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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Kodi DSPlayer

26 November 2017 (x86-b654205) (x64-13194ec)
Added some workarounds for Windows Fall Creators Update
Updated madvrsettings v1.0.6 (madVR 0.92.9)
Fixed DSPlayer audio delay was not properly applied in some case
Merged with the official Kodi 17.6 Krypton Final

24 October 2017 (x86-4783bcc) (x64-930c874)
General improvements and fixes for DSPlayer Dialog and OSD
General improvements for madVR settings handling
General improvements for DSPlayer code and IDSPlayer interface
Refactor DSPlayer change resolution
Update DialogProcessInfo to show more detailed audio codec name (e.g. DTS-HD, TrueHD)
Updated madvrsettings v1.0.4 (madVR 0.92.7)
Updated internal Sanear to v0.3 (DSPlayer build 9ab8c9c)
Updated internal LavFilters to v0.70.2.80 (DSPlayer version)
Fixed DialogProcessInfo HW/SW label could be wrong when lavfilter fallback to a different decoder
Fixed GUI may flicker while EVR Playback with some Intel Graphics
Fixed play media without audio (x64)
Merged with the official Kodi 17.5 Krypton Final

04 September 2017 (x86-da9656c) (x64-89977ed)
Added OSD label to show the active decoder name while playback (d3d11, dxva2, native, direct, copyback...) (DialogProcessInfo "o")
Added internal Sanear option to ignore system channel mixer
Updated internal Sanear to v0.3 (DSPlayer build 017973c)
Updated internal LavFilters to v0.70.2.67 (DSPlayer version)
Updated internal LavVideo OSD to support D3D11 hardware decoding, hardware device / codecs / resolutions
General improvement for internal LavFilters OSD
Fixed internal LavAudio OSD MixingLayout
Fixed EVR Pixel Shaders
Fixed DSPlayer playing videos from FTP
Fixed ChapterManager could crash with an empty chapter name
Merged with the official Kodi 17.4 Krypton Final

25 May 2017 (x86-703c8f9) (x64-71390e4)
Added built-in Sanear v0.3
Added option in advancedsettings to disable the madVR low latency mode to avoid some dropped frame in certain case when the GUI appear/disappear (creators update)
<advancedsettings><dsplayer><disablemadvrlowlatency> (default false)
Updated internal LavFilters to v0.69.0.80 (DSPlayer version)
Updated madvrsettings v1.0.2 (madVR 0.91.8)
Improved EVR
Rework DSPlayer code
Fixed kodi save/load general settings (ex. on/off subtitles)
General bug-fixes
Merged with the official Kodi 17.3 Krypton Final

10 February 2017 (x86-e9df32e) (x64-3543708)
Fixed VideoPlayer PVR switchchannel

06 February 2017 (x86-2ede90d) (x64-733b1c8)
Added auto-update system and multi madVR versions support for the OSD Settings (from madVR 0.91.3)
Added builtin addons repository.dsplayer and script.madvrsettings to manage the auto-update
Added internal filters and madVR versions label in "System information - Video"
Added DSPlayer tempo support
Added partial support to 3D SBS / TAB (no subtitles)
Added parameter "audiocodec" to define a <rule> in media rules configuration
Added possibility to edit Internal LAV Video and LAV Audio formats settings (not recommended, use media rules and filter configuration)
Added possibility to setup madVR Direct3D 9 / Direct3D 11 and Pre-Rendered frames parameters from the DSPlayer page
Added possibility to upto 3 custom user settings (OSD Button "Save settings...") (Load and Save with DSPlayer database ONLY)
Added possibility to load manually the saved settings (OSD Button "Load settings...") (Load and Save with DSPlayer database ONLY)
Added possibility to load manually the saved settings by long-pressing the numbers from 0 to 7 (Load and Save with DSPlayer database ONLY)
0: Load original settings
1: Load from User settings #1
2: Load from User settings #2
3: Load from User settings #3
4: Load from SD settings
5: Load from 720p settings
6: Load from 1080p settings
7: Load from 2160p settings
Updated DSPlayer dialogs Rules, Filters, Merits to autosave onClose / onBack
Updated madvrsettings OSD Settings to support madVR 0.91.4 and above
Updated internal LavFilters to v0.69 (DSPlayer version)
Fixed crash by stopping while fast forwarding
Fixed crash by stopping while DSPlayer playstart
Fixed DSPlayer DialogProcessInfo to show the labels "Renderers" and "Filters" instead of "Deinterlace Method" and "Pixel Format"
Fixed several crashes while DSPlayer play 4K/HEVC
Fixed occasional bad resized DSPlayer window when play next video automatically
Fixed VideoPlayer merits dialogs to use "VideoPlayer" string
Fixed Media Rules to show the correct rule when using the priority order system
Fixed inputstream.adaptive (x64)
Fixed installer to use VS2015 C++ re-distributable Package fon win64 (x64)
Fixed installer to install in "Program Files" (x64)
General Improvements (x86 / x64)
Merged with the official Kodi 17.0 Krypton Final

01 December 2016 (695a772)
Update madvrsettings.xml to support madVR 0.91.3
Update internal LavFilters to v0.68.1.45 (DSPlayer version)
General Improvements
Merged with the official Krypton branch


15 November 2015 (737db9f)
ReAdded EVR as video renderer
Added built-in XyVSFilter v3.0.0.306 (DSPlayer version) as Internal Filter for EVR
Added parameter "videocodec" to define a <rule> in media rules configuration
Added rule priority order system to reorder rule merits
Added DSPlayer option to move the GUI into active video area while playback (madVR / EVR)
Added DSPlayer option to define visible screen area
Updated internal LavFilters to v0.67 (DSPlayer version)
Updated DSPlayer GUI to fully support madVR zoom control options
Updated DSPlayer GUI to support new madVR settings for Image Enhancements and Upscaling Refinement (madVR 0.89.14 and above)
Fixed an issue in DSPlayer that was causing the chapter's name not properly shown
Fixed an issue that could cause DSPlayer to crash by stopping during playstart
General DSPlayer code optimization
Merged with the official master/Jarvis branch

19 October 2015 (f273f06)
Update internal LavFilters to v0.66.27 (DSPlayer version)
Update internal XySubFilter to v3.1.0.746 (DSPlayer version)
Added madVR SuperRes "sharpness" and "use linear light" options
Added madVR "Move subtitles" option to set subtitles position
Improved support to http/https streaming contents handled by now with the internal Lav Splitter Source instead of UrlReader
Fixed an issue with subtitles that are not shown after download with streaming contents
Fixed internal DSPlayer profiles system for madVR that was not working with streaming contents
Merged with the official Isengard branch

04 October 2015 (d0191b0)
DSplayer now uses a custom build of LavFilters as internal filter (
DSplayer now uses a custom build of XySubFilter as internal filter (
Updated internal LavFilters to version v0.66
Added madVR option "Disable scaling if image size changes by only" (require madVR v0.89.*)
Improved MediaPortal fast channel switching (thx to *Roma*)
Fixed Kodi Zoom options, now the changes will be visible during playback also with DSPlayer
Fixed an issue with Editions dialog that was not properly shown at playstart
Merged with the official Isengard branch

20 September 2015 (5eef595)
The option "Load and Save with DSPlayer database" will create a dummy DSPlayer profile into the madVR control panel to avoid conflict with pre-existent profiles
Added new PVR features for MediaPortal TV-Server and ArgusTV backends (this it's exclusively made possible thx to *Roma*)
Updated Internal filters rules to work with PVRBackends (Mediaportal / ArgusTv / DVBViewer)
Fixed an issue that was causing black screen at madVR playstart when Kodi was set in fullscreen exclusive-mode
Fixed an issue that was causing failed playback with smb path and "@" character
Grammatical/language correction in the DSPlayer text description (thx to Warner306)

06 September 2015 (9c30400)
Added the possibility to set up to three "Extra external filter" with the "Internal filters" configuration
Added TsReader (Mediaportal File Reader for DSPlayer) as internal filter (this it's also made possible thx to *Roma*)
Added the option to save internal DSPlayer madVR settings also for TvShow name
Added DSPlayer menu option to set preferred language for external subtitles
Added help text for DSPlayer menu options (this it's also made possible thx to Warner306)
Added error messages at playstart for Kodi in fullscreen exclusive-mode and unregistered madVR
Repositioned on top and Renamed the button to save internal DSPlayer madVR settings
Settings "Image Double" and "Deband" used by the KODI GUI now follow the madVR rules of the control panel
Fixed an issue with some Intel GPU that was causing the blinking of the Kodi GUI while madVR playback
General fixes for the internal LavFilters configuration
General improvements for madVR stability

26 August 2015 (66c524b)
DSPlayer now uses a shared surfaces queue to show the GUI on madVR
Updated all new madVR settings for Image Enhancements and Upscaling Refinement
New system to manage madVR settings with 3 options: Never, Load and Save with DSPlayer database, Load from madVR active profile
New built-in LavFilters with internal settings stored into DSPlayer database (this it's also made possible thx to Nevcairiel)
New built-in XySubFilter (this it's also made possible thx to Cyberbeing)
DSPlayer now works with Isengard DX11 (this it's also made possible thx to afedchin)
Disabled temporarily support to EVR and VMR

11 August 2015 (bd53e0f)
DSPlayer now uses a shared texture to show the GUI on madVR
fixed an issue that could cause the application to crash by navigating in kodi main menu while madVR playback
fixed an issue that could cause madVR to show a repeated frame loop
Kodi advancedsettings.xml option "<latency><refresh><delay>" to set a different audio delay for each refresh now works also by switching the display mode only with madVR
DSPlayer could return true in IsPlayingVideo() while performing a stop with madVR causing issues with external addons (ex.
fixed an issue with subtitles not shown after download if playing a file with smb path
Setup: DSPlayer 15.1 Isengard RC1 - build (20150811-bd53e0f)
PDB: DSPlayer 15.1 Isengard RC1 - build (20150811-bd53e0f)

21 July 2015 (e67b8c1)
no more lag while using madVR thx to new "low latency mode"
adjust refresh to match fps now properly works also if configured only in madVR tryicon, at media stop the original refresh will be restored
solved the issue with high gpu load while pause
solved the issue with the Kodi GUI that could runs slowly or unresponsive after several played/stopped videos with madVR
solved some textures issue after completes a video in ffw
Setup: DSPlayer 15.0 Isengard Final - build (20150721-e67b8c1)
PDB: DSPlayer 15.0 Isengard Final - build (20150721-e67b8c1)

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