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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for H264 Patcher and BDTools

Version 2.31
- bugfix in MPLS2JSON - 3D subtitle depth plane extraction

MPLS2JSON - added support for id.bdmv files
- sound.bdmv - WAVE files are extracted to the same directory as .json file

h264Modify - added -frame_packing for insertion or deletion of frame packing SEI messages:
modes CHECKER or 0 - for checkerboard
COLINT or 1 - column interleave
ROWINT or 2 - row interleave
SBS or 3 - side by side
TAB or 4 - top above bottom
MONO or 6 - mono - 2D frame
TILE or 7 - tile format
frame alternation (mode 5) is not supported yet

h264Offset3D - minor bugfixing - no new features

AVCHDInfo - new tool. Displays recording date/time of each frame of AVCHD.MTS file
extracted from vendor-specific information (if available) - in textual
or tab-separated format.
Vendor-specific information contains sometimes additional data like
camcorder model, recording aperture, gain, GPS info, etc.
However this format is not unified and each vendor like SONY, CANON,
PANASONIC etc. uses its own coding. Further vendor-specific data might
be possibly extracted in future versions of AVCHDInfo.

h264Offset3D - new tool for offset-metadata manipulation (subtitles in Bluray-3D)
extract, delete, replace, insert into dependend view elementary stream
of Bluray-3D.

MPLS2JSON - added support for .bdjo and sound.bdmv files
Regular WAVE files are extracted from sound.bdmv, too.

MPLS2JSON - added support for .clpi clip information files

h264Patch - renamed to h264Modify (due to Windows antivirus protection)
- added options -profile_idc, -constraint_flags, -level_idc
- renamed options -frame_rate, -sar_idc (for consistency with BD-documentation)

MPLS2JSON - added experimental support for UHD Bluray (4K)

Initial release

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