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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Kainote
Kainote v0.9.9.1397
Changelog in short:
Added window to opening auto save files.
Added opening last session after crash or hang.
Added possibility to set full screen shortcut.
Added window to remove temporary files.
Added dummy video and blank audio.
Smoother playback via FFMS2.
Added colorization of N split and vector drawing in text field.
Postprocessor fixes to avoid colliding lines.
Added editing vector drawings with frz tag.
Fixed navigation tab and tab + shift in all windows.
Fixed crash when visual cross is using when video is playing.
Added visual tool for rest of tags with edition.
Added tag reset when text is selected to all tools of editbox.
Added visual tool rotation Z for calculate rotation from two points. Similar to "clip to frz".
Added visual tool rotation Z for rotation many drawings/texts simultaneously to prevent destroying of its original image.
Works also with clips.
Added visual tool scale for calculate scale from rectangle.
Added visual tool scale for scaling many drawings/texts simultaneously to prevent destroying of its original image.
Works also with clips.
Added visual tool position for calculate position from rectangle and chosen alignment.
Added visual tool move for calculate move from two points and video position.
Removed tool scale rotation and move its possibility to rotation and scale tools.
Added calculating position of many lines with tag pos.
Added stroke of vector drawings and clips in visual tool position shifter.
Added list of vector drawings with edition possibility.
Fixed not working zoom on video loaded via Direct Show.
Luajit update.
Fixed paste and copy columns for non ASS formats.
Kainote v0.9.8.1292
Changelog in short:
Changed spectrum horizontal scaling to not depended from window size.
Added saving position of audio sliders when used mouse wheel.
Added multiline clips and drawings.
Fixed random hang after using undo.
Added saving font size of dialogue text field.
Fixed crash after close last tab.
Fixed unneeded selecting of text in comboboxes of find replace window.
Fixed placing od multiple tags when cursor was between two }{ brackets.
Update of Libass and fixed not working refresh after windows font changing.
Added font preview on style edition font list.
Added using Libass via Direct Show.
Fix for TV.601 matrix.
Added using video matrix via Direct Show.
Fixed wrong inserting lines split with "rn".
Fixed bad drawing active window border when opened two tabs.
Fixed spell checker for languages like Thai.
Fixed word wrapping in text fields.
Fixed tag list in dialogue text field.
Fixed crash after changing subtitles when audio is playing.
Fixes for spellchecker dialog.
Fixed bad theme color update, when theme have missing colors.
Fixed empty lines in find result list when line is too long.
Fixed crash after loading subtitles when visuals are off.
Fixed working visuals when subtitles format is not ASS.
Fixed not scaling for scrollbars and other buttons when open Kainote on 4k screen.
Fixed pasting tags from original to translation text.
Fixed hang when Lua script opens windows for save or open files.
Fixed make folders in Font collector when subtitles or MKV do not have fonts.
Added Scaling program window when screen change to another with different DPI (Windows 8.1 i 10).
Fixed rare hang of static text.
Many fixes of Visuals and video Zoom.
Fixed no subtitles with visual clip or drawing when Libass renderer was used.
Fixed crash when active line exceeds subtitles table.
Fixes for disabling elements of menu and toolbar.
Fixed not visible text field when only audio is loaded.
Fixed bad selecting of Select lines dialog window.
Fixes of postprocessor.
Added save audio and keyframes paths in last session.
Added font catalogs in style edition and font edition.
Fixed crash audio spectrum after resize of program window.
Changelog in short:
fixed not working shrinking video window when extended to whole window.
Added opening video files via FFMS2 on full screen.
Fixed limits in numeric fields.
Added option to turn off playing audio of previous / next line.
Fixed not working "Cancel" when ask if changing styles.
Fixed unwanted focus changing.
Added resizing of "Multireplacer" window.
Fixed margins in position visual.
Fixed no scrollbar in changing tracks window.
Many fixes of postprocessor.
Fixed bad working highlighting of misspells when replacing tags in grid was on.
Added making cross window shortcuts.
Fixed showing results on text of original.
Added option to not changing selection after lines duplication.
Added option to turn off centering active line.
Removed option seeking in original, and make it seeks in translation and original at once.
Fixed crash after change version of FFMS2.dll.
Removed option to multiedition of styles and added asking for it when OK clicked.
Fixed crashes made by video seeking from other thread.
Fixes to visuals: rotation, clip, vector clip, drawing, position, scale, scale-rotation.
Fixed not working double click and drag in dialogue text field.
Updated xy-Vsfilter that fix crash of multiple tabs.
Fixed not working dragging audio start and end line.
Migration to Visual Studio 2017.
Added ASS renderer Libass.
Better refreshing of audio cursor.
Fixed audio shortcut ALT with dragging start and end lines.
Fixes for video chapters.
Added prompts for remove catalog, tabs etc.
Fixed not showing shortcuts in video menu.
Added option to ask once for multiple files with association.
Multiple fixes of subs filtering.
Fixed crash when loading audio failed.
Smoother tabs scrolling.
Fixes for multiple monitors.
Update LuaJIT that allows to use automation when four or more tabs opened.
Silent unneeded video errors, visible still in log window.
Fixed crash caused by video seeking from separate thread.
Changelog in short:
Fixed many elements from Kainote windows / dialogs to works with fonts of size larger than 100%.
Changed max number of tag buttons to 20.
Fixed log windows to appear on main window.
Speed up of subtitles grid and text field for lines contains many characters over 100 000.
Blocking video visuals when line from subtitles preview is shown in editbox.
Fixed not working comparison after undo or redo.
Minimized flickering after changing tabs and showing post processor on Windows 10.
Added custom progress bar.
Added profiles in shift times field.
Added handling of fonts installed for one user in Windows 10.
Added multi threaded seeking and replacing in multi tabs and folder files.
Fixed working of tab bar arrows and added tab text fading.
Added change of font for entire program.
Changed names of languages from symbols to full names.
Added option for loading last session or ask for loading on start of the program.
Added saving last session after some crashes.
Fixed opening of many subtitles from explorer.
Kainote subtitles editor similar to Aegisub but can also play video using DirectShow, can work with more subtitles formats, and have more useful features.
English should turn on automatically after first launch.
If it not work to change language go to menu "Plik" -> ustawienia and in "Edytor" tree tab change it on first list.
Changelog in short:
Added small colorpicker in edit field and style manager opened right mouse button.
Added load last session saved before close program.
Ffmpeg Source 2 video seeking optimization.
Fixed automation crash after closing tab.
Added possibility to use multiple version of VSFilter, works only with Ffmpeg source 2.
Fixed bad playing of dialogue line.
Fixes for system font size higher than 100%. Mostly used on 4k monitors.
Fixes for Subtitles preview and crash after close.
Fixed resize of subtitle resolution.
Added possibility of resize in font picker window.
Fixed selection of the same words in text field.
Updated Ffmpeg Source 2 and fix for video with chroma 4:4:4.
Added possibility to load more languages.
Added languages Chinese and Thai.
Fixed bad calculating of CPS and characters in line.
Kainote subtitles editor similar to Aegisub but can also play video using DirectShow, can work with more subtitles formats, and have more useful features.
With this release English should turn on automatically after first launch.
To change language to English go to menu Plik -> ustawienia and in Edytor tree tab change it on first list.
Changelog in short:
Fixed no turn off/turn on "text original" in find replace after loading subtitles.
Added snap to other points in vector clip/drawing (alt + drag).
Fixed no changing tooltip after closing tab.
Fixed no asking where save demuxed subtitles from MKV
Added keyboard shortcuts for visuals position, position shifter, scaling, WSAD for +-1 and SHIFT + WSAD for +-0.1
Blocked alt + char in text field instead of alt codes.
Fixed no truncating of time in option "Insert with video frame".
Changed filtering method in subtitles grid and lists that should make it faster.
Added "Use comments", "Skip tags", "Skip text" and replacing checked findings in find replace.
Update FFMS2 for version FFMS2000.
Fixed color matrix after change FFMS2 and after demuxing from MKV.
Fixed almost all visuals.
Added tag reset in MDVD->ASS conversion.
Fixed bad check in filter / comparison menu.
Fixed not working ENTER in style edition window.
Added tag list showed after contains tags for normal edition, all tags, VSFiltermod tags, and descriptions.
Better seeking algorithm in drop down lists and font list.
Fixes of color picker.
Fixed random changing font name, bold etc. after changed only size.
Fixed crash after close drop down list on toolbar menu.
Fixes of subtitles preview.
Fixed putting tags in t tag.
Audio spectrum new mouse shortcuts: middle click - move video to audio position, middle double click - play actual line, control + scroll - vertical zoom.
Update xy-VSFilter for newest version.
Added digits changing in dialogue text field: shift + scroll, shift + right dragging.
Fixed randomly not working log window.
Added disabled options in spellchecker window and other fixes.
Center main window on first launch.
Change language on first launch to English when system language is not Polish.
Fixed hang of find in subtitles when filters are empty.
Added tool for change by multiple rules.
Fixed selection in putting text of one subtitles to another.
Added spell checker management from dialogue text field.
Fixed clean styles of hidden lines.
Better visible resizing bars.
Fixed not working undo/redo with visuals.
Set active line in place of first deleted line.
Fixed no modification after add "Lead in" from audio spectrum.
Fixed putting cursor on start after join lines.
Kainote subtitles editor similar to Aegisub but can also play video using DirectShow and can work with more subtitles formats.
To change language to english go to menu Plik -> ustawienia and in Edytor tree tab change it on first list.
Changelog in short:
-Added keyframes loading.
-Added own log window, can show missing logs now.
-Fixed dropdown tooltip.
-Added "times less or even" to shift times window.
-Added visual tool to change scaling and rotation.
-Added shortcut for find replace tabs.
-Added multi style edition.
-Fixed scroll and selection of style list.
-Fixed times saving after edition on audio without autocommit checked.
-Fixed not working pasting font name in font window.
-Added option to hide original in translation mode.
-Added saving showing frames in grid.
-Added preferred audio in FFMS2 mode.
-Added button for font collection in all tabs, and blocking main window only when font collector is running.
-Added list of color type in color window.
-Added colorpicker on right click on editbox color buttons with option to change to left click.
-Added option to go to line or style from font collector log.
-Fixed no reset of FFMS2 video chapters.
-Saving only name of video, audio or keyframes when it's in subtitles folder.
-Added full conversion to MicroDVD.
-Fixes of subtitles preview and added edition of previewed subtitles.
-Added status bar to line text editor.
-Fixed not hiding of second submenu.
-Automation fixed null argument "is_translation".
-Automation fixed bad parsing multiple k in one brackets.
-Added automatic setting start and end time when line have zero times.
-Fixed negative times on mouse scroll.
-Fixed colliding times in time post processor and new end times.
-Fixed random missing video edition when edited line was not visible on video when edited.
-Added automatically changing " to „ and ” while writing.
-Added option for change audio cache files limit.
-Blocked copy fonts of not using styles.
-Fixed not changing resolution after subtitles conversion or loading non ASS file.
-Fixed video slider to not change position after clicking on it without moving.
-Fixed hiding menu from menu bar.
@bjakja bjakja released this Jun 24, 2018
Kainote subtitles editor similar to Aegisub but can also play video using DirectShow and can work with more subtitles formats.
To change language to english go to menu Plik -> ustawienia and in Edytor tree tab change it on first list.
Changelog in short:
Fixed time paste in time text field.
Added real time preview for font edition.
Fixed no turn off visuals after loading non ASS subtitles.
Fixed not showing SRT subtitles on video.
Fixed bad scaling with Shift.
Added undo redo names in main menu.
Fixed menu on second monitor.
Added hiding drawing with comment.
Added opening saved fonts folder in font collector.
Changed style splitting character, styles with ";" in name works now properly.
Fixed hang after writing "{" with turn on karaoke splitting.
FFMS2 fixed bad chapter name conversion.
Added in options full list of items with possibility of mapping shortcut, and separate list for automation.
Fixed edition in some automation text field.
Fixed bad working Z rotation in some cases.
Fixed bad working tag buttons in some cases.
Added option to turn off visuals warning.
Font collector fixed not working seeking fonts in dialogue lines.
Added new seeking / replacing options and saving settings.
Added pasting styles from store to all tabs.
Added selecting lines on all tabs.
Added more accurate audio timeline.
Fixed crash after loading video via Direct Show and loading corrupted video via FFMS2.
Removed multimedia keyboard shortcuts for sound volume, cause it works also with system sound.
@bjakja bjakja released this May 11, 2018 · 52 commits to master since this release
Changelog in short:
Fixed crash after turn on visual and go into full screen game.
Fixed bad scrollbar positioning of combobox.
Fixed no seeking in Google in text fields.
Fixed crash after loading audio file.
Fixed crash on editing times on audio file without video.
Fixed not working audio via drag and drop.
Fixed crash after audio loading fail.
Fixed not loading audio without full path from subtitles via command line.
Fixed opening many files at time using association.
Fixed bad working changing active tab to be visible.
Added chapters on video seeking bar.
Fixed automation to work with translation mode and other formats than ASS.
Fixed crash after load corrupted MKV file via FFMS2.
Fixed bad working scaling two axis simultaneously in some alignments.
Fixed multisubtitles after turn off editor.
@bjakja bjakja released this Mar 27, 2018 · 68 commits to master since this release
Changelog in short:
Fixed setting matrix TV.601 after loading subtitles and video.
Fixed global shortcuts that should be disabled.
Fixed crash after switch tab with post processor to tab with position shift.
Better karaoke splitting with no tags stripping.
Added to menu saving subtitles with video name.
Hiding visuals toolbar on full screen when editor is disabled.
Added showing missing ASS braces in grid and text field.
Fixed deleting time characters after selecting and using numpad.
Fixed crash after using shortcuts for changing video frame.
Added template highlighting in text field.
Added seeking the same words after double click on word.
Fixed missing nonactive color of main window.
Fixed no refreshing static field with radio buttons after disabling, enabling again.
Added pasting selected text also to replace in find replace window.
Fixed bad misspells drawing when dialogue text contains tabulator.
Added audio shortcuts to grid.
Added button for playing all line when karaoke splitting is on.
Fixed crash after big horizontal stretch on 1.5 hour video.
Fixed removing audio cache and not use corrupted cache after crash or closing when loading.
Dropping files works now only on tab and tab bar.
@bjakja bjakja released this Feb 28, 2018 · 85 commits to master since this release
Changelog in short:
Fixed making k particle on syllables with unicode chars.
Fixed bad working resizing video and audio windows when then are more mouse clicks then releases.
Fixed making karaoke syllable visible on spectrum.
Fixed bad switch to previous syllable when line was changed.
Added loading plain text as ASS format.
Fixed not showing misspell when word is unconvertible to dictionary charset.
Fixed bad spell checker working when hiding tags in grid is turn on.
Fixed no selections after paste many lines on grid end.
Fixed not working dependency.
Fixed bad subtitles resample when aspect ratio are different.
Added aegisub.get_frequency_peeks Lua function for making karaoke effects to rhythm. There are two version this function peekstimes = aegisub.get_frequency_peeks(start_time, end_time, start_frequency, end_frequency, intensity), and times, intensities = aegisub.get_frequency_peeks(start_time, end_time, start_frequency, end_frequency, 0). First gets times when intensity of frequency range was reach. Second when intensity is 0 gives all times and intensities. Intensity depends on audio volume. Normally gets from 0 - silent to 1500 or more.
Fixed no paste theme color and crash which it make later.
Fixed bad selection after run Lua script.
Added nonlinear spectrum it makes speech much more visible.
Fixed no saving to subtitles after writing in fields actor or effect.
Fixed dialog windows positioning on second monitor.
Added time post processor window separately switched by button in shift times window.
Added file associations.
Fixed crash after closing program when audio is loaded to RAM.
Fixed random crashes after video index on slower machines.
Added alternative shortcut (shift+click) for join karaoke syllables.
Fixed bad drawing some elements of grid and text fields.
Changed built in themes to DarkSentro and LightSentro, last themes were added to Themes.
@bjakja bjakja released this Jan 26, 2018 · 114 commits to master since this release
Changelog in short:
Fixed no video frame and audio spectrum after launch Direct X full screen application.
Fixed bad working finding compare match lines on two visible tabs.
Fixed crash after open subs resample window without opened video.
Faster wrap calculation in text fields, Lua scripts with many bugs cannot hang it now.
Fixed opening of multiple menu on right triple click, second menu crashed program after close it.
Added my colorize text field to font collector, now can change color of theme.
Fixed TMP subs loading.
Added open multiple subtitles and video files from open file dialog.
Fixed change of finding word after any find replace information dialog window was shown.
Fixed crash after closing two visible tabs and loading subtitles/video again.
Added changing toolbar alignment from toolbar options.
Changed tag buttons options button which prevents to icon distortion.
Added full time to full screen.
Fixed hiding tab after click on first/last pixel.
Fixed endless popup dialog "not found more misspell".
tag conversion from SRT format.
Added time in name of PNG video screenshots.
Fixed font size preview in font dialog window.
Fixed not working scale/rotation on first mouse move.
Fixed messed drawing audio timescale high horizontal compression.
Changelog in short:
Added spellchecker window.
Added history window.
Fixed crash after click cancel in color picker without loaded video.
Added pasting lines with times of actual video frame.
Added save font filtering, copy column, and paste column to config.
Fixed seeking in not confirmed and not translated.
Fixed video hotkeys on full screen.
Added filtering for subtitles lines.
Added RAM saving when store text of dialogues in history.
Added new options of subtitles comparison.
Added saving of paths of video and audio to subtitles.
Up to 4x faster spectrum and reduced RAM usage.
Many small fixes of new features or even real old bugs.
@bjakja bjakja released this Jun 24, 2017 · 19 commits to NewLUAandMOON since this release
Changelog in short:
Fixed shift in: scaling, positioning, moving, clipping, and drawings.
Added menu for tag buttons management.
Added option for change ASS script info before save.
Fixed no change static text / warning text colors.
Added seeking in original text in find replace window.
Added fonts filtering to contain written characters.
Fixed not working clips rectangle in visual position shifter.
Fixed subtitles resample and added resample xbord, xshad, ybord, yshad tags.
Added "not confirmed" in translation mode, and hotkeys for next "not confirmed", "not translated".
Fixed zero frames using snap to keyframe hotkey.
Fixed font collector log.
Fixed audio spectrum for show always end marker after moving it when selection is not fully visible.
Added option for move also move, t, fad times when shift times is used.
Fixed pasting normal text in time fields.
Added shift times by frame.
Fixed not working stop button.
Speedup for big subtitles file.
Visuals: move, scale, rotation, clip rectangle working with selected lines, can even change entire mocha sequences.
Fixed no snap to keyframes using audio not loaded with video.
@bjakja bjakja released this May 16, 2017 · 31 commits to NewLUAandMOON since this release
Changelog in short:
Spellchecker "N", "n", "h" bug fix.
Showing lines visible on video in subtitles grid.
Visual tools fixes: subtitles don't vanish anymore. Clip and drawing fixes.
Automation fixes: Aegisub Motion, Hydra, Karaoke templater and more now work properly.
Video zoom works with mouse wheel, enter commits it, shift+ctrl+z reset it to default.
Button edit next to style list.
Time field fix.
Option to set maximum of autosave files.
Resampling subs fixes.
Enter and Escape now works in dialog windows.
Option for number of etits to save modification to grid.
Many time / frame fixes.
Added hotkeys buttons: map hotkey, delete hotkey, restore default hotkey.
Changelog in short:
Added window to opening auto save files.
Added opening last session after crash or hang.
Added possibility to set full screen shortcut.
Added window to remove temporary files.
Added dummy video and blank audio.
Smoother playback via FFMS2.
Added colorization of N split and vector drawing in text field.
Postprocessor fixes to avoid colliding lines.
Added editing vector drawings with frz tag.
Fixed navigation tab and tab + shift in all windows.
Fixed crash when visual cross is using when video is playing.
Added visual tool for rest of tags with edition.
Added tag reset when text is selected to all tools of editbox.
Added visual tool rotation Z for calculate rotation from two points. Similar to "clip to frz".
Added visual tool rotation Z for rotation many drawings/texts simultaneously to prevent destroying of its original image.
Works also with clips.
Added visual tool scale for calculate scale from rectangle.
Added visual tool scale for scaling many drawings/texts simultaneously to prevent destroying of its original image.
Works also with clips.
Added visual tool position for calculate position from rectangle and chosen alignment.
Added visual tool move for calculate move from two points and video position.
Removed tool scale rotation and move its possibility to rotation and scale tools.
Added calculating position of many lines with tag pos.
Added stroke of vector drawings and clips in visual tool position shifter.
Added list of vector drawings with edition possibility.
Fixed not working zoom on video loaded via Direct Show.
Luajit update.
Fixed paste and copy columns for non ASS formats.
Kainote v0.9.8.1292
Changelog in short:
Changed spectrum horizontal scaling to not depended from window size.
Added saving position of audio sliders when used mouse wheel.
Added multiline clips and drawings.
Fixed random hang after using undo.
Added saving font size of dialogue text field.
Fixed crash after close last tab.
Fixed unneeded selecting of text in comboboxes of find replace window.
Fixed placing od multiple tags when cursor was between two }{ brackets.
Update of Libass and fixed not working refresh after windows font changing.
Added font preview on style edition font list.
Added using Libass via Direct Show.
Fix for TV.601 matrix.
Added using video matrix via Direct Show.
Fixed wrong inserting lines split with "rn".
Fixed bad drawing active window border when opened two tabs.
Fixed spell checker for languages like Thai.
Fixed word wrapping in text fields.
Fixed tag list in dialogue text field.
Fixed crash after changing subtitles when audio is playing.
Fixes for spellchecker dialog.
Fixed bad theme color update, when theme have missing colors.
Fixed empty lines in find result list when line is too long.
Fixed crash after loading subtitles when visuals are off.
Fixed working visuals when subtitles format is not ASS.
Fixed not scaling for scrollbars and other buttons when open Kainote on 4k screen.
Fixed pasting tags from original to translation text.
Fixed hang when Lua script opens windows for save or open files.
Fixed make folders in Font collector when subtitles or MKV do not have fonts.
Added Scaling program window when screen change to another with different DPI (Windows 8.1 i 10).
Fixed rare hang of static text.
Many fixes of Visuals and video Zoom.
Fixed no subtitles with visual clip or drawing when Libass renderer was used.
Fixed crash when active line exceeds subtitles table.
Fixes for disabling elements of menu and toolbar.
Fixed not visible text field when only audio is loaded.
Fixed bad selecting of Select lines dialog window.
Fixes of postprocessor.
Added save audio and keyframes paths in last session.
Added font catalogs in style edition and font edition.
Fixed crash audio spectrum after resize of program window.
Changelog in short:
fixed not working shrinking video window when extended to whole window.
Added opening video files via FFMS2 on full screen.
Fixed limits in numeric fields.
Added option to turn off playing audio of previous / next line.
Fixed not working "Cancel" when ask if changing styles.
Fixed unwanted focus changing.
Added resizing of "Multireplacer" window.
Fixed margins in position visual.
Fixed no scrollbar in changing tracks window.
Many fixes of postprocessor.
Fixed bad working highlighting of misspells when replacing tags in grid was on.
Added making cross window shortcuts.
Fixed showing results on text of original.
Added option to not changing selection after lines duplication.
Added option to turn off centering active line.
Removed option seeking in original, and make it seeks in translation and original at once.
Fixed crash after change version of FFMS2.dll.
Removed option to multiedition of styles and added asking for it when OK clicked.
Fixed crashes made by video seeking from other thread.
Fixes to visuals: rotation, clip, vector clip, drawing, position, scale, scale-rotation.
Fixed not working double click and drag in dialogue text field.
Updated xy-Vsfilter that fix crash of multiple tabs.
Fixed not working dragging audio start and end line.
Migration to Visual Studio 2017.
Added ASS renderer Libass.
Better refreshing of audio cursor.
Fixed audio shortcut ALT with dragging start and end lines.
Fixes for video chapters.
Added prompts for remove catalog, tabs etc.
Fixed not showing shortcuts in video menu.
Added option to ask once for multiple files with association.
Multiple fixes of subs filtering.
Fixed crash when loading audio failed.
Smoother tabs scrolling.
Fixes for multiple monitors.
Update LuaJIT that allows to use automation when four or more tabs opened.
Silent unneeded video errors, visible still in log window.
Fixed crash caused by video seeking from separate thread.
Changelog in short:
Fixed many elements from Kainote windows / dialogs to works with fonts of size larger than 100%.
Changed max number of tag buttons to 20.
Fixed log windows to appear on main window.
Speed up of subtitles grid and text field for lines contains many characters over 100 000.
Blocking video visuals when line from subtitles preview is shown in editbox.
Fixed not working comparison after undo or redo.
Minimized flickering after changing tabs and showing post processor on Windows 10.
Added custom progress bar.
Added profiles in shift times field.
Added handling of fonts installed for one user in Windows 10.
Added multi threaded seeking and replacing in multi tabs and folder files.
Fixed working of tab bar arrows and added tab text fading.
Added change of font for entire program.
Changed names of languages from symbols to full names.
Added option for loading last session or ask for loading on start of the program.
Added saving last session after some crashes.
Fixed opening of many subtitles from explorer.
Kainote subtitles editor similar to Aegisub but can also play video using DirectShow, can work with more subtitles formats, and have more useful features.
English should turn on automatically after first launch.
If it not work to change language go to menu "Plik" -> ustawienia and in "Edytor" tree tab change it on first list.
Changelog in short:
Added small colorpicker in edit field and style manager opened right mouse button.
Added load last session saved before close program.
Ffmpeg Source 2 video seeking optimization.
Fixed automation crash after closing tab.
Added possibility to use multiple version of VSFilter, works only with Ffmpeg source 2.
Fixed bad playing of dialogue line.
Fixes for system font size higher than 100%. Mostly used on 4k monitors.
Fixes for Subtitles preview and crash after close.
Fixed resize of subtitle resolution.
Added possibility of resize in font picker window.
Fixed selection of the same words in text field.
Updated Ffmpeg Source 2 and fix for video with chroma 4:4:4.
Added possibility to load more languages.
Added languages Chinese and Thai.
Fixed bad calculating of CPS and characters in line.
Kainote subtitles editor similar to Aegisub but can also play video using DirectShow, can work with more subtitles formats, and have more useful features.
With this release English should turn on automatically after first launch.
To change language to English go to menu Plik -> ustawienia and in Edytor tree tab change it on first list.
Changelog in short:
Fixed no turn off/turn on "text original" in find replace after loading subtitles.
Added snap to other points in vector clip/drawing (alt + drag).
Fixed no changing tooltip after closing tab.
Fixed no asking where save demuxed subtitles from MKV
Added keyboard shortcuts for visuals position, position shifter, scaling, WSAD for +-1 and SHIFT + WSAD for +-0.1
Blocked alt + char in text field instead of alt codes.
Fixed no truncating of time in option "Insert with video frame".
Changed filtering method in subtitles grid and lists that should make it faster.
Added "Use comments", "Skip tags", "Skip text" and replacing checked findings in find replace.
Update FFMS2 for version FFMS2000.
Fixed color matrix after change FFMS2 and after demuxing from MKV.
Fixed almost all visuals.
Added tag reset in MDVD->ASS conversion.
Fixed bad check in filter / comparison menu.
Fixed not working ENTER in style edition window.
Added tag list showed after contains tags for normal edition, all tags, VSFiltermod tags, and descriptions.
Better seeking algorithm in drop down lists and font list.
Fixes of color picker.
Fixed random changing font name, bold etc. after changed only size.
Fixed crash after close drop down list on toolbar menu.
Fixes of subtitles preview.
Fixed putting tags in t tag.
Audio spectrum new mouse shortcuts: middle click - move video to audio position, middle double click - play actual line, control + scroll - vertical zoom.
Update xy-VSFilter for newest version.
Added digits changing in dialogue text field: shift + scroll, shift + right dragging.
Fixed randomly not working log window.
Added disabled options in spellchecker window and other fixes.
Center main window on first launch.
Change language on first launch to English when system language is not Polish.
Fixed hang of find in subtitles when filters are empty.
Added tool for change by multiple rules.
Fixed selection in putting text of one subtitles to another.
Added spell checker management from dialogue text field.
Fixed clean styles of hidden lines.
Better visible resizing bars.
Fixed not working undo/redo with visuals.
Set active line in place of first deleted line.
Fixed no modification after add "Lead in" from audio spectrum.
Fixed putting cursor on start after join lines.
Kainote subtitles editor similar to Aegisub but can also play video using DirectShow and can work with more subtitles formats.
To change language to english go to menu Plik -> ustawienia and in Edytor tree tab change it on first list.
Changelog in short:
-Added keyframes loading.
-Added own log window, can show missing logs now.
-Fixed dropdown tooltip.
-Added "times less or even" to shift times window.
-Added visual tool to change scaling and rotation.
-Added shortcut for find replace tabs.
-Added multi style edition.
-Fixed scroll and selection of style list.
-Fixed times saving after edition on audio without autocommit checked.
-Fixed not working pasting font name in font window.
-Added option to hide original in translation mode.
-Added saving showing frames in grid.
-Added preferred audio in FFMS2 mode.
-Added button for font collection in all tabs, and blocking main window only when font collector is running.
-Added list of color type in color window.
-Added colorpicker on right click on editbox color buttons with option to change to left click.
-Added option to go to line or style from font collector log.
-Fixed no reset of FFMS2 video chapters.
-Saving only name of video, audio or keyframes when it's in subtitles folder.
-Added full conversion to MicroDVD.
-Fixes of subtitles preview and added edition of previewed subtitles.
-Added status bar to line text editor.
-Fixed not hiding of second submenu.
-Automation fixed null argument "is_translation".
-Automation fixed bad parsing multiple k in one brackets.
-Added automatic setting start and end time when line have zero times.
-Fixed negative times on mouse scroll.
-Fixed colliding times in time post processor and new end times.
-Fixed random missing video edition when edited line was not visible on video when edited.
-Added automatically changing " to „ and ” while writing.
-Added option for change audio cache files limit.
-Blocked copy fonts of not using styles.
-Fixed not changing resolution after subtitles conversion or loading non ASS file.
-Fixed video slider to not change position after clicking on it without moving.
-Fixed hiding menu from menu bar.
@bjakja bjakja released this Jun 24, 2018
Kainote subtitles editor similar to Aegisub but can also play video using DirectShow and can work with more subtitles formats.
To change language to english go to menu Plik -> ustawienia and in Edytor tree tab change it on first list.
Changelog in short:
Fixed time paste in time text field.
Added real time preview for font edition.
Fixed no turn off visuals after loading non ASS subtitles.
Fixed not showing SRT subtitles on video.
Fixed bad scaling with Shift.
Added undo redo names in main menu.
Fixed menu on second monitor.
Added hiding drawing with comment.
Added opening saved fonts folder in font collector.
Changed style splitting character, styles with ";" in name works now properly.
Fixed hang after writing "{" with turn on karaoke splitting.
FFMS2 fixed bad chapter name conversion.
Added in options full list of items with possibility of mapping shortcut, and separate list for automation.
Fixed edition in some automation text field.
Fixed bad working Z rotation in some cases.
Fixed bad working tag buttons in some cases.
Added option to turn off visuals warning.
Font collector fixed not working seeking fonts in dialogue lines.
Added new seeking / replacing options and saving settings.
Added pasting styles from store to all tabs.
Added selecting lines on all tabs.
Added more accurate audio timeline.
Fixed crash after loading video via Direct Show and loading corrupted video via FFMS2.
Removed multimedia keyboard shortcuts for sound volume, cause it works also with system sound.
@bjakja bjakja released this May 11, 2018 · 52 commits to master since this release
Changelog in short:
Fixed crash after turn on visual and go into full screen game.
Fixed bad scrollbar positioning of combobox.
Fixed no seeking in Google in text fields.
Fixed crash after loading audio file.
Fixed crash on editing times on audio file without video.
Fixed not working audio via drag and drop.
Fixed crash after audio loading fail.
Fixed not loading audio without full path from subtitles via command line.
Fixed opening many files at time using association.
Fixed bad working changing active tab to be visible.
Added chapters on video seeking bar.
Fixed automation to work with translation mode and other formats than ASS.
Fixed crash after load corrupted MKV file via FFMS2.
Fixed bad working scaling two axis simultaneously in some alignments.
Fixed multisubtitles after turn off editor.
@bjakja bjakja released this Mar 27, 2018 · 68 commits to master since this release
Changelog in short:
Fixed setting matrix TV.601 after loading subtitles and video.
Fixed global shortcuts that should be disabled.
Fixed crash after switch tab with post processor to tab with position shift.
Better karaoke splitting with no tags stripping.
Added to menu saving subtitles with video name.
Hiding visuals toolbar on full screen when editor is disabled.
Added showing missing ASS braces in grid and text field.
Fixed deleting time characters after selecting and using numpad.
Fixed crash after using shortcuts for changing video frame.
Added template highlighting in text field.
Added seeking the same words after double click on word.
Fixed missing nonactive color of main window.
Fixed no refreshing static field with radio buttons after disabling, enabling again.
Added pasting selected text also to replace in find replace window.
Fixed bad misspells drawing when dialogue text contains tabulator.
Added audio shortcuts to grid.
Added button for playing all line when karaoke splitting is on.
Fixed crash after big horizontal stretch on 1.5 hour video.
Fixed removing audio cache and not use corrupted cache after crash or closing when loading.
Dropping files works now only on tab and tab bar.
@bjakja bjakja released this Feb 28, 2018 · 85 commits to master since this release
Changelog in short:
Fixed making k particle on syllables with unicode chars.
Fixed bad working resizing video and audio windows when then are more mouse clicks then releases.
Fixed making karaoke syllable visible on spectrum.
Fixed bad switch to previous syllable when line was changed.
Added loading plain text as ASS format.
Fixed not showing misspell when word is unconvertible to dictionary charset.
Fixed bad spell checker working when hiding tags in grid is turn on.
Fixed no selections after paste many lines on grid end.
Fixed not working dependency.
Fixed bad subtitles resample when aspect ratio are different.
Added aegisub.get_frequency_peeks Lua function for making karaoke effects to rhythm. There are two version this function peekstimes = aegisub.get_frequency_peeks(start_time, end_time, start_frequency, end_frequency, intensity), and times, intensities = aegisub.get_frequency_peeks(start_time, end_time, start_frequency, end_frequency, 0). First gets times when intensity of frequency range was reach. Second when intensity is 0 gives all times and intensities. Intensity depends on audio volume. Normally gets from 0 - silent to 1500 or more.
Fixed no paste theme color and crash which it make later.
Fixed bad selection after run Lua script.
Added nonlinear spectrum it makes speech much more visible.
Fixed no saving to subtitles after writing in fields actor or effect.
Fixed dialog windows positioning on second monitor.
Added time post processor window separately switched by button in shift times window.
Added file associations.
Fixed crash after closing program when audio is loaded to RAM.
Fixed random crashes after video index on slower machines.
Added alternative shortcut (shift+click) for join karaoke syllables.
Fixed bad drawing some elements of grid and text fields.
Changed built in themes to DarkSentro and LightSentro, last themes were added to Themes.
@bjakja bjakja released this Jan 26, 2018 · 114 commits to master since this release
Changelog in short:
Fixed no video frame and audio spectrum after launch Direct X full screen application.
Fixed bad working finding compare match lines on two visible tabs.
Fixed crash after open subs resample window without opened video.
Faster wrap calculation in text fields, Lua scripts with many bugs cannot hang it now.
Fixed opening of multiple menu on right triple click, second menu crashed program after close it.
Added my colorize text field to font collector, now can change color of theme.
Fixed TMP subs loading.
Added open multiple subtitles and video files from open file dialog.
Fixed change of finding word after any find replace information dialog window was shown.
Fixed crash after closing two visible tabs and loading subtitles/video again.
Added changing toolbar alignment from toolbar options.
Changed tag buttons options button which prevents to icon distortion.
Added full time to full screen.
Fixed hiding tab after click on first/last pixel.
Fixed endless popup dialog "not found more misspell".
tag conversion from SRT format.
Added time in name of PNG video screenshots.
Fixed font size preview in font dialog window.
Fixed not working scale/rotation on first mouse move.
Fixed messed drawing audio timescale high horizontal compression.
Changelog in short:
Added spellchecker window.
Added history window.
Fixed crash after click cancel in color picker without loaded video.
Added pasting lines with times of actual video frame.
Added save font filtering, copy column, and paste column to config.
Fixed seeking in not confirmed and not translated.
Fixed video hotkeys on full screen.
Added filtering for subtitles lines.
Added RAM saving when store text of dialogues in history.
Added new options of subtitles comparison.
Added saving of paths of video and audio to subtitles.
Up to 4x faster spectrum and reduced RAM usage.
Many small fixes of new features or even real old bugs.
@bjakja bjakja released this Jun 24, 2017 · 19 commits to NewLUAandMOON since this release
Changelog in short:
Fixed shift in: scaling, positioning, moving, clipping, and drawings.
Added menu for tag buttons management.
Added option for change ASS script info before save.
Fixed no change static text / warning text colors.
Added seeking in original text in find replace window.
Added fonts filtering to contain written characters.
Fixed not working clips rectangle in visual position shifter.
Fixed subtitles resample and added resample xbord, xshad, ybord, yshad tags.
Added "not confirmed" in translation mode, and hotkeys for next "not confirmed", "not translated".
Fixed zero frames using snap to keyframe hotkey.
Fixed font collector log.
Fixed audio spectrum for show always end marker after moving it when selection is not fully visible.
Added option for move also move, t, fad times when shift times is used.
Fixed pasting normal text in time fields.
Added shift times by frame.
Fixed not working stop button.
Speedup for big subtitles file.
Visuals: move, scale, rotation, clip rectangle working with selected lines, can even change entire mocha sequences.
Fixed no snap to keyframes using audio not loaded with video.
@bjakja bjakja released this May 16, 2017 · 31 commits to NewLUAandMOON since this release
Changelog in short:
Spellchecker "N", "n", "h" bug fix.
Showing lines visible on video in subtitles grid.
Visual tools fixes: subtitles don't vanish anymore. Clip and drawing fixes.
Automation fixes: Aegisub Motion, Hydra, Karaoke templater and more now work properly.
Video zoom works with mouse wheel, enter commits it, shift+ctrl+z reset it to default.
Button edit next to style list.
Time field fix.
Option to set maximum of autosave files.
Resampling subs fixes.
Enter and Escape now works in dialog windows.
Option for number of etits to save modification to grid.
Many time / frame fixes.
Added hotkeys buttons: map hotkey, delete hotkey, restore default hotkey.