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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for DVdate

DVdate 8.x.x En is a upgrade of the interface of DVdate, a successful software appreciated by many digital video users all around the world. It is a very powerful application for all AVI files, and perhaps the best program in the world for avi DV files (the format of most digital camcorders).

The main functions of DVdate 8.x.x are:

- display a list of all AVI video clips loaded in it, for instance all AVI from a folder, or even all AVI files from all hard disks, and display them sorted by alphabetical order, or by file size, file date, or even by the datecode (= date of capture by the camcorder), timecode, duration...

- display many data about each AVI file, for instance codec of video or audio, image
size, duration for audio as well as for video (they are not always the same). For avi
DV files it indicates if it's Pal or NTSC, and if it's 4x3 or 16x9 image ratio, and of course the type 1 or 2. It displays also the datecode and timecode of each DV frame. It indicates with the letters iavs if the file is a strange DV type2 having an interleaved stream instead of a video stream.

- preview the video in the integrated player or in full screen. One may browse through
the frames, with frame by frame precision, or even browse from scene to scene. DV date
displays in real time the datecode and timecode of the current frame.

- convert the video files for example:
* from DV type 1 to DV type 2 and reciprocally
* from Pal to NTSC and reciprocally
* from an analogic video to a DV type 2 one.
* from strange DV type 2 to standard DV type 2
* from a DV 4x3 to a DV 16x9 (widescreen) and reciprocally

- extract the audio stream to a WAV file.

- inlay the datecode (or other texts containinf indo about the video) into the video frames. This function (also available for preview with DVdate) is highly personnalizable. You may choose the font, the color, the size,
fix a time difference, change the display format of the datecode. You may choose to
display automatically for a given number of seconds the datecode at every scene change, or at every new day. The position of the inlay may be easily changed in the video. The datecode may be displayed on two lines. The timecode may also be inlayed.

- fix the datecode included in the DV frames in order to compensate a time difference.

- fix the framerate of a video file.

- change the FOURCC of the codec of a video.

- change the date of a video DV file and replace it by its datecode.

- rename DV files using datecode or timecode or other data.

-edit the list of scenes of an avi file (either calculating them by video content or by gap in the datecode, or by equal intervalls). This list may be edited to add captions, merge scenes, or cut scenes.

- create a scn file, compatible with Studio from Pinnacle, containing the list of scenes.

- export the data contained in a scn file to a text file, or Word, Excel, Writer or Calc file, giving for each scene the following data, separated by commas:

* rank of the scene
* start
* end
* datecode of start
* timecode of start
* duration
and for Word and Writer also a thumbnail from the video for each scene.

- Split a DV video into clips, one clip for a scene

- create a srt file containing subtitles displaying the datecode

- Display the RIFF header of an avi file, like Riffwalk - an old program by Microsoft -
used to do.

-DVdate can be launched from a script file to automate its functions.

Version 7.2.0 published in English at 2016/05/12

* small improvements in the interface
* the OS is better detected -(until windows 8.1)
* a bug solved when loading files and quit

Version 7.1.1 published in English at 2008/12/13

* improvement of "hints et captions" in the window to overwrite datecode

Version 7.1.0 published in English at 2008/12/13

* features a new command to overwrite a datecode into a DV file that had none (or to write over an existing one)
* the command RiffHeader displays the header with colors and can save the header either in text format (*.txt) or in richtext format (*.rtf)
* the command RiffHeader displays explicitely the data located in the INFO part

Version 7.0.10 published in English at 2008/12/6

* When exporting scenes to Excel (or other application) for several files at once, the datecode and timecode of each video is correctly used. (Thanks toAndrew Booth who reported the bug).

Version 7.0.9 published in English on 2008/06/04

* The template for renaming can now contain blank spaces
* The hint on the information panel is better displayed on 3 lines
* The preferences are better saved and deleted according to the request of user
* An error happening sometimes when quitting is fixed

Version 7.0.8 published in English on 2008/05/2

*The command Change the video frequency is fixed
*The command Change the video codec is fixed
*The confirmation prompt is now completed in the commands for Renaming

Version 7.0.7 published in English on 2008/05/1

*The command Rename works now with several files
*The button Select All updates the number of selected files. It toogles between all or only one selected
*Ascn file that has been edited can be saved even if one quits DVdate without closing the Scenes Editor
*More Texts have ben translated in English.

Version 7.0.6 published in English on 2008/04/19

*The panel of commands and shortcuts is better managed in the menu
*When playing a video, it stops at the end and goes back to start
*When converting to 16x9 a video, the next conversions are no more 16x9
*The preferences are better saved in the registry
*Some texts are translated from French to English
*Exporting scenes is now OK when in the Scenes Editor is active
*When an error occurs in a command, the gauge will hide.
*Navigating in the video when the Scenes Editor is active is now possible.

Version 7.0.5 published in English on 2008/04/16

* Some more texts have been translated
* Some minor interface bugs have been fixed
* The template for captions of scenes gives two lines instead of writing everything on one line.

Version 7.0.4 published in English on 2008/04/15

* Some texts still in french have been translated
* Some links in the About page are fixed
* The scenes editor has been improved: color, empty titles...

Version 7.0.3 published in English on 2008/04/14

* first English release in the 7.x.x series

DVdate 7.0
Enjoy the new Unicode compatibility (for Asian languages),
the new Scenes Editor with export to many popular programs,
the flexible size of the program window

The main functions of DVdate 7.x.x are:

- display a list of all AVI video clips loaded in it, for instance all AVI from a folder, or even all AVI files from all hard disks, and display them sorted by alphabetical order, or by file size, file date, or even by the datecode (= date of capture by the camcorder), timecode, duration...

- display many data about each AVI file, for instance codec of video or audio, image
size, duration for audio as well as for video (they are not always the same). For avi
DV files it indicates if it's Pal or NTSC, and if it's 4x3 or 16x9 image ratio, and of course the type 1 or 2. It displays also the datecode and timecode of each DV frame. It indicates with the letters iavs if the file is a strange DV type2 having an interleaved stream instead of a video stream.

- preview the video in the integrated player or in full screen. One may browse through
the frames, with frame by frame precision, or even browse from scene to scene. DV date
displays in real time the datecode and timecode of the current frame.

- convert the video files for example:
* from DV type 1 to DV type 2 and reciprocally
* from Pal to NTSC and reciprocally
* from an analogic video to a DV type 2 one.
* from strange DV type 2 to standard DV type 2
* from a DV 4x3 to a DV 16x9 (widescreen) and reciprocally

- extract the audio stream to a WAV file.

- inlay the datecode (or other texts containinf indo about the video)into the video frames. This function (also available for preview with DVdate) is highly personnalizable. You may choose the font, the color, the size,
fix a time difference, change the display format of the datecode. You may choose to
display automatically for a given number of seconds the datecode at every scene change, or at every new day. The position of the inlay may be easily changed in the video. The datecode may be displayed on two lines. The timecode may also be inlayed.

- fix the datecode included in the DV frames in order to compensate a time difference.

- fix the framerate of a video file.

- change the FOURCC of the codec of a video.

- change the date of a video DV file and replace it by its datecode.

- rename DV files using datecode or timecode or other data.

-edit the list of scenes of an avi file (either calculating them by video content or by gap in the datecode, or by equal intervalls). This list may be edited to add captions, merge scenes, or cut scenes.

- create a scn file, compatible with Studio from Pinnacle, containing the list of scenes.

- export the data contained in a scn file to a text file, or Word, Excel, Writer or Calc file, giving for each scene the following data, separated by commas:

* rank of the scene
* start
* end
* datecode of start
* timecode of start
* duration
and for Word and Writer also a thumbnail from the video for each scene.

- Split a DV video into clips, one clip for a scene

- create a srt file containing subtitles displaying the datecode

- Display the RIFF header of an avi file, like Riffwalk - an old program by Microsoft -
used to do.

-DVdate can be launched from a script file to automate its functions.

What's new in version 6.4.4 published on2007 August 3rd:

* the command split in scenes works better (not asking indefinitely for confirmation)

* a command +H is added to the script commands: if set, it closes DVdate at the end of the script

What's new in version 6.4.3 published on2007 August the 2nd:

* a silly change had disabled some functions in the Menu Video of 6.4.2. They are restored

* the shortcut for launching the script is now Shift+Ctrl+L, because CTRL+L was already used for opening a folder.

What's new in version 6.4.2:

* The function "Send To" can again be properly activated

* The srt files are correctly created (many thanks to André Gasquet and Jurkowski who reported independently the bug).

* The command "Modify the codec" is more accurate. (It changes also the parameter bicompression in the bitmapinfoheader of the avi file).

* One can abort the opening of many files with the Escape key

What's new in version 6.4.1:

* DVdate features a scenes editor for creating very comfortably a scn file (compatible with Studio from Pinnacle, but also with all softwares of Paul Glagla).. The scenes can be automatically detected by video content or by gaps in the datecode. One can merge scenes, or split them, add captions for each scene.

* The list of scenes may be saved either as a scn file, or a text file, or a Excel worksheet containing all scenes

* DV video files can be split into individual clips containing one scene each

* DVdatefeatures a powerful script language, that can launch scripts as text files, or be used as command-line switches.

* breaks during a command are better processed, and the partial file is added to the list of files in DVdate. Generally speaking, some bugs affecting the processing of a big number of filesat once have been fixed.

* DV headers and datecode or timecode superposition is now exact in DV type1

* DVDate can be saved as a portable file on a usb key or an external hard drive, and be launched from there with all its preferences.

New version 6.3.3 published on 2007, June the 11th.

What's new:

* the video renderer is better compatible with some graphic board, and color depths of the screen

* a black border may be put around the inlay in order to improve the contrast with the video frame

* the DV codec should be better detected for some avi files, for instance those produced by Adobe Premiere Pro 2

* the audio is better managed in conversions, specially inlay

* the audio data is updated in real time during play of a DV type 1 video

* the widescreen format also

* when opening the parent folder of a video, that video will be selected

* the datecode and timecode is better recognized for some cameras (many thanks to Bo from UK who has send me a video sample giving a very good clue to get the datecode from some JVC cameras).

* the command "fix a time difference" works better and makes changes that are recognized by more programs

* The command Inlay used to hang with some videos that had been captured in DV type 1 with dropped frames. It is now fixed and the video proceeds until the end. Many thanks to bpatel who made tests and has send me a sample of such a "hanging video".

* The video image is better suited to the video window without black strips.

What's new in version 6.2.1:

* sliders for positioning inlay are better set at start of program
* some minor interface bugs are fixed
* the Esc button functions better to abort commands
* the empty strings are better saved in the preferences, and no more interpreted as default values
* the *.srt subtitle files now include spaces around the -->. It seems better compatible with some programs.
* the datecode and timecode is better preserved when converting a file. For instance, in Movie Maker the scenes in the resulting file are now recognized.

The new version 6.2.0 of DVdate is to download here since 2006, December the 1st
* one may create a .srt file of subtitles made from the inlays of datecode
* the Deinterlacer filter of Pinnacle is no more compulsory, and everybody can now convert from NTSC to Pal and reciprocally
* there is no need to install the Wavdest filter to extract audio
* the time difference may be fixed with any value, and not only an entire number of hours
* the datecode may be added BEFORE the filename and not only AFTER it.

What's new in DVdate 6.0.4
Version 6.0.4 has been released in English on July 28, 2006.
a bug in the timecode detection is fixed
the timecode is better recognized for more cameras (thanx to Will Tegelaar). But sometimes it indicates now a null timecode instead of indicating N/A.
the datecode is also better recognized for some camcorders..
when sorting the videos by datecode, the files having N/A are now placed after the files having a valid datecode.
in the settings panel, tab formats, when emptying a line for the inlay of datecode, it works OK now. The del key is also active now.
when the audio samples have no constant bitrate (for instance in Mp3 compression) DVdate displays no longer an item "0 bits/sec"

What's new in DVdate 6.0.3
Version 6.0.3 has been released in English on March 19, 2006.
The function keys F3 and F4 react immediately if you change the application filename, without restarting DVdate
some minor errors and bugs in the interface are fixed.
one may now choose the alignment or the inlayed text (left, centered or right).

What's new in DVdate 6.0.2
Version 6.0.2 has been released in English on March 16, 2006.
some internal improvements in the determination of audio and displaying it

What's new in DVdate 6.0.1
Version 6.0.1 has been released in English on March 15, 2006.
a bug affected the command Recompress to type 2. It has been fixed, and a new "preference" has been added to set the audio frequency when recompressing an avi file to DV type2.
the conversion from DV type 2 to DV type 1 has been improved, in such a way that the video stream must no more be the first stream, but can be the second.

DVdate 6.0.0 The new features are:
* No installation is necessary. DVdate is contained in one single executable file. Albeit tiny in size (less than 700Ko), all the stuff needed even for inlay is included and no directshow filter will be installed on your system.
* It can display the datecode on two lines, for example the date on the first line, and the time below.
* It can inlay timecode
* The inlay may be scheduled to be displayed not only at each scene change, but also at every new day.
* It's now easier to show the sliders for modifying the position of inlay: you may still click right on the video window to launch a popup menu, but also click left on the corner at the bottom right of the video, or type ALT+I.
* One may set two filenames of applications to be launched by F3 and F4 with the selected files open in it. it's useful to open files after beeing processed by DVdate in programs like virtual dub or media player classic.
* The volume of audio is adjustable during preview (with + or - on the numeric keypad) and a little gauge indicates the volume level.
* The avi files are better analysed. For example, if no filter is found on your system for decompressing the video, the audio may nevertheless be played.
* Some DV type 2 files are strange, because they have an interleaved stream instead of a video stream (and of course an audio stream). For example, Movie Edit Pro produces such files. They are detected by DVdate (it indicates "iavs" after the DV type) and it features a command to convert these files to standard DV type2 .
* The About panel (F1) features a new tab called test. If you click on it, the relevant directshow filters are tested and reloaded.
* DVdate keeps better its aspect if the screen resolution is different from 1024x768; even if you use the large size fonts.

5.3.4 Tuesday, October 25, 2005:
I published today a new version 5.3.4 of DVdate, which fixes two bugs: an error occurred sometimes when creating a scn file. It is fixed now. And the checkbox Shortcut in Sendto was not active. It is now, so you can (if you check this box) open DVdate through a popupmenu when clicking on a avi file in Windows.

What's new in DVdate 5.3 ?

* When DVdate creates a video file by converting an existing one, it preserves now the datecode and the timecode (except for the latter with Pal<=> NTSC conversion because in this case a timecode would not make much sense). This is a very exceptional feature, because before DVdate 5.3, all known software did erase the datecode when recompressing the video.

* you may now modify the position of the inlay in the video.

* there is a new command to fix a time difference in a DV file

* DVdate know recognizes the 16x9 format (widescreen)

* DVdate no longer takes 100% of CPU time when idle (or 50% of a hyperthreading system).

DVdate 5.0

DVdate 5.0 En beta is a major upgrade of DVdate 4.2.

It features an improved interface, with a continuous display of the selected video, a main menu, a status bar. You may load many files in its file list, even ALL AVI FILES present on your hard disks with one key (CTRL+F7). The file list may be sorted alphabetically, by datecodes, by file size, or by file date ("last modified").

Then you may select one or many files an apply a command to them.

Many new commands are available in menus or with keyboard shortcuts. The full list of commands is shown in the Options panel (type F10 and select the "Commands" tab).

Here are some new commands:

- Change the value of Frames/seconds (FPS) of the video. This is very useful to fix videos captured with an analogue board that are out of sync because the FPS is wrongly reported by the capture board (for instance should be 25 but is 24,98).

- Open the selected file with ImageGrab (if ImageGrab - another of my freewares- is present on your system, and selected in the "Preferences" tab of the Options Panel (F10).

- Change the creation and last modified date of a video file and set it to the datecode of the video (if there is any)

- Convert a clip DV from Pal to NTSC or reciprocally, if the Deinterlacer filter of Pinnacle Studio is installed on your system.

- Incrust the datecode into the video frames, if you have chosen the Full installation option, and have installed the relevant directshow filters from Paul Glagla.

- Extract audio from an avi file into a wav file.

- Convert any non-DV avi video clip into a DV clip (Pal or NTSC). This function is very useful for Video Editing in DV format, if you want to add a clip compressed with any other codec.

- Export a text file containing a list of scenes from the selected video, with informations for each scene:
* scene number,
* Start
* End
* Datecode
* Timecode
* Duration

- DVdate may be inserted in the command "Send To" of Windows Explorer so that a right clic on an avi icon, opens that avi file in DVdate. This text file, with records separated by commas, may be imported in Tables, for instance in Excel.

New Update released on 2004/12/05: version 4.2 of DVdate .

The main improvements are:

Audio informations have been fixed. In DV type 1 the frequency was sometimes erroneous in the earlier versions. It is now correctly indicated. More audio informations are given: bitrate, compression mode (PCM, MP3 etc...). If the audio duration is different from the video duration then it is also displayed.

The keyboard shortcuts have been modified and completed.

You may modify the format of datecodes used to rename a file, as well as the root name used to rename like Scenalyser.

Seeking through the video is improved (trackbar and arrow keys)

You have access to the parent folder by clicking on the video name

A sign "scn" is displayed when a scn file is available.

You may save your preferences to the registry in order to find them automatically at next launch.

DVdate 4.2 tries to display the video with the right proportions in windowed mode.

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