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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for GraphEditPlus

Changes in version 1.5.1:

When saving filter state to code, now can save both to C++ and C#.
Remembers window size and position at exit, restores on next run.

Changes in version 1.5:

Doesn't require administrator rights to run anymore.
Fixed problem with running unregistered 32-bit version on Windows 8.
Generated C++ code compiles fine in both Unicode and MBCS modes.
DMO filters are created in generated code differently (the right way).
Fixed problem with not fully releasing filters when they are deleted from a graph.
State (settings) of a filter can be exported to C++ code to be loaded in your app.
Since recent versions of Windows SDK don't include definitions for Sample Grabber, we provide them in an .h file for generated C++ code.
Other minor bugfixes and changes.

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