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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for EyeFrame Converter
1.8.0 More Magic Lantern RAW import improvements
1.7.9 Magic Lantern RAW import improvements: Stability issues, Speed improvements, Avoid pink color switch, 16 bit.
1.7.8 New: Magic Lantern RAW import.
1.7.7 New: Save and open project settings.
1.7.6 New: Wine friendly menus and key shortcuts. Generate MediaInfo in Notepad for easy copy/paste into forum for troubleshooting.
1.7.5 New: Automatic Iso generation of DVD folders. Access add prefix, edit time code, edit reel name, edit frame rate from menus.
1.7.4 New: DVD authoring as delivery preset. Bugfix: Image sequence import with and without wav.
1.7.3 New: Tabs and destination path in export settings. Renaming of presets. Mute Esc key.
1.7.2 Bug fix: Import of PNG in sequence with wav audio.
1.7.1 New: Menus
1.7.0 By Khaver: – Fixed the endless loop bug when using “o” and “f” to add image sequences and Avisynth scripts.
-Added the file name into the set frame rate dialog for image sequences and Avisynth scripts.
– Changed UTC date and times gathered from ffmbc and mediainfo into local time so timecode reflects local time.
1.6.8 New: Key “o” opens a select files dialog and key “f” opens a select folder dialog.
1.6.7 New: Keys “h” and “c” to display a message box containing the controls(rhinox202)
Conversion duration(rhinox202)
Bugfix: Adding folders containing image sequences(Khaver).
1.6.6 Changes by rhinox202: Proxy message removed after clicking “Convert for editing”. Proxy option added to “Set export formats” window. Conversion duration added to “Conversion finished” message box.
1.6.5 By Khaver
New: Enhanced image sequence import. Image sequences can be tif, jpg, png, tga or bmp files. The number of frames digits is not limited to 6 places. Any frame digit length will work. The first frame doesn’t need to be 00000, etc. It can start at any number. The program will find the first frame in the sequence if you don’t drag in the first file. Bugfix: Fixed the problem with 25fps being used to determine the duration of image sequences and other bug fixes.
- Add prefix to selection of exported file names by right clicking item in the Name row. Leave prefix entry box empty to remove previously added prefixes from selected items.
- L-key opens the ffmbc_log in Notepad.
1.6.3 New: Edit conversion formats.
- Sort all items alphabetic by clicking row headers.
- Intermediate files in project folder as default.
Changes by Khaver:
- Increment now works as it should (no gaps in frame count).
- Clips don’t have to be the same frame rate for increment to work.
- Frame rate edit dialog changed from up/down arrows to a text input box. You can also enter a formula in the box to get fps such as 24000/1001 to get 23.976.
- Frame rate item in the list now has 3 decimal place precision for those rates that might need it.
- Add incrementing time codes to selection(if all clips have the same frame rate).
- Limit reel name to 8 characters.
- Right click on Frame Rate to change fps for selection.
New hotkeys:
- F5: Convert for edit.
- F6: Swap.
- F7: Convert for upload.
- Speedup in encoding: the intermediate creation and proxy creation processes run simultaneously.
- Minor fixes.
- Icons.
- Avisynth frame rate.
- Numeric check for frame rates.
1.5.6 New by Khaver:
- Changed the Size column to Duration column.
- When adding a tiff image sequence or Avisynth scripts, an input box pops up so you can enter a new frames per second value.
- When the thumbnail creation function runs, it creates the thumbnail and at the same time retrieves the file info to fill in the list view items. If that doesn’t supply all the info, mediainfo.dll is run to retrieve the missing info. This allows for correct image sequence info.
- The thumbnail creation command for ffmbc has been fixed so correct aspect ratio thumbnails are shown and it doesn’t crash ffmbc.
- Dashes removed from reel name(max. 8 characters in Lightworks > the date).
- MJPEG HD export pre-set with time code for Lightworks free.
Fixes by rhinox202:
- Limit spinner
- Cancel of swap dialog
- Remove unused icon code
- Left-double-click to open tc and reel name
Fixes by Khaver:
- Wrap spinner
- Only numbers in spinner
- Added Cancel buttons on TC and Reel Name
- replace ffprobe with mediainfo(so ffprobe can be left out)
New by Tin2tin:
- Open folder after export to non-proxy
- F1 key opens help
1.5.4 New: Edit time code settings for selection with right-click on time code item. – Edit reel name settings for selection with right-click on reel name item.
1.5.3 New: Time Code, Reel Name and Frame Rate added(MediaInfo) or generated at import time and automatically added to exported mov and mxf files. Intermediate and proxy files from the same source will get the same time code and reel name.
1.5.2 New: Setup installer. Correct ini format. Various command line corrections.
1.5.1 Various great enhancements by rhinox202
1.5.0 New: Timecode and reelname added to mov and mxf exports. If source has timecode it will be reused and if not the file creation date and time will be used. The creation date and a unique five letter word will be added as the reelname and the creation time will be the timecode. The intermediate and proxy file from the same source file will get identical reelnames and timecodes.
1.4.9 Added: Collect information on files it is not able to import and give you one message-box after the import has finished.
1.4.8 – Right click to select ‘Convert for editing’ – format and ‘Convert for upload’ format.
14/10 – v. 1.4.7
New: Import of Lightworks exported tif image sequences.
- If a wav file with the root name is found in the same folder it will be imported too(ex. ‘filename.wav’ for a sequence named ‘filename-000001.tif’).
- A ‘filename-000000.tif’ file must be the first file of the sequence.
13/10 – v. 1.4.6
Bugfix: Thumbnails not correct after delete and new import.
New: Keyboard short-cuts: Del and x key deletes selection, i key shows info, a key selects all.
New: Folder with alternative export codecs ex. ProRes and DVCPRO100(rename to EyeFrame_cmd.txt and add to main folder).
9/10 – v. 1.4.5 Added Double-left-click to view media in ffplay. Added Right-click to get media
8/10 – v. 1.4.4 Added import of folders and folders within folders.
6/10 – v. 1.4.3 Change audio bitrate when source is mono, check for 0k exported files, option to open log in Notepad.
29/9 – v. 1.4.2 Swap proxy files to project folder when adding more proxy files to project.
28/9 – New button: “Convert for upload”
27/9 – Thanks to Khaver new command lines solves the problems of missing audio in longer clips.
24/9 – New and improved interface, save working paths etc.
20/9 – Added check don’t export to sourcefolder
- Added: drag and drop files on the desktop icon for fast import.
- More error checking ex. project must be closed in LW for successful file swapping.
- Higher quality intermediates thanks to Khaver.
18/9 – Error checking and more meaningful messages
17/9 – External command lines in EyeFrame_cmd.ini – Proxy files exported with 1/4 resolution and bitrate.
16/9 – Night: Added ffprobe for checking import files. Bugfix: swap wasn’t working correctly after
restart of app.
16/9 – Morning: the EyeFrame Converter can also create proxy files and swap between uncompressed intermediate and compressed proxy files by the click of a button. If the playback of Mpeg2 I-Frame HD files lags you can use this new function to create low bitrate proxies and by the click of a button swap low and high bitrate files when you want to export your project from Lightworks. If you got a very low end computer this is the way to edit without playback lag in Lightworks.
15/9 2012 – First release.
1.7.9 Magic Lantern RAW import improvements: Stability issues, Speed improvements, Avoid pink color switch, 16 bit.
1.7.8 New: Magic Lantern RAW import.
1.7.7 New: Save and open project settings.
1.7.6 New: Wine friendly menus and key shortcuts. Generate MediaInfo in Notepad for easy copy/paste into forum for troubleshooting.
1.7.5 New: Automatic Iso generation of DVD folders. Access add prefix, edit time code, edit reel name, edit frame rate from menus.
1.7.4 New: DVD authoring as delivery preset. Bugfix: Image sequence import with and without wav.
1.7.3 New: Tabs and destination path in export settings. Renaming of presets. Mute Esc key.
1.7.2 Bug fix: Import of PNG in sequence with wav audio.
1.7.1 New: Menus
1.7.0 By Khaver: – Fixed the endless loop bug when using “o” and “f” to add image sequences and Avisynth scripts.
-Added the file name into the set frame rate dialog for image sequences and Avisynth scripts.
– Changed UTC date and times gathered from ffmbc and mediainfo into local time so timecode reflects local time.
1.6.8 New: Key “o” opens a select files dialog and key “f” opens a select folder dialog.
1.6.7 New: Keys “h” and “c” to display a message box containing the controls(rhinox202)
Conversion duration(rhinox202)
Bugfix: Adding folders containing image sequences(Khaver).
1.6.6 Changes by rhinox202: Proxy message removed after clicking “Convert for editing”. Proxy option added to “Set export formats” window. Conversion duration added to “Conversion finished” message box.
1.6.5 By Khaver
New: Enhanced image sequence import. Image sequences can be tif, jpg, png, tga or bmp files. The number of frames digits is not limited to 6 places. Any frame digit length will work. The first frame doesn’t need to be 00000, etc. It can start at any number. The program will find the first frame in the sequence if you don’t drag in the first file. Bugfix: Fixed the problem with 25fps being used to determine the duration of image sequences and other bug fixes.
- Add prefix to selection of exported file names by right clicking item in the Name row. Leave prefix entry box empty to remove previously added prefixes from selected items.
- L-key opens the ffmbc_log in Notepad.
1.6.3 New: Edit conversion formats.
- Sort all items alphabetic by clicking row headers.
- Intermediate files in project folder as default.
Changes by Khaver:
- Increment now works as it should (no gaps in frame count).
- Clips don’t have to be the same frame rate for increment to work.
- Frame rate edit dialog changed from up/down arrows to a text input box. You can also enter a formula in the box to get fps such as 24000/1001 to get 23.976.
- Frame rate item in the list now has 3 decimal place precision for those rates that might need it.
- Add incrementing time codes to selection(if all clips have the same frame rate).
- Limit reel name to 8 characters.
- Right click on Frame Rate to change fps for selection.
New hotkeys:
- F5: Convert for edit.
- F6: Swap.
- F7: Convert for upload.
- Speedup in encoding: the intermediate creation and proxy creation processes run simultaneously.
- Minor fixes.
- Icons.
- Avisynth frame rate.
- Numeric check for frame rates.
1.5.6 New by Khaver:
- Changed the Size column to Duration column.
- When adding a tiff image sequence or Avisynth scripts, an input box pops up so you can enter a new frames per second value.
- When the thumbnail creation function runs, it creates the thumbnail and at the same time retrieves the file info to fill in the list view items. If that doesn’t supply all the info, mediainfo.dll is run to retrieve the missing info. This allows for correct image sequence info.
- The thumbnail creation command for ffmbc has been fixed so correct aspect ratio thumbnails are shown and it doesn’t crash ffmbc.
- Dashes removed from reel name(max. 8 characters in Lightworks > the date).
- MJPEG HD export pre-set with time code for Lightworks free.
Fixes by rhinox202:
- Limit spinner
- Cancel of swap dialog
- Remove unused icon code
- Left-double-click to open tc and reel name
Fixes by Khaver:
- Wrap spinner
- Only numbers in spinner
- Added Cancel buttons on TC and Reel Name
- replace ffprobe with mediainfo(so ffprobe can be left out)
New by Tin2tin:
- Open folder after export to non-proxy
- F1 key opens help
1.5.4 New: Edit time code settings for selection with right-click on time code item. – Edit reel name settings for selection with right-click on reel name item.
1.5.3 New: Time Code, Reel Name and Frame Rate added(MediaInfo) or generated at import time and automatically added to exported mov and mxf files. Intermediate and proxy files from the same source will get the same time code and reel name.
1.5.2 New: Setup installer. Correct ini format. Various command line corrections.
1.5.1 Various great enhancements by rhinox202
1.5.0 New: Timecode and reelname added to mov and mxf exports. If source has timecode it will be reused and if not the file creation date and time will be used. The creation date and a unique five letter word will be added as the reelname and the creation time will be the timecode. The intermediate and proxy file from the same source file will get identical reelnames and timecodes.
1.4.9 Added: Collect information on files it is not able to import and give you one message-box after the import has finished.
1.4.8 – Right click to select ‘Convert for editing’ – format and ‘Convert for upload’ format.
14/10 – v. 1.4.7
New: Import of Lightworks exported tif image sequences.
- If a wav file with the root name is found in the same folder it will be imported too(ex. ‘filename.wav’ for a sequence named ‘filename-000001.tif’).
- A ‘filename-000000.tif’ file must be the first file of the sequence.
13/10 – v. 1.4.6
Bugfix: Thumbnails not correct after delete and new import.
New: Keyboard short-cuts: Del and x key deletes selection, i key shows info, a key selects all.
New: Folder with alternative export codecs ex. ProRes and DVCPRO100(rename to EyeFrame_cmd.txt and add to main folder).
9/10 – v. 1.4.5 Added Double-left-click to view media in ffplay. Added Right-click to get media
8/10 – v. 1.4.4 Added import of folders and folders within folders.
6/10 – v. 1.4.3 Change audio bitrate when source is mono, check for 0k exported files, option to open log in Notepad.
29/9 – v. 1.4.2 Swap proxy files to project folder when adding more proxy files to project.
28/9 – New button: “Convert for upload”
27/9 – Thanks to Khaver new command lines solves the problems of missing audio in longer clips.
24/9 – New and improved interface, save working paths etc.
20/9 – Added check don’t export to sourcefolder
- Added: drag and drop files on the desktop icon for fast import.
- More error checking ex. project must be closed in LW for successful file swapping.
- Higher quality intermediates thanks to Khaver.
18/9 – Error checking and more meaningful messages
17/9 – External command lines in EyeFrame_cmd.ini – Proxy files exported with 1/4 resolution and bitrate.
16/9 – Night: Added ffprobe for checking import files. Bugfix: swap wasn’t working correctly after
restart of app.
16/9 – Morning: the EyeFrame Converter can also create proxy files and swap between uncompressed intermediate and compressed proxy files by the click of a button. If the playback of Mpeg2 I-Frame HD files lags you can use this new function to create low bitrate proxies and by the click of a button swap low and high bitrate files when you want to export your project from Lightworks. If you got a very low end computer this is the way to edit without playback lag in Lightworks.
15/9 2012 – First release.