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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for DVD2SVCD
20 october 2005 version 1.2.3 build 1
- Added: Now you can also convert AVI with AR of 1:1 (TV caps, DV). It's actually the same resizing algo as in the good ol' days of dvd2svcd 1.2.1 B3.
- Bug fix: Grande bug fixed in AVI to whatever when using the internal routines. If a chunk had a size of 0 it would stop demuxing the rest of the AVI fil leaving the audio incomplete. (Thanks to Nick and manolito)
- Fix: IMDB query is now working again
- Enhancement: All DVD2AVI and MPEG2DecXX.dll support has been removed. Only Donald Graft's DGMPGDec is supported (it is based on dvd2avi, but Donald has made tremendous improvements on it)
- Enhancement: Support for latest QuEnc, including special Matrix files
- Change: If you've selected DVD output and No Images, the files are muxed with MPlex instead of bbMPEG
- Enhancement:The programs in the Finalize tab is now changing depending on what output type you select (DVD, SVCD or VCD)
- Bug fix: The AC3 bitrate in an AVI was not taken into account when "No Audio Conversion" was selected.
- Fix: If you're trying to convert joined AVI files with an AC3 stream the muxer could fail due to a bad frame at the joinpoint. DVD2SVCD is now checking the entire AC3 file for bad frames (wrong length frames). This is usually such a few frames that you will not notice any sync problems.
- Bug fix: Extraction of DTS stream 0x8a is now working
31 august 2004 version 1.2.2 build 3
- Bug fix: Well, the "Do not convert audio (use source audio)" didn't work when doing AVI files with AC3 audio, funny thing is that it should have worked because that's why I made it.
- Change: I have downgrade BeSweet to a former version. The latest version was a tad unstable in some scenarios
23 august 2004 version 1.2.2 build 2
- New feature: I have added support for Nic's QuEnc. Now DVD2SVCD can be run with freeware programs only if you want to :). However QuEnc is still in it's infancy and it is based on ffMPEG which have problems maintaing the Average bitrate when using VBR. Many promises has been made by the developer(s) of ffMPEG to fix this, but they never gets around to it, hint hint :)
- Bug fix: Using fixed chapters with scenarist wasn't too cool. The chapters were not sequential.
- Enhancement: If you're converting AVI of DVB files you can select the audio language (instead of using unspecified)
- Bug fix: The SmartDeinterlace And Blendfields Interlace options are working again (Bach)
- Bug fix: The GOP Sizes is not locked when using DVDAuthor (Only scenarist has this stupid limitation) (Bach)
- Bug fix: The CD Sizes in the frame selection window now matches those in the bitrate tab. (DDogg)
- Bug fix: When selecting "Keep interlaced" Anamorphic output wouldn't work (alas the 16:9 flag would not be set) when using CCE.
- Enhancement: Added support for Donald Grafts (neuron2) DVD2AVIdg version (Thanks :)
- Bug fix: Quite a few AVI files didn't work right with the internal audio extraction. (DDogg)
- Bug fix: Fixed the AVI resize calculations. (jsoto and nick)
- Bug fix: If a subtitle stream had an unspecified language the subs would be extracted completely black (bobwillis)
- Bug fix: When doing NTSC dvd2dvd with Scenarist the subtitles could sometimes overlap, causing scenarist to fail (bobwillis)
- Bug fix: If you had used MPEG5.1 audio output and then on a later encode switched to "Do not convert audio" the MPEG5.1 program would still be run and thus later on the muxer would fail. (Mascot28)
- Bug fix: The Bilinear avisynth script was wrong (addborder was missing) when doing a clean installation of dvd2svcd (DDogg)
- Bug fix: If you were using DirectShowSource as your AVI reader in avisynth, dvd2svcd could fail with a file not open if you had been in preview first. This was due to a minor bug in directshowsource.dll. Thanks to sh0dan for fixing this so fast :)
- Enhancement: You can now select "Do not convert audio" when doing AVI2x. But be aware that you're on your own if you use it. If you get any errors during the process deselect "do not convert audio"
03 may 2004 version 1.2.2 build 1
- Bug fix: The "Calc. bitrate as max." checkbox in the video tab wasn't loaded from the inifiles.
- Bug fix: The "Use ReadAVS.dll" checkbox in the tmpgenc advanced settings tab wasn't saved/loaded from the inifiles. It was always unchecked.
- Bug fix: The "Azid gain offset" only supported numeric values (for instance 10db wouldn't be saved).
- New feature: I have added support for mplex + DVDAuthor + Spumux + MkIsoFs. That means you can make DVD's without Scenarist. Besides it's all freeware :) and it's actually more flexible than using Scenarist because you can avoid making an image if you want to.
- Change: I have tried to simplify the ini file structure. In DVD2SVCD.INI file the folder and program files are stored. So is what output type you want and the DVDRip settings + a few non essential but internal settings. All other settings is stored in DVD.INI, SVCD.INI or VCD.INI. Which INI is depended on the Output type selected in the Misc. tab.
- Fix: The templates for the latest CCE versions is now working too (But it's only working for the CCE version you installed last).
- Fix: Once again I M D B has made my life miserable and changed the way the search was working. Fixed.
- Enhancement: You can now select between internal audio extraction using my own routines, or use windows VFW routines to extract the audio.
- Enhancement: LanczosResize has been added to the default AVISYNTH.INI file and is now the default Resizer in DVD output.
- Enhancement: In the AVISYNTH.INI file I have added a new entry called [global] where you can change what source readers you want to use (mpegsource, avisource, directshowsource and so on). Look in the AVISYNTH.INI file to see the entries.
- Bug fix: Some of the AVI handling has been changed, hopefully to the better.
- Bug fix: The AVISynth settings is now saved in the output folder too, that means that you can use various Avisynth settings in each batch movie.
- Bug fix: The Progressbar in dvd2svcd could be slow when CCE encoding all depending on the CCE version, which in turn could make dvd2svcd stop on small encodes.
- Bug fix: Although you could change to another PGCI in the chapter listing, the internal PGCI would not be updated before the conversion was started. That meant that you could select an audio track which wasn't actually in the selected PGC and dvd2svcd would stop after the audio extraction.
- Bug fix: Even very small subtitles with very few pixels would be converted. Needless to say that a small dot in the middle of the movie is annoying.
- Enhancement: Added support for Scenarist 3.0, but be warned. I have had reports from some of my beta testers that Subtitles might be getting out of sync progressively. I think this is something in SC3.0 because SC 2.7 works fine with the exact same settings.
- Enhancement: D2SRoBa is now bundled. If you use CCE I recommend using D2SRoba, very cool and superb quality (Thanks Tylo)! This makes DVD2DVD as fast as other "One click DVD backup solutions", except that the quality is better.
11 oct 2003 version 1.2.1 build 3
- Bug fix: When I added Forced Subtitles support I broke the preview when subtitles was enabled.
- Bug fix: Also, when using Forced Subtitles more often than not there'd only be subtiltes on one of the CD's (svcd), and that meant that not all the CD Images were built.
- Bug fix: If "open the most recent project" in "Scenarist/Settings/preferences/Starting up" was selected then no images would be made and dvd2svcd would stall.
- Bug fix: Also, the titlebar in Scenarist Pro varies. Sometimes it would say "movie0.scn - Scenarist Pro" and sometimes "movie0 - Scenarist Pro". The missing ".scn" in the latter was not taken into account so Scenarist Pro would not create the dvd image.
- Bug fix: The "Index out of bounds" error in querying I M D B has been fixed.
- Bug fix: The "No Color Conversion" selection fro CCE was ignored in the previous version. That has been fixed.
- Bug Fix: There was a bug in the Scenarist Script creation which meant that PAL movies could be created with NTSC flags which again meant that some DVD Players couldn't play the DVDs.
- Bug Fix: The GOP N/M values for CCE wasn't reset properly between DVD and SVCD settings.
- Bug Fix: CDMage is once again executed properly.
02 sep 2003 version 1.2.1 build 2
- Bug fix: DTS audio for dvd2dvd didn't work when DTS was selected as the second audio track
- Change: Some users was displeased that I had removed SVCD resolution (480*480/576) for VCD creation.
- Bug fix: Using External subtitles as Permanent subs what screw up the subtitles in the movie.
- Bug fix:In an effort to make DVD2SVCD easy to use dvd2svcd is, if the scenarist exe field is empty, finding the path for scenarist.exe in the registry, however I forgot to tak possible quotes (") into account. They should have been removed.
- Bug fix: It was possible to select ntsc2pal when the "Do Not Convert Audio" was selected which would result in async audio. Also since no tools exists (as I know of) to manipulate DTS streams, ntsc2pal and frameselection is disabled if you want to use DTS audio
- Bug Fix: DVD Chapters were wrong when making NTSC DVD's with scenarist
- Update: I M D B had changed layout. I have updated dvd2svcd to use the new layout, unfortunately that means that I have once again lost access to covers.
- Enhancement: "Only Forced Subtitles" is now supported
- Enhancement: Now you have the choice between using "Max. Bitrate" or "Calculated Bitrate as Max. Bitrate" (the former is used in 1.2.1 and the latter in the previous versions) when using 1-pass-vbr in CCE.
- Enhancement: Add DVD sizes for both DVD-r and DVD+r
28 aug 2003 version 1.2.1 build 1
- Bug fix: In the former version, if you were using CCE you had to enabled "Add ResampleAudio" in the frameserver tab. That was a but I had introduced, which in this release have been fixed.
- Enhancement:AVI Files with Dual Audio is now supported (finally).
- Bug Fix:Fixed an Aspect Ration problem when using ProCoder and CVD resizing.
- Bug Fix:Some movie queries on I M D B could fail with a Stringlist out of bounds. Fixed.
- Change:DVD2SVCD now uses two different methods to calculate the CQ value depending on if you're using CQ_VBR or just CQ.
- Bug Fix:The chapter extraction and preview would fail if the DVD had sporadic encryption (that is the key can only be found in the beginning of the DVD)
- New Feature:Added DVD2DVD support by using Scenarist 2.6 or 2.7 (woohoo finally)
- Enhancement:Validation on the Avisynth Plugins (So that they match the Avisynth Version)
- Enhancement:Different INI files is now being used all depending on what you select as Output File Type (DVD, SVCD or VCD)
- Change:I've moved all the AVISYNTH_ Scripts into a file called AVISYNTH.INI
- New Feature:Added a very unintelligent AVISYNTH Script editor in the frameserver tab. So now you can avoid using notepad. I might add som more intelligence behind it with fancy colors and more options, you never know ;)
- New Feature:If you use a ~ in front of a line in the avisynth scripts that line will be put as the absolute last line in the script. Then you can use the monitor dll or perhaps the kronos dll. See below for a sample.
- New Feature:If you use brackets around a parameter name in the avisynth script it means it can use all kinds of characters and signs. For instance the normal accepted characters is a-z and _ and . Like this LoadPlugin(!SimpleResize.dll), but using brackets you can do this Loadplugin(![Simple&Resize.dll]) and it'll be accepted. I don't think I'm being very clear, but as ddogg says, I suck at explaining things.
- Bug fix:A combination of using NTSC2PAL and External Subtitles would result in subtitles out of sync.
- Bug fix:If a subtitle only had Command data and no Pixel data dvd2svcd would hang or exit with an Access Violation. (A movie that does this is Human Traffic PAL Nordic)
- Bug fix:The new Avisynth 2.5 had problems using DirectShowSource on a MPEG1 file, therefore the length of the VCD muxed files could fail which would result in a no go for vcdxbuilder.
- Change: When Using CCE's 1-pass-vbr dvd2svcd used to use the calculated bitrate as Max. Bitrate in CCE, but that has changed so that it's using dvd2svcd's Max. Bitrate from the bitrate tab.
- Info: If you select "Use current encoder default matrix" but uses a CCE Template then the Matrix in the Template will be used. If you don't use a Template the current encoders Default Matrix will be used.
- Bug fix:The Hyper Threading problem has been fixed. Thanks a bundle to Druid for his help (letting me use his computer, thanks)
04 apr 2003 version 1.1.3 build 2
- Bug fix: I made a small installation error with the SimpleResize.dll, so if you're using Simpleresize, and you can't get Build 1 to work, download this.
03 apr 2003 version 1.1.3 build 1
- Enhancement:Added support for Canopus ProCoder
- Bug Fix:Permanent Subtitles + Canopus ProCoder didn't work. Fixed
- Bug Fix:Fixed various subtle problems when interfacing with ProCoder.
- Bug Fix:External Subtitles not formated properly, could produce an "Access Violation" or a "List index out of bounds" error.
- Change:I've removed the codec check. Itseemed to give some problems, especially with xvid.
- Bug Fix:If using frameselection, the cd sizes selected would not be reduzed to the proper size.
- Enhancement: Support for CCE 2.66 (and maybe 2.67 too). But, if you are using the demoversion you have to use RB's EclCCE (Load EclCCE.exe instead of cctspt.exe). You can download it here: Thanks to RB for this little nifty tool :)
- Enhancement: Support for CCE Templates (sort of). You can select a CCE Template in dvd2svcd, but this is only for settings which isn't already in dvd2svcd. That is, the template will _not_ overwrite the settings already existing in dvd2svcd.
- Enhancement: Chapters are added to the ECL file. Should make the chapter entries when authoring dvd's more precise.
- Enhancement: You can preview External Subs in the Preview Window.
- Enhancement: Added beta support for Avisynth 2.5 (you must do the installing yourself if you want to use 2.5, also you will have to point to the right 2.51 plugins in the frameserver tab)
- Enhancement:You can now encode in MPEG2 but use MPEG1 (VCD) when muxing and authoring. This should help some who can't watch SVCD's only VCD's on their DVD (I know Panasonic can, using this method). All you have to do is go into the bbMPEG tab, dropdown the bbMPEG advanced features and doubleclick on MPEG1.
- Enhancement:The chapters is now saved in a maestro compatible text file, which you can use when dvd authoring. I hope to extend the dvd output options in the next release.
- Beta testers:DDogg, RB and Clixo. Thank you :)
17 feb 2003 version 1.1.2 build 1
- Bug Fix:If you have a decimalpoint , and thousandseperator . then the fileprediction factor for TMPGEnc would freeze on 1.500. The workaround in the former version is to switch the two symbols in controlpanel/regional options.
- Bug Fix:More regional option problems. If your Timeseperator differs from : the execution of CCE would fail too.
- Bug Fix:In Delphi 5 BoolToStr returned True or False but oh no, not in Delphi6. In Delphi6 returns 0 or -1 instead :( That meant that the use of Smartdeinterlacer failed. But what's worse, TMPGenc might fail sporadic too :((
- Bug Fix:A combination of Batch running + Frameselection + Subtitles would cause the subtitles not to be extracted and used. Fixed.
- Bug Fix:I M D B Additional Data was not reset between movie selections. Fixed.
- Bug Fix:Number of CD Images and Sourcetype wasn't always written in SVCDInfo.txt. Fixed.
- Bug Fix:AVI2SVCD used a wrong ota-parameter syntax for BeSweet
- Bug Fix:AVI2SVCD: EAccessViolation Access violation at address 00623FFF fixed.
- New Feature:Support for Canopus Procoder
30 jan 2003 version 1.1.1 build 2
- Bug Fix:There was some bugs in my implementation of external subtitles. Those should have been fixed now, I hope.
- Bug Fix:Sometimes the last entry in the subtitles would stay on screen until the movie ended. Should have been fixed now.
- Bug Fix:Not all the selected subtitle languages was written in the "SVCDInfo.txt" file. Fixed.
- Bug Fix:The CCE cancel didn't dissapear as I intended, it needed a redraw. Fixed.
29 jan 2003 version 1.1.1 build 1
- Bug Fix:Last DVD chapter was omitted. Fixed.
- Enhancement:NewAge, the developer of WinSubMux has notified me that I should swap the -C and -sx options. That way the dummy.sub is no longer needed.
- Enhancement:Most DVD players will, when playing SVCDs with SVCD or CVD subtitles, show subtitles from subtitle stream 1, however, that is not always wanted. So you have now in the subtitle tab a "Stream ID Offset", set this to 2 if you don't want subs to be shown without you specifically change to subtitle stream 2 on your remote. The option is in the subtitle tab "Stream ID offset"
- New Feature:Added support for text subtitles to be encoded as SVCD/CVD or permanent subtitles. When you've loaded the ifo file you select "go!" and select "add external subtitle streams"
- Enhancement:The Cancel button in CCE's video encoding window is a real nuisance. Why is it made as a default button? And why isn't there a confirmation box asking if you want to stop the encoding? Well, DVD2SVCD makes it invisble so you can't cancel the encoding by mistake. You can however still stop the encoding using either alt-f4 or by hitting the X in the upper right corner of the encoder window.
- New feature:The timecode setting in CCE can be edited.
01 dec 2002 version 1.1.0 build 1c
- Bug Fix:Sometimes subtitles would dissapear at once, fixed (thanks to Arianos and others)
- Revert:Reenabled the use of MADPlay when converting AVI movies (seems a tad more stable when converting mp3 audio).
28 nov 2002 version 1.1.0 build 1b
- Enhancement:An "AddBorders(0,0,0,0)" line in the avisynth script is now deleted (it is not needed when no borders is added and it slows down the process a bit if it's there.Thanks to Clixo for the testing)
- Bug fix:The Audio Tracks list was not reset between reloads of different IFO files.
- Bug fix:"Unable to write to DVD2SVCD.INI" is hopefully fixed now.
- Bug fix:The DVD chapters is now extracted correctly (could be a few seconds off in the former versions).
- Enhancement:Added a new LastCD Picture. Thanks to Angelo (who also made the default titlepicture)
- Bug fix:The bad outlines of the subs is fixed (sorry guys, an experiment I had made which I forgot to reverse)
12 nov 2002 version 1.1.0 build 1a
- Bug fix:When using large fonts in windows some of the controls in dvd2svcd wasn't shown, fixed.
- Bug fix:The batch file now works with the "start /wait" command
- Bug fix:When selecting "Keep Interlaced" dvd2svcd didn't deselect Zigzag scanning as it was supposed to.
- Bug fix:Being in a situation where I can't test if my Autodetection of Upper or lowerfield first works I had introduced a bug. Should work now again as in 1.0.9 B3
- Bug fix:The extraction of the NonIntra Matrix from CCE 2.5 now works. However, even if you patch CCE 2.5 with different Matrices it wont use the Intra Matrice, only the NonIntra (cce bug or patcher bug, I don't know). So if you want proper matrices use CCE 2.62 or TMPGEnc. (and bbMPEG doesn't even mux the matrices into the stream even if you manually load them :( ). I guess I'll have to make an internal stream fixer.
- Bug fix:It was possible to have Addborders Before a Resize which of course is completely wrong because you'd get a wrong height of the movie.
07 nov 2002 version 1.1.0 build 1
- Bug fix:I-Author muxer would repeatedly start over and over again if any errors happen (like the infamous bitrate error)
- Bug fix:In some rare cases DTS audio could be selected as the audio stream
- Bug fix:Finally I succeded in fixing the rare subtitle bug that would leave the subtitles on screen until the next subtitle was shown. Thanks to Tito for twisting my arm.
- Enhancement: It is now possible adjust TMPGEnc's VBV Buffer Size.
- Enhancement:Added support for AC3 Surround2 downmixing
- New Feature:Added CCE RoBa Multipass support (a compromise between Robshot and Bach's method). This however is pretty unstable and can only be activated by adding a RoBa Visible=1 in dvd2svcd.ini
- New Feature:Added support for Trbarry's Unfilter avs plugin
- Bugfix:'' is not a floating point value, which could happen after encoding with CCE has been fixed.
- Bugfix:When using "New Frame" in the preview dvd2svcd could end with an Access Violation Error
- New Feature:VCD Chapters (using vcxbuilder) is now supported.
- Enhancement:Now YOU can put any AVIsynth commands into the avisynth script before starting the conversion at all. That means that you can add you favorite filters (Unfilter, MSSmooth, Sharpen and so on). Please look in the AVISYNTH section of this document (see bottom section).
- Enhancement:When using WinSubMux it will now multiplex all subtitle streams in one go.
- Bug fix:The subtitles could sometimes still be in "white boxes" I hope I have fixed this for the last time ;) Thanks to M1ckey M0use for providing some test data :)
- Enhancement:If you select Automatic Shutdown and make a "Rip Only" then it'll add -shutdown instead of -exit in the batch file.
- New Feature:Finally, you can now decide exactly where you want the cut to be, or you can use it to remove unwanted credits or just to make samples. How cool is that :)
- Bug Fix:Well, it seems that from time to time the SVCD/CVD subtitles could be out of sync on second and third CD. This is due to the fact that bbMPEG soes not cut at the exact second I tell it to (yeah I know, I just thought...) Anyway, I hhave fixed it by comparing the encode audio file and the audio stream in the muxed file, thereby I can find the exact cut and in all the tests I've done they have been in perfect sync and actually it seems that CD 1 is in better sync too :)
- Enhancement:CQ_VBR is now supported when using TMPGEnc
- Enhancement: Added "Keep Interlaced" to the list of deinterlacers. It overrides the Progressive, Zigzag and aspect ratio settings (progressive and zigzag off and aspect ratio to 4:3 (no borders)). If you can live with these settings you will get the best quality (when watched on the TV, not on the PC).
- Bug Fix:Execution of CDMage now works properly again
- Bug Fix:Using TMPGEnc, Enreach I-Author and title or change cd pictures now work
- Enhancement: I have removed the "Add ChangeCD picture to all images" and added an Last CD Picture instead. More flexible.
- Depreciation:I M D B has sadly removed all the links to their Cover Pictures, so you wont get cover pictures in this version, sorry.
- Bug Fix:Buttons and such should now be visible in XP as in the other windows versions.
- Enhancement:Changed the File Prediction algorithm to match that of shh/kwags algorithm. The algo seems to perform better than the old one, but as you probably know I can't test such algorithms infinetely.
- Enhancement:The extraction of Audio and especially subtitles should be faster now.
- Recommenda.:If you use CCE, I don't recommend using CCE 2.64 it's just too unstable and it's causing me a lot of grief, if you decide to use it anyway, you're on your own. Whenever possible use CCE 2.50.
25 jun 2002 version 1.0.9 build 3
- Bug fix:Link2 support would fail if VCDXBuilder wasn't selected.
- Enhancement:Added support for MPEG5.1 Audio using philips encoder. You must use I-Author as the CD-Image create program otherwise your SVCD will only have ordinary stereo sound.
- Bugfix:Fixed the CCE Field Dominance bug according to this post on the forum:
- Bugfix:The selected Fieldorder is now being saved properly in the dvd2svcd ini files.
- Bugfix:When using DVD chapters it'll now include the last chapter too (been long over due)
- Enhancement:Deselecting 0 second chapters by default when using internal ripping, this fixes both sync issues and CCE chrashes. Also skipping cells which has the same LBA BEGIN and END will be skipped (also solves async). This ASync problem is VERY rare, and chances are that you never experience it. I found this problem on "The Stand", which has 4 episodes 2 on each side. And I might add that no current DVD rippers fixes this sync problem :)
- Bug fix:If changing any settings after the ifo file was loaded could make the "Aspect ratio" field empty.
- Bug fix:IO Error 87 in either "Audio Extraction" or "Subpicture extraction" fixed. The error appeared if an external ripper had been used to make one big vob file > 4 Gb.
- Enhancement:You can change the order of TemporalSmoother, Sharpen and Resize.
- Enhancement:Added support for the DVD Half Width size (also called XSVCD size) 352 * 480/576.
- Bug fix:Made some changes to the AVI resize algos. Seems to be more precise. (thx Gerti67)
14 may 2002 version 1.0.9 build 2
- Bug fix:Preview would fail if any changes was made in the preview and subtitles wasn't enabled. Workaround: Just enable Subtitles once and use the preview. Then go back and deselect the subtitles again and it should work in Build 1.
- Bug fix:Fixed various issues with subtitles (both permanent and non-permanent)
- Bug fix:If no subtitles was selected then VCDImager would be used even if I-Author was selected. Fixed.
- Bug fix:If VCD (Half size) was selected for a NTSC source it would resize to 352*480 instead of 352*240. Fixed.
- Bug fix:When not converting audio, cutting in bbMPEG could fail.
- Bug fix:When making VCDs and using permanent subtitles using -1 as the Y-Pos, the subtitles would appear at a wrong position.
- Enhancement:Added support for Avisynth sharpen command.
- Enhancement:Added support for Edwin van Eggelen's Link2 program, which can be used instead of VFAPI (if you use vfapi). I highly recommend to donate some money to Edwin. Not only has he made Link2 but he is also the one who is continuing the development of Avisynth. In fact I urge you to donate to Doom9 too. Without him we'd never be this far in the digital world.
- Information:Due to a shitload of tasks at work I wont have time to develop on dvd2svcd, and I most likely wont answer many (is any) mails or forum posts. But I will be back in full force some time. Of course, if any very serious bugs are found, I might have time to squeeze that in, but that's it.
02 may 2002 version 1.0.9 build 1
- Update:Updated to Avisynth 1.0 Beta 7d (which apparently solves quite a bit of the CCE freeze issues and fixes the Sharpen command too)
- Update:Updated to WinSubMux, which is a new version ported by new_age, and he seems to have cured submux remaing bugs :) (Thanks new_age)
- Enhancement:DVD2SVCD can eject (and reload) the DVD if you're ripping a DVD.
- Bugfix:I-Author would fail if crash recovery is used. It would switch to Submux. Fixed.
- Bugfix:When using output folders with numbers in it, bbMPEG would fail in making the right muxed filename. Fixed.
- Enhancement:You can now control the luminance. You do that in the dvd2avi tab. Default values is 0
- Small thing:VCDs with dvd2svcd is now possible too.
- Enhancement:You can now use the I-Author subtitle muxer together with VCDXBuild and VCDImager. (Submux and WinSubMux is ofcourse still supported). Just select your favorite muxer in the subtitle tab.
- Enhancement:Padding can be enabled for TMPGEnc (in CQ and VBR mode)
- Enhancement:Added two default settings files, one for SVCD and one for VCD (use "Load Settings" in the misc. tab, the ini files is located in dvd2svcds program folder)
- Bugfix:CVD (and maybe SVCD) subtitles must be on an even line. Subtitles would not be shown when an odd line (Y-Pos) was used. Fixed.
11 apr. 2002 version 1.0.8 build 1
On his tombstone it would say "DDogg was for dvd2svcd, what Louis Armstrong was for jazz"
Let us all have one minute silence.
And in all the videos you encode with this version there'll be a watermark which says "We will not forget you, DDogg"
I hope you know I'm just joking, DDogg is very much alive and kicking :)
- Enhancement:Extended the interaction with I M D B, many more data can now be extracted from that great homepage. This movie info is appended to SVCDInfo.txt along with general DVD2SVCD settings.
- Enhancement:It is now possible to encode using the 16:9 tag in the video encoder
- New feature:Preview of the dvd you are about to rip, where you can tryout the different resize methods, deinterlacing, subpicture positions and other stuff.
- New feature:You can select just to rip a dvd, and encode it at a later time.
- Enhancement:In the dvd rip tab you can select if you want dvd2svcd to create a new folder when a new rip starts.
- Enhancement:DVD2SVCD should now be able to determine Top Field First or Bottom Field First
- Enhancement:Extended the settings of both CCE and TMPGEnc
- Bug Fix:Sometimes the subtitle streams would contain garbage (like very small substitles), they will now be discarded.
- Bug fix:Once again I have fixed a bug in the bitrate calculation causing dvd2svcd to either cutting the last seconds of a movie of making a small last mpg file.
- Enhancement:If you select "No Images" in the CD Image tab, you can in the Audio tab select "Do not convert audio", and thereby use the extracted AC3 file directly in the final result. BUT BEWARE, your standalone player will probably not support this. The reason that this feature only is enabled when "No Images" is selected is because neither VCDXBuilder or I-Author supports AC3 audio streams.
- Enhancement:If you use "Rip Only" DVD2SVCD will make a batch file in the same folder as DVD2SVCD. In this batch file DVD2SVCD adds a line each time you Rip a dvd. If for instance you have 3 dvd's to rip, you just rip those 3 dvd's into their own folder, and when done you run the batch file. DVD2SVCD will then convert the 3 dvd's without interaction from you. Needless to say, you will need a LOT OF SPACE in your target drive. Besides, it is your own responsability to edit the Batch file (deleting entries which has been done and so on)
- Enhancement:All versions of TMPGEnc should now be supported (including beta 12)
- New feature:Added DVD2SVCD Level (normal and Advanced). If you select Advanced you have the possibility to really mess up things, however it will make dvd2svcd much more versatile. In advanced you can change bbMPEG mux settings and you can select Full Size. The advanced level will be expanded in the future.
- Enhancement:It seems that CCE/Avisynth has problems with some DivX3 AVI files, but when the DivX3 is converted to DivX4 everything works, so I have added a checkbox in the Misc. Tab, where you can select DivX3 to DivX4 conversion (of course you need divx4 installed for this to work).
- Bugfix:I think I got the subtitle bug fixed. There shouldn't be any subs with a white bottom line any more.
- Enhancement:You can set a resize % for permanent subtitles.
- Enhancement:Added support for trbarry's new mpeg2dec2.dll, just load it in the frameserver tab. To enable SSE2 go to the dvd2avi tab and select it in the iDCT Algorithm
05 mar. 2002 version 1.0.7 build 4
- Bugfix:When using Titlepictures and ChangeCD pictures when doing a PAL movie, the size of the picture would be 480*480, but it should be 480*576
- Bugfix:The bitrate for audio 2 was reset to Audio 1 bitrate when launching dvd2svcd
- Enhancement:M2P (DVB) files is now supported.
- Enhancement:You can now deselect having the XML file included on the cd image when using VCDXBuild
- Enhancement:DVD2SVCD creates a SVCDInfo.txt file at the end of a conversion which is a summary of various data. This file can be included on the CD image if you're using VCDImager or VCDXBuild.
- Bugfix:Fixed an overlap bug which could result in a too large last cd image.
- Enhancement:The adding of ResampleAudio when using CCE 2.5 is now selectable. Adding ResampleAudio can fix one of the CCE crash types.
- Bitchfix:The movie length time would be reset if you swithced between the tabs after selecting chapters.
- Bugfix:The Deinterlace Settings was not saved properly and would be reset if you did a Crash Recovery.
- Enhancement:When you use the CD icon to select an IFO file from the DVD, it now analyzes each IFO file on the DVD selecting the IFO which has the longest Movie Length and not as it used to selecting the biggest ifo file.
- Update:Updated to the latest Decomb 3.6
26 feb. 2002 version 1.0.7 build 3
- Enhancement:Added some more settings to adjust if you use TMPGEnc.
25 feb. 2002 version 1.0.7 build 2
- Bugfix:Fixed the "File not found" error when using vStrip to rip the dvd
22 feb. 2002 version 1.0.7 build 1
- Enhancement:DVD2SVCD should now be able to execute CCE no matter if it has been translated (e.g. to spanish)
- New feature:Support for TMPGEnc 2.5x. I said I wouldn't support it before the quality was up to par with CCE, and IMHO the latest TMPGEnc is getting there. So here it is.
- Enhancement:Well, as any programmer who has had anything to do with AVI knows, Microsofts AVI dlls sucks when the AVI > 2 Gb. So, I wrote an AVI reader which can handle big AVI files. This should hopefully solve the problems people have had with DV Avi files.
- New feature: Added FlipVertical in the Frameserver tab
- Enhancement:I-Author execution now works with a locked W2K and fast user switching in XP
- Bug fix:When using I-Author to create chapters the index for the next chapter was wrong
- Bug fix:Not all controls was shown in DVD2SVCD, if you were using larger fonts or a large screen resolution.
05 feb. 2002 version 1.0.6 build 4
- Bugfix:PAL PVA Streams was analyzed as being NTSC. Fixed
- Bugfix:When using Smartdeinterlace, dvd2svcd would stop with a Unknown fps error. Fixed
- Bugfix:If CCE never has been executed on a computer before, DVD2SVCD would fail with an "Access Violation", due to missing Registry Entries for CCE.
- Enhancement:I rebuild SubMux.exe in Borland C++ instead of Cygwin. Not only does it make a smaller exe file, but it actually seems to make the subtitles work better on the SVCD. Probably due to word alignment.
02 feb. 2002 version 1.0.6 build 3
- Upgrade:Upgraded to BeSweet 1.11. This should fix the async problem when using 48000->44100 downsampling
- Bugfix:The total bitrate validation is now fixed (and the stupid Audio bitrate less than 128 message too)
01 feb. 2002 version 1.0.6 build 2
- Enhancement:You now have 3 choices on how you want PBC to work when using VCDXBuild:
- Using Selections (prev, next, stop/return, chapter number selection)
- Using Playlist (prev, next and stop/return)
- No PBC at all.
- Bug Fix:When fixing my Bitrate calculation so that it would make the cutpoint properly in bbMPEG I inadvertently forgot to include the bitrate for the second audio stream.
- Upgrade:BeSweet v1.0 by DSPguru
- Enhancement:Added support for Donald Grafts new method of Inverse Telecine. In the frameserver tab you just select either IVTC.dll (wizards version) or Decomb.dll (Donald Grafts version). According to Donald this new dll of his should be able to handle real tough cases. Give it a whirl.
- Enhancement:I have added support for VFAPI. I have done this for two reasons. It seems to be more stable when using with CCE. And it gives you the possibility of using CCE 2.62 or 2.64, but I do NOT recommend using 2.64, I have not had anything but problems with this version (when doing Multipass). The use of VFAPI will slowdown the encoding speed approx. 25-40%
- Enhancement:Added support for Trbarry's SimpleResize Avisynth Plugin. It's good and fast.
- Fix:BeSweets mpglib.dll is not very stable, so whenever the audio is a MPA (mp2 or mp2) I use MADPlay to convert it to a wav file. DSPguru is looking into this, so when he has something new, I'll remove madplay again.
- Enhancement:Long time overdue, you can now make a standard output palette for the subtitles.
- Enhancement:Added something I think the Australians and Kiwi's will like. DVD2SVCD can use Donald Grafts Telecide algos to "deinterlace" PAL movies, and it does a very very good job. No blurry pictures, just sharp and perfect.
- Change:Changed the default bitrates. With the new bitrates I have had a greater success with CCE not freezing
- Bugfix:By a stupid mistake from me I overwrtote the mp3 header (from an avi file) with some garbage.
- Bugfix:The cutting of the last seconds of the last cd image should hopefully now be fixed.
- Enhancement:Add the rest of the Azid switches.
- New feature:Support for custom Matrices for all CCE versions. However, to change the matrices in CCE 2.5 you have to download Tsunamis CCE Patcher. The matrices you use in CCE will also be used in bbMPEG when muxing.
- Note:I haven't concentrated much on the AVI2SVCD feature in this release. I know there are bugs and that AVI files with an audio size > 2 Gb will fail. I will contrate more on the AVI2SVCD in the next build. I tell you this to avoid getting flooded with bug reports of AVI2SVCD.
15 jan. 2002 version 1.0.6 build 1
- Enhancement:Due to the fact that Doom9 twisted my arm, and due to DSPguru (a math. genious and must be given full credit for this), I have killed, Azid, tooLame, WLA and SSRC. I am now only using BeSweet for the whole audioprocess. The great thing about this is that no intermediat files are created between the AC3 and MP2 conversion. So a BIG HUGE WET kiss from me to DSPguru :)
- Bug Fix:If you installed CCE and didn't run it manually at all dvd2svcd could fail with an "Failed to get data for 'list1 pos (left)" error. Fixed.
- Bug Fix::( No wonder that users have had problems with overburn images, I had made a CDSize calculation wrong so that the CDImage size always was 799. This is now fixed.
- New FeatureAVI Input Support. Beta Stage. Only Supports Framerates of 23.976, 25.000 and 29.970, and audiotypes pcm, mp2, mp3 and ac3
- Major Bugfix:Well, what can I say, I might have found why CCE gives a CRC error or Freezes totally. It seems that the last 2048 bytes saved from internal ripping is completely wrong (uninitialized data). But that should have been fixed now.
- Bug Fix:When ripping a chapter, the ac3 file could be flawed, thanks to Mozart for helpin me on this issue.
- Bug Fix:Fixed the "Incorrect Parameter" bug.
- Enhancement:Finally I got around to make the bitrate for both audiostreams selectable.
- Bug Fix:Fixed the CD-Image sizes, now they should fit if you use the default cd size values (800 and 740)
- Enhancement:You can now select between BiCubicResize and BilinearResize
30 dec. 2001 version 1.0.5 build 4
- New Feature:Minimizing DVD2SVCD to tray
- New Feature:You can set the Priority of the external programs that dvd2svcd executes (High, Normal, Idle)
- Enhancement:SSRC will no longer be run as TWO-PASS (no needfor it, just time consuming)
- Bug Fix:Smartripper sometimes makes 0 byte vob files when ripping chapters. That could upset the sync of the final SVCD. Should work now.
- Bug Fix:Fixed the "file not found" bug when converting the title/changecd picture
- Bug Fix:Fixed the number of colors used in the subs, which made submux fail.
- Removal:All references to TMPGEnc has now been eliminated.
- Bug Fix:DVD2SVCD totally disregarded the "create vaf" in the CCE tab.
- Possible bug:Now both the "CD Label" and "Movie Title" will only accept A..Z, 0..9 and _
23 dec. 2001 version 1.0.5 build 3
- Enhancement: Now the execution of CCE should work no matter what you do (just don't hit the cancel button) as I don't send any keypress to it anymore. I use solely Windows Messages now.
- Enhancement: Made a few changes to bbMPEG. Now it's semi commandline based. That means NO MORE KEYSTROKES anymore. Isn't that just great :) That also means that DVD2SVCD now supports "Fast User Switching" in XP
- BugFix: Fixed the subtitle output palette
- New Feature:You can now select if you want the ChangeCD picture on all your images, including the last.
- BugFix:If you didn't use Selectable Subtitles and used CD Overlapping, then chapters would fail. Should be fixed now.
19 dec. 2001 version 1.0.5 build 2
- Fixed the chapters (again)
- Done some more changes to the execution of bbMPEG. Maybe it'll work better this time.
12 dec. 2001 version 1.0.5 build 1
- Fixed a bug when using long filenames in a PVA file (actually the bug is in pvastrumento but I found a workaround)
- Well, it seems that people was still having problems when dvd2avi run. So I made a drastic decision and created a modified version of dvd2avi which would accept commandline options.
- Sometimes bbMPEG could stall at the initial "open project file" (which actually was implemented as a windows xp workaround)
- When hitting the CDRom button, dvd2svcd wouldn't always find an ifo file. That was due to people having more than one cd-rom installed.
- Totally rewrote my XML file procedure, and at the same time got a much better understanding of how it works.
- When doing NTSC2PAL conversion + subtitles, the saving of subtitles could fail.
- Using temporalsmoother and forgetting to add strength and energy values would make CCE fail.
- Fixed chapters was flawed. Fixed.
- Smaller memory footprint.
- Discarded the use of CRDE2001.dll (image library). Thanks to M1ckey M0use, for the links.
- Fixed the title/changecd picture when using vcdxbuilder.
- Fixed some stupid error messages
- Removed support for I-Author, but added support for both SVCD and CVD subtitles using a nice program Herbert and DDogg mentioned to me. That means that the final result has the ability to include selectable subtitles no matter what you select in the CD-Image tab. Even if you select "Don't create CD Images", and you burn the mpg files with Nero, it'll still support subtitles.
- Added support for SSRC downsampling (recommended if you downsample audio)
- Added warning messages when dvd2svcd executes crital programs like CCE and bbMPEG.
25 nov. 2001 version 1.0.4 build 2
- Bugfix: Edit of the AVS script would happen twice if selected. Fixed.
- Major Bugfix: One of the last things I did before releasing build 1 was trying to solve the bug where dvd2svcd didn't transfer all the vobfiles to dvd2avi (this would only happen if you manually added vobfiles in dvd2svcd). But, unfortunately I introduced a very serious bug, namely that if you're using vstrip or the internal ripping routines it'd run dvd2avi by loading the vob files still on the dvd and not the vobfiles which ws ripped, needless to say that that wouldn't work 90% of the time since the vobfiles dvd2avi was trying to decode would still be encrypted. Sorry folks.
22 nov. 2001 version 1.0.4 build 1
- Added support for converting CIF images to bin/cue using CDMage B5
- Fixed the MADPlay endless repeat bug (Thanks to those who reported this bug)
- Fixed the CCE settings bug. The settings of Linear quantizer scale, Zigzag scanning order, Upper field first and Progressive frames was not transferred to CCE, sorry. (Thanks to Ruben for pointing this out.)
- Added the possibility of executing a program/batch file of your choice per cd image. Still pretty much beta.
- Fixed the ascync problem with PVA files by demuxing the PVA stream instead of making a PS stream. You must use Version 2.0.10. (Thanks to Stars55 for the PVA stream)
- Added the possibility of using the mp2 stream in a PVA without any conversion. That could save you an hour or two.
- Added support for MPEGAV when usinf VCDXBuild and I-Author. (This is non-compliant SVCD)
- Added the possibility to change the bbMPEG video and Audio offsets. But don't change them unless you have a good reason to do so.
- Extended the maximum overlap from 5 to 30 seconds.
- Appending to the log when doing Crash Recovery instead of overwriting it.
- Added better Error messages. No more "IO Error 112" message, instead you get a "Disk is full message"
- Fixed a bug in Crash Recovery when using 2 audio streams
- Added DVD Chapter creation (finally)
- Much better Titlepicture and ChangeCD picture color conversion when using I-Author.
- Added a CD Button. It's a newbie feature, just press it and dvd2svcd will locate the proper ifo file and load it.
- Fixed the bug where add vobfiles wasn't transferred to dvd2avi
26 oct. 2001 version 1.0.3 build 5
- Added support for ripping single chapters from a DVD. There are good reasons for this:
1. If you want to make a test just select a single chapter.
2. Easy to make trailers
3. Smart if you want to get rid of the FBI Warning or if you want to cut out the end credits
4. Good when ripping Music dvd's. Just select the number of chapters that will fit one cd. Encode that and repeat this for the second and perhaps the third cd.
This feature is only enabled if you activate DVD ripping and are using the internal ripping routines.
You select chapters by using the "movie length" dropdown field.
- Fixed the CD overlapping bug when using 2 audio streams
- Fixed a bug when trying to close an audio stream which for some strange reason doesn't exist in the dvd (io error 103).
- I have had to reverse to the use of 8bit bmp as the title/changecd pictures when using I-Author :( Many players would wrap around the picture.
- Since there's a lot of people who can't read, I have made a version checking on CCE. I get too many stupid mails about why dvd2svcd doesn't work and 90% is because people are using the wrong version of CCE.
- Added the possibility to select/deselect "Upper field first" and "Progressive" in CCE.
- Changed th GOP sequence in CCE when doing to 12 frames per I-Frame. Apparently that is the recommendation when doing PAL movies.
- I am now using MADPlay (mp2 to wav) if you are converting a DVD where the audio is MP2 or converting PVA files (it might even solve the async problems with PVA). Soon I can get rid of TMPGEnc.
11 oct. 2001 version 1.0.3 build 4
- Fixed the broken IVTC
- Fixed the Y-Position of the SVCD Subtitles (I usually use PAL-Y-Pos=440 and NTSC-Y-Pos=344). If you want the subtitles aligned to the bottom just use eg. 600
- Fixed a random chapter selection when playing SVCD's made with vcdxbuild
- Fixed a bug in the VideoInfo procedure when using PVA streams.
- It seems that my internal d2v file creation wasn't as stable as I thought, so I have reverted back to the use of dvd2avi. Especially PVA files failed.
- When doing NTSC2PAL I don't use TMGEnc anymore. I have switched to using Wave Length Adjust 0.26. It's much better.
05 oct. 2001 version 1.0.3 build 3
- Added support for TemporalSmoother (Frameserver Tab)
- It seems that I might have a too narrow cutpoint so I have adjusted that a bit.
- When using 1 pass vbr I'm now using the calculated bitrate as Max. Bitrate
- The Movietitle and CDLabel wasn't saved in case of a crash recovery.
- The SVCD subtitles failed in the crash recovery.
- The NTSC Field Operation selected as ForceFilmOn was ignored (sorry about that). Automatic worked though.
- A bug in the bitrate calculation has been fixed.
- Sometimes the number of subtitle streams differs between the ifo file and the vob files. If dvd2svcd gets a streamid which isn't in the ifo file it'll now just add that stream to the subtitle selection window and you'll be able to selected it.
01 oct. 2001 version 1.0.3 build 2
- I managed to screw up the default values in the bitrate tab pretty seriously.
So I have made a validation on the bitrate tab which should take care of this,
And it's now using proper default values.
- I had forgot to change the Titlepicture/ChangeCD picture to Still picture streams
when using VCDXBuild. That meant that most Standalone DVD-Players wasn't able to
show the pictures.
- I added support for Reversed Field Order encoded dvd's (IVTC). Some anime
movies like Sakura Diaries needs this to be properly encoded. The option however
can only be selected manually (in the dvd2avi tab)
- If you were editing the AVS Script file and pressed the Save Button, you'd
get a "Cannot Save File" Error. That is fixed.
28 sep. 2001 version 1.0.3 build 1
- The Min. Avg. can now be selected or deselected. If deselected dvd2svcd will use
the bitrate calculated, no matter how low it gets.
- Support for TitlePicture, Change CD Picture and you selection of chapters when
you're using VCDImager
- Support for TitlePicture and Change CD Picture in I-Author
- Added Deinterlacing support
- More precise bitrate calculation
- Now the settings is being saved in an ini file instead of the Registry.
- You can Save and Load your settings.
- I have moved the creation of the dvd2avi project file to internal routines. At this
point I'd like to say that I do not violate GPL since I haven't used one byte of the
original source code. All has been totally rewritten.
- You can now manually add/delete vob files after the ifo file has been selected
- Support for PVA
- Using the VideoStream Aspectratio instead of the aspect ratio in the ifo file.
- You can now manually select Audio streams.
- I have changed the way Azid runs if "Autodetect Gain" is deselected. It will
only run through the Azid process once, using the value you have typed into
"Azid Gain Offset". Only use this if know what you're doing. If you want to
use it you can use both with or without db. (-g 6 or -g 11db)
- I have made the first attempt of Crash Recovery. Beware though, it is still in beta.
- Support for overlapped CD's (up to 5 seconds overlap between the cd's)
- Checks are made to see where the IFO File is being loaded. If it's from a DVD-drive
and DVD ripping is not activated dvd2svcd will issue a warning.
- Changed the authentication to always authenticate.
- Links ;)
23 aug. 2001 version 1.0.2 build 9
- Apparently the ifo file sometimes reports a PAL movie/trailer to be NTSC. This
is now fixed
- If the dvd contains both MPEG2Ext and AC3 audio tracks the MPEG2Ext would sometimes
be selected instead of the AC3 file. Fixed.
- Fixed a bug in the Internal Ripping Routines, it couldn't handle Multiangle movies.
- I have seen som CCE guru's mention that start from frame 0 in CCE can give problems
so I have changed that so it always starts from frame 1 instead.
21 aug. 2001 version 1.0.2 build 8
- Once again i had introduced a range check error. It is now fixed.
21 aug. 2001 version 1.0.2 build 7
- The Drag'n'drop simulation on CCE apparently didn't work on all computers so
I've changed it a bit.
- Some DVD's have a very stupid subtitle setup (esp. on anime), like no Endtime.
(Blame it on the studio), Anyway I have done some changes to take care of that.
- Made some more changes to the CCE handling.
20 aug. 2001 version 1.0.2 build 6
- I had introduced a range check error in build 5, sorry. It is now fixed.
20 aug. 2001 version 1.0.2 build 5
- Hopefully the problems with CCE stopping at 49% is gone now.
- Changed the Amount of stack dvd2svcd uses. Hopefully that fixes the
Exception Error c0000090.
16 aug. 2001 version 1.0.1 build 4
- Hopefully the problems with bbMPEG is gone now.
- I have made some exception checks in the downsampling. A few people have
reported "Division by zero" error. Could you check this.
14 aug. 2001 version 1.0.1 build 3
- Fixed the stupid bug in the SVCD Subtitle timecodes where the timecodes where
being saved with your systems decimalpoint (eg. a comma) instead of a period.
13 aug. 2001 version 1.0.1 build 2
- The Autodetect Azid Gain should now be working on all Window Platforms.
10 aug. 2001 version 1.0.1 build 1
- Fixed a rgb to yuv bug in the permanent subs (thnx dividee)
- Fixed the output palette bug (wasn't used at all) when using Permanent Subs
- I'm resizing the permanent subtitles prior using them in the avs file, so the last
line in the avs script will be the subtitles. That means you can have your subtitles
way down at the bottom (So how do I change the Y-Pos offset? Well, read on)
- In the subtitle tab I have added two input fields. Standard Y-Pos for PAL and
NTSC. Set this to -1 if you want to use the original position otherwise change
it to your favorite position (Like 400 for ntsc and 500 for pal). If you want
all subtitles aligned to the bottom put in something above the height of the movie (like 600).
- In the subtitle preview you can select the Y-pos of the subs (-1 = original position)
- Implemented a workaround concerning bbMPEG and Windows XP. The process should now
work on XP. Maybe the workaround also fixes a bug people have been reporting,
about bbMPEG crashing.
- You can edit the Avisynth Script File Prior to processing (checkmark it in Frameserver Tab)
But remember you're on your own if you change the script.
- By sheer kindness Dividee has fixed my Avisynth Subtitler dll. Now colors and
transparency works perfect. Thanx 1000x for that Dividee :)) I owe you.
- Fixed a validation bug concerning TMPGEnc.
- Fixed a bug in the VCDImager process. It could fail if the CD-Label was either empty
or with spaces.
- Fixed some sync issues regarding subtitles.
- The outline of the subs should be nicer now.
- Added timecodes to the log
- Added a "Autodetect Azid Gain" which should work faster than the old way of
detecting the gain overflow. Thnx to ddogg for the idea.
- I added IVTC by using a Inverse Telecine plugin I found for Avisynth.
But be warned, It is slow as hell (But so would using tmpgenc be). It'll automatically
apply IVTC to Hybrid movies (unless ofcourse if you force it to do otherwise). The
settings for this is in the dvd2avi tab.
- Other stuff I can't remember
7/27-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 11
- Support for vob file with PCM audio streams
- When doing a ntsc movie dvd2svcd can analyze the dvd2avi project to determine if force film
should be on or off. If it should be on dvd2svcd edit the dvd2avi project file (no reason to
run dvd2avi twice). You make your Force Film operation changes in the dvd2avi tab.
- Fixed some memory leaks
- Fixed a bug (async) in the subtitle timecodes extraction (applied to movies with a high count of vob-id's).
7/23-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 10
- Fixed another Key Searching bug (thnx ddogg)
- Support for permanent subtitles (still beta).
- Checking the total bitrate and warns about it if it's too high.
- Checking that the Batch option is deselected in avi2mpg2 (bbMPEG) (and automatic deselection).
If the batch option was selected in avi2mpg2 it would fail miserably.
- Now you don't have to fill out all the folders, just click the Default Folder button
in misc. settings and it'll fill out all the folders for you.
- A button in the log tab which will generate a bug report with all the information
needed (hopefully). Just zip the sysinfo.txt and the ifo file and mail it to me.
- Verbose logging.
- Added the new Azid and tooLame to my Software bundle
7/14-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 9
- Checking for empty folder names
- Much better Avisynth installation checking
- Fixed a Key Searching bug
- I think that the problem with saving the timecodes was due to the fact that I was
using Mediaplayer to see the length of the cut mp2 files. That was pure stupidity
since I just could use this simple formula "filesize / ((bitrate * 1000) / 8)" = length in seconds
I compared the results with that of Mediaplayer and it was exactly the same. So
the version of Mediaplayer doesn't matter anymore.
- Setting a ReadOnly attribute on the ac3 file, since a friend of mine told
me that azid could destroy the ac3 file if the downmixing was interrupted (like
dvd2svcd does when it sees a downmix overflow). This is only on w98 NOT w2k.
7/12-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 8
- Added Automatic Shutdown (power off when all done)
- Fixed the Internal Ripping. Should also work with 1GB vob. Please test it
and report back any possible bugs. I tried The Matrix and T2 and compared then
results with both vStrip and Smartripper and it was identical (Although
the vob splitting can be different).
7/10-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 7
- Ok, now I'm pretty sure that I have nailed the ntsc2pal/tmpgenc bug.
It seems that avisynth and windows 98 didn't like the long filenames I
was using. If this beta doesn't fix the problems in tmpgenc try give
the AVI VFW compatibility Reader a higher priority in TMPGEnc (environment/VFAPI Plugins).
- An ifo parsing bug also fixed.
7/10-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 6
- Maybe the ntsc 2 pal bug has been fixed (tmpgenc stalling), but I'm not sure
since I can't get the error here (tried on 3 different computers). You
might need to install readavs.dll (from avisynth homepage)
7/09-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 5
- Added support for CBR in Cinema Craft.
7/06-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 4
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to make NTSC 2 PAL movies. I had only tried
NTSC 2 PAL on small clips.
7/05-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 3
- After tooLame/TMPGEnc audio encoding dvd2svcd could go in enternal loop. Fixed.
7/05-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 2
- Fixed an aspect ratio error in ntsc2pal conversion
7/05-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 1
- Nice feature added: NTSC 2 PAL, and it looks good (to me) but it's still beta
Please test it and report back any bugs (sync probs and such). Should also
work with subtitles.
- A WAV Downsampling bug fixed
- 48000 delay compensation now works (sorry about that bug)
- If tooLame failed tmpgenc can't always do the wav to mp2 encoding because
tooLame keeps the mp2 file open. Fixed.
- You can change the number of seconds you want to cut the beginning of a movie.
This value is used in bbMPEG. It's great to avoid those buggy dvd players
which desyncs the movie (like my Lasonic). I recommend to use a vule greater
than 1.
- Changed my versioning to include beta numbers. That means that the current
version will stay beta and be debugged until I deem it stable or if I make
something new that deserves and increase in the minor/major version numbers
and a reset of the beta value.
7/04-2001 version
- Support for Avisynth BicubicResize b and c values (defined in the Frameserver tab)
- Change the log to a Memo instead of a listbox. You can now copy the log and save
it if you want. (I'm preparing to make a more verbose logging)
- Fixed the ProgressBar bug when encoding long movies
- Hopefully I have fixed the VCDImager bug some have reported.
- Introduced a very crude File deletion on/off (it will be expanded further in a later release)
- There's no longer any need for the vbmp3.dll
7/02-2001 version
- If tooLame by any chance should fail dvd2svcd will do the audio encoding
with TMPGEnc.
- Fixed a bug in the vStrip handling.
7/01-2001 version
- Support for VCDImager. It's highly recommended if you don't use SVCD Subtitles.
- Changed some of the output filenames, preparing for keeping/deleting files
6/29-2001 version
- I have switched from ripping each vob file with vstrip to use a lst file instead, it
might solve the async problem in the middle of a movie.
6/29-2001 version
- Finally I found the subtitle size error (size in the subtitle ogt text file) and
also a color bug. Subtitles should now work perfectly.
- When switching to and from the Conversion tab the ratio was reset. Fixed.
- Checking azid CRC errors.
6/29-2001 version
- There was a hidden bug in the program. When you selected the ifo file from a dvd,
dvd2svcd inadvertantly changed folder to the dvd rom. That meant that dvd2svcd
bitched about not finding any disk in the drive if you had ejected it. It should
work now. You can eject the dvd as soon as the ripping is done.
6/28-2001 version
- Better support for the various tmpgenc versions
- Support for one pass with or without the creation of the .vaf file
6/28-2001 version
- Fixed a bug when using I-Author without subtitles
6/28-2001 version
- Added the Language Code in subtitle and audio selection like this "Swedish (sv)".
It might help for those who get subtitle and audio streams where the language is
'Unspecified'. If the Language Code is "Unspecified (--)" then there isn't
specified any language in the ifo file and that I cannot do anything about.
6/27-2001 version
- Fixed a newly introduced bug I made in the bitrate calculation.
6/27-2001 version
- Selecting subtitles when validating the colors, should work properly now.
6/27-2001 version
- In my effort to make internal DeCSS I had introduced a bug where vStrip only
rips the first vob file. Fixed.
6/26-2001 version
- Support for tooLame Channel mode
6/26-2001 version
- The "I-Author is not selected but the multiplexed file gets deleted anyway". Fixed
- Azid Gain Level offset (Default is 6)
6/26-2001 version
- Fixed a bug concerning the selection of Audio tracks
- Fixed the right priority selection of subtitles.
- Support for all versions of pulldown.exe
- Saving the last used x/y position of the program
- Support for 2 audiostreams
- It's now possible to deselect 48000->44100 downsampling (Select None in the audio tab)
- Fixed a couple of bugs concerning bbMPEG
- Fixed a bug in the bitrate calculation
- Should be more stable between program change (especially with bbmpeg and i-author)
- Preview of the selected audiostream(s)
- Changed the Icon. Hope you like it :)
6/24-2001 version
- Just a minor bugfix concerning the security attributes when executing the downmix with azid.
6/22-2001 version
- Using internal routines to perform the 48000-44100 downsampling (The output is the same as dvd2avi's conversion)
- Using internal routines to demux video and audio instead of bbdmux.
- Tested the new Avisynth MMX version and it works perfect, and with incredible speed increase.
- Because of the speed of mpeg2dec.dll I decided to remove the virtualdub support.
- Support for MPA streams (some dvd's are using mpa instead of ac3 audio). You need vbmp3.dll in your winnt/system32 folder and tmpgenc.
The link for the dll is above (I hope doom9 will add it to his download page since the above page is Japanese)
- Now it also possible to select subtitles which should be ripped. You also have the option to verify the selected subtitles before
video encoding (select pre encoding) or after (deselect pre encoding). If you select Pre Encoding and vStrip then the verification
of subtitles happens after vStrip has finished.
- Fixed another minor bug concerning the audio/video delay calculation (sorry guys).
- Support for de-telecining PAL movies (fyi: this has nothing to do with ivtc)
6/17-2001 version
- Added support for changing CCE Anti Noise Filter and Image Quality
- Added support for I-Author
- Fixed a major shitty bug. In my testing I had hardcoded the delaytime to 80ms. That's fixed now. I use the same calculations as DVD2AVI
6/16-2001 version
- Fixed numerous bugs
- Add support for avisynth and mpeg2dec.dll with incredible speed increase
- Limiting the number of keys sent to dvd2avi by using dvd2avi.ini (I do not overwriting your default settings)
- Supporting selected audio streams (priority audio streams)
- Possible to deselect the use of vStrip (if you've already ripped the vob files to your drive)
- You can select the audio bitrate
- Selecting how good the wav conversion should be (48000 -> 41000)
- Add support for pulldown.exe (when encoding ntsc movies)
- Selecting the number of passes in CCE
- Possible to override the movie ratio (4:3 or 16:9)
- Better validation on the selected executables and folders. (Far from perfect. No version checking yet)
Initial release (unversioned)
- Added: Now you can also convert AVI with AR of 1:1 (TV caps, DV). It's actually the same resizing algo as in the good ol' days of dvd2svcd 1.2.1 B3.
- Bug fix: Grande bug fixed in AVI to whatever when using the internal routines. If a chunk had a size of 0 it would stop demuxing the rest of the AVI fil leaving the audio incomplete. (Thanks to Nick and manolito)
- Fix: IMDB query is now working again
- Enhancement: All DVD2AVI and MPEG2DecXX.dll support has been removed. Only Donald Graft's DGMPGDec is supported (it is based on dvd2avi, but Donald has made tremendous improvements on it)
- Enhancement: Support for latest QuEnc, including special Matrix files
- Change: If you've selected DVD output and No Images, the files are muxed with MPlex instead of bbMPEG
- Enhancement:The programs in the Finalize tab is now changing depending on what output type you select (DVD, SVCD or VCD)
- Bug fix: The AC3 bitrate in an AVI was not taken into account when "No Audio Conversion" was selected.
- Fix: If you're trying to convert joined AVI files with an AC3 stream the muxer could fail due to a bad frame at the joinpoint. DVD2SVCD is now checking the entire AC3 file for bad frames (wrong length frames). This is usually such a few frames that you will not notice any sync problems.
- Bug fix: Extraction of DTS stream 0x8a is now working
31 august 2004 version 1.2.2 build 3
- Bug fix: Well, the "Do not convert audio (use source audio)" didn't work when doing AVI files with AC3 audio, funny thing is that it should have worked because that's why I made it.
- Change: I have downgrade BeSweet to a former version. The latest version was a tad unstable in some scenarios
23 august 2004 version 1.2.2 build 2
- New feature: I have added support for Nic's QuEnc. Now DVD2SVCD can be run with freeware programs only if you want to :). However QuEnc is still in it's infancy and it is based on ffMPEG which have problems maintaing the Average bitrate when using VBR. Many promises has been made by the developer(s) of ffMPEG to fix this, but they never gets around to it, hint hint :)
- Bug fix: Using fixed chapters with scenarist wasn't too cool. The chapters were not sequential.
- Enhancement: If you're converting AVI of DVB files you can select the audio language (instead of using unspecified)
- Bug fix: The SmartDeinterlace And Blendfields Interlace options are working again (Bach)
- Bug fix: The GOP Sizes is not locked when using DVDAuthor (Only scenarist has this stupid limitation) (Bach)
- Bug fix: The CD Sizes in the frame selection window now matches those in the bitrate tab. (DDogg)
- Bug fix: When selecting "Keep interlaced" Anamorphic output wouldn't work (alas the 16:9 flag would not be set) when using CCE.
- Enhancement: Added support for Donald Grafts (neuron2) DVD2AVIdg version (Thanks :)
- Bug fix: Quite a few AVI files didn't work right with the internal audio extraction. (DDogg)
- Bug fix: Fixed the AVI resize calculations. (jsoto and nick)
- Bug fix: If a subtitle stream had an unspecified language the subs would be extracted completely black (bobwillis)
- Bug fix: When doing NTSC dvd2dvd with Scenarist the subtitles could sometimes overlap, causing scenarist to fail (bobwillis)
- Bug fix: If you had used MPEG5.1 audio output and then on a later encode switched to "Do not convert audio" the MPEG5.1 program would still be run and thus later on the muxer would fail. (Mascot28)
- Bug fix: The Bilinear avisynth script was wrong (addborder was missing) when doing a clean installation of dvd2svcd (DDogg)
- Bug fix: If you were using DirectShowSource as your AVI reader in avisynth, dvd2svcd could fail with a file not open if you had been in preview first. This was due to a minor bug in directshowsource.dll. Thanks to sh0dan for fixing this so fast :)
- Enhancement: You can now select "Do not convert audio" when doing AVI2x. But be aware that you're on your own if you use it. If you get any errors during the process deselect "do not convert audio"
03 may 2004 version 1.2.2 build 1
- Bug fix: The "Calc. bitrate as max." checkbox in the video tab wasn't loaded from the inifiles.
- Bug fix: The "Use ReadAVS.dll" checkbox in the tmpgenc advanced settings tab wasn't saved/loaded from the inifiles. It was always unchecked.
- Bug fix: The "Azid gain offset" only supported numeric values (for instance 10db wouldn't be saved).
- New feature: I have added support for mplex + DVDAuthor + Spumux + MkIsoFs. That means you can make DVD's without Scenarist. Besides it's all freeware :) and it's actually more flexible than using Scenarist because you can avoid making an image if you want to.
- Change: I have tried to simplify the ini file structure. In DVD2SVCD.INI file the folder and program files are stored. So is what output type you want and the DVDRip settings + a few non essential but internal settings. All other settings is stored in DVD.INI, SVCD.INI or VCD.INI. Which INI is depended on the Output type selected in the Misc. tab.
- Fix: The templates for the latest CCE versions is now working too (But it's only working for the CCE version you installed last).
- Fix: Once again I M D B has made my life miserable and changed the way the search was working. Fixed.
- Enhancement: You can now select between internal audio extraction using my own routines, or use windows VFW routines to extract the audio.
- Enhancement: LanczosResize has been added to the default AVISYNTH.INI file and is now the default Resizer in DVD output.
- Enhancement: In the AVISYNTH.INI file I have added a new entry called [global] where you can change what source readers you want to use (mpegsource, avisource, directshowsource and so on). Look in the AVISYNTH.INI file to see the entries.
- Bug fix: Some of the AVI handling has been changed, hopefully to the better.
- Bug fix: The AVISynth settings is now saved in the output folder too, that means that you can use various Avisynth settings in each batch movie.
- Bug fix: The Progressbar in dvd2svcd could be slow when CCE encoding all depending on the CCE version, which in turn could make dvd2svcd stop on small encodes.
- Bug fix: Although you could change to another PGCI in the chapter listing, the internal PGCI would not be updated before the conversion was started. That meant that you could select an audio track which wasn't actually in the selected PGC and dvd2svcd would stop after the audio extraction.
- Bug fix: Even very small subtitles with very few pixels would be converted. Needless to say that a small dot in the middle of the movie is annoying.
- Enhancement: Added support for Scenarist 3.0, but be warned. I have had reports from some of my beta testers that Subtitles might be getting out of sync progressively. I think this is something in SC3.0 because SC 2.7 works fine with the exact same settings.
- Enhancement: D2SRoBa is now bundled. If you use CCE I recommend using D2SRoba, very cool and superb quality (Thanks Tylo)! This makes DVD2DVD as fast as other "One click DVD backup solutions", except that the quality is better.
11 oct 2003 version 1.2.1 build 3
- Bug fix: When I added Forced Subtitles support I broke the preview when subtitles was enabled.
- Bug fix: Also, when using Forced Subtitles more often than not there'd only be subtiltes on one of the CD's (svcd), and that meant that not all the CD Images were built.
- Bug fix: If "open the most recent project" in "Scenarist/Settings/preferences/Starting up" was selected then no images would be made and dvd2svcd would stall.
- Bug fix: Also, the titlebar in Scenarist Pro varies. Sometimes it would say "movie0.scn - Scenarist Pro" and sometimes "movie0 - Scenarist Pro". The missing ".scn" in the latter was not taken into account so Scenarist Pro would not create the dvd image.
- Bug fix: The "Index out of bounds" error in querying I M D B has been fixed.
- Bug fix: The "No Color Conversion" selection fro CCE was ignored in the previous version. That has been fixed.
- Bug Fix: There was a bug in the Scenarist Script creation which meant that PAL movies could be created with NTSC flags which again meant that some DVD Players couldn't play the DVDs.
- Bug Fix: The GOP N/M values for CCE wasn't reset properly between DVD and SVCD settings.
- Bug Fix: CDMage is once again executed properly.
02 sep 2003 version 1.2.1 build 2
- Bug fix: DTS audio for dvd2dvd didn't work when DTS was selected as the second audio track
- Change: Some users was displeased that I had removed SVCD resolution (480*480/576) for VCD creation.
- Bug fix: Using External subtitles as Permanent subs what screw up the subtitles in the movie.
- Bug fix:In an effort to make DVD2SVCD easy to use dvd2svcd is, if the scenarist exe field is empty, finding the path for scenarist.exe in the registry, however I forgot to tak possible quotes (") into account. They should have been removed.
- Bug fix: It was possible to select ntsc2pal when the "Do Not Convert Audio" was selected which would result in async audio. Also since no tools exists (as I know of) to manipulate DTS streams, ntsc2pal and frameselection is disabled if you want to use DTS audio
- Bug Fix: DVD Chapters were wrong when making NTSC DVD's with scenarist
- Update: I M D B had changed layout. I have updated dvd2svcd to use the new layout, unfortunately that means that I have once again lost access to covers.
- Enhancement: "Only Forced Subtitles" is now supported
- Enhancement: Now you have the choice between using "Max. Bitrate" or "Calculated Bitrate as Max. Bitrate" (the former is used in 1.2.1 and the latter in the previous versions) when using 1-pass-vbr in CCE.
- Enhancement: Add DVD sizes for both DVD-r and DVD+r
28 aug 2003 version 1.2.1 build 1
- Bug fix: In the former version, if you were using CCE you had to enabled "Add ResampleAudio" in the frameserver tab. That was a but I had introduced, which in this release have been fixed.
- Enhancement:AVI Files with Dual Audio is now supported (finally).
- Bug Fix:Fixed an Aspect Ration problem when using ProCoder and CVD resizing.
- Bug Fix:Some movie queries on I M D B could fail with a Stringlist out of bounds. Fixed.
- Change:DVD2SVCD now uses two different methods to calculate the CQ value depending on if you're using CQ_VBR or just CQ.
- Bug Fix:The chapter extraction and preview would fail if the DVD had sporadic encryption (that is the key can only be found in the beginning of the DVD)
- New Feature:Added DVD2DVD support by using Scenarist 2.6 or 2.7 (woohoo finally)
- Enhancement:Validation on the Avisynth Plugins (So that they match the Avisynth Version)
- Enhancement:Different INI files is now being used all depending on what you select as Output File Type (DVD, SVCD or VCD)
- Change:I've moved all the AVISYNTH_ Scripts into a file called AVISYNTH.INI
- New Feature:Added a very unintelligent AVISYNTH Script editor in the frameserver tab. So now you can avoid using notepad. I might add som more intelligence behind it with fancy colors and more options, you never know ;)
- New Feature:If you use a ~ in front of a line in the avisynth scripts that line will be put as the absolute last line in the script. Then you can use the monitor dll or perhaps the kronos dll. See below for a sample.
- New Feature:If you use brackets around a parameter name in the avisynth script it means it can use all kinds of characters and signs. For instance the normal accepted characters is a-z and _ and . Like this LoadPlugin(!SimpleResize.dll), but using brackets you can do this Loadplugin(![Simple&Resize.dll]) and it'll be accepted. I don't think I'm being very clear, but as ddogg says, I suck at explaining things.
- Bug fix:A combination of using NTSC2PAL and External Subtitles would result in subtitles out of sync.
- Bug fix:If a subtitle only had Command data and no Pixel data dvd2svcd would hang or exit with an Access Violation. (A movie that does this is Human Traffic PAL Nordic)
- Bug fix:The new Avisynth 2.5 had problems using DirectShowSource on a MPEG1 file, therefore the length of the VCD muxed files could fail which would result in a no go for vcdxbuilder.
- Change: When Using CCE's 1-pass-vbr dvd2svcd used to use the calculated bitrate as Max. Bitrate in CCE, but that has changed so that it's using dvd2svcd's Max. Bitrate from the bitrate tab.
- Info: If you select "Use current encoder default matrix" but uses a CCE Template then the Matrix in the Template will be used. If you don't use a Template the current encoders Default Matrix will be used.
- Bug fix:The Hyper Threading problem has been fixed. Thanks a bundle to Druid for his help (letting me use his computer, thanks)
04 apr 2003 version 1.1.3 build 2
- Bug fix: I made a small installation error with the SimpleResize.dll, so if you're using Simpleresize, and you can't get Build 1 to work, download this.
03 apr 2003 version 1.1.3 build 1
- Enhancement:Added support for Canopus ProCoder
- Bug Fix:Permanent Subtitles + Canopus ProCoder didn't work. Fixed
- Bug Fix:Fixed various subtle problems when interfacing with ProCoder.
- Bug Fix:External Subtitles not formated properly, could produce an "Access Violation" or a "List index out of bounds" error.
- Change:I've removed the codec check. Itseemed to give some problems, especially with xvid.
- Bug Fix:If using frameselection, the cd sizes selected would not be reduzed to the proper size.
- Enhancement: Support for CCE 2.66 (and maybe 2.67 too). But, if you are using the demoversion you have to use RB's EclCCE (Load EclCCE.exe instead of cctspt.exe). You can download it here: Thanks to RB for this little nifty tool :)
- Enhancement: Support for CCE Templates (sort of). You can select a CCE Template in dvd2svcd, but this is only for settings which isn't already in dvd2svcd. That is, the template will _not_ overwrite the settings already existing in dvd2svcd.
- Enhancement: Chapters are added to the ECL file. Should make the chapter entries when authoring dvd's more precise.
- Enhancement: You can preview External Subs in the Preview Window.
- Enhancement: Added beta support for Avisynth 2.5 (you must do the installing yourself if you want to use 2.5, also you will have to point to the right 2.51 plugins in the frameserver tab)
- Enhancement:You can now encode in MPEG2 but use MPEG1 (VCD) when muxing and authoring. This should help some who can't watch SVCD's only VCD's on their DVD (I know Panasonic can, using this method). All you have to do is go into the bbMPEG tab, dropdown the bbMPEG advanced features and doubleclick on MPEG1.
- Enhancement:The chapters is now saved in a maestro compatible text file, which you can use when dvd authoring. I hope to extend the dvd output options in the next release.
- Beta testers:DDogg, RB and Clixo. Thank you :)
17 feb 2003 version 1.1.2 build 1
- Bug Fix:If you have a decimalpoint , and thousandseperator . then the fileprediction factor for TMPGEnc would freeze on 1.500. The workaround in the former version is to switch the two symbols in controlpanel/regional options.
- Bug Fix:More regional option problems. If your Timeseperator differs from : the execution of CCE would fail too.
- Bug Fix:In Delphi 5 BoolToStr returned True or False but oh no, not in Delphi6. In Delphi6 returns 0 or -1 instead :( That meant that the use of Smartdeinterlacer failed. But what's worse, TMPGenc might fail sporadic too :((
- Bug Fix:A combination of Batch running + Frameselection + Subtitles would cause the subtitles not to be extracted and used. Fixed.
- Bug Fix:I M D B Additional Data was not reset between movie selections. Fixed.
- Bug Fix:Number of CD Images and Sourcetype wasn't always written in SVCDInfo.txt. Fixed.
- Bug Fix:AVI2SVCD used a wrong ota-parameter syntax for BeSweet
- Bug Fix:AVI2SVCD: EAccessViolation Access violation at address 00623FFF fixed.
- New Feature:Support for Canopus Procoder
30 jan 2003 version 1.1.1 build 2
- Bug Fix:There was some bugs in my implementation of external subtitles. Those should have been fixed now, I hope.
- Bug Fix:Sometimes the last entry in the subtitles would stay on screen until the movie ended. Should have been fixed now.
- Bug Fix:Not all the selected subtitle languages was written in the "SVCDInfo.txt" file. Fixed.
- Bug Fix:The CCE cancel didn't dissapear as I intended, it needed a redraw. Fixed.
29 jan 2003 version 1.1.1 build 1
- Bug Fix:Last DVD chapter was omitted. Fixed.
- Enhancement:NewAge, the developer of WinSubMux has notified me that I should swap the -C and -sx options. That way the dummy.sub is no longer needed.
- Enhancement:Most DVD players will, when playing SVCDs with SVCD or CVD subtitles, show subtitles from subtitle stream 1, however, that is not always wanted. So you have now in the subtitle tab a "Stream ID Offset", set this to 2 if you don't want subs to be shown without you specifically change to subtitle stream 2 on your remote. The option is in the subtitle tab "Stream ID offset"
- New Feature:Added support for text subtitles to be encoded as SVCD/CVD or permanent subtitles. When you've loaded the ifo file you select "go!" and select "add external subtitle streams"
- Enhancement:The Cancel button in CCE's video encoding window is a real nuisance. Why is it made as a default button? And why isn't there a confirmation box asking if you want to stop the encoding? Well, DVD2SVCD makes it invisble so you can't cancel the encoding by mistake. You can however still stop the encoding using either alt-f4 or by hitting the X in the upper right corner of the encoder window.
- New feature:The timecode setting in CCE can be edited.
01 dec 2002 version 1.1.0 build 1c
- Bug Fix:Sometimes subtitles would dissapear at once, fixed (thanks to Arianos and others)
- Revert:Reenabled the use of MADPlay when converting AVI movies (seems a tad more stable when converting mp3 audio).
28 nov 2002 version 1.1.0 build 1b
- Enhancement:An "AddBorders(0,0,0,0)" line in the avisynth script is now deleted (it is not needed when no borders is added and it slows down the process a bit if it's there.Thanks to Clixo for the testing)
- Bug fix:The Audio Tracks list was not reset between reloads of different IFO files.
- Bug fix:"Unable to write to DVD2SVCD.INI" is hopefully fixed now.
- Bug fix:The DVD chapters is now extracted correctly (could be a few seconds off in the former versions).
- Enhancement:Added a new LastCD Picture. Thanks to Angelo (who also made the default titlepicture)
- Bug fix:The bad outlines of the subs is fixed (sorry guys, an experiment I had made which I forgot to reverse)
12 nov 2002 version 1.1.0 build 1a
- Bug fix:When using large fonts in windows some of the controls in dvd2svcd wasn't shown, fixed.
- Bug fix:The batch file now works with the "start /wait" command
- Bug fix:When selecting "Keep Interlaced" dvd2svcd didn't deselect Zigzag scanning as it was supposed to.
- Bug fix:Being in a situation where I can't test if my Autodetection of Upper or lowerfield first works I had introduced a bug. Should work now again as in 1.0.9 B3
- Bug fix:The extraction of the NonIntra Matrix from CCE 2.5 now works. However, even if you patch CCE 2.5 with different Matrices it wont use the Intra Matrice, only the NonIntra (cce bug or patcher bug, I don't know). So if you want proper matrices use CCE 2.62 or TMPGEnc. (and bbMPEG doesn't even mux the matrices into the stream even if you manually load them :( ). I guess I'll have to make an internal stream fixer.
- Bug fix:It was possible to have Addborders Before a Resize which of course is completely wrong because you'd get a wrong height of the movie.
07 nov 2002 version 1.1.0 build 1
- Bug fix:I-Author muxer would repeatedly start over and over again if any errors happen (like the infamous bitrate error)
- Bug fix:In some rare cases DTS audio could be selected as the audio stream
- Bug fix:Finally I succeded in fixing the rare subtitle bug that would leave the subtitles on screen until the next subtitle was shown. Thanks to Tito for twisting my arm.
- Enhancement: It is now possible adjust TMPGEnc's VBV Buffer Size.
- Enhancement:Added support for AC3 Surround2 downmixing
- New Feature:Added CCE RoBa Multipass support (a compromise between Robshot and Bach's method). This however is pretty unstable and can only be activated by adding a RoBa Visible=1 in dvd2svcd.ini
- New Feature:Added support for Trbarry's Unfilter avs plugin
- Bugfix:'' is not a floating point value, which could happen after encoding with CCE has been fixed.
- Bugfix:When using "New Frame" in the preview dvd2svcd could end with an Access Violation Error
- New Feature:VCD Chapters (using vcxbuilder) is now supported.
- Enhancement:Now YOU can put any AVIsynth commands into the avisynth script before starting the conversion at all. That means that you can add you favorite filters (Unfilter, MSSmooth, Sharpen and so on). Please look in the AVISYNTH section of this document (see bottom section).
- Enhancement:When using WinSubMux it will now multiplex all subtitle streams in one go.
- Bug fix:The subtitles could sometimes still be in "white boxes" I hope I have fixed this for the last time ;) Thanks to M1ckey M0use for providing some test data :)
- Enhancement:If you select Automatic Shutdown and make a "Rip Only" then it'll add -shutdown instead of -exit in the batch file.
- New Feature:Finally, you can now decide exactly where you want the cut to be, or you can use it to remove unwanted credits or just to make samples. How cool is that :)
- Bug Fix:Well, it seems that from time to time the SVCD/CVD subtitles could be out of sync on second and third CD. This is due to the fact that bbMPEG soes not cut at the exact second I tell it to (yeah I know, I just thought...) Anyway, I hhave fixed it by comparing the encode audio file and the audio stream in the muxed file, thereby I can find the exact cut and in all the tests I've done they have been in perfect sync and actually it seems that CD 1 is in better sync too :)
- Enhancement:CQ_VBR is now supported when using TMPGEnc
- Enhancement: Added "Keep Interlaced" to the list of deinterlacers. It overrides the Progressive, Zigzag and aspect ratio settings (progressive and zigzag off and aspect ratio to 4:3 (no borders)). If you can live with these settings you will get the best quality (when watched on the TV, not on the PC).
- Bug Fix:Execution of CDMage now works properly again
- Bug Fix:Using TMPGEnc, Enreach I-Author and title or change cd pictures now work
- Enhancement: I have removed the "Add ChangeCD picture to all images" and added an Last CD Picture instead. More flexible.
- Depreciation:I M D B has sadly removed all the links to their Cover Pictures, so you wont get cover pictures in this version, sorry.
- Bug Fix:Buttons and such should now be visible in XP as in the other windows versions.
- Enhancement:Changed the File Prediction algorithm to match that of shh/kwags algorithm. The algo seems to perform better than the old one, but as you probably know I can't test such algorithms infinetely.
- Enhancement:The extraction of Audio and especially subtitles should be faster now.
- Recommenda.:If you use CCE, I don't recommend using CCE 2.64 it's just too unstable and it's causing me a lot of grief, if you decide to use it anyway, you're on your own. Whenever possible use CCE 2.50.
25 jun 2002 version 1.0.9 build 3
- Bug fix:Link2 support would fail if VCDXBuilder wasn't selected.
- Enhancement:Added support for MPEG5.1 Audio using philips encoder. You must use I-Author as the CD-Image create program otherwise your SVCD will only have ordinary stereo sound.
- Bugfix:Fixed the CCE Field Dominance bug according to this post on the forum:
- Bugfix:The selected Fieldorder is now being saved properly in the dvd2svcd ini files.
- Bugfix:When using DVD chapters it'll now include the last chapter too (been long over due)
- Enhancement:Deselecting 0 second chapters by default when using internal ripping, this fixes both sync issues and CCE chrashes. Also skipping cells which has the same LBA BEGIN and END will be skipped (also solves async). This ASync problem is VERY rare, and chances are that you never experience it. I found this problem on "The Stand", which has 4 episodes 2 on each side. And I might add that no current DVD rippers fixes this sync problem :)
- Bug fix:If changing any settings after the ifo file was loaded could make the "Aspect ratio" field empty.
- Bug fix:IO Error 87 in either "Audio Extraction" or "Subpicture extraction" fixed. The error appeared if an external ripper had been used to make one big vob file > 4 Gb.
- Enhancement:You can change the order of TemporalSmoother, Sharpen and Resize.
- Enhancement:Added support for the DVD Half Width size (also called XSVCD size) 352 * 480/576.
- Bug fix:Made some changes to the AVI resize algos. Seems to be more precise. (thx Gerti67)
14 may 2002 version 1.0.9 build 2
- Bug fix:Preview would fail if any changes was made in the preview and subtitles wasn't enabled. Workaround: Just enable Subtitles once and use the preview. Then go back and deselect the subtitles again and it should work in Build 1.
- Bug fix:Fixed various issues with subtitles (both permanent and non-permanent)
- Bug fix:If no subtitles was selected then VCDImager would be used even if I-Author was selected. Fixed.
- Bug fix:If VCD (Half size) was selected for a NTSC source it would resize to 352*480 instead of 352*240. Fixed.
- Bug fix:When not converting audio, cutting in bbMPEG could fail.
- Bug fix:When making VCDs and using permanent subtitles using -1 as the Y-Pos, the subtitles would appear at a wrong position.
- Enhancement:Added support for Avisynth sharpen command.
- Enhancement:Added support for Edwin van Eggelen's Link2 program, which can be used instead of VFAPI (if you use vfapi). I highly recommend to donate some money to Edwin. Not only has he made Link2 but he is also the one who is continuing the development of Avisynth. In fact I urge you to donate to Doom9 too. Without him we'd never be this far in the digital world.
- Information:Due to a shitload of tasks at work I wont have time to develop on dvd2svcd, and I most likely wont answer many (is any) mails or forum posts. But I will be back in full force some time. Of course, if any very serious bugs are found, I might have time to squeeze that in, but that's it.
02 may 2002 version 1.0.9 build 1
- Update:Updated to Avisynth 1.0 Beta 7d (which apparently solves quite a bit of the CCE freeze issues and fixes the Sharpen command too)
- Update:Updated to WinSubMux, which is a new version ported by new_age, and he seems to have cured submux remaing bugs :) (Thanks new_age)
- Enhancement:DVD2SVCD can eject (and reload) the DVD if you're ripping a DVD.
- Bugfix:I-Author would fail if crash recovery is used. It would switch to Submux. Fixed.
- Bugfix:When using output folders with numbers in it, bbMPEG would fail in making the right muxed filename. Fixed.
- Enhancement:You can now control the luminance. You do that in the dvd2avi tab. Default values is 0
- Small thing:VCDs with dvd2svcd is now possible too.
- Enhancement:You can now use the I-Author subtitle muxer together with VCDXBuild and VCDImager. (Submux and WinSubMux is ofcourse still supported). Just select your favorite muxer in the subtitle tab.
- Enhancement:Padding can be enabled for TMPGEnc (in CQ and VBR mode)
- Enhancement:Added two default settings files, one for SVCD and one for VCD (use "Load Settings" in the misc. tab, the ini files is located in dvd2svcds program folder)
- Bugfix:CVD (and maybe SVCD) subtitles must be on an even line. Subtitles would not be shown when an odd line (Y-Pos) was used. Fixed.
11 apr. 2002 version 1.0.8 build 1
On his tombstone it would say "DDogg was for dvd2svcd, what Louis Armstrong was for jazz"
Let us all have one minute silence.
And in all the videos you encode with this version there'll be a watermark which says "We will not forget you, DDogg"
I hope you know I'm just joking, DDogg is very much alive and kicking :)
- Enhancement:Extended the interaction with I M D B, many more data can now be extracted from that great homepage. This movie info is appended to SVCDInfo.txt along with general DVD2SVCD settings.
- Enhancement:It is now possible to encode using the 16:9 tag in the video encoder
- New feature:Preview of the dvd you are about to rip, where you can tryout the different resize methods, deinterlacing, subpicture positions and other stuff.
- New feature:You can select just to rip a dvd, and encode it at a later time.
- Enhancement:In the dvd rip tab you can select if you want dvd2svcd to create a new folder when a new rip starts.
- Enhancement:DVD2SVCD should now be able to determine Top Field First or Bottom Field First
- Enhancement:Extended the settings of both CCE and TMPGEnc
- Bug Fix:Sometimes the subtitle streams would contain garbage (like very small substitles), they will now be discarded.
- Bug fix:Once again I have fixed a bug in the bitrate calculation causing dvd2svcd to either cutting the last seconds of a movie of making a small last mpg file.
- Enhancement:If you select "No Images" in the CD Image tab, you can in the Audio tab select "Do not convert audio", and thereby use the extracted AC3 file directly in the final result. BUT BEWARE, your standalone player will probably not support this. The reason that this feature only is enabled when "No Images" is selected is because neither VCDXBuilder or I-Author supports AC3 audio streams.
- Enhancement:If you use "Rip Only" DVD2SVCD will make a batch file in the same folder as DVD2SVCD. In this batch file DVD2SVCD adds a line each time you Rip a dvd. If for instance you have 3 dvd's to rip, you just rip those 3 dvd's into their own folder, and when done you run the batch file. DVD2SVCD will then convert the 3 dvd's without interaction from you. Needless to say, you will need a LOT OF SPACE in your target drive. Besides, it is your own responsability to edit the Batch file (deleting entries which has been done and so on)
- Enhancement:All versions of TMPGEnc should now be supported (including beta 12)
- New feature:Added DVD2SVCD Level (normal and Advanced). If you select Advanced you have the possibility to really mess up things, however it will make dvd2svcd much more versatile. In advanced you can change bbMPEG mux settings and you can select Full Size. The advanced level will be expanded in the future.
- Enhancement:It seems that CCE/Avisynth has problems with some DivX3 AVI files, but when the DivX3 is converted to DivX4 everything works, so I have added a checkbox in the Misc. Tab, where you can select DivX3 to DivX4 conversion (of course you need divx4 installed for this to work).
- Bugfix:I think I got the subtitle bug fixed. There shouldn't be any subs with a white bottom line any more.
- Enhancement:You can set a resize % for permanent subtitles.
- Enhancement:Added support for trbarry's new mpeg2dec2.dll, just load it in the frameserver tab. To enable SSE2 go to the dvd2avi tab and select it in the iDCT Algorithm
05 mar. 2002 version 1.0.7 build 4
- Bugfix:When using Titlepictures and ChangeCD pictures when doing a PAL movie, the size of the picture would be 480*480, but it should be 480*576
- Bugfix:The bitrate for audio 2 was reset to Audio 1 bitrate when launching dvd2svcd
- Enhancement:M2P (DVB) files is now supported.
- Enhancement:You can now deselect having the XML file included on the cd image when using VCDXBuild
- Enhancement:DVD2SVCD creates a SVCDInfo.txt file at the end of a conversion which is a summary of various data. This file can be included on the CD image if you're using VCDImager or VCDXBuild.
- Bugfix:Fixed an overlap bug which could result in a too large last cd image.
- Enhancement:The adding of ResampleAudio when using CCE 2.5 is now selectable. Adding ResampleAudio can fix one of the CCE crash types.
- Bitchfix:The movie length time would be reset if you swithced between the tabs after selecting chapters.
- Bugfix:The Deinterlace Settings was not saved properly and would be reset if you did a Crash Recovery.
- Enhancement:When you use the CD icon to select an IFO file from the DVD, it now analyzes each IFO file on the DVD selecting the IFO which has the longest Movie Length and not as it used to selecting the biggest ifo file.
- Update:Updated to the latest Decomb 3.6
26 feb. 2002 version 1.0.7 build 3
- Enhancement:Added some more settings to adjust if you use TMPGEnc.
25 feb. 2002 version 1.0.7 build 2
- Bugfix:Fixed the "File not found" error when using vStrip to rip the dvd
22 feb. 2002 version 1.0.7 build 1
- Enhancement:DVD2SVCD should now be able to execute CCE no matter if it has been translated (e.g. to spanish)
- New feature:Support for TMPGEnc 2.5x. I said I wouldn't support it before the quality was up to par with CCE, and IMHO the latest TMPGEnc is getting there. So here it is.
- Enhancement:Well, as any programmer who has had anything to do with AVI knows, Microsofts AVI dlls sucks when the AVI > 2 Gb. So, I wrote an AVI reader which can handle big AVI files. This should hopefully solve the problems people have had with DV Avi files.
- New feature: Added FlipVertical in the Frameserver tab
- Enhancement:I-Author execution now works with a locked W2K and fast user switching in XP
- Bug fix:When using I-Author to create chapters the index for the next chapter was wrong
- Bug fix:Not all controls was shown in DVD2SVCD, if you were using larger fonts or a large screen resolution.
05 feb. 2002 version 1.0.6 build 4
- Bugfix:PAL PVA Streams was analyzed as being NTSC. Fixed
- Bugfix:When using Smartdeinterlace, dvd2svcd would stop with a Unknown fps error. Fixed
- Bugfix:If CCE never has been executed on a computer before, DVD2SVCD would fail with an "Access Violation", due to missing Registry Entries for CCE.
- Enhancement:I rebuild SubMux.exe in Borland C++ instead of Cygwin. Not only does it make a smaller exe file, but it actually seems to make the subtitles work better on the SVCD. Probably due to word alignment.
02 feb. 2002 version 1.0.6 build 3
- Upgrade:Upgraded to BeSweet 1.11. This should fix the async problem when using 48000->44100 downsampling
- Bugfix:The total bitrate validation is now fixed (and the stupid Audio bitrate less than 128 message too)
01 feb. 2002 version 1.0.6 build 2
- Enhancement:You now have 3 choices on how you want PBC to work when using VCDXBuild:
- Using Selections (prev, next, stop/return, chapter number selection)
- Using Playlist (prev, next and stop/return)
- No PBC at all.
- Bug Fix:When fixing my Bitrate calculation so that it would make the cutpoint properly in bbMPEG I inadvertently forgot to include the bitrate for the second audio stream.
- Upgrade:BeSweet v1.0 by DSPguru
- Enhancement:Added support for Donald Grafts new method of Inverse Telecine. In the frameserver tab you just select either IVTC.dll (wizards version) or Decomb.dll (Donald Grafts version). According to Donald this new dll of his should be able to handle real tough cases. Give it a whirl.
- Enhancement:I have added support for VFAPI. I have done this for two reasons. It seems to be more stable when using with CCE. And it gives you the possibility of using CCE 2.62 or 2.64, but I do NOT recommend using 2.64, I have not had anything but problems with this version (when doing Multipass). The use of VFAPI will slowdown the encoding speed approx. 25-40%
- Enhancement:Added support for Trbarry's SimpleResize Avisynth Plugin. It's good and fast.
- Fix:BeSweets mpglib.dll is not very stable, so whenever the audio is a MPA (mp2 or mp2) I use MADPlay to convert it to a wav file. DSPguru is looking into this, so when he has something new, I'll remove madplay again.
- Enhancement:Long time overdue, you can now make a standard output palette for the subtitles.
- Enhancement:Added something I think the Australians and Kiwi's will like. DVD2SVCD can use Donald Grafts Telecide algos to "deinterlace" PAL movies, and it does a very very good job. No blurry pictures, just sharp and perfect.
- Change:Changed the default bitrates. With the new bitrates I have had a greater success with CCE not freezing
- Bugfix:By a stupid mistake from me I overwrtote the mp3 header (from an avi file) with some garbage.
- Bugfix:The cutting of the last seconds of the last cd image should hopefully now be fixed.
- Enhancement:Add the rest of the Azid switches.
- New feature:Support for custom Matrices for all CCE versions. However, to change the matrices in CCE 2.5 you have to download Tsunamis CCE Patcher. The matrices you use in CCE will also be used in bbMPEG when muxing.
- Note:I haven't concentrated much on the AVI2SVCD feature in this release. I know there are bugs and that AVI files with an audio size > 2 Gb will fail. I will contrate more on the AVI2SVCD in the next build. I tell you this to avoid getting flooded with bug reports of AVI2SVCD.
15 jan. 2002 version 1.0.6 build 1
- Enhancement:Due to the fact that Doom9 twisted my arm, and due to DSPguru (a math. genious and must be given full credit for this), I have killed, Azid, tooLame, WLA and SSRC. I am now only using BeSweet for the whole audioprocess. The great thing about this is that no intermediat files are created between the AC3 and MP2 conversion. So a BIG HUGE WET kiss from me to DSPguru :)
- Bug Fix:If you installed CCE and didn't run it manually at all dvd2svcd could fail with an "Failed to get data for 'list1 pos (left)" error. Fixed.
- Bug Fix::( No wonder that users have had problems with overburn images, I had made a CDSize calculation wrong so that the CDImage size always was 799. This is now fixed.
- New FeatureAVI Input Support. Beta Stage. Only Supports Framerates of 23.976, 25.000 and 29.970, and audiotypes pcm, mp2, mp3 and ac3
- Major Bugfix:Well, what can I say, I might have found why CCE gives a CRC error or Freezes totally. It seems that the last 2048 bytes saved from internal ripping is completely wrong (uninitialized data). But that should have been fixed now.
- Bug Fix:When ripping a chapter, the ac3 file could be flawed, thanks to Mozart for helpin me on this issue.
- Bug Fix:Fixed the "Incorrect Parameter" bug.
- Enhancement:Finally I got around to make the bitrate for both audiostreams selectable.
- Bug Fix:Fixed the CD-Image sizes, now they should fit if you use the default cd size values (800 and 740)
- Enhancement:You can now select between BiCubicResize and BilinearResize
30 dec. 2001 version 1.0.5 build 4
- New Feature:Minimizing DVD2SVCD to tray
- New Feature:You can set the Priority of the external programs that dvd2svcd executes (High, Normal, Idle)
- Enhancement:SSRC will no longer be run as TWO-PASS (no needfor it, just time consuming)
- Bug Fix:Smartripper sometimes makes 0 byte vob files when ripping chapters. That could upset the sync of the final SVCD. Should work now.
- Bug Fix:Fixed the "file not found" bug when converting the title/changecd picture
- Bug Fix:Fixed the number of colors used in the subs, which made submux fail.
- Removal:All references to TMPGEnc has now been eliminated.
- Bug Fix:DVD2SVCD totally disregarded the "create vaf" in the CCE tab.
- Possible bug:Now both the "CD Label" and "Movie Title" will only accept A..Z, 0..9 and _
23 dec. 2001 version 1.0.5 build 3
- Enhancement: Now the execution of CCE should work no matter what you do (just don't hit the cancel button) as I don't send any keypress to it anymore. I use solely Windows Messages now.
- Enhancement: Made a few changes to bbMPEG. Now it's semi commandline based. That means NO MORE KEYSTROKES anymore. Isn't that just great :) That also means that DVD2SVCD now supports "Fast User Switching" in XP
- BugFix: Fixed the subtitle output palette
- New Feature:You can now select if you want the ChangeCD picture on all your images, including the last.
- BugFix:If you didn't use Selectable Subtitles and used CD Overlapping, then chapters would fail. Should be fixed now.
19 dec. 2001 version 1.0.5 build 2
- Fixed the chapters (again)
- Done some more changes to the execution of bbMPEG. Maybe it'll work better this time.
12 dec. 2001 version 1.0.5 build 1
- Fixed a bug when using long filenames in a PVA file (actually the bug is in pvastrumento but I found a workaround)
- Well, it seems that people was still having problems when dvd2avi run. So I made a drastic decision and created a modified version of dvd2avi which would accept commandline options.
- Sometimes bbMPEG could stall at the initial "open project file" (which actually was implemented as a windows xp workaround)
- When hitting the CDRom button, dvd2svcd wouldn't always find an ifo file. That was due to people having more than one cd-rom installed.
- Totally rewrote my XML file procedure, and at the same time got a much better understanding of how it works.
- When doing NTSC2PAL conversion + subtitles, the saving of subtitles could fail.
- Using temporalsmoother and forgetting to add strength and energy values would make CCE fail.
- Fixed chapters was flawed. Fixed.
- Smaller memory footprint.
- Discarded the use of CRDE2001.dll (image library). Thanks to M1ckey M0use, for the links.
- Fixed the title/changecd picture when using vcdxbuilder.
- Fixed some stupid error messages
- Removed support for I-Author, but added support for both SVCD and CVD subtitles using a nice program Herbert and DDogg mentioned to me. That means that the final result has the ability to include selectable subtitles no matter what you select in the CD-Image tab. Even if you select "Don't create CD Images", and you burn the mpg files with Nero, it'll still support subtitles.
- Added support for SSRC downsampling (recommended if you downsample audio)
- Added warning messages when dvd2svcd executes crital programs like CCE and bbMPEG.
25 nov. 2001 version 1.0.4 build 2
- Bugfix: Edit of the AVS script would happen twice if selected. Fixed.
- Major Bugfix: One of the last things I did before releasing build 1 was trying to solve the bug where dvd2svcd didn't transfer all the vobfiles to dvd2avi (this would only happen if you manually added vobfiles in dvd2svcd). But, unfortunately I introduced a very serious bug, namely that if you're using vstrip or the internal ripping routines it'd run dvd2avi by loading the vob files still on the dvd and not the vobfiles which ws ripped, needless to say that that wouldn't work 90% of the time since the vobfiles dvd2avi was trying to decode would still be encrypted. Sorry folks.
22 nov. 2001 version 1.0.4 build 1
- Added support for converting CIF images to bin/cue using CDMage B5
- Fixed the MADPlay endless repeat bug (Thanks to those who reported this bug)
- Fixed the CCE settings bug. The settings of Linear quantizer scale, Zigzag scanning order, Upper field first and Progressive frames was not transferred to CCE, sorry. (Thanks to Ruben for pointing this out.)
- Added the possibility of executing a program/batch file of your choice per cd image. Still pretty much beta.
- Fixed the ascync problem with PVA files by demuxing the PVA stream instead of making a PS stream. You must use Version 2.0.10. (Thanks to Stars55 for the PVA stream)
- Added the possibility of using the mp2 stream in a PVA without any conversion. That could save you an hour or two.
- Added support for MPEGAV when usinf VCDXBuild and I-Author. (This is non-compliant SVCD)
- Added the possibility to change the bbMPEG video and Audio offsets. But don't change them unless you have a good reason to do so.
- Extended the maximum overlap from 5 to 30 seconds.
- Appending to the log when doing Crash Recovery instead of overwriting it.
- Added better Error messages. No more "IO Error 112" message, instead you get a "Disk is full message"
- Fixed a bug in Crash Recovery when using 2 audio streams
- Added DVD Chapter creation (finally)
- Much better Titlepicture and ChangeCD picture color conversion when using I-Author.
- Added a CD Button. It's a newbie feature, just press it and dvd2svcd will locate the proper ifo file and load it.
- Fixed the bug where add vobfiles wasn't transferred to dvd2avi
26 oct. 2001 version 1.0.3 build 5
- Added support for ripping single chapters from a DVD. There are good reasons for this:
1. If you want to make a test just select a single chapter.
2. Easy to make trailers
3. Smart if you want to get rid of the FBI Warning or if you want to cut out the end credits
4. Good when ripping Music dvd's. Just select the number of chapters that will fit one cd. Encode that and repeat this for the second and perhaps the third cd.
This feature is only enabled if you activate DVD ripping and are using the internal ripping routines.
You select chapters by using the "movie length" dropdown field.
- Fixed the CD overlapping bug when using 2 audio streams
- Fixed a bug when trying to close an audio stream which for some strange reason doesn't exist in the dvd (io error 103).
- I have had to reverse to the use of 8bit bmp as the title/changecd pictures when using I-Author :( Many players would wrap around the picture.
- Since there's a lot of people who can't read, I have made a version checking on CCE. I get too many stupid mails about why dvd2svcd doesn't work and 90% is because people are using the wrong version of CCE.
- Added the possibility to select/deselect "Upper field first" and "Progressive" in CCE.
- Changed th GOP sequence in CCE when doing to 12 frames per I-Frame. Apparently that is the recommendation when doing PAL movies.
- I am now using MADPlay (mp2 to wav) if you are converting a DVD where the audio is MP2 or converting PVA files (it might even solve the async problems with PVA). Soon I can get rid of TMPGEnc.
11 oct. 2001 version 1.0.3 build 4
- Fixed the broken IVTC
- Fixed the Y-Position of the SVCD Subtitles (I usually use PAL-Y-Pos=440 and NTSC-Y-Pos=344). If you want the subtitles aligned to the bottom just use eg. 600
- Fixed a random chapter selection when playing SVCD's made with vcdxbuild
- Fixed a bug in the VideoInfo procedure when using PVA streams.
- It seems that my internal d2v file creation wasn't as stable as I thought, so I have reverted back to the use of dvd2avi. Especially PVA files failed.
- When doing NTSC2PAL I don't use TMGEnc anymore. I have switched to using Wave Length Adjust 0.26. It's much better.
05 oct. 2001 version 1.0.3 build 3
- Added support for TemporalSmoother (Frameserver Tab)
- It seems that I might have a too narrow cutpoint so I have adjusted that a bit.
- When using 1 pass vbr I'm now using the calculated bitrate as Max. Bitrate
- The Movietitle and CDLabel wasn't saved in case of a crash recovery.
- The SVCD subtitles failed in the crash recovery.
- The NTSC Field Operation selected as ForceFilmOn was ignored (sorry about that). Automatic worked though.
- A bug in the bitrate calculation has been fixed.
- Sometimes the number of subtitle streams differs between the ifo file and the vob files. If dvd2svcd gets a streamid which isn't in the ifo file it'll now just add that stream to the subtitle selection window and you'll be able to selected it.
01 oct. 2001 version 1.0.3 build 2
- I managed to screw up the default values in the bitrate tab pretty seriously.
So I have made a validation on the bitrate tab which should take care of this,
And it's now using proper default values.
- I had forgot to change the Titlepicture/ChangeCD picture to Still picture streams
when using VCDXBuild. That meant that most Standalone DVD-Players wasn't able to
show the pictures.
- I added support for Reversed Field Order encoded dvd's (IVTC). Some anime
movies like Sakura Diaries needs this to be properly encoded. The option however
can only be selected manually (in the dvd2avi tab)
- If you were editing the AVS Script file and pressed the Save Button, you'd
get a "Cannot Save File" Error. That is fixed.
28 sep. 2001 version 1.0.3 build 1
- The Min. Avg. can now be selected or deselected. If deselected dvd2svcd will use
the bitrate calculated, no matter how low it gets.
- Support for TitlePicture, Change CD Picture and you selection of chapters when
you're using VCDImager
- Support for TitlePicture and Change CD Picture in I-Author
- Added Deinterlacing support
- More precise bitrate calculation
- Now the settings is being saved in an ini file instead of the Registry.
- You can Save and Load your settings.
- I have moved the creation of the dvd2avi project file to internal routines. At this
point I'd like to say that I do not violate GPL since I haven't used one byte of the
original source code. All has been totally rewritten.
- You can now manually add/delete vob files after the ifo file has been selected
- Support for PVA
- Using the VideoStream Aspectratio instead of the aspect ratio in the ifo file.
- You can now manually select Audio streams.
- I have changed the way Azid runs if "Autodetect Gain" is deselected. It will
only run through the Azid process once, using the value you have typed into
"Azid Gain Offset". Only use this if know what you're doing. If you want to
use it you can use both with or without db. (-g 6 or -g 11db)
- I have made the first attempt of Crash Recovery. Beware though, it is still in beta.
- Support for overlapped CD's (up to 5 seconds overlap between the cd's)
- Checks are made to see where the IFO File is being loaded. If it's from a DVD-drive
and DVD ripping is not activated dvd2svcd will issue a warning.
- Changed the authentication to always authenticate.
- Links ;)
23 aug. 2001 version 1.0.2 build 9
- Apparently the ifo file sometimes reports a PAL movie/trailer to be NTSC. This
is now fixed
- If the dvd contains both MPEG2Ext and AC3 audio tracks the MPEG2Ext would sometimes
be selected instead of the AC3 file. Fixed.
- Fixed a bug in the Internal Ripping Routines, it couldn't handle Multiangle movies.
- I have seen som CCE guru's mention that start from frame 0 in CCE can give problems
so I have changed that so it always starts from frame 1 instead.
21 aug. 2001 version 1.0.2 build 8
- Once again i had introduced a range check error. It is now fixed.
21 aug. 2001 version 1.0.2 build 7
- The Drag'n'drop simulation on CCE apparently didn't work on all computers so
I've changed it a bit.
- Some DVD's have a very stupid subtitle setup (esp. on anime), like no Endtime.
(Blame it on the studio), Anyway I have done some changes to take care of that.
- Made some more changes to the CCE handling.
20 aug. 2001 version 1.0.2 build 6
- I had introduced a range check error in build 5, sorry. It is now fixed.
20 aug. 2001 version 1.0.2 build 5
- Hopefully the problems with CCE stopping at 49% is gone now.
- Changed the Amount of stack dvd2svcd uses. Hopefully that fixes the
Exception Error c0000090.
16 aug. 2001 version 1.0.1 build 4
- Hopefully the problems with bbMPEG is gone now.
- I have made some exception checks in the downsampling. A few people have
reported "Division by zero" error. Could you check this.
14 aug. 2001 version 1.0.1 build 3
- Fixed the stupid bug in the SVCD Subtitle timecodes where the timecodes where
being saved with your systems decimalpoint (eg. a comma) instead of a period.
13 aug. 2001 version 1.0.1 build 2
- The Autodetect Azid Gain should now be working on all Window Platforms.
10 aug. 2001 version 1.0.1 build 1
- Fixed a rgb to yuv bug in the permanent subs (thnx dividee)
- Fixed the output palette bug (wasn't used at all) when using Permanent Subs
- I'm resizing the permanent subtitles prior using them in the avs file, so the last
line in the avs script will be the subtitles. That means you can have your subtitles
way down at the bottom (So how do I change the Y-Pos offset? Well, read on)
- In the subtitle tab I have added two input fields. Standard Y-Pos for PAL and
NTSC. Set this to -1 if you want to use the original position otherwise change
it to your favorite position (Like 400 for ntsc and 500 for pal). If you want
all subtitles aligned to the bottom put in something above the height of the movie (like 600).
- In the subtitle preview you can select the Y-pos of the subs (-1 = original position)
- Implemented a workaround concerning bbMPEG and Windows XP. The process should now
work on XP. Maybe the workaround also fixes a bug people have been reporting,
about bbMPEG crashing.
- You can edit the Avisynth Script File Prior to processing (checkmark it in Frameserver Tab)
But remember you're on your own if you change the script.
- By sheer kindness Dividee has fixed my Avisynth Subtitler dll. Now colors and
transparency works perfect. Thanx 1000x for that Dividee :)) I owe you.
- Fixed a validation bug concerning TMPGEnc.
- Fixed a bug in the VCDImager process. It could fail if the CD-Label was either empty
or with spaces.
- Fixed some sync issues regarding subtitles.
- The outline of the subs should be nicer now.
- Added timecodes to the log
- Added a "Autodetect Azid Gain" which should work faster than the old way of
detecting the gain overflow. Thnx to ddogg for the idea.
- I added IVTC by using a Inverse Telecine plugin I found for Avisynth.
But be warned, It is slow as hell (But so would using tmpgenc be). It'll automatically
apply IVTC to Hybrid movies (unless ofcourse if you force it to do otherwise). The
settings for this is in the dvd2avi tab.
- Other stuff I can't remember
7/27-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 11
- Support for vob file with PCM audio streams
- When doing a ntsc movie dvd2svcd can analyze the dvd2avi project to determine if force film
should be on or off. If it should be on dvd2svcd edit the dvd2avi project file (no reason to
run dvd2avi twice). You make your Force Film operation changes in the dvd2avi tab.
- Fixed some memory leaks
- Fixed a bug (async) in the subtitle timecodes extraction (applied to movies with a high count of vob-id's).
7/23-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 10
- Fixed another Key Searching bug (thnx ddogg)
- Support for permanent subtitles (still beta).
- Checking the total bitrate and warns about it if it's too high.
- Checking that the Batch option is deselected in avi2mpg2 (bbMPEG) (and automatic deselection).
If the batch option was selected in avi2mpg2 it would fail miserably.
- Now you don't have to fill out all the folders, just click the Default Folder button
in misc. settings and it'll fill out all the folders for you.
- A button in the log tab which will generate a bug report with all the information
needed (hopefully). Just zip the sysinfo.txt and the ifo file and mail it to me.
- Verbose logging.
- Added the new Azid and tooLame to my Software bundle
7/14-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 9
- Checking for empty folder names
- Much better Avisynth installation checking
- Fixed a Key Searching bug
- I think that the problem with saving the timecodes was due to the fact that I was
using Mediaplayer to see the length of the cut mp2 files. That was pure stupidity
since I just could use this simple formula "filesize / ((bitrate * 1000) / 8)" = length in seconds
I compared the results with that of Mediaplayer and it was exactly the same. So
the version of Mediaplayer doesn't matter anymore.
- Setting a ReadOnly attribute on the ac3 file, since a friend of mine told
me that azid could destroy the ac3 file if the downmixing was interrupted (like
dvd2svcd does when it sees a downmix overflow). This is only on w98 NOT w2k.
7/12-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 8
- Added Automatic Shutdown (power off when all done)
- Fixed the Internal Ripping. Should also work with 1GB vob. Please test it
and report back any possible bugs. I tried The Matrix and T2 and compared then
results with both vStrip and Smartripper and it was identical (Although
the vob splitting can be different).
7/10-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 7
- Ok, now I'm pretty sure that I have nailed the ntsc2pal/tmpgenc bug.
It seems that avisynth and windows 98 didn't like the long filenames I
was using. If this beta doesn't fix the problems in tmpgenc try give
the AVI VFW compatibility Reader a higher priority in TMPGEnc (environment/VFAPI Plugins).
- An ifo parsing bug also fixed.
7/10-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 6
- Maybe the ntsc 2 pal bug has been fixed (tmpgenc stalling), but I'm not sure
since I can't get the error here (tried on 3 different computers). You
might need to install readavs.dll (from avisynth homepage)
7/09-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 5
- Added support for CBR in Cinema Craft.
7/06-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 4
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to make NTSC 2 PAL movies. I had only tried
NTSC 2 PAL on small clips.
7/05-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 3
- After tooLame/TMPGEnc audio encoding dvd2svcd could go in enternal loop. Fixed.
7/05-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 2
- Fixed an aspect ratio error in ntsc2pal conversion
7/05-2001 version 1.0.1 beta 1
- Nice feature added: NTSC 2 PAL, and it looks good (to me) but it's still beta
Please test it and report back any bugs (sync probs and such). Should also
work with subtitles.
- A WAV Downsampling bug fixed
- 48000 delay compensation now works (sorry about that bug)
- If tooLame failed tmpgenc can't always do the wav to mp2 encoding because
tooLame keeps the mp2 file open. Fixed.
- You can change the number of seconds you want to cut the beginning of a movie.
This value is used in bbMPEG. It's great to avoid those buggy dvd players
which desyncs the movie (like my Lasonic). I recommend to use a vule greater
than 1.
- Changed my versioning to include beta numbers. That means that the current
version will stay beta and be debugged until I deem it stable or if I make
something new that deserves and increase in the minor/major version numbers
and a reset of the beta value.
7/04-2001 version
- Support for Avisynth BicubicResize b and c values (defined in the Frameserver tab)
- Change the log to a Memo instead of a listbox. You can now copy the log and save
it if you want. (I'm preparing to make a more verbose logging)
- Fixed the ProgressBar bug when encoding long movies
- Hopefully I have fixed the VCDImager bug some have reported.
- Introduced a very crude File deletion on/off (it will be expanded further in a later release)
- There's no longer any need for the vbmp3.dll
7/02-2001 version
- If tooLame by any chance should fail dvd2svcd will do the audio encoding
with TMPGEnc.
- Fixed a bug in the vStrip handling.
7/01-2001 version
- Support for VCDImager. It's highly recommended if you don't use SVCD Subtitles.
- Changed some of the output filenames, preparing for keeping/deleting files
6/29-2001 version
- I have switched from ripping each vob file with vstrip to use a lst file instead, it
might solve the async problem in the middle of a movie.
6/29-2001 version
- Finally I found the subtitle size error (size in the subtitle ogt text file) and
also a color bug. Subtitles should now work perfectly.
- When switching to and from the Conversion tab the ratio was reset. Fixed.
- Checking azid CRC errors.
6/29-2001 version
- There was a hidden bug in the program. When you selected the ifo file from a dvd,
dvd2svcd inadvertantly changed folder to the dvd rom. That meant that dvd2svcd
bitched about not finding any disk in the drive if you had ejected it. It should
work now. You can eject the dvd as soon as the ripping is done.
6/28-2001 version
- Better support for the various tmpgenc versions
- Support for one pass with or without the creation of the .vaf file
6/28-2001 version
- Fixed a bug when using I-Author without subtitles
6/28-2001 version
- Added the Language Code in subtitle and audio selection like this "Swedish (sv)".
It might help for those who get subtitle and audio streams where the language is
'Unspecified'. If the Language Code is "Unspecified (--)" then there isn't
specified any language in the ifo file and that I cannot do anything about.
6/27-2001 version
- Fixed a newly introduced bug I made in the bitrate calculation.
6/27-2001 version
- Selecting subtitles when validating the colors, should work properly now.
6/27-2001 version
- In my effort to make internal DeCSS I had introduced a bug where vStrip only
rips the first vob file. Fixed.
6/26-2001 version
- Support for tooLame Channel mode
6/26-2001 version
- The "I-Author is not selected but the multiplexed file gets deleted anyway". Fixed
- Azid Gain Level offset (Default is 6)
6/26-2001 version
- Fixed a bug concerning the selection of Audio tracks
- Fixed the right priority selection of subtitles.
- Support for all versions of pulldown.exe
- Saving the last used x/y position of the program
- Support for 2 audiostreams
- It's now possible to deselect 48000->44100 downsampling (Select None in the audio tab)
- Fixed a couple of bugs concerning bbMPEG
- Fixed a bug in the bitrate calculation
- Should be more stable between program change (especially with bbmpeg and i-author)
- Preview of the selected audiostream(s)
- Changed the Icon. Hope you like it :)
6/24-2001 version
- Just a minor bugfix concerning the security attributes when executing the downmix with azid.
6/22-2001 version
- Using internal routines to perform the 48000-44100 downsampling (The output is the same as dvd2avi's conversion)
- Using internal routines to demux video and audio instead of bbdmux.
- Tested the new Avisynth MMX version and it works perfect, and with incredible speed increase.
- Because of the speed of mpeg2dec.dll I decided to remove the virtualdub support.
- Support for MPA streams (some dvd's are using mpa instead of ac3 audio). You need vbmp3.dll in your winnt/system32 folder and tmpgenc.
The link for the dll is above (I hope doom9 will add it to his download page since the above page is Japanese)
- Now it also possible to select subtitles which should be ripped. You also have the option to verify the selected subtitles before
video encoding (select pre encoding) or after (deselect pre encoding). If you select Pre Encoding and vStrip then the verification
of subtitles happens after vStrip has finished.
- Fixed another minor bug concerning the audio/video delay calculation (sorry guys).
- Support for de-telecining PAL movies (fyi: this has nothing to do with ivtc)
6/17-2001 version
- Added support for changing CCE Anti Noise Filter and Image Quality
- Added support for I-Author
- Fixed a major shitty bug. In my testing I had hardcoded the delaytime to 80ms. That's fixed now. I use the same calculations as DVD2AVI
6/16-2001 version
- Fixed numerous bugs
- Add support for avisynth and mpeg2dec.dll with incredible speed increase
- Limiting the number of keys sent to dvd2avi by using dvd2avi.ini (I do not overwriting your default settings)
- Supporting selected audio streams (priority audio streams)
- Possible to deselect the use of vStrip (if you've already ripped the vob files to your drive)
- You can select the audio bitrate
- Selecting how good the wav conversion should be (48000 -> 41000)
- Add support for pulldown.exe (when encoding ntsc movies)
- Selecting the number of passes in CCE
- Possible to override the movie ratio (4:3 or 16:9)
- Better validation on the selected executables and folders. (Far from perfect. No version checking yet)
Initial release (unversioned)