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Encode360 2.03

* CHANGE: K-Lite install options changed to work with AVC/AAC formats without the need for CoreAVC. This should resolve a number of encoding problems
* NEW: When /AUTO is specified, the application will automatically exit on successful completion (returns errorcode 0)
* CHANGE: Updated MediaInfo to v0.7.7.6
* CHANGE: Some minor tweaks to hopefully fix up some form-related bugs
* FIX: Install / Uninstall mechanism now works as expected
* FIX: MSI tended to not actually upgrade the files, just the Windows Installer version details

Encode360 2.02

* CHANGE: Everything has been changed to being x86 only. It’s not possible for Enc360 to work with WME9 x64, so the app is now forced to x86 mode on XP / Vista x64. This prevents against a lot of problems people have when trying to get Enc360 working on x64 platforms.
* CHANGE: Rework of how MKV subtitles are detected and extracted to be more robust
* CHANGE: Lots of fixes and updates to the installer
* CHANGE: Updated MKVToolNix to 2.3.0
* CHANGE: Updated K-Lite Codec Pack to 4.1.7
* CHANGE: Updated MediaInfo to

Encode360 2.0 Final Changelog:

CHANGE: Updated K-Lite Codec Pack to 3.9.5
CHANGE: Updated MediaInfo to
CHANGE: Updated compiler options to hopefully fix some unmanaged COM problems
CHANGE: Updated MKVToolNix utilities to v2.2.0

Encode360 2.0 RC2 Changelog:

* NEW: Command-line option /Auto <file1> <file2> etc. for automatic encoding
* NEW: Updated with support Vista Controls (Class Library from by Pedro M. C. Cardoso)
* CHANGE: Upgraded to VS2008 Project
* CHANGE: App Manifest for UAC (will hopefully prevent against regkey write failures because of running under standard user mode that was mucking up some filter settings, such as 5.1 audio through AC3Filter and subtitles under ffdshow)
* CHANGE: Updated MediaInfo to
* CHANGE: Updated K-Lite to 3.5.7

Encode360 2.0 RC1 Changelog:

* NEW: Multi-core Support
* NEW: Preferred Language. Sets the default language for both subtitle AND audio tracks (for container formats using Haali such as MKV/OGM)
* NEW: Well, sortof. OGM Subtitles Extractor rewritten and now bundled as part of installer
* NEW: Support for ASS Subtitles through ffdshow (experimental)
* CHANGE: If FFDShow isn't found, clicking Cancel no longer exits the app
* CHANGE: Updated K-Lite Full Codec Pack to 3.3.0
* CHANGE: Updated MediaInfo.DLL to
* FIX: x64 Support (Thanks to balog and shlicky for assistance and fixes)
* FIX: Encoder wasn't cleaning up after itself, leading to memory leaks and dozens of systray icons
* FIX: FFDshow subtitles weren't being enabled if ticked in Advanced Settings
* FIX: If 'Output To' was a saved preference, you'd be prompted for a path every time Enc360 started, even though the path was saved too
* FIX: MKV PreProcessing Scriptlet would incorrectly parse certain subtitle streams and create a new folder instead of the actual subtitle file
* FIX: Installer would continue if Windows Media Encoder wasn't found
* FIX: Minor bugfixes

Encode360 2.0 beta 7 Changelog (Abridged):

- Will verify that .NET 2.0 and Windows Media Encoder 9 are installed before allowing the install. Hopefully will knock a number of ‘bug’ reports on the head! Smile
- Includes automatic installation for K-Lite COdec Pack & recommended settings for use with Encode360
- Includes MKV Subtitle Extractor PreProcessing Scriptlet & support files
NEW: Completely overhauled UI. Visualhub was sortof my inspiration!!
NEW: Audio / Video key details now in Advanced Settings
CHANGE: Removed all the folder monitoring stuff… Sorry, but it was causing way too many problems
CHANGE: Output resolution can now be set regardless of whether you use Autoscaling or not
CHANGE: WMV no longer on filetype list, but can be selected through All files. This prevents against accidentally re-encoding WMVs
CHANGE: Updated MediaInfo to Dev Snapshot (14/07/2007)
CHANGE: Updated tooltips
CHANGE: Code Cleanup
FIX: ‘64 character limit’ error on encoding jobs that would take a long time
FIX: A crash could occur if the file duration was miscalculated by MediaInfo
FIX: If the encoding job failed and the application closed, the process would not stop unless it would manually killed
FIX: ListView didn’t allow drag/drop of files from Windows Explorer
FIX: A crash could occur if a value was changed into autoscaling and no file had been previously selected
FIX: Encoding more than one file could result in memory leaks and bad files
FIX: If a problem occurred during the encoding job, the entire application would hang

Encode360 2.0 beta 6 Changelog (Abridged):

- NEW: FLV & WMV Support
- NEW: Ability to Drag/Drop re-order of items in the encoding list.
- NEW: "Enable / Disable Subtitles through FFDshow" to Advanced Settings
- NEW: "Preferred Subtitles Language" Option to Advanced Settings. This is so that PreProcessing Scripts (such as the updated one for MKV files) can extract and use them
- NEW: ETA on Encoding Completion (Requested by damski)
- NEW: Shutdown PC when finished (Requested by Hitcher)
- CHANGE: Massive internal re-write. I had been putting this off for a while, but eventually I had to do it. I've compartmentalized all of the Encoder code into a separate class and re-written huge segments. This has eliminated a HUGE amount of the codebase, and made it a lot more flexible.
- CHANGE: Disabled .NET x86 directive. This means x64 isn't currently supported, until someone gets around to re-compiling specifically for 64-bit. Schlicky will hopefully do this over the next few days
- CHANGE: Huge overhaul to the Aspect Ratio handling code. Now works with Non-Square Pixel videos (Thanks to Zen)
- CHANGE: Seriously cleaned up Debug Information
- CHANGE: Rewrite to the PreProcessing Script code. New MKV PPS Scriptlet linked below. Extract to the Encode360 folder (will create a subfolder called MKV)
- CHANGE: Logging now includes less useless details, and more important details
- CHANGE: Debug Info is no longer a Top-Most Window
- CHANGE: An error is no longer displayed if no subtitles were found in an MKV
- CHANGE: Updated MediaInfo to (LOTS of media-detection bugs fixed)
- FIX: Framerate "Double" error could occur if not using English as your Locale Settings (thanks to Zen)
- FIX: Certain audio streams returned an invalid sampling rate which caused Encode360 to bomb out
- FIX: If Autoscale was not enabled and was a saved setting, the Output Resolution was always 0x0 unless you ticked and unticked Autoscale
- FIX: Non-Square Pixels were always detected, even when the source video wasn't
- FIX: Invalid duration times in a number of container formats, ie, MKV, OGM (which led to a host of other problems)
- FIX: Force 2 Channel Audio Downmix setting now saved
- FIX: Force Quality Based Audio Encoding setting now saved
- FIX: Better Exception handling when running PreProcessing Scripts
- FIX: Ratio division bug - see
- FIX: If autoscale was disabled, Height / Width values were inverted resulting in a bad encode

MKV Subtitle Pre-Processing Scriptlet Changelog:

- NEW: Subtitle Language Support
- NEW: Support for additional subtitle formats: UTF, IDX, SUB, SRT, SMI, RT, TXT, SSA, AQT, MPL and USF
- CHANGE: Better debug output for troubleshooting
- CHANGE: Updated MKVToolNix

2.0 Beta 6 alpha 3 Changelog:

NEW: "Enable / Disable Subtitles through FFDshow" to Advanced Settings
NEW: "Preferred Subtitles Language" Option to Advanced Settings. This is so that PreProcessing Scripts (such as the updated one for MKV files) can extract and use them
FIX: Force 2 Channel Audio Downmix setting now saved
FIX: Force Quality Based Audio Encoding setting now saved
FIX: Better Exception handling when running PreProcessing Scripts

MKV Subtitles Changelog:

NEW: Subtitle Language Support
NEW: Support for other subtitle types (except ASS, as ffdshow only has experimental support for this yet). So it should work with UTF, IDX, SUB, SRT, SMI, RT, TXT, SSA, AQT, MPL and USF
CHANGE: Better debug output for troubleshooting
CHANGE: Updated MKVToolNix

2.0 Beta 6 alpha 2 Changelog:
Ability to Drag/Drop re-order of items in the encoding list.
Updated MediaInfo revision to (Dev Snapshot)
Fixed a ratio division bug - see

Beta 5a Changelog

- Frame rate was sometimes calculated incorrectly which caused encoding to fail
- Percentage Complete was way off. Hopefully I've sorted this out now.
- Duration was always reported in seconds. Should now be reported in H/M/S.
- Output resolution said "N/A" when not autoscaling. It now correctly says the same as the Input resolution

Beta 5 Changelog

- Automatic correction for Non-Square-Pixel videos. This should resolve most Aspect Ratio issues
- OGM File Support (Except for subtitles, although someone could probably build an PPS like the MKV one?)
- Added DVR-MS as a filetype (may or may not work. I can't find a codec that works with this)
- Ability to set additional settings through Encode360.Exe.XML
- Video Buffer Size (Bitrate Modes Only - Default 3000)
- Video Buffer Max (Peak Bitrate Mode Only - Default 5000)
- Video Image Sharpness (Quality Based VBR Mode Only - Default 100)
- Video Keyframe Distance (Default 2000)
- Can move processed files to the Recycle Bin by specifying "RECYCLE BIN" as the move path
- PostProcessing Scriptlets
- If a PreProcessing Scriptlet exists, the filetype it's for gets added to the supported format list

- Major Major Change - No more FFMPEG! Now uses MediaInfo Libraries
- This has a lot of knock-on effects and is likely to have fixed a lot of reported bugs, but maybe caused new ones
- Fail-over to No Progress if MediaInfo can't determine the source duration
- Selecting Output to Zune or Zune Bitrate now auto enables 2 channel downmix as well as setting all other Zune defaults
- Numerous failsafes implemented to prevent encodes from failing
- Expanded out the abilities of PreProcessing Scriptlets
- If using the MKV Subtitle PPS, you'll need to re-download from here

- Arithmetic error in timerPercentComplete_Tick would occur if WME couldn't determine the source duration
- Default settings for 802.11b in an unconfigured environment were too high
- Numerous cosmetic and logging bugs

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