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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Datura

Version 0.3.8

* Universal release (Intel 32/64 bits and PPC)

Bug fix

* Should now load correctly on Mac OS 10.5

Version 0.3.7

* Universal Intel 32 and 64 bits version of ffmpeg

Bug fix

* Corrected embedded ffmpeg execution instead of installed ffmpeg (when it exists)

Version 0.3.6
Major bug fix

* Removed remaining shared library dependencies
* Should now fully work on Mac OS 10.5 (not tested)

Version 0.3.5
Major bug fix

* Statically build ffmpeg release
* Bug in task scheduling
* Fixed bug in ffmpeg threads management

Version 0.3.4
Major bug fix

* Bug with x264 presets
* Bug when missing aspect ratio
* Bug with log view

Version 0.3.3
Major bug fix

* Bug while activating 2-pass encoding

Version 0.3.2
Major bug fixes

* Bug while cleaning correctly encoded files
* Bug while saving Datura's project

Added features

* Cropping
* Padding
* Noise reduction
* Log view

Version 0.3
Major bug fixes

* Bug while parsing input video properties
* Bug while saving Datura's project
* Too many included files from ffmpeg's build

Added features

* New ffmpeg version
* Handling of libx264 presets

Version 0.2
Major bug fixes

* Bug while exiting Datura while ffmpeg tasks are running
* Bug while adding input files by drag-and-drop operation

Minor bug fixes

* Clipping in between encoding tasks queue table and operations window
* Log file is deleted only after encoding task is removed from encoding tasks queue
* Incomplete encoded file is removed correctly on failure

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