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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for FLVTool2
== Version 1.0.6
* FLVTool2 is now published also as a gem
* fixed inspect at audio tags (thanks Andrew Wason)
* updated exe generation to new exerb version (4.1.0)
* small bugfix for mencoder encoded files causing a segmentation fault
* Changed newline character of tags.xml file to n
== Version 1.0.5 RC6
* Fixed bug, that prevented injection of custom metadata
* Fixed several bugs, that would cause errors if flv-file has only audio tags (Ticket #7)
== Version 1.0.4 RC5
* Reorganized directory structure and namespaces
* Implemented setup for linux OS
* Made flvtool2 command systemwide available (Ticket #2)
* Added rake tasks for svn tagging and rubyforge uploads
* Moved version output to separate file to include in Rakefile
* Recoded calling of before and after filters (Ticket #5)
* Fixed that header type flag was not written (Ticket #3)
* Added hasVideo, hasAudio, hasMetadata, hasCuePoints and hasKeyframes metadata
== Version 1.0.3 RC4
* Redesigned error handling
* Introduced -a switch, that collapses cutted regions
== Version 1.0.2 RC3
* stream.log will now be overwritten if exists
* Fixed that files without keyframes could not be updated
* Fullfilled help screen
== Version 1.0.1 RC2
* Introduced l switch, that logs down infomation to stream.log while infile is read. Very handy for debugging!
* 'pipe' is also recognized as a keyword for in or out pipes
* Frame sequence calculations will now be cached, resulting in a much better performance.
* Removed a bug that lets MiXML fail while reading multiline comments.
* Windows pipes are broken. Linux pipes work as expected. Will fix that later.
* Removed a bug, that is caused by one byte too long files, generated by ffmpeg.
== Version 1.0.0 RC1
* added cut command
* added add command
* redesigned command line option parsing
* improved FLVStream
* added cue point support (onCuePoint tags)
* made Flash 8 compatible
* added keyframes in onMetaTag
* introduced command chaining
* introduced pipes and redirects
* improved debug command
* added simulation mode
* added Linux start script
* added automatic exe generation and packaging in Rakefile
* added version command
== Version 0.18
* made MetaTag read procedure more stable
== Version 0.17
* added -a switch, that prints out meta data even on files not converted to FLV 1.1 (-a means print out [a]ll files)
* added -c switch, that makes FLVTool2 compatible to flashcom (currently only duration is computed like flashcom would)
* changed the help screen a bit
== Version 0.16
* print command results are now in the same format, as the flash to_string method would produce
* new meta-data-creator string
* application does not shut down anymore, if an error occurs in batch processing
* added lastkeyframetimestamp
* added onLastSecond event
* changed lasttimestamp unit to seconds
* changed lastkeyframetimestamp unit to seconds
* added debug command
== Version 0.15
* removed a bug, that removed first video frame, if a meta tag was inserted
== Version 0.14
* added print command (YAML and XML support)
* made -n switch update files if metadatacreator is not FLVTool2
* removed a bug, that occurs when input file was corrupt
== Version 0.13
* added -n switch, that only makes updates to FLV v1 files (wich have no meta tag yet or are not taged by FLVTool2)
== Version 0.12
* updated help screen using directories as in-files
== Version 0.11
* first release version
* FLVTool2 is now published also as a gem
* fixed inspect at audio tags (thanks Andrew Wason)
* updated exe generation to new exerb version (4.1.0)
* small bugfix for mencoder encoded files causing a segmentation fault
* Changed newline character of tags.xml file to n
== Version 1.0.5 RC6
* Fixed bug, that prevented injection of custom metadata
* Fixed several bugs, that would cause errors if flv-file has only audio tags (Ticket #7)
== Version 1.0.4 RC5
* Reorganized directory structure and namespaces
* Implemented setup for linux OS
* Made flvtool2 command systemwide available (Ticket #2)
* Added rake tasks for svn tagging and rubyforge uploads
* Moved version output to separate file to include in Rakefile
* Recoded calling of before and after filters (Ticket #5)
* Fixed that header type flag was not written (Ticket #3)
* Added hasVideo, hasAudio, hasMetadata, hasCuePoints and hasKeyframes metadata
== Version 1.0.3 RC4
* Redesigned error handling
* Introduced -a switch, that collapses cutted regions
== Version 1.0.2 RC3
* stream.log will now be overwritten if exists
* Fixed that files without keyframes could not be updated
* Fullfilled help screen
== Version 1.0.1 RC2
* Introduced l switch, that logs down infomation to stream.log while infile is read. Very handy for debugging!
* 'pipe' is also recognized as a keyword for in or out pipes
* Frame sequence calculations will now be cached, resulting in a much better performance.
* Removed a bug that lets MiXML fail while reading multiline comments.
* Windows pipes are broken. Linux pipes work as expected. Will fix that later.
* Removed a bug, that is caused by one byte too long files, generated by ffmpeg.
== Version 1.0.0 RC1
* added cut command
* added add command
* redesigned command line option parsing
* improved FLVStream
* added cue point support (onCuePoint tags)
* made Flash 8 compatible
* added keyframes in onMetaTag
* introduced command chaining
* introduced pipes and redirects
* improved debug command
* added simulation mode
* added Linux start script
* added automatic exe generation and packaging in Rakefile
* added version command
== Version 0.18
* made MetaTag read procedure more stable
== Version 0.17
* added -a switch, that prints out meta data even on files not converted to FLV 1.1 (-a means print out [a]ll files)
* added -c switch, that makes FLVTool2 compatible to flashcom (currently only duration is computed like flashcom would)
* changed the help screen a bit
== Version 0.16
* print command results are now in the same format, as the flash to_string method would produce
* new meta-data-creator string
* application does not shut down anymore, if an error occurs in batch processing
* added lastkeyframetimestamp
* added onLastSecond event
* changed lasttimestamp unit to seconds
* changed lastkeyframetimestamp unit to seconds
* added debug command
== Version 0.15
* removed a bug, that removed first video frame, if a meta tag was inserted
== Version 0.14
* added print command (YAML and XML support)
* made -n switch update files if metadatacreator is not FLVTool2
* removed a bug, that occurs when input file was corrupt
== Version 0.13
* added -n switch, that only makes updates to FLV v1 files (wich have no meta tag yet or are not taged by FLVTool2)
== Version 0.12
* updated help screen using directories as in-files
== Version 0.11
* first release version