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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Evom

Version 0.99a
Released 2/10/10

* Added automatic crash reporting framework.
* Added in-app feedback window (can be accessed through the Help menu).
* Other internal fixes.

Version 0.98
Released 12/9/09

* Added estimated time remaining.
* Added preference for videos to process at once.
* Added preference for max threads per video.
* Added preference for preferred mp4 codec (xvid,h.264).
* Fixed memory leak in task document.
* Fixed bug in task step count.
* Fixed bug in analyzer when video not found.
* Fixed bug in xvid,h.264 codec usage.

Version 0.97d
Released 12/1/09

* Extended beta period.

Version 0.97c
Released 11/21/09

* Changed icon.
* Fixed document types for drag and drop.
* Enhanced object model for future video sources.

Version 0.97b
Released 9/22/09

* Fixed bug with Apple TV support.
* Added maximum sampling rate for Apple TV.
* Smoothed progress bar increments.
* Fixed bug in file analysis.
* Disabled pass-thru encoding for local files.
* Fixed bug in stream mapping when targeting MP3.

Version 0.96b
Released 7/29/09

* Added HTML5 support (OGG & MP4).
* Added F4V support.
* Added CPU core detection for better thread management.
* Reorganized transcoding framework.
* Added analyzer for input files to better handle bitrates and codec selection.
* Optimized MP3 support to avoid upscaling bitrates.
* Fixed bug in aspect adjustment.
* Many other additions...

Version 0.95b
Released 6/30/09

* Updated FFmpeg binary; application will automatically offer to install updated components.
* Changed the interface for adding new videos.
* Added an audio-only option (helpful for ripping music videos from the web).
* Updated web downloading code.
* Many other additions...

Version 0.94b
Released 6/1/09

* Reduced CPU on table updates.
* Added a comment for converted videos.
* Added more robust cleanup logic.
* Now disables certain textfields when not used or required.
* Changed iPod output settings.
* Added a title to the main window.

Version 0.93b
Released 5/30/09

* Added m4v support.
* Added a “reveal” icon to the table.
* No longer forces the user to change their iTunes preferences.
* Dropping a video on the table brings Evom to the front.
* Reduced the default width of the main window.
* Improved embed detection for sites without auto-starting videos.

Version 0.92b
Released 5/27/09

* Added mkv, ogm support.
* Added a check for iTunes to ensure it is properly configured to accept videos.
* Added paste support to the conversion table.
* Evom now pre-populates the YouTube title field.

Version 0.91b
Released 5/25/09

* Adjusted window max sizes.
* Added hide button to the beta registration window.
* Added a check for YouTube credentials.
* About window displays correctly.
* Now downloads video conversion components separately.
* Added “Evom” item to the “Window” menu.
* Fixed a minor memory leak.
* Fixed a bug that caused some conversions to take too long.

Version 0.9b
Released 5/24/09

* Initial release!

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