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MassFaces is available.

Changelog (September 08, 2015):

- Changed license type: MassFaces now is only a free software (there is no Plus edition for this product anymore). Then, all features of the program are enabled and available for all users. Enjoy! Please consider making a money donation of any amount that will help the author in the development of this and other projects in the present and for the future. Your support is greatly appreciated!
- Changed previous prerequisites for Windows XP: MassFaces now needs Internet Explorer 7 (or higher) installed in the computer for the application can run and load Facebook API.
- Changed previous prerequisites for Windows Vista: As Internet Explorer 7 is included in Windows Vista, it is not necessary install this prerequisite.
- Changed some minor text strings in some items from main menu of the application.
- Added a new donation nag screen which is shown every time when the application start (this can be disabled).
- Fixed some few bugs discovered in previous versions.

MassFaces is available.
MassFaces is now Windows 10 Ready, support for latest Facebook API and more!
Changelog (August 25, 2015):

- MassFaces is Windows 10 Ready.
- MassFaces had to be reconstructed/rewritten internally to adapt to the current Facebook API v2.4 of Mark Zuckerberg.
- New prerequisite for users with Windows XP or Vista: MassFaces now needs Internet Explorer 8 (or higher) installed in the computer for the application can run and load Facebook API technology into our application, because our new internal engine is based in some libraries only availables in this and higher versions of Internet Explorer.
- Added "Download Recommended Tools" item in Help menu to facilitate the download of some useful third-party components that complement MassFaces.
- Added some minor help text notes about compatibility of drag and drop links from installed Internet Explorer 9 or later and Microsoft Edge browsers that is shown when necessary and detected in Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
- Improved separated support Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1.
- Improved several issues for video extraction algorithm and library.
- Improved other several internal issues.
- Important issues about drag and drop links from Microsoft Edge: The new Microsoft Edge of Windows 10 lacks some good legacy implementations of Internet Explorer, and currently does not enable drag and drop links outside of the browser to an external desktop app window like MassFaces or others by COM based object, so this web browser is not supported currently by MassFaces to do this. We recommend install Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to drag and drop YouTube links to MassFaces window successfully.
- Important issues about drag and drop links from Internet Explorer 9 or later: If you use any of these versions of this browser, first run this browser as administrator (right click on Internet Explorer icon and select "Run as Administrator") to MassFaces window can accept dragged YouTube links from this browser successfully.
- Fixed and rewritten Facebook Accounts technology due to current Facebook API changes
- Fixed and rewritten Find Facebook User ID technology and tool due to current Facebook API changes. From now you need first login with your Facebook account into MassFaces to get any user/profile ID, otherwise will not work.
- Fixed several bugs in video downloads due to current Facebook API changes.
- Fixed some char encodings extraction in video titles.
- Fixed many other problems due to current Facebook API changes.
- Fixed serveral bugs and errors discovered in previous versions.

MassFaces is available.
Changelog (May 29, 2015):

- Added support for more Facebook video URLs variants.
- Added more variants to search Ansi and Unicode video titles into Facebook.
- Fixed several problems and errors for video downloads generated in previous versions of MassFaces due latest changes in Facebook server.
- Fixed video title detection in certain circumstances.
- Fixed profile URL detection of the user shown in "Facebook Account" window due the latest changes in Facebook Graph API.
- Fixed other several errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

Changelog (March 10, 2015):

- Fixed snapshot extraction algorithm of videos from Facebook due to latest changes in his server.
- Remove a text string clause in "Donate to Upgrade to Plus" window.
- Fixed some small errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

MassFaces available! Download videos from Facebook and more.
Changelog (January 20, 2015):

- Now the "Find Facebook User ID" tool is free and available for everyone use MassFaces!.
- Added new option in "Find Facebook User ID" window: Test PID.
- Rearranged "Find Facebook user ID" and "Search Facebook Video Links" items to "Options/Tools".
- Improved small issues for application installer.
- Fixed some small errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

MassFaces is available. Added new tool to find any Facebook profile user IDs. Also, there is some improvements, bug fixes and more.
Changelog (January 12, 2015):

- Added new tool: "Find Facebook Profile User ID..." in Options menu. This useful feature allows you to find and know the secret Facebook ID of any user profile of Facebook by simply entering a Facebook URL (please see screenshot sample). Only fully functional in Plus edition.
- Improved Facebook video title extraction algorithm.
- Improved minor issues for Facebook Login API integration into the application.
- Improved other several internals and performance issues.
- Fixed and improved thumbnail extraction algorithm of some videos in certain circumstances.
- Fixed several errors and bugs discovered in previous version.

MassFaces is available.
Changelog (December 03, 2014):

- Improved application installer.
- Improved some runtime routines for executable.
- Improved some other minor internal issues in the application.
- Fixed several errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

MassFaces is available!
Changelog (November 24, 2014):

- Added several new Google search engines in various languages in "Search Public Video Links on the Web" window to try to improve Facebook video search results in different languages/locations.
- Improved some small internal issues in the application.
- Improved some small issues for application installer.
- Changed and improved the license agreement displayed during the installation.
- Fixed small text strings shown by the application.
- Fixed other several small errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

MassFaces is available! Download Facebook videos! IMPORTANT MAINTENANCE RELEASE. Please update to latest version as soon as possible!
Changelog (October 02, 2014):

- Improved Facebook Login API and Facebook Account process. From now uses only HTTPS/SSL secure connection to log in with your Facebook account into the program and other secure redirections.
- Fixed user ID and session details recognition and detection in Facebook Account panel due to latest changes on Facebook server.
- Fixed owner video album recognition and detection due to bugs/errors caused by wrong user ID and session details recognition and detection due to latest changes on Facebook server.
- Fixed some Facebook friend links recognition in "Search Friends Public Video Album" panel.
- Fixed video title/description extraction and detection in some videos due to latest changes on Facebook server.
- Fixed other bugs discovered in previous version.

MassFaces is available!
Changelog (September 04, 2014):

- Added support to scan new Facebook video album links (by Havysoft project reserch in Facebook server):
1. Facebook groups and events video album link. Undocumented by Facebook official API/docs: (e.g.: facebook . com/media/set/?set=o.33492884113&type=2).
2. Undetermined and rare Facebook video album link type that contain only one video of the user when you pass "type" as parameter with value "2". Undocumented Facebook official API/docs (e.g.: facebook . com/media/set/?set=p.10150544487304988&type=2). We could not determine the type of this video album links on Facebook server. If you are a Facebook server erudite and know this video album link type and info about this, please contact us and win a free MassFaces key (only the first user that can proves this info, will win the free key)!
- Improved small issues for application installer.
- Fixed a small bug in the installer discovered in previous build.

MassFaces is available for download!
Changelog (August 18, 2014):

- Improved Facebook Login API integration into MassFaces application.
- Improved user detection with new internal search parameters.
- Improved user name extraction with JSON escapes characters and unicode.
- Improved small issues of account information hint/details shown in user picture.
- Changed some small text strings and captions shown by the application.
- Fixed several user detections and info extraction detected in previous version when you try to login in certain situations.
- Fixed other several errors and bugs discovered in previous versions.

MassFaces is available for download!
Changelog (August 12, 2014):

- Reconstructed Facebook Login into MassFaces application with official Facebook API and with other undocumented information (important update):
1. Improved Facebook Account appearance.
2. Added password and account status checker and detection.
3. Added the ability to show the user picture on active session in Facebook Account Login panel.
4. Added information hint/details about current user session into MassFaces in Facebook Account Panel and when you hover the mouse over user picture. You can copy this useful info to clipboard by a simply clic in the user picture.
5. Added login auto-reload support to refresh Facebook Login API in Facebook Account panel when the internet connection is not available in the moment and for locked accounts.
6. Improved string text concepts shown in the panel.
7. Improved several functional, stability, user detection and other issues for Facebook Account panel.
- Improved minor issues for video album loading.
- Changed small cosmetics issues in main windows.
- Important: In the recent update and changes in the Facebook page and server made by the team of Mark Zuckerberg, they has introduced rares security bugs/errors and behaviors on public videos (tested by us), and now some public videos can't be viewed in your browser without an active login and can't be detected properly with MassFaces if you are not logged with your Facebook account in the application. Its recommended that from now always login into MassFaces with your Facebook account in order to find, detect and be able to download all videos.
- Fixed several user login detections/problems issues in previous versions.
- Fixed other several errors and bugs discovered on previous versions.

MassFaces 4.1 is available for download!
Changelog for v4.1.0.127 (August 05, 2014):

- Added support to scan People URLs types of Facebook and get the video album if available (e.g.:
- Reconstructed and Improved video album preload algorithm from Facebook server (important update): Accelerated 80% and more faster than any previous version with rare information and parameters discovered by Havysoft project in the social network server that is not mentioned in official Facebook API nor in any internet page (undocumented).
- Improved video album loading through HTTPS protocol/SSL transport.
- Improved some issues for video download extraction and detection.
- Improved some behavior and other issues for notification bar.
- Improved many issues for download manager.
- Improved Facebook link recognition and detection.
- Improved info hint of the video: Now show additional info about upload date of the video when you hover the mouse over the thumbnail in the list.
- Improved many issues for download manager and progress bar.
- Improved open and execute functions for filenames and folder paths with Unicode characters.
- Improved several other issues for performance and stability of the application.
- Changed several text strings in the application.
- Tweaked some small visual issues in "About MassFaces".
- Remove the Option "Empty Thumbnails Cache". From now unneeded thumbnails will be detected smartly and will be deleted when you close the application.
- Fixed some minor bugs in download manager introduced in previous versions.
- Fixed other several errors and bugs discovered on previous versions.

* Note: The future version 4.2 (in develop) will support backup for friends profiles links from the friends list of your account, feature never seen before in other Windows applications and only will be available on MassFaces Plus edition!

MassFaces 4.0 is available for download!
Changelog for v4.0.0.126 (July 23, 2014):

- From now, MassFaces is available in two editions: Free (Freeware edition) and Plus (for users who wish to make a small money donation to upgrade to full version and use all features).

- Download videos from Facebook in HD resolution and video search features are now available in Plus edition only.

- Improved video extraction algorithm from Facebook server with our own undocumented techniques, technology, research and knowledge from Havysoft chilean project, not available on Facebook API.

- Improved video album loading speed from Facebook server, significantly compared with previous version, with our own undocumented techniques, technology, research and knowledge from Havysoft chilean project chilean, not available on Facebook API.

- Improved video listing: Now you can download videos while the album is still being displayed in the list, when has not finished loading and other issues.

- Improved download videos from Facebook with HTTPS protocol/SSL transport.

- Improved many issues for stability and performance in download manager .

- Improved many issues for "Play" and "Open Folder" buttons functions.

- Improved Facebook logged and Logout functions in Login panel with undocumented information from Havysoft chilean project.

- Improved separated support for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1.

- Improved support for URLs with videos from Facebook profiles, Facebook timelines, Facebook pages and other Facebook album variants with this content. The next version will improve this function for other URLs of Facebook.

- Improved support for filenames and paths with Unicode characters.

- Improved many other issues of the program.

- Fixed the permanent stop downloading from Facebook for some videos in previous versions due to latest changes on Facebook server.

- Fixed the permanent stop loading and detection of video album in previous versions due to latest changes on Facebook server.

- Fixed error downloading videos when its impossible to get the total file size of the video.

- Fixed other various bugs/errors generated in the program due to latest changes on Facebook social network of Mark Zuckerberg.

- Fixed another several bugs/errors discovered in old versions of the program.

MassFaces is available for download!
Changelog (June 27, 2014):

- Added, for first time, preliminary support to download videos from Facebook with HTTPS protocol redirections with SSL (autodetect). Without this implementation in previous versions, in some network connections the downloads from Facebook could fail in certain occasions when required HTTPS protocol is needed.

- Added "Donate" (voluntary) dialog when the application is run (you can disable this windows by simply selecting "Do not show this message at startup" checkbox).

- Improved video extraction decoding algorithm from Facebook server.

- Improved video length/duration extraction algorithm.

- Improved some issues for download engine and application performance.

- Improved other small internal issues of the application.

- Changed "Resume" and "Open File" button texts in Download dialog by "Restart" and "Open Folder", respectively, to better concept about these button functions. Also, other small text strings in the program was changed.

- Fixed incorrect dialog/window resize of "About MassFaces" on Windows XP.

- Fixed other errors/bugs discovered on previous versions.

MassFaces is available for download!
Changelog (June 10, 2014):

- Added "Donate..." item in Help menu.
- Improved "About MassFaces" dialog.
- Fixed wrong/empty login username detection due to latest changes on Facebook server.
- Fixed other minor bugs discovered on previous versions.

May 2nd, 2014

Fixed wrong icons addition during installation when Normal mode is selected. Also other minor installation issues has been tweaked.

April 10th, 2014

Improved Facebook video title extraction and detection.
Improved installation in Portable mode. Also the installation save settings for multi-user accounts and other minor related issues has been tweaked.
Fixed error download and other related issues in some Facebook videos in certain situations.
Fixed other minor bugs discovered in previous version.

February 27th, 2014

Improved video title label: Now correctly displays the text shortened by ellipsis to unicode characters when it is too long.
Fixed a minor bug discovered of previous version.

January 23rd, 2014

Added "Facebook" item in "Help" menu.
Improved Updater feature.
Improved program installer.
Changed minor text strings in the application.
Tweaked some issues in "Help" menu.
Fixed minor bugs of previous version.

January 14th, 2014

Fixed View and Play recognition bug in Download Manager panel introduced by error in previous version.

January 9th, 2014

Added full support to download longest Facebook videos of 2 hours length or more if available.
Added full support to download large Facebook video files of 2 GB sizes or more if available.
Added quick access items "Download K-Lite Codec Pack" in "Help" menu to download this needed components to alows you play MP4 and FLV formats in your system.
Improved and optimized CPU and memory usage while downloading videos. This is the first version that significantly reduces the use of these resources.
Improved separate support for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8 and new 8.1.
Improved transparency quality for video length displayed in video list.
Improved behavior and performance issues of Download Manager.
Improved program performance and other minor internal/visual issues.
Changed some minor text strings displayed by the program.
Fixed some bugs discovered in previous versions.

December 3rd, 2013

Improved thumbnail recognition algorithm in video list, History and in Download Manager panels.
Fixed some text strings in main menu of previous version.
Fixed other few bugs discovered on previous version.

December 2nd, 2013

New and modern video list engine and technology.
Improved video extraction algorithm.
Improved Download Manager.
Improved History Manager.
Improved Message Effects panel and texts displayed by the program.
Improved Facebook links recognition.
Improved Facebook Login API.
Improved Facebook Video Album loading.
Improved program stability and performance.
Fixed several bugs/errors discovered from previous versions.

November 25th, 2013

Improved a minor issue to video album loading from Facebook server.

November 20th, 2013

Changed minor text strings showed by the program.
Fixed a minor bug when loading Facebook video album.

November 14th, 2013

Added support to search videos through Facebook embed links (Facebook link example type:
Improved significantly the load speed on Facebook video album when the program search videos through it.
Improved Facebook video album search algorithm.
Improved a minor issue on Facebook login panel performance.
Changed minor issues and tweaks in some menus, format list behavior and in messages panel of the program.
Fixed various Facebook video album load bugs/errors of previous versions.
Fixed other minor bugs of previous versions.

November 12th, 2013

Improved Facebook video title recovery and extraction algorithm.
Improved runtime compilation of the application.
Improved uninstaller feature of the application.
Removed the Bing engine option from "Search Public Video Links on the Web" panel due the poor results shown by this engine.
Fixed a minor bug of previous version.

November 5th, 2013

Improved Facebook Video Album search algorithm.
Improved message effects panel.
Improved a minor function on Facebook Account panel.
Improved a minor function on Download Manager panel.
Improved some minor general issues about stability, performance and internal behaviors of the program.
Fixed exception error message displayed occasionally in Filter Video ALbum Results panel when the entered text in Filter field is a empty string.
Fixed a minor bug that occurs occasionally in taskbar progress status on Windows 7 and later.
Fixed various other minor bugs discovered on previous versions.

October 25th, 2013

Added full support for new Windows 8.1 operating system
Added flash window effect on desktop taskbar to indicate that the downloads are completed. Also has been implemented the ITaskBarList3 interface API available on Windows 7 and higher to show the download progress status.
Improved "Filter Video Album Results" option item. Now you can recover up to 2.000 videos per album if available
Improved video recovery algorithm
Improved Facebook login API integration
Improved Facebook links recognition
Improved Video title recognition and extraction.
Improved Download Manager.
Improved normal and portable installation mode
Improved separated support for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8
Improved program stability, performance and many behaviors issues
Fixed various bugs in previous version of the program when run on Windows XP and 8
Changed minimum requirements: From this version the program requires Windows XP Service Pack 2 with Internet Explorer 7 or higher to Facebook API work properly
Changed some minor text strings in the program
Fixed panel message effects in some situations
Fixed Video Album recognition in some situations
Fixed various other minor bugs discovered on previous versions

October 2nd, 2013

Fixed a critical 32 bit runtime error/exception message "Internal error: Cannot expand 'pf64' constant on this version of Windows." showed when run the installer on 32 bit systems that was accidentally introduced in previous version, which causes the installer can not run and close completely.

October 1st, 2013

Added new Setup option: Portable mode to install as real portable application.
Improved application to support fully real portable application. Now can be run currently on flash drives, etc.
Improved installer wizard and other various internal issues.
Improved Configuration and History saved files.
Improved program stability and performance.
Moved "Search Public Video Links on the Web" item to Options menu.
Changed the application Build meaning. From now, for example, in this version the number 107 represents the total of public builds since the first application public release (Result = (Build Number) - 100), and no the release date as in previous versions. This change is for technical issues.
Fixed a minor bug on Facebook API account.
Fixed some other errors and bugs found on previous versions.

September 24th, 2013

Added "Filter Video Album Results..." item in Options menu. Now you can find up to 1000 videos if available on the Video Album with undocumented Facebook API and information (on previous versions, only 29 videos per Video Album could be found).
Added support to stop Video Album search process in any moment.
Added support to directly get videos from any Facebook Video Album link.
Added support to search public Video Album links on the web.
Added support to run the program on different Windows sessions (multi-user). Now the configuration and history files of the program are saved in "%AppData%MassFaces" location.
Improved primary video search algorithm on Facebook server.
Improved program installer. Now you can choose the installation folder.
Improved program stability and performance.
Improved Config and history file save.
Improved various other internal and minor visual issues.
Fixed video title recovery for some videos on previous versions.
Fixed some error messages in Histoty list when the program run on Windows XP.
Fixed bar scrolling weird/bug when the video is added in the format list.
Fixed other errors and bugs found on previous versions.

September 5th, 2013

Added powerful algorithm to recover entire Video Album from your Facebook personal account.
Added powerful algorithm to recover entire Video Album from your Facebook friends.
Added powerful algorithm to recover entire Video Album from Facebook public/profiles/username pages.
Added modified search engines to find Facebook public video links on the Web (currently, through Google and Bing).
Added cleaning tool for thumbnails folder cache.
Added new panels.
Improved Facebook links recognition.
Improved messages and visual effects.
Improved Facebook API libraries.
Improved Download Manager panel, stability and other important issues.
Improved "Stay On Top" option.
Improved History panel.
Improved separate support for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 to implement different technologies in this version.
Improved Config file and saving mode.
Improved video list.
Improved general IDE and various other tweaks has been made.
Improved program perfomance, stability and various other issues.
Improved many other internal issues.
Fixed some security issues and JavaScript problems in previous versions.
Fixed various other errors and bugs of previous versions.
Changed many text showed by the program.

August 23rd, 2013

Improved Download ManagerNow the program make a snapshot and it shows while downloading a Facebook video.
Now can detect MP4 or FLV file formats of the video if available.
Improved download panel.
Improved download errors detection and other related issues.
Improved various other internal and behavior functions.
Improved History ManagerNow stores and shows the name, a thumbnail and the duration of the video as recent link.
The History bar shows total links and the results hits count.
Improved History stored file.
Improved Facebook AccountImproved Facebook API integration on the program to log in to Facebook accounts and other important stability and security issues.
Added an option to remember the last entered email/phone.
Improved separate support for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.
Added temporary cache folder for thumbnails.
Added duration detection for videos.
Removed o "Connection Settings" item option from main menu, it was considered useless.
Improved Configuration stored file and settings.
Improved thumbnail and video extraction algorithm.
Improved various cosmetic issues and other tweaks.
Improved Options menu.
Improved program installer.
Improved "Remember Current Window position" Option.
Fixed some errors found in previous versions when the program is running on Windows XP.
Fixed various errors and other issues that was found in previous versions.

August 15th, 2013

Added support to download thumbnail image of the video in JPG format.
Improved Download Manager panel.
Improved Facebook Account panel.
Improved Download Folder panel.
Improved internal perfomance and stability of the program.
Improved program installer and updater.
Fixed various bugs of previous version.
Changed some visual issues and other tweaks.

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