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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for FxSound
Fixed the unhandled exception and crash in the application after installation
Notifications not displayed during output device change is fixed
Correction in Swedish translation
Fixed the issue of taskbar icon color not changing after application window restore
Fixed a potential crash in changing volume/mute
Build optimizations done to improve performance and reduce CPU utilization
Crash identified in font loading is fixed
Function call stack with line number will be added to the log on any exception causing application crash
FxSound window opens as topmost window on system tray icon click
Settings file not found error is fixed
Notifications will be displayed in custom notification theme. Notifications can be hidden from Settings.
Corrections in Portuguese and Russian translations
Feature added to connect to newly connected output device
Debug logs are captured in log file
Chinese (Traditional) and Korean translations updated
Farsi/Persian language support added
Fixed the export presets bug which exported the current preset instead of the presets selected in the dialog
Fixed the bug which appended "[Mono]" to the device name if the preferred device is disconnected
Added a shortcut Alt+Enter to open the menu
Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan) language support added
Translation corrections in Russian
Minimize button added to minimize FxSound to taskbar
FxSound now cannot be closed from the preview window in Alt+Tab switching
A preferred device can be selected from settings
Check for updates in settings, updates to a new version
Fixed the issue that caused fonts and presets to not load in Windows 7 startup
Croatian and Bosnian language support added.
Translation corrections and improvements in Chinese, Spanish, Russian and German
Arabic and Japanese language support added
Added a preset with no processing
Notifications on/off settings on Windows 10 now remain unchanged after reboot/relogin
Hotkeys which conflict with any valid character typing shortcuts are not enabled
Default hotkey combinations are modified to Ctrl+Shift+
Maximum user defined preset limit is increased to 20 by default
User defined preset limit can be configured in the FxSound.settings file by adding the value for <max_user_presets> which can be in the range of 10 to 100
Hotkey options now available to switch to next and previous presets
Settings dialog, Import presets dialog and Export presets dialog can be closed with ESC key
System tray icon changes according to FxSound status on/off/processing
FxSound window title can be displayed in AutoIt Window Info Tool
Some translation fixes
Moved buttons (on/off, expand, settings) to top of user interface to save space
Keyboard shortcuts can now be adjusted to your preferred keys in the settings. (This will now allow the non-English keyboards that were unable to use the keyboard shortcuts to use keyboard shortcuts!)
Accessibility functionality added to allow for the manual control of effects and equalizer sliders using the up and down keys on the keyboard, as well as an option to switch between controlling the equalizer or the effects using the Tab key
Fixed bug causing high CPU usage when display off
Korean translation fixes
Removed unused files
Fixed bug causing memory leak during playback device switching
Visualizer is now always visible
FxSound window can be opened or closed by clicking on system tray icon
Added language support for Hungarian, Dutch, and Thai
Translation corrections for Vietnamese, Chinese, and Turkish
New icon
Notifications on Windows 11 can now be disabled in the OS settings
Fixed bug power consumption bug in sleep
Bug with NVDA screen reader fixed
Accessibility fixes for keyboard focus and hint text in preset save
Jazz, Alternative Rock, R&B, Classical, and Metal presets available for download
Reduced CPU usage
Playback device selection bug fixes
VC++ runtime DLL installation dependency removed
Added language support for Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Chinese, and Spanish
Reverted driver changes that added L/R functionality while we sort out some bug issues
FxSound is now completely free and unrestricted. Learn more about the change here.
L/R balance re-enabled in Windows when using FxSound
Bug fixes
Added option in settings for FxSound to automatically switch to newly connected output
Undo preset changes now available for use on free plan
Login prompt removed on startup on free plan
Fixed bug where FxSound wasn't opening properly
Reverted driver changes while we fix some bug issues
Temporarily disabled volume balance in Windows until bugs are fixed
Volume balance reenabled in Windows
Updated driver for Windows 11 compatibility
Loosened subscription license checks (you'll now need to login every 30 days)
Fixed bug where FxSound was incorrectly opening in expanded state
Fixed bug where Clarity values were not being properly reset when changing presets
Fixed bug where FxSound window was moving to the left when the Visualizer opened
Added new onboarding feature that allows you to isolate the frequencies within a selected EQ frequency range by using Alt + Click and Hold on an EQ thumb
Added new tooltips on hover to explain the difference between the EQ band adjustments and center frequency adjustments
Added highlight animation when dragging an EQ thumb
Added the new visualizer!
Added task tray notifications when swapping to newly connected device
Added tooltips when hovering over EQ, Effects, and Presets (can disable in settings)
Added ability to import and export presets (download our newly created presets here)
New presets! (Movies, TV, Transcription, and Volume Boost)
Removed ads from the free plan
Free plan users can now only use the General preset
Playback devices will default to last used (even when a device is disconnected) unless disabled in the settings
Reduced the length of time that task tray notifications are displayed
Font size and color improvements in settings
FxSound now has a grey color state when off
Fixed BSOD error on Windows 7
Fixed Code 52 error on Windows 7
Added notification on upgrades to show link to changelog
Fixed more driver installation bugs
Fixed stream files bug
Fixed driver installation bug
Changed the playback device name that controls FxSound from "DFX Speakers" to "FxSound Speakers"
Removed resource sharing with Luminati in the free plan
FxSound is now ad-supported on the free plan
Bug fixes!
Task tray notifications now stay up longer
Added option to open Settings from the task tray
Changed how playback devices are named in FxSound to match Windows
Updated FxSound icons in Windows
Launched FxSound Pro
Launched a new free tier with unlimited processing time
New parametric-style equalizer (EQ), now with the ability to adjust the center frequencies
Expanded EQ frequency range to 86 Hz and 16KHz
Expanded EQ decibel range to -12 to +12
Redesigned and renamed Effects, with adjustments to minimum and maximum values to improve overall experience
Added ability to quickly and precisely adjust Effects and EQ values by hovering over a slider and using mouse wheel
Improved usability for creating and saving new Presets
New expanded and condensed modes for user interface
Minimize state will now be remembered on restart
After login, FxSound Pro users can now go offline and retain access
Consolidated Transcription, VOIP, and Podcasts into the new Voice preset
FxSound now always is minimized to the task tray on startup
Added Open option to right click on task tray icon
Added ability to submit login details with the Enter key
Added a feedback section in the settings
Updated with new fonts
Fixed bug where FxSound was turning off when screen locks or display turns off
Fixed bug where FxSound turned off when connected to USB output devices when resuming from sleep
Added taskbar icon when FxSound is open to make it easier to task switch to FxSound
Changed login email entry to always use lowercase
Improved reliability of subscription validation checks
Added troubleshooting instructions for playback device error
Fixed a bug where FxSound Enhancer wasn't uninstalling automatically when installing FxSound
Added VC++ 32 bit install for 64 bit systems to fix DLL missing error
Changed keyboard shortcuts to remove common Windows app conflicts
Changed default state to power on
Removed requirement for users to log out after subscribing to access their subscription. You will still need to relaunch the application after subscribing, however
Fixed intermittent issue where audio driver was in disabled state after installation.
Learn more about the new FxSound here.
Improved sound quality
Designed new user interface designed for simplicity and ease-of-use
Engineered new presets for Music, Gaming, Streaming Video, Transcription and more
Added new keyboard shortcuts for quickly switching presets and playback devices
Added quick select settings from task tray
Increased performance and efficiency

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