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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for MP4Tools / MP4Joiner / MP4Splitter

Version 3.8 <2019-11-20>

* MP4Joiner: added possibility to specify audio sample rate and bitrate for re-encoding
* MP4Splitter: added possibility to split on key frames only (disabled by default)
* MP4Splitter: added support of drag & drop
* updaed Spain translation (thanks to Alejandro Cremades Bernabeu)
* added Spain (Venezuela) (thanks to Ricardo A. Rivas)
* added Korean translation (thanks to Hae Moon, Kwon)
* added Sinhala translation (thanks to Asanka Sovis / &#3461;&#3523;&#3458;&#3482; &#3523;&#3549;&#3520;&#3538;&#3523;&#3530;)
* updated ffmpeg to version 4.1.1

Version 3.7 <2018-11-24>

* MP4Splitter: added support of .mpg files
* MP4Splitter: added play/pause button
* added Simplified Chinese translation (thanks to Julian Lee)
* added Hungarian translation (thanks to Bodrogi József)
* updated French translation (thanks Patrice FIEVRE)
* updated ffmpeg to version 4.0.2

Version 3.7 beta 2 <2018-08-12>

* MP4Splitter: added support of .mpg files

Version 3.7 beta 1 <2018-08>

* MP4Splitter: added play/pause button
* added Simplified Chinese translation (thanks to Julian Lee)
* updated ffmpeg to version 4.0.2

Version 3.6.1 <2018-04-10>

* added Traditional Chinese translation (thanks to Jason WU)
* added Turkish translation (thanks to Bilal Harun)
* updated ffmpeg to version 3.4.2

Version 3.6 <2018-01-14>

* MP4Joiner: added possibility to specify temporary directory
* MP4Joiner: added options "-bs-switching merge" and "-force-cat" to MP4Box
* updated MP4Box to version 0.7.2-DEV-rev321
* added Italian translation (thanks to Luigi Baldoni)

Version 3.6 beta 2 <2017-12-10>

* MP4Joiner: added possibility to specify temporary directory
* MP4Joiner: added possibility to specify parameters for MP4Box

Version 3.6 beta 1 <2017-11-11>

* MP4Joiner: added options "-bs-switching merge" and "-force-cat"
* updated MP4Box to version 0.7.2-DEV-rev321

Version 3.5 <2017-05-01>

* MP4Joiner: fixed some bugs
* updated MP4Box to version 0.7.2-DEV-rev5
* updated ffmpeg to version 3.2.4
* added Polish translation (thanks to Andrzej Rudnik)

Version 3.4 <2016-07-31>

* added option to save log file
* MP4Joiner: added CRF and Preset options
* updated ffmpeg to version 3.1.1

Version 3.3 <2016-03-27>

* MP4Joiner: added options to force reencoding
* updated ffmpeg to version 3.0
* added French translation (thanks to Cocoa Pod)

Version 3.2 <2015-10-11>

* Windows: version number is included in the EXE file
* OS X: added "remove all" button
* fixed some bugs

Version 3.1 <2015-07-12>

* MP4Joiner: added support of audio files

Version 3.0 <2015-07-05>

* Initial revision of MP4Splitter
* MP4Joiner: added possibility to cut video
* MP4Joiner: added reencoding of video if video formats are different
* MP4Joiner: added Brazilian Portuguese translation (thanks to Marcel Testa)

Version 2.2 <2015-03-16>

* added possibility to order and sort files

Version 2.1.2 <2013-11-11>

* added Spain translation (thanks to Claudio Garcia Solca)

Version 2.1.1 <2013-09-15>

* changed ffmpeg back to version 1.2

MP4Joiner 2.1 Released!

Published on Tuesday, 06 August 2013

added loading of video images
added Portuguese translation (thanks to Joăo Frade)

MP4Joiner 2.0 Released!

Published on Monday, 04 March 2013

added re-encoding of audio streams if codecs or count of channels are different
added support of drag & drop

MP4Joiner 1.0 Released!

Published on Sunday, 15 July 2012

added German and Russian translations
added displaying of total size
fixed some bugs

MP4Joiner 1.0 beta 1 Released!

Published on Wednesday, 11 July 2012
It's initial revision.

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