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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for HBBatchBeast
Bug related:
-Fixed Linux/macOS filename apostrophe issue (No longer necessary to remove apostrophes from filenames)
-Added daily scan schedule time window - hh:mm - hh:mm. Queue will automatically be continued inside the time window and automatically paused outside of the time window.
-Filter queue and session output items.
-Health check output now shows all items, can filter.
-Verbose health check error logs removed unless 'Save verbose logs?' Checked.
-Moved file container filter to System tab.
-Option to reverse queue order.
-Added date to 'Finish time'
Bug related:
Fixed bug when using both file property filter + size filter.
Fixed move corrupt file bug in certain circumstances.
Fixed UI bug when pausing queue then starting new scan/convert.
Fixed set process priority bug when health checking.
Reduced live log verboseness.
Option to save verbose logs.
'Replace original file' cache now applies to both scenarios ('Replace original file if converted file is smaller' & 'Replace original file always')
Several UI improvements.
Bug related:
Small fix for creating '/Documents/HBBatchBeast' for config and logs folders when first initialising.
Bug related:
Fixed UI HandBrake percentage glitch.
Files excluded due to 'Exclude files smaller/larger than' filter will be copied if 'Copy excluded files to destination' is selected.
Improved initialisation of sub-processes. Previously, slower systems may not have started sub-processes quickly enough and would hang.
Fixed destination folder inside source folder validation.
Menus, alerts and 30+ tooltips in 64 languages
Live log with over 150 statuses.
Thorough health check and repair file feature based on u/Desani's PowerShell script CLI commands. Huge thanks to him!
Up to 10 configurations now available. Configurations will need to be redone. Apologies for this.
Logs and config folders have changed to inside your 'Documents' folder to make updating easier in future. Please move your logs folder to the new location in order to retain healthy file logs etc.
-CLI commands are exported to a text file inside the log folder so you can run them separately. Click 'Scan only', 'Deselect all' and then 'Convert selected'. This will skip all files in HBBatchBeast but will still generate the command list for you to use.
-FFmpeg now shows percentages
Warning when using NVENC to lower the number of workers due to VRAM limitations.
Warning when using imported presets to remove '"PictureRotate": "0:0"' from preset file.
Option to automatically remove apostrophes from filenames (useful for Linux users).
Option to now specify any container you like instead of just '.mp4', 'm4v' and 'm4a' as previously.
Option for output filename suffixes.
Bug related:
-Charts/stats now work offline
-Web app so you can now monitor progress remotely.
-Benchmark feature (4K h265 sample video used-2.5MB)
-Option to set as low process priority for Windows, macOS and Linux (previously only on Linux).
-HBBB will now detect if a conversion is stagnant. If so, conversion will be cancelled automatically.
-Notification if there's an update
-More detail added to error logs when original file cannot be replaced
-"Delete source files after conversion" will now be done at the very end once all conversions have been done.
This allows the same source files to be converted into multiple formats/presets and then the original file is deleted.
-Option to automatically run when HBBB is opened (useful for when servers are restarted).
Just a small update due to the below bug:
Bug related:
Pause and continue queue fixed
Can now specify input and output parameters for FFmpeg (separate with comma - input comes first). E.g.:
-hwaccel cuvid -c:v h264_cuvid -resize 640x360 , -c:v h264_nvenc -preset medium -profile:v main -rc constqp -qp 22 -c:a copy -y
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this 6 days ago · 23 commits to master since this release
Bug related:
Fixed UI bug when using multiple presets being used (thanks to u/MasterChiefmas for spotting).
Can now convert using FFmpeg!
FFprobe is now also used during health checking and to allow inclusion/exclusion of files by properties (such as video/audio codec, bitrate, resolution etc).
FFmpeg and FFprobe binaries are fully included so unfortunately, the overall size of HBBB has round about doubled.
Media info viewer tool to scan file properties (useful for determining what properties you want to include/ignore for the above feature)
Updated UI - pie chart now shows 'Cancelled' and 'Other' items.
Extra validation checks are now performed to double check if HandBrake or FFmpeg have produced an output file. Due to a HandBrakeCLI bug with exported JSON presets, HBBB was showing a conversion as 'Successful' even if no file was output. This should prevent problems like this in future.
Option to replace original files with converted files.
Option to filter files based on size (in MB)
Option to copy .srt files across to destination folder.
Option to specify queue view size limit (default 1000 items).
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this 18 days ago · 137 commits to master since this release
Bug related:
Fixed excessive RAM issue when folder watching for long periods.
Identified issue with custom presets exported from HandBrake. Not an issue with HBBB but with HandBrakeCLI - Removing '"PictureRotate": "0:0"' from the JSON preset resolves the issue (or if it's a different error then the first addition below will help resolve the issue.)
Linux issue with filenames which contain quotes - don't think it's possible to fix this issue. Windows purposefully doesn't allow filenames with double quotes in to prevent these types of issues. Will keep looking though.
Full HandBrakeCLI console output is now logged for each worker thread. "View HB Console output" button added. This should allow people to resolve issues such as the aforementioned preset issue more easily.
A message is now given when closing the program to double check you're wanting to close down any conversion processes.
Option to replace the original file if the converted file is smaller.
File title word filter. Enter keywords to be filtered out when scanning for files. For example, if "720p" is entered, then any files with "720p" in the title will not be converted. Again, keywords need to be separated by a comma. Option added copy filtered files directly to the destination folder.
Daily scanning. Set a specific time to scan/convert.
Option to now automatically create temporary conversion and destination folders if they don't exist.
Option to run HandBrake threads at low priority on Linux. Still looking at ways to get this working on Windows and macOS.
Option to move corrupt files into a specific folder after health check.
Moved help page to GitHub Wiki.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Feb 24 · 186 commits to master since this release
Added 'Cancel item' button for each worker. This is disabled while worker threads switch from one file to the next.
Added 'Stop queue' button to kill all conversion processes and worker threads.
If queue is paused, 'Continue queue' button is now disabled until all workers have finished their current items.
Fixed bug whereby files would not be moved from temp to destination folder if those folders were on different drives.
Fixed bug whereby filenames containing '$' would cause errors on macOS and Linux.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Feb 16 · 214 commits to master since this release
Healthy file cache for the health check feature to prevent re-scanning of healthy files (clear cache button added).
File scanning is now in its own thread so it doesn’t block up the main window. Also much much faster.
Further sub-threads to improve performance and extract more data from the HandbrakeCLI in real time.
File conversion percentages are shown.
Detailed error logs are shown for corrupt files to determine what’s wrong with them (or why Handbrake can’t deal with them). Can view by pressing button next to item or by viewing full log text file.
Can pause and continue health checks/conversion queues (please let all workers pause before continuing queue).
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Feb 13 · 233 commits to master since this release
Re-written large portions of code for stability - sub-process queue manager to prevent thread conflicts. Tested with 100 simultaneous handbrake workers/threads. Improved UI smoothness. Fixed graph bug.
Viewing queue sizes above 1000 files is now disabled for performance.
Email notifier added so you can be notified if an error is produced during health check or conversion/folder watching.
Removed file size collection due to it significantly slowing down queue building, especially with large folders.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Feb 1 · 243 commits to master since this release
Complete UI redesign
Improved queue efficiency
Can minimise to tray on Windows (+ status notifications)
More information on scan/conversion status.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Jan 30 · 255 commits to master since this release
Fixed a bug whereby the countdown for folder-watching wouldn't start if no new files were detected.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Jan 29 · 265 commits to master since this release
Now no problems with special characters in Windows source paths.
No need to give execution rights to scripts on Linux and macOS anymore.
Fixed some queue visualisation glitches.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Jan 28 · 282 commits to master since this release
Health check button now built-in.
Unlimited amount of workers can now be spawned. Recommended no more than 4. High numbers have produced errors in testing. You need to enable the additional worker scripts in macOS and Linux (See README)
Queue visualization hugely optimized.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Jan 27 · 293 commits to master since this release
Watching multiple folders now is supported with the option of specifying a different preset for each folder.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Jan 26 · 330 commits to master since this release
First HBBatchBeast nodejs pre-release for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Bug related:
-Fixed Linux/macOS filename apostrophe issue (No longer necessary to remove apostrophes from filenames)
-Added daily scan schedule time window - hh:mm - hh:mm. Queue will automatically be continued inside the time window and automatically paused outside of the time window.
-Filter queue and session output items.
-Health check output now shows all items, can filter.
-Verbose health check error logs removed unless 'Save verbose logs?' Checked.
-Moved file container filter to System tab.
-Option to reverse queue order.
-Added date to 'Finish time'
Bug related:
Fixed bug when using both file property filter + size filter.
Fixed move corrupt file bug in certain circumstances.
Fixed UI bug when pausing queue then starting new scan/convert.
Fixed set process priority bug when health checking.
Reduced live log verboseness.
Option to save verbose logs.
'Replace original file' cache now applies to both scenarios ('Replace original file if converted file is smaller' & 'Replace original file always')
Several UI improvements.
Bug related:
Small fix for creating '/Documents/HBBatchBeast' for config and logs folders when first initialising.
Bug related:
Fixed UI HandBrake percentage glitch.
Files excluded due to 'Exclude files smaller/larger than' filter will be copied if 'Copy excluded files to destination' is selected.
Improved initialisation of sub-processes. Previously, slower systems may not have started sub-processes quickly enough and would hang.
Fixed destination folder inside source folder validation.
Menus, alerts and 30+ tooltips in 64 languages
Live log with over 150 statuses.
Thorough health check and repair file feature based on u/Desani's PowerShell script CLI commands. Huge thanks to him!
Up to 10 configurations now available. Configurations will need to be redone. Apologies for this.
Logs and config folders have changed to inside your 'Documents' folder to make updating easier in future. Please move your logs folder to the new location in order to retain healthy file logs etc.
-CLI commands are exported to a text file inside the log folder so you can run them separately. Click 'Scan only', 'Deselect all' and then 'Convert selected'. This will skip all files in HBBatchBeast but will still generate the command list for you to use.
-FFmpeg now shows percentages
Warning when using NVENC to lower the number of workers due to VRAM limitations.
Warning when using imported presets to remove '"PictureRotate": "0:0"' from preset file.
Option to automatically remove apostrophes from filenames (useful for Linux users).
Option to now specify any container you like instead of just '.mp4', 'm4v' and 'm4a' as previously.
Option for output filename suffixes.
Bug related:
-Charts/stats now work offline
-Web app so you can now monitor progress remotely.
-Benchmark feature (4K h265 sample video used-2.5MB)
-Option to set as low process priority for Windows, macOS and Linux (previously only on Linux).
-HBBB will now detect if a conversion is stagnant. If so, conversion will be cancelled automatically.
-Notification if there's an update
-More detail added to error logs when original file cannot be replaced
-"Delete source files after conversion" will now be done at the very end once all conversions have been done.
This allows the same source files to be converted into multiple formats/presets and then the original file is deleted.
-Option to automatically run when HBBB is opened (useful for when servers are restarted).
Just a small update due to the below bug:
Bug related:
Pause and continue queue fixed
Can now specify input and output parameters for FFmpeg (separate with comma - input comes first). E.g.:
-hwaccel cuvid -c:v h264_cuvid -resize 640x360 , -c:v h264_nvenc -preset medium -profile:v main -rc constqp -qp 22 -c:a copy -y
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this 6 days ago · 23 commits to master since this release
Bug related:
Fixed UI bug when using multiple presets being used (thanks to u/MasterChiefmas for spotting).
Can now convert using FFmpeg!
FFprobe is now also used during health checking and to allow inclusion/exclusion of files by properties (such as video/audio codec, bitrate, resolution etc).
FFmpeg and FFprobe binaries are fully included so unfortunately, the overall size of HBBB has round about doubled.
Media info viewer tool to scan file properties (useful for determining what properties you want to include/ignore for the above feature)
Updated UI - pie chart now shows 'Cancelled' and 'Other' items.
Extra validation checks are now performed to double check if HandBrake or FFmpeg have produced an output file. Due to a HandBrakeCLI bug with exported JSON presets, HBBB was showing a conversion as 'Successful' even if no file was output. This should prevent problems like this in future.
Option to replace original files with converted files.
Option to filter files based on size (in MB)
Option to copy .srt files across to destination folder.
Option to specify queue view size limit (default 1000 items).
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this 18 days ago · 137 commits to master since this release
Bug related:
Fixed excessive RAM issue when folder watching for long periods.
Identified issue with custom presets exported from HandBrake. Not an issue with HBBB but with HandBrakeCLI - Removing '"PictureRotate": "0:0"' from the JSON preset resolves the issue (or if it's a different error then the first addition below will help resolve the issue.)
Linux issue with filenames which contain quotes - don't think it's possible to fix this issue. Windows purposefully doesn't allow filenames with double quotes in to prevent these types of issues. Will keep looking though.
Full HandBrakeCLI console output is now logged for each worker thread. "View HB Console output" button added. This should allow people to resolve issues such as the aforementioned preset issue more easily.
A message is now given when closing the program to double check you're wanting to close down any conversion processes.
Option to replace the original file if the converted file is smaller.
File title word filter. Enter keywords to be filtered out when scanning for files. For example, if "720p" is entered, then any files with "720p" in the title will not be converted. Again, keywords need to be separated by a comma. Option added copy filtered files directly to the destination folder.
Daily scanning. Set a specific time to scan/convert.
Option to now automatically create temporary conversion and destination folders if they don't exist.
Option to run HandBrake threads at low priority on Linux. Still looking at ways to get this working on Windows and macOS.
Option to move corrupt files into a specific folder after health check.
Moved help page to GitHub Wiki.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Feb 24 · 186 commits to master since this release
Added 'Cancel item' button for each worker. This is disabled while worker threads switch from one file to the next.
Added 'Stop queue' button to kill all conversion processes and worker threads.
If queue is paused, 'Continue queue' button is now disabled until all workers have finished their current items.
Fixed bug whereby files would not be moved from temp to destination folder if those folders were on different drives.
Fixed bug whereby filenames containing '$' would cause errors on macOS and Linux.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Feb 16 · 214 commits to master since this release
Healthy file cache for the health check feature to prevent re-scanning of healthy files (clear cache button added).
File scanning is now in its own thread so it doesn’t block up the main window. Also much much faster.
Further sub-threads to improve performance and extract more data from the HandbrakeCLI in real time.
File conversion percentages are shown.
Detailed error logs are shown for corrupt files to determine what’s wrong with them (or why Handbrake can’t deal with them). Can view by pressing button next to item or by viewing full log text file.
Can pause and continue health checks/conversion queues (please let all workers pause before continuing queue).
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Feb 13 · 233 commits to master since this release
Re-written large portions of code for stability - sub-process queue manager to prevent thread conflicts. Tested with 100 simultaneous handbrake workers/threads. Improved UI smoothness. Fixed graph bug.
Viewing queue sizes above 1000 files is now disabled for performance.
Email notifier added so you can be notified if an error is produced during health check or conversion/folder watching.
Removed file size collection due to it significantly slowing down queue building, especially with large folders.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Feb 1 · 243 commits to master since this release
Complete UI redesign
Improved queue efficiency
Can minimise to tray on Windows (+ status notifications)
More information on scan/conversion status.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Jan 30 · 255 commits to master since this release
Fixed a bug whereby the countdown for folder-watching wouldn't start if no new files were detected.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Jan 29 · 265 commits to master since this release
Now no problems with special characters in Windows source paths.
No need to give execution rights to scripts on Linux and macOS anymore.
Fixed some queue visualisation glitches.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Jan 28 · 282 commits to master since this release
Health check button now built-in.
Unlimited amount of workers can now be spawned. Recommended no more than 4. High numbers have produced errors in testing. You need to enable the additional worker scripts in macOS and Linux (See README)
Queue visualization hugely optimized.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Jan 27 · 293 commits to master since this release
Watching multiple folders now is supported with the option of specifying a different preset for each folder.
@HaveAGitGat HaveAGitGat released this on Jan 26 · 330 commits to master since this release
First HBBatchBeast nodejs pre-release for Windows, Mac and Linux.