configured, calculates the video size you'd get from using that bitrate, then recalculates it taking the credits size into account as well)
new: lots of additional log info from the bitrate recalculation process and the end of video encoding (compare desired with obtained video bitrate)

changed: mencoder stoud output is no longer dumped to the log
changed: status update during video encoding are now made every 10 frames.

fixed: bitrate recalculation now takes into account the actual length of the main movie (versus the total length of the video)
fixed: in video only mode with credits, the merge and mux outputs are no longer switched (this would lead to an unrecoverable error at the start of the mux job)
fixed: subq=0 in x264 is no longer allowed, set the default to the new mencoder default of 5

0.18 - 04/04/2005

new: separate credits encoding for both auto and video only mode (only mp4 output is supported though, at least for the moment)
new: paths of the required cli tools can be configured (upon selection, a check for all required files will be done (besweet))
new: a basic filemerger
new: muxer is accessible to manual use
new: video preview including playback (no DirectShow, so it might not play at the exact framerate but it should be close enough) and the usual forward/backward buttons and you can set the credit start frame in the player

changed: all input and output selection textboxes are no longer editable.. that prevents crashes where megui cannot resolve relative paths
changed: commandline editing has been restricted (not possible at all when using credits because there's a lot of file renaming going on behind the scenes, and you cannot edit the path for the cli tools either)
changed: even in auto mode, only one job can be started at once (if you configure another project, it will be queued)

bugfix: muxer now works even if paths with spaces are used

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