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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for FFmpeg Batch Converter


• Tested with ffmpeg 7.1.1.
• Fixed: Youtube download hangs when testing format writing a temp file is required.
• Fixed: Encoding parameters column reading input files metadata innecesarily.
• FFBatch_mediainfo will use same theme (light/dark) as main application.
• Quick file listing background duration can be aborted.
• Other minor settings and wizard bugfixes.


• Fixed stream multiplex tab displaying undefined language for stream numbers above 10.
• Fixed time lag when dragging/dropping many items to file list.
• Fixed video keyframes preview not working in some non-admin configurations.
• Fixed duplicated files being added again from root directories.
• Fixed fade in/out not selecting/white/alpha.
• Fixed hardware decoder not being reset when trying presets.
• Fixed wrong input fuke frame rate on some regional settings (decimal separator).
• Fixed dark mode bugs in scheduling and quick startup layout.
• Alternate progress info for some files displaying progress = N/A (FFmpeg.exe 7.0+).
• Quick queue file adding: It now obtains files duration in the background before encoding, while still allowing to start encoding immediately.
• Quick queue file adding: Columns size is saved too.
• Added setting to disable layout autoresize and disable autoscaling for main window, to mitigate issues with Windows scaling above 100%.
• Drag/drop text file to urls list (YouTube links).
• Preset editor: Move items to top/bottom menu.
• FFBatch_mediainfo.exe 1.0.1: Added Video/Audio category. Fixed some runtime errors and missing fields in non-english languages.


• Multimedia file information now included as standalone application, more customizable and localized. (FFBatch_mediainfo.exe).
• New quick startup setting, to greatly speed up application loading by using limited visual styles.
• Added current file stream selection at stream mapping button.
• Added map metadata and attachments setting at stream mapping button and mapped by default at stream multiplex tab.
• Stream multiplex tab: Removed 1 video stream limitation. Found cover streams (mjpeg/png) set as the last stream.
• Added detection of metadata rotated videos in cropping tool.
• Added url context menu quick download best available avc/av1/vp9 video and mp3, opus, flac and aac (m4a) audio (YouTube).
• Added url download "Quick start" setting to allow starting downloads immediately (url validation performed in the background).
• Fixed: url audio selected formats not being downloaded.
• Fixed: url download error messages not logged during sequential downloading and download log button not working.
• Fixed: url download finish popup dialog not finding output file.
• Fixed: portable version saving some settings outside application folder. Now truly portable.
• Fixed: stream mapping button always forcing selected subtitles stream.
• Fixed: ffmpeg.exe version being displayed as Unknown until application restart and not displaying banner in some circumstances.
• Minor layout and translation fixes.


• Linux Wine version back (Wine 9 or higher required) with latest functionality, better performance and more reliable.
• New Settings -> System performance -> Disable visual styles, to improve startup time on slow computers.
• Added menu in parameters input files button to add mkv attachments (cover/font) and mp4 png thumbnail.
• Fixed error trimming/joining with quick file adding enabled.
• Fixed bug in multiple presets wizard.
• Fixed bug in cropping tool selecting preview time.
• Fixed bug in yt-dlp mkv container download.
• Fixed pause/resume during multi-file encoding.
• Fixed minor bug saving settings (filter zero duration setting).
• Fixed minor bug selecting ffmpeg.exe outside application path.
• Fixed minor layout and translation fixes.


• Fixed dpi default app configuration messing up user interface when Windows scale factor was higher than 100%.
• Fixed issue in Subtitles hardcoding and incorrect error messages when retrying subtitles encoding.
• Added setting to create preview video sample in Subtitles tab.
• Improved layout and translations for french language (thanks temis).
• Dark mode available on first run.
• Other minor layout corrections.


• FFmpeg.exe/yt-dlp.exe no longer included in installer versiσn (downloadable within application).
• FFmpeg.exe checksum warnings removed, no longer useful.
• Enhanced cropping tool menu, added resolutions, location and aspect ratio with preview.
• Added setting in Subtitles tab to change font type, size and color for hardcoded (burnt) subtitles, and attach font for soft subtitles.
• Added menu wizard to create metadata chapters text file (;FFMETADATA1).
• Fixed download test failing for multiple link types. Sequential download/link/playlist buttons now supporting all yt-dlp sites:
• Fixed error downloading yt-dlp valid links in sequential download different from YouTube or m3u links.
• Fixed minor bug making application restart required when replacing ffmpeg.exe.
• Fixed some missing translations and bad dialog layouts in some languages.


• FFmpeg 7.1
• Fixed bug using encoding parameters column causing encoding error.
• Fixed bug in frame count statistics dialog.


• ffmpeg 7.0.2.
• Fixed ffmpeg location being requested despite existing in selected path.
• Fixed ffmpeg location sometimes not found when downloading YouTube videos.
• Fixed YouTube urls not correctly added from text file.
• Fixed but setting language in french Windows installations.
• Set detailed loglevel to info, to avoid too big log files / decrease potential memory usage.


• ffmpeg 7.0.1 included (essential).
• French translation available.
• New setting at security and performance to disable ffmpeg.exe checksum validation.
• When progress info fails to display, or when using quick file adding, standard ffmpeg output is displayed in progress bar so encoding can be followed up (sequential encoding).
• Verbose logs increased -loglevel for better ffmpeg debugging (could generate big log files).
• Fixed: screen recording audio dialog not available. Updated virtual audio playback driver url for recording audio playback.
• Fixed: very slow custom columns loading from hard disks (multithread info attempted only from SSD/NVMe).
• Minor translations and bugfixes.


• ffmpeg 7.0 Essential included.
• ffmpeg.exe path now can be different from application path (ffmpeg shared version supported).
• New display preview of current YouTube live stream in progress.
• New custom column: Last modification date.
• Fix issue refreshing file list with some sorted columns.
• Fix wrong fade out filter time using trim feature.
• Fix wrong subtitle disposition when mapping forced subtitles in main tab.
• Fix some minor multimedia info mislocations with m_jpeg streams.
• Fix truncated resolutions in YouTube streams dialog.
• Minor translation fixes.


• Pre-input parameters available on a file basis (adding encoding parameters column).
• Fixed issues when opening application using "Open with" dialog.
• Fixed bug removing items from Stream multiplex tab.
• Improved accesibility descriptions for screen reader.
• Some improvements on night mode.


• FFmpeg 6.1.1 Essentials included. Full version downloadable within application.
• New Portable light version without ffmpeg.exe, downloadable within application.
• Fixed bug adding new files during sequential encoding.
• Fixed crash joining files.
• Fixed missing/wrong progress info trimming files.
• Fixed garbage columns in stream multiplex tab.
• Added Stream mapping selection button.
• Added new variables %f1 %f2 for input files inside vf filters requiring specific escaped characters.
• Added new setting in Batch subtitles to use input file subtitles stream for burning subtitles.
• Added forced aspect ratio padding in video preset wizard filters.
• Other minor cosmetic bugfixes.


• Best wishes and a happy new year.
• Some code refactoring and optimization for slightly faster startup.
• Faster more responsive custom columns reading .
• Faster file list filtering .
• Slightly faster video preview, depending on video format (gpu decoding enabled).
• Note: Aomedia AV1 video keyframes are not properly read in essential ffmpeg fuilds (libaom), ffmpeg full builds read them right (dav1d).
• Variable nominal framerate available for video preview and video frame statistics.
• Aborted files are by default gracefully closed so file could be readable.
• Fixed multi-file issues: New files added during multi-file encoding were not processed. Previously skipped files were processed again.
• Fixed crash in Batch subtitles muxing.
• Fixed pause and resume not working in some cases.
• Fixed issue stopping screen recordings, if any other encoding session was started previously.
• Fixed network share files not asked to be cached before encoding (sequential mode).
• Fixed network files not displaying individual progress when quick queue file adding is enabled.
• Fixed network file OS caching not working.
• Fixed trying preset with network files and quick queue file adding enabled,
• Note: For slow networks quick queue file adding is recommended.
• Fixed progress issues in Two pass/target size wizard.
• Fixed minor issues and faster preview with autocrop at Tools/Wizard.
• Added warnings for some cases of too long paths and filenames (>255 characters).
• Other minor cosmetic bugfixes.


• FFmpeg 6.1
• Faster and more reliable multi-file encoding, fixed issues: lost threads, diminishing threads concurrency and encoding order not preserved.
• Fixed issue with sequential YouTube download.
• Fixed issue with video/audio codec info not displayed when adding new files.
• Fixed erratic behaviour trimming some files.
• Fixed progress information not displayed in some configurations.
• Added menu to add input file inside af/vf filters in parameters field, properly escaping some characters.
• Reminder: a/v filter must be included inside "quotes" if filter file path contains spaces.
• Displayed YouTube download file size and transfer rate info.
• Temporary download files automatically deleted if YouTube download is aborted.
• Not necessary now to click twice to abort YouTube download.


• Fixed some issues with latest ffmpeg.exe builds, not displaying any progress and never finishing encodings.
• Fixed error with some filters using its own custom files.
• Fixed error recording YouTube Live sessions in sequential mode.
• Fixed network path error saving queue file.
• Fixed some garbage info in YouTube available streams.
• Fixed bitrate column not being added in some languages.
• Latest ffmpeg build october 2023 included.
• More accurate total progress information when using seeking pre-input parameters (-ss, -to, -t).
• User variables included in Join files routine.
• Subtitles tab allows multiple items selection.
• Subtitles file language automatically detected using subs filenames '', '', etc.
• Other minor bugfixes using trailer and presets wizard.


• New trailer (preview clip) wizard.
• New variable and wizard [[split_chapters]] to split files using input chapter markers or manual timestamps sheet.
• New variable: file bitrate (%fbitr).
• New variable: target output size [[target_size=100MB-audio_bit_rate] (automatic video bitrate calculation).
• Variables sent to console and copied to clipboard for testing purposes.
• Improved Two pass/Target size wizard: increased target file size to 10 GB.
• New custom selectable column from other mediainfo fields.
• New file types exclusion list.
• New feature to quick select a preset for a selection of list items (Encoding parameters column).
• Fixed bugs:
• Refreshing custom columns in some use cases.
• Changing language caused file lists columns being cleared.
• Wrong %fd variable parsing.
• Some variables were not available in pre-input field.
• Wrong estimated output file size for two pass wizard.
• Some settings not enabled after queue encoding.
• Other minor bugfixes and translation fixes.


• New experimental setting for automatic folder monitoring and encoding (Sequential encoding only).
• Fixed rare unintended source overwriting with matching lower/upper case extensions being considered different files.
• Fixed some bugs refreshing custom columns.
• Fixed an error in video preview copying/saving frames.
• Fixed some missing translations.


• New setting to never overwrite an already existing output file.
• Fixed a filename characters warning wrongly displayed.
• Fixed some typos and wrong parameters on default presets.
• Added buttons to add input files and variables to parameters field.
• Added online presets to add watermarks.


• FFmpeg 6.0
• Added arabic language.
• Fixed some issues with .avs scripts (output filename now equals script name, and duration in some cases).
• Removed many files added warning.
• Other minor cosmetic fixes and warnings when selecting hardwave video encoders: performance can vary depending
on your ffmpeg.exe version.


• Fixed bug: Erratic progress bar behaviour in multi-file encoding.
• Fixed bug: File list not cleared sometimes after closing application.
• Fixed bug: Hardware decoders list and portable version issues.
• Fixed bug: Batch subtitles parameters not preserved when switching tabs / UTF8 conversion menu failed.
• Fixed bug: Runtime errors switching encoders at Presets wizard.
• Added AV1 (libsvtav1 / av1_nvenc) settings to Presets Wizard. NOTE: They require full latest ffmpeg compilations,
available for Windows at
• Presets wizard checks if selected video encoder is supported by current ffmpeg.exe version.
• Added a setting in Presets wizard to encode only output samples of specific seconds.
• Output overwriting conflicts now selects automatically first conflicting file.
• Other minor bugfixes.
• .NET minimum requirement: 4.7.2


• New setting to monitor and auto-pause on battery and resume on AC Power (useful for temporary power losses).
• New setting to automatically filter invalid/zero duration files just after adding files to main list.
• New YouTube setting to automatically split video in consecutive chapters (if available).
• NOTE: Do not enable if videos contain no chapters, since they will have to be processed twice.
• YouTube settings now saved on exit.
• Increased ffmpeg parameters text length on main tab.
• Fixed cosmetic error in number of processed files during encoding.
• Other minor bugfixes.


• FFmpeg 5.1.2
• Warning/automatic renaming of conflicting character in filenames when using filters.
• Fade in/out available on the fly for trimming feature.
• Schedule night/day mode or use operating system setting.
• Sizable preview dialog.


• FFmpeg 5.1.1
• More than one application instance allowed (experimental).
• Minor bugfixes using Quick file listing setting.
• Minor bugfixes on Two Pass Video wizard.


• FFmpeg v5.1.
• New setting at Two Pass Video wizard to batch encode with a target size in MBs (x264/x265) using one or two passes.
• Encoded file count now displayed.
• Fixed occasional encoding freezing due to source drive free space periodic check.
• Fixed deleting many files from file list taking too long.
• Fixed poor performance using quick file listing and multi-file encoding for lists above 10000 elements:
Faster start without lagging, stream copy around 4000 files/minute.
• A few cosmetic fixes for quick file listing mode and recycling source files.
• Other minor bugfixes.


• New quick file listing setting for >5000 items queues: 100x faster file list adding.
(only individual progress, total queue time remaining not available).
• New setting to prevent Ctrl-Shift-P keystroke captured for aborting queue.
• Fixed runtime error in Windows Server OS preventing any encoding.
• Other minor bugfixes.


• New setting to keep source file timestamps in destination file.
• New setting to minimize to system tray.
• New custom column "Encoding parameters" to set individual ffmpeg parameters for queue item(s) via context menu.
• More accurate progress info when using speed up/slow down filter (atempo).
• Fixed: Prevent computer sleep setting not working properly.
• Fixed: Pause hangs/fails during multi-file encoding of big queues.
• Fixed: Decoder list sometimes not selecting item properly.
• Fixed a few runtime errors when source files are missing.
• Fixed slow down filter in audio/video preset wizard.
• Minor bugfixes (main screen UI/loading queues/sent files/incomplete queues/chinese translation corrections/full screen audio covers, disable single file popup on portable version).


• FFmpeg 5.0.1
• New visual crop dialog.
• Full screen frame preview on doubleclick.
• Added audio normalize default filter to audio wizard.
• Fixed bug downloading VK videos.
• A few translation fixes.
• Missing file warning can be disabled at settings (useful if they are only temporarily unavailable o removed afterwards).
• Disabled automatic automatic queue saving for files shorter than 30 seconds, to avoid poor performance with big queues.
• (Still queue saved every 60 seconds).
• Encoding session tested up to 100000 files.


• Features:
• New Image to video wizard feature: Batch create videos from one image and one audio file (static videoclip).
• Load application on startup (after user login).
• Automatically skip already encoded files (useful to resume crashed encoding sessions).
• Queue state now saved periodically and reloaded later on if computer or application crashes.
• Fixed bugs:
• Using right-click menu to start encoding.
• Refreshing file list with sorted custom columns.
• New unsaved presets not saved on exit.
• Error joining files when using compatiblity mode.
• Error joining files when file or path contains single quotes.
• Automatic auto-file not working in some cases.
• %fdur+1 variable error on some scenarios.
• Automatic check/update yt-dlp fixed.


• FFmpeg 5.0
• All dynamic variables also available in multi-file encoding.
• Overwrite source and delete source settings can now be enabled simultaneously. (Source files are recycled).
• Fixed TEMP folder access error when trying preset.
• Fixed bug with %ff variable (filename without path).
• Fixed bug saving presets with some special characters or blank lines.
• Fixed bug closing application when preset name is blank or too short.
• Fixed bug duplicating File bitrate column when adding multiple custom columns.
• Some other minor bugfixes.


• Pre-input parameter linked to saved preset (only when using main tab save preset button).
• New dynamic variable %ff to re-use input filename path in -vf filters (workaround for bug with Windows absolute paths).
• New dynamic variables %fdur and %fdur+1 to re-use input file duration in seconds in parameters field (or duration + 1 second). (Thanks Rajmond).
• New feature to obtain presets online.
• Opt-out of single encoding output result window.


• Added basic support for AviSynth scripts.
• Fixed Avisynth missing duration.
• New fast custom column for overall file bitrate.
• Faster keyframe reading/extraction.
• Accurate keyframe stream copy trim on video preview.
• Columns layout and width saved on exit, no more auto-size.
• For single file encodings, output summary displayed at the end.
• Drop files anywhere on the main window, not only file list.
• Clearer info on log files.
• Added yadif deinterlace filter to preset wizard.
• Fixed crash trimming some specific files.
• Fixed bug, main output path not being saved.
• Fixed average framerate speed when using pre-input time field.
• Fixed erratic total progress for multi-file encoding on some languages.
• Fixed some refresh issues switching to night mode.
• Fixed copy/save image for audio files with embedded cover.
• Fixed aborting Quick link/playlist download.
• Fixed runtime error after adding exception to Windows Security.
• Fixed some minor layout issues.


• FFmpeg 4.4.1 Essentials. (Backup your custom ffmpeg before proceeding).
• Reduced installer size (ffprobe removed, switched from full to essential ffmpeg).
• New security and performance setting:
•• Check ffmpeg.exe MD5 checksum integrity.
•• Add an exclusion for ffmpeg.exe in Windows 10 Security or your current antivirus.
•• Detect current cpu/main graphics card to check compatibility with hardware encoders in Presets wizard.
• New Images to video wizard.
• New Stream multiplex batch demux (Save all selected files streams).
• Workaround to allow adding new files during a multi-file encoding session (consecutive sessions).
• Start encoding only a selection of list items.
• Real-time monitoring of space running out on destination folder drive.
• Thumbnail display and frame navigation clicking on thumbnail.
• Copy or save frames as image clicking on image thumbnail.
• Added quick guide for hardware encoders wizard (nvenc/amf), and updated some output parameters.
• Added new setting for "night mode".
• Removed youtube-dl (apparently abandoned), replaced with yt-dpl fork. Fixed all non-working download features.
• Now batch URL attempts to download any link supported by youtube-dl (yt.-dpl). The list of supported sites:
• Fixed random runtime errors in sequential encoding and batch joining.
• Fixed bug with pre-input filed saving/loading.
• Fixed bug adding all streams when selecting multiple files in Stream multiplex tab.
• Fixed bug with files without extension not reporting duration.
• Fixed some issues with chinese GUI.
• Fixed some wrong translations and other minor cosmetic issues.


• Simplified Chinese translation available.
• New File split wizard setting by file size.
• Fixed some issues saving multiple streams in Multiplex tab.
• Fixed Multiplex runtime error with some files reporting incorrect duration.
• Fixed runtime error in File Split Wizard.
• Fixed error trying presets with pre-input parameters and variables.
• Fixed some wrong translations and other minor cosmetic issues.


• Italian language now available (thanks Bovirus).
• Portuguese (BR) language now available (thanks Claudio).
• Fixed issue with some relative paths when using variables in parameters field (%1 or %2).
• Fixed issue in Batch subtitles burn feature (filter path bug).
• Fixed multiplex tab runtime error with zero duration files.
• Fixed error on updates server.
• Fixed some UI and translation cosmetic issues.
• Added AMD Video Coding Engine to encoders Wizard.
• In multiplex tab, more than one stream can be saved at once, with right-click menu.
• Other minor improvements and bugfixes.


• Multilanguage support enabled, (english and spanish, italian coming soon).
• New autorun feature to start encoding on startup or after adding files to the application.
• Load file lists from plain text files, not only .ffq format.
• Fixed bug loading two pass encoding video wizard.
• Other minor improvements and bugfixes.


• New multilanguage installer: english, spanish and italian.
(Application is still in english only, translation in progress).
• Record screen now minimized one second before recording starts.
• Record screen can now be stopped by pressing Control-Shift-P.
• Emmbed YouTube automatically generated subtitles on downloaded video.
• YouTube multiple Live streams recording now supported (up to CPU thread count).
• Fixed variables %1 and %2 for parameters field (filename and filename without extension).
• Fixed process priority change during multi-file encoding/downloading.
• Fixed random error aborting url multi-downloading.
• Fixed screen recording error due to wrong path.
• YouTube download feature fixes:
• Recording live urls.
• Thumbnails not available in webp format.
• Runtime error with YouTube videos reporting 60 seconds duration.
• Other minor improvements and bugfixes.


• Redesigned Wizard screen, displayed on startup for non-advanced users.
• New Batch concatenate feature, to batch concatenate a file before and/or after every source file.
• New feature to download all videos of long playlists or a entire YouTube channel.
• New setting to force YouTube best mp4 video/audio quality download.
• Bugfixes:
• Filtering file list by audio codec.
• Preset Wizard for h265 missed crf parameter, runtime error selecting VP9 encoder.
• Portable presets not properly saved on Presets Editor.
• Deleting preset on main screen button.
• Resetting to defaults.
• Other minor bugfixes.


Overall encoding speed and fps displayed during sequential and multi-file encoding.
Average speed/fps displayed after queue encoding and saved to log.
New feature to run command on each successfuly encoded output file.
Custom columns layout saved and reloaded on startup.
Changed naming scheme for image extraction/file split wizards to ensure correct order.
Fixed bug Delete source files not deleting read-only files.
Fixed several bugs on portable version (sleep prevention setting, Two Pass and multiple preses wizards).
Fixed bug remembering window width.
Other minor bugfixes.


FFmpeg 4.4 full build.
New settings 'Delete source files' feature:
Files can be sent to recycle bin or actually deleted.
Files can be deleted one by one after a successful encoding, or at the end of the queue.
New icons to display recyled or source deleted files.
Files can now be removed from the list during encoding, or skipped during multi-file encoding.
Portable version now truly portable, (thanks sonic), storing configuration on application subfolder 'settings'.


Fixed bug not overwriting source files on multi-file encoding from multiple folders.
Warning icon and additional log info for files not being replaced when overwriting is enabled.
Fixed bug joining files with short file extensions like .ts.
Fixed runtime error filtering long lists of files.
New menu for automatic output file renaming on Batch URL tab.
New versions of ffmpeg detected on settings.
Updated user guide.
Other minor improvements and bugfixes.


Fixed bugs validating m3u8 links.
Fixed bug displaying eac3 as ac3 on custom columns.
Added menu to manually write or paste files path (local or network).
Added button/menu to reorder tracks on Stream multiplex tab.
Added context menu to move item to top/bottom of the main list.
Added abort dialog during path content reading.


Latest full FFmpeg 4.3.2 (2021-02-20).
New Batch split file wizard.
Join files feature will detect images and attemt to create a video using them.
Fixed some bugs with relative paths when using 'nul' format.
Fixed some errors when trying preset is enabled.


FFmpeg stable 4.3.2 full build.
Fixed bug adding files from network sources to Stream multiplex or Batch subtitle tabs.
Fixed bug parsing some ffmpeg versions on startup.


FFmpeg full build 4.3.1_2021-01-01.
Trim feature now trims with miliseconds precission.
Fixed bug when trimming and using stream copy parameters.
Delete source files feature now deletes successfully encoded files though some files failed during queue processing.
Not deleted source files are listed at the end of the log file.


- Switched to FFmpeg stable 4.3.1.
- Added pointer on settings to browse for latest FFmpeg Windows builds.
- Fixed bug when using source file path as output destination.
- Fixed bug in window size when minimizing and restoring window.
- Fixed bug displaying warning icon on multi-file encoding with 0 errors.


Application window now resizable with basic responsiveness.
Now possible to add custom columns to sort files by resolution, video or audio codec.
Added audio and video speed up/down setting on presets wizard filters.
Output paths can be manually edited.
Multiplex batch jobs manager allows to edit ffmpeg parameters.
Enabled 'Delete source file' on multi-file encoding.
Press Ctrl-A to select all file list items.
Fixed bugs on Batch Image Extraction Wizard (trying preset, paths with blank spaces).
Fixed 'Open output path' menu when using nul format.
Fixed bug on Recording Screen feature.
Added to subtitle languages list: Finnish, Greek, Indonesian, Malay, Urdu.


FFmpeg (32 bits version no longer updated).
Fixed bug on file list cells disappearing when mouse hovering them.
Fixed youtube-dl automatic update (git repository down).
Pre-input parameters saved for all or just default preset.
Output path and filename can be overriden by selecting Format "nul".
New wizard for batch video frame extraction as image.
New Stream multiplex batch job manager feature.
Minor changes on presets wizard (Opus).


FFmpeg 4.3.1 2020-10-01 x64 (no longer zeranoe builds, new build from
Pre-input parameters now stored together with default saved parameters.
Pre-input parameters not cleared when clearing file list.
Fixed bug on audio shift.
Audio shift not disabled after queue completion.
Fixed bug on youtube-dl automatic update.
Fixed minor bug opening output path on stream mux and url downloads.
Fixed minor bug displaying ffmpeg version.
Fixed 32 bits portable version.
Portable versions provided as zip file.

New version 2.2.4

FFmpeg 4.3.1
Encoding with blank parameters field now possible.
New setting not to warn about zero duration files.
Fixed some cosmetic bugs regarding status icons.
Linux Wine: Fixed some bugs adding files.

New version 2.2.2

FFmpeg 4.3.
Play sound on queue completion.
Increased parameters textbox length.
Remember window location for high resolutions.
Fixed audio waveform filename bug.
Fixed some errors selecting presets.
Fixed youtube-dl automatic update.
Portable self-extractor changed due to compatibility issues.

New version 2.2.0

FFmpeg 4.2.3.
Filename and file path splitted on filelist.
Presets moved from settings file to ff_presets.ini (keeping backwards compatibility).
New presets editor.
Fixed some rare settings corruption.
Faster file adding automatically preventing duplicates.
Changed output overwrite detection so no unintended overwriting scenario is missed.
Fixed youtube-dl automatic update.
Other minor bugfixes and improvements.

New version 2.1.8

-- Bugfixes:
- Improved Multi-file encoding reliability, now following list order.
- Multi-file overwrite source fixed.
- Fixed aborting m3u downloads.
- Fixed issue pausing/resuming, specially after removing files while encoding is paused.
- New item progress layout to fix vertical scroll refresh issue during encoding.
- Fixed warnings about already successfully encoded items about to be overwritten.
- Minor UI fixes on Linux/Wine version.

--New features:
- YouTube URLs download support (Only Windows version).
- YouTube playlists contents automatically obtained.
- YouTube live streams recording (beta).
- Select preferred audio or video+audio YouTube streams. (Best quality by default).
- Faster Batch URL validation.
- Images on URL items.
- Remember last tab.
- Added feature to open a document or application once queue encoding is complete.
- New dynamic parameters: %fn (file name), %fd (file directory), %fp (full path),
%1 (source file with full path), %2 (source file without extension):
Example: -metadata title="%fn" -metadata album="%fd" -filter="%2.png"
- Log file also saved for multi-file encoding/downloading.

New version 2.1.5

- Fixed some random errors accessing temp folder.
- Added setting to change file list font size.
- Added setting to switch between summary and full multimedia file info.
- Minor bugfixes and some code optimization for improved stabilty.

New Version 2.1.4

- Bugfixes on silence detection messages and path saving.
- Added setting to save more verbose log files.
- User minor interface redesign.

New version 2.1.3

FFmpeg 4.2.2
Added silence detector wizard.
Fixed a few input path scenarios leading to output files being improperly overwriten.
Fixed bug sending files to current application instance.
Other minor bugfixes.

New version 2.1.2

- Fixed multi-file random issues, like missing or misplaced output files.
- Fixed crash on multi-file with files shorter than 1 second.
- Fixed bug loading GPU decoding menu.
- Fixed bug overwriting files with the same name and different extension.
- Delete source files option set as persistent setting.
- Try in console page code set to UTF-8.
- Right click file to show total seconds/frames.
- Changed Join files output naming scheme.
- Fixed Sendto bug not adding subfolders on startup.
- When application is already running, selected files are sent to first instance.
- Fixed installer bug on Windows 7 with .NET already installed.

New version 2.1.0

- New feature to filter files by extension, size, bitrate, video or audio codec, frame rate, frame size, metadata, custom strings.
- New two pass video wizard.
- Presets wizard additions (to include all streams, stream copy subtitles, vp9 multi-thread).
- Sort file list by size or status.
- Bugfixes and proper handling of files from network shares/drives.
- Automatic network files caching to temp folder before encoding.
- Batch m3u8 can be used to encode direct download links.
- View selected file streams.
- Fixed all issues changing encoding priority.
- Renewed application installer. New product code.
- Many other minor enhancements and bugfixes.

New version 2.0.0

- FFmpeg 4.2.1.
- Redesigned interface and added a new settings panel for better user experience.
- Presets can be overwritten.
- Overwriting source files now supported.
- Avoided output overwriting of two list items with the same filename but different extensions.
- Source files path can be used and saved as default relative path.
- Time elapsed displayed during queue processing.
- Added concatenation video filter option for higher compatibility joining files.
- Video keyframes report.
- Automatic faster search for updates on startup.
- Queue information can now be saved as a .ffq file (FFmpeg Batch queue session file).
- Queue state is automatically saved. If application is not properly closed user can check when did encoding stopped.
- Option to enable/disable the creation of log files.
- Fixed multi-file premature completion.
- Fixed Batch subtitling error when setting stream as default.
- Refresh list now doing full refresh.

New version 1.6.9
- FFmpeg ( 4.2 included.
- Faster application startup.
- Current ffmpeg version displayed.
- Quickly replace current ffmpeg version.
- Output path write access validated before encoding starts.
- Save buttons redesigned to show if there are unsaved settings.
- Shifting items up/down not working after sorting file list.
- Wrong path displayed on completion or when using right-click menu options.
- Test folders moved to TEMP path and cleaned up on exit, no more garbage folders.

Partial update A full installer version 1.6.8 is required.


- Added option to disable try preset, useful for some random issues starting encoding, or having to click twice to start it.
- Custom relative path is now properly saved.
- Portable and installed versions now have their own configuration and can coexist on the same computer.

New version 1.6.8

- FFmpeg 4.1.4 included.
- Rename output filed setting is saved.
- New button to customize relative path.
- New buttons to move up/down queued items.
- New button to prevent computer from going to sleep.
- Added DNxHD / DNxHR to presets wizard.
- Fixed wizard bug with ProRes not showing video filters.

Partial update (requires 1.6.X installed).


- Fix a startup error on Windows Server and some multi-cpu systems.

New version 1.6.7

- FFmpeg ( 4.1.3 included.
- Slight interface redesign and information while sending files to recycle bin.
- Automatic multi-file feature removed (manual multi-file using maximum cpu threads already provides the same functionality).
- Added new feature wizard "multiple presets", to apply up to 3 presets to input files in one step.

New version 1.6.6

- Added hibernate/suspend to automatic power off.
- Added option to delete (recycle bin) source files on queue completion.
- Queued files can added or removed once encoding started (only sequential processing).
- Application redesignment so other running ffmpeg ( processes are not affected by the application operation.
- Added easy audio/video fade in/out feature (only in sequential processing).
- Added crop selector on presets wizard, which can be chained with other filters like resize/rotate.
- Minor bugfixes.

New version 1.6.5

- Latest FFmpeg 4.1.1 stable (february 2019).
- New edit settings button, to manually edit settings file.
- Automatic settings backup on edit/restore features.
- Added settings version code.
- Improved refresh file list feature.
- Other Minor bugfixes.

New version 1.6.4

- Latest ffmpeg ( 2019 version, fixing bugs like an error using HEVC Quick Sync encoder in supported CPUs.
- New "Start/end" checkbox for trim feature, to trim selected time from the beginning and the end of file.
- Added chinese/japanese languages.

- Bug adding m3u8 urls (only http/https links supported).
- Bug in which sometimes ffbatch_test folder was not removed.

Updating from version requires to uninstall it first.

This is just an update version only ( that needs full version 1.6.3 installed.

Update only release (requires 1.6.3 installed) just to add the following languages to stream multiplex/batch subtitles tabs:

Armenian (arm)
Bosnian (bos)
Croatian (hrv)
Macedonian (mac)
Polish (pol)
Serbian (srp)
Thai (tha)
Turkish (tur)
Vietnamese (vie)
Korean (kor)

New version 1.6.3

- New preset wizard for quick basic ffmpeg ( presets creation.
- New selector for hardware video (GPU) decoding (-hwaccel).
- Desktop capture now includes audio capture device.
- More containers for Stream multiplex tab.
- Faster preset testing and encoding start.
- Fixed some random crashes.

New version 1.6.2

Major update, some nice features.


- Latest FFmpeg 4.1 build included.

- Improved limited multi-file processing, shows progress info and selected number of threads is saved automatically.
- New button and right-click menu to skip files in sequential processing.
- Simplified progress information, with individual progress bars for every list item.
- More accurate progress percentage (1/1000).
- Output estimated file size and average bitrate on sequential processing.
- Taskbar icon now shows general progress.
- Added quick guide help button.

- Fixed issue showing an early "queue completed" message in multi-file processing with very fast computers.
- Removed time out message trying some presets.
- Fixed wrong remaining time in multi-file processing.

New version 1.6.1.

- Latest ffmpeg stable build 4.0.2 included.
- Now pause/resume supported during ffmpeg encoding.
- Default output folder can be saved.
- Default process priority can be saved.
- Better error information.
- Several Improvements and bugfixes on multiplexing and stream saving:
- Pause and automatic shutdown added.
- Abort button disabled fixed.
- Duplicated streams in tracks lists fixed.
- Added convenient buttons and different colors depending on stream type.
- Better detection of stream format extension.
- Fixed pgs language detection.

New version 1.6.0.

- Added feature in Multiplex tab for saving individual streams in one click.
- Restored multi-file processing old feature that allows to specify the number or simultaneous files.
- Minor bugfixes.

New version 1.5.9.

- Interface redesigned and resized for wider resolution.
- Added subtitle languages: hebrew, hindi, russian and bengali.
- Added miliseconds to seeking and trimming features.
- Minor bugfixes.

New version 1.5.8.

- Fixed issue with some files crashing program due to negative timestamps.
- Fixed bug detecting updated versions.
- Added feature to change conversion priority.
- Minor changes in user interface, with longer ffmpeg parameters field.

New version 1.5.7.

- Changed license to Attribution.ShareAlike.
- Minor change so multi-file processing time remaining is always shown.

New version 1.5.6.

- You can now reuse input file in parameters field, inside a -vf filter, by writing '%1'.
- More accurate progress information in multi-file progressing with some remaining time estimation.
- Minor interface bug fixes.

New version 1.5.5.

- Fixed some issues trying preset before processing that could freeze application.
- Fixed some errors aborting multiple tasks when using slow devices.
- Fixed some bugs in stream multiplexing and batch subtitles.

- Redesigned multi-file processing, now it manages automatically simultaneous processes depending on CPU type. It shows Individual tasks progress, and any task aborted individually.

New version 1.5.4.

- M3u8 improvements:
- More realiable URL validation.
- Now all M3u8 urls can be processed at once, and any of them cancelled at any time.
- Multiple url processing shows individual and total progress information (for fixed duration urls).
- Automatic shutdown available after m3u8 url processing.

New version 1.5.3:

- Added basic support for M3u8 links batch processing.
- Streaming m3u8 links supported (listed as infinite duration).
- M3u8 streams information button.
- Output to mp4/mkv or rtp/rtsp.
- M3u8 links are considered down if there is no response within 10 seconds.


- Batch subtitling will guess subtitles encoding, and allow to convert to utf-8 for non-english languages.
- Format field can be left blank so source file extension is used instead.
- Queue abortion will close processes gracefully at any time, to avoid truncated files.

New version 1.5.2:

- Redesigned file adding operation, now much faster, with progress info, and it can be cancelled. Thousands of files now can now be added trouble-free, no slowing down or freezing/runtime errors.
- Hidden files are ignored and errors accessing folders are addressed.
- New refresh list button.
- New renaming output field.
- Possible overwriting avoided when added multiple folders to single output folder.
- Added navigation buttons for multimedia file information.
- Minor interface redesign.
- Shortcut added to Sendto menu.

New version 1.5

Latest april 2018 ffmpeg zeranoe static builds included.
New buttons to backup and restore presets and several configurations.
Fixed bug with total list duration longer than 24 hours.
Fixed error closing waveform window.
File info now better displayed.
Redesigned installer:
Licensing info included.
Now executable is always upgraded as expected.
Installer will not overwrite existing presets from this version on. (But not for previous versions, you can still find it at %appdata%FFBatchff_batch.txt)
Minor interface changes

New version 1.4.5.

- Standalone self-extracting portable version available.
- Enhanced trim feature.
- Volume changed to dB.
- New reset to default presets and settings button.
- Minor interface changes.

New version 1.4.4 Beta

I have developed this beta 1.4.4 version, so the application can be run with no installation required, provided .NET libraries are already installed.
Just decompress the files on any folder and run FFbatch.exe. It will show just the default and one sample preset created.

New version 1.4.3

- Added support for .ASS subtitles.
- Burn subtitles batch feature added.
- Added checkbox to rename output files automatically.

New version 1.4.1

- 1-click screen capture now validates preset before starting countdown.
- Faster preset validation, now processing starts faster.
- Slight interface change.

New version 1.4

- Added one-click screen recording button using gdigrab. Added some screen recording presets.
- Slight interface change for ffmpeg output and Windows 10.

Version 1.3.7

- Fixed config file corruption deleting presets.
- Fixed Baidu antivirus detecting the installer as false positive malware.

Version 1.3.6

- Slight interface fix.
- Latest ffmpeg builds included.

Version 1.3.5

- New checkbox so you can keep source path folder structure on output destination.
- Now conversion can be started pressing enter on preset of parameters field.

Version 1.3.3

- Final interface layout.
- Automatic shutdown also available once processing started.

Ver 1.3.2

- Added total time info.
- Added total file list size info.
- A few interface improvements.
- Long term support version.

New version 1.3.1 in order to fix a fatal error due to time measurement localization and pre-input seeking buggy field.

New version 1.3:

- Redesigned interface now shows all process estimated remaining time.
- Added feature to include ffmpeg pre-input parameters, and easy pre-input seeking, for faster seeking operations.
- Added feature to create a video using a still image and audio file.
. Minor corrections and bug fixes.

Update 1.2.2:

Refinements and bug fixes on batch subtitling feature. Better warnings and compatibility between mkv/mp4 containers.

New version 1.2:

- Added batch subtitling feature. Add videos and the application will search and mux subtitle files available on the same folder with the same name.
- Added feature to save a default enconding for mapping and muxing tracks.
- Solved issues with subrip subtitles encoding and mapping PGS subtitles.
- Prevented unintended file overwriting ruining source file.
- Minor bug fixed.

New version 1.1

With mp4 muxing support and solved runtime error while adding files due to wrong file size string handling.

New in version 1.05

New version 1.05 with stream mapping and mkv multiplexing, single stream mapping and encoding.
Basic features like the ones provided by the more powerful MKVToolNix

New in version 1.02

I have released a new version, with some bug fixes, better translation, default or custom output folder selection, as well as some audio features like volume change, shifting, graphical waveform.

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