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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for FFBitrateViewer
v0.9.5 beta 1
Change: Improved bitrate calculation on incomplete per second intervals (#33)
v0.9.4 beta 1
Change: Display frame's based calculated duration on files list when file/stream durations not returned by FFProbe (for some raw files)
Change: TBR is used instead of FPS
Change: '-probesize 20M' used while getting mediainfo to make detection more accurate
v0.9.3 beta 1
New: "Frame Rate (avg)" shown in media info tooltip, calculated as "(last frame end time - first frame start time) / frames count" (#30)
New: "Duration (frames)" shown in media info tooltip, calculated as (last frame end time - first frame start time)"
New: Works if FFProbe not returning frames start time (#31)
Bugfix: Average bit rate horizontal line not always displayed
New: Average bit rate horizontal line displayed on "per second" & "per GOP" plots with sole selected processed file (#17)
New: Progress bar now "determined" so it is easier to understand when the whole process will finish (#14)
New: Columns "Duration" & "Frames [count]" added (#3)
New: "Reset" button added
New: Added a button for playing media file with system associated program
New: Added ability to select bit rate value from table
Change: Styling changes
Change: Already processed files will not be re-processing on the next run ("Reset" if you need it) (#13)
Change: Controls now disabled during processing (#15)
Change: For partially processed files (if you stopped process) bit rate values not displayed
Bugfix: Graph zoom not always reset after switching plot view (#19)
Bugfix: Graph not always updated correctly when enabling file (#18)
Bugfix: Icons on disabled buttons not dimmed out (#16)
v0.9.0 beta 1
New: Per GOP plot view added
New: Min bit rate displayed per file
New: Selected plot view remembered on program exit (#11)
New: Plot control hints added
New: FFBitrateViewer.conf.example provided with built-in defaults
New: Analized frame position displayed in progress bar every 1000 lines
Change: NET7 => NET8 (#9)
Change: FFProbe version check timeout increased from 5 to 30 seconds
Change: Media info extraction timeout increased from 5 to 30 seconds
Change: Components updated: OxyPlot.Core, OxyPlot.SkiaSharp, OxyPlot.Wpf (2.1.2 => 2.2.0)
Change: Temp dir availability and write access are checked on program starup
Change: Popup displayed if log file cannot be created
Change: Invalid VideoFilesList format specified in config is logged
Bugfix: Incorrect calculating average bitrate caused by integer overflow. PR supplied by @axlecrusher (#6)
Bugfix: FFProbe.exe location detection was broken
Bugfix: Crash when clicking link in About window (#10)
v0.8.0 beta 2
Bugfix: No plots with some non-English cultures;
Change: Axis-X format adjusted automatically based on the max active file duration;
Change: Code cleanup.
v0.8.0 beta 1
Initial release
Change: Improved bitrate calculation on incomplete per second intervals (#33)
v0.9.4 beta 1
Change: Display frame's based calculated duration on files list when file/stream durations not returned by FFProbe (for some raw files)
Change: TBR is used instead of FPS
Change: '-probesize 20M' used while getting mediainfo to make detection more accurate
v0.9.3 beta 1
New: "Frame Rate (avg)" shown in media info tooltip, calculated as "(last frame end time - first frame start time) / frames count" (#30)
New: "Duration (frames)" shown in media info tooltip, calculated as (last frame end time - first frame start time)"
New: Works if FFProbe not returning frames start time (#31)
Bugfix: Average bit rate horizontal line not always displayed
New: Average bit rate horizontal line displayed on "per second" & "per GOP" plots with sole selected processed file (#17)
New: Progress bar now "determined" so it is easier to understand when the whole process will finish (#14)
New: Columns "Duration" & "Frames [count]" added (#3)
New: "Reset" button added
New: Added a button for playing media file with system associated program
New: Added ability to select bit rate value from table
Change: Styling changes
Change: Already processed files will not be re-processing on the next run ("Reset" if you need it) (#13)
Change: Controls now disabled during processing (#15)
Change: For partially processed files (if you stopped process) bit rate values not displayed
Bugfix: Graph zoom not always reset after switching plot view (#19)
Bugfix: Graph not always updated correctly when enabling file (#18)
Bugfix: Icons on disabled buttons not dimmed out (#16)
v0.9.0 beta 1
New: Per GOP plot view added
New: Min bit rate displayed per file
New: Selected plot view remembered on program exit (#11)
New: Plot control hints added
New: FFBitrateViewer.conf.example provided with built-in defaults
New: Analized frame position displayed in progress bar every 1000 lines
Change: NET7 => NET8 (#9)
Change: FFProbe version check timeout increased from 5 to 30 seconds
Change: Media info extraction timeout increased from 5 to 30 seconds
Change: Components updated: OxyPlot.Core, OxyPlot.SkiaSharp, OxyPlot.Wpf (2.1.2 => 2.2.0)
Change: Temp dir availability and write access are checked on program starup
Change: Popup displayed if log file cannot be created
Change: Invalid VideoFilesList format specified in config is logged
Bugfix: Incorrect calculating average bitrate caused by integer overflow. PR supplied by @axlecrusher (#6)
Bugfix: FFProbe.exe location detection was broken
Bugfix: Crash when clicking link in About window (#10)
v0.8.0 beta 2
Bugfix: No plots with some non-English cultures;
Change: Axis-X format adjusted automatically based on the max active file duration;
Change: Code cleanup.
v0.8.0 beta 1
Initial release