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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for HandySaw DS

March 4, 2024
HandySaw DS version has been released. Changes include:
FFmpeg updated to version 6
LAVFilters updated to version 0.78
Fixed minor layout problems in the main and Manual Trimmer forms
Fixed garbage in the Detected Scenes value in the Scenes Redetection form
Fixed jog panel drawing with non-default DPI
Fixed an issue where the app does not restore after the Manual Trimmer window was minimized

February 17, 2023
HandySaw DS version has been released. This new version includes the following updates:
First x64 version of HandySaw DS
Added support for HighDPI displays
Improved DInfo creation and failure logging when the server is not registered
Updated DGrabber.dll
Replaced script execution with our own IScriptRun implementation that uses the IActiveScript interface family natively, without IScriptControl. As a result, MS Script Control is no longer needed
Added a 'On hybrid CPUs use only P-cores' parameter
Added global priority setting propagation to the ffmpeg process
Fixed a black flash at video playback start in the Trimmer
Fixed a 'COM is in use' alert message that appeared when uninstalling the application

Version 4.7

First x64 version of HandySaw DS
Add support for HighDPI displays
Improve DInfo creation and failure logging for a case when server is not registered
Update DGrabber.dll
Replace script execution with own IScriptRun implementation that uses IActiveScript interface family natively, without IScriptControl. So MS Script Control is not needed anymore
Add 'On hybrid CPUs use only P-cores' parameter
Add global priority setting prapagation to ffmpeg process
Fix black flash at video playback start in Trimmer
Fix 'COM is in use' alert message when uninstall the application

HandySaw DS version is released:

FFmpeg is updated to 4.4.1 version
Ability to append scene comment to file name during splitting was added
New FFmpeg Splitting Engine profile 'MP4 High Quality' was added
All FFmpeg Splitting Engine profiles was updated so all streams except data streams are copied from source to target files
Command line /t and /d parameters processing was fixed

HandySaw DS version is released:
Ability to work with license key in form of a text string was added

HandySaw DS is updated to version
LAV Filters package was updated
Additional version of FFmpeg compatible with Windows XP was removed. From now on the minimum supported version is Windows Vista
Compatibility with MagicYUV Lossless Video Codec and UT Video Codec Suite was improved
Memory management was improved. That allows a better work with a large number of scenes in Trimmer
A bug with the inability to run multiple instances of the program was fixed
Several other minor improvements and fixes

HandySaw DS version is released:
FFmpeg updated
Several minor fixes

HandySaw DS updated to version
Trimmer user interface has been improved, it has become much more responsive
Now preview images in scene list can be freely resized
Thumbnail extraction engine has been improved
Scene redetection tool has been extended by adding settings for scene trimming and merging
Scene redetection tool window now also is resizable
Properties FrameType, AspectX, AspectY and IsExtInfoValid added to SDK
Final Cut XML.js plg-in has been updated to version 1.80: format compatibility has been improved by using of new properties of SDK
HSQ files format has been changed, now version 4
Shell context menu item now added to .MXF too
ffmpeg and lavfilters have been updated
Several other minor improvements and fixes

Version 4.6

Trimmer user interface has been improved, it has become much more responsive
Now preview images in scene list can be freely resized
Thumbnail extraction engine has been improved
Scene redetection tool has been extended by adding settings for scene trimming and merging
Scene redetection tool window now also is resizable
Properties FrameType, AspectX, AspectY and IsExtInfoValid added to SDK
Final Cut XML.js plg-in has been updated to version 1.80: format compatibility has been improved by using of new properties of SDK
HSQ files format has been changed, now version 4
Shell context menu item now added to .MXF too
ffmpeg и lavfilters have been updated
Several other minor improvements and fixes

Version 4.5

Ability to finely configure a process of selection of DirectShow filters for use by application was added
LAV Filters included in installation package and used without installation in system
Thumbnail extraction engine reworked and improved
DirectShow splitting engine totally refactored
Debug logging system optimized
Processing of video when frame width is not multiple of 8 fixed
"Final Cut XML.js" plug-in updated to be compatible with Adobe CC
"Export scenes with markers to files" command added to Trimmer
Compatibility with LAV filters improved
Export To File from Manual Trimmer now processes all marked scenes
Wavdest DirectShow filter now included and used when necessary without installation in system
Added FFmpeg Splitting Engine profile that copies media starting from nearest previous video keyframe
All Split engines now save scene name and comment to file as metadata
Scene name and comment now saved in file during Export To File from Manual Trimmer
Compatibility with 3rd party DirectShow filters improved
FFmpeg updated
Vertical scaling in scenes redetection dialog of Manual Trimmer added
Taskbar progress indication in Windows 7 added
Manual Trimmer video playback engine improved
Minor fix in frame-timecode conversion routines
Numerous minor improvements and fixes
Version 4.4

QuickTime splitting engine added
Version 4.3

FFmpeg splitting engine added
"Split by ffmpeg.js" plug-in removed
Mpegcut.dll usage removed
Self-tuning added to thumbnails retrieving and Manual Trimmer positioning routines
Scene margins support added to Split result
SaveToTextFile method added to SDK
Lang property added to SDK
When HSQ file loaded and media file is missed user asked about new file location
Cut list import in Manual Trimmer added
Now comments are appending instead of assigning in Manual Trimmer
Debug capabilities extended
Online new version checking added
Max value of scene trimming increased to 999
Interface font changed to TrueType "Microsoft Sans Serif"
"Break in timestamps enough for new scene start" parameter added
RGB to YUV conversion internal routine added
YUV colorspace now is default
Several minor improvements
Version 4.2

Windows Vista compatibility improved
Several scene naming templates added
Several user interface design changes
"Split by VirtualDub.js" plug-in improved
"Split by ffmpeg.js" plug-in improved
Version 4.1

Now plug-ins can have adjustable by user parameters
Thumbnails retrieving routines rewritten
Some core routines rewritten
Version 4.01

Saving of each scene of a WMV file in separate WMV a file without recompression is added
You can choose how many thumbnails per scene Manual Trimmer shows in scenes list
Several bugs was fixed
Bugs tracking system is added
Version 4

Support of plug-ins of generation of result is added
Recognition of "black" and "white" scenes is added
Scene detector can work in YUV color space
Work with MPEG2 files is improved
Choice of codecs for video and audio recompression
Saving of each scene of a MPEG file in separate MPEG a file without recompression
Adjustments of parameters of creation of AVI files are added
Fine adjustments of parameters of MPEG files reading are added
New tool - MPEG Filter Test
The choice of the renderer filter is added
Multilanguage support is added
Procedure of video processing actions choice is changed
Interface of Manual Trimmer is slightly changed
The out-of-date control elements are removed
The global menu in Manual Trimmer is added
The type of result Vegas EDL is compatible with Vegas version 5
New parameters of a command line are added
Manual Trimmer is optimized
Version 3.21

The new type of result - Vegas EDL is added
If video contains the information on time of shooting it is displayed in Manual Trimmer
In the processing log-file the method of scenes detection for each processed file is displayed
The bug, resulting to that sometimes video was recognized optically even if there was an information on time of shooting in the file, is corrected
Version 3.2

The report generator - Clip Sheet is added
The mechanism of optical redetection of scenes is added
Scene naming templates are added
Possibility to process video of the Windows Media format
The format of HSQ files is changed - now version 2
Possibility to speed up optical recognition of files of some formats at the expense of usage of video of the reduced quality is added
Version 3.1

The algorithm of ignoring of flashlights is added
Search of scenes on time of shooting is added
Version 3

Manual editing of scenes - Manual Trimmer tool
In Split mode the information about timecode of initial video is saved
The type of result - PSQ 5
The type of result - PSQ 6
Own HSQ file format
Version 2.02

Two errors in the mechanism of copying AVI of files in Split mode are corrected. In rare cases they resulted to that resulting files could not be played back.
Version 2

Usage of Microsoft DirectShow API and consequently abbreviation DS has been added to a program name
The support of AVI Type 2 — files more than 1 Gigabyte
DV files support
One algorithm for optical recognition of the scenes with an adjusted threshold of sensitivity
Batch operation
Two kinds of PLB files can be created — Compatible PLB and Usage PLB
New kind of result — Simple List
The advanced command line mode
Correct recognition of audio in separate WAV file
Correct processing of dropped frames
Limitation of minimum length of the retrieved scenes
The date of creation of a source file is assigned to files created in the Split mode
"Quiet mode" - the dialogues with error messages are not output
The process can set priority of execution
Possibility of recording of processing errors in the log-file
Possibility of recording of processing results in the log-file
Integration with Windows explorer
Detailed realtime statistics during execution
Version 1.2b

The structure of created .PBL file was considerably perfected. Now project, created with the HandySaw use, can be trimmed (Utilites/Project Trimmer).
The correct recognition of any values of "Frames Per Second" of a source video was added.
The possibility to discard adjusted quantity of last frames of each scene was added.
The indexing of the scenes now is carried on in decimal format instead of in hexadecimal.
Generated .PLB files are compatible with Adobe Premiere 6 now. It is recommended to import them to the project via FileImportFile.
Version 1.1b2

Small bug of audio disappearing in long source splitting was fixed.
Version 1.1b

The opportunity to save each found scene in separate AVI file was added. Now HandySaw can be used with any videoediting system, not only Adobe Premiere 5.*.
Version 1.0b3

NTSC 30fps and 29.97fps support was added.
Version 1.0b2

The improved algorithm of recognition was added. Percent of the detected cuts was rather increased.
The DV mode was added. Very slow. It is sensitive to any distortions of a picture, accepts them for cuts. The sole mode, which can be used in DV-systems.
In the main window of the program the information on an amount of the detected cuts, elapsed time and scan speed was added.
The name of a source file can be set with the "Drag'n'Drop" from Windows Explorer and as program argument at start.
Version 1.0b

First issued version of the program. One base algorithm of scene recognition was realized.

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