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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for MKV Muxing Batch GUI
🦟 Fixing a bug in discard old attachment feature #112
🦟 Fixing a minor bug in presets (subtitle/audio languages)
Before update: it's highly recommended to uninstall old version of the app then install the new one :)
✨ Add dark mode #54 + #63
✨ Add modify old tracks feature #27 + #53 + #70 + #72 + #76 + #84 + #87
✨ Add presets #94
✨ Add ability to mux new subtitles/audios in any desired position #54
✨ Add refresh button to all tabs #41
✨ Add an option to prevent adding duplicate existing attachments #58
✨ Add overwrite files option #49 + #79
✨ Add exit warning, to prevent from accidentally closing the window and losing all the selections made #54
✨ Showing 2 decimal places in size columns [previously one] #69
✨ Allow to mux even if no parameters are selected #84
✨ Add low space warning #60
✨ Add allow to select "None" [subtitle or audio] default/forced in Muxing Tab #84
✨ Add an option to "select all tracks" in "Only keep those subtitles/audios" #54
✨ Add ability to modify old tracks even if it's not 'mkv' File #81
✨ Add the ability to attach file/folder for each video separately in special mode [expert mode] #51 + #57
🦟 Fixing bug can't output to network share in windows #78 + #90 + #104
🦟 Fixing bug when resuming multiplexing after [error no space left] #87
🦟 Fixing bug in moving audio/subtitle to top/bottom in matching layout #91
🦟 Fixing lots of bugs here and there :D
Before update: it's highly recommended to uninstall old version of the app then install the new one :)
New Add/Remove CRC To output files #14
New Add the ability to remove items from lists [subtitles/audios/chapters] #17
New Add Expand/Collapse All in media info dialog #25 + #42
New Add the ability to select subtitles/audios tracks by "track name" #18 + #35
New Add the ability to discard old chapters #33
New Move App Data Folder Outside Temp #21
New Add Support of TS videos, OPUS Audios and VTT subtitles #23 + #34
New Add the ability to select default language for new subtitles/audios #26
New Linux Port #28
New Add the ability to check mkvmerge/mkvpropedit version in the about tab
New Add Ability to select favorite languages, so it's make it easier to each user to select among few languages
New Add donation button in the options tab :)
Fixing Bug in default output folder #32
Fixing Bug when app went to reload files multiple times #30
Fixing lots of bugs here and there :D
Fixing Bug #19
Support more subtitles/audios extensions
01- Add Drag/Drop Feature, Implements #1, #9
02- Now you can mux audio files with video , Implements #5
03- Now you can mux multiple subtitles/audios
04- Now you can modify video default duration/FPS , Implements #4
05- Now you can mux new tracks (subtitles/audios) to be at top tracks in the output video , Implements #2
06- Now you can set your default [directories - languages - files extensions] so the app will remember them in the next run , Implements #10
07- Now you can view media info about each of the video files , Implements #11
08- Now you can uncheck unwanted videos from video list
09- Add All Languages
10- Add about page :D
🦟 Fixing a bug in discard old attachment feature #112
🦟 Fixing a minor bug in presets (subtitle/audio languages)
Before update: it's highly recommended to uninstall old version of the app then install the new one :)
✨ Add dark mode #54 + #63
✨ Add modify old tracks feature #27 + #53 + #70 + #72 + #76 + #84 + #87
✨ Add presets #94
✨ Add ability to mux new subtitles/audios in any desired position #54
✨ Add refresh button to all tabs #41
✨ Add an option to prevent adding duplicate existing attachments #58
✨ Add overwrite files option #49 + #79
✨ Add exit warning, to prevent from accidentally closing the window and losing all the selections made #54
✨ Showing 2 decimal places in size columns [previously one] #69
✨ Allow to mux even if no parameters are selected #84
✨ Add low space warning #60
✨ Add allow to select "None" [subtitle or audio] default/forced in Muxing Tab #84
✨ Add an option to "select all tracks" in "Only keep those subtitles/audios" #54
✨ Add ability to modify old tracks even if it's not 'mkv' File #81
✨ Add the ability to attach file/folder for each video separately in special mode [expert mode] #51 + #57
🦟 Fixing bug can't output to network share in windows #78 + #90 + #104
🦟 Fixing bug when resuming multiplexing after [error no space left] #87
🦟 Fixing bug in moving audio/subtitle to top/bottom in matching layout #91
🦟 Fixing lots of bugs here and there :D
Before update: it's highly recommended to uninstall old version of the app then install the new one :)
New Add/Remove CRC To output files #14
New Add the ability to remove items from lists [subtitles/audios/chapters] #17
New Add Expand/Collapse All in media info dialog #25 + #42
New Add the ability to select subtitles/audios tracks by "track name" #18 + #35
New Add the ability to discard old chapters #33
New Move App Data Folder Outside Temp #21
New Add Support of TS videos, OPUS Audios and VTT subtitles #23 + #34
New Add the ability to select default language for new subtitles/audios #26
New Linux Port #28
New Add the ability to check mkvmerge/mkvpropedit version in the about tab
New Add Ability to select favorite languages, so it's make it easier to each user to select among few languages
New Add donation button in the options tab :)
Fixing Bug in default output folder #32
Fixing Bug when app went to reload files multiple times #30
Fixing lots of bugs here and there :D
Fixing Bug #19
Support more subtitles/audios extensions
01- Add Drag/Drop Feature, Implements #1, #9
02- Now you can mux audio files with video , Implements #5
03- Now you can mux multiple subtitles/audios
04- Now you can modify video default duration/FPS , Implements #4
05- Now you can mux new tracks (subtitles/audios) to be at top tracks in the output video , Implements #2
06- Now you can set your default [directories - languages - files extensions] so the app will remember them in the next run , Implements #10
07- Now you can view media info about each of the video files , Implements #11
08- Now you can uncheck unwanted videos from video list
09- Add All Languages
10- Add about page :D