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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for FFAStrans

FFAStrans v1.4.1

Numerous improvements and fixes, and some new features.

VMAF now use all cores available causing major speedup.
Removed all 8-bit limitations from all applicable filter nodes.
The "Insert Media" and "Overlay" filters now support any type of video format.
"Insert Media" filter now supports "Overlay" mode for media supporting alpha channels.
The "Stills" encoder now also support outputting actual source frame numbers.
Generally improved handling of "odd" formats.
Added periodic sampling option to "Video Quality".
Added start, repeating and stop scripts/program per workflow.
Support Avid Source Path/File columns by inserting "file://" prefix in Tape (.ref) field.
Changing priority on running jobs can now be done from the inbuilt status monitor.
Added custom work dir in the "Command executor" node.
Add bigger popup input editor for too long text in input fields.
Added tooltip for previewing too long text in input fields.
Add %f_capture_rate% variable for reading camera capture frame rate.
Improved error feedback from YouTube node.
Improved parsing of correct media length.
History logs are now always backed up when resetting status monitor.
Rest API would in some rare not return a proper reply.
Addressed issues with jobs seemingly being stuck in status monitor.
Fixed rare cases of broken interlaced processing.
Fix failed encoding from unknown audio codecs.
Fix not checking default value for force leading zeroes on dates.
Fixed broken encoding error status feedback.
Fix some rare cases of timecode not being properly read.
Fixed transwrapping issues with some encoders.
Fix crash in Workflow Manager when deleting newly copied nodes.
Fix priority not being properly set on API job submit.
Fixed ProRes encoder not working properly on all frame rates.
+ General stability improvements and several other minor fixes.

FFAStrans v1.4.0.7

Pure bug fix release.

Fixed cruicial bug/crash when monitoring growing files.
Fix stills encoder bug when extracting single image.
Fix potential race condition bug when several nodes are parsing same media source.
Fixed rare API bug when submitting huge JSON bodies.
Fix a color scheme bug in manager when showing bypassed nodes.
Fix all running workflows restarting when stopping just one.
Fixed a bug that could cause FFAStrans to not clean up old jobs/logs.
Fixed some agressive enumration of history records.
Several other minor fixes....

FFAStrans v1.4.0.6

Fixed some illegal characters when parsing mac alias
Fix occational double registration of new monitored files
Fix loudness analyser not storing correct real peaks data
Fixed rare error that sometimes caused retried jobs to not start
Fix audio files getting double length when converting to video formats
Update BMX to include fix for wrongly flagged aspect ration on some MPEG-2 formats.
Fixed rare bug that sometimes cause FFAStrans to not continue with jobs containing priority splits.

FFAStrans v1.4.0.5

Fixed SAR was not set when auto cropping IMX source in the A/V Decoder
Fixed Interlace analyze node reported bogus results
Fixed wrong progress on video analyze node
Fixed rare issue where priority branches did not end properly
Fixed issue that in some conditions caused a job queue to build up
Fixed A/V Decoder not properly decoding some broken MPEG2
Removed bogus 4:4:4 AVI option in the Uncompressed encoder node
Removed too strict variable check when submitting jobs via API

FFAStrans v1.4.0.4

Fixed continously growing files being picked up too early
Fixed multiple hosts picking up the same growing file
Fixed loudness analyser not returning correct channel layout

FFAStrans v1.4.0.3

Fixed error in priority splits
Fixed stills decoder having malformated color conversions.
Fixed rare crash on badly formated time code
Fixed a file locking anomalie

FFAStrans v1.4.0.1

Fixed a handle leak in the queuer.

FFAStrans v1.4

Finally, long overdue, a new version that does not only focus on fixes and improvements but a set of new nice long awaited features.

Changes include:

New core features:
Hosts group: Group hosts into different named groups and assign nodes or/and workflows to them
Job slots per node: Assign a higher number of job slots to a node in order to better "allocate" resources on the executing host
Cron scheduling support for monitors
New functions:
$dateweek(): Calculate week numbers
$timecalc(): Time calculator
$waccess(): For testing write access
$owner(): For getting owner of a file
$asplit(): Split/format array into a string
$ffconcat(): For creating a "ffconcat version 1.0" string
$shortcut(): For parsing Windows shortcuts and macOS alias files
New variables:
%i_v_precharge%: Get precharge value from MXF files
%s_options%: System variable for advanced altering of job behavior
%f_pix_aspect%: Pixel aspect ratio as float
%s_frame_rate%: Represent frame rate as num/denum string
New API method:
GET /jobvars/ for getting final value of user variables after job end
Improved processing speed, quality and color precicion for all encoders
Huge database I/O optimizations for thos with larger farms
Dolby E decoding in the "A/V Decoder" (Experimental)
"Forget missing files" are now supported by all applicable monitor nodes
Support the new frame properties in AviSynth+
Support Mac alias in the "Folder" monitor and improved Windows shortcut support
Improved support for encoding files with cover art
Properly support audio buffer files > 4GB in the "A/V Decoder"
Support reading stdout/err in command executor as unicode
Support XDCAM-EX 35 720p in the "XDCAM-HD" encoder
Support multiple selection in the status monitor
Inbuilt status monitor now shows history pages instead of one huge list
Improved "Color conversion" filter
Improved navigation in the status monitor using arrow keys
Improved up-time reliability
Native support for "ffconcat version 1.0" input sources
Native support for reading IMF files
Support writing 64 bit audio files in the "Extract audio" node
Support UTF-8 formated mail bodies in "Send E-Mail" node
Playlist support in "YouTube" decoder and save list to variable
Clear complete work cache dir from FFAStrans Manager
Support SinPowResize kernel in "Resize" filter
Improved automatic cleaning of log and work files
FFAStrans will now archive job logs and keep them for an extended period
Fix several long path issues in monitors and FTP delivery
Fix slow opening of long workflows
Fix comparing negative number not working in the "Conditional" node
Fix graphical artifact when moving too far out on a large workflow
Fix some number like strings being strictly regarded as number
+ Lots other minor fixes and improvements

FFAStrans 1.3.1

Bug fixes, improvements and minor features update.

Changes include:

Added 4:4:4 profile (XQ) to the ProResKS encoder.
Added “MXF (BMX)” wrapper option to the Panasonic P2 monitor.
Added option for removing farming settings when exporting workflows
Added PUT method for updating existing workflow through API
Added user option to read from STDERR and/or STDOUT in the “Command executor” node.
Improved general robustness when executing many jobs at the same time.
Reduced general priority on sub processes in order to not halt system.
Fixed some special case FTP monitor issue that caused files to not be downloaded properly.
Fixed framerate bug when encoding to BMX (MXF)
Fixed an issue where setting %s_source% to “” (nothing) resulted in some erratic behavior.
Fix some job retry issues.
Fix audio config crash in the DV encoder.
Fixed rare memory leak issue.
Fixed MOV bug in the DNxHD encoder
Fixed a problem with the A/V Media decoder created zero-length clips.
Fixed an issue that caused some image sequences to not be properly parsed
Fixed a problem where plugin processors GUI got stuck behind manager window.
Fixed a bug where the “Fade” filter ignored audio/video enable/disable
Fixed an issue that caused the “Custom FFmpeg” encoder to not work properly when using custom ffmpeg mapping.
Fixed an API issue where history was not always correctly returned.
Fixed an issue causing some AviSynth based video filters to not work properly on older CPUs
Fixed a flaw with priority connections in conjunction with executing on error.
++ Several other minor improvements and fixes


Pure bug fix release.

Changes include:

Fix progressive closed GOP encoding in the XDCAM-HD not working.
The “Video quality” node would sometimes return a bogus “inf000000” value.
The “Video quality” would fail if source or ref was IMX-D10 content.
The “%s_cache_record%” variable was not correctly populated.
Fix the “Sequence” monitor disregarding the “Recurse” setting.
The “Sequence” monitor would sometimes not work due to an invalid input option being set.
Two succeeding encodings on the same branch could fail if using the inbuilt encoders.
Fix minor issues with properly recognizing some pixel and color formats when processing.
The loudness table in “Audio extract” encoder gui did not set a value.
A few other minor edge case issues addressed.


Pure bug fix release.

Changes include:

Fixed potential endless loop in "A/V Decoder" node.
The XDCAM-HD encoder would sometimes stop encoding on very complex content.
Fixed an issue where sources with yuvj420p pixel format would sometimes lead to failed encoding.
Fixed an issue that caused bad frame rate conversion on small fps difference between source and output.
Fixed an issue where host settings was not properly saved.
Fixed error message on multiple immediate retries from failed node..

FFAStrans v1.3.0

Finally a new version that does not only focus on fixes and improvements but has a lot of new nice features to present.

Changes include:

New workflow features:
Sub splits: This feature enables sub connected splits (brown) to always finish before the main splits (black).
Workflow connection: Enables you to forward a job to another workflow.
New functions:
$lookup() and $lookuprep() for table lookup and lookup replacement.
$sort() for sorting an array or a string.
$split() for splitting a string into an array.
$count() for counting occurrences of a string or single character.
$foreach() for dynamically executing operations on an array
$string() for formatting strings like printf in C.
$xxhash64() for 64 bit version of xxhash.
New node: “For each”: Will loop through an array of values and dynamically create a new split/branch for each index.
New variables:
%s_start_tc_alt% for alternative start TC taken from creation date of media.
%s_gamma% for gamma curve of media
%s_chroma_loc% for chroma location of media.
%i_gmt_bias% for the local GMT bias.
%s_version% for current running FFAStrans version.
%s_last_error% for retrieving last viable error message.
New API methods.
GET /workflows/status for getting current status
POST /workflows for importing FFAStrans exported workflows.
POST /presets for importing FFAStrans exported presets
POST /user_variables for importing FFAStrans exported user variables
GET /history now supports ?start and ?count for getting custom range
All encoders now support applying custom or inbuilt LUTs.
All encoders now support setting and converting full/limited video range.
Huge speed improvement when muxing to BMX MXF as FFAStrans no longer creates an intermediate file before remuxing.
Added search function in the variables selector.
Added free text search function for workflows and nodes.
The XAVC node now support class 300 and 480 in UHD.
The AVC-Intra node now support class 2K and 4K.
Added option to use user variables as framerate in “ProRes” and “DNxHR” encoder nodes.
Added user selectable quality tunings to the the “XDCAM-HD” node.
Added “Writing library” mode to the “ProRes” encoder node for improved compatibility in some scenarios.
Added HLG and PQ signaling to the “H.264” encoder.
Added option to save complete VMAF json to a variable in the “Video Quality” node.
Added access to the user variables from main manager menu.
Added user selectable zero padding to unique output file names in the delivery nodes.
The header section in “HTTP communicate” node now supports using variables.
The “%s_original_path~n%” variable now supports minus notation for retrieving path names from the right side.
The “%s_recursed_path%” variable now support the same notation type as %s_original_path~n% with %s_recursed_path~n%.
Added option to export job logs from inbuilt status monitor.
The “Hold” node now supports arrays as list of files.
Updated to use the new maintained yt-dlp instead of youtube-dl.
Changing a variables/static name now automatically updates all applicable workflows.
Expanded the $exists() function to support path recursing and returning a file list in array.
Added support for adding data to an existing array using the $jsonput() function.
Fixed issue where the “H.264” encoder produced corrupt MXF files.
Fixed various bit depth issues in the “H.264/5” encoders.
Fixed “Generic MPEG” was forced to 16:9 aspect.
+ Lots of minor changes and improvements.

FFAStrans v1.2.2.1

Growing files functionality was broken.
Running workflows without any nodes would crash.
Time stamps had the wrong notation when GMT was +00.00
Fixed rare crash with inbuilt status monitor when applying action to a finished job.
First time initialization of user variables would sometimes crash.
Loudness input field did not always parse variables correct.
Fix rare bug that could cause status monitors to miss data.
Fix wrongfully hardcoded 16/9 aspect in the generic MPEG encoder.
The API url /workflows/<wf_id>/user_variables did not always produce correct reply.
The API url /tickets url could in some cases return an invalid json.

FFAStrans v1.2.2

Some improvements in the job distribution between farm hosts.
Other minor farming reliability improvements.
Improved recognition of arib-std-b67 (HLG) on some formats.
Added warning when exporting/importing workflow with plugin nodes
Added warning when running FFAStrans on outdated OS (< Win 8)
Fixed some rare case decoding issues with some ProRes and DNxHD
Setting HDR colors pace in x265 encoding did not work.
"Video quality" node used folder dialogue instead of file when browsing.
Location of the browser buttons in "Video quality" node had switched places.
FTP monitor did not properly report status when downloading.
Address several long file path issues with FFAStrans installation location.
Fixed a "Not equal" logic issue in the "Conditional" node.
The PCM option in the "H.264" encoder was not working properly.
Fixed an issue when selecting "Fast" in the "H.264" node. Would revert to "Faster" when reopening the gui.
"Encoders" would fail if unset user variable was used in the "Loudness correction", even if option was unticked.
Status would not update properly when retrying failed jobs.
Converting to b601 with the "Color conversion" filter did not always set the proper color flag.
Auto-selecting variable in the prefix/suffix input in the "Audio extraction" node did not work.
...and several other minor issues addressed.

FFAStrans v1.2.1

Added option to not localize monitored FTP source files.
Added warning before resetting job history list in inbuilt status monitor.
Added new $week() function for retrieving week numbers.
Added new $weekday() function for retrieving week day numbers.
Improved filtering of unwanted non-video side data that could cause corrupted encoded frames.
Fixed some graphics glitch in inbuilt status monitor app.
Fixed zoom issue in workflow canvas on older OS (Win8/Server2012)
Addressed some clipboard issues when working with nodes.
Addressed issues with finished jobs still showing in status monitor.
Fixed some inconsistent behavior with the channels selector in all encoders.
When importing workflows on completely new FFAStrans installation user variables could double up.
Creating AVID project files could on some systems fail on non latin characters.
The user variables was not reported correctly in the workflows API call
The DVCPRO did not set correct video signaling on HD.
Transwrapping could fail due to frame rate read from wrong value.
A bug in user variable editor made FFAStrans "loose" child windows when switching to other windows apps.
The MXF muxer in "H.264" encoder would fail on frame rates > 120.
Statics containing variables was not properly expanded on workflow export.
FFAStrans reported wrong UTC bias in log time stamps.
Retaining audio pitch in the FPS converter filter did not work properly.
Monitoring growing files with "continuously" checked sometimes caused too much to much i/o overhead.
Start TC where only hours was set was not properly recognized.
Fixed rare crash when shutting down farm from the Manager.
Fixed rare crash in API service when getting history log.

What's new in version 1.2.0?

Focus for this release has mainly been about finding and fixing bugs and anomalies. For this we have created many automated test workflows for testing all nodes, functions, variables and general behavior of FFAStrans job execution. In addition we have dug deep to find those obscure bugs very few encounters directly but contribute to edge case unpredictability. In sum this is the most bug hunted version to date. But in addition we have several new nice features.

Changes include:

New filter: Safe Color Limiter makes sure you video stays within legal TV ranges.
New filter: Linear Transformation for linear conversion between different color formats like HDR <-> SDR.
Both conditional and populate nodes now supports dynamic number of fields and resizes the GUI accordingly.
Added new operator mode to support regular expressions in the conditional node.
Added the ability to send attachments and a “Reply to” field to the “Send E-mail” node.
Added HD profiles to the “DV/DVCPRO” encoder.
Added lasso functionality for selecting several nodes in the editor.
Added new function $regreplace() for replacing strings using PCRE regex patterns.
Added new function $jsonput() for adding JSON data to an existing or create new JSON formatted string.
Added new variable %s_wf_folder% for getting folder of the running workflow.
Added new variable %i_job_priority% for getting priority of the running job instance.
Added new variable %s_split_id% for getting split id of the running job instance.
Added file count to the “Hold” node wait for file option.
Added option in “Custom AviSynth” filter to attempt adapting colors pace metadata to video properties.
Copied nodes with connection within the group is now kept.
Selected nodes can now be moved simultaneously while keeping their relative position.
The “YouTube”-decoder will no longer try to download complete lists.
Improved start TC detection on some formats.
The “H.264” encoder can now produce MXF files and uncompressed PCM audio in the MOV, MKV and MXF wrappers.
The “A/V Media” decoder now dither if source video bit depth is higher than specified in the node.
Increased the number of max active jobs the inbuilt monitor would display.
The rest service now returns 503 if database is not available. Mostly a problem when running FFAStrans from share.
Aborting jobs will now try more graceful shutdown of child processes before force killing.
General improvements to file monitoring and job initiation reliability.
Addressed several stability issues when running FFAStrans from a share.
Fixed issue where running FFAStrans would not properly close on shutdown.
Submitting files to other workflows than the current in editor did not work.
Video with too short audio could result in corrupt endings.
Results from PSNR and SSIM in “Video quality” analyzer was switched.
Fixed issues with catching all STDOUT data from “Command Executor”.
Fixed GUI issues when controlling manager through TeamViewer.
Fixed several reliability issues with the camera monitors.
Fixed crash when attempting to use predefined levels in “Colorspace” filter.
The workflow counter in FFAStrans Workflow Manager lower status bar did not work.
Fixed issue with the FFAStrans Workflow Manager causing graphic issues and instability when working with large workflows.
Custom nodes would crash if trying to open a help section that did not exist.
Variables within variables was not properly expanded.
The web interface would sometimes show hanging node even though it had finished.
When submitting file through the API, the job id was initially written to a wrong key.
Fixed crash that sometimes occurred when enumerating child processes.
Variables or statics with data containing the pipe “|” character was not displayed in the variables list.
+ Numerous other minor bug fixes and improvements.

What's new in version 1.1.0?


New encoder: XAVC (Sony style AVC Intra). Currently only i-frame up to 1080p60 class 200 properly supported.
New encoder: Generic MPEG1/2.
New analyzer: Video metrics. Compare video quality using VMAF, SSIM and PSNR.
Much improved internal priority control:
"Max active jobs" are now per priority setting. Meaning if you have used all your job slots on lower priority jobs, higher priority jobs will still start.
Child jobs like encoding now inherets the workflow priority ranging from 0 (idle) to 4 (very high). Meaning lower priority child jobs will be given less resources if higher priority jobs starts.
Starting from this version, every time you save your workflow a time stamped copy will be stored in archive for later retrieval.
All encoders now features separate audio channel mapping per track.
The AviSynth deinterlace node now includes the world renowned QTGMC deinterlacer and BWDIF.
The AviSynth resize node now includes NNEDI3 up-scaling. (Defaults to "Sinc" on down-scaling).
Several database operations speed improvements.
Slightly changed look and color scheme on nodes for improved visibility.
Selected nodes can now be connected to any node. Makes connecting several nodes easier.
Reintroduced and improved option for shutting down a complete FFAStrans farm.
Added "Clear search" and "Set max list size" in the inbuilt status monitor app.
The "A/V Media" decoder now supports forcing audio bit depth (16/24/32) and sample rate (48000/96000/192000).
"YADIF" deinterlace filter no longer force 8 bit processing on 64bit systems.
All windows now accept shortcut keys like ESC (close window), ENTER (OK) and F1 (help) where applicable.
Added option to the "Custom AviSynth script" filter to skip script verification.
The "YouTube" decoder now supports URLs as source inputs (submitted from API or the Workflow Manager).
Error state can now be forced in the "Populate variables" by populating the "%s_error%" variable.
Variables are now traversed in order to fetch variables within variables.
Added %i_v_bit_depth% for bit depth of first valid video stream.
Added option to use none linear seek in the "A/V Decoder".
The MP4 encoder now sets MPEG-4 part 14 flag as standard on mp4 files.
Fixed a bug that caused jobs to hash crash when modifying the jobs workflow.
When submitting files to host exceptioned workflows, FFAStrans could in some cases stop picking up new jobs.
FFAStrans Workflow Manager could crash when deleting nodes on very large workflows.
The GoPro monitor did not show correct progress when configured to check for growing files.
Selecting "Default" preset in nodes now properly set default node values.
Retry job did not properly re-use the stored workflow from previous job.
Fixed several issues dealing with long file paths.
Fixed a bug with "Forget missing files" monitor option not working correctly with sub-folders.
Monitors, while running, did not correctly update user variables/statics upon changes.
Fixed a memory leak in the "Insert media" filter.
Fixed a bug that caused the "Folder" delivery node to fail if output path contained some very unusual characters.
Fixed a crash when trying to browse FTP-paths.
Fixed bug that sometimes caused crash in FTP monitor.
Child processes in a job did not always close properly.
Fixed a bug that could cause monitors to go into loop when picking up very long file path.
Disabled nodes was not displayed correctly.
Pausing a job did not always cause all child processes to be suspended.
Selecting "AVI" in the uncompressed encoder did not work.
Selecting workflow properties other than the one displayed in the editor did not work.
The tray option in the Workflow Manager did not work properly.
The "Interlaced input" option in DVD encoder did not work with variables.
Fixed and removed some unneeded excessive logging in the API and queue manager.
+ Lots of other minor changes, improvements and bug fixes.

What's new in version 1.0.0?


Most of the FFAStrans source code has been reviewed, refactored, conformed and cleaned of old bad, duplicate, inconsistent ad hoc code. The database has been completely rewritten to allow more complex structures to ease implementation of future advanced features. This means the main focus the last year has been rewriting and improving existing code, not adding lots of new cool features. However, we recommend all users to upgrade within at timely fashion. The old versions prior to the 1.0 branch will no longer be supported or bug fixed.

General improvements:

Lots of known and consistently reproducible issues has been addressed.
Completely rewritten internal communication model.
Use of JSON as standard database format.
Automatic restart of abnormally aborted or exited jobs.
Improved farming reliability.
User defined log level per workflow.
Faster node to node execution within same job branch.
Some faster transcoding.
Improved error feedback from encoders (ffmpeg).
Automatic youtube-dl updating on by default.
Service stopping is now reliable on Windows servers.
FFAStrans will now remember last used variables pane.
Variables are no longer limited to approx. 80k characters.
++ Loads of other improvements and fixes.
FFAStrans Workflow Manager:

Generally much more responsive GUI.
Zoom in/out to/from mouse position.
Submit files from input field.
Freely move workflow within canvas without accidental deleting connection lines.
User-defined connection box size.
Turn on/off default description text in nodes for cleaner looking workflows.
Higher in/out zoom levels.
FFAStrans Status Monitor:

Restart jobs from start or from node of failure.
Open work and log folders.
Search for keywords in log history.
Easily gather log files in native JSON format.

NEW: H265/HEVC encoder with HDR support.
NEW: DNxHR encoder.
NEW: Interlace analyzer.
NEW: ProRes encoder (prevously beta released).
NEW: Image sequence monitor (prevously beta released).
Preset support for all nodes:
Create your own preset.
Import/export presets.
Lock nodes settings to presets.
Use variables in encoders "Interlacing" selector.
The "Custom FFmpeg" node has been simplified.
Save stdout from "Command executor" node to variable.
Timeout option added to the "Command executor" node.
Better error messages from the "HTTP Communicate" and "Send e-mail" nodes.
The "A/V Media" encoder can now output same channel count as source or user defined.
The "Generate text file" now supports writing binary content from variables.
Selectable output colorspace in H264 encoder.

$read() function now supports all kinds of files, not just text based.
$regext() added option to return array of all matches.
$arrayread() added option to use zero (0) based search.
New functions:

$jsonget() - Get the value of a JSON key/object/array.
$base64dec() - Decodes the input base 64 string to string/binary.
New variables:

%s_master_display% - Master display info if present on PQ/HDR10 video.
%s_info_ffprobe% - Complete media info from ffprobe in JSON format.
%s_info_exiftool% - Complete media info from exiftool in JSON format.
%s_info_mediainfo% - Complete media info from mediainfo in JSON format.
%i_max_fall% - Maximum program average frame light level in nits.
%i_max_cll% - Maximum program light level in nits.
%i_msec% - Current millisecond.
%i_source_size% - File size of source in bytes.
Other notable changes users must be aware of:

Media cache is now global, either shared or local. Mixed mode is deprecated.
The api is now version v2 and all calls must be directed to /api/v2. Consult the discovery page for changes.
To delete connections in the workflow editor you must now press CTRL.
Once a job has been submitted or picked up, changing the workflow does not affect the ongoing job.
Old templates are now converted to new preset system that saves all node settings.
Services settings will be "zeroed out" and must be reconfigured with correct credentials.
Logging is now standard and not optional. User defined log location has been removed.
The main location for the database has moved to "Processorsdb".
Workflows are no longer stored in the "Workflows" folder.
Completely new FFAStrans wiki page includes thorough documentation with visual description and examples.

The web interface from @emcodem is now an official FFAStrans product.

What's new in version


Patch download only! Includes both the default x64 and x86 versions.

Fixed a bug that caused FFAStrans to reprocess files from FTP monitor.
Fixed some issues with the "YouTube"-decoder not always fetching the correct media streams.
Fixed a bug that sometimes causes the FFAStrans workflow manager to crash.
Fixed a bug regarding excluded hosts starting new jobs.

What's new in version 0.9.4?


The main FFAStrans package now ships with 64 bit builds as default. Separate 32 bit FFAStrans files only are available as additional download.
Added option to run with and exit FFAStrans Workflow Manager to tray icon.
FFAStrans now show ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) status on encoding/buffering actions.
The "Folder"-delivery node now has the option to move instead of copying the source to the destination.
Added new growing files detection method. Continuous monitoring of changing file size.
Added option to force Title Case in the delivery nodes.
Added option to just set playback frame rate in the "FPS Convert"-node. Implies no fps conversion.
Max CPU roof extended to 100%. Use with care!
Added $xxhash() function for fast hashing of large files.
Several FFAStrans executables replaced with a3x files in order to reduce the risk of false anti virus detections.
Improved method for detecting growing files.
Exiting FFAStrans farm now also works when running as service.
Fixed several bugs regarding user variables that was not properly imported, exported and exposed in FFAStrans.
Fixed many API bugs and inconsistencies.
The interlace analyzer in some encoders was broken.
The help section for setting user variables was missing.
+ Lots of other minor improvements and fixes.

What's new in version


Patch download only!

The "AVC-Intra" and "H264" encoders had wrong x264 options set causing incompatible files with some systems.

What's new in version


Patch download only!

The "IMX D-10"-encoder produced files that showed blocky artifacts when imported into Avid. Was fixed in 0.8.1 but reappeared in 0.9.0.
The loudness analyzer was broken.

What's new in version 0.9.3?


Added option to add custom x264 ffmpeg-options in the "H.264" encoder to tune the encoder to your specific needs.
Replaced the "Audio layout" design with a new that's more flexible and understandable; separate options for discrete tracks and channels.
Added option to wrap broadcast formats with the BBC BMX wrapper, available as "MXF (BMX)" in the encoders "Wrapper" drop down menu.
Files wrapped with the BBC BMX wrapper will now honor audio layout except when creating Avid files.
Much faster FFAStrans manager startup when loading lots of workflows.
Password protected workflows now finally works again.
Some improvements to the routines for picking up new files.
Fixed an issue that caused all submitted files to start processing without finishing the first.
The mov-wrapper in the "XDCAM-HD"-encoder was broken and could produce incompatible files.
The mixdown.avs needed by the "Channel Mapper"-filter was missing.
The previous version of FFAStrans was shipped with an ffms2 with several issues.
The "Panasonic P2"-monitor muxed NTSC DV sources with the wrong field order. Was upper, supposed to be lower.
Fixed a memory leak in the routine for forgetting monitored files. Caused the def_runner.exe to use excessive memory.
The "DV/DVCPRO"-encoder delivered faulty source names to the next node.
Fixed a bug that made it difficult to manipulate string variables containing quotation marks.
Fixed a bug that caused running workflows to not pick up changes in the monitors settings.
+ Many other minor fixes and improvements.

What's new in version 0.9.2?


You can now specify custom start time code on the XDCAM-HD, IMX-D10, DV, AVC-Intra and DNxHD encoders.
FFAStrans now supports video stream copying (transwrapping) on the XDCAM-HD, IMX-D10, DV, AVC-Intra and DNxHD encoders. Audio will still be processed as normal. Note that this does NOT work when using the "A/V Decoder"
Improved "GoPro"-monitor support. Should now read most GoPro models.
Added "s_v_profile" and "s_a_profile" variables for video and audio profiles.
General quality improvement in the XDCAM_HD and DVD encoders.
Fixed a bug that caused the %s_original_path~n% to stop working. %s_original_path~0% will now return empty string.
Fixed a video bit rate bug in the "DVD" and "Windows Media" encoders.
Setting custom port for the rest-API did not work.
Fixed an issue regarding aborting files failing to be delivered.

Patch update


Patch download only!

The encoders that delivers Avid-structure files was broken.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused encoders to encode "forever" on some broken media files. Now gives an error instead.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused farm hosts, sharing same work cache, to corrupt jobs.

What's new in version 0.9.1?


Added option to the "Folder"-monitor to synchronize history cache with actual existing files.
FFAStrans can now pause and resume jobs from the "Status Monitor" and the web API.
FFAStrans now supports submitting files from passive manager GUI running on a non processing host.
Small speed improvements on converting video within the same component signal type.
Added %s_month% for month names January to December.
Added %s_weekday% for day names Sunday to Saturday.
The XDCAM-HD video format flag "component" was not set correctly.
A bug caused the "Panasonic P2", "Canon XF" and "GoPro" monitors to stop working.
The "H264"-encoder did not correctly save audio layout. It was locked to 1x2 by legacy reasons.
Fixed some aspect aware resizing issues present on some encoders.
The "Hold" node did not work when synchronizing branched workflows and some branches exited before the "Hold" node.
Fixed a bug that caused hosts excluded from a workflow to use too much CPU. Supposed to use close to zero.
The "YADIF 2X" option in the "Deinterlace"-filter did not produce double framerate.
Removed dependencies for the old and outdated/unsupported LeakKernelDeint AviSynth plugin.

What's new in version


Patch download only!

Avid project implementation in the "XDCAM-HD"-encoder did not work properly.
The "Watermark" and "Videolayer" filters did not handle interlaced video correctly.
Fixed an issue with "Populate variables" that caused an error when it should not.
The %s_original_path~n% variable caused crash on invalid ~n-numbers.
The "Remove monitored file record..." workflow option was removed and replaced, but was left unfinished and undocumented.

What's new in version


Patch download only!

Fixed a serious bug (in that caused several encoders to break when going drop-frame to non-dropframe.
Fixed some issues with the "A/V Media"-decoder that caused it to not decode properly some non-standard media.

What's new in version


Patch download only!

Fixed bad implemantation of the new %s_pickup_record% variable: Had two colliding and inconsistent implementations. Replaced it with %s_pickup_file% and %s_cache_record%. %s_pickup_file% now represent the original file picked up by the monitor. %s_cache_record" represent the full path to the cache history record created by the monitors. Deleting this file through the "Command executor"-node will make FFAStrans reset the history cache for that file/job. WARNING: Wrong usage can lead to FFAStrans going through the same file in a loop if the original file still exists.
The wrapper selector in the "H.264"-encoder was disregarded when encoding.
The documentation stated the possibility to use "2x2" audio layout in the "Audio extractor"-node but it was not present. It's now added along with several new layouts.
Fixed some bugs regarding evaluation of user variables.
Fixed a bug that could cause some processor nodes to be corrupt when removing nodes from a workflow.
Fixed a bug that caused excluded hosts in a farming environment to pick up new files.
Selecting other then "Auto" and "Same as source" as display aspect in the "H.264"-encoder node did not work.
The "A/V Media"-nodes buffering of higher than 8 video bit depths was broken.
Fixed a timecode issue that in some rare cases caused the encoders to fail.

What's new in version


Patch download only!

FFAStrans now correctly detects and compensate for rotated video (from smart phone etc.).
Fixed a bug that caused the "H.264"-encoder to have lower volume on the first channel.
The FFAStrans REST_API Service could in some cases not be installed properly from the GUI.
Fixed a bug that caused the def_runner.exe to write logs when it was not supposed to.
Fixed a bug in the automatic display aspect detection in the "H.264" and "Windows Media" encoders.


Important notice:
Please remember to backup your existing installation before upgrading!

"Loudness"-node: Analyze loudness according to EBU R128 and store values in variables for later use and reporting.
Apply EBU R128 loudness control to all video/audio encoders (except the "Custom FFmpeg").
Resize video/images to fill or fit to encoder dimensions while keeping original aspect ratio.
"GoPro"-monitor: Monitor and concatenate GoPro-files.
"Audio extraction"-encoder: Encoder for extracting and converting audio streams and layouts to separate files.
New functions:$base64(), $urlencode(), $jsonencode(), $readarray(), $guid(), $abs(), $dec(), $hex(), $log() and $random(). See help section for description.
Easy installation/removal of the REST-API service.
The "FTP"-monitor now supports recursive paths.
The "XDCAM-HD", "IMX-D10", "DV/DVCPRO" encoders now supports Avid files creation.
The "Panasonic P2"-monitor can now merge all files on one card into one file.
Improved PAL <-> NTSC frame rate conversions.
New status field showing if processing and API service is run as service, application, disabled or neither (passive mode).
Cleaned up the encoder guis for more consistent layout.
FFAStrans now has separate configuration options for global (General) and local (Host) settings.
Added "Dissolve" in/out to the "Insert media"-filter.
Added quality selection to the "YouTube"-decoder. Select various resolutions with or without HDR.
Added frame rate, pixel aspect and display aspect to the "H.264" and "Windows Media"-encoders.
Added option to use 702 as active video width on SD encoders.
Added video size, audio channel layout, to the "Windows Media"-encoder.
Added audio sample rate to the "DVD iso-file"-encoder and changed the name of the node to just "DVD".
Added option in the workflow properties to control media processing timeout.
Added the variables %s_mxf_op% for checking OP in MXF files and %s_mxf_version% for MXF version.
Added %s_a_layout% variable for audio stream/channel layout. Returns array with channels pr. stream.
Added %s_pickup_record% variable that represent the file picked up by the monitor nodes. Useful for .lnk, .xml etc.
Added version information on all FFAStrans services in the "About" section.
Removed nonworking/obsolete audio "VBS/CBS" option in the "Windows Media"-encoder.
Removed the "Media Distribution" delivery node. It will work but is no longer selectable, maintained or supported. Use Conditionals and media variables instead.
Fixed an error that sometimes caused wrong field order on AVC-Intra.
Fixed a bug that caused nodes, set to execute on success, to execute on error.
Fixed some bugs regarding the "FTP"-monitor accept and deny files options.
Fixed a bug that caused the "FTP"-monitor to not correctly connect to UTF8 capable servers.
Fixed a bug that caused the "FTP" monitor to default to root if the monitored sub folder was moved or deletedv
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused FFAStrans to crash when exiting a node gui.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the monitor service (def_runner.exe) to crash.
Fixed a bug that caused the "YouTube"-decoder to exit abnormally.
Fixed a bug that caused manually submitted links to not work correctly.
Fixed an issue where submitting many files could cause the message box to get too large for display.
Fixed the "Can not locate source" issue.
Fixed an issue with constant video bitrate in the "Windows Media"-encoder and renamed the option to "VBR/CBR".
Fixed an issue that could cause invalid Avid clip names in the "DNxHD"-encoder node.
+ Many other minor fixes and improvements.

Patch update!


Patch download only!.

Fixed more issues ( with evaluation in the "Conditional" and "Populate variables".
The DVD-encoder overrided the audio type setting and thus allways created AC3 audio.
The REST API did not hook onto all local IP adresses.
The FTP monitor was broken. (Fix from
The status percentage in the FTP and file monitor/delivery was broken.(Fix from

What's new in version


The "YouTube"-node can now be set to download video and/or video.
The $exist() function will now also return folders.
The "Folder"-monitor node now supports windows shortcut files (.lnk).
Added user option in FFAStrans configuration to warn when deleting nodes and/or connections. Default is off.
Added user option in FFAStrans configuration to warn when saving workflows with unconnected nodes. Default is off.
Added Ctr+X to delete workflows and multiple selected nodes.
Added the variable "%i_intra" to detect if media is intra frame based.
Improved unicode support in FTP.
FFAStrans now defaults to 64 bit Avisynth on 64 bit OS. Can still be forced to 32 bit.
Added warning on unbalanced quotes in the "Command executor"-node.
FFAStrans does no longer need the MS C++ 2015 Redistributable package.
Fixed several evaluations inconsistencies in the "Conditional" and "Populate variables" nodes.
Fixed a bug that sometimes made FFAStrans crash when opening the "Populate variables".
Fixed some GUI redrawing issues.
The "FTP"-nodes path browser did not work with some special username/password characters.
The "Create folder" in the monitors did not work properly with statics.
+ Several minor improvements and fixes....and a REST API.

What's new in version


Revised node execution logic and much faster on some complex workflows.
Processor nodes can now be changed into another without loosing connections.
Added username, password, unsecure connection, don't use certificates and config file to the "YouTube"-decoder.
Added the variable "%s_original_drive%" which returns drive or UNC server in from the original file name.
Improved cleaning up after jobs that aborted abnormally.
FFAStrans will now properly export and import user variables. Existing variables will NOT be overwritten.
FFAStrans did not correctly detect growing files with a semicolon (;) in the file name.
The "Avid DNxHD"-encoder did not set encoding date on output file.
Fixed a bug that caused user-aborted workflows not to abort if nodes finished too fast.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused FFAStrans to move workflows back from where they just had been moved.
The "Stills"-decoder was broken. Also added the x68 mode and "Force 8 bit" option to the node.
The "IMX D-10"-encoder produced files that showed blocky artifacts when imported into Avid.
The "Hold"-node failed when waiting for files from variables.

What's new in version


Patch download only!

Added "%s_wf_name%", "%s_orignal_path~1%" and "%s_original_name%" as defaults in the "Project", "Tape" and "Clip" fields of the "Avid DNxHD" encoder.
Fixed a bad error that caused FFAStrans to display a message when using some functions.
FFAStrans displayed wrong version number.

What's new in version


Added "Force 32bit dependencies" in the "Special"-settings tab to force 32 bit workflow.
Changed codec id on DV25-encoded MXF-files for improved compatibility.
Removed the ability to choose incompatible 720p23.98/25/29.97 in "AVC-Intra"-encoder 200Mbit mode.
The "Populate variables"-node lost custom node/description when changing it's setting.
FFAStrans sometimes crashed when exporting workflows.
Fixed some issues where FFAStrans did not distinguish between upper and lower case.
The "DNxHD"-encoder did not create the number of audio channels selected in Avid mode.
Fixed a color space issue with some full range formats from DSLR and GoPro cameras.

What's new in version


Fix a bug where FAStrans sometimes produced video where the first frame repeated once and the last one was missing.
FFAStrans crashed when exporting workflows without having any user variables.
Fixed a problem where the "DNxHD" encoder tried to create invalid audio channel counts.
Fixed a problem that sometimes caused the "Folder" and "FTP" delivery nodes to create invalid file names.
The "Stills" encoder did not produce any distributed frames if the frame count was smaller then the distribution count.
The "Stills" encoder did not produce any interlaced frames source height was not divisible by 4.
The "DVD-iso" encoder accidentally created an extra audio stream.
The "DVD-iso" encoder would sometimes produce wrong color range.
The wrong "mixdown.avs" was distributed with the 0.8.0 release.

What's new in version 0.8.0?


Important notice:
FFAStrans now use the AviSynth+ branch as default AviSynth. You might need to install the "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015"-package" to get it working.

The "MP4"-encoder has changed name to "H.264" and the MPEG4 codec is no longer selectable in the node. It will still work with earlier "MP4"-nodes where MPEG4 is selected.

NEW: String, number and file functions. Use functions to manipulate strings or/and numbers in the "Conditional" and "Populate variables" nodes.
Populate variable with text from file
Check if files exists
Use regular expressions to extract text
Replace string with string
Force upper/lower case
Check string/number validity
Add/remove leading/trailing characters
Capitalize Text
NEW node: "Hold". Syncronizes workflow, wait for a specified amount of time or wait for specific file(s).
NEW node: "HTTP communicate". Sends a text string to an URL and save reply in user variables.
NEW: Encoders will now use 64 bit encoding when possible.
NEW: Host inclusion/exclusion in any workflow: Dedicate specific host to specific workflows
NEW: Passive mode: Run the FFAStrans manager without acting as a transcoder. See main help.
NEW: Set your own custom names on processor nodes.
NEW: Add easily viewable description to your workflows.
NEW: Shut down entire farms from a single host.
NEW: 64 bit AviSynth mode in the "A/V Media"-decoder.
NEW: Rewritten audio layout method on all encoders which adds support for many different configurations. See encoder help for more info.
Improvements on the quality of standards conversion across all production encoders.
Single click on a workflow now brings it up immediately. No more need to double-click.
Added: Expand/collapse all folders in the "Workflows"-pane.
Added: Filter aborted jobs in status monitor.
Added: Job start time column for ongoing jobs in status window
Added: Resize options and x,y offest in the "Watermark"-filter.
The %s_source% and %s_success% variables can now be populated with custom data. See variables help for more info.
Added: %s_color_range% variable for the color range of video (full or limited).
Added: %s_color_prim% for color primaries, %s_color_trans% for transfer characteristics and %s_color_space% for color space.
Added: Scene-change extraction and deinterlace option in the "Stills"-encoder.
FFAStrans will now remember and set the last selected workflow upon startup.
"Check for growing files" are now moved to the node level of "Folder" and "FTP"-monitors properties.
Added: Option to omit exit code in the "Command executor"-node.
Added: Large workflow name in editor for better visual. It will also light up red on usaveded workflow changes.
Added: Option to dispel job instance on failed conditional evaluation.
Added: Environment/farming name to the global configuration. Give your FFAStrans installation a personal name.
The "To", "Bc", and "Bcc" fields in "Send E-mail"-node now accepts variables.
The "Command executor"-node and "Custom FFmpeg"-encoder now has larger input areas for easier dealig with long complex commands.
FFAStrans will now try and read the interlacing information in AviSynth scripts and pass it to the %i_interlacing% variable.
The "MP4"-encoder now fully support 10-bit profiles with the x264 codec.
Added the option to set field dominance and video size in the "MP4"-encoder.
Improved general farming reliability.
Fixed some file delivery issues with the "Folder"-delivery node.
Removed all depricated and non working options.
Removed 64 bit ffmpeg option in the "Custom FFmpeg"-encoder. It will now automatically use 64 bit when possible.
The "Generate text file" did not return an error if the file could not be written.
The "DV/DVCPRO"-encoder did not set correctly set the 16:9 flag on mxf files.
The "IMX D-10"-encoder created video that came up green in quicktime.
The file/date variables had month and day switched.
Monitoring root drives like C:, D: etc. did not work.
The "FTP"-delivery node failed to deliver files from recursed folders.
The "Conditional"-node caused FFAStrans to crash when it was run without data.
+ Lots of other fixes and improvements.

What's new in version 0.7.7?


Added 2 channels and the ability to select 16 and 24 bit audio in the "IMX D-10"-encoder.
The main parent job in branched workflows can now be aborted from status monitor; "Abort parent job"
Aborting all from status window now aborts all current workflows and their branches, not just instances.
Changed the wording of "Abort job" to "Abort job instance"
Improved accuracy on reading start timecode in MXF files and general drop frame timecode handling.
The "Esc" and "Enter/Return" keys will now act as exit/cancle and "Ok"-button in node configuration.
FFAStrans will now display a warning if you try to create a variable locked by FFAStrans.
Fixed a rare bug that caused FFAStrans to crash when adding new nodes.
Workflows would sometimes just stop picking up new files.
Rebuilding history from manager was not working properly.
User variable type "integer" was not set to integer.
The history log file was sometimes created with wrong character encoding causing it to display weird characters.
The MP4 encoder failed when encoding audio only.
The node description field sometimes accidentily popped up when working in the editor area.
The "Create folder"-option in the monitors did not work.
The bmxtranswrap tool was missing from the distribution.
The "Custom FFmpeg"-encoder could fail if both audio and video codec was unticked.
The "A/V Media"-decoder sometimes did not properly decode audio streams holding more than 8 channels.
Checking for growing files in "Folder"-monitor was broken.

What's new in version


Patch download only!

The "%s_original_path~n%" variable was broken.
The "MP4"-encoder failed on some frame rates (23.98, 29.97, 59.94...)

What's new in version 0.7.6?


Added 35, 25 and 18 Mbit profiles to the "XDCAM-HD 422"-encoder and changed the name of the node to the more generic "XDCAM HD".
New improved workflow import/export mechanism in XML format (NOT backwards compatible): All associated templates/presets are included.
The workflow list now sort alpahbetically, starting with all folders.
The "Command executor" now tries to pick up the exit code of the executed command. All codes above 0 (zero) will set the state to error.
Added the option to set the output %s_source% variable in "Command executor"-node.
Added progressive to interlaced presets in the "FPS Convertion"-node.
The "Stills"-encoder will now set DPI to 72 on encoded images.
Many improvements in farming reliability.
FFAStrans can now properly supports delivering to paths longer than 255 characters.
Improved detection of some media properties, including start time code.
Cleaned up the context menu in the workflows pane.
User defined node prestes are from now on called "Templates".
The "Populate variables" and "Conditional" nodes caused processors.exe to crash if the expressions started with a dot ".".
Fixed some bugs when evaluating expressions in the "Populate variables" and "Conditional" nodes.
Fixed several bugs when copying, moving, deleting and renaming workflows and folders in the FFAStrans manager.
The "DV/DVCPRO"-encoder was broken when using the "A/V Media"-encoder.
FFAStrans did not return AviSynth errors properly.
Some network files was not always picked up.
The "Remove original from history cache"-option in workflow properties did not work properly.
+ Several other fixes and improvements.

What's new in version 0.7.5?


Huge speedimprovements on picking up files form VERY large monitored folder structures.
File deliveries and localizations now show progress in prosentage. This step will now also support aborting from the status monitor.
Transcoding now show percentage and speed (realtive to playback frame rate) in the status monitor.
Added option to the "Create text file"-node for appending text to existing file.
Added option to the "Create text file"-node for setting source to text file. The text file will now become the input source to a subsequent node.
Improved the "Timecode"-filter visuals.
Improved accuracy in detecting frames per second and length of media in frames.
Improved general reliability in all monitors and growing file detection.
Fixed some faulty logic in the node execution method.
Several input fields in filter nodes did not accept variables input.
The "Run on" days in workflow configuration was not drawn correctly. Broken in 0.7.2.
FFAStrans crashed when copying processor nodes to an empty workflow.
The variable drop-down menu in "Populate variables" sometimes skipped the first variable instance.
Documentation was missing for the "Create text file"-node.
Removed the somewhat obscure "Thoroughness" option. It once had purpose but not anymore.
Removed the "Remove from location" option. It is no business of FFAStrans to have an inbuilt option to delete original files.
+ Other minor fixes and improvements.

What's new in version 0.7.2?


Added the variables %i_v_first% and %i_a_first% for the first video and audio stream number.
Added the option to mux P2 content from the "Panasonic P2"-monitor to MOV.
Processor node setup windows now appear right beneath the node box.
Fixed a bug that caused user variables to not get populated with strings.
Fixed another bug in the "Custom FFmpeg"-encoder that made it fail when no extension was specified.
Fixed an issue that caused some of the nodes to not warn when leaving without saving preset.
The "Panasonic P2" and "Canon XF" monitores sometimes choked on paths with "strange" unicode characters.
Several message boxes was not set as topmost window causing them sometimes to "disappear".

What's new in version 0.7.1?


NEW node: Send mail.
The "Command executor"-node now tries to output stdout and stderr to status monitor.
Added "FFAStrans" variables "%s_prev_node%" for the name of the previous node and "%s_error%" for the last error message/state.
Removed the annoying "You have badly formated variables!" warning introduced in 0.7.0.
Audio layout was not saved in the "DNxHD"-encoder.
The "MP4"-encoder did not properly set start TC from original media.
Fixed a bug in the "Custom FFmpeg"-encoder when using media variables.
The "Select none" in workflow-editor was not enabled correctly.
Fixed some metadata issues with the encoders.

What's new in version 0.7.0 beta?


NEW: Extensive set of file and media properties variables.
NEW: Easily insert and autoselect variables in supported input fields.
NEW: Create user variables and statics.
NEW node: Conditional decision making.
NEW node: Populate user variables.
NEW node: Generate text files.
Improved new file detection reliability.
Added 16:9/4:3 option to the IMX-D10 encoder.
Several FTP improvements and bug fixes. Also added passive mode.
Added 4:2:0 restriction to the "MP4"-encoder for increased compatibility.
You can now enable/disable monitors in a workflow.
Status monitor now remember last used column width.
The "Custom FFmpeg"-encoder no longer require an extension input.
Deprecated the AviSynth multithreading option. It has never really worked well.
The "Remove from history"-option in the workflow setup was wrongfully removed in 0.6.1. It's back and renamed to "Remove original from history cache".
Fix: In some rare occasions, certain processor nodes got corrupted when copying them.
Fix: Decoding issue when the "A/V Media"-decoder node was not the first media processor in a workflow.
Fix: The "Transwrap"-option in the "DVD iso-file"-encoder was broken.
Fix: A bug that made FFAStrans exit if leaving an unsaved "Custom AviSynth-script"-preset.
Fix: Several slider problems on various nodes.
Fix: Disabling and enabling grid caused the FFAStrans manager to crash.
Fix: A bug sometimes caused the status monitor to lose its history pane.
Fix: Deleting workflows from context menu did not work
+ Other minor fixes and improvements.

What's new in version 0.6.5?


FFAStrans created orphaned files in C: that never should been there.
The video bitrate slider in the "MP4"-encoder was broken.
Running workflow jobs was wrongfully aborted when exiting FFAStrans.
Running workflows got stuck in memory if exiting FFAStrans without stopping them.
If logging was turned on, the log size path size kept on growing without being cleaned.

What's new in version 0.6.4?


Added several new option to the "MP4"-encoder like profile, audio channels, quality++.
The "MP4"-encoder has now interlaced aware encoding.
The "FPS Conversion"-filter now does interlaced aware conversion.
Fixed another issue where orphaned jobs got stuck in the status monitor.
Fixed yet another critical bug that sometimes caused FFAStrans to deliver wrong content in a branched workflow with filters.
Fixed a bug that caused FFAStrans to crash when connecting nodes and zooming at the same time.
Fixed a variable bug that caused %original_folder% not to work.

Importand update to version 0.6.3


Fixed a critical bug that sometimes made the job executor crash. Please re-download latest if you have this issue.

What's new in version 0.6.3?


Improved resource efficiency and user feedback.
Fixed a critical "Panasonic P2"-monitor bug that made it crash.
Fixed a critical bug that sometimes caused FFAStrans to deliver wrong content in a branched workflow with filters.
Fixed an issue where sometimes failed jobs were wrongfully treated as successful.
Fixed some "XDCAM-HD 422" scan type and frame rate issues.
Fixed an issue where orphaned jobs got stuck in the status monitor.
Deprecated "Backup original" and "Copy failed" options in workflow properties. Use the "Command executor"-node as replacement.

What's new in version 0.6.2?


NEW: DV/DVCPRO encoder.
NEW: Bypass processor nodes in workflows.
Fixed a critical bug that sometimes caused FFAStrans to deliver wrong content in a multi encoding workflow.
Added audio bit depth and audio layout to the "Avid DNxHD"-encoder.
Added 200 Mbit class to the "AVC-Intra"-encoder.
FFAStrans now checks for available storage before running jobs and notify the user in the status monitor if it's too low.
Fixed a snapping issue when some processors was outside visible area.
+ Other minor fixes and enhancements.

What's new in version 0.6.1?


NEW: Copy and paste processor nodes.
Added several new options to the "DVD iso-file"-encoder like audio codec and bitrate, output filetype and field dominance.
Added "Deny folders" in the "Folder"-monitor.
Removed the "Delete original" feature from workflows. Please look at the "Command executor" help for replacement functionality.
"Panasonic P2" monitor now properly support spanned disk. Check help for more info.
"Panasonic P2" did not handle clips with only 2 audio tracks.
Added a "Workfows" title bar.
Copying text into description field did not work.
+ Other minor fixes.

What's new in version 0.6.0?


FFAStrans is now Windows 10 certified.
FFAStrans was accidentally compiled as 64 bit.
The variables button "V" and several other help screens did not work.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused processor node labels to not display properly.
Fixed a bug that caused the editor background to sometimes change color into a dark grey.
The status monitor did not properly restore after minimizing on the task bar.

What's new in version 0.6.0beta3?


Fixed several file/folder request issues.
Fixed a "Panasonic P2"-monitor bug introduced in 0.6.0b2.
The "Custom AviSynth script"-filter no longer throws an error if no valid .avs file is the source.
FFAStrans did not properly register deleted connections in the current workflow.
Fixed an error that caused "Custom FFmpeg"-encoder to create faulty preset.

What's new in version 0.6.0beta2?


Accidentally registered the short keys Shift+UP and Shift+Down for zooming in the workflow editor, as system global.
The "YouTube"-decoder no longer throws an error if no valid URL is found. It just forward the source to the next processor.
Fixed several other issues with the "YouTube"-decode processor.
The FFAStrans icon failed to show on the Windows Taskbar.
A console window (that shouldn't be there....) opened when submitting file to workflow.
FFAStrans crashed when zooming in an empty workflow.

What's new in version 0.6.0beta?


PREVIOUS RELEASES ARE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH WORKFLOWS CREATED USING THIS VERSION (0.6.0). Also note that you should make a copy of your current FFAStrans folder prior to using this beta.

New: Completely rewritten workflow designer:
Create advanced, modular, node based workflows.
Easy to use graphical interface for inserting, moving, deleting, zooming and drawing connections.
Connect as many processor nodes as you like.
Snap processor nodes to grid for a tidy layout or move them freely.
Color coded processor types and connections.
Have FFAStrans automatically arrange your workflow layout.
Set individual descriptions to each processor node.
Set each processor node to execute on success, error or any outcome.
Manually submit files to any processor within a workflow.
Arrange workflows in bins/folders.
Import and export workflows.
Changed the "Command executor" to a global processor under the new "Other"-family. May now be used at any stage of the workflow which makes it a very powerful processor when using variables.
Deprecated the "Use original"-option in the "Folder"-delivery processor. Use the variable "%original_path%" instead.
The "Suffix" and "Prefix" labels in the "Folder" and "FTP"-processors was swapped.
Fixed several reliability issues with the "Canon XF" and "Panasonic P2"-monitors. Also, they now produce muxed MXF-output, in addition to retaining creation date and time code of original source.
Changed wording from "CPU usage" in configuration to "Max active jobs", which is more descriptive of this feature.
"Custom FFmpeg"-encoder did not properly deal with pipe "|" characters.
The "Media Distributor" did not work as expected.
+ fixed other program and documentation issues.

What's new in version 0.5.2?


Support for selecting multiple files to submit manually.
Added filter in monitor for showing "Success" or failed files.
FFAStrans will now trigger new jobs according to priority setting in each workflow.
Added the variable %recursed_path% to preserve the recursed path from the monitor.
Added the variables %YD% numeric day of year and %WD% for numeric day of week.
Expanded pad and crop settings to max 8000.
Fixed an error in "YouTube"-decoder where it sometimes did not download the best quality.
Fixed some problems with using path-variables in conjunction with FTP-Delivery.
+ Other minor bugfixes.

What's new in version 0.5.1?


Full unicode support.
Improved monitoring reliability.
FFAStrans no longer depends on ffmbc for creating XDCAM-HD 422 and IMX-D10 files.
FFAStrans now adds "Encoded date/creation_time"-metadata to all encoded media.
Improved some error feedback when encoding fails.
Backup folder did not work as expected.
Fixed a serious bug in the "AVC-Intra 50/100"-encoder when encoding media without audio.
Fixed an fps conversion issue with the "AVC-Intra 50/100"-encoder.
Fixed a rare inconsistency bug when cleaning up file history.
Fixed a problem with detecting some color spaces.

What's new in version 0.5.0?


Enhanced preliminary unicode support.
Fixed a bug when using "Localize file" in "FTP" and "Folder" monitors.
Removed old legacy function that created a hard coded folder structure when backing up orignal
Added missing xvidcore.dll for the ffmbc executable.
Fixed ffmbc-crash when using cores > 16.
Fixed an error dealing with 0 (zero) channel audio streams.
Fixed a drop frame time code conversion issue.
Fixed an interlace-bug in the "IMX D-10" encoder.
Other minor bug-fixes.

What's new in version 0.5.0beta2 ?


Fixed a bug when selecting folder to copy faild jobs that caused FFAStrans to crash.
Fixed a bug that caused FFAStrans main and monitor window to sometimes open incorrectly.
Fixed a bug that caused the in-program help scroller to not work properly.
Fixed an issue with detecting drop-frame time code.
Fixed a variable bug in "Custom FFmpeg"-encoder.
Fixed an audio routing bug when using "Audio Channel Mapper"-filter.
Fixed color conversion issues on several encoders.
Fixed several issues regarding encoding without the "A/V Decoder".

What's new in version 0.5.0beta ?


New monitor:Panasonic P2.
New monitor:Canon XF.
New encoder:AVC-Intra 50/100.
New encoder:Avid DNxHD with option to deliver straight to Avid projects.
Added option to drop extension on "FTP" and "Folder" delivery.
Added the variable variant "%original_path~n%" for retrieveing parent folder names.
Added the variable "%m_tc_start%" for start time code of original media.
Added the option to use original media start time code as source and force FPS in the "Timecode" filter.
FFAStrans now preserves start time code of original media throughout the encoding process.
FFAStrans main window and monitor now remembers last window postion and size.
Rewamped the guis so that they don't flicker when resizing.
Fixed a "Command Executor"-bug so that it now show console output.
Fixed a bug that caused FFAStrans to halt when closing a new workflow without saving.
Fixed a bug when using custom fps in the "FPS Converter" filter.
Fixed a bug that caused FFAStrans to fail when cleaning history from inaccessible paths.
Fixed another cleaning issue with empty work folders.
Fixed inconsistent variable handling.

What's new in version 0.4.1?


Updated FFmpegSource which gives major speed and decoding benefits.
Much reduced idle CPU usage.
All Nodes in a FFAStrans farm will now automatically update when new workflows are added, deleted or changed.
Added "Aborting job..." notification in monitor when aborting jobs.
Added the folder variable "%original_folder%". This is the original path without drive/UNC.
All monitors will now discard 0 (zero) byte files.
"YouTube"-decoder is no longer restricted to YouTube. Check out for complete list.
Fixed a bug where moving processors up and down in workflow configuration did not work.
Fixed a bug that caused duplicated worflows to have incorrect configurations.
Fixed a bug that caused FFAStrans to clean up job history list incorrectly.
Fixed a rare problem with jobs not exiting properly.
Several other minor bug fixes and improvements

What's new in version 0.4.0?


Added a note reminder on the "Custom FFmpeg" encoder to add "Channel Mapper".
Added option to keep job work directory upon job completion.
Improved cleaning up of orphaned files created by FFAStrans.
Fixed an error where removing files from history did not properly work when deleting originals.
Fixed an error where sometimes audio channels was not properly detected.
Moved "Use multithreading in AviSynth" and "Show aberration on success" to the "Special" tab in "Workflow setup".
Various other small bug fixes.

What's new in version 0.4.0beta2 ?


Fixed error where submitting files without any monitors did not work.
Fixed error where manually submitted files some times did not complete when restarting FFAStrans while processing.
Fixed inconsistency when switching between "Mbit" and "Kbit" presets in "Custom FFmpeg" encoder.
Fixed weird default preset in "Custom FFmpeg" encoder.
When copying or creating new workflows their status would not update until FFAStrans was restarted.
Added some new file name user variables.
Fixed error where "Command executor" did not correctly parse output variables.
Improved automatic handling of some difficult files in the "A/V Decoder".
Note that this is a BETA version and thus you should make a copy of your current FFAStrans folder.

What's new in version 0.4.0beta ?


NEW: Multiple instances of multiple workflows
NEW: Support for multiple monitors in workflows
NEW: Resource control
NEW: Abort jobs from monitor
NEW: Colors to distinguish between workflow statuses + progress bar in monitor
NEW: Jobs can continue after reboot or FFAStrans restart
MUCH enhanced transcoding farm capabilities
Logging workflows for debugging to file now works
Several other bugfixes, improvements and optimizations. All previous non working options has been removed
Note that this is a BETA version and thus you should make a copy of your current FFAStrans folder.

What's new in version ?


New delivery: FTP
Fixed a distribution error from the previous release.

What's new in version ?


Fixed an critical error with encoders that did not process audio when using the "A/V Media" decoder.

What's new in version ?


Fixed a stupid bug in FTP Monitor which caused it to display an array for testing purposes.

What's new in version 0.3.1 ?


Creating sequence from "Stills" encoder now works.
Added some options to decide how to extract frames in "Stills" encoder.
When creating a new workflow you will now start by creating a name for it.
XDCAM-HD encoder now works without the "A/V Decoder".
All encoders now properly map any audio configuration without the "A/V Decoder".
Improved built in scalers in IMX-D10 and XDCAM-HD encoders so they are now that of broadcast quality (at the cost of speed).

What's new in version 0.3.0beta ?


LOTS of fixes and improvements. Too many to mention.
Some basic documentation
New monitor: FTP
New decoder: DOS Command executor
New filters: Audio channel mapper, Color and levels conversion
New encoder: XDCAM-HD 422
No separate AviSynth installation required
Global support for system and time/date variables
Supports 32 audio channels.
Basic support for setting up transcoding farms.

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