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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for HyperCam

14 March 2025 6.2.2503.14

Crash on moving or resizing the web-camera overlay on a preview window
Crash on trying to capture a web-camera that works with MJPG video
Unable to make a screenshot of the recorded MP4 file with AVC video in Media Editor
Updated Turkish and Italian languages

10 April 2024 6.2.2404.10

Unable to record audio only
Unable to resume the recording after pause
Multiple Media Editor instances on stop recording
Crash on launch when specific Direct Show filters installed
Memory leaks on enumerating audio capture devices

31 August 2022 6.2.2208.31

Crash on closing the application when there are notices created
Random video frame drops
Random audio / video synchronization issues
Freezes on some time-consuming functions
Decreased duration of the MP4 recording stop
Updates in activation system

Added Turkish localization

24 August 2022 6.2.2208.24

Crash on closing the application when there are notices created
Random video frame drops
Random audio / video synchronization issues
Freezes on some time-consuming functions
Decreased duration of the MP4 recording stop
Updates in activation system

Added Turkish localization

05 June 2020 6.1.2006.05

Added settings export and import (Business Edition only)

Fixed an issue when Windows Media codecs settings did not save
15 April 2020 6.0.2004.15

'Voiceover' in Media editor that allows you to overlay any sound or voice comments to your video.
13 April 2020 6.0.2004.13

'Voiceover' in Media editor that allows you to overlay any sound or voice comments to your video.
06 March 2020 5.5.2003.06

Fixes in activation system
06 February 2020 5.5.2002.06

Activation system reports that the key is in use rather than the key is invalid when the key is correct but already activated

Minor fixes in activation system
21 November 2019 5.5.1911.21

Added MXF plugin activation (Business Edition)
15 November 2019 5.5.1911.15

Out of sync in a recoding for XDCAM when output resolution resizing is enabled (Business Edition)
Issues with HyperCam recordings import into Sony Vegas
11 November 2019 5.5.1911.11

Added XDCAM file support in Business Edition, it's available as MXF plugin
08 October 2019 5.5.1910.08

Crash on making a screen shot
Issue when the main interface was not visible after launch
02 August 2019 5.5.1908.02

"MP4 Safe Recording Mode" allows for recording recovery after an unexpected system crash
The "Use Desktop Duplication API" (in the business edition only) delivers 2x higher FPS in recordings (requires Windows 8 and higher)
Ability to reset a previous activation by deleting the license
Update to HyperCam Media Editor with revamped timeline that blends easy-to-use controls from ver. 5 and ver. 6

Optimization for capturing with resolution upscale up to 40%
No activation required after update with next minor version
Recent capture frame sizes popup menu near to "Custom" region selection mode button
Optimization of HyperСam's launch duration

Crash when selecting screen note's background color
Unable to login with Twitch account for streaming
Unable to login with YouTube account for streaming
Recent capture frame sizes are not applied when selected
HyperCam does not save WMV file when export size is set
01 February 2019 5.1.1902.01

Fixed a chrash at the end of a recording
21 August 2018 5.1.1808.21

Facebook's "Continuous Live Streaming" option which allows an unlimited streaming

Separate compressors options for streaming and recording
Applying recommended video compressor's settings based on the capture resolution and famerate

Inability to stream to Facebook
Inability to stream to Twitch
Crash after 20 minutes of a FullHD 60 fps video streaming using a camera device
Unable to start recording when any video compressor's binary is missing
Record area type selection buttons were visible if the screen capture device was not selected
Fixed an issue preventing the mouse clicks capture when recording "audio only"
02 February 2018 5.0.1802.09

WebCam recording and streaming.
Twitch, Facebook and Youtube streaming of game session or video blogging
WebCam and Screen combination with adjustable size, position and preview
Revamped user interface with a modern look
Recording to pre-set export size (resizing)
Modernized good looking screen notes
Detaching and extension of Recent records
MP3 audio codec
Custom DPI support
Media Editor: Automatic preview of recorded video. After recording Media Editor is opened.
Media Editor: New flexible timeline. Ability to create projects with a multitude of input files by dragging them into any part of the timeline
Media Editor: “Media” control for easy access to project source files
Media Editor: Two editing modes for comfortable use: remove unwanted fragments – with “Cut”, and save desired fragments only – with “Keep”
Media Editor: New UI controls for easy selection of fragments by placing “Begin” and “End” markers
20 December 2017 5.0.1712.20

New Modern UI design
28 July 2017 4.0.1707.28

Fixed the issue when HyperCam recorded empty files if Kaspersky Antivirus is installed
Fixed possible crash when opening video options
Fixed crash when trying to choose Uncompressed Video as a Video Compressor
Fixed "Encountered an improper argument" error when the selected audio device removed from the system
The selected Audio Device is not saved between launches
Selecting a maximized window for recording results in restoring the window down
06 November 2015 4.0.1511.06

Upgrade policy notification while checking the upgrades is not displayed
Thumbnails constructing in Recent records window does not work sometimes for MP4 files
The maximized recorded window is minimized after the recording start
Pop up sound menu is enabled while the recording
The window name is not displaying when window mode recording is selected
21 October 2015 4.0.1510.21

Recording screen actions to MP4 files (with AVC video and AAC audio)
Edit recorded MP4, AVI and WMV files with frame accuracy in HyperCam Media Editor
20 November 2013 3.6.1311.20

Localization to Portuguese (Brazil) language

Fixed sound loss while recording
06 October 2013 3.5.1310.06

System hang-ups while running HyperCam
29 November 2012 3.5.1211.29

Certified for Windows 8 compatibility
30 October 2012 3.5.1210.30

Optimized startup speed
Updated HyperCam Media Editor

Hang-ups on the startup
Copy version info button in the “About” dialog
Wrong HуperCam Bar location in the vertical task bar
Crashes when choose “System Audio + Microphone” if no headphones or speakers are plugged in
Portable installation deleted the ordinary version if it was installed before
“Encountered an improper argument“ message if the SRS Audio Essentials installed with the multichannel output configuration
“Line in” or “Stereo mix” selecting caused error
HyperCam 3 didn’t save video settings for Windows Video 1 decoder
Impossible to delete text in screen notes with “Delete” key
New language is applied right away rather than after clicking “OK” button
Unable to start recording to a network path
Some applications crashed when closing HyperCam 3
Optimized thumbnails generation
HyperCam didn’t capture video from Overlay
Bugs with buttons inscriptions in the Russian translation
Skinned Activation dialog
04 June 2012 3.4.1206.04

"Encountered an improper argument" message preventing the further work
Crash if choosing WMAudio Encoder DMO when mouse clicks recording is enabled
Inability to record the System Audio when no microphones enabled
23 May 2012 3.4.1205.23

Automatic check updates feature

Fixed web-links
14 May 2012 3.4.1205.14

Skype session capturing for Windows Vista and higher ( Recording an audio capture device along with system audio )
Sound level indicator
Displaying multiple microphones in audio popup menu
HyperCam Media Editor: updated interface
HyperCam Media Editor: thumbnails generation feature and time format switching(time / time and frames)

Deleted hotkeys F2, F3, F4 haven’t been saved after application restart
Error after restart recording when mouse clicks recording is enabled
16 November 2011 3.3.1111.16

Localization to Italian language
19 October 2011 3.3.1110.19

Help file was updated
27 September 2011 3.3.1109.27

HyperCam hangs when trying to stop WMV/ASF files recording.
Possible crash when trying to choose the WMV9 video encoder.
19 September 2011 3.3.1109.19

Display of duration of the recorded file
Recording audio-only files in WAV/WMA/MP3 formats
Display of filetype of the recorded file in the recent files window (for video, screenshots, a sound)
Portable installation
Upload to YouTube
Option of editing WMV files with frame accuracy in HyperCam Media Editor
Context menu on recent records was added
To each message box a characteristic icon was added

Incorrect display of HyperCam panel if Windows Aero is enabled
Wrong mapping coordinates in the Start X, Start Y, Width, Height fields when selecting the region to be recorded
Assigning hot key if it is already assigned to another action
Open the last records folder and log files, even if these folders are empty yet
Add a macro screen labels after the language switching
Creating a backup copy of the HyperCam license key
Translation of "Uncompressed video" and "Uncompressed audio" strings
Sometimes wrong size of the region to be recorded was shown
08 July 2011 3.2.1107.8

German language support

Recording didn't operate sometimes after pause/resume actions
15 April 2011 3.1.1104.15

Crash during some video codecs initialization
05 April 2011 3.1.1104.5

Localization into Russian language
Possibility to set the speed of recording and playback
Support Windows Media audio codecs that helps to improve sound recording
Support HuffYUV and Lagarith codec that helps to get more high quality records

Red frame, indicating the area to screen capture, falls in record
Problems with sound recording with some codecs settings. Fixed, now in the list of available codecs only those that should work
The size of red frame could be changed. Was fixed
The deleted records remove without placing to the basket
Errors with recording from two screens
03 December 2010 3.1.1012.03

Some fixes to satisfy Compatible with Windows 7 program
23 November 2010 3.1.1011.23

Ability to use Microsoft Screen Codec and write WMV files with further editing
Ability to use some other third party codecs to be pre-setup at PC like MPEG-2, ACV/H264, etc. and put them to ASF files.
Implemented adjustable audio time shift feature, to fix 'out of sync' problem
Now a border follows a moving window in 'Select Window' mode
Implemented drag and drop feature for 'Recent Records' window
Detection of necessary DirectX and Windows Media runtime while installing

Recent record sorting sometimes did not work well
Artifact were produced if to drag some application at overlay video to be recorded
Artifact were produced if grabbed video window was resized
Win 7 DPI changing to 150% caused grabbing region troubles
Some fixes about incorrect border and notices behavior

Some settings in Extras in Interface tabs are now unlocked in Run/Pause mode
10 June 2010 3.0.1006.10

Added command line interface recording and managing

HyperCam was unable to operate under non-administrative account, upon recording stop an error message was delivered
Fixed memory leaks arisen with multiple start/stop recordings
Upon F1 help file was not opened

Installation and binaries signed by Comodo certificate
Screen notes menu added to HyperCam task bar context menu
Increased frame rate and K-frame distance thresholds. Now the values unrestricted
Added ability to log HyperCam actions (for debugging purposes)
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSolveig MultimediaHyperCam 3 use_logger should be set to 1

12 March 2010 3.0.1003.12

Minor component updates and installer improvements
18 December 2009 3.0.912.18

Minor components updates
07 December 2009 3.0.912.7

Some more major and minor bugs have been fixed.

Fixed wrong behavior of a frame which arisen and remained: by pushing ctrl+shift keys (pan lock default key combination); if HC3 was iconized and then restored; by changing options Region/Fullscreen/Windows
HC3 could crash while opening depending on some particular codecs installed. Fixed
Radio buttons – Anchor to the Top/Bottom in Screen Note Setup window could not be switched off
DV Encoder (and some other) settings did not apply. Fixed
Fixed wrong behavior of macros updates in notices
Alt+PrntScrn of HC3 windows did not operate. Fixed
HC3 was unable to grab overlayed video from VLC player. Fixed
Some more major and minor bugs have been fixed
17 August 2009 3.0.908.17

Added correct workflow of mouse clicks sound insertion. It is mixed to any “Source” channel with volume according to the settings

In two monitor configuration sometimes the coordinates were drawn out of HC3 controls
Turning of “Show recording bounds” feature did not work
Now if some being encoders enumerated delivers any message it should arise after splash hiding
Changed buttons with border sync behavior. Now if the border closed a button should get to unpushed state

Enhanced border width/height multiplicity behavior Now if to minimize HC3, it goes to “HyperCam Bar” if “Minimize to HyperCam Bar mode” is switched in
04 August 2009 3.0.908.4

Added delete keyboard button handler to "Recent Records" section

Alt + F4 did not close HC3
Upon run, if "Options" or "Screen Notes Setup" windows were open and "Hide" or "Minimize to HyperBar" mode was chosen, the windows mentioned did not hide
Notice text copied/pasted from Notepad sometimes was spoiled
HC3 icon was not shown in Alt + TAB replacement
Audio/Video problems in Pause/Resume mode
Using "Select windows" feature highlighting border did not match to the selected border which sometimes included window headline
Making screenshot from HyperBaR left a border within an output BMP files

Enhanced windows choosing behavior in multi-monitors configuration
14 July 2009 3.0.907.14

Non-integer time of Screen Notes update.

Fixed problems with HotKeys
"Key Frame Every.." parameter availability check remade.
Full screen screenshots' thumbs are displayed in Recent records section.
HC3 now produces output file with correct frame dimension.
Some registry keys were not removed during uninstallation

Red frame behavior changed.
03 July 2009 3.0.907.3

problem with capture video data with incorrect frame rate. Resulted file played back faster than necessary
changing text in edit boxes accompanied by some garbage arising
codec settings managed vie codec properties were not applied correctly to an output file
key frame number parameter applied not to all codecs. Now it can’t be set to some codec it gets disabled.
08 June 2009 3.0.906.8

crash in Recent Record section caused sometimes by pushing left/right arrows with empty section.
audio capture error. If "Record Sound" was selected sometimes "Video Compressor failure" error message arose
after recording with sound, system volume was muted
file names ware shown truncated in recent records (without resolution info)
some crashes that occurred while overlaid video grabbing
some improvements with audio/video synchronization

added prefixes to screenshot that were rewritten if to make them faster than one per second
11 May 2009 3.0.905.11

Added a resolution to output file names
A context help hints added Representation of BMP screenshots along with AVI files in the "Recent Records" section added
04 May 2009 3.0.905.4

Recording state is indicated by "Pause" button blinking in Leave Opened and "HyperCam Bar" HC3 modes
A note text may be edited by a double click on this note in HyperCam list.
First version of the command line implementation. HC2 command line format has been kept
Saving "Region", "Fullscreen" or "Window" button states upon HC3 close/open
Ability to close the recording borders by double click on the frame label (left-top gray rectangle)
Ability to close the recording borders (red frame) by pushing out corresponding "Region", "Fullscreen" or "Window" button

In full screen mode borders were not shown despite "Show recording borders" settings
Sometime recording borders were overlapped by some windows, now they should be topmost
Arranged default hot-keys according to be the same as in HyperCam 2
If one selected a recorded file and pushed "browse", the explorer window that opens would not always highlight the same AVI file
Some improvements to video/audio synchronization causing 100% CPU load during recording

Disable the ability to get negative coordinates by dragging a border out of a screen bounds
Disable edit boxes while recording to prevent unpredictable behavior
20 April 2009 3.0.904.20

automatically uninstall any older version of HC3 before installing a new one

captured screenshot left a red border
record/stop/screenshot Defaults hot keys were not set upon clicking "Defaults"
crash when starting to record with a hot key, if recording area was not selected

2014.03.27 Version 2.29.00

Better compatibility with Windows 8

2013.07.24 Version 2.28.01

Small bug fixes and performance improvements.

2012.10.24 Version 2.27.01

Fixed -dumpopts and -initfrom command line options to work correctly.

2012.06.06 Version 2.27.00

Fix for selecting screen area (region or window), which did not work correctly under 150% or larger screen magnification.

2012.05.18 Version 2.26.00

Corrected some confusing messages inside HyperCam window.

2011.05.29 Version 2.25.01

Updates for better compatibility with Firefox 4 browser.

2011.03.14 Version 2.24.01

Bug fix - a file recorded with stere sound reported twice the actual lengh of the audio track
Better setup/uninstall

2010.07.14 Version 2.23.02

Small bug fixes

2010.06.07 Version 2.23.01

Added an option to "AVI File" tab to limit the screen capture color mode to 24 bits per pixel. It allows use of video compressors that cannot deal with 32-bpp images on systems that support only 16 and 32 bpp screen color mode. Normally keep this option turned off for better performance, use only if necessary.

2010.05.03 Version 2.22.01

Now made completely free for world-wide use. For a more powerful commercial version of HyperCam check HyperCam 3, developed by our partner, Solveig Multimedia

2010.04.26 Version 2.21.01

Easier recording of YouTube clips from HyperCam Toolbar in IE or FireFox.

2010.02.12 Version 2.20.01

Sound recording in stereo is now available in HyperCam 2
Selection of the sound recording device (such as internal microphone, external microphone, stereo mix etc.) is now much simpler, available directoy on the "Sound" tab of HyperCam.

2010.01.21 Version 2.17.02

Better integration with the optional HyperCam Toolbar in your web browser.

2009.12.15 Version 2.16.03

* Bug fix - after a fresh install (not an upgrade without uninstalling the older version 2.xx) an incorrect default value for frame rate was set, something like a random number, thousands of frames per second. The program would likely crash with such value for frame rate.

2009.11.13 Version 2.16.01

* Added "Open Output Folder" button to "AVI File" tab, to quickly find recorded movie clips.
* Modified the default paramters (right after starting) to record sound, default to 16 bit sound sample size and capture layered/transparent windows.
* Added more command line parameters for external control of the program.

2009.10.01 Version 2.14.04

* Windows 7 compatibility fixes
* 64-bit version of HyperCam released

2007.03.15 Version 2.14.02

* More Vista compatibility issues fixed

3.0.907.3,Update, 2009-07-03

* Fix:
o- problem with capture video data with incorrect frame rate. Resulted file played back faster than necessary
- changing text in edit boxes accompanied by some garbage arising
- codec settings managed vie codec properties were not applied correctly to an output file
- key frame number parameter applied not to all codecs. Now it can’t be set to some codec it gets disabled.

3.0.906.8, Update, 2009-06-08

* Fix:
o- crash in Recent Record section caused sometimes by pushing left/right arrows with empty section.
- audio capture error. If "Record Sound" was selected sometimes "Video Compressor failure" error message arose
- after recording with sound, system volume was muted
- file names ware shown truncated in recent records (without resolution info)
- some crashes that occurred while overlaid video grabbing
- some improvements with audio/video synchronization
* Change:
o- added prefixes to screenshot that were rewritten if to make them faster than one per second

3.0.905.11, Update, 2009-05-11

* Change:
o- A context help hints added Representation of BMP screenshots along with AVI files in the "Recent Records" section added
o- Added a resolution to output file names

3.0.905.4,Update, 2009-05-04

* Fix:
o- In full screen mode a borders were not shown despite "Show recording borders" settings
- Sometime recording borders were overlapped by some windows, now it should be top most
- Arranged default hot-key according to HyperCam 2 ones
- If to select some record and push "browse", not always an explorer being opened highlighted the same AVI file
- Some improvements of video/audio synchronization having 100% CPU load recording
* Feature:
o- Record indication by "Pause" button blinking in Leave Opened and "HyperCam Bar" HC3 modes
- Added notes text selection with attempt to edit that by double click by a note
- First version of command line implementation. HC2 command line format has been kept
- Saving "Region", "Fullscreen" or "Window" button states upon HC3 close/open
- Ability to close the recording borders by double click to a frame label (left-top gray rectangle)
- Ability to close the recording borders (red frame) by pushing out corresponding "Region", "Fullscreen" or "Window" button
* Change:
o- Disable an ability to get negative coordinates by dragging a border out of a screen bounds
- Disable edit boxes while recording to prevent unpredictable behavior

3.0.904.20,Update, 2009-04-22

* Change:
o- automatically uninstall any older version of HC3 before installing a new one
* Fix:
o- captured screenshot left a red border
- record/stop/screenshot Defaults hot keys were not set upon clicking "Defaults"
- crash when starting to record with a hot key, if recording area was not selected

2007.03.15 Version 2.14.02

More Vista compatibility issues fixed

2006.12.15 Version 2.14.01

* Compatibility update for Windows Vista

2006.05.19 Version 2.13.01

* -intitfrom [filename] command line option added to optionally read/save options from an INI file, instead of from the registry.

2005.11.17 Version 2.13.00

* Setup process of HyperCam corrected to read license file and HyCam2.ini file from the same location where HC2Setup.exe is.

2005.09.30 Version 2.12.00

* Small bug fixes - crash when non-existing path entered on "AVI File" tab.

2005.01.20 Version 2.11.00

* HyperCam can now record from secondary monitors on a multi-monitor setup of Windows as well.

2004.08.11 Version 2.10.02

* Updated to capture correct cursor over command prompt ("MS-DOS") windows on Windows 2000, XP and higher.

2004.05.19 Version 2.10.00

New features to screen note allow inserting macros that will display currently pressed keys, date, time, user name and file name and path of recorded AVI movie. Perhaps the most useful of them is the "display pressed keys" macro that could be used in software tutorials.
Bug fixes, e.g. "save screen notes" function did not work correctly in earlier versions 2 - the notes could not be read back without manual editing of the file...

2004.05.10 Version 2.00.01

Bug fix: after starting recording in "Paused" mode (F3 key) - on subsequent pause/resumes no more video frames are recorded.

2004.04.22 Version 2.00.00

Records AVI files that may be bigger than 4 GB if necessary (on Windows NT/2000/XP and higher, NTFS disk partitions)
More options to screen notes added - hot keys, automatic hide after specified time-out
More small changes

2003.11.15 Version 1.72.00

Small bug fix.

2003.04.28 Version 1.71.00

Fix to automation server not registering HyperCam.tlb file upon program startup.

2002.10.03 Version 1.70.05

Fixed Automation call "CaptureSingleFrame", was broken for some time...

2002.09.26 Version 1.70.04

Modified to accept special "software bundle" keys (one key for 3 Hyperionics products). Installer fixed to get the correct default name for "Program Files" folder (may be different on foreign language versions of Windows)

2002.06.21 Version 1.70.03

Added command line parameters that control another running instance of HyperCam (another HyperCam window): -start, -stop, -pause,
-resume, -hide, -show, -minimize, -restore, -exit
Added automation calls to control screen notes.
Fixed a small bug in screen notes, which would not save a default setting for text font.

2002.04.11 Version 1.70.02
HyperCam tried to load DDRAW.DLL when starting or even installing
itself, which is not necessary. Fixed, now this DLL will be loaded only if needed.

2002.02.25 Version 1.70.01

New setting added to "AVI File" tab: "Cursor/Full frame capture ratio" - allows you to capture the cursor movement with greater frequency than the rest of the screen. For example, if you enter 3 here, only every third frame will be fully captured from the screen, the other two will have only cursor position updated. This may result in a smaller movie size and better performance when recording, while still giving an impression of smooth cursor movements.
Added possibility to sort screen notes alphabetically.
All controls except for "Mouse click sound volume" slider are now enabled on "Other Options" tab during recording or paused state to let you change options there, access screen notes menu etc.
Bug fix: HyperCam would crash on Win9x/ME, if clicked on "Stop Recording" button instead of using hot key, and either "star bursts" for mouse clicks or mouse click sound was turned on.
Bug fix: When recording or paused, with "star bursts" or mouse click sound on, it was impossible to show/hide screen notes.

2001.09.14 Version 1.61.02
Updated only the Setup program, to offer an installation for the Current User or for All Users of the machine. This is to conform to the standards for Windows 2000 and XP.

2001.07.26 Version 1.61
New option added to "Screen Area" tab, to record layered and semi-transparent windows under Windows 2000 or XP. This may slow down the recording performance though, so enable only when necessary. "Edit" button added to the bottom row of buttons, to send the currently recorded movie clip to VideoFramer movie editor.

2001.09.14 Version 1.61.02

Updated only the Setup program, to offer an installation for the Current User or for All Users of the machine. This is to conform to the standards for Windows 2000 and XP.

2001.07.26 Version 1.61.01

New option added to "Screen Area" tab, to record layered and semi-transparent windows under Windows 2000 or XP. This may slow down the recording performance though, so enable only when necessary.
"Edit" button added to the bottom row of buttons, to send the currently recorded movie clip to VideoFramer movie editor.

2001.05.21 Version 1.60.02
Corrected a bug in license checking code, where licenses with a name containing certain characters were not recognized as valid.

HyperCam 1.60.01, released 2001.05.18

Added a "Screen Notes" feature to "Other Options" tab of HyperCam. It permits annotating recorded movies with pop-up text boxes.
Added "Use DirectX to capture screen" option to "Screen Area" tab. This option may slightly improve recording performance on some machines. Do not use it when trying to record from full screen games using DirectX or Direct3D drivers!
Added automated check for new versions of HyperCam at Hyperionics web site.

HyperCam 1.51.00, released 1999.10.21
Made sound recording buffers 2x longer to improve sound recording at extreme processor loads.
Added extra Automation properties and methods:
- Get/SetClickVolume
- ActivateTab
- DeleteTab
- RestoreAllTabs

HyperCam 1.50.00, released 1999.07.05
New features:
The ability to record mouse click sounds. You can enable this option from "Other Options" tab, by setting the mouse click volume to anything higher than 0. The sounds itself are in small WAV files in HyperCam directory, named with two numbers (sound sample and sampling rate), followed by letter "d" for down mouse click, or "u" for mouse up. You can replace these files with your own versions, if you don't like ours, but they must be short and in their exact format.
If Windows is shut down while HyperCam is still recording, or if it runs out of disk space, the AVI file will be closed correctly.

Back to the top

HyperCam 1.40.00, released 1999.05.17
HyperCam window now offers a new tab labeled "Other Options". Currently it contains check boxes to enable/disable cursor recording, and - new feature - add starbursts when mouse buttons are clicks. The duration, size and color of these starbursts can be also controlled on this tab.

Added new button, "Configure this Codec", to display the native configuration dialog of the selected codec (provided by Codec DLL itself).

HyperCam now remembers the last codec used, when exited and restarted.

Added the "Record Sound" check box also to the "Sound" tab, to avoid confusion created previously, when this box was only available on "AVI File" tab.

Recording and Paused mode are now visually distinguished by the thickness of the blinking frame, surrounding the recorded area. Thicker frame means recording, thin (1 pixel) frame means paused.

Fixed bug where sound would go out of sync with video after several minutes, if the frame rate value did not divide 100
without a remainder.

HyperCam 1.34.00, released 1998.09.04
Using Alt-Keyboard shortcuts in certain situations would hang the program, fixed.
AVI file frame size must be a multiple of 4, or else strange things happen in many players. Corrected the size entry functions to round width and height up or down to a nearest multiple of 4.
Automation method: CaptureSingeFrame() did not work, fixed.

HyperCam 1.32.00, released 1998.06.20
Prepared HyperCam for registrations with NetSales. Added "Delete License" button on the "License" tab. Fixed some small bugs.

HyperCam 1.31.00, released 1998.06.03
Changed the visual feedback of different HyperCam states - e.g. upon pause of recording, it will no longer display big X across the recorded area, which sometimes was causing problems. Instead, the HyperCam window and icon title is changed from HyperCam - Recording to HyperCam - Paused, and the icon shape in title bar and task bar button is changed. What if you hide completely HyperCam window when recording? Well, it appears in the task bar if you pause recording, and hides again if you resume.

Back to the top

HyperCam 1.30.00, released 1998.02.20
Added automation support to control HyperCam from OLE Automation client programs, e.g. from Visual Basic. Added sound recording at 8000 samples per second. Added "Show Flashing Rectangle..." button to the "Screen Area" tab.

HyperCam 1.20.04, released 1997.12.04
Minor fixes in license check and added -nox option (see help file).

HyperCam 1.20.02, released 1997.09.16
Minor fixes - help file page displayed on More... button press of the About box was incorrect.
HyperCam license was re-saved on each startup causing minor (barely, if at all) noticable delay.

HyperCam 1.20.01, released 1997.09.09
Fixed a bug in ver. 1.20.00, where HyperCam would just crash on "Start Recording" on Windows 95.

HyperCam 1.20, released 1997.09.08
Added single frame shot hot key, that operates in "Pause" mode. Some minor bug fixes as well. Added new, expanded help.

HyperCam 1.19, released 1997.05.09
Fixed two problems: starting recording in 256 color mode would produce sometimes invalid AVI files (when, upon minimizing HyperCam window for recording, another window with a different palette would come to front and realize its palette). The other problem: selecting AVI file name with Browse button would not always work correctly.

HyperCam 1.18, released 1997.04.17
Sorry for so many updates lately. One more bug found and fixed: starting recording in "Paused" mode (F3 hot key) would do strange things. Fixed.

HyperCam 1.17, released 1997.04.15
Fixed a problem in licenses. Fixed also a bug where HyperCam would crash after recording more than 2 minuts of video on some Windows 95 systems. Fixed problem with saving video compression quality setting.

HyperCam 1.16, released 1997.04.10
Added a number of command line options to auto-start recording and override the defaults. Increased the sound buffers for high quality sound recording. Fixed incorrect values of sound sampling rate displayed on the Sound tab.

HyperCam 1.15, released 1997.04.03
I'm sorry, rel. 1.14 was not right. It recorded the sound with wrong format information, and you could not switch between high and low quality sound at all. It's all fixed now, honest! Added a separate Sound tab, with even more sound parameters to select from. Also (hopefully) fixed a rare problem when HyperCam would produce invalid AVI files.

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HyperCam 1.14, released 1997.04.01
Added a selection to set high quality sound when recording. It's a check-box on AVI File tab. If checked on, HyperCam records 16 bit sound samples at a rate of 22050 per second. If checked off, 8 bit samples are recorded at 11025 samples per second.

HyperCam 1.13, released 1997.03.10
Added a separate setting for playback frame rate on AVI File tab, which may be now set different from recording rate. However, if the playback is different from recording rate, you can not record sound.
Separated resources into a separate CamRes.dll for easier translation into foreign languages.

HyperCam 1.12, released 1997.01.17
Fixed: custom shapes of Windows 95 cursors were not captured correctly - they were always dispalyed as standard cursors. Controls inside HyperCam dialog are now disabled while recording a movie.
You can now use Tab key to move the focus between all controls of HyperCam dialog.
Fixed GDI resource leak on Windows 95 (could prevent you from recording very long clips, or many short clips without exiting HyperCam).

HyperCam 1.11, released 1997.01.09
Fixed problems on Hebrew version of Windows 95, and on Windows NT 3.51.

HyperCam 1.1, released 1997.01.08
This is the first full release of HyperCam. It was proceeded by a number of beta test releases between November 1996 and January 1997.

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