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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for ArrowDL
ArrowDL v4.2.1
[Core] Fix bug with recursive download
[Core] Fix bug with speed displayed after finished
[Core] Fix typos
[Core] Remove dead code
[Torrent] Move classes to path 'Torrent'
[Torrent] Move torrent classes in separate cppfile
[Torrent] Simplify TorrentContext
[Stream] Upgrade yt-dlp
ArrowDL v4.2.0
This new version introduces a completely new download engine!
Until now, the download engine was tightly coupled to the queue widget (view). This caused performance issues, very noticeable when the queue had 1000 or more downloads in progress.
The redesign of the Download Engine (now called Scheduler) permits to completely separate the model and the view. Indeed it now implements the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. Even if there is only one view in the application, and the MVC pattern may therefore seem superfluous, it brings among other things many benefits in terms of performance since it directly derives from the efficient Qt's models/views classes.
[Core] Brand new Scheduler and Job classes, which replace former DownloadEngine, DownloadManager and DownloadItem
[UI] Implement model-view-controller (MVC) pattern with QueueModel and QueueView
[Test] Update all tests (rem: not fully done yet)
[UI] Remove confusing 'safe remove' option
[Core] Fix regressions
[Core] Fix missing copyright
[Torrent] Upgrade libtorrent v2.0.11
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
[Stream] Update yt-dlp default hosts
[i18n] Update translations (e.g. Italian)
ArrowDL v4.1.0
[UI] Modernize UI by removing speed limit option
[UI] Remove connection segments option, because it's unused yet
[UI] Remove concurrent fragment option, because it's not implemented yet for files and not by default for streams
[UI] Add "Move to Trash" button
[UI] Remove all complicated "Remove" buttons to make the menu simpler
[UI] Remove "Force Start" as it's redundant with "Start"
[UI] Update Website URL ("" instead of "")
[Core] Fix bug with mask 'name_33.ext' that produces 'file_33_33_33_33.jpg'
[Core] Deactivate failing test
[i18n] Update translations
ArrowDL v4.0.5
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
[i18n] Update translations
ArrowDL v4.0.4
[Stream] Add new HTTP User Agents
[Stream] Improve User Agent error message
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
[i18n] Update translations
ArrowDL v4.0.3
[WebExtension] Open link in new window (Thanks @AHOHNMYC)
[Blog] Fix url to website (Thanks @FadeMind)
[Addon] Fix check failure with Mozilla Firefox addon
[Core] Fix duplicate warnings in data driven tests
[Core] Fix debug warnings in data driven tests
[Core] Remove redundant test
[Build] Remove 'master' deployment (redundant with tag version)
[Build] Update github workflow dependencies to use Node.js version 20 (LTS)
[Core] Update jQuery 1.3.2 to 3.7.1
[i18n] Update translations
ArrowDL v4.0.2
[Torrent] Upgrade Libtorrent from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10
[Stream] Update yt-dlp to 2024.08.06
[i18n] Update translations (RU, CN)
[i18n] Add zn_TW (Chinese, Taiwan)
[i18n] Add es_BO and es_US (Spanish Bolivia ans US)
[WebExtension] Add Microsoft Edge to the supported browsers
[WebExtension] Fix bug with extension name (native messaging) on Linux
[i18n] Fix warning in Qt Linguistic
[Build] Fix deployment vulnerability: Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4.1.7
[Core] Update .gitignore
[Core] Fix typos
[Blog] Remove former blog pages (transferred to a dedicated repository)
ArrowDL v4.0.1
This version provides a big update for the WebExtensions ArrowDL's add-on as it introduces Manifest v3. for the records, Manifest v2 has been decommissioned by Chromium a few days ago.
Note: only ArrowDL versions > v4.0.1 are now supported with the add-on available on the Firefox/Chrome/Edge online stores.
Tips: For older version of ArrowDL, the former v2 add-on can still be added to the browser manually.
[WebExtension] Upgrade Firefox / Chromium web-extensions add-on from Manifest v2 to Manifest v3
[WebExtension] Rename DownRightNow to ArrowDL for all add-ons to ensure consistency across all browsers
[UI] Fix glitches with dark palette (Dark Mode)
[UI] Fix bug with incomplete reset of the theme when clicking 'Cancel' in preference dialog
[Torrent] Add missing notifications
[WebExtension] Fix warning "Only packaged apps are allowed to use 'launcher' context"
[WebExtension] Replace old 'var' to 'const' or 'let' in javascript
[i18n] Update translations
[Doc] Replace Qt5 by Qt6 in documentation
[Doc] Fix broken links in README
DownZemAll v3.1.0
Happy New Year 2024!
This release is the result of a lot of effort, and contains a big change:
OpenSSL v3
This release also uses more C++20 mechanisms, Qt6.5.3 and libtorrent v2.0.9.
Note for a clean installation
If the app is installed on top of an an older version (for example, through the automatic upgrader), the old OpenSSL libraries won't be removed, because the OpenSSL v3 libraries have another names.
To have a clean installation, uninstall the 3.0.6, and install the 3.1.0.
This way, the OpenSSL 1.1 should be definitly removed.
[Torrent] Add bcrypt
[General] Use recommendation for C++20 members initialization using '=' operator
[General] Use recommendation for QLatin1String with ""_L1
[General] Use recommendation for QDateTime
[General] Use recommendation for QString, replace isNull() by isEmpty()
[General] Use recommendation for QString with qPrintable
[General] Remove old compatibility macro for C++11/14 'Q_NULLPTR'
[General] Remove old compatibility macro for C++11/14 'Q_DECL_OVERRIDE'
[General] Remove compatibility < Qt 6.0.0
[General] Use recommendation for magic numbers
[General] Use recommendation for C++11 with 'auto' to avoid narrowing conversions
[General] Use recommendation for c++11 return with brace syntax for QBitArray, QUrl, QPixmap, QIcon, QTime
[General] Use recommendation for c++11 return with brace syntax for QString
[General] Use recommendation for c++11 return with brace syntax for QVariant
[General] Use recommendation for QRegExp static construction
[General] Use recommendation for QObject Signals/Slots normalized signatures
[General] Use recommendation for C++11 with 'for' instead of 'foreach'
[General] Fix warning with narrow conversion 'qsizetype' to 'int'
[Build] Fix warning when compare qsizetype and SIZE_MAX (-Wsign-compare)
[Build] Allow partial deployments
[General] Fix misplaced semi-colon after macro
[General] Fix bug with destructor that calls virtual method
[Torrent] Fix missing bencode namespace
[Torrent] Replace QMap<K,T> with QHash<K,T> in torrent
[Core] Replace QMap<K,T> with QHash<K,T> in theme
[Updater] Fix overload signal for updateAvailable()
Adds the Chocolatey package as a way to install DownZemAll! by @Xav83 in #75
Fix missing Title Bar icon on KDE Plasma Wayland by @SnipeXandrej in #115
Fix build with Qt 6.6.x (fixes #120) by @BSDKaffee in #121
[Torrent] Update Libtorrent 2.0.9
[Build] Upgrade Qt6.3.1 to 6.5.3
[Build] Upgrade OpenSSL v1 to v3
[Build] Upgrade aqt v2.1 to v3.1
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
[Build] Hide debug logging during normal deployment steps
New Contributors
@Xav83 made their first contribution in #75
@SnipeXandrej made their first contribution in #115
@BSDKaffee made their first contribution in #121
Rem: Currently, it seems there are 2 small regressions:
on Windows, the dialogs seem using the old-fashioned Windows style by default (will be fixed in v4)
Torrents are paused by default. All files are in prirority 'Ignore', so they won't be downloaded. To start them, set priority to 'Normal'.
DownZemAll v3.0.6
[Core] Fix regression due to wrong signature of signals
DownZemAll v3.0.5
[Stream] Add merger step
[Core] Fix bug with wrong file size when bigger than 1GB, due to type 'int' instead of 'size_t'
[Stream] Fix missing estimated size in stream dialog
[Stream] Fix bug with multi-thread downloads that issue messages at the same time
[i18n] Update translations
DownZemAll v3.0.4
[Stream] Add concurrent fragments option
[Stream] Add artist and release year to filename
[Stream] Fix wrong progress info when when extractor shows '~' symbol (
[Stream] Fix bug with missing file size
[Stream] Fix bug with missing playlist index in filename
[Stream] Fix bug with "Construction" that becomes "filestruction"
[Core] Improve batch renaming
DownZemAll v3.0.3
[i18n] Add Japanese (Japan) and Vietnamese (Viet Nam) translation
[i18n] Update Hungarian, Polish and Italian translations
[i18n] Update japanese and vietnamese translations
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
DownZemAll v3.0.2
[IPC] Fix bug with launcher <-> application inter-process communication (IPC), due to remove of terminating '�' in QByteArray::fromRawData(), which was present in Qt5 but removed in Qt6.
DownZemAll v3.0.1
[Torrent] Upgrade Libtorrent v2.0.8
[Stream] Add simplification to title
[Stream] Capitalize title
[Build] Add build of Windows MinGW 64 Portable
[Build] Add missing 'on' tag to deployment
[Blog] Add Privacy Policy
[AutoUpdater] Fix bug with QCollator when ICU is not available
[Build] Fix bug with XCB or Wayland library path in .desktop file on LinuxFYI the original error message was:
[Build] Fix missing libraries on Linux
[Build] Fix Github Actions script
[Build] Fix bug with missing references of OpenSSL during linking
[Torrent] Fix bug with removed deprecated functions in Libtorrent
[Torrent] Fix bug with wrong Libtorrent version
[Misc] Fix compiler warnings
[Blog] Update Jekyll instructions
[Blog] Update Hydeout 4.2.0
[Blog] Fix Javascript
[Blog] Fix typos
DownZemAll v3.0.0
Happy New Year 2023! :)
This release contains a lot of changes explained in this blog article.
[Build] Upgrade from Qt5 to Qt6
[Build] Upgrade LibTorrent 2.0.7
[Build] Upgrade Boost 1.77.0
[Build] Add Github Actions deployment YML script
[Build] Remove Appveyor-CI and Travis-CI YML scripts
[Stream] Update yt-dlp 2022.11.11
[Build] Repath OpenSSL to the one supported by Qt6
[Build] Repath Boost (using a FindXXX.cmake module)
[Build] Fix Libtorrent deprecated functions
[Build] Fix Cmake for Linux build
[Build] Migrate Qt project files (*.pro, *.pri) to CMake (.cmake, CMakeLists.txt)
[Build] Remove obsolete Qt project files (*.pro, *.pri)
[Build] Build Libtorrent as independent project, repath using a FindXXX.cmake module
[Blog] Rename gitignore and LICENSE
[Blog] Update Readme
[Blog] Add badge
[Blog] Post article
DownZemAll v2.5.8
[Test] Fix bug with unreachable external resource (issue #74)
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
[Build] Upgrade Boost 1.79.0
DownZemAll v2.5.7
[i18n] Add Hungarian translation files
DownZemAll v2.5.6
[i18n] Add Hungarian translation files
[Stream] Upgrade yt-dlp
[i18n] Update instructions to add a new translation
[i18n] Update Chinese (ZH) and Dutch (NL)
DownZemAll v2.5.5
[Stream] Fix stream title cleaning
[Stream] Upgrade yt-dlp
[i18n] Update translation
DownZemAll v2.5.4
[I18n] Added Dutch translation
[I18n] Updated Italian and Chinese translations
DownZemAll v2.5.3
[Stream] Refactor cleanFileName()
[Stream] Fix bug with stream title cleaning
[I18n] Fix bug with untranslated words in About dialog
[i18n] Update translation (Italian)
[AppVeyor] Update key
DownZemAll v2.5.2
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
[UI] Improve stream dialog (add subtitles selector)
[Stream] Refactor stream data structure for yt-dlp's new features
[Session] Fix bug with session data
[Updater] Fix minor issues (autoupdater, link error, tests)
[i18n] Update translation
[Blog] Updated icons
DownZemAll v2.5.1
[Updater] Fix Auto-Update
[UI] Fix non-translated strings
[i18n] Update translations (French)
DownZemAll v2.5.0
This release replaces Youtube-dl by YT-DLP.
Note: an effort should be done in the future for improving the 'stream' UI, which is now messy due to the multiple options it provides.
[Stream] Update Youtube-DL fork (yt-dlp) version 2021.10.22
[Stream] Add detailed log for stream in information dialog
[Misc] Add debugPrintProcessCommand() to debug yt-dlp commands
[Stream] Add stream custom options (in stream dialog)
[Stream] Add stream global options (in preferences)
[UI] Add log to downloaded objects and log console to InformationDialog
[UI] Add socket timeout and type preferences
[UI] Add subtitle icons
[UI] Improve UI of InformationDialog
[Stream] Fix bug with --no-color (youtube-dl) instead of plural --no-colors (yt-dlp)
[Stream] Fix bug with last modified time in youtube-dl (--no-mtime)
[UI] Fix bug when dialogs resize
[UI] Add collapse button in all dialog boxes, to simplify the UI.
[UI] Fix broken cache dir link in Preferences
[i18n] Update Italian
[i18n] Update translations
[Blog] Add article
[General] Add code of conduct and contributing pages
DownZemAll v2.4.3
[Core] Add option to get the server time and apply it to the downloaded files metadata (creation date, last modified...). See options in Preferences > Network > Downloaded Files
[i18n] Add Polish translation file (but not translated yet)
[Test] Fix broken test due to broken HTTPS url in tst_downloadmanager
[Blog] Fix broken link with the new API of (not .org)
[i18n] Update translations
DownZemAll v2.4.2
[i18n] Update translation - Chinese
Remark: Linux images weren't built for this release, due to a late token update in Travis-CI. It doesn't worse to rebuild the tag just for a translation change, so, Linux people, please wait for the next release :)
DownZemAll v2.4.1
[Blog] Fix broken links
[i18n] Update translations (italian)
[Stream] Update youtube-dl
DownZemAll v2.4.0
New! Customize the UI style with Preference > Interface > Style and Icons
[UI] Add Dark Mode
[UI] Add Flat Design icon theme
[UI] Add platform style choice
[UI] Fix crash when non-silent download is launched by the web-extension, and the MainWindow is minimized
[UI] Fix incorrect mimetype icon in thumbnail
[UI] Fix color palette, stylesheets and image urls
[Build] Fix Boost link in Travis-Ci
[Test] Fix unit test 'utf8' with false warnings
[Test] Fix travis build stop (implicit uint to int conversion)
[Blog] SECURITY_FIX Upgrade Hideout (Jekyll theme) to 4.2.0
[i18n] Update translations
[Blog] Post articles
DownZemAll v2.3.2
[Downloader] Add manager for downloading a list of Urls
[Blog] Fix dates
[Blog] Add article
DownZemAll v2.3.1
[installer] Change dialog layout and images
[i18n] Add NSIS installer strings to Transifex config
[installer] Fix missing "visit web site" in NSIS
[Stream] Update Youtube-DL to 2021.04.26
[installer] Update setup.nsi Italian translations
[i18n] Move translations to separate NSI files
[i18n] Add Python scripts for translations (credits: MusicBrainz Picard)
[i18n] Generate JSON translations
[Build] Migrate '' to ''
[Build] Travis Migrate VM from Trusty to Xenial (Qt5.5 to Qt5.6)
[Blog] Post articles
DownZemAll v2.3.0
[i18n] Add Italian language - Thanks to @bovirus
[Misc] Add internationalization in NSIS install script - Thanks to @bovirus
[i18n] Add Italian, French, German translations in NSIS
[UI] Fix missing translations (#34)
[i18n] Update .ts files
DownZemAll v2.2.3
@setvisible setvisible released this on Feb 10
[General] Fix filename with Unicode characters (#29)
DownZemAll v2.2.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jan 2
[Torrent] Show error dialog when importing bad .torrent file
[Torrent] Fix crash when filename has non-ASCII characters (#24)
[UI] Fix ugly word wrap of QLabel in Information dialog
[Test] Fix broken links in several unit test *.pro files
[Test] Fix missing TorrentBaseContext unit test
[Misc] Fix wrong directive QT_VERSION_CHECK
DownZemAll v2.2.1
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 15, 2020
[i18n] Add pt_BR translation*
*Thanks to nero-0 for your contribution
DownZemAll v2.2.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 8, 2020
[Torrent] Remove user client identification
[Torrent] Add metadata unfinished pieces
[Torrent] Improve piece map performance and add priority markers
[WebExtension] Fix Chromium manifest.json path in
[WebExtension] Fix incomplete deployment of scripts on Linux (#10, #17)
[Stream] Upgrade Youtube-DL to 2020-12-07
[i18n] Update translations (German)
DownZemAll v2.1.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Oct 6, 2020
[Torrent] Implement Torrent Piece Map view
[Torrent] Add table sorting and filtering, torrent view
[Torrent] Add Clear disconnected peers, context menu of torrent view
[Torrent] Add tool tips on torrent list views
[Torrent] Replace ugly 'X's with cool icons that represent peer flags
[Torrent] Colorize disconnected peers in grey, with a limit of 1024 peers.
[Torrent] Optimize Torrent Piece Map performance (worker thread)
[Torrent] Display available pieces in the form of segmented bars, peers tab in torrent view
[UI] Minimize when Escape key is pressed
[Dialog] Fix not enabled Start when item is checked
[Torrent] Fix bug with wrong torrent priorities (context menu > Set Priority By File Order)
[Torrent] Fix Qt v5.5 missing method
[Torrent] Fix typo
[Misc] Fix many clang warnings
[Misc] Fix implicit 'int' evaluation in qFloor() and qCeil()
[Misc] Refactor qMin(qMax()) with qBound()
[Misc] Refactor obsolete QRegExp with QRegularExpression
[Test] Refactor TorrentAnimator: add more peers and pieces animation
[UI] Fix style of list items and progress bars
[Blog] Add article
[i18n] Update translations
DownZemAll v2.0.8
@setvisible setvisible released this on Sep 25, 2020
[Torrent] Set default priority to normal instead of ignore
[UI] Simplify keywords in the user session file (removed "streamEnabled" and "torrentEnabled", added "type")
[Build] Fix missing QtWebEngine dependencies (qt.conf, QtWebEngineProcess.exe, etc.) for MSVC deployment (issue #10)
[UI] Fix palette of the website wizard
[i18n] Fix placeholders
[Test] Fix manual test
[Stream] Update Youtube-DL to 2020.09.20
[Stream] Rename StreamId to StreamObjectId
[Stream] Rename StreamInfo to StreamObject
[i18n] Update translations
[UI] Relocate all static colors to Widgets/Globals and remove duplicates
DownZemAll v2.0.7
@setvisible setvisible released this on Sep 17, 2020
[Stream] Add track number to filename
[UI] Add --Verbose (-V) command option
[UI] Fix KDE close event when the system tray icon is visible
[UI] Fix action of keys (up/down/home/end) on playlist
[Stream] Fix missing working directory on Ubuntu
[WebExtension] Remove '' tag injection from locale
[Stream] Update YoutubeDL
[i18n] Update translations
[ReadMe] Update documentation
DownZemAll v2.0.6
@setvisible setvisible released this on Aug 23, 2020
[Stream] Improve StreamWidget
[Stream] Add unit tests
[UI] Fix table row selection color
[UI] Fix retranslate in PreferenceDialog
[Queue] Fix regression with wrong estimated time value
[Queue] Fix regression with unsorted items
[Stream] Refactor StreamWidget UI
[Stream] Remove StreamInfoPtr
[Torrent] Fix manual test
[Network] Fix Referrer options
[Blog] Add articles
DownZemAll v2.0.5
@setvisible setvisible released this on Aug 12, 2020
(!) Beta version
That means some features are experimental, like: playlist, proxy, referring page.
Moreover stream download might not work as expected, due to a large refactor, prior to implement playlist.
If you are cautious, skip this version, and wait for the next version that is not a beta.
[Stream] Implement PLAYLIST download in Stream dialog
[Stream] Add 'Cancel' button to stop metadata downloading in Stream dialog
[Preferences] Implement HTTP Proxy option
[Preferences] Implement HTTP Referring Page option
[GUI] Rename Client to User Agent in torrent view, for consistency
[GUI] Replace error codes with explicit messages
[GUI] Add Clear button to QLineEdit in dialogs
[Stream] Fix Referrer and User Agent in Stream dialog
[Stream] Refactor Stream GUI
[Queue] Fix bug with missing User Agent in Network Manager
[Queue] Refactor Network Manager
[Torrent] Fix unwanted resizing when a long text in QTextEdit hides other QLabel in TorrentWidget
[Torrent] Fix cell vertical alignment in the torrent view
[Stream] Fix typos
[Legal] Fix copyright dates
[Blog] Fix missing zip-files in (*.zip exception missing in .gitignore)
[Stream] Update YoutubeDL to 2020.07.28
[i18n] Update translations [^1]
[Blog] Add new article and screenshots
[^1]: See, if you want to contribute
DownZemAll v2.0.4
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jul 25, 2020
[Queue] Improve 'drag': now it's possible to drag multiple files at once, from the queue view to the system file browser (instead of one by one)
[Stream] Download metadata immediately after dialog opens (don't wait for the 'continue' click anymore)
[Torrent] Add custom progress bar for torrent, which shows the progress of each piece
[Torrent] Add context menus to manage the tables of files, peers, trackers
[Torrent] Add feature to select the file priority (torrent's files table > right click > Priority)
[Torrent] Add new tab for the pieces map viewer (Rem: piece map is not available yet, it's work in progress...)
[Torrent] Test: Add standalone app to test the torrent widget manually
[Torrent] Test: Add unit test for TorrentContext
[Torrent] Refactor of Torrent, TorrentMessage, TorrentContext...
[Stream] Fix error message typo
[i18n] Fix various retranslate errors
[WebExtension] Fix unsafe innerHTML assignment
[i18n] Release Spanish translation (37% currently done) [^1]
[Stream] Upgrade to youtube-dl 2020.06.16.1
[Blog] Add article
[^1]: See, if you want to contribute
Special Thanks
Spanish translation: Ricardo J. Barberis /richarson
DownZemAll v2.0.3
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jun 9, 2020
[Deployment] Add .AppImage build for Linux
[i18n] Implement internationalization (i18n) [^1] of the application and the browser addon. At this point, available translations are:
o 100% French
o 100% English
o 3% Arabic
o 3% German
o 3% Spanish
o 3% Korean
o 3% Portuguese
o 3% Russian
o 3% Chinese
[^1]: See README to contribute.
[i18n] Fix internationalization of the application (fix strings, fix translate(...), fix typos)
[i18n] Fix internationalization of the Firefox and Chrome addons
[i18n] Configure Transifex
[i18n] Add translations files
[Deployment] Fix deployment of Linux Tarball on Travis
[Deployment] Fix install script for the Linux desktop shortcut
[WebExtension] Simplify the addon (remove duplicates)
[Docs] Add guide for translation contributions to README
[Blog] Update URLs in the website's download page
[Blog] Add article
DownZemAll v2.0.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on May 23, 2020
[UI] Remove debug messages handling in release mode
[WebExtensions] Fix launcher for Unix platform with Firefox (tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Firefox 76)
[Build] Fix wrong tar archiving command that archives parent directory
[Blog] Fix user-agent detection that presented 32bit URLs instead of 64bit
[Blog] Minor fixes (broken URLs, typo...)
[Installer] Move NSIS scripts to 'windows' directory
[Installer] Separate Windows/Unix/MacX files by platform
[Misc] Update troubleshooting and Readme
DownZemAll v2.0.1
@setvisible setvisible released this on May 10, 2020
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
[Torrent] Implement magnet link to download .torrent files from peers
[Stream] Add youtube-dl cache cleaning
[Stream] Add referer Url option for youtube-dl
[Stream] Add youtube-dl auto-upgrade
[UI] Add mention to Boost version in Help > Build Info
[Stream] Add unit test for 'HTTP error 404'
[Stream] Fix '-' symbol in file names
[IPC] Add unit tests for IPC
[Stream] Upgrade youtube-dl
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v2.0.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on May 8, 2020
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
[Torrent] Implement torrent downloader using BitTorrent protocol (a peer-to-peer file sharing communications protocol) to download .torrent files (^1)
[UI] Add getting started dialog and simplify UI
(^1) Note that magnet links are still work in progress.
Only .torrent files work at the time of writing these lines.
[Torrent] Fix build bug with MSVC
[Stream] Fix host schemes detection
[Stream] Open stream downloader if the URL is a stream + unit test
[Build] Update build chains
[Torrent] Add third-party libraries (boost, libtorrent)
[UI] Improve 'Remove xyz' buttons (remove selected, remove completed, remove all...)
[UI] Improve 'Import' menu
[UI] Improve save/restore states
[UI] Improve stream dialog and compiler info dialog
[UI] Implemented tooltip and statustip messages
[Blog] Update screenshots and articles
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.7.5
@setvisible setvisible released this on Apr 15, 2020
[GUI] Implement manual drag and drop
(from external applications and operating system, dropping files, urls, texts... to the main window)
[I/O] Fix SEGFAULT when importing twice the same file
[Stream] Upgrade youtube-dl
[Stream] Fix bug with youtube-dl calls on Unix systems
[General] Add RPATH error to troubleshooting
DownZemAll v1.7.4
@setvisible setvisible released this on Mar 31, 2020
[UI] Add more details to InformationDialog
[UI] Implement Rename Tool
[UI] Implement multiple Url Batch Editing
[UI] Improve text editor in the EditorDialog
[Stream] Fix display bug when download a file > 2 Gigabytes, by extending the 32-bit Integer limitation
[Testing] Add unit test for multi-part stream
[Testing] Add unit test for batch text editor
[Testing] Add manual test for batch text editor
[Blog] Post news
DownZemAll v1.7.3
@setvisible setvisible released this on Mar 25, 2020
[UI] Add total speed display
[Stream] Fix display error of total size
[WebExtension] Fix menu 'Save video'
[Blog] Add banners (920x680, 1400x560)
DownZemAll v1.7.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Mar 1, 2020
Releases come in 7 flavors:
Installer for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Installer for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[SystemTray] Implement new feature System Tray
[SystemTray] Add options for System Tray
UI :
[UI] Ask to close before updating
[UI] Rename 'Quit' button
[UI] Fix progress percent in UpdateDialog
[NSIS] Fix bug when updating while the application is running
[Stream] Fix wrong info in StreamWidget + add unit tests
[Stream] Fix bug that miscalculates total size
[Testing] Add debug() to dump Stream objects
[Testing] Add new dummy Streams to tests
[Testing] Add unit tests to reproduce the bug with wrong estimed size
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.7.1
@setvisible setvisible released this on Feb 14, 2020
Releases come in 7 flavors:
Installer for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Installer for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[UI] Add dialog to show all the available sites on Youtube-DL
[UI] Add explicit error message for Youtube-DL
[UI] Add Youtube-DL website URL
[UI] Fix application version date and mainwindow icon
[Stream] Fix bug with incorrect proposed file extension + unit tests
[Stream] Fix bug with dynamic version for Youtube-DL
[Stream] Fix bug with stream output Unicode/Latin1 conversion
[Stream] Implement shared pointer for StreamInfos
[Stream] Add unit tests for StreamInfos::guestimateFullSize()
[Testing] Refactor Format unit test
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.7.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jan 29, 2020
Releases come in 7 flavors:
Installer for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Installer for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[Stream] Add new feature to download streams (audio, video...) from Youtube, etc.
[UpdateManager] Fix bug that doesn't refresh the local version (debug mode)
[UpdateManager] Fix bug that doesn't reset the changelog
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.6.4
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jan 8, 2020
New Features
[Queue] Implement move up/down/top/bottom actions
DownZemAll v1.6.3
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jan 4, 2020
Bug Fixes
[DownloadManager] Fix redirect error when server replies "301 Moved Permanently"
DownZemAll v1.6.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jan 2, 2020
Releases come in 7 flavors:
Installer for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Installer for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[UpdateChecker] Import github-releases-autoupdater project
[UpdateChecker] Fix warnings in github-releases-autoupdater
[UpdateChecker] Integrate github-releases-autoupdater
[UpdateChecker] Add Update Checker
[UpdateChecker] Add unit test for Update Checker
[UpdateChecker] Add Update Checker dialog
[UpdateChecker] Add auto-update option to Preferences
[Website] Add case-sensitive names to samples
[Website] Fix broken links (Linux download page)
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.6.1
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 31, 2019
Releases come in 7 flavors:
Installer for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Installer for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[TaskBar] Add progress display to system's taskbar (Windows only)
[GUI] Fix bug that displays wrong running count
[GUI] Fix input validation
[GUI] Disable 'Ok' in Preferences, while mandatory setting is not valid
[GUI] Improve default window/dialog/columns sizes
[Queue] Fix bug when Remove All doesn't clean the queue
[Wizard] Fix bug when trailing r, n, %0A, %0D or space appears in an URL
[Wizard] Improve style of Links and Content tabs
[WebExtension] Fix submission warnings
[WebExtension] Fix Incognito bug with Firefox
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.6.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 27, 2019
Releases come in 7 flavors:
Installer for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Installer for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[QueueView] Fix bug when the URL contains forbidden characters like "%F3" (question mark "?")
[Wizard] Fix bug with extensions Filter, which was case-sensitive
[IO] Fix bug when exporting URL containing UTF-8 characters to textfiles
[IO] Harden unit test for I/O
[General] Remove obsolete code ("start minimized")
[General] Add tutorial wizard
[Setup] Add NSIS install script
[WebExtension] Add website link to popup menu
[WebExtension] Fix popup CSS
[WebExtension] Improve Option menu
[WebExtension] Improve Popup menu
[General] Add troubleshooting memo for the bug with Appveyor that deploys the wrong Qt5Core.dll version
[Clang] Fix warnings (Clang-Tidy and Clazy diagnostic)
[Blog] Improve Download page
[Blog] Add Tutorial
[Blog] Add Quick Sample
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.5.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 19, 2019
Releases come in 5 flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[Wizard] Implement quick-download feature, that starts downloads immediately (Wizard becomes optional)
[QueueView] Implement "Rename" feature for files paused/running and completed
[QueueView] Replace plain-text address by a clickable link in InformationDialog
[WebExtension] Fix bug with CSS style that wasn't correctly loaded by options.html
[WebExtension] Improve CSS styles of options.html and popup.html
[General] Fix Clang warnings
[Blog] Add promotional pictures
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.4.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 9, 2019
Releases come in 5 flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 web extensions:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[WebExtension] Add warning when the application is not found
[WebExtension] Add button 'Option...'
[WebExtension] Fix bug when a popup button is clicked but doesn't close the popup
[WebExtension] Improve GUI: Change cursor when hover popup buttons
[WebExtension] Improve GUI: Add smooth animation on buttons
[WebExtension] Improve GUI: Disabled buttons
[WebExtension] Reimplement 'Save link'
[WebExtension] Reimplement 'Save image'
[WebExtension] Reimplement version management
[UI] Fix missing flat style for Windows 10 (QWindowsVistaStyle)
[Blog] Add link to Github
[Blog] Update install instructions in the download page
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.4.1
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 5, 2019
Releases come in 5 flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 web extensions:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[Launcher] Improve Install/Uninstall scripts
[Launcher] Fix build for Linux
[Launcher] Fix bug when Google Chrome communicates to Launcher with Native-Message
[WebExtension] Add Google Chrome extension
[WebExtension] Add assets required for the Google Chrome Web Store
[WebExtension] Fix manifest.json for Google Chrome
[WebExtension] Update Chrome Web Store 'application-id' value
[WebExtension] Update Appveyor build chain to auto-deploy the Google Chrome ZIP file
[Application] Improvement: Add script to synchronize version in Extensions manifest.json and Application
[General] Update screenshots on the Website
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.4.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Nov 30, 2019
Releases come in 5 flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 1 web extension:
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[Launcher] Add launcher application
[Launcher] Add install/uninstall scripts
[Launcher] Add CMake toolchain to build the launcher with CMakeLists.txt
[Launcher] Add QMake toolchain to build the launcher with QMake *.pro
[WebExtension] Add Mozilla Firefox extension XPI
[WebExtension] Update appveyor to deploy the XPI
[Application] Implement Native-Message, to connect the WebExtension with the Launcher
[Application] Implement Inter-Process Communication (IPC), to connect the Launcher with the Application
[GUI] Update menu icons and logos of the Application
[GUI] Update menu icons and logos of the Launcher
[GUI] Update menu icons and logos of the WebExtension
[GUI] Update menu icons and logos of the Website
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.3.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Nov 17, 2019
Releases come in 5 flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Please keep in mind this is an early version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Web Engine:
[WebEngine] Add QtWebEngine (Chromium) when available, otherwise use QtNetwork
[WebEngine] Add demo application (for manual test purpose)
[WebEngine] Fix retro-compatibility with Qt 5.5
[WebEngine] Fix broken unit tests in MSVC
[Wizard] Add progress bar to Wizard
[Wizard] Show verbose error messages after wizard failed
[Build] Fix build errors and warnings for MSVC 2017 version 15.0
[Build] Fix build errors and warnings for MinGW GCC 7.3.0 64-bit
[Build] Fix bug with build in Release mode in Appveyor
[Documentation] Add a project website !
Still left to do:
Still a lot to do...
DownZemAll v1.3.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Nov 14, 2019
Draft release of DownZemAll version 1.3.0
DownZemAll v1.2.4
@setvisible setvisible released this on Nov 10, 2019
Releases come in two flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit)
Please keep in mind this is an early version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Secure HTTP/S:
[SSL] Add OpenSSL v1.1.1 for Windows 64-bit target
[SSL] Update shipped OpenSSL from (=1.0.2) to (=1.0.2t)
[Build] Upgrade source code to be compliant with Qt 5.13.2
[Build] Fix CMakeLists.txt for build with Qt 5.13.2 and CMake 3.1
[Build] Fix for MinGW GCC 7.3.0 64-bit
[UI] Add a dialog that shows the detailed compilation info and OpenSSL version
[UI] Fix Version.dll and library OpenSSL info to CompilerDialog (Windows only)
[UI] Fix GCC warnings in compilation info dialog
Still left to do:
Still a lot to do...
DownZemAll v1.2.3
@setvisible setvisible released this on Nov 5, 2019
Releases come in two flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit)
Please keep in mind this is an early version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[UI] Add drag-n-drop feature: Now it's possible to drag a downloaded item and drop it into a folder!!
Queue View:
[QueueView] Fix bug when Skip file but doesn't start next job
[QueueView] Fix 'Remove Failed' that didn't remove stopped, skipped and network or file error jobs
[QueueView] Fix bug with jobs started one-by-one instead of simultaneously after Wizard or Add Download
[Project] Add cool badges to Readme
Still left to do:
Still a lot to do...
DownZemAll v1.2.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Oct 26, 2019
This version updates the build chain to deploy Windows and Linux files.
Releases come in two flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32 bits)
Portable application for Linux (32 bits)
DownZemAll v1.2.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Oct 26, 2019
Releases come in one flavor:
Portable application for Windows (32 bits)
Please keep in mind this is an early version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Queue View:
[QueueView] Add feature to manage physical files
[QueueView] Add Copy Selection to Clipboard (Ctrl+C)
[QueueView] Add Rename (basename edition)
[QueueView] Fix wrong non-zero file size when network error
[QueueView] Fix downloads when server closes connection by sending an empty reply
[Settings] Add "Custom Batch" option
[Settings] Add privacy options
[Settings] Add message when going to overwrite an existing file
[Wizard] Add checkbox "Don't ask again" for Batch Downloads
[Wizard] Add batch tags to add download dialog
[Project] Update Readme and add screenshots
[Project] Fix
Still left to do:
Still a lot to do...
DownZemAll v1.1.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Oct 16, 2019
New in this release:
Add export (import) the queue to (from) Txt and Json files
Add option for max simultaneous downloads to Preferences
Queue View:
[Queue View] Fix bug with queue selection
[Queue View] Improve performance issues with large queue (containing a lot of downloads), especially when removing items from that queue
DownZemAll v1.0.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Oct 16, 2019
Releases come in one flavor:
Portable application for Windows (32 bits)
Please keep in mind this is an early version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[Security] Integrate OpenSSL libraries (allow HTTPS downloads)
Queue View:
[Queue View] Add display formats for byte size (ex: KB, MB, GB...) and speed display (KB/s, MB/s...)
[Queue View] Add file mime icons to queue view
[Queue View] Add beautiful and colorful progress bars to queue view
[Wizard] Add persistence to confirmation messages
[Wizard] Improve path selection dialog ("Browse..." buttons)
[Wizard] Add Auto close dialog
[Wizard] Add mask tips
[Wizard] Add fast filtering tips
[Wizard] Fix bug with empty history in ComboBox
Do minor fixes & add tests
Still left to do:
Still a lot to do...
DownZemAll v0.1.5
@setvisible setvisible released this on Oct 16, 2019
New in this release:
[Batch] Make batch regex more permissive (accept parenthesis and space separator)
[Batch] Fix bug with padding when number are inversed
[Mask] Fix trailing '.' and duplicated '/' in destination file name
[Settings] Fix bug when the application starts outside the boundaries of the desktop
[General] Implement Single Application
Minor fix: Fix build chain (CMake)
DownZemAll v0.1.4
@setvisible setvisible released this on Sep 20, 2019
Release of DownZemAll version 0.1.4
Releases come in one flavor:
Portable application for Windows (32 bits)
Please keep in mind this is an BETA version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Implement MIME Icons in InformationDialog and table views
Implement path and mask settings persistence
Fix bug when adding a URL with a trailing '/'
Still left to do:
Just a small sampling:
OpenSSL integration
Implement I/O
Open and parse a local HTML file
Implement all the context buttons
Fix low performance (bug?) when removing a lot of items in the table
DownZemAll v0.1.3
@setvisible setvisible released this on Sep 20, 2019
Release of DownZemAll version 0.1.3
Releases come in one flavor:
Portable application for Windows (32 bits)
Please keep in mind this is an BETA version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Fix bug with QSettings of the AddDownloadDialog
Fix bug with PathWidget when cleaning the recent URL history
Improve GUI
Still left to do:
Just a small sampling:
OpenSSL integration
Implement I/O
Open and parse a local HTML file
Implement all the context buttons
Fix low performance (bug?) when removing a lot of items in the table
DownZemAll v0.1.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Sep 12, 2019
Release of DownZemAll version 0.1.2
Please keep in mind this is an BETA version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Added settings persistence
Improved GUI
Added 'Clear History' to context menu of Browser
Fixed display bug on context menu when clicking on a very long url
Still left to do:
Quite a lot
DownZemAll v0.1.1
@setvisible setvisible released this on Sep 8, 2019
Release of DownZemAll version 0.1.1
Releases come in one flavor:
Portable application for Windows (32 bits)
Please keep in mind this is an BETA version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Add file MIME type filters to the Wizard and Preference dialog.
Synchronized tables of the Wizard.
Add context menus to the tables.
Fixed bug with selection of items in the Wizard.
Fixed bug with duplication of file extension.
Still left to do:
Just a small sampling:
OpenSSL integration
Implement I/O
Implement MIME Icons
Open and parse a local HTML file
Implement all the context buttons
Fix low performance (bug?) when removing a lot of items in the table
[Core] Fix bug with recursive download
[Core] Fix bug with speed displayed after finished
[Core] Fix typos
[Core] Remove dead code
[Torrent] Move classes to path 'Torrent'
[Torrent] Move torrent classes in separate cppfile
[Torrent] Simplify TorrentContext
[Stream] Upgrade yt-dlp
ArrowDL v4.2.0
This new version introduces a completely new download engine!
Until now, the download engine was tightly coupled to the queue widget (view). This caused performance issues, very noticeable when the queue had 1000 or more downloads in progress.
The redesign of the Download Engine (now called Scheduler) permits to completely separate the model and the view. Indeed it now implements the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. Even if there is only one view in the application, and the MVC pattern may therefore seem superfluous, it brings among other things many benefits in terms of performance since it directly derives from the efficient Qt's models/views classes.
[Core] Brand new Scheduler and Job classes, which replace former DownloadEngine, DownloadManager and DownloadItem
[UI] Implement model-view-controller (MVC) pattern with QueueModel and QueueView
[Test] Update all tests (rem: not fully done yet)
[UI] Remove confusing 'safe remove' option
[Core] Fix regressions
[Core] Fix missing copyright
[Torrent] Upgrade libtorrent v2.0.11
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
[Stream] Update yt-dlp default hosts
[i18n] Update translations (e.g. Italian)
ArrowDL v4.1.0
[UI] Modernize UI by removing speed limit option
[UI] Remove connection segments option, because it's unused yet
[UI] Remove concurrent fragment option, because it's not implemented yet for files and not by default for streams
[UI] Add "Move to Trash" button
[UI] Remove all complicated "Remove" buttons to make the menu simpler
[UI] Remove "Force Start" as it's redundant with "Start"
[UI] Update Website URL ("" instead of "")
[Core] Fix bug with mask 'name_33.ext' that produces 'file_33_33_33_33.jpg'
[Core] Deactivate failing test
[i18n] Update translations
ArrowDL v4.0.5
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
[i18n] Update translations
ArrowDL v4.0.4
[Stream] Add new HTTP User Agents
[Stream] Improve User Agent error message
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
[i18n] Update translations
ArrowDL v4.0.3
[WebExtension] Open link in new window (Thanks @AHOHNMYC)
[Blog] Fix url to website (Thanks @FadeMind)
[Addon] Fix check failure with Mozilla Firefox addon
[Core] Fix duplicate warnings in data driven tests
[Core] Fix debug warnings in data driven tests
[Core] Remove redundant test
[Build] Remove 'master' deployment (redundant with tag version)
[Build] Update github workflow dependencies to use Node.js version 20 (LTS)
[Core] Update jQuery 1.3.2 to 3.7.1
[i18n] Update translations
ArrowDL v4.0.2
[Torrent] Upgrade Libtorrent from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10
[Stream] Update yt-dlp to 2024.08.06
[i18n] Update translations (RU, CN)
[i18n] Add zn_TW (Chinese, Taiwan)
[i18n] Add es_BO and es_US (Spanish Bolivia ans US)
[WebExtension] Add Microsoft Edge to the supported browsers
[WebExtension] Fix bug with extension name (native messaging) on Linux
[i18n] Fix warning in Qt Linguistic
[Build] Fix deployment vulnerability: Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4.1.7
[Core] Update .gitignore
[Core] Fix typos
[Blog] Remove former blog pages (transferred to a dedicated repository)
ArrowDL v4.0.1
This version provides a big update for the WebExtensions ArrowDL's add-on as it introduces Manifest v3. for the records, Manifest v2 has been decommissioned by Chromium a few days ago.
Note: only ArrowDL versions > v4.0.1 are now supported with the add-on available on the Firefox/Chrome/Edge online stores.
Tips: For older version of ArrowDL, the former v2 add-on can still be added to the browser manually.
[WebExtension] Upgrade Firefox / Chromium web-extensions add-on from Manifest v2 to Manifest v3
[WebExtension] Rename DownRightNow to ArrowDL for all add-ons to ensure consistency across all browsers
[UI] Fix glitches with dark palette (Dark Mode)
[UI] Fix bug with incomplete reset of the theme when clicking 'Cancel' in preference dialog
[Torrent] Add missing notifications
[WebExtension] Fix warning "Only packaged apps are allowed to use 'launcher' context"
[WebExtension] Replace old 'var' to 'const' or 'let' in javascript
[i18n] Update translations
[Doc] Replace Qt5 by Qt6 in documentation
[Doc] Fix broken links in README
DownZemAll v3.1.0
Happy New Year 2024!
This release is the result of a lot of effort, and contains a big change:
OpenSSL v3
This release also uses more C++20 mechanisms, Qt6.5.3 and libtorrent v2.0.9.
Note for a clean installation
If the app is installed on top of an an older version (for example, through the automatic upgrader), the old OpenSSL libraries won't be removed, because the OpenSSL v3 libraries have another names.
To have a clean installation, uninstall the 3.0.6, and install the 3.1.0.
This way, the OpenSSL 1.1 should be definitly removed.
[Torrent] Add bcrypt
[General] Use recommendation for C++20 members initialization using '=' operator
[General] Use recommendation for QLatin1String with ""_L1
[General] Use recommendation for QDateTime
[General] Use recommendation for QString, replace isNull() by isEmpty()
[General] Use recommendation for QString with qPrintable
[General] Remove old compatibility macro for C++11/14 'Q_NULLPTR'
[General] Remove old compatibility macro for C++11/14 'Q_DECL_OVERRIDE'
[General] Remove compatibility < Qt 6.0.0
[General] Use recommendation for magic numbers
[General] Use recommendation for C++11 with 'auto' to avoid narrowing conversions
[General] Use recommendation for c++11 return with brace syntax for QBitArray, QUrl, QPixmap, QIcon, QTime
[General] Use recommendation for c++11 return with brace syntax for QString
[General] Use recommendation for c++11 return with brace syntax for QVariant
[General] Use recommendation for QRegExp static construction
[General] Use recommendation for QObject Signals/Slots normalized signatures
[General] Use recommendation for C++11 with 'for' instead of 'foreach'
[General] Fix warning with narrow conversion 'qsizetype' to 'int'
[Build] Fix warning when compare qsizetype and SIZE_MAX (-Wsign-compare)
[Build] Allow partial deployments
[General] Fix misplaced semi-colon after macro
[General] Fix bug with destructor that calls virtual method
[Torrent] Fix missing bencode namespace
[Torrent] Replace QMap<K,T> with QHash<K,T> in torrent
[Core] Replace QMap<K,T> with QHash<K,T> in theme
[Updater] Fix overload signal for updateAvailable()
Adds the Chocolatey package as a way to install DownZemAll! by @Xav83 in #75
Fix missing Title Bar icon on KDE Plasma Wayland by @SnipeXandrej in #115
Fix build with Qt 6.6.x (fixes #120) by @BSDKaffee in #121
[Torrent] Update Libtorrent 2.0.9
[Build] Upgrade Qt6.3.1 to 6.5.3
[Build] Upgrade OpenSSL v1 to v3
[Build] Upgrade aqt v2.1 to v3.1
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
[Build] Hide debug logging during normal deployment steps
New Contributors
@Xav83 made their first contribution in #75
@SnipeXandrej made their first contribution in #115
@BSDKaffee made their first contribution in #121
Rem: Currently, it seems there are 2 small regressions:
on Windows, the dialogs seem using the old-fashioned Windows style by default (will be fixed in v4)
Torrents are paused by default. All files are in prirority 'Ignore', so they won't be downloaded. To start them, set priority to 'Normal'.
DownZemAll v3.0.6
[Core] Fix regression due to wrong signature of signals
DownZemAll v3.0.5
[Stream] Add merger step
[Core] Fix bug with wrong file size when bigger than 1GB, due to type 'int' instead of 'size_t'
[Stream] Fix missing estimated size in stream dialog
[Stream] Fix bug with multi-thread downloads that issue messages at the same time
[i18n] Update translations
DownZemAll v3.0.4
[Stream] Add concurrent fragments option
[Stream] Add artist and release year to filename
[Stream] Fix wrong progress info when when extractor shows '~' symbol (
[Stream] Fix bug with missing file size
[Stream] Fix bug with missing playlist index in filename
[Stream] Fix bug with "Construction" that becomes "filestruction"
[Core] Improve batch renaming
DownZemAll v3.0.3
[i18n] Add Japanese (Japan) and Vietnamese (Viet Nam) translation
[i18n] Update Hungarian, Polish and Italian translations
[i18n] Update japanese and vietnamese translations
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
DownZemAll v3.0.2
[IPC] Fix bug with launcher <-> application inter-process communication (IPC), due to remove of terminating '�' in QByteArray::fromRawData(), which was present in Qt5 but removed in Qt6.
DownZemAll v3.0.1
[Torrent] Upgrade Libtorrent v2.0.8
[Stream] Add simplification to title
[Stream] Capitalize title
[Build] Add build of Windows MinGW 64 Portable
[Build] Add missing 'on' tag to deployment
[Blog] Add Privacy Policy
[AutoUpdater] Fix bug with QCollator when ICU is not available
[Build] Fix bug with XCB or Wayland library path in .desktop file on LinuxFYI the original error message was:
[Build] Fix missing libraries on Linux
[Build] Fix Github Actions script
[Build] Fix bug with missing references of OpenSSL during linking
[Torrent] Fix bug with removed deprecated functions in Libtorrent
[Torrent] Fix bug with wrong Libtorrent version
[Misc] Fix compiler warnings
[Blog] Update Jekyll instructions
[Blog] Update Hydeout 4.2.0
[Blog] Fix Javascript
[Blog] Fix typos
DownZemAll v3.0.0
Happy New Year 2023! :)
This release contains a lot of changes explained in this blog article.
[Build] Upgrade from Qt5 to Qt6
[Build] Upgrade LibTorrent 2.0.7
[Build] Upgrade Boost 1.77.0
[Build] Add Github Actions deployment YML script
[Build] Remove Appveyor-CI and Travis-CI YML scripts
[Stream] Update yt-dlp 2022.11.11
[Build] Repath OpenSSL to the one supported by Qt6
[Build] Repath Boost (using a FindXXX.cmake module)
[Build] Fix Libtorrent deprecated functions
[Build] Fix Cmake for Linux build
[Build] Migrate Qt project files (*.pro, *.pri) to CMake (.cmake, CMakeLists.txt)
[Build] Remove obsolete Qt project files (*.pro, *.pri)
[Build] Build Libtorrent as independent project, repath using a FindXXX.cmake module
[Blog] Rename gitignore and LICENSE
[Blog] Update Readme
[Blog] Add badge
[Blog] Post article
DownZemAll v2.5.8
[Test] Fix bug with unreachable external resource (issue #74)
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
[Build] Upgrade Boost 1.79.0
DownZemAll v2.5.7
[i18n] Add Hungarian translation files
DownZemAll v2.5.6
[i18n] Add Hungarian translation files
[Stream] Upgrade yt-dlp
[i18n] Update instructions to add a new translation
[i18n] Update Chinese (ZH) and Dutch (NL)
DownZemAll v2.5.5
[Stream] Fix stream title cleaning
[Stream] Upgrade yt-dlp
[i18n] Update translation
DownZemAll v2.5.4
[I18n] Added Dutch translation
[I18n] Updated Italian and Chinese translations
DownZemAll v2.5.3
[Stream] Refactor cleanFileName()
[Stream] Fix bug with stream title cleaning
[I18n] Fix bug with untranslated words in About dialog
[i18n] Update translation (Italian)
[AppVeyor] Update key
DownZemAll v2.5.2
[Stream] Update yt-dlp
[UI] Improve stream dialog (add subtitles selector)
[Stream] Refactor stream data structure for yt-dlp's new features
[Session] Fix bug with session data
[Updater] Fix minor issues (autoupdater, link error, tests)
[i18n] Update translation
[Blog] Updated icons
DownZemAll v2.5.1
[Updater] Fix Auto-Update
[UI] Fix non-translated strings
[i18n] Update translations (French)
DownZemAll v2.5.0
This release replaces Youtube-dl by YT-DLP.
Note: an effort should be done in the future for improving the 'stream' UI, which is now messy due to the multiple options it provides.
[Stream] Update Youtube-DL fork (yt-dlp) version 2021.10.22
[Stream] Add detailed log for stream in information dialog
[Misc] Add debugPrintProcessCommand() to debug yt-dlp commands
[Stream] Add stream custom options (in stream dialog)
[Stream] Add stream global options (in preferences)
[UI] Add log to downloaded objects and log console to InformationDialog
[UI] Add socket timeout and type preferences
[UI] Add subtitle icons
[UI] Improve UI of InformationDialog
[Stream] Fix bug with --no-color (youtube-dl) instead of plural --no-colors (yt-dlp)
[Stream] Fix bug with last modified time in youtube-dl (--no-mtime)
[UI] Fix bug when dialogs resize
[UI] Add collapse button in all dialog boxes, to simplify the UI.
[UI] Fix broken cache dir link in Preferences
[i18n] Update Italian
[i18n] Update translations
[Blog] Add article
[General] Add code of conduct and contributing pages
DownZemAll v2.4.3
[Core] Add option to get the server time and apply it to the downloaded files metadata (creation date, last modified...). See options in Preferences > Network > Downloaded Files
[i18n] Add Polish translation file (but not translated yet)
[Test] Fix broken test due to broken HTTPS url in tst_downloadmanager
[Blog] Fix broken link with the new API of (not .org)
[i18n] Update translations
DownZemAll v2.4.2
[i18n] Update translation - Chinese
Remark: Linux images weren't built for this release, due to a late token update in Travis-CI. It doesn't worse to rebuild the tag just for a translation change, so, Linux people, please wait for the next release :)
DownZemAll v2.4.1
[Blog] Fix broken links
[i18n] Update translations (italian)
[Stream] Update youtube-dl
DownZemAll v2.4.0
New! Customize the UI style with Preference > Interface > Style and Icons
[UI] Add Dark Mode
[UI] Add Flat Design icon theme
[UI] Add platform style choice
[UI] Fix crash when non-silent download is launched by the web-extension, and the MainWindow is minimized
[UI] Fix incorrect mimetype icon in thumbnail
[UI] Fix color palette, stylesheets and image urls
[Build] Fix Boost link in Travis-Ci
[Test] Fix unit test 'utf8' with false warnings
[Test] Fix travis build stop (implicit uint to int conversion)
[Blog] SECURITY_FIX Upgrade Hideout (Jekyll theme) to 4.2.0
[i18n] Update translations
[Blog] Post articles
DownZemAll v2.3.2
[Downloader] Add manager for downloading a list of Urls
[Blog] Fix dates
[Blog] Add article
DownZemAll v2.3.1
[installer] Change dialog layout and images
[i18n] Add NSIS installer strings to Transifex config
[installer] Fix missing "visit web site" in NSIS
[Stream] Update Youtube-DL to 2021.04.26
[installer] Update setup.nsi Italian translations
[i18n] Move translations to separate NSI files
[i18n] Add Python scripts for translations (credits: MusicBrainz Picard)
[i18n] Generate JSON translations
[Build] Migrate '' to ''
[Build] Travis Migrate VM from Trusty to Xenial (Qt5.5 to Qt5.6)
[Blog] Post articles
DownZemAll v2.3.0
[i18n] Add Italian language - Thanks to @bovirus
[Misc] Add internationalization in NSIS install script - Thanks to @bovirus
[i18n] Add Italian, French, German translations in NSIS
[UI] Fix missing translations (#34)
[i18n] Update .ts files
DownZemAll v2.2.3
@setvisible setvisible released this on Feb 10
[General] Fix filename with Unicode characters (#29)
DownZemAll v2.2.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jan 2
[Torrent] Show error dialog when importing bad .torrent file
[Torrent] Fix crash when filename has non-ASCII characters (#24)
[UI] Fix ugly word wrap of QLabel in Information dialog
[Test] Fix broken links in several unit test *.pro files
[Test] Fix missing TorrentBaseContext unit test
[Misc] Fix wrong directive QT_VERSION_CHECK
DownZemAll v2.2.1
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 15, 2020
[i18n] Add pt_BR translation*
*Thanks to nero-0 for your contribution
DownZemAll v2.2.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 8, 2020
[Torrent] Remove user client identification
[Torrent] Add metadata unfinished pieces
[Torrent] Improve piece map performance and add priority markers
[WebExtension] Fix Chromium manifest.json path in
[WebExtension] Fix incomplete deployment of scripts on Linux (#10, #17)
[Stream] Upgrade Youtube-DL to 2020-12-07
[i18n] Update translations (German)
DownZemAll v2.1.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Oct 6, 2020
[Torrent] Implement Torrent Piece Map view
[Torrent] Add table sorting and filtering, torrent view
[Torrent] Add Clear disconnected peers, context menu of torrent view
[Torrent] Add tool tips on torrent list views
[Torrent] Replace ugly 'X's with cool icons that represent peer flags
[Torrent] Colorize disconnected peers in grey, with a limit of 1024 peers.
[Torrent] Optimize Torrent Piece Map performance (worker thread)
[Torrent] Display available pieces in the form of segmented bars, peers tab in torrent view
[UI] Minimize when Escape key is pressed
[Dialog] Fix not enabled Start when item is checked
[Torrent] Fix bug with wrong torrent priorities (context menu > Set Priority By File Order)
[Torrent] Fix Qt v5.5 missing method
[Torrent] Fix typo
[Misc] Fix many clang warnings
[Misc] Fix implicit 'int' evaluation in qFloor() and qCeil()
[Misc] Refactor qMin(qMax()) with qBound()
[Misc] Refactor obsolete QRegExp with QRegularExpression
[Test] Refactor TorrentAnimator: add more peers and pieces animation
[UI] Fix style of list items and progress bars
[Blog] Add article
[i18n] Update translations
DownZemAll v2.0.8
@setvisible setvisible released this on Sep 25, 2020
[Torrent] Set default priority to normal instead of ignore
[UI] Simplify keywords in the user session file (removed "streamEnabled" and "torrentEnabled", added "type")
[Build] Fix missing QtWebEngine dependencies (qt.conf, QtWebEngineProcess.exe, etc.) for MSVC deployment (issue #10)
[UI] Fix palette of the website wizard
[i18n] Fix placeholders
[Test] Fix manual test
[Stream] Update Youtube-DL to 2020.09.20
[Stream] Rename StreamId to StreamObjectId
[Stream] Rename StreamInfo to StreamObject
[i18n] Update translations
[UI] Relocate all static colors to Widgets/Globals and remove duplicates
DownZemAll v2.0.7
@setvisible setvisible released this on Sep 17, 2020
[Stream] Add track number to filename
[UI] Add --Verbose (-V) command option
[UI] Fix KDE close event when the system tray icon is visible
[UI] Fix action of keys (up/down/home/end) on playlist
[Stream] Fix missing working directory on Ubuntu
[WebExtension] Remove '' tag injection from locale
[Stream] Update YoutubeDL
[i18n] Update translations
[ReadMe] Update documentation
DownZemAll v2.0.6
@setvisible setvisible released this on Aug 23, 2020
[Stream] Improve StreamWidget
[Stream] Add unit tests
[UI] Fix table row selection color
[UI] Fix retranslate in PreferenceDialog
[Queue] Fix regression with wrong estimated time value
[Queue] Fix regression with unsorted items
[Stream] Refactor StreamWidget UI
[Stream] Remove StreamInfoPtr
[Torrent] Fix manual test
[Network] Fix Referrer options
[Blog] Add articles
DownZemAll v2.0.5
@setvisible setvisible released this on Aug 12, 2020
(!) Beta version
That means some features are experimental, like: playlist, proxy, referring page.
Moreover stream download might not work as expected, due to a large refactor, prior to implement playlist.
If you are cautious, skip this version, and wait for the next version that is not a beta.
[Stream] Implement PLAYLIST download in Stream dialog
[Stream] Add 'Cancel' button to stop metadata downloading in Stream dialog
[Preferences] Implement HTTP Proxy option
[Preferences] Implement HTTP Referring Page option
[GUI] Rename Client to User Agent in torrent view, for consistency
[GUI] Replace error codes with explicit messages
[GUI] Add Clear button to QLineEdit in dialogs
[Stream] Fix Referrer and User Agent in Stream dialog
[Stream] Refactor Stream GUI
[Queue] Fix bug with missing User Agent in Network Manager
[Queue] Refactor Network Manager
[Torrent] Fix unwanted resizing when a long text in QTextEdit hides other QLabel in TorrentWidget
[Torrent] Fix cell vertical alignment in the torrent view
[Stream] Fix typos
[Legal] Fix copyright dates
[Blog] Fix missing zip-files in (*.zip exception missing in .gitignore)
[Stream] Update YoutubeDL to 2020.07.28
[i18n] Update translations [^1]
[Blog] Add new article and screenshots
[^1]: See, if you want to contribute
DownZemAll v2.0.4
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jul 25, 2020
[Queue] Improve 'drag': now it's possible to drag multiple files at once, from the queue view to the system file browser (instead of one by one)
[Stream] Download metadata immediately after dialog opens (don't wait for the 'continue' click anymore)
[Torrent] Add custom progress bar for torrent, which shows the progress of each piece
[Torrent] Add context menus to manage the tables of files, peers, trackers
[Torrent] Add feature to select the file priority (torrent's files table > right click > Priority)
[Torrent] Add new tab for the pieces map viewer (Rem: piece map is not available yet, it's work in progress...)
[Torrent] Test: Add standalone app to test the torrent widget manually
[Torrent] Test: Add unit test for TorrentContext
[Torrent] Refactor of Torrent, TorrentMessage, TorrentContext...
[Stream] Fix error message typo
[i18n] Fix various retranslate errors
[WebExtension] Fix unsafe innerHTML assignment
[i18n] Release Spanish translation (37% currently done) [^1]
[Stream] Upgrade to youtube-dl 2020.06.16.1
[Blog] Add article
[^1]: See, if you want to contribute
Special Thanks
Spanish translation: Ricardo J. Barberis /richarson
DownZemAll v2.0.3
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jun 9, 2020
[Deployment] Add .AppImage build for Linux
[i18n] Implement internationalization (i18n) [^1] of the application and the browser addon. At this point, available translations are:
o 100% French
o 100% English
o 3% Arabic
o 3% German
o 3% Spanish
o 3% Korean
o 3% Portuguese
o 3% Russian
o 3% Chinese
[^1]: See README to contribute.
[i18n] Fix internationalization of the application (fix strings, fix translate(...), fix typos)
[i18n] Fix internationalization of the Firefox and Chrome addons
[i18n] Configure Transifex
[i18n] Add translations files
[Deployment] Fix deployment of Linux Tarball on Travis
[Deployment] Fix install script for the Linux desktop shortcut
[WebExtension] Simplify the addon (remove duplicates)
[Docs] Add guide for translation contributions to README
[Blog] Update URLs in the website's download page
[Blog] Add article
DownZemAll v2.0.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on May 23, 2020
[UI] Remove debug messages handling in release mode
[WebExtensions] Fix launcher for Unix platform with Firefox (tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Firefox 76)
[Build] Fix wrong tar archiving command that archives parent directory
[Blog] Fix user-agent detection that presented 32bit URLs instead of 64bit
[Blog] Minor fixes (broken URLs, typo...)
[Installer] Move NSIS scripts to 'windows' directory
[Installer] Separate Windows/Unix/MacX files by platform
[Misc] Update troubleshooting and Readme
DownZemAll v2.0.1
@setvisible setvisible released this on May 10, 2020
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
[Torrent] Implement magnet link to download .torrent files from peers
[Stream] Add youtube-dl cache cleaning
[Stream] Add referer Url option for youtube-dl
[Stream] Add youtube-dl auto-upgrade
[UI] Add mention to Boost version in Help > Build Info
[Stream] Add unit test for 'HTTP error 404'
[Stream] Fix '-' symbol in file names
[IPC] Add unit tests for IPC
[Stream] Upgrade youtube-dl
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v2.0.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on May 8, 2020
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
[Torrent] Implement torrent downloader using BitTorrent protocol (a peer-to-peer file sharing communications protocol) to download .torrent files (^1)
[UI] Add getting started dialog and simplify UI
(^1) Note that magnet links are still work in progress.
Only .torrent files work at the time of writing these lines.
[Torrent] Fix build bug with MSVC
[Stream] Fix host schemes detection
[Stream] Open stream downloader if the URL is a stream + unit test
[Build] Update build chains
[Torrent] Add third-party libraries (boost, libtorrent)
[UI] Improve 'Remove xyz' buttons (remove selected, remove completed, remove all...)
[UI] Improve 'Import' menu
[UI] Improve save/restore states
[UI] Improve stream dialog and compiler info dialog
[UI] Implemented tooltip and statustip messages
[Blog] Update screenshots and articles
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.7.5
@setvisible setvisible released this on Apr 15, 2020
[GUI] Implement manual drag and drop
(from external applications and operating system, dropping files, urls, texts... to the main window)
[I/O] Fix SEGFAULT when importing twice the same file
[Stream] Upgrade youtube-dl
[Stream] Fix bug with youtube-dl calls on Unix systems
[General] Add RPATH error to troubleshooting
DownZemAll v1.7.4
@setvisible setvisible released this on Mar 31, 2020
[UI] Add more details to InformationDialog
[UI] Implement Rename Tool
[UI] Implement multiple Url Batch Editing
[UI] Improve text editor in the EditorDialog
[Stream] Fix display bug when download a file > 2 Gigabytes, by extending the 32-bit Integer limitation
[Testing] Add unit test for multi-part stream
[Testing] Add unit test for batch text editor
[Testing] Add manual test for batch text editor
[Blog] Post news
DownZemAll v1.7.3
@setvisible setvisible released this on Mar 25, 2020
[UI] Add total speed display
[Stream] Fix display error of total size
[WebExtension] Fix menu 'Save video'
[Blog] Add banners (920x680, 1400x560)
DownZemAll v1.7.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Mar 1, 2020
Releases come in 7 flavors:
Installer for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Installer for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[SystemTray] Implement new feature System Tray
[SystemTray] Add options for System Tray
UI :
[UI] Ask to close before updating
[UI] Rename 'Quit' button
[UI] Fix progress percent in UpdateDialog
[NSIS] Fix bug when updating while the application is running
[Stream] Fix wrong info in StreamWidget + add unit tests
[Stream] Fix bug that miscalculates total size
[Testing] Add debug() to dump Stream objects
[Testing] Add new dummy Streams to tests
[Testing] Add unit tests to reproduce the bug with wrong estimed size
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.7.1
@setvisible setvisible released this on Feb 14, 2020
Releases come in 7 flavors:
Installer for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Installer for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[UI] Add dialog to show all the available sites on Youtube-DL
[UI] Add explicit error message for Youtube-DL
[UI] Add Youtube-DL website URL
[UI] Fix application version date and mainwindow icon
[Stream] Fix bug with incorrect proposed file extension + unit tests
[Stream] Fix bug with dynamic version for Youtube-DL
[Stream] Fix bug with stream output Unicode/Latin1 conversion
[Stream] Implement shared pointer for StreamInfos
[Stream] Add unit tests for StreamInfos::guestimateFullSize()
[Testing] Refactor Format unit test
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.7.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jan 29, 2020
Releases come in 7 flavors:
Installer for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Installer for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[Stream] Add new feature to download streams (audio, video...) from Youtube, etc.
[UpdateManager] Fix bug that doesn't refresh the local version (debug mode)
[UpdateManager] Fix bug that doesn't reset the changelog
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.6.4
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jan 8, 2020
New Features
[Queue] Implement move up/down/top/bottom actions
DownZemAll v1.6.3
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jan 4, 2020
Bug Fixes
[DownloadManager] Fix redirect error when server replies "301 Moved Permanently"
DownZemAll v1.6.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Jan 2, 2020
Releases come in 7 flavors:
Installer for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Installer for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[UpdateChecker] Import github-releases-autoupdater project
[UpdateChecker] Fix warnings in github-releases-autoupdater
[UpdateChecker] Integrate github-releases-autoupdater
[UpdateChecker] Add Update Checker
[UpdateChecker] Add unit test for Update Checker
[UpdateChecker] Add Update Checker dialog
[UpdateChecker] Add auto-update option to Preferences
[Website] Add case-sensitive names to samples
[Website] Fix broken links (Linux download page)
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.6.1
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 31, 2019
Releases come in 7 flavors:
Installer for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Installer for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[TaskBar] Add progress display to system's taskbar (Windows only)
[GUI] Fix bug that displays wrong running count
[GUI] Fix input validation
[GUI] Disable 'Ok' in Preferences, while mandatory setting is not valid
[GUI] Improve default window/dialog/columns sizes
[Queue] Fix bug when Remove All doesn't clean the queue
[Wizard] Fix bug when trailing r, n, %0A, %0D or space appears in an URL
[Wizard] Improve style of Links and Content tabs
[WebExtension] Fix submission warnings
[WebExtension] Fix Incognito bug with Firefox
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.6.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 27, 2019
Releases come in 7 flavors:
Installer for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Installer for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[QueueView] Fix bug when the URL contains forbidden characters like "%F3" (question mark "?")
[Wizard] Fix bug with extensions Filter, which was case-sensitive
[IO] Fix bug when exporting URL containing UTF-8 characters to textfiles
[IO] Harden unit test for I/O
[General] Remove obsolete code ("start minimized")
[General] Add tutorial wizard
[Setup] Add NSIS install script
[WebExtension] Add website link to popup menu
[WebExtension] Fix popup CSS
[WebExtension] Improve Option menu
[WebExtension] Improve Popup menu
[General] Add troubleshooting memo for the bug with Appveyor that deploys the wrong Qt5Core.dll version
[Clang] Fix warnings (Clang-Tidy and Clazy diagnostic)
[Blog] Improve Download page
[Blog] Add Tutorial
[Blog] Add Quick Sample
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.5.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 19, 2019
Releases come in 5 flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 browser add-ons:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[Wizard] Implement quick-download feature, that starts downloads immediately (Wizard becomes optional)
[QueueView] Implement "Rename" feature for files paused/running and completed
[QueueView] Replace plain-text address by a clickable link in InformationDialog
[WebExtension] Fix bug with CSS style that wasn't correctly loaded by options.html
[WebExtension] Improve CSS styles of options.html and popup.html
[General] Fix Clang warnings
[Blog] Add promotional pictures
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.4.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 9, 2019
Releases come in 5 flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 web extensions:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[WebExtension] Add warning when the application is not found
[WebExtension] Add button 'Option...'
[WebExtension] Fix bug when a popup button is clicked but doesn't close the popup
[WebExtension] Improve GUI: Change cursor when hover popup buttons
[WebExtension] Improve GUI: Add smooth animation on buttons
[WebExtension] Improve GUI: Disabled buttons
[WebExtension] Reimplement 'Save link'
[WebExtension] Reimplement 'Save image'
[WebExtension] Reimplement version management
[UI] Fix missing flat style for Windows 10 (QWindowsVistaStyle)
[Blog] Add link to Github
[Blog] Update install instructions in the download page
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.4.1
@setvisible setvisible released this on Dec 5, 2019
Releases come in 5 flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 2 web extensions:
WebExtension application for Google Chrome
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[Launcher] Improve Install/Uninstall scripts
[Launcher] Fix build for Linux
[Launcher] Fix bug when Google Chrome communicates to Launcher with Native-Message
[WebExtension] Add Google Chrome extension
[WebExtension] Add assets required for the Google Chrome Web Store
[WebExtension] Fix manifest.json for Google Chrome
[WebExtension] Update Chrome Web Store 'application-id' value
[WebExtension] Update Appveyor build chain to auto-deploy the Google Chrome ZIP file
[Application] Improvement: Add script to synchronize version in Extensions manifest.json and Application
[General] Update screenshots on the Website
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.4.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Nov 30, 2019
Releases come in 5 flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Plus 1 web extension:
WebExtension application for Mozilla Firefox
Please keep in mind this is a stable version, meaning it's finished, but could still need some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[Launcher] Add launcher application
[Launcher] Add install/uninstall scripts
[Launcher] Add CMake toolchain to build the launcher with CMakeLists.txt
[Launcher] Add QMake toolchain to build the launcher with QMake *.pro
[WebExtension] Add Mozilla Firefox extension XPI
[WebExtension] Update appveyor to deploy the XPI
[Application] Implement Native-Message, to connect the WebExtension with the Launcher
[Application] Implement Inter-Process Communication (IPC), to connect the Launcher with the Application
[GUI] Update menu icons and logos of the Application
[GUI] Update menu icons and logos of the Launcher
[GUI] Update menu icons and logos of the WebExtension
[GUI] Update menu icons and logos of the Website
Still left to do:
Still some to do...
DownZemAll v1.3.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Nov 17, 2019
Releases come in 5 flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MSVC)
Portable application for Windows (32-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Windows (64-bit, built with MinGW)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit, built with GCC)
Please keep in mind this is an early version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Web Engine:
[WebEngine] Add QtWebEngine (Chromium) when available, otherwise use QtNetwork
[WebEngine] Add demo application (for manual test purpose)
[WebEngine] Fix retro-compatibility with Qt 5.5
[WebEngine] Fix broken unit tests in MSVC
[Wizard] Add progress bar to Wizard
[Wizard] Show verbose error messages after wizard failed
[Build] Fix build errors and warnings for MSVC 2017 version 15.0
[Build] Fix build errors and warnings for MinGW GCC 7.3.0 64-bit
[Build] Fix bug with build in Release mode in Appveyor
[Documentation] Add a project website !
Still left to do:
Still a lot to do...
DownZemAll v1.3.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Nov 14, 2019
Draft release of DownZemAll version 1.3.0
DownZemAll v1.2.4
@setvisible setvisible released this on Nov 10, 2019
Releases come in two flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit)
Please keep in mind this is an early version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Secure HTTP/S:
[SSL] Add OpenSSL v1.1.1 for Windows 64-bit target
[SSL] Update shipped OpenSSL from (=1.0.2) to (=1.0.2t)
[Build] Upgrade source code to be compliant with Qt 5.13.2
[Build] Fix CMakeLists.txt for build with Qt 5.13.2 and CMake 3.1
[Build] Fix for MinGW GCC 7.3.0 64-bit
[UI] Add a dialog that shows the detailed compilation info and OpenSSL version
[UI] Fix Version.dll and library OpenSSL info to CompilerDialog (Windows only)
[UI] Fix GCC warnings in compilation info dialog
Still left to do:
Still a lot to do...
DownZemAll v1.2.3
@setvisible setvisible released this on Nov 5, 2019
Releases come in two flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32-bit)
Portable application for Linux (64-bit)
Please keep in mind this is an early version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[UI] Add drag-n-drop feature: Now it's possible to drag a downloaded item and drop it into a folder!!
Queue View:
[QueueView] Fix bug when Skip file but doesn't start next job
[QueueView] Fix 'Remove Failed' that didn't remove stopped, skipped and network or file error jobs
[QueueView] Fix bug with jobs started one-by-one instead of simultaneously after Wizard or Add Download
[Project] Add cool badges to Readme
Still left to do:
Still a lot to do...
DownZemAll v1.2.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Oct 26, 2019
This version updates the build chain to deploy Windows and Linux files.
Releases come in two flavors:
Portable application for Windows (32 bits)
Portable application for Linux (32 bits)
DownZemAll v1.2.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Oct 26, 2019
Releases come in one flavor:
Portable application for Windows (32 bits)
Please keep in mind this is an early version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Queue View:
[QueueView] Add feature to manage physical files
[QueueView] Add Copy Selection to Clipboard (Ctrl+C)
[QueueView] Add Rename (basename edition)
[QueueView] Fix wrong non-zero file size when network error
[QueueView] Fix downloads when server closes connection by sending an empty reply
[Settings] Add "Custom Batch" option
[Settings] Add privacy options
[Settings] Add message when going to overwrite an existing file
[Wizard] Add checkbox "Don't ask again" for Batch Downloads
[Wizard] Add batch tags to add download dialog
[Project] Update Readme and add screenshots
[Project] Fix
Still left to do:
Still a lot to do...
DownZemAll v1.1.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Oct 16, 2019
New in this release:
Add export (import) the queue to (from) Txt and Json files
Add option for max simultaneous downloads to Preferences
Queue View:
[Queue View] Fix bug with queue selection
[Queue View] Improve performance issues with large queue (containing a lot of downloads), especially when removing items from that queue
DownZemAll v1.0.0
@setvisible setvisible released this on Oct 16, 2019
Releases come in one flavor:
Portable application for Windows (32 bits)
Please keep in mind this is an early version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
[Security] Integrate OpenSSL libraries (allow HTTPS downloads)
Queue View:
[Queue View] Add display formats for byte size (ex: KB, MB, GB...) and speed display (KB/s, MB/s...)
[Queue View] Add file mime icons to queue view
[Queue View] Add beautiful and colorful progress bars to queue view
[Wizard] Add persistence to confirmation messages
[Wizard] Improve path selection dialog ("Browse..." buttons)
[Wizard] Add Auto close dialog
[Wizard] Add mask tips
[Wizard] Add fast filtering tips
[Wizard] Fix bug with empty history in ComboBox
Do minor fixes & add tests
Still left to do:
Still a lot to do...
DownZemAll v0.1.5
@setvisible setvisible released this on Oct 16, 2019
New in this release:
[Batch] Make batch regex more permissive (accept parenthesis and space separator)
[Batch] Fix bug with padding when number are inversed
[Mask] Fix trailing '.' and duplicated '/' in destination file name
[Settings] Fix bug when the application starts outside the boundaries of the desktop
[General] Implement Single Application
Minor fix: Fix build chain (CMake)
DownZemAll v0.1.4
@setvisible setvisible released this on Sep 20, 2019
Release of DownZemAll version 0.1.4
Releases come in one flavor:
Portable application for Windows (32 bits)
Please keep in mind this is an BETA version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Implement MIME Icons in InformationDialog and table views
Implement path and mask settings persistence
Fix bug when adding a URL with a trailing '/'
Still left to do:
Just a small sampling:
OpenSSL integration
Implement I/O
Open and parse a local HTML file
Implement all the context buttons
Fix low performance (bug?) when removing a lot of items in the table
DownZemAll v0.1.3
@setvisible setvisible released this on Sep 20, 2019
Release of DownZemAll version 0.1.3
Releases come in one flavor:
Portable application for Windows (32 bits)
Please keep in mind this is an BETA version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Fix bug with QSettings of the AddDownloadDialog
Fix bug with PathWidget when cleaning the recent URL history
Improve GUI
Still left to do:
Just a small sampling:
OpenSSL integration
Implement I/O
Open and parse a local HTML file
Implement all the context buttons
Fix low performance (bug?) when removing a lot of items in the table
DownZemAll v0.1.2
@setvisible setvisible released this on Sep 12, 2019
Release of DownZemAll version 0.1.2
Please keep in mind this is an BETA version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Added settings persistence
Improved GUI
Added 'Clear History' to context menu of Browser
Fixed display bug on context menu when clicking on a very long url
Still left to do:
Quite a lot
DownZemAll v0.1.1
@setvisible setvisible released this on Sep 8, 2019
Release of DownZemAll version 0.1.1
Releases come in one flavor:
Portable application for Windows (32 bits)
Please keep in mind this is an BETA version, meaning it's not finished yet and still needs some fixes and improvements.
New in this release:
Add file MIME type filters to the Wizard and Preference dialog.
Synchronized tables of the Wizard.
Add context menus to the tables.
Fixed bug with selection of items in the Wizard.
Fixed bug with duplication of file extension.
Still left to do:
Just a small sampling:
OpenSSL integration
Implement I/O
Implement MIME Icons
Open and parse a local HTML file
Implement all the context buttons
Fix low performance (bug?) when removing a lot of items in the table