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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for EditStudio Pro

Version 6.0.5 (14 April 2008)
- Fixed few broken Audio filters: Low/High/band PassLow Equalizer
- Fix for potential problem splitting linked files after J/L edit
- Added Sanity Check in menu Tools - it will list all items, their GUID, used plugin and used file + it can generate xml report of item and you can Unlink or manually delete item. This should help with debugging problems in the future
- removed trial version limit for DV audio

What is New in 6.0
* Streamlined Interface
* Integrated Multi-Camera editing
* Alpha Transparency on layers and various overlay modes
* Vectorscope/Waveform/RGB Parade (also Live Scopes in capture)
* Navigator View (allows easy access to whole project)
* Color Bar and Tone generators
* Quick Matte to directly paint Transparency Matte on a video with a brush
* Mark In/Out dialog
* Easy access to Toppings from Properties
* Templates for HDV HD1 and HDV HD2
* Audio/Video loops and multiple Loop Markers

5.0.1 - 29 Jun 2005 Changed from 5.0.0:
- Default Media Explorer presets will no longer vanish
- An extra "EditStudio 5" folder is no longer created as part of the user library
- Layer item popup menu now shows "I" as the keyboard shortcut for the Split tool
- Removed PCM audio option when creating DVD movies (MPEG audio is now part of the DVD spec and should be supported by the majority of DVD players)
- DVD presets now produce closed GOP movies by default, to avoid warnings when used with DVD-lab
- Moving a single marker no longer sets the end time to zero
- No longer shows "unknown" for version number when in trial mode
- No longer crashes when try to rename folders in the non-media tabs of the Media Explorer
- Picture items are no longer flushed from the Media Explorer when they have no thumbnail information available.
- Now remembers the state of the MPEG XS video/audio import settings between sessions
- Removed the word "topping" from a couple of undo/redo operations
- The list now resizes the the dialog box for the markers dialog box
- Now searches program path when looking for missing media files. This allows users to distribute projects which use the sample media, or users to put the Editstudio challenge files in the program path.
- Now shows properties for focussed item after a marquee select
- Disables the scene detection settings controls during scene detection
- Improved item moving and addition when adding items with a general layer in the timeline
- Fixed bug which caused effects which use source layers to vanish like transitions when resizing underlying layers.
- Splash window no longer forced to front. This makes it easier to detect any codecs that are opening windows as part of their trial period
- Improved Media Explorer to filter out effects based on transition and effect type. This is required by Wax, otherwise presets appear in both the transitions and effects tabs.
- Fixed bug which caused a crash with zero length audio items.
- Fixed bug which prevented some tooltips from appearing.
- Fixed bug with Windows Media import which caused corrupt frames with some frame sizes.

5.0 (April 26, 2005)


This stops the new Microsoft AntiSpyware tool from incorrectly identifying one of EditStudio's DLLs as being dangerous. The DLL is completely harmless and we do not have spyware in any of our programs. Read more about the issue at:


Fixed from 4.1.3:

- Appends a ".eds" to the filename when using "Save As" if one is not present
- Items added to the storyboard now have their frame times snapped to the nearest frame to avoid strange frame sticking problems when using NTSC frame rates
- Now handles opening projects which contain references to plugins which aren't installed on the current PC
- Fixed bug with value slider in Keyframe Properties dialog box when using balance and pan keyframe nodes
- Fixed bug with audio not playing correctly in preview after clicking on item in storyboard and using the DV monitor
- Fixed bug in which keyframes were not correctly set in both items after splitting a bitmap item
- Fixed bug with circular wipe not working correctly when the vertical resolution was greater than the horizontal resolution
- Fixed bug when drawing text box when "No line wrap" is chosen in the preview
- Fixed bug with item Position dialog box which stops zero length items from being created
- Fixed bug with MPEG XS when creating audio-only movies
- Fixed bug which caused memory to leak when using non-existent source video files in a project
- Fixed bug which stopped certain characters from being entered into the storyboard "Notes" and "Name" text boxes if a similar keyboard shortcut was also present
- Fixed bug which caused incorrect drawing when layering several transparent PNG items
- Fixed bug in drawing top layer preview when using frame placement of bitmaps
- Fixed bug which caused small audio gaps at the end of some DV files
- Fixed bug if audio rate in a captured DV file does not match the audio rate set in the DV frame data
- Fixed bug which caused the incorrect chapter times to be exported when attached to items with non-zero mark in times
- Fixed bug which caused crash if tried to export subtitles from a project that didn't have any subtitles
- Fixed bug in unlock code reading routines which caused a crash for a small number of users
- Minor changes to help files


Fixed from 4.1.2:

- Incorporates blank line text rendering fix from 4.1.2b1
- Fixed resource leak when drawing markers under Windows 98/ME


Fixed from 4.1.1:

- Fixed bug which drew rectangles on blank lines in text effects on some systems (this was a test release only)


Fixed from 4.1.0:

- Fixed various text rendering bugs caused by the addition of support for multibyte character sets


New from 4.0.5:

- Added ability to add and export DVD chapters from EditStudio
- Added ability to add subtitles to a movie and export as ".sub" for DVD authoring packages
- Added support for 16:9 DV anamorphic widescreen
- Added support for multibyte (Unicode) fonts, allowing Japanese, Korean, Chinese and other fonts in text effects (Multibyte fonts are not currently supported for subtitles, as the .sub file format does not support multibyte fonts)
- Added ability to minmise EditStudio during a build
- Added "single" marker type
- Fixed from 4.0.5
- Various minor fixes


Fixed from 4.0.4:

- Fixed bug in PaintLibrary which caused occasional crashes with certain fill types in several effects
- Fixed bug in text effects which caused some justification to work incorrectly after paragraph breaks
- Fixed bug which caused controls in Balance effect to increment negative values when focus is lost on the control
- Fixed bug which caused crash when certain effects with selection objects were used as toppings
- Added ability to stop splash screen opening by holding down Ctrl key while EditStudio starts
- Fixed a small number of broken links in the help files
- Fixed bug in Close Gap feature when items are present in the gap below the selected layer


Fixed from 4.0.3:

- Fixed bug which caused crash when reading audio from DV files captured with Windows Movie Maker
- Fixed bug which caused crash when resizing the right of an item when the popup trim preview was turned off
- Fixed bug which caused Media Explorer lists to jump when scrolling with a large number of items
- Fixed text for F6/F7 zoom in timebar popup menu
- Fixed bug which occasionally caused Copy/Paste to use the incorrect order of the items
- Improved font drop-down list to show fonts with non-Western encoding
- Removed menu items for Markers Properties dialog box as was being confused with Marker Properties dialog box
- Inserting a clip using the menu now preserves the item's name and notes
- Performing a "Save As" now recreates references to the temporary DV files so that they aren't shared by the original project
- The preview in the Build, Times page now uses the full project length every time


Fixed from 4.0.2:

- Remembers icon style in Media Explorer
- Remembers size of tree view in Media Explorer
- Fixed incorrect font problem with text effects when importing some EditStudio 3 projects
- Correctly imports DV AVI files captured by Scenalyzer Live
- No longer gives "ACM" error when starting up if a bad audio codec is found
- No longer crashes when resizing zero length Dissolve and some other transition items
- Short audio items now play correctly in all situations
- No longer removes audio keyframes when opening projects using Ignition unlock code
- No longer able to create projects with greater than 6 layers when using Ignition unlock code (these extra layers wouldn't load back into EditStudio anyway)
- Minor cosmetic changes


Fixed from 4.0.1:

- Removed unused DV audio/video controls from Build Wizard when building to file or DV camcorder
- Removes file locks when creating a new project or opening an old project, allowing you to use files from one project in another
- No longer crashes when calculating audio for larger DV projects
- Resolution shows correctly in Media Explorer popup and Media Info dialog box for DV files
- No longer loses first character on newline after an empty line in Titles effect
- Supports all single-byte character sets in all text effects. Support for multi-byte character sets is ongoing
- MPEG XS settings dialog box inherits frame size to avoid showing warnings
- Improved bitmap item caching to increase interface redraw speeds in projects with lots of bitmap items
- No longer imports video in audio/video clip that has "Audio only" selected
- F6/F7 references in menus corrected
- No longer crashes if cancel QuickTime build
- Minor changes to help files


Fixed from 4.0.0

- Popup previews with regions now draw correctly for all effects
- Changed the Close Gap feature to work in a more logical way in some instances
- Help page now opened correctly when called from Customise Toolbars dialog box
- No longer gives "Cannot aquire crypt context" error that could affect a small number of users
- Gets correct file length information from DV files created with other programs (eg. Studio 8 )
- Non-English characters draw correctly in Titles effect (support for other text effects is ongoing)
- DV frames are now built at full resolution, even if the preview is set to "draft" initially
- Audio fades created correctly when loaded from EditStudio 3 projects
- No longer crashes when resizing Copy effect to zero length
- Smoother bitmap panning when building NTSC projects
- Various other minor fixes


For a full list of changes, see:

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